Porscher 2022 08

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Voice of the Vancouver Island Region Porsche Club of America Volume 25 Issue 6, August 2022 In this issue: VanIsle Adventure Tour, Classic Car Shoot, Ladies’ Drive, Past President’s June & July Drives, Porsche News & Videos

Jason Good Custom Cabinets Porsche Centre Victoria Villamar Villa Eyrie VIMC Garage Kings 000 Magazine XPEL CONTACT: Members are invited and encouraged to submit articles and photos that would be of interest to the Club. Photos in JPG or PNG formats. Please send submissions via email to the Newsletter Editor at: Newsletter@virpca.org DEADLINE: The deadline for the next issue is the 23rd of the month.

Porscher Advertiser Index Please show your support for these companies by giving them the opportunity Also mention that you saw their advert in Porscher so they know their well The display of adverts does not constitute an endorsement of the company by VIR or PCA.

VANCOUVER ISLAND PORSCHER August 2022 Page 2 Click here for our Facebook Group page www.virpca.org Advertising Rates (per issue) $210 Outside back page $200 Inside front cover $190 Inside back cover $150 Full page $ 90 Half page $ 50 Quarter page $ 30 Business card Please contact the Editor for more information

Porscher is the official publication of the Vancouver Island Region of the Porsche Club of America and

EDITORIAL: Statements appearing in PORSCHER are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Porsche Club of America, the Vancouver Island Region, its Executives or the Editor. All articles and photographs are copyright the author or contributor (unless otherwise noted). Permission for reprints or reproduction of the contents must be granted by the Editor and the author or contributor. Copyright © 2017-2022 by Porsche Club of America, Vancouver Island Region. All rights reserved.

money is

to serve you.


is published approximately monthly.


PHOTO CREDITS: Wyman Lee, Garth Webber Atkins, Tim Evans, Sonia Ross, Gary Glover, Martin Mansfield and Steve Fairbrother. Others are credited in articles. If we have omitted anyone, our apologies, please advise us and we shall credit you next month.


VANCOUVER ISLAND PORSCHER August 2022 Page 5 President Garth Webber president@virpca.orgAtkins Vice President Position Vacant Secretary Sam secretary@virpca.orgAuerbach Treasurer A.J. treasurerPapp@virpca.org Director—Up Island Wendy Woodley upisland@virpca.org Director—Mid Island Detlef midisland@virpca.orgEhrhardt Director—South Island Ron Dempsey southisland@virpca.org Newsletter Chair Steve Fairbrother newsletter@virpca.org Webmaster Chair Dave webmaster@virpca.orgNickel Membership Chair Kathleen membership@virpca.orgShort Rally Chair Klaus rally@virpca.orgKreye Tech / Classics Chair Paul paul.rossmo@prhistorics.comRossmo Insurance Chair James porsche@jamesrenfrew.comRenfrew Past President Tim pastEvanspresident@virpca.org The VIR Executive meets on the 2nd week of every month, see “Around The Bend” for details. Please contact the Club Secretary for meeting minutes or to attend.

VANCOUVER ISLAND PORSCHER August 2022 Page 6 a da! My Porsche is back on the road and it is sooooo good to have a Porsche for Porsche Club events again. The 944’s first out-of-town run was the “Ladies’ Drive” on June 10, which I enjoyed and I hope everyone else did. A super big plus of the engine rebuild is that I can lead a drive without worrying about whether I am sending fumes and soot onto the car(s) behind me. It has been a concern since my very first club run, when the car behind me passed me early in the run. Not good run etiquette and I wondered what was up, since we’d been told not to get out of order. At lunch, however, the driver’s passenger (his Mom) explained to me, somewhat apologetically, that she asked him to get ahead of me because she was feeling sick from the fumes. I was a little embarrassed, but I actually appreciated the feedback. At least I knew. So, after staying near the back of the line for most drives over the years, I hope that issue is now resolved. Our next big event is “Porsches on the Pitch”, our long-awaited 25th anniversary whole-club event. During COVID last year, we had to limit the celebrations geographically to curb the spread of the virus. This year, we are going all-out with a spectacular venue the venerable and beautiful Shawnigan Lake School grounds. All attending Porsches will be parked on the rugby pitch for the show and shine, for which there will be awards. A number of vendors will have displays of their goods and services. There will be door prizes throughout the day, including a set of Continental Tires. Dinner will be a barbeque catered by the school. Overnight accommodation is available at one of the dormitories, so if you have fond memories of your university dorm days, here’s a chance to sample that environment for a night and to not have to drive home. Quite a few of us are looking forward to chilling in the common room. It has a full kitchen, so you can bring your favourite late-night snack and breakfast supplies. If you haven’t registered already, you can do so until July 31 at msreg.com/Porsches-on-the-Pitch, I hope to see you there! Have fun, enjoy the sun!

