Vision Magazine June 2010 Edition

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Have Your Ever Lost Your Center and Found it Again in a Float Tank? A conversation with David Stuedemann of Green Tara Float Center by Sydney L. Murray


s I sit here and feel tension in my body due to a particularly stressful deadline, I wondered why I didn’t take a float over the weekend. I know it was available, and I just remembered now. I could have floated and released a lot of stress. For those of you who don’t like the ocean (Why ever not?) floating might be the next best thing. It feels like hanging out on your back in a warm ocean like in Hawaii or the Bahamas. And the salt content is very good for your largest organ, your skin. David Stuedemann from Green Tara Float Center explained the benefits of being in an antigravity state. “Due to the buoyancy provided by the dense Epsom Salt solution in the floatation chamber, the body experiences nearly total weightlessness. The force of gravity occupies up to 90% of central nervous system activity. When this is eliminated, vast amounts of energy in the brain are liberated to deal with matters of mind, spirit, and healing of the body.” He then continued with an explanation of homeostasis: “The human body has an exquisitely sensitive self-monitoring and self-regulating system that is constantly working to maintain the body in homeostasis—the optimal state of balance and equilibrium. When we enter the tank we abruptly stop the constant adjustment [we make] to external stimuli and our body is allowed to experience the normal state of health, vigor and immense pleasure in being alive.” Stuedemann continued, “Convincing evidence has been presented that the human brain has three separate physiological layers, each corresponding to a stage

in our evolutionary history. Floating helps to enhance harmony and communication between these layers, which makes our brain more fluid and integrated.” And on another brain note Stuedemann said, “Floating increases access to the creative, nonlinear, intuitive right brain, which allows a person to have more insight into the subtle aspects of existence. The analytical, verbal left brain is normally dominant, so this brings one’s thinking more into balance.” Wow, can I relate right now. My brain is whirring around. I am over-analyzing and then problem solving. I could use the benefit of a float as a release from my left-brain. I asked Stuedemann if this was because taking a float is one of the quickest methods to encounter your theta waves. “In a deep meditative state the brain produces theta waves, which are the slowest level of brainwaves and are often accompanied by vivid memories, sudden insight, and feelings of peace and oneness with the universe. Studies have shown that floating increases production of theta waves and the increase lasts for weeks after floating,” Stuedemann concluded. Sounds good to me. For more information call David Stuedemann, he is passionate and knowledgeable about floating. Discover for yourself how you can benefit from floatation therapy by calling Green Tara Float Center in the North Park area of San Diego at 619.683.3817. Our website is, and we are located at 3069 Lincoln Avenue, San Diego, CA 92104.



J U N E 20 10

C ATA LY S T F O R C O N S C I O U S L I V I N G June Theme: Lost and Found


1281 University Avenue, Suite G • San Diego, California 92103

cover artist Adrian Brannon

Voice 619.294.2393

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Executive Editor/Publisher Sydney L. Murray

viewpoint climbing Mexican pyramids with a lost puppy

24-27 features lost & found who’s to say? lost and lovin’ it



community resources

Events/Marketing Director Roger Martinsen

holistic living eat drink and be healthy the stillness at our core



greek to me lost under the table

vision café you’re off to great places tapping into your intuition

Editorial Assistance Cindy Chen Tammi Hunt-Williams

37 10

ask the lifequaketm doctor advice about life transitions

reviews there were giants on the earth

Copy Editor Scott Felixson

38 11

mindstates yogiraj in southern California john roger ten things to let go of when your life is falling apart

holistic products choice teas




visionary artist Adrian Brannon e-mail:

Graphic Design Nick Zetlmaier Contributing Writers Daphne Carpenter, Adrienne Abeyta, Dr. Toni Galardi, Michael Raysses, Cindy Chen, Marlise Karlin, Renee Stern, John Roger, D.S.S., Chad Deal, Marlene Buffa, Blayney Colmore, Charlie Compuesto, Zacharia Sitchin, Ruth Cherry, Ph.D., Clarisa Vargas, Ghost Rider, Xander Stone Sales Sydney L. Murray, Vibhooti Kumar, LaVita Jones, Lisa Peterson, Steve Levitt, Jaxx Listings: Online & Print Sales Intern Nadia Dahdouh


culture breathe and be sixty days as a vegetarian


astrology june 2010 forecast


regional earthquake


living arts cyber shrine spiritual landscaping

Vision Magazine® is a ® registered trademark of Vision Global, Inc. published on a monthly basis and distributed free of charge. Subscriptions are available for $27 for 12 issues (one year). All rights reserved. Advanced written permission must be obtained from Vision Magazine for partial or complete reproduction of any part or whole of Vision Magazine, including advertising material contained in its pages. Opinions expressed in Vision Magazine do not necessarily represent those of Vision Global, Inc., its employees or representatives. Vision Magazine disclaims any responsibility for claims made by its advertisers. Artwork, fiction, letters to the Editor, and manuscripts are welcome, however, unsolicited manuscripts without SASE will not be returned. Copyright © 2010 Vision Magazine


July Theme: Activisim



J U N E 20 10

v i e w p o i n t

Climbing Mexican Pyramids with a Lost Puppy by Daphne Carpenter


n a warm November afternoon in Patzcuaro, Michoacán, México, I found a puppy under a car after a terrible fight with my (now ex-) boyfriend. It was the day after Night of the Dead and we were on the docks of Lake Patzcuaro when the immature fight began. We had spent the night at a graveyard on Janitzio Island observing drunk tourists walk all over the candlelit graves of the deceased. It was a complete debauchery fest. To flee the argument, I ran at the speed of light leaving my boyfriend in a cloud of dust (we had sold all of our belongings to live a life of adventure on the road together). I ended up in a dirt parking lot. As my tears started to pour down onto the earth and I pondered what to do next, I saw something move under a parked car in front of me. It was a puppy—my puppy, the companion sent from the universe to replace the boyfriend, Yay! As I followed her with my eyes, a colorfully clad indigenous Purhépecha woman selling artesanías approached me. She said that the puppy was about two months old and that she had wandered out from the house across the dirt parking lot we were standing in. After about a minute, the little fleabag walked towards my desperate grasp. The fact that she came to me was a good omen, I thought, so I decided to take her

with me. After I had calmed down, I started to walk away with the dusty creature tucked under my arm. The indigenous woman, whose beautiful, long shiny black braids were intertwined with ribbons, offered me some comforting words about how to maintain my spirit as a strong woman. “Don’t become consumed by negative energy,” she said. “And remember—you won’t feel like this forever.” Then she gave us her blessing and pointed out a discreet path through the trees that led to the bus station, where I bought a ticket for what I knew to be the nearest pyramid site, the ceremonial center of Teotihuacán, near Mexico City. I really needed to be as close to the heavens as possible, I thought (early MesoAmericans symbolized these pyramids as “sacred mountains” that lead to the heavens). Alright, here we go! But my hopes of freedom where shattered at the bus station when I tried to sneak the dehydrated little canine in my carry-on backpack. All passengers were being asked by federal officials to open their carry-on’s for inspection before boarding. The inner peace that I had temporarily cultivated dissolved away. Could I get in trouble for this? I hoped for a miracle. Maybe they won’t check me. Yeah right, with my long dreadlocks and colorful striped pants, Chicana accent and dirty backpack, Sure! They’ll just look away and let this one go right on through. But I managed to gather my composure and walk towards the men. I took a deep breath and opened my backpack. When the dog popped up, the men kind of paused and then looked at each other, surprised. They burst out laughing! “Uh, this is going to need a box,” one said, with a friendly voice, still chuckling. The senior officer sent a young trainee to find a cardboard box in the office. “Señorita, la cachorrita tendrá que ir abajo con el equipaje, lo siento.” “The puppy had to ride with the luggage below,” he said. “I’m sorry.” So there she went. After the first two hours of travel, I had to force myself to stop paying attention to her desperate, yelping cries. It was very uncomfortable for me, and I’m sure torture for her. But I finally managed to drift off into a superficial sleep that was interrupted by frequent bouts of gory images. I imagined that the bus driver would open the luggage door to find her dead, with the box (and her) melted to the hot metal corridor. Oh, what have I done? I was going crazy in my mind. continued on page 40



J U N E 20 10

Eat , Drink a n d

B e

Healthy by Clarisa Vargas


big problem currently in this country, shared by men, women, and now children, is excess weight. Advertisements bombard us with information on ways to conquer obesity. Most weight loss programs, however, work only temporarily. To obtain a permanent result requires both changes in lifestyle and approaches to eating. These changes incorporate correct eating habits, food choices, and exercise. Let’s look at how the body works. Our bodies are comprised of billions of microscopic cells that require food as fuel. To function optimally, the cells must receive healthy food to build healthy tissues, organs, glands, and systems. Bad food harms the body. Instead of regenerating, cells slowly degenerate. Nutrientdeficient food particles form a toxic load, compromising the immune system, and slowing the metabolic process. The end result is weight gain and a host of potential illnesses. Toxins occur in the environment, from the food we eat to the water we drink. Toxins are the silent invaders that negatively affect our physiology and create stagnation in our four channels of elimination: bowels, kidneys, lungs, and skin. These channels can usually effectively drain toxic residue out of the body, if the channels are working optimally. Some common toxins are aluminum, lead, mercury, tin, titanium, chlorine, pesticides, food coloring, food preservatives, hydrocarbons, electronic waves, undigested particles of food, bacteria, virus and fungal infections, and parasites. A program of weight loss commences by freeing our bodies from toxic invaders. How? Begin with an assessment and a program designed for your individual situation. Natural weight loss and control reflect lifestyle changes and choices, not necessarily diets. Here are some general guidelines. Focus on eating organic fruits and vegetables, relieving your body of harmful pesticides. This applies to your meats. Eat organic and wild, not farm raised, poultry, beef, chicken, turkey, or fish. Take the challenge of eating 60% raw foods and 40% cooked. It might take some adjustment but in the long run your energy level will improve and you will feel better. Try to eat a mix of 80% fruits and vegetables and 20% carbohydrates and protein. Instead of bovine products try goat products: milk, cheese, and yogurt. Use fresh herbs as condiments. When you lightly sauté your foods, try either grape seed or coconut oil. Don’t drinks liquids with your meals (liquids dilute digestive juices in the mouth and stomach). Drink one-half your body weight in ounces of water between meals. For healthy beverage alternatives drink fresh vegetable juices. Drink herbal teas after meals and 2 ounces of pure aloe vera juice before you go to bed at night. V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E

h o l i s t i c h e a l t h I am sure you know what to avoid. Alcohol, refined sugar, and flour. Also avoid foods, which have preservatives, as well as processed meats, which have been linked to higher rates of certain types of cancer. Steam or bake your food and avoid anything fried. Cut down on your salt and don’t use a microwave. Remember your food is only as good as how you masticate it. Which means to chew each bite 32 times to facilitate digestion and absorption of nutrients. If you can, eat each meal in a calm and pleasing place so that your food is better absorbed. Practice mindful eating; focus on the food not the TV. Try eating five small meals a day to keep blood glucose levels stable. Shop your grocery store mostly on the periphery, where fresh foods are often found. Processed foods tend to be in the center aisles of the store. Visit local farmers markets as well as grow your own. Even a small space can yield big results. And remember, if you don’t use it you can lose it. Move your body and your mind. Exercise offers a natural high. Take a walk in the park, opt for the stairs, find outdoor activities to do with your kids. Some forms of exercise release endorphins, which helps maintain a positive attitude. If you can work out and sweat, do it, as it will detoxify your system through your largest organ—your skin! Our bodies are very resilient but you have to give your body the fuel it needs both physically and mentally. Make time for you and your health and see what areas of your life you can improve. It is as easy as the thought that what goes into your body can either nourish you and make you stronger or create a climate for breakdown in your physiological system. By following these recommendations your body will improve its efficiency to obtain optimal weight along with increased overall health and well-being. Clarisa Vargas is a nationally-certified holistic health practitioner and colon hydrotherapist, a certified natural health professional, a nutritional microscopist, counselor, and iridologist. She has over 30 years experience in the fields of health, beauty, and wellness. If you are seeking guidance in obtaining optimal health and/or an ideal body weight call Clarisa at Radiance Day Spa to make an appointment for a total health assessment. A personalized program will be designed for you. Ask for the special discount offered to all Vision Magazine readers. or 858.272.6337.

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J U N E 20 10

ho l i s t i c

h e a l t h

The Will to Know Freedom: the Stillness at Our Core by Marlise Karlin


was afraid of riding horses. I was afraid of getting up to bat. I was afraid of buying my own cigarettes. The only thing I wasn’t afraid of was leaving. On the night my father put his fist through the only locked door in the house to punish me for not obeying him—I knew. I knew I had no choice but to go. I didn’t know where or even how—just that I had to go. I crept out my window and climbed down the big oak tree all those years ago believing that it was my only hope to find freedom. I guess it was my first taste of wanting something with such will that I could forget, at least momentarily, the many fears I lived with. And maybe it was this focused intention that became a determining factor for so much of the way my life would unfold. Words can cause hurt that runs even deeper than burning wounds from a wellplaced belt. Somewhere between the drinking, the whippings, and the pain that his words made as they chilled my heart, was my search to find out who I was beyond what I’d been told. And I would soon learn that the greatest challenges we face have hidden gifts that lie within them; and mine came in the form of will and focus. I have much to thank my father for, as he was a constant reminder of what I didn’t have and longed to know. I was clear from a very early age that my life’s purpose was to discover the freedom that no one can ever take away from you; that lies hidden deep inside—the inherent power in knowing our greatness—where we can access the source of all; of true peace. My life’s journey was filled with an inordinate amount of challenges in my youth—being a runaway, in drug rehab, a single mother, taking jobs that to this day I don’t even want to speak of—that later turned into triumphs: a wife, an interior architectural designer, and an award-winning producer. When that roller coaster seemed to only be going uphill and life became less difficult, the passionate purpose of my childhood momentarily faded into the background—until the day I encountered a debilitating pain in my body and the memories of my intention rapidly returned. I refueled them with my focus, will, and love. I made time for Stillness. I asked to know what I had always dreamt of—who we are beyond those illusory, mesmerizing titles we get in life from what we do to what we own. On the morning of November 11, 2001, I awoke with a paralyzing sadness that seemed to penetrate every part of my mind and body. The thoughts I kept hearing in my head were: I’m not worthy of forgiveness…I’ll never know the freedom I want…I’m not worthy. Everything I had wanted and dreamt of for so long now seemed impossible. The hopelessness

was overwhelming. But in the midst of despair, I suddenly felt all the negativity I was feeling leave me. I experienced absolute peace beyond anything I’d known. It was like the boundless freedom an eagle must feel as he soars through the sky. The sensations of love streaming through my body felt like swimming in a sea of shimmering, translucent water. In that moment, I knew I got everything I’d ever asked for. My perception of life changed. Strengths appeared that allowed me to begin living more in alignment with who I always wanted to be. As my connection to Stillness grew, I understood with greater clarity what was really important to me and how I wanted to live my life. I was discovering—not from a concept but experientially—what I always wanted to know. Fear and suffering began to lose their grip on me. I saw how I had judged others, placing blame outside myself when often I was the one who was “stuck” and not able to see. I began to know love, contentment, and compassion. What transpired was a discovery of new ways to find solutions, based on mutual respect and love, at least in my heart. That was how I could walk away from life, as I knew it, and begin traveling the world inviting other people to rediscover the treasure we all have inside. Throughout my life I was told this gift of grace was a distant dream, highly unlikely to happen in this lifetime; and even though I didn’t know how to begin, I knew I had to share with others that it was time to break those concepts and discover for themselves what lies beyond them. After seeing how people’s lives from every culture were transformed so simply from what I was guided to offer, I decided to develop methods: The Practices of the Simplicity of Stillness, where more people could touch the heart of true freedom that is our birthright. When people connect to the power of presence, life transforms—it’s as simple as that. If we complicate it, we move it away from our daily experience: if we integrate it, we enjoy life more. The distractions and workloads most of us are faced with make it easy to feel overwhelmed. When we weave Stillness into every day of our lives, we suddenly realize what is truly meaningful, and what we find is that this simple habit becomes


continued on page 41


J U N E 20 10

g r e e k t o m e saying what. I discovered that listening is a great method of seeing. The passion in my Uncle Nick’s voice looked like the color red. As for my Aunt Doo-Doo (don’t ask), her voice was all purple and gold, colors as gaudy as the dresses she wore. But what really completed the tableau was the symphony emitted from those marathon melees atop the table. The porcelain had a range of tones when struck, whether by the flat of one of my uncle’s hands offered as an exclamation point or the rhythmic clicking of my aunts’ fingernails tapping out a Morse code signal of distress at being unable to contribute as freely as the men, something which bothered me even then. But for all the laughter that volleyed over that table Sunday after Sunday, the conversation always


