Vision Magazine July 2012

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Holistic Living Healing Hands Hasimotoos Syndrome



Greek To Me The Time of My Life


Ask The LifequakeTM Doctor Advice About Life Transitions

11-15 Mindstates Qi Revolution Vision and Dreams Expands Again Vortex of Change



Astrology July 2012 Forcast


Healing Arts Babji: Lightening Standing Still Patience is Painful My Birth Story

Contributing Writers

Sales Sydney L. Murray, Trevor Watson, Terry Nielsen, Sloan Gomez, Katie Gallanti, Kennedy Carr


16-20 Culture The New Human Design Reconnective Healing

Graphic Design Sloan Gomez

Adrienne Abeyta, Dr. Toni Galardi, Michael Raysses, Daphne Carpenter, Dr. Joni Labbe, Suandra Newberry, Beth Green, Dr. Eric Pearl, Bill McDonald, Robert C. Jameson, Chi Luciano Pellos, Lawrence Miller, Sean Cutie, Irene Margolis

Viewpoint Holistic Grym

Executive Editor & Publisher Sydney L. Murray Editor at Large Kennedy Carr Daphne Carpenter



Features Inside Joy Anthony William


Community Resources


Vision Café Hypnotherapy Training Dk Hair SD Union Benjamin Créme


Holistic Business Irene Margolis




Visionary Artist


On the Cover

“Trinity” by Scott Facon

July 2012 Theme: No Time Like the Present Next Month, August 2012 Theme: Back to Nature

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My Own Little Infrared Sauna by Daphne Carpenter


ife is full of anomalies. Recently I found myself sweating out toxins, calories, drama, and who knows what else in an otherworldly little device somewhere in West Hollywood. Where was I? Lying gracefully on a bed of warm jade stones, in my own little pod-like, futuristic, infrared sauna. It was lit up all crimson inside, glowing. (But your head sticks out, so you don’t heat up too much.) As the machine detoxed me from inside out (versus typical saunas, which work the other way around), a same recurring thought kept pulsing through my mind hypnotically: “Health, burn, melt away, all, the, unnecessary…” “Who said that?” I asked, even though I was too involved in the rapture to even care. This was only a portion of my visit to Firm Body Evolution, a holistic spa and fitness center that “combines ancient wisdom with 21st century technology.” FBE bases its approach to fitness and wellness on principles of Eastern medicine. “Pain, stress, and disease are caused by energy channels in the body and mind being blocked or inhibited… At Firm Body Evolution (FBE), we focus on balancing energy channels, allowing your body and mind to function optimally, and thus, transforming you.” I’m hip to this. It took me two hours to get there on the metro from Long Beach, and I was tired and grumpy when I arrived. The elevator deposited me directly into the reception area, where I was greeted by a pretty young brunette with a soothing voice who treated me like I was an elite society member. “Help yourself to some alkaline water,” she said with a reassuring smile. She knew. The alkaline water snapped me out of my zombie-like, two-hour-ride trance. I filled out a form about what I felt I could improve upon in health and body, and then the next order of business was a body composition analysis. Body Composition Analysis I’d never done this before, and at first I was skeptical. But my reading was so right-on. The high-tech machine analyzes your body fat, total body water (tells you how dehydrated you are), and tells you how strong each of your individual limbs and core are by sending multi-frequency, bioelectrical currents

through your body. Joseph Harounian, my warm host and the founder of FBE, could guess which exercise modalities I practice just by interpreting my individual core, leg, and arm strength. Not surprisingly, it turns out that my right (dominant) arm and leg are both .04 percent stronger than my left. This kind of individualized reading allows trainers to develop an effective, personalized regimen for you. Vibration Machine I was then turned over to Phil, a trainer with the body of a Greek god and the professionalism of an Italian business man. Phil was nonintimidating and downto-earth, though—the kind of trainer we can resonate with. He set me up on this vibration machine (the IV400) and left me there to vibrate for a few minutes on my own. My face and the loose skin on my body went into a flurry motion, as if I were being launched up to the moon. The orbit felt intensely good and invigorating. After some time, I could honestly feel my muscles firming up. Then Phil led me through some extraterrestrial side lunges on the machine, while it was still vibrating. No, I hadn’t ever felt some of those sections of my muscles before, and yes, even though I consider myself to be in pretty good shape, I felt like crying when Phil would say, “Okay, give me 10 more.” Pneumatic Compression For the pneumatic compression massage, your legs, torso, and one arm are wrapped in a body glove that looks like a space suit. When the compression machine is activated, the suit begins to fill with air, and in a consistent flow of back-and-forth, side-to-side, and diagonal waves, different parts of your body are air-squeeze massaged (with an adjustable pressure) for 30 minutes. You get instant pain and soreness relief, like something is compressing all the tension and stress out of your body. You don’t even have to do any work either but just zone out and relax. “With air pressure, you’re getting compression from your feet all the way up to your heart. [This] is going to improve your blood circulation and your lymphatic drainage,” says Joseph. “And it’s great for relaxation. Your whole body just gives in.” I fell asleep during this one. But it was different than sleep; I think I went into a theta wave state, because when I came back, I felt like I was in an altered state of consciousness. And it felt like my body and muscles had been kneaded into a heavenly state of abandon by some large and bountiful Turkish healer woman. But the importance of this machine goes beyond providing relaxation. Lymphatic continued on page 40


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Healing Hands

A Conversation with Neha Curtiss by Shannon Nies


ealing Hands School of Holistic Health is much more than your typical massage school. With courses ranging from Thai Massage and Geriatric Massage, to Aromatherapy and Holistic Nutrition, Healing Hands offers programs for students looking to expand their knowledge of healing modalities and attain a well-rounded approach to holistic health. To learn more about this unique school, I spoke with Neha Curtiss, licensed Holistic Health Practitioner and Founding Co-Director of Healing Hands. Vision Magazine: What led you to create Healing Hands School of Holistic Health? Neha Curtiss: I got some bodywork when I went to a meditation ashram in Oregon, and it changed my life. (This was in the 80s.) So my wife [Paula] and I decided to live out in the wilds of Northern Washington and led a very off-the-grid life for quite a few years. I thought if I ever wanted to go back to the world, massage and bodywork is something that I would love to do. So I moved back down to San Diego and got my HHP at the Institute of Psycho-Structural Balancing. I love to teach, so I got a chance to teach with Barry Green at Body Mind College in 1990, and found that after a year of teaching Massage Tech, or circulatory massage, we had students that wanted to learn more. So we started teaching more advanced classes. Then we had teachers and friends who were in the teaching field and had great things to teach—and students who wanted to learn—so we rented a building here in Escondido. Really, it was a matter of, what would I want to do with my life, what would inspire me? I thought, well I’m kind of a glutton for love, enjoyment, and energy. I realized that the revelation I had with the bodywork was that there’s love all around us all the time. It’s just the blocks that keep us from experiencing that love. So once I learned that, I figured out that massage and bodywork is a tool to work on that. What could be more beautiful than to work on that for myself and other people— work on removing those blocks that keep them from fully enjoying and experiencing the beauty of life around them? But then there finally was something better: teaching people how to do that. And then I found something that was even better than teaching people how to do that: starting a school where we could have teachers come and learn to teach people to do that and really start a whole community of healers. VM: What makes Healing Hands different from other massage schools? NC: We’re not “Healing Hands School of Massage”; we’re “Healing Hands School of Holistic Health.” That’s because of that concept of health that is something that can enhance the enjoyment of your life. We teach a variety of modalities to open up people to healing. We’ve managed to attract some of the very, very best teachers that I’ve ever seen. [There are] teachers that have been working with us for over 15 years.

We have quite a few teachers that come from all over the world. One thing that I noticed is some of the teachers would come up to me and say, “Why do you have such great students? When I come to your classes at Healing Hands, it seems like the students really soak up the knowledge.” I realized that it’s because of the flexibility of our school, that we allow people to take the classes that they want to take. And when you’re in a class that you really want to be in, you’re excited about that. Then you want to learn everything you possibly can. And the teacher gets excited about that and wants to teach everything they possibly can. VM: What are your hopes for the future of Healing Hands? NC: To continue to create a healing environment for students to come and learn in a way that’s not just static book-learning, but an experiential experience—but in a practical way where they can get hands-on work and explore a lot of the different modalities that are offered. Many of our students keep coming back after they’ve graduated to take new classes because we like to be on the forefront of what’s out there. Massage is a growing field. There were a lot fewer [massage therapists] 20 years ago, but that’s because less people were interested in getting massage. It used to be that massage was just either a luxury that people couldn’t afford or was considered sexual. But now, massage therapists have come into the common vernacular. It’s quite common to go to a massage therapist and see it now more as a part of keeping healthy, as a part of increasing your vitality and making you live not only longer, but better. VM: Our theme for July is “No Time Like the Present.” What does that mean to you? NC: “No time like the present” can be seen as a very inspirational statement. You can have a lot of ideas about what you want to accomplish or what you want to do in the future, and you can have a lot of beautiful memories and nostalgia about the past, but in the end, the only moment you really have is now. I think that massage and bodywork has a beautiful way of bringing you to the present moment. We have a clinic and we have a community service program that works with emotionally traumatized people, both with the Wounded Warrior program in Camp Pendleton, and with hospice care. What is health to somebody who is dying? Health is right now, right here. It’s being in the present moment and being able to experience the bliss and joy of this moment right now. So massage has a way of being able to communicate, physically, spiritually, and emotionally—bringing those three elements together into the present moment and help someone to become aware of how precious the present moment is. To learn more about Healing Hands School of Holistic Health, visit their Web site,, or e-mail them at You can reach their Escondido location at 760.746.9364 or 800.355.6463, and their Laguna Hills location at 949.305.2722.

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Hashimoto’s Can Lead to Other Autoimmune Diseases by Dr. Joni Labbe


ailing to manage your Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism condition could lead to future autoimmune diseases. A recent study revealed that roughly one in six patients with Hashimoto’s has another autoimmune disease, most commonly: atrophic gastritis, a condition in which the lining of the stomach is constantly inflamed; vitiligo; celiac disease; antiphospholipid syndrome, which may cause blood clots, miscarriages, or stillbirths; and multiple sclerosis. Hashimoto’s is an autoimmune disease that attacks and damages the thyroid gland, causing symptoms of hypothyroidism that include weight gain, cold hands and feet, depression, fatigue, and hair loss. In the United States, about 90 percent of hypothyroidism cases are due to Hashimoto’s. Of the more than 1,500 patients with autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto’s) who were included in the study, 16 percent were found to have an additional autoimmune disease. These patients also exhibited poor absorption of T4, chronic, unexplained anemia, and recurring pregnancy losses. Thyroid hormone medication may compensate for a damaged thyroid, but it does not address the underlying autoimmune condition. Managing Your Hashimoto’s Hypothyroidism Can Prevent Other Autoimmune Diseases Hashimoto’s is more of an autoimmune condition than a thyroid condition and must be managed accordingly. Autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism are evidence of an immune system that has become so imbalanced it attacks the very tissue it was designed to protect. Fortunately, research in recent years has provided us with tools we can use clinically to help restore balance and thus tame the autoimmune attacks. Ditch the Gluten The first and perhaps most important step is removing gluten from the diet. Gluten causes a strong immune reaction in many people, and studies show a link between gluten and numerous autoimmune diseases, including Hashimoto’s. When someone with an undiagnosed gluten intolerance eats gluten regularly, it puts the immune system on constant red alert. This causes chronic inflammation and can trigger an autoimmune disease.


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Thyroid hormone medication may compensate for a damaged thyroid, but it does not address the underlying autoimmune condition.

The Autoimmune Diet Most people with an active autoimmune disease also suffer from intestinal permeability, or leaky gut, a condition in which the gut walls become damaged and overly porous. This allows undigested foods, bacteria, and other pathogens into the bloodstream, where they trigger more inflammation. Managing an inflamed and leaky gut is foundational in taming an autoimmune disease. One of the first steps to repairing leaky gut is to temporarily follow an autoimmune diet, which eliminates foods that commonly provoke an immune reaction. Many people with Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism find they must also eliminate other foods, such as dairy or corn, in addition to gluten. In my office, we supplement this diet with select nutritional and herbal compounds that help restore the gut lining. Sometimes these tools alone are enough to substantially reduce autoimmune flare-ups. Going Beyond the Autoimmune Diet May Be Necessary Other times, more intensive therapy is required. This can include unwinding long-established cycles of inflammation, restoring immune balance, and/or determining whether a bacterial or viral infection, an environmental toxin, or something else is provoking the autoimmune attacks. Dr. J. Labbe, BC, CCN, DCCN, is a nutrition and fitness expert, writer, professional speaker, and radio personality. An 18-year veteran of health and wellness, and one of Southern California’s foremost experts on hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s, and fibromyalgia, she is a board-certified clinical nutritionist and doctor of chiropractic, and is fulfilling a degree in neurology. For a complimentary consultation, call 858.483.4770 or visit

The Time of My Life


© 2012 Greek to Me by Michael Raysses

“I have hair on my back older than you—how the hell am I supposed to know what being ‘this age’ feels like? I have never been this old before. Talk to me in a year. Of course by then I won’t be ‘this age’ anymore, now, will I?” —My Uncle Tasso when asked how it felt to be a man of his age


have an uncanny sense of memory. It stretches back to when I was conceived, an event that left me feeling conflicted and at odds with myself. In that instant when the masculine half of me met my distaff side, I experienced a jumble of emotions: incredulity (Wow, that is one fast-swimming sperm!); gnawing familiarity (Gee, the closer it gets the more I feel like I’ve seen that sperm somewhere before.); and as I vacillated from my egg-self to my spermself, hunger (Man, I could really go for an omelet right about now.). But what I recognized most jaggedly as the result of my Yin meeting my Yang was the occasional necessity of violent collision to sometimes bring forth being, and thus creativity. Welcome to the tantric mindfuck that is my inner life. But as tumultuous as the balancing act between the feminine and the masculine is within me, it pales when compared to the unique tug of war that rages between the pull of the past and push of the future, with the prize of the elusive present dangling between the two. As maxims go, “There’s no time like the present” begs interpretation. It’d be easy to hear it as a rejection of procrastination. On reflection, though, I’d argue that what was meant had nothing to do with renouncing putting things off but more to do with the evanescent nature of the present. To define the present, you have to look at that which frames it: the alluring past and its illusory twin, the future. Many a fortune has been made by purveyors of the past, people I call nostalgia merchants. And what are they selling but accumulated presents that have all been played out, awaiting the inevitable distorting effect of revisionism, which allows you to recast the past in whatever light suits your own personal narrative. When you bookend that with the shimmering future that appears on the horizon, you begin to see past and future as nothing more than mortar and pestle, and the result of all their grinding is a rope of sand that you’re left clasping with one vestigial truth left to ponder: There’s no time like the present because the present’s no time at all. Seriously—the instant you understood what you just read, it’s transitioned into your very recent past but your past nonetheless. Given that existential quagmire, no wonder your relationship with the present may be strained to the point of exhaustion. Beyond that, though, there are other forces that make the present difficult to isolate. The main one is perfectionism, the manic desire for perfection. It’s like booking a trip to Valhalla—it sounds great until you find out there is no such place, at which point it becomes a self-inflicted circle-jerk. Which is exactly what perfectionism is. That’s because perfection doesn’t really exist, or if it does, it does so only for an instant, much like the present. And we all know what happens the moment we experience that, right? It’s gone. But perfectionism further promotes the future because in the present you implicitly realize that you can’t achieve perfection, so you postpone it until a date when it might theoretically be possible. You essentially mortgage your present for a future that never arrives. This behavior would make Sisyphus blush with recognition. When I conjure a remedy for what ails me, I envision managing frozen moments, splicing them together with such speed and intimacy that they give the collective impression of movement, of life. The medium that best captures what I’m describing is film. Coincidentally, I recently played a small role in one

that touches on this. Having taken a lengthy hiatus from acting, being back on set felt both foreign yet familiar. And when it came time to shoot my scene, the present imposed itself on me with remarkable ease. I was playing a cop; seated in the passenger side of the front seat, the script called for me to look ahead, and then at some point, swivel to my left and deliver a line of dialogue to a character seated in the back seat. But the camera stood in for her, shooting me as if from her point of view. There were all kinds of logistical obstacles to clear. I was in full cop regalia, including a gun belt that jammed into my side when a thick pad was placed beneath me for purposes of making me seem taller on camera. As in all squad cars, there was a wire grid that separated the backseat from the front; it made delivering my line to the piece of duct tape located on the camera’s lens frame continued on page 40

