Vision Magazine January 2011 Edition

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Join Marianne Williamson


Join Marianne Williamson for a three-day intensive retreat, delving deep into the miraculous intersection of spirituality and weight loss. Using material from her new book, A COURSE IN WEIGHT LOSS: 21 Spiritual Lessons For Surrendering Your Weight Forever, Marianne will put your feet firmly on the path to both conscious weight loss and spiritual healing. Allow her, along with Yoga expert Tracee Stanley and natural chef “The Conscious Cook” Tal Ronen, to guide you on your escape from food hell and your journey to a more light-filled body and mind. Hardcover • $24.95

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January Theme: Exploring the Miraculous ®

cover art Jetter Green

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viewpoint the miracle in struggle


holistic living miracles of the heart the miracle of living


greek to me through a glass cleanly


ask the lifequaketm doctor advice about life transitions


mindstates conscious life expo the progression matrix energetics

Fax 619.296.1910 e-mail: Executive Editor & Publisher Sydney L. Murray

Copy Editor Shannon Nies

Graphic Design Social Media Amanda Hinds


holistic business of the month miracles are all around us




visionary artist jetter green


Contributing Writers


Adrienne Abeyta, Dr. Toni Galardi, Michael Raysses, Amanda Hinds, Brennan Lagasse, Shannon Nies, Susan Kuchinskas, Dawn King, Azrael, Lani Kidman, Marta Moerch, Ann Nelson, Nelly Coneway

astrology january 2011 forecast


healing arts miracle cures one life alliance

Sales Sydney L. Murray, Nelly Coneway, Lisa M.Peterson, Roger Martinsen, Terry Nielsen, Julie Matzel, Eamen Hameed, Dunja Kromp, Dawn Becker

Listings: Online & Print Sales

24-27 features the source of miracles manifesting michelangelo 28

community resources

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JA N UA RY 20 11

v i e w p o i n t


on being that top one s we explore the percent in our capitalistic miraculous this system. Of course they month, it’s imwant to send their kids portant to recognize how to private schools, live a amazing it is to stay posihigh quality of life, and tive and continue fighting afford to vacation each when there’s “so much weekend away from trouble in the world.” their hectic schedules. It’s fairly easy to get So they must perpetuate wrapped up in your own the system. Someone’s day-to-day life. It is imgot to do it. For those portant to be focused on on the other side of the the self, to a certain desystem, the other 99 gree, because if you are percent of us, it’s even in fact hurting, strugmore necessary to focus gling, or suffering, it’s life’s energy on simple really hard to share your day-to-day survival. Put love with the world. You simply, it makes sense need to take care of yourwhy people don’t fight self and be well before to change trouble and seeking solutions to the struggle. Whether it’s world’s many problems. choice or lack of time, When you do feel good, there are other things to being open and willing to by Brennan Lagasse focus one’s energy on. share this goodness is a profound gift. But all too often, those who do travel this road, at one point or That’s why I find that it is so miraculous that there are those who fight, especially another, run into some scenario, situation, or example where their pure intent and the single parent families, working class community members, houseless folks, and those who don’t stand to “gain” anything from fighting. idealism is brought to shambles. By “gain” I mean, what does a white heterosexual male gain by fighting for a I’ve been there. My partner’s been there. Many whom we’ve all learned from and looked up to at one point or another have been there. Sometimes it’s just too biracial lesbian couple that wants to marry? What does a person who goes home hard to not breakdown when you see an elderly community member being treated to food, water, clothing, and shelter every night of their life stand to achieve from unkindly, or a family without food to nourish them. Then there are the atrocities combating classist policy about the houseless? To those who’ve chosen to turn of war, the destruction of the environment, the hatred of those who believe that their backs on the many issues facing our world, they might not see a thing. To unless you’re a certain ethnicity, race, gender, religion, age, class, or sexuality those who want to see a more just world than the one they were brought into, they can only see hope. Not passive hope like we’ve unfortunately heard before, but you’re plain wrong. Some hurt with words, others with force. Of course this list is very general, and in reality it barely scratches the surface real hope that someday will translate to living realities of respect and well-being of how intense struggles for peace, justice, and sustainability are across the globe. for all. This is why it’s so miraculous that we have the movements we do. Social justice, But many choose to not go there at all. “That’s not my problem. Why do I want to think about someone being raped or tortured in another country? I didn’t do sustainability, peace, human and animal rights, to name a few. It takes so much to it. It’s not my fault.” Or how about, “I recycle. That’s good enough.” The reasons keep up the fight because there really is “so much trouble in the world.” Incredibly, for avoiding critical examination for why things are the way they are, are endless. not everyone gives up, and more and more accept this conscious gift every day. At least it seems endless. Colonization, slavery, war…the cycle appears to be It may not be glamorous or help set you up for retirement, but it’s the life force unbreakable. No one can deny the continued assault to global peace and justice, energy that keeps loving might circulating around the world. It’s miraculous that, in the midst of all this, everyone just doesn’t give into especially when “we” all know that war, hate, and environmental destruction is the falsity of big money and the “American Dream” to try and attain personal unnecessary, socially constructed, and unsustainable. “freedom.” It sure seems a lot easier to bite into that myth. But it’s even more Here’s where the miraculous comes in. Often the word miraculous is associated with something spiritual, otherworldly, of a miracle that many choose to follow their hearts, believe in hope for actual out-of-body, nothing short of extraordinary really. An example might be a life change, and do whatever they can with whatever they have to seek solutions to being saved or a chance encounter, such as a job opportunity that pulled someone the trouble. away from the brink of personal collapse. These are what I feel most people would Brennan Lagasse is a writer and environmental consultant living in Lake Tahoe, say fall into the category of “miraculous.” While I wholeheartedly agree, I sincerely feel being aware that such strife exists in your community, our country, the world CA. His recently published book, Waiting for the Snow to Fall: First Nations, around us, and refusing to cave in and give up hope for a better world is just about Federal Policy, and Environmental Justice, explores the tenets of holistic sustainable land-use policy applied and understood through critical examination of the plan to the most miraculous thing in existence. Why? Because it’s so easy to give up. It’s so easy to not take notice. It’s so easy expand the Arizona Snowbowl ski resort near Flagstaff, AZ. He can be reached at to block all the bad out through apathy. For the privileged folks who come from loving families, have good education, and ample job opportunities, it’s easy to focus

The Miracle

in Struggle



JA N UA RY 20 11

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Miracles of the Heart by Lani Kidman

When consciousness precedes, the material follows.


he heart is truly an organ of emotional passion and is influencing your daily life decisions, including the management of family, work, and community life. In today’s times, the economy and environment have shaken the foundation of this trinity. The American dream of peace and freedom comes with a toll in finding a balance between these daily living issues. Most importantly are the children and their sensitivity to home and community. Because of current trends, children are losing a stable home environment and a supportive environment to live out their childhood dreams. The foundation of the American dream starts with children. If they hold no dream due to a lack of stability, America becomes pressured to care for emotionally injured children. Day-to-day life becomes a challenge for these traumatized children, especially as they become adults and are required to participate within worldly standards. Their hearts and minds, out of the passion to belong, will seek answers, not always knowing where to go since the conscious mind is clouded by the uncertainty of the emotion they feel and what their family dynamic is suggesting. What can you or anyone do today to participate with the trinity of home, family and community? First, it’s important to recognize the nature of consciousness within yourself and how the miracle of the mind plays a role in personal choice compared to what society thinks you should do. In some cases, if you cannot meet societal roles for family, work, and community life it can be viewed as resistant behavior and can leave one feeling ashamed and guilty. If pressure is pushed on this issue, then you or a traumatized adult may feel a sense of entitlement to be cared for since you cannot meet the standards. If pressure increases, then the trigger of fight-or-flight becomes dominant. During these times of emotional outburst, you or the adult child can hurt those who are closest to you. However, not participating with the family dynamic is the most damaging thing you can do for the sake of yourself and the family, for the miracle to explore is the family dynamic and your role in it. Miracles of the Heart—the Kala Chakra Emotions can often dominate the mind and what you think is the right thing to do. The key to survival of a family and community is for individuals and parents to take care of their emotional needs first and then the children. The mind is a tool and can calm the weary heart and emotional nature. When the mind links with the nature of consciousness, you begin to recognize how what you think plays a large role in how emotions stay at a peaceful, constructive nature. Meditation, guided imagery, and bio-energetic living (the relationship between humanity and nature) are wonderful tools for utilizing the mind and energetic states of the body and emotion. The brain is constantly being charged with electrical and magnetic frequencies and sending multiple signals to the emotions based on your thoughts. Thoughts that trigger positive emotion can simply be associated with nature’s basic need to survive. This could include quality of food, a clean water supply, a restful and clean environment, continued on page 40 V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


JA N UA RY 20 11

h e a l t h

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h e a l t h

The Miracle of Living by Amanda Hinds

photos by Epic Photojournalism


aturday, for many people, is just another day in the weekly process of a lifelong rotation from work to play. Generally this is a day of joyful relaxation and so-called “play time,” when adults can free their minds of the insistent work week of past and present. But for Claire Petretti, Saturday, January 2, 2010 marked the beginning of her fierce battle with breast cancer—a battle that proved no match for the extreme strength within her body, mind, and soul. Claire was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer, a cancer that infiltrates the breast tissue surrounding the lining of the breast ducts or lobules, in January 2010 at age 43. She remembers that day quite clearly. “I got out of the shower, was putting lotion on and I felt a bump. I thought it didn’t feel quite right,” Claire said. “I had a bad feeling.” Like Claire, 1 in 8 women in the United States will be inflicted with invasive breast cancer over the course of their life, according to the American Cancer Society, turning their lives into an overload of fear and wonderment.

Claire’s doctor prepared her for the worst, but it wasn’t until a few days later, while driving on the I-5, that everything became overwhelmingly real. “I was teaching an 8:30 a.m. yoga class at the time and was on my way to class when they called me,” Claire said. They told her the results were positive and that it was definitely cancer. They refused to give her any more information until her appointment the next day. A few short minutes later she arrived at the studio, told the manager what happened, and continued to the studio. “All I want to do is teach,” she said to the manager. So that is what she did. “It turned out to be an amazing class,” she said. “When I am teaching I can leave everything outside the room because it’s not about me, it’s about them.” Even in such a time of extreme confusion, Claire’s selflessness overcame her anxious fear. “I mean, I lost it after class,” Claire said, laughing. Throughout the United States, the American Cancer Society estimates approximately 207,090 new cases of invasive breast cancer in women this year, resulting in 39,840 deaths. Although death rates have steadily decreased in women since 1990, breast cancer is still ranked second as a cause of cancer death in women (after lung cancer). Friends and family surrounding Claire stood bewildered at the astonishing news, for they believed Claire to be the healthiest person they knew. In concurrence, Claire was also dumbfounded. “My sister went through breast cancer five years ago, but she is 16 years older than me and was post-menopausal,” she explained. “When she got sick it never really occurred to me that it would happen to me.” Claire leads a very holistic lifestyle, eating healthy, practicing yoga, and walking often. While she confesses to loving sweets, that is no deterrent when looking at the overall holistic lifestyle she lives. It can very well be argued that a family history of breast cancer does increase women’s risk, doubles it in fact, of getting breast cancer, but according to the American Cancer Society, most women (over 85%) who are inflicted with breast cancer do not have a family history of the disease. Currently, there is no distinct cause of breast cancer and there is a rather skewed perspective among the collective US risk factors, according to the American Cancer Society. Most women who are diagnosed neither have a family history nor any of the many risk factors, which can include diet, age, race, and everyday lifestyles choices, such as lack of exercise, drinking, smoking, etc. (These factors can be found at the American Cancer Society’s website). As many women do, Claire struggled daily with the thought as to how she happened to get this disease. After all, she has very few of the risk factors correlated with breast cancer. It is confusing and frustrating to know that whether you have these risk factors or not, cancer can still sneak up on you. Even so, attempting to prevent breast cancer is simple and beneficial. Simply apply changes to the areas of risk factors in which you are in relation to. There are more dramatic steps in prevention such as genetic testing, breast cancer chemoprevention, and preventive surgeries for women at high breast cancer risk. Early detection is essential and can be considered preventative if found early enough; the tumor can be removed and no further treatment need follow. For Claire, everything ended up being worse than previously thought. “They thought we caught this really early, so I thought I was just going to have a lumpectomy and radiation,” Claire said. “When I woke up from surgery I had a drain under my arm, which meant it had spread to the lymph nodes.” An axial dissection was done on Claire, where they took out 10 lymph nodes. Claire had to tend to the drain and bag for 12 days, emptying the fluids and such. “I can’t even explain how horrible that was. I didn’t leave the house for those days. It was super depressing.” It wasn’t until after the drain was removed that she was informed that she needed chemotherapy, since it had spread to one lymph node. Claire struggled with the continued on page 41



JA N UA RY 20 11

g r e e k t o m e looked like a large wooden container mounted on stilts. But the miracles didn’t end there. Having worked in restaurants © 2010 Greek to Me by Michael Raysses for most of my adult life, numerous rowing up working class and co-workers have commented on my manic attention to detail when it comes to Greek Orthodox, my family had folding napkins. I insist that they be done just so. That, too, is because of Dad’s an interesting relationship with shop. We kids were responsible for washing and folding the small towels he used miracles. We had to—we were semi-dependent when giving a customer a shampoo. They had to be folded so exactly and firmly on them. On the one hand, they were actively as to stack as if they were bricks. If they didn’t pass muster when delivered, Dad courted. Prayers were offered, candles were ordered them back home to be redone. For Pop, if a hole was to dig, a towel was lit, and saints’ names were invoked, all in to fold. It was that simple. service to the idea that taking note of these But what really mattered to him was glass. Dad had an obsession with clean things maximized our chances of hitting the windows, something he impressed upon me. For him the windows to his shop miracle lottery. On the other hand, though I were a status symbol of sorts. And though I was skilled enough to sweep his heard vague stories of people who had been sidewalk and paint his base boards, it was only when I was qualified did he entrust visited by them, I his windows to me. Hours spent watching him mix had no firsthand the solution he used to clean them with, as well as “I’m a workin’ man in my prime, knowledge of time spent watching him sachet the squeegee across cleanin’ windows” miracles, which the window’s surface, was nothing more than my —from Van Morrison’s song “Cleaning Windows” didn’t deter my apprenticeship with the glass, something I revisit faith in them one every time I polish a wine goblet. “The eyes are the window to the bit. It just made If I had mastered each of these tasks, arguably me scale back soul. Yours could use a little Windex.” that would in and of itself be reward enough to —my Uncle Tasso my take on the have justified the time and effort. But an unusual miraculous. For instance, when eating my breakfast, phenomenon occurred for me while I was immersed if I dropped my toast and it didn’t land on the side with peanut butter on it that these seemingly mundane chores—flashes of creativity were born. It was as if the qualified as a miracle. (If it landed on the peanut butter side but still didn’t attract act of doing these things right was like striking a rock on a stone. Sooner or later, any foreign substance that was a mere act of god, fyi.) As I got older, I learned a spark was thrown off, and then my job became nurturing that spark to its next that there were places where miracles were a lot more likely to occur. Stonehenge, level of existence—an idea. Then the idea had to be synthesized into its next level Machu Picchu, and my Dad’s beauty shop. of expression, a story. And so it went. Pop’s salon was called Styles by George. It sounded pretty highfalutin for a I never got a chance to expressly tell Pop what I am writing here. But when he man who was the last of 13 kids, the runt of the litter. Born to immigrants who read columns I wrote, he would notice details, things that I knew could only come had migrated here one by one with no plan for survival beyond leaning on each from immersing myself in something so deeply that it would reveal some secret other and the occasional miracle showing up in a form that most people just called to me, that I think he instinctively understood it. And hopefully my words are as “life,” Dad’s very being was itself a wonder. When my Grandmother was pregnant easy to read through as the glass he taught me to clean. That is something I would with him, she was told she couldn’t carry him to term, that she would surely die like you to see. if she tried to bear him. She was given toxins to induce abortion, but Pop made it Michael Raysses is a writer/NPR commentator. E-mail him at MichaelRaysses@ through, anyway. Though he was born with boils on his skin and rotten teeth, he lived. In fact, he prospered. Dad educated himself the only way he knew how—by doing things. He dropped out of high school, served in World War II, got out, and drifted around, looking Specializations Include: to make a living. He met my Mom, started a family, and by the time I was in the Spiritual Counseling second grade, he had managed to open his dream endeavor: a beauty shop. Having Spiritual Coaching - Way of Light proved his abilities as a barber, Dad won a contest for styling women’s hair. An UNIVERSITY OF DIVINITY Spiritual Healing influential stylist offered him a job running her prize store on a planet called New Spiritual Education York, but Pop wouldn’t go because it was too far from his extended family. Instead he figured a way to open his own place. Unknown to me at the time, that’s where my relationship with miracles began Achieve a higher education in the in earnest. New Thought - Transpersonal ApproachSM field. To this day, people comment about things I do that seem to be lost in the art of SPICA - Way of Light UNIVERSITY OF DIVINITY provides degrees in day-to-day living. For instance, I am renowned for remembering people’s names Spiritual Philosophy on the Bachelor, Master and Doctorate levels. long after we have met, even if we only met once or met just glancingly. That’s This professional program offers an easily accessible distance learning format. because of Pop’s shop. Early on, he impressed upon me that I was going to have to learn his customers’ names, as he wasn’t about to be embarrassed by my inability For further information, the Prospectus and Curriculum Catalogue, please contact: to do so. When he told me, I became afraid. Seeing this, he calmed me and shared with me his secret for remembering these things—by connecting some physical SPICA - Way of Light UNIVERSITY OF DIVINITY trait of the person’s to their name. He used the example of his buxom customer 800-499-2353 • WWW.SPICAWAYOFLIGHT.COM with skinny legs whose surname coincidentally happened to be Barrel. She literally

Through a Glass, Cleanly





JA N UA RY 20 11

L i f e Q u a k e ™ Dear Dr. Toni: I am contemplating moving to a new city. I saw your newsletter and column on your Facebook page a few months ago and know that you made a big move up north, so I thought you might be a good person to ask how to make a transition like that. I am self-employed, my work has practically dissolved in Los Angeles, and none of my usual tactics for marketing are working to drum up business, so I figure I have nothing to lose. My biggest fear is making friends at this age. I am 45. I do love my long time friends here and am not sure how to go about meeting people in a new place. What do you suggest? Richard R.

