Vision Magazine July 2010 Edition

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J U LY 20 10

C ATA LY S T F O R C O N S C I O U S L I V I N G July Theme: Activism


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ask the lifequaketm doctor advice about life transitions


reviews issues in your tissues


mindstates science & spirituality the imagine center world teacher–maitreya




visionary artist Favianna Rodriguez


viewpoint the sum of activism


holistic living intuitive aromatherapy yoga & selfless service


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J U LY 20 10

v i e w p o i n t

“Never doubt that a small group of concerned citizens can change the world. Indeed it’s the only thing that ever has.” —Margaret Mead

The Sum of Activism by Brennan Lagasse ow is the time to celebrate and honor the multi-layered reality that encompasses activism. When people hear the word “activism”, they often think of young radicals yelling, marching, and protesting. Visions of the World Trade Organization (WTO) protests in Seattle come to mind, along with a vision of Martin Luther King Jr. delivering his famous “I have a dream” speech. Most people don’t necessarily think eating organic food or volunteering at their local homeless (houseless) shelter are acts aligned with movements for global economic equality, or civil rights. But they are. The change that those who support the movement for conscious living are looking for can be found though the mediums of direct action and nonviolent confrontation. However, it’s important to realize this desired change could be furthered with or without these mediums leading the charge. Direct action and nonviolent confrontation are the two most celebrated forms of activism and are integral aspects to a holistic approach of fostering positive lasting change on this planet. Simple everyday acts that support these primary methods,


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but aren’t quite as forceful, are seldom viewed with the importance they deserve. Webster’s defines “activism” as “a doctrine or practice that emphasizes direct vigorous action especially in support of or opposition to one side of a controversial issue.” Without these highly celebrated forms of activism where would the United States be? Would the Civil Rights Act of 1964 have been passed? At the time, segregation was a controversial issue that needed direct action to bring about the necessary change that forbade discrimination based on race. The lasting affects have been monumental for our country, yet the reality is that racism continues in simple acts of hate seen individually, institutionally, all the way through the newly proposed Arizona immigration law, SB 1007. This month marks the 46th anniversary of passage of civil rights legislation. So why has racism not yet been defeated for good? The answer isn’t so simple, but can be understood as requiring a complex solution that needs more than direct action and nonviolent confrontation. Both are surely necessary, but it’s in the everyday dealings of individuals, incrementally acting, that adds up to the cumulative effect sought. Racism can be defeated. It must; and it’s going to continue taking many forms of activism to achieve that result. Herein lies the lesson. Activism can take many forms. One ingredient on the list to defeating racism is to be actively anti-racist in your day-to-day life. It doesn’t have to include on-thestreet marching. It can, but if you don’t get to where you want to march, finding another way to contribute to the movement is better than giving up. Maybe you don’t live close enough to Arizona to protest SB 1007, but you can open a dialogue with your friend who thinks this law, or building a bigger wall along the border, is the answer to US immigration issues. What caused you to pick up Vision Magazine today? In what ways have you embraced the activist in you? It’s not a righteousness contest. If you’re buying locally-grown, organic food you present your purchasing power in direct opposition to the dominant paradigm of highly processed foods that are largely less-nutritious, environmentally degrading, abusive to animals, exploitive to marginalized populations, yet continue to dominate the marketplace and a majority of people’s stomachs. If you held a door open for elderly community member lately, explained to someone why you started composting, picked up someone else’s trash on your last forest hike or beach walk, or shared your take-out leftovers with someone hungry and without money, you’re an activist. Every incremental act adds up; and everyone doing whatever it is they can is the way the conscious living movement will be strengthened, and become more engrained in society. Peace, economic justice, ecosystem health, social equality, and the promotion of well-being for all walks of life; these are all huge goals the conscious living movement is striving for. Ousting those who are open and willing to help, but perhaps aren’t as willing enough to risk arrest, is contrary to the greater mission that unites all our singular causes. Everything is interconnected. When each incremental act is married to intention, the contribution can be felt far beyond the surface. What’s important is embracing the activist in you, and supporting what speaks to you to promote conscious living. Concerned about neglected pets, farm workers rights, LGBT marriage discrimination, health care reform, and immigration policy? Choose your battle, join affinity groups whose issues overlap, and keep reading Vision Magazine and other like-minded sources for news and inspiration, and get activated through


continued on page 40


J U LY 20 10

Intuitive Aromatherapy

A Conversation with Dr. Matea Polisito by Sydney L. Murray


hat is your favorite scent of childhood? Often it is foods baking or soup simmering on a stove. Or it could be the perfume your mother wore, which you sense in a crowd that may bring a smile to your face. I know I sleep better when I use my lavender spray on my bedding. But really there is so much more going on with our olfactory sense. Wikipedia defines aromatherapy as “a form of alternative medicine that uses volatile plant materials, known as essential oils, and other aromatic compounds for the purpose of altering a person’s mood, cognitive function

or health.” I wanted to know more about this practice so I went to an expert, Dr. Matea Polisito. I believe “Dr. Matea” has a special gift.

Vision Magazine: What is your practice of intuitive aromatherapy? Dr. Matea Polisito: Most aromatherapy practitioners prescribe based on book knowledge. I call it left-brain prescribing. It’s intellectual and its results are usually marginal. It’s much more powerful when you use both intuition and intellect. Each essential oil has a particular vibration, and effectively prescribing for a client is about matching the right resonance of the oil to that person. For example, there may be twenty different oils that I would consider using for someone with a headache but finding the one that really clicks with that person is an art. You might reach for lavender as the practical choice, but what if that person doesn’t like the smell? You can learn to read their energy first and match the most effective oil to that person. VM: How do you cultivate this “intuitive knowing?” MP: It requires spending time with the oils and plants, getting to know them. In my classes we meditate with the oils and feel the effect they have on the body. Each plant has an innate intelligence. If you acknowledge this and create the intention to listen and learn from the plant, a whole other experience opens up. You may find uses and combinations that are magical and much more effective. VM: Could you give us an example? MP: I had a person who is very empathetic and is affected by other people’s energy. She would get uncomfortable in crowds, because she would be around sick people and would begin to feel sick herself. As a result she was isolating herself and gaining weight, which is very common with intuitives. Considering this, I decided that marjoram was the plant that would be helpful. I created a blend called the “empath bath” which includes this oil. I never would have thought that cooking an herb would be good for this kind of situation or that you would ever want to bathe in it, but it was very effective. You can feel a tremendous lifting of heavy energy after using this oil to clear the aura, especially for grief and emotional pain. Many people are in pain and it’s not even their own pain they carry but the emotional pain of their relatives or loved ones. It’s a real problem for people and a difficult pattern to change, yet I enjoy creating solutions. I found the typical aromatherapy education very boring and rote, including cookbook formulas which weren’t alive to me. I started practicing “Aroma-Readings”, seeing if I could match the oil with the perfect resonance to a person and that’s when aromatherapy came alive for me and was much more fun and effective. People come to me and they say they are very interested in the oils; they sense V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E

h o l i s t i c h e a l t h how powerful they are but don’t know where to start. With hundreds of oils to choose from, it can be overwhelming. I work with them to narrow down which oils to start with based on their own personal resonance and which oils would aid their healing. You have to use them on yourself before you can effectively use them on others. A lot has been written about the physical action of essential oils but not as much about the emotional and spiritual aspects. This is something you have to discover through experience. VM: What would be an example? MP: Well if you look up “grief,” you’re given one plant to help with this emotion. Yet there may be many oils that help with grief, but we have to discover which one that each person resonates with. If you really commune with plants you realize they have a soul, a personality. They have much more depth than people realize. One of my teachers said in a lecture, very angrily, “To say that St. John’s wort is good for depression is an insult to that plant!” He knew this plant to have many other uses and he inspired me to look deeper, to get to know the plants better on other levels. Each plant has what is called an “overlighting Deva”. Deva means “shining one,” like an angel. I meditate with them and they inspire me with many more uses and creative formulas. When I make a blend, I go to my kit, which I consider my “council of elders.” These plants have been around a lot longer than I and I want to acknowledge their wisdom. With aromatherapy, I feel we have just tapped the surface; there is much more to discover. That’s why I love teaching aromatherapy so much. In a class, as we are meditating on the plants, it is so powerful. And we always discover new uses for them. VM: Are your classes designed for the novice or the professional? MP: They address both levels of use, yet cultivating intuition requires practice. continued on page 40


J U LY 20 10

ho l i s t i c h e a l t h oga celebrates movement. Whether it’s a deep breath or a kind As noted by Anne Joseph, YogaWell’s instructor, “Upon participating in gesture, it gives each one of us the opportunity to explore this Seva via volunteer programs in the San Diego community, students have science of life. What could be more active than this endeavor? come to realize that having a selfless approach to yoga has transformed their The popularity of Yoga has been growing over the years and is defined lives in ways they did not expect. Many students, who are volunteering in as a union or yoking. It goes beyond asana (poses), pranayama (breathing teaching Yoga classes, agree that while their intention is selflessness, they soon exercises), philosophy, or spiritual pursuit. It is a way of life that honors each find out that they are receiving so much from these experiences, more than individual’s being, and values kindness to self and others, as well as what they could have imagined.” non-violence and compassion. A recent graduate, Amanda Sorensen, who teaches a free class for There seems to be a growing desire among many people to bridge the residents at one of Father Joe’s Villages’ Permanent Housing the wisdom of the East and the proactive energy of West. This Programs suggests that: “Teaching Seva at the BLVD in San Diego has helped carve the way for many forms of Hatha Yoga. Often has been interesting to say the least. I feel that I have grown as a confused as a type of Yoga practice, Hatha Yoga is the umbrella person. The students have grown as well. They are not only able to under which many different styles of asana and pranayama practice do more during the asana practice, but during their Savasana (final fall. Many may be familiar with styles such as Vinyasa, Ashtanga relaxation) they really have a peace about them. They truly are very (often referred to as Power Yoga), Iyengar, Kundalini, Yin, and grateful to us and I can feel the love when I’m teaching them.” Kripalu to name a few. In her opinion, “[the opportunity to teach these classes] isn’t There are many Yoga Teacher Training programs out there truly selfless service, because any opportunity to offering different views and styles of this 5,000+ teach will help me to become a better teacher. year-old tradition. As variations in style continue But to teach classes without any expectation of to emerge so do teacher training programs. A reciprocity gives a great deal more to the students. program to look into is YogaWell’s Yoga Teacher And they really appreciate it.” Training Program in San Diego. Certified by The Through the Seva program, YogaWell has been Yoga Alliance, YogaWell offers a flexible program with offering Yoga classes to people that may not be able to a self-directed pace. The program is targeted to Yogis and currently afford a class fee, but who are willing and ready Yoginis in any stage of their practice. Students interact with to reap its many benefits. Classes are modified and tailored individuals from different walks of life and all levels of to the students, in order to promote wellbeing and avoid Yogic knowledge. injuries. As explained by YogaWell’s director, Adrienne Abeyta, According to one woman taking classes at the BLVD, “For “YogaWell has a unique approach to its Yoga Teacher being such a rock for so long because of our homelessness, Training program, through which it preserves and promotes being here in these classes has given us a safe haven and an the ancient wisdom and traditions that facilitate the greatest inner peace that reminds us that our world is okay...I am possible health and harmony.” able to bring this home and to work.” “Another unique aspect of this program is Seva. According Benefits that have been associated with Yoga practice by Yilda Olabarrieta to Encyclo Online Encyclopedia, “Seva is a word meaning include proper breathing, stamina, improved circulation, ‘string’ in Sanskrit. It may imply the connectedness of all things. Seva may also flexibility, clarity of mind, release of stress, and a sense of connectedness and inner refer to volunteer work; selfless service and work offered to God.” peace. Perhaps Seva is best described by Mahatma Gandhi, who said: “When you For another recent graduate Erin VandenBergh, who also teaches at one of Father surrender completely to God, as the only truth worth having, you find yourself Joe’s Villages, a non-profit organization helping homeless and disadvantaged in service of all that exists. It becomes your joy and recreation. You never tire of people, “I am honored to share my teachings with these group of committed serving others.” women who push through struggles on and off the mat. Watching them grow into YogaWell students are encouraged to practice Seva as part of the program. This their own Yoga practice is a true blessing. When I step foot into that room I can enables them to share what they are learning without expectation of recognition, feel the glow and energy that exudes and fills the room, which is magical.” reward, or outcome. YogaWell students and graduates continue this Seva tradition as they embark in their teaching careers. Other organizations to which YogaWell shares the benefits of Yoga is the St. Vincent de Paul shelter for the homeless and the Harmony Grove Eating Disorders Recovery House. Several students and graduates have been


Yoga and Selfless Service

Spiritual Counseling Your Inner Journey

continued on page 41

Getting To Know Your Self And God You will learn to...

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Deb Vogel is an ordained Metaphysical Minister and has an advanced degree in Pastoral Psychology. She has been in private practice since 1992. V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


J U LY 20 10

g r e e k


© 2010 by Michael Raysses


t o

m e

“Be the change you want to see in the world.” Mahatma Ghandi “Change your thoughts and you change your world.” Norman Vincent Peale “If you want change, go to a bank.” My Uncle Tasso

ords can tickle my fancy in a way that defies easy explanation. Over time, my understanding of a word’s meaning can change. Sometimes my fascination with one word can torturously lead me to its opposite. Take the word ‘activism.’ As much as I like it as a concept, I feel off-beam writing about it. To me, it is like British Petroleum trumpeting the inviolability of the world’s waterways. Or Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia extolling the virtues of judicial restraint. It’s about standing; who qualifies to address the issue at hand by dint of their relationship to the core topic? The only thing I am active about is my devotion to activism’s opposite—my beloved “passivism.” I am a “passivist.” Coming from a working-class background, I feel it is my birthright. For working class people, a great deal of the toil they perform is in service to the concept of “making do”—of learning to get by with whatever comes down the pike. It’s a mindset that is a breeding ground for passivism, while promoting my worst impulses. I am addicted to routine, a slave to ritual. And any change imposed on me from without is like fingernails across the blackboard of my soul. I dig my heels in, lock my rigid limbs into place, and wait. Wait for the gut-numbing fear that forms in the pit of my stomach to thaw. What am I afraid of, you ask. What have you got? In last month’s Vision Magazine, I wrote about purposely getting lost as a means of achieving personal discovery. Having painted myself into an existential corner, I quit my job and embarked on what was going to be a three-month sojourn back to Indiana with the express purpose of doing research for a book I am writing. I packed some essentials, kissed my girlfriend goodbye, and drove off. When I arrived at my destination, I was exhilarated at articulating a plan and then actually carrying it out. Where was my passivist nature? Rather than cruising on autopilot, another word I love, I struck out to find something missing since, though I live in a physical paradise, I was so profoundly dissatisfied with my internal life that I had to eject out of the glider my life had become with unequivocal force. But no sooner had I arrived and the initial charge receded that I was gripped with an intense “WTF” moment, as in “What the fuck have I done?” I felt like a drop of water that had fallen into a bottomless drum of oil with no chance of permeating its surface. Just another of Fear’s endless faces, I combated it by injecting some ritual into the mix. So every morning I went to a café where I accessed the Internet and drank more coffee than there is oil in the devastated Gulf of Mexico. To further steel myself against the dread lapping at my feet, I tried to find work as a server. But each place I approached looked at me as if I was transparent. It was surreal. The writing was on the wall, writ large—I had no place there. And once revealed, that fact was repeatedly reinforced. Old friends and loved ones with whom I had long personal history ignored my calls requesting to socialize. Unbeknownst to me, the place I used to call home had achieved closure with me—I just never got the memo. Passivism was banished. I moved up interviews with people I had planned to get around to talk with for the book. Fortuitously, I remembered an old friend who still lived in an outlying area on Lake Michigan; his name is Harry Mark Petrakis. An eminently accomplished novelist and titan of a man, I reached out, never expecting him to have the time to see me on such short notice, yet he invited me to his house for a visit. Harry welcomed me as if I were family. After a brief visit with his lovely wife, we retired to his studio for a lengthy chat. Later we moved to a deck that overlooked V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E

the lake while we were serenaded by the wind whipping through the tall grass. Harry, who most recently finished his novel, The Shepherds of the Shadows, generously shared his thoughts and feeling about writing with me. It was like mouth-to-mouth resuscitation for my soul. I left him feeling an odd mixture of shame and elation. Shame for my passivity, elation at glimpsing a remedy in a form of activism I had never contemplated—personal activism—the desire, willingness, and ability to change oneself. For me, this sense of activism is to a certain extent dependent on inspiration. Oftentimes I have sought it outside of myself, that flash. But what can you do when you don’t find any external source of it? This is where personal activism comes into play. If this last trip proved anything, it was just that. The biggest stumbling block to engaging with this sense of mission is that sometimes we get more used to being the source of our own disappointment than we do our own source of encouragement. Unchecked, we may even begin to doubt ourselves in spite of our accomplishments. But by giving ourselves small challenges, we can reawaken our sense of capability, putting ourselves into play where the kindness of others may contribute to our cause in ways we could never have imagined. My foray into personal activism has been multi-layered, not the least of which is my new understanding of the word “autopilot.” What used to denote a condition in which I was not fully aware of what I was doing but was acting habitually and unthinkingly has given way to the image of me as the sole pilot of the plane of my life. Still subject to the winds of others, but now powered by the engine of my own initiative. Michael Raysses is a writer/NPR commentator living in Malibu, California. E-mail him at

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J U LY 20 10

L i f e Q u a k e ™

Ask the LifeQuake™ Doctor

We are not powerless. We are powerful. Our united energy, speaking this prayer daily...multiple times daily....can literally shift the balance of destruction that is happening. We don’t have to know how, we just have to recognize that the power of love is greater than any power active in the Universe today. Feel free to copy this article to send it around the planet. Let’s take charge and do our own clean up!

