Vision magazine April 2012 Green Potential

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If you have a comment on any of these articles e-mail us at Find us online.


Viewpoint Green Potential: Fair and Foul


Holistic Living Recycling Our Problems


Greek To Me How Green Was My Envy


Ask The Lifequaketm Doctor Advice About Life Transitions


11-15 Mindstates Spring Festivals SriSri Ravi Shankar 16-20 Culture People v. The State of Illusion Green Potential Make Way for the Energy of Spring 18



Healing Arts Comfort Clock Technology


Features The Sexy and Funny Vegan Solar Rain Water


Community Resource


Vision Café Encouraging Green Potential in Children Sustainable Fashion Your Nature




Visionary Artist Pascal Blanche



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“Babymoon” by Pascal Blanche

April 2012 Theme: Green Potential

Next Month, May 2012 Theme: Personal Journeys

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Green Potential: Fair and Foul


by Brennan Lagasse

he only constant is change. In that spirit, take a moment to reflect on how relatively simple it would be to find a stranger on the street and ask them, “What are your thoughts on climate change?” The point for now isn’t exactly what that person might think, but the sheer fact that chances are, whether they have a solid opinion or grasp of the subject matter or not, by now they have heard of the term “climate change.” If you tried the same exercise 10 or 15 years ago, would you still be able to ask that question knowing people would have at least heard about climate change? I don’t think so. The potential for growth within the environmental movement is strong, yet so many barriers have been put up since its gained strength cohesion amongst the movement at large has been tough to lock in. Even still, battles have been fought, and victories have been won. Although failures across the movement on a macro level continue as social activists, specialists, and other advocates look for ways to build affinity, in 2012, “green potential” is undeniable. It’s become cool for people, companies, and other entities to ride the green wave. Ten years ago I distinctly remember immersing myself in the quasi-field of sustainability, which, at the time, I could have a fruitful conversation about with a select few. Presently, “green” and the idea of green is not such a new thing. The current crux, beyond understanding, accepting, and fostering action towards unsustainability, is bringing a sense of integrity into the equation. As the green movement has grown and continues to grow, there’s a very real sense of “green-washing” and manipulation involved by those who want to seize the movement as a means to benefit without honoring the change that’s essential in shifting lifestyle(s) and societies towards actual sustainability. Many larger companies and corporations have jumped on the band wagon simply because, for example, by going paperless they’ll save money. If they wouldn’t save money by agreeing to be an equal opportunity employer, then they wouldn’t think twice about adopting that or any other fairminded, just principle. The foul play that has resulted from green-washing and the growth of the green movement is to be expected in a capitalist system, especially when people have been taught to seek personal gain over sustaining community on a long-term basis. At the same time, in order for the fairness and true potential of the green, environmental, or ideally sustainable movement to take hold, the foul play must be called out, combated, and ultimately eliminated. In order for this shift to take place within a continually emerging movement, people and companies need to gain some acceptance with the fact that for the vast majority of us, our lives and lifestyles are not sustainable. It’s okay, we’re not perfect, we’re humans after all, and we’re all connected by systems that regulate and organize society. However, recognizing and respecting contradictions is a base level step that must be taken before moving forward.

Accepting this sense of accountability is necessary as it’s also profoundly important to be up-front about the whole picture, practice transparency, and contribute in a manner that leads by example. All of this is easier said than done, of course. However, by growing with a sense of accountability and not taking on a role of sustainable, but rather speaking to the trajectory of sustainability and illuminating the sustainable steps one may have taken, it’s much more natural to continue a healthy growing pattern than to take on an identity that has not yet been earned. In terms of claiming green and not being green, that’s easy. Anyone can say they changed their product and lifestyle and now “they’re green.” But are they? Does that really help push the movement, take away from it, or just dilute it? Overall, advocates, paradigm shifters, and comrades are needed across the spectrum of human diversity on earth. That said, in bringing a sense of transparency and accountability to your green potential, you are being the change you wish to see in the world. You are helping lead by example. You are showing us all that it’s possible to continue living with a sense of well-being and contribute to the betterment of all species and the planet by making actual green choices. In the end, the green potential, and these so-called green choices will most certainly benefit you, but more so act in a rippling way outside of you. By shedding the foul and promoting the fair, this is one way the green movement can shift towards an actualized sustainable movement, one that connects across socio-environmental spaces that will hopefully one day just be regular, lived reality. If you can attain a personal sense of well-being without compromising the well-being of other species, then you have found a sustainable path. Follow it. When you do, your potential will be shared and it will only grow from there.

“The current crux, beyond understanding, accepting, and fostering action towards unsustainability, is bringing a sense of integrity into the equation.”


VI S I O N M AG A Z I N E • A P R I L 2 012 • W W W.VI S I O N M AG A Z I N E .C O M

Brennan Lagasse is a writer, teacher, and mountain guide living in Lake Tahoe, CA. Brennan can be reached at


Recycling Our Problems by Veronica Farren


ouldn’t it make more sense to wash out that yogurt tub and use it to bring tomorrow’s lunch into work than to have it shipped hundreds of miles away, only to be annihilated with chemicals, crushed to pieces, and partially used in the recreation of another yogurt tub? Reusing is one of the most sustainable ways to make the most out of every object, to take only what you need, and to show the planet that you do not take it for granted. Recycling, on the other hand, is a practice that comes with much more baggage than people tend to think. Many earth-lovers proudly toss all of their plastics into one designated recycling bin, falling under the widely shared, innocent impression that these salvaged items will be brought to a happy recycling plant and turned into new eco-friendly containers.

“Chinese takeout boxes, yogurt cups, hummus tubs, hard toy packaging, and milk jugs are among the most difficult plastics to recycle, often being thrown out by sorters and brought to landfills despite the intent of the home recycler.” Unfortunately, the world of recycling is as complex and corrupt as that of any other corporate order, and the process is not as pertinent a solution to saving the environment as it is often made out to be. While recycling does cut monetary expenses and material use, the fuel needed to power the long journey that our trash is taken on is more costly in both senses than we realize. Recycled items are brought to a sorting area where paid workers separate the usable waste from the garbage as well as sort the different

FD 1788

types of recyclables. Then, heavy loads are transported via truck to recycling plants or, in many cases, to ships that sail to facilities across seas and back, all adding up to a tremendous amount of gas mileage. More influentially, recycling plants emit toxic chemicals into the atmosphere in a way not much less harmful than that of a production plant. Of course, more greenhouse gases are released when entirely new plastics are produced. However, it seems a bit counterintuitive to attempt to save the earth in a way that is so similar to the cause of its very downfall. Aluminum is relatively easy to transform into new material. The problem with plastics lies in the wide variety of compounds that can make up these containers. Generally speaking, plastics can only be recycled with others of their kind, and because the resins of some of these substances are mixed with additives during production, even plastics with the same recycling number can often be incompatible. Chinese takeout boxes, yogurt cups, hummus tubs, hard toy packaging, and milk jugs are among the most difficult plastics to recycle, often being thrown out by sorters and brought to landfills despite the intent of the home recycler. It is nearly impossible to rid a load of recyclable objects completely of oddballs that do not share the chemical composition of the others. These weak links that have been overlooked continue on to form unstable areas in newly created material, giving recycled plastic a poor reputation that prevents many manufacturers from using it in their products. Even world-minded business leaders are limited to the amount of recycled plastic

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HOLISTIC LIVING they can use in their product because of the significant decline in quality and functionality as a result of this recycling procedure. As a community, we need not recycle more, but think more about our options. The choice between paper and plastic is no ultimatum. As we have learned from recent supermarket campaigns, bringing your own bag is a great way to make a difference. Likewise, trash and recycling are not polar opposites. In fact, I consider the two options to be rather close in relation, under the family name of disposal. Items that were created with materials that initially had the capability to form long-lasting items are being cast away after just a few uses, either piled up on a mountain of trash, burned, or made into less productive versions of the same thing.

Generally, if something can be casually thrown away, the disposer had no need for it in the first place. It is virtuous to have only as many things as you can care about. Unfortunately, excessive packaging so often holds items that we genuinely need, such as food and medicine. No matter how much each family cuts back on water bottles, packaged produce, grocery bags, and other unnecessary purchases, a household bin full of used disposable packaging will still likely be a prevalent hassle come the end of the week, and with new information on the disappointing ineffectuality of recycling, the guilt-loaded

question of what to do with this waste arises. Realistically, the excess amount of paper, plastic, cardboard, aluminum, and other materials in the world today is not as much of a consumer problem as it is a manufacturer problem. This burden has largely been set by the decisions of large corporations to continue pumping out one-time-use products rather than offering sustainable alternatives, such as local glass bottle delivery and refill services. Advocates argue that the benefits of recycling outweigh the burdens, noting that although greenhouse gases are emitted into the atmosphere and excessive energy and funds are used, recycling allows us to create more disposable items for a lesser cost, with fewer materials, and with less waste. Yet the lack of resources and the pollution of the atmosphere are two entirely separate problems; to justify one in sacrifice of preventing the other is not a step forward in cleaning up the earth, but a rather irresponsible way of pushing the food around the plate. Instead of finding an alternative method for creating more disposable items, it would be wise to find a solution to outdate disposables. We have no idea what long-term effects greenhouse gases will have on our future, but I predict it will be more influential than the onetime convenience of water in a screw-top bottle. Veronica Farren is an environmentalist writer from Northern Massachusetts whose proposals have been a key influence in the eco-friendly transition of many businesses across New England. To contact Veronica, visit www.veronicafarren. com.

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How Green Was My



© 2012 Greek to Me by Michael Raysses

“Envy is the art of counting the other fellow’s blessings instead of your own.” —Harold Coffin “I wish I had your sense of envy.” —My Uncle Tasso


’ve never had my color chart done, so I have no idea what shade I most embody. I know that I’ve been angry enough to see red, been so depressed as to feel the blackest blue, and have written more than my share of purple prose. But the color green poses an interesting dichotomy: Do I address it in its most recent incarnation as the hue du jour of those dedicated to recasting the world in its lush tones? Or do I engage it based on the level of intimacy we have shared these many years? I plead no contest. That’s because I “went green” long before it was in vogue, polishing it to a lustrous jade. That is, assuming green is the color of envy, because if it is, I arguably qualified as the original not-so-jolly Green Giant. As a young kid I had a go-kart. Or to put it more accurately, I had some decrepit two-by-fours that were nailed together, adorned with a used vegetable-crate that I painted red and jury-rigged atop them. I affixed four wobbly lawnmower wheels to the two-by-fours, with the front two attached to a plank that swiveled from a rusty bolt; the plank had a discarded length of clothesline connected to each end, allowing me to steer by pulling to one side or the other. It was powered by whomever I could entice to push me in exchange for returning the favor. Some time after I put my go-kart together, though, a close friend of mine got a real one, a motorized midget-racer with a fiberglass body. It became all I could think about. After just one ride on his, mine became nothing more than a termite’s wet dream. I remember literally aching as I gazed longingly at the object of my desire, wondering if I would have my very own. I never did, leaving me to wrestle with an unquenchable impulse—the bottomless thirst left in Envy’s wake. As I got older my affection for physical objects waned, replaced by a desire for things that other people had—had accomplished, that is. When I started acting, I had a friend who was a struggling stand-up comedian. We used to commiserate over the frustrations of being poor, jockeying for chances to perform, and the attendant insecurity those things posed. He fell on some hard times, had his car repossessed, and needed money. I hired him for an acting gig at a local

high school in which we performed. It wasn’t much, but it was something to keep the dogs at bay. Years later, after we had both moved to Los Angeles, his career began to take off. And very quickly, he began getting opportunities that I had no access to because of his status as a stand-up comedian. It was around that time that Envy re-entered my life; the green-eyed serpent had now become a vine that had twined itself from within, choking me from understanding myself. My senior picture Things spiraled in both directions. As my friend’s career soared, mine floundered. Not surprisingly, anything I achieved during this time felt puny and inconsequential; even when I booked a role on the show that he starred in and produced, it felt resoundingly lacking. Some time after that, I began to shift my focus to writing. A couple of years later, though we had fallen out of touch, I interviewed him for a newspaper regarding a movie that he had starred in and was promoting. Now you might think that scenario would have weaned me from my pas de deux with Envy, but I had occasion to find out otherwise. While cruising through a local bookstore, there among the latest offerings, I came across a book my friend had written. It was put out by a big publishing house and was doing very well. I was pulled under in a riptide of resentment, drowning in waves of Envy. Thankfully, my involvement with “going green” ran its course when I hit rock bottom that day. I realized that there was a way out of Envy’s toxic thrall—and the answer, ironically enough, was to be found in the principles of genuine green living. Author David Allen, in his book, “Getting Things Done,” espouses the following tenets for living a verdant life: strive for simplicity; be fair; establish a relationship with your community; aspire to sustainability; assert a plan for your life; and conduct it with transparency. Thinking back on my old go-kart, I realize it coincidentally embodied more than a few of those principles. It was a study in simplicity, fairness, and transparency: It cost virtually nothing to put together, moved whenever anyone wanted to swap a turn pushing for one driving, and was exactly what it held itself out to be—unalloyed, albeit bumpy, fun. Obviously, it didn’t deter me from my marathon with Envy. Too bad Envy didn’t combat male pattern baldness, didn’t give me a flat stomach, or at least make me seem more worldly. At least now, though, I know a healthy green lifestyle is a viable option. I see people all around me creating it for themselves. My problem? I envy them, which is decidedly Greek to me. Michael Raysses is a writer/ NPR commentator who lives in Malibu, California. E-mail him at MichaelRaysses@

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Ask the

LifeQuake™ Doctor


Dear Dr. Toni: I think I have an addiction to sugar. I don’t eat candy bars. I don’t consume sugary drinks. I eat organic foods. I exercise. I drink green tea and plenty of water. However, I LOVE dark chocolate. I love it in protein bars. I love it in pure cacao form. I love it in chocolate chip cookies. You get my drift here. I am an educated professional woman who is also single. Is my addiction to chocolate psychological because I live alone, or do I have some kind of nutritional deficiency? Choco Junkie

Dr. Toni Galardi

pring is here—time for spring cleaning your inner home. I will be giving a teleclass on how to create an abundant life, Italian style, in April. Call 310.890.6832 for more information.