T President, Garth Webber Atkins

Best regards, Garth

VANCOUVER ISLAND PORSCHER August 2022 Page 7 Editor, Steve Fairbrother

Those who have joined our Facebook group already know this, but at the recent Porsche Parade, some annual PCA award results were announced and VIR this year, has won again!

It is fantastic to win a third newsletter award for Porscher and many thanks to everyone who takes photos and sends them in or writes articles (small or large). I encourage you all to continue doing so in the future.

Many of the awards are based on Club membership size and we are in Class 3 (of 6). From my research last year, Class 3 has the most clubs in it, or rather the most entrants (around 40 last year). So to come anywhere near the top in Class 3 is really good. This year we entered our website (www.virpca.org) into the best website category, as a lot of work had gone into redesigning it to meet both the members’ and the Exec’s needs. A committee was formed with our President Garth Webber Atkins at the helm and club member Karl Hoener making it all happen. After meetings, samples and testing (and repeat!), the final website was put into production. All that work has paid off as the Club has been placed in Third Place in Class 3 for Best Website category - congratulations to everyone involved, especially Garth, Karl and Dave Nickel (our official webmaster).

As in the last few years, we also submitted the Porscher for the National Newsletter Contest and have won the first place in our class twice (2019 & 2021). This year we didn’t make the “hat trick” but achieved second place which is great!

Steve Garth Webber Atkins received the awards from Zone 6 rep John Sommerwerck at Sun Peaks recently, which they both attended.


PCA Awards!


PCA Zone 6 Representative, John P Sommerwerck June 2022 ello from New Hampshire. Nancy and I are a little over halfway through our east coast tour, with a key stop at the Parade at the Kalahari Resort in the Poconos, PA. We now have driven over 3,800 miles in 65 hours and visited 13 states. This 2022 Parade did not disappoint. We arrived the Friday before the Sunday official start of Parade for several premeetings. As a new Zone Rep, I had not met, in person, most of my fellow zone reps and the national chairs. It is always great to put a name with a face. Zoom is great, however it does not allow for the same type of interaction that in-person meetings do. We had presentations from the new Driver Education (DE) National Chair, Mia Walsh, regarding her plans for changes to PCA DE’s. Mia noted she will be holding a Zoom meeting on June 28th to discuss changes to the DE minimum standards and other topics. Paul Kudra, new Autocross (AX) National chair, reminded us of the documents available to regions that are holding or will be holding AX events. Ron Gordon, National Parade chair, noted the 2023 Parade will be held in Palm Springs, CA and the 2024 Parade will be held in Birmingham, AL. For those already calendaring 2023/2024 events, these Parades will be held in June. I am happy to report that several Zone 6 Regions received awards at Parade for their websites and newsletters. Oregon Region was recognized for their website and newsletter. Congratulations to Peg Ryan and Heinz Holzaphel. Pacific Northwest Region was recognized for their newsletter and newsletter cover. Congratulations to Doug Andreassen. Vancouver Island Region was recognized for their newsletter and website. Congratulations to Dave Nickel and Steve Fairbrother. (Editor-Seepage7 fordetails). Nancy and I will return to Idaho in late June from our eastern drive. We head out next to Canada West Region’s Escape 2022 in mid-July. We hope to see many of you Staythere.healthy and we will see you in the Zone. John H


John W


Back in April, I commented that we were working to get the Zone 6 website updated. Unfortunately, we have been experiencing and resolving several technical difficulties. My thanks to Heinz Holzapfel, Oregon region, for his efforts. With Heinz’s guidance we have developed a layout for the updated site and a plan to implement.

