Sept. Vision Magazine

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inside Catalyst for Conscious Living


1281 University Avenue, Suite G San Diego, California 92103 Voice 619.294.2393 866.804.8444 Fax 619.296.1910 e-mail: Executive Editor & Publisher Sydney L. Murray Editor at Large Daphne Carpenter


Viewpoint Heart in Hawaii


Holistic Living Being the Teacher, Living the Teaching Homeopathy is Global

Copy Editor Shannon Nies


Greek To Me Paddling to Sanity


Ask The LifequakeTM Doctor Advice About Life Transitions

11-13 Mindstates The Mystery of Easter Island Huna, Father and Lineage Sedona the Movie 16-17 Culture Service for Humanity

Graphic Design Sloan Gomez Interns Erin Tagan, Antranik Marquez, Camille Udan


Astrology September 2012 Forcast


Culture A Modern Day Shaman


Healing Arts Palenque–ET Influence? An Energetic Discussion of Healing

Contributing Writers

Adrienne Abeyta, Dr. Toni Galardi, Micahael Raysses, Daphne Carpenter, Shannon Nies, Adrianna Attento, Janet Bray Attwood, Deborah Trotta, Tim Parks, Dr. Mathew B James, Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha, Isabella Stoloff, Andrea Adler

Sales Sydney L. Murray, Trevor Watson, Tim Parks, Sloan Gomez, Camille Udan Listings: Online & Print Sales Vision Magazine® is a ® registered trademark of Vision Global, Inc. published on a monthly basis and distributed free of charge. Subscriptions are available for $27 for 12 issues (one year). All rights reserved. Advanced written permission must be obtained from Vision Magazine for partial or complete reproduction of any part or whole of Vision Magazine, including advertising material contained in its pages. Opinions expressed in Vision Magazine do not necessarily represent those of Vision Global, Inc., its employees or representatives. Vision Magazine disclaims any responsibility for claims made by its advertisers. Artwork, fiction, letters to the Editor, and manuscripts are welcome, however, unsolicited manuscripts without SASE will not be returned. Copyright © 2012 Vision Magazine

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Features Crazy, Sexy, Life Abelardo Rodriguez, III


Community Resources


Vision Café Pushing Upwards Is Not a Bra One Heart One Soul Eden Energy Medicine Global Spirit


Holistic People Children’s Animal Cards




Visionary Artist Lester Woodward



On the Cover

Easter Island Cover Photo by Lester Woodward September 2012 Theme: World Hot Spots Next Month, October 2012 Theme: East vs. West

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Access the Intelligence of the Heart in Hawaii by Adriana Attento


f you have ever visited Hawaii, you have a sense of its beauty. The fragrant flowers, the rolling waves, and the swaying palm trees all sing to the elegance of the islands. Yet underneath the physical allure is a spiritual depth unlike any other place on earth. It is as though the soul feels embraced by the caress of aloha and connected to the love that emanates from the land itself. The five major islands that make up the Hawaiian chain are part of the youngest land on earth. On the Big Island in particular, a flowing red river of lava flows from the Kilauea caldera out to sea. As the fiery liquid reaches the cool temperature of the ocean, a column of steam rises and the red river becomes solid ground. The Big Island is literally creating new land. The Big Island, which shares its name with the state (Hawaii), was built by five volcanoes, some of which are still active. From oldest to youngest, these are Kohala, which is extinct; Mauna Kea, which is dormant; Hualalai, which is active but not currently erupting; Mauna Loa, which is also active but not erupting, and Kilauea, which is active and has been erupting continuously since 1983. It is no wonder why this island draws artists, writers,

If you are indeed an artist, a writer, or painter, following the sacred creative thread is a powerful way to spend your time on the islands.

