Voice of the Vancouver Island Region - Porsche Club of America
Volume 24 Issue 9, November 2021
In This Issue AGM Results, TSD Rally, Porsche Canada Roadshow, 25 Roads Final Update, Gold River Run, Quiz, Ice Experience
Porscher Advertiser Index 000 Magazine
Porsche Centre Victoria
Jason Good Custom Cabinets
900 Degrees Pizza
Please show your support for these companies by giving them the opportunity to serve you. Also mention that you saw their advert in Porscher so they know their money is well spent. The display of adverts does not constitute an endorsement of the company by VIR or PCA CONTACT : Members are invited and encouraged to submit articles and photos that would be of interest to the Club. Photos in JPG or PNG formats. Please send submissions via email to the Newsletter Editor at: Newsletter@virpca.org NEWSLETTER DEADLINE: The deadline for the next issue is the 23rd of the month. PHOTO CREDITS: Wyman Lee, Klaus Kreye, Dan Bourlet, Garth Webber Atkins, and Steve Fairbrother. Others are credited in articles. If we have omitted anyone, our apologies, please advise us and we shall credit you next month.
Click here for our Facebook Group page
Advertising Rates $210 Outside back page $200 Inside front cover $190 Inside back cover $150 Full page $ 90 Half page $ 50 Quarter page $ 30 Business card Please contact the Editor for more information VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER
Porscher is the official publication of the Vancouver Island Region of the Porsche Club of America and is published approximately monthly. EDITORIAL: Statements appearing in PORSCHER are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Porsche Club of America, the Vancouver Island Region, its Executives or the Editor. All articles and photographs are copyright the author or contributor (unless otherwise noted). Permission for reprints or reproduction of the contents must be granted by the Editor and the author or contributor. Copyright © 2017-2021 by Porsche Club of America, Vancouver Island Region. All rights reserved.
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Cover Photo Geir Øglend ’s new ride By Wyman Lee VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER
51 NOVEMBER 2021 Page 4
Vice President
Garth Webber Atkins president@virpca.org
Sam Auerbach secretary@virpca.org
Director—Up Island
Steve Peers vicepresident@virpca.org
A.J. Papp treasurer@virpca.org
Director—Mid Island
Wendy Woodley upisland@virpca.org
Detlef Ehrhardt midisland@virpca.org
Director—South Island
Newsletter Chair
Ron Dempsey southisland@virpca.org
Steve Fairbrother newsletter@virpca.org
Webmaster Chair
Membership Chair
Dave Nickel webmaster@virpca.org
Kathleen Short membership@virpca.org
Rally Chair Klaus Kreye rally@virpca.org
Tech (Classics) Chair Paul Rossmo paul.rossmo@prhistorics.com
Competition Chair
Past President
Vacant competition@virpca.org
Tim Evans pastpresident@virpca.org
The VIR Executive meets on the 2nd week of every month, see “Around The Bend” for details. Please contact the Club Secretary for meeting minutes or to attend. VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER
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Past President, Tim
here did the time go? Five months after I started my two-year term as the president of the Vancouver Island Region, the pandemic hit in March 2020 and we are only now seeing some hope that we can soon return to normal. Looking back, I’m proud of the fact that in spite of all the constantly changing public health orders, we still managed to hold a lot of drives in 2020, which provided our club members with the opportunity to get together and drive our cars.
bers that generously volunteered their time to make things happen. To all of you, a big thank you!
On the good news side, we launched our new and improved website and received national recognition for our newsletter at Parade. We have also seen our membership grow to over six hundred primary and affiliate members in the last two years. It appears that the pandemic pushed quite a few people into buying a PorIn 2021, our region reached its 25th an- sche sooner rather than later and for niversary and a number of members some that already had one, an opporstepped up to be on the planning com- tunity to upgrade. mittee for our 25th anniversary events. Again, we had to deal with the shifting goal post for having events. Although By the time you read this we will have it was disappointing that we were pre- had our AGM, the new President and vented from having our Black Rock Executive will be in place and I will event in May, thankfully we had the 25 join the ranks of Past Presidents. It Roads Challenge, the 25th anniversary has been a crazy two years but also picnics and numerous drives to keep very gratifying to see our members us connected during the summer. Alt- come out and enjoy the events, which hough it was unfortunate that we had makes it all worthwhile. A big thanks to postpone our 25th anniversary par- to those that are finishing their terms ty, I’m happy to report that the 25th on the Executive and to those memanniversary planning committee has bers that will be taking their place. It promised to continue on with planning has been a pleasure to work with you! and holding this event in 2022. All of Tim this came about because of the memVANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER
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Garth Webber Atkins
ith just hours behind me since the elections at the Annual General Meeting, and with Tim writing his last column as President, I write this as President – Elect.
along the way.
I also look forward to meeting more members, and hearing about how the Club can or does help you I thank the membership for their support enhance your Porsche exand the new and continuing Executive for perience. joining me on this governance road trip. I look forward to working together to main- More around the next bend. tain the high standard of service to the membership as has been set by Tim and the previous Executive, and to having some fun
Porscher Editor, Steve
his will probably be the last issue of 2021, as my other ‘work’ at CFAX Santas Anonymous really hots up now and it’s fairly quiet in the Club as the Executive meets and plans the events for the next 12 months. Although we do have a great holiday meal lined up soon as those who attended the AGM found out.