PCA Zone 6 Representative, John P Sommerwerck July 2022 e have returned safely to our Idaho home from our trip to Porsche Parade 2022. Our eastern trip took us to seventeen states, we drove 6,746 miles and clocked 104 engine hours.

In the meantime, I have created a Facebook page for Zone 6. Please check it out, follow and post Zone 6 relevant content. I will be posting from my travels around the Zone. As I work with the aid of others in Zone 6 on zone social media content, I have found a number of opportunities for change. For example, our zone logo is not readily scalable. Ernie Monroe, Silver Sage region, has offered to help me update our logo so it is more social media ‘friendly.’ I appreciate the support from across our zone. Proving, yet again, it is not the cars it is the people! I have been catching up on my Panorama reading and I usually start my reading in the FROM THE REGIONS section. My thanks to: Steve Fairbrother / Vancouver Island, Peg Ryan / Oregon, Martin Wild / Pacific Northwest and Andrew King / Silver Sage, for promoting Zone 6 region activities. Did you sign up for our ‘home’ Treffen in Sun River? Nancy and I are signed up. We head out next to Canada West Region’s Escape 2022. Then over to Oregon for their summer picnic and then up to Coeur D’Alene for Inland Northwest Region’s 50th anniversary celebration. We hope to see many of you as we travel around Zone 6. Stay healthy and we will see you in the Zone.

VANCOUVER ISLAND PORSCHER August 2022 Page 11 Membership Chair, Kathleen Short Membership Numbers Vancouver Island Region has 632 members. We have 388 primary members and 244 affiliate or family members. PCA National Club has a total of 148,350 comprised of 96,834 primary members, 51,495 affiliate members and 21 life members. Welcome New Members Please contact PCA to add your partner/friend listed as an affiliate (18+ years old) on your membership, it’s free. You can do that via PCA admin at membership@pca.org or call them at 1 410 381 0911. Anniversaries since last issue – Congratulations! 5 years Tyson Johnson, Stephen and Faye Cropper 1 Year Andre and Valerie Meesschaert, Imtehaze Heerah, Sam and John Kelly If your milestone anniversary has been missed, let me know and you will be celebrated in our next edition. Other membership activity for this period: Renewals: 22 Non renewals: 6 Transfer in/out: 0/0 Juniors: 35 (Register your new PCA Junior here) The VIR thanks the Porsche Centre Victoria for new member referrals at the time of purchase. Kathleen Member Co-Member Location / From Vehicle Scott Auringer Victoria 1979 911 SC Shel Kushner North Saanich 2022 Macan S Martin Suchanek Victoria 2010 Panamera Turbo

South Island Director, Ron Dempsey Sunny skies graced the 53 participants in the first ever VIRPCA VanIsle Adventure Tour last month. The event started on the morning of June 24 at Cowichan Valley Tourism Centre where 28 cars arrived for registration, introductions and receipt of the all important route book for the adventure that lay ahead. Once settled in, the drivers’ meeting informed participants that they could drive at the pace they liked, using the route book or the Rallista app on their smart phones to point the allowedTourrallies,Unlikeway.Time/Speed/DistancetheVanIsleAdventurewasnotcompetitive,butdriversandco

-drivers to stop where they liked along the scenic route chosen by Rally Master Dave Hord of Hagerty and Classic Car Adventures (pictured below with his VW). The route book not only provided directions, but also shared information about the sights along the way to entertain the driver and co-driver alike. Day 1’s route took participants into Youbou for a (prolonged) coffee stop, followed by roadsNanaimoCrofton,throughalongRiver and into Port Alberni for lunch at a number of suggested restaurants in town. Port Alberni boasts some great new choices for food and micro brews, while also retaining one of the last traditional drive in restaurants you’re likely to Partfind. of the adventure on the event was not knowing where participants would spend the evening. As it turned out, Tighna-mara Resort and Conference Centre hosted the group in Parksville this time around, offering great choices of accommodations, a fun social environment around the cabins, and a tasty buffet dinner on the night of June 24th .