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Ask the

Dear Dr. Toni: From time to time you have mentioned astrology in your columns. Can astrology help in making better choices in relationships? I seem to draw in people into my life that continually disappoint me and I just wonder if I am destined to never find love in this lifetime. Your thoughts, please. Frustrated Leo

LifeQuake™ Doctor Dr. Toni Galardi

Dear Dr. Toni: You have mentioned that you interpret dreams in some of your past columns. I am a 47-year-old single, white, female professional. I live alone and am currently not in a relationship. I have been having dreams of this man in my life that is my husband. I have never met this man in real life, but he seems so real. He is kind and loving and wants to take care of me. I find that I can’t wait to go back to sleep to reconnect with him. My waking life has become rather boring. I am not feeling challenged by my job anymore and I am not dating very much. Why is this man coming to me in my dreams? Jane E. Dear Jane: Well, Jane, you give the phrase “the man of my dreams” a literal interpretation! Seriously, though, your dream can have many different interpretations. Let’s first look at the emotional tone of the dream. You feel joyful in the dream, fulfilled it sounds. This is a stark contrast with your waking life. Freud once said that dreams were compensatory. Whatever we lack in our daily life, we live out in the dreamtime. I would go further than this. Jung would see the man in your dreams as your inner male, the animus. He is taking care of you in a way that perhaps you are not taking care of yourself. The dream may also be saying that in order for you to bring in the kind of husband you would like, you must first be a good husband to yourself in your waking life. The inner male in us is the one who makes things happen on the outside. Part of taking care of yourself may involve making some changes in your work. Spend some time observing what you do find yourself feeling interested in. Keep a list. Then review the list and see if there is a theme that connects the dots. Commit to taking one action step a week to expand or reconstruct your professional life. Take a class that can improve your skill set or can simply bring more interests into your life now. The dreamtime will not have to compensate for your lackluster day life if you design and implement a new blueprint for a fulfilling new destiny.


Dear Reader: Astrology can indeed help in making better choices, but it begins by shedding some insight for you on yourself and your patterns in relationships. Having an astrological reading can illuminate for you how you love and whom you choose to love, what your sexual style is, and your bonding patterns. With a good astrologer, you can see what beliefs you have carried about love and commitment from childhood and other lifetimes. For example, if you also have the planet Venus in the sign of Leo in your chart, besides your Sun sign, you may need a lot of attention and perhaps have been too demanding with your partners to fill your needs, so you may always end up disappointed in what they provide for you. Once you have done the inner work of healing old patterns and you do bring someone into your life, there is something called synastry and composite charts that can be drawn with that person. It will show compatibility, likelihood of duration in the relationship, sexual chemistry, and the lessons to be learned from one another. It is often a good thing to use also with couples who are having challenges as a marriage or relationship counseling tool. Comparing the charts of family members can definitely enhance understanding and harmony. It can also be used as a parenting tool to better understand your child and communicate with that child in the language that will increase communication and rapport. So, yes, astrology is definitely a tool I use in my practice as both a psychotherapist and as a transitions coach to assist my clients in understanding themselves and others as well as helping me to guide and prepare them for upcoming changes in the next year. I’ve seen its efficacy many times over the course of the past 20 years, and I feel it is a great asset to me in supporting the unique destiny of each of my clients. Have a question for the LifeQuake Doctor? Send your questions directly to For those seeking personal guidance from Dr. Toni, she can be reached through her Web site,, and her office at 310.890.6832. Discover a new, passionate life direction through a soul blueprint reading or her career repurposing telephone coaching called The LifeQuake Method. Call today and give yourself the gift of working with Dr. Galardi so you can expansively move through the second half of this year of massive change.

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Qi Revolution An Interview with Jeff Primack by Shannon Nies


hen I first discovered the Energy, it was love at first site,” says Jeff Primack, Qigong practitioner at the Supreme Science Qigong Center. “The year was 1998 and I will never forget it. During a Breath Empowerment, this powerful vibration filled my entire body with the Holy Fire. Suddenly, in my third eye I saw a massive ball of blue and white light. I knew it was pure consciousness. A blast of energy shot through my body upon having that realization. This experience had long-lasting repercussions. Fifteen years of chronic asthma was burned out of my body. Since that day I have never needed an inhaler and my lungs are now strong.” Inspired by his miraculous experience, Primack now takes other people through Breath Empowerment and his unique form of Qigong, having guided over 1,000 people during the period of 1999-2004. In 2005, he began offering Qigong seminars through the Supreme Science Qigong Center. Since then, over 40,000 people have attended what is now called Qi Revolution. Vision Magazine recently interviewed Jeff Primack about Supreme Science Qigong and Qi Revolution. Here is what he shared with us: Vision Magazine: Please talk about the evolution of the Supreme Science Qigong Center. Jeff Primack: I began training in Energy Arts, Qigong, in about 1996. I was a college student at the University of Florida, getting dual degrees—one in Eastern Philosophy and one in Business. During my time there, I studied with a Siberian shaman who had spent numerous years in a Taoist monastery. She was a Zen master, could meditate for hours at a time, and had this huge house in Gainesville with no furniture. But I was really craving knowledge in this art form called Qigong. I researched to find who the greatest Qigong teachers in the world were, and I would fly them to Florida and arrange seminars with them. I’d get 78 people in a hotel room for two days with these masters and we would all learn Qigong together. I kind of had a reputation because I wouldn’t bring in any teachers who hadn’t done at least 50 years of practice. I brought in masters from China, Canada, Europe, all over the world. After studying intensively with these masters, I designed my own form of Qigong. The first workshop I ever taught took place in my parents’ living room in March 2003. Only 12 people came, but it was well-received and I knew I was on to something big. After two years of increasing turnouts and moving into larger hotels, suddenly a major shift occurred for me. In November 2005, I charged under $100 for a 4-day “Qi Revolution” seminar, and 200 people came! We were showing them breathing techniques like the 9-breath method that, in 45 seconds, gave the user a full-body vibration. People who had been doing energy work for 30 years were handing us written testimonials continued on page 41


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Visions & Dreams Expands Once Again


by Suandra Newberry

oday’s world requires an entirely new way of being. As we all know, the world we live in is in the midst of massive changes on every level. The earth is purging and adjusting to new relationships with the galactic alignments that have been predicted to occur for generations. We each are being asked to embrace the prevailing energies and become a renewed expression of ourselves—an expression that makes the greatest contribution to the evolutionary process humanity is now experiencing. The evolutionary effects not only apply to individuals and the planet, but also to all aspects of life, including businesses. It was spring of 1987, just months before the Harmonic Convergence, when Suandra Newberry and her husband, Joseph, accepted the challenge of operating Visions & Dreams, a metaphysical store in Costa Mesa, California. Motivated by a commitment to support the evolution of consciousness, the Newberrys have offered all types of tools and the venue for learning via all pathways, be it Esoteric, Wiccan, Eastern, or New Thought. This has given them a front-row seat in the theater of evolutionary unfoldment that is taking place. The Newberrys have ridden the wave of change over the years, paying close attention to the shifts in the communication industries and how information is being delivered. As humanity was slowly awakening and

New Age became more mainstream, books became available through many different means. First, large chain stores began carrying the most popular authors, then Amazon came with lower prices. Now everything from books to spoken word, or music and videos, can be downloaded onto any number of devices. Needless to say, the model of ‘bookstore’ has morphed, creating the need to continually adapt along the way. Twelve years ago, Suandra and Joseph created their own Y2K experience by relocating the shop. They left the more traditional retail area of Costa Mesa and moved up Newport Boulevard towards the fairgrounds to SeaCoast Village, a complex where Visions & continued on page 40

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Creating a Collective

Vortex of Change: No Time Like the Present by Beth Green


ost of us have been working on ourselves for years and have made progress in certain areas but not in others. Transformation can be difficult when we are fighting our demons by ourselves. We need support. Without collective change, it is more difficult for us to change individually. It is harder to say “no” to sugar when images of sugary desserts are all around us. It is harder for us to think of the welfare of others when others seem to care only for themselves. But while the collective consciousness can drag us down, it can also lift us up. In the past, environmental responsibility was rare and harder to accomplish. Now recycling is part of the popular culture and much easier to practice. It is important for us to realize that our consciousness is not personal; it does not exist in a vacuum. We are aspects of the collective consciousness, influenced by social attitudes, family values, the necessities of our economic system, and so on. On the whole, our culture is driven by ego, and so, naturally, it is difficult for any one of us to transcend its domination on our own. And it is understandable that our culture is driven by ego. Ego is a natural aspect of our design; it is the awareness of our individual existence, and its job is to protect us. In an existence where life is insecure and the world is a scary place, we may notice that the ego is busy protecting us at the expense of anyone and everyone, even when we believe that we are aware and caring. How can we change that? Is there a way to train our consciousness, reduce our fear, and reprogram ourselves to think of the highest good of all and ultimately perceive reality from the perspective of the divine? That is the work of creating a collective vortex of change. But first, are we motivated? Many of us are acutely aware of the pain and destructiveness caused by the current state of our collective consciousness—too much fear and anger, consumption, addiction, competition, violence, short-sightedness, loneliness, manipulation, and alienation from ourselves and one another. We are longing for a new era, an era of greater inner peace and well-being, a time of harmony, where we exchange anger for understanding and domination for cooperation, an era of co-creation, trust, and mutual support. With the support of ourselves, one another, and the Divine, we can create the collective vortex of change that helps bring in the new era we all crave. The new era begins in the moment in which we collectively shift from ego-based consciousness to unity consciousness. To make the shift to unity consciousness, we transform our thinking, our feelings, and our very being. We must also heal the traumas and negative programming that we learned beginning in our infancy, so that we are released from the automatic, ego-driven, me-based reactivity driving us unconsciously on a daily basis. Then we will become different on the inside, more and continued on page 46


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The New Human Design A Conversation with Richard Gordon by Sydney L. Murray


ichard Gordon has spread the teachings of Quantum-Touch around the globe. Not only has he helped thousands of people heal from a multitude of issues, but he is committed to bringing scientific credibility to this work. Gordon believes that healing yourself is possible, and is in the process of redefining what it means to be human. Vision Magazine: Our theme this month is “No Time Like the Present.” What would that term mean to you? Richard Gordon: There are things that we can do now that in previous times didn’t seem possible. I came across something about three years ago that anybody can learn and that clearly shows that consciousness affects matter. You can use your awareness, and in an extremely fast pace help reduce pain and inflammation and accelerate the healing process. But most dramatically and visibly, right here and now, without suggestion, you can adjust people’s posture without touching them, even people who are highly skeptical. Not only that, but you could do 100 people simultaneously in a room. It takes maybe 15 or 20 seconds. VM: Is that Quantum-Touch? RG: This is an advanced form of Quantum-Touch. I learned about the basic Quantum-Touch in 1978 from an old man named Robert Rasmussen, and I helped evolve it after I took over after his retirement. What we found was that there are ways of focusing and amplifying the energy way beyond the basic QT.

e Your Mind Introdutoc your body.

They just might like each other.


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And the Quantum-Touch work does extraordinary healing, but this new technique we call “The New Human,” an advanced form of Quantum-Touch, seems to work about three to five times faster than the basic QuantumTouch, and it allows people a level of freedom we’ve never imagined possible. VM: Does it work on both the psychoemotional as well as the physical being? Does it work on the whole being, essentially? RG: Let’s back up. The body heals itself. The definition of a healer is someone who was sick and got well. And a great healer is someone who was very sick and got well quickly. We don’t actually heal other people. What we do is we hold a field of energy and let the other person match the vibration, the energy of the practitioner, and do their own self-healing. That said, yes! You can work on emotional and psychological issues to some extent. In workshops I’ve had people running energy into each other’s brains. We do a lot of brainwork in the class, and what we see is when people meditate, after 15 minutes of this, and I ask the question (after about a three-minute meditation), “How many felt unprecedented quietness in your head?” almost every hand goes up. People feel they’ve never been so internally quiet after someone else was meditating for them. VM: So what would be, in your opinion, the reason for that? RG: Because our love is actually a real force that changes the outer reality. And by learning how to focus and amplify our love in specific kinds of ways, we can affect the organs, the tissues, the glands, and the systems of the body. And by focusing our attention inside the brain, it has an effect on our consciousness. You can help people go into all the states of consciousness. A friend of mine is a scientist, Chris Duffield. He examined my work and commented that it is as if I discovered a new human operating system and now we are discovering all the apps. So one of the most exciting things about this is we continue to discover new applications we’ve never dreamed of, just by thinking about it. VM: For people that aren’t aware of your teachings, how would you describe Quantum-Touch? RG: Quantum-Touch is a form of energy healing. It’s a form of hands-on healing, for the most part, that allows the practitioner to raise the vibration using breathing and body awareness exercises. Then, through resonance and entrainment, the person you’re working on matches your vibration and it accelerates the healing process. That’s why we’ve seen tremendous success on the widest range of conditions and why we have doctors, chiropractors, nurses, and physical therapists using it; we’ve got practitioners in over 50 countries around the world. VM: Where do you think we are at in terms of people really truly being able to heal themselves as a population? RG: The momentum hasn’t been real positive. Obesity has been increasing. And while there is a segment of the population that is becoming increasingly conscious, it seems that a large segment is becoming increasingly unconscious. Self-healing involves the emotional, the nutritional, the exercise, and the connection to our spirituality. And none of these in and of themselves are enough. You really need to combine them all together. So the Quantum-Touch isn’t the final answer. It’s an essential, vital, beautiful answer, but it isn’t the only valuable answer. VM: Tell us more about The New Human. RG: In that, we see that we have these abilities that have been either

The greatest force for change in the world is people accessing their compassion.


unknown, undocumented, or perhaps rediscovered. But when you understand that you can put the energy into any system, organ, or gland, it allows you to start seeing things happen that are truly remarkable. I spent a day, and I videotaped it, in Santa Monica when they had an open festival at the Promenade. And I just walked up to everybody and said, “Hey I am doing some meditation to help heal people. Do you have any pain?” And every single person I talked to had his or her pain go down radically, usually in about a minute and a half to two and a half minutes. If you look up Dr. Oz and Quantum-Touch, you’ll see the video right away. I quoted Dr. Oz stating that the next breakthrough in medicine is going to be involved with energy healing. VM: What would you say is the greatest force for change in our world? RG: The greatest force for change in the world is people accessing their compassion. And compassion is not only the empathy to feel what others are experiencing, but also the desire to heal it. All love is actually a real force that

does change the outer reality. And the work we are doing now, when it’s looked at by the physicists, it’s going to have to change our understanding of physics to appreciate that love. Because the scientific paradigm itself is based on a massive assumption. And the assumption is that the mind of the scientist is not going to change the outcome of an experiment. And we can demonstrate now, in seconds, that that’s not true. You can work on the most hostile, skeptical person who will actively fight against you—and it doesn’t matter—and be able to show visual structural changes in them in seconds. VM: What can someone expect from a weekend seminar with you? RG: You would start with the basic Quantum-Touch workshop and you would learn to use breathing and body awareness exercises to move the life-force energy that moves through us. You learn to focus it, and then you’d add your love to that life-force energy. And you’d work on people in the room. Generally, we saw the pain level of the room go down anywhere from 50 to 80 percent in the course of the weekend, from all the conditions that people brought. There’s a lot of extraordinary healing that takes place in those classes. But more so, people use skills they can use on each other—amazing first aid kind of results. I work on a men’s basketball research project and we saw that the average 10-minute session brought down the pain level by 50 percent. Richard Gordon is a visionary and a pioneer with 35 years of experience in the field of energy medicine. He is the best-selling author of Quantum-Touch: The Power to Heal and Your Healing Hands: The Polarity Experience. As founder of the QuantumTouch organization, Gordon has traveled internationally, speaking at medical centers, conferences, and chiropractic colleges, and was faculty at Heartwood Institute and the Holistic Health Institute. Quantum-Touch has been in business for over 16 years and currently has over 1,300 certified practitioners in over 50 countries around the world. For more information, visit or call toll-free at 888.424.0041.