Dr. Toni Galardi


s I was preparing for this month’s column and my third anniversary with Vision Magazine, my thoughts were strongly immersed in the tragedy of the Gulf oil spill, and my prayers focused on the technology for the clean up supported by our government. I then received a note from Bonnie Brandt of the Conscious Evolution Community in Santa Barbara and felt strongly there was a synchronicity here, so am devoting part of my column this month to this cause. She shares the words of Dr. Masaru Emoto, who many of you will recognize as the scientist from Japan who has researched and published about the characteristics of water. Among other things, his research reveals that water physically responds to emotions. Right now, most of us have the predominantly angry emotion when we consider what is happening in the Gulf. And while certainly we are justified in that emotion, we may be of greater assistance to our planet and its life forms, if we sincerely, powerfully and humbly pray the prayer that Dr Emoto himself, has proposed. “I send the energy of love and gratitude to the water and all the living creatures in the Gulf of Mexico and their surroundings. To the whales, dolphins, pelicans, fish, shellfish, plankton, coral, algae, and all living creatures . . .I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.” Bonnie’s words: “I am passing this request to people who I believe might be willing to participate in this prayer, to set an intention of love and healing that is so large, so overwhelming that we can perform a miracle in the Gulf of Mexico.

Dear Dr. Toni: I have a 14-year old son I don’t know what to do with. He scores in the 95 percentile on standardized tests but underperforms in school and couldn’t care less about helping me, his single mother, out at all. It is absolute torture trying to get him to do [tasks] for others at all. He loves his friends and hanging out but that is about it. How do I get him motivated so he will get good grades and be a less selfish human being, Dr. Toni? Distraught Mom

If you’ve ever wondered who you would be without that life story, without those parents, without compromise . . .

Dear Reader: I empathize with you. Trying to raise a boy as a single mother is not easy. However, there is a 14–year old boy in all of us: selfish, lazy and uninterested in achieving our fullest potential. You don’t mention whether you yourself are feeling fulfillment in your life and career. Start with yourself. How do you need to go about making your life happier and more meaningful? Look at your career or lack thereof and see if you could use some vocational coaching. Do you meditate? Are you exercising and eating well? Do you have a community of friends you feel supported by? Social activities on the weekends? After you have created a life you love, then engage a male mentor for your son. Do some research on the Boys Club or Big Brothers organization in your town. Over a meal your son loves, which you either cook or take him out to, have a conversation with him, where your intention is to stay curious and devoid of judgment. Find out what he really enjoys and get him to talk about it. Discover the theme of all his interests and talk to one of his teachers about providing mentorship as well. And lastly, envision him in his fullest potential and hold that vision for him every day no matter what shows up in his behavior.

Cheyenne Maloney

Dear Dr. Toni: I have this strong desire to be a public speaker in spite of the fact that I am painfully shy in groups. What can I do to achieve my dream given my fear? Wall Flower

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Dear Reader: Many people who perform in front of others are shy off-stage. Many famous actors have shared this same dilemma. You don’t have to be great in the group to be great in front of the group. The best way to get over your shyness and get into action in realizing your dream is to join Toastmasters. You might also want to check out Susan Levin’s group Speakers for Free at It will give you practice and that will most probably transform your anxiety. I also would suggest focusing on your message. If your message inspires you it will inspire others, and that allows you to get out of your own way. To submit questions for Ask the LifeQuake™ Doctor, contact Dr. Toni Galardi through (no period after the Dr). For those seeking phone coaching, Dr. Toni can be reached at 310-712-2600.


J U LY 20 10

m i n d s t a t e s peace. cience and spirituality have Think how Mr. Trivedi could always been at cross-purposes. help heal the world! What would Scientists never took spiritual the effect be if he stood on the shore teachers seriously, because they could of the Gulf of Mexico and sent the not verify their claims. Spiritual by Harrison Klein oil-saturated water, wildlife, and teachers knew they could access fish an energy blessing? The entire powerful, unseen forces, but had no world would see the powerful results way to explain the unexplainable. of the human consciousness! But Until now. One person on the face when asked if he could heal the Gulf of the planet has demonstrated his use of Mexico, Mr. Trivedi responded of spiritual energy to the satisfaction of that, of course, he could, but the world-renowned scientists. One man government or the oil company had has the exceptional ability to change to ask him first! Does this spiritual living and non-living matter with activist intrigue you? How about energy transmissions or “blessings.” spending time in the same room as Who is this remarkable person? His Mr. Trivedi, or even eating lunch name is Mahendra Kumar Trivedi, with him? Please join Mr. Trivedi and he is the founder of the Trivedi and other renowned leading spiritual Foundation. In fact, he has compiled a and scientific teachers, such as John remarkable track record of success that Assaraf, Dr. Sue Morter, and Janet constitutes an invaluable database for Attwood, at this special event. scientists attempting to understand the power of consciousness. Attend the 2010 Science of For example, after Mr. Trivedi’s Spirituality Summit sponsored by The energy treatment, crops thrived, increasing yields and possessing stronger immunity to disease. He has also given Master’s Gathering! Meet us in San Diego 8:30 a.m.–6:00 p.m. each day, Saturday “blessings” to over 100,000 individuals on six continents over the last fifteen and Sunday, July 17 & 18, at the San Diego Westin Hotel. Fore more information and years. Many of these people have reported results ranging from improved mood, registration visit For more information on Mr. energy, sex drive, and stamina to greater self-confidence, clarity of mind, and inner Trivedi, visit


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J U LY 20 10

m i n d s t a t e s reating space for people to come together to learn, share, and create a healthy and spiritual life might be one of the most important types of spiritual activism we have. We all know that when people gather with the intent to create positive change there is a shift in energy toward those positive aspects of living. Charles Curry and his partner Tauheedah Shakoor-Curry have created an oasis of support and spiritual teachings in Los Angeles, in the West Fernando Valley. I wanted to find out how this beautiful and inspirational center came into existence. Recently I had the opportunity to speak with Tauheedah who answered my question on what activism is for her. “Activism is defined as the use of direct, often confrontational action, such as a demonstration or strike, in opposition to, or support of, a cause. Or you may have the doctrine that action rather than theory is needed at some political juncture, and therefore an activist is one who works to make change happen.” “The seed of activism is movement for change. The Imagine Center acts as a change agent, supporting fulfillment of the heart through spiritual transformation,” she continued. “Our greatest tool in this quest is our ability to reflect the heartcenter energy upon which we stand. Our goal is to shepherd hope, peace, divine love, beauty, compassion, connection, and community through our presence, products, and services.” “Imagine a place where we could all go, and because of the energy that permeates that place, come out with a clearer path ahead, knowing that we have the tools needed to meet the daily challenges of our journey. Like everything else that ever came into existence and thrived, The Imagine Center is the manifestation of passion and intention. Our passion is service; our intent is to be a powerful resource for living a fulfilling life.” “The Imagine Center reflects the fundamental belief of the divinity of service itself. Our very reason for being is to serve. We also understand that everything we see and feel and experience is energy in motion. And that how we choose to process and allow that energy to interact with us, or move through us, makes all the difference


Awaken the Light Within July 29-August 1, 2010

The Imag Cent a Plac Spiritual A

in the world. And we can control much more of it than we allow ourselves to.” “Another fundamental belief is that the road to self-discovery and fulfillment is best served through development and maintenance of spiritual practice coupled with the sharing of our individual divine talents with others.” “We here at The Imagine Center embrace the oneness manifested in the collective spirit of the masters, saints, angels, and earth spirits by Sydney L. Murray, with Tau from all religious and spiritual traditions who continue to share their love, wisdom, and support for living our lives as divine humans on a divine planet.” Tauheedah further offers that at The Imagine Center “we are a beacon of love and light, charged with supporting humanity’s liberation through spiritual transformation. I see The Imagine Center as a tower of divine love and light, sharing and reflecting creative power to manifest the beauty within the soul. All are welcome here. We are that expression of oneness that embraces all in divine light.” “Transformation implies movement of energy from one state to another,” Tauheedah continued. “We are in the practice of helping move human consciousness into higher states of spiritual liberation. We support people in releasing the degrees of separation that impede union between heart and mind. It’s about unleashing the power within to unify body and earth, creator and creation, and supporting each other in that effort.” They are truly warriors of the heart at The Imagine Center. Both the staff and practitioners facilitate union by offering, vision, compassion, and attentive service to each customer entering their doors. Tauheedah explained, “We believe that, if we can see more, we can be more.

Learn Kriya Yoga Meditation. Explore conscious practices to ground your inner experience into daily life. Energize your spiritual journey in a gathering of like-minded souls as you refresh yourself in abundant natural beauty. Please contact us for more information and donation suggestion. The Sanctuary is located 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, California. Please call for reservations and suggested donation. Email: (805) 736-6528 V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


J U LY 20 10

The agine enter lace for al Activism

Our aim is to always provide vision that empowers one to take the next step in his or her transformational journey. Our practitioner staff is varied in skills, expertise, and diversity, in culture and manner, yet all are bonded to our creed as public servants of compassion with integrity. The Imagine Center’s Readers authenticate you, empowering through self-knowledge, confirmation, and affirmation. The number one goal of our Readers is to help you make wise ith Tauheedah Shakoor-Curry choices.” “Our Reading Room is comfortable, warm, and completely private. The Reader’s role is to be a conduit of communication between the higher self and the conscious mind,” Tauheedah informed me. “Ursula Mitchell recently joined our staff as an Intuitive Reader. Her energy is so comforting that clients find themselves lingering in the space with her after the session is complete. Ursula adds dimension to our Reader staff with the ability to communicate with animals. Ever wonder what your pet is trying to tell you, or are you looking for a lost pet? Ursula may be able to help. She has a proven track record for locating lost pets and can connect to your pet’s energy field over the phone.” The Imagine Center also offers great classes and workshops furthering each student’s education and development. It also has amazing special events every other month. Tauheedah believes that “transformation begins with a desire for change. Energy shifts on the mental level can lead to new thoughts that produce wiser choices, resulting in an individual’s personal growth. The Imagine Center classes and workshops support the growth of power and love to share one’s divine gifts. Our Psychic Development circle supports people in the best use of their intuitive senses. Realizing that you are psychic is an awesome gift. But then what do you do? Each Saturday afternoon, this group gathers to explore intuitive states in safe, sacred space where a trained medium facilitates sharing. On Sunday mornings, we provide Oneness Meditation and Energy Attunement. One of our most popular groups, the Oneness group convenes to support each other in aligning and anchoring greater unity within. Divine gifts flow forth from the heart of each

m i n d s t a t e s participant and all are renewed in this very sacred space. “We believe that if you can see it, you can be it,” Tauheedah says. “So we are constantly asking, ‘What is your dream of a life fulfilled?’” Tauheedah wants us all to know that “The Imagine Center’s retail items are thoughtfully selected to support customers’ pursuit of fulfillment and the changing needs in their spiritual transformation. We carry a full line of crystals, including geods, polished, free form, cathedral, and many others. Here, customers will likely find those tough-to-locate crystal frequencies and, if we don’t have what you’re looking for, we will research and custom order for you. Our selection of books has expanded to incorporate new authors of compassion, inspiration, courage, understanding, and forgiveness to help create breakthrough moments in the journey of self-realization and ascension. And we still hold a special space on our shelves for the Wayne Dyers and Louise Hays of our time who have captured our hearts and minds with their works, helping us to that next higher level of love and light expressed. “All of us are divine reflections of a loving, powerful Creator, growing brighter each day as we allow our beliefs to be upgraded by the light within our hearts. The fulfillment that we seek is knowledge, awareness and expression of ourselves as both divine and human in full harmony. The Imagine Center supports humanity in living the fulfilled life,” Tauheedah concluded. I can only say that my interaction with Tauheedah and Charles has been nothing less than one of delight and always thoughtful and loving interaction. Tauheedah is a modern-day goddess and lightworker. Please visit The Imagine Center and experience the warmth and truth of their center, which is alight with integrity and love. The Imagine Center invites you to send comments and feedback to info@ You may also join us on Facebook or visit our online store at Or visit them at 18635 Ventura Blvd, Tarzana, California 91356.

