Vision Magazine August Issue "Modern Tactical Skirmishes"

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August Theme: Modern Tactical Skirmishes ®

Cover art Alayna Lemmer

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viewpoint be a peaceful warrior


holistic living mahogany mountain whole food vitamins


greek to me battle at balding pate


ask the lifequaketm doctor advice about life transitions

e-mail: Executive Editor & Publisher Sydney L. Murray

Copy Editor Shannon Nies

Graphic Design Sloan Gomez

Social Networking & Blog Amanda Hinds Doyle

Interns Erin Tagan

Contributing Writers

Adrienne Abeyta, Dr. Toni Galardi, Michael Raysses, Amanda Hinds Doyle, Brennan Lagasse, Daphne Carpenter, Christine Dreher, CCN, Melissa Joy Jonsson, Bhupta Dudi, Stacy Cohen, J.H. Hyun, Hellen Villnes, Erin Tagan, Linda Berry, Julie Klutinoty, Sarah Liddle

Sales Sydney L. Murray, Terra Mays, Terry Nielsen, Amanda Hinds Doyle, Tim Parks, Sloan Gomez

Listings: Online & Print Sales Vision Magazine® is a ® registered trademark of Vision Global, Inc. published on a monthly basis and distributed free of charge. Subscriptions are available for $27 for 12 issues (one year). All rights reserved. Advanced written permission must be obtained from Vision Magazine for partial or complete reproduction of any part or whole of Vision Magazine, including advertising material contained in its pages. Opinions expressed in Vision Magazine do not necessarily represent those of Vision Global, Inc., its employees or representatives. Vision Magazine disclaims any responsibility for claims made by its advertisers. Artwork, fiction, letters to the Editor, and manuscripts are welcome, however, unsolicited manuscripts without SASE will not be returned. Copyright © 2011 Vision Magazine

11-15 mindstates the gift matrix energetics emotional freedom 16-17 culture brazil child sex slaves 18

astrology august 2011 forecast


culture sowing seeds in India sexism in the workplace


healing arts outswimming the sharks

22-23 earth watch san onofre

24-27 features from fear to freedom bhakti fest 28

community resources


vision café i am totality sharing the love of the world attachment: at what cost?


holistic review dovid krafchow’s “2012 and the cabala”




visionary artist Alayna Lemmer

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AU G U S T 20 11

v i e w p o i n t

Be a Peaceful Warrior by Brennan Lagasse


he battle for peace, justice, and sustainability is ongoing. In modern times, even with the continuing growth and acceptance of the current environmental movement, tactical skirmishes that fight for clean air, clean water, healthy oceans, sustainable land use, and social justice are ongoing. You can take one of a few sides—ignorance is bliss, I know and don’t care, or I care and hope to help in any way I can. Hopefully you choose the latter, and whether it’s organizing on the ground in your own community or educating the uneducated with conversation, anything is something. Something is always better than nothing. The Internet has changed the world as we know it. At any given moment of any given day you can type a few words into a search engine and receive millions of links in response to the keywords you entered. There are so many ways to promote peace, justice, and sustainability that my take is it is always best to start as close to home as possible, if you are so moved to do so. From there move to what fires you up the most. And beyond that, it’s all about how much you care and how much you can truly give. Recently, a local environmental effort that has lasting effects for clean air, clean water, wildlife protection, and human health has triumphed. On July 21, after several years of hard work from the ground up, the city of Portland, Oregon banned the use of plastic bags in local stores. It wasn’t a smooth or easy process, and at times it seemed the effort would fail. However, in the end persistence won, and now there’s a model for others to follow. Sometimes all it takes is one, and hopefully this is the case for the leaders of Rise Above Plastics. If you live in the Portland area you should rejoice and now turn your attention towards how other towns, cities, municipalities, states, and countries can follow in your footsteps. It was a modern tactical skirmish that pitted a classic David (on the ground activists) against Goliath (government, bureaucracy, business as usual, corporate interests). But they won. Whether it’s the increase in attention and concern regarding issues revolving around climate change, or the fact that some people are starting to listen remains to be fully understood. Is replacing plastic bags with compostable or reusable bags that difficult? Sure, infrastructure exists, people make money off of it, and now that’s being challenged to shift. Of course some people are going to throw their arms up, especially if they stand to face a burden from such changes. But the truth is, it makes sense. Just like it makes sense to put as much support behind transferring our reliance on dirty, finite sources of energy towards cleaner, renewable ones. Of course a lot of change is needed, and some who profit will lose

was a modern tactical skirmish that pitted a “ Itclassic David (on the ground activists) against

Goliath (government, bureaucracy, business as usual, corporate interests).


some of that profit, but for the greater good, it just makes sense. That fight is making strides, and while it may not have a clear triumph like Portland has had on a localized level quite yet, the momentum is there. Issues more aligned to the true merit of sustainability, that is, Holistic Sustainability, have not been so successful. There have been battles won, but the war here is far from over. Native Americans have been fighting to save their cultural traditions and sacred sites for hundreds of years. In cases like the proposed expansion of the Arizona Snowbowl Ski Resort, which is located on a section of the sacred San Francisco Peaks near the town of Flagstaff, indigenous people continue to bear the burden of neocolonial politics, poor environmental planning, and direct acts of racism. It wasn’t long ago that a justice-fueled decision was handed down in the Lake Tahoe area that brought hope, like the hope recently created in Portland. This happened when recreational interests, land managed by the US Forest Service, and American Indians trying to protect their holy site known to many as “Cave Rock,” actually found justice. The case pitted rock climbers wishing to continue accessing the quality climbing at Cave Rock, against Native Americans who opposed such use of the site since it was a traditional sacred site where members of the Washoe tribe go to pray. In the end, unlike many similar cases, the US Forest Service, who manages land in this area, sided with the Washoe. A select number of climbers believed it was unlawful for them to be denied access to climb, failing to take into account the numerous other areas they could freely climb in the region without infringing on the spirituality of a different culture than their own. This has not been the case in Flagstaff, as business interests and ski resort supporters can’t seem to understand why Native American tribes, more than 13 of them, believe it’s incredibly unjust to use reclaimed wastewater on their sacred mountain for the use of artificial snowmaking. They’ve had to sit back and watch ski resort infrastructure be built on their sacred mountain as is, but to use treated effluent to make fake snow, in the desert, with no known studies that confirm that such water will not adversely impact humans who may ingest the snow, or animals who will most certainly come into contact with it? Does that make any sense? It makes sense that if scientists in this day and age cannot tell the public that, “Yes, we know this water will not harm humans, the environment, or any forms of wildlife,” something must be off. In a state located in the desert, with climate change continuing, with no correlation between Snowbowl leading a local economy that already has stronger inputs, mainly from the large local Native American population, does it not make sense for Snowbowl to keep operating as it had prior to the plan rather than to spray recycled urine and feces on a holy mountain in hopes of making a few more bucks by opening earlier and staying open later? While you can lend more support to efforts in Flagstaff by checking out www., or educate yourself further on what went into banning the bag in continued on page 39


AU G U S T 20 11

h o l i s t i c

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Mahogany Mountain Vineyard and Winery


ust beyond the snaking roads of Route 67, in the rustic rocky desert, lies a rich oasis of tasteful vino. Once surrounded by a lush green landscape, Mahogany Mountain Vineyard and Winery now lies amongst a barren, yet beautiful land. Residing in Ramona for over 15 years, the vineyard is thriving, even after the Cedar Fire of 2003. Due to Michael and Kim Hargett’s persistent tactics in the cleanliness and upkeep of the land, their vines and home were the sole survivors, suffering minimal damages. “Our whole neighborhood was burnt and our house and vineyard survived,” says Kim. While the infrastructure of the vineyards, such as poles, burned down, the vines stood strong. “All the vines looked dead—we had just finished a harvest—but my husband started watering them and they were fine.” A remembrance of the devastation lies in front of the Hargett’s house, an imprint of a car that burned to the ground during the fire’s crawl up the mountain. Mahogany Mountain Vineyard and Winery goes beyond historic and beautiful—its qualities are unmatched. Starting the vineyard in 1997, Kim and Michael aspired to create an all-natural, great tasting “organic” wine. Beginning their journey as amateur wine makers, they joined the San Diego Amateur Winemaker Society and studied under a gentleman winemaker in the area. Drinking their mistakes, Kim and Michael began learning the tactics that coincide with producing natural wine, including: minimal watering; drip irrigation; eliminating pesticides; and using only nutrient-rich soil from the earth (no fertilizer). They say, “Our philosophy is to grow grapes and make wines with as little impact on our surroundings as possible and live in harmony with the nature around us.” To further increase their knowledge in production, the Hargetts took a journey across the world to none other than France, the premier stop for winemakers and wine lovers around the world. Meeting many welcoming winemakers, the Hargetts were shown the vineyards. “Somehow we met a great deal of nice people,” says Kim. “They took us into their underground cellars, and one guy even explained how they make the wine there.” theand Village Master Class After France came a trip to ItalyYoga whereatKim Michael furthered theirSeries* presents wine education. Throughout Kim’s studies she came to realize that the need for chemicals could be dismissed from the process entirely, if the grapes are grown and cared for properly. “We found out how pure wine is,” she says. Their land had many “almost” crops. The Hargetts thought long and hard as for Writers andphysical Writing Enthusiasts to what crop would prosper, whileYoga promoting mental and wellness for with Lucie RYT-200 themselves, and also help pay for the high property tax.Simone, While noticing the dry, rocky terrain in France, Michael knew his land would accommodate the vines. “I approved the idea because it looks so beautiful. I could envision myself walking through the vines,” Kim says. Currently the Hargett’s vineyards are located on 43 acres of land at an elevation Saturday, September 17,Being 2011a small of 1,500 feet. 1:00pm - 4:00pm business, family-owned Kim and Michael are able to specialize in premium handcrafted wine, at limited production. With Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Mourvèdre, Syrah, and Zinfandel being the main premium wines, the Hargetts put sweat and tears, metaphorically V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E

speaking, into each and every bottle to assure the highest quality natural wine available. The wine is assured to be chemical and pesticide free, but not organic certified. The costs and regulations are too much to bear right now. Having such a small production and minimal help, the Hargetts have no time to spare. So the Hargett’s plan is to continue making their wine in an organic manner, and they will decide later on whether certification is necessary. While some find growing organically a challenge, the Hargetts enjoy the meticulous care and production process. Leading up to the harvest is really what makes the grapes. Before Kim begins the selection process, weed abatement, accurate watering, and pest control are a few of the many issues that need to be addressed. Again, being organic and environmentally friendly makes this process all the more difficult. Michael is constantly ridding the vineyards of weeds, without the use of herbicides. Having recent problems with his mower, Michael turned to a weed whacker, making progress a bit slower. continued on page 40

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AU G U S T 20 11

Photo Credit: Stephen D. Doyle II

by Amanda Hinds Doyle

ho l i s t i c

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Ask the Nutritionist— Best Source of Dietary Supplementation? by Christine Dreher, CCN, CCH


anaging our health and well-being in this modern age can be confusing and overwhelming with the constant onslaught of new technology, conflicting information and theories, improved foods (including GMOs), farming practices (with pesticides and other harmful chemicals), and our convenience products that contain mostly ingredients that we cannot even pronounce. How do you sort through it all? What is your tactical strategy? What really is effective in safeguarding your health and well-being? My strategy is to return to our roots and origins, stepping back in time to the “proverbial Garden of Eden.” I feel Mother Nature got it right the first time around. I am reminded of the old margarine commercial which said, “It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature.” Yes, I know I am dating myself, but I believe there’s truth in this statement. By fooling Mother Nature with genetically modified (GMO) food and other processed foods that lack necessary nutrients, we are also harming our bodies. In my 12+ years as a Clinical Nutritionist, I have found that the following are the top four nutritional questions asked by clients: Do I really need to take vitamins? What is the best type of vitamin to take? Why are whole food vitamin supplements better than isolates? Do I really absorb the nutrients from vitamins? Here are my answers to their questions as well as strategies for protecting one’s well-being in our modern times. Do I really need to take vitamins? In this day and age, with the popularity of the standard American diet and our dependence on convenience, my answer is yes, I believe you certainly benefit from taking vitamins to ensure you are getting enough nutrients. Specializations Include:


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Ideally, you need to be eating a wide variety of whole, nutrient-dense foods for optimal nutrition. Because our modern diet includes processed foods that provide substandard levels of nutrients, many are deficient in essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, probiotics, and other micronutrients needed for optimal health. By supplementing your diet with high quality vitamin supplements, you can provide your body with all of the essential nutrients needed for optimal health and performance. What is the best type of vitamin to take? I suggest taking vitamin supplements that provide superior nutrition in a form that is easy for the body to absorb and assimilate. Vitamin supplements that are made from nature’s whole foods provide the best source of nutrition and are absorbed and assimilated by the body because the body recognizes these as food. Why are whole food vitamin supplements better than isolated vitamin supplements, and do I really absorb the nutrients from vitamins? Whole food vitamin supplements are derived from whole foods which contain the most complete sources of nutrients for your body. They contain all the necessary vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, and other micronutrients that you need for proper nourishment. They are easy to absorb because they contain all the nutrients needed for assimilation and utilization by your body. Over 25,000 unique micronutrients known as cofactors have been discovered in whole fruits and vegetables alone. These micronutrients provide additional nutritional support and they also enhance the effectiveness and absorption of other nutrients contained in whole foods. Isolates, on the other hand, are extracted nutrients made in a lab, which are void of the micronutrients needed for the proper absorption and utilization by your body because they lack the cofactors needed and are not recognized by our bodies as food. In fact, taking isolated forms of vitamin supplements can even create additional deficiencies, as your body has to use its own nutritional reserves to try and process the isolated nutrients so they can be utilized properly by the body. What can’t be processed is eliminated or stored by your body. Eliminated nutrients from isolated vitamin supplements are wasted, and stored nutrients from isolates can create health issues over time. A problematic example of taking isolated forms of vitamins is calcium. According to recent studies, the absorption rate for calcium carbonate (an inorganic, isolated form of calcium made from rocks) is about 2 percent. This unabsorbed calcium can create an unhealthy buildup in the body, which can result in kidney stones as well as cardiovascular and other health issues. Calcium cannot be absorbed or utilized correctly without other trace minerals and cofactors for proper absorption. Ingesting inorganic, isolated forms of calcium can actually create a calcium deficiency over time. Calcium requires vitamin D, magnesium, potassium and vitamin K2 for proper absorption. A whole food continued on page 41