The event wrapped up with lunch at the Crown Isle Resort in Courtenay, where organizer Dave Hord was presented with a framed 1968 VW brochure from Speedway Motors as a token of thanks.

The next day started bright and early for a group photo and drivers’ meeting before heading north to Campbell River before driving inland to Gold River. This road never fails to please, and the perfect sun and 23 degrees meant that the 911 cabriolets and Boxsters were making the most of the beginning of the early summer weather.


I asked participants if they’d consider a future event encompassing the roads of northern Vancouver Island, and the response was a resounding ‘YES’! Stay tuned, but if you have ever wanted to experience the north island and its wide open roads as part of a fun couples oriented event, we hope to have information for you in early 2023. Ron Photos by Ron Dempsey, Tim Evans & Garth Webber Atkins



VANCOUVER ISLAND PORSCHER August 2022 Page 18 Editor, Steve Fairbrother Here are some Porsche related videos that were mentioned on our Facebook group page since the last issue. If you are not a member of our Facebook group, you can click here to join it. Facebook Group. 911 GT3 with Manthey Performance Kit at the Nürburgring Nordschleife Chris Harris Drives The New Porsche 992 GT3 Touring Brock Keen's Boxster story Pikes Peak: A familiar name returns to the SoulmountainonTrack: Episode 4 – Conclusion Porsche Golf Cup World Finals The Story of the Tri Wing S 9X Pegasus Starfighter



In 1996 Vancouver Island became a separate region of the Porsche Club of America. Prior to that we were part of the Canada West region. We hope you will join us to celebrate the Club's 25th Anniversary that occurred in 2021. It is now 2022 and better late than never. We couldn’t celebrate the event last year due to COVID restrictions so we have planned an outdoor event at Shawnigan Lake School where we can park our cars on the upper rugby pitch and enjoy a family barbeque and get together with our members from all over the Island. We hope to have a large number of our Past Presidents there to celebrate with us as well. The event will have a real festive atmosphere and be lots of fun. There will be a show -n-shine with commemorative ribbons awarded for a variety of classes. The juniors will get to vote on their favourite as well. There will be great draw prizes, a 50/50 in support of our scholarship fund and you have a chance to win the grand prize, a set of Continental Tires. We have also arranged for optional accommodation ($55 per person) at one of the school dorms for those who don’t want to travel after the event. It is in Renfrew House - a young women’s dorm. All rooms have two single beds with either a shared washroom with one other room (jack & jill) or a “gang washroom” on each floor. As you can imagine the dorms at the school are very deluxe with amenities and the price is very reasonable. Other options are Airbnb and VRBO as well as the Villa Eyrie Resort (10% discount with code VIRPCA) but does require a minimum 2 nights. When registering you will need to choose your burger type on the form Beef, Chicken, or Salmon. There will be a selection of salads and non-alcoholic refreshments and desserts. Note there will be no alcohol available at the venue but you are welcome to BYOB. The cost is $15 per child under 13 and $45 for everyone Attendeeselse.are

asked to indicate which class their car will be entered in, all cars are eligible and this will be a mandatory requirement as all cars will be displayed on the pitch and eligible for an award. The classes are – 356’s, water-cooled transaxle 924, 944, 928, & 968, water-cooled post 1999, Boxster, Cayman, Unstock, Panamera & Taycan, Macan & CayAlsoenne.for an event of this size we are asking for event volunteers to help it go smoothly mostly around directing traffic and parking the vehicles in their classes on the pitch. You will be finished in time to join the party.

Registration is now open on Motorsport Reg msreg.com/Porsches-on-the-Pitch Tim Registration open until July 31st, 11pm andEditorPosteroverleafinspiredbyJohnClarkcompletedbyDonGosse.

Past President, Tim Evans Saturday August 6th, 2 8pm at Shawnigan Lake School, upper Rugby pitch Don’t miss the party!