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J U LY 20 10

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Welcoming the World Teacher Ma by Sydney L. Murray


hare International is a worldwide network of individuals and groups whose purpose is to make known the fact that Maitreya—the World Teacher for the coming age and his group, the Masters of Wisdom, are now among us, emerging into the public arena gradually, so as not to infringe upon human free


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will. British futurist Benjamin Creme, foremost spokesperson for this message, has for more than 30 years been preparing the way for Maitreya’s emergence. Teaching us about Maitreya’s emergence, Creme offers teachings relevant to his priorities: realization by humanity of our divine nature; a world at peace; restoration of the environment; sharing of the world’s resources; and adequate and appropriate food, housing, healthcare and education for all people. He is a tireless advocate for Maitreya’s teachings and I had the great opportunity to speak with him. Vision Magazine: Our theme for this issue is Activism. What type of activist do you believe yourself to be? Benjamin Creme: I was asked to make known Maitreya’s presence in the world. I was contacted by one of the masters, one of the disciples of Maitreya way back in January 1959. It’s been a long time, when in March 1959 Maitreya told me that he was coming sooner than anyone thought possible. It would be in about 20 years, and he said that I will have a role to play in his coming if I accepted him. I was full of the energy of Maitreya, I was full of love for the whole of humanity, and there was nothing else I could do, but say, “I am right here, I’m your man, whatever it takes.” He didn’t describe what would be involved, and it’s been an extraordinary time, much longer than the 20 years that he said it would be. In 1977 Maitreya entered the everyday world, as he came down from his mountain. His base is London, the Asian community in London. There are people in London who know who he is, and there are thousands of people in the Asian community who know he is there but don’t know who he is. We are not facing the end of the world unless we destroy the world; we are facing the end of an age, the age of Pisces and the beginning of the new age. This is a result of the movement of our solar system, round the heavens in relation to the constellations of the Zodiac. It takes about 25 - 26 thousand years to make a complete circuit, and for every roughly 2150 years we come within the sphere of influence of the energies pouring out into space from these various constellations. That is how it has been from the beginning of time, and will go on being long after we are talking today. VM: Can you tell me about about transmission meditation? BC: Oh, absolutely, yes. My master introduced transmission meditation to my group in March 1974, so it’s not old, as meditations are known. It is essentially a meditation of this new age, the Age of Aquarius. The masters are the custodians of all the great energies entering our planet. These come from cosmic and solar, extra-interplanetary space, and sources. And there was a large part of that which is a distribution of these energies into the world, this world, our world. And these energies are so high, that if they came as they were, the bodies of the masters, they would still be so high they would simply bounce off humanity. And so we have evolved transmission meditation. Transmission meditation is a creation of groups of people–there are hundreds of such groups all over the world. These groups meet together on particular dates and times set by themselves and the masters send energies through the Chakras–the (full) centers of the spines of the people in the transmission groups. And each individual in the transmission meditation group is energetically linked to each other. So it’s like the spine is a web of people of devotion and these multiply in the most extraordinary way–the primitive power of the energy sent to the groups. It’s a great cosmic science, the science of triangulation. Almost all of humanity can be grouped through three individuals, separate individuals, who don’t know each other but are working together, and so on. They work as a triangle, and a tremendous amount of energy can be sent through the same three individuals and every other person multiplies by a (biological) progression the amount of energy sent. So for example if there are three people you have one triangle. If you have four people you have four triangles. If you have 5 people you have 10 triangles. If you have 10 people you have 120 triangles and so on and so on and now you have the matter of creation. And every time–the more people in any transmission groups, the more significant the magnification of the power. If you have, say, 300 people a triangle you have something like 40,000, I don’t know off the top of my head, but something like 40,000 triangles in that V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


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Maitreya, a Conversation with Benjamin Creme number of people. So it becomes tremendously powerful and it is the energy, the transmission, the meditation of the new age, we call it transmission meditation of the new age. VM: Can you explain the star that’s been appearing around the world? BC: Indeed—the 12th of December, 2008, we announced to the media of the world—all the world— that soon, very soon, there would appear a star-like object in the sky. It would be brilliant like a star, but obviously not a star. You can’t make a star up and how would I know that a star was going to appear? It is because Maitreya has evolved a plan which (ties with the herald) for his appearance on television. It looks like a star, but it looks more like a planet than a star, it’s large like a planet while stars are distant. It’s in our skies, like planets appear in our skies, millions of miles away. But it doesn’t behave like a planet or a star. It is tremendously brilliant and it changes color all the time, and unlike any planet it changes positions in the sky. It can move up or down or sideways, it can disappear, go back into space which it does all the time. And this star has been seen literally all over the world. The first was in Norway, and the most extraordinary examples of it also appeared in Norway, quite recently, but was a huge circularly moving object. A brilliant light and power shot up from behind the mountains, a mountain in Norway, into the center of the sky and then began to oscillate round and round. So, everybody in the world became aware that this was top news and it passed from country to country. And then it was said to be a Russian missile, which had been launched and fallen out of control, it was denied by the Russians and the denial was not accepted but in fact, they had nothing to do with it. It was this star, the same star which has been seen in the sky, all over the sky since December 2008, that is the herald of Maitreya’s presence on television in America for the first time which began earlier this year—the first time he came on TV was the 12th of January of this year. If you look at the YouTube for example, you will see hundreds and hundreds of examples of the star. We have explained to them that this is the star and hundreds of the photos were sent to Share International, our office in Los Angeles and we’ve published as many of them as we can. VM: Where do you think humanity is headed? BC: I think we’re headed into the most wonderful civilization this world has ever seen. Really extraordinary and all made by humanity itself under the inspiration and guidance of Maitreya and V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E

the masters. There are about fourteen masters living in the world. One of them, living in Rome, was Master Jesus–the one to whom Maitreya (was) 2000 years ago. Eventually there will be about forty masters working in the world, who will come in as needed over the next 2300 odd years. They are mentors and as teachers, the ones here that cannot help but make tremendous advances. The first thing we have to do is to see the world as one being. That there is one group–which we call humanity and despite the differences in color, religion, background and tradition and so on, we are really one group called humanity. And also all that happens to humanity happens to all of humanity. And everyone needs the same things. The priorities of Maitreya are very simple: he says everybody, whoever he is, needs the same things. He needs food; the number one need of all living creatures is food. We need enough of the right food. We need shelter. We need healthcare. And we need education. These are basics fundamentals for everybody in the world. Yet there is no country in the world where they are available unless you have money. So for most of the world, three-quarters of the people of the world, these are only ideals, only dreams that one day they feel that they might have enough healthcare, they might have enough to eat, they might go to school. Maitreya says the crime of separation must be driven from this earth. I have that mission as my purpose. Benjamin Creme is making two rare California appearances. His presence is inspirational and teachings are important. Los Angeles Public Lecture by Benjamin Creme: Sunday, August 1, 3:00 PM in Culver City and San Francisco Public Lecture by Benjamin Creme: Sunday, August 8, 2:00 PM at the Palace of Fine Arts Theater. For more information about these USA events see ad in this issue on page 4 or visit:

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J U LY 20 10

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Yoga In The Hood by Lisa Monique Peterson


ocated in South Central Los Angeles, Crenshaw is a neighborhood rich in music, art, culture, ethnic diversity and activists. Kar Lee Young, owner of the Crenshaw Yoga and Dance Studio, is one of those activists who fell in love with the practice of Yoga in 1998 and wanted to “bring the practice to the neighborhood.” She saw beyond a city unfortunately known for it’s gang activity and crime, and made a decision to open a yoga studio in 2004. Upon opening Crenshaw Yoga and Dance, it was met with some confusion. “Some people in the community thought yoga was some sort of cult, they didn’t understand that it has nothing to do with a cult or any specific religion, Young said. “Yoga is for everybody regardless of shape, size or religious background.” Her passion and commitment to community awareness has helped her and her daughter Melissa continue to grow this amazingly diverse studio. Her daughter added, “No

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one can stop her, once she sets her mind to something she does it”. And fortunately she did. After several years in business and a need for more room to grow, Young’s Crenshaw studio recently had a grand reopening in June. Taking an eyesore of a 2000 sq. ft. warehouse, located directly behind the main studio and created a beautiful, serene space that is used for daily classes as well as being available to rent for workshops, private lessons and special events. Young truly keeps the students wanting more, with $5 first time classes that are comprised of a class schedule as fun and unique as the community it’s in. When I walked into the studio I was blown away with the intoxicating sounds of the West African Drumming class led by Fred Jones, a colorful man with an infectious smile. The Crenshaw studio has also incorporated a variety of exciting new classes such as African Dance, Burlesque Ballet, AfroLatin kick boxing, Salsa Hip-Hop and Belly Dancing as well as having a great selection of yoga and Pilates classes including one specifically designed for men referred to as “Kings Yoga”. Crenshaw Yoga and Dance is most defiantly “your neighborhood studio.” With an enriching class schedule, experienced nurturing instructors and an owner that has a vision of creating an energetic, fun and positive atmosphere for all to enjoy. Crenshaw Yoga and Dance is located on Crenshaw Blvd, between 54th and 57th Street, at 5426 Crenshaw Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90043. Please go to www. for class schedules and times, or call 323.294.7148.

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J U LY 20 10

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We Can All Make it Happen by Valerie King and Barbara McCaughey


ooking upon our world today, we can feel in our hearts an urgent desire to save our planet, to save the beautiful life that exists here—humans, plants, animals, oceans, and mountains—all designed by our creator to be so perfectly balanced. Growing up, many people longed to ease the world’s suffering, which the Divine. In the month of July, Sunburst celebrates the virtue of perseverance. became apparent to us through daily news reports on television and other sources, It is said that if perseverance is the only virtue you possess, you will eventually if not from personal experience. Concern and compassion fanned the flames of gain them all. No matter how many times you fail, get up one more time and desire to help make our planet the shining jewel it was created to be. Those who you will eventually succeed. Sometimes it seems that the tests of perseverance were conscious of the world’s needs wondered then, as now, what can I do, as an come thick and fast, but if you are aware of the virtue, it helps you to keep going. individual? How can I possibly be a force for awakening; for healing? True perseverance showers love and compassion on you and everyone else. In that Sunburst, an intentional spiritual community, founded in 1969 by Norman atmosphere, harmony reigns among people and the natural world. Activism then Paulsen, teaches that deep inside, in the core of our being, exists the origin and becomes the continual expression of your true, divine Self. source of all love, all wisdom, all strength. If we have the devotion, and make the Recently I heard someone tell a story about their grandmother. She was asked effort every day through conscious intention, prayer, and meditation, strength and what made her so happy, so full of smiles, despite what might be considered wisdom will come to bring the transformation difficult circumstances. She replied, “I know and healing we seek; beginning with ourselves what I’m here for. I’m here to make everything Each small task of every day is part of the and rippling out to all. I touch better.” Imagine the things humankind total harmony of the universe. In light of the recent oil leak in the Gulf of could accomplish with that attitude! –St. Theresa of Lisieux Mexico, which has been termed “the worst It is our job to simply keep fighting the good environmental disaster in U.S. history,” most people have become acutely aware battle, the battle for love, the battle for virtue and wisdom within us. God will give of the need to contribute in their unique way to bring forth the most expedient the victory as long as we keep trying. It is our divine birthright to experience the solution to the problem. For some, this may be offering technical knowledge and indomitable will of Spirit within us. options to stop the flow of oil. Many others have been hired or volunteered to All who are here on this planet now have come for a reason. If we desire to bring physically clean up beaches and the surface of the water. Wherever we are, in Spirit and light and balance to our world, then this is the Divine Will singing in whatever way we know, we can pray and project for the safety of Mother Earth. our hearts. Through persistent spiritual effort and service in whatever ways we are Norman Paulsen once said, “My desire for Sunburst is to be a visible demonstration inspired, we all can make it happen. of Spirit—living in all aspects. It won’t do any good for any of us to be preachers. We must be demonstrators. Every obstacle any one of us overcomes for the sake of Join Sunburst at one of their retreats entitled “Experience Sunburst,” from Tuesday, God-realization is automatically broadcast to everyone on this planet. They will July 6 through Sunday, August 1 or “Awaken the Light Within,” July 29 - August receive it in their dreams, their subconscious, their inspirations, their intuition. 1. Experience life in an intentional spiritual community, for up to one month. Live, That’s how it is!” meditate, and participate in service projects. Enjoy enriching classes in spiritual practice Those who have made the choice to practice the “eight paths of conscious and conscious living. Visit or call 805.736.6528. living” (work, recreation, nourishment, association, speech, study, conduct and meditation) that are part of the Sunburst teachings do so with the desire to bring “heaven to earth.” Quantum physics, known as the “science of possibilities,” tells us that our consciousness re-arranges the sub-atomic particles of light that comprise the visible and invisible creation. To raise our spiritual consciousness, so Massage Technician • Massage Therapist that our individual minds become in tune with the Divine Mind, is to have access Holistic Health Practitioner to the source wherein “all things are possible.” The Sunburst teachings also describe twelve aspects of virtue, the personality of

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july b y


A d r i e n n e

A b e y t a

Adrienne Abeyta presents a unique forecast that blends the tarot with astrology. A gifted reader of intuitive arts, she offers private consultations and psychic entertainment for parties and events, To set up an appointment, she can be reached at 619.917.0998 or (See her ad at the bottom of the page)

Aries: Chariot (Ace of Swords) 3/21-4/19 Although conflicts are a natural part of life, it’s how you manage them that decides if you do, or do not, overcome them. You will be faced with a challenge that requires your fullest attention. If you allow yourself to react without focus, you will fail. Feelings of frustration will likely arise but, like a skillful charioteer, you must direct your impulses wisely. Around the 3rd, your patience will be tested when unfinished business from last fall turns up unexpected consequences. Handle this maturely and all will be fine. Taurus: Fool (Queen of Swords) 4/20-5/21 Expectations are a natural part of starting out on a new journey, but they can also fence you in before you even begin. No amount of planning will prepare you for the surprising twist this month. Around the 5th, a scent of adventure may lure you off your beaten path. Equipped with nothing more than your sharp wit, you’ll do fine taking this detour. Don’t hold too tightly to your assumptions or they will cause more strife than you can handle. It would be wise to avoid female authority figures unless you are armed with facts and figures. Gemini: Empress (3 of Swords) 5/22 – 6/21 As challenging as it seems, you must free yourself from a toxic situation. All your good intentions have morphed into daggers of desperation and there’s nothing to gain by staying. Acknowledge your pain and relieve yourself of this burden. The weekend of the 9th will bring a confrontation that is long overdue. Your family will be involved in this struggle so prepare to go somewhere else for support. Marital problems pushed under the rug will have severe consequences in the future, so address the issues now and work to resolve them. It’s also a good time to face health-related problems like addiction. Cancer: Moon (7 of Cups) 6/22 – 7/22 This month will be an intense time but, don’t worry, this is exactly what you need to change the course of your life. The goal here is to see through your own illusions, recognize the elaborate excuses you’ve created, and admit your fears and your unrealistic expectations. If you can peek behind this protective veil, you’ll see that the obstacles are all self-made. This awareness can give you more stable ground to build your goals upon. The Solar Eclipse on the 11th can be used as a springboard to a more conscious way of living. Leo: World (6 of Cups) 7/23 – 8/23 This month finds you feeling nostalgic and sentimental. Take time to express your feelings to those you care about; someone close really needs your attention. Family matters are more important than usual and should be one of your top three priorities. Make goals that support your vision of what a family could be. Look for ways to gently heal a painful wound from childhood, which reappears in your life. Around the 13th, a sibling relationship takes on a new twist and, as a result, you become closer and more honest about mutual feelings. Virgo: Strength (Ace of Cups) 8/24 – 9/22 Emotions run deep enough to swim in this month as you’re faced with impending consequences. A relationship will likely be the catalyst for this minor setback, and memories of a situation from last summer serve as an unpleasant reminder. Instead of retreating into isolation, face this issue with confidence. By the 28th, the water will calm and the boat will stop rocking. Be vigilant against resuming unhealthy habits; don’t let one setback spin you out of control. Your strength isn’t measured by what you control as much as by how little you are controlled by external influences.

Libra: Justice (2 of Swords) 9/23 – 10/23 The notion of right and wrong has long been debated. However, when it comes to establishing your own standards, you may want to look beyond social norms. A stressful situation may be easier to remedy if you realize you’ve been stuck in black-and-white thinking. Indecision is keeping you from moving in a particular direction. There is no perfect time—or choice, for that matter— there is only action in the present. Around the 16th, you’ll encounter an experience that will test your ethics. Be fair in your assessment; you can’t go wrong if you choose with integrity. Scorpio: Hermit (5 of Cups) 10/24 – 11/22 Loss is an intimate part of life and, uncomfortable as it may be, there is always something to be learned from our grief. This is a valuable time to look within for answers. If feelings of regret or sorrow are permeating your mood, it’s time to question what you allow to affect you and realize that spending too much time brooding over lost opportunity is costing you. Rather than crying over spilled milk, find the blessin’ in the lesson, and let it go! The period around the 18th is a great period for contemplation—make a point to acknowledge what you’re grateful for. Sagittarius: Tower (Knight of Cups) 11/23 – 12/21 As you become more intimate with your true self, you begin to develop more compassion for yourself and others. You understand how your sense of selfimportance has stood in the way of deeper connections to life. Once you accept what is, you’re not afraid to see things as they are, and not ashamed to express your truth. This month, emotionally-charged experiences will catalyze this authenticity. In every moment there is the opportunity to expand beyond your comfort zone. However, sometimes the existing structure must crumble to make room for the new. Reach for help and you will be supported. Capricorn: Devil (5 of Swords) 12/22– 1/20 Challenge and struggle are perhaps the greatest deterrent to success. Don’t back down in the face of opposition or, even worse, blame others for your own misuse of power. An area of your life has you stretched beyond your integrity and, in your plight, you’ve ignored the fact that you don’t have to fight for what is rightfully yours. Peace and acceptance are much more powerful allies than brute strength or even intellectual wit. Do not be ashamed to give up—losing the battle doesn’t mean you lose the lesson. The 23rd presents a temptation worth resisting—watch out! Aquarius: Magician (6 of Pentacles) 1/21 – 2/18 You’re in a great position to make a financial investment and/or collect on an investment you made last year. The weekend of the 21st is an advantageous time to initiate the first stage of your plans; don’t be surprised if you have some unsolicited support. It’s important that you’ve set the stage for the upcoming year by the end of the month as this is a window of opportunity. Extend your generosity to those in need—this is not the time to be a scrooge! Your charity will be rewarded. Pisces: Star (Page of Swords) 2/19 – 3/20 Self-analysis requires vulnerability and openness to others. As you cultivate deeper relationships, you’ll begin to learn more about the hidden aspects of yourself. You need to get out of your head and into your heart. If you can refrain from the need to be right, you’ll discover the value of being wrong. When an unpleasant situation around the 28th occurs, try to be compassionate rather than judgmental. Remind yourself that this is merely a distraction. Keep focused on a specific goal until you know the bigger picture; too much of going in different directions will dissipate your efforts.