AU G U S T 20 11

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The Battle at Balding Pate: A Military Man’s Guide to Going Bald © 2011 Greek to Me by Michael Raysses


n the annals of military history, there is no more unique and personal conflict than the one waged at the northernmost border of the battlefield atop one’s own skull. It’s an age-old saga, repeated countless times for all to see, yet few are brave enough to bear witness to it firsthand. This is the story of one plucky soldier’s foray into the head of darkness that befalls every man whose locks go permanently AWOL. Who can say when it all began? I remember a time before the battles, prior to the endless skirmishes that finally culminated in what came in retrospect to be known as the Big War. My ranks were full of soldiers of all color and stripe. My connection to them was deep and, dare I say, personal. I can almost recall each and every one of them just by the way they looked. There was Brown. And Curly. In the summertime the sun would bleach them to the point that it seemed that new warriors were recruited and surfaced. I remember one particular favorite, Red. When not in formation, he and his kind would lazily loop across the ridge right above my brow, just barely within my sight line, a welcome and felt presence. He and his mates were my line of defense against the world. They shielded my eyes from more than just the sun’s glare—they comprised a curtain that allowed me to peer out while keeping potential enemies from seeing in. With my follicles flush and overflowing, it was inevitable that I developed expansionist tendencies; with that, I embarked on a policy of hirsute Manifest Destiny. My tresses overran ears that had once jutted from my head so acutely that I looked like a DeLorean with its doors left open. Collars on my shirts were swallowed whole by waves of curls cascading inexorably as they made their way to the shore of my shoulders. And why not? What fate could befall me, what enemy could thwart my headlong trajectory? Unbeknownst to me, though, I was already in the cross-hairs of an implacable foe. A depth charge that had been dumped below the surface of my skin from birth, only to explode years after the fact, unleashing a neutron bomb that left my scalp intact while denuding it in its wake—heredity. If when a tree falls in a deserted forest there is no sound, how can it be that when a hair falls and no one notices there is no loss? The first shot in the Big War was never fired. In fact, quite the contrary. The initial volley came on a day when the sun shone brightly despite the presence of a lone dark cloud. A harbinger of things to come, that mass of mist issued a single drop of rain that found its target: a patch on the crown of my scalp where, undetected by me, my ranks had thinned to such an extent that the lone bead drenched me with an inescapable fact: I was starting to go bald. Instantly, I went to battlestations, deploying reconnaissance mirrors to survey the area. To my utter dismay, the troops had begun to evacuate without me noticing. It was a

commander’s worst nightmare—I had deserters! I immediately reassigned soldiers in neighboring sectors to cover the budding expanse. Realizing that my borders were overextended and that I was arguably guilty of stylistic imperialism, I withdrew by literally cutting my losses. Though it hurt to see good men drifting to the floor, it was necessary. With hair falling out, I was thrust into a fallback position, an irony not lost on me. No amount of strategizing could avert the genetic genocide heredity was inflicting. When I went to redeploy troops from the front of the battle zone to cover the area on the peak of my scalp, I was stunned to find that even more had vanished in increasing arcs that threatened to raze what had once been lush. This called for drastic measures. But what? Hiring foreign mercenaries seemed like a possibility until the image of every bad toupee came flooding in, banishing that as a viable option. And with each tick of the clock, I felt one step closer to DEFCON 1: full-on, all out chemical warfare. But a lifetime of filling out prescriptions for drugs like Rogaine and Propecia didn’t seem like any kind of life at all. Oddly enough, I felt gripped in a situation that had me by what we in the military refer to as “the short and curlies.” The end was in sight, a reckoning was at hand. I’ ll never forget the last call of the roll. “Fall in,” I shouted. “Roll call! Brown! (No response.) Curly! (No call back.) Red! (Silence.)” Then, seemingly from out of nowhere, a voice. “You forgot me, sir.” I looked down and couldn’t believe what I saw, an aged sagging wisp of a fighter. “Your name, soldier?” “Gray, sir.” My jaw clenched as my gaze narrowed on this pale excuse of a warrior. “Soldier, are you aware that this army’s motto is ‘Death before dishonor’? And that your insipid lack of hue violates the very spirit of those words?” “I am, sir.” And with that, I issued my last order. “Fall out.” Michael Raysses is a writer/NPR commentator/actor living in Los Angeles. E-mail him at

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Deb Vogel is an ordained Metaphysical Minister and has an advanced degree in Pastoral Psychology. She has been in private practice since 1992. V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


AU G U S T 20 11

L i f e Q u a k e ™

exclusive, consult a therapist or relationship coach. I have found that when I work with couples early in their courtship we can clarify what each person needs and wants at this time in their lives. Having a professional third party to intervene who is there for both of you can either accelerate intimacy and commitment or assist you both in ending a relationship that is not supportive for you both.

Ask the

LifeQuake Doctor ™

Dr. Toni Galardi

August is traditionally the month when those who can, take a vacation. The Europeans are often on holiday for the whole month while the tourists flood the city. I guess it is all a balance. Speaking of balance, if you don’t have the luxury to be away much in August, another great way for you to spend the holiday is to take an inner vacation. What might you do to spend time in meditation or reading material that probes into your inner self? Working with a coach who can help prepare you for changes you would like to make in the fall is another way. However you do it, I urge you to use August to create a psycho-spiritual “stay-cation” at home. Dear Dr. Toni: I have been seeing a man for four months. I am 50, he is 54. He has grown children, is financially comfortable, and was the perfect guy for the first three and a half months. I had a bad week, hormonally. I was tired, PMS-ing, and he started to distance [himself], and it has gotten worse. He seems to be putting up walls, which then causes me to put up my own walls. I want to hold on to what we experienced in the first three months, but the longer this goes on, the more I question if it is worth it. What should I do, Dr. Toni? Stranded in Aspen Dear Reader: I would ask him if he needs a time out. Giving a man space periodically will help him process how he feels about you. If in giving him space, he comes back with that he doesn’t know if he wants to be in a committed relationship, you can suggest that you are open to keeping it loose as long as he understands that he doesn’t get to have you for himself exclusively. You are open to dating him and others until he or you decide how to define the relationship. Keep your heart open and date others. Lean back a little. Most importantly, love yourself and be clear about your self-worth. If he expresses a desire to be

Dear Dr. Toni: I am a 60-year-old woman who has been widowed for five years. I would really like to be in relationship with a man my age who really wants to get married. The age bias against women my age in a metropolitan city is huge. I have joined dating services over the Internet but men my age want a younger woman. I am a professional woman who’s in great shape and feels young. I want to share a life with someone although I can financially provide for myself. I am not sure what to do and thought perhaps you might be able to help. Your thoughts? Deirdre Dear Deirdre: I understand that you think finding a man your age would make a suitable mate. Perhaps you feel that way because your late husband was close to your age. However, there may be men who are ten years younger than you who would be more interested than men your age. A dear friend of mine is with a man who is 16 years younger than her and she is now 70 and they have been together for 15 years, so I know it works. Forget about Internet dating. I think in your age range, it may not be the best way to meet eligible men. I would focus on going to events you really enjoy and have fun. Travel. Be open to meeting someone in another city or country. Consider men who are also 10 years older. The point is, get outside your box and be open to meeting people you would not have necessarily considered. One of my clients is an executive in a Fortune 500 company. She fell in love with an artist who makes half what she makes but he brings out great qualities in her, joie de vivre—joy of life, spontaneity. When you let go of your pictures, your soul can bring you to a far horizon that will expand and surprise you. Dr. Toni Galardi is a change mastery coach, psychotherapist, and the author of The LifeQuake Phenomenon. If you go to her Web site,, you can download a free recording of her teleclass, “The LifeQuake Method: How to Master Change in Uncertain Times.” She can be reached at 310.890.6832.

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AU G U S T 20 11

Discover the Gift review by Sydney L. Murray

“If you are not aware, you can’t make choices. What we must do is be aware of our thoughts and thought processes because there are no neutral thoughts.” —Marianne Williamson


iscover The Gift,” the movie, book, and movement began over four years ago in a moment of illumination when Demian Lichtenstein asked himself why he was here on Earth and how he could discover his true purpose. A family schism had divided him and his sister until he took the step to ask for forgiveness and to tell her he wanted to be in her life. Lichtenstein said, “‘Discover The Gift’ is my way of sharing that I am completely 100 percent going for my dream. I am sharing that dream with my family, with my friends, and with the extraordinary teachers that I have met, and will meet, on this journey. I’m on my own journey; I’m learning something every day. I am transforming in ways I never thought would be possible.” He is producer, director, co-author, and co-creator of “The Gift,” with his sister, Shajen Joy Aziz, who is an educator, coauthor, and co-creator. She said, “‘Discover the Gift’ is the kind of work I always wanted to do—work that creates possibilities in our lives and especially in the lives of our children. This work has a global impact as well as a personal one– on you, on your families, your communities, and on the next generation. Let’s all go and discover our Gifts. Let’s share them with the world. The World is waiting! Everyone is waiting. I’m really excited to see what we have to offer.” This remarkable feature-length documentary celebrates the basic but vital reality that there are gifts within each of us that may have gone undiscovered or unrealized. This film is a clarion call to discover your own inner gift because truly that is why


you are on this Earth. What is your passion? What is that inspiration within you that will take you where you need to go in life? Aziz’s husband Cherif Aziz who is the co-producer offered, “When I started valuing my own self, my heart, my time, my dream, it was like I came out of a cave and I finally, finally started living in light. I just started having another level of relationship with everyone and everything around me. It was amazing.” Framed by the touching personal narrative of these two siblings, Lichtenstein and Aziz, as they describe their own journeys toward joy, power, fulfillment, freedom, and unconditional love, “Discover The Gift” offers powerful lessons from authors, educators, activists, artists, and icons including His Holiness the Dalai Lama, His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Jack Canfield, Janet Attwood, Terry Tillman, David `Avocado` Wolfe, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Mark Victor Hansen, and Niurka— and a host of other equally inspirational teachers. The gift is within you and found now, in the present. Not in some unrealized past or future but in the power and energy of who you are right in this moment. What are your gifts to the world? How are you going go transform from the mundane to the transcendent this amazing power that is within each one of us? For more information on Discover the Gift, go to


AU G U S T 20 11

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s t a t e s

Good for You Good for the Planet

Limitless Possibilities Accessing One’s Authentic Potential Using Matrix Energetics by Melissa Joy Jonsson


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t first I considered it an accident that I encountered Matrix Energetics. Now I know that there are no accidents and that finding it was really part of my divine plan. My background was in the pharmaceutical industry, first in developing and marketing drugs. I then moved over to medical research, which I thought would be more ethical. What I discovered was that providing drugs to treat diseases was not at all in harmony with my life path. For seven years I suffered from a debilitating illness that led me on a quest for anyone and anything that could help me. Thus began my journey of exploring alternative health and mind-body medicine. Along the way, a holistic chiropractor told me about Dr. Richard Bartlett, a crazy doctor doing some amazing energy work called Matrix Energetics. I went to see Dr. Bartlett at a seminar and, although I didn’t understand what I was seeing, I was very intrigued. All the while, there was a quiet voice inside of me that knew this was something I had been waiting for my entire life. I began to hope that I would be called on stage and perhaps finally be healed, but each time I started to raise my hand to volunteer to interact with Dr. Bartlett, that same voice inside of me said, “Don’t raise your hand. There’s nothing to heal. There’s nothing to fight. Just step into a state of acceptance and grace and see what might show up for you.” Over the course of that seminar weekend, I began to consider the possibility that at some level of my unconscious mind, I had actually created the experience of a debilitating illness so that I could step into a greater awareness of my own integrity. As I contemplated this new and very different way of experiencing my illness, the symptoms of the disease disappeared—and they only returned whenever I wasn’t standing in my own integrity and my own authentic power. The seminar experience was truly life transforming for me. I think that most of our patterns, conditions, and diseases are actually states of confusion. We have forgotten who we are and in the forgetting we feel confused. We think we are physical but that is an illusion. Rather, we are multidimensional beings of consciousness having an experience of itself in the physical realm. Matrix Energetics is a powerful vehicle for transformation that allows any individual interacting with it to get in touch with their authentic self, step out of that state of confusion, and shift those patterns. My own experience with Matrix Energetics enabled me to move out of this confusion state and into a state of clarity. Fascinated, I began studying with Dr. Bartlett that same year, and with continued practice, my seemingly incurable disease went away. In 2008 I joined Richard on stage as his co-teacher and I now teach with him at every seminar, both nationally and internationally. What is Matrix Energetics? We hesitate to define Matrix Energetics because the moment we define it and label it, we limit it. Matrix Energetics has proven to be an amazingly powerful consciousness technology for thousands of people. It is not a technique because there is no one exact way to do it. There is no, “Step A, then Step B, then Step V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


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“Transformation occurs when you let go of the need for anything to happen.” C, resulting exactly in D.” We call it a “consciousness technology” because it interfaces uniquely with each individual and with the patterns of light and information making up each individual. It shows up differently for everyone. We call it a vehicle for transformation because it is not something that we, ourselves are doing. We step into the morphic field of Matrix Energetics together and we allow for the information to interact differently with us as individuals.

Hay House, Inc. proudly presents

PA S A D E N A was “The energy of this event to end, ing inn beg profound. From ed.” orm inf d an I was challenged NV s, ga Ve s La –B. Cook,

October 14-16, 2011 Pasadena Civic Auditorium and Convention Center LOUISE L. HAY

Inspiring Keynote Lectures and Workshops with Over 20 of Your Favorite Hay House Authors on a Wide Range of Enlightening Topics! Opening remarks from Louise L. Hay!

Attending a Matrix Energetics Seminar There is a very deliberate process that takes place during the seminar weekend. Since our presentation is tailored uniquely to those that attend, we never know precisely how that process will unfold. We do know that it always shows up in such a way that we accomplish everything at each seminar. A focus of every seminar is learning how to access the powerful field of the heart where manifestation begins. We will teach you how to do a technique we call the “Two Point.” This is a measuring tool that supercharges our ability to notice where we can plug into the grid of the “All That Is.” To this we add Time Travel, which can enable us to travel backwards and forwards in time through the field of the heart and through consciousness. Next we will teach you how to access Parallel Universes (or Selves—there really is no difference) to find other aspects of yourself that you have not moved into alignment with and pull them into your reality now. Building upon Parallel Universes, we move on to Archetypes, which my mind likes to refer to as “hemispheric synchronization,” or where we can connect the right brain and the left brain. Archetypes, being symbolic in nature, are the language of the right brain and they make a multitude of solutions available to us in an incredibly fun way. In addition, we will teach you the 21 Universal Healing Frequencies that are thought to govern healing in the human species. All you really need to know to work with the 21 Frequencies is how to count to 21. They are self-intelligent and they do all of the work! We then add to the fun by teaching modules and templates to access specific fields of information. While we do have a specific curriculum that we present to you throughout the weekend, it may not flow in that particular order. It will go in precisely the order that is perfect for you as seminar participants.







The ultimate weekend conference for your mind, body, and soul

Matrix Energetics Levels 1 & 2 seminars will be held at the Hotel del Coronado, 1500 Orange Avenue, Coronado, CA, August 19-22, with Advanced Level 3 training held on August 24-25. A Friday night (August 19) demonstration of Matrix Energetics is free and open to the public (space permitting) from 7:00-9:00 p.m. at the hotel. For more information, please visit

Register Early—Space is Limited! Call 800-654-5126 or visit

Melissa Joy Jonsson lives in San Diego and is the Co-Teacher and Executive Director of Matrix Energetics, a consciousness technology founded by Dr. Richard Bartlett. V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E

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Finding Emotional

Freedom by Sydney L. Murray


oday in the United States there are so many demands on each one of us in a modern society. From minute to minute communication, a faltering economy, and the pressures of our fast-paced society, many people begin to suffer ill effects of their lifestyle or past pain, both buried and known. Robert Tice has helped many clients with addictive behavior, but with a background in finance he has recently been helping people who are experiencing financial desperation. Recently I spoke with Tice about his healing techniques juxtaposed against our modern world. Vision Magazine: How important are your techniques in dealing with everyday living? Robert Tice: I have had a lot of people who have been experts in the field of law and finance and once this recession hit, [it] dramatically changed the way they lived their life. They have sought help from me in terms of trying to figure out what their life purpose is and how what they have been doing fits in (or doesn’t) with how they intend to live their life. Many choose a more simple life without the stress of trying to be better or bigger than everyone around them. VM: What are some of the tools you use to help people? RT: I work with both Emotional Freedom Technique, (EFT) which is a combination of hypnotherapy, acupuncture, and massage, and I also have finance with an MBA background. My counseling deals with both finances as well as addictive behavior that lead people on a path that is not where they want to go. I am a life coach and addiction specialist. Lately I have been dealing with people who are considering a lawyer, walking out on their house, filing bankruptcy, or changing their career. So we look at all their perspectives as far as where they want to go. I think any kind of counselor, whether they are a therapist or a hypnotherapist, can give people an outside perspective that they often can’t see themselves. VM: What is Emotional Freedom Technique? RT: It is, in a way, what Louise Hay wrote years ago about how to identify what part of the body is holding what type of emotion. A lot of time in massage, which I also do, you will have somebody who has a huge stressor in a certain body part. That led me to Emotional Freedom Technique training, because it’s a way to really hone in on a certain body part and let them identify it. I think the problem with hypnotherapy alone is that we have a little kid inside (of us) that doesn’t want to do anything but what you tell it not to do. Emotional Freedom Technique allows them to see that where they are holding trauma. I have had people release huge amounts of grief. It is really important that the entire body is looked at. Unfortunately we are in this age where we don’t have time for an hour-long massage; we just have our shoulders or neck done. So the entire body has to be looked at, spiritually, emotionally and mentally. So often we have people who have gone to a therapist for years about one issue and they have had a neck massage, and they never put together that the stress is always going to be in their neck, because there is some kind of trauma or fear, or they are not on the right path, they are beating themselves up and beating their body up. I guess I am lucky that I lost a lot of weight and I figured out that my body is really an expression of me. Once I accepted my body the way it was, it was a huge awakening to me that there is this body, mind, and spirit connection. One of the things I remember as a kid was seeing Ella Fitzgerald and Sara Vaughn and seeing heavy set, big busted black women who owned their body and who could dance, and that made me cry because I was a fat little kid. I remember thinking they were okay with their body. I had a grandmother that called herself fat and sassy. Then I came to a point where I kept trying to lose weight, because I didn’t fit V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