’ve never been one to appreciate the middle of anything. Half-time entertainment and intermissions bore me. Middles of novels usually sag into an oblivion that leaves me in a stupor, praying for an eventual crescendo of literary fire. My outlook, however, fits less snugly when applied to myself. I’m the second of three children. I’m ensconced in the midst of middle-age. I am a bull’s-eye walking along a median down the dreaded middle of life’s road. Yet middle-age is a great vantage point from which to view the margins to which I feel most naturally drawn: starts and finishes, beginnings and endings. From here, I can view my own beginnings; they include when I got lost, how I got found, and the

“Getting Lost”: Reflections From Under A Kitchen Table © 2010 by Michael Raysses

“I don’t mind getting lost so long as I know where I’m at.”—My Uncle Tasso blurry border where those two elusive states meet. Some of my earliest memories are sharp as kittens’ claws. Though I liked being around other children, I welcomed the chance to play alone. Only in solitude could I just sit and muse. Somehow that felt special. I was also aware of being small for my age. Given my stature, it’s no surprise then that I had an affinity for the ground. It was, after all, never too far away. Most Sunday afternoons, my family would go to my Uncle Nick’s house. My Father’s eldest brother, he was the paterfamilias of his side of the family. It was around an ancient table in his kitchen where my extended relatives would gather, crammed side by side, to feast on enormous meals of Hellenic delicacies prepared by my many, various aunts. Afterwards, the kids dispersed as the adults commandeered the table. It was a study in simple beauty, that table. It was porcelain-topped, embossed with an ornate design in the same shades of blue and white as found in the Greek flag, and it ran the length of the kitchen itself. After one such Sunday meal, when the other kids vanished to the park without me, I found myself back in the kitchen. Everyone was immersed in a roundtable discussion I could best compare to a whirlpool. Voices came from everywhere at once, making it hard for me to know who was saying what, which was totally beside the point. What really mattered was the vortex of energy that swirled around that room. I felt like it could lift me up and wash me away. So, unnoticed, I dropped to the floor and crawled under the table. In my new world under the table, my eyes adjusted to the outlines of feet that would shed their shoes and legs whose nylon stockings would end up in coiled cuffs during the course of the afternoon. Inexplicably, isolating myself physically made it much easier to tell who was

seemed to end on a somber note. A deceased family member’s name would be invoked, someone beloved and missed, and the din would dwindle till all I could hear was the woeful silence of tears streaking cheeks. Inevitably, one of the men would sigh, “Yeah, well, what are you gonna do?” And with that, the party would be over. A couple years later, on a field trip with my fourth grade class, I found myself in a corridor as expansive as my curiosity. I drifted between the coal mine exhibit and the submarine display the entire afternoon, until I realized I had no way to find my pack of classmates. Panicked, I saw a booth with a banner that captured my situation to a tee. When the elderly woman with glasses pinched onto the end of her nose asked if I needed help, I replied, “I’m lost. And I’d like to be found.” That experience introduced me to the idea of getting lost versus the state of being lost. When I drifted away from my classmates that day, I was “getting lost”; striking out to see things on my own terms. “Being lost”, on the other hand, was the sunken feeling I had when the exhilaration of having gotten lost receded. I’ve since come to view my life as a constant state of being both actively and passively lost; of not knowing. Sometimes the not knowing is crippling, and sometimes it is propulsive. But the upshot for me is now best expressed in a variant of the words I spoke so long ago: “I’m found. But I’d like to get lost.” I wish no less for you. Now get lost, will ya? Michael Raysses is a writer/NPR commentator living in Malibu, California. E-mail him at

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J U N E 20 10

L i f e Q u a k e ™

Ask the LifeQuake™ Doctor Dr. Toni Galardi


ear Dr. Toni: I am working in Hollywood in a technical position that does not require a formal education. For many years, I only made $60,000 a year. Due to a stroke of luck (which may be debatable) I was promoted to a director position with a production company and now earn over $300,000 a year. I know there are many people out there struggling so my problem may not seem very important but I don’t know where to turn. After I became a director I started using cocaine at parties, which eventually graduated to daily use. I was dating a really sweet girl and began cheating on her with a lot of different women. I worked with one of these women and when I tried to break it off with her she called my girlfriend, and now my girlfriend will have nothing whatsoever to do with me. She has agreed to meet me for couples therapy but not to get back together. I’m not sure if that is the answer for us. I think we just need to put this behind us and move forward. I am not seeing any of the other women anymore. What do you think we should do, Dr. Toni? Bewildered in West Hollywood Dear Bewildered: I agree with you. I would highly suggest that you forget couples therapy too. What is called for, however, is not to expect her to simply move beyond your transgression because you say so. If you want to regain your girlfriend’s trust and use this crisis to grow into a more expanded self, I suggest you go into individual therapy and work on your self-esteem issues. That you began acting out through sex and drugs when your income substantially increased is very telling. You didn’t disclose your personal family history but it might be useful to explore with a therapist the beliefs you carry about making a lot of money. It feels to me that you are self-sabotaging out of feelings of unworthiness. What was your mother and father’s beliefs about money and power? I would also suggest you go to either an AA or CA (Cocaine Anonymous) meeting. I pick up a lot of arrogance from your letter. One of the steps in a twelve-step program involves making amends. I would recommend you call every woman you had gratuitous sex with and apologize. Besides doing your own therapeutic work, humble yourself and agree to your girlfriend’s terms and attend couples counseling as well. Every “loss” has a gift for us if we choose to see it. Good luck with your journey to real esteem of self.


Dear Dr. Toni: I am a stay-at-home mom and my husband has been laid off from work. He has been unable to get hired and he wants me to go back to work until he does. I was a teacher before we had children. I know I cannot make the kind of income that he was making and it seems silly to get a job teaching temporarily. He wants to give up our home, sell one of our cars, and live in an apartment until things turn around. I do not think drastic downsizing is the answer. I am afraid we are going to end up stuck in a working class lifestyle with me as the only breadwinner. My husband and I are really fighting over this issue and I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to go back to teaching but I don’t know what else I can do. I can’t afford therapy or career counseling so I am writing you. Can you help, Dr. Toni? Ruth A. Dear Ruth: You would be surprised at how many couples have had to do role reversal since the economy crashed. In my phone-coaching practice, I worked with a guy who lost his job in corporate America and then decided to develop an internet business finding rare parts for motorcycles and now has this niche business that is international. His wife is an accountant who works outside the home while he cares for their child and runs his home-based business. Perhaps there is some kind of teaching you can do that is not in a formal academic setting. There are all kinds of seminar businesses where they train you to teach their material in the corporate workplace. Or perhaps you can start your own business teaching stay-at-home moms something you have a passion for. As for downsizing, I would suggest that you streamline your lives and cut out all the extraneous activities or expenditures before doing something as radical as selling the house, unless you are about to be foreclosed on. Empower your husband right now. He most probably feels terrible about not being able to provide for his family preventing you from being there for your children but you never know what gift lies in you moving back into a career and him spending more time with the children as he job hunts. Perhaps he can assist you in developing a home-based business while he continues his job search. Start doing some research and get outside your box. Change is gain, my dear! To submit questions for Ask the LifeQuake™ Doctor, contact Dr. Toni Galardi through (no period after the Dr). For those seeking phone coaching, Dr. Toni can be reached at 310-712-2600.


J U N E 20 10

Himalayan Kundalini Kriya Yoga Master

Yogiraj Siddhanath Visiting San Diego & Los Angeles


ogiraj Siddhanath, is a Kriya Yoga Master from the ancient Indian Nath lineage, Householder Kriya Yogi, UN Keynote speaker, and author of numerous acclaimed books and the award-winning DVD “Wings to Freedom”. A Master is one who has tamed the mental storm. Living in a constant state of super-conscious bliss, Yogiraj has made his mind subservient to his natural “no-mind” awareness, and teaches his yoga and meditation methods to help people master their own minds while carrying on their work and family duties. Yogiraj’s workshops involve healing energy transmissions and intriguing discourse mixed with a refreshing dose of humor. In an effort to fulfill his vision of Earth Peace through Self Peace, He travels the globe holding workshops as well as empowering others into the sacred path of Mahavatar Babaji Kundalini Kriya Yoga. Kriya almost literally means action, and in Kriya yoga, to achieve a specific result. Kriya can involve movements, chanting, postures, etc. to awaken potential energy, or Kundalini, which is represented by the coiled body of a serpent. Yogiraj spent his early years among the Himalayan Masters and completed his transformation with a direct personal experience of Mahavatar Babaji Gorakshanath (the same Babaji introduced in Paramahansa Yogananda’s “Autobiography of a Yogi”). Yogiraj had an amazing experience in early 2010. This is a brief portion of the soon to be released book, “Alchemy of the Heart”. One of his students wrote, “I had heard stories about Gurunath and his sacred sword. The energy in the sword was used to fight off negativity. We were offered the opportunity to view it and given an amazing demonstration of its affect.” “Gurunath began to swing it around in figure-eight circles above his head. As he moved the blade around and through the air quickly, I saw the sword itself not only become flexible but it also transformed. I saw it change into a cobra snake. He was no longer just swinging a sword through the air but a dark-colored snake! I cannot help but be reminded now, as I write this accounting of what happened, of the story of Moses in turning his staff into a snake. Although the image of the snake was intermittent when his sword was in a certain rotating position it was clearly a snake. I was not the only one who saw it. Others commented on seeing it.” “Some in the group saw blue flames coming from the blade itself. I did not see this energy of light but I felt the energy itself swirling around all of us as the blade cut through the air. Some people saw some of the seven different colors leading to violet. Gurunath said we would see the colors that we were attuned with.” “There was one man there from Mumbai who was suffering from Parkinson’s disease. His whole body and most notably his hands had been shaking violently up to this point in time. Some of us noticed that whenever Gurunath swirled and moved the sword through the air that this man’s body was steady and did not shake at all. However, when the sword stopped moving in the air, then his entire body would start shaking badly once again (I noticed the next morning that when this same man was sitting not too far from Gurunath and was focused on listening to his talk that his whole body would also stop shaking).” To experience this amazing teacher, Yogiraj Siddhanath will offer seekers an opportunity to be empowered through the Sacred Science of Babaji’s Kundalini Kriya Yoga. In the empowerment, seekers will learn sacred Kriya Yoga Techniques to eliminate seeds of negative Karma from their DNA, purify their astral nerves and flush out disease and toxins. These techniques help practitioners achieve harmony and balance of body, mind, and spirit. It can bring the Self into the Now, and awaken dormant Kundalini energy to gradually achieve the super-conscious state of Samadhi (a state of consciousness induced by complete meditation). The San Diego Public Satsang will be at 7pm to 9 pm on Saturday, July 31 at the Seaside Center for Spiritual Living, 1613 Lake Drive, Encinitas. The Kriya Yoga Workshop Empowerment will be from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Sunday, August 1, at Vision Center for Spiritual Living 11260 Clairemont Mesa Blvd, San Diego. Yogiraj will also host Satsangs and Empowerments in Orange County and Los Angeles in August. Contact 858.877.3219 or To learn more about Yogiraj or to see his 2010 U.S. Tour schedule, visit and V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


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m i n d s t a t e s eace is the cessation of against-ness. So if you’re in acceptance, you’re in peace—profound peace. You’re not against anything. It is a quality inside where, for example, you accept that what you do is what you do and that if you had known better, you would have done better. If we could do better, we would do better. But we’re doing the best we know how with the circumstances we’re involved in and what we have to work with, including ourselves and the other person. Can we always do better? Yes, but you need to watch, because “I could have done better than they did” and “I can do better next time” can be warring actions. That second one is very subtle. You may say I can do better next time, but that situation may never appear again, so you’re now in a process of against-ness, against doing something “bad” with regard to that situation in the future—yet it may never show up again. That’s wasted energy. If you’re against someone, you must hold a picture in your mind and a feeling in your emotions (and maybe a body posture of fighting or holding) so that they’re always what you’ve judged them to be at some point. Even to hold them in that position in your consciousness is a statement of war. So inside of us, we have to come to a cessation of against-ness. This applies to our parents, our siblings, our other relatives, our growing-up companions—everyone and everything in our lives. For example, the other night I went to a preview with some friends, including an actress who starred in the film. As we sat there before it started, I asked her what kind of a movie it was. She started to describe it, and I started to have this sinking feeling of, I don’t want to watch this. It was really getting the upper hand, to the point where I thought, I want to get out—just walk into the lobby and




is the Cessation of Against-ness by John-Roger, D.S.S.

wait for the others to come out. The more I sat there, the more I realized I was not at “We must always be in the peace with the movie or at peace with my role anybody does, our peace there, participating with the actress. So I just reached over and touched her hand. I said, “So this is sort of a sci-fi horror flick. It must be exactly what I need.” I claimed it, took authority over it, and entered into peace. It was a good movie, but I don’t think it would have been a good movie in my other state of consciousness, no matter how good it was, because it was not going to measure up to my projected imagery and expectation of what it should