Becoming Who YOU Are! Adrienne Abeyta, Sacred - Self Coaching

Using Astrology, Numerology, & Tarot to discover the hero in your life story. Answering the questions:

• What is my purpose • What is the lesson of this challenge • When will my life look different • Where do I go from here Contact Adrienne for consultations, events, and private lessons. • (619) 917-0998 V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


J U LY 20 10

Everyday Activist

c u l t u r e a cause you have a personal and passionate connection uring my high school years, I didn’t practice to. charity as I preach it now. At the time, I Know that your efforts matter. At first, I was a bit was suffering from a bad case of teenage disappointed that our first month’s donation wasn’t apathy, preoccupied with my own superficial styling, higher — until I learned more about that month’s with hanging out, and being cool. As I grew older and charity. Stand Up For Kids’ outreach volunteers scour the matured, I began to take advantage of fun opportunities streets of San Diego to offer food to homeless teens. The to participate in charitable activities or events. The more by Brandon K. Alexandros volunteers extend invitations to SUFK’s facility, which I volunteered, the more aware I became of the effect of offers homeless teens a safe place to shower, wash clothes, my efforts both on others and myself. I came to recognize acquire basic necessities, or simply talk to someone. that altruistic acts, such as charity, produces a unique aura While I didn’t know how many sack lunches or pairs of of positivity tangible to all involved—giver, receiver, even underwear our $86.96 would buy, I was able to put our observers. Beyond the microcosm of one’s own individual donation in the context of SUFK’s services. I understood experience, regularly practicing charity is the best, most how much our contribution meant to them, and how immediate way to reveal and amplify the spiritual net important any amount would be to their organization. tying us together as human beings. Charity often depends on small amounts of kindness Earlier this year, I launched my own charitable effort. from large numbers of people. So never underestimate In just a few short months, with the help of great friends your power to make a difference—even small drops of and business partners, an altruistic whim blossomed water eventually fills a bucket. into a living, giving project. Each month, The Branini Focus on the facts. The most challenging aspect of my Gourmet Veggie Sandwich & Charity Program provides experience creating and building The Branini Gourmet a donation to a charitable organization whose values and Veggie Sandwich & Charity Program has been dealing efforts the Program supports. with negative and/or cynical reactions to my vision. It is The Branini is a panini-style vegetarian sandwich easier to feel hurt when the subject is one we are personally sold exclusively at 7th Café, a friendly, unassuming passionate about and have poured our heart into and we restaurant and catering company serving hot breakfasts think others do not find value in what we are doing, or and gourmet sandwiches to the downtown San Diego we feel they do not believe in us. To re-center and refresh business community. The Branini Board Members are yourself, remember to focus on the facts: you are raising individuals who have committed to donate 25 cents to money for the people, places, or things you care about. I charity every time someone orders the Branini. I have challenged myself to continue signing up Board Members until we reach $20 in remember my own apathetic disposition toward charity in my high school years, so I understand that although we are all on this journey here together, we are not donations for every sandwich sold! To determine which charity we donate to each month, the Board Members always in the same spiritual place at the same time. But no matter what anyone choose their favorite charities and a poll listing all of these charities is posted to says about my veggie sandwich with the silly name, and no matter who does or the Branini Facebook page. Board Members vote for their charity and then beg, does not want to join me in my charitable adventure, I will still present a check to a bribe, or otherwise induce their Facebook Friends to vote for it too. The charity charity at the end of each month. When you act outside the box and do something with the most votes at the end of the month receives a check for the total of all different from the norm, people will judge you—but don’t let their words shape Branini Board Member contributions, along with a letter from the Board Member your reality! By focusing on the fact that you are actively doing good and helping others, you maintain a positive perspective. who entered them. In addition to the individual sponsors, I am also seeking the support of local My current passion is to grow The Branini into a small but commercially viable businesses. My first and most generous sponsor is Nutrimart San Diego, a family- catering company that donates a percentage of every job to charity—and where the owned chain of nutrition superstores with three locations. If you mention the customer gets to pick the charity!! To get details on how you can have your next event Branini at checkout, Nutrimart will apply a 10% discount to your purchase. The or party catered by The Branini, please find and friend us on Facebook, or e-mail us Branini sales are tracked and totaled at the end of each month. Nutrimart then directly at donates 10% of that total to the winning charity every month. My project continues to be a fun and wonderful experience, but it hasn’t been easy. It requires a good amount of time and effort and has grown to be a sizable responsibility. Throughout the process, from creative conceptualization to pavement pounding, I have learned a great deal and I share the following thoughts to support and encourage others interested in organizing and participating in their own charitable program or event. Make it personal. One aspect that helps me maintain a high level of enthusiasm through all of the hard work is that it involves a vegetarian sandwich. People are most happy when they absorb themselves in the philosophies and practices they value, and having been raised vegetarian, increasing awareness of a non-meatbased diet has always been important to me. In fact, the testimonials from my meat-eating friends about how they “couldn’t imagine a sandwich without meat being so delicious and filling” are almost as satisfying to me as cutting checks to the charities! If you are considering a charitable commitment, especially one that is long term, ensure your enthusiasm is maintained and avoid burnout by choosing




J U LY 20 10

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Claiming Our Power, Is It Time for Spiritual Activism?

by Beth any of us have been working on self-transformation for a long time, and we’ve made progress toward becoming aware and responsible. But we still live in a world marked more by violence than compassion, more by misunderstanding than comprehension, more by separation and fingerpointing, than oneness and mutual support. Those of us dedicated to living by spiritual principles have often fallen short in our own eyes and we need to have compassion for ourselves. It’s hard to practice mutual support in a world dominated by greed and divisiveness; it’s hard to be serene in a family or community filled with anger and resentment; and it’s hard to be inclusive when the folks we are trying to include want to fragment from the whole. Discouraged and isolated, many of us gave up long ago on trying to change the world, focused instead on creating a self-contained universe and developing an inner life apart from the predominant culture. But that will never work. Why? First and foremost, because we are all one. There is no way that we will be able to become perfect “individuals” who can achieve personal salvation. Every spiritual movement teaches that we are one, and that means we cannot heal in a vacuum apart from the rest of humanity, and we cannot become “perfect” in an imperfect world. If we want to impact ourselves and our world, we need to start practicing Oneness as the real foundation of everything we do, think, say, and feel. We must understand the simple truth that we cannot become pure as “individuals” any more than we can purify the air over a single house in Los Angeles. We are not just individuals; we are one another, and we need to do our part in our collective evolution. And once we understand this simple truth we must commit ourselves to action: spiritual activism; the process of bringing higher consciousness into everyday life, the commitment to Oneness, accountability, and mutual support in everything we do, everywhere, and under all circumstances. This is what is needed today. Have we fully taken on this challenge, the challenge to live a principle-based life in all our affairs? Only to a degree. When it’s hard, most of us have given ourselves excuses: I can’t be concerned with others when they are only concerned with


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Green themselves. I can’t practice mutual support with my wife or husband or relations; she, he, they are too self-centered and are not like me. I can’t be scrupulous in my relationship with strangers, bosses, merchants, fellow workers, teachers, students, the principal, thieves, political opponents, adversaries, competitors, big business, other races, nations, religions, bigots, men, women, somebody …. I don’t have the money, the time, the energy, to live a life of complete integrity. And we run away from our responsibility for the collective when we feel weak. Overwhelmed by the challenge, we throw in the towel and criticize one another, thereby undermining ourselves and the power of spirit. It’s time to change all that. Again, lets have compassion for ourselves. How many of us as children hoped that our parents would stop fighting and become more loving to one another, only to see our hopes unrealized? How many of us have been horrified by racism, discrimination, and unfairness and yet felt unable to change reality? How many of us at one time wanted to impact our society, whether at home or in the world, and felt defeated? How many of us have felt different because we were highly intuitive or naturally spiritual, and/or sensitive to the needs and feelings of others? And how many of us have marginalized ourselves, shutting ourselves in so that we could keep the world away? We have to come out of hiding. The world has changed. People have changed. We have changed. Spiritual activism is everywhere. Many human beings now understand that we need to care for the good of the whole, care for the earth and other species, care for one another and care for ourselves—body, mind and spirit. Many of us in business are re-evaluating the impact of our policies and procedures on our employees, customers, and vendors; and there are voices calling for more transparency and accountability. People everywhere are examining what we eat and how we grow food, what we wear, how we drive, and how we feel. And it goes on. Educators, parents, the medical profession, students, people everywhere, are asking questions and we need to step forward with answers, not answers about what to do, but answers about how to approach our relationship to one another, so that together we can solve our common problems. continued on page 41



J U LY 20 10

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Don’t Just Do Something – Sit There! by Joni De Groot and Marion Geruschat


hat would you do if one day you woke up, wiped the sleep from your eyes, got out of bed, looked around…and realized that everything—yes, everything—is different than you thought? Not different like being sad versus being happy, or different like being in Kansas versus being in Tibet. More like being alive versus being dead. Or quite inquiry literally like waking up and realizing you’ve been sleeping, into the nature of humanity that is not based but dreaming you were awake. This is the kind of different that’s like finding out that in judgment or self-improvement, the basic network of stimulus and response you rely on to interpret your reality is but rather expansion and maturity. Cheyenne’s work shows us the way to a startling not quite as reliable as you might have thought. recognition: You know. Different. With a big D. current events could be an illusion of The world is an illusory reflection which can only be A shift in perception. human condition born of what affected by that which is reflected. — Cheyenne Maloney the In her late 40s, Cheyenne Maloney is hidden from us internally. The began to experience a completely lifetensions reflected in recent world changing, deeply-profound, transformational awakening. Over a period of roughly events present a fertile field for exploration and self-discovery—if we are willing four years she was, as she describes it, “cooked like a caterpillar in a cocoon.” Her to look within instead of outside ourselves for the answers. Commonly, when process included what she refers to as her death, by which she means the death of confronted with an undesirable situation, the mind (ego) chooses a side, speaks ego. Over the last decade, her awakening has fueled a body of developmental work that righteous blame, and mobilizes action on behalf of what it decides is right and resurrects and engages ancient forgotten truths in the context of modern existence. just. It is a blame machine pointed outward, away from us, to hide the truth. The resulting cosmology is at once radical and strangely familiar, bridging the gap However, by turning toward the deepening heart, its cleansing and often egobetween what we know of ourselves and what we do not. It is an ever-deepening continued on page 44

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J U LY 20 10

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A MAD DAY IN MAY by Rebecca J. LePage

The air is stagnant, my soul is breathless I reflect. Warfare is happening, scores of wars happening Innocent boys and girls risk their lives for the insatiabilities of the self-indulgent. Greed prowls, in a mad world, on a mad day in May. Oil surges up far beneath innocent, blue–green waters Derails dolphins, thieves winged ones from taking flight On murky sea A coastline once battered by the winds and rain of ruinous Katrina Louisiana’s agony twice revisited this time black waters, forced ashore by materialism. Greed prowls, in a mad world, on a mad day in May. A volcano churns out ash in Iceland Illuminating cautionary lightning strikes Valiant, faithful military men and woman beset with combat memories Sit, delayed on a base in Kuwait Wait an incessant eternity, to cross European airspace And come home. Greed prowls in a mad world, on a mad day in May. Here in San Diego the earth moves like waves under my feet Yesterday, I paid for parking at the emergency room while helping an ill friend. If devastating underground eruption Battered those we loved Would it matter if the parking garage got paid? Greed prowls, in a mad world, on a mad day in May. V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


J U LY 20 10

s u s t a i n a b l e


n Saturday June 12 in San Diego, California, about one hundred naked bicyclists stripped down to the legal minimum to protest our oil dependency. Mitch Wallis, a civil rights activist and attorney, was willing to lend a hand and found a meeting place to begin the protest. As riders gathered at Evolution Fast Foods, I was able to speak with Wallis and Sara Bush, the protest’s organizer, on the battle in the courts for their First Amendment rights.

Dare to bare it all?

by Ryan E. Whittaker Vision Magazine: Why did you decide to promote a nude bicycle ride? Sara Bush: I participated in one in San Francisco and I really felt San Diego needed this type of social expression. We started with seventy-five people, and then as we biked people stripped down and joined us. I think we ended up with one hundred to one hundred-fifty people. VM: Tell me, what was your personal motivation for organizing this? SB: A nude bicycle ride is a non-violent protest against oil dependency; and we want to help people feel comfortable in their own bodies. We are wearing body paint, g-strings, socks, whatever someone’s creative mind can think of. Mitch Wallis: I was drawn to this issue of the World Naked Bike Ride because there is very little ability of the common man to interact with our democratic system. Without the right resources and connections the only way for the average person to do it is through their First Amendment rights. It is very difficult to carry your message through the media without money, you have to be exceptionally creative and do something that is noteworthy and can really grab the media’s attention. Most protests are not widely reported when they happen across our country; some protests aren’t reported on at all. The naked bike ride is a breakthrough as a protest that gets noticed. London has had one for the past three years and have had nothing but positive response from both the general populace and the media. Also, local governments as well as police and onlookers all receive it as an artistic way to deliver a timely message: We need to completely reform our oil-dependent world. So how do we deliver this message when we are so dependent on petroleum and when we use petroleum-based fuels and byproducts in many items we use every day? One way to break out of this habit and get in our leaders’ faces about the whole issue is to do the World Naked Bike Ride. It fuses the need for alternative transportation such as bikes with a very basic primitive, beautiful thing such as our bodies in their entire splendor. Here in the U.S., the idea of partial public nudity is still very controversial. VM: Please tell us about our First Amendment rights as it relates to activism. MW: The First Amendment basically protects any kind of petition activity where an individual or group is bringing forth an important issue into the public domain for discussion and debate. Petition is protected by the First Amendment and is supposed to have the highest form of protection. All other considerations are subservient to the First Amendment. That is the way the Constitution was written, and I think that’s the way the framers of our Constitution intended our country to operate. If we don’t have this basic right then we won’t have an opportunity to get our message out to the public; without the exchange of ideas, you can’t have a system where every member of the populace can become a meaningful participant. The First Amendment, I believe, should override the San Diego city ordinance that does not allow public nudity. This ordinance states that some of the populace would be offended. Many higher court cases state that mere offense is insufficient to overcome the rights of the First Amendment. This was the legal basis we presented to the court, but the court did not accept our argument, thereby ignoring our First Amendment rights. So I will conclude that even though Sarah and Mitch lost their court battle, they won on the street. They will continue to support this kind of anti-petroleum activism and try to obtain acceptance for the World Naked Bike Ride, and for promoting more sustainable fuel sources. Maybe the older, right-wing generation just isn’t ready for this radical approach toward a major change in our society’s mores, but I know that we, the youth generation, are ready and will continue to push to make a change in our world. Visit for more information. V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