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key thing comes down “ The to three things—self-love,

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passion for something you love, and forgiveness.

into the gay culture. Once I said, “I own my body,” boom—I lost almost 100 pounds. I think that shift has to happen, because as long as you are on this merry-go-round you really don’t own what you do. You are going to stay in this revolving door scenario. VM: What are some of the techniques a person can do who is really going through a rough time in their life? RT: I have had some people lately who were in anger management with the court and I have been lucky now to be certified to deal with them. They are in relationships that are dysfunctional, because they don’t have a high opinion of themselves. The key thing comes down to three things—self-love, passion for something you love, and forgiveness. If you examine those three things on a really deep level, you understand that you deserve better. Then you can really walk away from a job or relationship, not because you dislike the person or there’s conflict, but because they are growing beyond that situation. As you evolve you have to trust the universe that the flow of prosperity, people, and things are going to happen to you in a positive way when you own it. VM: Why, in your opinion, do you believe there is suffering in our lifetime? RT: I think there is so much evidence in history that suffering leads to huge awakenings. I am now taking a course about Ernest Holmes, Emma Mae Hopkins, Thomas Trower, and Emerson, and almost all of them had this huge catastrophe in their life. And somehow it takes that in order to wake up. In that you either weren’t following your life’s purpose or you need to own your own body, life, and spirit, and once you find that path that resonates with where you are supposed to be going, I think then a lot of that misery falls away. I think that in many ways the recession is good for us. I think there are too many people that have used their house as an ATM and spent way over what they should have been spending and now they are having to ask: Do I need that? Can I have a simpler life? When they ‘own’ a simpler life, it isn’t so painful to say, I don’t need that 4,000 square foot house. In my own life, I had a really bad car accident two and a half years ago and I moved from owning property for 26 years to renting an apartment in Hillcrest and I have never been happier. VM: What does modern living mean to you? RT: Modern living means intuition, being able to look at people and events as an observer and not let them get plugged in. I think the more I become intuitive and spiritual, and the more I can become grounded, I see people, places, and things as just events, as an observer. And I can move away from that and live my life simply, in a way that improves relationships and love among people on the planet and know that everything will work out. Emma Mae Hopkins, has, her favorite phrase which is, “It’s good and all good.” Sometimes it’s hard to see that or think of that, but the more I can move away and say, it’s all happening for a reason, and maybe it’s bigger than I can figure out.

19 Aug 2011: Darshan: 7:30 p.m. All are welcome to come and receive a personal blessing from Louix, and to be enchanted by the world devotional music of Pranam, who will be performing live. Seaside Center for Spiritual Living 1613 Lake Drive, Encinitas, CA

17 Sep 2011: Evening with Louix: 7:30 - 10:30 p.m. Louix will offer a discourse, followed by a Q&A session, wherein you can receive personal guidance from Him. First Christian Church of North Hollywood 4390 Colfax Avenue, Studio City, CA

New Year’s Eve Retreat — Sedona, Arizona Thu., 29 December 2011 - Tue., 3 January 2012 During this residential retreat at world-renowned Enchantment Resort, you will experience darshan, estatic singing, personal counseling, gourmet vegan cuisine, and nature hikes over the course of six love-filled days with this spiritual Master. * All events, except the retreat, are by donation *

To register for the retreat or for more information, please contact Samantha: phone: (888) 288-3735 • e-mail: To register online, go to: All attending these events consent to having their names, voices, images, and likenesses recorded and used for commercial purposes. All proceeds from these events will be used to support the Louix Dor Dempriey Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization.

For more information, please visit Contact Robert Tice at 619.675.1574. V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


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Child Sex Workers in Brazil— Just Look Away by Daphne Carpenter


was walking back to the bus stop one night in Natal, Brazil when I befriended a hardworking 15-year-old girl. Her name was Rosa and she washed car windows at a busy intersection in Ponta Negra Beach. She caught my eye the first time I arrived. I was on the bus from the tiny town of Pium, where I had been staying. I looked down and out my window to my left, and there she was with two younger boys. At hyper speed, they scrubbed grime off car windows, whether they were paid or not. Rosa was a pretty girl—actually, a timeless beauty with amazing facial features and straight black hair—but the little flower was covered in lifetimes worth of dirt and dust. Her eyes revealed that she had lived a harsh and unkind life. As I went on with my day, I couldn’t get the image of her out of my head. About a week later, one evening as I was heading home from a training seminar I had been attending, Rosa and I made eye contact near the bus stop. We smiled at each other simultaneously. Her sweet and desperate-but-in-good-spirits temperament kind of melted my heart. The young woman in me felt for her. I felt compelled to help in some way. I went across the street and bought some food for myself, for her, and for the two boys at a small outdoor restaurant right across from the intersection. With the bag of food in hand, I walked towards them—into the street and over to the center divider—where Rosa sat while the two boys tended to the last few windshields of the night. When I gave them the food, they were appreciative but not surprised by the generosity. (I was sure I wasn’t the only one feeling

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compassion for them). After we ate she asked me what I was doing later. Nothing, I told her. Just going home. “Vamos por um bar aqui...tem MUITOS gringos!” She was inviting me to a nearby bar where apparently there were a lot of gringos, and her eyes were wide. I stood there for a second thinking, what’s so great about gringos? It was 10 p.m. and she was closing up shop. “Vamos tia!” she said, with what seemed like a renewed burst of energy after a long day’s work. (Brazilian youth often refer to adults whom they feel endearingly towards, as “auntie” or “uncle”). She packed her spray bottle and grey, muddy towels into a torn plastic bag and let her hair down from her ponytail. We crossed the intersection and started to wind our way through some alleys, into a dark shadowy section of back streets that smelled heavily like urine. Five minutes later we were in an area that housed several bars that were frequented by mostly older, white European men. Welcome to Natal—the child sex tourism capital of Brazil. I had been in that same little area earlier that day, coincidentally, wandering around after lunch and I noticed the tourists immediately—that is, men (unaccompanied by women) who have a certain propositional, pervy look in their eyes. The cue, I guess, on that street, is the eye contact; they kept looking to catch my gaze in a weird, desperate way. Some of them thought I was working. If you’re a willing (child) sex worker, you’ll say something like, “You want a program?” which is the code for an hour’s worth of sex. How and Why It’s Like This These children end up on the street for various reasons—poverty, deaths in the family, lack of educational opportunities, marginalization, sexual abuse in the home (often by fathers and step-fathers). Usually very poor and desperate, these kids depend on this kind of work for survival. Many of them support their families by prostituting, and it’s also not uncommon for them to be supporting their own and their mother’s crack-cocaine habits. On average, the youngsters charge about five dollars for an hour of sex. Although prostitution isn’t criminalized in Brazil, pimping and bringing minors to a location (like a hotel) to have sex with them, is. Natal was the first place in Brazil where I actually saw pamphlets and posters splattered across the city, warning against the consequences of crimes related to (child) sex tourism. In fact, the city was the first in Brazil to establish a committee to deal with it and they came up with a constitution: Chapter I, Article I was written “to guide and to regulate the ethical behavior of companies, people,

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and services directly or indirectly tied with the [industry of the child sexual exploitation],” which means that local governments are now working to bring the hotel staff, taxi drivers, brothel owners, pimps, sex tourists, and anyone else contributing the sexual exploitation of children to justice. Diana is an aging prostitute in her late forties. She runs ASPORON, an association for commercial sex workers (based out of Natal). “Prostitution isn’t a crime,” she says laughing. “Well, for me, everything you have to go through to survive is a crime. It’s all a crime for me. Life is a crime. The establishment, the lack of opportunities, all of that is a crime.” Sex tourism is a widespread global phenomenon, but in Brazil, social inequality and the low status afforded to women contributes to its high visibility. The 2006 film, “Anjos do Sol,” directed by Rudi Lagemann, depicts a true to life story about how some girls become entangled in this lifestyle. The story follows 12-year-old Maria on a frightening journey as a sex slave: Her family sells her to a recruiter of prostitutes, to be bought in an auction of virgin girls. Then she’s sent to work in a brothel in the Amazonian forest, where, day and night, countless mineworkers and loggers line up outside her door for sex. She’s worked exhaustedly like an animal, then finally, after months of abuse, Maria escapes and makes her way to Rio de Janeiro through a grueling series of truck rides—only to encounter prostitution again on the harsh streets of Rio. This story speaks for a large percentage of girls who are trafficked around in Brazil’s sex industry. The sex slaves often have no control over their money they make, and are mistreated and kept against their will to work as prostitutes in port cities and in tourist epicenters. The sex tourist goes to Northeast Brazil looking for cheap sex—often with children, adolescent girls, and also often with boys. According to the Observer of London, after Thailand, Brazil is the number one destination of choice for sex tourists. And internationally speaking, the “mulata” is perceived as exotic and easily exploitable by white (and other) men. Although Brazilian society doesn’t approve of sex tourism, it seems like a lot of people pretend not to see it. And, like it or not, it’s almost woven into the surrounding scenery. In some areas it’s so ubiquitous that the easiest thing you can do to not “feel” is to ignore it. As is the case in areas with inferior educational systems, Brazil’s years of economic recession have helped weave this web of child sex workers. And the taboo surrounding prostitution and adolescent sex only makes the situation worse; girls are often thrown out of the house for losing their virginity. In her article, “Child Prostitution on the Rise in Brazil,” for the International Child Research Institute (ICRI), Selma B. de Oliveira writes, “It is important to note that social mores and the discomfort that adults have towards adolescent sexuality limits the kind of information and services offered to young women. This is an impediment to efforts that could prevent early pregnancies and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases among girls.” In her research, Oliveira spent time working with prostitutes at Casa de Passagem (Passage House), a home and educational center in Recife, Pernambuco. She worked under the tutelage of founder Ana Vasconcelos. “In my country,” says Vasconcelos, “the minimum wage is around eighty dollars


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The sex tourist goes to Northeast Brazil looking for cheap sex—often with children, adolescent girls, and also often with boys.

a month [the article is from 1995]. Sometimes a woman can get two hundred dollars with a man that comes on a cruise ship. You have to pay rent. You have kids. You help your mother. How can you quit prostitution when you have much more money, and then survive on minimum wage? Most of these children barely know how to read and write.” She also states how, in the government’s campaign to combat AIDS, they warn against the dangers of the disease yet don’t distribute condoms. Condoms are “expensive luxuries for those who are going hungry,” she says. This reminds me of a short conversation I had with a young sex worker near Lapa in Rio de Janeiro in 2008. She told me that men are willing to pay “more” if they don’t have to use a condom. The girl was 13 years old. In his book, “Girls of the Night,” journalist Gilberto Dimenstein states, “Poverty makes promiscuity look normal. Scenes such as the selling of daughters by their mothers and needle abortions stop provoking shock and indignation. They become part of day-to-day life.” Not all the girls work with their mother, however—especially the older ones. They work alone or with a pimp. Already a seasoned veteran at the age of 15, and seen as a grown woman in the world of child prostitution, my friend Rosa in Natal worked for herself—no pimp, no family. Was she addicted to crack like a lot of the prostitutes are? She didn’t say. She didn’t want to talk about it. “I’ve been on the streets since I was 9 and I know how to take care of myself,” she said straightforwardly, as we sat in one of the dimly lit bars that night, sipping some kind of carbonated orange beverage while she waited for a client. “And I don’t have AIDS, thank God,” she added. A few men approached her and would whisper something into her ear. I could tell she wasn’t willing just to take the first offer. She’d look them up and down continued on page 39


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august b y


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Adrienne Abeyta presents a unique forecast blending the tarot with astrology. A gifted reader of intuitive arts, she offers private consultations and psychic entertainment for parties and events. To set up an appointment, she can be reached at 619.917.0998 or

Aries: Magician (King of Wands) 3/21 – 4/19 Power is often mistaken as a force operating on an object. This is only partly true. Power has many expressions, such as strength, confidence, creativity, and even peace. The trick is to infuse your actions with a dose of your own personal power; however, take care to rein in your ego first. Don’t be fooled by titles, yours or others, for they represent superficial power. You’re in a great place to stand up for what you believe in. Take action towards your goals and trust that you have what you need to make them happen.

Libra: Emperor (8 of Wands) 9/23 – 10/23 When life gets overwhelming, ask yourself what exactly is making demands of you. Be genuinely curious about it rather than harshly authoritarian. This month you have an invitation to act “as if.” You may not be aware that you are constantly playing roles, testing out new behaviors, and pretending to be someone other than who you are. This can be positive when the role you’re trying on aligns with your values. So, instead of retreating under stress, invite yourself to act “as if ” you are confident, composed, and content. The more you practice, the easier—and more real—it becomes.

Taurus: Death (2 of Pentacles) 4/20 – 5/21 The cycle of birth and death is often incorrectly thought of as a linear process, leading us to believe that we come into the world, instead of realizing that we come out of it. This great cycle of life is evident in the seasons: one folds into another. Experiences, relationships, and phases are all parts of this whole, and like the seasons, when one fades, it’s followed by another. Clinging to one cycle prevents you from seeing other possibilities. Stay present to the opportunities that emerge from an ending. A loss you suffered in the last year will suddenly produce new growth.

Scorpio: Devil (5 of Cups) 10/24 – 11/22 One of the highest moral principles is to be in harmony with the natural laws, not only with the universal ones, but with the ones that preside over your inner world. Although it’s common to present a nice, socially acceptable image, it’s unhealthy to do so at the expense of denying your less acceptable, darker side. What you resist persists; stop ignoring your uncomfortable or ugly feelings and notice how you’re projecting them onto others. The person you dislike, the relationship you’re stuck on, the colleague you envy—all these point to your own unresolved feelings. It’s time to look in the mirror.

Gemini: Judgment (3 of Cups) 5/22 – 6/21 A wake-up call this month inspires you to look more honestly in seeing if you are actually honoring your Self. Your mind and emotions become influenced and sometimes even consumed to the degree to which you are attached to something or someone. Longing for emotional fulfillment causes you to compromise personal standards. Take a moment and ask yourself what’s missing in your life. You may realize you’ve been looking for love in the wrong places or with the wrong people, or using food or other substances to fulfill your security needs. Ultimately, your connection to something greater is what will fulfill you.

Sagittarius: Star (9 of Swords) 11/23 – 12/21 Beliefs make up the character of the mind—what you believe colors what you can, or are willing to, see. In this way, your image of the world is a very accurate reflection of those beliefs. This month’s events will test your faith and leave you asking, “What’s the point?” Don’t get caught up in cursing the conditions or over-analyzing what’s happened; simply rise above the chaos in your mind and adopt an attitude that better expresses the kind of person you want to be. You’re not what’s happened to you, you’re who you choose to become.

Cancer: Empress (4 of Pentacles) 6/22 – 7/22 Growth is a dynamic process not measured by what you have, but by who you are becoming. It’s human nature to seek comfort, but it’s spiritual nature to seek self-actualization. You’ve lived and learned enough to gracefully step into a more mature stage of your life. With this new foundation of wisdom and self-trust, fear and insecurity will no longer dictate your decisions. You may have to let go of some dependencies this month, whether you’re being dependent, or you’re the one being depended upon. Nurture yourself in healthy ways and be sure to get some exercise.

Capricorn: Temperance (Queen of Wands) 12/22 – 1/20 Behavior is usually the result of an intention about a person, thing, or goal. Your heart will always lead you to create relationships; to deny this is to deny yourself the richness, pleasure, and value of relationships. To truly understand yourself, you must understand how you relate to “the other.” What motivates you, sustains you, and makes you lose yourself? Pay attention to your reactions and notice whether you’re guided by intention or fear. The goal is to mediate between the two. When tempered, fear can be a powerful motivator for change. Follow your heart, even if it’s beating faster than usual.