dancers, musicians, and creators of all kinds from around the world. Interestingly, just as lava moves from within the earth and pours outward towards the sea, so do ideas, insights, and solutions begin from within and then find their outward expression. Nature, as abundant as it is in Hawaii, supports creativity, and creativity encourages spirituality. The heart and mind open to something larger, and awareness can access that powerful place of unlimited possibilities. In fact, creativity can become a deep spiritual practice for any explorer of the inner world. An ancient Hawaiian proverb is telling of the spiritual journey: “The path to God is a simple one of Joy.” What begins as an outward search often turns out to be a discovery of what was within all along. Some believe that the ancient wisdom of Hawaii was not based on any kind of intellectual understanding, but rather an intuitive, heart-centered connection with the cosmos. For this reason, the sacred feeling that accompanies the spiritual journey inward can be experienced at certain sites on the Big Island. It is part of what makes the island so special. Ancient Hawaiian elders, known as kahunas, could intuitively point out places where the life energy became concentrated and indicated that these places be used for sacred worship. Some of these sacred sites are still marked today. They are often surrounded by rock walls and have a natural-made platform in the center. These places of worship are called heiaus (pronounced hay-ee-ows). I believe that at these places the intuitive mind (or the intelligence of the heart) becomes strong. If you are indeed an artist, a writer, or painter, following the sacred creative thread is a powerful way to spend your time on the islands. By the “sacred creative thread,” I mean that beginning point that the creative spark always hands us first. It could be the line of a poem, a vision, or a stroke of genius. By intuitively following where this leads, we arrive at what I call the inner shoreline, or perhaps in this case, the inner heiau—that place where known and unknown meet, where human and divine come together. This is where awareness can rest while a creative endeavor unfolds. Then, become receptive and listen for the intelligent unfolding of the creative process. As inspiration appears, there may be a feeling of uneasiness and awkwardness because it is risky to follow the unknown. You never know what will happen. Yet by doing so, you become a vessel through which the powerful life force can flow. The intelligence of the sacred becomes one with the personal, allowing what is new to unfold from the dark into the light of the world. It is at these sacred sites where the wisdom of creativity, the life force, and the intuitive heart can be known. Whether you are a professional artist or just beginning to dabble in creativity, Hawaii’s erupting volcanoes, immense beauty, and sacred sites can support a spiritual practice of creativity and an intimate relationship with the intelligence of the heart. Adriana Attento, MA has a master’s degree in Depth Psychology and is the author of A Holy Nothingness: Writing Towards God. In February 2013, join Adriana and others in a 7-day meditation and creativity retreat on the island of Hawaii. (Register today and save $200!) Get details at www.CreationMeditation. com/HawaiiRetreat or contact


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Being the Teacher Living the Teaching by Janet Bray Attwood


hen I first heard the words, “The world needs teachers who are living their teaching,” these words resonated very deeply with me. I was in Iowa City at the time, and I was interviewing the great Hugging Saint, Mata Amritanandamayi, otherwise known as Amma, for my video series, “Dialogues with the Masters.” In between hugs, Amma would turn to me and answer my questions. After one particular question, she turned to me and said, “What the world needs more of are teachers.” And then she went back to her hugging. A little while later she turned to me again and said, “And what I mean are teachers who are living their teaching.” It was very clear that Amma was talking directly to me. I’ll bet you’re a lot like me. You want to make a positive difference in the world. Like me, you want to share your love, your wisdom and your gifts, etc., to make the world a better place, right? And we all know that to do that we have to be whole and healthy ourselves. We need to be passionate about why we’re here and be connected to others who can help our light shine as brightly as possible. That’s why I’m so excited to give you access to the tools that will awaken the healer within you: tools to heal our bodies, but even more importantly, to heal our hearts and our souls. These tools come from ancient traditions from around the world. Wouldn’t you love to have some sure-fire, proven methods that will not only raise your vibration and ensure your perfect health, but also allow you to open up your prosperity channels so that you can live the life of abundance you were meant to live? Now, more than ever, we need to learn the tools that can help us keep our bodies and our minds healthy. I don’t know about you, but when I’m not feeling up to par, I just can’t be the best I want to be, I don’t recognize the gifts that are always there, I can’t see the good in myself or others, and my prosperity consciousness also suffers dramatically.

When we got on the phone with Alex, he gave us some simple “Healing Codes” to do, and the next day, to our surprise, we were well enough to go shopping. The following day when we delivered our workshop, we felt so completely healed that we flowed through our program and, in the end, received standing ovations. Over the years, I’ve had many miraculous healing experiences like the one with Dr. Loyd, with some of the top healers in the world. It was because of these amazing healing experiences that I decided that some day I would bring together whom I considered to be the “best of the best” in the healing world, on one big stage so that others could experience the positive results of healing like I had been fortunate to receive.

Each of these great healers takes a different approach. The ones that are right for you will be the ones with whom you resonate most deeply. Wouldn’t you agree that to know which is the right healer for you, you need to experience them in person?