J U LY 20 10

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Every day we hear about conflicts and disasters, and the world seems to be filled with negative emotions. W a witty and thoughtful interview with Yogiraj Gurunath Siddanath, a Kriya Yoga master whose mission is and has influenced people all over the world. Gurunath denies the label of activist, but throughout the in

Vision Magazine: Do you see yourself as an activist? Yogiraj Gurunath Siddanath: I am not an activist. I’m a person who flows with nature, without trying to oppose the currents of the times. I try to blend the currents and to make the flow favorable for the evolution of human consciousness. I am not activating anything or opposing any natural phenomenon. I would categorize myself as an existential evolutionist existing with nature, and yet helping nature including human beings evolve to their full potential. We do not have time to waste to be an activist and oppose any movement, good or bad. We have time to flow with these movements and turn them to a positive state. I’m flowing with the times, flowing with the countries and the trees and yet showing them the better parts of it. If a car is going, I don’t put the brakes on and tell them to turn about. I show them that there’s a path to the left and the right. The right path is good, so we steer to the right and still move forward. That is the nature of my work. VM: But you are still trying to change the way people do things? YRS: I’m spiritually trying to evolve them, which is a higher and a deeper undercurrent in every human being’s consciousness. VM: What is the most important change that people in the world need now? YRS: The most important change would be to enable people to find self peace. I feel that there can only be earth peace through self peace. And self peace can be found by meditation and the practice of Kriya Yoga. Whoever these people are, whatever their ideologies are, let them go on their own paths. But the spiritual path is deeper and more essential to their existence than any other material thing. For this is nominal reality. People are living in a world of phenomenal relativity. I am dealing with the people of phenomenal relativity with my actions and my teaching of the nominal reality. So you have to go to the core of your being which is deeper than your body and your mind—the spirit consciousness, which guides the minds of the nations and the people. It is that consciousness that I want to steer people towards. VM: You did some work with political and world leaders. What are you trying to help them achieve? YRS: Well, these political leaders are people who matter to millions of people. They can be taught the soul cry which I have told people at the United Nations and everywhere I go: “If earth peace is to herald the dawn of the new age, we must realize that humanity is our uniting religion; breath our uniting prayer; and consciousness our uniting god.” After realizing this, they must know that there can be no earth peace without self peace. First they must meditate within themselves to V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E

find that peace, and then overflow and give that peace to the world. And not only should they give the masses the message of peace, but activate them towards actions of peace too. We have a world situation where you could want peace, but you have misunderstandings of different ideologies. People quarrel with one another, and there are clashes and acts of terrorism. This all could be solved if people meditated on the common denominator of humanity. There will be peace on earth if they followed the path of the breath. The breath is the

A Modern Mystic Yogira

by Han Che only prayer—all humanity breathes, and without breathing they all die. The prayer is our uniting god—let’s not name it God or Krishna or Christ or Allah—lets just say the supreme consciousness. Consciousness is our uniting god. So without opposing or changing any people’s religion, faith, ideologies, and actions, I put on a new dimension to their consciousness and evolve them to a further level of realization. I hope people would appreciate this that you don’t have to be an activist to bring about change. Let them come the way they are, and raise their consciousness from the squabbling material mind to the peaceful wisdom of consciousness. VM: What is your lineage and how did you become a teacher? YRS: My lineage is from the Nath tradition. I was born with the sacreties of meditation, which is to say a born Siddha. From childhood, without being taught, I would go into states of Samadhi and meditation. I thought it was a natural state for anyone to go to. I’ve had various masters and teachers, and at the age of, about 26, 27, I went to the Himalayas and I met the divine beings and masters of the Himalayas, Shiva Goraksha Babaji, who blessed with this mission to spread Kriya Yoga all over the world. VM: How do you apply these ancient teachings to the modern world? YRS: I apply these teachings by traveling the world and conducting retreats and seminars so people can listen to my talks and experience my spiritual transmissions of Shaktipat—my transmissions of healing. They can share my state of an ecstasy of an expanded consciousness, which we call Samadhi. The best way to spread the message of peace is through digital media. On YouTube there is a great dominance of my talks on Kriya Yoga. Not only do I talk about the benefits of Kriya Yoga but also I transmit the benefits through YouTube. When you listen to YouTube, you feel the calm energy enter your heart. You feel your emotional suffering dissolve. You feel your stress is gone during my talk. We’re nearing about a 3 million person captive audience on YouTube now, by god’s grace, and thousands of people have told me that my talk is not just a talk.


J U LY 20 10

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ns. Where are the people who are trying to make the world better? For June’s theme of Activism, I enjoyed ion is to bring Earth Peace through Self Peace. He has spoken at the UN, worked with political leaders the interview you can feel his compassion for humanity and his desire to guide it towards a better path.

VM: So how does it feel to perform supernatural feats? YRS: (laughs) Who told you I perform supernatural feats? (laughs again) Well, the “supernatural feats” are not performed by the I, the me as the ego. These are spontaneous and I am not even aware of it. They happen from my body and from my soul essence. And it’s good that I do not know it because I don’t have to involve my ego. People come and tell me “you appeared to me in a dream, and you healed my schizophrenia,”

iraj Gurunath Siddanath

an cheung

“you appeared to me when I was driving and saved me from an accident.” This is their experience, and they say it was me; they associated it with my faith. But I have no ego attachment, because my mind is blocked off from all these healings that I do and these accidents that I prevent. I am not aware of it until people tell me. And that’s the way I like it to be. Our ego is like a latent serpent and it can rise anytime. Not knowing what is being done by god’s grace through you, that is the best way. VM: What do you think will happen in the world in the next 2 years? YRS: Over the next two years—I’ve given on Youtube my understanding of 2012 — and I have said, look, cataclysms and holocausts have happened. They were quite serious because if you take three cases—one is the great tsunami of Borneo and Java, over three-hundred thousand people killed. Then it’s the great Hurricane Katrina, which left millions suffering. And the third one is the great earthquake in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, which also killed or damaged more than 200,000 people’s lives. These things have already come to pass as we near 2012. But 2012, what I call it, is the changing of the god. That the great world teacher will appear on earth, he is called the second advent, he is called the Kalki Avatar who will come, and the Kalki Maitreya. There will be then the four horsemen of the apocalypse who will walk through the spirit of humanity, the mind of humanity and the emotions of humanity. 700 years from 2012—this will be the duration of time to shift from one humanity to the other—called the sixth root race. When these four spiritual masters come, then the work of the Christ shall be complete, the work of Maitreya Krishna or Kalki Krisha shall come to an end and he will hand over the reins to a successor, and the world king should hand over his reins to his successor. So these four horsemen of the apocalypse, three of them will go on to even loftier and cosmic works. There will be two successors. The lord Vaivaswat Manu, the present king of the spiritual hierarchy of the inner government of our world will be succeeded by Vajaranabha Sri Yukteswar. Then the world teacher will be Yogapa V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E

Lahiri Mahasaya, who will succeed the Christ or Maitreya, the Kalki Maitreya. I hope you have the sequence clear. VM: What should people do to prepare for this? YRS: People who prepare for 2012 should definitely practice meditation, and most importantly they must practice Kriya Yoga and the technique called Surya Yoga—the solar meditations to bring their body up to that level where they can help the divine Christ or the divine Kalki Avatar in his work and expectation. Because the Kalki in 2012 will appear in the body and souls of all people, in the minds of all people. This is the most important point, which I want to say—that a change will come at the critical moment, and we have a choice whether to get ourselves destroyed or to be saved. It appears that we will be saved by the practice of meditation and Kriya Yoga, and having faith in the goodness of the world. Man, through his own free choice, shall turn away from things of matter and divert his attention to things of god and spirit. VM: What’s the ultimate future? YRS: There is no such thing as ultimate. We are such small beings—our lifespan, cycle and imagination is so small that we cannot conceive of the ultimate. These are cycles within cycles and cycles beyond cycles, where the evolution of human consciousness takes place. In our world system we have to achieve what is called Nirvana Moksha—the liberation from the travels of the senses and from all sorrow. To dwell in a state of perpetual bliss. When you do higher works for god and the universe, you are set to achieve the ultimate purpose. You have flowered from the human evolution into the divine spirit. So when you finish your human karma—that is your ultimate goal. It can be done in one lifetime; it can be done in one hundred lifetimes. It depends on the effort that you make, the service to humanity that you do, the love you pour forth to one another as human beings. Yogiraj Gurunath Siddanath will be teaching and offering Kriya Yoga in San Francisco July 17 through July 25, and in Los Angeles and San Diego from July 31 through August 15. All events can be found Or visit for more information on Yogiraj and his teachings.


J U LY 20 10

f e a t u r e


’m a relatively rare breed of American in the sense that I am a third generation yogi. It started with my grandmum practicing in her purple leotard, attempting to escape the stresses of raising four young children in suburban Connecticut. My mother then picked up yoga in her early-twenties after moving to “the West” to live with her hippie boyfriend. (That same hippie boyfriend later became my father, and after thirty-plus years of loving and living with my mom, is a recent convert to yoga himself.) When I was twelve, I remember my mother showing me what I thought were yoga tricks in the hallway at home. Little did I know, they were normal poses (bakasana and shirshasana) that I would one day practice with regularity; needless to say, I was interested. Over the next decade and a half I would use yoga for stretching in between sports seasons in high school for increased concentration and mental rejuvenation in university. I continue to use yoga for the aforementioned benefits, but my relationship to it has evolved. Yoga now offers me moments of bliss that sustain me between life’s small epiphanies (on and off the mat). Those moments of bliss provide much needed refreshment from the dullness and stagnancy of routine life. Despite my familial background with yoga, Kirtan is new to me. Kirtan is still pretty new to America, though. Kirtan’s manifestation and popularization in America can be traced back to contemporary figures like Sharon Gannon and David Life (founders of Jivamukti Yoga in New York, these are the same people who are primarily responsible for making yoga a household name in America), Saul David Ray (friend and creative collaborator of David Stringer), Jai Uttal, and our interviewee, David Stringer. Kirtan’s roots are deeply intertwined with yoga, which can be traced back to the Rigveda, an ancient Indian hymn and prayer book over millennia and a half old. Kirtan is sung aloud in Sanskrit, the ancient language of the Rigveda, and also the Bhagavad Gita, but its simple call-andresponse style makes it accessible to virtually anyone. Kirtan is highly repetitive, and the call-and-response evokes a sense of union between those singing together, a temporary community that is both ecstatic and peaceful. I was looking forward to Bhakti Fest and experiencing yoga and Kirtan in the beautiful setting of Joshua Tree. Bhakti Fest has been referred to as a spiritual Woodstock, a three-day gathering of yoga, kirtan and fellowship. David Stringer, like Kirtan is accessible. I wanted to find out more about Bhakit Fest and his work. Stringer’s an American with some apparent American sentiments: he’s pragmatic; a person who believes the proof is in the pudding. Talking to him, it becomes apparent that he isn’t overtly spiritual in a lofty or flighty way. He’s a grounded person and he’s accessible. Conveniently for me, he’s also technologically savvy, allowing us to conduct our interview via Skype, an online program that allows people to communicate via microphones in their computers. At the time of the interview David was at his apartment in Berlin. It turns out, being an international Kirtan facilitator eventually creates the necessity of having residences in two countries. We went on to discuss how he landed this dream job, his understanding of and relationship to Kirtan, Dave’s experience at Bhakti Fest in 2009, and where he hopes to take Kirtan in the future. Vision Magazine: Your career started with film and sound editing and slowly developed into Kirtan artist and performer, first in India then you took it back with you to Los Angeles. Do you think the skills or attitudes you developed as an editor aided in your learning or personal style of Kirtan? David Stringer: I did not approach yoga or chanting or anything about it V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E

initially from a perspective of seeking anything. Because I was hired by an ashram to go there, it didn’t mean I had any expectation of what was going to happen. I went there for a job, and had previously turned down anything that had to do with yoga, ashrams or gurus. So, how it [editing] actually effected my perspective was by not having an expectation, by not believing in yoga or expecting to get anything out of it. I was nonetheless having experiences that were powerful without me trying to make it anything more than that. It’s very interesting what the human mind can do when it sets out to want to see [or do] something. I think the fact that I entered yoga with the perspective of, “show it to me, prove it to me,” turned out to be an advantage. VM: What influenced you to combine elements of Gospel with Kirtan? DS: I was exposed to the Gospel tradition before I was exposed to the Kirtan tradition. So, as an American, there was a call-and-response tradition right there, and an emphatically ecstasyproducing tradition that’s right here. Because I had previous experience with that, I recognized a link there that just seemed really natural. It also just happens that the way I sing derives from that [gospel] style, so people hear that, and people that sing with me by amelia amplify that [style]. Also, I’ve been determined to find in American culture the roots of yoga. Philosophically, the transcendentalist movement of the late nineteenth century—I’m speaking of Emerson, Thoreau, Whitman, etc.—they’re full of ecstatic, essentially Bhakti ideas. If you have a certain variety of grapes that produces an excellent wine in Bordeaux that doesn’t mean that the same grapes can’t produce different, but an equally great wine in California. So, think of yoga as a rootstalk that is growing differently in Europe and American than it is in India, and that’s okay. In fact, if you want to impute some kind of intentionality to it [yoga growing differently out of India], then it’s possible this may even be the intention of yoga; which is to move beyond its religious roots and constraints of society from which it grows into a place of greater universality. There’s culturally something really powerful happening in the West with this. It’s my perspective that I, myself, should be modern and continue to move forward. There are some people that think Kirtan should evoke an India that never existed, or an India that they experienced once on some trip. But I lived in India, and I don’t find any imperative to re-create this—I’m not trying to re-create an ancient world. I’m trying to explore through this art consciousness and more importantly, not just individual consciousness, but the collective unconscious. Now, we can shift that [consciousness] in relation to one another, and Kirtan is a powerful way to do that. I’m interested in the scientific processes that underlie consciousness shifts and I am interested in how rituals that derive from music (such as Kirtan) can be part of that. It’s been my method to look for connections from one place to another, and to amplify them whenever I see them. In some ways, Kirtan is gospel music—it’s Indian gospel music.