Dear Dr. Toni: I am a 37-year-old woman who is in love with a married man. I have never written to an advice columnist before. I probably should be talking to a shrink, but it is late on a Saturday night and I read your column online and on impulse thought I would start here. Anyway, the man I am involved with is my boss. I make good money and do not want to leave a job I love in a bad economy. It seems so cliché. He is never available on weekends. We work a lot of nights together and travel together for work. I want to have a family and I know he isn’t leaving his wife anytime soon. I have gone around and around in my head as to what to do and it always comes back to the fact that I don’t want to leave my job and I cannot seem to break it off with him when I see him every day. What should I do? Desperate Dear Reader: You are not alone. Many people find themselves in this situation when they work closely with another employee or employer. You didn’t mention how you are spending your time away from the office. I would not suggest trying to take something away that provides life force like a lover or career does. Instead, look at your lifestyle. Do you like to dance? What about joining a dance class on the weekend? Do you like museums? Find out what museum exhibits are going on in your city on the weekends. Do you like travel for leisure? Since you are making good money, take a foreign language course and travel to that country in six months. I would also suggest that you consider going to Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous for community support. Cultivate friendships with women. Go to and attend groups that enjoy the same interests as you do. Finally, start dating other men in addition to your married lover. Go on and just start meeting people for coffee. When you stop isolating and develop a life outside of work, your dependence on this man will change. I would also suggest developing a meditation or spiritual practice. Hold both you and lover boy each in your own ball of radiant light and envision the attachment being dissolved by light so that you can each go to a higher vibration in your separate destinies.


Dear Reader: I do not know if your chocolate attachment is either of those, so let me address both possibilities. What are your associations to chocolate? What did it mean to eat it as a child? Was it connected to happy events or was it used as emotional selfmedication when you felt angry or sad? And how often now do you eat it when you are happy versus unhappy? As for it being a possible nutritional deficiency, dark chocolate contains a large number of antioxidants (nearly eight times the number found in strawberries). Antioxidants protect the body from aging caused by free radicals, which can cause damage that leads to heart disease. Flavonoids also help relax blood pressure through the production of nitric oxide and balance certain hormones in the body. Chocolate also contains other substances with mood-elevating effects. One is phenethylamine, which triggers the release of pleasurable endorphins and potentiates the action of dopamine, a neurochemical associated with sexual arousal and pleasure. Chocolate also boosts brain levels of serotonin. Women typically have lower serotonin levels during PMS and menstruation, which may be one reason women typically experience stronger cravings for chocolate at these times in their cycles. People suffering from depression so characteristically have lower serotonin levels that an entire class of anti-depressive medications called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (including Prozac, Paxil, and Zoloft) have been developed that raise brain levels of serotonin. Look at ingredients. Eighty-five percent pure cacao beans will seriously reduce the fat and sugar intake to get the most health benefit from it. Coracao Confections (a company in Berkeley carried by Whole Foods) makes theirs raw with coconut sugar, which is low on the glycemic index so your blood sugar doesn’t spike.Enjoy in moderation and make sure you are getting adequate doses of real emotional connection with others as well. The Global Wealth for Women Summit is still going on. Sign up here for free recordings and free gifts from speakers like John Gray, Marci Shimoff, and Dr. Toni Galardi: Dr. Toni Galardi is a licensed psychotherapist, professional speaker, life transitions strategist, and author and is available for consult by phone or SKYPE. You can reach her through her Web site,,, or 310.890.6832.

VI S I O N M AG A Z I N E • A P R I L 2 012 • W W W.VI S I O N M AG A Z I N E .C O M


Spring Festivals


by Daphne Carpenter

“He is richest whose pleasures are the cheapest.” —Henry David Thoreau


t’s cold, and today I’ve been daydreaming—gazing out my bedroom window through the drizzle, thinking about warm weather festivals. As we bloom into spring, and festival line-ups start popping up everywhere, I become both motivated and excited. Just like a little kid, I start imagining myself in nature, surrounded by beautiful elements and fun people; we’re all dancing under a full moon, celebrating our existence. In this star-drenched hour, drums have come to life and it feels like spirits have been summoned. As if some other force were manipulating the movements, my fire staff orbits itself around my body in reckless abandon. I feel free and unrestrained. In this eternal moment, stars shoot out from my eyes and I can only keep smiling. A Skype call comes in and I’m reminded that I’m still just at my computer. For many of us, the spring and summer festival season is an outlet, a way to connect with our deeper selves through this simple formula: MUSIC + DANCE

+ COMMUNITY + NATURE = ONENESS. It’s how our ancestors celebrated life way before the burdens of assumed ‘daily responsibilities’ began to take command of our time. Luckily, though, we festival heads have a place to go to, a place to escape what some call “the illusion.” and return to what feels “real.” More and more today, festivals become long awaited vacations and/or unforgettable retreats. Here’s a pocket guide to a few noteworthy festivals that are bound to get your blood flowing more vibrantly. Shakti Fest Spring OMmersion (A More Intimate Bhakti Fest) —A Celebration of the Divine Mother, May 11-13 Shakti power ignites on Mother’s Day weekend. This personification of “divine feminine creative power” is embraced and celebrated far away from city lights in Joshua Tree, California. Organizers have created a sacred space for people to meditate and spend a considerable amount of time in a state of selfreflection—even if this means you’re dancing the whole time. “The Divine Feminine is the alchemist of all creation,” says Kennedy Carr, Bhakti Fest Stage Manager and Editor at Large at Vision Magazine. “Her love is unconditional, with total equanimity. By loving her, heart and soul, we’re able

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M I N D S TAT E S to achieve expanded states of Bhakti bliss and continued love and support from all that is.” What sets Shakti Fest apart from other festivals, says producer and organizer Sridhar Silberfein, is that in the soothing warmth of the desert, one can “immerse themselves totally in their sadhana [daily practice].” And of course this means “living” and “being” yoga, to a soundtrack of powerful Kirtan music. In terms of yoga mysticism, art, and spirituality, there’s nothing watered-down about Bhakti Fest events—they’re the real deal. With traditional fire ceremonies (pujas), ubiquitous Indian art, everything yoga asana to prepare the body for meditation, live Kirtan, and of course, that iconic flow of aromatic, incense-imbued air, it’s easy to feel like you’ve been transported back in time 5,000-plus years. “Our festival is very traditional—very Indian,” says Sridhar. “It’s a space where people can come to deepen their spiritual path.” As an alcohol-free, vegetarian event, the Spring OMmersion festival is more a wellness retreat than a debaucherous rager. “We’re not trying to change people’s lifestyles. What anybody does, we respect and honor [drugs, alcohol, meat]. It’s just that when you come to this particular venue, for this particular festival, this is what we give you…the other stuff you can get any day of the week, any place in the world.” Don’t think these events are prude gatherings, though; instead, you’ll find an ocean of amazing people who are blissed-out and high on life. You’ll find processions of happy-hearted Hare Krishnas, dancing joyously along the pathways. You’ll eat delicious guilt-free food, converse with open-minded people, and feel comfortable in your space. Everywhere you look you’ll see a slew of intriguing, mystical people. Those who embrace the yoga lifestyle will undoubtedly enjoy chill-out sessions in the Wellness Sanctuary, where you can have a massage or a reiki session, take a workshop on everything from mantra chanting to drumming, or simply utilize the space to assume your best “corpse pose,” to re-up your energy for some ecstatic dance later. Regardless of what you’re into or where you come from, in my humble opinion, Bhakti events are extremely friendly and very entertaining, and I’ll add, seemingly life-enhancing. We’re talking about a yoga community that’s welcoming and unpretentious (as many of us know some pretentious yogis). You’re surrounded by people who keep higher vibrations and are inspiring to be around. The Do LaB Presents Lightning in a Bottle, Memorial Day Weekend Ah, LIB—an outlandish, eccentric little world, one that stimulates the neurons in the brain and opens



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M I N D S TAT E S the eyes wide. Some people may need to prepare themselves mentally for what happens there. As an avenue for radical self-expression and selfacceptance, what happens at LIB, (you fill in the rest)… Others, however, are the opposite—they’re naturally drawn to these environments of fantasy, where stilt walkers roam like graceful, futuristic dinosaurs, and masquerade characters drift naturally through crowds like deer in the woods. Taking an artistic approach to the liberation of the human spirit, festival goers adorn themselves with avant-garde wardrobes and props, and turn the overall experience into an art form. At LIB, you are the art. And it may feel like the Twilight Zone of festivals, where you never know what to expect around the next corner. Leave it to the Do LaB to create a space for all this to happen; they build an extraordinary, temporary biosphere that pulses with electricity for four days, and then, post-event, everything seems to just vanish. The Los Angeles based company says that their “highest mission is to create experience as art form.” They remain committed “to the highest levels of art, production, and aesthetic, to always challenge people’s preconceived notions of reality and what is possible,” say the organizers. With old-world theatrical productions and stunning aerial performances, these events are epic journeys into the mysterious and unfamiliar. Most noteworthy is that at the heart of LIB is a deep commitment to the principles of sustainability in all aspects of the creative process. The stages are made from bamboo, rattan, and trash—reused and reusable materials that would otherwise never be considered as platform resources. As a leader in the Green Festival Movement, organizers say that their policies have been “adopted worldwide” and that through their green vendor policies and renewable energy and waste management standards, they are “constantly striving to push the industry standard a step forward.”

continued on page 38

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Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and the Art of Breathing by Jeffrey Ainis


ou can experiment,” says Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. “For a few moments, keep your body steady and keep your eyes steady. You will see, almost immediately, the mind will also become steady. The mind and breath will come to a standstill. This is when time stops. That is the state where you feel you could stay like this for a million years, where the mind freezes, like you put vegetables in the freezer and they stay fresh forever. This is the secret of youthfulness, the secret of bubbling enthusiasm, the secret of renewal of life. This is samadhi, steadiness.” In the 30 years since spiritual leader and humanitarian His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar started the Art of Living Foundation, he has seen his programs become adopted on six continents and in 151 countries, with participation by heads of state, people in inner cities, prisoners and guards, cultural and corporate leaders, veterans, social and environmental activists, people in areas of natural disaster and conflict, and warring parties (who, in several places, have been inspired to lay down their arms). There is a biography about Sri Sri (as he is known) by well-known French journalist François Gautier, with the telling title, “The Guru of Joy.” “There are really two kinds of activities that Sri Sri has inspired,” says Austin Myers, chairwoman of the Los Angeles Art of Living center, “Breathing and meditation courses for individuals, and service and relief programs for


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communities and people in trauma.” Myers oversees a center that opened in 2010 in the historic former Second Church of Christ, Scientist building in the West Adams neighborhood near USC. A tall, thin woman, originally from Florida, she used to work full-time in the movie industry as a costumer, getting her start in the big leagues with the “Miami Vice” TV series, and working on many movies and TV series since then. She took the flagship Art of Living Course in 1997, but says that people have been taking the program in the Greater Los Angeles area since 1987. “Some people are drawn to the Art of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Living for stress relief or to improve their health or energy,” she notes. “And it has certainly helped me that way. But for me, Sri Sri himself was the hook. He has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize several times and has brokered peace between opposing political factions and even terrorists. And those things are important, obviously. But the love that comes through was the real key for


“You can experiment… For a few moments, keep your body steady and keep your eyes steady. You will see, almost immediately, the mind will also become steady. The mind and breath will come to a standstill. This is when time stops. That is the state where you feel you could stay like this for a million years.” —Sri Sri Ravi Shankar me. Even my mother was drawn to that, and actually became a big proponent in her circle of Miami charity activists.” Myers describes the Art of Living Course as Sri Sri’s “core program,” which includes a meditative breathing process called Sudarshan Kriya. When someone attending a talk by Sri Sri complained that they felt peace in the meditation they had been doing for many years, but that it did not stay with them enough during the day, Sri Sri noted, “The Kriya and the small techniques that are done in the two-day program help one to bridge this gap,” explaining that with the breath, the effect is brought into the physical. But apparently, the effect doesn’t stop with the individual. Myers notes that Art of Living volunteers were among the first on the scene after the South Asian tsunami, and that one researcher found that the approach they were using brought relief from post-traumatic stress disorder in as little as eight hours. Veterans have had similar relief, she notes, pointing to a pamphlet describing veterans programs that are taught through a partner organization. It includes some comments from Iraq veterans, and a chilling quote from a Vietnam veteran named Noel Olsen: “If I could have been availed of this breathing 40 years ago, I feel that it would have helped my whole life and things would have gone a lot better. I know that I’m subject to flashbacks and re-experiencing things that I went

through in the war. What the breathing has done is to take away the power of those flashbacks. I believe all veterans can benefit from taking the course and learning how to be at peace with what you may have done.” Art of Living volunteers were also on the scene in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, and Art of Living was chosen as the stress-relief component in the Back on Track America effort that traveled the country helping to restore business and confidence after 9/11. Environmentally, Art of Living volunteers have planted more than 10 million trees as part of the United Nations Millennium Campaign, trained more than 10,000 farmers in organic, chemical-free farming—resulting in increased production and income and reduced costs—while addressing the farmer suicide crisis in India. They also started a Haiti Reforestation Project to plant and nurture 1.5 million trees, in a country where 98 percent of the once-lush forests have been cut and 70 percent of the land is no longer cultivable. (Volunteers have helped bring relief after the earthquake there, too.) “It is insensitivity that makes a person act callously toward the environment,” Sri Sri has explained. “If a person is sensitive, he will nurture the environment, thereby eradicating pollution.” Myers adds that, “When people start feeling happier and their awareness starts expanding, their attention starts turning toward helping their world.”