It’s Time to Take Back Your Health! Most of us have been raised in a culture that has made us passive participants in our body’s maladies. When we get sick, we go to the doctor. The doctor gives us some prescription medication, we take it, and hopefully everything will be continued on page 46

What Happened in Cincinnati My business partner, Chris Attwood, and I had just arrived in Cincinnati, Ohio to deliver a workshop. We had recently returned from India and had contracted some form of amoebic dysentery while there. Fortunately, our host for our workshop knew this doctor named Alex Loyd. Our host asked us if we would be open to talking to Dr. Loyd over the phone so that he could give us his healing modalities. We felt so miserable that we were in the ‘we’ll-tryanything’ mode. Our host explained that Dr. Loyd had cognized a way to completely heal the emotional body, the first place where real healing needs to occur. W W W.VI S I O N M AG A Z I N E .C O M • S E P TE M B E R 2 012 • VI S I O N M AG A Z I N E



Homeopathy Is Global

by likes.” The House of Representatives and the US Senate both had to pass legislation to allow the monument’s resurrection. It is situated at the beautiful Scott Circle in Washington, D.C.

by Deborah Trotta


omeopathy has become quite the hot topic as the second largest method of medicine in the world and the fastest growing. Its presence is a constant in many countries across the world.

Just a Few Homeopathic “Hot Spots” Across the Globe In Europe, over 40 percent of all physicians use or refer patients to homeopathy. The most popular medicines for colds, the flu, and allergies are homeopathic, with remedies in France available at all local drug stores. The Royal Family’s personal physician is a homeopath. In addition, millions in India, Asia, Latin and Central America, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Israel, Mexico, Pakistan, and many more use homeopathy as their primary care. Founder of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), was born in Germany. A superb physician, expert scientist, chemist, and linguist, he was dismayed by the medical protocol of the day. He committed to do no harm and sought out to understand the reasons behind why some sources were curative. In his hundreds of clinical experiments, he substantiated the law of nature that leads to the first principle of classical homeopathy: “like cures like,” meaning that which can harm us, can heal us. Powerful for epidemics, homeopathy was first introduced to this country as a result of its success in treating the cholera epidemic of 1832 in Europe. Homeopaths had a much higher rate of survival. The flu pandemic in 1918, killed over 50 million using conventional hospitals, with a mortality rate of over 30 percent, compared to the homeopathic hospitals, with a mortality rate of only 1.05 percent. These sweet tasting “sugar pills” with no side effects became immediately preferred by patients over the usual protocol of Western medicine, making homeopathy widely popular in the mid-1800s in the United States. One out of every four physicians was a homeopath. There were over two dozen homeopathic medical schools and over 100 homeopathic hospitals. The elite of every community patronized the homeopaths. President McKinley was present for the dedication ceremonies of the massive monument built to Dr. Hahnemann on June 21, 1900. The four panels in the monument show Hahnemann as a student, scientist, teacher and clinician. At the base of the statue are the Latin words, Similia Similibus Curenteur—“Let likes be cured

Supporters of Homeopathy A truly holistic system of medicine, homeopathic remedies are made from natural sources, are FDA-approved, and are so diluted that they have no toxic “side effects.” We know Deborah Trotta what a remedy can heal based on scientific data of what it has already healed in people. Gentle enough for infants, pregnant women, and the elderly, remedies are effective as a complement to conventional treatment as well. They are also very effective on animals. Just a few noted supporters of homeopathy include Darwin, Chopin, Mark Twain, Mahatma Gandhi, Tina Turner, John D. Rockefeller, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, John Wayne, Jennifer Aniston, and Andrew Weil. Other supporters include Dr. Oz, who recently aired a TV episode supporting his wife’s use of homeopathy for their family, and gold medalist Usain Bolt, one of many pro-homeopathy Olympic athletes. There was jazz musician Dizzy Gillespie who said, “There have been two revelations in my life: the first was be-bop and second was homeopathy.” Even Mother Teresa used homeopathic care in the services of her missions. It is also interesting to note that the first medical schools in this country were homeopathic colleges, including the famous Hahnemann College in Philadelphia, which also has a monument of its namesake. Now, in the 21st century, where we have global information at our fingertips, people are recognizing the need to address their core issues rather than merely mask symptoms with conventional medicine, which creates new symptoms. All parts of the body are interdependent. An imbalance in one area can cause an imbalance in another, so it is important to treat the person as a whole. Recognized throughout the world, the Homeopathic Academy of Southern California has been training professional homeopaths since 1999. The Academy’s clinical program also offers homeopathic treatment at greatly discounted rates. If you are ready to embrace a profound yet gentle system of healing to live life more fully, the ultimate freedom, homeopathy, awaits you. For more information, call 760.494.0542 or visit

Spiritual Counseling Your Inner Journey Getting To Know Your Self And God You will learn to...

x Witness and transform old patterns x Connect to a higher awareness x Live your life’s purpose Phone sessions are available


Deb Vogel is an ordained Metaphysical Minister and has an advanced degree in Pastoral Psychology. She has been in private practice since 1992.