A Spiritual Gathering Fo


J U LY 20 10

VM: Was your transition from editor to Kirtan artist intentional, or more of an organic process? DS: None of this was intentional, not one bit! Even gong to India wasn’t intentional; it was a job for something else. I’m still not exactly sure how this all happened. I got an invitation from Chuck and Matti who were running Yoga Works in Santa Monica in 1997. Somebody there had heard me chanting at City Yoga, and they wanted to start having Kirtan as a regular thing at Yoga Works. They invited me to start leading Kirtan there twice a month and I said, “Yes”. I met my friend Saul Raye there, and to the best of my recollection in 1998, his opening line was, “Hey, you’re my new best friend!” And I was thinking, “And you’re name is...?” But he did, he did turn out to be my new best friend! And he [Saul] had previous experience as a recording engineer. As we got to be friends, some of my ideas about what I wanted to do with recordings started to find a place of coming to fruition. It was really the collaboration with Saul, more than anything that got this whole thing going. He and I collaborated in the production of my first two Kirtan records and a third one, which hasn’t yet been released. Saul, and his girlfriend at the amelia B. time, Seane Corn, the two of them would take me with them to play for yoga workshops that they were doing around the country—Chicago, Detroit, phoenix, and other places— and as far as I know, this was the first time that anyone would go to a yoga workshop and there would be musical accompaniment. I was spending more and more time going out on weekends, playing for yoga workshops and then doing Kirtan. I also at this point had a record to sell, and was making two more with Saul. This is the point at which it started to get intentional. I realized this was taking all my time and was way more interesting to me than sitting in a little dark room in Burbank, processing infotainment for people who were bored to stupefaction. VM: How would you define Kirtan? DS: From a formal perspective, Kirtan always involves call and response. It’s not a concert. It’s a musical form in which everyone is participating. They are participating with the explicit intention to modify their consciousness and to create an experience of ecstasy, followed by a period of stillness. Beyond that formal definition we now start to get into the area of what does it do for people? Originally, Kirtan singers were raucous, and completely not respecting whatever your little holy thing was and you’re restricting the Divine by putting a frame around it. So, in some ways by trying to be holy, we kill the whole thing. We put the bird in a cage. I think the Bhakti movement was always looser and wilder than that. The thing is, the holy part for me is this: at the end of a really great Kirtan, we reach a point individually and collectively of an incredibly transcendent and beautiful silence. At the end of the Kirtan, everybody has worked through the circus of their mind and reached a point of stillness. That’s actually what this is

g For Our Modern World


f e a t u r e getting to. It’s beyond ideas. It’s beyond definition. It’s a place that is both all encompassing, and yet utterly reductive. The method of all this stuff is ultimately about this effect—this feeling of connection and compassion and silence that comes from the experience of singing together. VM: In 2009 alone, you traveled to twenty US states; three Canadian provinces; twelve European countries; Australia; Indonesia, Mexico and Morocco. That’s massive! After having traveled to so many places, do you still think people everywhere are still basically the same? Do they still have the same life experiences, the same troubles? DS: I don’t think that the longings of the human heart have changed all that much. I don’t think that the troubles we endure in order to achieve our hearts’ desires have changed either. I’ve had the experience that, on the basis of something as crazy as singing mantras, the doors of the world have opened to me; the homes of the world have opened to me; the hearts of the world have opened to me, just by essentially going forth with an offering of music. I’m really humbled by that. Because I keep having experiences of what is good in humanity, I’m not blinded to the parts of our hearts that are filled with difficulty and anger. But I do see something in the yoga movement that’s reflective of a collective recognition of what’s great within us, and a determination to live our lives with our hearts and eyes focused in that direction. People everywhere are still subject to their own bad habits, illusions, wishful thinking and are also subject to our fears and our need for security. These things endure in the human condition. But, the determination to transcend those things also endures. I don’t think yoga philosophy ever said that by practicing yoga your problems would go away. Your perspective on your problems might change; that you might be able to use the difficulties and obstructions that you encounter to illuminate you and uplift others, yes. But are all problems solved? No. There are enough moments of illumination, just enough, impelling me to go forward on my journey. It’s not about great awakenings; it’s about the little epiphanies; one after another, and the continuum of those things that gives you the juice to continue forward. VM: Globally, have you found one human attribute that everyone seems to struggle with? DS: I think that a lot of people tangle with their urge to do better and their knowledge that they can do better, and their inability to live up to their own expectations. I think when we get tired of judging other people, we come back and realize the problems we’re having are really with ourselves. Yoga is not a contest, although sometimes it feels like people make it that. So, for me, having to accept things the way they happen, as they are, and people as they are without trying to fi x [them]. And maybe realize that the perfection of it I’m going to see retrospectively. VM: How was your experience at Bhakti Fest last year? Are there any experiences, people or events that really stood out to you? DS: I enjoy singing with a group of people, whether it’s thirty people at a yoga retreat, or 1500 people at Bhakti Fest. But, I have to say there is something pretty awesome about singing with 1500 people. Just the sound and intention of it is pretty amazing; just that level of mass experience I definitely really enjoyed. continued on page 41


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rentals MEDITATIVE SPACE FOR RENT IN THE EYE OF BUDDHA RETAIL STORE. Rent our upstairs meeting room per hour or day for special events, meetings, trainings, meditations, or yoga classes. 700sq feet. Parking available. 4247 Park Blvd., San Diego, CA 92103. Call for more information 619.296.1150. 07/10

Professional Psychic Love • Career • Money • Health Life Purpose and Life Lessons Also Communication with Loved Ones on the Other Side


REFLEXOLOGY CARLSBAD CHINESE MEDICAL REFLEXOLOGY in spa like atmosphere at Dr. James Tsai’s Acupuncture clinic. Specially formulated Herbal foot soak, neck and shoulder Massage included. Pacific Reflexology Treatment and Training Center. Regular price $59 Grand opening Special first time patients only $39. Next Chinese Reflexology training begins end of July 2010. www.pacificreflexologycenter. com, 760.890.4062 and at 2564 State Street. Suites A & C.


J U LY 20 10

rentals WANTED CONSCIOUS BUSINESS IN THE HEART OF HILLCREST – Amazing storefront space that could be used for any number of conscious businesses from acupuncturist, chiropractor, day spa, colonhydrotherapist, clothing store. High visibility with large store front window and busy University Ave. signage and great walk in traffic. Come by and see it today, 1281 University Ave. ground floor storefront in holistic building. Call Terry at 619.787.4303.

RETREATS RETREAT for WOMEN TOUCHED by CANCER. Miracle Ranch West. Transformational Counseling. Individual, Group, Couple, and Family Counseling Available. Located in San Diego County or call 858.353.2070. 10.10

tarot TAROT WITH ANDREA Personal Readings and party entertainment. 619.448.8288. Also at Soulscape bookstore Encinitas, Thursdays and Sundays. 08.10

travel TEA & TEE EXCURSIONS PRESENTS Women’s Nature Excursion Washington DC: October 28-November 3, 2010. Experience Botanical Gardens, Aquariums, Zoological Parks, as well as Tea, Arts, Golf and Yoga. Vegetarian meals will be served. Contact Mundi Travel 408.272.1753 07.10




ACHIEVE 20/20 VISION Physical Therapy For The Eyes The Natural Alternative To Glasses, Contacts, & Surgery! Improve 25%-75% in Just SIX WEEKS INFO/CONSULTATION:







spiritual counseling/ reiki training SPIRITUAL COUNSELOR, METAPHYSICAL MINISTER, Reiki, Karuna® Reiki Master, Empowerment Readings, Meditation Training, Energy Healing, Attunements, Wendy Chaffin, www., Pacific Beach, 858.270.2908. Phone Sessions Available, Credit Accepted. 08/10

SPIRITUAL HEALING / CHANNELING / ART CHANNELED INFORMATION (Archangel Gabrielle) emboldening, healing for inner wounds, readings with spirit portraits, 619.450.9408 07.10

surrogate wanted SEEK HEALTHY, POSITIVE WOMAN TO CONCEIVE AND BEAR A CHILD NATURALLY, FREE OF CHEMICALS. “Surrogate mom.” Willing to pay good amount so I can then adopt as legal, custodial parent. You can choose to be completely non-involved after birth to being involved, at any future time and to whatever amount you wish, as separate parent. I am sincere, tested very healthy in all aspects, holistic, deeply caring, love kids, have time, commitment, heartfelt appreciation, resources. Sincere inquiries only: “Loving Dad”, P.O. Box 566, Cardiff, CA, 92007. Please also e-mail to:lrluke7@ 07/10

CARLSBAD YOGA DEN every morning 9am and evening classes M/W 6pm. T/ TH 7pm excellent experienced teachers all levels welcome. Dennis Frate Owner 2564 State St Ste C. 760.890.4062. 07/10 NEW STUDENT SPECIAL 10 Classes in 10 Days for $30!! Annual Teachers’ Training 200 and 500 hour levels available. Voted the “Best Non-Threatening Yoga Studio in LA” by LA Weekly! 1306 Sonora Avenue, Glendale, CA 91201, 818.265.9833, www. 06.11

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ZEN BABY YOGA Learn to Strengthen your Bond with your Baby through Fitness, Song and Meditation. NOW OFFERING Zen Daddy Classes. Visit Zenbabyyoga. org TODAY! CRENSHAW YOGA & DANCE STUDIO. 5426 Crenshaw Blvd. Los Angeles 90043. 2 spacey Studios Available to rent for personal or group use at very affordable rates. View Class Times and Schedule at or Call 323.294.7148.


yoga dance fitness MIX. SD’S NEWEST INTIMATE STUDIO: 4836 Rolando Blvd. 92115 619.889.0061 First class FREE! SD residents only. Only $10 after! 10/10



J U LY 20 10


Vision Magazine Presents C o n s c i o u s E n t eJuly r t a iRelease n m e n Party t


a r t | c inem a | perf orm a nc e a rt s | t hea t re | g


oin Vision Magazine and the Ruby Room in San Diego as we present monthly events starting in July that provide great entertainment, a cool crowd of people, and a place to go where you can meet fun and like-minded people. Come celebrate with us as we launch our first entertainment event on Friday July 9 at the Ruby Room. Each month, come and enjoy a variety of talented musicians and musical genre artists who each have a unique story to tell, often through their music. Many of them have a connection to the conscious living community. Jerri Jheto, featured in the Vision Magazine’s May issue, Global Soul, brings the sound of Afrobeat to the stage with songs highlighting his personal experience growing up in the war-torn country of Nigeria and performs material from the album “Illegal Alien” with a compelling message of peace, freedom, and healing to the continent of Africa. The night will also include performances by dubstep dj SSAB and headliner — San Diego’s own Reggae band — Psydecar. Psydecar has become a well known act in the San Diego Reggae scene blending World Beat, Reggae, Ska, Latin Jazz, and Hard Rock, together with strong vocals and impressive songwriting.

August will feature Techno music and world beat industrial electronic bands including Joel Moreno, UBUV, The Burning of Rome and DJ Swamp. DJ Swamp, Magazine a world famousJuly Hip Hop, D&B, and scratch Vision Release Party disc jockey who typically spins while playing with fire, headlines the evening in this not-to-miss show. Swamp has performed for years with the likes of Beck and Crystal Method among many others, and is a past winner of the World DMC Championships. July 9th,stands 2010 - 8pmBeats toUniversal 1am UBUV which for Universal Vibe, blends World Music grooves, Breakbeat, Hip Hop, Livewhile performances by Dubstep, and House, weaving live sitar, chinese erhu, guitar and percussion over the top. The Burning Of Rome is the side project Mike Patton (Reggae/San Diego) wishes he started. Recently signed, and with a PBS special under their belt, The Burning Of Rome bring epic multi-faced indie mayhem. (Afrobeat/Los Angeles) Opening the show is up and coming dj/producer Joel Moreno, from Orange County, spinning techno and progressive music with the intensity and passion (Dubstep DJ/Orange Cty)of influences like Richie Hawtin and James Holden. And special guests As a perfect collaborative fit, Vision Magazine has Rsvp to partnered up with it’s close neighbor, the Ruby Room, to co-produce events Call 866.804.8444 or for reduced admission providing exceptional entertainment, while creating face to guestlist face marketing and Visit or for information on vendor networking opportunities for the conscious life community. Advertisers and space in opportunities sponsors will have the ability to participate vendor space to showcase their products and services. And for your entertainment and pleasure the staff of Vision Magazine will be on hand to socialize with our community. Uptown District – Unique Urban Area of Increasing Popularity The Ruby Room, soon to be celebrating it’s two year anniversary strives to bring a variety of quality music artists and entertainment in an intimate setting, with extremely affordable drink prices and convenient tasty late night comfort food. Eventually, Vision Magazine plans to partner with venues in other cities we service, to expand our community presence.

The Ruby Room 1271 University Avenue San Diego, CA 92103

21+ l a Gemniesrsion Ad $10

Psydecar Jerri Jheto SSAB

In the Heart of Hillcrest!

Seeking Conscious Business to Rent Storefront

The Ruby Room is located at 1271 University Avenue in Hillcrest, San Diego, CA 92103. Call Vision Magazine at 866.804.8444 or 619.294.2392 for more information. Or visit

High Visibility on University Ave. 800 square foot with large highly visible front window display area. Looking for green or holistic businesses that would benefit from being part of a conscious building with like-minded businesses. Same office building as Vision Magazine. Perfect for : Skin Care • Retail • Chiropractic • Massage Therapist

All benefiting from walk-in traffic

Call Terry at 619.787.4303 V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


J U LY 20 10

n cafe

t r e | galle ries | p oet s | con v e rs ation | cu ltur e

To The End of the World


teve Gould, a San Diego nature photographer, is pleased to announce his newest show, “To The End Of The World”. This artist is presenting his work that is truly artistic activism at it’s best. Gould recently completed a 26-day expedition to the Falklands, South Georgia Island, and Antarctica. He will present his captivating images of the incredible abundance of wildlife, of dramatic and awesome landscapes, and of startlingly blue icebergs in these remote and often forbidding destinations. For over forty years, Gould has made numerous trips to many parts of the world, always taking pictures–both above water and below. Photography has allowed him to capture the special sense and flavor of the myriad colors, shapes and textures, as well as the grand landscapes, found in nature that have always been his main artistic interests. Gould said, “This set of images is essentially about animal behavior. I’ve included parents with chicks in various situations, fur seal cubs playing together, and some other remarkable penguin behaviors. “Penguins have to move fast when entering or exiting the ocean in order to avoid potential predators waiting for them in the water. I share with you a Gentoo making a comical entry, an Adelie nearly walking on water as it quickly exits, and a mass of Chinstraps both entering and exiting the ocean in the eternal cycle of survival. Going in large groups increases the chances of any particular penguin surviving.

“The final image is another of my overall favorites: a group of Adelies on a highway crossing a snow field. All the penguin species we encountered nested above and away from the ocean, and each colony had its highways where the penguins would travel back and forth,” he concluded. Gould is active in the Photo Arts Group, the Digital Art Guild, the San Diego Museum of Art Artists Guild, and the Allied Artists Association of San Diego. He has won numerous awards during the five years he has been exhibiting his artwork in San Diego. To see At The End of The World at Gallery 21 in Spanish Village, 1770 Village Place, Balboa Park, San Diego, CA 92101. The show runs August 4-16, 11 am -4 pm, daily, and features a selection of his wildlife and landscape images from Antarctica, South Georgia Island, and the Falkland Islands. An Artist’s Reception will be held at the gallery on Sunday, August 8, from 2–5 pm. It will feature refreshments, and live music. For further information, please contact: Steve Gould, 858.259.5202, www.,

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J U LY 20 10

v i s i o n

c a f e

Relics of The Buddha Visit Ventura: Maitreya Project Relic Tour


precious collection of sacred relics of the Buddha, and many other Buddhist masters, is currently touring the world. This is a rare opportunity to view these relics, which were found among the cremation ashes of Buddhist masters. They resemble beautiful, pearllike crystals. Buddhists believe relics embody the master’s spiritual qualities of compassion and wisdom and are deliberately left behind by the master upon his death. Visitors often report experiences of inspiration and healing when in the presence of the relics. While some are inspired to pray for world peace and to develop their inner wisdom, others are overcome by emotion as the powerful effects of the relics open their hearts to compassion and loving-kindness. The relics are clearly visible inside display cases that encircle a life-size, golden statue of the Maitreya Buddha. Visitors may participate in a Blessing Ceremony where the relics of the Buddha are gently placed on the crown of the visitor’s head as a personal blessing.

