Past President, Tim
here did the time go? Five months after I started my two-year term as the president of the Vancouver Island Region, the pandemic hit in March 2020 and we are only now seeing some hope that we can soon return to normal. Looking back, I’m proud of the fact that in spite of all the constantly changing public health orders, we still managed to hold a lot of drives in 2020, which provided our club members with the opportunity to get together and drive our cars.
bers that generously volunteered their time to make things happen. To all of you, a big thank you!
On the good news side, we launched our new and improved website and received national recognition for our newsletter at Parade. We have also seen our membership grow to over six hundred primary and affiliate members in the last two years. It appears that the pandemic pushed quite a few people into buying a PorIn 2021, our region reached its 25th an- sche sooner rather than later and for niversary and a number of members some that already had one, an opporstepped up to be on the planning com- tunity to upgrade. mittee for our 25th anniversary events. Again, we had to deal with the shifting goal post for having events. Although By the time you read this we will have it was disappointing that we were pre- had our AGM, the new President and vented from having our Black Rock Executive will be in place and I will event in May, thankfully we had the 25 join the ranks of Past Presidents. It Roads Challenge, the 25th anniversary has been a crazy two years but also picnics and numerous drives to keep very gratifying to see our members us connected during the summer. Alt- come out and enjoy the events, which hough it was unfortunate that we had makes it all worthwhile. A big thanks to postpone our 25th anniversary par- to those that are finishing their terms ty, I’m happy to report that the 25th on the Executive and to those memanniversary planning committee has bers that will be taking their place. It promised to continue on with planning has been a pleasure to work with you! and holding this event in 2022. All of Tim this came about because of the memVANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER
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