“A Significant Breakthrough”


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Aug 16th ~ 7:30pm Santa Monica – ArtLa Gallery/Bergamot Station Arts Center 2525 Michigan Ave., Bldg. D5, Santa Monica, CA 90404 Richard Gordon is the founder and best-selling author of QuantumTouch: The Power to Heal, now in 17 languages. Quantum-Touch® is currently used by nurses, chiropractors, physicians, massage therapists, energy medicine practitioners and everyday people, with practitioners in over 50 countries.

For additional information go to: W W W.VI S I O N M AG A Z I N E .C O M • J U LY 2 012 • VI S I O N M AG A Z I N E


J U LY 2 0 1 2 F O R E C A S T By Adrienne Abeyta

Adrienne Abeyta presents a unique forecast blending the tarot with astrology. A gifted reader of intuitive arts, she offers private consultations and psychic entertainment for parties and events. To set up an appointment, she can be reached at 619.917.0998 or

Aries: Hierophant (6 of Cups) 3/21–4/19 Have you ever considered how much of your current perspective contains evidence of your past? Your emotional memory was storing information long before your logical mind could process it. As a result, many of your beliefs are based upon emotional memories, not logic. If you don’t challenge your beliefs, you will inevitably find experiences in the world to reinforce them. This feedback loop keeps you locked in primitive and reflexive thought patterns. Create a new philosophy to live by instead of tolerating a ‘that’s just the way I am’ mentality. Someone you respect from the past will come back into your life with a message.

Libra: Hermit (2 of Cups) 9/23 – 10/23 All of the people in your life, including your enemies, have left their mark on your evolution. They’ve all impressed something important upon you which influences the way you see yourself. Consequently, there are times in life when it’s necessary to reflect and separate yourself from others. This could be challenging if you are in a relationship or part of a family, but anything is doable. Create a sacred space in which you can spend time alone. If you are longing for a relationship, use this time to court yourself, discover what you like, and find ways to relish in your own splendor. Scorpio: Emperor (9 of Swords) 10/24 – 11/22 Feelings of anxiety may cause you to be a little out of sorts. While there may be nothing to substantiate this, it’s worth examining. Issues relating to leadership and confidence are implicated. Whether you’re male or female, you could be struggling with how to express these qualities. Take note of the power struggles you encounter. The challenge is to stand up for yourself without losing control or integrity. Don’t make excuses about not wanting to hurt other people’s feelings if what you really fear is your own anger. Take responsibility for your own actions. You must believe in yourself before others will believe in you.

Taurus: Wheel of Fortune (10 of Pentacles) 4/20 – 5/21 A productive phase has either delivered results you are satisfied with or inspired you to pursue something even bigger. You are in a wonderful place of growth and opportunity; to make the most of it, you will really need to focus your energy efficiently. Halfhearted goals or unformed visions could produce distorted outcomes. If you have been struggling, your diligence will pay off (assuming you’ve been diligent) in the form of greater stability or a monetary reward. Circumstances regarding real estate or an inheritance will arise at the beginning of the month; by the month’s end, things should be very interesting.

Sagittarius: Magician (Knight of Wands) 11/23 – 12/21 It’s time to take action and make the most of your talents. You’re in a favorable spot to manifest the reality within the dream. The potential has emerged and awaits your application. Be assertive and don’t be afraid to creatively manipulate a situation to your advantage. If you don’t seize this opportunity with determination, the window may close and you’ll be stuck on the outside looking in. Remain humble in your pursuit and remember that everyone plays an intricate role in your life. The ability to control your destiny is focused through your thoughts and words; speak with honesty and purpose.

Gemini: Death (7 of Pentacles) 5/22 – 6/21 Out with the old and in with the new. There’s no better time to trim away the excessive foliage and make space for new growth. During this transition it would be wise to assess your possessions, not in terms of their worth, but rather in terms of why you value them. If you cling to things out of obligation or for security, they will only stunt your growth. Worn out objects, relationships, and attitudes must also be discarded in this process. A situation you’ve put a lot of effort into will finally yield results during the third week of the month.

Capricorn: World (8 of Swords) 12/22 – 1/20 This month you’ll find resolution to some of the conflicting aspects in your life. The feeling of being trapped that has kept you from accomplishing your goals is nothing more than fear of making a decision and the consequences that could come of it. This lack of inertia is precisely the cause of your dilemma. Once you face your fears, having confidence in yourself will propel you toward your goals. Then, no matter what the results, you’ll be grounded in a sense of purpose. The inner experience of healing comes by resolving the conflicts you create for yourself.

Cancer: Sun (Ace of Cups) 6/22 – 7/22 A deep self-confidence permeates your month as you find ways to express your truest feelings. This doesn’t imply only rainbows and sunshine; in fact, your courage to speak up for yourself may shock others. Don’t be surprised if something you say resurrects an issue you thought was dead. Trust yourself. Confidence derived from external acceptance is, at best, fleeting; self-acceptance, on the other hand, liberates one from the obsession to please. Take note of situations in which you sacrifice your integrity for the sake of approval. An emotional experience will call for celebration. Allow yourself to receive the love.

Aquarius: Star (3 of Pentacles) 1/21 – 2/18 Make a wish, because your plans will soon take form. If you’ve fallen out of touch with your faith or forgotten what your purpose is, take a moment to re-imagine it. Ask yourself what it is that you love or what makes you most happy. Find your dharma and infuse it into the seemingly mundane parts of your life. A sense of purpose makes anything you do meaningful. Share your splendor with others. As you rekindle your own light, you inspire others to shine theirs. Don’t be afraid to ask for help; people you know want to support you.

Leo: Empress (Ace of Swords) 7/23 – 8/23 The creative force of your mind can be used to bring harmony to a seemingly hectic situation. Your inner authority must rely more upon the feminine energy of reconciliation, and heart-centered strategies are more apt to be accepted. If you try to force your own agenda, you will provoke a battle. Take the time to create a plan, and then be decisive in your actions. Vacillating will cause others to assume you are incompetent. Issues related to dependency will arise this month, stirring up a sense of longing and resentment. From this, learn how to nurture yourself and others separately.

Pisces: Judgment (10 of Wands) 2/19 – 3/20 As the result of feeling completely overwhelmed and oppressed by either doing too much or doing things the hard way, you’re being challenged to make an honest appraisal of your past actions and mistakes. This wake-up call is your redemption. Renounce feelings of guilt or sorrow, because it’s essential to make space if you’re to channel this pent-up energy more efficiently. For those who have felt inhibited or unable to make a move, it’s important to realize where you may have betrayed yourself. Self-correction is an important quality. Take a more active approach to change, then breathe and let go.

Virgo: Chariot (9 of Wands) 8/24 – 9/22 If you want to bring passion and excitement into your life, begin by enlivening your current projects or relationships with new enthusiasm. Or be courageous enough to let them go all together. When pulled in opposite directions of freedom and obligation, it’s wise to rise above your ego and follow a purposeful path. Don’t let the rebel usurp the responsible one in a whim of restlessness. On the other hand, watch that the traditionalist doesn’t stifle the spark of inspiration. There’s only a thin line between the two, and you as the master must negotiate a course that honors both instincts.

Becoming Who YOU Are! Adrienne Abeyta, Sacred - Self Coaching

Using Astrology, Numerology, & Tarot to discover the hero in your life story. Answering the questions:

• What is my purpose • What is the lesson of this challenge • When will my life look different • Where do I go from here Contact Adrienne for consultations, events, and private lessons. • (619) 917-0998 18

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Reconnective Healing:


“At some point it becomes wise to place the telescope down so that we can see the entire sky.”

A New Level of Healing Makes Its Way to the Planet


Eric Pearl

by Dr. Eric Pearl

econnective Healing is a new level of healing that, according to researchers and scientists, may very well be here on the planet for the first time. Now, of course, researchers and scientists are the last people you would expect to make such a bold statement, and so I asked, “How can you say something this strongly?” They said, “It really makes perfect sense if you just understand two basic concepts.” Concept one is that we are four-dimensional beings. We exist in a fourdimensional world of height, width, depth, and time. And in quantum physics today they often illustrate that world as a bubble. They tell us to imagine that the wall, or the cell of the bubble, is comprised of height, width, depth, and time, and everything inside that bubble is energy. This has been our four-dimensional existence from the beginning. The healing techniques we’ve had here—Reiki, Johrei, Jin Shin, and Qigong, for instance—have been different portions, subsets, or fractions of energy. You access Reiki through a different technique than you access QiGong. It feels different; they are different parts of this energy. It is as if you’re looking at the heavens at night and studying the stars. You pick up a telescope and use it as a metaphor for one of these “techniques.” The more you fine-tune your view from that telescope and the more you fine-tune that technique, the better you may be able to see that one portion of the sky that is exposed to the planet at that moment in time. But what is the price that you pay when you fine-tune that telescope? Well, you lose the rest of the vista, the rest of the horizon. At some point it becomes wise to place the telescope down so that we can see the entire sky. With Reconnective Healing, we can access the entirety of the energy that exists within our bubble, not just a portion. Now here comes concept two: Time is moving faster, not just in a linear fashion from point A to point B, but in all directions at once. In other words, time is expanding. Which means our bubble, our playground of existence, is opening up,

expanding further out into the universe, encompassing more of what’s always existed in the universe, but hasn’t been present on our planet before—a spectrum of new energy, light, and information. Reconnective Healing is different from the “techniques” of traditional energy healing because they access only a limited range of energy. In contrast, Reconnective Healing takes us beyond the techniques into the full spectrum of energy, light, and information. Instead of looking for a problem and trying to fix it with a “technique,” we can wholly transcend the diagnosis. The gift of stepping into Reconnective Healing is that it allows us to facilitate healings that are far greater, which tend to last for the lifetime of the person and are often fairly instantaneous. Reconnective Healing is not something we do. It’s something we allow and help facilitate. It works by itself, as well as greatly expands the results of the modalities that today’s healing and healthcare practitioners are already using. We can each be the catalyst for other’s healings and our own. What can be better than that? But are we dealing with something real here, not just theoretical or anecdotal? The evidence is in the scientific studies showing the effects on heart waves, brain waves, and gamma waves. There is a transformation that takes place once you interact with this new, all-encompassing spectrum of healing frequencies. Something changes in the tissues and even our DNA. For instance, the University of Arizona’s Human Energy Systems Laboratory, under Gary Schwartz, Ph.D., has performed six major controlled experiments that have substantiated the electromagnetic transference in Reconnective Healing. Other evidence comes from William A. Tiller, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus continued on page 41

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Deb Vogel is an ordained Metaphysical Minister and has an advanced degree in Pastoral Psychology. She has been in private practice since 1992. W W W.VI S I O N M AG A Z I N E .C O M • J U LY 2 012 • VI S I O N M AG A Z I N E



Babaji: The Lightning Standing Still A Book Review by Bill McDonald


any great and wonderfully inspiring books have been written over the last hundred years about yogis, India, and mystical secrets. None have reached the sacredness that the book, “Babaji: The Lightning Standing Still,” effortlessly does. This is not a mere spiritual book; it can only truly be called a modern-day sacred text. It reveals information that seems both millions of years old and millions of years forward in time. Yet the book is timeless. The author, Yogiraj SatGurunath Siddhanath, is a satguru in the ancient Nath Yogi tradition. It quickly becomes evident to the reader that this yogi has information and knowledge well beyond anything put in print before. This is no rehash of mystic thoughts and lineage tracts. This is ever new, and at the same time, very ancient. It is impossible to read this book without having some insightful dialogue with your own set of beliefs. No matter where you are with your own spiritual and religious assumptions or tenets, this book and what it lays out for our world’s past and future will make you wonder about everything in creation we still have to learn. Those who have explored Paramahansa Yogananda’s spiritual classic, “Autobiography of a Yogi,” and were intrigued to learn who and what Babaji is will find this book to be a huge revelation, one that becomes an even bigger mystery as well. It seems as if this author/yogi knows Babaji not just in a dry, intellectual context, but personally and directly as well. The book does not labor in protracted research, stuffed with quotes from old, wizened sages. One senses its information somehow emanates directly through the prismatic mind of this yogic master out onto the printed page. It is a tome like nothing ever written or attempted before by anyone. “Babaji” talks about the beginning of our present state of creation, the end of times, the objective of life on this planet, and Babaji’s purpose as the guidance of mankind throughout the ages, from one world cycle through the next. The book is a spiritual education for those with an open mind and heart. It is not penned for the closed-minded. It asks the reader to accept certain things as celestial truths and delivers beyond most people’s more natural ability to assimilate beyond an intellectual level. The best way to read this book is to receive it gently, one piece at a time. Each sentence and paragraph contains quantum layers of knowledge. All readers will be changed upon reading the book because the experience of reading it seems to alter our experience of our surrounding world as we read, making the “impossible” seem possible somehow.