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Paddling to San © 2012 Greek to Me by Michael Raysses

“So is Hell.” —my Uncle Tasso said when I told him that Los Angeles is always hot


’m probably the last guy in the world to credibly comment about the world’s hot spots. Beyond that I’m not well-traveled, I have an innate disdain for the concept of “hot”—that which is socially aspired to, culturally endorsed, or sexually alluring. My natural antipathy for all things thermodynamic is further buttressed by the awareness that even if something achieves “hotness,” it will inevitably at some point lose its heat and ultimately become cold. As in devoid of life. As in dead. Call me old school but I still cling to this raft we call life with considerable enthusiasm. Thus, I’m a devotee of cool; it’s timeless and without the pedestrian considerations that inform hot’s equation. And though there is a collective aspect to what constitutes ‘cool,’ the older I get the more I recognize that ‘cool’ is essentially something very personal: it is what you deem it to be, separate and apart from any communal ideas surrounding it. It is something to both aspire to and to embody; it is protean and fluid. And it finds itself expressed in some very strange and unexpected ways. To wit: Ping-pong. (Full disclosure: I didn’t see one second of the recent Olympics, and though I’m told that ping-pong was prominently displayed and a wonder to behold, its appearance within this column is sheer coincidence.) (Fuller disclosure: I don’t want to be suspect for jumping on any bandwagon or topic that approaches “hot.” That would definitely not be cool.) (Fullest disclosure: I fucking love ping-pong.) Recently, I was mired in what I will charitably refer to as “my morning routine”: a seemingly benign behavioral trope of physical exercise, coffee, a New Yorker magazine, and sitting in front of my local Starbucks, watching the river of humanity flow by, while trolling for meaningful human interaction. But since I’m the man who found the “rut” in “routine,” at some point my regimen became toxic, forcing me to strike out in search of a new adventure to break its stranglehold. So, one morning, after some exercise, I took my coffee and my New Yorker and found a new vantage point from which to watch the river of humanity flow by (Hey, change comes in increments!): a small outdoor mall here in Malibu. There I found an interesting configuration—some comfy outdoor furniture had been loosely arrayed in close proximity to, of all things, a ping-pong table. It looked at once out of place yet somehow totally at one with its setting. I was drawn to it like a moth to a flame. That is, assuming that moth had played the game as a kid and in college, enthralled by its sublime mixture of the physical, mental, and social. From that perch over the last month, this is what I learned, in no particular order: Asking a total stranger to play ping-pong is a lot like asking them if they’d like to unexpectedly visit some deep, dark part of their past. Instantly. With someone they’ve never seen before. Which is not necessarily to say that they thought playing would be a bad thing or that they declined without reason. As the offeror, I learned to be ready for all manner of response, the most frequent being a variation of the shaky but qualified, “Okay, but I really suck.”



Secondly, kids like to be taught—you just have to be willing to be patient and supportive. Every morning, a group of children of varying ages would spill onto the couch and chairs, fresh from the ocean where they were learning to surf. Desperate for someone to play with, I offered up a game to any takers. Though most were new to the sport, they were eager to Portrait of a writer as a ping-pong guy be taught. And over the course of Credit: Boris Issaei/NPG the last month, a couple of them remarkably improved their game. Thirdly, advancing age is a great deceiver to the casual observer. I wish I had a dollar for every young man or boy who accepted my offer to play, only to lose to a middle-aged bald guy whom they didn’t see as posing any kind of challenge. Without hubris, it was fascinating to watch these buckets full of bravado slowly drain, point by point, until they were empty, their paddles surrendered in silent retreat, with barely a muted “thanks.” Though I reaffirmed some forgotten lessons as the result of this last goaround with the game, i.e., that I love competition within a structured format, continued on page 40

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Ask the

Dear Dr. Toni: I am a 43-year-old woman with two children, a high-powered job that I love, and a husband who has been out of work for two years. I am tired of doing all the heavy lifting for this family! My therapist has urged me to give my husband an ultimatum. I don’t know what to do. We can’t afford for him to move out. I’m afraid if I divorce him he will fight me for our children and child and spousal support. My youngest is 9, so I have 9 years left. Do I stay and suck it up or kick the jerk out? I’m sorry—I am so angry! Seething in Des Moines