Ask the

LifeQuake Doctor ™

Dr. Toni Galardi

Dear Dr. Toni: As the new year is approaching, I am filled with fear that my life is never going to change. I am not in a relationship and my career is going nowhere. I know I am lucky to have a job, but I’ve been getting sick lately a lot and I dread going there in the morning. I work long hours and have no time for a relationship even if I wanted one. I feel trapped and my life feels like it is over. I don’t know if you can help, but you seem to give good advice to others, so this is my last ditch effort to save myself from dying of boredom! Frustrated in Sedona Dear Reader: As we enter this new year of 2011, instead of writing resolutions, perhaps another way of starting the year might be to look at revolution. The word resolve has such a somber quality to it. According to the etymology dictionary online, the word revolution was first recorded in the English language in 1799 and was said to mean “to change a thing completely and fundamentally.” The word revolve comes from the Latin derivative, revolvere, to turn or roll back. So, perhaps you need to go back to the past to see what beliefs you are holding that need to be reconstructed. Resolution may only approach this at the surface level of the mind and may be why we often don’t keep resolutions, because the unconscious fears are never excavated. You have bought into a mass consciousness that if you have a job, you should just thank your lucky stars. Sometimes the greatest grace people receive is getting fired so they are forced to think outside the box. The media only shows you the people who keep doing the same thing in their unemployment, which is to send out resumes only to have them rejected for two years, ending in bankruptcy. If your job is boring you AND you have no time for a personal life, getting sick is a wake up call. If you keep getting sick, you either need to reinvent the work you are doing or begin volunteering at a non-profit organization while you have a job. Find an issue you really care about and give time to an organization that supports change around that problem. The key is to have passion about something in your life. Step into 2011 as a revolutionary who, like our founding fathers, stands for personal change. As trite as it sounds, your becoming authentic in your life before a crisis hits catalyzes change in the world. The word LifeQuake means whatever is awakening you to the next level of your evolution. If you take a stand for revolution, your evolution doesn’t have to mean losing it all first to move forward.


Dear Richard: I would begin building a bridge from where you are to where you are going. Ask people you know for names of people to contact and then make several visits before moving. You don’t indicate what your work is but you might want to find networking groups oriented toward your work and plan your trips to accommodate them. Write to the people you were recommended to and ask them about any social or business functions they might invite you to or recommend you attend, and then coordinate your schedule to get the most bang out of your trips. Given that friendship is clearly important to you, evaluate how community-focused the people are in the area you are interested in moving to. Being clear about your values and interests, always pick a place to move to whose culture will support them and will encourage the smoothest transition and long-term satisfaction. Marin County, for example, is very community-focused and dedicated to environmental concerns. This was important to me: living in protected nature and having a spiritual community whose beliefs predominantly mirrored my own. Dear Readers: Making a point to take one authentic risk every week will revolutionize your life and accelerate your conscious evolution in 2011. Write to me and share your bold adventures! To submit questions for Ask the LifeQuake™ Doctor, please contact Dr. Toni Galardi through For those seeking phone coaching, Dr. Toni can be reached at 310.712.2600. Her book, The LifeQuake Phenomenon is available online through Amazon. com.

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Deb Vogel is an ordained Metaphysical Minister and has an advanced degree in Pastoral Psychology. She has been in private practice since 1992.


JA N UA RY 20 11

m i n d s t a t e s


his February, the 9th Annual Conscious Life Expo will take place in Los Angeles at the LAX Hilton, once again bringing together a community of brilliant men and women with the intention of co-creating a new world. Our universe is continually changing, and this event will explore the possibilities of these changes—changes in science, in spirituality, in longevity, in local and global community, in relationships, and in health and well-being. Not only is this a three-day event of brainstorming and creating new paradigms, but it is also a passionate celebration. It is a celebration of evolution, consciousness, life, and love. It is a time to join together with other conscious individuals to discover who and where we are, individually as well as collectively, and where we are going in this future of great possibilities. In past years, the Conscious Life Expo explored topics such as social networking strategies, using sound and music to heal your mind, body and spirit, awakening intuition for emotional healing, and an exploration of the 2012 “Shift.” (DVDs of the 2010 keynote speakers are available for purchase online at the Conscious Life Expo’s Web site.) Previous expos also included special events and a film festival. Some of the 2010 events included: a 2012 panel hosted by George Noory; iKarmaDate speeddating; and receptions with personal transformation expert, Debbie Ford and author and TV personality, Susan Miller. The 2011 Conscious Life Expo will also feature similar special events as well as a film festival; detailed information on these events will be listed on the event Web site. At this year’s expo, more than 50 speakers—authors, healers, educators, and others— will lead workshops and lectures. Some of the speakers include: Eric Pearl, a leading authority on transformational healing; Gary Zukav, author of four New York Times bestsellers; Debra Katz, Director of the International School of Clairvoyance; and Susan Shumsky, author of seven bestsellers and pioneer in the self-development field. In addition to the workshops, there will be three floors of exhibit halls with over 200 exhibits, nearly 100 free lectures, and 6 panel discussions, all of which are included in the general admission day pass. One of the many lectures includes, “Calling Forth Your Destiny,” with transformational healer and life coach, Dr. Joan Hangarter. She will show expo participants how to “manifest your mission, learn to overcome your challenges, remove obstacles and blocks, raise your vibration, and launch the vision within.” Another lecturer will be Brook Cassidy, with her presentation, “Meditation for Starters.” She will help participants discover the many benefits of meditation. Cassidy says, “Not only will a few minutes of meditation help improve your health, mental clarity, and vitality, but you’ll also develop a more intuitive and heart centered way of life.” The Conscious Life Expo is an experience like no other, so take the time this February to gather with other conscious minds to explore the future possibilities of our ever-changing universe. The Conscious Life experience will surely be “a gateway to a higher force, an opening to the future possibilities, the descent of the new paradigm into our earthly existence.” The Conscious Life Expo will be held on February 11-13, 2011, with a post-conference on February 14. General admission for Friday is $10 for advanced purchase or $20 at the door. Both Saturday and Sunday are $20 each for advanced purchase or $25 at the door. For more information on the event, including directions, combination day pass and workshop pricing, and a full list of speakers, please visit www. V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


JA N UA RY 20 11

m i n d s t a t e s

The Progression, Exploring the Miraculous:


A Conversation with Dr. Michael Duckett

by Sydney L. Murray

either success nor happiness is an accident. From this reassuring yet provocative thesis comes Dr. Michael J. Duckett’s latest creation, a DVD entitled “The Progression: Effortlessly Creating a New Life,” in which he shows people how to shape their own positive reality and forever banish feelings of frustration, despair, and distress. Notably, Dr. Duckett confirms that secret societies like the Masons, the Rosicrucians, and others have used this information for thousands of years, even though the general public has seldom been privy to it. “Changing your thinking is as easy as flipping a switch,” confirms Dr. Duckett. “It’s just that, until now, no one has shown how easily the mind can be converted into a positivereality maker. ‘The Progression’ connects people to the power of their minds to create the life they want.” In this era of economic and cultural upheaval, and at this particular time of the year, that is something to be profoundly thankful for. Vision Magazine: What is “The Progression”? Michael Duckett: “The Progression” is a video that I created to help people to understand the completeness of life, and that means to improve an individual’s intelligence so that they have more control over their existence. It is what I call a complete system, so rather than calling it being just an introduction or something that makes you feel good, it gives you a complete understanding so that, from a technical standpoint, you really don’t need anything else. You might want to continue your journey or adventure, but it is a complete system in itself. VM: How would this DVD help people who are struggling to find their way


in life? MD: It really helped millions of people to become empowered to create the changes they want and manifest the desired results with the least amount of work. So if someone has a complete understanding of how the pieces work, then they have more control, and what all humans want is more control over their existence. And in order to gain control you have to increase your intelligence and this video helps people to increase their intelligence around the whole aspect of life and how to utilize the law of attraction in a complete form. VM: How do you believe that our subconscious either helps us or hurts us? MD: The subconscious helps us if we understand how to expand it into our three-dimensional life, into our conscious life. The reason why it helps us is that it is really your connection to the “all.” Not only to the other dimensions but also to the “all” of the energy. When we are able to expand our subconscious minds, we become limitless, and when we are working from an unlimited standpoint we really have no limitations, so we are able to live and exist how we want to. The way that it hurts us is it is not readily available to most people. So most people are walking around functioning with a conscious mind, and when they are doing this, it is bound to get you in trouble because the portal is upside down. If you remember your high school science class, they would teach you that light is refracted off of an object. It goes for the length of an eye and goes to the back of the occipital portion of the brain where it flips it upside down. So just that one basic principle of science tells us that the whole world is upside down. Our conscious mind is then trying to use the right step solutions in an upside down world. We are trying to use illogical solutions to be the right solution other than what really are the right solutions because we are logically calculating and stuffing the subconscious mind. VM: What miracles have you experienced in your life? MD: Numerous. I come from an unusual background and some of my background was a result of the progression itself. I was living on the streets, [so] everyday was a miracle when you had food or [had] eaten. I would say that those were all miracle days. I really walk moment to moment in a state of miracles. I don’t really care what it is; I always am looking at it like it’s a miracle. I have avoided imminent death numerous times. I experienced death (that’s where the progression came from actually). I was attacked and murdered and went to the next part of life; [that] is what I would call it. I don’t think it was the final [part of life] but I had a much greater understanding of everything in this realm. Even in that realm you had a complete understanding, and I waited for many years, as I was instructed, before I released the Progression information, and this is the year I was told to release it. I think that the greatest [miracle] of my life was to discover love, not only in a significant other, but love from a standpoint of feeling this immense love for everything and everyone. That is the greatest miracle in my life. I have had miraculous healings, I have performed miraculous healings on patients when I was a practicing physician, and people would come for me from all over the world for that reason. [There was] one lady [who] wasn’t able to walk. She had a tree fall on her neck, [but] not only did she regain the feeling of her hand, but one day [she] and her husband came in and celebrated with me, and they were both crying when I walked in the room, and I wasn’t sure what was going on. I said, Davi are you okay, and she said, I can feel my breast, and [she] and her husband of course were so elated that she had feeling in her chest. I know that those are amazing things, cancer patients were healed. I really look at every moment of every day as a miracle


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because I hunt for them; I actually hunt for things that I can declare as a miracle. I am sitting in Atlanta right now and we don’t get snow here, and as I am sitting here I am seeing it snow. I guess we will always find a miracle if we are looking for them. VM: Why is self-discipline, related to our thoughts, so important? MD: Many religious texts talk about your free will. If you talk to anyone that has succeeded in their life—in any aspect of life, entertainment, or business—they will tell you that they used a lot of will power, and will power, free will and self-discipline can all be interchanged. Nothing can be accomplished with any great magnitude without self-discipline. In the 80s to 90s, people would talk about letting your inner child out, let it play a little bit, loosen up a little bit. After spending my lifetime dedicated to the human being as a social scientist, I really noticed that people don’t have a problem letting their inner child out. What most people have a problem with is letting their inner parent out. They don’t have the self-discipline that is necessary to do the things that are required to produce the desired results. It’s not as complicated as people make it. In most cases we are the confusion. When we lack selfdiscipline in our spending, we find ourselves in debt. When we lack self-discipline in our health, we find ourselves in a diseased state. I like what the minister Robert Sherman used to say: “If it is to be, it is up to me.” How that is to be is when a person utilizes and conditions their self-discipline. That is what it is—a conditioning process. It’s not something where you can just wake up tomorrow morning and say, I am going to be disciplined from here on. It’s like if you were out of shape and you went to a gym and said you were going to start working out and get in shape. The same thing for self-discipline. VM: What is the God source? MD: The God source is actually so magnificent, so big (I witnessed this when I went to the next part of life) that even if someone like myself has gone to that source and experienced it first hand, we can not put it in words. I recall when I had this conversation with that source and the source said it was not my time, and I, like many people you have read about, started screaming and said, “No I want to stay, I want to stay.” I thought, this is where I want to be now, this is what I love. What I found out is if you really want to understand God, then be love, not just in your conscious mind, but condition yourself so your subconscious mind turns into love. VM: What could people do to change their lives? MD: The one thing is to be completely obsessed with seeking love and beauty in all things. As you seek that love, once again, you become one with the source, and when you become one with the source, you truly can manipulate everything in this three-dimensional world. This is such an elementary existence that we are here and yet, from our conscious mind standpoint, we have a tendency to forget, and we start to feel the drudgeries and pain because we get locked into thinking this life is so magnificent, but in reality, just as the baby in the womb, we would have a great conversation with that baby, saying wait ‘till you get out, there is a lot


m i n d s t a t e s more to experience and feel. We are here to feel all of this and experience all of this to get ready for the next part. As you are becoming a miracle worker in this life you are actually preparing yourself for your next part, and there will be conditioning to do in the next part as well. Instead of looking at a leaf, really look at it in total amazement and start to fall more deeply in love with that leaf. An ant, another person, when you are passing someone on the street, to really feel that person and to feel them from the standpoint that you absolutely just love that person. What it’s doing is affecting your energy fields. Now as scientists we are to the point where we can measure this. We can actually measure the energy field from the human being, and we have been doing it for a long time. EKG’s, ECG’s, and EMG’s—that’s what all those tests are doing; they are measuring the electricity. Now we are able to measure the electricity in the field of the human being, and what we find is that these fields, these electrical fields that are around each of us, that are still alive that is, are increased and decreased moment to moment, and these electrical fields, just as electricity will turn a light bulb on, are turning different aspects of your reality on. So when you are focusing on the love and beauty what you’re doing is just like a dimmer switch, where you are turning up your power. The first part once again comes back to disciplining yourself to only dwell upon love and beauty. Dr. Michael J. Duckett is a social research scientist, entrepreneur, keynote speaker, and author of several books. His most recent book, The Progression: Effortlessly Creating a New Life, can be purchased on Amazon. For more information on Dr. Duckett and his work, please call 800.269.3817 or visit


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m i n d s t a t e s by Lisa Braun Dubbels


ichard Bartlett’s Matrix Energetics workshops have become tremendously popular, not just because the experience is a cross between a healing seminar and a rock concert, but also because what he teaches changes people’s lives in ways they never thought possible. What started for Richard Bartlett as a series of treatments in his chiropractic practice has evolved into a technology of consciousness for opening the doors of possibility. Here he talks to us about Matrix Energetics and what makes it so unique. Vision Magazine: You call Matrix Energetics a technology of consciousness. What does that mean? Richard Bartlett: One of the challenges in teaching Matrix Energetics is you don’t want to over-define it. You don’t want to pigeonhole it as a technique or a method of problem-solving, because that imposes limitations. Matrix Energetics is about expanding our perceptual model. Each person has a set point, like a thermostat, for what they’re willing to believe, what they’re willing to experience in the next moment, and what they can actually sense in the world. With Matrix Energetics, you acknowledge that every model has limitations. Then you realize that you don’t have to play by those limitations, and the key word is play. Once you do that, you embrace the idea that change can be instantaneous, and you don’t have to worry about how that change [is] going to show up. All this is to invite the power of grace. Grace is that limitless potential for miracles to happen. The miracles happen in between the spaces of conscious awareness.

VM: What do you mean by the spaces between? RB: Our left-brain consciousness puts things together like frames in a movie, processing snapshots of experience in a way that appears to be one continuous activity. It works at a speed of maybe one to twelve experiences per second. The brain takes each snapshot, then filters it through our conceptual model, and strings it together into something that gives an illusion of continuous activity. Once you realize that, you can say, “In the space between my perceptions, anything can happen.” If that’s just a statement in your head, it won’t do much, but if you drop down, as we say in Matrix Energetics, into your heart, that’s the place where intent can work. It can happen in an instant. And if you transcend the limitations of your conceptual model just one time, that can be enough to change everything in your life. VM: When you talk about the place where intent can work, do you mean focused intention, as it’s usually talked about? RB: Not really. When people do practices based on the power of intention, they tend to get stuck in the conscious mind. The trouble with focused intent is it’s still based upon what we think can happen. You’re supposed to visualize what you want to happen, which is about imposing an outcome on the universe. That’s a left-brain, rational method and it usually doesn’t work. VM: So would you say the rational mind is an obstacle in Matrix Energetics? RB: I don’t see it that way. All you need to do is go beyond the idea that you can define reality with just your rational, conscious mind. For that, we need the limitless processing power of the right brain, or the unconscious.

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m i n d s t a t e s One of the obstacles people hit working with Matrix Energetics is just the idea that something could be so graceful, so easy, and so without judgment. We don’t believe things can be that simple. One tactic you use to get past this block is to overload the left brain with information. You feed the left brain all of this scientific data it can handle. It’s all true material, and the left brain thinks it understands it, but nobody really does. So as your left brain tries to chew on that, it gets out of the way of your right brain. And it helps if you do it in a playful way. VM: Could you give me an example? RB: Quantum physics is getting to the point where they’re saying consciousness must be added to any working model of reality. Everything has a quantum field, or what Rupert Sheldrake called a morphic field or identity. These morphic fields are like floating clouds of energy that just wait for someone to have a thought, a feeling, or an intent. Our thoughts polarize the quantum field like a magnet, with the larger field actually diffusing into your own the smaller field. Think of it like the scene in “Ghostbusters,” when Dan Akroyd chooses the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. He thought it was a pretty benign choice, but then it turns into this great monstrosity. Our thoughts are like that. They’re like these sticky, Stay Puft Marshmallow Men attempting to destroy the city, and what we have to do is develop different kinds of cities, different kinds of powers, where we learn to trust the innate divinity within us. You have to realize the universe is completely unreal, just like the yogis talked about. You have to become self-realized in that knowledge, [and] that requires letting go, because the more you try to grasp something like that, the more tangled up you’re going to be in your own thoughts. The more you practice in a playful manner, the more you create this awareness and this morphic field of instantaneous transformation. VM: You talk a lot about the role of silliness and play. Are they useful in and of themselves? RB: You can redefine play to mean anything. If you are driving down the road, and you are fully engaged and enjoying your car, that can be engaged in play. Even if you’re stuck in traffic, you can choose to be stressed out, or you can choose to be happy. It’s that attitude. Play is when you completely forget yourself, forget time, forget space, forget that you’re even human, and you’re just occupied with a moment, and you could call it bliss. VM: There are lots of other healing techniques out there, and you say you don’t want Matrix Energetics limited to that. What’s the difference between a technique and what you’re calling a technology of consciousness? RB: A technique is developed to meet the needs of a certain problem. But Einstein said that problems can’t be solved at the same level of consciousness that created them. That means you have to transcend your existing conceptual model to really get to the creative potential, or what has been called the quantum potential, the hidden awareness in the universe. The way you do this is you let go, you stop seeing yourself as separate, and you play like you mean it. You play like a child, where you’re practically hallucinating. One of the things that I insist upon in Matrix Energetics is that it has to be observable, reproducible phenomenon that can be easily learned and then duplicated by anyone, because if it’s only true that I could do it, then maybe you’d have to say, “Oh, I’m some fantastic healer.” I’m not the best model for a healer; I have every vice imaginable. [But] I can even develop some devices to improve my vices. I even have techniques in Matrix Energetics, like two-pointing and using the 21 Fundamental Frequencies. But unless you get into the playful state that lets you set aside the conceptual limits of time and space, your techniques won’t do much. They’ll never transcend what you think is possible. VM: Why do people fall down on stage during your seminars when you use the two-point method on them? RB: The falling down thing is just one aspect of a larger phenomenon we see a lot when people first experience continued on page 40 V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


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Richard Bartlett, DC, ND, teaches Matrix Energetics©, a consciousness technology for insight, spiritual growth and living a life unbound by the limits we have been trained to believe in. Teachable & transferable, Matrix Energetics© is accessible to everyone, from a ten-year old child to a medical professional. During this lifechanging weekend, we will learn the art of rewriting any rule of your reality about your health, your happiness, or even your understanding of what is physically possible. Richard Bartlett, DC, ND, has helped thousands of people since founding Matrix Energetics©. He is the author of Matrix Energetics: The Science and Art of Transformation (Atria Books/Beyond Words), The Matrix Energetics Experience (Sounds True), and The Physics of Miracles (Atria Books/Beyond Words).