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be. When we went to dinner afterward and talked about it, we all had enthusiastic statements. And even though we had some critical statements, they weren’t negative. When the actress told us that the film was going to be re-edited, one of us said, “The guy’s finger was cut off the right hand in one scene, but when they showed another scene, the finger was cut off the left hand.” To say that was to make a critical statement, but it wasn’t a negative, criticizing one. Critical statements aren’t necessarily war statements; they’re along the lines of: here’s how to make this better. Criticizing would be, “Look how terribly they did the fingers.” Making a critical statement is to say, “To keep continuity in the position that no matter what movie, you need to have the hands match up from scene to scene.” inside is never disturbed.” I used to work in Salt Lake City as a police officer. A sergeant once said to me, “A peace officer’s peace can’t be disturbed.” I liked that. I thought, “Boy, I’m a peace officer. And if they get in my way, I’ll shoot them.” He said, “Our peace cannot be disturbed.” I thought, “Yeah. If they disturb our peace, we’ll throw them in jail.” I was making war statements. Then the sergeant looked over at me and said, “What do you understand by `a peace officer’s peace can’t be disturbed?’” I said, “I’d rather hear your answer.” He said, “We must always be in the position that no matter what anybody does, our peace inside is never disturbed. That way, we become fair in fulfilling the law with people.” It woke me up inside. I had been off base—enthusiastically, sincerely, and lovingly off base, but still off base. This sergeant brought me back, and then I was enthusiastic, sincerely, lovingly on base. From that day on, I never gave a ticket for anything because nobody could disturb me enough. I stopped people and talked to them. If they went through a red light, I’d say to them, “That light was red.” Someone said, “It was yellow when I went through.” “In that case,” I’d tell them, “watch real carefully because you can get hit on a yellow light, too.” And they’d say, “Oh, yeah. You’re right. Thanks.” They learned and they left. I wasn’t into penalizing. They drove away feeling more peaceful, having been spoken to carefully. Staying present is the key. I think that’s what I’ve told people most often over the


m i n d s t a t e s years: be loving and stay present. Right here, now—this is the place to accomplish and get everything. If we go back to the past, we’re usually going to punish somebody or be punished by somebody. And if we’re going toward the future, we’re in fear of somebody or we’re going to intimidate somebody. All we do by doing those two things is get ourselves in a state of war. Then we get sick. We pay the price now, or sometime later, and it’s great to know that the law of God is just and impartial. But sometimes, we say, “No, I want a break.” I think God should give me a break. Enter into the grace of now, and then God gives you the break. So all the breaks are in our hands and in our control. Knowing that can bring an inner peace. A teacher and lecturer of international stature, JohnRoger, D.S.S. is an inspiration in the lives of many people around the world. For over four decades, his wisdom, humor, common sense, and love have helped people to discover the Spirit within themselves, and to find health, peace, and prosperity. With two co-authored books on the New York Times Bestseller List to his credit, and more than four dozen self-help books and audio albums, Dr. John-Roger offers extraordinary insights on a wide range of topics. He is the founder and spiritual adviser of the nondenominational “Church of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA)”, which focuses on Soul Transcendence; founder, first president, and now chancellor of the “University of Santa Monica”; founder and president of “Peace Theological Seminary & College of Philosophy”; founder and chairman of the board of “Insight Seminars”; founder and spiritual adviser of the “Institute for Individual and World Peace”; and founder of “The Heartfelt Foundation”. Dr. John-Roger also co-produced and co-wrote Spiritual Warriors, an award-winning movie inspired by John-Roger’s book, Spiritual Warrior. For more information on the movie, please go to: Dr. John-Roger has given over 6,000 lectures and seminars worldwide, many of which are televised nationally on his cable program, “That Which Is”, through the “Network of Wisdoms”. He has appeared on numerous radio and television shows and been a featured guest on “Larry King Live”. An educator and minister by profession, John-Roger continues to transform lives by educating people in the wisdom of the spiritual heart. For more information about Dr. John-Roger, contact, or you may also visit


J U N E 20 10

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Let G

A n Excerpt from The Ten Things t


hen your life is falling apart, there’s always the impulse to hold on: to him, to her, to it; to the way it was, to how you wanted it to be, to how you want it now. But in order to get through a crisis, you will have to let go of whatever is standing in your way or causing the problem; these are the handcuffs around your ankles, the tin cans tied to your tail. You will have to let go of whatever isn’t serving you, whatever you no longer need, whatever keeps you from moving forward, and whatever you’re so attached to that you can’t see where you’re going. You may have to let go of your marriage, your friends, your job, your house—or even your self-image, the way you deal with things, or your past and dreams of the future. I don’t know what you’ll have to let go of; that’s for you to discover—but I do know that you’ll have to let go of something. Letting go is scary. It’s a free fall, an act of surrender. It’s releasing ways of being and things you thought were important, and then being okay with the fact that they’re gone. Though it can feel like passivity, letting go is in fact a shift in consciousness that’s a critical part of how

Awaken the Light Within July 29-August 1, 2010 Learn Kriya Yoga Meditation. Explore conscious practices to ground your inner experience into daily life. Energize your spiritual journey in a gathering of like-minded souls as you refresh yourself in abundant natural beauty. Please contact us for more information and donation suggestion. The Sanctuary is located 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, California. Please call for reservations and suggested donation. Email: (805) 736-6528 V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E

you will solve the problem. It takes courage to look at your life and “Everything I’ve ever let go of say, this is a helluva pickle I’m in —Michael P and I need to lighten my load— my financial load, my emotional load, whatever kind of load it is—so that I can deal with the reality at hand. Just as tears are doorways to the future, so, too is letting go. When you let go, you take an active role in shaping your life because you are taking responsibility not only for an immediate change but also for whatever comes after. When you consciously decide to let go, whatever ensues doesn’t just happen to you. You’re not just a passive pawn in the plot; deciding to divorce, selling your house, shredding your journal, quitting your job— when you choose to take these actions, you are actively letting go. You are intentionally choosing to move yourself in a new direction. We’re not used to letting go. We’re used to hanging on for dear life. We hang on for lots of reasons: because something is familiar; because the past is a known commodity and the future is a question mark; because we lack imagination and can’t conceive of a future better than the past we’ve had; because blankies, (no matter how ragged and trashed they are) and relationships (no matter how complete they already are or inappropriate they have become) are a comfort to us. We hang on because we’ve been taught that persistence is good and we should never give up. Or, we’re simply afraid of the free fall, afraid of coming alive as ourselves. Having to let go—of things, of the way things were, of your notion of what the future will look like often creates an identity crisis. We like to live according to our memories of ourselves and of our past. Inside of us are templates of these memories, armatures on which we have crafted our identities layer by plastered layer. We think we still are who we once thought we were, but changing circumstances can force us to reevaluate. As with the alcoholic bag lady roaming the streets, who still thinks of herself as the prom queen, the college valedictorian who’s suddenly just an average student in law school—it’s hard to let go of an old identity and move on; but if you don’t let go of who and what you once were, you won’t be available to become whoever and whatever this crisis is inviting you to become. For instance, without the courage to let go, the small business owner who temporarily drove a cab, the special education teacher who was a waitress for a while, and the young accountant who had to move back in with his parents might have missed becoming the life coach, the owner of a catering business, or the hospital administrator that they will respectively become. Of course it’s easier to cling to the identity of who we once were than to imagine who we might become, but frankly, there isn’t any future in that kind of thinking.


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s to Do W hen Your L ife Falls Apart

et go of has claw marks on it.”

Michael Peake

Letting go, on the other hand, asks you to believe that somewhere across the Big Tent of Life there will be another trapeze bar that you can take hold of after you’ve let go of this one. It’s an act of terror and freedom, of trust and faith, that when you let go, you will find

something new, better, different. But unlike the sidelined CEO, instead of letting go with grace, we’re often more like the monkey who reaches into the narrow-mouthed jar to grab the coconut inside and then get can’t get his hand back out, because he just can’t bear to let go of the coconut. Often, it’s our desire for more that lies at the root of a crisis, and we have to let go of this desire. The happy shopper can’t come home with every bargain at the mall. The refugee can’t walk out of town with the kitchen stove on his back. Every form of freedom has a price. You can’t have everything you’ve already got and everything you haven’t had yet. The living room isn’t big enough for both the old couch and the new couch at once. You gotta let go; you gotta take your pick. Letting go frees up your energy and your attention. In the open field of surrender lie the seeds of new possibilities. Sometimes the content of the new possibility is nothing—you let go and are left with absence, a vacancy. This, in itself, can be a relief: the lightness of being you feel when you’ve finally dropped those extra fifty pounds, or the silken tranquility in the house when you finally ditch your screaming husband. Letting go means not hoping that “things will change;” not bargaining or making deals—I’ll let go if; I’ll let go when; it’s not storing the freeze-dried body of your friendship (or your marriage, or your job) in cryonic suspension. It’s acknowledging that this piece of your life, this relationship, this way of doing things has served its purpose and so it is time to let go of it completely. In the less is the more; in the emptiness there is room for so much.

Falls Apart. Her bestsellers include Coming Apart, The Men We Never Knew and The Future of Love. A six-time guest on Oprah, she has also appeared on numerous other television shows and media outlets. A charismatic speaker, she has presented keynotes and seminars to audiences throughout the United States and Europe. She lives in Santa Barbara, California. Visit her online at Excerpted with permission from The Ten Things to Do When Your Life Falls Apart © 2010 by Daphne Rose Kingma. Printed with permission of New World Library, Novato, CA.

Daphne Rose Kingma is the author of The Ten Things to Do When Your Life



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Breathe a by Ruth Cherry, PhD


reathe and be and stay focused on this second.” I find myself saying those words repeatedly in the guided meditation group I facilitate on Saturday mornings. Folks with no or much experience meditating convene to sit for forty-five minutes. I speak a few words as they come to mind for the purpose of directing our attention. Paying attention to what is each second challenges our jumpy minds. Learning to simply be in the Observer while practicing detachment invites an alert passivity. It’s like watching a movie. We sit, we breathe, we notice our breath, our thoughts, our feelings, and we sit and we breathe. When we watch a movie we don’t jump onto the screen. We stay in our seat and just notice what unfolds. We may like the action or not. It doesn’t matter; we just watch. Likewise, in meditation we notice our thoughts and feelings but we maintain our detachment. We don’t start thinking or identify with our feelings. We breathe and watch and stay in our Observer. Learning detachment allows us to identify with the Observer, a part of ourselves deeper than our thoughts and feelings. Newcomers to meditation often struggle with their inner world chaos. “I can’t meditate; my mind is too busy.” “That’s exactly why we meditate,” I respond. Meditation isn’t quieting the mind. It’s having a different relationship to it—one in which we look at our thoughts instead of identifying with them. The same with feelings—we notice them while we experience them. Our Observer maintains its

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detachment and watches the whole show from a bit of a distance. Sometimes I use the image of the Observer looking through a window. On the Observer side of the window, the breath comes and goes naturally as though the breath is breathing us. We be, we notice, and we allow. On the other side of the window, thoughts and feelings move. Staying on the Observer side of the window, we can look at them without being caught up in thinking or feeling. We notice the anger or the frustration or the joy or the excitement or the worries or the plans or the memories and we allow them to pass. We don’t attach to anything. When we identify with the Observer part of us, we notice our Critic (on the other side of the window) through the angry self condemnations. We notice our Controller with its should. And always we notice our hurt Child. We notice everything and we allow. We practice allowing in meditation by staying in the Observer, breathing, being, noticing, and releasing. “I want to do something. I don’t like these feelings!” Another thought to notice. Only by noticing and allowing do we experience healing. We allow without resistance and, thereby, we cooperate with Life. Our minds are not required to heal; surrender and trust are. When we practice surrender and trust we operate in partnership with Life. Life always wants to bring us to healing. We allow healing in meditation. Ruth Cherry, PhD, is a clinical psychologist in private practice in San Luis Obispo, CA. Her specialty is midlife when psychological and spiritual dynamics merge. Her five books and guided meditation CD are available at her web sites, midlifepsychology. com,, and

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A Fast to Remember by Ghost Rider

It is my personal belief that a little self-deprivation never hurt anyone. Sure, it is a little masochistic, but I always seem to gain something from the experience. Last December I decided that I was going to become a veggie for 60 days. From my experience, being a short-term vegetarian in San Diego is pretty easy. With all of the great vegetarian restaurants and ethnic grocery stores in the area, it is far from masochism. But my experience did not begin in sweet home San Diego; my 60day journey began in Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan. For the first few weeks of my lack-of-animalconsumption fast, I really did not notice too much of a difference. There are a few chow halls at the base, and each chow hall appeals to various dietary needs. Even the holidays were easy here—for Christmas and New Years Eve I ordered myself an allcheese pizza at the local Pizza hut. That’s right, Pizza Hut. This base has become the “Camp Cupcake” of Afghanistan, and adjusting to a new diet while at this location was easy. Then came the move to the Castle, a primitive base in Southern Afghanistan, and along with it a diet of MREs (meals, ready to eat). Shortly after the holidays were over, my food chain experiment began a new phase—MREs and TRats. For those who are not familiar with MREs and TRats, they are individual meals in a sealed bag. Rumors have it they can last for 7 years if unopened. Uncle Sam offers 12 choices of MREs; only 3

of those choices lacked animal parts; this meant for the next 45 days, I had one of three choices for each meal. Let the masochism begin. The remainders of the 45 days were both physically and spiritually sobering. A few of my co-workers were killed in action, our lives were threatened and malaria-ridden mosquitoes began their yearly infestation. During this time, there were only a few things that connected me to my life back in San Diego, and every meal I ate reminded me of those connections—the harder the journey, the sweeter the destination. “Ghost Rider” is a life-long carnivore, currently stationed in Afghanistan. He is a self-proclaimed foodie with a wry sense of humor, possesses a knack for Jeopardy facts, and is bald.