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar will offer a three-evening series called “Secrets of Meditation,” April 19-21 at 7:30 p.m., at the Art of Living Center, Los Angeles, 948 West Adams Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90007, near the 10 and 110 Freeways, by USC. (It is possible to attend just one evening.) Sri Sri will also be giving a commentary there on a specific ‘Upanishad,’ one of the ancient texts designed to help people live in higher consciousness. For more information or tickets, call 310.820.942 or visit Jeffrey Ainis is a freelance writer and editor, and co-author of two books on music. Contact him at

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People v. The State of Illusion A Conversation with Austin Vickers by Sydney L. Murray


he film, “People v. The State of Illusion,” is presented from the viewpoint of the protagonist who is in a trial for his life. All of what you see can be interpreted in many ways. Every lawyer knows that there are more than two sides to every story. Austin Vickers, with his legal background, illustrates the veil of illusion that covers many of our lives. In a painterly manner he illustrates how our lives can spin out of control until we break through the veil of illusion. Vision Magazine: What is illusion? Austin Vickers: Everything. I think one of the understandings we have from quantum physics is that nothing looks the same or would appear the same without our participation in it. The perfect example of this is if you look up at your ceiling right now, it looks like a barrier, and it is a barrier to your body. But if your consciousness was a photon in your cell phone, and you were coming from the perspective of that photon, then there is no ceiling above your head. Which is why your cell phone works. Everything in life that we observe or that we see is wholly dependent upon our participation and perspective for it to even appear to be the thing that it appears to be. So in a very physical and literal way, everything is an illusion. People look at their bodies and they go, well, I know I have a body. What you think is your liver won’t be your liver three months from know. Your skin that you think is your skin replaces itself every five days. Your skeleton replaces itself every three months. So is the skeleton four months from now the skeleton that you think you have today? Well, no. What really is more persistent than the actual skeleton is the idea we have about that skeleton.

We forget that we’re actually imagining our body on a minute-by-minute, dayby-day basis. We forget that we’re imagining the state of our relationships and the possibilities that we see existing in our current environment. And we often allow our awareness to be unconscious. Like Aaron [the protagonist] in the very beginning of the movie when he’s in the jail cell and the janitor says, “Look around, and what do you see that’s beautiful?” He looks around and says, “Well, nothing,” because he has a very limited imagination of what is possible in that environment. So what we see in the transformation of Aaron through the film is that as he begins to expand his own awareness and his own understanding of what is possible and his ability to imagine—even though the space around him never changes through the whole movie—by the end of the film, he sees an amazing space and thinks, “I’m able to do all this work, I’m having all these great conversations, I’m touching people’s lives.” And I think that’s the metaphorical point I was trying to make with people’s lives: if we are sucked into the illusion of what’s going on outside of us and we derive our


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C U LT U R E possibilities or our limitations from that external environment, then we’re severely limiting our ability to imagine. VM: I always loved that one quote by Einstein that “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” Because we’re so rewarded for knowledge in this society, I think Americans have forgotten that imagining capacity. AV: It’s true of everybody. And part of what I was trying to hopefully show in the movie is that people don’t fully understand and appreciate what they actually are imagining every day. There’s no better time in human history than right now for our imaginations to become possible and real. When, ever, in the history of the world would you rather have been alive with a major health problem than right now? When, ever, in the history of the world, could a black man, who, 50 years ago, couldn’t sit at the front of a bus, now rise from obscurity to the highest political office in the world, as Leader of the Free World? When could a college kid imagine an idea—where he’s eating Top Ramen every day—and then four and a half years [become] one of the world’s richest billionaires? VM: When you say, “the people,” what does that mean to you? Who are the people? AV: That means, to me, who we really are. In this court case that is the trial of all of our lives, the state of illusion is obviously that cloud, that veil that we operate on that keeps us locked into a very literal view of life that we think what is real is just what it is that we’re observing. Or, like in the movie, we’re walking around almost like they’re paintings on a museum wall; we’re just observing these things. Whereas the reality is that we are co-creating them. We co-create them by our participation in those imaginations and in those ideas. And at the root of every person is the ability to have that awareness to really cut through the illusion and to really be a creator, to really imagine something and bring that imagination into reality. VM: I was thinking about it as punching through that ceiling. If there were one thing that can punch you through to the next level, what would it be? AV: For me, it’s the content of process shift. I really think that when people first become aware that they can pay attention to not only the content in their life—like the stories and the drama, and what’s this event going on, and what’s this person doing—they actually start to participate in an observing outlet: what are the patterns of their thinking? That’s the first time where real accountability and responsibility begin. And that, for me, is the secret to getting out of the illusion. I’m an expert at imagined conflicts. If my someone calls me up on the phone and says, “Austin, I need to speak to you, it’s really important, I’ve got to call you tomorrow and I really need you to be on this call because we’ve got something important to discuss,” what I started noticing 15 years ago is that where my mind would automatically go is to a conflict. I would imagine there was a problem, I would think about what problem it possibly could be, and then I would begin to imagine continued on page 39

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APRIL 2012 FORECAST By Adrienne Abeyta

Adrienne Abeyta presents a unique forecast blending the tarot with astrology. A gifted reader of intuitive arts, she offers private consultations and psychic entertainment for parties and events. To set up an appointment, she can be reached at 619.917.0998 or

Aries: Hierophant (7 of Pentacles) 3/21 – 4/19 It is a period to reflect on last season’s harvest, to choose what to use and what to discard. This is an important time for letting go of relationships, situations, and attitudes that no longer serve you. Be careful of how you spend your time and who you spend it with. An important relationship will be tested in an unlikely way, but don’t fight it; your response will yield the result you deserve. Prepare for some hard work ahead when a project you take on this month has more to it than you realize. Once all is said and done, though, there’s much to be gained.

Libra: Tower (Knight of Pentacles) 9/23 – 10/23 It’s time to pick up the pieces and begin again, and in this case it’s useless to dwell on what went wrong. An area of life that seems to be in chaos is merely a bit out of order and requires your immediate attention. Take advantage of this and design a more appropriate course of action. The Full Moon on the 6th is sure to deliver this interesting detour, and although it may hurt a little, it is not the end of the world. Take extra care of your health this month and don’t take on more than you can handle. Scorpio: Hermit (9 of Cups) 10/24 – 11/22 Quality time is best spent alone, emptying your mind of meaningless mental clutter. After the bustle of your work week, find time to contemplate your inner world. Purposeful reflection paves the way for you to forge new paths; this is a time for dreaming. You may wish to escape heavy emotions or boredom, but if you can stay with those feelings, you’ll find a place of peace. Avoid the temptation to bury yourself in work or pleasure—stay present and focused. Search your heart for the dreams you’ve overlooked. If you can dream it, you can do it!

Taurus: Magician (4 of Swords) 4/20 – 5/21 Quiet your mind and you will find a side of yourself you never imagined. This is a particularly powerful time for activating your goals and seeing through obstacles. “No better time than the present” is a perfect affirmation for making things happen, and everything you need is now lined up. Whatever has been on hold will now begin to flow, but it’s up to you to direct this energy decisively. Feel confident about your words and actions because others may look to you to lead. A synchronistic event will likely be the catalyst for your next project—stay open!

Sagittarius: Star (7 of Cups) 11/23 – 12/21 Dream the impossible dream… Your imagination is quite fertile this month, so feel free to plant seeds of fantasy. Visions may unexpectedly bombard both your waking and dreaming mind, and within them are buried treasures. To reap their value, though, you must discriminate with your rational mind. Find ways to connect with your deeper feelings: listen to music; meditate; walk in nature; and spend quality time with those you care about. Most importantly, have faith and trust that the language of your images is as essential as that of your logical mind. Strange coincidences can yield favorable results, but only if you let them.

Gemini: Lovers (8 of Pentacles) 5/22 – 6/21 Choices reflect values, so be sure to value what you do. A new aspect in your life will require a great deal of your attention and creative focus. In a relationship, you may find that it is your turn to shoulder the burden of responsibility. But before taking on too much, be sure you’re ready. In work, a recent decision may lead you down a less familiar path, yet it will also solidify some of your long-term goals. Commitment is the word of the month. If your heart isn’t in it, your commitment is ineffective. Cancer: Moon (8 of Cups) 6/22 – 7/22 The past always has an odd way of showing up in the present, particularly when feelings are intense. This month, an emotional situation may trigger some of your forgotten tendencies—behaviors you thought you had left behind. You cannot avoid facing the reality of this situation no matter how much you deny it. Something or someone will likely bring out the worst in you. Though your judgment may be thwarted, you ultimately make the decisions, and in the end, you are the only one to blame. Denial might seem easier now, but it will only lead to harder times. Leo: Judgment (5 of Wands) 7/23 – 8/23 Free yourself from the friction that is caused by imaginary strife. How? Realize that nothing is bad, but that our thinking leads us to believe it is. Look deeply at what is troubling you most and you’ll discover that you have room for more movement than you think. The energy you’re wasting on this disruption is precisely what’s needed to solve your dilemma. Even though you’re feeling frustrated, recognize how focusing on what you don’t have instead of focusing on what you want is perpetuating the problem. Where your attention goes, so it grows; where your attention is not, so it rots.

Capricorn: Chariot (9 of Pentacles) 12/22 – 1/20 Taking action can be done in one of two ways: reactively or responsibly. You are known for getting things done effectively. This month, however, notice when you are trying to control a situation simply to appease your frustration. When you force things too quickly, sometimes you miss out on the bigger picture. Learn to sit with your feelings before bulldozing your way through a situation. The final touches to a project are not as simple as you hoped. Don’t worry, as everything will work out, though you’ll need to be patient in order to see the missing pieces. Aquarius: Temperance (2 of Wands) 1/21 – 2/18 A conflict you are struggling with has a much easier solution than you currently realize. However, to see this, you must refrain from black and white thinking. There is a middle ground that will lead you to personal fulfillment—a middle ground of both positive and negative elements. If you deny your faults, they will follow you forever. Don’t let your pride prevent you from admitting a mistake, even if it costs you something or someone. A strange occurrence around the 21st will inspire new goals. Be open to the possibilities regardless of what others think.

Virgo: Wheel of Fortune (5 of Pentacles) 8/24 – 9/22 New opportunities for growth can emerge from the challenges of the past, but you must show up to claim your golden ticket. Poverty consciousness is not only about what you have or don’t have, but also a mindset that keeps you from the abundance of the universe and the intelligence of the master plan. Look within yourself to find wealth, and you may discover that what you thought was missing was simply misplaced. How do you expect to get more when you neglect what you already have? The golden ticket is recognizing that nothing will satisfy you if you cannot satisfy yourself.

Pisces: Hanged Man (3 of Wands) 2/19 – 3/20 Take heed this month and work on cultivating more patience. Make any impetuous moves and you’ll undermine a fragile project in the making. As excitement builds, so does your desire to know. However, in your quest for answers, you may inadvertently make a preemptive strike. Wait until after the 12th for the pieces to begin falling into place. Until then, find other ways to channel your energy. A merger of sorts is on the horizon, but before making any business commitments, be sure to read the fine print. Think carefully, too, before acting on romantic impulses.