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c u l t u r e

A New Look at

Orgasm by Susan Kuchinskas


ou may think that the pleasure of sexual climax is miracle enough. But an orgasm is even more miraculous than that. It’s an essential element of the biological and spiritual mechanism that connects us to each other and to the universe. Jerry M. Lewis, a clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School and author of “Reflections: On Relationships with Self and Others,” describes what he calls the Oneness Continuum. He says, “Starting with baseline reality, the continuum moves to aesthetic experiences (sunsets and symphonies) to romantic love. Next come numinous experiences (spiritual-religious), cosmic consciousness, and progressive trance states. The continuum ends with experiences of ‘absolute unity,’ which includes the obliteration of time and space.” I like the idea of placing these experiences on a continuum, and I’d like to expand his idea to encompass even more. The experiences Dr. Lewis describes are states of connection with something outside ourselves. I call it the Connection Continuum, and I would include many more kinds of personal connection. The Connection Continuum In our culture, we place so much emphasis on romantic love that we forget about the myriad of other connections we make with each other. Even as we go about daily life, we can enjoy moments of connection with strangers, for example, when we exchange a smile with someone we’re passing in the street or say a kind word to the person who hands us our coffee. Don’t ignore or dismiss these moments. Humans are social creatures who cannot thrive without contact with others. Each time we connect with someone else, it’s a gift of health and well-being, thanks to a chemical called oxytocin. You may have heard of oxytocin’s role in mothering. It’s essential for giving birth and breastfeeding; and at the same time, it’s responsible for the love a mother feels for her baby. Or, you may have heard it be called the cuddle hormone. In fact, oxytocin seems to play an important role in every kind of positive human

interaction. At every place on the Connection Continuum, I believe, you’ll find oxytocin. Scientists have already identified its influence in money exchanges between strangers, at the lower end of the Connection Continuum. The Real God Molecule? It makes beautiful sense that our brains use the same chemistry for the connections at each end of the Connection Continuum, from the fleeting kindness of a stranger to the deep sense of dependence and love we may feel for our mothers. What’s more amazing is that we also use this chemistry for all the other kinds of connection—with lovers, friends, pets, people we do business with, even sports teams and actors. (Scientists haven’t confirmed that oxytocin is involved in these more abstract kinds of connection, but do these connections make as much sense to you as they do to me?) At the Spirit or Oneness end of the Continuum, researchers have shown that people singing in a choir have elevated levels of oxytocin. Science probably won’t pursue oxytocin’s influence on religious experience, but I’m ready to nominate it as the true god molecule. I believe that oxytocin is the basis for the experience of merging not only with another person, but with Oneness, Spirit or God (as we know him or her). There’s one real oxytocin hotspot on the Connection Continuum: orgasm. When our bodies go into orgasm, our brains release a flood of oxytocin into the bloodstream and into the brain. Oxytocin travels through the arteries to open the blood vessels, relax the smooth muscles, and create warmth and relaxation. At the same time, it sears the brain with recognition that this other person was the source of so much pleasure. As humans evolved to be smarter and live longer, this sense of deep connection and bonding was essential for keeping a baby’s mother and father together so that they could keep their child safe and healthy. At the same time, the regular doses of oxytocin produced by the couple’s orgasms kept them healthier. Orgasm and Connection What if we reconsider orgasm itself? Instead of something that we need to get from someone else in order to feel good, what would change if we thought of orgasm as a miraculous method of connecting with another person—or even connecting with the universe? I’d like to suggest that we enlarge our definition of orgasm to include any and every experience of oxytocin. Expanding this definition can expand our range of feeling, bringing more pleasure and fulfillment into everyday life. When we enhance our ability to connect this way—every day—we can live in union with each other and the universe. Susan Kuchinskas is the author of The Chemistry of Connection: How the Oxytocin Response Can Help You Find Trust, Intimacy and Love. She offers Connection Coaching, a method that can help you develop more fulfilling patterns for love and intimacy. She is in the process of being certified as a Slow Sex Coach and Orgasmic Meditation instructor. For more information, please visit or call 510.644.2612.

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JA N UA RY 20 11

The Miracle Within by Dawn King


ticky, nocturnal humidity mingled with my desperate teenage tears. I was lying in bed and praying like I’d never prayed before. “Oh God, I can’t take another day of this tortured life! Take me away from here. Please take me back!” With difficult daily circumstances far beyond a fourteen-year-old’s control, life seemed unbearable. The limited experience of my emotional teen mind saw no conceivable end to the situation—except death. Yet a physical act against nature seemed immoral to me, so I prayed deeply and long, with all of my heart…and my prayers were heard. Silently, easily, body and soul seemed to separate. Pain ceased. Images flew past. It was as if I were traveling away from Earth, moving out towards the edges of our solar system and beyond. Planets and stars streaked by in a breathless rush. Somehow, I was simply an observer as my soul soared towards its source in eternity. Suddenly, as if I’d returned to the womb, I found myself immersed in utter darkness. But this was not a confining space. Nor was it a void. It was rich in feeling, like the deepest black velvet. I could feel that it was the epitome of Love, Life, Awareness, Peace, Bliss. I was conscious of my own small being, but felt completely safe—completely and perfectly loved—and so precious to the heart which held me. I knew I had returned to my source, the heart of God. As I enjoyed floating in eternity, it became apparent to me that Dawn’s life had purpose and value. This reunion of unknown, timeless duration so refreshed and renewed me that I awoke the next day, got out of bed, and started my life anew. My attitude was changed to the positive; I had new direction and a better understanding of life. My awareness was greater. Now I found new doors through which I could walk, doors that had been hidden from me before. I made new friends and became more fully engaged in living. Many years later I met Dr. Kenneth Ring and learned that this life-changing event was a near-death experience (NDE). Over 8 million other Americans have reported having an NDE, with numerous variations. It is common for people to include in their account that they entered a tunnel and/or saw a light. I experienced this years later in Kriya meditation, finding the same peace, love, and comfort as my initial NDE, as well as further understanding of my life and purpose. Gradually, as a teen, I took charge of my life, and circumstances responded.

c u l t u r e Although I had been a spiritually questioning person even as a child, answers were more readily forthcoming, increasingly so, as time went on. At age 21, I discovered yoga and meditation. A few years later a friend gave me “Autobiography of a Yogi” by Paramahansa Yogananda. Before finishing the book, I knew that the Kriya yoga path was for me. Once I embraced Kriya yoga it seemed as though my life was guided by unseen angels. I gave up my home and traveled halfway around the world to California in hopes of finding a living teacher of Kriya yoga with whom I could study. Miraculously, circumstances introduced me to Lizet, who had visited a farm near Santa Barbara, California called Sunburst. She gave me a glowing report of the farm, the Sunburst community, and the founder, Norman Paulsen. She said that Brother Norman had been a disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda while this great yogi lived at his ashram in Los Angeles. Norman offered new insights into the cosmic laws that bind the universe. He helped me understand how environment and habitual thoughts and actions are involved in creating the events of life. He explained the cosmic laws which are the foundation of all the world’s great wisdom traditions. I realized that making an effort to live in conscious harmony with the universe would help me successfully meet life’s challenges and find true and lasting happiness. Before Norman Paulsen and Kriya, getting along in the common corporate and social worlds was very stressful and discouraging to me. For my taste, there was too little cooperation, common respect, and courtesy, and too much back-biting and greed. From the perspective of almost 45 years of living Kriya yoga, I can say it saved my life. I can see how it helped me become a stronger, healthier, and better person who learned to live more harmoniously in this world. The Kriya meditation technique allows me, at will, to refresh and renew myself in that same Peace, Bliss, and Love which I experienced so long ago. We each want to be comfortable with who we are, how we think and act. We would like to feel good about ourselves. Yet how many of us take time to observe and consider not only how we can improve ourselves, but also how we can implement a plan to do so? We make ourselves ill by ignoring our spiritual needs. What would truly make us happier? A new car or new iPod might bring some limited joy into our lives, but building our own depth of character and gaining mental and emotional self-control is much more liberating, and can bring ultimate joy. You don’t have to experience near-death to find your heart’s desire. You are your own greatest asset; invest in and develop that asset. Each year, Sunburst offers several retreats covering the teachings of Kriya and its meditation technique. This takes place at a beautiful nature preserve near Gaviota, California. Maybe I’ll see you there. Founded in 1969 by Norman Paulsen, Sunburst is a group of people dedicated to awakening, healing, and transforming consciousness through spiritual practices and conscious living. This supportive community offers various events at Sunburst Sanctuary, in Buellton, CA, including group meditation, yoga, and private retreats. For more information, please visit, e-mail contactus@, or call 805.736.6528.

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Adrienne Abeyta presents a unique forecast blending the tarot with astrology. A gifted reader of intuitive arts, she offers private consultations and psychic entertainment for parties and events. To set up an appointment, she can be reached at 619.917.0998 or (See her ad at the bottom of the page)

Aries: Strength (3 of Pentacles) 3/21-4/19 This year will bring out the very best in you as long as you fully dedicate yourself to the experience. The potential for personal and professional success is enormous, and your vitality makes you a natural creator. Through your passion and skill, you have the opportunity to materialize your visions and plans in the world. Even if you’ve had a challenging time, this year promises reward through hard work. You may also consider working in another location or position. Now is a great time to enhance your skill set through school or other forms of training. Taurus: Lovers (Queen of Swords) 4/20-5/21 This year will be punctuated by several important decisions, each offering a glimpse into the deeper motivations of your soul. The outcome of those decisions is less important than the criteria for choosing. Don’t settle for the “right” choice until you take time to understand the layers of emotion around the issue. Justifications are easy when you focus on feelings of discomfort, fear of rejection, or anxiety about the unknown. Trust your considerable wisdom and resources. No matter what happens, if you’re honest about your intentions, there’s always another path. Look closely at a significant relationship this month—you’re overlooking something important. Gemini: World (Knight of Wands) 5/22 – 6/21 This year offers profound experiences of healing and resolution. Although the tendency may be towards material achievement—and that is likely—the real goal is waking consciousness. Beginning as an impulse for change and adventure, a building sense of passion will infuse your affairs. Take advantage of this energy to make things happen. Be mindful to stay present in your relationships and honest about your flaws. Deeper healing requires resolve of inner and outer conflicts. What you hold onto you become; you can change your world by changing yourself. Cancer: Devil (King of Wands) 6/22 – 7/22 This year will bring to light what’s been hidden in the shadows. It is always much easier to see what’s wrong and what’s right about others than to acknowledge it about yourself. In this instance, your mission is to resurrect your amazing talents and unlived potentials that have been hidden under resentments, fears, and insecurities. Take caution, however, not to become inflated or selfrighteous in this process, for the goal is to be humble and independent. Use shadowy emotions like envy, pity, craving, and dependency to point you in the direction of your personal splendor. Leo: Chariot (2 of Swords) 7/23 – 8/23 Your challenge for this year is becoming self-aware—a noble quest, indeed. This journey goes beyond superficial attempts to avoid the ego or overcome bad habits. Rather, this is a period to align your intentions with your attention: your mind and heart. Harness your mind and it will serve you; make peace with your heart and it will support you. To know yourself is to fully accept all your pieces, while reconciling the conflicts that impede your growth. Selfmastery is the first step in becoming aware. Be conscious of how you react around the Full Moon on the 18th. Virgo: Emperor (King of Pentacles) 8/24 – 9/22 Your goals for this year invite you to sharpen your sense of reality. If you aim for security, then you must create continuity in all your affairs. Although it’s not the most glamorous path, applying your skills in a deliberate and focused way will lead to manifestation of your highest vision. There’s hard work ahead, so plan efficiently. Don’t be seduced by easy solutions, nor be too proud to ask for help. This month will be filled with mundane tasks that will prepare you for the year ahead. Remember, slow and steady wins the race.

Libra: Hermit (Queen of Pentacles) 9/23 – 10/23 This New Year is a deeply reflective period in which your focus turns to the more mature requirements of life. Although ambivalence may creep in from time to time and melancholy might stop by for a visit, do not be afraid of silence. You are full of untapped wisdom waiting to be integrated into your life. The important questions shift from the material to the spiritual, shedding light on who you are, not what you do or have. Take time to be alone, find ways to honor your truth, and most importantly, surrender to the beauty of deep feeling. Scorpio: Temperance (7 of Wands) 10/24 – 11/22 This year will teach you the value of restoring balance and equanimity to your life. You will be given several opportunities to come to terms with your fears. Through courageously overcoming your challenges, you will learn to rise above external and internal conflicts to create tolerance and unity. Peace comes from using compassion to bring opposites into harmony. Fully give in to experiences and you’ll find a hidden path; remain unmoved and you will, in turn, remain the same. The end of the month brings your first lesson: one of forgiveness. Sagittarius: Fool (Ace of Cups) 11/23 – 12/21 The adventure of this year guarantees a journey with curious detours, astonishing twists, and newly found freedom. As the hero in your own myth, this odyssey will bring you closer to the true nature of your soul. There’s nothing more exciting and fulfilling than living the life you want even though there will be many lessons about trust along the way. Your travels will be guided by the spontaneity of your dreams if you can let go of rigid expectations and harbored hostilities. Your concept of security will likely be challenged and will hopefully move from being externally driven to internally directed. Capricorn: Death (2 of Cups) 12/22– 1/20 Your year promises great transformations in the realm of personal relationships and, even more profoundly, within your own emotional and spiritual development. The challenge is acknowledging how attachments prevent you from growing or going deeper within yourself. Contrary to the concept of finality, death is the doorway to immortality. Through the process of letting go, you come to value the sacredness of your relationship to life and its many facets. Be conscious of your reflection in others—you see what you want to see. Around the 4th, a relationship will begin the process of growth or decay. By the end of the month, you will know what this means. Aquarius: Empress (3 of Wands) 1/21 – 2/18 Your creative impulse will animate this year. Tempting as it is to do so, you’ll scatter your energy if you expand into too many directions. Be mindful to prioritize which projects you nurture. Your energy of confidence will bring about opportunities for new professional and personal enterprises. Notice the cycle of development, blossom, and decay. Be careful not to attach yourself to any one phase longer than is necessary. The goal is to rise above your insecurities to live life with self-assured passion. What you start this month will blossom in May. Pisces: Hierophant (10 of Swords) 2/19 – 3/20 This year you will journey through the world of your beliefs. As you explore the various landscapes searching for new meaning, you will encounter a moral quandary. Don’t look at things as this OR that, but as this AND that. What once seemed irrelevant becomes crucial to understanding yourself. It’s important to acknowledge that your justifications are excuses. Rather than getting caught up in what you should do, find meaning in your personal experiences, especially the less conventional ones. Before accepting a truth, be willing to question its source. Around the 7th, a negotiation may require giving up more than you want.

Becoming Who YOU Are! Adrienne Abeyta, Sacred - Self Coaching

Using Astrology, Numerology, & Tarot to discover the hero in your life story. Answering the questions:

• What is my purpose • What is the lesson of this challenge • When will my life look different • Where do I go from here Contact Adrienne for consultations, events, and private lessons. • (619) 917-0998 V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


JA N UA RY 20 11

c u l t u r e

The Inflections of Chi Gong Miracles


by Azrael

hen you listen to the Dalai Lama speak, you will often hear him say, “So” and then pause. ‘So’ is an inflection point where we question our existence and our selfcontained programs (our beliefs, goals, dreams, and self-imposed borders). So, we reflect on what may or may not be. Miracles? Science? The seen and unseen? Truth or fantasy? So, today we reflect on the masters and the teachers with whom we have chosen to surround ourselves. They are mirrors of the levels of our readiness to accept certain truths and unequivocal ideals in our lives. So, today we consider the possibility of a reality of a supernatural being, a superconscious being, whom some people call the Little Golden Buddha, and whom I am honored to call my friend and teacher, Master Zhou. Master Zhou is considered a national treasure of China. He was imprisoned in China because of his Chi Gong Mastery, his supernatural abilities, and because of his ability to affect and transmit this special state to others. His freedom to teach this information in the United States provides us a sign of the readiness of Americans to accept and evolve their superconscious state. Thousands of people have come to Master Zhou for healing and for learning the greater levels of Chi Gong. The Dalai Lama has come to see Master Zhou for healing himself. According to Master Zhou, the Dalai Lama often invites him to lecture and demonstrate on Chi Gong when the Dalai Lama comes to the United States. The wonderful world of Chi Gong allows a practitioner to discover and realize his or her hidden potentials. This process of self-discovery is a process of selfenlightenment which is reflected in the quality of your life and the lives around you. You could say that the world of miracles becomes a normal state for a Chi Gong Master. One such miracle is when Master Zhou creates a psychic fire with Fire Chi Gong. Note that his technology is somewhat similar to the Tibetan monks who use the Tumo breath to create an internal heat that allows the monk to sit in a bed of snow and melt the snow from his internal fire. The internal world has a direct effect on the physical scripts of our programmed reality. Master Zhou is a human being, a miracle worker, and a master. Loyalty and unbending service to the community are core values for Master Zhou. I had studied martial arts from incredible teachers for over 20 years, but ended this career because of the martial psychology of killing. I shared this with Master Zhou, and he reframed my thoughts by sharing that the primary responsibility of a Master in Martial Arts is to be a protector and healer of a community. Master Zhou begins his day healing people with Chi Gong from 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and then teaches Chi Gong from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. He does not eat or drink water or take a break during this period. He sustains himself purely on energy because of his mastery in Chi Gong. Can you imagine having boundless energy in your life? What would it mean to you if you had this level of mastery in your life, your profession, and your relationships? It is important to consider that Master Zhou is 77 years old and his body glows with a radiant golden light. Those who are able to experience this light for themselves at a workshop or healing session with Master Zhou are fortunate V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E

to experience first hand the miracles of Chi Gong. Master Zhou is in complete service to humanity and dedicates himself to this mission, in love, in joy, and in spirit. So, how many of you will accept your divine reality and experience a miraculous life through the wonderful world of Chi Gong? Master Zhou is just one of the amazing teachers who have come to us to share their knowledge. Master Zhou is not only teaching Chi Gong, but he is sharing his wisdom and knowledge of the world. Master Zhou will be celebrating his 80th birthday in 3 years and will journey to Wu-Dang Mountain in China, one of the three ancient monasteries, where his students will demonstrate the abilities of Fire Chi Gong. So, how many of us will be on that journey with him? How many of us will stop what we are doing, pause, and see the miracles that are possible within our lives? Azrael is a member of Conscious Awakenings University. For more information on the university, please visit To learn about Master Zhou and his Fire Chi Gong workshops, please contact Azrael at 951.249.0961 or 888.945.7444, or visit