You can still send me any articles, photos etc., that you think the members would enjoy. Also let us know what you want more of in Porscher and we’ll do out best to satisfy. I am not at all mechanical with a car (not bad at computers though!), so all you car savvy members, please put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard and spread the word on your latest upgrade or DIY challenges that you have done or will be doing over the next few months. Even ‘simple’ stuff like oil changes or clearing debris from inside grills has been helpful to the Porsche first-timers, so please “pass it forward” and let’s help everyone out! To help the Club generally, if you are involved with a business, ask them if they want to advertise in Porscher, the costs are reasonable and they help us hold the more expensive events which can then be subsidized and everyone benefits. The business does not have to be car related but that helps. Anyone can contact me at my Club email of newsletter@virpca.org
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PCA Zone 6 Representative Mark
October Zone 6 Update
OVID affected a few plans in October right off the bat. Silver Sage had to cancel the October 1 opening banquet for its Oktoberfest celebration. The theme for the banquet was Silver Sage’s 55th anniversary. Restrictions on indoor activities didn’t limit the next day’s tours or Sunday’s car show. Over 130 Porsches were displayed to hundreds of spectators. COVID restrictions limited British Columbia Interior’s annual meeting that same weekend and forced Vancouver Island Region to postpone its 25th anniversary party that was set for October 23. Cascade Region held its 60 th Anniversary Celebration on October 16. PCA Treasurer, Craig Kugler, was able to attend both the Silver Sage and Cascade events. Someone asked if I was a member when Cascade was formed. I hoped he was joking. I was only eight at the time, but it is hard to believe that we have three regions, Pacific Northwest, Oregon and Cascade that have been around for more than 60 years. Although the spike in COVID cases limited some indoor activities, we had a pretty full slate of successful outdoor activities such as tours, autocrosses and DEs. A few members from Zone 6 even traveled to Wisconsin for the Fall Treffen. The big announcement at the Treffen was that next year’s Fall Treffen will be at Sunriver, Oregon, September 15-18, 2022. Keep your calendars open and watch for more information from PCA. I am sure it will sell out fast and will be one of the best. Stay safe and we’ll see you in the Zone.
Mark at VIR’s Black Rock in 2018
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Membership Chair, Kathleen
Membership Report October 1st, 2021
ancouver Island Region has 601 members. We have 365 primary members and 236 affiliate or family members. PCA has 93,130 primary members, 49,728 affiliate members and 21 life members for a total of 142,879 members. New Members — Welcome! Member Detlef Ehrhardt
Affiliate / Co-Member Location / From Nanoose Bay / Pasha Parvaneh Canada West Nanaimo
Jason Ellis Mantoine Oliver James Sexton
Johannes Oliver
Nanaimo Salt Spring Island
Vehicle 2004 911 Carrera 1987 944 Turbo 2020 911 Carrera S 2020 911 Carrera 4S
If you do not have your partner/friend listed as an affiliate (18+ years old) on your membership, please contact PCA to add them, it’s free! You can do that via PCA admin at membership@pca.org or call them at 1-410-381-0911. Renewals Lapsed Transfer in/out PCA Juniors
17 7 1/0 32
Membership Anniversaries in October – Congratulations! 15 years: Al Sherwood, Jacquie Sherwood 5 years: Robbin Johnson, Barbara Blackman 1 year: Bernie Moschenross
Kathleen The VIR thanks Porsche Centre Victoria for new member referrals at the time of purchase. VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER
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President-Elect, Garth
Webber Atkins
Editor - Below is a copy of the popular Porsche Quiz used at the recent New Members’ Social. Some questions have been slightly modified since then.
Q1. The Porsche company was officially founded in which year? A. 1925 B. 1931 C. 1943 Q2. The red and black stripes, along with the antlers, on Porsche emblem come from the symbol of which German state? A. Berlin B. Bavaria C. Baden Wurttemberg Q3. What is the Porsche model code of the 2nd gen Boxster? A. 987 B. 991 C.986 Q4. How much time does it take a Porsche 918 Spyder to lap the Nürburgring? A. 5m 57s B. 6m 57s C. 7m 57s Q5. Who won the Club’s People’s Choice Award at the Up-Island 25th Anniversary picnic in 2021? A. Ron Dempsey B. Tim Evans C. Gary Glover Q6. Which of the following safety features was introduced by Porsche in 1987 and is now compulsory in the USA? A. Side-curtain air bags B. Dual front airbags C. Anti-lock brakes Q7. Which of the following Porsche models was not available for sale during the 90s? A. 968 B. 944 C. 930 Q8. When did VIR Region become a Region? A. 1994 B. 1995 C. 1996 Q9. Who is often known as the designer of the iconic 911 model? A. Ferdinand Porsche B. Ferdinand Alexander Porsche C. Gerhard Porsche (Continued on page 12)
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Q10. Who won the VIR 2021 TSD Rally championship? A. Blaney/Fairbrother B. Gosse/Fraser C. Rogers/Rogers Q11. Which of these models has the most HP? A. Panamera Turbo B. Cayenne Turbo S C. 911 Carrera GTS Q12. When does the Up-Island Cars & Coffee take place? A. 1st Saturday in month B. 2nd Saturday in month C. 3rd Saturday in month Q13. Many experts consider the Porsche 914 as a revolutionary model for which reason? A. First mid-engine car B. First convertible model C. Designed with V8 engine Q14. What is the other name for the 930 model? A. Macan B. 911 Turbo C. 924 Q15. The Porsche 959 model was available for sale during which period? A. 1975-79 B. 1986-89 C. 1995-99 Q16. Porsche is now the largest manufacturer in the world in which automotive niche market? A. SUV B. Electric cars C. Race cars Answers were correct as at the New Members Social event. See below for answers
A VIR Club member’s new Cayman GTS 4.0
Q9. B Q1. B
Q10. C Q2. C
Q11. B Q3. A
Q12. B Q4. B
Q13. A Q5. B
Q14. B Q6. B
Q15. B Q7. C
Q16. C Q8. C
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Rally Chair, Klaus
he second leg of the annual TSD rally season was run on Sunday 26 September. In contrast to the Spring TSD Rally we had clouds and rain. Maybe an extra challenge?