Becoming Who YOU Are! Adrienne Abeyta, Sacred - Self Coaching

Using Astrology, Numerology, & Tarot to discover the hero in your life story. Answering the questions:

• What is my purpose • What is the lesson of this challenge • When will my life look different • Where do I go from here Contact Adrienne for consultations, events, and private lessons. • (619) 917-0998 18

VI S I O N M AG A Z I N E • A P R I L 2 012 • W W W.VI S I O N M AG A Z I N E .C O M


Green Potential: Fair and Foul by Kushal Kumar


t is common knowledge that green is a color signifying potential of life, growth, and prosperity. It is opposite to a dry state, which stands for decay, decline, and loss of life. Obviously, appeal for green is universal, as none would welcome decay. The appeal for green provides inspiration for endeavor which may or may not succeed. Here, the meaning of green potential becomes clear. In other words, every human being or every nation is capable of growth, but it is not necessary that one would, in fact, achieve it. What is required is the sufficient endeavor. Human history is a record of amazing endeavors and achievements. There was a time when human beings were using tree leaves for their clothing. Travel from one place to another place was done on foot only, as other means of transportation had yet not been discovered or invented. But human endeavors have now brought about a stage when claims are being made to establish a human colony on the surface of the Moon. All this is the manifestation of green potential in them. Progress and prosperity in any walk of life can be achieved through both fair and foul means, jointly or separately. The same situation can also be rightly put as potential of prosperity: fair and foul. In life, one comes across numerous instances of progress or prosperity, having been accomplished by many. For instance, one often reads media reports saying that so-and-so has become the richest person of the world. Obviously, the details of means employed by such a person could be fair or foul. It is not the case that ‘fair’ is found to be one hundred percent behind the progress that man has achieved. Similarly, it is not the case that ‘foul’ is found to be one hundred percent in the progress that man has made. That points to the correctness of the theme, Green Potential: Fair and Foul. Pursuing the course of onward march through fair means has a healthy impact on the person pursuing as well as on the society. The following is a practical illustration to bring home to the readers the view expressed here: Ten students sat for a competitive examination for selection to four positions. The examination was conducted fairly and impartially. Though only four candidates were selected and the remaining six candidates had to be disappointed, the consequence was not unhealthy. The unsuccessful candidates did not entertain any grudge for not having been selected because they had definite knowledge about the examination having

been conducted fairly. While this incident would infuse peace and balance in the candidates, the society would benefit from their conduct born out of qualities of peace and balance in them. Unfortunately, many people are not willing to follow the fair path which requires both merit and patience. Consequently, much of the prosperity so achieved leaves behind it a trail of deceptions, wars, and sufferings. This can be explained by an instance from a report recently published in a local newspaper. The report had said that excessive use of pesticides and chemicalized fertilizers beyond normal limits, with the intent to maximize production of food crops, was tending to be harmful to the health of the local people. Though such newspaper reports cannot be equated to scientific advice, the report has a reasonable suggestion that the human passion to maximize profits by foul means proves harmful to the society. There is one area of human life, however, where the captioned theme, Green Potential: Fair and Foul, does not work wholly. It is divine life which cannot be reached or had with the use of foul means. That is why one of the Sermons on the Mount reads, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8). The pure in heart have a fair nature, and foul play is not germane to them. God or divine life is said to be pure and love personified. Those who are pure of heart have a potential to receive the blessings of God for divinity. The advice given here is that the doors to divine life are open to those who are fair natured, pure of heart. Let this be explained by an example from material life: If iron has abundance of impurity, the magnet does not attract it. But if the iron is pure, the attraction occurs at once. Thus, the sum and substance of the Sermon on the Mount is that the foul has no place in divine area. Kushal Kumar is from District Kangra of Himachal Pradesh, India, and has settled in Panchkula, Haryana, India. In his early life, he learned Vedic astrology, metaphysics, and divine science, and then carried these pursuits forward through three decades of employment in New Delhi. After having retired, he is now fully devoted to these subjects. His astrological predictions, based on examination of one’s birth time details, covering such aspects of life as health, wealth, education, marital aspect, profession, business, politics,etc., have been becoming precisely accurate. He can be reached at

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Make Way for the Energy of Spring! 5 Tips for Energetic Spring Clearing by Elaine Seiler


s spring comes to the winter climates, we humans seem to come alive with vitality. We are suddenly driven to plant flowers, tidy our yards, and clean, clean, clean. As you clean out your closets, pack up your woolens and bring your spring clothes out of their storage places, remember that it is important to clear the energies from those spaces as well. Every person who entered that closet, every physical item that was stored in the closet, has an energy that left a residue or shadow in that space. Spring cleaning from an energetic perspective means clearing those old energies as much as it means tidying, dusting, folding, and sweeping. How do you do that? Here are some ideas: First, burn an incense stick with sage or frankincense to clear and rebalance the old energies that were in the closets, in the nooks and crannies deposited there

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from the emotions you held in the past. Next, put a quartz crystal or amethyst geode in the corners of your home or closets and infuse them with a sincere prayer that they hold a positive energy throughout the spring and summer. Visualize a pyramid of clear, bright white light coming down from the other dimensions and settling perfectly over the closet or over your entire house. Do this exercise in your mind’s eye, knowing and trusting that when the pyramid settles over the area of your focus, it will clear, balance, renew, and refresh the energies within it. Then, in the weeks to come, whenever you think of it, refill the pyramid with clean, clear energy. Ask your Guides or angels or the Beings of Light to keep the energies clear and as harmonious as possible to best support your process. You can also use your body to clear and clean the energies in the space on which you are working. Imagine your body is an energetic vacuum cleaner or giant filtration device. Open up to the energies of the other dimensions; allow them to flow down through your crown chakra, or the crown of your head, and pass through your body like a pulsating screen. Allow those vibrations to pass through your body and out into the field around you. The energies coming from the other dimensions are too fast to be utilized on earth, but our bodies have the ability to step the energy down to a rate or pulsation that is usable by us here on earth. The energy passes through our bodies and out into the field, changing or transforming the field and clearing it just as if it were a filter or vacuum as mentioned above. You can raise the energies if they seem too slow and dense. You can dampen them down if they feel too fast and intense. You can anchor them if they feel too wild and erratic. And you can tuck them in if they are too stretched out. Just use your imagination to play with and adjust the energies, and trust that what you imagine is actually able to unfold. You are more powerful than you ever imagined. Finally, for the energies around you to be clear, YOU must be clear. Therefore, spring cleaning means clearing and cleaning, balancing and harmonizing the energy in and around you. You can use sage or frankincense or another

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incense to clear the energies around you just as you used it to clear your closets. You can also use a crystal to clear your personal field just as you did your closets. Or, use color to shift the energies in your immediate field. Visualize yourself bathed in whatever color you intuitively feel you need, to either clean the field or to balance it. You might then feel the need for a second color infusion to bring you the frequencies you need after the space has been cleared. Finally, use sound to clear, balance, and refresh the field on which you are working—the sound of the human voice in an “Om,” the sound of a Tibetan bell ringing pure and clear, the sound of a crystal bowl, humming with vibration. Any or all of these tools will assist your clearing process. So as spring comes knocking at your door, don’t let it knock you over. Face the winds and spring flowers knowing that you can cope with whatever comes your way physically and energetically. You are in charge of your reality.

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Author and Energetics Expert Elaine Seiler is at the forefront of explaining humanity’s “energetic evolution” and how we can cope and thrive in the face of rapid change. Elaine is a mother, grandmother, life and career coach, and researcher. She is the author of Multi-Dimensional You: Exploring Energetic Evolution and Your Multi-Dimensional Workbook: Exercises for Energetic Awakening. Learn more at and Contact Elaine at

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Comfort Technology: The Way of the Future A Conversation with Ken Lesser by Sydney L. Murray

Sat., 21 April 2012: One-Day Retreat: 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Immerse yourself in this spiritual Master’s wisdom, grace, love, and humor as you receive His personal guidance to move you into deeper levels of self-mastery. Cost: $150.00 (includes vegan lunch) Center for Spiritual Living, 25782 Obrero Drive, Mission Viejo, CA

Sat., 12 May 2012: Darshan: 7:30 p.m. All are welcome to come and receive a personal blessing from Louix. Prema Drala Ashram, 25742 La Serra, Laguna Hills, CA

Sat., 26 May 2012: Ecstatic Singing with Louix: 7:30 p.m. Featuring the world devotional music of Pranam. Reach profound states of bliss and joy through song. Prema Drala Ashram, 25742 La Serra, Laguna Hills, CA To join Louix for live videoconferences on the first and third Thursday of each month, please visit: To register for the retreat or for more information, please contact Samantha: phone: (888) 288-3735 • e-mail: To register online, go to: * All events, except the retreat and videoconferences, are by donation *

All attending these events consent to having their names, voices, images, and likenesses recorded and used for commercial purposes. All proceeds from these events will be used to support the Louix Dor Dempriey Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization.



he Comfort Clock Technology was created to offset the effects of electro pollution. This is an amazingly powerful technology housed in a small clock. The energetic chaos that you experience from our high tech world might be affecting you more than you know. I know about the cell towers and microwaves but I was astonished to find the hidden hazards in the new smart meters installed by our utility companies. Welcome to the 21st century. Ken Lesser Vision Magazine: Did you ever experience any difficulties that led you to create the Comfort Technology? Ken Lesser: I was living under high power lines for over seven years and was using a computer quite a bit, and between those two things, I became ill. And finally I began to talk with some people who had some awareness about the electro pollution problem. And that helped get me moving in this direction. VM: What would be some of the health risks that we encounter from electro pollution? KL: Fatigue, eyestrain, headaches, irritability, confusion, mood swings, difficulty focusing. Those are some of the kinds of stuff that people deal with. Another way it shows up would be in communication problems where people, because they’re not thinking as clearly, are involved in discussions and sometimes communications seem to break down more easily. VM: I thought what was so interesting about the clock was that the number of dreams I remembered the first night I put it next to my bed amazed me. Normally I remember one to two a night, and I remembered five to six, and they were vivid and clear. KL: One of the other ways to look at electro pollution, metaphorically, would be: If you’re looking at a big picture window, through a beautiful home and a lovely scene in nature, and the home had five to six layers of very sheer drapery fabric that were covering the window, and you could still see some things outside, but it wouldn’t be as clear and you wouldn’t pick out as much detail. And as you open one layer, and then another and another, there would be an increase in awareness and an increase in your ability to notice what is going on. Unfortunately, the electro pollution disconnects us from some of our senses and makes it harder for us to really pay attention to what’s going on, like with dreams. Some people say, well I must have dreams, but I don’t remember any of them. To me, what I would be more inclined to consider was when we took away the fog of that electro pollution, [they] became more aware of what was going on. Different groups in psychology or

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HEALING ARTS psychotherapy talk about how we can often get important information communicated from the subconscious in the dream state, and if we had access to those, that can be helpful information. And then at another level, as people become more involved in their dreams, this is called lucid dreaming, in which a person is not only having a dream and they notice that they’re in the dream, they start to actually direct what’s going on in the dream, and that’s such a powerful way to influence what shows up in our waking states of reality. VM: What has been one of the most surprising testimonials you have received for the use of the comfort clock? KL: Dannion Brinkley, with his first two near-death experiences where he was struck by lightning, which makes him a lot more sensitive to electrical energy. So he and [his wife] Catherine are big fans of Comfort Technology and they have five to six units that they use in their home. And one of the things that he pointed out was people don’t think about cell membrane permeability. So you have the absorption side of it, and the other side of that function is the body’s ability to release the cellular byproducts and release toxins. And so one of the things Dannion has pointed out is that the electric energy makes it harder on us to be able to function in that way, so our absorption of minerals and nutrients and our ability to digest food is negatively affected [including] the body’s ability to release toxins, which we are typically exposed to. Some of this information came to me from customers [who were] doing some work with detoxing mercury amalgam fillings and exposure and we find with the technology we are able to more easily release some of these heavy metals, and I didn’t know. And Dr. Toshiba… He has been practicing for 30 plus years extensively using Feng Shui and just paying attention to every little detail about the energy of his office because he’s known there are spots on the planet people go [e.g. Machu Picchu and Sedona] where the energies are so wonderful, people have healings. And he knew that it was possible to work with different things, in ways that he called the healing field of energy. So he had worked on his office to the point where it was very pristine and people in his waiting room would have a healing without even having a treatment. It would just be that beautiful of an energy. I took these [clocks] in to him…and he’d test them [and said] that within 30 years, this was one of the best things he’d ever done to strengthen and enhance the healing field of energy in his office. And he installed, in his pristine setting of about 2000 square feet, seven units of the Comfort Technology, and then wrote about how he could see a difference in himself and his patients.

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The Sexy and Funny Vegan Julie Newmar

A Conversation with Brian Patton by Sydney L. Murray


aving known Brian Patton for several years from his work at Vegin’ Out, a vegan delivery service in Southern California, as well as a writer for Vision Magazine (check out his interview with Patricia Bragg), and being a fan of his blog, I have always appreciated his humor. Beyond that, he seems to understand that as a very basic chef myself, I choose the freshest ingredients and mostly hope for the best. I sometimes make the mark and other times do not. I appreciate his humor and ability to really make great food from simple ingredients, which makes him a valuable source to go to for inspiration for healthy and tasty meals. I also love the fact that his recipes really take into account our American palate. Patton’s book, “The Sexy Vegan Cookbook,” is hilarious, entertaining, inspiring, and useful. This book is all that I could ask for in a cookbook and more. Vision Magazine: When did you become a vegan? Brian Patton: Actually, it was September 11, 2006. I wasn’t making any kind of a statement; it just happened to be a Monday. So that’s what it was. I had a big Porterhouse Steak on Sunday night, with mushrooms and onions. [I thought,] I’ll eat this steak and then I’ll be vegan for the month, and then I’ll have a steak at the end of the month. It was only going to be this month-long sort of experiment, just to kind of kick-start a better diet, I suppose. It started with, basically, just health reasons. I was tired of being tired all the time. I was very overweight, I smoked, and I drank a lot. I just had a lot of bad habits, especially bad eating habits, and I was just feeling pretty awful all the time. I didn’t even realize how awful I felt until I was vegan for a few months. And I thought, wow, I didn’t even know one could feel this good. So it did start off with health reasons. I was probably about 260 pounds or so. VM: I can tell through your books and through your blog (www.thesexyvegan. com) and through your writing, you love food; you have so much fun with it. How has your love of food changed the other aspects of your life—personal, professional, love? BP: My love of food and preparing food—well first, it made it really easy to transition into being a vegan because I was able to cook for myself, so I already had the basics and I already had a love of creating food. So that was a positive effect, just the fact that I was able to sort of easily transition into being a vegan, and it wasn’t as daunting as it might be for someone who doesn’t have as much of an interest in food. I think having an interest in food is really the first step you need to take if you’re really going to make a serious change in your diet—not even if you’re going fully vegan—whatever you’re doing. If you want to get more vegetables, you can’t just go and buy canned vegetables and say, I’m a vegetarian now. You have to use fresh, whole foods. Locally grown is ideal, but even if not locally grown, just taking a fresh vegetable and doing something with it, or just eating it raw.