LifeQuake™ Doctor Dr. Toni Galardi

Dear Dr. Toni: I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I hate my life and want out! I find myself at the age of 48 in a job that I hate, where I am underpaid and undervalued. I am barely making it financially. I am an attractive, physically fit, healthy, awesome woman that has never been married and has no kids. People at my work love me, and my family and friends adore me, but I am just miserable. I never thought I would be so alone and lonely at this age. I’ve been seeing an HHP for advanced integrative therapy for three years. Although I have come a long way, I still feel like I should be in a much better place. I also meditate, do yoga, am furthering my education, run, and take very good care of myself. I have tried the online dating, and, to my amazement and frustration, found it to be disappointing and heart wrenching. The guys are either total losers or just want to bed me even though I am clear about my intentions. And now I hardly get any responses at all. My photos are great and my profile is very authentic. I am at my wits’ end. I always thought at this age I would have some amazing man by my side and be madly in love, with a fulfilling career. What is wrong with me? Emily by the Beach Dear Emily: It sounds like you indeed are an amazing woman—an amazing woman who is frustrated. I hear that and I feel your pain. It is difficult for a woman over 40 to not be scared, given the culture’s view on aging single women. I hear a lot of negativity about men and your career. When we focus on what is lacking in our lives, we get more lack. My first suggestion to you is to (for now) let go of the focus on finding the right man and a better job. Just for now, begin each day with a focused meditation; focus on expressing your gratitude to the universe for all the blessings in your life. At the end of the day, scan back through the day and acknowledge only the grace that occurred. Write them down in a blank book. Do some research on non-profit or charitable organizations in your area. Find one that serves a cause that you feel passionate about. Volunteer on Saturdays or evenings that you are free. Lastly, make an intention to give love wherever you are. Having an intention on connecting with others from your heart and receiving their connection can build oxytocin, the feel-good bonding chemical in the body. When the feeling of loneliness comes up, open your heart and allow divine love from the universe to come in and fill your mind and body. Keep dwelling on the ‘abbondanza’ (Italian for abundance) in your life, and joy will be yours!


Dear Reader: You mention that you are seeing a therapist. Have you done couples’ work together? I imagine that at this point you are both very defensive. If you have a high-powered job, how much of that masculine energy are you bringing home? Does your husband see your vulnerability or just your frustration and rage? How much does he do at home that you don’t acknowledge? If you were to step back from resisting the situation and choose to accept it just as it is, ask yourself the question, why am I experiencing this lesson? What is there for me to learn here? What about this is benefitting my children and me? Do you want to be the stay-at-home parent? Forgive your husband and yourself and then tell him what you appreciate about his job as domestic engineer. Then tell him from the soft place in you that you are tired and sad and scared to be carrying all this financial pressure alone and that you just need him to hear you, not to fix it. See what happens. Dr. Toni will be speaking in the tele-summit called “This is Life School” on September 13, along with Jack Canfield, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Mantak Chia, Barbara Marx Hubbard, and others. It is free! For more information, visit http://www. For those seeking personal guidance from Dr. Toni, she can be reached through her Web site,,, and 310.890.6832. Discover a new passionate life direction through a soul blueprint reading or her career repurposing tele-coaching called The LifeQuake Method. Call today and give yourself the gift of working with Dr. Galardi so you can expansively move into fall.

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The Mystery and History of Easter Island by Tim Parks


aster Island has both a compelling and mysterious history surrounding its South Pacific shores, which are located over 2,000 miles away from its closest neighbors, Tahiti and Chile. Its earliest settlers called their homeland “Te Pito O Te Henua,” which translates to “Navel of the World.” However, upon its discovery in 1722 on Easter Day by Dutch

explorers, led by Admiral Jacobs Roggeveen, the providence was re-christened Easter Island. The most widely associated imagery with Easter Island are the some 900 gigantic stone statues known as Moai, which are also one of its biggest sources of controversy. Many have wondered if they were of extraterrestrial origin or perhaps the remnants of an ancient lost civilization, seeing as it would be almost physically impossible for its people to erect them. Adding fuel to the mysterious fire is the genesis of the original settlers themselves. In folklore passed along to early European settlers, the islanders told of the tradition that a Polynesian chief, Hotu Matu’a, arrived in one or two large canoes with his wife and extended family members. The accuracy of this legacy has been met with skepticism, although published reports suggest the region was settled between 300 and 400 A.D. While scientists say that it was not inhabited until 700 A.D., a recent radiocarbon report suggests that Easter continued on page 40