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J U N E 20 10

june b y


A d r i e n n e

A b e y t a

Adrienne Abeyta presents a unique forecast that blends the tarot with astrology. A gifted reader of intuitive arts, she offers private consultations and psychic entertainment for parties and events, To set up an appointment, she can be reached at 619.917.0998 or (See her ad at the bottom of the page)

Aries: Sun (Queen of Cups) 3/21-4/19 “Once upon a time…” is a great line to start each day with. There is something quite magical about this month, but only those with open eyes and active imaginations will experience it. You’re coming out of a hectic period and could use some rejuvenating. Find ways to surround yourself with joy and inspiration—adopt the wonder of a child and spend time doing fulfilling activities. You’ll notice that people unlike you are magnetically attracted to your charisma. The beginning of the month is full of opportunities for romance, so go ahead—strut your stuff! Taurus: Temperance (King of Pentacles) 4/20-5/21 This month is a highly productive period for art, industry, or home economics. You are full of energy and motivation and can make things happen. Whether it’s related to work or personal interests, as you put the pieces together, you’ll be amazed to see what happens. Solutions to problems seem to appear out of thin air. This is also a promising time financially. Use your unique talent for creatively combining resources, especially around the 8th. Be cautious though, your golden touch can be a lot of responsibility—focus on one project at a time. Gemini: World (10 of Pentacles) 5/22 – 6/21 There’s a tangible reward coming your way. It may take till the end of the month, but the prize is yours for the taking. Be sure to add final touches to unfinished projects at the beginning of the month or get started on what you’ve been procrastinating on. Family matters will also be significant. Spend time with distant or aging relatives who need your support. There may be a large purchase or investment in the near future, so it would be wise to evaluate your current debt load. Romantic or professional relationships will likely advance to a greater level. Cancer: Chariot (Knight of Swords) 6/22 – 7/22 Get ready for a turbulent ride this month as challenges seem to lie around every corner. No matter what happens, you are ultimately responsible for your actions. Do not be driven into further trouble by reacting impulsively. A whirlwind around the 13th blows many of your current plans into disarray. Don’t give up. Simply take a breath and find an alternate path; you’ll discover options that actually benefit you. Be mindful of your words, especially when provoked, or you’re likely to destroy a dear relationship. And, lastly, use extra caution while driving. Leo: High Priestess (7 of Swords) 7/23 – 8/23 Mysteries are the adventures of our lives, and you, this month, are the detective searching for clues. A current situation that’s vague and uncomfortable will begin to reveal signs pointing in a definitive direction. In terms of a business pursuit, wait until you feel it’s the right time before executing your next step. Be conservative with finances too, because all is not as it appears. The 16th will likely reveal something that has been in the background for some time. Keep from jumping to conclusions until you’re certain what it means. Virgo: Judgment (7 of Pentacles) 8/24 – 9/22 Oh, prudent one, your ever-so-cautious ways may be causing you feelings of languish. A visit from the ghost of the past haunts you with unfulfilled dreams and aspirations. Take a good look at what you’ve achieved and ask yourself whether it was worth your time, energy, and life purpose. This is a critical time for self-analysis —not to point out flaws, but to find ways in which you can express more of yourself in the world. A reality check around the 18th reminds you of what’s missing.

Libra: Hermit (Page of Swords) 9/23 – 10/23 Self-reflection is one of the most valuable tools for carving away at one’s façade. When you feel tired of constantly working to please others or trying to fit into something too rigid, take a moment to reflect. This month offers you time to reconnect with who you are, beyond definitions and titles. Loneliness and fatigue are signs that your soul is yearning for more; listen to your inner voice for advice. A close friend or colleague may suddenly withdraw around the 20th. Be sure to follow-up with them or a small misunderstanding could easily escalate. Scorpio: Lovers (10 of Cups) 10/24 – 11/22 Relationships weigh heavily on your heart and mind: how to get out of one, and/or get into another; how to salvage difficult ones and honor important ones. If you consider that all relationships are reflections of you and your hidden aspects, you may want to look at how each person affects you. Ask yourself what their energy adds to your life—or what it deprives you of. It’s also important to respect your own boundaries and to not lose yourself trying to please someone else. Look for a confession around the 22nd. Sagittarius: Magician (Queen of Swords) 11/23 – 12/21 It may not always be about you—though it could be. Are you willing to accept the responsibility that comes with that fact? There’s no room for complaining when you take charge of your life! You must be ready to turn problems into opportunities. Instead of dwelling on grievances, use your critical thinking to solve problems and take action. If you continue talking in circles about what’s bothering you, an altercation at the end of the month may knock you off your soapbox. Take responsibility for your own shortcomings before pointing the finger at someone else. Capricorn: Fool (4 of Pentacles) 12/22– 1/20 Caught between a rock and hard place this month, you’ll have a tough time deciding on whether to go for it or stay planted. What’s even more confusing is that what you’ve worked hard to get is now causing feelings of repression. Keep in mind that security can’t be measured by material possessions. It could be worthwhile to risk a little. Add some excitement to your routine and do something for the sake of adventure. The conservative side of you might cringe next month, but hey, live in the moment. The Full Moon on the 26th is a great time to indulge—you deserve it! Aquarius: Justice (4 of Swords) 1/21 – 2/18 A balanced mind is needed to make big decisions this month. It’s important to separate facts from feelings in order to see things clearly, and if you’re swayed too much in either direction, you’ll prolong this impasse. A problematic situation which arises at the beginning of the month will be resolved around the 28th, but until then, reserve your judgment. In business matters, issues of fairness will creep into the conversation. You may be admonished for incomplete projects. Be honest about what you can and cannot do. Trying to prove yourself only causes you more stress. Pisces: Moon (Knight of Pentacles) 2/19 – 3/20 This is an important time to slow down and rest, both physically and emotionally, or risk becoming overwhelmed. Weed out any unnecessary work from your routine and avoid taking on extra tasks or new projects. Simply stick to what you’re already doing. Don’t panic when money issues cause more anxiety than usual, as fear only muddles your mind and prevents you from finding solutions. Around the weekend of the 4th, an unexpected and costly annoyance will arise. Although it’s not your problem, you’ll be responsible for making amends. Be cautious about putting too much on the back burner.

Becoming Who YOU Are! Adrienne Abeyta, Sacred - Self Coaching

Using Astrology, Numerology, & Tarot to discover the hero in your life story. Answering the questions:

• What is my purpose • What is the lesson of this challenge • When will my life look different • Where do I go from here Contact Adrienne for consultations, events, and private lessons. • (619) 917-0998 V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


J U N E 20 10


week ago, I was in my third story apartment preparing to hang a picture on the wall when the earthquake came. It began as an increasingly rumbling movement of the entire building—the floor, the walls, and everything inside my apartment. Feeling my whole world tremble and warble—as if the building was attempting to balance itself upon marbles of varying size—I quickly put down e n r Sto by Xande the framed photograph and instinctively grabbed onto the wall myself. At that moment, I felt truly helpless, unsure of what to do, fearing that the entire building would crumble and collapse with me inside it. The quake lasted awhile, almost a minute—which is a long time when it comes to surfing your living room floor. When it was done, I still did not know what to do. Should I run outside in case a larger quake comes? Am I safe in here? What the hell is happening? I could hear people coming out of their apartments into the hallway just outside my door. They were exclamatory and talkative, but did not appear to be leaving the building. As I am not a California native, this sort of thing is not normal to me. So I just stood there silently in shock, not knowing what to expect. Within a minute or two, a neighbor-friend came down the hallway and called out my name, asking if I was okay. I opened the door to see her with another neighbor, beer in hand, smiling and chuckling—as if it were all some fun-loving prank they had played upon my Eastern-born innocence. Upon seeing my face aghast, she reassured me that we would be okay, that earthquakes like this happen all the time and I need not worry. Her consolation helped me somewhat. News reports stated there had been a large earthquake measuring magnitude 7.1 to 7.3 on the Richter scale, just south of the Mexican border near Tecate. Its rumblings had been felt as far as Los Angeles, and it had incurred 2 deaths in Mexico, as well as some slight structural damage to a few buildings. All in all, for such a huge earthquake, no major damage had been done. The conclusion of this story brings me to events that have occurred over the past 24 hours on the other side of the planet—a similar story of an even smaller earthquake, which had much larger and devastating consequences. In an area of Western China—actually the disenfranchised nation known as Tibet—an earthquake happened, resulting in at least 300 human deaths due to the demolishment of homes and buildings made of mud and wood. Perhaps the report was more poignant for me because I just finished reading a book by the late Chogyam Trungpa, a Tibetan refugee of the Chinese invasion who spread the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism throughout the world. However, anytime I hear about events of mass destruction, I become both sad and angry. Recalling how terrified I felt when the earthquake hit Southern California, I imagine the Tibetan people who felt the same terror when their earthquake came,



r e g i o n a l but then actually experienced the literal fragmentation of their world, many of them buried in the rubble of buildings, suffocated to death, helplessly trapped beneath the weight of their homes, which had been their place of safety. The Tibetans, and the Buddhists in general, have a particular prayer-mantra that they circulate through their minds and hearts. It goes something like this: “May all beings be free of suffering. May all beings be at peace;” I like this particular prayer, as it really has universal implications. It is not just a prayer for oneself or ones’ own concerns. It is a prayer for all sentient, living beings, for all life everywhere upon this planet and, potentially, throughout the universe. It is a prayer of compassion for the well being of all things. As such, it implies a universal unity, a wholeness and acceptance of all life as essentially interrelated. For those of us living in the Southern California/Mexico border region who felt our world trembling just a week ago; remember we were spared, we have lived while others have not. Remember how fortunate we are just to be alive while others go homeless, their lives shattered. And while remembering, send a little love to those less fortunate folks who have been praying for us our whole lives. Perhaps it’s time we remember them, and pray for the sanctity of our human race, for in essence, we are each other.

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J U N E 20 10

m i n d s t a t e s The Traditional Shrine new connections on his path. For A shrine is a place constructed for these reasons, the home computer facilitating worship to a specific deity, makes an excellent addition to your saint, ancestor, or higher power. now intensely contemporary cyber From the Latin scrinium, meaning shrine. “case or chest for books or papers” The cyber shrine is a powerful and the Old French escrin “box or tool. Go ahead and light some sage case,” a shrine will generally include first. Call in the Four Directions, things like candlesticks, tapestries, invoke the Five Elements, say six Hail censers, flowers, and images of a deity Mary’s, or open all seven chakras. by Chad Deal or central personhood. Sacrificial As you feel yourself relax, open up offerings are made at a shrine called a browser window but be alert. The an altar. The sacrificial element maya of Facebook, MySpace, and could involve anything from a prize the likes will be waiting for you, head of livestock to a particularly silently stalking, wanting nothing radiant piece of fruit. more than to seduce you into their A household shrine elaborates veils of ego illusion and to relegate on this traditional structure, you to the lower bardos of cyber often comprising a more dynamic consciousness. Remain vigilant. collection of objects from diverse Imagine: your homepage, an spiritual systems. One might Alex Grey image depicting energy encounter Tibetan prayer flags meridians running throughout strung over an image of the the human body, prompts your Goddess, reiki orgone disks placed speculation about the nature of the around an enneagram, a copy of the Void, so you get on Wikipedia and books “Remember: Be Here Now” search “black holes and Buddhism.” next to “The Tao of Physics”, a In no time, you have opened several chalice inscribed with a pentagram tabs, alternately labeled “Quantum containing a string of Buddhist Mysticism,” “The Etymology prayer beads, or crystal pendulums of Ontology,” “Theosophical hanging from a small gold artifact Writings on the Pineal Gland,” rumored to hold ten thousand and “Ayahuasca Ceremonies in souls. Each shrine’s diversity reflects South America.” You meander the globalized spirituality of the upon a YouTube video about how practitioner. to visualize the tenth dimension, The Cyber Shrine which sheds some light on the By virtue of the Internet, the whole Void question and also sacred texts of most every school of perks your curiosity about fractals. spirituality as well as a multitude So you watch a few Mandelbrot of related material can be accessed visuals while cueing up some heady from home. The absurd convenience of simply “Googling” virtually anything allows tunes. You meditate on your breath—or your big toe, your solar plexus, 2012, or the modern practitioner to go to the core texts themselves and compile his or her the preferred deity of the moment. own brand of spirituality, which rearranges and evolves as the practitioner makes Everything comes together. You remain present during other YouTube clips: dancers performing the outlandish Gurdjieff movements, a colorful expose on Solfeggio frequencies, a documentary on quantum mechanics, Terence McKenna followed by Eckhart Tolle, and videos with names like “Are We Real?” and “The Holographic Universe.”

The Cyber Shrine: The Home Computer as an Altar of Enlightenment



J U N E 20 10

The input is intense and scattered, but you sense it all nodding decidedly towards a certain nexus and suddenly your consciousness feels as if upon the brink of something … world wide. You open up BrainWave Generator (www.bwgen. com), a free program which generates binaural beat frequencies in order to induce elevated states of consciousness. You put on your headphones, the beats pulsing in either ear simulates specific frequencies which correlate to different brain states (Alpha, Delta, Theta, etc.). You choose a setting called “Meditation 3 (after high mental activity)” and set the volume at 25% so the binaural beat is barely audible

beneath your music. You go Zen. A voice suddenly yells “STOP!” and you wonder briefly if you should freak out, but it’s just the Daily Ponder (, a free program which interrupts at preset intervals to remind you to attend to the Ponder of the Day. “How can one make the first sacrifice of comfort, which is a prerequisite to any sacrifice?” it asks, followed by “Remember to Sense your body and observe your emotions while Pondering.” You mull this over. “Ah yes, sacrifice. The Universe must be telling me I am ready to upgrade my platform from cyber shrine to electronic altar. What shall I sacrifice first?” you think. But, as usual, the cat does not respond when you call, and you don’t want to kill the cat anyways. On top of that, you haven’t got any fruit in the house. So you decide to sacrifice yourself instead. Cyber seppuku, you realize, is a time-honored tradition with a fresh twist. One


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m i n d s t a t e s reaps all the benefits of self-eradication without the hassles of disembowelment. You seize the opportunity, allowing your body to lose itself. You consciously sacrifice your worries, your mental chatter, your ego, and its program of “I:” your programmed identity, your programmed sense of shortcomings and glories—your holographic image of yourself. You find yourself One with the entire web of existence. Now you navigate with a different ease; a re-informed finesse. You approach both your altar life and your altered life with new intent and zeal. Your hyper-postmodern electronic altar roaring to life. You are a Cyber-yogi. You can do anything. On a whim, you download a program called Psi Ops Cybershaman VII (www., and if you ever figure out how to use it, you could probably do even more anything. The Point The “cyber scenario” above represents a smidgeon of the possible uses of computers in your home shrine, but remember that all the information and electronic gizmos in the world (as fun as they are) don’t mean a thing unless you apply them to your practice. The point: adding conscious integration of intellectual knowledge onto your path of awakening. Rumor has it you need only look within for all answers, so be an attentive Cyber-yogi. Don’t let an enlightening stroll through cyberspace turn into a meaningless trudge trough cyber-maya. When used consciously, the computer is a powerful tool. But always leave plenty of time for yourself, listening to inner silence, emptying the mind of thought, and releasing attachments. Breathe deeply. Relax. The greatest shrine in the world, after all, is you. Chad Deal is a freelance writer from San Diego, CA. His work has appeared in Toyon Literary Magazine,,, and The San Diego Reader. He really enjoys fresh papaya, Reuben sandwiches, and sunshine.