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Clearly, this book was a lifetime in the making and destined to become a spiritual classic in its own right. But it is written and aimed at our better natures and “higher selves” where we innately understand the deeper aspirations of the Raja Yoga path that great minds like Paramahamsa Yogananda have pioneered for the West. The author makes his love very known for Yogananda. He both honors that lineage and adds what is missing or unknown (or not spoken of before). Followers of Yogananda will find this book fully in line with their present spiritual practices. Its text reads like the next evolution in spiritual understanding. There are a few speculative books on the market about Babaji—this is not one of those. “Babaji” reads like a history (both ancient and to come) penned by someone who has “witnessed” or somehow exists as an evolving part of the whole. The author’s words are resonant with authority and charity alike. One senses that this master yogi may well be a disciple of the eternal Babaji. The American Authors’ Association is well aware that the book may never achieve best-seller status, but we also know it will somehow, by sheer existence, significantly alter mankind and society and transform it for the better. It is one of those rare sacred texts that creates as many questions as it answers, and insists the reader stop and contemplate its depths. I have found that a second or third reading gives new and different insights each time, as if the words are alive and grow with your own spiritual progress. Simply stated, I have never known a book to have a more powerful impact on me than this. Babaji: The Lightning Standing Still was awarded The American Authors’ Association’s “Most Influential Book of the New Millennium.” It is available for purchase on and Yogiraj Siddhanath will begin his 2012 US tour in mid-July in New York. He will host Kriya Yoga meditation workshops and satsangs in Encinitas and Los Angeles, August 1119, followed by a New Life Awakening Meditation Retreat in Carlsbad, CA, starting September 27. For registration and more information, visit www. or e-mail W.H. “Bill” McDonald Jr. is the founder and former president of The American Authors’ Association, as well as the author of A Spiritual Warrior’s Journey and other books.


Patience is

Painful by Robert C. Jameson

“You just have to have patience.”


atience? What are you talking about? I don’t have time for patience! I want what I want, and I want it now! In fact, I don’t want it now. I need it now!” Sound familiar? Things to do seem to just keep piling up, and yet time just keeps moving. There’s not enough time to do everything we want to do—the car in front of us is moving too slowly, the store clerk is nowhere to be found, we’re on hold waiting for an operator, we’re not old enough yet, we don’t have enough money to get that item, it’s not the weekend yet, the baby isn’t here yet, the car isn’t ready, and some day I’ll have all the things I want. I remember when I was turning 8 years old, I was promised a puppy for my birthday. I was so excited. Every day I would ask my mom, how many more days until my birthday party, and could I please have my puppy early? She said, “You only have 13 more days until your birthday, and no, you can’t get your puppy early. You just have to be patient and wait.” Those 13 days lasted forever. Eventually I did get my puppy, and life became full of throwing a ball and taking long walks with Skipper. Seven years later I was ready to get out of high school even though I had three more years to go. Life will be so much better after I graduate, I told myself. Three more years of being under my parents’ rules and having to study subjects that had little meaning to me was a terrible thought. Yet my dad told me that these were the best years of my life, that I was to be patient and enjoy my “freedom.” After I graduated from high school I joined the US Coast Guard. I signed up for 4 years. Wow, I thought, I’m finally free to live my life! That thought lasted about two weeks, though, and then it was, what have I done? Four years of “Yes, Sir! No, Sir!”? I talked to a friend and he said, “Hang in there. It’s only four years. Be patient. You can do what you want after you’re discharged.” I couldn’t wait to get out. Those four years did not bring the adventure or freedom I had hoped for. I was finally discharged from the Coast Guard and thought I could finally do what I wanted to do: I wanted to go to college and get my BA. During my college orientation, I discovered that I had to take courses in specific areas in order to graduate. I thought, wait a minute—I thought I could study what I wanted. I thought I was going to be free to do what I wanted to do. My counselor told me to be patient and that after my graduation I would be able to get a job and do what I want to do. Four more years of delayed gratification were in front of me. Four more years of being patient while doing what other people told me I needed to do. What is it about being patient and having patience that is just so difficult? Well, if you look it up in a dictionary, you’ll discover that the word “patience” comes from a Latin word, patientia, which means “to suffer.” So, if you are asking me to be patient, you are asking me to suffer? I have to defer my gratification until some time later? That’s painful; that’s suffering. So, what’s the way out of this suffering? I discovered the way out of this – dilemma was just to be present. If my mom and dad, along with all of those other people, had only told me to be present, then I could have avoided years of pain. I now tell people, “Don’t ask me to be patient, ask me to be present.” If I’m truly present, then I’m experiencing the bliss of the moment. There isn’t any anywhere to go but this very moment. It’s in this moment that I can take action steps toward my goal, and if I’m present in this moment, each action step can be filled with joy and peace. I don’t have to delay my gratification, because I’m enjoying the process of moving through time toward my goal. I don’t have to wait for my birthday, my graduation, or my discharge from the Coast Guard to be

happy and free. There is so much magic in this very moment. Each breath I take reconnects me to what the real meaning of life is. Accomplishing my goal is nice and important; however, as strange as it may seem, getting the end result is not the experience I’m looking for. The bliss of each moment is what I’m looking for, and patience is not part of the process. Suffering is not required. Being present is the key. How can we discover the present moment? The simplest answer is for us to connect with our five senses. Ask yourself, what am I hearing? What smells can I pick up? Describe in detail what you’re seeing. Notice what you’re tasting, what you’re feeling. Is the air cool as you inhale and warm as you exhale? Touch your heart with your hand and feel your heart beat. When we focus on these small details, the present moment shows up. The magic of the world begins to reveal itself. Joy and peace are present. You are present. It is truly all here now. Robert C. Jameson, MFT is a licensed marriage and family therapist who focuses on helping clients understand and overcome issues such as anger, hurt, depression, anxiety, love, relationships, boundaries, and limiting beliefs. During his years of private practice, Mr. Jameson found it useful to give many of his clients “ homework” in the form of handouts to support their work while in session. The Keys to Joy-Filled Living was born from his handouts of tried and true exercises and techniques. For more information, visit

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My Birth Story by Chi Luciano Pellos


ears ago, I promised myself the following: never date guys who I find too attractive, because they are more trouble than they are worth; never marry a foreigner lest I be uprooted from my beloved homeland (the Philippines); never learn how to cook, as it is a symbol of domestic slavery; and never be pressured by my biological time clock to have children, and choose adoption instead if the maternal urge kicks in, thus also being a solution to the world’s overpopulation. I soon learned to eat, eat, eat my words. January of last year, I told Rey to think about whether or not he wanted kids, because I was turning 33 and I heard it was harder to conceive past 35. Part of me wanted to experience birthing and motherhood, as a rite of passage as a woman, as the next step for my soul’s evolution. Part of me was daunted by the change. Apparently, Rey gave some serious thought to it, because a month later, I was pregnant. The changes in my body were incredible—the awful morning sickness and exhaustion, the super-human-like sense of smell that made me recoil to such odors as boiling rice, chopped garlic, coco butter lotion, and any smell within sniffing distance. It was smooth sailing after my first trimester as I busied myself preparing for birth and baby. I was determined to have a natural birth because I knew it was best for the baby and me, with no drugs and a quicker recovery time. I kept my mind open to a hospital or cesarean delivery and was seeing a physician, but I knew deep down that I was going to have this baby at Best Start Birth Center, in the water. For nine months, I read countless pregnancy books, ate a healthy diet, did my pre-natal yoga, walked, faithfully attended my Birthing From Within classes, rested, and prepared my mind and body for what was to come. On October 31, I was feeling melancholic. I missed going to the cemetery, as is custom in the Philippines, and spending time with my family. I missed visiting my mom. I put up a mini-shrine in her honor, as some girlfriends and I did an activity to honor our ancestors for Día de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead. Her


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photo was at the center, along with a letter I wrote to her telling her that I knew how proud she was of me. I could hear her whisper, “Tiisin mo, anak,” or to endure as she always did. I prayed hard for strength to face the battle ahead. Rey and I went trick-or-treating with his nieces and nephews that night. My due date was a week away, but I thought it would be good to walk around. We got home at 10 and I couldn’t sleep the whole night. My contractions started. I thought they were just Braxton Hicks or “practice contractions,” so I told Rey to go to work the next day. But they weren’t. The following night, my contractions got stronger and closer together. I remember thinking that the pain was uncomfortable but definitely tolerable. I tried to sleep, but the pain would not let me. I wondered how I was going to go through labor without sleeping for two nights straight. I consoled myself with the thought that I was getting sufficient rest even if I wasn’t sleeping and that adrenaline would kick in. At 5 a.m. I felt something pop inside me. I quickly stood up from the bed as my water broke and pooled to the floor. This is it, I thought to myself. I quickly entered Labor Land. I was possessed by this direct, curt, and ultra-Zen being. I did not waste my words on anything that could break my concentration. I woke up Rey and said, “We are leaving. NOW.” It was a bumpy ride to the Birth Center. I could feel every bump and crevice on the road. For the first time ever, I hated our little blue truck and entertained the thought of buying a new car. It was getting to be excruciating. We got to the Birth Center and my robe was drenched with blood-tinged water. The nurses greeted me, but I ignored them. I had no space for pleasantries in my mind. All I could do was focus on coping with the pain. I knew I would have this baby soon. I asked the midwife how dilated I was and she said 5 centimeters. I was crushed. The contractions were coming in fast and furiously. Most times they were one on top of the other and I only had seconds to rest in between. But at 5 centimeters I was only halfway. I started to panic inside. The pain-coping exercises, breathing awareness, relaxation techniques—these were all useless! Later I realized that every single form of preparation had helped. But at that moment, I yearned for drugs. I let these thoughts pass and gave myself just one more hour. I told myself to remain in the present and just strive to endure one contraction at a time. I did my


They checked my dilation and were amazed to find that I was 10 centimeters dilated in only hours. I finally got the ‘go’ signal to push. I whispered to Rey, “Gangsa” (Gongs). He changed the CD and I shifted to warrior mode. breathing exercises but did not utter a word for hours except “buko” (coconut juice) or “water” or “socks,” while I continued to crush Rey’s hand. Those who know me know that this is very different from my pre-Labor Land personality. I felt that saying more would drain me and break my concentration. I got into the giant tub with warm water and felt some relief, but it was short-lived. The midwife told me I couldn’t push because it would reverse my dilation, even as I felt this heavy weight bearing down upon my bowels. It was agony. I would blow out air to prevent myself from pushing. I would tell myself to resist pushing for 50 blows, but even if I would succeed, the contractions were so close together that I only had seconds to rest. It was 10:30 a.m. and I was only 7 centimeters dilated. I looked into Rey’s eyes for calm. I asked the midwife, “What do I need to do to get more dilated?” She replied, “Relax.” Relax!? How do you do that in the middle of all this pain? So I whispered to Rey, “Sade,” and he rushed to play the CD. We had gone to her concert a few months before for our second-year wedding anniversary (which was awesome, by the way). I didn’t talk to anyone, but I started singing: “You think I’d leave your side, baby/You know me better than that/Think I’ll leave you down when you’re down on your knees/I wouldn’t do that…Ohhh when you’re gone/I’ll be there/ Hold you tight, to me…” I never felt more connected to my husband. His eyes gave me strength even as they started to water. I still cry when I think about this moment and how much we love each other. They checked my dilation and were amazed to find that I was 10 centimeters dilated in only hours. I finally got the ‘go’ signal to push. I

whispered to Rey, “Gangsa” (Gongs). He changed the CD and I shifted to warrior mode. I felt like I was in the Philippine mountains again where Rey and I spent a lot of time getting to know each other. The Igorot warrior spirit filled me and the beat of the gongs helped me celebrate the arrival of our son. I screamed and pushed with all my might with every contraction, but I did not feel much pain. In fact, I felt relief and the joy of release. After 15 minutes of pushing, at 11:01 a.m. on November 2, 2011, Elias Alejandro Luciano Pellos was born. Rey caught baby Elias and cut his umbilical cord. We were both bawling at this point. Never had both of us felt such a wave of emotion. The shift from pain and uncertainty to intense joy, relief, bliss, and ecstasy was overwhelming. “Welcome to the world, baby!” I said in between tears. Elias’ birth has taught us so much, and he continues to teach us many lessons every day. Thank you, God, for this wonderful blessing. Thank you, Elias, for choosing us to be your parents. Thank you, every single mother, father, son, and daughter out there who inspired us to be parents. And so it begins. Chi Luciano Pellos, MA, PPE was a former college instructor, now full-time mother. She is awed by motherhood and dreams of writing all her lessons and experiences as a new mom in a book one day. You can reach her at chichi_luc@

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A Conversation with Elliot and Alisa Maynard, Marlise Karlin, and Jerry Wills Just a Few of the Fabulous Presenters at this Seminal Event by Sydney L. Murray


arely are there so many great minds brought together in one space. I have been to a multitude of conferences, but I have been disappointed due to their lack of real—if I can use this word in a spiritual context—talent. Alisa Maynard, a New Yorker, true to my own heart of the best and the brightest that I have experienced, has assembled an array of presenters, musicians, and artists that truly brings to life what I have craved over the years here in California. Art is spirit made manifest, music is spirit made manifest, and so are the teachings offered at the Inside Joy retreat over Labor Day Weekend at the Mago Retreat in Sedona, Arizona. From Tibetan to Hopi, the assembly is indicative of the life of Alisa Maynard. After years of working in the music industry and sound therapy, she and her husband, Elliot, have crafted a life that is admirable in so many ways. Exploring all of the mysteries and the joy of life, they present Inside Joy. Because, as Alisa has said, Joy is inside all of us. Vision Magazine: Can you tell us a little about your background? Dr. Elliott Maynard: I have a number of different skills. I’m trained as a marine biologist, research scientist, management consultant. I also have a degree in Consciousness Research. VM: Where do you think we’re headed as a global biosphere? EM: I try to be as positive as possible. In reaction to the whole 9/11 fiasco, I had made a resolution to myself to first highlight some of the major global problems, and then to offer solutions. We have many workable solutions. I work in advanced technology and also have worked with some of the people in NASA and the aerospace industry. VM: You talk about “future science.” What is that? EM: Future science technology is what I call a new master paradigm, or a set of keys for ascension. It consists of about 25 points. It’s actually built upon the basis of the “Global Biosphere” book. All of these new keys to the master field involve the interfacing of certain principles with consciousness technology, or Psychic Technology (Psi-Tech). VM: So your specialty at the Inside Joy retreat would be future science art? EM: Future science art is one of the master paradigms, or master keys, and it specifically involves the creation of what I call “living art forms”—conscious cocreation with forces and energies that are essentially inter-dimensional. VM: What could someone expect to learn or experience at the Inside Joy conference? EM: We have a very fascinating team of leaders in the field of transformation and ascension. And these people are interested in healing the planet, interested in making positive shifts happen, and also bringing light into a world that’s being invaded by darkness here and there. VM: You talk about the keys to ascension. Is there a list, or can you give us a