Taking that interest in your food is the first step. I don’t think you should do anything else, as far as transitioning your diet to anything, until you take an interest in the food that you prepare. And I think that would change everybody’s life if they just put a little more time into the food that you eat. You only need two things to survive: you need to breathe and you need to eat (have sustenance). So, one of those things takes care of itself; you don’t even need to think about breathing. And then the other thing that’s tied for first place in the things that keep us alive, it’s just an afterthought. We have a frozen dinner, we’ve got fast food, whatever, and we should really be putting more time into it. I just recently started juicing as well; I did a juice fast a little bit ago. I watched that “Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead” documentary. And my fiancé, that night, said, “We are doing a juice fast tomorrow! We are doing it!” So we did this juice fast, and that really even took it to another level, as far as energy goes. And now I only drink juice for breakfast. I’ll make a few quarts of it in the morning, and then we’ll have it for breakfast, and then we’ll each take another pint or so in a glass jar and have a great snack around 2 or 3:00 p.m. Instead of grabbing a bag of pretzels or chips, donuts or something, you just have a healthy juice. VM: What does your nuclear family think about your lifestyle? BP: They definitely thought it was weird. They were like, uh oh! He has gone California on us. My family is from Northeastern Pennsylvania; it’s very rural. People don’t know what veganism is, really. They think, is it a cult or

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F E AT U R E something? I’m sure at first it’s like, oh California got him, man. One of my cousins actually said, “Ah, they gotcha, didn’t they?” But when I do go home to visit, they enjoy eating what I prepare for them. I ask, “What do you want to eat?” They just say, well, just make what you would normally make. They’re really surprised and supportive. They don’t really give me too many problems aside from just good-natured ribbing. But other than that, they enjoy when I come home and prepare the things that I normally eat. They do enjoy that. And I can definitely say that my brothers and my parents have definitely decreased their processed food intake, their meat intake, and their dairy intake for sure, just from listening to what I talk about and seeing what I do. They definitely changed their habits. My dad sent me an e-mail a few weeks ago and he asked, “So how do you make a veggie burger?” I sent him a recipe. My dad didn’t even really cook that often, he grilled. So he’s like, I’m going to make some veggie burgers, like the black bean burger recipe. He texted me pictures a couple days later of the burgers that he made, and I was proud. I was proud of my dad; that was awesome. VM: If you had one favorite recipe in your cookbook that you crave, what would it be? BP: I would say the most crave-able dish, definitely to me anyway, is the Lasagna Fauxlognese. I just made it for my friend’s birthday party two weekends ago. I was the only vegan there, and they were scraping the pan. And I thought this is a very good sign. It has all the right textures and it has all the right flavors, and you take a bite and you don’t even think that this is vegan. It’s just so rich and delicious. Cashew-based ricotta has a great ricotta-like texture. I make the “fauxlognese” [sauce] sort of crumbly with just tofu, that I season with fennel seeds and chili flakes and oregano. So it’s high in seasoning. And then you toss it with the pasta sauce and you just layer it like regular old lasagna. And I’ll be darned that it doesn’t taste like lasagna. They were scraping the pan; I wish I could’ve taken a little secret video. VM: What’s so great about your cookbook, “The Sexy Vegan”—that I love, and I’ve always loved this about you—is that you are just funny. Why is humor and food such a mix with you? BP: Well, because they’re just the two things that I love, I guess. And I guess somewhere in my stupid head it made sense to put them together. I was sort of addicted to watching cooking shows when I first started to cook for myself. And I never consciously thought, these [shows] are missing something, but when I first decided to make that first video (the guacamole video), I thought, ah… My friend had just told me about this YouTube site. I was like, what is that? And then he told me about it, and it was like, I can do what? This sounds great, let me think of something to do just to entertain my friends. I wanted it to be almost a spoof of a cooking show, have sort of pre-shaped things. They’re all very clichéd and cookie-cutter, every single one of those cooking shows, like on the Food Network or whatever. There’s nothing really unique about them—a few of them maybe. But I just thought, I’ll inject my personality into a standard sort of cooking show and see what happens. VM: I’m kind of a lazy cook. Maybe I’m just an overworked person and I

just want to get home and put something together. But your recipes are very efficient. BP: And I definitely wanted to use ingredients that are simple and that were easy to get—not these crazy gourmet cookbooks that have 30 ingredients to a dish. That’s great, but that’s not what I do, so I’m not going to make a book that does that. I’m just going to cook the food that I cook, and I like to keep it simple. I like to just have a lot of flavors and use easy-to-find ingredients. I think that if someone’s got a cookbook that has a recipe with 30 ingredients in it, they’re probably not going to make it; it’s too intimidating. And that’s the thing about the humor and using the humor. I didn’t want to be talking down or preaching or be intimidating to people. I wanted it to be accessible and fun. And if there were a little funny joke next to this recipe, maybe they’d be not as scared to try it. So I just decided to try to make it lighthearted and funny. And that’s why the book came out as it did, because of the publisher New World Library who said, if you can take your videos and put them on a piece of paper, we’ll have a great book. That was my challenge that they gave me, was to take the videos and make them in paper form. VM: So in your opinion, why is food sexy? BP: Food is sexy because it attacks all the senses. You smell it, you taste it, and you see it. When something’s sizzling, you hear it. And in the process of making a dish, all of these things happen. Something sizzling in the pan, then you get an aroma, then you see the bright colors, and it all comes together on this plate. And that’s pretty sexy to me. You infuse the food with this passion you have for all of the senses. VM: Our theme in April is Green Potential: Fair and Foul. In your opinion, do you experience unethical behavior cloaked under the green moniker? BP: In any sort of endeavor or any sort of business or movement, there’s always going to be someone who is trying to capitalize on it just for their own personal good, and then there’s somebody who really wants to make the change. So I think that that is the case in anything, including the green movement. I don’t have any specific cases in mind, but I’m sure there are companies out there who are saying, we do this green, we do this green, but they are only doing the minimal amount of stuff so they can write it on their tagline of their advertising. It’s tough to decipher that because advertising is so powerful and so good. Especially giant corporations are really good at advertising, so it’s tough to decipher that. But really, you can take control of your own life. If nothing else, you can control what you do, and if you know you have good intentions, that’s the best you can do. So you are as green as possible, you buy locally as much as you possibly can, you use as much recycled stuff, and you recycle as much as you can. You can only control what’s really immediately around you. And if everybody does that, with good intentions, then everything will change— things will change on a grand scale. You have to change yourself first. VM: I’ve always kind of been non-acquisitive, so for me it makes sense not to acquire. I flip out when people use too many paper towels. BP: The other thing is, a lot of people just always grew up having paper towels. They don’t even think that you can go to the store—you can go to a restaurant supply store, Smart & Final—and get a bag of 12 terry cloths or bar mop towels, and you can just reuse those over and over again. That’s what I do at home. For a while, before I thought of it, I would just have paper towels all the time, and I would go through paper towels like crazy. Then it hit me, because at work in the kitchen, we use these industrial towels. We use them and then the company comes and they pick them up, and they clean them and they bring them back; it’s like a linen service, and they do just utility towels. I thought, well I should have that in my house. I would use not even close continued on page 46

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Solar Rain Water— An Investment in Our Health and Our Future A Conversation with BJ Kjaer by Sydney L. Murray

People need a “fundamental, cultural attitude change about water supply in the Southwest. It’s not abundant, it’s not reliable, it’s not going to always be there.” —Patricia Mulroy, Water Research Foundation.


rowing up in Colorado, I was aware of the huge amounts of snowfall I was used to as a kid and what we see there today. Taking the road into Breckenridge, the snow fences would be covered over. Many years ago they were removed because the snow was never that high again. A few years ago I heard the phrase that water is the next oil. According to Nature Magazine (2010), about 80 percent of the world’s population (5.6 billion in 2011) lives in areas with threats to water security. The water security is a shared threat to both humans as well as our natural habitat, and it is pandemic. Despite its water problems, California projects that its population will grow from 35 million today to 60 million by 2050. Arizona, New Mexico, and many other water-stressed states are expecting similar growth spurts as more immigrants and native-born Americans move to those states. Last year I had the opportunity to meet BJ Kjaer who has such a strong heart and will to bring an amazing product called Solar Rain Water to restaurants and health food stores. He uses ocean water to create this amazing product. I truly believe the technology he has developed could have a worldwide impact. Recently I had the chance to discuss Solar Rain with him. Vision Magazine: The research on the Colorado River and its depletion is not very encouraging. There is a professor from Columbia University that was projecting that the Southwest would become a dustbowl by 2050, based upon current projections. How does the technology of SolarRain offer consumers a product if we encounter that level of water scarcity? BJ Kjaer: Realistically, the water really should flow the other way. The water should flow, in my opinion, from California to Arizona. We have more water out here than they have there. We have the ocean. Ninety-seven percent of water on the planet is ocean water. From what I read, too, there isn’t going to be much Colorado River. Obviously it depends on the climate. But I’m thinking, here goes the Colorado River, it goes into Lake Mead and just sits there, and twice the amount of water that San Diego uses in a year evaporates out of Lake Mead every year. And then, of course, it goes to Vegas. I was touring a water reclamation plant up in Cardiff, and the director was taking me through the four stages they go through before they actually use the water. If they have excess, they dump it in the ocean. After the second stage, this is where in Las Vegas stops; they don’t go through the four stages that they do here. They only go through two stages of cleaning the sewage,


and then they dump it back into the Colorado River. So what happens in Vegas doesn’t stay in Vegas—you’re drinking it. VM: Can you give a brief overview of the process of the rain water? BK: The process is as old as the beginning of time because we’re pretty much just mimicking what happens with what the natural water cycle is. BJ Kjaer When you think of it, the water we have on the planet is the same water that we’ve always had. What we’re doing is we’re taking ocean water, which is what happens here. I’m looking out the windows right now and there are clouds out there, and water evaporates at any temperature that’s above freezing, so it’s just a matter of how fast, depending on the temperature. So oceans are not boiling to make clouds; they are just warm and they make clouds and they form clouds. And then they blow in on land and they cool down. They hit the mountains, they cool down, and they become rain. And we do the same thing. We’re using the sun, which is what nature does. We use solar-thermal energy to heat the water. We do it at low temperatures, much like what happens in nature. We make these hotwarm vapors (clouds) and then we blow these clouds into another chamber where we cool them down. And then that makes the rain. You can hear the rain falling in this tank. Other people take tap water, first of all, which is nasty and depleting the aquifers. And then they boil it (they bring it to 212 degrees) using fossil fuels—polluting the environment—to make steam. They cool the steam down using things like Freon, which is a nasty chemical, and then they basically have distilled water. Then they add minerals or electrolytes to it to give it some flavor. Because we make our clouds at lower temperatures, it maintains some of the minerals from the ocean, and the minerals in ocean water are in the same proportion, pretty much, as the minerals in your blood, your lymph system, your body. We’re 60 percent water. So the body recognizes the proportion of these minerals and can actually use them the way they come in our water. VM: Have you heard about any positive experiences with people that started drinking the Rain Water? BK: I have to say, you have to be really, really careful making any kind of statement. So I have [success stories], but they’re obviously anecdotal stories. I had one customer say, I had to get up a couple times a night because I was feeling very thirsty. After I started drinking SolarRain—I would drink a glass of SolarRain water before I went to bed—I wouldn’t have to get up in the middle of the night because I didn’t feel thirsty anymore. A lot of chefs really love our water—local chefs, star chefs around town.

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“A lot of chefs really love our water—local chefs, star chefs around town. We’re doing better and better with some of the high-end restaurants because the chefs just love the water.” We’re doing better and better with some of the high-end restaurants because the chefs just love the water. Like Paul McCabe who was in L’Auberge who is now part-owner of Delicias in Rancho Santa Fe; he swears by our water. And Jim Phillips who is the executive chef of 10 restaurants in Barona [Resort & Casino], he swears by it. He and his wife both, that’s the only water they drink. And chef Carl that does the Market Restaurant on Villa de la Valle in Del Mar, they go through, I think, six cases of 1-liters a week. VM: I’ve seen the pictures of the evacuated solar tubes on your Web site. Is that what fuels your whole plant? BK: When you take one energy source and you convert it to another energy source, like when you take solar panels and convert it into electricity, you lose a lot of the efficiency. So we’re not converting our energy into anything. We’re basically making hot water and we’re using that hot water to heat our ocean water. So we’re not spinning a turbine; we could but we’re not. There are people that have solar-thermal power plants, and what they do is they make steam. And then they spin turbines using the steam for electricity. We don’t do that. We have these custom-built, titanium heat exchangers. The ocean water goes in one side of the heat exchanger, and the hot water from the solar-thermal field comes in the other side. And the two waters don’t touch each other, but the hot water from the solar field heats up the ocean water; they touch these titanium plates, and that heats it up. This solar-thermal energy, if you use it that way, it’s way more efficient than any other kind of solar energy. Also I should say that, for instance, photovoltaic panels, they have a lot of toxic materials in them. What’s going to happen in 30 years when all these solar panels go bad and they’re not efficient anymore? They’re going to dump them in the landfill. With our evacuative solar tubes that we use, it’s glass and copper, so it’s all recyclable. Also, because a solar panel is flat, the sun is only going to hit that panel at one point of the day to be most efficient. Whereas our tubes are round, so the sun is always hitting it as it moves across the sky at a 90-degree angle. It has what’s called passive tracking. VM: If there was one, what do you think is the most pressing

environmental issue we face in the United States? BK: We’re doing an event at Liberty Station, coming up, I think it’s next weekend. We’re providing water for people attending the fair. They said, we don’t know how to deal with the recycling. I said, well, we’ll take care of it, we’ll recycle. They said, what about all the other stuff? People may bring in glass bottles and paper cups. I said, well we can do it. Are you going to have it separated out like a good European? [They said,] oh no, we’re not that good; it’s all going to be mixed together. But if you go to any small town in Europe, they have recycling bins with everything, whether it’s batteries or lightbulbs, iron or copper or aluminum, or glass and plastic, and different colored glass. People are just trained to recycle this stuff, and they’re much less wasteful. I grew up in Europe, so when I first came here I was amazed. I’d walk into a grocery store and they would give you plastic bags and they would bag it for you. In Europe, you bring your own bag, and you bag it yourself. And it’s always been that way. When you go in [a grocery store], you bring in your case of bottles, sorted by color, and there’s a little hole in the wall and there’s a conveyer belt. You just stick the box in this hole, and the conveyer belt grabs it, it scans it and knows exactly what it is, and it spits out a little receipt. When you get to the checkout line, you give them the receipt, and they give you credit for the bottles that you recycled. Anyway, back to your question. That’s a tough one. There’s just so much waste. VM: I’ve been told that sometimes recyclables all go in one bin and then might just go into the trash if they can’t separate it. And you think, I make the efforts… BK: It’s the same as, I think, being an organic farmer. We do a lot of composting. Composting makes such wonderful soil, and the trees just love it. A lot of Americans have yards, unlike Europeans that hardly ever have yards; we live in apartments. But Americans have yards, and all the yard trimmings and the grass clippings and the rose trimmings, and whatever else they do… A lot of people don’t grow their own food. They should really grow at least some of their own food. VM: I definitely see more people trying in San Diego. BK: People are trying, I agree, but what do they do? They throw the trimmings in the garbage or they bundle them up and stick them out on the side of the street. People should have compost piles in backyards. Now somebody has to come pick it up, burn diesel fuel to move it somewhere continued on page 41