According to Buddhist scriptures, Maitreya will be the next Buddha to bring teachings of loving-kindness to the world. Eventually, the relics will be enshrined in a 500-ft/152-m bronze statue of Maitreya Buddha that is being built in Kushinagar, northern India. The Maitreya Project puts the teachings of loving-kindness into action by providing, free of charge, spiritual, education and healthcare facilities in Kushinagar, Uttar Pradesh, one of the poorest areas in northern India and providing immediate and long-term employment. They also help to develop the area’s infrastructure as they serve as a focus and influence for sustainable, positive development in this emerging part of India. “The very name ‘Maitri’, that’s loving-kindness. Now in today’s world, we really need the promotion of Maitreya, Maitri, loving-kindness. So this is a huge project, right from the beginning, I simply admire those concerned people especially the late Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche really devoted to making this huge statue, and many followers really putting in effort, I really admire and I appreciate.” – His Holiness the Dalai Lama Maitreya Project at A Place of Peace in Ventura, July 16-18, 896 East Main Street, Ventura, CA 93001, For information contact Doug Kierbel at, or 805.794.9878. No entrance charge. Donations welcome. For more information visit



J U LY 20 10

h o l i s t i c

Clean Well, Be Well!

p r o d u c t s

by Cindy Chen


t is rare, with my dry skin and constant need to wash my hands—after a massage session or after handling my little tortoise, or whatever else life throws my way— that my hands still feel clean after washing with soap and water. I find that CleanWell products, pardon the phrase, “clean well,” and, more importantly, do not strip my skin of its natural oils. The company uses thymus vulgaris oil—thyme oil, a natural antiseptic thyme, as its main antibacterial ingredient, along with a variety of other natural essential oils, distilled at the peak of their plants’ immune system activity. Plants used in CleanWell products are sourced from Europe, Asia, Africa, and North and South America. “The heightened activity and novel combination of oils has proven highly effective at eliminating harmful transient bacteria, while leaving beneficial resident bacteria and soft, healthy skin.” Their All-Natural Hand Sanitizer is made with Ingenium, a rapidly renewable resource, which also makes it sustainable. Their products are free of alcohol, paraben, and triclosan (an endocrine disruptor that can affect hormones). Of course, there are additional ingredients to help protect and condition the skin, including oats, aloe, and white tea. CleanWell products are travel-friendly and proven to meet FDA standards for 99.9% germ-killing efficacy. Their products are extensively tested at ATS Laboratories, one of the top licensed laboratories in the U.S. Their line of products includes hand sanitizers and antibacterial hand soaps. Mandy Aftel, a natural perfumer, exclusively crafts their wonderful scents, which include orange vanilla, ginger bergamot, lavender, and spearmint lime. The spearmint lime is my personal favorite, with the combination of uplifting mint, and a citrusy lime scent that lingers pleasantly. My nose can definitely tell that these are pure essential oils and, along with their powerful cleaning ability, they also leave behind a subtle perfume essence as an added benefit. How wonderful is that? CleanWell products are available at Whole Foods and Target, along with many other retailers. Information about research and benefits can be viewed on CleanWell’s website under “Effective and Safe.” For locations — or to purchase online — go to or



J U LY 20 10

r e v i e w s

Issues in Your Tissues I

have always known that I hold issues in my tissues. I believe I hold unreleased emotion in my body. Think about when you are stressed. Do you resort to shallow breathing? I know, at times, I find myself not breathing fully when I am focused intently on something, such as writing this article. I remind myself to breathe deeply, even to stand and stretch when I am feeling tension in my arms or neck or find myself not enjoying deep full breaths. Denise LeBarre has written an amazing book addressing these issues. I think that your life and your health can be improved if you take the time to listen to your body. For those of us with no training, LeBarre’s book, Issues In Your Tissues, is easy to read, packed with great exercises and anecdotes of her experience in thirty years of bodywork. LeBarre said, “The trick is recognizing your symptoms as an indication that there may be something non-physical to heal and then letting your body guide you to a solution.” Cute cartoons illustrate the difference between chest breathing and belly breathing, which for some reason helped me; I think because it was fun and entertaining. Also I love this chapter of her book entitled “The Gift of Breakdown” where LeBarre writes, “The human blueprint says we’re born whole with our minds and bodies in fully open communication. Over time with the input of information, social mores, parental expectation and peer pressure, our mind started to run the show. Even though mind and body still ‘talk’ to each other the physical voice becomes like background noise and as adults we ignore it until the body cranks up the volume to get our attention with pain or other symptoms.” Boy can I relate. I just worked way too much this past month, until my body rebelled and shut down with a fever and sore throat until I rested. I realize now I don’t have to get sick to rest. Now I am more conscious about truly resting my body when I work more than usual. I have been affected by the economic stresses over the last year and I have realized that by working more I wasn’t really helping myself or my business. I am reintegrating regular cardio exercise as a stress buster and the fun stuff like surfing. I need them both. Cardio here I come! If you are looking to understand your body better in an easy to read book, I recommend Denise Le Barre’s Issues In Your Tissues. You won’t be disappointed. Published by Healing Catalyst Press. For more information visit or e-mail — SLM

Summer is just around the corner and ladies and gentlemen its time to get your beach body!


July Release Party Vision Magazine July Release Party

The Ruby Room 1271 University Avenue San Diego, CA 92103

July 9th, 2010 - 8pm to 1am Live performances by

21+ l a Gener ion Admiss $10

Psydecar Jerri Jheto (Afrobeat/Los Angeles) SSAB (Dubstep DJ/Orange Cty) (Reggae/San Diego)

Check Your Ego At The Door & Have Fun While You Get In Shape With Mick, Our Kind & Compassionate Trainer Who Will Find The Perfect Exercise Regimen For You And Your Lifestyle


And special guests

Call 866.804.8444 or Visit

Rsvp to for reduced admission guestlist or for information on vendor space opportunities


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J U LY 20 10


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Prayer for Reuniting Twin Flames

In the name of my Higher Self and the Higher Self of my Twin Flame I pray that we reunite I call for the consuming of all portents of our returning negative karma, clouding our ability to recognize each other, and creating a sense of separation. I call to dissolve the human imposed self-limitations that keep us from the full expression of our twin flame identity, and the fulfillment of our original contract with Spirit in service to mankind.

I call for my Higher Self and the Higher Self of my Twin Flame. My Higher Self and the Higher Self of my Twin Flame. My Higher Self and the Higher Self of my Twin Flame. My Higher Self and the Higher Self of my Twin Flame. My Higher Self and the Higher Self of my Twin Flame. I pray that We reunite Uniting Twin Flames ~ Susay

Laura Geralyn Kline • Healer • Spiritual Messenger • Twin Flame/Soulmate Reconnection


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J U LY 20 10

“The Sum of Activism” continued from page 6


what sparks you the most. As the world grows older and time continues to chronicle the many systems of oppression strewn about all the corners of the globe, the time is always, and perpetually, now. Your knowledge center will grow as you see how all these issues overlap and relate; yet only you know what you can and can’t give in your own life. We’re all activists and most times we fail to see how activism permeates through every aspect of our daily lives. The opportunities to contribute are endless, yet you don’t have to force it. However, losing the boundaries of judgment on what defines an “activist” will allow the freedom and liberty of your own unique brand of activism to come out naturally. In whatever form it takes, it will be energy well served to add to the lifestyle you seek, the lifestyle you live, and the well-being of all that surrounds you. Whether you’re marching down Wall Street, or awakening the spiritual side of a stranger you just met, the world will be changed one act at a time, and it will be your action(s) that will have furthered the cause.

Margo Mariana

Brennan Lagasse is a writer and environmental consultant living in Lake Tahoe, CA. His recently-published book, Waiting for the Snow to Fall: First Nations, Federal Policy and Environmental Justice, explores the tenets of holistic sustainable land-use policy applied and understood through critical examination of the plan to expand the Arizona Snowbowl ski resort near Flagstaff, AZ. He can be reached at

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“Intuitive Aromatherapy” continued from page 7

Appointments: 619.465.7909 Email: Web:



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No matter how long you have used essential oils, spending time with them and smelling them and practicing with them is always useful. I teach a format on how to develop the intuitive side of practicing aromatherapy which gives people a different way to approach the usage of the oils and plants. VM: What type of spiritual use do you recommend using the oils for? MP: Many people come to me who are not sick but just want a scent for inspiration or for their spiritual practice. I like to make anointing oils that you can apply before meditation and for spiritual bathing. My favorite is to make anointing oils for newborns. I have a blend called “Heaven’s Arrival” to assist with the birth event and then custom blends for each child to be anointed. Each child is such a celebration; it’s a beautiful way to welcome them to the planet with their own unique blend of sacred oils. My friend, whose child I created this for, told me she still has the bottle seven years later and it still smells wonderful. I bottle them in a special violet glass that has crushed amethyst in it to preserve the smell. VM: What else do you want to share about the oils? MP: Essential oils are so powerful because they work on all levels of our being— mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. Most healing tools work primary on the physical, which is an effect, not a cause. Illness starts in the spiritual, mental, and emotional levels before manifesting in the physical, so it’s more effective to treat all levels simultaneously. The oils are powerful because they access the olfactory nerve which connects directly to the brain and our limbic system. Smell is instinctual. Many people live a very intellectual existence, disconnected from their body and the earth. The oils help connect people back to their intuitive knowing which is where real healing and where inspiration comes from. I know I want Dr. Matea to make me a special blend. I love the idea of the purple bottle with crushed amethyst. How elegant, beautiful, and soothing at the same time. I can’t wait. Dr. Matea Polisoto is a Naturopathic Doctor with a private practice in La Jolla, California. She teaches classes on “ intuitive aromatherapy” and has an essential oils company called “Exquisite Aromatherapy.” You can find her at, or call 858.779.9120.


J U LY 20 10

“Yoga and Selfless Service” continued from page 8


volunteering classes for veterans at Veterans Village of San Diego and for wounded active service members at the Balboa Naval Medical Center. After a month of YogaWell’s Seva classes, a participant commented: “I feel so much better and energized, in my whole body and in my spirit. I sleep better which is key since I have insomnia. I’m able to do things with my body that I didn’t see possible, after lower back surgery. I was frightened in the beginning to move and do things, but I’m not frightened any more. I took a chance with these classes and it has proven to be so excellent for my back… I have no pain.” For more information visit or call 619.917.0998.


Melrose Psychic EVA

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1 call will bring light into your life • 1 free question by phone 323.445.6860 Established business since 20 yrs same location 7257 Melrose Ave Los Angelas CA 90046

“Claiming Our Power” continued from page 20

It’s time for us to stop thinking of ourselves as the consumers of help and to start thinking of ourselves as the providers of mutual support. We need to stop thinking of ourselves as outnumbered and realize we are growing in number. It’s time to stop thinking of ourselves as outside society and understand that we are society. We are them. The opportunities are here. And the responsibility is ours. Let’s get serious about uniting. I’m already working on it. Contact me if you want to know how. In 1983, Beth founded The Stream, a nonprofit organization helping redefine what it means to be human, and, in 2004, she founded LifeForce, a unique mind/body/ spirit exercise program available daily on the Internet. Please contact Christine Benton at for more information.

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“Bhakti Fest” continued from page 27

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I also really like the fact that after years in the Kirtan world, in terms of the press being largely about a certain handful of people, there seemed to be a whole generation of people coming up that were really good. [They] really had something to offer and were getting noticed and finding out about each other. Personally, I also discovered some people I didn’t know about. I’d be trying to go to bed at three of four in the morning, I’d hear somebody’s voice and I’d have to go sing with them. It’s pretty ambitious of Bhakti Fest to do something that goes on twenty-four hours a day. VM: Do you have an ultimate goal, purpose or place you wish to fulfill with Kirtan? DS: One of the things for me is to expand the audience for this by putting it in other places. I take the perspective of this [Kirtan], that it’s art. Art is a powerful vehicle for expressing the spiritual. In the twentieth century, I think art needed to wean itself from its traditional spiritual patrons, and it became more about light and form and materials, and perception itself. But it never really let go of the spiritual. In many ways, you can say the great modern cathedrals are art museums. So, what I want to do is put Kirtan in those cathedrals, and to develop it as a participatory and consciousness-transforming art. This means shifting its context out of the yoga studio and into the art museum. It also affords me the ability to look more frankly at the neurological and electrical-chemical basis of consciousness itself, and to see that as a methodology of not only examining [consciousness], but also changing it. VM: What are you an activist for, David? DS: I’m an activist for mystery and wonder. Kirtan is a vehicle for investigating it.



To experience the wonders of Kirtan and yoga join us at Bhakti Fest in Joshua Tree, September 9-12. Visit or e-mail or call 866.992.4258. V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E

Advanced Foot Reflexology


J U LY 20 10




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Samnanger Norway Learn about the World Teacher Maitreya

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R Face-Lift Massage R R Feel & Look Great R

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For tickets visit: For more information visit: or call: 541.482.1800 JULY 16-18 FRIDAY-SUNDAY MAITREYA RELIC TOUR visits a Place of Peace in Ventura, July 16-18. Sacred Relics of the Buddha and other Buddhist masters will be on display 805.794.9878. JULY 17 SATURDAY MASSAGE TECHNICIAN 100 hr. Program. Required for Massage Therapist License. Special Discounts. Comprehensive training with the most experienced, licensed instructor in USA! Natural Healing Institute, 760.943.8485, JULY 17-18 SATURDAY-SUNDAY THE 2010 SCIENCE OF SPIRITUALITY July 17th and 18th at The Westin 400 West Broadway Downtown San Diego 92101. To listen to a brief audio about the speaker or to register go to www.

SF:is Tuition $25/advance and $30/door. STONE ESSENCE Practitioner Certification Course July 17 & 18 in Santa Barbara, For more details and registration visit CA. Please visit or


call 805.965-1619 for more information.



Natural Facial Rejuvenation


Introductory Presentations 3 pm 1st Sunday of month Controversial Bookstore 3063 University Ave - SD

JULY 21 WEDNESDAY ORIENTAL SPORTS MASSAGE: Asian Style Sport Stretching – (Open to everyone - Required for the Sports Therapist Program) – July 21 & 28 Great body therapy incorporating Thai-Yoga massage, acupressure, more, proven with Olympic athletes and “weekend warriors”. Natural Healing Institute, 760.943.8485


Germany JULYNuremberg 9-11 FRIDAY-SUNDAY KID’S YOGA CERTIFICATION July 9th Learn about the 11th (19hrs) 2333 Camino del Rio South Teacher 619.917.0998 Maitreya #240World

ons nth ore SD


JULY 11 SUNDAY COME JOIN US AT THE LA COSTA RESORT and Spa for the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success Transformation Circles July 11, August 15 & September 19. For details and registration visit


e reya

‘star’ continues to herald the return of the Christ

Introductory Offer: Prepay for 3 ads and get the 4th free. Prepay for 6 ads and get a FREE standard 2x2 display ad. Large vertical ads (2 x 3.25) are $159. Standard size (2x2) ads are $135. Discounts for multiple issues. Call today at 866.804.8444 or Visa & MC accepted. Deadline is JULY 15


to n of


Line Listings are 20 words for only $20! Each additional word is only .50¢/word.


J U LY 20 10

JULY 24-25 SATURDAY-SUNDAY THAI YOGA MASSAGE July 24–25th 9:30 – 4:30 p.m. 2333 Camino del Rio South #240 619.917.0998

JULY 30-AUGUST 1 FRIDAY-SUNDAY 20th Annual Women’s Retreat - Join us as we share together and celebrate women’s healing arts. Secluded Julian retreat center, vegetarian meals, great workshops and excellent teachers. $265. You’ll leave renewed. Self-Heal School, 619.224.1268, JULY 31 SATURDAY HIMALAYAN KUNDALINI KRIYA YOGA MASTER YOGIRAJ SIDDHANATH & HAMSA YOGA SANGH PRESENTS WAY OF THE WHITE SWAN – US 2010 TOUR Public Satsang and Darshan with Himalayan Kundalini Kriya Yoga Master Yogiraj Siddhanath: FREE , Sat. July 31 7pm to 9 pm – Seaside Center for Spiritual Living, 1613 Lake Drive, Encinitas, CA 92024 Questions & Registration: 858-8773219 or Learn more at and www.

JULY 31-August 1 SATURDAY-SUNDAY REIKI ENERGETIC/VIBRATIONAL HEALING CERTIFICATION + Follow-Up sessions. Experiential! Manual provided. 14 Credits. $162. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485. www.naturalhealinginst. com

AUGUST AUGUST 1 SUNDAY A NEW DAWN EMERGES – ALL OF THE FORCES OF LIGHT ARE GATHERING Spend an afternoon with British author Benjamin Crème speaking of Maitreya the World Teacher at Veterans Memorial Auditorium at 3pm August 1st. 4117 Overland Ave. Culver City, Free Will Donation. Call 818.785.6300 or visit www. HIMALAYAN KUNDALINI KRIYA YOGA MASTER YOGIRAJ SIDDHANATH & HAMSA YOGA SANGH PRESENTS - WAY OF THE WHITE SWAN – US 2010 TOUR Kriya Yoga Workshop and Empowerment into Kundalini Kriya Yoga with Yogiraj Siddhanath, $108 for new Initiates. Sunday August 1st 3pm to 8 pm, Vision Center for Spiritual Living 11260 Clairemont Mesa Blvd, San Diego, CA 92124Questions & Registration: 858-8773219 or Learn more at and www.