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brief overview of one? EM: Future science art is one of them. I teach people that anyone can create what I call living art forms, which are inter-dimensional art forms; they each have their own personality. A number of years ago I put out the idea that I wanted inspiration from other dimensions, other places, extraterrestrial energies. I decided to create a critical mass of 100 art forms to bring this into the physical reality so that other people could do it. It’s kind of the hundredth monkey effect. The other aspects include future science music, which is creating living music, essentially channeling music. All the great musicians of the world and the great artists have been channeling, whether they were conscious of it or not. There’s future science photography and videography, which involve the photography of extra-dimensional things, orbs, and UFO clouds. Another is reconnecting with nature a little differently, not specifically animals, but investigating the phenomenon of what we call “environmental generational amnesia.” Which means that children, when they begin their awareness of what they consider the environment, that is their reference point for society for people born at that time and beyond. Whereas you go back two or three generations, you find that people were living much more in-depth and in harmony with the environment. VM: Our theme this month is “No Time Like the Present.” What would that term mean to you? EM: I tell people that the old paradigms are linear; I say that old linear paradigms have a box with a top—you’re stuck in there. The new paradigms for the present and future involve open-endedness. So you stand on the basis of the old paradigm, and the new paradigms are living. They take on a life of their own, they can evolve, they can split off. As George Carlin once said, the reason we dwell on the past so much is because we have lots of videos and movies and books, whereas we don’t have anything in the future. But I also believe that people should use the past as a reference point, because we’ve been repeating over and over again the destruction of the environment. Use them as examples and work in the present. But be mindful of the future. And there are also techniques to move into the future and bring the future into the present. And that’s really what I’m advocating and trying to enlighten people in the sense that they, too, can do this. Vision Magazine: How did you come up with the title, “Inside Joy,” for the upcoming conference? Alisa Farina Maynard: It’s an homage to my very dear friend, Paul Horn. Paul is a renowned flutist with 70 albums in his credits thus far. And many of them are titled, “Inside”…the Taj Mahal…“Inside Tibet,” “Inside Russia,” etc. So literally, the “Inside Joy” part came about because I was dwelling on keys to ascension, and I realized I wanted something with a little more pizazz. And a card that had been sent to me long ago, from my relatives now gone, fell out of a folder, and there was this beautiful logo of the Chinese symbol for

F E AT U R E ‘joy.’ (Chungliang Al Huang will be one of our presenters who will be dealing with his artistic calligraphy} This image was gold on black, and it was just an extraordinary moment for me, like an ‘a-ha.’ And that’s it: this joy is inside. So, “in joy we trust”; that is my new moniker. VM: Can you tell me a little about Chungliang Al Huang? AM: He is a renowned master of tai chi, art, dance, and calligraphy. At the very youthful age of—I think maybe he had reached the age of—19, he was considered the “pearl of China.” He was regarded with such reverence by all of his country for his gift as a tai chi artist. I basically pulled out all the stops to honor everyone that said “yes” to be a part of this, from my beloved, Dr. Maynard, to Paul Horn and his wife, Ann Mortifee, who will be our keynote opening speakers with Chungliang Al Huang. They’ll also be doing a workshop on “Sacred Union: The Divine Feminine and Masculine.” Each of these participants I’ve journeyed with in other times in my lifetime thus far, so I have a working knowledge of what they bring. And also, we’re all evolving, so what we become may be very different than what commenced that. VM: I love so much that there’s definitely wisdom teachers, but there’s so much art and music. Why is that important to you? AM: As in music, so in life. And yes, it is now becoming more and more, every day, like a music camp. But it truly has to do with this: music bypasses the brain and goes directly to the heart. As a sound scientist, music therapist, and practitioner of sound wisdom, I believe very firmly, the creative aspect that music can tap into or access parts of us that otherwise might not be. And so for me, it’s very essential that each evening during the retreat is entertaining, with extraordinary artists giving the best of what they offer in their music. VM: I keep thinking about our theme for July, which is “No Time Like the Present.” AM: The thing that is essential here is we are the architects of our reality as beings. Our mind, when we can be freed from the physical—from the body that can constrain and dominate our understanding of ourselves and tends to control what we do—when we’re able to really tune into the core of our essence in stillness and a sense of peacefulness, then we are really able to be true to our inner architect, and rebuild and restructure and reprogram our reality. And I think for me, that’s a lot of what ascension is. It means so many different things to so many. And we tie in the Mayan 2012 aspect, the Hopi prophecy, and what it really distills down to for me is that we have a wonderful opportunity to really make a masterpiece of our life and our relations with others, and to really live the life we choose. VM: It’s such a different array, with the Native American and the Hopi, the tai chi, the music… What a weekend! AM: It’s pretty jam-packed. There won’t be time to turn around and breathe. I’m orchestrating it as if it’s like an Elton John ballet. One of my skill sets is to really orchestrate—as in music, so in life—the way I would orchestrate a musical composition. I’m arranging the time frame and the way that this flows so that people will accelerate and have time to undulate and also recover and relax from each expanding consciousness experience. I believe we’re going to see some very holy moments for many. And if nothing else, I think we can all share in an alignment that we are one, and there will be a group mind as well as each of our individual practices and consciousnesses. But I think that there will be a really bright light hovering over Sedona that weekend. May Peace Be With You A Conversation with Marlise Karlin Marlise Karlin is a well-known author, educator, humanitarian, and founder of The Simplicity of Stillness Method, which has been recognized globally for igniting the power of peace. When I think of peace, I think of Gandhi. Karlin’s

method is accessible and has changed thousands of lives. Vision Magazine: Your mission is peace. Marlise Karlin: It’s about inner and outer peace. I was on a journey for a long time. I would say it began when I was 16 years of age. But I didn’t realize it was a journey to recognize that freedom inside at the time. At that time, it was more of a journey to get away from the pain I was experiencing growing up in an alcoholic household with an abusive father. And so I began my search at a very early age. But at the time, you don’t recognize what it is that you are truly searching for, so it took me down a lot of dark alleys, let’s say, into a lot of drugs and a lot of different arenas, thinking that was going to be the answer. And ultimately everyone’s journey is the journey to bring you completely back into the knowing of who you are, and that makes power within you. When I’m speaking of peace, I’m not speaking of what you would think of immediately as world peace today. I’m just speaking of that power that exists throughout the universe that, when you’re in connection with it, you are not only experiencing that level of peace within yourself, you are emanating it out, and that when we each do that, that is when we see an extraordinary shift on the planet, bringing about the possibility of peace around the world. Marlise Karlin VM: When you talk about inner and outer peace, can you expand upon those points? MK: Inner peace is a state of being where your body and mind are really more in alignment with your true life purpose. So you experience a greater healing of your body, immediately. Because the body wants to vibrate on higher levels that are on exact alignment with those higher frequencies like love. And when you are experiencing inner peace, you are vibrating on that higher level. And I’m not speaking about momentary calm. But what I’m speaking about is this energy field that moves through me, exists inside of every single one of us. But there comes a time when we want to accelerate it, to move into a higher vibration so we can experience it every day. And if many people who have been meditating many years absolutely know what I’m speaking of, then this vibration has come to us in the 21st century to ignite us into even higher levels of consciousness. It’s not the kind of work you think about at one time. It’s about connecting to higher and higher levels of this heightened frequency. And as we do that, we each become, like I said, vehicles for bringing consciousness into the world on higher planes so you will experience that by the people who surround you, by the experiences in your life. Because the more you vibrate on that higher plane, the more your life circumstances will transform into those that you enjoy and love. I have three main tools, one that’s profound. It’s about integrating the most profound experience in this life, in our lifetime, then [asking] how do you take that into every day? Because many, many people today are experiencing new levels of understanding and experiences in their lives. That’s how you support the shift in consciousness, by grounding that being that you are so that the stillness sessions are a unique new form of mediation. And it’s music and words that carry that energy vibration, so that, as I have said, I have seen this as I travel the world, igniting people who don’t understand a word of what I say. But their lives are transformed, many in such miraculous ways that, literally within 24 hours, someone who had been drinking for 30 years stops drinking. Now, the second element is an immediate tool that you can use, a reconnection tool. It takes people time, but I hear of people who have been doing it over time [and] it reaches that level where they think about it and they take that breath, and they can begin feeling it, palpable as an energy stream continued on page 33

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A Conversation with Anthony William by Sydney L. Murray


Not every health issue is connected emotionally, but most are, and one thing that is critical for people is the ability to rewire. Rewiring is getting over post-traumatic stress syndrome. I think that when we have experiences in life, it builds up a certain amount of emotional injury if we have experiences that are challenging or compromising. 26

have been privileged to have had the opportunity to work with Anthony William. He is a medical psychic and is committed to helping those that have either physical or emotional issues or illnesses. When I first spoke to him, his commitment to many ill children truly touched my heart. After two and a half decades of helping people, he is ready to step out into the proverbial spotlight. Vision Magazine: What is a medical psychic? Anthony William: It has everything to do with accuracy. And that’s the difference. It may sound overconfident or however you want to look at it, but it’s about accuracy. And a medical psychic handles different things than other types of healers or intuitives—in a nutshell, if someone needs answers and they are desperate for these answers, and they’ve been everywhere, they’ve done everything. (Most of the people that come to me have seen at least 20 different practitioners, whether it be allopathic or alternative.) A lot of people are down on their knees, they’ve lost all hope, they’ve lost all faith in their ability to heal, and they need something more than what the usual information is, information that is constantly going around between all the different practitioners and doctors and healers. Because a medical psychic has to know more than what a man [or woman] knows. So the information that I get…comes from Spirit of the Holy Source. It can’t be mistaken or it can’t be wrong information when it comes to important matters concerning health. I didn’t discover this a few years ago. I didn’t do a healers course or anything like that, which is all great, I support that a million percent. I want people to explore, I want them to find different avenues, I want people to become their gift inside and explore that gift. But what happened with me turned out to be a lot different. I got the message at age 4, but in a way that was so concrete and so obvious: I discovered my grandmother’s lung cancer at age 4. I guess basically the bottom line is, at two o’clock in the morning, when someone calls me or a mom’s calling me, and a child has a bellyache, and the mother really needs to know what it is, it’s really comforting to know that that

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F E AT U R E the information from Spirit is going to be correct. VM: When did you actually decide to utilize it and help people? AW: I was utilizing it at age 8. I remember being at a convention with my father, and it was a convention for historians. Every now and then—as an 8-year-old—I would tend to say something to an adult next to me if I was getting the message from Spirit that there was something wrong with that person. So I did that; I yanked on an adult’s arm and said, “You have to be careful with the diabetes that you have, so you should stop eating so much sugar.” At first they were usually taken aback, but more times than not, they would become intrigued, start asking a lot of questions, and then suddenly there would be a group of people surrounding us. When I was 14 years old, I started working at a local grocery store as a stock boy. People would come up to me to ask where they could find a product and Spirit would always give me a scan of them and suddenly I would be leading them down a whole different aisle and telling them they should really be eating this or that for their health problem. The amazing thing about Spirit of the Holy Source is that he always tells me which food will be the person’s “medicine” and help them heal and feel better fast. VM: Our theme for July is “No Time Like the Present.” What does that term mean to you? AW: The present moment is something that you want to live in. But in order to enjoy the present moment and to be right here, right now, you still have to venture into your past. You want to think about your future and you want to go into your past a bit. People are saying, well, you can’t live in your past, you want to be in the present moment and only in the present moment. But Spirit says we have to be careful, that we don’t want to continue to make mistakes in the present and in the future because you’re pushing away your past. You want to learn from the mistakes you’ve made in the past. You want to be familiar with the past and be attached to that to some degree. And at the same time, you want to be inspired about the future. People right now are actually looking for direction. They’re looking for things to soothe their woes and their sorrows. And thinking about the future of your direction, the inspiration, of looking at where you need to aspire to, is really important, too. But as far as why is it important to be in the present moment now, there is a huge, huge awakening right now, in the consciousness of humankind, more so than ever before in history. So, “no time like the present” is for sure, because we need to take advantage of that. We shouldn’t be asleep in this very moment of time that we’re in; we should be awake and experiencing how we’re feeling, experiencing what’s happening in the future to come. Right now, it’s about the quickening. Everything is moving very quickly. We’re heading into the quickening—that’s what Spirit always tells me—and if we don’t prepare right now, in the present, then we’re going to miss out on what’s to come. VM: How has the last year changed your life? AW: I think overall this whole last year has changed my life in a way that’s different than any other, because it’s come to a certain point of how many years I’ve been doing this and how many people I’ve helped. I’ve actually saved thousands of lives over the years and have dedicated myself to the health and wellbeing of humankind. Women’s health, in particular, is one of the major things that I’m actually concerned about for the future.

It’s one of the big things I’m concerned about right now. In this year, I’ve come to a point of seeing women’s health deteriorate, in a unprecedented way, more than ever before in recent history and it’s being hidden and it’s being swept under the carpet. I’ve come to the conclusion at this point that the future and health womankind is actually in danger. For the last ten years I’ve been watching women actually get all these different ailments, and all these problems, and all these health issues, and now I’m watching it get out of control to such an extent that now this is the year something has to be done. VM: You talk about when you’re working with someone that has an illness, you call it “rewiring.” Could you expand upon that point? AW:. Rewiring is about getting the person past post-traumatic stress syndrome. If we have experiences that are challenging or compromising, a certain amount of emotional injury begins to build up and become disabling. So if someone’s sick for a very long time, it’s not just the sickness that they’re dealing with; they’re dealing with the PTSD. And then they’re struggling with doctors telling them there’s nothing wrong with them at first. So they’re being told they’re crazy, which women have been told for actually decades, that their ailments are all in their head. And it’s still happening now, today. It’s critical to rewire to heal. Even if you’re getting better physically, you can still have that PTSD. So what I offer is, through Spirit’s abilities, to figure out in each individual person how to rewire them, how to get them past their post-traumatic stress disorder. VM: Are you still doing pro bono work for kids? AW: I offer my services in different ways for moms and kids. I’m responsible for hundreds of children, and it’s pretty intense. It means 24 hours, 7 days a week. VM: What’s the greatest lesson you’ve learned so far in this lifetime? AW: The greatest lesson I’ve learned in this lifetime is the disappearance of one’s soul. And I know this probably is going to sound really complicated, but its the breakdown of the human soul. And that’s the biggest lesson I’ve learned in this lifetime, is witnessing the soul fractures and witnessing the degenerative soul energy that’s happening. And basically what I’m trying to say is, we’re elevating to a higher conscious state, and as we’re trying to grow, we’re trying to have this awakening. The biggest lesson I’ve learned is also, at the same time, souls are definitely getting injured in a way that I’ve never seen before. What happens with being a medical psychic and working with Spirit is I can actually see someone’s soul. I can actually see the conditions a soul is in and see the condition a heart is in as well as the heart and soul connection. In the past, I’d see souls and I wouldn’t see so many broken or injured souls, and now I see a lot more. It doesn’t mean that the person’s not elevating or getting wiser or getting more conscious. Starting out and seeing people’s souls at age 4 and then seeing people’s souls now, every day, I’m noticing now that most everybody’s has a soul continued on page 46