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JA N UA RY 20 11

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Miracle Cures I A Conversation with Robert A. Scott by Sydney L. Murray

conic images of medieval pilgrims and the shrines they traveled to, often experiencing great hardship, is examined in Robert A. Scott’s book, “Miracle Cures.” Scott, a sociologist, was, for 18 years, the deputy directory of the Center for Advanced Study in Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University. Using research in biomedical and behavioral science, Scott examines accounts of miracles at medieval, early, modern, and contemporary shrines. The result is a new approach that bridges the often separate worlds of faith and science. Vision Magazine: What constitutes a miracle? Robert A. Scott: I am not going to be able to give you a satisfactory answer to that because what I am studying [is] what people perceive and regard and treat and define as miracles without getting into the question of what that constitutes. What I am interested in are these events that people intuitively classify in that way. I am interested in these events that become considered to be miracles, how people react to them, and the consequences that follow when that happens. VM: Do you think that there are modern day miracles? RS: There are an awful lot of people that are quite certain there are. That is evidenced by the commonality of the practice of appealing to saints for intervention in people’s lives, praying to saints, going to their shrines and so on. People by the millions do this—so is the phenomenon that I described, where my account began in the medieval period. Are those phenomena still present in everyday life? Yes,

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they are. VM: Tell me about some of the pilgrimages and shrines that you researched. RS: It began by looking at accounts that have survived from some of the major medieval sites. The records that survived are really very piecemeal, consisting almost entirely of accounts being kept by people who were called shrine keepers, mainly monks, but also priests and others, who would record accounts reported to them by pilgrims who would come to venerate saints and claim that, as a result of that veneration, they had been healed. As I looked at that and talked with people who are interested in this, they encouraged me to look at materials about more present day shrines or later post medieval shrines, such as Lourdes, Medjugorje, Fátima, or Chimayó. There I relied most entirely on studies that have been done and written accounts that have been provided. I have been to one or two of these places myself, but I am really relying on what other people have reported, historians, anthropologists, and others. I am a social scientist and I have been guided by research that is in good standing on the role of culture, belief, and emotions in helping to explain the onset, the course, and the outcome of illness. The question I am asking is, what does the evidence show about the impact that belief can have on people’s experiences of well-being? There is a lot of strong evidence to show that there is something, which is called pain analgesia. There is strong evidence to show that it can produce relief from pain and suffering, not cures for the underlying conditions, but certainly systematic relief. I am not making the claim that I am explaining what people regard as miracles. What I am saying is that what they believe are miracles are evident instances of this pain analgesia operating, and that is a well documented physiological process that has been studied pretty well to my satisfaction. VM: Did you ever come across in your research anything to do with these various sacred sites that there is any recognizable change in the energy where the people are gathered? RS: I will answer that in two ways: The research that I have looked at about the therapeutic benefits of prayer is very indecisive. There were a number of studies which claimed to show that prayer was a significant intervention and that if you had someone who was about to have surgery and people prayed for them that they did better, even if they didn’t know they were being prayed for. That was the claim, that’s now been disputed. I myself can easily see how people who are deeply religious and truly believing and appealing through prayer for relief for suffering would likely benefit from that.

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JA N UA RY 20 11

It’s very plausible for me to believe that if people are certain that whatever intervention they are trying, if they are convinced that it is going to help and work, there will be some systematic relief. VM: What role do you think confession and absolution play in the pilgrimages to these sites? RS: Historically, the practice has always been that people need to cleanse their soul, confess their sins completely so that they are approaching the saint in something approximating a state of grace [and] these confessions must be both genuine and repeating. The whole organization of pilgrimage, in the medieval period at least, basically enforced that idea. So you would go from pilgrimage church to pilgrimage church along the way where you would confess your sins and do a final confession at the saint shrine before appealing directly to the saint. There is a whole line of research that has now been done by a psychologist at the University of Texas, Jamie Pennebaker, on the affects on health of what he calls, ‘opening up,’ which is disclosing deeply held secrets that people harbor and have not shared with others. [His] initial finding was their reported number of illnesses and their use of health services at the universities went way down, but he then followed it up doing blood testing when people were undergoing this opening up process. Pennebaker found that the immune system was being activated and T-cell counts were going up. It suggests to me that people who are suffering from disorders that would benefit from the mobilization of the immune system are going to benefit by that practice. It’s not as if the practice came into being because people intuitively knew that. It’s just that one of the benefits [is] that you’ve activated the immune system. If you have people suffering from infectious disorders, which would have been very common in the medieval period, you can see why they would begin to facilitate recovery. VM: Can you tell me how “Miracle Cures” came about? RS: It began because I wrote a book about gothic cathedrals and I became fascinated with trying to understand how it could happen that societies that were so impoverished and primitive, as you would find in medieval Europe, could have produced a Canterbury or a Chartres Cathedral or other magnificent works of architecture. It just seemed implausible that this could have happened. I was trying to understand where the resources came from to pay for these cathedrals. Liquid capital was extremely scarce, [so] why did people think this was a good use of scarce liquid capital? I began looking at that and discovered that in some of these sites, pilgrims were gifting the saint as a way of incurring an obligation on his part to reciprocate. The monastic chapter then was able to accumulate these gifts and convert them to liquid capital that helped underwrite some of the building campaigns. That’s what got me wondering, why did people think this was an appropriate or worthwhile use of their own scarce resources? That’s how I started looking into these healing shrines and trying to understand why people would invest scarce resources into them. Basically the explanations I found in the books I was reading just weren’t very

h e a l i n g a r t s imaginative [and] they often attributed it to ignorant, uneducated peasants. It is hard for me to believe that a practice of this sort could continue for thousands of years based on stupidity and ignorance. So that got me thinking there must be more to it than that. VM: Did writing this book change you or your outlook? RS: Yes, I think so. What I have learned is that this aspect of human experience is not one that has been adequately appreciated or dealt with among people, as it were, from my tribe. The realm of this spiritual and human life, particularly in the domain appealing, is to me very real. It is a very important topic. I do not believe that we fully understand it, but I think that we can, and when I say we, I mean people on both sides of the divide [faith and science]. I think that a lot of social and behavioral and biomedical science can contribute to the understanding of these experiences. So there is a lot to be learned on both sides. I would like to see these results in a kind of fuller, more mature dialogue than has happened up to now. There are dialogues taking place now, but we could be doing better—developing and cultivating conversation across other domains, like biology and social sciences and religion and so on. One of the people I am most interested in reaching out to right now is Dr. Jane Shaw, the new dean of Grace Cathedral. I know her casually, but know a lot about her own thinking. She is the kind of person I would love to involve in a deeper dialogue than we have. Robert A. Scott is a sociologist who, for 18 years, was Deputy Director of the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University. He is the author of The Gothic Enterprise: A Guide to Understanding the Medieval Cathedral. The book as well as Miracle Cures is available for purchase on Amazon and www., as well as in bookstores.

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JA N UA RY 20 11

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With Every Heartbeat, a Miracle:

An Interview with Kia Scherr by Shannon Nies


n November 26, 2008, tragedy struck in Mumbai. Over a period of three days, more than 10 coordinated shooting and bombing terrorist attacks took place throughout Mumbai. Among the 175 or more people killed were Alan and Naomi Scherr, a father and daughter from Virginia, who were in India for a meditation retreat with the

alliance inspires and encourages all people to honor the oneness of sacredness of life. Vision Magazine was fortunate to interview Kia about One Life Alliance and the sacredness and miracle of life. Here is what she shared:

Vision Magazine: How has your daily life changed since the attacks in Mumbai? Kia Scherr: Everything about my life has changed on all levels. Naomi Scherr The one constant has been my daily Synchronicity Foundation. meditation practice. My day begins Kia Scherr was in Florida with family when she heard the news of her husband with meditation and has always begun and daughter. Although devastated by such a loss, she never experienced hatred or with meditation for the past 38 years. anger towards the terrorists. Instead, she turned tragedy into an unlikely positive This was a routine I shared with my Alan Scherr outcome. With Master Charles Cannon, founder of the Synchronicity Foundation husband, Alan, and when we moved to and one of the survivors of the attack, she co-founded One Life Alliance. The the Synchronicity Foundation for Modern Spirituality, I meditated every day with the resident staff members. And now I meditate on my own. It is my meditation practice, along with the guidance and support I have received from my spiritual teacher, Master Charles Cannon, who is Encinitas himself a survivor of the Mumbai terrorist attack, that has given me the strength and balance to move forward from a devastating loss. I Insurance Agency don’t think one can ever recover from such a loss, but the experience can be transformed as new life emerges from the ashes. (760) 942-5555 VM: How has this tragedy changed or influenced your perspective on the sacredness and the miracle of life? 148 N. El Camino Real KS: When life is lost so suddenly and so tragically, we value it all Encinitas the more. Life as I knew it ended in the snap of a bullet. In a sense, I died along with Alan and Naomi. But I am still here, and so who CA Lic: 0686321 do I choose to be? Who am I now? I can never take life for granted ever again. Every breath I take is sacred. Every beat of my heart is a miracle. My relationship with life has become a much more intimate San Diego's only experience. I am more fully engaged than ever before. I have been Certified Green passionately committed to living with love in every moment. VM: Could you talk about One Life Alliance? Insurance Agency KS: After receiving thousands of e-mails of love and support from all over the world in the aftermath of the Mumbai tragedy, Master Charles and I knew there was a message to be shared, a conversation about the oneness and sacredness of life that we wanted to continue with the world. The basic principle is the value for life itself. Life itself is our commonality; it is what we all share. Our message is to honor the oneness and sacredness of life in ourselves and in each other. And so, along with the other Mumbai survivors of the Synchronicity group, we co-founded One Life Alliance to create a structure around this message and to share and apply it in as many Š 2009 Allstate Insurance Company ways as possible throughout the world. V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


JA N UA RY 20 11

h e a l i n g VM: What have you been working on in Mumbai for the past few months? KS: Because the 26/11 terrorist attacks happened in Mumbai, the people here are very responsive because this event cut deep into the heart of the city and everyone felt the impact of the loss of so many lives. I have been meeting students, educators, business people, Consul Generals from different countries to invite them to join with me to take a stand to honor the sacredness of the life we all share. These times require more of a committed focus to counter-balance terrorism in all forms. VM: What do you hope to accomplish while you are there? KS: My intention is to register One Life Alliance as a charitable trust here in India so that we can receive the funding necessary to implement our programs. I also intend to create a One Life Alliance group of volunteers to carry on the focus while I am away. I will also hold the first One Life Alliance seminar, “Honoring the Sacredness of Life,” [which is] to be held in January 2011. VM: Could you talk about the memorial event that One Life Alliance held this past November 2010? KS: This was a very inspiring event in which over 300 people from all over Mumbai attended on 26/11. We have the opportunity to create a positive outcome [out of] a terrible tragedy by bringing our focus to honoring the sacredness of life. From now on, November 26 will be “Sacredness of Life Day.” We feel this is the most powerful and loving way to honor those who lost their lives in the 26/11 terrorist attacks. We invited religious leaders from Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, and Judaism to share a quote from their scriptures that expresses the sacredness of life. In truth, our beliefs are many, but we are all one human family. At the conclusion of the event, we all stood and took a pledge: “Here and now, and for the next 30 days, I will honor the sacredness and oneness of life in myself and in everyone I meet.” VM: What do you think the future holds for this organization? KS: Unlimited possibility to join together as a world family—the sky’s the limit! This is a lot more than an organization—it’s a movement that will shift our way of being and tip the scales of balance in a positive direction. VM: What led to your beliefs on compassion and forgiveness after the terrorist attacks rather than expressing anger and hate? KS: A lifetime of meditation—it’s not so much about beliefs, but about the experience of the oneness that is the essence of every human being, the essence of which is love. VM: How has this helped you get through daily life, and how do you hope this kind of compassion can help others who may or may not have had similar tragedies happen to them? KS: This experience connects me intimately to all in my world. There are no strangers. There is no ‘outside world’ for me any longer. There is only one world that we all share. When we connect to the sacred space within ourselves, our very essence, we can easily connect to it in others because it is the same essence. When we live from that space, we can do no harm. From that space we can access unconditional love, compassion, and forgiveness. This is who we truly are and to live it is to be fully human.

Kia Scherr and President Obama

Kia Scherr has been a meditation teacher for over 30 years, having taught the Synchronicity High Tech meditation program for over a decade. She is also cofounder and president of One Life Alliance. For more information on One Life Alliance, please visit V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


JA N UA RY 20 11

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The Source of Miracles

A Conversation with Kathleen McGowan by Sydney L. Murray


faith service forgiveness surrender abundance conquering obstacles

was thrilled to have come across, “The Source of Miracles: Seven Steps to Transforming Your Life Through the Lord’s Prayer”, by Kathleen McGowan because the Lord’s Prayer has been woven through my life. And to use the Lord’s Prayer as a way to experience the miraculous in my life is a gift. McGowan uses the ancient spiritual practice of walking the labyrinth to guide the reader through the process. At the center of the labyrinth is the Rose with Six Petals, and each petal of the flower corresponds to a teaching of the prayer: faith; surrender; service; abundance; forgiveness; and conquering obstacles. The center of the flower represents the essence of a wellspring of love, as love is the uniting factors in all aspects of our lives. McGowan asks readers to examine their beliefs about themselves, about God, and about their fellow human beings. She stresses that there is no such thing as instant gratification in the spiritual world. Real change requires real effort and dedication—not “fast food” spirituality. But if readers can embrace this philosophy, McGowan will guide them down the path to creating and sustaining an abundant, joyous, and fulfilling life.

Vision Magazine: How did you choose the Lord’s Prayer as a source for growth and abundance? Kathleen McGowan: It’s such a miraculous practice and every word in this prayer means something, and discovering this was earth-shattering for me. This book came about originally as a reaction to all the letters I get about my fiction. My fiction series has been popular among people of spirit, because the books take you on a spiritual journey. In the second book of my fiction series, “The Book of Love”, one of the medieval characters uses this practice, and so within the construct of this fictional character, using this practice, I started getting a lot of mail [from people] asking if this was real. The way that she is using the rose and the Lord’s Prayer is beautiful. People wanted to know, where did this practice come from, and asked, “How do I do it? “So I wrote this book originally as a reaction to readers, who wanted to know more about this practice, where it came form and how I learned about it and how we can V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E

use it in our own lives. VM: What is the six-petal process? KM: It’s based on the six-petal rose at the center of the Chartres labyrinth. In the process of writing about the labyrinth, the early Christians, and the medieval Christians, my research over the years has been very much about these medieval Christian practices that existed primarily in France and Italy, and scattered throughout Europe, that were separate from traditional Christianity. There were these hidden Christian groups 2000 years ago that are still practicing today that practice a really different type of spirituality than what was coming from Rome. It was a spirituality that was very pure, which is why they were called the Cathars, the pure ones, because they were not affected by the dogma and politics of economics and power that was coming out of Rome, their primary practice was utilizing the Lords Prayer as a daily practice. It was something that they lived. They fully believed that within those 65 words, Jesus as our master teacher gave us everything we need to know to live an inspired life in our community and the world around us. If we all lived by these principles every single day, we are creating heaven on Earth, for example, in the New Testament, when the apostles say to Jesus, teach us how to pray, and he says, “I will,” here is what you need to do, and he gives them this prayer. The idea is that these people in the Middle Ages specifically understood that this is what he was saying and that anything else was insignificant, anything else was man-made. They needed only to be focused on these words because these were the magic words. This is everything you need to know to live a perfect life. So these early Christians based their traditions on the Lord’s Prayer. They were also subsequently wiped out by the Church for doing this, and for basically practicing this prayer. Hundreds of thousands of these Christians were killed for practicing this prayer. That was the basis of my research, understanding what was going on with this practice. Jesus said, go in your room and shut the door and talk to God. He doesn’t say go to a church or talk to a priest. Go into a room and talk to God. This all became extremely controversial during a time when the Church was trying to protect its power in the Middle Ages, and therefore, that’s when Gnosticism


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became a huge threat to the Papacy and had to go away. VM: What is the definition of Gnosticism? KM: Gnostic comes from a Greek word that refers to wisdom that is known through personal experience. Gnosticism is basically having a personal relationship with the divine and allowing the wisdom to come through you personally as a result of that relationship. So it’s all about people having a one-on-one relationship with God and not having to deal with the middleman. The Gnostics were also about community. Community learning and building as the community works together to understand this wisdom and bring it into their community. That is what became ultimately threatening to the power structure [of Rome]. In “The Book of Love”, where I start to introduce this process, I write about the building of Chartes Cathedral and the building of the labyrinth. What I discovered is that these extraordinary people in the Middle Ages, are led by this Italian warrior count (who my book is about) who begins the Gothic movement and starts building extraordinary structures built in stone, so that people have a place where they can come and witness some of this information in stone, in architecture, in sculpture, and in stained glass. They are basically building books in stone in the cathedral movement, so that the average person can experience this information in a way that they would not experience it otherwise. That is when the labyrinths were first built in the Gothic cathedrals. The idea was that the pilgrims could come into these cathedrals and walk the labyrinth in prayer and in meditation as part of this practice. The big mystery has always been why does Chartres Cathedral have this six-petal rose in the center of its labyrinth? What was that for? Ultimately, my research shows that it was for this specific process of breaking the Lord’s Prayer down into six primary spiritual blessings. VM: What are those? KM: The first one is Faith, so that is petal one, Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name. Which is about exploring faith. What does faith look like to you? What does God look like to you? What is your relationship with God? When you say that piece of the prayer, it’s about contemplating and meditating on your relationship with the divine. Every single word in the prayer is important. For example, when Jesus opens the prayer with Our Father, he is saying, I am one of you, we are brothers and sisters on the path. He is not saying my father; he is saying Our Father. So each word is carefully considered. It reminds me that we are all in this together and that we are one family. The second petal, which is the most transformational, the one that I get all my letters from, is surrender. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done. That’s a tough one. It’s hard for us in modern America, because we believe that surrender is a V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E

f e a t u r e bad thing. Letting go is a bad thing and not being in control is a bad thing. Surrender is a bad word, when actually it’s about finding the ultimate liberation and peace by realizing that you are a part of something that is so much bigger [than yourself]. This idea that this is all about you is actually extremely limiting. Once you let go of this idea and then embrace that this is about all of us working together and where we all fit into this divine perspective, and that is where transformation happens. I find that specifically, when I do this in workshops with people, people who, in the last few years read and watched “The Secret” or some of these instant manifestation programs, that they have the most trouble with it because it is a little bit counter to what they have been preparing themselves for. This is the whole concept of: Ask and it is given. But this is actually missing some steps. So, what “The Source of Miracles” process asks you to do is go back and do some work before you can ask for anything you want. You can manifest, you can have anything you desire, but that is not step one, that is step four. There are things you have to do in terms of getting clear on who you are, why you are here, what you are here to do, what is the big picture before you can be clear. Because if you aren’t clear on those things you may not be asking for the right thing. I say in this book, God is better at this than you are. So when you can surrender to that [concept], instead of believing you know exactly what you want, because that is only limiting yourself. God has ways we know not of. You can’t just have this idea of isolation of wanting something; you have to be able to say that this needs to be in harmony with a bigger picture. So this surrender piece is huge, because you have to really be able to do that before you can let in everything else that is coming to you in a really healthy way. The third petal is Service, On Earth as it is in heaven. So the service petal is all about understanding that we are here to create heaven on Earth. That is what we have in our capacity. It is our job and certainly our ability to make the world a better place and create heaven on Earth, and in order to do that we have to commit ourselves to some kind of service, service that is outside ourselves, some way of making this world better. Once you have done that work then you can step into Abundance, which is petal four, Give us this day our daily bread. God will always provide you with exactly what you need and want, as long as you are on your path. Once you are connected with that flow of being part of the design process in the flow of community and service, everything opens up for you; the channels just open and the abundance comes. Petal five is Forgiveness; Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. That is a big one. It starts with ourselves. We have to forgive ourselves for our own shortcomings. That was a huge process in the Middle Ages going through the forgiveness process. Going through the lack of judging all of those things, letting go, and dealing with forgiveness and ourselves. Then the final one, and this is the one that actually gets resistance from a lot of traditional Christians is Conguering Obstacles, Deliver us from evil and temptation, because in traditional Christianity, certainly in the Evangelical world, evil is a very literal thing. I don’t believe that it is and I don’t believe that Jesus believes that it was. I think that when he talked about resisting temptation and being delivered from evil he was talking about overcoming those obstacles that continued on page 41


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f e a t u r e

Manifesting Michelangelo: The Story of a Modern Day Miracle That May Make All Change Possible

A Conversation with J.P. Farrell by Sydney L. Murray


.P. Farrell is a man of passion who believes that each one of us has latent potential waiting to be ignited, He contends that many of the great minds in history experienced challenges, obstacles and ignorance. Each one of them decided to make a change; connected to a higher source; and acted; and their actions manifested in the world and became legend. Perhaps now more than any time in history the world needs people who are committed to change in their lives and our world. I recently had the opportunity to speak to his amazing man.