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Encouraging Green Potential in Children: The importance of information-sharing by Ruby Roth


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ecycling, reusable bags, raw food. Cruelty-free cosmetics, fair-trade products, holistic healing. Did your parents or grandparents engage in any of these practices? Perhaps, like me, your mom was a vegetarian long before you were born. But for most of us, these concepts were born of contemporary concerns and unprecedented environmental and health issues. Yet here we are, a global community of concerned individuals sharing a lexicon of relatively new conscious and ecofriendly practices. It happened in less than a generation. As the green movement grows, more parents want to include their children—the next generation—in issues and decisions relevant to the family’s diet and lifestyle. But the topics that need explaining have also changed in less than a generation. They’ve become ever more complicated than recycling, flipping off light switches, and turning off the tap while we brush. Today, we’re dealing with disentangling our lives from big agriculture, big pharmaceuticals, chemical pervasiveness, and reversing an arguably irreversible ecological crisis. We’re going green inside and out, turning our intentions towards psycho-spiritual-ecologicalplanetary healing! In our generation, we have learned so much that the question is usually not about what to tell kids, but when and how. The great news is that kids are capable of much more than our society gives them credit for. This idea is key to remember as we encourage green potential in our little ones. We tend to shelter kids from the “adult” world, catering to a concept of childhood that seeks to protect the fragility that we imagine children inherently possess. But kids are more competent and sturdy than we think they are. I’ve been told repeatedly by surprised parents that their children reacted with curiosity—not fear—when they learned about complex, difficult issues like factory farming. Kids learn when we teach them! The path to a greener future lies in actively engaging children. I believe it is more about adults’ willingness to share than it is about kids’ abilities to learn. In my experience, when you provide children the information they need to make educated choices, they choose wisely. Together, we can look at the forces that shape our thinking, like McDonald’s commercials and school textbooks. We can involve kids in the everyday choices we make about food, clothing, products, and entertainment. Discussing the motives behind picking chemical-free shampoo, preparing a meatless meal, using homeopathic medicines, shopping at local farmer’s markets, even purchasing a birthday gift for a friend (you can “adopt” an elephant in his or her name!)—these are great opportunities to normalize green habits and fulfill the potential we have as a society to revolutionize the status quo. Kids like to feel empowered—in the kitchen learning about the power of a superfood, at the store on a mission for biodegradable soap, in the garden planting seeds. When you speak

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VISION CAFE frankly to children about problems and solutions (disease and wellness, pollution and clean-up, pesticides and organics), they feel like they’re being let in on a secret and they pay attention. Children feel empowered when we say, “I have something important to share with you and I want your opinion.” In turn, they learn to form values on their own. But they can’t make choices if they don’t know there are any. If you catch yourself shying away from a subject your kids should be aware of—be it water waste, world hunger, or animal abuse—don’t avoid the moment. Dive in. It’s great fun! Kids’ insights and ideas are astounding. Just focus on information that will be useful and relevant to your child. The facts you share shouldn’t be solely negative but constructive. Your child needs to be able to do something with their new knowledge. If you discuss the abuse of circus animals, you might calmly and frankly say, “I just learned that circus trainers often hit the animals with hooks. I’m not sure what to do about it. What do you think?” Listen for good ideas and offer other solutions: signing online petitions; boycotting a class trip to the circus; or volunteering at a sanctuary instead. The most important lesson is that we don’t have to fear anything we have the power to change. I was recently asked, “My children understand why our family is vegan, but how do I explain why other people eat animals?” Any answer that speaks the truth is appropriate. For example, “Not everyone knows that eating animals hurts animals. And some don’t care.” It’s the truth! If that perturbs your child, you might suggest that they do something to change it by sharing what they know, like writing school reports, holding a bake sale fundraiser for a sanctuary, or sharing a vegan recipe with their classroom. By meaningful inclusion, we can begin encouraging children to do what they are actually capable of, psychologically, spiritually, and physically. The worldwide progress we’ve made so far is due, after all, to information sharing. In fact, here in Los Angeles, our high participation rate in the city’s recycling program is in part owed to the education of school children who lobbied for their parents’ involvement. We can’t afford to wait for this next generation to grow up before teaching them how and why we need to live consciously. If we can replace the fear of scaring our kids with the joyful experience of participation and activism, we will be teaching them the full spectrum of what it means to be green: learning to love deeply, think critically, and act responsibly. This kind of education lasts a lifetime. If we’ve come so far in our own generation, imagine what the next will do. Ruby Roth is a Los Angeles-based activist, artist, writer, and former teacher whose children’s books have received international attention for their sensitive yet frank advocacy of a vegan diet and lifestyle. She is the author of, That’s Why We Don’t Eat Animals (2009, North Atlantic Books). Her second book, Vegan Is Love: Having Heart and Taking Action, teaches kids about the everyday power of people to create a healthier, more sustainable and peaceful world. Learn more at Join Ruby Roth at the Vegan is Love Book Launch Action Party, Saturday, May 5, 2012 from 1-3 p.m., at the new PETA Los Angeles headquarters (2154 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90026). The event will feature a book reading and signing as well as kid-activist action stations, button-making, animal-character photo ops, and free treats. RSVP to




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Sustainable Fashion: A Designer’s Personal Anecdote by Rebekka Lien


s an immigrant moving from Germany to Taiwan, then to Los Angeles, my family had to find creative means to live. One of the ways was learning how to sew. I learned how to sew when I was 12. Using an existing old t-shirt, I created a new t-shirt. I was proud of my creation and wore it every day. It had yellow and black stripes that made me look like a bumblebee. I was impatient with sewing, yet I hated the idea of looking like everyone else. I needed to stand out. I had to be somebody, not just anybody. My love for recreating fashion inspired me to become a fashion designer and entrepreneur. Fashion is an expression of self, but it is also a reflection of how we want others to see us. Today we notice the increasingly materialistic and capitalistic perspective on life. What exactly resembles good fashion, the ugly, and the upper class? For me the question was, how can I move from one country to another, one house to another, one season of life to another while sustaining my sense of unique fashion? How can I create a new look from the old? How can I wear the same t-shirt and not look like I did five years ago when I was still in college? How can I look like a sophisticated adult, but with a unique taste? The answer was to buy used, swap clothes, and reinvent! At Goodwill, there’s a fabulous $1 rack I frequent. When I find something nearly great, I make it


into something even better. I also organized a swap party between my three friends and picked up a lot of great items that they never wore. Creativity is using the little resources you have to create something unique and new. Creativity isn’t waiting for when you have all the money in the world or the perfect circumstances to take a risk—it’s exactly the opposite. When you are desperate and have nothing, you are forced to use the little resources you have and enter an entrepreneurial mindset. In order to earn extra income, I started selling my eclectic collections of clothes and accessories on eBay. Pretty soon, I was selling on other Web sites. When I quit my job, selling used clothing prevented me from living on the streets. Today, I not only design my own jewelry and clothes for sale, but I also import products from all over the world. The little I had forced me to start my own business. Sustainable fashion is about exuding the essence of who you are, without shame, without fear! It is about using existing resources to create something new and unique. Rebekka Lien is a trailblazer, budget traveler, fashion designer (FIDM graduate), business owner, writer, and musician who quit her job to pursue her dreams. She was born in Germany, has lived in Taiwan, and has backpacked solo and volunteered in Europe, Australia, and Asia. She currently resides in Silverlake, CA. Subscribe to www. to follow her journey of a life worth living. Her unique jewelry is sold on (Part of the proceeds sponsors an Ecuadorean boy.) Follow her on Twitter at Rebekka_Lien. Rebekka can be reached at

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Your Nature by Carolyn Chase


his year’s Earth Day theme is, “It’s Our Nature,” and appropriately so. It is human nature to build and explore. Especially in the 20th century, it’s in our nature to transform massive areas on the earth for our own uses. All life is dependent on the natural world— all the “functions” of plants and animals that create and maintain the atmosphere, the flows of water and waste and food. It’s completely in our interest to conserve and protect nature and the natural functions of earth. Unfortunately it’s also our nature to ignore the important in favor of the convenient. Rather than conservation being a valued and protected part of our culture, we need to have things like “Earth Day” because we need to be reminded. And so, those of us who want to help create a clean, healthy environment will gather at the 23rd annual EarthFair in Balboa Park on Sunday, April 22, 2012. More than 350 organizations—the EarthFair exhibitors—will be present to help spread the word in a way that makes a tangible difference. Four entertainment venues, the Children’s Earth Day Parade and activity area, an energy-efficient vehicle show, and eco-friendly foods make for a great day in the park for the whole family.

a political culture that is actively turning away from science, cutting scientific research and education, and denying widely-held scientific truths about earth’s natural systems. The human response needs to be able to rise to the challenge, rather than arguing over it or making it worse. The environment is completely underrepresented in all aspects, opposed by a new, unlimited flood of private interest money—much of it from oil and gas interests. The only way to overcome that influence will be through the actions of millions of Americans using the tools of democracy. We’ve seen how it has been done around the world: massive, persistent protests. We have only to organize them here. The Sierra Club Political Committee evaluates candidates for their environmental views. Watch for their endorsements or join in the process. Agitate, negotiate, litigate, educate, demonstrate, recreate; there is much work to be done. There are many, many ways that you can make a difference. Choose a new one for this Earth Day. Make it part of your nature. EarthFair in Balboa Park, San Diego will take place on Sunday, April 22, 2012, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. For more information, or if you are interested in volunteering, visit or call 858.272.7370. Register for the Children’s Earth Day Parade at “Like” San Diego Earth Day on Facebook; Tweet with #EarthFair at the event.

Rise to the Challenge Human nature can also be our undoing. Consider climate change. Everyone agrees that the geography of the earth has changed greatly over time. But whether or not it’s being caused by human industrial activities, shouldn’t the discussions be about how to address the challenges? But it’s not. It’s decidedly not. We’re still having to fight against massive new pipelines and dangerous oil drilling schemes. We take for granted most of the scientific progress we enjoy. Yet we tolerate

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M I N D S TAT E S “Festivals” continued from page 13

“LIB stands for active change for a better world. We live in a time where it is no longer enough to simply ‘leave no trace’ or do no further harm,” says the Do LaB. “LIB also stands for ‘Leave It Better, Leave It Beautiful.’” This year’s line-up features Bassnectar, The Glitch Mob, Shpongle, Tipper, Lucent Dossier Experience, Random Rab, Opiuo, Bluetech, and so much more, so do some research and see what excites you. Lucidity Festival—Awake in Your Dreams, April 13-15 And lastly, I’d like to mention the dream-centric Lucidity Festival in Santa Barbara, which will feature six themed villages that revolve around archetypes much in the same way as our dream characters represent aspects of ourselves. Featured are Renegade Outpost, Family Garden, Healing Sanctuary, Warrior’s Way, Lunatic Fringe, and Lover’s Nest, Vision Magazine joins Grateful Fridays in producing the Grateful Dome in the Lover’s Nest an immersive environment with consciousness, art, fashion, music, and performance expanding the focus on inclusivity in Hollywood. An organic experience with {MIND} Workshop, {BODY} Movement & {SOUL} will bring together the brightest talent performances of Love-Step, Electro, Mash up, Spoken Word & Acoustic performance bands and celebrity talent as a driving force. “Lucidity is an open-source transformational arts and music festival. We call it open-source because we will be co-creating this festival experience with YOU! We invite you to come play with us, get involved with one of our six themed villages, bring art, lead a workshop, spark a spontaneous flash mob, embody a character from your dreams, be silly and wild and free.” The Lucidity family guarantees a “visual voyage” that weekend, with multisensory stimulation and themed environments. This space is where “imagination becomes manifestation” and play is embraced through consciousness. So there it is, guys. I hope some of this information helps you decide which days to call in sick or take vacation time. You deserve it. To learn more about these festivals, and to purchase tickets, go to: www.lightninginabottle. org;;; and www.lucidityfestival. com. Daphne can be reached at daph.occupylamedia@ and at www.