AUGUST 4 WEDNESDAY HYPOGLYCEMIA (OPEN TO EVERYONE) – Required for H.H.P. Program (Part of Increasingly Prevalent Challenging Health Problems) - Learn about foods, herbs, supplements, amino acids, dietary habits and aromatherapy traditionally used and scientifically documented to prevent and treat these low energy related problems. 7:00pm-9:55pm Steve Schechter, NP, HHP, NHI Director. Natural Healing Institute, 760.943.8485. www.naturalhealinginst. com

AUGUST 8 SUNDAY LAUGHTER YOGA – PART I of Certified Leader Training – Learn and experience Laughter Yoga, benefiting you personally, how to use with clients. Combines playful laughter exercises, yogic breathing. Counts towards becoming Certified Laughter Yoga Leader. Natural Healing Institute, 760.943.8485. www.naturalhealinginst. com

Abundance & Prosperity Workshop

AUGUST 15 SUNDAY HIMALAYAN KUNDALINI KRIYA YOGA MASTER YOGIRAJ SIDDHANATH & HAMSA YOGA SANGH PRESENTS WAY OF THE WHITE SWAN – US 2010 TOUR Full Day Immersion – El Rey Theater with Yogiraj Siddhanath Sunday August 15 1pm to 10pm, Food & Music call 866YOGIRAJ Learn more at www. and HamsaYogi

Sunday, August 8, 2 - 5pm

Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens 3500 West Adams Blvd, Los Angeles (with MSIA President, Paul Kaye)

Open yourself to experience abundance & prosperity in your finances and in your relationship with yourself and with God

Living the Spiritual Principles of Health and Well-Being Webcast Saturday, August 21, 1 - 2:30pm 2101 Wilshire Blvd, Santa Monica (or tune in live at Facilitated by MSIA Spiritual Director John Morton)

This broadcast is based on the new book “Living the Spiritual Principles of Health and Well-Being” by JohnRoger, D.S.S., with Paul Kaye.

Both Events Free & Open To All For more information contact

Debbie at or 323.737.4055

AUGUST 21 SATURDAY LIVING THE SPIRITUAL PRINCIPLES OF HEALTH AND WELL-BEING WEBCAST 2101 Wilshire Blvd, Santa Monica 1 2:30pm (or tune in live at live) Facilitated by MSIA Spiritual Director John Morton Webcast free (donations welcome). This broadcast is based on the new book “Living the Spiritual Principles of Health and Well-Being” by John-Roger, D.S.S., with Paul Kaye - a book filled with practical wisdom that expands our spiritual awareness while taking us through simple steps to improve our health. Explore ways to make small improvements to your health and well-being that, when consistently applied, can make a big difference. Open to all. No registration required. Contact Tonie at or 323.737.4055.



SOUTHWEST MEN’S CONFERENCE “Leave it to Beaver... and Beyond”

A 1/2 Day Event For Men Finding Their Way Into The 21st Century

Saturday, August 14, 9am - 1pm FREE @ Balboa Park Club, Balboa Park

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Sheraton Universal, Hollywood

– Alternative Therapies – Nutritional Approach including Laetrile, Gerson, Hoxsey, Poly-MVA & Immunotherapy. Also Chelation, DMSO, Oxygen, Herbal, Cellular & Electro-Magnetic Therapies.

AUGUST 8 SUNDAY HIMALAYAN KUNDALINI KRIYA YOGA MASTER YOGIRAJ SIDDHANATH & HAMSA YOGA SANGH PRESENTS - WAY OF THE WHITE SWAN – US 2010 TOUR Kriya Yoga Workshop and Empowerment into Kundalini Kriya Yoga with Yogiraj Siddhanath. Sunday August 8th 1pm to 10 pm, OC Marriott, Irvine CA. Questions & Registration: Learn more at and www.YouTube. com/HamsaYogi A NEW DAWN EMERGES – ALL OF THE FORCES OF LIGHT ARE GATHERING Spend an afternoon with British author Benjamin Crème speaking of Maitreya the World Teacher at Palace of Fine Arts Theater at 2pm. 3301 Lyon Street (at Bay) San Francisco. Free Will Donation. Call 510.841.8272 or visit www.TheEmergence. org

Lectures / Movies / Exhibits $40.00/day CEU’s for Nurses & Dentists $45.00/day Tijuana Clinic Tours – Sept. 8 & 18

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Register at: Sponsored by MDI



J U LY 20 10

SEPTEMBER 9-12 THURSDAY-SUNDAY BHAKTI FEST – SPIRITUAL WOODSTOCK IN JOSHUA TREE – Gather for this amazing weekend that draws the best and the brightest from the Bhakti Movement. Practice Yoga all weekend, chant Kirtan, make new friends, relax under the bright blue skies of Joshua Tree during the day or bask under the blanket of stars that covers the night sky. Come join us at the Joshua Tree Retreat Center. Performers include: Krishna Das, Deva Premal & Miten, Dave Stringer and many more. Yoga Instructors include Shiva Rea, Mark Whitwell, Saul David Raye, Seane Corne and many more. Constant Kirtan 85 hours, 26 Yoga Teachers, Private and Group Meditation, Vegetarian Cuisine. For more information or for tickets visit www. or email info@bhaktifest. com or call 866.992.4258. SEPTEMBER 25-26 SATURDAY-SUNDAY HOLISTIC ARTS FAIR 10am-7pm Free psychic, health, art fair. Communication and Tantra for Love classes, panels, speakers, etc. 1540 Hicks Ave. San Jose. Free Parking in lot/along streets. EXHIBITORS WANTED! 408.448.6726 eameece@sfo. com

ONGOING SUNDAYS TRANCE - FORMATION CIRCLE – STRESSED OUT? Feeling overwhelmed & out of control? Losing sleep? Not getting what you want in life? Attend this circle to find out how to feel more relaxed and in control, sleep peacefully through the night, and increase your confidence & motivation so you can reach your goals. Led by Mazda Lakpour, this circle convenes on Sundays from 2– 4pm at The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd, Tarzana, CA 91356. $10.00 donation at the door. Register at 818-345-1100 or online at CARLSBAD CRYSTAL BOWL SUNDAY YOGA 9am use the power of sound and awareness to center, ground, and remember the Self. 2564 State St Ste C. or call 760.890.4062. ONENESS MEDITATION & ENERGY ATTUNEMENT CIRCLE – Offers deep breathing meditation and alignment of your personal energy field. An interactive Oneness group where each shares their gifts and holds the space for each other’s healing and empowerment. Don’t know your gifts? Goddess Light and Ordained Metaphysician Tauheedah Shakoor-Curry creates safe space and delivers spirit messages to help clarify your calling. 11 – 12:30 at The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Boulevard, Tarzana, CA 91356. Register at 818.345.1100 or online at www. $10 love offering.


Harmony Grove Spiritualist Association


Incorporated and Serving ALL in California Since 1896

SaturdaysHealing 1:00pm Church 2:00pm Sundays Healing 10:00am Church 11:00am

Psychic Fair

TUESDAYS FIRST AID FOR THE SOUL, FORGIVENESS CIRCLE – Use guided visualization to release anger, blame, shame, guilt and fear; applying the selfhealing balm of forgiveness to promote transformation, empowerment and wellbeing. Led by Rosalba Fontanez, Certified Hypnotherapist and Theta Healing Practitioner. 7 – 9 pm on Tuesdays at the Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Boulevard, Tarzana, CA 91356. Free parking in the rear. Call 818.345.1100 or register online at www.theimaginecenter. com. $20 per session. 07/10

1st Sat. of Month, 10:00am-4:00pm

Certification and Personal Growth Classes

• Mediumship • Healing • Ministerial • Ordinations

Private Readings Available Information about Speakers & Directions


Escondido, CA SPICA -– WAY OF LIGHT INSPIRATIONAL SERVICES 2nd Sunday of the month at 10am, 4th Sunday at 9am. Myztic Isle Bookstore, 8036 La Mesa Blvd, La Mesa, CA. 619.588.6483 for information. 10/10 DEVOTIONAL SINGING MANTRA MUSIC Every Sunday 7-9pm. FREE! Led by Cass Smith, Donna & Teeto Cheema, Jim & Lynn Chow & Friends. Singing and chanting the sweet names of God, with love and devotion is the easiest and most effective way to reach liberation. 2845 Cacatua St. La Costa, CA 92009. 760.431.7658 or 760.753.3353. FIND THE CENTER OF DIVINITY WITHIN! Inspirational prayers, metaphysical teachings, music, social hour to follow. 10:30AM-11:30AM. Teaching of the Inner Christ 1100 N. Second St. Suite 1114 El Cajon, CA 92021. 619.447.7007 07/10 MONDAYS FIRST MONDAY – The first Monday of each month is Service Professionals Day at The Imagine Center, with 10% off all retail merchandise with your business card. We offer intuitive readings and retail merchandise for spiritual enrichment and personal empowerment. 18635 Ventura Boulevard, Tarzana, CA 91356. Free parking in the rear. Call 818.345.1100 or shop online at www.theimaginecenter. com 07/10 $8 BEGINNERS YOGA CLASSES Monday @ 6:00 p.m. Tuesday’s @ 5:30 p.m. 2333 Camino del Rio South #240 92108 619.917.0998 FREE PSYCHIC READINGS every FIRST Monday 7:30pm by students in Vessa’s INTUITIVE INSIGHTS Clairvoyant Program, 4455 Morena Blvd. #108, 858.509.7582 www.MyIntuition.Net 10/10

WEDNESDAYS WEEKLY PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT CLASS – This class format supports development of your psychic abilities. Learn how to prepare to send and receive messages clearly and safely; connect to loving spirit guides, angels and deceased loved ones; to open and close energy fields; and to explore various forms of intuitive abilities. 7 – 9 pm at The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana, CA 91356. $25.00 fee. Register at 818-3451100 or online at www.theimaginecenter. com. MIRACLE CIRCLE MEDITATION: Connect with your inner divinity through deep meditation, inspirational prayers, and group discussion. 7PM-8PM. Teaching of the Inner Christ 1100 N. Second St. Suite 1114 El Cajon, CA 92021. 619.447.7007 07/10 THURSDAYS FREE DETOXIFICATION AND WEIGHT LOSS CLASS 1st Thursday of every month. 6:30 PM. Easy and successful program. Register @ Body Basics Health Center, San Diego. 619.296.7390 09/10

FRIDAYS HAPPINESS CLASSES - Based on the life-healing teachings of VERNON HOWARD, Fridays - 8pm; Sundays - 10am. New Life Foundation, 5779 Westminster Blvd., Westminster, CA. 714.899.9300 Conquer stress, handle difficult people with ease, banish problems. Donation basis. 09/10

“Don’t Just Do Something” continued from page 21

less flow can put us in touch with the forces within us that we see playing out in front of us. And that touch can unhook us from outcomes freeing us into a single perceptual moment that may resolve and redeem all sides and positions of any circumstance. All answers are within. All of them. However, the beacons and guideposts to our deeper nature are no longer recognized; their lights are steadily dimming as our world seems to spiral out of control. We have forgotten to make time for communion with that which we cannot understand in ways we cannot understand. Because we think we understand everything. This brings us back again to the opening premise—what would you do if you found out that everything is different than you thought? When many more individuals recognize the possibilities contained within this perceptual shift, and remain for longer and longer periods of time shifted into the perceptual lens of the heart—actions are more likely to rise out of a state of nonreaction, perhaps even a compassionate indifference. We find ourselves without need to blame, to fix, or to become despondent. We are offered the chance to become whole. The illusion of separateness falls away, literally, when we tap into a direct experience of our nature at soul essence, beyond thought. Therefore, activism can indeed be called for. It is a quiet activism. The action called for is at the level of the individual, of knowing we can stop the world, turn inward, and go more deeply within; to feel our way to our inner-most core. Silence points the way toward a centered consciousness awaiting discovery within each of us. There, knowing comes from somewhere other than thought. Guidance as to what is next, obviously next, comes to us and a different kind of action appears in our sphere…an action that is right and whole for the individual and is, therefore, whole for the world. If there is to be any conversation using the word “hope”, it is through this perceptual shift at the individual level of consciousness, where ego, preference, and fear cannot reside for nearly as long or, perhaps, as often. We need to awaken to what is within us that prompts activist causes. So don’t just do something, sit there! Joni DeGroot is a licensed marriage family therapist and school psychologist. Call 619.464.5513 or e-mail Marion Geruschat is a singer, songwriter, and former corporate manager who is devoted to the work of waking the heart center and the possibility of enlightenment. E-mail Cheyenne Maloney is the author of Beyond Thought: An Intentional Shift in Perception. Join Cheyenne as our guest 6:30 – 8:30 pm, Thursday and/or Friday, July 15 or July 16 at Controversial Book Store, 3063 University Avenue in North Park. A paid weekend workshop follows 9:30 am–5 pm, Saturday and Sunday, July 17 and 18. See our advertisement in this issue.


for Enlightened Businesses

SATURDAYS WEEKLY PSYCHIC SKILLS ATTUNEMENT CIRCLE – Strengthen your intuitive abilities and your connection with Spirit. Learn to safely send and receive loving messages from spirit guides, angels and deceased loved ones; messages from the highest and best good of each participant. 1 – 3:00pm at the Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd, Tarzana, CA 91356. $15 minimum donation. Register at 818-345-1100 or online at

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J U LY 20 10

v i s i o n a r y


a r t i s t

n, my art practice ser ves first generation America d an , ist ages art , lor co of n . As a woma nfront the mu ltitude of im to ue co tiq to cri ble ial ssi soc po d is an it n, ce, tio cti educ ation, agita rough an artistic pra ate. It is imperative Ar t ca n ser ve as a tool for ople all over the world. Th ve as a ma nifestation of the world we seek to cre to one-d imensiona l pe ed his nc fra en dis , ed instream media leads as a voice for ma rgina liz . Essentia lly, art ca n ser us by ma instream media el of self-censorship in ma “free trade” and globa liz ation (to na me to lev e fed Th t en ly. po rm no we po mo em dia of dis sed me sts of ce art in a time of increa ndence on oil, the true co understand that we practi porta nt to all citizens —the wa r in Iraq, our depe e. nc rta im s of even greater impo become ow ned coverage of issues that are ly— enga ged artist become ial soc the of ice adaptabilit y, images that vo an the th r xt, he nte rat co ge is an th ch In of ). ages my art, I try to a few organize and inform, im ues of a community. In to iss s ich iou wh ser th st wi l mo too the a o of e som lled propa ga nda med int n and power, expressing . At times my work is ca My work is often tra nsfor tio ies en tor erv vic ir int c the bli e pu rat of eb s cel me act nt their efforts and by the people. They beco da ily str ug gle, to docu me eone’s beha lf. in le op pe a of es nc rie pe tit led som capture the ex all art always speak s on nched a book project en ce lau sin tly en me r rec I the bo rk. t wo no es my ua lit y e of art, but this do conta ins over 60 0 hig h-q artists is also a cornerston ok ed bo e ind Th -m e. lly us ca ve liti ati po cre er ree s with rit y with oth litica l images for royalt y-f this book taught me how to effectively build tie po 0 60 of Build ing a sense of solida on cti lle co ted reuse, for an unpreceden The production process tered on distribution and es. cen tri ly ge un co Reproduce and Revolt! , lar e e on elv — tw ay in s tod s by 20 0 artist ed the approach I take black & white illustration ial change, and ha s shap soc for ng rki wo are o wh people on the ground is the u nique It . do sharing artistic content. ts for eb en W em the ov ing m us s ing includ social change. e world - mas

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J U LY 20 10

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