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Huna, Fatherhood, and Lineage by Dr. Matthew B. James


ecently, my wife and I went on vacation, and I had to explain to my 9-year-old son why it was just the two of us going. I explained that mom and I needed time for just the two of us, just like he and I have father and son time. Each year, I take Ethan to the Merrie Monarch Hula Festival in Hawaii where we live and where I teach Huna, the ancient system of empowerment and flexibility of the mind-body-spirit that is being passed down to me through family lineage. One idea of Huna, taught by hula master Uncle George, is that your spirit and higher self come through when you dance. Going to the festival with my son gives us time to bond and cultivate a strong foundation in our relationship. These are lessons I learned from my own family. My grandfather was the happiest man I have ever known. I remember spending time with him while we were on family vacations. This strengthened not only my own spirit, but our family. Grandparents’ love and guidance can be a great support and foundation to help parents raise their children. This concept of lineage, of passing down valued lessons from generation to generation, is central to the Huna way of being that I teach. Huna means “secret” or “hidden wisdom.” It is the modern term used for Ho’omana, the ancient Hawaiian system for empowerment. Ho’o means “to make.” Mana is “energy.” Taken together, Ho’omana means to make life-force energy. Huna teaches people how to get in touch with their life-force energy, how to move it, and how to understand their connection with the environment and with others. In the Huna tradition, women carried all the mana in the lineage. The masculine side directed the energy because energy undirected simply disperses into the universe. I was raised by a single mom who was an empowered woman. Yet I learned from my Huna lineage the concept that a father needs to be there for his son. I was fortunate to have the opportunity to begin learning Huna at the age of 13, directly from Hawaiian elders. They passed down this knowledge, a gift based on thousands of years of indigenous experience, to our family. I remember when I began studying Huna, people would say, “One day you’re going to teach it” and “You need to do this because your dad did.” But that Western concept of lineage misses a valuable point. Lineage teaches you that you can stand out as an individual. I am a different person from my father and want to do things on my own. At the same time, I have a responsibility to preserve the Huna lineage. Likewise, it is not my son’s responsibility to someday take over my company and run it. But I’m his dad, and he was born into our family. With a lineage, there is a level of responsibility. Given the gift of knowledge about Huna, my son has a responsibility to pass that on to the next generation. Today I share this foundation, passed down through thousands of years. Learning Huna at an early age directly from Hawaiian elders, like my father and Uncle George, I can teach these ideas with the confidence that I am passing along something larger than myself. This gift of lineage gives a confidence about where you come from. You are sharing your foundation so that those you teach can lean on that instead of leaning on you.


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M I N D S TAT E S It is the same with fatherhood. If I make it all about me, my son will think he has to rely on me to fix problems. But if I rely on my lineage, that will give him a solid foundation for life.

Enjoy Spiritual Nourishment for your Soul!

Matthew B. James, MA, Ph.D., is President of The Empowerment Partnership, where he serves as a master trainer of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), a practical behavioral technology for helping people achieve their desired results in life. His book, The Foundation of Huna: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times, details forgiveness and meditation techniques used in Hawaii for hundreds of years. He carries on the lineage of one of the last practicing kahuna of mental health and well-being, and is a regular Psychology Today and Huffington Post blog contributor. To reach Dr. James, please e-mail him at info@ or visit his blog at

A Purpose-Filled Vacation

Interested in a Huna vacation for fathers and sons? Huna expert Dr. Matthew B. James suggests one of his 9-day Huna training seminars to learn the lessons of this ancient system and experience it intellectually, physically, and spiritually. The itinerary includes: Day 1: Learn to release negative emotions and limiting decisions Day 2: Learn to connect with the five elements and do a meditation and initiation to connect with your higher self Day 3: Option to learn hula, taking what you’re learning and putting it into physical expression, followed by instruction on elements and how to flow them. Learn how energy and money are related and how one can learn to control both. Also discover how to trust your gut, reduce stress, and relate with others in intimate or business relationships. Day 4: Learn to chant, more teaching on the Huna perspective, laws of Huna magic and dream interpretation. Day 5: Chanting to open up neurology, understand the language, and connect with the lineage. Also training on the fifth element, the Keawe, to resolve conflicts and dichotomies in life and dreamtime initiation. Day 6: Visit Honaunau, the city of refuge, and learn about the concept of forgiveness and release practiced for generations at this sacred site. Day 7: Visit the Kilauea volcano, hiking three miles across the crater and meditating to connect with the fire element and the energy of the planet. Day 8: A Hawaiian guest discusses the culture, plus wrap up content for the class and Q&A. Day 9: Discussion of lineage and aloha, symbol initiation, and luau.