VANCOUVER ISLAND PORSCHER August 2022 Page 23 In May, I was contacted by a journalist from Germany who was doing an article about a road trip with a Macan, which would pass through Victoria. He was interested in doing a couple of side stories about the club and the members’ classic Porsches. I worked with our Technical & Classics Chair Paul Rossmo to identify a few cars that spanned the models and decades. Many thanks to those who turned out to the Oak Bay Marina parking lot on short notice to ensure a story for Jochen: Ernie Yakomovic 356 Speedster Geoffrey Melnychuk 1968 911S Henry Choy 1984 911 Carrera Targa Bernhard Alde 1997 Boxster Sam Auerbach 1989 928 S4 James Renfrew 1978 928 Steve Titus 924S Klaus Kreye 944 Uli Jaeckel 1993 968 President, Garth Webber Atkins


Here’s a picture of the group, as orchestrated by Marcus, the photographer. Unfortunately, Ernie had to leave before the photographer arrived, so he and the Speedster (see previous page) were not able to be in the group shot, which was really too bad.


After the photo shoot, several of us gathered at the Penny Farthing for an hour or so, and it was really delightful to spend some time with other classic car owners. I think we should do something similar in the future. Photo credits: Uli Jaeckel, Garth Webber Atkins (the one of the speedster)




Photo credits: Garth Webber Atkins, Imogen Burr (or her friend Shana) President, Garth Webber Atkins

On July 10, seven cars and 12 members met at the Valleyview Centre in Cobble Hill for a drive through the countryside and along the ocean to Ladysmith. The weather was good, with occasional sunny periods, adding to the light mood of the outing. We had lunch at The Boatshed Waterfront Grill, on the far side of Ladysmith Harbour, where another member joined us for lunch. The restaurant has wonderful views of the harbour and a varied menu. The blackened cod burger was a popular choice, and I enjoyed my salmon benedict. I think quite a few of us took note of the deck and will try to come back when the weather supports outside dining. Thanks to Marilyn Sing for running sweep, and to her navigator Katherine for handling communications. The ladies attending kindly responded to a mini-survey I provided to them and results indicate that there is interest in a range of activities for ladies events in the future, and that, while several members are flexible, Sunday is the best day for most members. Thanks to all who turned out. I intend to plan another one next year, and hope this will become an annual event.



The skies cleared and it turned out to be a great day for a drive. Thanks to group leaders and sweeps and Geir Oglend for hosting us at DrumRoaster and giving a tour of the roasting facility.

Tim Photos by Tim Evans Past President, Tim Evans



ve learnedsafair

All Carrera models manufactured after 2012 (991 and 992), all Boxster and Cayman models t their fault! At the turn of this century German worker based adhesives for floor coveringsbased based ones. But the door panels for the new upcoming models based adhesives deteriorate” contraction of daily temperature swings. Once this happens the rest of the panel quickly starts to come off its base and bows upwards (warping) along the top edge. With the skin We do not repair them, we only replace them and the cost per panel varies between US$1,400 and

The weather was clear as an enthusiastic group headed out from Mill Bay at 9am on Saturday July 16th for a drive to Genoa Bay to enjoy a hearty breakfast on the docks. We arrived just before 10am and Irene and the ladies (see photo) at the café had prepared a wonderful breakfast and coffee. They even made extra of their very large and sticky cinnamon buns and once again they sold out quickly. Unfortunately we had to make a detour as Tzouhalem Road had fresh chip-seal on it.


Thanks to Didier Brard for scouting out the route and letting us know.

Also a big thanks to our volunteers who stepped up to lead and sweep, Didier & Irene Brard, David & Emily Jubb, and Doug & Gina Copleston. If you couldn’t make it this year we will definitely get back to the Genoa Bay Café again Past President, Tim Evans



VANCOUVER ISLAND PORSCHER August 2022 Page 35 Editor, Steve Fairbrother Below are some items from Porsche that you may want to research further. 911 Carrera GTS Cabriolet America Revealed at PCA Parade recently, Porsche announced this new 911 edition. The 2023 model year should be in dealers by late 2022.Twin turbo three litre flat-six engine to generate 353 kW / 480 PS. How the Taycan Recovers Energy While Driving - Porsche Newsroom Public world premiere of the GT4 ePerformance at the Festival of Speed Porsche Newsroom