I was in this meditative process and just dreaming how wonderful it would be if I could restore broken people with the same God-given artistry that I could restore this statue. And dreaming—it’s a meditative state, getting in touch with your soul’s purpose, that thing that is unique to you, and dreaming with the limitless mind of a child. I think that trinity, that combination allows our minds to think out of the box. When that happened to me, I had this light appear before me and it began to grow and looked like a little fresh water pearl. And as it exploded, it looked like a little flash, a kind of like a cloud in the fog and it just expanded. I felt it pass through the front of my forehead and through my skull, and my hair stood up. I could feel the little hairs on the back of my neck, and literally within seven seconds I had lost my sight. My vision came back a couple of minutes later, [but] it was scary because it was an experience I had never heard of. There are no people that can really help you deal with [spiritual] experiences like that. It has changed [as] there are now institutes that are saying we are beginning to embrace that the human is more than a mind [and] a body—it also has a sacred component. Some brave scientists and doctors are now stepping up and saying we need to begin to include and acknowledge that we, as men of science, don’t have all the answers and there are other components there. So that pearl of light opened up my healing capacities. VM: Can you briefly recount the five steps in your book? JP: As you know, [the five steps are] look, decide, connect, act, and then manifest. So, the first step is to look. We have five known senses [but] we are beginning to evolve from a five sense to sixth sense beings. So when I say look, you can look around you, you can use your eyes to look outside of you. Or you can close your eyes, sit at home, and look deep inside of your psyche—look inside your emotions—and look for that little seed for something inside of you. Some people say that that’s the purpose for being. After [you] find this—purpose, reason—you can’t just sit there on your pearl and meditate on it and count on the law of attraction, because if you just sit there, not much is going to happen in my opinion. All the great manifestors throughout the world who have overcome great obstacles and who basically manifested on the miraculous level had decided to do something about it. One of my favorite role models of this was Rosa Parks. She sat on that bus and was told that she had to move, and in her heart she knew that was wrong. Maybe the law of man said it was right, but she knew with her heart that the laws of man were less than perfect. So she made a decision that she was not going to say yes to ignorance. So, she [Rosa Parks] made a decision—that’s step two. Step two is making that decision that you are going to do something about it. As all great journeys begin, they begin with the first step. When Martin Luther King

The most beautiful and profound emotion we can experience is the sensation of the mystical —Albert Einstein

Vision Magazine: What is the Michelangelo effect? J.P. Farrell: The Michelangelo effect, or the Michelangelo phenomenon, is that we can tap into the transformative force that allows the miraculous [and] the capacity to do the miraculous. Michelangelo said, “Beauty is art which, brought with us from heaven, will conquer nature, so divine a power.” What I perceive he meant is if we can connect to the transformative force and be [a] conduit of that and we can connect to that, then we can J.P. Farrell manifest the miraculous. Michelangelo did it through his art. I am a believer that all these things are possible. If we take what we are made of, our minds and intentions, and we allow this to create oneness with the field—call it a higher power, call it God, call it what you will—our intentions connected with a transformable force will make us unstoppable. It will give us the potential to manifest in the world the thing that our hearts desire and our consciousness decrees. We are all born with something within us that makes us special. They say that every lock has a key—we are all like little keys, we are all separate. Not all of us can be great musicians or great healers, but we may write a great book, or we may find a cure for something, or we may create a beautiful piece of art, or we may dance, or we may play music. Those little gifts that we leave to humanity can raise the collective consciousness of humanity. VM: Can you let our readers know about the pearl of light you describe in your book? JP: I told my mother she should pick up meditation. She said, “Oh, well maybe I don’t do your style, but when I am gardening and running my hands through the earth, that’s my meditation. When I am gardening I am so involved in the act of the gardening that it frees my mind up to dream and play, like the mind of a child. I can just relax because I am engaged in working on my tomato plants.” So when I was working on this broken church statue and my hands were busy carving a new nose for this statue that I was commissioned to restore, it freed my mind, and as my mind was free I was able to soar with the undiminished imagination of a child. And the door of heaven opened up and answered me. In that moment of sitting there, [I remembered] my childhood desire that I had when I was four years old and my dad [who] was a firefighter was injured in a fire. I went to the hospital and saw my dad broken, lying on a bed. He couldn’t come home, and the doctors had no solution. I said to myself I would love to some day be able to restore broken people. V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


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was faced with the majority that embraced a philosophy of ignorance, he said, “My eyes have seen the coming. I may not get there, but you don’t need to see the top of the stairs to get there. All you need to do is take that first step.” The next step is to connect. We all have this capacity to connect. To connect simply means to allow our being, to allow that spiritual dynamic within our body, to extend beyond the barrier, the periphery of our skin, and to connect or create a union with the collective consciousness or the field of transformative force. This field of the spirit exists and permeates the world, and all we need to do is to allow our capacity to tap into this. Once we connect with this transformative force, then we are connected. It’s like having a tool. When I was a child we had a small lot of land, and we had a lawn mower [which] was electric. You looked at the lawn mower and it looked like a powerful thing, but it didn’t do anything to do. But that cord, once it was connected to the current, it could go out there and do its job. The next step is to act. So you looked around, decided, and connected to the force. You now are connected and your engines are revving, and then you act. What I have found, as I go back and look at them [the manifestors], they all said you have to draw on something for support, and when you draw on this, you are unstoppable. And there are also different laws, like in contemporary society we call it the law of attraction, but there are these laws, these spiritual phenomenon laws that, if we do link up our heart’s desire, and we take a step, what happens is the universe begins to align and conspire with us, and to finally orchestrate things. I think it is the most profound thing in the world. The manifestation [the fifth step] is when you deliver to the world your masterpiece. That masterpiece can be anything, like when my mother creates Thanksgiving dinner. That is her little legacy. Like Rosa Parks’ legacy. That dropped a little stone into the collective ocean of humanity that ripples around the world to allow change to happen. Or like the American Revolution or the Civil Rights movement. In my book there are two central characters; first, there’s me. I was born with ADD and my dream since I was four was to do something in healthcare to restore people’s bodies, to leave some kind of legacy. The second person was Sammy. He was a child born with a terrible genetic facial disorder. Since he was a child he had this crazy dream to be an actor. Here is little Joey, with ADD, labeled by his guidance counselor that he was an underachiever and that he would never achieve his dream of working in healthcare. At the end of the book, I go from being told to abandon my dreams and that I will never be able to achieve my dream to 2008, being recognized for my work in healthcare and getting an endowment from a United States Ambassador for my work in healthcare (and working with a team of Ivy League physicians to advance healthcare). Then we looked at Sammy, and Sammy worked with me. He has had 35 surgeries on his face when we met; it was a mess. It was beyond anything that science could help. When we met I don’t know who got the larger blessing, myself or him. After I worked with him, he [became] a working actor and [is now] living his bliss. Because we documented the transformation of his disfigured features in his face to make them look very attractive and articulated, we are standing on a precipice where science will be forced into looking at the body of evidence that exists. We can no longer ignore a body of evidence that is as obvious as the nose on your face. We are standing at a point where all these books are coming at [us] saying that we as humans have a latent potential to manifest on the level of the miraculous and if we ignite that V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E

f e a t u r e potential, we will manifest (for ourselves, our family, and humanity) on the level of the miraculous. There was a book written two years ago called “The Lost Symbol” by Dan Brown. In this book, sometimes truth follows fiction and Brown says that within a matter of years modern man will be forced to accept what is now unthinkable. Our minds can generate the energy capable of transforming physical matter. The particles react to our thoughts, which means our thoughts have the power to change the world. I opened the book with wonderful anticipation. This book was written to inspire you. I have always been a fan of Dr. Albert Schweitzer, and he left a quote that said, “The good that men do is small in amount compared with what men and women bear locked in their hearts to unbind what is bound, to bring the underground waters to the surface: mankind is waiting and longing.” I think it is a great time to be alive. It is a time when people are going to step up and start to realize that they are just more than material beings and they are going to begin to connect with so much more. This is the theme that we are seeing in all of these great movies, [such as] “Avatar” [and] “The Matrix.” This is what I say when I am lecturing; I always say we must forget, so that we may remember. You have to forget the false limits that you have been told, the false limits that tell you that you are limited. I speak to a lot of educators, and tell them children are so much more conscious now. They know there is something more. I think there is a hunger in the hearts and the heads of children. Although they are amused and satisfied by consumer technology and toys, they know there is something more than a little consumer gadget. I think that this is indicative in all the wonderful movies—“The Sorcerer’s Apprentice,” “Harry Potter”—that speak about the miraculous, and it seems to resonate and touch something, [a] latent, forgotten truth that is lying dormant in the psyche in the children of the world. They know that there is something there. We are living at a great time where people are going to realize the wonderful potentials. VM: Tell me about the Global Health Institute. JP: In the year 2000, I had made a discovery that intention connected to the transformative force, if focused, could act as a laser to literally alter human tissue all across a wide depth of areas. Doctors from Harvard and Georgetown Universities started coming to me and saying, I’ve heard this urban legend that there is a person that can manifest on the level of the miraculous. They said I want to come and see if it is something that works, so if possible, I can refer patients to it. After I met the scientists and physicians, one of the professors from Harvard said to me, J.P. this is more important than helping one person, because the fact that our thoughts or that humanity has a latent capacity to actually alter matter has a bigger impact in the world, it has a bigger effect than just treating the individual. It has implications on a societal level. So we presented this work in Cambridge and what happened was the scientists said that they would be responsible for this, and then the School of Divinity said that this was in the realm of divinity. Then the people in medicine said that this was in the realm of medicine. So my mentor said that we should get together with a team of like-minded kindred spirits that are passionate about seeing the integration of healthcare to embrace spirit with surgery to create the new emerging healthcare. We do it like all great discoveries are done. We decided at that moment to draft the mission statement for The Global Health continued on page 44


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CRYSTALS CRYSTALS, CRYSTALS, CRYSTALS Crystals not only beautify the home, these natural conductors and receptors of vital energy also activate specific energy centers (chakras) to manifest positive effects in the body’s vibrational system. The Imagine Center has an amazing assortment of Amethyst, Apophollite, Black Tourmaline, Blue Calcite, Carnelian, Clear Quartz, Fluorite, Honey Calcite, Kyanite, Labordorite, Lapis, Moldavite, Rainbow Obsidian, Rose Quartz and Smokey Quartz to select from. Come in and see which of our crystals want to go home with you. 18635 Ventura Boulevard, Tarzana, CA 91356. Check us out online at or by phone at 818.345.100.

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DATING SPIRITUAL SINGLES: The largest, conscious dating site on the Internet. Dating & Events in Southern California. Free to join, browse & send “hellos”. Your soul mate awaits…join today. www.SpiritualSingles. com 01.11 EDUCATION AKASHIC RECORDS PRACTITIONER TRAININGS: Learn to read the Akashic Records for yourself and others. Access the vibrational dimension of your Soul’s journey through lifetimes for guidance, healing, creative evolution. One-weekend certification trainings in LA or Las Vegas. Private readings also available. Barbara Schiffman, 818.415.3479, www., AkashicLA LIFESHAPES CLASSES - continuing education for nurses, acupuncturists and NCBTMB. Biodynamic Craniosacral, Natural Facial Rejuvenation, EFT Synthesis and more., 951.677.0652, 12.10 PROFESSIONAL LICENSE & CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS: Massage Therapies (MT), Nutrition, Herbology, Holistic Health Practitioner (HHP), Naturopathic Practitioner (NP), Aromatherapy, Spa Therapist, Yoga Instructor, Somatics & Movement Therapist, Energetic/Vibrational Healing, Thai Massage, Lomi-Lomi/ Hawaiian Healing Arts, Counseling Skills, Sports Therapist & Performance Enhancement, Oriental Therapies, PLUS NEW DISTANCE LEARNING OPTIONS! Natural Healing Institute, Encinitas, 760.943.8485. Licensed school! Private consultations also available. Steve Schechter, N.D., H.H.P., Director. 01.11


JA N UA RY 20 11

HAWAII VISITING MAUI? Visit MauiVision. net first! Explore our magazine’s extensive body, mind and spirit events listings and community resources. To order a sample copy call 808.669.9091, or e-mail 03.11 HEALING NOT ACHIEVING YOUR MONEY GOALS? This two-session workshop “Removing Your Money Blocks” is designed for those who can’t seem to attract or keep the money you want. Theta Healing expert Tamara Oviatt will de-program limiting subconscious beliefs about money that are holding you back from achieving your financial goals, and will realign your beliefs for abundant flow. November 6 and 13 from 1-4pm at The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd, Tarzana, CA, 91356. $53 single session; $95 both sessions. Register at 818.345.1100 or online at BOTTLE FULL OF MIRACLES Your Eternal Essence is a personalized blend of essential oils intuitively bottled to match your perfect vibration. $20. annbliss1@





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WHOLESALE CRYSTAL, NATURAL JEWELRY AND GIFT COMPANY is looking for enthusiastic sales person and for Orange County/Southern California. Also looking for book keeper/sales assistant. We are building a conscious business. The ideal candidate would have metaphysical knowledge and respect for crystals. Must have own vehicle. Will train. Call Michael 310.335.9995. 02.11

CREATE A DIRECT CONNECTION TO THE DIVINE with Katie Weatherup. Soul Retrieval sessions and classes in Shamanism, Rieki and Munay Ki, Free Power Animal reading at www. 619.518.7658. 04.11 HEALth


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SEEKING PRACTICING PSYCHIC. The Imagine Center, the premier metaphysical retail service center in LA’s West Valley, has an opening for a practicing psychic reader. If you have well developed psychic and intuitive skills and are available to serve on Wednesday’s 10a.m. – 7p.m., send your bio/resume to info@ Check us out at to familiarize yourself with our products and services and our culture of service for the greater good of all. 01.11 HErbs SAN FRANCISCO HERB & NATURAL FOOD CO. Fremont, CA 94538 The ultimate source for Herbs, Spices and Teas. All spice blends are prepared inhouse, salt-free. NO additives MSG and non-irradiated. ALL NATURAL! We have spices in bulk by LB and TON ready for you. Call toll free 800.227.2830 and website: 01.11

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JA N UA RY 20 11







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JA N UA RY 20 11

PERSONAL GROWTH LEARN A PRECISE METHOD OF AWAKENING a precise method of Awakening. Discover a Living Intelligence that unfolds Meaning. Weekly Classes Forming. Call Bill Edwards at 619.755.2337. 01.11 psychic

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PSYCHIC SUPPORT SOMETHING MISSING IN YOUR LIFE? Assistance may await you at The Imagine Center, the West Valley’s premiere metaphysical and spiritual service center. Our psychic readers act as a bridge to the authentic you, empowering self-knowledge, confirmation and affirmation. We help you make wise choices to manifest your dreams and goals by serving as a conduit to your Higher Self, delivering messages from your soul to your conscious mind. Our spiritual healers hold the space for your natural healing power to emerge to cleanse, purify, rebalance and renew your mind, body and spirit. Use our online appointment calendar at or call 818.345.1100 to book an appointment, today! Service hours are Tues-Fri 10a.m.-7p.m., Sat & Sun 11a.m.5p.m. (closed Mondays). The Imagine Center is located at 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana, CA 91356. Walk-ins welcome.