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to Tommy Stovall’s


by Tim Parks

edona is arguably one of the most beautiful places on Earth, with breathtaking views and vistas that have given it the nickname of “Red Rock Country.” There is also a magical quality that brings throngs of visitors to its metaphysical fold year in and year out, with a myriad of vortex journeys, medicine circles, day retreats, reiki om sessions and many other spiritual experiences to be had. Now, there is a celluloid version of the land, which captures the transcendent quality of the Arizona hot spot. Writer and director Tommy Stovall has put pen to paper, his eye to the lens, and trains it on the landscape that is populated with a wealth of characters that people his film endeavor. Sedona is the tale of Tammy (Frances Fisher), who is a literal gal on-the-go, juggling her career with her ear constantly affixed to her phone, while her eyes remain closed to the majesty of life. However, a trip to Sedona could change her life irrevocably, if she is open to the experience, as she makes her way into the desert oasis and meets the aforementioned denizens of the mystical commune. Stovall spoke with Vision Magazine about his creative process and how the story of the place he calls home took shape, while he also explained how this particular journey turned out to be one of his greatest adventures.


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Whenever I go to a city, especially L.A., my stress level just goes up automatically. And Sedona is one of those places that just calms you down so you are able to relax a little more; it’s just a beautiful place.

M I N D S TAT E S Vision Magazine: How long have been a resident of Sedona and what brought you to this mystical place? Tommy Stovall: I’ve been here 10 years this summer; my partner and I lived in Dallas, Texas and visited here. There’s a pretty common story in Sedona that people who live here came here on vacation and they fell in love with it and bought a piece of property and moved here. And that was us. VM: The adage “write what you know” certainly comes into play with the film, since you are a resident of Sedona. How was the process of writing the movie? TS: It was interesting and it helped a lot being here and writing. I wrote a lot of it out on the hiking trails. I would go hiking by myself with a notepad and as I would get ideas Tommy Stovall I would jot stuff down. And I wrote pretty much the entire movie with specific locations in mind and most of the locations were to shoot at. It worked out pretty well. VM: Was the film based on any personal experiences? TS: Not really any personal experiences, but the characters are based on real people. In fact, Beth Grant’s character, Deb, she’s an actual real person with the same name. And she’s a friend of ours and she was one of the first people that we met when we moved here. She would come over and watch movies with us and hang out. And I told her pretty early on that she’d make a great character in the movie and she laughed. And then when I started writing the script, I asked her

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if she would mind, and she loved the idea. I tried to encompass what Sedona is to some people. VM: Is it a more difficult or easier task to be both a writer and director on a project? TS: I’ve never written anything intended for someone else. I kind of fell into writing, because I needed something to direct, if that makes sense. I knew I wanted to be a filmmaker and I taught myself how to write. And for me, its just part of the overall process – the writing and directing go hand-in-hand. VM: Sedona has been well received by critics. What does that mean to you on a personal level? TS: Well it’s great; you have to have a thick skin to even try to do this, because people can say some pretty nasty things, especially on the Internet. Before I read a review, it’s like I cringe, it’s nerve-racking, because you don’t know what they’re going to say. And you just hope that they say something positive that you can use for PR and stuff. continued on page 40

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Service for Humanity by Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha


illions of people worldwide are on the spiritual journey now. The spiritual journey is the soul journey. More and more people are searching for soul secrets, wisdom, knowledge, and practical techniques. I am delighted to share the essence of the soul journey in one sentence: The purpose of life is to serve. If you offer great service to others, if you make others healthier and happier, if you help transform human consciousness, and if you contribute to love, peace, and harmony for humanity, Mother Earth, and the universes, you will accumulate great virtue. Virtue is the record of your services. Heaven records these services. You and your loved ones will be tremendously blessed in this and future lifetimes. There are many healing modalities all over the world. I am an M.D. from China and a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in China and Canada. I honor every healing modality because every modality can work. I teach soul healing, which means using the power of soul to heal. My book, “Soul Mind Body Medicine,” offers a complete soul —Master Sha, The Power of Soul

The purpose of life is to serve. Service is my life mission.

healing system to empower people to attain optimum health and vitality. I am honored that soul healing has benefitted millions of people worldwide. Soul healing works! I believe soul healing is very much needed by humanity and Mother Earth, especially at this time at the beginning of the 21st century. Humanity is suffering. Many people suffer from chronic pain and lifethreatening illnesses. Many people suffer from emotional and mental imbalances such as anxiety, depression, worry, sadness, fear, and more. Many people have serious relationship challenges with their partners, closest family members, and colleagues. Many people are struggling financially, losing jobs and homes, or being burdened with heavy medical costs. Humanity is in a special time of serious purification. Mother Earth is in a special time of serious transition. Natural disasters, including hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanos, tornados, floods, dust storms, and more; drought and other extremes in weather; famine; wars and all kinds of conflict between people and organizations, including threats of nuclear weapons; economic challenges for individuals, institutions, and entire countries; emotional volatility and mental instability; new communicable diseases; pollution of the land, air, and water—all of these and more are part of Mother Earth’s transition.