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“State of Illusion” continued from page 17

my argument in a response to that conflict. Now, that’s a really great skill to have as a lawyer. It makes you very effective as a trial lawyer—it makes you effective in an argument—but it’s terrible in a relationship. And I didn’t become aware of the process so I can all of a sudden become selfjudgmental. It’s rather, I’ve become aware of it and then I can ask, “Is this the process that I want to employ in this situation?” And sometimes I do want to imagine conflict. If I’m in a crisis situation where I have to respond, I do want to go through all of the potential conflicts, all of the potential problems, and I’m going to find my way out of those situations by preparing my best line of attack. But if I’m having a conversation with my girlfriend or my daughter or my son, that’s not the kind of thought process I want. And so if I see that process come up, I can then interrupt it and ask, “You know what, that’s not the process I want. What’s an imagination I want?” I want an imagination of love or compassion or connection. VM: If there were one thing we could do to change our life, people around us, the world, what would it be, on a daily basis? AV: Stop worrying about the world. I get a lot of parents that come up to me going, I really loved your movie and I love your stuff, and I’ve got an 18-year-old child that really needs to hear this, what could I do to change them? Well they’re the wrong person to do this. The minute that they’re in their kid’s business, I can tell you that probably the problem that that child is experiencing is a problem with their parent who is constantly projecting their own weaknesses, their own fears, their own compromises on the child and trying to have the child make up for their lack of presence in their life. For example, I have an 18-year-old daughter. Let’s say that she comes home one night and I think that maybe she was out drinking with her friends. So I might say to her, “I’m really worried. I don’t like you out with your friends drinking. Don’t you know that it’s going to affect your college career, it could affect the rest of your life?” If I have a dialogue like that with my daughter, whose business am I in? I’m making it her business, like saying, don’t you know you should be doing this, or you should be doing that? Well, the implied message from that conversation is my daughter is not responsible enough to figure that out on her own. It’s essentially a message that says—when you cut through and below all of the content information—I don’t trust you, I think that you’re incapable of making a good judgment. And it’s also, by the way, not honest. Because the real issue going on isn’t my daughter’s behavior; it’s my fear about what would happen to me if she died. So if I were honest in the conversation, the conversation might look like this: “Honey, I’m scared to death. I understand you went out with your friends and you wanted to go drinking, and it freaks me out because I’m worried about what would I do if something happened to you. I’m worried about how would I wake up every morning and be able to handle life without you. And man, I feel weak, I feel really powerless, I feel really incapable of addressing my life every day without you. Is there anything you can do to help me?” That’s a totally different conversation. And that’s one that actually then empowers the child; it empowers the child to decide whether or not they’re going to help. And B, it never makes it about the child’s behavior because the issue really isn’t about the child’s behavior, it’s about the parent’s behavior. VM: It really is about that being the change that you want to see. But at the same time, we have to engage. You’re engaging; you’ve created this film, you created the dialogue. AV: And the reason for the engagement can be very different. In other words, Austin Vickers could have made the movie because he believes the whole world is in dire trouble, and they need the movie, “People v. The State of Illusion.” That’s a very different intention and a very different process than the real reason I made the movie, which was, it’s my Lila. There’s a Sanskrit term called Lila that means “the divine play.” And the idea behind Lila is that if the world is all-illusionary, then why not have an illusion that’s fun? Why not have an illusion that is the highest imagination you can have for yourself? VM: Our theme this month is Green Potential: Fair and Foul. Where do you think we’re going as an environmental world? AV: I think we’re headed in some really cool directions. If you look historically, invention and imagination always come out of chaos. Chaos is always the seed of new ideas. We invented the wheel because we wanted to go places faster and we couldn’t

get away from things quickly enough or move towards things quickly enough. We invent things and create things in response to problems. So with the problems that are all now surfacing around oil and the use of oil and the effects on the environment and how it creates wars… I don’t know a time in history [when] we’ve had more money going into investments, from solar energy, to wind energy, to thermal energy, to hydrogen. VM: So that one quote, “Imagination is more important than knowledge,” I keep coming back to because I had a question for you: If you were trying to change your life, what is the solution? But imagination is it? AV: It is a solution. And it’s awfully hard to be imaginative when we think the whole world’s going down the toilet. Who wants to imagine in that world? Who wants to imagine in a world where we think everybody’s unconscious except us? Or that there’s a very small, select group that gets it, and the rest of the world doesn’t get it? Well, that’s not very inspiring. So the content might be one that we agree to, but the underlying process of our thinking is pretty negative. It’s pretty unimaginative. And therefore that’s what the universe is going to respond to when we have those kinds of thoughts. VM: And how do you shift that? AV: We have to identify the pattern of thought that’s going on, and classify it. Is this an imaginative thought pattern? Is this a creative thought pattern? Is this a positive thought pattern? And if it’s not, then we have to look at, why might we want to be negative? And the secret is actually portrayed in the film around the subject of alcoholism. It’s actually going toward that thing, not away from it. So, if it were negative thinking or limited thinking, I would start to ask questions like, why would negative thinking be good? What values might it be trying to serve? Why would drinking be good? Why would anger be good? What would my depression be really serving me? And start to look to connect with what is—what is actually going on—and connect to it. Once we look deeper within those things, we will always find the values that those experiences are bringing to our lives. And once we identify those values, we can bring them into our lives in ways that are different than just the negativity, or the anger, or the depression, or the drinking, or whatever the behavior is. VM: How did you choose your panel of experts for “People v. The State of Illusion”? AV: They’re all just a part of my mosaic and a part of my Lila. I read their materials, and in one way, shape, or form, they changed my life. And being a former trial lawyer and just being able to go, I’m going to sit down for four to five hours and get to ask any question I want to ask. I was just thrilled to be able to pick them. VM: What has been the response for your film? AV: The response has been amazing. We first opened in Phoenix and we were sold out the whole opening weekend, and it played for over two months in the theatres here in Arizona. And then we went to Tucson; it sold out in Tucson and the response was amazing. We just opened in Seattle last weekend, and we were sold out all weekend. People just really responded to the film. And I think the reason for that is because there’s a really strong and emotionally compelling story, in addition to some new ideas about the consciousness of process shift and the mechanics of imagination, and moving toward our shadows and our darkness as opposed to away from it. VM: It feels pure. Like you said, you did it for you. AV: When I speak at my Q&A’s afterwards, people ask me why I made this film, and in addition to saying it’s my Lila, I also tell them, these are all the things I struggle with. I’m a lawyer, for God’s sake. Lawyers are the least imaginative people on the planet! Certainly, I have struggled with being imaginative in my life. So learning all the things that are in the movie has helped unlock my imagination to the point where I could go from being a lawyer to making a movie. And that, for me, is what it’s all about—helping unlock people’s imagination—and I need this information more than anybody. People v. The State of Illusion is debuting in California this April: San Francisco on April 13; San Diego on April 20; and Los Angeles on April 27. For more information and updates on showings, go to

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Classifieds continued from page 33






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“Solar Rain” continued from page 27

else and deal with it. And I don’t know about the one thing—that’s tough. I have to say this: People always talk about global warming, because of the pollution and stuff like that. I’m thinking, how about breathing some clean air and drinking some clean water? Global warming is one thing, and it’s not going to affect us in our lifetime, but I’d certainly like to breathe clean air, drink clean water. VM: What do you see in the next year for Solar Rain? BK: I see steady growth. As people start to realize what we’re doing, there will be more and more support behind our product, and not just because of what we’re doing and how we’re doing it, but also because it’s creating a superior product. It’s not full of crap, literally. I think people want to be healthy. I have to say with the economy having been tough, the last three and a half years especially, people are shopping price and there’s a lot of people that shy away from our water because it is more expensive. So what I’d like to see is for us to produce more, so we can get our cost down and also so we can get it out to more people. VM: I know that you have such amazing biodegradable plastic that you searched high and far for. Are you ever going to go to a larger delivery format? BK: Definitely. I think it’s just a matter of time and a matter of, put your stakes in capital. It’s a whole other business. You’ve got to have delivery trucks and people that can do it. In regard with being biodegradable or not biodegradable, I’d rather not be using any fossil fuels, because obviously there are fossil fuels that make plastic. I have to say, I still love the whole glass idea. When we first started, I said, we’ve got to put this water in glass, it deserves it. But you have to melt sand at 2,650 degrees to make glass. You burn a lot of fossil fuels doing it, and you pollute the environment doing it. And then the only place you can economically feasibly do it is in China, and then you’ve got to get China to be local and sustainable and green. So the whole thing just didn’t make any sense. I’m hoping that we can at some point do enough volume so that we can maybe do a US-manufactured glass bottle that can be reused. We can’t do it at the facility where we’re at right now, but hopefully we can grow enough in the next year or two where we can get a bigger facility and where we have space to do a reusable glass bottle like they do in Europe. You’re still going to take water and energy, but you could use solar, and you could use our water—sea water, ocean water—to clean the bottles. For more information on Solar Rain Water, please visit their Web site, www. (To view a list of retail locations that sell SolarRain, click on “where to find us.”) Contact them at and 760.751.8867.

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Calendar OF EVENTS

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‘Star’ Continues to APRIL APRIL 4 & May 5 Sat. Bowl Meditation & Sound Bath Appear Worldwide Singing Surround yourself in the light and sound for MAITREYA the of crystal and tibetan bowls to raise your vibration and clear aura. 323-644-ROCK WORLD TEACHER (7625)

Huntington Beach, CA, Jan. 2012

Introductory Presentations 3pm 1st Sunday of month Controversial Bookstore 3063 University Ave - SD 6:30pm 2nd Thurs of month Philosophical Library 2091 E. Valley Parkway #D Escondido SD Cable Public Access Channel Time Warner Saturday 5:30pm Visit our booth at local street fairs Serve Humanity through Transmission Meditation 9:30am Sun, 7pm Tues & 8pm Fri in San Diego (619) 223-6703 For LA/SF info about events & Transmission Meditation groups in other cities: LA: (818) 785-6300 SF:


APRIL 7 Saturday Herb Walk/Wild Herb Adventure: Identification. In-depth therapeutic, culinary uses local wild herbs. Meaningfully connect with nature. Take home many herb samples. Steve Schechter, NP, HHP, NHI Director, Friends. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485. APRIL 8 Sunday Sunrise Labyrinth Walk 6:30 AM Greet the new day with the rising of the sun during a devotional labyrinth walk. Easter Meditation Service 10:30 AM Celebrate the renewal of the Christ consciousness in the temple of your soul, with music, fellowship and meditation. Please call regarding childcare during the service. Children’s Easter activities will follow the service and a delicious brunch. Email: (805) 736-6528

APRIL 12 Thursday Shiatsu/Acupressure. Traditional Oriental Medicine (TOM). + Location, function, indication ,manipulations. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485. APRIL 10 and 17 Tuesday Sports Nutrition: Sports Therapist (S.T.) Certificate Program – What does and does not work, plus optimal delivery forms, dosages, more. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485,

APRIL 21 Saturday Open Your Heart to Happiness Karen Griffin will be having a class 1-5 pm. Cost $25.00. Reservations 951-6598822. Private sessions available. Idyllwild, CA APRIL 21 Saturday

APRIL 13-14 Fri-Sat Yoga Instructor, Somatics & Movement Therapist (YISMT)™ & Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) ™for Certification, National Registration, personal growth. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485. APRIL 15 Sunday

APRIL 6-8 Fri-Sat SPRING RENEWAL WEEKEND – Renew your body, mind and soul with guided meditations, energizing exercises, simple meals, music and good fellowship. Refresh your spirit in the natural beauty and tranquility of Sunburst Sanctuary,, constactus@ or 805.736.6528 APRIL 11 Wednesday THAI ON THE TABLE – Oil Deep Tissue Massage: Prone & Side Position – VERY popular with everyone—Therapists & Clients! – 4 Wednesdays. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485,

that weekend. 7:30 pm. The Art of Living Center, 948 West Adams Blvd., Los Angeles. Register at or call 310-820-9429.