Given the close results from the spring rally, pencils were once again sharpened amongst the top contenders, with the spring winner given car #1. A field of 12 vehicles lined up for the start to tackle the 7 regularity stages. The route took us through interesting back country roads from Mill Bay, around Duncan, Nanaimo, Fairwinds and Errington. Unfortunately regularity 1 had to be cancelled as a big semi broke down completely blocking the road. Some teams had missed the CameronTaggard Rd turn-off and so were given a reprieve! The event ended at the Trees Restaurant, Parksville, for refreshments, lunch and unwinding while the scores were added. The results were once again unexpected – many had put in a lot of hours to prepare. Once all the “wrong turns” were accounted for, the scores were released. Remember the score is demerit points, so the lowest score wins: 1st Place:
82 points
Garth Webber Atkins & Rowland Atkins
2nd Place:
90 points
John Rogers & Daniel Rogers
3rd Place:
105 points
Ron Dempsey & Ebby David
4th Place:
122 points
Geoffrey Melneychuk & Sue Frew
5th Place:
139 points
Paul Rossmo & Klaus Kreye
6th Place:
171 points
Brad Blaney & Steve Fairbrother
Congratulations to Garth and Rowland. That is a superb result. A big thank you to the organizers and all the participants. There were a total of 6 teams that entered both the Spring and Fall rallies and are thus eligible for the club’s annual rally championship….. and the cup!
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Totalling the scores from the two events gives the following 2021 TSD overall results:
Spring TSD
Fall TSD
Rogers / Rogers
Rossmo / Kreye
Melneychuk / Frew
Blaney / Fairbrother
Gosse / Fraser
Chiu / Blackmore
Well done John and Daniel! – can you repeat that next year? I have received some detailed feedback – many thanks – I’m open to any other feedback.
Klaus with the Fall TSD Rally winners Garth and Rowland
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Thanks also to Apex Motorsports for running the rallies Glyn Trafford (below right) and Bart Vogelzang and their checkpoint crews of course!
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Note: The PCA discount can only be applied to one order per year
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he details below are from the DRAFT minutes to be approved at the next AGM.
VIRPCA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING AGM Minutes October 31, 2021 Meeting Location: Best Western Duncan BC 1. Call to Order and Quorum: The meeting was called to order by Tim Evans at 10:30 AM. A quorum was established. The Notice of Meeting was distributed by email to members and the Agenda and Director’s Reports were published in the October 2021 Porscher magazine. In attendance: Directors and Chairs Tim Evans Garth Webber Atkins Ross Mosher Trevor Ross Wendy Woodley Dan Bourlet Imogen Burr Klaus Kreye Steve Fairbrother Paul Rossmo
President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Up Island Director Mid Island Director South Island Director Rally Chair Newsletter Technical Chair
Regrets: Dan Schuetze
Membership Chair
Members attending: Thomas Ahn Brad Blaney Gregory Brennan Henry & Betty Choy Grant & Janice Denluck Steve Fairbrother Gordon & Farah Halkett Wyman & Sandy Lee Bruce McCallum AJ Papp
Dean & Ann Aikenhead Dan Bourlet Franz-Albert Burgund Rick & Gayle Collopy Detlef Ehrhardt Gary Glover Michael Holan Peter & Joy Lindsay Didier Moinier Steve Peers
Matthew Arsenault Didier & Irene Brard Imogen Burr Ron Dempsey Tim Evans Keith Glover Klaus Kreye Stuart Macleod Ross Mosher John Ramsay NOVEMBER 2021 Page 18
John Rogers Al & Jacquie Sherwood Betsy Terpsma Wendy Woodley Elizabeth Rogers Colin Boerkamp Ernie Kowal
Trevor & Sonia Ross Kathleen Short Stephen Titus Ernie Yakimovich Marilyn Sing John Palmeter
Paul Rossmo Solomon & Hui Juan Tang Garth Webber Atkins John Clark Connie MacDonald Laura Ferreira
2. Approval of 2021 AGM Agenda: Approval of 2021 AGM Agenda as circulated - moved by Tim Evans seconded by Garth Webber Atkins, carried. 3. Review and Approval of the October 27, 2020 AGM Minutes: Minutes of the October 27, 2020 AGM Minutes were published in October 2021 Porscher for member review. Approval of the October 2020 AGM Minutes as circulated - moved by Tim Evans and seconded by Garth Webber Atkins, carried. 4. Awards to Members: Tim Evans Enthusiast of the Year: Gary Glover (all 25 Roads completed, attends all monthly meetings/drives, longest serving Club President and won this award 20 years ago) Rally Champions (by Klaus Kreye): John & Daniel Rogers (Spring Rally and overall Rally Championship), Garth Webber Atkins & Rowland Atkins (Fall Rally) President’s Awards:
Karl Hoener (website) and Trevor Ross (25 Roads)
People’s Choice Awards: Ron Dempsey’s 356 (South Island Picnic), Dean Aikenhead’s Cayman GT4 (Mid Island Picnic) and John Palmeter’s 911 (Up Island Picnic) 5. Board of Director’s and Chairs’ Reports Members were referred to the Reports published in the October 2021 Porscher. 6. Election of the 2021-2023 Board of Directors: - Ross Mosher Notice of 2021 AGM and call for Nominations and Expressions of Interest in the 7 Board positions were made by the President in his October 2021 email to all members and published in the October Porscher. Nominations for all 7 Board positions were received prior to the AGM and these were presented to the members (as below). VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER
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Three calls for nominations from the floor were made. As there were no nominations from the floor, the following nominees were elected by acclamation: President: Vice-President: Secretary: Treasurer: Director at Large Up Island: Director at Large Mid Island: Director at Large South Island:
Garth Webber Atkins Stephen Peers Sam Auerbach AJ Papp Wendy Woodley Detlef Ehrhardt Ron Dempsey
7. 25 Roads: Trevor and Sonia Ross
Editor - Refer to Trevor & Sonia’s article later in this issue for in-depth coverage. 8. Closing Remarks and Door Prizes: Tim Evans Tim thanked the current Board and retiring Executives and the 25th Anniversary Committee. Members of the 25th Anniversary Committee will stay on to help plan next year’s Black Rock and Summer Gala. Date for 2021 Black Rock is set for last weekend in May and hopefully will be a multi- regional event. Auction items are being held over for either Black Rock or Gala. Working on a 25th Anniversary Summer Gala Event - details to follow. There will be a recognition of Past Presidents at the Summer 25th Anniversary Gala. Tim noted there were four past Presidents attending the AGM - Ernie Kowal, Ernie Yakimovich, Brad Blaney, and Gary Glover. Club has grown over the last two years to over 600 members and affiliates. Tim thanked Garth Webber Atkins and Karl Hoener for their work on the new Club Website. Tim asked Garth to say a few words. Garth thanked the departing Executive and those who stood for election. Special thanks to Tim for leading the Club for the past two years and that Tim had earned the respect of the entire Executive and Members - Tim received a standing ovation. Garth presented beer steins to Tim and departing Executive. 50/50 Draw was won by Keith Glover ($325) remainder ($325) donated to Cops for Cancer. Ron Dempsey asked the members if they would be interested in a Holiday Dinner at Uplands Golf Club on December 5. There would need to be 50 to 60 people at a cost of approximately $70/pp. The speakers will be John and Chris Beresford who participated in the 2019 Paris to Peking Rally in their restored 1959 VW beetle. The majority of members indicated they would likely attend. Ron will pursue and advise.