Leo: Sun (10 of Pentacles) 7/23 – 8/23 Success stems more from personal faith than acquiring possessions. When you truly believe in yourself, you don’t need anything outside yourself for fulfillment. When you operate from this place of magnanimous confidence, what you do and who and how you love is a natural expression of your essence. In accepting yourself and the world as it is, you’ll have a peak experience that will bring about deep healing and contentment. Reach for the stars in all your affairs. For the artists, your craft will receive extra attention this month if you put it out there. It’s your moment to shine.

Aquarius: Fool (Knight of Cups) 1/21 – 2/18 Reality is rich and full of possibilities. The mind creates reality in an active, directive and, best of all, selective way. In the game of life you constantly put pressure on situations to turn out the way you want. Your approach to the world vacillates between hopeful and reluctant. This month, however, you’ll be presented with strange possibilities, perspectives, and people. While your ordinary way of thinking will not provide adequate answers, the search for truth is still important. Rather than try to make sense of it, allow yourself to be caught in the splendor of fascination.

Virgo: Chariot (7 of Swords) 8/24 – 9/22 In your attempt to figure things out, you’re missing a valuable lesson and, in the process, becoming fixated on what you believe is right. Don’t bother with self-help quick-fixes— your own experiences offer much more authentic truths. Pay attention to toxic feelings like boredom, compulsion, and anxiety; they are important messengers prodding you to change direction. Why swim against the current with excuses and rationales? Be brave and move confidently in the direction of your vision. Pay attention to trivial power struggles this month because you could easily end up fighting a futile battle. Also, drive safely and avoid speeding.

Pisces: Justice (Knight of Swords) 2/19 – 3/20 Uh-oh, you’ve got something heavy on your conscience, don’t you? As much as you’d like to pretend you don’t care or you’re unaffected, you are and you’re probably a little frustrated as well. Though it may seem easy to avoid confrontation itself, it’s more difficult to avoid the built-up feelings that result. Be honest about what’s bothering you even if you have to risk facing uncomfortable feelings. It’s likely that you’re not the only one hiding feelings of distress. In order to circumvent resentments, acknowledge your mistakes and call attention to the elephant in the room.



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Sowing Seeds in India by Bhupat Dudi


ach year in the month of December, international visual and performance artists gather for a two-week artist village residency in Rajasthan, India, called “Sowing Seeds.” The residency “intends to create dialogues and exchanges amongst artists beyond the national identity and serve as an opportunity for rural artists to meet, share and exchange ideas, visions, and diverse views order to create a deeper understanding on art.” Last December at Sowing Seeds, a total of 11 rural and contemporary artists came together to exchange their ideas and their art. One of the artists who participated was sculptor Bhupat Dudi, from India. Below, Dudi shares his inspirational project: My project for the international artist workshop was meant to eradicate the social problem of neglecting the female child in India. Through the platform of Sowing Seeds, I presented a slide show and site-specific work of famous women personalities to the villagers. My work spread the social message that educating and encouraging

the female child would promote her well-being and all-around development. My project was inspiring to the villagers, as I promoted my belief that educating a woman will build a healthy society and a healthy nation free of social problems. I believe my project encouraged women to seek their own fortunes. Only then the women of Andore Village would find a place for themselves among world personalities. In my project, I explored the common Indian mindset and psychology of villagers which deprives a dignified social status to women—even in today’s age. I mingled freely with the villagers at Andore, and through these interactions, I noticed that the progress of women was overshadowed by the traditional social evils that still prevail in remote Indian villages. I observed that the social well-being of women was grossly neglected, as they were conditioned to the dominating mindset that a girl is a liability, meant to be married off. (A girl requires a huge dowry to give to her in-laws.) Child marriages, though banned in India, were occasional occurrences. A girl’s birth was rarely celebrated and often ignored. Female infanticide often went unreported. Even continued on page 44



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Sexism in the Workplace by Stacy Cohen

hen women began to enter the work place en masse during World War II, they began to take over many jobs routinely filled by men. In turn, they faced discrimination and sexual harassment, which to this day has not been fully dealt with. But women are not the only ones who experience discrimination. Men also face discrimination in job placement as well as promotions. In one company, for example, when a customer service position opens up, they have to double check to see if there is anyone capable of filling that position in the warehouse before seeking someone from the outside. Because most customer service positions are filled by women, many companies forget that they can laterally move employees to better positions they are qualified to hold. This is an example of men not getting a promotion not only due to their sex, but also due to the type of work they were hired for, as their other attributes are often overlooked. Men also find they are discriminated against in certain career fields. How many men do you see in primary education or nursing? Men find that parents feel more comfortable with females taking care of and teaching their young children and that many men are incorrectly assumed to be homosexual or child molesters. This is a stereotype that seems to be restricted to classroom settings, and does not extend to coaches of youth sports teams, for instance. Also, in the medical field men are often assumed to be doctors, physician’s assistants, or lab technicians. Those who have chosen to become nurses often find themselves the butt of derogatory humor or remarks that may be directed at their masculinity or capabilities to do their duties. This is a stereotype also perpetuated by many Hollywood movies, most notably “Meet the Parents,” but this does not mean it is true in any respect. Females in the medical field are generally perceived to be nurses, or if they are higher up in the chain of command, it is sometimes presumed they have slept their way to the top, a perception that is not limited to just the medical field. Such stereotypical female roles also extend to hiring and promotional practices for many larger companies. Men will often be hired over women because they are considered to be the bread-winners nor will they become pregnant and

decide to quit to become stay-at-home moms. Those women who do get hired, especially in the corporate world, have been known to be subjected to sexual harassment by their bosses. Sexual harassment was not taken seriously as a legal issue until the 1980s. The Clarence Thomas hearings played a large part in redefining sexual harassment and pushing it to the forefront of the American consciousness, in large part thanks to Anita Hill, who accused her former employer and Supreme Court nominee of sexual harassment. Her testimony was leaked to the public before the senate confirmations were over, and while she may not have received the justice she deserved, her testimony became the basis for redefining protective laws about sexual harassment and making it easier to report, as well as holding powerful public figures accountable for their actions. Wages are also a sore point for many women. Though great strides have been made to close the wage gap, women still earn on average $0.77 to every dollar that a man makes. This is true even with female executives, single parent households becoming more common. But why is that? Slowly the wage gap is closing as many of the older generation retire, and with them goes the antiquated processes that have long survived in the business world. Discrimination can come in many forms. Under our federal laws it is illegal to discriminate based on age, race, sexual orientation or gender, or disability, but sadly not everyone follows the law. Discrimination can lead to anything from not being hired to being ridiculed or harassed. Sexual harassment is legally defined as “unwelcome verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature that is severe or pervasive and affects working conditions or creates a hostile work environment” (see This type of sex discrimination is unfortunately all too commonplace in many work environments around the world. Luckily there are ways to deal with it. If you have been discriminated against or have seen someone be discriminated against, there is something you can do. The first thing to do is speak to your boss or Human Resources. If the situation is not resolved, contact your corporate office. Legally they are obligated to investigate, and you can even tip them off anonymously if you are afraid of a backlash at your place of employment. The next step is to contact the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) at 800.669.4000. Their staff is equipped to handle all forms of discrimination and will take all pertinent information and let you know if you have a case. If so, they will point you in the right direction.


Stacy Cohen graduated from California State University, Channel Islands with a bachelor’s degree in English. She is currently a freelance writer in her spare time.


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AU G U S T 20 11

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Review Your Goals Excerpt from “Outswimming the Sharks,” by J.H. Hyun


ave you set your goals? What are they for this year? For this week? For today? Are they consistent with how you want to be remembered? Regularly reflect on your goals to make sure they are right for you now and in the future. Remember, you will not reach your intended destination if your life compass is pointing in the wrong direction. Don’t let any of your many sharks distract you from pursuing and reaching your goals. Everyone is given 24 hours a day. This is true regardless of age, gender, social status, educational background, and any other arbitrary classification we can come up with. Yet some people manage to achieve so much more in their lives than others. How do you achieve more in a fi xed, equal amount of time? Forming worthwhile goals and regularly evaluating progress are the first steps. A 1,000 mile journey begins with the first step. In setting goals, be specific and break them down into smaller components you can track on a daily and weekly basis. On a day-to-day and on a weekly basis, develop a habit of making to-do lists. Make a list of your goals and carry it with you at all times. I find this extremely helpful in keeping track of my priorities. I write my daily and weekly goals on a small piece of paper, and I carry it with me in my wallet as a constant reminder of what I need to do. I cross tasks off as I complete them. For monthly and annual goals, I track them on an Excel spreadsheet. It may sound trivial and insignificant, but this approach is quite helpful for me. Since I have started using it, I find myself wasting less time. I once drove from Cardiff, Wales, to a friend’s home in London, England, a distance of approximately 130 miles. This was in the mid-1990s before GPS devices became ubiquitous in rental cars. Many of the roads in the United Kingdom are small and difficult to follow unless you are familiar with the area. Luckily, I had a good old-fashioned map with me, and I found myself referring to it quite often to make sure I was on the right path. Even with the map, I made a few wrong turns along the way and had to make some unintended trip modifications. Although this weekend journey took a mere two and a half hours, it would have been extremely difficult without the clear road map and the constant review of it. Let your goals serve as the road map of your life. Your daily, weekly, and monthly tasks are the turns and decisions you must make to stay on course. Regular review of your goals and tasks is an absolute necessity in reaching your final destination. Once a year, usually in late December or early January, I try to spend one full day alone, without any interruptions, to reflect on the prior year and to plan for the future. For those of you in the corporate world, this is similar in nature to the annual performance reviews. Spending some quiet time by yourself can be extremely valuable in setting or, when needed, resetting your life compass. While I lived in Hong Kong, I used to take a long hike on the Diamondback trail.

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In the United States, I would drive several hours each way to make a quick visit with a friend whom I didn’t get to see very often. During my short stint in Europe, I would find a nice quiet café (surprisingly, there aren’t as many as you might think) and spend most of one day there to reflect on the past 12 months and set goals for the upcoming year. Regularly review your goals. Are they the right ones? Are you making progress? Setting the right goals and habitually reviewing them will help you fight off shark attacks. When a new shark emerges in your life, make sure to review your ultimate goals in order to deal with it correctly. At least once a year, find your own place of comfort and spend time with yourself to reflect, evaluate, and plan. Use this uninterrupted time to make sure you are headed in the right direction in your life and to gauge your progress toward your life goals. It may be the most valuable day of your year. Joong (“Joon”) H. Hyun is the author of Outswimming the Sharks: Overcoming Adversities, Naysayers, and Other Obstacles to Lead a Meaningful Life. For the past two decades, Joong has worked with many global Fortune 500 companies in various capacities. His experiences include working as a Managing Director for an international consultancy, as Vice-President of Global Strategy and Vice-President of Asia Region for a multi-billion dollar US based company. When not traveling for work, he and his wife Kimmy spend most of their time in the bustling Seoul metropolitan area and in the beautiful northern Virginia area just outside of Washington, DC. Outswimming the Sharks is available for purchase through Amazon and major booksellers. Visit

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AU G U S T 20 11

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Nuclear Safety Questioned:

San Diegans Begin a Movement to Shut Down San Onofre by Helen Villines


hat if you had just 15 minutes to evacuate, looking around your apartment or house, trying to quickly decide what you will take? How overwhelmed would you be, knowing you couldn’t return for 10,000 years?” he asks. The Greek fisherman’s hat slides down his forehead, exposing gobs of silver hair as he looks out at the crowd. These are his people, working-class types: big, burly laborers, so tired from work that they only make a meeting every three months or so; single mothers, their children in tow, senior citizens, serious, frowning, the lines of economic insecurity etched in their faces; the disabled in wheelchairs and immigrants chatting in dozens of languages. Rocky Neptun has been the volunteer director of the San Diego Renters Union for almost 10 years and now the members have asked him to run for mayor, not only to bring the issues of rent control and free public transportation into the public debate, but to focus attention on the continuing operation of the nuclear power station at San Onofre, which, in their view, poses a danger to their families. “We have waited for the prominent environmental groups, like the Sierra Club or the Environmental Health Coalition, to act,” Jean Rogers stands and

tells the group, “but there is this eerie silence.” She talks of how incredible it is that many weeks after the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster there was not a mainstream movement here in San Diego to shut down San Onofre. “Just 45 miles from where we gather,” Neptun told the gathering, “is a nuclear power plant with two reactors working and one shut down, storing spent fuel rods, just Nuclear power station at San Onofre like Fukushima. For far too many years we have naively accepted our government’s propaganda that the facility is safe because, in our Faustian bargain for cheap electricity, we have hidden from the truth.” He outlined that there was only a mere 6 feet of concrete which contained the plant’s spent fuel rods in reactor number one and that the building was designed to withstand only a 7.2 earthquake, while the quake in Japan registered 9.0 and was followed by a devastating tsunami. Most geologists agree that Southern California is due for an 8-plus quake. “All it would take is a large earthquake closer to the California coast to generate a tsunami which could hit San Onofre, just a few feet from the ocean, without an effective sea wall,” he said. “Eight and a half million people, including you and me, live within a 50 mile radius of that plant and that is exactly the distance that the United States government advised all US residents to evacuate from the disabled Fukushima facility immediately after the disaster.” “Unit 3 at San Onofre is 27 years old, while Unit 2 is one year older and like an aging 1980s vehicle trudging through Death Valley; they are totally

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“These aging cooling systems, hundreds of miles of pipes and conduits, are all that separate this scorching, churning, gaseous death from our families,” dependent on their cooling systems,” he told the crowd. “My brother-in-law, Jerry Evans, a journeyman plumber, confessed to me just before his fatal heart attack a couple of years ago, how he had carried around the guilt of the faulty and cost-cutting work he had been instructed to do on the Diablo Canyon Nuclear power plant’s cooling pipes in the early 1980s. He spoke of nightmares of nuclear meltdowns and eventually moved his family to Arkansas,” Neptun related. “His words were particularly heartrending because my former lover and I had visited my sister at that time in San Luis Obispo while protesting at the entrance of the facility and had had a Japan’s fukushima daiichi nuclear plant falling out with my brother-inmeltdown after 2011 earthquake law over his work there.” “These aging cooling systems, hundreds of miles of pipes and conduits, are all that separate this scorching, churning, gaseous death from our families,” Neptun told the renters group. “An earthquake, a tsunami, a clever terrorist, or even human error, as at Chernobyl, could be devastating.” He summarized a 2009 report by the New York Academy of Sciences which documented that from the April 1986 Chernobyl disaster until 2005, a total of 125,000 people (soldiers, fireman, guards, cleaning crews) died from direct exposure and another 200,000 people who lived within the fallout area have perished because of their exposure.