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“Inside Joy” continued from page 25


racing through their system that does drop them into a state of peace where you have that inspiration of what to do in a challenging time. The third element is when I began experiencing this energy flow in my life, what I recognized is that this was that experience that sages and mystics spoke about in centuries past. But I also recognized when I was upon that super high state, it’s like a roller coaster; you move in and out of that state. And when I wasn’t in that very high state, it was like, wait a minute, how do I bring this to the world? And, wait a minute, I still have some judgment…I am still not in unconditional love. VM: Because we’re human. MK: That’s it exactly. So now, what are the practices that can really assist me on a very human level to continue to integrate it? It’s just like if you were an athlete, you have the innate talent to be an Olympian. But if you don’t practice consistently, you’re not going to win the goal. You can come in last place. So we want to integrate these practices and have them literally become like a philosophy in our life, so that when we hit a bump in the road, we know exactly what to do. Marlise Karlin is a visionary pioneer, author, and humanitarian, recognized globally for igniting an Energy of peace that brings exceptional healing to the mind and body. For more information, please visit Mechanics of Consciousness A Conversation with Jerry Wills Vision Magazine: When did you first discover you had this healing gift? Jerry Wills: I first discovered that I was different from everyone else at an early age. I was probably 8 or 9. For quite a while I had been seeing people that were not there and turned out to be dead people. I would look at plants and see colors in the air around them. And eventually I met this woman who had a pain in her back…and I put my hands on her to make it better. It was working quite well and at a point where it was eventually because of this I was threatened to be institutionalized or taken Jerry Wills away to a boys’ home. VM: Do you think we are all wired to heal? JW: I think [so]. And the thing that is most troubling is the society that we live in does not pay a lot of homage to being healthy, but it pays homage to the pharmaceuticals when something goes wrong. And I think what I do exists within every person. You have heard of these people where they can just sit down at a piano and play immediately, or 2-year-olds reading the newspaper. Some people are born with an innate ability, and I think that was it in my case. My ability for much of my life was misunderstood. I am 6 feet, 9 inches tall and I always stood out. VM: Our theme this month is “No Time Like The Present.” What does that mean to you? JW: Well, it would mean this is the most important moment you have. What you do right now makes the difference for what happens next. We lived in the Amazon jungle for a year without a clock. We basically moved outside of the realm of time. What we discovered is that this is the moment that makes the difference. Everything else is unwritten and everything else has come to this point that is predicated on the moment before what you remembered. This is the moment where you can actually manifest what you want to have



hy p nothera p y

continued on page 46

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vision cafe

United He Stands art | cinema | performance arts | theatre | galleries | poets | conversation | culture

by Sean Cute


yler Rosier had an idea; in the exclusive and notoriously hard-topenetrate world of electronic dance music, he would create a unity. Rosier, known by many as MC Ridda, would break down the barriers of the “single-music-genre by one crew” format of today’s club events. He would call the event “SD Union” and incorporate multiple music genres such as house, electro, hip-hop, dubstep, and drum ‘n’ bass. Each genre would be represented by a different DJ from a different DJ crew. To further push his uniting ways, Rosier opted to hold the event in San Diego’s “gayborhood,” Hillcrest, at The Ruby Room, an “everyone” bar with a large, high-tech stage area. The net effect of Rosier’s strategy has grown into a monthly behemoth of bass music. SD Union extends outside of San Diego as well. Rosier often works in tandem with veteran promoters in Los Angeles, and hosts headliners from around the globe. He has housed domestic headlining acts such as Miami’s AK1200 and San Francisco’s two-time World DMC Champion, DJ Qbert, and international acts such as Ireland’s DJ Dara, New Zealand’s Concord Dawn, and England’s J Majik and DJ Loxy of London’s legendary Metalheadz crew. SD Union has a very special headliner for the Two-Year Anniversary Party on July 21, which Rosier says is “hush-hush.” What he can say is that “a great sound system is just as important [as the talent],” combining the house sound with an imported rig from his fellow crew members at Deep, a San Diego-based drum ‘n’

bass collective. Each year, the event coincidentally coincides with San Diego’s Gay Pride Parade, which Rosier describes as “an absolute honor.” Rosier sure knows how to throw a party, but he knows the business from many sides. He shoots and edits the promotional videos for SD Union, creates promotional artwork, performs MC duties alongside MC Subliminal over the headliner’s set, and even produces some of the tunes they play. A recent release, under the moniker Man Du’, made it to the iTunes store and took the number one spot on’s dubstep charts, a Web site where DJs buy high-quality dance tracks to mix into their sets.

Each year, the event coincidentally coincides with San Diego’s Gay Pride Parade, which Rosier describes as “an absolute honor.”

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Unlock your true potential! Learn the liberating Sunburst Kriya Yoga meditation tool and discover the healing power of your personal relationship with the Divine. Sunburst, founded by Norman Paulsen, direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda, is located 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, CA. Please call for more information. • Email: • 805.736.6528


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Rosier aims to create an “energy that will keep you moving even after you leave.” He adds, “There is nothing like a packed house with people screaming and dancing. It gives me chills just thinking about it.” SD Union occurs from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. every third Saturday of the month at The Ruby Room, 1271 University Ave, San Diego, CA 92103. Visit www. for more information.


Start Your Business Quickly and Be the Best Hypnotherapist You Can Possibly Be, I Promise by Lawrence Miller


f you think you know a lot about hypnosis, the truth is, you probably don’t. That is why I teach a Professional Hypnotherapy Training Course once a year, as well as do educational speaking engagements on hypnosis for a nominal fee. I both teach and speak to help people know and understand all the benefits that hypnosis provides. For instance, our individual hypnotherapy sessions help with: weight loss; phobias; smoking cessation; eating disorders; money blocks; self-esteem; addictions; lowering blood pressure; guilt; improved sports; insomnia; fears; motivation; anger; sexual issues; mental blocks; chronic pain; inner conflicts; and trouble focusing. Lawrence Miller My mission is to teach you how to effectively get clients from phone calls approximately 90 percent of the time, teach you how to conduct the initial pre-talk session that will keep over 95 percent of the clients wanting to stay and begin the hypnosis process, teach you how to hypnotize your client quickly and effectively, teach you how to quickly get to the issue that brought them there, and teach you how to eliminate the issue and finish the session with a completely satisfied client that will bring you future referrals. The Professional Hypnotherapy Training Course that I offer gives you an unbeatable chance of a lifetime. You simply won’t find another hypnosis training course like this anywhere else. With our state-of-theart training and our continual post-training support at the Hypnosis Center of Southern California, you will be enjoying your new career, helping others and making the money you desire.

If you think you know a lot about hypnosis, the truth is you don’t.

Lawrence Miller is certified as a teacher through the International Academy for Hypnotist Studies and the National Guild of Hypnotists. He has over 26 years of experience in Clinical and Professional Hypnotherapy and Training. Miller has a thriving practice in Temecula, CA and assists many clients weekly in individual and group sessions. Miller only takes a maximum of 10 students per class and his classes only take place once a year. The upcoming class begins August 8. Seats are filling up, so reserve your spot now! For more information on the upcoming course or Miller’s speaking engagement schedules, call him at 951.970.7868 or e-mail the Hypnosis Center of Southern California at

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British Author Benjamin Creme Reveals Spiritual Mission of Space Brothers


enjamin Creme is best known for his central message that a group of great spiritual teachers are now returning openly to the modern world under the leadership of the World Teacher, Maitreya. Creme has penned 15 fascinating books on varying aspects of their emergence. His newest book, however, is a UFO book, but with a difference. Creme now introduces us to a new host of planetary envoys—our benefactors and friends, the Space Brothers—and describes, for the first time, his personal experience working closely with them for over half a century. He reveals how he became involved with their work in 1959, including the fact that Benjamin Creme he was part of a working group with George Adamski, one of their major proponents. Creme, having had similar experiences, vouches for the veracity of Adamski’s accounts of his travels in spaceships.

With all due respect to Stephen Hawking, Creme affirms that the Space Brothers are absolutely harmless to the people of Earth. In fact, he claims they are doing us an immense service by neutralizing nuclear radiation that scientists do not as yet have the instrumentation to detect, but that has claimed some 200,000 lives in the last three years alone. A key message of Creme’s book is that the moment of truth has arrived, not only in America, but worldwide. The politicians and economists call the present situation a “downturn” and a “recession,” but in truth, says Creme, in “The Gathering of the Forces of Light,” “we are witnessing the last stumbling steps of the old order based on unbridled competition and greed. The restoration of the health of our planet must become our number one priority after the saving of the starving millions. Maitreya will remind men that Peace and Justice are the essentials without which there is no future. And the only way to both is through Sharing. His task is to focus and strengthen this growing realization.” Since December 2008, a “star-like luminary of brilliant power” has been seen around the world that heralds the beginning of Maitreya’s open mission. Hundreds of sightings of the star have been recorded, and videos from around the world are posted on Several photos are included in this book, as it was created by the Space Brothers and is a sign of Maitreya’s presence. Mr. Creme writes with such clarity and authority that it is difficult to ignore his message. This is an open invitation to explore an informative, thoughtprovoking, and most hopeful new work. A free lecture on this topic will be given by Dick Larson, an associate of Mr. Creme, at the Santa Monica Main Library in the Martin Luther King Auditorium on Saturday, July 28 at 3:00 pm. 818-785-6300

continued on page 41

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Summer Skin at DK Hair by Sydney L. Murray


ummer is here, bringing soft winds, warm weather, and, of course, the ocean and sun. I don’t know about you, but spending time on or in the ocean wreaks havoc on my hair and skin. That is why I have turned to the expertise of Megan Walton, a truly amazing esthetician at dk Hair in Hillcrest. Recently I had the chance to experience a facial by Walton, who used an amazing body oil by True cosmetics, I was amazed by the wonderful look and feel of my skin after dk Hair’s amazing anti-aging treatment. Walton from DK hair also offers this amazing back scrub which exfoliates the skin for my amazing strapless and halter dresses. Well, number one, I can’t see my back that well even with a three-way mirror, so any help a girl can get, I will take. It is so important to exfoliate in the summer to remove all of the impurities or the salt and sweat build-up. Sunshine, heat, humidity, and chlorine can do

VISION CAFE a number on summer skin. For one thing, the sun’s rays are particularly strong, so the chances of developing wrinkles, age spots—or even worse, skin cancer—increase. Plus, higher heat and humidity means more rashes, breakouts, and clogged pores, while chlorine dries out your skin (and your hair!). Your body sheds skin cells at an amazing rate, every minute of every day. If you don’t get rid of them, they’ll just be sitting on your skin, making you look dull and dry. No matter how much lotion you use, you’re never going to have glowing skin if you don’t exfoliate. And just because it is the summer months, doesn’t mean you should suspend your skin care routine for fear that you will be out in the sun more. Exfoliation is critical so that you can receive the most benefit from your moisturizer or sunscreen. It’s also great for the natural tanners that are replacing so many hours in the sun. Also, don’t forget your lips. They definitely get weathered in the summer months. As the summer heats up, sunscreen is needed more and more to protect skin from the scorching sun. What many people do not know is that most sunscreens contain chemicals that have strong estrogenic effects. That is why products like True, Cosmetics which are natural and offer natural sunscreen, are so important!

Sunshine, heat, humidity, and chlorine can do a number on summer skin.

Visit dK Hair today and book an amazing and healing treatment with Megan Walton. Please visit their Web site,, or call 619.546.4550.Contact them at info@

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A Conscious State of Being


by Irene Margolis

n today’s society, with so many things to do and so many places to be, it can be easy to forget what it is like to be in a conscious state of being. I had such an experience recently that I would like to share with you. It was a sweltering summer day in Boulder, Colorado. Even though it was Sunday, I was working on a task that I felt still needed completion. It seemed like no matter how hard I tried, the more difficult the task became. Then I got a call from a friend inviting me to to have tea in a beautiful area nearby, with parks and a lot of greenery. It wasn’t long before I was able to leave the cares of the day behind and just enjoy her company and the many varieties of tea that were available for me to sample. Afterward, I decided to go to one of the nearby parks to spend a little time in nature before heading back. Soon I found myself lying in the the shade of a large tree with the cool grass beneath my feet, smelling the delightful aromas of the nature that surrounded me. As I looked up, I noticed the wispy shape of the clouds above me and became present to the sound of leaves dancing in the breeze. And at that moment, my whole being was conscious, alive, and in a state of pure bliss. As Deepak Chopra mentions in the Law of Pure Potentiality, “bliss” is the natural state of our being. It is the inner potentiality that we all possess. Living our


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As Deepak Chopra mentions in the Law of Pure Potentiality, “bliss” is the natural state of our being.

pure potentiality means learning how to live in that bliss––in every moment of our lives. Every moment of your life can be a moment you live for. Instead of looking forward to vacations and holidays, you will look forward to every moment. You will wake up in the morning feeling infinite gratitude for having the ability to wake, to see, to be alive. When you adopt that mindset, it transforms your entire outlook on life, to feeling bliss in all instances—as you were always meant to feel. Loving all things, everyone, and yourself allows you to feel bliss all the time, for when you are in love with life, you are basking in the deep essence within that is your pure potentiality. Take a walk, sip tea near the fireplace, do something just because it is simple and enjoyable. And while you are basking in these moments, reflect on all the things within you that could be brought to the surface with a simple shift in attitude. Re-align your internal being by recognizing the potential of every day—the air you breathe, the warm water from the shower, the softness of the pillow—and it will no longer be a task to achieve bliss in every given moment. You will simply be bliss and be in a conscious state of being. Irene Margolis is a certified Chopra Center Primordial Sound Instructor and has been involved with Dr. Deepak Chopra and the Chopra Center for over 14 years. Several years ago, she created the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success Transformation Circle, a fun and informative workshop which is presented on Sundays, once each month, at the La Costa Resort and Spa. For more information, visit www.

YogaWell L



Free Monthly Message Circles Need Answers?

by Adrienne Abeyta

Channeled Guidance for Life’s Issues & Your Soul’s Path to Joy

et’s face it, everybody has heard of yoga by now, right? Yoga has become as ubiquitous as aerobics was in the 1980s. Hospitals like Kaiser promote yoga’s health benefits, Sharp Mary Birch offers prenatal yoga along with Lamaze classes, and even elementary schools are integrating some form of it into curriculums. Mention that you have some ailment—physical, emotional, or psychological—and you can bet that someone will say, “Have you ever tried yoga?” Yoga offers people a refuge, a community, exercise, and, dare I say, spirituality. As is usually the case in any class, the teacher is as important as the topic. Regulars will attest that their favorite classes are their favorites mostly because they love the teacher. But what makes a good teacher? Socrates would say bringing out the best in the student. A good teacher should know the theory and have the practice. Yoga is a lifelong practice and lifestyle. The physical poses, called asanas, are but one branch on an ancient tree of life philosophy. In short, the goal of yoga is to calm the mind. Tell that to exercise junkies! Indeed, exercise is a great outlet for stress, and yes, the release of endorphins and dopamine certainly bestow a feeling of bliss, but imagine an enduring sense of peace without the need for external provocation. A good teacher not only teaches you how to contort your body, but also teaches you how to loosen your mind. It’s imperative that teachers connect with their students, that they have a strong understanding of the human body, and that they understand how to modify and adjust poses properly as to refrain from doing harm (ahimsa). Teachers should also be able to teach a class made up of varying abilities. A mantra often heard in class is: leave your egos at the door—this includes the teachers. What also makes a good yoga teacher? A well-rounded yoga teacher training, of course. These days you can’t help but stumble over one of the many trainings offered. But what makes a good training? Is it the style being taught, the big name teachers, the price, schedule, location? Many people are attending teacher trainings, and not always with the intention of teaching. Some simply want to deepen their own practice. A good teacher training will change your life. Extreme as that may sound, it’s true. Ask your favorite teachers. YogaWell in San Diego is one of those trainings. It’s not your typical studio. It specializes in 200- and 500-hour RYT trainings. It’s also the only school in San Diego offering a full Yoga Alliance certification in Prenatal Yoga. Its unique 200-hour RYT schedule allows students to attend classes at their own pace and is designed for the workday schedule. YogaWell is dedicated to honoring the full tradition of yoga, and while its curriculum is orientated toward the therapeutic aspects of yoga, it aspires to bring out the best in each person. To learn more, visit Mention this article and receive 20 percent off tuition.