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J U N E 20 10

s u s t a i n a b l e

l i v i n g

Spiritual L (a true


ore and more, my gardening lacks enthusiasm. The other day, with grass freshly long from a deep periodic irrigation, I decided to mow the back yard. A few weeks ago, I brought the mower in to the repair shop for regular maintenance, and the last time I used it, it started up fine. This time, I primed the carburetor and pulled the cord—again and again. After 43 times (yes, I counted!) I gave up. That’s when the universe decided to demonstrate a practical, yet very enlightening allegory. Priming the pump One-two-three. Nothing. Four-five-six. Nothing. The engine wouldn’t engage. I tried to pull it harder; still nothing. I tried to pull the cord slower; nothing again. Primed it again: seven-eight-nine. Nothing. I thought perhaps I flooded the engine and that’s why it wouldn’t start. Looking at my lawn, overgrown and unkempt, I knew


by Marlene

something had to work out. I began to imagine taking it back to the repair shop with my receipt, and asking for a followup inspection. In my mind, I endured dislodging the handle, hoisting the heavy dirty mower in the back of my van, and driving to the shop—only to be told it would be another week. I had the entire scenario scripted around failure! Then, it hit me. What would it look like if the mower started? In life we spend a lot of time priming the pump of our expectations. We try the same thing, over and over, again and again. The same results ensue. We wonder why things don’t work the way we want them to—after all, we’re primed and ready to go! We do everything according to someone’s rules (or even our own), in the specified order. Then, we repeat our maneuvers just to make sure we did it right the first time—more out of disbelief than from assuredness of a different outcome. Hmmm. We go through all the motions: suffering, struggling, preparation, and then life hands us a stalled outcome. Momentary engagement My arm got tired from the ridiculous cord-pulling. I took a deep breath and mumbled, “This time it’s going to start.” Sputter-sputter—zoom! Victory! But then, cough-cough, click. The mower and I began an absurd one-foot-at-a-time relationship where it would engage and then quit. I wondered if this was more frustrating than not starting at all. Nonetheless, not to be defeated, I played this game throughout three lengthwise courses of mowing, managing to get the worst of the lawn cut before I took a much-needed break. I reasoned that the mower (not ME, of course, but the mower) needed a break. I let go and walked away. Our everyday frustrations with Spirit happen this way, too. Just when we think we’ve figured something out. Poof! We try again and get a little further down the path, then stop. We can almost hear the Universe saying, “are you sure this is what you want?” as it cracks open the door of possibility we look out, and slam! The door closes on us, yet we keep knocking and keep trying, not understanding that what we want may not be in residence or it’s otherwise detained in our consciousness.


J U N E 20 10

s u s t a i n a b l e

l i v i n g

Landscaping e story)

arlene Buffa

Separation Allowing the machine much-needed rest, I decided to use the cool morning time wisely. I looked over at the mower, almost mocking me in the middle of the half-mown lawn, and plugged in the double orange extension cord. I bought a second-hand hedge trimmer which I’d yet to use, and took it and the cord over to the bushes to trim. It worked smoothly and I remember thinking how proud I was not to gouge my own leg in the process. Finally, when I’d squared off the oleanders just perfectly, my confidence got the better of me. Remember that bright orange extension cord? I moved it out of the way, but it fell right into the path of my hedge trimmer and zzzzt – severed it in two. I’d traded one landscaping frustration for another. Sometimes the best way to solve our quagmires is to step out of them. We get so bogged down in details, processes, and in consequences, that we can’t breathe. When we step away from one area of difficulty to something new, we still bring our attitudes with us! In doing so, we find that life reacts equally as haphazardly because nothing inside of us has really changed—it’s simply a different problem. Declaration I separated the double orange extension cord, and threw the severed section into the trash in the alley. I rolled up the intact half, and put it, along with my hedge trimmer, back in place. There it stood, the lawnmower, daring me to attempt to move it from its inertia. I purposefully walked over to it and tried to start it again, thinking that the 15 minutes I allowed it to rest would be sufficient. Same thing. Repeat—pull, pull, stall. Aaargh! Finally, I looked at the lawn, looked at the mower and said, “I want my mower to start and stay running until I want it to stop!” Pull – action! I laughed out loud—was it really THAT EASY? The mower stayed running, and continued to restart successfully between my emptying the catch basket. I finished the entire back yard in record time. When we focus on what we want in life, instead of the process of struggle and difficulty, the Universe has a newly mown path from which to give us our heart’s desire. What we want,clearly defined, purposefully declared, expectantly requested, manifests in our lives, like magic. Our specific wording and intention must be carefully crafted because our subconscious and Spirit take us literally at V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E

our word. No jokes, no self-deprecation, no apologies—simply ask for what you want in the manner it should appear and state your expected outcome. Appreciation After I parked the mower and covered it up, I went into the house and took a shower. Mowing the lawn is a dusty chore here in the desert. Afterwards, I looked out the back door and truly admired the beauty of the freshly trimmed yard and appreciated that my efforts paid off. I thanked the forces for delivering what I asked for. When things work out in life, whether you interpret them as “luck” or divine intervention—be sure to thank the Source. Our life lessons come from a textbook, from growing up, and even landscaping. We notice allegories and comparisons to what we go through every day and something inside of us clicks. When we connect to our internal spark, which primes our pump, we engage in a powerful journey. Although it appears that moving slowly and stopping often brings us discomfort and frustration, we truly need the exercise to absorb the lesson life attempts to show us. When we step away, not only from the current situation causing us distress, but also away from our negative thinking, we find success in the respite. The Universe is all-hearing. It is our responsibility to tell it what we want. Our choices and possibilities are as endless as blades of grass. We simply need to decide to declare it. It makes all the priming, pulling, and pushing worth it! Taking a quiet sideways glance at life, Marlene Buffa offers insight from her own experiences. A student of “new-thought” teachings, Marlene finds practical spirituality around every corner and seeks wisdom through observation of life’s inter-relationships. Sometimes playful, sometimes poignant, always thought provoking, her writing inspires readers in meaningful ways. www.


J U N E 20 10

f e a t u r e wealthy man’s son decides to venture out on his own. He demands his share of the inheritance, which his father gives him. Through luxurious living the son squanders his inheritance and finds himself broke. The son is reduced to eating slop with hogs. As he considers his options, he thinks, “Even my father’s servants live better than this. I’ll go ask my father’s forgiveness and maybe he’ll at least take me back as a hired hand.” When the father sees his son coming he orders his servants to kill a fatted calf and prepare a feast. He runs to greet his son, and before the son can recite the apology he has been rehearsing, the father slips a family signet ring on his finger, embraces, and kisses him. The son’s older brother, who has dutifully stayed home working for his father, is pissed. In response, the father implores: “Rejoice with me, for my son was lost, and is found.” Lost? Found? If you asked the son, might he have said he was never really lost—Just out to try his wings? But to the father he was. To his brother, he was likely not lost enough and too much found. And might we say that the older brother had lived his whole life found? Or must one be lost before one can be found? I know that sense of being lost myself, with a terrible visceral feeling, a rush of unwelcome adrenalin. I have perhaps the worst sense of direction in human experience. When the GPS device became widely available it was as if it had been invented for me. My wife Lacey is only a slightly more gifted “directionalist” than I. We joke that if we come to an intersection and agree which way we should turn, the odds are that the other way will get us where we mean to go. I was driving to the airport several years ago; a drive I have done scores of times. I came to a familiar intersection and drew a blank. I experienced what I imagine it might be like to have a stroke, a blockage of blood to a part of the brain that tells you where you are and how to proceed. Not merely that I wasn’t sure what to do next, whether to turn right or left, but as if I was an alien who had wandered into an alternate universe in which things looked familiar, but provided no clues by which to navigate. I sat in the left lane, motionless at the wheel, staring ahead blankly. Lacey looked over at me and asked, “Are you going to turn?” “I don’t know,” I answered. “Should I?” “What do you mean, should you?” I took that to mean I should, and I did. Something in making the turn restarted my directional computer, and I



proceeded. Lacey wanted to know what had happened. When I told her From the parable of the Prodigal Son. Christi I was lost, she scoffed. “How could you have gotten lost at a place you have been many times?” I could only tell her that I found the sensation of being lost terrifying, and of being found, after making the turn, as profoundly worthy of celebration as the father in the parable had felt. When I was a parish priest, I buried a young man who had a promising start as a writer. He died of alcoholism. “He lost his way,” his mother told me. I wondered how that must have felt, and what it might have taken for him to have found his way. I took it to heart more than most of my burials because I thought I might have understood his lostness, and how it might have caused him such despair. Just a few days ago, as I was readying myself for my family’s annual migration from California to Vermont, I transferred a pair of tired, grubby, wax ear plugs, essential for sleeping while flying, from the plastic box I keep them in next to my bed, to another smaller, easier for travel, box. A few minutes later I couldn’t find it. Anywhere. On and off the rest of the day I wandered room to room randomly uncovering pieces of paper, opening drawers, emptying pockets As I searched, increasingly frantic, I began to accuse myself (You’re a hopeless asshole!), wondering whether the long expected onset of senility was underway. After most of the day pretending I wasn’t really looking, casually lifting books and pieces of paper as I went by (so Lacey wouldn’t figure out what I was doing), the little box jumped onto the end of the guestroom bed just as I passed by. I had looked there at least a dozen times. I would bet my life it wasn’t there five minutes earlier. Another cosmic trick calculated to shake my confidence. And to remind me, those miserable ear plugs, that no matter how anally I organize myself, I am lost here. When I found the ear plugs I rejoiced. Silently, so Lacey wouldn’t catch me. Rejoiced all out of proportion to the objects’ significance. I understand lost. It describes the situation an honest realist recognizes as “normative.” In order not to be lost one must have perspective; to view the entire landscape at a glance; know where things are meant to go. Our species is immersed in the landscape, we are a part of it. We cannot see it all any more than we can remove our eyeballs, turn them around, and stare back at ourselves. And as for finding the finish line… Why do you suppose we create so many illusory, arbitrary finish lines: races, graduations, anniversaries, deadlines (interesting word, deadline)? Perhaps so we can play author of this Story in which we in fact play an essential, but bit, part. Murkier even than lost, is this notion of found: Amazing grace how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me I once was lost but now am found Was blind but now I see by Blayney Co

This my son was lost

lost foun


to sa


J U N E 20 10

f e a t u r e

Am found? Now I see? Found what? See where? The so-called “medieval Christian scripture: Gospel of Luke, 15:11-32 synthesis”, assembled by Thomas Aquinas on a platform constructed by Aristotle, describes reality as if a snapshot of it. Though long outdated—inadequate to portray what we now know—it is the unconscious working model just about all of us use in navigating our lives. It’s philosophical name: causality. If I drive my truck into a tree, the laws of physics predict its outcome. (I “tried” it once and the outcome looked much as predicted.) It seems such a solid, reliable scheme; who wouldn’t choose to follow it? When Albert Einstein did the math that finally shattered our confidence in that scheme—which had been hanging by a thread since the Church placed Galileo under house arrest for declaring that we are not the center of even our own solar system—we became lost in the cosmos. Or, finally, we had to acknowledge that because we are visitors here, not even permanent residents, we have always been lost in the cosmos. And we hate it. Einstein himself, when he saw that his work led to the inescapable understanding that the universe does not behave as we would want, spent his last years trying to disprove his own theory, that which had made him the world’s most celebrated thinker. “God does not play dice with the universe,” he insisted. Perhaps not. But what he wanted to dodge, what we all wish we could dodge, isn’t about God, nor about the universe. It is about us. Being lost. Albert Einstein was haunted by his blackboard, covered with symbols and numbers no one before him had understood, convinced that he couldn’t even be certain of the boundaries of the little room in which he spent 30 years working out those formulas. Found, the elusive sense for which we long, turns out not to be about unlocking the secrets of the universe, but about allowing ourselves to be embraced by the rich mystery of those secrets in which we are immersed. The fun, the satisfaction, the sense of accomplishment we grew up thinking would be ours when we became smart, rich, old, settled, turns out always to be just beyond the next achievement. Not, we insist, because we are lost, but because we haven’t quite yet done what is required to be found. I swim with a man who is paraplegic. He drives his van onto the beach, wrestles himself into his chair, drops his electric lift onto the beach, wheels into the ocean, raises off the chair with strong arms, and plunges headlong into the surf. Early in our companionship I told him how awesome I thought he was. “Of course you do,” he laughed. “You can only imagine doing it the way you do it. But have you ever thought that I only have to endure the 58 degree water with half my body, while you feel it all the way to your toes? I find that quite hard to imagine. And heroic.” Some people find a way to let go and fall willingly into the embrace of the unknown. Others wait until their final ney Colmore

lost, and is found…

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exhale. But whether one chooses or waits to be chosen, the wish is futile. Only in wandering the wilds of lost can we be found. Despite our fears, we seem wonderfully suited for this, to brave the rapids, navigating uncharted waters, as surely as that frantically swimming sperm was embraced by the egg that unfurled into you. Lost is so simple. To discern it requires little more complexity that trying to predict tomorrow’s weather. But found turns out to require more—the seemingly Herculean suspension of effort. Trusting. A brilliant thinker came up with the term “cognitive dissonance” to describe the experience of encountering a reality that trumps what we believe. His unnerving observation is that we will redraw our picture of reality sooner than we will surrender what we have come to believe. A Sister of the Discalced Carmelites told me that each morning when she opens her eyes and sees light, she asks herself, “What? Still here?!” Perhaps the only dependable antidote to the haunting sensation of being lost, of acknowledging that you don’t know exactly where you are or what may lie ahead, is to wait; wait with anticipation akin to a four-year old waking on Christmas morning. Few of us much past four years can bear to wait for real reality to show itself. No worry. No matter how seductive the illusion of being settled, found lost is the more dependable reality. And being lost is the way we are made ready for the certain embrace. Lost is the new found. Blayney Colmore stepped down after 30 years of Episcopal parish ministry to explore what he considered best kept to himself about all those years. He retains the indelible mark of “priest” and continues to consider ways to uncover dimensions of our being here that elude usual inquiry. He will e-mail a piece of short writing (most weeks) to people who ask. His third book, the novel “Meander, The Wonder of Wooing Ms. Maudie” is scheduled out late summer 2010. He and his wife Lacey seasonally migrate between rural Vermont and coastal Southern California.