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JA N UA RY 20 11


Yogi Miracle Workers: An Interview With Tej Kaur Khalsa by Nelly Coneway


hree years ago I was in a terrible car accident and I couldn’t walk for a long time. The doctors gave me grave diagnoses and I underwent three surgeries and painful physical therapy. What kept me going was the loving support of my Teacher, Tej Kaur Khalsa. She gave me hope when there was none and taught me about prayer’s power to heal and create miracles. In Sanskrit, “Tej” means radiance, and she embodies it. Her presence bestows love, grace, security, calmness, and inspiration for the future. I am grateful for the blessing to have studied with Tej for the last seven years and for her exclusive interview for Vision Magazine. Vision Magazine: What is the most miraculous event in your life? Tej Kaur Khalsa: While at college, I kept seeing signs posted all around campus: “Yoga as a Form of Therapy.” I was studying Psychology so I became interested, and when I read further, it said a professor was running an experiment for his PhD thesis. I decided to sign up as a volunteer, and was given a three-month yoga course, to which I was to go to a local ashram to take on the following Wednesday night. Never having taken any yoga training before, I was intrigued. I had to find someone to drive me as I didn’t have a car, and a friendly student


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dropped me off at the location and drove off. I walked to the address, and much to my shock, everyone was dressed in funny white clothes with turbans and I, a timid young girl from the Mid-West, wanted to run away, but my driver had already left. Having no other choice, I became brave and walked in, and was greeted by a person registering everyone. I asked if I could speak to the teacher to ask for a ride home that night. She pointed to a man standing at the far end of the room. He was praying in front of an altar. I walked to him and waited patiently, the whole time my mind screaming anxiously, “I want to go home.” I was very nervous. The man turned around to face me, and standing about five feet from him, trying to keep my distance, I started to speak. All of a sudden, from nowhere, something came at me and hit me very hard across my face. I was quite stunned and looked around, but there was no one near me, nothing was near me; there was nothing, nothing, nothing whatsoever around me. My mouth was wide open in shock. I was so amazed at all this that I was absolutely speechless. I kept staring at the man thinking perhaps he was the cause of all this, but he was too far away to even be able to touch me. I stared at him. He stared at me. We just looked intently at one another. He was very peaceful and calm and finally said in a very gentle voice, “Yes?” I asked for a ride home finally after choking on my words for a few moments. He calmly replied, “We’ll ask after class. People will be more receptive then.” I sat down and decided to stay. As the class went on, I started to realize that the incident was a way of something greater than me telling me to, “Shut up and listen.” After that incident, I decided to listen very carefully to whatever this yoga had to ‘tell’ me, and it definitely has altered, uplifted, and changed my life in a very major way. VM: What miracle changed your life in the most amazing way? TK: I feel the miracle of meeting my Teacher Yogi Bhajan and being allowed to study with him on this path was the most important for me. It was a miracle that he gave me many tests along the way and I was able to try and ‘keep up,’ often stumbling along the way, but that he never left me in the rut of my own negativity and somehow kept encouraging me to keep going, is one of the greatest miracles that ever happened to me throughout all my lifetimes. It is one of the most loving miracles. VM: What miracle saved your life? TK: Again at college, I was riding my bike along the campus gardens after a


JA N UA RY 20 11

n cafe

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“The more humble we become, the more the flow of God can happen through us. This is the best miracle we can create through us.”—Tej Kaur Khalsa

yoga class I had been taking at the campus YMCA. In my mind I had a beautiful mantra and song going, and I felt very happy and peaceful. I came to a cross walk and the light indicated ‘walk,’ so I kept riding my bike from the street across the crosswalk, without a care in the world. Suddenly from nowhere a car rounded the corner and came straight at me, at what seemed to me to be 35 miles an hour. It was a young college student in a convertible, and as it flew at me, I thought, “Wow.” Within a split second, however, the car, without a noise, without an effort on anyone’s part, just stopped. Dead stopped in the middle of the street. I felt the fender of the car gently press against my calf as I whizzed past it, and when I reached the sidewalk I stopped. I turned around the looked at the driver. His mouth was wide open in shock. I had the realization that I had been ‘saved.’ Later I learned that the yogic teachings say at least four times in your life you confront death. The fifth time, you usually go. VM: Mantras create different states of mind. Which mantras would you recommend for miracles? TK: We in the western hemisphere have been trained to dedicate our yoga centers to the spirit of Guru Ram Das, the fourth Sikh Guru. His energy is one of healing, serving, and helping others in a very regal and royal way. We stand tall and graceful and carry our service with his grace running through us. There are two mantras which help to bring his miracles onto the earth. One is [called] “Dhan Dhan Ram Das Gur,” known as the Mantra of Miracles. And the second, which I love, as it is very devotional and calls upon Guru Ramdas as well as his teacher, Guru Amar Das, is called “Ardas Bhayee.” It clears the person’s psyche so no negativity can exist. The word ‘Ardas’ means prayer; it offers your prayers to these two divine saints which reside on the level of the highest Blue Ethers. VM: Practicing Kundalini yoga improves health and vitality, opens all your senses, increases intuition and awareness. For the “ordinary” person, these are all miracles, but for you this is a daily experience. Tell us more about the miraculous powers of Kundalini Yoga. TK: During the Piscean [astrological] Age, many of us were trained not to see our souls manifesting in our personalities. We were taught a more limited version of ourselves, and inherited a lot of fears and doubts. Kundalini yoga and meditation opens the inherent spiritual force which exists in every person. It opens your Kundalini in you. This spiritual force, which is gently and subtly allowed

to expand its reach through a person’s body, mind, and awareness, can erase the karmic imprint from a person’s body, right down to the cellular level. It helps lift old memories and emotions that were previously stored as tension. As a person is ‘freed’ from the previous shadows within, they have more energy and intuitive knowing. It’s almost like a light switch goes off in many people. It’s truly amazing how people grow and how much better they feel. But you have to practice, and you have to continue to practice. VM: The human being is the Creator of his or her own destiny—would you agree? If so, then we not only believe in miracles, but also create them? TK: The best way is to become a Humble Flow. Everything is God’s Grace. Everything is a Flow of the Divine. The more humble we can become, the more the flow of God can happen through us. This is the best miracle we can create through us. Then God’s magic can happen around us. VM: Yogi Bhajan created miracle workers like Yogi Bhajan you, Teachers of Kundalini yoga, who have helped and changed the lives of millions. What is your favorite Yogi Bhajan saying? TK: “If You Can’t See God in All, You Can’t See God At All.” I really believe we train ourselves to see the Divine play in all that happens around us. That includes the good, the bad, the miserable, and the joyful. Everything has to be seen as God’s play, otherwise you don’t see God’s play at all. VM: You have studied and served your teacher Yogi Bhajan, a living Master, for over 30 years, and probably witnessed many miraculous events around him. Please continued on page 44

Spring Renewal Weekend

April 22-24, 2011 Renew your body, mind and soul with guided meditations, energizing exercises, simple meals, music and good fellowship. Refresh your spirit in the natural beauty and tranquility of Sunburst Sanctuary. Please contact us for more information and donation suggestion. The Sanctuary is located 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, California. Email: (805) 736-6528 V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


JA N UA RY 20 11

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Miracle Skin Transformer


don’t have much patience for make-up, but at the same time I like to look pulled together and stylish. Luckily for me I was introduced to Miracle Skin Transformer, a product that is truly unique. It’s good for you and feels amazing on your skin.

Simple and easy to use, it actually improves the texture of your skin. Founder and CEO Sarah McNamara does it all. With 15 years of beauty industry experience behind her, and a busy mom of two young boys, Sarah continually found that people from various backgrounds—business women, fashionable socialites, athletes, teens, stay-at-home moms, mature ladies, and even men—desired a premium product that hydrated, enhanced, and protected skin and was an all-in-one, easy-to-use, time-saving application. Noticing a gap in the market, Sarah spent years formulating Miracle Skin Transformer, a complete breakthrough, proprietary formulation that puts beauty and protection at your fingertips. It’s an amazing three-in-one treatment moisturizer with SPF 20. Miracle Skin Transformer is the latest multi-functional breakthrough formulation to enhance skin tone and hydrate and protect skin in one long-lasting, one-step application, leaving skin smooth, luminous, and air-brushed in seconds. Miracle Skin Transformer pumps the skin with natural ingredients for anti-aging benefits, beginning with Saw Palmetto berries, an all-natural, lipophilic (fat-dissolving), active ingredient that is rich in phytosterols to moisturize and soothe the skin. Next, the product utilizes passion fruit, a natural ingredient derived from India that’s rich in Omega 6 (fatty acids), to penetrate deeply into skin to deliver incredible nourishment, hydration, and moisturization. Adding Coenzyme Q10 helps with elasticity and firmness while increasing cell renewal. Vitamin K helps diminish vascular conditions such as dark circles, Rosacea, and broken capillaries. Vitamin A rounds out this product as a powerful skin energizer that improves wrinkles and may help promote the production of skin-building compounds. Another unique ingredient is Ecophysalis, a natural plant extract found in the Brazilian rainforest, which acts as an environmental shield to immediately reduce the redness and inflammation associated with stress, pollution, and climate extremes. Finishing out this incredible product is Vitamin E with an SPF 20 UVA/UVB protection in a lightweight, oil-free formula that has been tested using FDA guidelines and regulations. Beyond these healthy components, this product feels like velvet as you apply it to your face to cover imperfections, leaving a smooth, matte finish for an even, younger looking complexion. Seven shades means that you can look both natural and beautiful, and with all of the benefits, it’s almost as if you are getting a facial every day! Visit for more information or to order this great product. – SLM


n addition to bringing peace to millions of lactose intolerant tummies, Green Valley Farms are doing their part to bring peace and balance to the planet. Their farms and creamery are Certified Organic. This means they always use organic farming practices. The cows are free-range; most of the year they enjoy a peaceful life grazing on green grass under the blue Sonoma sky. Their grain and hay are never genetically modified. No growth hormones are ever used on their cows, and BST is never used to increase milk production. They believe in the natural approach, whether they’re raising milk cows or culturing yogurt. Green Valley cows have ample space, shelter, and gentle handling. They receive plenty of fresh water and a healthy diet free of antibiotics or hormones. Since the quality of dairy products depends on the quality of care the cows receive, the Certified Humane® label lets you know that Green Valley Organics™ is the finest yogurt or kefir you can buy. Taste them, serve them, and you’ll feel good about them. I loved the honey yogurt and the Açai Blueberry Pom kefir! Staying healthy was never so easy. Then move your taste buds on to Redwood Hill Farm and Creamery and their amazing yogurts and cheeses. Their goat cheese is Video and Multimedia Advertising sublime. Redwood Hill Farm cheeses are made from 100% fresh grade A goat milk. Certified TELL YOUR STORY AND kosher and made with vegetable enzymes, natural sea salt, and imported French cheese ADVERTISE IN A NEW WAY! cultures, their cheeses are handmade in small batches in the tradition of artisan farmstead cheese making. Cheese maker Jennifer Bice’s unique and delicious, award-winning cheeses are a favorite According to the Wharton School of Business, of chefs, and her world class artisan goat milk cheeses are on the menus of some of the ACKAGES: Video/DVD brochures increase memory finest restaurants in the Basic country. retention by approximately 50% and expedite ·Full HD package; Goat cheese, like goat buying decisions by 72%. milk, is easier on the equipped with lighting human digestive system Through the expertise of our video, internet and if needed and lower in calories, cholesterol, and fat than design teams we can, at an affordable price, reach ·30-60 second video its bovine counterpart. those target customers you need to further your ·3-4 hour video shoot In addition, goat milk business. ·6-8 hour edit cheese is rich in calcium, protein, vitamin A, ·minimal graphics Packages beginning at the low price of $999 and vitamin K, phosphorus, ·HD camera niacin, and thiamin. vary including: video, graphic design and social I loved their fresh networking. chèvre in both Garlic Chive and Three Peppercorn. And the feta was amazing in salads and added bold flavor to whatever dish I used it with. These products were amazing for the More packages Phone: 619.294.2393 • Toll Free: 866.804.8444 holidays and are real treat for everyday healthy living. available upon Email: Visit or for more information on these request!!! Web: great products. –SLM

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JA N UA RY 20 11

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Opening Doors to Alternatives For Health and Wellness


ow in its 23rd year, Body Mind Spirit Expo has become the largest techniques to intuitive readings extending advice to those seeking enlightenment health and wellness expo in the United States. With a presence in regarding their current life course. numerous states, Body Along with over 50 exhibitors, Mind Spirit creates an arena for the two days of the expo will the general public to increase feature 40 free lectures including their knowledge of alternative topics on the power of crystals health and metaphysical topics. and guided healing meditations. The expo opens doors that may Weekend admission of $12 not be readily available in many includes all lectures and demos cities around the country. Expo as well as admission to the founder Steve Strickland hopes exhibit hall. Come rejuvenate! that by providing these venues, Get a massage, explore, and those in search of change will open yourself to new ideas and be inspired and enabled to take familiar revelations, or shift your charge of their own well-being. perspective altogether. The expo He encourages taking a skeptical offers a safe environment for approach to the metaphysical growth and exploration, so mark ideas presented, while remaining your calendars for February 5-6. open to the possibilities that will See you there! unfold. “We live in a much larger world than we normally think Body Mind Spirit Expos are a national series of expos which about,” says Strickland, “and emphasize holistic health and personal growth. They strive to continually provide skepticism takes a backseat when we see things proven.” Originating in Ashland, Oregon in 1986, Body Mind Spirit has always positive, informative events that contribute to the metaphysical and alternative health maintained an equal emphasis between national holistic topics and local presenters. communities. For more information on the Body Mind Spirit Expo in San Diego, CA, As the company evolved into Body Mind Spirit Expos (BMSE), the awareness please visit or call Marcella at 541.482.3722. of its venues grew, and the expos are now presented semi™ annually throughout the West, East, and mid-western states. In Energetic Cosmetic™ Skin Spray the coming year, BMSE looks Revitalizes “water of youth” in skin forward to many exciting events Professional Graphic Design, from coast to coast. Restores luster and smoothness ECO/GREEN Printing Of Any Quantity Coming to San Diego for the Improves skin elasticity by up to 50% The Best Prices For These Economic Times 11th year on February 5-6 at the Doubletree Hotel in Mission Valley, BMSE will bring to life Age Defying Youthful a positive, healing environment. Beauty That Improves Sample price: Here they have gathered the ring with Every Bottle spi f in t & o best from your community g h5000 FULL COLOR n g i i ins ven and joined them with others n e ation, ges... ya OR Your njo nvers xchan4x6 postcards - $200 e from throughout the country e nd co ve e a kers, idea i Money Back! t m (that includes tax!!!) c Co spea ative l l e out to provide the essential tools for C o as ab cre n e e v io d t t i are I ova m discovering overall health and n ea h C r to S nd In -8p h v e ctive ility a e: 6 ont s si e ab im well-being. ll s m THE AGELESS SECRET is the Energetic Cosmetic T o s r e y C stain ach pre 03 og nit u P r mmu ity, S of e’s ExCA 92.1com that helps recreate that healthy, youthful glow. Body Mind Spirit exhibitors A o ativ y C a , e A Cre esd ture Diego azin introduce the tools necessary This all natural and organic product restores skin edne: Nae) San ionmag W c c is 2nd Plae (at Quinalon@v luster and smoothness and reconditions and tones for achieving full body wellness. te: u 3 s n Da e Av .239 muscles to give long term results. th 4 Retail exhibitors will offer 9 5 .29 294 619 everything from natural and Results further enhanced by LED Beauty Light. holistic health products to For more information about THE AGELESS SECRET 619.294.2393 spiritual books and enlightened Call Paula or Jim at art. There will also be healers 888.424.4247 or 760.341.2255 who provide treatments ranging from massage and yoga



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JA N UA RY 20 11

h o l i s t i c b u s i n e s s iracles. They’re everywhere. In hindsight it seems so easy to see them. However it’s trusting in the process itself while they’re unfolding that’s the challenge. I’d like to tell you a little story about a house, our by Marta house, to be exact. So the miracle, which seems obvious, is that we are blessed to have found such a beautiful spot to live in. The question, however, is how did we come to be here in the first place? And that, my friends, is where this story begins. Early one morning, the car that I was riding in was broadsided, crushing my seat down to the space of about 12 inches and crushing my torso with it. I broke all the ribs on the right side, both my collarbones snapped in half, I fractured my right hip, broke my pelvis on both sides, and broke my tailbone. My spleen was ruptured, my liver perforated, my esophagus torn, and both lungs collapsed. The first time they ‘lost’ me was on the scene at which time they called in air support to get me to the hospital more quickly. I flat lined on the air evacuation crew twice more, and was code blue on arrival. So there I was, in a coma after dying three times, on life support, and not expected to make it through the night; all of this only 45 days before my wedding. 45 days! Well, four days and one near death experience later, I made the decision to return. I surpassed all estimates for recovery, going from barely surviving to getting married on time (and actually standing for the ceremony). The doctors couldn’t understand the rapid healing, but my husband and I just laughed; and on that note we started our new life together, not yet fully understanding why this had transpired. Three months later, my new husband collapsed right in front of the nurse during a routine checkup. Subsequent testing during the following five days in the hospital discovered acute kidney failure, and he was told that he would need to be on dialysis. After rejecting that diagnosis as just not going to happen, he was able to reverse the failure with our newly gained skills as Reiki Masters (one of our


Miracles Are All Around Us

wedding presents to each other). Again the doctors couldn’t understand what had happened and again we just laughed. Not only was I on the hospital’s official Miracle list, my husband was being written up in one of the Mayo Journals, Moerch since kidneys just don’t heal themselves like that. But this particular story is about our house. Now before we got married, we had created a plan. Our goal was to build a log B&B on some land we had, retire early, and watch the sun set from matching rockers on our deck. However, after both of us literally got smacked upside the head with our respective accidents, we finally realized that Someone Upstairs was trying to tell us something and that we were being handed a gift. Our way was being made clear to start over from scratch much sooner than we had originally anticipated. So we put our house on the market, our land up for sale, and started looking for other, less expensive property where we could build our dream. (We still hadn’t gotten the full picture, but at least we were moving in the right direction). We were led to a beautiful spot almost immediately, feeling the draw to the area as we drove in. We found a parcel that we liked but were having a hard time making up our minds. We actually drove back three times, and on each visit, our realtor would point to a house that was for sale off in the distance and tell us she thought it was right for us. We’d look over and disagree, since it was a Santa Fe and we still had a mental picture of a log home with wrap-around porches and rocking chairs. Finally, after she told us on the third visit that she had dreamt about us in that house we gave in and agreed to see it. Our plans changed in the blink of an eye; we had an offer on the table that afternoon and three weeks later it was ours. The final miracle of this story is that, if we hadn’t had what the average person would call tragedies befall us, our timeline wouldn’t have stepped up and we never would have been looking for property at the very time that this home became available. We have grown so much while here and in turn feel that we also have contributed back to the growth of the area. This now has become part of our life path, and yet we also feel very strongly that we’re being led forward again. This time, very wisely I might add, we are much more in tune to Spirit and won’t quite need the same level of intense ‘nudging’ as before. So, as for miracles being all around us? Sometimes being in the totally wrong place at the wrong time can turn into the most miraculous event of all. Recognize Spirit in everything that happens and miracles will unfold before your very eyes. Open your eyes to possibilities everywhere. Remember we have chosen a destination, not the path; and it’s the path that continually changes. If we trust in Spirit and live through each experience to the fullest, expecting great things, then that’s when Life itself turns into one great big miracle. Marta Moerch is a writer currently living in the countryside of Northeastern Arizona and continually celebrates the miracle of being able to walk, dance, and run whenever she feels like it! Marta can be reached at

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JA N UA RY 20 11

rentals RENTAL AT EYE OF BUDDHA. Rent upstairs meeting room for meeting,meditation or yoga classes. Also check for BUDDHA SUTRA Studies, Qi Gong going on every week. Call for info. 619.296.1150. 4247 Park Blvd. S.D. CA 92103. 03.11 RETAIL & SERVICE CENTER THE IMAGINE CENTER in Tarzana, CA offers intuitive readings, aura photographs/ analysis, and retail merchandise for spiritual enrichment and personal empowerment. Offering includes books, candles, incense, jewelry, statuary, tarot/ oracle cards, plus an extensive collection of crystals and stones. Retail store hours: Tuesday–Friday 10a.m. to 7p.m.; Saturday and Sunday 11a.m. to 5p.m.; closed on Monday. Call 818.345.1100 or visit online at for info on classes and special events and to schedule services. The Imagine Center is located at 18635 Ventura Boulevard, Tarzana, CA 91356. Walk-ins welcome. sacred travel EGYPT STARGATE SPRING EQUINOX March 12-24, 2011 Powerful transformational journey. Heart activation ceremony within the Great Pyramid for Equinox. 5-star Moon Goddess Nile Cruise & hotels with many extras. Come Home to Egypt where you will experience miracles that will change your life forever. Early registration discounts and fabulous pricing. Call Joy Travel 1.800.569.5010,, vanda-joy@sbcglobal. net and web w 02.11

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Prayer for Reuniting Twin Flames

In the name of my Higher Self and the Higher Self of my Twin Flame I pray that we reunite I call for the consuming of all portents of our returning negative karma, clouding our ability to recognize each other, and creating a sense of separation. I call to dissolve the human imposed self-limitations that keep us from the full expression of our twin flame identity, and the fulfillment of our original contract with Spirit in service to mankind.