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“Firm Body Evolution ” continued from page 6

drainage is essential for fighting cancer, and the compression massage drains toxic water and fluid from the glands and from the rest of the body. (Note: Joseph said that this massage also helps reduce the appearance of cellulite and can rid the body of lactic acid.) At the end of my high-tech holistic work-out, I asked Joseph (whose skin, might I add, glows with a certain dewiness) what inspired him to build Firm Body Evolution in the heart of West Hollywood. “FBE is the result of my own personal journey from illness to good health,” he said. At the age of 20, Joseph was diagnosed with the rare Crohn’s Disease, a disease for which there is no known cure in Western medicine. “Even though I went through a challenging and difficult time at an early age, I am grateful to have gone through this journey. It’s inspired me to bring holistic methods of healing to others… It’s become both my passion and my purpose in life.” Health is true wealth. I highly recommend FBE to anyone who takes the “healing from the inside out” approach to wellness (physical fitness included). FBE takes working out to another level, and you won’t experience anything there that you typically would elsewhere. For more information on Firm Body Evolution, visit Daphne can be reached at and http://paintzflwrs.blogspot. com/. “Greek To Me ” continued from page 9

that acted as my sight line even more difficult to find each time we did a take. I was getting both the other actor’s lines and direction between takes on a walkietalkie that was pinched between seats. Oh, and the sun was setting quickly, ratcheting up the tension for the crew. In moments like these, sights and sounds come flooding in, banishing past and future, leaving only the fully dimensional present there. So much so that uttering a simple line of dialogue takes on a weight that defies description, making English sound almost like another language. The present is so full it robs you of assessing it while you’re in its thrall. Thankfully, when the director called “cut,” the camera operator I was delivering my line to assured me all went well. In film, there is what’s known as the Auteur Theory. It posits that the director of the film is its author, and is primarily responsible for its composition. Henceforth, I am going to graft that theory onto my life; I am solely responsible for its content and message. I am the light and camera, leaving me to provide the one missing element: action. My first act under my new credo is to posit that there is indeed no time like the present, the present being that singular moment that commandeers you to the exclusion of all else. Because there isn’t, which is definitely Greek to me. Michael Raysses is a writer/NPR commentator who lives in Malibu, California. You can follow him on Facebook at Or e-mail him at

“Visions and Dreams ” continued from page 13

Dreams is the only retail entity. The focus was on shifting from a retail store to that of a center with space for programs and an expanded staff of intuitive readers. At this location, there are trees and grass outside the windows, offering a lighter feel to the already uplifting ambiance of the shop. As we move through these current times, the astrological patterns offer us a perspective or understanding of the energies influencing all of life. Our individual


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charts can provide insight into our personal processes and opportunities. Upon studying the chart for Visions & Dreams, it became apparent that once again it was time for a renewed expression—in fact, an entirely new approach. Over the last few months, the shop has morphed into its next expression and a new level of service. Doors literally have been closed off and new doors opened. The store is now physically located in the space that was our classroom, Unit 3. There are new wood-like floors and golden walls filled with the items that will continue to be available as support to our patrons. Our focus is on being inspired by the desire to support the awakening of the true self and the aligning with the refined dimensional energies now present. The original store space is transforming into the Now, a community gathering place. It turns out that what was once the shop now makes for a much grander event room. The vaulted ceilings and wood floors are perfect for any number of events—yoga classes, concerts, lectures, meditations, and discussion groups to start. The walls are perfect for displaying the artistic expressions from those in our community. There are plans for a big-screen TV to allow the community to gather and be a part of live streaming global events. This new facility can hold upwards of 100 people and more than a dozen massage tables. The first programs being offered are: Insights for Conscious Living with Suandra and Vibe Night with Joseph on Tuesdays; Oneness Blessings on Wednesdays; yoga classes with Amber on Thursday mornings; and the MAST (Movement, Awareness, Space, and Time) program facilitated by Lorene in the evening. On the weekends you will find a variety of workshops and programs. The first concert scheduled for the Now Gathering Place is a Crystal Bowl Vibrations Concert. Our friend and master of the crystal bowls, Elivia Melody, will bring her magnificent collection of bowls and gongs to take us into the finer frequencies available via the crystal kingdom. Elivia’s bowls and the acoustics of the room will provide an evening to remember. There are many fun, informative, and exciting events being planned for the remainder of the year. We are experiencing the effects of numerous planetary events that appear to be accelerating with each equinox and solstice. We are truly living through a rapid and massive alteration of life as we have known it. There is no one way to walk through this transformation. For certain, we are not meant to go through it alone. Connecting and communing with one another creates a sense of oneness and support. This is the motivation for the creation of the Now Gathering Place, another way for the Newberrys to support the evolution of consciousness. There will be a gala open house on July 29 to officially introduce the Now Gathering Place. Visions & Dreams will have a Grand Trine in the sky to energize the birth of the Now Gathering Place. Meet the teachers, readers, and staff, and enjoy entertainment, food, and networking. To receive e-mail updates from Visions & Dreams, call 949.650.6929 and ask to be put on their list, or send an email to Visit http://www.visionsanddreamsonline. com/readers.html for more information.

“EricPearl” continued from page 19

Qi Revolution” continued from page 12

of Stanford University, who was able to gauge a huge energy upsurge in The Reconnection workshop rooms. The measurements in the rooms where Reconnective Healing takes place shows levels of energy that the he says couldn’t possibly be reproduced. The analogy they use is it’s as if they heated the room to over 300 degrees Celsius. Finally, Konstantin Korotkov, Ph.D., Deputy Director of Saint Petersburg Federal Research Institute of Physical Culture in Russia, has been tracking significant improvements in Russian Olympic athletes’ peak performance after them being exposed to the Reconnective Healing frequencies. (He discovered that the frequencies altered and affected their blood.) What is so exciting about Reconnective Healing is that everyone can learn how to do this. And our reward is oftentimes far more than just the amazing experience of helping someone else to heal. Reconnective Healing is a pathway to transformation for both the healer and the person receiving the healing. The evidence shows that the healer or practitioner also receives the gift of the healing frequencies. So how does one become proficient as a Reconnective Healing catalyst to heal themselves and others? The first thing that has to happen is you have to interact with the frequencies. There are various levels in which you can do that. On the simple, basic level, you can begin to access this by reading, “The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself,” which is now available in over 36 languages. Yet the key word here is that you can begin to access it from reading the book. Even though the last third of the book is a basic how-to, it is especially valuable to attend Reconnective Healing seminars because there you are soaking in these frequencies and going through transformation throughout the weekend. On top of that, you are also learning the light and consciousness of this work and the philosophy, which is what allows it to come through. We show you how to access, find, and feel the frequencies. And as you do, you will most likely see the body of the person who is lying on the table begin to move involuntarily—their fingers, their feet, their arms and/or legs. Their eyes will probably begin to rapidly dart back and forth. Even the tiny muscles on the forehead or the chin, muscles that we can’t easily move intentionally or independently, will go into involuntary movement. And you will begin to see and recognize that by your “tuning in” to certain sensations, the person responds physically. As you locate and access other sensations, you will see the person visibly respond in another way. This is how you start to recognize your mastery in the work. Within your “seeing” lies your “knowingness.” By the end of the weekend, I can pretty much make you two promises. One, you’ll be able to do anything and everything that I can do in the way of healing. And two, you’ll be able to do anything and everything that any human being on this planet can do in the way of healing. People are always astonished at what they can accomplish after only one weekend’s worth of instruction. What this means is that you and I are standing on the precipice of the next level of human evolution. As we reconnect with the truth of who and what we are, we shine as the light that we are, we illuminate our own lives, and we illuminate the lives of others. And as this work spreads, we raise the health, consciousness, and vibration of everyone on the planet and, therefore, of the planet itself. All we have to do is open up and experience it and share it. Dr. Eric Pearl is the world’s leading authority on Reconnective Healing. The next Reconnective Healing seminar is slated for July 20-22 in San Jose, CA. To learn more, go to or call 323.960.0012. To see a video clip, visit

claiming it was “the strongest energy of their lives.” VM: How did the name “Qi Revolution” come about? JP: The way that we teach Qigong is a bit over the top. It is truly a revolution because we assume people are ready for the powerful practices right away. The beginning of the Qi Revolution workshop starts with something we call “Breath Empowerment.” It is a profound transformational tool, especially in bigger groups with a large group energy field. We lie down on the floor doing special breathing techniques and flood our body with oxygen and energy. It feels like a car engine pleasantly humming inside your body. VM: What are the physical and spiritual benefits of Qigong? JP: Physically, qi is what moves the blood in your body. According to classical Chinese medicine, qi is the mother of blood. What it’s saying is that the qi rules the blood. When a person has a qi blockage or an area where the energy can’t go, that’s a very real phenomenon. Western medicine would say that this is an area that the blood cannot go, or cannot go fully. So if, for instance, somebody has a shoulder injury and they do some Qigong exercises, then they can bring blood, bring qi, into that area. You can feel it the moment you start doing it, and the energy is so magnetic, it’s so palpable. I’ve walked into rooms full of businessmen in suits and ties who didn’t believe in any of this “crap,” and just having them hold their hands and do a few breathing exercises, they feel their hands pulsating, and they can’t take the rings off their fingers because the fingers are fatter. On a spiritual level, holding a “non-physical healing force” changes most people on a spiritual level. When this force is vibrating in your abdomen, it leads to what I call a “sudden enlightenment.” This physiological shift in consciousness is the primary reason I have devoted my life to teaching Qigong. People acquire certainty about their undying spiritual presence because they can feel it vibrating inside them. It would be hard to describe the higher spiritual levels of Qigong because they must be experienced. Ancient Qigong masters like Lao Tzu, author of the famous “Tao Te Ching,” said, “The true Tao cannot be spoken of,” but at the core of Qigong it is experienced. VM: Please tell me about the upcoming Qi Revolution event in Los Angeles. JP: People will get a mind-blowing education in Naturopathic Food-Healing, Power Breathing, Qigong Strength Training, ELECTRICAL Hands-on Healing, and more. The people are so beautiful and the group energy is perhaps the most important and wonderful aspect of the event. VM: Our theme for July is “No Time Like the Present.” What are your thoughts on this idea? JP: I know life is busy; everybody has a lot going on. However, I think we could all use these energy exercises to increase our personal power and take responsibility for our own health so that when we’re in the real world, earning our living and doing our daily tasks, there is ENERGY behind what we do and how we live! The next Qi Revolution seminar will be July 7-10, 2012 at the LA Convention Center. For details, and to register, go to or call 800.298.9870. Jeff Primack is a Qigong practitioner and founder of the Supreme Science Qigong Center. For more information, visit his Web site at

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Calendar OF EVENTS

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Each additional word is only .50¢/word. Introductory Offer: Prepay for 3 ads and get the 4th free. Prepay for 6 ads and get a FREE standard 2x2 display ad. Large vertical ads (2 x 3.25) are $159. Standard size (2x2) ads are $135. Discounts for multiple issues. Call today at 866.804.8444 or Visa & MC accepted. Deadline is JULY 15


JULY 3 Tuesday Full Moon Fire Potluck 7:30-9:30pm 714-603-8624$15 donation www. JULY 5 Thursday Shiatsu/Accupressure, Tui Na Massage, Qi Gong. Wide range of Oriental Healing Arts Practices. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485. JULY 7 and 8 Sat.-Sun. Advanced Holistic Marketing & Learn How To Establish an Online Marketing & Publishing System. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485, JULY 11 and 18 Wed. Attract Clients With Your Authentic Purpose: Create a marketing message that authentically expresses your life’s calling. Natural Healing Institute, 760943-8485, JULY 12 Thursday Falling in Love with Yourself. Venice Love Shack 2121 Lincoln Blvd. Venice, CA $33 7:30-9:30pm This will sell out. Reserve your space today! 714-603-8624 JULY 14 Saturday Chart your course to fulfill your fondest dreams! Vision Workshop, based on the teachings of Mary Morrisey, facilitated by Clara White, RScP, Certified Dream Builder Coach. Develop a map to reach your destination! 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. $20 donation. Joyful Living Church, 3505 Camino del Rio South, Mission Valley. (619) 521-4800 or joyfullivingsandiego. org. JULY 17- 24 Sat. Energetic Vibrational Healing –Sense the aura, chakras, clearing energy blocks, Therapeutic Touch, Polarity, …. See the aura!! Highly experiential!! Steve Schechter NP, HHP 6:30pm – 10:00pm. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485.


JULY 18 Wednesday Explore the New Frequencies of Healing presented by: Eric Pearl Venue: East West Books - 324 Castro Street Mountain View, CA 94041-1297 650-988-9800 Local Contact: Patrice Fistor-Jaehnig • Patrice@ • 1-707-953-9934 7:00pm - $12 Find out what’s baffling the medical community. Discover why hospitals and universities around the world are investing time and money in an attempt to explain these healings, and how you, too, can master this extraordinary work! Eric will discuss his remarkable story and give live demonstrations of the healings on audience volunteers.Venue for the following: Double Tree by Hilton Hotel San Jose For more information and to register: or call 323.960.0012 JULY 20 Friday Rest in the Presence with Amitabhan 7:30 pm Using Sound, Song and Silence to go deeper into the presence of the Devine JULY 21 Saturday Healing Touch Level 1 Course Offering: A nursing based continuing education program for all levels of health professionals and interested lay people. Learn about the human energy system and its relationship to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health; and much more. Saturdays, July 21 and 28, 8:30a.m. to 6 p.m. Joyful Living Church, 3505 Camino del Rio South, San Diego. (619) 521-4800 or Call for details. July 21 Saturday Universoul Love Remembering our Connection to Infinite Awareness. $19.97 Webinar.www to register 714-603-8624 JULY 21-22 Sat.-Sun. Deep Tissue Massage With Body Mechanics. Proper form, techniques. Giving full body massage

VI S I O N M AG A Z I N E • J U LY 2 012 • W W W.VI S I O N M AG A Z I N E .C O M

with pressure. Stretches while giving a massage. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485.

JULY 23-24 Mon-Tues Level III Seminar: The Reconnection Taught by The Reconnection Teaching Team $897 The Reconnection brings in “new” axiatonal lines that reconnect us on a more powerful and evolved level than ever before. This course will teach you how to bring in and activate these new lines, allowing for the exchange – beyond energy – of light and information, the reconnection of DNA strands and the reintegration of “strings”. For more information and to register: or call 323.960.0012 JULY 23rd-27 Mon-Fri Kids-Earth Camp @ OC Healing Center 10-2pm M-F Ages 8-12 Reserve your space! 714-603-8624


AUGUST 8-16 Wed-Thurs AMAZING OPPORTUNITY FOR TEN PEOPLE – CALL TODAY The National Guild of Hypnosis Certification Course will begin a new class. It is a course you don’t want to

miss if you are looking for a life time profession and career. When you are finished with the course you will be ready to go out into the real world and start your business and if you are committed to be successful you will be making money in a very short period of time, I promise. 41720 Winchester Rd. Ste. A Temecula, CA 92590 (951) 970-7868 • www.