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Door Prize winners: Winners had to have registered for the AGM via MSR and be present at the time of draw: Hui Juan Tang: Farah Halkett: Elizabeth Rogers: Betsy Terpsma: Brad Blaney: Wyman Lee: Matthew Arsenault: Laura Ferreira: Gayle Collopy: Sandy Lee: Henry Choy: Stephen Titus: Stuart Macleod: Steve Fairbrother: Peter Lindsay: Ernie Yakimovich: Gordon Halkett: Rick Collopy: Trevor Ross:
Porsche Umbrella 25th Anniversary mug Porsche hand sanitizers Porsche hand sanitizers 25th Anniversary mug Porsche thermos 25th Anniversary mug Porsche hand sanitizers 25th Anniversary mug Porsche hand sanitizers 25th Anniversary mug Porsche backpack 25th Anniversary mug Porsche books Porsche hand sanitizers Porsche backpack Porsche 25th Anniversary folding chair Hand turned cherry-wood bowl made by member Kathleen Short One year subscription to OOO Magazine
9. Adjournment: Tim Evans There being no more business at 11.58 AM, Tim closed out the 2021 AGM.
Editor-Some pictures from the AGM follow, but space prevents showing ALL the winners.
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VIR Members, Trevor
& Sonia Ross
25 Roads for 25 Years Challenge – October Update The 25 Roads for 25 Years Challenge concluded at the end of September. Sonia and I spent October entering and double-checking the results, as well as finalizing the awards and draw prizes. Marilyn Sing and John Clark pulled together a beautiful and unique certificate that is going out to all participants, and Karl Hoener updated the website so you can easily see the results. We wrapped up the Challenge during the VIRPCA Annual General Meeting on October 31 in Duncan. The ten teams that completed all 25 Roads were awarded a certificate of completion and will receive a grill badge. Don Gosse and Gary Glover received first and second place ribbons and a bottle of scotch from the distant third to finish team (me and Sonia). The other 45 teams that completed at least one road were awarded a certificate of participation and will receive a grill badge with a slightly different design. For those who weren’t at the AGM, we will arrange to have awards and draw prizes delivered to you and will be in touch through email. As promised at the beginning of the challenge, we also presented prizes based on enthusiasm and creativity. Below is the full list: Accomplishment
Non-human co-pilot Mayne Maniac Porsche interior (Steve Peers) won for having the messiest co-pilot cleaning kit (a 140 lb Saint Bernard) Non-human co-pilot Niki (Kathleen Short) & her dog Porsche interior -draw winner Runners-up: cleaning kit Dempsey (Ron Dempsey) and his dog Pedro Old Victorians (Grant & Janice Denluck) & their furry mascot Shrek & Fiona (Dean & Ann Aikenhead) & their furry mascots Bidibodi Bidibu (Marcus & Chandra Greenshields) & their dog Sora Mick (Mick Bryson) & his dog Most epic drives
Dempsey (Ron Dempsey) for driving multiple long Porsche travel drives, all in air-cooled Porsches and most in a mug 356
NOVEMBER 2021 Page 26
Most epic drives draw winner
Boxstergal (Pauline Rice) who put in an alPorsche travel mug most 1,000 km day Runners-up: StuMac (Stuart MacLeod) for his 8-day journey Black Blue Turbo Trio (Henry & Betty Choy) for trying their best to finish despite an Achilles heel injury TITFRT (Mark Titterton) for sustaining damage on his very first drive Gosse (Don Gosse) for spontaneously turning right after getting off the Crofton ferry and doing the North Island drives Gary987 (Gary Glover) for leading in drives completed until someone made a right turn off the Crofton ferry (see “Gosse” above)
Use of technology
Quicksilver (Dusan Markovic & Jill Kelly) for creating a comic book of their adventures
Porsche notebook and Porsche ballcap
Best story
Shrek & Fiona (Dean and Ann Aikenhead) for their “Ferry” tales
Porsche notebook and Vancouver Island Motor Sports hat
Best Island history and travelling tips
Cayman Islanders (Didier & Irene Brard)
Porsche notebook and Porsche ballcap
Best photo chosen Shrek & Fiona by Wyman Lee (Dean and Ann Aikenhead) (VIRPCA photographer) & Sandy Lee
Checkered flag picture frame with their Python Green Cayman posing at Telegraph Cove
Best photo that captured the spirit of the Challenge
C.O.V.I.D. (Franz-Albert Burgund & Phyllis Johnson)
Checkered flag picture frame with their photo of 25 Roads etched into the sand at Long Beach
Best photo of future Porsche owners
Island Mike 911 (Mike Pellatt)
Awarded for submitting a photo of future drivers looking happy by a Porsche. Two diecast Guard’s Red 911s.
NOVEMBER 2021 Page 27
Best photo (draw)
Risky Business (Wyman & Sandy Lee)
Checkered flag picture frame.