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I call for my Higher Self and the Higher Self of my Twin Flame. My Higher Self and the Higher Self of my Twin Flame. My Higher Self and the Higher Self of my Twin Flame. My Higher Self and the Higher Self of my Twin Flame. My Higher Self and the Higher Self of my Twin Flame. I pray that We reunite Uniting Twin Flames ~ Susay

Laura Geralyn Kline • Healer • Spiritual Messenger • Twin Flame/Soulmate Reconnection



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JA N UA RY 20 11


“Miracles of the Heart” continued from page 7


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“Richard Bartlett” continued from page 15

Matrix Energetics. I think it happens because of the sudden understanding that we’re just composed of light, just photons and patterns of information. When we interact with each other on that basis, I think we change the actual spin or velocity of the photons. At that moment, the left brain can no longer track reality as being real; the right brain takes over. The conscious mind cannot keep up, and people tend to react by falling down. Or they go into bliss, or unconsciousness, or silliness, or laughter, or see colors, or hallucinate a frog on the floor next to them, or any number of things. They can literally experience transcendence. I’ve seen astonishing things happen to people when they make room for miracles to show up. I’ve seen spontaneous healings, like broken feet getting healed in an instant. If we expect miracles, we are more likely to experience them, but that doesn’t mean your life should be predicated on the need for a miracle. When you need a miracle, or you need to be healed, or you need something to happen, your own expectations of what will happen if it doesn’t are in the way. When you let go of the need for something to happen or not happen, that’s where grace resides. And anything’s possible there. Dr. Richard Bartlett, DC, ND, has helped thousands of people since founding Matrix Energetics, a consciousness technology for insight and spiritual growth and living a life unbound by the limits we have been trained to believe in. He is the author of Matrix Energetics: The Science and Art of Transformation, The Matrix Energetics Experience, and The Physics of Miracles. Matrix Energetics Level 1, 2, and 3 will be offered in San Francisco from January 28-February 3, 2011, with Level 4 in San Diego from February 26-28, 2011. For more information, please visit www. V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E

clean clothing, recognizing natural talents and resources, a spiritually supportive environment of no judgment, and a support group willing to listen to your needs and express the joy of living between each other. The subconscious, much like the child in each of us, demands these basic needs. It does not understand negative intention because the subconscious only responds to positive action. Americans today have had the freedom to choose the life they wish to live since the foundations of America have been set down, including our consumer values portrayed in the media. As lifestyle changes begin to take place due to economic and environmental demands, you will resort back to the basics of a sustainable lifestyle. This transition can challenge the ego and can initiate you into a challenge based on your perception of entitlement. Developing a relationship between your conscious mind and nature will lay down the foundation to a miraculous vision of a golden era in America today. Transition is the Miracle of Life The key to managing transition times is accomplished by balancing the master glands at the center of the brain. The glands include the pineal, pituitary, and hypothalamus (the emotional seat). The higher glands are sensitive to light, color, smell, sound, touch, and energetic frequencies influencing brain activity. Focusing on the elements of nature to balance the higher glands will in turn balance the heart to harmonize emotion. This is an ancient art form within many cultures and religions. It can be recognized within the golden eras of ancient Egypt, Greece, and India. The higher glands are the keepers of homeostasis. When you receive the proper rest, right eating, and exposure to full spectrum light, practice meditation, prayer, positive thinking and speaking, yoga, acupuncture, and partaking of flower elixirs, the higher glands, as well as the heart, are harmonized. When the heart is harmonized, you begin to experience the miracle of soul awareness recognizing the vital resources you have to develop and share from within. This is the essential essence of giving and receiving to meet your needs. The higher glands, when harmonized with nature, give clarity to the conscious mind. Never suppress the conscious mind, for it is your inherited right to know your true self. This in itself is a miracle of spiritual knowing and offers great contentment and joy to living. If clarity is lost, there is a natural instinct to restore the conscious mind. In this effort you may become excessive in using alcohol, drugs, food, overworking, and even over-caring those close to you because the consumer market feeds on our lack of consciousness. Excessive behavior may give partial balance, most often not lasting. This trigger may include playing out emotional patterns to justify one’s lack of clarity and inability to make healthy decisions. It’s important to remember that in achieving clarity of consciousness, this is a lost teaching of humanity’s miraculous relationship to nature, and it will need to be learned again. Throughout time, the knowledge of humanity’s relationship to nature was handed down through communication within the family structure, addressing religion, medicine, stories, and art forms. It’s important not to be judgmental of yourself while establishing this knowledge in your life once again. It does take a conscious effort to reestablish this relationship and it is important to connect with support groups and teachings focused on New Years Resolution—Be Positive Research has suggested that 80 percent of our thoughts are negative. The balance of keeping a harmonious spirit is to stay within your means while feeling the demands of a consumer culture, especially with children. Shift your mind imagery when feeling guilt or judgment of yourself and others because we feel we haven’t achieved enough for the family. This is a perfect time to explore natural talents and look at various ways to give and receive in an effort to achieve your goal for balanced living. Giving to the family is achieved through day-to-day activities and holds the miracle of love in our hearts in the action of this effort. Please contact Lani Kidman at or 805.701.0367. For information on Flower Essence Elixirs, including tips for managing stress and anxiety, please visit her Web site, ©2010 Heart of Daily Living


JA N UA RY 20 11

“The Miracle of Living” continued from page 8

“The Source of Miracles” continued from page 25

thought of chemotherapy. She didn’t believe that chemotherapy was the way to do it. “It kills all the cancer cells, but it also kills all the healthy cells, too,” she said. Claire’s immune system had not failed her in some time (and she had not had a cold for about two and a half years) up until her diagnosis. She wondered, in the large scheme of things, if it was worth it. “I have lived a pretty full, packed life,” she said. “Do I want to live 10 more years on my terms, feeling good, or 20 more years with a compromised immune system and feeling sick?” Torn between the holistic world and the medical world, Claire finally decided chemotherapy was worth it, but only after getting a second opinion, careful consideration, and being subject to her own rules. Alongside chemo, Claire used complementary care. She consulted a nutritionist and cleaned her diet to perfection, did acupuncture before every chemo session, and continued to practice and teach yoga. Yoga practice was a huge benefit for her attitude. It was a time of meditation,where she could concentrate on something other than the sickness and exhaustion she was feeling from the chemo. She came across dreadful days that she thought in no way could she get up and go. “There’s no excuse, you can still go out there,” Claire explained as her thought process. “I would dawdle in there with my big bald head and still went,” she said. “I think that was huge for me throughout the whole time, because when you are at home you are just sitting there thinking about yourself, and at least for that hour I wasn’t thinking about me.” While teaching yoga and going through repeated cycles of chemo, Claire fortuitously came across a specialized yoga for cancer survivors. There was a twoweek training course offered in La Jolla, CA last March, starting the weekend after her first round of chemo. “I thought, why not,” Claire said. “So I did the training while I was actually going through chemo.” After training, Claire, partnered with Lululemon Athletica, a yoga-inspired athletic clothing store, to compose a series of free classes for patients, survivors, and their caretakers. Lululemon Athletica provided the venue for Claire to provide such a marvelous class. Claire wanted this to be a community where everyone involved felt safe, “just for them to know that even if you just sit there and breathe, that is more than you were doing just sitting at home,” Claire said. “It was very successful.” The classes are still available at Pure Barre La Costa, but she has now added a donation basis. “If people have money, they can contribute; if they don’t, they can come anytime.” Around this time, the City of Hope, one of only 40 National Cancer Institutedesignated Comprehensive Cancer Centers nationwide, was planning the first annual Yoga for Hope in San Diego. Seeing Claire’s extreme strength and care for helping others, two of her close friends gave her name to the development director of the event. Claire helped assemble some of the top teachers throughout San Diego, herself included, to lead this amazing fundraiser. “The goal is to raise money, but also to raise awareness and just attracting the whole yoga community [to come] down there,” Claire said. The event is to be held on Saturday, March 5, 2011. This year dramatically changed the course of Claire’s life. Her plans early in the year were put on hold and instead are now invested in breast cancer awareness and teaching yoga for cancer patients. Claire, along with 2.5 million women in 2010, according to, won the battle with breast cancer and came out even stronger. She is in the process of publishing a book, in hopes of touching women around the world, and is looking forward to getting her hair back and recovering her strength and endurance in her yoga practice. For more information on Yoga for Hope or to register, please visit www.yogaforhope. org/sd. Claire can be reached via her website, and her blog at Amanda Hinds is a graduate from Kent State University with a degree in Journalism and Mass Communications. She is currently a design intern at Vision Magazine and has created cover art for several issues as well as page designs for the magazine. Contact her at 330.858.0445 or e-mail

keep us from finding our own divinity and finding our own connection to God. So in the book I talk about the Seven Deadly Sins, which the church called them, but prior to that, the early Christians referred to them as the Seven Patterns of Dangerous Thought and are those behaviors or patterns of thought that take you away from God. So it wasn’t about sin and judgment, it was about these seven patterns of behavior, such as anger and envy, that are really corrosive and keep you from being enlightened, happy, joyous, and even learning what your connection is to God and being part of God. The center of the rose represents love because all of these things must be done, with love, in love, for love in order for them to be effective. VM: I like the fact there are exercises in your books to help learn these as actual daily practices. KM: There are lots of mantras and exercises. One mantra I use all the time is: People are doing the best they can with what they have. In the 21st century where we are dealing with customer service people or somebody makes us mad, we can step back from it, and it’s hard to do that. But when I step back and say to myself, “People are doing the best they can with what they have,” it helps a lot. Because I don’t know what that person went through today, I don’t know how that person is suffering or if that person is worried. So I need to step back and get out of myself and try to let go and forgive and release and move on. Also you don’t have to try to direct the world,the idea that you need to surrender and you need to remember that you are here to lay the bricks, but you are not the architect, so stop trying to control everything and just be and do what you are here to do. I am here to lay the bricks and that is what I am going to do and I can’t control the rest of it. VM: Do you have hope for the world? KM: It’s so funny that you ask me that. Of course I do, but I have really bad days. I am mostly optimistic. I truly believe that 2012 is not about cataclysm, but about hope. I see so many people around me who are opening and are excited about change and transformation, so most of the time I am in that place. I had a really bad day yesterday. I was cynical about some of the political things that are happening in America when I see that there is a decided effort to shut down a bill that provides health care for first responders of 9/11. Those things make me wonder, is there any hope for us? We have political parties who are fighting to provide tax cuts for the ultra rich but are letting people with stage four esophageal cancer die without healthcare for political reasons. Those are the kinds of things that make me think, can we be saved? I was really stuck in that. What happens is I step back from it and say, there are as many stories of heroes out in the world who are doing amazing things and I need to be focused on the spirit of the people who did what the first responders did. I need to remember that’s where our energy needs to go, to go with those heroes and help them as best as we can. I have to snap out of it myself sometimes, but yes I do have hope. One of the things I do, and I encourage everyone to do, is tithe five percent of everything I make to charity. My specific charity is about human trafficking, rescuing women and children from slavery around the world. Sometimes you just realize that it is so hard and that there are so many people enslaved, it’s such a big subject, you wonder, “Can I make a difference?” That is something I say in “Source of Miracles” that is really important, which is that every act of goodness neutralizes an act of evil or darkness. Every positive thought neutralizes a negative one. So we have to stay in that positive place and we have to keep focused on the things that are good. We have to have hope and love and service in our hearts, because that is what is going to change the world.


The Source of Miracles by Kathleen McGowan (Touchstone Paperback / Simon & Schuster) $14 at For more information on Kathleen Mc Gowan, visit


JA N UA RY 20 11


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JANUARY 21 FRIDAY SHAKTIPAT MEDITATION & TALK WITH STEVEN SADLEIR, Self Awareness Institute, lineage of Vethathiri Maharishi and Shivabalayogi Maharaj. Seaside Church, 1613 Lake Drive, Encinitas, $15 donation. 949.355.3249 JANUARY 21-23 FRIDAY-SUNDAY IMAGINE 2011 WEEKEND RETREAT. Join us at the Joshua Tree Retreat Center for a powerful weekend. 3 days/2 nights, healthy meals included, yoga, vision boarding and more as you define your vision for the new year. Register and more info at 619.723.6770 JANUARY 22 SATURDAY BECOME A CERTIFIED HYPNOTHERAPIST Weekend training in Cognitive Behavioral Hypnosis begins January 22nd through February 6. San Diego. Learn powerful tools in creating positive dramatic changes in your life and in the lives of others. Hypnosis helps to overcome anxiety, fears, negative thinking and unwanted habits. Register Now: Motivational Institute of Hypnotherapy 858.587.0422. www.SDHypnosisTraining. com.

JANUARY 22 SATURDAY MASSAGE TECHNICIAN. 100 hr. Program. Required for Massage Therapist License. Special Discounts. Comprehensive training with the most experienced, licensed instructor in USA! Natural Healing Institute, 760.943.8485 JANUARY 24-28 MONDAY-FRIDAY PAST LIFE TRAINING BY THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR REGRESSION RESEARCH & THERAPIES Understand past life regression, past life experiences as opportunities for soul lessons. 4 Levels of Past Life Training. Info call 949.415.3479 JANUARY 25 TUESDAY ARTIST’S WAY GROUP 12 Weeks Tuesday MORNINGS 9:30a.m. – Noon Jan 25-April 19 (skip March 1) $360 Pamela Underwood, BFA, MA Registration: 619.857.8820 www. LOMI LOMI/HAWAIIN HEALING ARTS CERTIFICATE PROGRAM Ancient Hawaiian massage passed from master to student. For physical therapy, release of emotions, traumas, tension, stress, and blocked energy. Love, grace, beauty, spirituality. Dancing motion to create long, gliding strokes. Includes Lomi Hot Rock Massage, Hawaiian Barefoot Massage, and Herbs of the South Pacific. Natural Healing Institute, 760.943.8485, www. JANUARY 26 WEDNESDAY IMAGE QUEST GROUP 12 Weeks Wednesday Evenings 7:00p.m. – 9:30p.m. Jan 26-April 20 (skip March 2) $360 Pamela Underwood, BFA, MA Registration: 619.857.8820 www.pamelaunderwood. com, CHANGE YOUR AURA, CHANGE YOUR LIFE Foundation Course. A comprehensive six-week course on the aura and spiritual energy conducted by internationally renowned author, teacher and aura specialist Barbara Y. Martin along with Dimitri Moraitis. Available in person and online. Classes begin Wednesday January 26, 2011. Classes held at 11712 Moorpark Street #103, Studio City, CA 91604. To register call Spiritual Arts Institute 1.800.650.AURA (2872) www. JANUARY 27 THURSDAY WINE, WOMEN & HORMONES Get all your questions answered about bioidentical hormone therapy with Janette Gray, MD and Chris Givant, Rph - national experts in the field of balancing hormones and healthy aging. Thursday, January 27, 6:30p.m. -9p.m., RSVP at 619.814.5500

JANUARY 27-28 THURSDAY-FRIDAY BECOME A CERTIFIED LIFE COACH AND EXECUTIVE COACH. Our 2-Day Intensive will teach your everything you need to know to succeed. Register Today. Jan. 27-28 Westin HotelLAX Please call 866.455.2155 or visit www. JANUARY 28 FRIDAY ARCHETYPES OF THE FEMININE & MASCULINE WORKSHOP Come explore the ancient, timeless patterns that lie behind what motivates us and provide us with our deepest satisfaction. Pacific Palisades ~ Jan. 28 & Jan. 29, Orange County ~ Feb 4 & 5, Topanga ~ Feb. 18 & 19. ~ 805.861.4568 JANUARY 28-30 FRIDAY-SUNDAY IET PRACTITIONER INTENSIVE Join Bonny, Master Instructor—in Las Vegas, NV - 3 levels of certification for self, distant and client - Healing one Heart-ata-time. January 28-30, 2011- 24 CEU’s Pre-registration at 928.300.0359 www. MATRIX ENERGETICS LEVEL 1 & II, SAN FRANCISCO. LEVEL III FEB. 2-3 3RD. Richard Bartlett, DC, ND teaches Matrix Energetics a consciousness technology. During this life-changing weekend you will learn the art of rewriting every rule you’ve ever had about your life. Call now. 8000.269.9513 or visit www. AKASHIC RECORDS PRACTITIONER TRAINING/LA AREA. Learn to read the Akashic Records for yourself and others in one-weekend certification trainings. Access the vibrational dimension of your Soul’s journey through lifetimes for guidance, healing, creative evolution. Private readings also available. Barbara Schiffman, 818.415.3479, www., AkashicLA JANUARY 30 SUNDAY REIKI LEVEL I ATTUNEMENT Bring someone with you-second person half price Learn to give Reiki to yourself & others. Sat. Jan. 30, 10a.m.-3p.m. with Usui Reiki Master Teacher, Barbara Schindler & Joan Wilson RN 858.689.0071 JANUARY 31 MONDAY MEDITATION OPEN HOUSE. Join us at 4:45p.m. for complimentary yoga or simply arrive at 6p.m. for refreshments, discussion and meditation — led by Master Teacher Erhard Vogel, Ph.D. Rsvp: programs@ vogelinstitute.Com or 858.731.9879. $10 Suggested donation. Nataraja Meditation & Yoga Center.