“There is [sic] 11 years left on San Onofre’s license, but Southern California Edison is already beginning the process for relicensing this decaying facility by asking rate payers—you and I, since SDG&E owns 20 percent of the plant—to pay for a $64 million white-wash study of earthquake preparedness,” Neptun said. “They are asking for another 20 years to operate but have not come forward with a single plan to dispose of the dangerous, volatile spent fuel rods.” He also told the gathering that the United States currently has 71,862 tons of this nuclear waste and nowhere to effectively store it. He said, “Most of the 104 operating nuclear reactors and all the 15 closed down ones house the spent fuel on site in water-filled cooling ponds or in dry cask storage bins, but these storage holding facilities last a maximum of 100 years—not the necessary 10,000 years.” “What arrogance, what hubris and selfishness we have as a society to push these dangers and lethal consequences of continuing nuclear power off onto future generations, especially since there are alternative energy technologies available like solar, wind power, and the ocean,” Neptun said. “One of the great laws of the Iroquois was that in every deliberation, we must consider the impact on the seventh generation, even if it requires having skin as thick as the bark of pine. So let’s get our act together and ensure a habitable future for our descendants here in our beautiful San Diego region before it’s too late.” Helen Villines is secretary for San Diego Citizens for Nuclear Free Neighborhoods. Visit

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AU G U S T 20 11

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m o d e e r Fea Fr to


ans, nail salons, prostitutes, dirty hotel rooms, passports, Internet postings, advertisements. This is a list of things we see every day. I hope here to motivate you towards revolution by illustrating a vivid and horrifying picture of the things we don’t— abduction, forced labor, coercion, rape, enslavement, and deceit. After speaking with Phil Cenedella, an advocate for the victims of human trafficking, I was able to establish a clear connection between the things we think we see and the terror that lies behind closed doors. Prior to this interview, I was included in a group of Americans who believe that human trafficking is an issue exclusive to other countries. Well, to those of you reading this who thought like I did, I assure you that unfortunately we were wrong. Human trafficking is the use of threat, violence, or coercion by one person to force another into performing unlawful deeds in order to yield a profit. It’s happening in plenty of major cities throughout the United States to plenty of innocent people, and it is rampant in variety of forms. It is common for traffickers to falsely advertise career opportunities to foreigners that require them to move to America. Once they arrive, their passports are confiscated by the traffickers and they are forced into performing manual labor or sexual acts to make a profit for the trafficker. Whether they are physically or psychologically convinced to keep quiet, they are being held against their will. Other traffickers will approach young runaways in an unmarked van by slowing down on the side of the road, abducting them or luring them in by promising them love, protection, and nice things. Before these victims know it, they’re trapped with no escape. It’s a common mentality in middle-class America to believe people chose their profession, even in the case of prostitution. It less frequently occurs to us that someone may be forced into a certain line of work. For example, some may be sweating and slaving away for hours on end in a nail salon or warehouse without pay, threatened out of so much as thinking of escape. In some cases, days are fueled by the fear of being beaten when you fail to bring in revenue through the sacrifice of your own body against your will. Not everyone has been given a choice. Just because this form of slavery may not be as apparent as other forms once were, does not make it any less pressing of an issue. A specific case that Phil and I discussed briefly is a huge effort of the advocates for the victims of human trafficking, freeing a survivor, Sara Kruzan, from prison. As a minor, she was convicted of murdering her pimp, a man who was taking complete advantage of her and abusing her for his personal profit. These circumstances have been overlooked, as have many cases of human trafficking throughout America. In collaboration with the other advocates, Phil Cenedella presents the urgency of sparking change and moves potential advocates to action in this devastating but inspirational interview. Vision Magazine: Most cases I reviewed on your site pertain to human trafficking for sex purposes. I was wondering if you’ve encountered any other reasons for human trafficking besides sex, and if so, what are they? V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E

by Erin Tagan

Phil Cenedella: Whether it’s forcing someone to have sex or forcing someone to work 18 hours a day, seven days a week, without pay, with the threat of or actual violence, human trafficking is the same thing. It really comes down to the lowest common denominator—can someone say, “I quit,” walk out the door with no repercussions, other than legal, lawsuits or whatever. I’m working with a fellow advocate to get this lady out of a forced labor situation. She can’t stay in the state she’s in, so advocates here in California are going to assist her with shelter or services. That is the seriousness of the issue; it doesn’t matter if it’s a man or woman, US citizen or foreign[er], human trafficking is rampant in the US. People are just starting to wake up—exactly the same way they did in the ’50s and ’60s—against domestic abuse against women by husbands and boyfriends. So the shelter, services, and support that are available today for victims of domestic violence—it took 40 years to get to this point. Right now, as far as human trafficking goes, we’re in the ’50s. If a person is a victim for 10-15 years, [the problem is] being raised by people like you, putting themselves in the position of, life is good but here’s a serious problem. The most serious problem in America today besides the economy is the enslavement of a human being. [I’m] not sure of exact numbers, [but] 50-100 or more Thailand national men trying to get a better life were hired by a company in Beverly Hills, California. [The company said,] come work on a farm, number two largest in Hawaii, come make us money, have fun on the weekends. [The men] got to Hawaii [at the Aloun Farm] and were forced to live in a shipping container, far away from other people. If they got away, [the men received] threats against their families back in their homelands. This is typical, whether sex or labor; people are coerced in one way, shape, or form and then forced and threatened to keep doing what they’re doing for little or no pay. The company is currently under investigation and the two owners have already been convicted of human trafficking. VM: Do you think that our city being so close to the border of Mexico plays an enormous part in why human trafficking is happening right here in San Diego? PC: Correct, but when you go to Dayton, Ohio, they have other reasons why it’s a huge problem. When you go to Oklahoma, it’s different. VM: So as far as how the victim gets in contact with you, or generally how you find out about it, would it be an outsider that notices the situation calling you and telling you it doesn’t seem right, or is it the victim himself or herself that calls? PC: [The calls are] not happening enough but I’ve only been in the fight for four years and it has turned 180 degrees. Four years ago when I told my mom and brothers, “There’s this human trafficking slavery thing, and I’m doing some crazy stuff to help,” they said, “You’re crazy. Slavery stopped in 1850.” It’s either kidnapping or prostitution or other social issues again, but when you really pull the cover off, it is people selling people for money. The thing your article can do to help us is to raise awareness that slavery unfortunately didn’t end in 1850. People are walking around in chains, with guns pointed to their heads. VM: How long ago was Sara Kruzan’s case?


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f e a t u r e PC: 16 years ago. VM: And so she’s 30? PC: 31. VM: And she’s still incarcerated? PC: Yes. And this is what I do: I point people out [to the Assistant Attorney General for the state of California] who are either directly or indirectly involved in the fight; his name is James Flaherty. The nuance with him is, by the end of this month the California State Supreme Court should be reviewing Sara Kruzan’s case. It’s been delayed two or three times. But we’re raising hell and hopefully getting some attention so people aren’t just going to write this off as standard. Flaherty has been directed by the California State Supreme Court to review Sara’s case as it relates to intimate partner battery. So we’re trying to get Sara Kruzan out of prison and have her be the keynote speaker at the National Convention of Human Trafficking Victim Advocates in La Jolla in November. Sixteen years ago no one knew what human trafficking was, including the judge, prosecutor, defense attorney, and the jury. If you put the jury together today, at least 50 percent would understand human trafficking does happen, it’s real. She wasn’t just trying to be a jerk. That would have some involvement [in] how the jury would find her—guilty or innocent. It played zero percent in her trial and she’s sitting in jail. VM: You mentioned you hope to have her there. As far as the other speakers, is it going to be victims or just advocates? PC: Advocates and some survivors. For example, if you go to my site and click “ANGEL,” you’ll see the story of Theresa Flores, a friend of mine from Columbus, Ohio. Twenty to twenty-five years ago, she was a 16-year-old high school student in Detroit when she moved from a small farm community. She went from 50 kids in her school to 1,500 in her class. She’s a perfect example of who the association is here to help. She got screwed for two years by high school kids who pimped her out, forced her to do it, used psychological coercion, etc. They killed her dog just to prove a point. She didn’t know what that was; she didn’t think anyone else had had problems. She sat on it for 20 years. She was at a conference and heard someone talk about human trafficking, figured out that’s what happened to her. And now for the last four years she’s kicking ass, she’s starting a shelter, travels around the country talking to groups. They have a movie about her life that is in pre-production. She has a campaign called SOAP [Save Our Adolescents from Prostitution]. Her attackers left her in the hotel with no clothes, no sheets, nothing but a bar of soap. Now she has bars of soap with the human trafficking hotline number on it, trying to get them into hotels. She is the epitome of what the association is about—it’s advocates for people who have little or no one interested in them and the survivors who know how it feels to be in that situation. The issue is the travel of advocates to the convention—we need sponsors. The convention is a meeting for professionals; these people are directly, today, working with victims, professionals, peer-to-peer. It’s a challenge to get them here, so I’m asking companies, high net worth individuals, people who give a damn, to help donate. We’re not quitting because of money, but hopefully we’ll get some people who start understanding, hey, there [are] people helping the victims, how can I help? There are only 40 beds in America for these victims. VM: I was curious if you have an opinion on how this could be happening in present day society. We have a pretty thorough structure as far as law enforcement here in America, as opposed to some other countries. PC: Here’s the point. One year ago, Ohio did not have a law against human trafficking. I was involved in the Dayton Human Trafficking Accord. A year and a half ago we had about 50 advocates, professionals in the field. And hundreds of the general public [are] involved in this conference. As a direct or indirect result of that conference, it mobilized a bunch of people to do something about human trafficking. The students at the University of Dayton established a new abolitionist movement. They worked with Theresa Flores, who went to the Ohio State V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E

Government with their cause, and right before Christmas, it was unanimously decided that they needed a law against human trafficking and within two months had one. In Centerville, Ohio, a bunch of laborers were forced to work in hair salons; the traffickers (and manager of the hair salon) were put in jail. Other cases have occurred in the last seven months. In Ohio, they didn’t know what was up. Now they do and they’re acting on it. In San Diego, San Jose, Oklahoma, Tennessee, to different degrees people are aware of the problem. In New York, every underage “prostitute” or person involved in the sex trade is defined as a trafficking victim. That’s where the advocates come in—now that we’ve rescued this victim, who’s helping them? VM: So the main focus of the convention in November is to provide help to victims? PC: There are three main goals of the forum and they are as follows. [One is a] sense of community and sharing of best practices amongst fellow advocates. Honestly, this is the first time it’s not purely informative. We’re coming together with a common cause—help the victims of human trafficking—to make a difference. [Second is] grant and investment forum. Obviously money, partnerships, and collaboration are necessary. The forum is a mechanism or a platform for the advocates to say, here’s who we are, what we do, what we need. Hopefully people can watch it online and partner up with advocates and survivors. We have to go beyond raising awareness and get money toward the cause. [Third is] foraging or creating the La Jolla Human Trafficking Accord. This is a document from advocates, by advocates, to society—we need advocates to know what we really need [and] how to help. Here in SD they have a house— Susan Munsey “Generate Hope” house—[and] they’re trying to get electricity, etc. [More info at] The other group in SD is the Bilateral Safety Corridor Coalition. The woman behind it is Marisa Ugarte. VM: Is the forum open to anyone who wants to go? PC: It’s mostly geared toward professionals in the field or folks who are interested in being actively involved in fighting human trafficking. The Friday session would be the most appropriate time for advocates reading this article to go. VM: How do you think we could better identify if something’s wrong or better encourage victims to come forward? PC: She (Therese Flores) thought she was the only person this was happening to. continued on page 44


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The Return of Bhakti Fest by Daphne Carpenter


t’s been called the Spiritual Woodstock of the Decade, and it’s back! On September 8, 2011, thousands will converge under the sun in Joshua Tree for the explosion of four days of uninterrupted kirtan and yoga. The mission of Bhakti Fest is simple: “to express our love and devotion as one community through an enchanting array of activities.” So it’s time to pack up the car and head out to the desert for some natural healing. Now in its third year, Bhakti Fest is gaining significant momentum. With featured kirtan artists like Jai Uttal, Krishna Das, Donna de Lory, Wah!, MC Yogi, Larisa Stow and Shakti Tribe, The Mayapuris, and more (the list is endless!), you’re bound to fall in love with something new! The steady flow of live devotional music streams day and night, and the stage is literally never empty. Here are some of the highlights of this summer’s Bhakti Fest: Jai Uttal, beloved kirtan artist who spent time in India recently, will be back on the main stage, and we’re looking forward to hearing songs from his newest album, “Bhakti Bazaar.” I’ve checked it out. It has all the aspects characteristic of Jai Uttal—thoughtfulness, carefully orchestrated sequencing and musical composition, and a deep sense that Jai is an open vessel for high vibrational sound to flow through. But with this album, we go even further on a mystical journey. We travel through unknown lands with adventurous abandon and encounter elements of reggae, rock ballads, and classical music. “We took some beats and grooves and simply wandered. No rules, no formulas except following our feelings,” says Jai. The sensual electric guitar solo in “Rama Bolo” reacquaints us with our youthful inner rebel. “Making an album is a journey across mountains and valleys of moods and emotions,” he writes in his blog. And what about Jai’s reflections on Bhakti Yoga? “Bhakti Yoga brings us into the world of mystery, a realm where the dissecting, discerning qualities of the intellect are powerless next to the vast ocean of feelings…we weep, laugh, cry, sing and dance with our Beloved.” For this month’s theme of Vision Magazine, theme Tactical Skirmishes, I racked my brain beyond the point of comprehension trying to figure out how to tie this article into it. But it finally came to me! While looking at the line-up of yoga instructors at Bhakti Fest this year, I was happy to see somebody on there whose thoughts and words sparked profound thoughts in me recently—Sara Ivanhoe, who recently wrote about how to “help ease your transition into a [yoga] class when you are late, and maximize the time when you are there.” If you’re a yoga asana practitioner (who practices in a studio with others) you might have experienced “the interruption”—someone walking in, not-so-quietly during opening meditation, or packing up and leaving right during savasana while you’re trying to zone in or zone out (I know, I’m guilty of doing it, too, hence my interpretation of a “Modem Tactical Skirmish”). Can’t that be distracting? In a recent article for LA Yoga Magazine, Ivanhoe wrote, “No matter how quiet you think you may be, everyone can hear you, and they won’t be able to focus until you are settled,” she says. V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E

Even though we strive to be able to meditate through distractions, sometimes we can’t help but get annoyed by that wanderer in the yoga shala, right? “If you accidentally enter during the meditation, please do not wander around looking for a spot and then unroll your mat, put down your bag, and organize your space. Walk in the door and immediately sit down and become as still and quiet as possible,” she says. “Once there is an appropriate moment when everyone is getting up, then find an appropriate practice space.” Beautifully said, I totally agree. These words turned me on to Sara Ivanhoe, who has been teaching yoga at Yoga Works in Santa Monica since 1995. She’ll be bringing a wealth of knowledge to the festival, I’m sure. Once again, Bhakti Fest welcomes MC Yogi to the stage and to the yoga space. The NY Times called his performance at the Wanderlust Festival in Lake Tahoe, “over-the-top.” Who is MC Yogi? If you don’t know, you might have heard some of his songs on a playlist in a yoga class, recanting epic tales from the Ramayana and the Upanishads, or about the life of young Gandhi, or about how “Ganesh is Fresh,” for example, in a manner that speaks to the city yogi and has a way of elevating the vibe at a festival. Hip-hop culture was part of MC Yogi’s life from an early age. He says it provided a soundtrack and a creative outlet for him. “It’s in my DNA,” he laughs. As a teenager, he spent time at a reform school for at-risk youth. “I was sort of a juvenile delinquent,” he says. “It’s through the grace of yoga that I’m still here.” After encountering yoga at age 18, he temporarily pushed hip-hop to the side to pursue the teachings. “Sometimes in life we need to just destroy everything and start fresh, and yoga reminds us of that all the time. When we go into savasana, we let it all go, then we come back renewed, re-energized,” he told Antonio Sausys, the host of YogiViews television. Although MC Yogi’s practice led him to kirtan and chanting, it didn’t shake his love for hip-hop. “[Hip-hop is] a great method to transmit the teachings—a great tool to tell the stories, because one of the powerful things about hip-hop is you can communicate so much information, in such a short period of time,” he says. The artist, who beatboxes over mantra and takes urban yoga to the next level, makes the comparison between the rhythmic way words and emotion are delivered in rapping, to the storytelling style of ancient Indian scriptures. “When they chant they get into a trance, there’s a rhythm, just like in hip-hop.” In developing his style, MC Yogi noticed how “the two worlds easily collided and integrated.” He says, “Yoga is the joining of opposites. We can take two things that don’t necessarily make sense together, and we can harmonize and marry them. There’s a beautiful synergy there.” At Bhakti Fest there are two music stages, a healing sanctuary, multiple rooms and outdoor spaces for yoga asana, a place to get wet, DJ’s set-up, little pathways where you might stumble upon a spontaneous kirtan session, happy-faced Hari Krishnas dancing ecstatically under the sun and stars (as well as everyone else!), city folk raising their vibrations, beautiful children running around with messy