Prize draw winner
Gosse (Don Gosse)
Set of four 25th Anniversary coasters and stand
Prize draw winner
TITFRT (Mark Titterton)
Ceramic Porsche coffee mug
Prize draw winner
Blackfox (Paul Atterton)
Ceramic Porsche coffee mug
Prize draw winner
Lee (Warren & Karen Lee)
Porsche umbrella
Prize draw winner
Loughton (Scott Loughton)
Porsche umbrella
Grand prize draw winner
Grey Haired Gear Heads (Dan Bourlet) Mystery box donated by Porsche Centre Victoria
We received more than 500 emails and thousands of photos since the challenge started in April and have enjoyed every moment of reading about the roads you’ve driven and looking at many gorgeous Porsches posing with our stunning Vancouver Island scenery. Sonia and I got more out of this than we put in. Some members took solace in virtual camaraderie during the isolation of COVID. Others approached this as an opportunity to drive their P -cars to the max and logged long, uninterrupted hours behind the wheel. Many noted their enjoyment in discovering, or rediscovering, the more remote areas of the island. We certainly did. All the photos and stories can be viewed on the VIRPCA website by going to the 25 Roads Challenge 2021 page (under Events). The results are easily accessible from the redesigned landing page. We’ve kept a link to the roads and information sheets for those that plan to drive them in future. Please make sure to check routes and road conditions before heading out, since there currently isn’t a plan to keep these documents up to date. We’ll keep the 25Roads@virpca.org email active for a while if you have suggestions on updates or ideas for the future of the project. The 25 Roads for 25 Years Challenge started with an idea but took a team to execute. Sonia and I would like to say a special thank you to all the members who were involved in organizing the 25 Roads for 25 Years Challenge, in particular Gary Glover for sharing his in -depth knowledge of the routes; John Clark for hand-drawing the maps for the log book and certificates; Marilyn Sing for designing and printing the log book and certificates; and Tim Evans and Marilyn Sing for their ideas and feedback from beginning to end. We’d also like to acknowledge Porsche Centre Victoria for their generous sponsorship. Finally, thank you to everyone that participated – your enthusiasm made the 25 Roads for 25 Years Challenge a success! Stay safe and see you out there.
Trevor & Sonia Ross 25Roads@virpca.org VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER
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Non-human co-pilot award. Team Mayne Maniac (Steve Peers)
Best photo that captured the spirit of the Challenge. Team C.O.V.I.D. (Franz-Albert Burgund & Phyllis Johnson)
Most epic drives – all done in air-cooled Porsches. Team Dempsey (Ron Dempsey)
Best photo of future Porsche owner. Team Island Mike 911 (Mike Pellatt)
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Use of technology award – comic book . Team Quicksilver (Dusan Markovic & Jill Kelly)
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Best photo, selected by Wyman & Sandy Lee (see if you can spot one of their furry mascots among the driftwood) . Team Shrek&Fiona (Dean & Ann Aikenhead)
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25 Roads Final Standings Team Name
Old Red, Older Blue Mayne Maniac Dempsey StuMac 2LaneHighway Gosse Old Victorians auf Achse sein gary987 Shrek&Fiona der Letzte Cayman Islanders PJ996 JoeJoy Lee Island Mike 911 Mick Pastry Patrol Tyro Drivin'&Smilin' Kalahari Cruiser Bradious Grey Haired Gear Heads Bidibodi Bidibu Skeeles Scooters C.O.V.I.D. BOXSTERGAL Westcoast Ghost
25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 20 20 16 16 13 13 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 9 8
2,330 2,272 2,191 2,190 2,166 2,040 2,021 2,021 2,021 2,021 1,704 1,581 1,452 1,205 853 781 989 922 781 1,143 845 716 711 704 787 747 728 775
Team Name
47.8 40.5 40.5 50.0 40.5 40.5 50.2 40.5 40.5 40.5 34.1 35.2 29.1 24.1 17.1 15.7 19.5 18.4 14.9 21.3 18.6 14.4 14.3 17.5 11.3 15.0 14.7 15.6
The Red Baron & The Baroness
Porscher Head Ed
Black Blue Turbo Trio
Risky Business Jim Lexi Niki
6 6 4 4
354 312 386 233
6.3 5.9 7.7 5.4
Lost But Making Good Time
Greig Blue Bird Bliss Steve and Laura SS Monty Top Down Bramley Secretariat Klus Blackfox Holtz Wild West TITFRT Kreye Church McCallum Loughton China Express
3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
226 178 146 243 142 137 91 114 82 82 63 61 61 46 45 36 28
4.5 3.5 3.0 2.8 2.8 2.8 1.9 2.3 1.6 1.6 1.3 1.2 1.2 0.7 0.9 0.7 0.6
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VIR Member, Dan
2021 Gold River Charity Lunch & Drive This annual event is such a great drive and venue, with a great contribution to a worthy cause. This year’s Gold River Charity Lunch & Drive had a total of 16 attendees and 12 vehicles. The drive started in Nanaimo at a 9am departure with seven vehicles heading to Courtenay to pickup one more vehicle. With a quick stop at the Comox Visitor Center to pick up one member and say hello to UpIsland Members Trevor Ross and John Clark, it was on to Campbell River for a gas stop and to pickup four more vehicles to join in the adventure.
On the way to Gold River we stopped at Strathcona Park Elk Portal rest stop for a group photo shoot.
The MSR registration fee from each attendee of $10 went to Gold River Food Network and a Club contribution was also given. The total contribution of $360 was donated to the charity to be used in the Gold River community. The charitable organization was greatly appreciative of our VIR continued and long time support to their community needs. Thanks to all for their generous donations. After a great lunch and our Charity presentation at the Ridge Roadhouse Pub we drove down to the Gold River boat launch and local docks for another photo opportunity. On our return trip to Campbell River a few of us decided that we would take the opportunity to do another 25 Roads challenge. At the junction of Gold River Hwy and Westmin Rd. we VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER
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headed south to do 25 Roads challenge # 24 Westmin Mine Rd. Another quick stop at Myra Falls for a photo shoot between the rain drops. Our Up-Island Director Wendy Woodley took the opportunity to collect some distinctive rocks for her Geological collection. As the road turned into a true mining road, we garnered some odd looks from the mining crew driving by in their 4x4 trucks. We decided it was time to turn the group around and head back to Campbell River! I would like to thank all of our members and their guests that took part in this charity drive. A great drive, worthy cause and your support is greatly appreciated.