J U N E 20 10

I Am Lost, f e a t u r e

I am l o st an d I am l o vi n ’ i t by Charlie Compuesto

High wind and surf at Guincho Beach, Portugal


or most of my life, it seemed as though I knew what I was after. I felt as though I knew what the world was about. It seemed, at least through my eyes, that the world was made up of a crazy system of producing, consuming and producing again. It was normal to me. I saw it everywhere. It is after all, the way the world works right? It sounds cynical, I know, but for me it was the truth, and in this crazy world, I was thriving. Like many people in our country and in the world, I recently experienced a number of challenges, both personal and financial, that threw me off my game. I believed I’d lost my American Dream. Without all the “things” in my life that had helped me define who I thought I was, I felt I had become hopelessly lost. I soon discovered however, that all was not lost, and though I had lost as much as I did, I found that the absence of these “things” created a void in my life that would be filled with something far more valuable, far more precious. My best friend once told me that letting go is an art. I believe she is right. Yet, a few years ago, I would have told her to shove it. I thought I had it all: a house with a view (a very nice one at that!), a fat bank account, more cars than I cared to drive, and far more clothes than I cared to wear. Why, oh why, would I want to let any of this go? Then the world began to change. The economy started slowing down, the banks stopped lendin,g and when I lost my business, I lost the homes of my tenants (some of which were family members) and then I lost my own home. I couldn’t believe it. The shame I felt for not being able to keep things together was devastating. I couldn’t make the payments on the loans I took out. I couldn’t keep people on the payroll. I couldn’t maintain the life my family was accustomed to. I failed to fulfill the commitments I made to myself, and more importantly, to those around me. People believed in me, and I felt I had let them down. How could I ever face these people again? How could I ever regain their trust? V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E

I think it was Ralph Waldo Emerson who stated that if you lose confidence in yourself, then you have the whole universe against you. I’d lost confidence in myself and I felt paralyzed. I felt like I was pinned under the burden of guilt, fear, embarrassment, and confusion. I was afraid to make decisions, afraid to move forward. I couldn’t bear the thought of making another bad decision that would jeopardize the livelihood of those around me. Not again. Before I lost it all, I lived a life of excess. I leveraged the money I had to the hilt. I bought everything I felt I needed to reach my goals, rather than exercise creativity and resourcefulness. Many of my actions were based on fear and scarcity. I went against many of my personal values and I hadn’t even realized it. Before I lost it all, I would easily spend at least sixty to eighty hours each week speeding around town, networking with countless people, collecting business cards, handling stacks of paperwork, drinking my fill, and eating until I had to buy new clothes. All of this in hopes of earning business, making a fortune, and living the “good life.” I wanted to make so much money that I didn’t have time to waste, so anything that wasn’t making money, to me, was a terrible waste of time. This included taking care of my health and spending quality time with the people in my life that mattered most. It wasn’t until I began to lose it all that I found the clarity I needed. I found that living this kind of life was nowhere near sustainable and that I was lying to myself—a lot. Why would I want to sustain a lifestyle I wasn’t exactly in love with? Luckily for me, my world began to change again and my answers would come. With the help of my teachers, my family, my friends (I love you guys!), and the shrinking economy, I realized that it would be madness for me to continue living like I was. It would be madness for me to rebuild what I had, because times had changed and I had to change with it. I lost it all and I had to let it go. I began to ask better questions. I was literally forced to take the time to really pay attention and to focus on my values, values like being happy and healthy, and being radically honest with myself and with others. The keyword here is “being.” After all, who was I being in all of this? “Who am I being?” I ask myself this question at least a hundred times each day. “In my wildest dreams, who would I love to be? What would I love to do? How would I love to do it?” The answers thrill me. They frighten me. I am lost and I am finding that it is an exciting time. Part of me died, and yet I’ve never felt more alive. I’m finding the answers I need through love. I am finding out that I must have compassion for myself, because I know I will make more


J U N E 20 10

Strolling thro


Strolling through the streets of Nice, France

Enjoying the Med, Côte d’Azur, France

mistakes, but through love I am finding the courage to regain confidence in myself and in others. Through love, I am finding what I need: to let go and to move on. Through love, I am finding out who I need to be. Since I “lost” it all, I decided to spend most of my time living out of an overstuffed backpack and an empty cup, traveling around the world, sleeping on the beach, meeting people, seeing things, having fun, and learning to “be” someone I can love, so that I in turn, can learn to love others, with the goal of ultimately living a life of love. Not long ago, I returned to San Diego after traveling through Israel and Europe, where I rediscovered many of the things I’ve loved, like playing music, riding bicycles, sharing, and exploring. The time I spent traveling was invaluable and now that I am back I’ve found that I have awakened my desire to have all the luxuries that I once had and more. I’ve found that I have awakened a deep and intense desire to give. I’m finding that I’m actually more determined to achieve and succeed than I was in the past. The difference is that I feel I am more aware as to how I want to spend my time and energy succeeding; after all, I have found that many things in life are simply not worth it, especially if the price is an unfulfilled life of compromised values. One thing that I’m sure of is that there is a way to make a fortune being who I love being, and doing what I love doing. There must be. The most successful people in life, after all, are those who have followed their passions and those who have chosen to do what they love. “Do I really love it?” I ask myself before consuming anything. “Is it really worth it?” “What would I really love to be doing at this moment?” I ask myself in times of boredom or frustration. “I love music,” so I listen to music. “I love adventures,” so I take a trip (sometimes a long stroll will do). “I love the freedom to learn and experience life and to enjoy all that life has to offer. I love taking chances and I love having faith in myself and in others.” So I do whatever it takes to experience what I love. It sounds corny at best, but it’s true nonetheless. I sometimes hesitate, though, mostly because of fear, and because of reasons I have yet to discover. I think I am trying to find the direction that is pulling me the most, listening to my heart for a change. My mind, at times overrides my heart, reasoning when I feel I need to be unreasonable. “It takes courage,” I remind myself. “Do I have it in me?” Doubt creeps in. “Faith,” I reassure myself. “Believe in

Oktoberfest, Munich, Germany


f e a t u r e yourself.” I feel guilty sometimes for allowing myself to live from love. I sometimes think that I am simply wasting time. I sometimes think that many people would agree. But then I consider the many people I meet daily, even some of my friends and family, who work at jobs they don’t necessarily love. Maybe they feel the need, as I sometimes do, to work at something, no matter what it is, to support a certain lifestyle. Maybe there is something noble in doing what it appears must be done— in sacrificing, rather than doing what one would rather do. My old, obsessive, achievement-driven self tends to agree. I’ve traveled that road before, however, and for me, it doesn’t work. Not anymore. For me, that road leads to too many compromises, too many regrets. By the sound of things, it might seem that I’m always walking on sunshine. Not always. There are always challenges in my life, but I feel more conscious of the way

A morning walk along the beach in Oahu, Hawaii

I choose to take on these challenges. Is my life “peachy?” Far from it. Is there pain? Yes, often. Suffering? Of course. For me, it’s all part of being alive. It’s all part of how I choose to move through my life. Because I am lost, I’m finding that I am far richer than I ever knew I was and I’m thankful. I’m thankful for all the people I’ve met and for all the people I have yet to meet, I’m thankful for all the ideas, the stories, and the good times we share. I’m thankful for all the love that I’ve found in the world (trust me, there is a lot)! I’m thankful because every day, I have the chance to let myself shine, and to allow myself to find the things I can pour all my heart and soul into; some endeavor that I can be proud of and something that will eventually overflow with the goodness and love that I want to give. I hope that everyone takes the chance at living a life of love. Finding myself through love is turning out to be an exhilarating ride. Allowing myself to choose love over everything else takes more courage than I ever thought I had. It gets more daunting, more challenging as I move through this life. In a way, I am doing what I feel must be done. Through love, I am finding what I need, when I need it. Bob helps. Did I mention that I love listening to Bob Marley? Always have. Probably always will. I’m listening to Bob right now and he is one of my favorite teachers. Bob Marley sang, “Don’t gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver and gold.” Thanks for the reminder, brother. I am lost, yet I’ve found that I’ve never lost the love of friends and family. Through love, I find that I am a lot closer; closer to finding my soul. Charlie Compuesto is an explorer, writer and co-founder of The Love Company, an apparel company whose mission is to help the world come closer to peace through simple but bold statements of love. Thanks for spreading the love!


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Announcements PRACTITIONER ROOM AVAILABLE - Beautiful, spacious room available to spiritual practitioners for one-on-one or small group sessions at The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Boulevard, Tarzana, CA 91356. Rental fee is $20 per hour. Room seats up to 12 in theater or circle arrangements; padded table available for Reiki and other body work. Call 818.345.1100 for availability. 06.10




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HEALING FIRST AID FOR THE SOUL –Use guided visualization to release anger, blame, shame, guilt and fear; applying the selfhealing balm of forgiveness to promote transformation, empowerment and wellbeing. Led by Rosalba Fontanez, Certified Hypnotherapist and Theta Healing Practitioner. 7 – 9 pm on Wednesdays at the Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Boulevard, Tarzana, CA 91356. Free parking in the rear. Call 818-345-1100 or register online at www.theimaginecenter. com. $20 per session; begins Wednesday, June 22. 06.10


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HELP WANTED VISION MAGAZINE IS LOOKING FOR PASSIONATE Sales Associates. Email resumes to sales@visionmagazine. com

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PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT WEEKLY PSYCHIC SKILLS ATTUNEMENT CIRCLE - Strengthen your intuitive abilities and your connection with Spirit. Learn to safely send and receive loving messages from spirit guides, angels and deceased loved ones; messages from the highest and best good of each participant. 1-3pm at the Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana, CA 91356 $15 minimum donation. Register at 818.345.1100 or online at 06.10



SPIRITUAL COUNSELING/ REIKI TRAINING SPIRITUAL COUNSELOR, METAPHYSICAL MINISTER, Reiki, Karuna® Reiki Master, Empowerment Readings, Meditation Training, Energy Healing, Attunements, Wendy Chaffin, www., Pacific Beach, 858.270.2908. Phone Sessions Available, Credit Accepted. 08/10

SPIRITUAL HEALING / CHANNELING / ART CHANNELED INFORMATION (Archangel Gabrielle) emboldening, healing for inner wounds, readings with spirit portraits, 619.450.9408 06.10

SURROGATE WANTED SEEK HEALTHY, POSITIVE WOMAN TO CONCEIVE AND BEAR A CHILD NATURALLY, FREE OF CHEMICALS. “Surrogate mom.” Willing to pay good amount so I can then adopt as legal, custodial parent. You can choose to be completely non-involved after birth to being involved, at any future time and to whatever amount you wish, as separate parent. I am sincere, tested very healthy in all aspects, holistic, deeply caring, love kids, have time, commitment, heartfelt appreciation, resources. Sincere inquiries only: “Loving Dad”, P.O. Box 566, Cardiff, CA, 92007. Please also e-mail to:lrluke7@ 06/10 PSYCHOTHERAPY SPIRITUALLY ORIENTED THERAPY Support in your search for meaning. Jungian/Transpersonal Orientation, EMDR, TFT. Miriam Erb, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist. PSY5497. 619.296.6757. 06/10

REIKI SACREDTRANSFORMATION.NET offers 30 CEU’s to nurses, acupuncturists, LCSW & MFT for Level 1-2 Reiki along with in-depth energy healing course. Contact 619.204.0504 for more info. 06/10

RENTALS MEDITATIVE SPACE FOR RENT IN THE EYE OF BUDDHA RETAIL STORE. Rent our upstairs meeting room per hour or day for special events, meetings, trainings, meditations, or yoga classes. 700sq feet. Parking available. 4247 Park Blvd., San Diego, CA 92103. Call for more information 619.296.1150. 07/10

TAROT LEARN TAROT WITH WENDY Now you can read too! Learn to interpret the cards, how to ask questions and how to bring it all together. 7-9 pm Thursday nights at The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana, CA 91356. $35 per lesson. Register at 818.345.1100 or online at www. 06/10 TAROT WITH ANDREA Personal Readings and party entertainment. 619.448.8288. Also at Soulscape bookstore Encinitas, Thursdays and Sundays. 08.10




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Prayer for Reuniting Twin Flames

In the name of my Higher Self and the Higher Self of my Twin Flame I pray that we reunite I call for the consuming of all portents of our returning negative karma, clouding our ability to recognize each other, and creating a sense of separation. I call to dissolve the human imposed self-limitations that keep us from the full expression of our twin flame identity, and the fulfillment of our original contract with Spirit in service to mankind.

I call for my Higher Self and the Higher Self of my Twin Flame. My Higher Self and the Higher Self of my Twin Flame. My Higher Self and the Higher Self of my Twin Flame. My Higher Self and the Higher Self of my Twin Flame. My Higher Self and the Higher Self of my Twin Flame. I pray that We reunite Uniting Twin Flames ~ Susay

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J U N E 20 10

v i s i o n

c a f e

Tapping Your Intuition is Like Finding Your Own Personal Gold Mine by Renee Stern

Hypnotherapist Program! Mueller College of Holistic Studies is proud to add the Hypnotherapist program to its existing bodywork programs - the first new offering in its 34-year history! - Learn how to open your own practice as a professional hypnotherapist

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n the 90s, I departed what I could best describe as a “challenging” marriage. I assumed life would improve and, of course, in many ways it did. Still, I felt like a fish out of water what with two kids in tow, financial woes, and fears of “what next” looming heavy in my head. I had to make real changes in my life. I first went the traditional route with a highlyrecommended therapist helping me sort the “stuff” that was weighing me down. A wonderful beginning except for one thing: progress took forever! Through a twist of fate, a man I met referred me to “a top psychic” (his words) in town Vessa Rinehart. And thus my journey into developing my personal clairvoyance began. Through readings and house healings with Vessa, I actually found more explanations for my circumstances and solutions to help me resolve them than from any other source of transformational work I had ever tried. There’s always going to be bumps in life, it’s about how we react to those bumps. When we heal inside we find the power to replace old drama-fests with amusing episodes. I learned why I was attracting the same types of people and situations into my life. Better than that, I discovered how to change that energy that I no longer wanted in my life. The bottom line is that healing is enhanced through use of the right “tools”. Could you build a house if you didn’t have a hammer and nails? So why would you expect to heal within without the right tools for that? When you start with “Tools 101,” aka Practical Intuition & Meditation, you can really hit the ground running. I uncovered gifts in myself I never knew existed, such as the ability to read auras and chakras (mine and others), communicate with the other side, and learned how to help heal others. Did you know that when you heal someone, you also help heal yourself? Yet, without protecting yourself, you easily risk being stuck wearing other people’s problems after releasing and healing them. And that’s the whole point. You pick up other people’s energy wherever you go. Learning these spiritual tools has changed my life as well as the lives of those around me. You see, my [good] energy rubs off on people too! If you want to lose old patterns find yourself a goldmine the way I did. Renee Stern is currently enrolled in Rinehart’s Trance Medium and Hands On Healing programs. Vessa Rinehart-Phillips, author of Opening the Third Eye, discovered her gift of telepathy as a child. Practical Intuition & Meditation–Part 1, begins June 3, 2010, at Intuitive Insights, 4455 Morena Boulevard, Suite 108. Call 858.509.7582 or