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4 Days of Kirtan, Yoga, Workshops and Loving Community. hair. At this festival you can’t help but feel liberated and festive, even if you’ve never experienced kirtan. Fans of Krishna Das will be happy to know that he’ll be performing on stage and doing a workshop on the Heart of Devotion. You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and engage in dialogue. The session will include chanting with musical accompaniment, storytelling, readings from spiritual traditions, teachings, and discussions about life and the spiritual path. On the subject of Bhakti, Govindas and Radha, the founders of the Bhakti Yoga Shala in Santa Monica—an eco-conscious donation-based yoga studio—will be there. Last year they brought their newborn baby to the desert and lead asana and performed—Radha was busy. I caught their class in the outdoor yoga area. Radha’s angelic voice was the perfect accompaniment to the flow session. It seemed to echo off into the warm air and both encompass and embrace the space. “When I’m chanting it’s all an offering of devotion to the divine, the divine within myself, the divine within everything, connecting to the Oneness,” she says. Govindas led us through an attentive and kind-hearted sequence of “Bhakti Flow.” The two have interesting stories about how they found yoga; Radha, who is from from Australia, visited her first Hindu temples on vacation in Bali as a child with her parents. “One year when we were there, I fell in love with a poster of Saraswati. My parents bought it for me and when we returned home I immediately put the poster on my wall. Years later I learned that Saraswati is the goddess of knowledge, music, dance, and the arts. As I look back, it feels as though her presence was blessing my path, and surely continues to.” Govindas says he found yoga “much later…I was into sports and skateboarding.” After graduating from the University of Maryland, he moved to LA and an illness led him to seek out yoga. “I was 27 years old and was really struggling with my health,” he says. “The kirtan and bhakti helped to awaken my faith and gave me a yogic perspective to connect with God. The chanting gives us the opportunity to call out to Spirit, to connect with the Source on a deeper level than just the physical.” The chemistry between this dynamic pair is an inspiration of love. “When Govindas and I came together, it all felt so natural—the mantras, the blending of our music, [our] voices and hearts,” says Radha. “The practice of kirtan is a huge part of our relationship and one of the many beautiful ways that we connect with each other.” Also on hand at the Bhakti Fest this summer, to tend to your aches and pains, as a “selfless self-service,” will be some seva practitioners, not asking for monetary compensation (as well as professionals providing service as hired work). Ryan Seaman will be providing “transformational bodywork” that’s infused with elements of astrology. “Whatever you’re ready to let go of, be it physical, metaphysical, emotional or past life—I humbly offer my services,” he says. Another seva practitioner is Tiffany Hume, who specializes in craniosacral and deep tissue therapy. She’ll be there to realign and balance your body, and to “facilitate the healing of old injuries and blockages in the tissues and spine.” If you’re unfamiliar with the concept of seva, here are some words in a language

Just some of the yoga teachers this year at Bhaktifest V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E

f e a t u r e that might make sense to you: volunteer work, or, for free. But more profoundly, seva is “compassionate action.” According to Ram Dass’ Seva Foundation, “To be fully human, we must translate our compassion and concern into useful service.” You could say that seva is a part of Bhakti yoga, meaning “devotion.” (By the way, a substantial portion of the profits from Bhakti Fest will go to charities like the Seva Foundation, and many others.) Have you ever heard a performance of Tibetan bowls? It’s a kind of sound healing where one can let go of any concept or expectation of “music” and just ride the waves of vibration. Tibetan bowl musician Damien Rose returns to Bhakti Fest for his third annual performance. He says he first discovered the Tibetan bowls when he picked up a hitchhiker in Northern California after graduating from law school, on his way to become a lawyer. Upon dropping the hitchhiker off, he was invited in. It was there where he first encountered “a vast array of ancient bowls set up in the living room.” After hearing and feeling the sounds of the live bowls, Rose’s life took a new direction. Since then, he says, he’s devoted his life to “working with sound vibration as a revealing and healing source of spiritual experience.” Here’s a sneak peek at some of the workshops at Bhakti Fest this year: HoopGirl Christabel Zamor brings her childhood love of hoopdance to Joshua Tree. Her Sensual Saturation workshop will amplify one’s “sensual awareness!” This flow art is a moving meditation that builds core strength, tones the body, calms the mind, increases circulation, and boosts the libido, says Christabel. Bring a hoop if you have one, or they’ll be provided. Joey Lugassy will discuss the simple message of “stillness,” and talk about how to release attachments to the symbols, only to revisit them “with a lighter touch” as “doorways to relevant selfdiscovery.” And for sound healing, Marla Leigh presents a hands-on workshop on The Ecstasy of Rhythm and Drumming, using international traditional rhythms and a Sufi-inspired trance-dance drumming ritual. Bring a drum if you have one. Philippo Franchini will talk about musical alchemy and how “creation is vibration.” He’ll elaborate on how sound waves affect the brain, emotions and the body’s cellular chemistry. And for the artist looking for “keys” to the soul,” Paul Heussenstamm will be leading a mandala workshop. And finally (although not limited to) one of my favorite speakers and writers, Dr. Lorin Roche, whom I mistakenly referred to as “she” in my last article (big public apology, Dr. Roche!) will be discussing the Radiance Sutras—the “Vijnana Bhairava Tantra,” a classic text describing 112 yogas for “touching the sacred right here, right now, in the midst of daily life.” The practices include mudra, pranayama, mantra, and dhyana (meditation). The sun always shines at Bhakti Fest, and you and the star-splattered sky at night seem to blend together as one (at least that’s how I felt last year). There’s something for everyone there. And if you’re one of those people who feels intimidated by being around so many happy people everywhere, jubilantly embracing whatever life throws at them, well, don’t be. On the contrary, the infectious good vibes will reach your heart. And Bhakti Fest isn’t a religious festival (although one is free to practice their religion there openly). It’s the coming together of humanity, a space where one can raise their vibration and the things around them by thinking happy thoughts, caring for the body, and, as kirtan artists would say, “by chanting the [perceived] names of the Divine,” rhythmically. Volunteer opportunities are available. See you there! The upcoming Bhakti Fest will be held September 8-11 at the Joshua Tree Retreat Center. For more information, please visit Daphne Carpenter can be reached at and at http://


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I Am Totality

Modern Manifestation Practicum


by Linda Berry

ohn Abe has brought his business of service, “I Am Totality (IAT) Transformational Coaching,” to the San Diego area. His philosophy reflects the first five Laws of the Universe and the complete story of life. He sums it up well on his web site when he describes his philosophy: “As One All-person, instead of trying to remove blocks to whatever you want, you do nothing to get everything done.” John’s journey of knowledge and inner truth led him to writing the IAT philosophy began during college in the 1970s. Subjected to some radical new ideas, he found himself exploring personal transformation and investigating selfawareness which further led him to join a cult-like group under the direction of a guru. The experience was good in the beginning, but he quickly found the message and the group uninspiring. Realizing his only option was to look inside of himself for the answers brought forth the process in which his IAT ideals were born. According to Abe, one major difference in IAT Transformational Coaching as opposed to other popular coaching techniques is, “Coaches generally validate personal events that work and then they call that getting in touch with your true self. Through behavioral remedies they get you to perform successfully. In contrast, I have you act on the simple fact of your totality so that you naturally

perform as One All-person.” Another unique feature of Abe’s coaching program is that his IAT Messenger Guides are channeling it through him. While this may or may not suit everyone, Abe explains it as a balanced learning opportunity between coach and client with the help of a guide. His Web site is touted as a total philosophy site. It is packed with in-depth information explaining the IAT philosophy and is creatively accessorized with diagrams, visual aids, and colorfully written narrations to help facilitate easy understanding of the material. It is designed to be used as a handbook and read many times over. The text is an accumulation of many years of observation and searching. Abe is firm in his conviction that his philosophy follows no one religion, science, or beliefs. Rather, he gives the learner clear and logical insights coupled with practical instructions that merge with your daily life. He believes that when you accept these ancient Universal Laws as your mindset, he can show you how to build your life by order, create harmony in your environment, and refrain from making harmful choices. The primary focus for the business is one of a global presence rather than a local one. John has adopted a full-time RV lifestyle so that he can share his insights and teachings with groups of like-minded individuals across the country. One way he enjoys connecting with people is through his IAT MeetUp group. These meetings are not meant to take the place of one’s introductory learning of the five Universal Laws. Instead, Abe prefers that followers are familiar with the web site contents before attending a physical MeetUp. He envisions these meeting times as a way to create an intimate group setting for followers of the totality platform, which allows all aspects of the totality philosophy to be discussed in greater detail. (In order to attend a MeetUp group, please go to to access the current date, time, and location of the group session.) In the future, a dedicated YouTube channel will hold introductory videos which the novice will use to acclimate himself initially to IAT philosophy. In this way, those attending group meetings will all have a wellrounded basic understanding of the first five Universal Laws and the complete story of life. If you are interested in learning more about John Abe and the I Am Totality Personal Transformation Coaching, please go to his Web site at You may contact John by e-mail at or by calling him at 800.584.1640.



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Sharing the Love of the World

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by Julie Klutinoty


t is here, you know. It is that time of life that we have all been waiting for. What time is that? The Age of Aquarius. It is upon us. Now we are being ruled by Aquarius. And that means it is time to love. To love one another as if they were truly our brother or sister. And as the planet Earth becomes deeper entrenched in the energy of Aquarius, so too will mankind. Whether you are feeling the effects directly or not, it is happening now. There is a shift taking place on the planet that is unprecedented. And as the year 2012 approaches, the energy that Aquarius brings will grow stronger and stronger. Random acts of Love and Kindness will be a daily occurrence all around the world. It is no surprise to many that we are heading into a very unique time on the planet Earth, a time where history will repeat itself in some ways, while breaking new ground in other ways. This is the time most of us have been waiting for. There are some who are not sure if they want to participate. Why? Because they are living in the past. There are those who have not yet awakened. But they will have an opportunity to make a conscious choice about whether or not they will be coming along for the ride. What ride? The ride to “life ever after.” This is where the planet and humanity are headed in the year 2012. It is when the earth’s solar cycle will shift completely into a lunar cycle. And what this means to those who have awakened is that there will be an abundance of peace and love from one end of the planet to the other. It is no secret about what is to come. Those who have been awake are knowing—


and those who have recently awakened are learning—that the time has come for the hearts of mankind to open, and all of mankind will be embraced with brotherly love. It seems like a dream, doesn’t it—something so unique and blissful coming forward through what is happening on the planet today? And that is why the solar cycle of the earth was meant to allow for the evolution of mankind to bring the planet and civilization beyond the tipping point, beyond the realm of normalcy. Mankind has come so far in many ways, and yet it remains in the past in others. Acting out in ways that resemble warlike attitudes and combative behavior is demonstrative of mankind’s past in more ways than one. Why? Because mankind has evolved out of the fight for survival. Day-to-day living for early man was, indeed, a battle—for everyone. And, as life evolved, the men of the tribe would be the hunters, the killers. It was their innate ability to strategize how they would get their next meal. How would they provide for their family? Over time, as man continued to evolve, his daily demands began to shift. The fight and struggle to survive was diminishing and automation began to ease the burden that once consumed all of mankind. Though wars broke out every few years, man’s instinct to fight to survive was still inherent. Through time, the details of man’s life on the outside had changed significantly, but what still remains on the inside is the hardwiring to fight for survival. It is what mankind continued on page 46


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Attachment—At What Cost? by Sarah Liddle


ave you ever been so emotionally attached to someone that they consume your entire life of thoughts, feelings, and actions? Have you ever allowed the one you love to make the decisions in your life for you? Have you been so deeply in love with someone that you would do anything and everything in your power to please them? Our world is feeding us unhealthy beliefs, values, and aspirations towards the kind of relationship that we should have with our partner. Certainly a level of attachment, resistance, and judgment can serve us and work in our favor. However, do we really need to go over the top and immerse ourselves into it? That might be what you think you want, but really is it what you want? You might think that being overly attached to your loved one is a valuable and good state to be in. Honestly, is over-attachment to anything healthy? Many of us know how to be in a state of attachment, resistance, and judgment with our partners. Where in your life do you demonstrate those attributes? Do you know what the opposite of attachment, resistance, and judgment is? Nonresistance, non-attachment, and non-judgment are the equal opposites. Where in your life do you demonstrate those attributes? Either you are attached to someone or non-attached. Non-attachment does not have to imply something bad; it can imply something healthy if you let it. I must admit I am the first one to be overly attached to someone or something. Particularly, someone. Over-attachment implies neediness and neediness implies powerlessness. We are not powerless individuals. We are powerful individuals, but just as I have done, you might be acting in a powerless state also. Powerful is what we are, but sometimes we forget just how much so. If we have personal power, why do we search for our power in another? It is only when you do not recognize the power within yourself do you give it to another by becoming overly attached. There was a man that I dated for a long year and throughout that entire year, I gave him my power. My intuition could see it coming and throughout the entire year I tried breaking up with him. However, because I was highly emotional I found it hard to fully let go of him. I was scared that I would hurt him. The


attachment did not come on in one big burst; it came on in short sporadic bursts. It started with a thought here and there about losing him to other women. It then grew to thinking about how I could keep him happy within our relationship so that he would not stray, which eventually led me to giving up my entire life to honor him. I can’t remember the last time he honored me within the relationship. Looking back, it is irrelevant. I became so attached that I lost the people that I truly loved and who loved me unconditionally. In the end, I hurt myself and those people that I truly loved. No amount of tears could cry away the pain that I felt when we split up, the pain that I felt from giving up my false sense of attachment that really was all in my head. I lost all sense of my power when I was with him. I was blinded by something so fake, so


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false that I made real within me. However, was it real? Far from it. The love I had was the love that I wanted to have, and although it did not happen with him, I tried to make it happen within my head. Trying implies hope and hope implies that something is not going to happen. I hoped for over a year that our relationship would change. It never changed, he was not going to change, and I had changed so much that nothing I ever could do would change the way that the relationship was. If I had gone about the relationship differently I would have added the substance of nonattachment into my mind. My partner did nothing wrong, he did not force me to give up my power, he did not force me to become overly attached to him. It was all in my head and all in my heart that led myself into believing it was something that it was not. If I had a choice instead to believe in a loving relationship with no strings attached, I would choose this over strings attached. It’s a challenging concept to face because the media makes out that we should be attached, married, tied down with a mortgage, that we should decide what the relationship should be instead of allowing it to unfold naturally. We have created mechanical relationships. We are attached too much, so much that we lose ourselves and our power in it. I wish I could go back to savor some

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you are attached to someone “Either or non-attached. Non-attachment


does not have to imply something bad; it can imply something healthy if you let it.

memories within this relationship but I cannot. I wish I could go back and live in the relationship moment by moment, enjoying it for what it is, not what I wanted it to be. Unfortunately, the relationship crashed at shore. I had to start over again since I lost everything in my life because I was over-attached to someone. I had lost my personal power and I had to get it back again. I was trying to live the dream of what the world wants us to have: the perfect relationship. The world does not tell you how much you truly must sacrifice in order to create their so-called view of a perfect relationship. There is no perfect relationship. I know this now, so you, too, should know this. So why are you trying to create a perfect relationship? You are killing your personal power and life in the process. Realize that a lasting relationship comes from placing no expectations on the other, no judgment and criticism, and no attachment. Next time you catch yourself thinking continuously about the one that you love, stop and ask yourself just what you are truly attaching yourself to—a false conceptualization of what you would like the relationship to be like, or the real thing? You are not making the relationship organic; you are making it into something mechanical. You can live without your partner, but you cannot live without your power. The minute it goes, your life force goes. Do not give in to attachment, give in to non-attachment and the world will bless you with a truly fulfilling and fresh relationship. Sarah Liddle is a certified professional coach, wellness teacher, healer and writer. She is the founder and director for the International College of Wellness Coaches. She has written for Succeed Magazine, Inner Self, The Art of Healing and Insight Magazine. Contact her at