APRIL 19, 20, 12 Fri, Sat, Sun His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Secrets of Meditation A three-evening series with the renowned spiritual leader and humanitarian. Attend one or all. Experience deep meditation and knowledge with one of the world’s leading spiritual masters. Instruction in a personal meditation practice will also be available

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APRIL 21 Saturday MC YOGI ~ DAVE STRINGER ~ SIMRIT KAUR special guest Dj Jef Stott Saturday, April 21st 6:00PM WorldBeat Cultural Center 2100 Park Blvd. San Diego PreEarth Day Celebration with MC Yogi, Dave Stringer, Simrit Kaur WorldBeat Cultural Center, in collaboration with Sarva Dharma Productions, Bhakti Fest and Vision Magazine, will host internationallyrenowned sacred music artists MC Yogi, Dave Stringer and Simrit Kaur for an evening of World Music, Ecstatic Kirtan, Yoga and Dance. The three headliner musicians for the evening represent the very best of the “new wave” of kirtaninspired music. Adv. $25 at WBC Box Office or online at or

APRIL 22 Sunday YOMATRA™ - Combines doing yoga while massaging. Great for clients, therapists. Natural Healing Institute, 760943-8485.

in Santa Monica, CA (1332 2nd Street, 90401, Q&As with filmmakers and Sattva guru Anand Mehrotra during opening weekend. Check for details. Or follow @theHighestPass

APRIL 22 Sunday

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APRIL 27 & May 25 Sat. Psychic Development Course Meet your Spirit Teacher and learn to channel in a safe environment while practicing aura protection and self confidence. 7:30-9:30PM 323-644ROCK (7625) www.TheCrystalMatrix. com APRIL 27-29 Fri-Sun (Friday dinner through Sunday Brunch) Celebrate Life! Sunburst invites you to experience a deeply restorative and joyful weekend. Come out to our 4,000 acre nature preserve for revitalizing yoga, meditation, group activities, home-cooked meals, and evening devotional singing. Take a leisurely walk through pristine nature, or walk the Hopi Labyrinth. Sit in the shade of the redwoods and restore yourself! Camping Available Suggested donation: $40 Email: (805) 736-6528

APRIL 27-29 Fri-Sun Yoga Instructor, Somatics & Movement Therapist (YISMT)™ & Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) ™ for Certification, National Registration. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485. APRIL 29 Sunday Herb Walk/Wild Herb Adventure B: Identification. In-depth therapeutic, culinary uses local wild herbs. Meaningfully connect with nature. Take home many herb samples. $49.00 Steve Schechter, NP, HHP, NHI Director, Friends. Natural Healing Institute, 760943-8485. APRIL 30 Monday & June 25 Friday Magick is really science unexplained, and this course will help your understanding of its rituals, exercises, elements, symbols, talismans, and the application of all its parts. 7-8:30PM 323-644-ROCK (7625)


MAY 5-12 Saturday Spiritual Retreat in Maui. Luxury accommodations, 3 Organic Meals per day, Daily meditation and yoga instruction and guidance from master teachers. Discovery of your true mind body personality known as your dosha Cultivation of a real-world nourishing daily routine Free Time to relax, receive massage, surf, hike, swim, walk the beach. Dates: May 5-12, 2012 Register by Email: wisdom@ or by phone: 760436-2735 CALL NOW TO RECEIVE UP TO $250 OFF

APRIL 27 Friday Becalmed Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Full 75 – hr Yoga Alliance Certified 3 Weekend workshops Starts April 27th – May 20th Register now! info@ APRIL 27 Friday THE HIGHEST PASS (documentary film) – Seven riders and their guru make life and death decisions while traversing icy cliffs and the chaos of India’s traffic while on a motorcycle journey through the Himalayas. Carrying a prophecy of death in his late twenties, their Yogi leader Anand inspires the riders to question what it means to truly live as they cross over 2000 km of hard terrain and climb 18,000 feet in a journey that will change them forever. STARTS FRIDAY April 27th at Laemmle’s Monica 4-plex theater

read the Akashic Records for yourself and others. Includes past life healing tools and certification via Linda Howe’s Center for Akashic Studies. $325, Burbank location. Pre-Registration: 818415-3479,,

APRIL 27-29 Fri-Sun AKASHIC RECORDS PRACTITIONER TRAINING with Barbara Schiffman, ARCT. Deepen your Soul-connection to the Akashic Field in 2012. Learn to

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Calendar continued MAY 1 and 8 - Tuesday Weight Loss/Fat Loss –Natural remedies documented safe, effective. Stimulate fat loss, preserve vital lean muscle mass. Specific foods, supplements, herbs, amino acids, much more. Comprehensive. 7:00 pm – 9:55pm. 2 Tuesdays. Steve Schechter, NP, HHP, NHI Director. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485, MAY 2 and JUNE 13 Wed Hormone Balancing & The Endocrine System Understanding, working with Hormone evaluations for women, men, children; Reproductive, Thyroid, Adrenal Stress, Cortisol, DHEA, Pituitary, Much More. Treatment options, diet/nutrition, supplements, herbs, customized endocrine creams, much more. 7:00 – 9:55. 7 Wednesdays. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485, May 12 Saturday Brotherhood of Light Tarot Karen Griffin will be having a class 1-5 pm. Cost $50.00. Reservations 951-659-8822. Private sessions available. Idyllwild, CA MAY 26 Saturday Sacred Geometry Workshop 2 – 4 PM Explore Sunburst’s Sacred Geometry as presented by Craig Hanson. Sacred Geometry is the discovery of our unity with the Divine Source. Explore the common patterns present in all life forms, and understand that we are all One. www. Email: ContactUs@ (805) 736-6528


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Sunday Soul Awakening Services Join Tom & Trisha Kelly for all or part of your Sunday practice. 8am Meditation. 9am Sacred Movement Yoga. 11am Yoga Church Not in the Encinitas area? Log on to! The Soul Center 627 Encinitas Blvd, Encinitas www. 760.943.7685 SPICA – WAY OF LIGHT INSPIRATIONAL SERVICES 2nd Sunday of the month at 10am, 4th Sunday at 9am. Myztic Isle Bookstore, 8036 La Mesa Blvd, La Mesa, CA. 619.588.6483 for information. LOOKING FOR A SPIRITUAL COMMUNITY? You are always welcome at the Celebration of Light Church. Visit our website for program. www. Vicente @ 23rd St. – San Francisco. THEOSOPHY CLASS IN JULIAN/SAN DIEGO, “What is Theosophy and How Does it Apply to Life?” 760.765.1090 619.283.0142 theosophy@theosconf.

org Sally & Jim Colbert Meets: 1st & 3rd Sunday Mornings 10:30 a.m. to Noon with cookies CALL FOR DIRECTIONS Sunday Fellowship Meditation 10:30 AM Enjoy live, spirit-filled music, inspirational talk, and quiet meditation followed by a delicious vegetarian meal. Every Sunday! Call regarding childcare options. Email: (805) 736-6528


FREE PSYCHIC READINGS every FIRST Monday 7:30p.m. by students in Vessa’s INTUITIVE INSIGHTS Clairvoyant Program, 4455 Morena Blvd. #108, 858.509.7582 www.MyIntuition. Net Mondays, April 2, May 7, June 4, July 2, August 6, September 3, October 1, November 5, December 3. $8 BEGINNERS YOGA CLASSES Monday @ 6:00p.m. Tuesday @ 5:30 p.m. 2333 Camino del Rio South #240 92108 619.917.0998.


CERTIFIED NUTRITIONIST CONSULTANT PROGRAM (CNC)™. Introductory or Full Certification. Special Discounts. Most comprehensive training from nationally honored Nutritionists. Revised! 7:00-9:55 pm. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485.7:00-9:55 pm. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485. Hatha Yoga 7-8:30PM 323-644-ROCK (7625)


MIRACLE CIRCLE MEDITATION Connect with your inner divinity through deep meditation, inspirational prayers, and group discussion. 7p.m.-8p.m. Teaching of the Inner Christ 1100 N. Second St. Suite 1114 El Cajon, CA 92021. 619.447.7007. Soul Live! 7pm - Join Tom and Trisha Kelly each Wednesday night ‘Live’ for this new interactive spiritual talk show with an exciting line-up of very special guests. Not in the Encinitas area? Check it out at! The Soul Center 627 Encinitas Blvd, Encinitas 760.943.7685

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ONGOING WEDNESDAYS CLINICAL MASTER HERBOLOGY CERTIFICATE PROGRAM (CMH)™. Introductory or Full Certification. Special Discounts. Most comprehensive training from nationally honored Master Herbalists. Revised! 7:00-9:55 pm. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485. www. Wednesday Evening Yoga and Meditation Yoga: 6 – 7:30 PM; Quiet Meditation: 7:30 – 8 PM, Sunburst Sanctuary Allow yourself to feel the peace within during a yoga class followed by an optional quiet meditation. www. Email: ContactUs@ (805) 736-6528


FREE DETOXIFICATION AND WEIGHT LOSS CLASS 1st Thursday of every month. 6:30p.m. Easy and successful program. Register @ Body Basics Health Center, San Diego. 619.296.7390 8.12


HAPPINESS CLASSES - Based on the lifehealing teachings of VERNON HOWARD, Fridays - 8p.m.; Sundays - 10a.m. New Life Foundation, 5779 Westminster Blvd., Westminster, CA. 714.899.9300 Conquer stress, handle difficult people with ease, banish problems. Donation basis. 09.11


Saturday Deep Meditation 6 – 9 AM Come and go quietly during this special time of deeper meditation. www.SunburstOnline. org Email: (805) 736-6528 Tai Chi 9-10AM 323-644-ROCK (7625)

Grow your business for 2012! Call us 1-866-804-8444

Pascal Blanche

v i s i o n a r y

a r t i s t

Hi! my name is Pascal Blanche and i am a 3D French artist, art director, and freelancer. I started my career back in 1993 at TILT magazine, an early video games magazine, and then worked in the video game field for twelve years in companies such as Virtual Xperience, Xilam, Haikus Studios and also with Sony, where I worked on the first French/Canadian full CG movie, “Kaena: the Prophecy.” I am presently Art Director at Ubisoft, one of the biggest video game development studios in the world, where I worked on Myst IV revelation,Naruto: rise of a ninja for Xbox360, and James Cameron’s Avatar, the game. I am now working at Jagex, on Runescape, the biggest web browser MMO game on the market. As a freelancer, I worked for many companies,including Autodesk, Fantasyflight games and Wizards of the Coast. I have also some private projects I hope to have the time to achieve. My first artbook, Derelict Planet, will be out by the end of April 2012. See more of my work here:

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“Sexy Vegan” continued from page 25

just have these plain white bar mops; I use them, I put them in a bucket outside, put in a little bleach or soap or something, and then wash them and they’re ready to go again. I just didn’t think of that for a long time, and then all of a sudden it hit me. So I think a lot of the times, people just don’t even think of it. VM: If every person who reads this article can change one thing for the better of our world, in your opinion, what would that be? BP: The first thing is, like I said before, take an interest in your food. It is the fuel for your body. It really determines, in a lot of cases, whether you’re going to be healthy or whether you’re going to be ill. Taking an interest in what fuels your body is the most important thing. And once you do that for yourself, the ripple effect that that has eventually affects your environment and the world around you. When I became vegan, I didn’t go and try to encourage people into being vegan. People around me—friends and roommates—saw what was happening to me and they became vegan or vegetarian or made a change in their life. So being a change in the world that you want to see—it’s ridiculously true. If you take an interest in your food, change yourself, the ripple effect will kind of affect everything around you. Brian Patton is the author of The Sexy Vegan Cookbook and is executive chef for Vegin’ Out, a vegan delivery service in Los Angeles. As the quintessential “regular dude” vegan chef, he started posting instructional videos on YouTube as his witty, ukulele playing alter ego, “The Sexy Vegan,” and gained a large following. Visit him at For more information on his book, visit “Comfort Technology” continued from page 23

VM: What has happened in the 17 years you have been developing the comfort clock? KL: Well I am so grateful for it. And as we get some more funding, we want to go in and do some more research [on the] many issues in front of people and things that need funding. And the other factor, working with theoretical quantum physics, just the fact that it’s theoretical says we have some concepts, but we’re not totally certain, working with subtle energies, there aren’t the instruments to actually make all of the measurements. VM: Did you ever meet Robert Fry who was in San Diego and taught the Dances of Universal Peace? KL: He was one of the premiere tantra instructors and he became a fan of [Comfort Technology] and would use it at some of his tantra trainings. He was making mention that another one of his protégés, Jane Beatty, that when this was used, people were interacting on an intimate basis and were able to connect more easily at a deeper level…because there was less distraction on their bodies, less distraction on their minds. They could pay more attention. Another of the factors I’m getting feedback about is, when you want to be present—be in the now, be in the present…[the clocks will help]. Folks talk about overwhelm, the inability to get organized. When the brain is not thinking as clearly, not functioning as well, we have more messes going on. A number of people have reported that they’ve had goals, things in their list of to-dos, that they wanted to move ahead on, but it just wasn’t happening. And then they plugged this [comfort clock] in, and bingo, they started to move ahead without having to go to a coach or a counselor or 12-step program or whatever, to get stuff done.


“Fatigue, eyestrain, headaches, irritability, confusion, mood swings, difficulty focusing. Those are some of the kinds of stuff that people deal with.” …And especially some of the elderly folks, there have been articles that one of the things that relates to Alzheimer’s is the electrical energy. There were more instances of this with seamstresses working at sewing machines; there was actually a very high source of electro pollution. When you think of computers, telephones, radio, television, computers, cell phones…they were made without addressing, are these energies harmful to people? And we are finding that is the case. And of course there’s this natural reluctance; it’s kind of like saying, “Please don’t take my technology away from me.” If you look at the system we are dealing with, as far as the government goes, and you look at the cigarette metaphor of how long did people have a pretty good idea that cigarettes were bad, but the cigarette industry continued to thrive. And so thinking of that particular government and corporate environment, until there is conclusive proof in our country, the EPA has looked at this [electro pollution] and said, ‘There are reasons to be concerned,’ but now it’s like, ‘Oh wait a minute, we have to research because we don’t know exactly how this is happening, but until we do, we better wait.’ And the smart meter is an interesting thing because it’s another form of having a mini broadcast tower added to your home. And there are a variety of factors. People just think, if you look at it on the surface, here is a way the utility company can keep track of the usage of gas and electricity, and that seems innocuous enough. And then you start to look at other levels of it: one which is, how are they getting this information transmitted from meter to meter to the stations? It’s kind of like a cell phone signal. And the other effect there is—the information that they are gathering is—these meters tend to stay on all of the time. It’s like being on your cell phone 24/7, and it is transmitting not just the usage, but all kinds of details that can tell what appliances are being used [or] is someone home or are they not home. Literally, it is a mini surveillance system that gets added in as something that the utility company wants to keep track of. But the information can be used much further than that. Some people are saying they [the mini surveillance system] can tell if someone’s growing a lot of plants in their home; they could be growing food, they could be growing marijuana. This is another thing that is going on, and from what I’m getting in my research, last year the World Health Organization declared that the microwave radiation emitted by smart meters and other wireless devices is a class 2B carcinogen, which is in the same category as lead, benzene, DDT, and dioxin (which was Agent Orange)… Our country is protecting corporate interests over human interests. For more information on Ken Lesser and Comfort Technology, visit www. Call toll-free in the United States at 866.317.5683. For international or Denver, CO area, call 303.284.8461. E-mail comfortclock@

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