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Porscher Editor, Steve
Now is the time to book for Porsche Canada’s Ice Experience courses that run in early 2022. Below is a previous article from 2016, when it was called Camp4. Link is at end of article. Porsche Camp4 is a multi-day event run by Porsche Canada, where you experience (maybe for the first time) driving on snow and ice and learn how to control a Porsche provided car, instructed by professional drivers on a closed track solely used by Porsche for the duration of the Camp4 events. Once you have been on a course, there are subsequent courses to go on if you wish to obtain further skills. Location Estèrel is about an hour’s highway drive north from Montreal. Transportation to and from the event is at your expense, so you can spend a day before or after enjoying the sights and sounds of Montreal. The highway drive north was not that interesting and because of the snow/slush on the road, you had to wash the windscreen about every 10 seconds, it was not enough to leave it to an intermittent wipe as that left a dangerous, impenetrable haze. I was
Left—Nokian studded tires used in snow
Above—Part of the Circuit Mecagliisse Below– All food and wine is included
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hoping that I had enough wash liquid in the tank to reach the hotel! When I finally turned off the highway, the roads were covered in packed snow and ice and I was glad of the mandatory winter tires fitted on the rental car by the time I reached my destination. Hotel Arriving at Estérel Resort, a 4-star hotel, take advantage of the parking valet as the car would sit in the open air car park for 3 days and nights when it’s time to leave and the valets are skillful in removing snow quickly! The hotel is located at the edge of the frozen Lake Dupuis and there were great views of it from the restaurant, bar and bedrooms which were double the size of typical hotel rooms. For partners, not on the course, there were activities to choose such as snow-shoeing, snowmobiling, hiking and of course, the spa! Weather According to the hotel and event staff, it was unusually not cold for the location, but this time last year, temperatures were about -30c! However, this year, it was sunny and 5c for the first day driving, the remainder was snowy and colder, maybe -5c but certainly not uncomfortable. Clothing For most of the course, we were in cars, a coach, the hotel or the track restaurant, so apart from transferring between those, we did not need to wear really warm clothing. Most people wore jeans, a warm jacket and sometimes a hat. Good shoes were obviously required to walk and drive safely. Event Registration started from 4pm on the day of arrival. We signed a waiver ($5,000 per incident), but as far as I know no one incurred that penalty! We received further information and a nice Porsche Driving Experience bag complete with Mobil1 stainless steel flask. If you felt the need to splurge during the course there was a Porsche Selection area complete with a variety of goodies such as hats, jackets, tees, model cars etc. Some attendees were Porsche owners, some were not and some were corporate attendees (from Porsche or other companies). According to the event organizer Jennifer Cooper, the drivers VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER
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came from UK, Argentina, US, Mexico, New Zealand and of course Canada.
TIP if you and your co-driver are
different heights – use the Comfort Seat settings to store the positions. So
Our first meal as a group was at 7pm in the hotel when you change over, you can just restaurant and participants chatted to each other during hold the button on the door to get the multiple course dinner. It was good to talk to fellow your seat just right. As there are many enthusiasts about their cars, experiences and stories while change overs, you'll appreciate how much easier that is! enjoying very good food and wine (all included). After the meal, some went off to the bar, others retired to their rooms because of an early start the next morning with a 7am breakfast.
Thanks to a good buffet breakfast, everyone was ready to get on with the day, after a driver briefing by the Porsche lead instructor Jonathan Urlin. Here the theory of braking and the “friction circle” was explained which helped in the understanding of the practical events later on. After the briefing we were taken by coach to the track, about 25 minutes from the hotel. Track Circuit Mecaglisse was closed to the public while we were there, it is a race track which can be used all year round. Although I had never been to a winter track before (so I didn't have anything to compare it too), the track and everything in it appeared to be maintained very well and of course there were lots of trackside Porsche banners. The track has many interconnected parts and so can be reconfigured with the use of cones to create multiple separate courses for different levels of difficulty or specific driving skills. The Porsche instructors
Jonathan Urlin
Kees Nierop
Pierre Des Marais
Keith McIntosh
Travis Hill
There were around 40 drivers, organized into 4 driving groups, which enabled the track to be utilized effectively as we were not waiting for other drivers to finish before doing our own session. We were paired up and remained in those pairs for the whole course switching over after trying a lap or a few circles etc. Each group had an instructor and a hostess assigned to them (see picture). The hostess, instructor and all the cars had a 2-way radio on a channel unique to that group. Sometimes a driver had a spin in which case the co-driver should call “spin, spin, spin, everybody stop” over the radio, which worked very well. If somebody had a more spirited attempt and was embedded in a snow bank then the call for a Cayenne ‘tow truck’ was needed. I had a couple of spins and lightly prodded VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER
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a snow bank but my group only needed one Cayenne call, other groups had a few more apparently! The always smiling hostesses assisted the instructor getting everyone ready, sending us onto the course on time and keeping things running smoothly. Cars As I attended the first course this year, the cars were brand new. There were 4 sets, one set per group and each set had an instructor car resplendent in the Porsche racing colours/stripe. The cars were all GTS models, with PDK and a good selection of options installed (e.g. Premium Package, GTS Communication Package, Adaptive Sports Seats Plus, Bose audio, leather). The models we used were: -
Editor - Note 2016 figures….