AU G U S T 20 11

h o l i s t i c

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Dovid Krafchow’s “2012 and the Cabala” review by Shannon Nies


ith the year 2011 already more than halfway over, many people are preparing for whatever they believe will happen in the year 2012. There are many interpretations and perspectives of what 2012 will hold for us—the end of days (and for some, this could mean the end of the world), a positive cultural shift across the globe, absolutely no change—and Dovid Krafchow gives his own unique perspective, which he outlines in his book, “2012 and the Cabala.” In his book, Krafchow answers questions about 2012 and the “End of Days,” according to his study of the Cabala, along with three significant calendars— Hebrew, Mayan, and Roman. He shows how all three intersect and coincide at different points in time, beginning his explanation with the Time Line which he includes at the beginning of “2012 and the Cabala.” Krafchow follows the Time Line with five main sections of text: Time; The Past; God Time; The Present; and The Future. Krafchow also offers a fascinating look into gematria, a method of interpreting Hebrew text by calculating numeric values of words. For instance, Krafchow explains that the number 26645 is made up by the four-letter name of God, YHVH, which holds a numeric value of 26, the term Adom/Human (45) and the Six Days of Creation, which is “prototype to a 1000 years of history” (6). Krafchow

explains this gematria and the number 26645’s significance further saying, “This mathematical code enables those interested to exceed the speed of light and travel into the heavens.” He offers up other significant numbers throughout his text, and shows, through mathematics, how Jewish mysticism and science often come together, bringing up such topics as the speed of light and pi. At the end of the book, Krafchow provides a thorough glossary which is especially useful for readers who are unfamiliar with the Cabala and the Hebrew language. Readers can find words such as Di/Enough (“The Supernal Command reducing illumination down to the speed of light”) and Moshiach/Oil Pourer (“Destined to bring a new light to the world by continued on page 46

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AU G U S T 20 11

“Peaceful Warrior ” continued from page 6

Portland at, it’s really a matter of what moves you the most. Everywhere you look, if it’s with a critical, analytical, justice-centered lens, you’ll see modern tactical skirmishes across a diversity of fronts. When it’s about the end of nuclear development and halt to war, when it’s about the right for all people to marry their loved ones regardless of sexuality, when it’s about respecting cultural diversity, and some in-the-box mentality is shaken, or someone will make less profits than they are used to, skirmishes will exist. In the conscious community, whatever it is, passivity can only do so much. So be the warrior, the peaceful, just, and sustainable warrior. Honor what speaks to you most. Lend a hand to Food Not Bombs, Save the Peaks, Ban the Bag, and, and put forth the energy you can so that perhaps the generations that come after us won’t have to. Brennan Lagasse is a writer and environmental consultant living in Lake Tahoe, CA. He is also the backcountry reporter for Unofficial Networks, www.unofficialnetworks. com. Brennan can be reached at “Child Sex Workers in Brazil” continued from page 17

and right in the eyes, feeling them out, as if waiting for her intuition to step in and tell her whether to accept or deny the solicitation. “They’re not all good,” she said, after turning away a stalky French man in his forties. “Some of them like to do things that hurt. And I’m not that desperate. I work 10-12 hours a day cleaning windows, and that [little] money really helps out.” Rosa was friendly and charismatic, but you could tell that she’s witnessed and endured strong violence on the streets of Ponta Negra beach (where, outside the red-light district, long stretches of paradisiacal beaches might deceive the ordinary traveler or tourist). The scar on the left side of her forehead was the result of a drunk Brazilian man who only wanted anal sex. Rosa had a stomach ache and told him, “No, only vaginal.” The man became aggressive and began to slam her head into the wall, until the hotel receptionist came in and stopped it. “He could have killed me, but I don’t think God would let that happen to me.” Help groups and even non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) that support sex workers in Brazil are becoming more visible. Davida, based in Rio de Janeiro, is an NGO that promotes the civil rights and health of prostitutes. (The group even has its own fashion line, Daspu.) According to their mission statement, Davida hopes to “acquire the best conditions of work and quality of life for sex professionals” as well as “denounce and confront the stigma, prejudice and discrimination against sex professionals,” while also reducing their vulnerabilities. In an industry that doesn’t appear to be diminishing any time soon (it is often called the “oldest profession”), support groups created for sex workers, often by sex workers, are often the few places that provide necessary educational tools needed to help limit the proliferation of sexual disease and abuse. Most of the girls in this situation have similar dreams; they’ll find a wealthy gringo who will fall in love with them and take them away from “this life.” But the stark reality is, these sexually exploited children are just that—exploited. Recent efforts to eradicate (or more, limit) sex tourism in Natal, on behalf of the local government, are encouraging. And the mayor has set up a confidential hotline that people can call if they notice a tourist acting suspiciously with children. But with an estimated 500,000 child sex workers in Brazil, the South American country known for its beautiful people, endless tropical beaches, samba and street culture, has a long way to go to improve the social infrastructure which often keeps these children enslaved.




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Daphne Carpenter can be reached at and at http:// V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


AU G U S T 20 11

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“WINERY” continued from page 7


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When it comes to watering, the drip irrigation systems allows the Hargetts to conserve water, which keeps the soil dry, but gives the vines everything they need. “We want to water them as little as possible,” Michael says. “We don’t want to stress them too much, but we don’t want them getting too much water.” Being in a remote area, the Hargetts built a well 1,000 feet underground. The well is concrete and steel, since their last one burned down in the Cedar Fire. “It’s mineral and it tastes delicious,” Kim says about the water. “In fact, some people ask us to bottle our water so they can buy it.” This watering technique has become more popular throughout the years, but some vineyards still use sprinkler systems. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, drip irrigation systems use between 20 to 50 percent less water than conventional in-ground sprinkler systems. They are also much more efficient than conventional sprinklers because water is not lost to wind, runoff, and evaporation. Another aspect that sets Mahogany Mountain Vineyard and Winery apart and provides a healthy organic growth is the untouched soil. “The soil is so pure. There is nothing in the soil except the vegetation,” Kim explains. “Also, after the fire, the ashes made the soil more nutritious, so we don’t have to put fertilizer in there.” Michael added that all of the soil was washed down through the valley— soil that was naturally rich in nutrients. “We had our soil tested and nothing needs to be added,” says Kim. Going with the terrain, the Hargetts had no need to displace any soil. The vineyards move with the land, giving it a beautiful organic feel. Letting the vines grow naturally, with minimal pruning, also adds to the aesthetic and more natural growth of the vineyards. “Some, like in Napa, grow where you are constantly cutting and pruning the vine,” Michael says. “We let the vines grow naturally and we trim some, but not a lot.” The Hargetts are lucky in that they have had minimal problems with pests. Growing without pesticides can be tricky, but the vineyards have stood strong and untouched. “Luckily the main reason we don’t use pesticides is because we hardly have any pests,” Kim says. “The agriculture department was worried about the European moth, but they couldn’t find any up here, I think because it’s too hot and high.” After a full year on the vine and a month prior to harvest, Kim begins walking through the vineyards daily. This is one such task some might find grueling, but Kim finds it soothing. “I take samples of as many vines as possible every day starting a month before the harvest. It takes a lot of exercise, but that is good because I like to exercise in the vineyard,” she says. “So I walk through the vineyard and pick little grapes, take them home and crush them and mix the juice, and then I measure.” In this way Kim can tell when the grapes are actually ready for harvest. Harvesting the grapes too soon would be disastrous. Even after implementing these methods, and a full year on the vine, a harvest can never be guaranteed to turn out as planned, although, after many years of experience, the Hargetts seem to have everything under control. With harvest time (generally around August or September) comes a combination of hard work with generous portions of fun. After Kim and Michael go through the vineyards picking all the grapes that will be made into juice, their family drives in to help. “We have a huge harvest party, where we invite our relatives and friends and they come help harvest,” Kim says. “The good news is that because the vineyards are not very big, it only takes about 50 people and a couple hours at most, and then we have a feast for them.” From planting the new vines to crushing the grapes, everyone has fun getting their hands dirty. In total, from vine to bottle, the process takes about two or three years. Not only is the vineyard and winery a hot spot for wine connoisseurs, it is ecofriendly and provides an excellent firebreak for the small community. Michael explains, “Everyone around here likes that we are growing grapes because this


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road is the only way out of here, so people really like that this is opened up to agriculture and it makes for a firebreak.” In November 2010, Mahogany Mountain opened a tasting room to the public where 2007 and 2008 varietals can be enjoyed. Extravagant handcrafted wood doors (made by Michael) open up to the serene beauty of the mountains, where wine can be enjoyed while taking in the majestic beauty all around. Sipping each glass of refreshing wine, one can rest assured that it is perfectly organic, chemical and pesticide free. The Hargetts are genuinely passionate about their wine. Speaking so highly of one another and their family for helping, they are thrilled to complete each process along the way. Kim and Michael take pride in the uniqueness of the winery for using all of their own grapes—none are bought. “We are one of the few wineries that go from A to Z using our own grapes for all of our wine,” Kim says. “Other places buy some of their other grapes.” Kim and Michael hope to grow and spread the production and expansion of their wine and vineyard. “If we expand any bigger we would have to hire help,” says Kim. “But then again, that would be a good thing.”

of Christine’s Cleanse Corner, Inc., the author of The Cleanse Cookbook, and editor/publisher of the “Transform Your Health” e-newsletter. Christine’s Cleanse Corner, Inc. is Christine’s nutrition and health company that specializes in organic, whole food vitamin supplements, raw vitamins and supplements, organic herbal therapeutics, internal cleansing programs, healthy weight loss programs, natural, chemical-free skin care, natural hormone balance, and health and nutrition education.



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Mahogany Mountain Vineyard and Winery is located in Ramona, CA. For directions and more information, visit their Web site at Make sure to check out their 2007 Syrah, which recently won gold at the Finger Lakes International Wine Competition, which covers 30 countries and 50 states. Also join their wine club online for great deals and information at no cost.




l c o m e

TO P I C S ~ AU G U S T 2 0 1 1

Amanda Hinds Doyle is a graduate from Kent State University with a bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Mass Communication. She is currently a staff writer for Vision Magazine and the Go Green blogger for Contact her at “Nutrition” continued from page 8

Aug 7

Who Made God?

Aug 14

Miracles: The Working of Higher Laws

Aug 21

The Battle Between Good and Evil

Aug 28

Meditation: Direct Perception of God

Self-Realization Fellowship

My Recommendations Of course I recommend that you eat a healthy, whole food, natural diet, eating organic and pesticide free when possible and stay away from GMO (genetically modified) foods. I also recommend that you supplement with cultured or fermented, whole food vitamin supplements that provide a whole food form of nutrients which your body recognizes and utilizes efficiently, to provide your body with the complexity of nutrients missing in our modern diets. I also strongly suggest avoiding isolated forms of vitamin supplements. I am extremely impressed with the following whole food vitamin supplement brands because they follow the closest to Mother Nature by using only whole food ingredients, include fermentation or culturing probiotic process in their formulas, and use a natural, low heat process to dry the whole food ingredients in order to maintain all of Mother Nature’s vital nutrients. These are the whole food vitamins that I take, buy for my family, and recommend to friends, clients, and customers: Garden of Life supplements; Mt. Capra organic goat milk products; New Chapter Organics whole food vitamins and supplements; and Vitamin Code raw food vitamins.


Christine Dreher is a Clinical Nutritionist, Herbalist, the President and Founder V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E


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AUGUST August 4 and 11 Thurs.

FASTING SPECIFIC FRUIT, VEGETABLE JUICE, WATER FASTS for different physical, emotional, spiritual purposes. Preparing, conducting, breaking fasts. Individualize fasts. 6:30 pm. Steve Schechter, NP, HHP, Author of best-selling Detox book. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485,

August 10 Wednesday

AKASHIC CONNECTION WORKSHOP: Learn about and experience the Pathway Prayer Process to access your Soul’s Akashic Records for guidance, healing, conscious evolution. Introductory workshop, $35, 6:30-9:30pm, Costa Mesa. 818.415.3479, AkashicLA@gmail. com,

August 3 Wednesday

Crystal Healing Circle. Enjoy a casual, fun experience of learning and practicing how to work with crystals for healing mind, body and soul. Crystals are part of the wondrous world of minerals, connected to the core of Mother Earth’s nurturing energy. We explore various rocks and stone applications for restoring, harmonizing and balancing our human energy field. Sessions include crystal meditation, open discussion, crystal applications and are led by Tauheedah Shakoor-Curry, Ordained Lightworker Metaphysician and sacred energy healer. Convenes the first and third Wednesday of the month from 6 – 7:30pm at The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356. $15 fee. Register at 818.345.1100 or online at

Aug. 11 Thurs

August 7 Sunday

Hamsa Picnic with Yogiraj (Free) 1-5pm Temescal Canyon Gateway Park, 15601 Sunset Blvd, Pacific Palisades, CA Registration and Questions: 866-YOGIRAJ or

August 9 Tuesday & August 16 & 23

IMMUNE DYSFUNCTIONS, CANCER TREATMENTS & Preventions - Specific herbs, foods, supplements, amino acids, aromatherapy, massage, more. Steve Schechter, NP, HHP, NHI Director. Natural Healing Institute, 760.943.8485, 8/9, 8/16, & 8/23: Immune Dysfunctions, Cancer Treatments & Preventions - Specific herbs, foods, supplements, amino acids, aromatherapy, massage, more. 6:30 pm. Steve Schechter, NP, HHP, NHI Director. Natural Healing Institute, 760943-8485,

August 9 Tuesday

LAILA Del MONTE, INTERNATIONALLY RENOWNED ANIMAL COMMUNICATOR – Free talk and book signing. Author of bestselling book Psychic Communication with Animals for Health and Healing, Laila DelMonte will be at The Imagine Center to share what she has learned about listening to and communicating with animals on Tuesday, August 9 from 6 – 9pm. Learn more about Laila’s work at her website The Imagine Center is located at 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana, CA 91356, online at, and via phone at 818.345. 1100. V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E

Aug. 11-14 Thurs-Sun.

2011 INTERNATIONAL THEOSOPHY CONFERENCE The Heart of Wisdom, A Concurrence of Science and Spirituality from the Theosophical Perspective. $25 Registration. All are welcome. Call 760.765.1090. www.

August 12 Friday

“DISCOVER THE GIFT”, 1ST WEST COAST SCREENING & BOOK SIGNING Cinematic Evening of Discovery & Dialogue featuring more than 30 of the World’s Most Enlightened Teachers including: H.H. The Dalai Lama, Michael Beckwith- “The Secret”, H.H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Jack Canfield- “Chicken Soup for Your Soul”, Marianne Williamson- “Course of Miracles” and more. Panel discussion and signing with many of the film’s Luminaries including Dr. Barbara De Angelis, Janet Bray Attwood, Niurka, Christine Stevens and more TBA. Pre-screening Events include music by Karl Anthony, Drumming and Mandala Art Exhibit. 8pm, doors open 7pm. $20, $75 VIP, $125 VIP Couple. Tickets & Info: Seaside Center for Spiritual Living, 1613 Lake Drive Encinitas, CA. (760)753-5786*851.


AU G U S T 20 11

August 13 Saturday

THE PASSION TEST WORKSHOP NY Times Best Selling Author and expert on living a Passion-filled life, Janet Bray Attwood is coming to Seaside Center for Spiritual Living to give a special workshop!

Passion Test Program is the #1 tool being used worldwide to help people get clear on their passions and how to start living them. 9am to 3pm, $97. 1613 Lake Drive Encinitas, CA. Tickets & Info: (760)753-5786*851 Satsang and Experiential Workshop with Yogiraj Siddhanath (Free) 6-10pm Agape International Spiritual Center, 5700 Buckingham Parkway, Culver City, CA Registration and Questions: 866-YOGI-RAJ or Kriya Yoga Workshop and Empowerment with Yogiraj Siddhanath ($108 Initiation Fee) 3-7pm Masonic Lodge Culver City, 9635 Venice Boulevard, Culver City, CA Registration and Questions: 866-YOGI-RAJ or

August 15 Monday

CLOUD 9 FREE CLASS- Choose your Meds~ Have questions about your medicine? What should you choose for your ailment? Our knowledgeable consultants are here to help answer all your cannabis related questions. 5029 W. Point Loma Blvd #B S.D. 92107 619.955.8420 CLOUD9COOP.ORG

August 17 Wednesday

Crystal Healing Circle. Enjoy a casual, fun experience of learning and practicing how to work with crystals for healing mind, body and soul. Crystals are part of the wondrous world of minerals, connected to the core of Mother Earth’s nurturing energy. We explore various rocks and stone applications for restoring, harmonizing and balancing our human energy field. Sessions include crystal meditation, open discussion, crystal applications and are led by Tauheedah Shakoor-Curry, Ordained Lightworker Metaphysician and sacred energy healer. Convenes the first and third Wednesday of the month from 6 – 7:30pm at The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356. $15 fee. Register at 818.345.1100 or online at

August 18 Thurs.- 25th

DETOXIFICATION & ENVIRONMENTAL - Specific foods, supplements, herbs, juice therapies, amino acids, aromatherapy, more. Individualize detox. 6:30 pm. Steve Schechter, NP, HHP, Author of the bestselling Detox book. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485, naturalhealinginst. com

August 19-20 Fri.- Sat.