Porsche Travel Experience British Columbia provides enthusiasts an opportunity to combine wanderlust with the thrill of sporty driving on extraordinary coastal routes in a fourday, three-night program. Enjoy life at its fullest behind the wheel of one of the most iconic sports cars the Porsche 911. Explore handpicked destinations, stunning cultural highlights and culinary delights while staying in first-class accommodations. Become acquainted with a Porsche 911 on winding highways with Sea to Sky views from the heart of British Columbia. info here

VIR members can find VIR logo’d clothing range at our special PCA webstore here... www.pcawebstore.org/regions/VIS



FromourFacebookgrouppage VIR Member, Al Sherwood You should have been there! It was an awesome day at The Ridge, recently surfaced and ready for us to do our best! A great group of friendly well-mannered drivers made for a safe, enjoyable outing. Kudos to Evan for arranging the session. You need to bring your sunscreen because the trees are too far away to help keep you cool, but cool (maybe cold) it was at the end of the day waiting for the Coho to take us back to Canada. The car deck for the return trip was wide open for a mid week 9pm sailing. We had a great sunset, before boarding and treated to bright lights at the cruise ship terminal upon our return home.

VANCOUVER ISLAND PORSCHER August 2022 Page 38 Al Photos by Al Sherwood

VANCOUVER ISLAND PORSCHER August 2022 Page 41 FromourFacebookgrouppage VIR Member, David Spence VIR Member, Mark Titterton A private “Gabriola Tour” Let the weekend begin!

Port Alberni Vintage Locomotive Visit & Drive - August 13th


Below are two events that are in the Club’s event calendar and there is still room to join!

Come join us for a drive to Port Alberni and lunch. This drive will include a visit to the Mclean Mill Site and tour to see repair and restoration projects in progress like a Washington Ironworks Steam Donkey built in 1929, that was used in the logging service industry. As well as a stop at the Industrial Heritage Centre, there will be a late lunch and drive around Sproat Lake.

Registration will close on August 11. Route details will be sent to all participants prior to the event. Limited to 20 vehicles / 40 people. Fee $12 (for museum entrance).

Open to all VIRPCA members and co members. At this event, we welcome members (including transfers in to the VI Region) and new co-members who joined the Vancouver Island Region between 1st September 2021 and 31 August 2022. These new members are our guests of honour and their lunch will be paid for by the Club. For other members and guests, the cost of lunch is $40. Priority will be given to new members if we have more than 70 attendees (even though your registration may be received by us). The meal will be a buffet consisting of two salads, a pasta dish, an entrée, and an assortment of desserts. We begin at 12:30pm with coffee and tea and an opportunity to meet and greet other members, then move on to introductions, with lunch around 1pm and door prizes following.

Full details and registration at msreg.com/2022 Port Alberni

Please register by Sep 7 via msreg.com/2022-New-Member Any queries to Kathleen Short at membership@virpca.org

2022 New Member Social, September 18th

VANCOUVER ISLAND PORSCHER August 2022 Page 45 Free Track Tires Yokohama Advan Neova AD08 R, circa 2016 with at least 50% remaining. Four rear tires 295/30/R 18 Two front tires 235/40/R 18 Not for winter street driving, rather an opportunity to experience how great they feel on dry pavement with your 911 wide body. Been through two or three heat cycles in GT3 at the Ridge. Free to a good https://www.tyrereviews.com/Tyre/Yokohama/Advanhome!Neova AD08.htm Contact David Barss 250 216 5782 Tell them about the PCA Test Drive program. For US $46 they get 1 year access to PANORAMA and defined access to browse the online PCA Mart to find their Porsche. Go to pca.org/pca-test-drive for details. PCA Test Drive Do you know someone with Porsche ownership intentions or aspirations?