Cayman GTS $106,000, 3.4l, 4 cylinder, 340hp 911 Carrera GTS $157,000, 3.8l, 6 cylinder, 430hp 911 Carrera 4 GTS (2 sets) $168,000, 3.8l, 6 cylinder, 430hp
The Porsche 'pit crew' used Cayennes and Macans. Photographer Of course, everyone was using their cell phones to take pictures and videos of the cars, people, track etc. while both in and out of the cars. However, there was an official photographer present and his photos were made available after the course on the Porsche Canada Camp4 photo website. (Editor-wow, our course photos are still there, take
a look)
Driving The idea of the course is to learn to drive safely in winter conditions and the instructors do this in gradual steps, their analogy is learning to crawl, walk, jog and then run. My group was led by instructor Keith and hostess Alyssa, we started with 2 cars at a time driving in circles, progressing on to short and long slaloms getting the rear out and recovering, then a combination of circles and slaloms. There was plenty of driving time to practice these techniques and there was a good run-off area on most of the tracks so that there was no worry of hitting anything expensive! After a good lunch at the track, we headed out again, switching cars and on to a different part of the course to experience something new. On day 2, we learned the “Scandinavian Rally Flick” and drifting the 911 Carrera 4 GTS in circles (with the front wheels straight!), put all we had learned so far into driving on some joined courses on the track. It was good to have a longer course to try and we took a number of the cars around the track with multiple corners, gradients and driving conditions as some parts were soft snow and others parts were very icy where we were glad of the studded Nokian tires that had been fitted to the GTS cars. Hot Lap At the end of the course, everyone was driven around the track with an instructor at the wheel. My driver for the hot lap was Kees Nierop who is a multiple champion and I suspect he is the most experienced driver in the instructor group (LeMans, Sebring, Daytona), Kees narrated his actions all the time and was probably driving at least double the speed we had been doing in our training! He drove sideways, past the snow banks at VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER
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high speed aiming for a small gap in the bank ahead! unforgettable experience.
That hot lap was certainly an
Looking back, the thing I remember the most is that everyone always had a smile on their face, it was so much fun and I am sure that we all learned something that was practical and could be put to use in our own cars if the need arose. The whole course was well organised and ran smoothly thanks to all the Porsche staff involved. I thoroughly recommend going on such an event, arrange it via your Porsche dealer or through the website at Porsche Web (porscheexperience.ca). UPDATES for 2022 Since 2016, the courses have all been renamed and are under the general heading of Ice Experience. The website with details and registration is at Porsche Web (porscheexperience.ca). The levels of the courses are now called:Ice Intro (4 days) Ice Experience (5 days) Ice Force (5 days) Ice Force+ (6 days) Give yourself an early present and book one now!!
Steve Photos courtesy Porsche Canada
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Danielle Badler Rocky Mountain Region Member I have a confession to make. I’ve been playing golf, on and off, almost as long as I’ve had a driver’s license. It’s a passion of mine. Driving a golf ball. Like driving a car. It’s all the same.
watching the best players, or drivers, is a font of wonderment. The cardinal question is, how do they do that? How do they get out of that bunker and stick it to six inches from the flag? How do they catch a slide at 150 and power through to a new lap record?
Or is it? The thing that gets me is … why? Out of all the things one can do with their time, especially their leisure time, why am I drawn to these activities, sustained over decades? In both cases, we’re looking for the secret, the silver bullet, the nugget that will I’ve been trying to figure it out. The solve all our problems. Of course, these commonalities. The differences. To see if things don’t really exist. But that doesn’t an answer emerges. Follow me on this. matter, because we’re convinced that, by First, the obvious. I love to drive. And I soaking up the grandeur of the best of love to drive a golf cart. With anyone the best, somehow, some way, it will rub who has ever played with me, the first off on us. Every time we tee it up. Every question from my playing partner is, “do time we get behind the wheel. you want to drive the cart?” And I try to be cool with my answer. I mutter “uh, yeah.” But they know that, if I’m not behind the wheel, I’ll be a fidgeting idiot, nudging the seat, staring at the driver, doing anything to get the buggy … moving! I just can’t stand edging along, especially when there’s an open cart path, or open road, ahead.
And that leads to what I call shots that will get you to come back next week. In every round, everyone, no matter the level of play, does something that is so satisfying to them that they know, they just know, that, next week, they’ll be able to replicate that glimpse of greatness, for a full round. It could be a booming drive down the middle. It could be sinking a 30 Then there’s watching golf … and motor -foot putt. It could be sticking that apracing … on TV. The commonality? To proach to six inches. the uninitiated, both are as riveting as It’s like the perfect approach to a corner, watching the grass grow on a putting just the right amount of braking, hitting green or in a runoff area. the apex and jumping on the power … Ah, but if you have an interest, then again and again … for perfect and perVANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER
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fectly consistent lap times. Is it a dream? Maybe not, if I can absorb and internalize one more You Tube lap of Monaco, with Senna behind the wheel. Then there’s the equipment. If a golfer makes a bad swing, he or she might mumble, “it’s not the clubs.” But they know, deep down, that a new putter, or driver, or hybrid 4-iron or lofted 60degree wedge will turn their life around. In short, technology is a golfer’s friend. Just as it is in driving and racing. I like the line “racing is a matter of money; how fast do you want to go?” Coil-overs. A chipped engine. Carbon-ceramic brakes. Carbon-fiber body parts. Yes, technology is also a racer’s friend.
head still, hinge your wrists, shift your weight … these are called swing thoughts, and the list is bewilderingly endless. Chevy Chase sums it up in “Caddyshack” -- be the ball. Now, do you want to be the car? No, you want to control the car, feel the car, feel it on the ragged edge of adhesion, feel the sensations -- acceleration, braking, gforces – feel the adrenaline rush of it all. Then there’s the social aspect. Here’s the reality about golf. You play a round of golf with someone and, after 18 holes, you know them. You know how they react to adversity, how well they come back, how well they keep their emotions under control, how well they can execute under pressure. Because, no matter how good they are, stuff will happen in a round, any round, every round. And the key test is how they cope.