Mueller College of Holistic Studies TM

4607 Park Boulevard San Diego 92116

Experience Healing. V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


J U N E 20 10

r e v i e w s

And It Came to Pass by Zecharia Sitchin


The reader, if familiar with the English King James nd it came to pass, version of the Bible, will recognize these verses in When men began to multiply on the face of the Earth chapter 6 of Genesis as the preamble to the story of the and daughters were born unto them, Deluge, the Great Flood in which Noah, huddled in an that the sons of God saw the daughters of men ark, was saved to repopulate the Earth. that they were fair, and they took them wives The reader, if familiar with my writings, will also of all which they chose. recognize these verses as the reason why many decades There were giants upon the Earth ago, a schoolboy was prompted to ask his teacher why it in those days and also thereafter too, is “giants” who are the subject of these verses, when the When the sons of God word in the original Hebrew text is Nefilim—which, came in unto the daughters of men stemming from the Hebrew verb NaFoL, means to and they bare children to them— fall down, to be downed, to come down—and in no the same Mighty Men of old, way “giants.” Men of Renown. The schoolboy was I. Instead of being congratulated on my linguistic acumen, I was harshly reprimanded. “Sitchin, sit down!” the teacher hissed with repressed anger. “You don’t question the Bible!” I was deeply hurt that day, for I was not questioning the Bible—on the contrary, I was pointing out the need to understand it accurately. And that was what changed my life’s direction to pursue the Nefilim. Who were they and who were their “Mighty Men” descendants? The search for answers started with linguistic questions. The Hebrew text does not speak of “Men” who began to multiply, but of Ha’Adam—The Adam, a generic term: a human species. It does not speak of the sons of “God,” but uses the term Bnei Ha-Elohim—the sons (in the plural) of The Elohim, a plural term taken to mean “gods” but literally meaning “The Lofty Ones.” The “Daughters of The Adam” were not “fair,” but Tovoth—good, compatible . . . And unavoidably we find ourselves confronting issues of origins. How did Mankind happen to be on this planet, and whose genetic code do we carry? In just three verses and a few words—forty-nine words in the original Hebrew of Genesis—the Bible describes the creation of Heaven and Earth, then records an actual prehistoric time of early Mankind and a series of amazing events, including a global Flood, the presence on Earth of gods and their sons, inter-species intermarriage, and demigod offspring . . . And so, starting with one word (Nefilim), I told the tale of the Anunnaki, “Those who from Heaven to Earth came”—space travelers and interplanetary settlers who came from their troubled planet to Earth in need of gold, and ended up fashioning The Adam in their image. In doing so I brought them to life—recognizing them individually, unraveling their tangled relationships, describing their tasks, loves, ambitions, and wars—and identifying their inter-species offspring, the “demigods.” I have been asked at times where my interests would have taken me were the teacher to compliment rather than reprimand me. In truth, I have asked myself a different question: What if indeed “there were giants upon the Earth, in those days and thereafter too”? The cultural, scientific, and religious implications are awesome; they lead to the next unavoidable questions: Why did the compilers of the Hebrew Bible, which is totally devoted to monotheism, include the bombshell verses in the prehistoric record—and what were their sources? I believe that I have found the answer. Deciphering the enigma of the demigods (the famed Gilgamesh among them), I conclude in this book—my crowning oeuvre—that compelling physical evidence for past alien presence on Earth has been buried in an ancient tomb. It is a tale that has immense implications for our genetic origins—a key to unlocking the secrets of health, longevity, life, and death; it is a mystery whose unraveling will take the reader on a unique adventure and finally reveal what was held back from Adam in the Garden of Eden. There Were Giants Upon the Earth available now from Inner Traditions. This groundbreaking work by Zecharia Sitchen will change the way you think about life on Earth. Sitchin is an eminent Orientalist and biblical scholar who has spent the last 60 years researching and translating Sumerian clay tablets and other ancient texts that identify the Anunnaki and their planet, Nibiru. A journalist and editor in Israel for many years, he now lives and writes in New York. $24 hardcover. V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


J U N E 20 10

h o i s t i c

p r o d u c t s

The Eccentric Art of Tea Tasting

by Cindy Chen stringent. Floral. Pungent. Malty. Toothy. Complex: Multiple flavors that The assortment of words come across all at once. Like a used to describe the qualities and well-crafted symphony, they are tastes of tea can be as obvious or balanced and don’t clash with one unusual as one wishes. The voanother. cabulary is as varied as the conFloral: Smells and tastes ventions of tea preparation and strikingly like flowers. Might the cultures of tea drinkers theminclude orchids, lilacs, or roses. selves. It may take a little more This is just how the tea tastes; no thought and reverent savoring to adequately describe the flavors of tea but, like flavoring added. whiskey and tea’s popular counterpart coffee, each kind of tea has a characteristic Malty: Combination of flavor and body similar to malt syrup or chocolate all its own. malt. So just what is a brassy-tasting tea, or one described as “toothy”? Isn’t “malty” Toothy: We use it for teas that have a more assertive body or strength. a beer and whiskey term? There aren’t strict rules for describing tea, and that lends Woody: Tea that has a sawdust-like character. itself nicely to the individual characteristics of tea itself. Below is a compendium of tea-tasting adjectives we use at Choice Organic Teas and Teaosophy: My personal favorite is “biscuity”—as much for the flavor it describes, as for the descriptive quality of the word. I can imagine the sweet but distinctly bread-like Astringent: A puckering, almost sour feeling in the mouth. flavor of a biscuit. Beyond the word itself, images also come to mind: a pleasant Biscuity: A pleasant taste resembling fresh baked bread that can be found in English countryside cottage as backdrop for enjoying some tea and biscuits; along some Assam teas. with doggy biscuits and the image of a happy, slobbering golden retriever. Brassy: An unpleasant, bitter metallic taste. Northwest Blackberry is distinctly fruity and astringent, and I would add Brothy: A comforting, savory quality. meadowy with a lingering taste of the forest floor, surrounded by the aroma of Busy: Too much going on. Specific flavors overpower or dominate the tea. moist leaves and twigs, with a hint of mushrooms somewhere by the stump of Citrusy: A fruity quality, like lemons or oranges. This is just how the tea tastes. a tree. Part actual flavor—part association—the drinking of the tea creates a No flavoring has been added. complete sensory experience. With a wide selection of traditional bagged tea, a wonderful addition to Choice Teas selection is their whole leaf organic teas, packaged in biodegradable, plant-based pyramid infusers. When immersed in hot water, the colors and textures of the tea are clearly visible in the silk-like, clear infuser. The buds from the chamomile flowers bloom in front of your eyes, creating a real visual treat, which complements the savoring of each cup. The pyramid design also helps to ensure the full range of flavor, as it helps the leaves to expand and unfurl more nicely. They’re miniature, drinkable works of Vision Magazine July Release Party art that float beautifully in your The Ruby Room cup. 1271 University Avenue There’s so much more to the art San Diego, CA 92103 and process of tea tasting, it can July 9th, 2010 - 8pm to 1am be quite a cultural and personal Live performances by ritual—but the most important element is enjoyment, however each person finds it. So relax, savor, and lose (Reggae/San Diego) yourself in all the rich flavors of your next cup 21+ l of tea. ra


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Choice Organic Teas array of certifications include: Fair Trade Certified, Kosher, Alternative Energy and certified USDA Organic. Choice Organic Teas can be ordered through its website at or various store locations. Their website is a great resource regarding the art of tea tasting and the essentials for the perfect brew. Teaosophy’s website,, is also a great resource for information as well as their own line of silken pyramid teas. Enjoy!


J U N E 20 10

yoga KEEP YOUR YOGA GLOW EVEN IN RUSH HOUR TRAFFIC! Get centered beyond the yoga studio in all of life’s situations. Discover the tools to live your spiritual practice everyday. Jannine Oberg 760.580.2538, 06/10

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J U N E 20 10


“Climbing Mexican Pyramids” continued from page 6


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At five a.m. we pulled in to a chilly, still dark Mexico City and I was the first one out of the bus. When the unknowing attendants opened the luggage doors, the puppy, which had managed to escape from her taped-up box, was walking around and had pooped on other people’s luggage. Shaken but not stirred, and just like a refreshed puppy awoken from a long nap, she was elated to see me and forgot about the experience very quickly. We slept for two hours in the Mexico City bus station, until the first buses left for Teotihuacán at 7:30 am (again I had to sneak her on that short bus ride, but this time we were successful and no one saw her). Then finally my new baby and I walked through the gates of the pyramid site, through the museum, and past the array of tourist paraphernalia. Then, from a distance, the temples appeared! They were ominous galactic beehives, out-of-this-world cosmic mountains that sent shockwaves through me and took my breath away upon first sight. Incredible. I unzipped my backpack at my chest, so that the puppy could put her head out to see and breathe, but she became excited and started moving around abruptly. “Stay in there,” I whispered. But she wouldn’t keep still. When we reached the first pyramid, La Pirámide del Sol, my heartbeat began to pulse rapidly. This was my moment. With exhilaration, my right foot met the first ancient step. Centuries after Teotihuacán was abandoned by its original builders, the awestruck Aztecs utilized the city for their religious ceremonies. From there, they made human sacrifices to the Gods by offering the hearts of their captives. They believed that Teotihuacán had been built by gods. As we ascended the pyramid, the puppy couldn’t resist the urge to try and jump out of the backpack, so all of a sudden it became really difficult to climb. People started looking over at the spectacle. “Stop, please stop,” I implored. I was annoyed. My endeavor at soul liberation turned into a sloppy attempt to try to secure a whiny, lost dog. I had to make sure she didn’t go plunging down the mountain—to her death. There she was, haphazardly falling out onto the monolithic steps, hurting her tender little bones. She was confused and yelping, causing everyone around us to wonder what the heck I was doing there with a dog. It seemed like it took a lifetime to get up to the top, but when we finally did, we both collapsed down and surrendered to the fresh air that washes upwards from the Valley of Mexico. Atop the colossal, magnificent structure, adorned in a network of ancient designs and hieroglyphs, the puppy and I froze. She had a purple aura. She had no idea that our destinies had become intertwined and we were bound together on the journey. On top of the world, we soaked up the rays of the Mexican sun. As I imagined the ancestral practices of ancient people, she pawed lethargically at the mystical monarch butterflies (mariposas) that swarmed over her head. They were drawn to her like little faeries. Cascading sunlight dripped down onto us and I gazed across the valley in disbelief at what I was seeing and feeling. That night, the puppy and I hit the road together. In the end it was complicated traveling with her, but she was my new friend and I couldn’t just leave her. I named her Mariposa, after the butterflies. Daphne can be found either sitting in a tree, laughing hysterically, dancing wildly in a drum circle, wandering through gritty and beautiful urban areas at night, or sitting at her computer writing this. Read her blog about homeless youth in Brazil at www.


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J U N E 20 10

“The Will to Know Freedom” continued from page 8

the trigger for finding what brings us into balance. Over the last few years I have witnessed so many people who had been living in depression and distrust find happiness as their lifelong fears began to dissolve. I have seen young kidss as well as seniors’ lives change through the love flowing through their lives because of Stillness, an experience that so many have in common. It’s my feeling that more people will soon begin living from the Stillness at their core, and as they do, explosions of peace will spread throughout the world— inner and outer peace. It’s an amazing journey, and it’s infinite. There is no final destination to get to, just a greater enjoyment and appreciation of the ride we’re on—you really won’t want to miss a moment of it. Marlise Karlin is a spiritual teacher who connects people to their true essence by experiencing The Simplicity of Stillness®. After a series of profound experiences shifted her perception of life, Marlise developed simple methods for people everywhere to renew themselves so that the journey of life can be more enjoyable. Countless people from every culture around the world are attesting to the extraordinary benefits that her Stillness Sessions ® have brought to their lives, from experiencing a sense of peace rarely felt, to finding balance and wellbeing, and from releasing years of road blocks, to discovering what they really want out of life and how to create it.

Fun in the Sun

Project Save Our Surf: 24 (Project SOS) June 19th-20th, 11:30am Saturday to Noon Sunday Southside Huntington Beach Pier, Huntington Beach, CA

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A 2 day festival celebrating International Surfing Day, founded by Surfing Magazine and The Surfrider Foundation in 2004, the holiday, usually held on the Summer Solstice, focuses on protecting and preserving our oceans for future generations and of course... surfing. There will be family beach fun, live music, mural painting, food, a 24-hour surf-a-thon with the SURF 24 Surfer of the Year trophy awarded to the best wave catcher. Recreational surfers will be joined by pro-surfers and celebrities from television and film for the hunt for the perfect wave.

Proceeds from the event will benefit: Heal The Bay, a nonprofit environmental organization dedicated to making Southern California coastal waters and watersheds, including Santa Monica Bay, safe, healthy and clean; The Surfrider Foundation, which is dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world’s oceans, waves, and beaches for all people, through conservation, activism, research, and education; and Inside the Outdoors, a hands-on environmental education program administered by the Orange County Department of Education. Their mission is to empower students, teachers, parents, and the community to explore natural areas and expand their knowledge. Come on out, ride some waves and learn how to protect our oceans To register to surf, check out the champion and celebrity surfers, or to buy cool Surf: 24 and Project SOS gear

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J U N E 20 10

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Calendar ‘star’ continues to herald the return of the Christ

Israel Learn about the World Teacher Maitreya Introductory Presentations 3 pm 1st Sunday of month Controversial Bookstore 3063 University Ave - SD 6:30 pm 2nd Wed. of month Philosophical Library 2091 E. Valley Parkway #D Escondido SD cable public access channel Wed 9:30 pm Cox Sat 5:30 pm Time Warner Visit our booth at local street fairs Serve through Transmission Meditation 9:30 am Sun, 7 pm Tue and 8 pm Fri in San Diego (619) 223-6703

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JUNE ‘star’ continues to

herald the return of the Christ

JUNE 2 WEDNESDAY THAI ON THE TABLE II June 2-June 23 9:30am-5:30pm for Four Wednesdays, Natural Healing Institute, 760.943.8485,

JUNE 3 THURSDAY STARTING THURSDAY JUNE 3, FOURCONSECUTIVE THURSDAY’S, a series teaching clairvoyant tools and the spiritual aspect of healing. “Practical Intuition & Mediation–Part I”, held at Intuitive Insights, Samnanger 7:30 p.m.–9:30 p.m., 4455Norway Morena Blvd. Suite 108, San Diego 92117 (Next to Costco) For more about informationthe contact Learn Vessa at 858.509.7582 or visit www. World Teacher Maitreya MyIntuition.Net

Introductory Presentations JUNE 5 SATURDAY 3 pm 1st Sunday of month COMPREHENSIVE 6-WEEK COURSES ON REIKI AND ENERGYBookstore HEALING CA Controversial Board of Registered Nurses approves this course for 30 CE contact hours CEP- 15226 3063 University Ave SD June 5, 12, 19, 26, July 10 & 17. www. 619.204.0504. 08.10 6:30 pm 2nd Wed. of month