AUGUST 13 Monday The New Human Demonstrating Lost or Forgotten Yet Teachable Human Abilities Group Healing Session & Lectureby Richard Gordon- $20 - 7:30 pm Agape International Spiritual Center 5700 Buckingham Pkwy # 200 Culver City, CA 90230 AUGUST 16 Thursday The New Human Demonstrating Lost or Forgotten Yet Teachable Human Abilities Artla Gallery/Bergamot Station Arts Center - 7:30 pm 2525 Michigan Ave., Bldg. D5, Santa Monica, Ca 90404 AUGUST 18 Saturday TEACHERS INFORM, A MASTER TRANSFORMS - HIMALAYAN MASTER YOGIRAJ SIDDHANATH USA Southern California 2012 7-9 pm, UCLA Ackerman Student Union, Grand Ballroom 308 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, 90024, USA Satsang and Experiential Workshop with Yogiraj Siddhanath (Free) Registration: 866-YOGI-RAJ or events@siddhanath. org or

AUGUST 11 Saturday TEACHERS INFORM, A MASTER TRANSFORMS - HIMALAYAN MASTER YOGIRAJ SIDDHANATH - USA Southern California 2012 Tour 7-9 pm, 1613 Lake Drive, Encinitas, CA 92024 Satsang and Experiential Workshop with Yogiraj Siddhanath (Free) Registration: 866-YOGI-RAJ or events@ or MeetYogiraj AUGUST 12 Sunday TEACHERS INFORM, A MASTER TRANSFORMS - HIMALAYAN MASTER YOGIRAJ SIDDHANATH - USA Southern California 2012 5-9 pm, 1613 Lake Drive, Encinitas, CA 92024 Kriya Yoga Workshop and Empowerment with Yogiraj Siddhanath ($125) Registration: 866-YOGI-RAJ or events@ or MeetYogiraj

AUGUST 19 Sunday TEACHERS INFORM, A MASTER TRANSFORMS - HIMALAYAN MASTER YOGIRAJ SIDDHANATH - USA Southern California 2012 5-9 pm, UCLA Ackerman Student Union, Grand Ballroom 308 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, 90024, USA Kriya Yoga Workshop and Empowerment with Yogiraj Siddhanath ($125) Registration: 866-YOGI-RAJ or events@siddhanath. org or AUG. 24-26 Fri-Sun AKASHIC RECORDS PRACTITIONER TRAINING with

Barbara Schiffman, ARCT. Deepen your Soul-connection to the Akashic Field in 2012. Learn to read the Akashic Records for yourself and others. Includes Ancestral Connections healing tools and certification via Linda Howe’s Center for Akashic Studies. $325, LA location. Pre-Registration: 818-4153479, www.YourLifeandSoul. com,

AUG 31-SEPT 3 Fri-Mon INSIDE JOY: Celebrating Keys to Ascension ~ A Sacred Retreat SEDONA MAGO RETREAT Experience and learn new paradigms for transcendence, ascension guidance, tai-ji with Chungliang Al Huang, Sacred Union with Paul Horn & Ann Mortifee, Kirtan with Geoffrey Gordon, Ven. Tenzin Yignyen, flutist Nawang Khechog with pianist Peter Kater, LionFIre,ThunderBeat with the Sexy Skulls, and so much more...! or phone 855.809.2272

SEPTEMBER 40th Annual


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CANCER CONTROL SOCIETY (323) 663-7801 SEPTEMBER 1-2 Sat.-Sun Body Mind Spirit Expo Coming to San Diego for the 12th year, Sept 1-2 Body Mind & Spirit brings to life a positive, healing environment. Weekend admission of $12 includes all lectures and demos as well as admission to the exhibit hall. Visit our website, www.bmse. net for a $2 off coupon!! San Diego Doubletree Mission Valley, 7450 Hazard Center Dr. Sat 10-7 Sun 11-6. For Vendor Information call 541-482-3722. SEPT. 16-20 Sun-Thurs HEALING THROUGH THE AKASHIC RECORDS 5-DAY RETREAT with Akashic expert-author Linda Howe. Learn to utilize Akashic Light for spiritual healing for yourself and

W W W.VI S I O N M AG A Z I N E .C O M • J U LY 2 012 • VI S I O N M AG A Z I N E


Calendar continued others. Transform your emotional wounds into sacred evolution opportunities. Includes Akashic Healing Practitioner Certification via Linda’s Center for Akashic Studies. Location: Glen Ivy Retreat Center, Corona CA. Info: Barbara Schiffman, 818-415-3479, www.YourLifeandSoul. com, SEPT.– 21-23 Fri.-Sat. The Whole Being Weekend celebrates 40 years of bringing a mountain summercamp experience to the New Age and Wholistic Communities of Southern California. Registration includes all meals, lodging, massage, seminars, concerts, networking and a beautiful outdoors experience with like minded open-hearted friends. www.thewholebeingweekend. com 619-944-7838 SEPT. 22-23 SAT.-SUN. HOLISTIC ARTS FAIR, 10 AM-7 PM. Free psychic, health, art fair. Yoga for Your Eyes workshop, panels, speakers, etc.1540 Hicks Ave. San Jose. Free parking in lot/along streets. Exhibitors wanted! (408)4486726; SEPT.27-30 Thurs-Sun TEACHERS INFORM, A MASTER TRANSFORMS - HIMALAYAN MASTER YOGIRAJ SIDDHANATH - USA Southern California 2012 Hilton Garden Inn, 6450 Carlsbad Blvd, Carlsbad, CA, USA 2012 California New Life Awakening Retreat with Yogiraj Siddhanath Registration: 866-YOGI-RAJ or events@ or MeetYogiraj


EXPERIENCE THE SEVEN SPIRITUAL LAWS OF SUCESS AT A MUCH DEEPER LEVEL. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success Transformation Circles Adopted from the best-selling book by famed author, Deepak Chopra. These workshops will help you connect with you life at a much deeper level. With the practice of these laws you will be able to create affluence and abundance for yourself and others, have better relationships,and live the life you love. Our Day of Transformation also


includes discounted Spa Day passes for $30 at the luxious La Costa Spa. after 3:PM. Also all attendees will receive a 15% discount at the Chopra Center store the day of the workshop except for jewelry. Tuition is $25 with advance registration and $30 at the door, and incluces the book “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra” and the Transformation Circles Companion Guide. For more information and to register for this fun and informative workshop and Day of Transformation please visit www.mytransformationcircles. com. The Law of Pure Potentiality- July 22th - Experience Stillness and the creation of your desires will come through spontaneously. The Law of Giving - August 12th - Keep the affluence and abundance of the universe circulating in your life through giving and receiving. The Law of Karma - September 16th - Create happiness and success for yourself and others by becoming the conscious choice maker. The Law of Least Effort - October 14th - Use energy creatively, do less and accomplish more. The Law of Intention and Desire November 11th - Harness the power of intention to fofill your dreams and desires The Law of Detachment- December 16th Access the creative force of the Universe through intention, surrender, and present moment awareness. KABBALAH in Orange County This 4,000 year old wisdom reveals the secrets of creation and our purpose in it. Discover the answers you have been searching for. oc 800-236-5160 7.12 Reach







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FREE PSYCHIC READINGS every FIRST Monday 7:30p.m. by students in Vessa’s INTUITIVE INSIGHTS Clairvoyant Program, 4455 Morena Blvd. #108, 858.509.7582 www.MyIntuition. Net Mondays June 4, July 2, August 6, September 3, October 1, November 5, December 3. $8 BEGINNERS YOGA CLASSES Monday @ 6:00p.m. Tuesday @ 5:30 p.m. 2333 Camino del Rio South #240 92108 619.917.0998.

VI S I O N M AG A Z I N E • J U LY 2 012 • W W W.VI S I O N M AG A Z I N E .C O M

WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY EVENINGYOGA AND MEDITATION Yoga: 6 – 7:30 PM; Quiet Meditation: 7:30 – 8 PM, Sunburst Sanctuary Allow yourself to feel the peace within during a yoga class followed by an optional quiet meditation. Email: (805) 736-6528


FREE DETOXIFICATION AND WEIGHT LOSS CLASS 1st Thursday of every month. 6:30p.m. Easy and successful program. Register @ Body Basics Health Center, San Diego. 619.296.7390 7.12


HAPPINESS CLASSES - Based on the life-healing teachings of VERNON HOWARD, Fridays - 8p.m.; Sundays - 10a.m. New Life Foundation, 5779 Westminster Blvd., Westminster, CA. 714.899.9300 Conquer stress, handle difficult people with ease, banish problems. Donation basis. 8.12


SATURDAY DEEP MEDITATION 6 – 9 AM Come and go quietly during this special time of deeper meditation. Email: (805) 736-6528 Reach







as $135.00 A MONTH! CALL 1-866-804-8444 new clients only

S cott F acon v i s i o n a r y

a r t i s t

I was born in 1956 in Red Bank, New Jersey. I am a self taught artist. My knowledge of art is mostly from books of Dali, Ernst Fuchs, and Vermeer. I paint and draw but am now basically digital. My approach is that of a painter, using opaque and transparent multilayers and finished details last to incorporate my own mythologies and hallucinations. Scott Facon E-mail Scott at, or visit site on Deviant Art

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planet earth. I think as humans, we’re also trying to keep up with the sources above, with the energy above, with God, with the angels, and with other humans. And instead of worrying so much about where we’re heading, I think as a human race we should be focused on the daily actions that each of us take, from our communications with co-workers, family members and friends, to the good work that so many of us are striving to accomplish. We need to make every effort that our interactions with others are sincere, compassionate, loving, and kind and that our work is focused, meaningful, and for the betterment of all. So where are we heading as a human race? On one end, things don’t look very promising and at the core of this problem is the exploitation of our natural resources and our relationship with earth itself. We need to be thinking about the well-being of earth itself. In order for a human race to survive and be in the moment, and to live life in the moment, we have to be in that space where Mother Earth is. I really believe that we can’t even think about where we’re heading unless we make that Earthly Mother connection and learn how to live symbiotically with her. Basically, we’re sitting on a female planet—that’s what the Spirit tells me anyway—and that humankind as a whole should be concerned about her and trying to nurture her, and at the same time, just letting her nurture us, and then everything will be fine in the future. Ultimately, this connection and vital relationship is the foundation to the health and well being of our future.

“Vortex” continued from page 14

more relaxed, more and more able to experience ourselves as the vibrational energies that we truly are. Fortunately, our present time, 2012, provides us a great opportunity to make the shift to unity consciousness. We presently have many transformational modalities to help with emotional healing as well as spiritual teachings and tools to help us focus on becoming agents of higher consciousness. We also have access to the Divine, both in terms of greater perspective and powerful spiritual energies that transform us. Yet we also have a major challenge. If we are to transcend the domination of ego and be guided by divine consciousness, we will have to confront the perspective that the universe should be manipulated to satisfy our agendas. And we will have to move into a higher perspective where we realize that God is not part of our mission; we are part of God’s plan. Ultimately, while we are responsible for doing our part, we are actually instruments of the collective vortex of change that comes from a consciousness higher than our own and from a future we cannot envision. It transforms us from discrete and separate fragments to individuated beings in the context of oneness. It is our creation, yet it informs, guides, and empowers us toward a future beyond our possibility to create. For over 30 years, Beth Green has been a spiritual teacher, intuitive counselor, author, and speaker. She is the co-founder of the Center for Healing & Higher Consciousness ( and founder of The Stream spiritual community (www. Beth recently released her latest book, Living with Reality (www. Beth Green will be leading a retreat called “Creating the Collective Vortex of Change,” August 17-19 in Bonsall, CA. (Visit for details.) She will also speak at the California Institute for Human Science conference in San Diego on July 22. (Visit “Anthony William” continued from page 27

injury and more than one soul injury. What it is that I’m talking about is the fragility. I’m seeing that we’re going forward in so many ways, everything from technology to consciousness, awakening, and yet we get more fragile than ever before. We have great technology. For example, you’re sitting in a car and it’s totally rigged and it has everything under the sun—everything from a computer to a TV and the best technology. And then you run over a nail and you’re stuck, because you still have four rubber tires that we’ve had for 100 years now, filled with air. There’s something about how fast we’re going and how the conscious level is elevating, but yet we’re more fragile than ever. VM: A new thing that you’re offering is Daily Readings or Daily Inspirational. What is that? AW: I’m putting out a daily inspiration on Facebook and Twitter. That’s coming from Spirit, direct, every single day. And I’m putting that out there for my clients to give them a little extra inspiration throughout the day. I just have to ask; it comes instantaneously. When you’re reading someone, that person shouldn’t have to take off their jewelry so you can get a better read. That person’s not supposed to be in a meditative state so you can get a better read. It doesn’t matter if I’m exhausted or worn out from the day; I will be able to get the read no matter what. VM: Where do you think we’re headed as a human race? AW: Well, there’s a lot of worry and concern out there. I hear it all the time. I like to stay in the positive frame of mind. I know that if you look back in our history, there were major waves of turmoil, hardship, and strife, everything from wars to famine to earthquakes to tidal waves. It’s never been easy to live here on


Anthony William offers phone consultations seven days a week. To schedule a consultation, visit or call 941.429.8384. “Inside Joy” continued from page 33

happen next, instead of allowing the universe to maneuver things into place, which is in alignment of what you want, and collect the energy and begin manifesting exactly what you want. You just have to make a choice to do it. And that choice carries a responsibility: that you are no longer at the whims of creation at that moment; you are part of the process of the divine within you. VM: What are you presenting at the upcoming Inside Joy retreat weekend? JW: It will be a little bit of healing and a presentation called the “Mechanics of Consciousness,” a course I developed several years ago. In this course, I explain what is going on in energy manipulation, and in a way that is understandable. There are some pretty high levels of physics involved in my explanation, and it is presented in such a way that is easy to understand. And it was really an exploration and a challenge for me to come up with a good way to explain this to people and how a person can access it easily. During my presentation, my goal is to get folks to be fully aware that, as you have heard of people seeing energy, I have developed a technique and a device to see energy whenever you want to. So it is no longer a mystical experience; it is a science experiment. There are memories in the body, holographic fields that contain information that tell you what you should look like and how it is connected to the great design and when that design is not there. And when I know the design is not the way it is supposed to be, I simply redesign it. For more information on Jerry Wills and his healing work, please visit www. and Come Join us at Inside Joy for this amazing retreat. Labor Day Weekend August 31-September 3, 2012 at the Sedona Mago Retreat. 855.809.2272 or enroll online at

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and their Spiritual Mission

Elaborate crop circles appear overnight. Unprecedented numbers of UFO sightings are reported around the world.

The Forces of Light are gathering. Maitreya, the World Teacher for all humanity, has begun his open mission – to inspire the complete transformation of our planet – with the help of our Space Brothers and Sisters. Hear about these extraordinary happenings and the great changes ahead for all life in:

An afternoon with Dick Larson Saturday, July 28, 3:00 pm Santa Monica Main Library Martin Luther King Auditorium 601 Santa Monica Boulevard Santa Monica, CA 90405 Free admission

Information: 818-785-6300

Note: This program is not sponsored by the Santa Monica Public Library.

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