And, for those who are wondering, a bag filled with golf clubs does fit into every modern Porsche, even a Boxster. Just take out the woods, and the bag will slide effortlessly into the rear trunk. Then just I can’t think of anything else like it. lay the woods on top, shut the lid and off You’re up, you’re down, you experience you go. euphoria, you deal with defeat. And you can do it with anyone, a tour player or a Ok, now, here’s where I get confused. To duffer, so long as they know the etiquote Hemingway, “There are only three quette. You can’t do that with tennis, or sports: bullfighting, motor racing, and auto racing, or any other sport or game. mountaineering; all the rest are merely A round of golf is one big allegory for life. games.” I can’t argue with that. Are you risking your life on a golf course? Maybe, See what I mean? Golf and cars. They’re if lightning strikes or an errant golf shot the same … and different. So there’s only happens to catch you in the noggin. But one solution. A road trip with golf clubs! … the chances of that happening? It’s not A golfing, driving holiday! Beep-beep, like Grosjean bursting through the Arm- fore, playing through! co, his car engulfed in flames. Spinning a Editor — Many thanks to Danielle for golf cart on wet grass is not the same. No. The ball’s not moving when you try to hit it. It’s just sitting there, daring you to take it back, low and slow, keep your VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER
sharing her column with us.
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VIR members can find VIR logo’d clothing range at our special PCA webstore here... www.pcawebstore.org/regions/VIS VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER
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here is always a Cars & Coffee meeting near you at weekends! Pop in, meet old friends and make plenty of new ones. You never know, VIR may even pay for your coffee occasionally too!
There are 3 locations across the Island to meet Club members regularly:-
Up Island 2nd Saturday of month, 10am Crown Isle Plaza (next to Starbucks), 444 Lerwick Road, Courtenay
Mid Island Sundays 10am, Serious Coffee, 9-1209 East, Island Hwy E, Parksville
South Island Sundays 9am, Starbucks, Eagle Creek Village, 29 Helmcken Rd, Victoria VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER
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“It's not just the cars, it's the people!”
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Porscher Editor, Steve
In association with Porsche Canada, Porsche Centre Victoria invited some of their customers and the VIRPCA Executive up to the Vancouver Island Motorsport Circuit (VIMC) on September 24th to experience some of the very latest Porsche models. There were sessions throughout the day and everyone experienced:- a short road route around the locale, a mini autocross in the dynamic driving area and a launch control test (at VIMC).
The vehicles consisted of the latest models of Taycan, Panamera, Cayman, 911, Macan and Cayenne. Many thanks to Porsche Canada and especially Adam Ma of Porsche Center Victoria for inviting us to VIMC.
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f you have received a discount from anywhere that you believe would be applicable to others in the Club, please advise us via email to newsletter@virpca.org and I’ll add to this list. Note: The discount details may change after publishing, if Porscher is not advised.
Please mention that you saw their advert in PORSCHER if you visit/talk to these sponsors
Up to 30%
Mention Porsche Club of America (show PCA card)
Porsche Center Victoria
Up to 15%
15% for in-house work, 10% over the counter parts
Show your current PCA card
At checkout, use code Pelican-PCA2021- followed by your 10 digit PCA MEMBER ID (not login ID). Note: You can only use this code once.
Pelican Parts
elow are some Porsche related sites that Club members may find useful. If you know of any others please forward them to the Editor. Zone 6 website zone6.pca.org
Best forum for 986 owners, run by Pelican Parts 986forum.com/forums PCA Boxster register, another great resource for Boxster owners boxsterregister.org
See the PCA site for other models www.pca.org/special-interest-groups Macan Forum, everything related to Macans www.macanforum.com General car auction site https://bringatrailer.com Pelican Parts forums and classifieds http://forums.pelicanparts.com/ Below are some USED parts web sites:https://www.partsheaven.com
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Up Island Mid Island South Island
Nov 11 7pm Dec 5
Ongoing Cars & Coffee Times
2 Saturday of the month, 10am—Noon, Crown Isle Plaza (next to Starbucks), 444 Lerwick Road, Courtenay Sundays 10am, Serious Coffee, 9-1209 East, Island Hwy E, Parksville Sundays 9am, Starbucks, Eagle Creek Village, 29 Helmcken Rd, Victoria nd
Club Executive/Business Meeting via Zoom
The monthly Executive/Business meeting via Zoom. If you wish to join, advise Sam so we have an idea for online capacity
Contact Sam
Uplands Golf Club - Holiday Season Dinner A holiday meal - details to follow soon
2021/22 events will be listed once the schedule has been confirmed by the Club Executive
PCA Test Drive Do you know someone with Porsche ownership intentions or aspirations?
Tell them about the PCA Test Drive program. For US $40 they get 6 months access to PANORAMA and defined access to browse the online PCA Mart to find their Porsche. Contact membership@virpca.org for details.
For Sale — 4 Macan Winter Tires & Rims
Bought Oct 2020 used until March 2021. Continental sport Contact Extreme DWS06 plus 235/60 18, 255/55 18 8/32 tread left new 10/32 Porsche TPMS Porsche Sport Classic II Rims Porsche Colored Center Caps $ 2000 OBO Deanwa@me.com VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER
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For Sale Pirelli Sottozero W240 M+S tires for a 997 Turbo - 235/35 R19 (2) and 295/30 R19 (2)
Used once for a trip to Santa Barbara - 5,490 km. Like new with 8/32 tread depth. Cost before tax was $2,134, will sell for $950
Henry Ellis ellish05@shaw.ca
For Sale 2004 GT3 for sale, prefer selling to local PCA member https://vancouver.craigslist.org/van/cto/d/victoria-2004-porsche-gt3/7368602359.html
Please reply via Craigslist posting, thanks! David Barss
For Sale New Tires to fit 19” Rims. Purchased for Boxster 718 Continental Extreme Contact 265/35 ZR19 (Rear) $200 Continental Extreme Contact 235/35 ZR19 (Front) $150 New Oil Filters to fit Base Boxster 718 (982) Ecogard $10 Hengst $10 Dave Turner
daveturner993@gmail.com 250-538-2342
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