VANCOUVER ISLAND PORSCHER August 2022 Page 46 There is always a Cars & Coffee meeting near you at weekends! Pop in, meet old friends and make plenty of new ones. You never know, VIR may even pay for your coffee occasionally too! There are three locations across the Island to meet Club members regularly: Up Island 2nd Sat of month, 10am Crown Isle Plaza (next to Starbucks), 444 LerwickCourtenayRoad, Mid Island Sundays 10am, Serious Coffee, 9 1209 East, Island Hwy E, Parksville South Island Sundays 9am, Starbucks, Eagle Creek Village, 29 HelmckenVictoriaRd,


VANCOUVER ISLAND PORSCHER August 2022 Page 48 “It's not just the cars, it's the people!”



The discount details may change after publishing, if Porscher is not advised. Please mention that you saw their advert in PORSCHER if you visit/talk to these sponsors Below are some Porsche-related sites that Club members may find useful. If you know of any others please forward them to the Editor. Zone 6 website zone6.pca.org Best forum for 986 owners, run by Pelican Parts 986forum.com/forums PCA Boxster register, another great resource for Boxster owners boxsterregister.org See the PCA site for other models www.pca.org/special-interest-groups Macan Forum, everything related to Macans www.macanforum.com General car auction site https://bringatrailer.com Pelican Parts forums and classifieds http://forums.pelicanparts.com/ Below are some USED parts web sites:https://www.partsheaven.com http://rennlist.com/forums http://www.nineapart.com http://malahatautoparts.com/parts-search Where Discount Description Lordco Up to 30% Mention Porsche Club of America (show PCA card) PorscheVictoriaCenter Up to 15% 15% for in house work, 10% over the counter parts Blast-It! 10% Confirm with owner first. Pelican Parts 10% At checkout, use code Pelican PCA2022 followed by your 10 digit PCA MEMBER ID (not login ID). Note: You can only use this code once.


VANCOUVER ISLAND PORSCHER August 2022 Page 51 If you have received a discount from anywhere that you believe would be applicable to others in the Club, please advise us via email to newsletter@virpca.org and I’ll add to this list.

Island 2nd Saturday of the month, 10am—Noon, Crown Isle Plaza (next to Starbucks), 444 Lerwick Road, Courtenay




August 11 7pm VIR Club Executive/Business Meeting via Zoom The monthly Executive/Business meeting via Zoom. If you wish to join, advise Sam so we have an idea for online capacity




Inland Northwest Region has Coeur


Island Sundays 10am, Serious Coffee, 9 1209 East, Island Hwy E, Parksville

NorthWest Region 50th Anniversary Banquet & Cruise

invited Zone 6 members to the INWR 50th Anniversary event which will be celebrated with a Gala Banquet & Cruise at the






6 2 8pm VIR Porsches on the Pitch 25th anniversary event, at Shawnigan Lake School. Register at msreg.com/Porsches on the Pitch Reg closes July 31st.

d’Alene Resort. Info and register at their MSR event page.

10am13 VIR Port Alberni Lunch & Drive See details in this issue and MotorsportReg. Full details and registration at msreg.com/2022 Port Alberni

Aug 20 VIR Drive In Movie Cancelled Contact Sam Aug 31 VIR Fiscal Year End ContactA.J. Sep 10 Gold River Charity Drive Details TBA ContactDan 14Sep -18 PCA Fall Treffen Registration via PCA ContactPCA Sep 12:30pm18 VIR New Member Social Your meal is on us if you joined VIR on/after Sept 1, 2021. See details in this issue and at msreg.com/2022 New Member KathleenContact 23Sep -25 Wild Rose Region- 40th Anniversary Weekend See advert and links on next page WildContactRose Sep 25 VIR Fall TSD Rally Details TBA ContactKlaus SepOct302


Sage Region has invited Zone 6 members to their Oktoberfast at Meridian, Idaho. Click here for full details. SilverContactSage Oct 16 VIR DetailsAGMTBA Contact Sam

VANCOUVER ISLAND PORSCHER August 2022 Page 52 Ongoing Cars & Coffee Times

Island Sundays 9am, Starbucks, Eagle Creek Village, 29 Helmcken Rd, Victoria

Contact Aug

Sage Region - Oktoberfast

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