MATRIX ENERGETICS is a ground-breaking consciousness technology for insight and spiritual growth founded by Richard Bartlett, DC, ND. Our life-changing weekend seminars will allow you to learn how to rewrite any rule about your reality. Create a new sense of you while letting go of old unwanted patterns with ease, grace and fun.

August 19 Fri.

CLOUD 9 FREE CLASS Hemp Jewelry with Kelly In this beginnerís class, you will learn the basic technique in which to turn hemp into beautiful jewelry. Feel free to bring your own beads, shells, pendants or

charms to incorporate into your creation. 5029 W. Point Loma Blvd #B S.D. 92107 619.955.8420 CLOUD9COOP.ORG

August 20 Saturday

REIKI 1&2 ñ LEARN various aspects of energy healing inc. multiple techniques for spec. conditions, psychic extractions, working with the dying and more in this a 6-week course. Next Course begins August 20TH 10:00am3:30pm RSVP 619.20 4.0504 or

August 21-22 Sun-Mon

REIKI–ENERGETIC/VIBRATIONAL HEALING Certification. + Follow-Up sessions. Experiential! Manual provided. 6:15 pm. Natural Healing Institute, 760-9438485,

August 26 Friday

CLOUD 9 FREE CLASS Make your own Stash box! Come make the perfect stash box for yourself or someone you know. Come create the perfect hida-spot out of a book! Get a coupon for class materials at Cloud 9 Coop! 5029 W. Point Loma Blvd #B~S.D. 92107 619.955.8420 CLOUD9COOP.ORG

August 26-28 Fri-Sat

AKASHIC RECORDS PRACTITIONER TRAININGS/BURBANK: Learn to read your Soul’s energy-archive, aka Akashic Records, for yourself and others. Practitioner Certification Training 8/26-27; Past Lives Healing Workshop 8/28. Info: Barbara Schiffman, 818.415.3479,, www.YourLifeandSoul. com.

August 30 Tuesday Sept. 6 & 13

BRAIN NUTRIENTS for MENTAL CLARITY Anxiety, Depression, Other Mood Disorders, Insomnia, More -- Foods, Herbs, Supplements, Amino Acids, Diet, Aromatherapy, + more for treatment/prevention. 6:30 pm. Steve Schechter, NP, HHP, NHI Director. Natural Healing Institute, 760.943.8485,

August 30 Wednesday

REIKI 1&2 ñ LEARN various aspects of energy healing inc. multiple techniques for specific conditions, psychic extractions, working with the dying and more in this a 6-week course. Next Course begins August 31st 10:00am-3: 30pm RSVP 619.204.0504 or info@


OPEN HOUSE AT THE C.H.E.K. in Vista. 12 noon - 8pm. A world leader in holistic health & fitness education. Free workouts with top presenters – all donations to charities. Door prizes, book signings, special offers & more. 2105 Industrial Ct, Vista, 92081. 760.477.2620. www.chekinstitute. com

Sept. 2-4 Fri.-Sun.

CHEK CONFERENCE 2011 Inspiring Holistic Health and Fitness. Top international speakers incl. Paul Chek, David Gettoff, Janet Alexander, V I S I O N M AG A Z I N E

Reed Davis. Three days of lectures & workshops at Marriott Mission Valley Hotel. $497 with discounts for multiple registrations. 760.477.2620. www.

Sept. 2-18

EXPERIENCE SUNBURST SERVICE EXCHANGE PROGRAM Experience living in an intentional spiritual community during a two-week service exchange program. 
Live and serve with others amidst the peaceful beauty of nature. Give yourself time to nurture your inner quest with daily spiritual practice and selfless service in a supportive environment. Enjoy the company of friends as you participate in projects, consciously prepare and eat meals together, and learn hands-on about organic gardening and landscaping with drought tolerant plants. Private time is also available throughout your stay.

Sept. 8-11 Thurs-Sun

3RD ANNUAL BHAKTI FEST – 80 HOURS OF KIRTAN, 72 YOGA CLASSES, 40 HOURS OF WORKSHOPS. Joshua Tree Retreat Center 866.992.4258.

Sept. 9-11 Fri-Sun

HEALING THROUGH THE AKASHIC RECORDS WEEKEND with Akashic expert-author Linda Howe. Use your Soul’s energy-archive to heal self-abandonment patterns and radiate your true essence. Burbank, $425. Also book signings/healing meditation (free): 9/7/11, Mystic Journey Books (Venice); 9/8/11, Bodhi Tree Bookstore (West Hollywood). Info: Barbara Schiffman, 818-415-3479, AkashicLA@,

Sept. 10-17 Sat.-Sat.

LEARN KRIYA II MEDITATION Unlock your true potential. Exercise time-tested scientific principles to prepare you for direct experience of the Divine. Learn ways to bring Spirit into your life and into the world, creating a fulfilling, purposeful life. 
Prerequisite: Kriya 1 instruction.


AU G U S T 20 11

Sept. 20 Tuesday

CLINICAL NUTRITION. Introductory or full Certification. Special Discounts. Most comprehensive training from nationally honored Nutritionists. Revised! 7:00 pm. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485,

Sept. 21 Wednesday

CLINICAL HERBOLOGY. Introductory or Full Certification. Special Discounts. Most comprehensive training from nationally honored Master Herbalists. Revised! 7:00 pm. Natural Healing Institute, 760943-8485,

Sept. 24 Saturday

MASSAGE THERAPISTS Exclusive Energy Medicine Training. Treat yourself to a Wow Educational Healing Adventure You will experience and learn by doing powerful techniques taught by Master DC Glen Freider a modern day shaman, mystic, energy healer. Improve your effectiveness and efficiency. Principles and insights learned will advance your practice and blow away your clients. Sept 24 9:30 am to 5:30 pm Encinintas. Only $144.00 Space is Limited. Go to or Trion Victory 858.717.7060

Sept. 24-25 Sat-Sun

HOLISTIC ARTS FAIR, 10 AM-7 PM. Free psychic, health, art fair. Yoga for Your Eyes workshop, panels, speakers, etc. 1540 Hicks Ave. San Jose. Free parking in lot/along streets.Exhibitors wanted! 408.448-6726; eric@philosopherswheel. com CELEBRATE LIFE WEEKENDS SEPT. 23-25 OCT.28-30 Relax - Renew - Recharge
FridaySunday, Enjoy gentle yoga, meditation, inspirational sharing, nourishing meals, evening devotional jam session, and quiet contemplative time on Sunburst’s 2,000 acre sanctuary. Meals and some activities by donation; please call ahead. 805.736.6528 or

“Sowing Seeds” continued from page 19

Calendar continued


COACH John Abe. Learn Universal Enlightenment with “I Am Totality.” Build your life to order, do nothing to accomplish everything. Join to learn times and locations of “I Am Totality” Meetup Group. 1-800-584-1640, www.iamtotaltiy. com.


FIND THE CENTER OF DIVINITY WITHIN! Inspirational prayers, metaphysical teachings, music, social hour to follow. 10:30a.m.-11:30a.m. Teaching of the Inner Christ 1100 N. Second St. Suite 1114 El Cajon, CA 92021. 619.447.7007 08.11 ONENESS MEDITATION SERVICE – Led by Goddess Light and Ordained Metaphysician Tauheedah Shakoor-Curry. Ex-

Harmony Grove Spiritualist Association


Incorporated and Serving ALL in California Since 1896

SaturdaysHealing 1:00pm Church 2:00pm Sundays Healing 10:00am Church 11:00am

Psychic Fair

1st Sat. of Month, 10:00am-4:00pm

Certification and Personal Growth Classes

• Mediumship • Healing • Ministerial • Ordinations

Private Readings Available Information about Speakers & Directions

SOLAR RAIN WATER – Good for you and Good for the planet. Find out more.


FREE PSYCHIC READINGS every FIRST Monday 7:30p.m. by students in Vessa’s INTUITIVE INSIGHTS Clairvoyant Program, 4455 Morena Blvd. #108, 858.509.7582 www.MyIntuition.Net 11.11 $8 BEGINNERS YOGA CLASSES Monday @ 6:00p.m. Tuesday @ 5:30 p.m. 2333 Camino del Rio South #240 92108 619.917.0998


MIRACLE CIRCLE MEDITATION Connect with your inner divinity through deep meditation, inspirational prayers, and group discussion. 7p.m.-8p.m. Teaching of the Inner Christ 1100 N. Second St. Suite 1114 El Cajon, CA 92021. 619.447.7007 08.11


FREE DETOXIFICATION AND WEIGHT LOSS CLASS 1st Thursday of every month. 6:30p.m. Easy and successful program. Register @ Body Basics Health Center, San Diego. 619.296.7390 11.11


HAPPINESS CLASSES - Based on the life-healing teachings of VERNON HOWARD, Fridays - 8p.m.; Sundays - 10a.m. New Life Foundation, 5779 Westminster Blvd., Westminster, CA. 714.899.9300 Conquer stress, handle difficult people with ease, banish problems. Donation basis. 08.11


Escondido, CA panding Light means expanding abilities. Step into your vaster self. Align and renew. Give and receive higher light. Join us for inspiration and meditation 11am-1pm at The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd, Tarzana, CA 91356. Each participant receives a higher light reading. $10 minimum donation. Register at 818.345.1100 or online at (Note: group does not meet on fourth Sunday of the month.)

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SPICA – WAY OF LIGHT INSPIRATIONAL SERVICES 2nd Sunday of the month at 10am, 4th Sunday at 9am. Myztic Isle Bookstore, 8036 La Mesa Blvd, La Mesa, CA. 619.588.6483 for information. LOOKING FOR A SPIRITUAL COMMUNITY? You are always welcome at the Celebration of Light Church. Visit our website for program. Vicente @ 23rd St. – San Francisco.

though there were good government-run primary schools in the neighborhood, the female child was deprived of education, and the illiterate women were confined to their household activities and the fields. Participation of women in the village decisions and democratic procedures was unheard of. It was an urgent need to change the outlook and give the deprived girls their fundamental rights enshrined in our constitution—especially the right to education. During Sowing Seeds’ cultural program, I was able to share my project with families from the entire village of Andore. My slide show projected images of world-famous women, with their names, who were educated, empowered, and proficient in their fields. Among them were the nameless images of village girls. I questioned the notion that boys and girls are not treated as one. Why should only boys be educated and not girls? Why should the birth of a boy be celebrated but not a girl, when our Mother India is also a woman? So why can’t we encourage girls to educate themselves more, seek their fortunes, and carve their identities? Why is our social system so rigid as not to give the opportunities to deserving girls? These thought-provoking questions promoted the message to parents and families that educating a girl is a sign of progress for the society and the country. It will promote a society free of social vices and crimes. I also created a site-specific installation on the walls of a house facing the road. Portraits of women and girls from the village were posted on the wall to give a strong message to the families, parents, and guardians of girls. This aroused the curiosity of every passerby who was new to the village. The posters advertised this new movement and the awareness generated in the village. I am hoping that this message will spread every day to mitigate this social evil and result in a change in the traditional mindset of the villagers, so that the future brings more favorable opportunities to our women. Bhupat Dudi is a young sculptor living in India. To learn more about Dudi and to see samples of his work, please visit his blog at For information on the International Artist Village Residency, go to www.sowingseed. “Human Trafficking” continued from page 25

VM: So by creating awareness, letting them know they aren’t the only ones? PC: America is good in terms of rule of law but we need to help our victims. Do you know what the average age of human trafficking victims is in America today? Thirteen. Average age. So what is that, 7th or 8th grade? What are we doing to educate our 7th graders, not to scare them, but to say, “Hey, I’m Theresa, this is my story…” VM: So prevention is huge? PC: [It is about] raising awareness, going to the target market for these traffickers (13-14-year-olds). Say, “Here are the resources; if you’re not sure, call, if you have a question, call. Make that call. Or have a teacher as a designated liaison to call the NAHTVA hotline if there are any red flags.” Bob Dylan once wondered, “How many years can some people exist before they’re allowed to be free? And how many times can a man turn his head and pretend that he just doesn’t see?” It’s time we put an end to these questions. It took us [a] long [time] to abolish the slavery suffered by African Americans. Regretfully, we cannot get those years back, nor can we return them to the survivors of ignorance. What we can do, however, is turn ignorance into awareness and work towards freedom. Until we can truly affirm our status as the land of the free, we must defend our reputation as the land of the brave. By adopting the survivors of human trafficking as our example of courage, we must continue to fight until all forms of slavery have been abolished. For more information on human trafficking, please visit www.stopslavery2011. com. If you or someone you know may be a victim, call 888.373.7888.



AU G U S T 20 11

v i s i o n a r y

a r t i s t

mer Alayna L em is a 26-year-old illu strator from Mad ison, WI. She graduate d mag na cum laude from the Milwau kee Inst itute of Art and Design in 2008 with a BFA in Illu stration. She works full-tim e as a concept artist at PerB lue whi le freelancing on the side . When she isn’t painting , she’ s wal king her Bernese Mount ain Dog , Fra nk. 13 B

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“Sharing the Love” continued from page 35

has evolved with, like a particular DNA coding that has been carried on from one generation to the next. As a result, those who are serious about fighting, they are fighting. There have been wars to support their need to quench what is innate. And as for others, they are using the process of evolution, creativity, and automation to their fullest capacity in the design and implementation of what can be utilized to satisfy mankind’s inherent drive to fight for their own survival. This is one of the reasons why the lunar cycle of the earth is a welcome change for those who are knowing. It will restore balance to the planet as humanity comes full circle into what was originally intended—to be a heart-centered race of human beings on the planet Earth, a race that is living in cooperation and not competition, one hand feeding the other, one brother (or sister) looking out for the other. And all in the name of Love. Yes, it is time—time to open up and share our love of the world with one another.

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Julie Klutinoty is a psychic and freelance writer who writes channeled messages of love and moving mankind forward. Her spiritual name is Anahata, ‘Seed of Love.’ Her daily messages can be read at

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“2012” continued from page 38

the year 6000 [which ends the Hebrew Calendar].) The subtitle of the book really does sum up the much needed perspective that Krafchow gives his readers: “An ancient take on the modern world providing a positive spin to our chaotic times.” He ensures that, although, “Some understand this term End of Days to be one of calamity and destruction,” there is no need to worry because, “that is not consistent with the expressed intention of the Creator to love and come closer to creation. These incidents of time and celestial happenings should be sufficient to recognize the choreographed display of the Creator’s Will and Love.” Another positive spin that Krafchow brings into his text is his discussion of light versus darkness. He points out that science teaches us ™ that everything is darkness Energetic Cosmetic™ Skin Spray with specks of light, yet the Torah teaches us that Revitalizes “water of youth” in skin everything is light with specks of darkness. So why Restores luster and smoothness Improves skin elasticity by up to 50% do we humans often choose to believe the former? “How is it,” asks Krafchow, “that the world is so easily swayed Age Defying Youthful toward views detrimental Beauty That Improves to the human condition?” with Every Bottle Krafchow, of course, takes the positive, Cabalistic OR Your perspective, and encourages Money Back! readers to do the same. Dovid Krafchow’s 2012 and the Cabala is available THE AGELESS SECRET™ is the Energetic Cosmetic™ for purchase on Amazon. that helps recreate that healthy, youthful glow. com, either as an eBook or This all natural and organic product restores skin as a paperback edition. To luster and smoothness and reconditions and tones muscles to give long term results. learn more about Krafchow, his writings, and his insight Results further enhanced by LED Beauty Light. into the Cabala, please visit For more information about THE AGELESS SECRET™ Call Paula or Jim at Also follow his blog at www. 888.424.4247 or 760.341.2255




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