Philosophical Library REIKI/AURA PHOTO COMBO June 5: 10am-5:30pm See the effects of your 2091 E. Valley Parkway #D healing at Golden Rose Psychic Services in Hillcrest. Visit www.GoldenRosePsychic. Escondido com or call 619.813.8419 SD cable public access channel Wed 9:30 pm Cox JUNESat 6 SUNDAY 5:30 pm Time Warner Visit our booth at local street fairs

“Avant Garden ServeParty” through

Transmission Meditation A spectral range of sensations:

9:30 am Music Sun, 7 pm Tue and Projected imagery & language 8 pm Fri in& sung) San Diego (both spoken coalesce into an experience that is greater than the sum of it’s parts

(619) 223-6703

13-AUGUST 29 ‘star’ continues to JUNE SUNDAY-SUNDAY MARKETING Ten Sundays herald the return of BUSINESS 6:00-9:00pm Natural Healing Institute, 760.943.8485, www.naturalhealinginst. the Christ com

JUNE 7 MONDAY 10% DISCOUNT FOR SERVICE PROFESSIONALS – The first Monday of each month is Service Professionals Day at The Imagine Center, with 10% off all retail merchandise with your business card. We offer intuitive readings and retail merchandise for spiritual enrichment and personal empowerment. 18635 Ventura Boulevard, Tarzana, CA 91356. Free parking in the rear. Call 818.345.1100 or shop on line at www.theimanginecenter. com

JUNE 10 & 17 THURSDAY CLINICALNuremberg CUPPING & MOXIBUSTION Germany 6:3pm-10pm Two Thursdays and June 17. Natural Healing Institute, 760.943.8485, Learn about the

World Teacher Maitreya

JUNE 11-13 FRIDAY-SUNDAY Introductory Presentations WRITER’S RETREAT: WRITING IN THE NEW CONSCIOUSNESS Katya 3 pm 1st Sundaywith of month Williamson, MFA. Friday 7pm-Sunday Controversial Bookstore 12:30pm. Arrive Friday after 3pm, supper is on your own. Fee $250 includes retreat, 3063 University Ave - SD private room at Spirit Mountain and meais. For registation call 951.659.2523 or email

6:30 pm 2nd Wed. of month Philosophical Library JUNE 12 SATURDAY 2091 E. Valley Parkway #D DIVINE TRANSFORMATION Transcendental Rebirthing™ Special Event: Escondido

10-7pm. Rebirth with the Divine Mother! In San SD Diego, w/ public Swamiaccess Deviananda cable channel 858.405.5088 / www.sacredrebirthing. com. 06/10 Wed 9:30 pm Cox

Sat 5:30 pm Time Warner


Visit our booth at local street fairs Are You Ready For Transformation? Serve through Manifest Your Intentions & Desires

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For LA/SF info about events & Transmission Meditation groups in other cities:

LA: (818) 785-6300 SF:

LA: (818) 785-6300 SF: V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E

JUNE 19 SATURDAY THE MIRACLE POWER OF ALKALINE WATER lecture by Dr. Matea Polisoto, N.D. from7-9pm at Beyond O2 Water 2209 Main Street, Corner Unit, Santa Monica, CA 90405 877.817.2840. For more information visit

Have betterTransmission relationships, live theMeditation life you love! 9:30 amJoin Sun, 7 pm Tue and HERE II HERE “VIP” house concert Come Us At and Satsang with Ash. In Carlsbad, 6pm. The La Costa Resort And Spa Experience the Presence! For details 8 pm Fri in San Diego For The Seven Spiritual Laws Of and reservations, 800.883.2840 or www. Success Transformation Circles

(619) 223-6703 June 13th & July 11th

Sunday, June 6th, 8pm

For LA/SF info about events & Transmission Meditation groups in other cities:







Secret Language Revealed. How Tuition For is $25/advance and $30/door. LA/SF info about events &body’s to understand your body’s Vibrational For more details and registration visit Transmission Meditation groupsLanguage and how to harness your EMOTIONS. What pain is really about

in other cities:

(surprise!) Learn your body’s spiritual’s not what you think! COME JOIN US AT THE LA COSTA Saturday, 10am-12pm. Carlsbad. Call LA: (818) 785-6300 RESORT AND SPA for the Seven Now! 760.692.0252. Space is limited to Spiritual SF: of Success Transformation 20 people. Circles June 13th and July 11. For 06.10 details and registration visit www.


J U N E 20 10

JUNE 19 SATURDAY DARLENE KOLDENHOVEN, RENOWED GRAMMY WINNER, brings “Healing With the Voice & Music” to The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd, Tarzana, CA 91356. Darlene’s workshop includes the ‘why and how’ of music healing, deep breathing techniques for vocalization, and how you can release emotional blockages through the use of your vocal vibration for healing. No singing experience is necessary. Saturday, June 19 from 2-4pm. $39.00 in advance, $49.00 at the door. Call 818.345.1100 for tickets or reserve online at

JULY 9-11 FRIDAY-SUNDAY KID’S YOGA CERTIFICATION July 9th 11th (19hrs) 2333 Camino del Rio South #240 619.917.0998 JULY 9 FRIDAY

JUNE 22 TUESDAY SPIRAL WISDOM Six month shamanic training with Katie Weatherup. Learn Shamanic Journey. Receive a Soul Retrieval healing. www.handsoverheart. com or, 619.518.7658

JUNE 26 SATURDAY PANTANJALI’S YOGA SUTRAS & MEDITATION 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. 2333 Camino del Rio South #240 www.yogawell. com 619.917.0998 SACRED SPACES–SACRED FACES: Art Retreat with Anne Kellogg 9:30am3:30pm. Fee $65 which includes lunch. For registration call 951.659.2523 or email

JUNE 27 SUNDAY SUNDAY MORNING WITH SPIRIT: Guided meditation and personal Angel messages by Rev. Uki. In Carlsbad, 11 am. By donation. For details and reservations, 800.883.2840 or www.

JULY JULY 7-10 WEDNESDAY-SATURDAY RESTORING RESILENCE IN THE NERVOUS SYSTEM, Lifeshapes Biodynamic Craniosacral Certification Trainings. Visit, or 951.677.0652

AUGUST 1 SUNDAY HIMALAYAN KUNDALINI KRIYA YOGA MASTER YOGIRAJ SIDDHANATH & HAMSA YOGA SANGH PRESENTS - WAY OF THE WHITE SWAN – US 2010 TOUR Kriya Yoga Workshop and Empowerment into Kundalini Kriya Yoga with Yogiraj Siddhanath, $108 for new Initiates. Sunday August 1st 3pm to 8 pm, Vision Center for Spiritual Living 11260 Clairemont Mesa Blvd, San Diego, CA 92124Questions & Registration: 858-8773219 or Learn more at and www.


Harmony Grove Spiritualist Association


JUNE 23 WEDNESDAY SPORTS HERBS 7:00-9:55pm Two consecutive Wednesdays. Natural Healing Institute, 760.943.8485 www.

JUNE 25 FRIDAY DR. PAT ALLEN “WATCH YOUR MOUTH!” 5-Hour Communication Workshop Friday, June 25th, 8am-2pm at UCI. Just $95.00 Call: Jim Hallowes 310-390-4767 or Nikki 949-609-9382. Register Now, SPACE IS LIMITED! www.


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1st Sat. of Month, 10:00am-4:00pm

Certification and Personal Growth Classes

JULY 24-25 SATURDAY-SUNDAY THAI YOGA MASSAGE July 24–25th 9:30 – 4:30 p.m. 2333 Camino del Rio South #240 619.917.0998

• Mediumship • Healing • Ministerial • Ordinations

Private Readings Available Information about Speakers & Directions

760-745-9176 JULY 30-AUGUST 1 FRIDAY-SUNDAY 20TH ANNUAL WOMEN’S RETREAT Join us as we share together and celebrate women’s healing arts. Secluded Julian retreat center, vegetarian meals, great workshops and excellent teachers. $265. You’ll leave renewed. Self-Heal School, (619) 224 1268,

JULY 31 SATURDAY HIMALAYAN KUNDALINI KRIYA YOGA MASTER YOGIRAJ SIDDHANATH & HAMSA YOGA SANGH PRESENTS WAY OF THE WHITE SWAN – US 2010 TOUR Public Satsang and Darshan with Himalayan Kundalini Kriya Yoga Master Yogiraj Siddhanath: FREE , Sat. July 31 7pm to 9 pm – Seaside Center for Spiritual Living, 1613 Lake Drive, Encinitas, CA 92024 Questions & Registration: 858-8773219 or Learn more at and www.


Escondido, CA SUNDAY MEDITIATION & ENERGY ATTUNMENT – Offers deep breathing meditation and alignment of your personal energy field. An interactive Oneness group where each shares their gifts and holds the space for each other’s healing and empowerment. Don’t know your gifts? Goddess Light and Ordained Metaphysician Tauheedah Shakoor-Curry creates safe space and delivers spirit messages to help clarify your calling. 11–12:30 at The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Boulevard, Tarzana, CA 91356. Register at 818.345.1100 or online at www. $10 love offering. SPICA -–WAY OF LIGHT INSPIRATIONAL SERVICES 2nd Sunday of the month at 10am, 4th Sunday at 9am. Myztic Isle Bookstore, 8036 La Mesa Blvd, La Mesa, CA. 619.588.6483 for information. 06/10 FIND THE CENTER OF DIVINITY WITHIN! Inspirational prayers, metaphysical teachings, music, social hour to follow. 10:30AM-11:30AM. Teaching of the Inner Christ 1100 N. Second St. Suite 1114 El Cajon, CA 92021. 619.447.7007 07/10


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MONDAYS FIRST MONDAY – The first Monday of each month is Service Professionals Day at The Imagine Center, with 10% off all retail merchandise with your business card. We offer intuitive readings and retail merchandise for spiritual enrichment and personal empowerment. 18635 Ventura Boulevard, Tarzana, CA 91356. Free parking in the rear. Call 818.345.1100 or shop online at www.theimaginecenter. com 06/10 $8 BEGINNERS YOGA CLASSES Monday @ 6:00 p.m. Tuesday’s @ 5:30 p.m. 2333 Camino del Rio South #240 92108 619.917.0998 FREE PSYCHIC READINGS every FIRST Monday 7:30pm by students in Vessa’s INTUITIVE INSIGHTS Clairvoyant Program, 4455 Morena Blvd. #108, 858.509.7582 www.MyIntuition.Net 06/10

WEDNESDAYS WEEKLY PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT CLASS – This class format supports development of your psychic abilities. Learn how to prepare to send and receive messages clearly and safely; connect to loving spirit guides, angels and deceased loved ones; to open and close energy fields; and to explore various forms of intuitive abilities. 7 – 9 pm at The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana, CA 91356. $25.00 fee. Register at 818-3451100 or online at www.theimaginecenter. com. MIRACLE CIRCLE MEDITATION: Connect with your inner divinity through deep meditation, inspirational prayers, and group discussion. 7PM-8PM. Teaching of the Inner Christ 1100 N. Second St. Suite 1114 El Cajon, CA 92021. 619.447.7007 07/10

THURSDAYS FREE DETOXIFICATION AND WEIGHT LOSS CLASS 1st Thursday of every month. 6:30 PM. Easy and successful program. Register @ Body Basics Health Center, San Diego. 619.296.7390 09/10

FRIDAYS HAPPINESS CLASSES - Based on the life-healing teachings of VERNON HOWARD, Fridays - 8pm; Sundays - 10am. New Life Foundation, 5779 Westminster Blvd., Westminster, CA. 714.899.9300 Conquer stress, handle difficult people with ease, banish problems. Donation basis. 06/10

SATURDAYS CERTIFIED NUTRITIONAL CHEF THERAPEUTIC LUSCIOUS COOKING – (CNC-TLC)™. Learn how to prepare meals geared for balancing each major organ, gland, &system. Natural Healing Institute, 760.943.8485, 05.10



relay run across the length and breadth of America dedicated to the cause of world harmony will pass through over 1,000 cities and towns this summer. (Please call 888-882-4081 to confirm arrival time, all times are 24hr clock). The World Harmony Run is now the world’s largest relay run. Founded by peace leader Sri Chinmoy in 1987, the World Harmony Run has blossomed into a remarkable global grassroots phenomenon with a clear message “Harmony begins in the heart of each one of us!” This year teams of runners will carry the torch more than 45,000 miles to over 100 countries. That is like running around the circumference of the earth – twice. Runners in the 10,000 mile 50-state USA World Harmony Run are carrying a flaming torch to symbolize their goal of harmony through sports. The World Harmony Run touches the lives of millions of people along its route. The runners visit schools, community groups, running clubs, and local and national government organizations. At these events they talk about their experiences, and share their inspiration and enthusiasm for the goal of world harmony. On behalf of hundreds of thousands of citizens across the globe who are participating, the World Harmony Run is honored to support the International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures as designated by the United Nations and UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). Dr. Davidson Hepburn, President of the 35th General Conference of UNESCO, offered the following words of support. “The World Harmony Run provides a chance for all participants to expand their awareness and to gain practical experience of other cultures. It is also an excellent opportunity to develop an appreciation of diversity through art, culture and sports. This communal sharing of our hopes and dreams is so necessary for building the foundations of peace and harmony.” The World Harmony Run has been endorsed by many of the nation’s Mayors, Governors and Members of the Congress, by world-class athletes like Carl Lewis and Grete Waitz, by leaders of numerous countries, by the late Pope John Paul II, the late Mother Teresa and Archbishop Desmond Tutu as well as many others. Everyone is encouraged to participate. Find out how by calling (888) 882-4081 or visiting Follow the World Harmony Run’s journey across America in “Live from the Road” on the website.



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v i s i o n a r y

ADRIAN BRANNAN graduated in June 2000 from the Glasgow School of Art where he studied visual communication, specializing in photography. Adrian is currently working as a fulltime freelance photographer/artist.


In this site, a selection of Adrian’s photo collage images are displayed. The photographs are often taken from multiple locations with different film and processing techniques, at different times, and on different days. No digital processes are used at any stage of Adrian’s work, and the majority of photographs are printed in his own darkroom. The collages vary in complexity. Each work can be made up from as little as fifty to as many as one thousand individual 35mm film photographs.

a r t i s t


Viewed from a distance, these original works are a spectacle of color and movement. Taking a closer look, an intricate network of detail has been observed and captured. Each and every time you view a piece of Adrian’s work, new details are revealed.


Adrian has exhibited work in various places, including the RGI Kelly Gallery, The Tron, the British Airways executive lounge in Glasgow Airport, the Association of Photographers gallery in London, and with the Retail Trust. Adrian also has a number of commercial clients who include: Completely London Magazine, Starbucks, Scottish Enterprise, FMR Market Research, and GSA Enterprises. Bespoke prints of your chosen location as corporate gifts is another recent venture that Adrian is fully capable of undertaking in any scale. Many of his original images are for sale, and all prints are available as direct from Adrian himself at V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


J U N E 20 10

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