FEBRUARY FEBRUARY 2 WEDNESDAY HERB FORMULA MAKING & SYSTEMS APPROACH Learn the way of herbs for self-help and Certified Clinical Master Herbology (CMH)™ for professional practice. Herb formulas for cleansing, building, and balancing organs, glands, blood, lymph, muscles, nerves, emotions, other energy systems. Herbal formulas for common symptoms. Balanced and individualized herb formulas. Internationally famous Master Herbalist. Natural Healing Institute, 760.943.8485, FEBRUARY 4-6 FRIDAY-SUNDAY FIVE ANIMAL FROLICS QIGONG with world-renowned health educator and Qigong Master Ken Cohen in San Diego, February 4-6, 2011. The Five Animal Frolics are gentle, highly enjoyable exercises modeled on the Crane, Bear, Monkey, Deer and Tiger. It is the oldest healing exercise in the world and the standard against which other qigong methods are measured. Cohen is the author of “The Way Qigong: the Art and Science of Chinese Energy Healing” and best-selling Sounds True audio/video programs. His work has been sponsored by the American Cancer Society, the Mayo Clinic and numerous universities. Register today as class size is limited: www., info@qigonghealing. com 303.258.0971 (voicemail). FEBRUARY 5-6 SATURDAY-SUNDAY BACH FLOWER EDUCATION LEVEL 1 SEMINAR, San Diego. Our thoughts and feelings affect our health. Learn how to reduce worry and stress, and enhance well-being for yourself and others. This course is a prerequisite for the Advanced and Practitioner Trainings, which are coming to San Diego in 2011. Courses approved by the Bach Centre, UK. CE’s available. Information and enrollment online at 01.11 BODY MIND SPIRIT EXPO Coming to San Diego for the 11th year, Body Mind & Spirit brings to life a positive, healing environment. Weekend admission of $12 includes all lectures and demos as well as admission to the exhibit hall. Visit our website, for a $2 off coupon!! San Diego Doubletree Mission Valley, 7450 Hazard Center Dr. Sat 10-7 Sun 11-6 FEBRUARY 10-13 THURSDAY-SUNDAY Marianne Williamson, A Course in Weight Loss Retreat. 3-Day intensive delving into the intersection of spirituality and weight loss. Bahia Resort Hotel, San Diego. Visit or call 800.654.5126 for more information.


JA N UA RY 20 11

FEBRUARY 11-13 FRIDAY-SUNDAY IET PRACTITIONER CERTIFICATION INTENSIVE Join Bonny - Master Instructor - in Sedona, AZ. A safe and effective method of cellular release in partnership with the angels. February 11-13 - Preregistration at 928.300.0359 www.learniet. com/bonny_kraus.asp FEBRUARY 25-27 FRIDAY-SUNDAY THE SHADOW PROCESS RETREAT: Your Immersion into Emotional Freedom with transformational life coach and author Debbie Ford. Bahia Resort, San Diego. Visit or call 800.654.5126 for more information. FEBRUARY 26 SATURDAY CERTIFIED CLINICAL AROMATHERAPY (CA) Program. Learn self-help, plus enhancing professional practice. Taught by world renowned Aromatherapy instructor. Natural Healing Institute had the 1st State-Certified Aromatherapy program in U.S. 760.943.8485, www.

MARCH MARCH 20 SUNDAY LABYRINTH WALK March 20 Sunday EVENING 7:00p.m. – 8:30p.m. FREE Pamela Underwood, BFA, MA, RSVP Required: 619.857.8820 www. pamela@,

APRIL APRIL 2-9 SATURDAY-SATURDAY DR. PAT ALLEN “THE ART OF RELATIONSHIPS” cruise to the Mexican Riviera for singles and couples. April 2 – 9, 2011. Contact Blanca at Willett Travel 800.994.5538.

ONGOING SUNDAYS DEVOTIONAL SINGING MANTRA MUSIC Every Sunday 7-9pm. FREE! Led by Cass Smith, Donna & Teeto Cheema, Jim & Lynn Chow & Friends. Singing and chanting the sweet names of God, with love and devotion is the easiest and most effective way to reach liberation. 2845 Cacatua St. La Costa, CA 92009. 760.431.7658 or 760.753.3353. 01.11 SPICA – WAY OF LIGHT INSPIRATIONAL SERVICES 2nd Sunday of the month at 10am, 4th Sunday at 9am. Myztic Isle Bookstore, 8036 La Mesa Blvd, La Mesa, CA. 619.588.6483 for information. 01.11


Harmony Grove Spiritualist Association


Incorporated and Serving ALL in California Since 1896

SaturdaysHealing 1:00pm Church 2:00pm Sundays Healing 10:00am Church 11:00am

Psychic Fair

1st Sat. of Month, 10:00am-4:00pm

Certification and Personal Growth Classes

• Mediumship • Healing • Ministerial • Ordinations

Private Readings Available Information about Speakers & Directions


Escondido, CA ONENESS MEDITATION & ENERGY ATTUNEMENT. Offers deep breathing meditation and alignment of your personal energy field. An interactive Oneness group where each shares their gifts and holds the space for each other’s healing and empowerment. Don’t know your gifts? Goddess Light and Ordained Metaphysician Tauheedah Shakoor-Curry creates safe space and delivers spirit messages to help clarify your calling. 11a.m. – 1p.m. at The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Boulevard, Tarzana, CA 91356. $10 love offering. Register at 818.345.1100 or online at www.theimaginecenter. com. The Group does NOT meet on the fourth Sunday of the month. 01.11 FIND THE CENTER OF DIVINITY WITHIN! Inspirational prayers, metaphysical teachings, music, social hour to follow. 10:30a.m.-11:30a.m. Teaching of the Inner Christ 1100 N. Second St. Suite 1114 El Cajon, CA 92021. 619.447.7007 03.11 MONDAYS MIRACULOUS MONDAYS - Complimentary Holistic Health classes 6-7, 7-8 or 6-10p.m. Zen-Touch & Massage sessions 8:15-9:15p.m. (by donation or Massage CEUs available $15/hr). School of Healing Arts, 1001 Garnet Ave. #200, Pacific Beach, 92109. Contact Joy to register. 619.316.6714. FREE PSYCHIC READINGS every FIRST Monday 7:30p.m. by students in Vessa’s INTUITIVE INSIGHTS Clairvoyant Program, 4455 Morena Blvd. #108, 858.509.7582 www.MyIntuition.Net 02.11 MONDAYS $8 BEGINNERS YOGA CLASSES Monday @ 6:00p.m. Tuesday’s @ 5:30 p.m. 2333 Camino del Rio South #240 92108 619.917.0998

TUESDAYS ARTIST’S WAY GROUP 12 Weeks Tuesday MORNINGS 9:30a.m. – Noon Jan 25-April 19 (skip March 1) $360 Pamela Underwood, BFA, MA, Registration: 619.857.8820, www.pamelaunderwood. com, CLINICAL NUTRITION (CNC)™ Full Certification. Special Discounts. Most comprehensive training from nationally honored Nutritionists. Revised! 7:009:55p.m. Natural Healing Institute, 760.943.8485, www.naturalhealinginst. com. WEDNESDAYS IMAGE QUEST GROUP 12 Weeks Wednesday Evenings 7:00p.m. – 9:30p.m. Jan 26-April 20 (skip March 2) $360 Pamela Underwood, BFA, MA, Registration: 619.857.8820, www.pamelaunderwood. com, MIRACLE CIRCLE MEDITATION: Connect with your inner divinity through deep meditation, inspirational prayers, and group discussion. 7p.m.-8p.m. Teaching of the Inner Christ 1100 N. Second St. Suite 1114 El Cajon, CA 92021. 619.447.7007 03.11 CLINICAL MASTER HERBOLOGY (CMH)™ Full Certification. Special Discounts. Most comprehensive training from nationally honored Master Herbalists. Revised! 7:00-9:50p.m. Natural Healing Institute, 760.943.8485, www. THURSDAYS FREE DETOXIFICATION AND WEIGHT LOSS CLASS 1st Thursday of every month. 6:30p.m. Easy and successful program. Register @ Body Basics Health Center, San Diego. 619.296.7390 02.11 FRIDAYS HAPPINESS CLASSES - Based on the lifehealing teachings of VERNON HOWARD, Fridays - 8p.m.; Sundays - 10a.m. New Life Foundation, 5779 Westminster Blvd., Westminster, CA. 714.899.9300 Conquer stress, handle difficult people with ease, banish problems. Donation basis. 02.11 SATURDAYS PSYCHIC SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES WITH CORRINE – This practice circle meets on the first and third Saturday of each month and will help you increase your intuitive abilities and strengthen your connection with Spirit. Focus is on receiving and delivering loving messages from spirit guides, angels and deceased loved ones. The goal is to relate messages that are for the highest and best good of each participant. Saturdays, 1/15 and 2/5 from1 – 3pm at the Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd, Tarzana, CA 91356. $15 minimum donation. Register at 818.345.1100 or online at .


“Manifesting Michelangelo” continued from page 27

Institute, and that was in 2003. Since that time, we have had kindred spirits from England, France, Canada and all throughout the United States come and join our board to educate, research, and archive these new modalities that, if integrated into healthcare, will create the fabric that will create the new emerging healthcare paradigm that is called integrated healthcare. You will see in the coming years that science will be forced to accept the new truth that our minds are the greatest mediators of our physical health. [As] Gandhi said, “Even if you are a minority of one, if you are right, the truth is the truth.” Joseph Pierce (J.P.) Farrell is an author, lecturer, and Director and Founding Board Member of the Global Health Institute (GHI). Farrell works to integrate traditional healthcare with mind-body-spirit, breaking down the limitations of human potential. For more information on Farrell and GHI, please visit and Manifesting Michelangelo is published by Atria Books a division of Simon and Schuster. “Yogi Miracle Workers” continued from page 35

share with us some stories. TK: One night, a driver brought Yogi Bhajan back home from teaching a class. She was so happy to see a parking space right in front of her apartment. As she started to pull into it, he said calmly yet firmly, “Don’t park there.” As we are all aware, parking in the Los Angeles area is often very difficult, especially late at night when everyone is home for the night. She was so disappointed and just looked at him, very upset. He calmly repeated himself, “Don’t park there.” She swallowed her emotions, drove him to the ashram where he lived and dropped him off, and then drove around for quite a while before she could find another space very far away. Walking home in the dark, she was grumbling the whole time. The next morning she rose, did her sadhana [prayer] in her apartment, and when she finally went outside and started to walk down the street, she came to the parked car that was in that space she was going to park in the night before, but was told not to. In that space was a totally smashed up car. Apparently someone had been racing around the corner, lost control, hit the car in that space, and totally smashed it up. If she had not listened to her Teacher, that smashed up car would have been hers! That really taught her to listen to her Teacher! VM: Let’s talk about the Indigo and Crystal children, these special souls who came to Earth to heal and create miracles. How can we support them? TK: We don’t always recognize in children around us the evolution of their souls because we are trained to see children as those less than us whom we have to train and ‘control.’ I do agree that we need to gently guide children and give them values. However, I feel strongly that if we respectfully ‘listen’ to our intuitive messages about what each person we are working with needs, if we consider ourselves a humble channel and flow as a teacher to help uplift all those we are here to assist, we will be given the exact right information on how to support and help bring out in others around us their highest selves. The main problem in the past has been that sensitive people have often not been given the respect that their soul’s journey deserves. Tej Kaur Khalsa is the Custodian of the Archives of the Teachings of Yogi Bhajan and a recognized authority on the teachings. She has been involved in numerous Yogi Bhajan publications as transcriber, editor, and compiler, including the Woman’s Camp Series, “72 Stories of God, Good and Goods,” and “The Master¹s Touch.” Tej holds a Master’s Degree in Counseling and for many years, worked on Yogi Bhajan’s correspondence during which she received extensive training from him on yogic counseling. Her classes are occasions to enjoy deep meditative experiences and to learn vast amounts of yogic knowledge.


JA N UA RY 20 11

JetterGreen, 29, lives

v i s i o n a r y

a r t i s t

in Leucadia (the ‘funky’ North County Coastal region of San Diego), and has been surrounded by art as long as he can remember. Due to his father being an entrepreneur and architectural designer and his mother being a calligrapher and avid crafter, Jetter’s creative spark kindled at an early age. In high school his creative path took a technological shift, and his passion ignited. He earned a Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design at the Art Institute of California. After college, Jetter took on a position at a print house in Encinitas where he began honing his skills in print and color theory.

After 3 years, he felt unchallenged creatively and then sought out a design position at a local ad agency where he designed for bigger clients and segued into the web design realm. After a year with the agency, the politics of the industry stifled his creative yearnings. In early 2007, with his own entrepreneurial spirit in hand he decided to go freelance. Jetter and a close designer friend envisioned their own company with the results being “Outlier Creative”—a think tank for cutting edge design, displayed exclusively via their website with an impressive list of domestic and international clientele.

After 3 years of freelancing for clients, the itch for something new and different couldn’t be ignored. In 2009, while attending the “Burning Man” festival in Nevada and the “Lightning in the Bottle” festival in Irvine, CA with his wife and a handful of friends, his alternative vision focused on a new path for his creativity”—creating art for himself! He had always been drawn to sacred geometry, textures, colors, energy, and nature, so he used those inspirations to create artwork that could not be premeditated, but was more a flow of consciousness.

He now tries to create one art piece a week, and is hoping to one day feature some of his work at these festivals which so inspired him. Jetter prints his finished pieces on canvas and aluminum, where he feels his artwork now truly comes to life. To purchase Jetter Green’s art or to contact him, please check him out on Facebook at ‘Visionary art by Jetter Green’ or e-mail him at JettersVision@ V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


JA N UA RY 20 11


Breathtaking British Columbia

f you’re yearning to go to a place that feels far away and looks like heaven, go to Northwest British Columbia. The vibrant cities are clean and sophisticated; the surrounding wilderness is wild, sparsely populated, by Ann and filled with intoxicating natural beauty. British Columbia has more than 1,100 different wildlife species and some of the most diverse ecosystems in the world. Symbolisms of nature are everywhere. My husband and I began our trip in Vancouver, a city that is blessed with beautiful harbors, leafy parks, and surrounded by snow-capped mountains. We decided to stay at the OPUS Hotel, a stylish boutique hotel situated in the middle of the city, two blocks from the waterfront. The guest rooms are warm and inviting with floor to ceiling view windows, gas fireplaces and heated floors in the luxurious spa bathroom. The OPUS Vancouver has been awarded numerous top accolades, including Travel + Leisure’s 2010 Top 500 World’s Best Hotels and one of the world’s Top 100 by readers of Condé Nast Traveler Magazine. Soon after arriving in the city, we hopped on our complimentary bikes furnished by the hotel and followed the bike path along the edge of the water to Stanley Park, a 988-acre rainforest park that was created in 1888. This famous park is filled with majestic towering trees, manicured lawns, placid lagoons and endless miles of hiking and bike trails situated on the waterside edge of the park. We decided to celebrate our first night in the city and walked through the rain to have dinner at Miku. The restaurant blends authentic Japanese cuisine techniques with a pioneering twist and is a recent winner of the prestigious Silver 2010 Award. My husband, a self-proclaimed sushi connoisseur says this is the best sushi he’s ever eaten. Menus are seasonal and spontaneous and are made with the freshest ingredients. In the morning, our adventure began as we boarded the ferry from Vancouver for the two and a half hour crossing to Campbell River and Quadra Island. While on board, we were on the lookout for bald eagles among the stunning scenery. We weren’t disappointed. Quadra Island, one of the Discovery Islands, feels like a sanctuary for the soul. The Discovery Islands, many not more than a half a mile wide, are a series of fjords that are said to rival the grandeur of Norway’s Nordland Coast. This inside passage consists of 85 miles of pristine wilderness with granite cliffs that drop 1,000 feet to the water. This place hasn’t changed much since the Ice Age’s glaciers carved out Bute Inlet and the neighboring fjords. After the ferry crossing, we drove through the town of Campbell River to our overnight destination. Our sense of intrigue was amplified as we arrived and meandered down the tree-lined lane to our cozy cedar cabin at Dolphins Resort. Our cabin had a fully equipped kitchen, a wood stove, and an outdoor hot tub V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E

with a view of Discovery Passage. Our days were filled with kayaking, fishing, and watching the wildlife. We could have easily stayed for a month. The gourmet cuisine offered at Anglers Dining Room, a rustic old cabin with Nelson view windows and a huge fireplace was only a stone’s throw away. In the morning, we started our day with a short drive and a 10-minute water taxi ride across Discovery Bay to April Point Resort & Spa. April Point is surrounded by water with breathtaking scenery and the sounds of nature. The sister resort, Painter’s Lodge, is wellknown for its “Painters at Painter’s Celebration of the Arts” that is held each year in the early spring. A full range of outdoor activities, including Wildlife Adventure Tours and Wine & Cheese Sunset Cruises, are shared between the resorts. After a day of adventure, we treated ourselves to a massage at the Japanese-inspired spa that sits at the water’s edge set among manicured gardens and a tranquil pool. Our last stop before leaving British Columbia was visiting the town of Whistler, highly regarded as one of the top four-season resorts in North America offering premier outdoor adventure. Whistler is a walking town, and we walked everywhere from the Adara Hotel where we were staying. This small, trendy hotel, situated in the heart of the pedestrian village is steps away from the gondolas, restaurants and walking trails that link Whistler Village to the parks, golf courses and beaches. The PEAK 2 PEAK gondola ride from Whistler to Blackcomb Mountain offers jaw-dropping views in every direction. If an adrenaline rush is your cup of tea, you may want to consider zip-lining with Ziptrek Ecotours. The company offers a combination of high-wire adventure with ecological exploration. Flying through the ancient rainforest is the perfect way to explore the wonders and miraculous beauty of the Whistler mountains. Spas are becoming popular in Whistler, and one of the best new ones is Scandinave Spa. Nestled beside Lost Lake Park, the spa is renowned for its outdoor Scandinavian Baths that are widely known for promoting the release of endorphins, while improving circulation and cleansing the skin. A full array of spa services are offered. Trips like this one invigorate the soul. You can lose yourself in the tranquility, majestic beauty, and miracles of the wild landscape and gain a new self-awareness. I came back fully refreshed and more spiritually connected. I’m still taking myself there mentally whenever I long for the quiet exhilaration of nature’s generous gifts. For detailed information on the aforementioned hotels and activities, please visit the following Web sites:;;;;; and Ann Nelson is a freelance writer residing in San Diego, CA.


JA N UA RY 20 11

Expo 2011

Los Angeles

CoNSCiouS Co CoNSC NSCiou iouS S LiFE LiFE

9th Annual


February 11, 12, 13

LAX Hilton

Spiritual Synergy

59 Keynote Workshops 95 Free Lectures 7 Panel Discussions Conscious Life Film Festival Healing Circles & Ceremony LA Yoga’s Sacred Sound Meditation Tribute to Zecharia Sitchin 9/11: What Really Happened Conscious Business Symposium George Noory: The 2012 Panel 200+ Exhibitors Post Conference Seminars Latino Spirituality

9/11 Panel:

Swami Kriyananda

Janet Attwood

Joseph Culp

Gary Zukav

Len Horowitz

John Heard

George Noory

Tricia McCannon

Michelle Phillips

Steven Greer

Dannion Brinkley

Senator Mike Gravel

Carolyn Casey

Eric Pearl

Andrew Harvey



Also: March 26 David Icke Santa Monica Civic Auditorium 1-800-367-5777

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