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Humanity is in a special time of serious purification. Mother Earth is in a special time of serious transition. —Master Sha

The Divine Healing Hands Practitioner Certification Training Program gives you divine soul healing power to serve others by transforming their health, relationships, finances, and every aspect of their lives. What are Divine Healing Hands? They are the Divine’s hand. This soul is transmitted to approved, chosen applicants. In addition, the divine consciousness, divine energy, and divine matter of God’s hand are transmitted to recipients. These Divine Soul Mind Body Transplants reside permanently with the recipient, who can then invoke them to offer selfhealing and healing of others, including group healing and remote healing for the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies and for every aspect of life, including relationships and finances. Divine Healing Hands empower you to assist many people in this special time of transition and purification for humanity and Mother Earth. It helps you fulfill your soul’s purpose to serve

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humanity. Respond to your soul’s calling to serve by applying to become a Certified Divine Healing Hands Practitioner and join the training program. By receiving the Divine Healing Hands transmission, you become a divine soul healer. You are empowered to offer divine healing blessings that carry divine frequency and vibration with divine love, forgiveness, compassion, and light to transform blockages in health, relationships, and finances for you, your loved ones, and others. The Divine has never given this kind of opportunity to humanity before. The Divine is giving this opportunity because Divine Healing Hands Practitioners are urgently needed on Mother Earth. Take this opportunity to become a Divine Healing Hands Practitioner. It is an incredible honor and a great privilege to join the global community of Divine Healers serving humanity and all souls. © 2011 Heaven’s Library Publication Corp. Trained as an MD in China and a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in China and Canada, Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha created Power Healing and Soul Mind Body Medicine to combine the essence of Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine with ancient energy and spiritual healing secrets from China. He is the founder of the Institute of Soul Healing and Enlightenment. Join the Divine Healing Hands Certification Training Workshop with Master Sha in San Francisco, September 7-9, 2012. Apply online at www. or call 415.971.7373. Experience Divine Healing Blessings every day, 9:00 a.m.-9:15 p.m. PDT. Visit for details.

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Honors a Rite of Passage • Holistic & Earth Friendly • Alternative Approach Creates Healing & Closure • Increases Family Involvement

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S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 2 F O R E C A S T Adrienne Abeyta presents a unique forecast blending the tarot with astrology. A gifted reader of intuitive arts, she offers private By Adrienne Abeyta consultations and psychic entertainment for parties and events. To set up an appointment, she can be reached at 619.917.0998 or Aries: Justice (7 of Swords) 3/21–4/19 What’s fair to you is not always fair in the bigger picture. Admit your weaknesses or they may be used against you. In your quest for righteousness, you may run into the fallout of your own dubious justifications. If you’re not careful, a questionable circumstance will come back to haunt you. Be fair. Either way, watch your back and be sure to act from a place of integrity. What you do from a place of anger will only beget negativity. The weekend of the 15th will likely stir up some controversy; fight fairly and be tactful in your speech

Libra: World (10 of Pentacles) 9/23 – 10/23 There’s a tangible reward coming your way. It may take until the end of the month, but the prize is yours for taking. Be sure to add final touches to any unfinished projects at the beginning of the month or finally begin those that you’ve been procrastinating on. Family matters will also be significant. Spend time with distant or aging relatives who need your support. There may be a large purchase or investment in the near future, so it would be wise to evaluate your current debt load. Romantic or professional relationships will likely advance to a greater level.

Taurus: Chariot (Knight of Cups) 4/20 – 5/21 To be noble in action is to come from a place of centeredness—not contrived selfinterest, but an evolved, peaceful stance. Your interactions with others will likely trigger deep emotions. Don’t let yourself be carried away by them or it will only separate you from the lesson. Affairs of the heart can be the hardest to control, so don’t even try. Use the emotion to project your inner desires out into the world in a way that benefits you as an individual. A temptation during the weekend of the 22nd may cause a wild reaction; gain composure and move mindfully.

Scorpio: High Priestess (7 of Pentacles) 10/24 – 11/22 This is a deeply reflective period for you, a time in which your focus should be on the internal workings of your soul. The projects you’ve been working on may lose their luster as your motivation dwindles. You may also experience fear around finances. Not to worry, though. Use this time to refine your efforts and listen to your intuition. Most importantly, don’t force yourself to comply to standards that aren’t in alignment with your heart’s values. Around the 6th, something will be revealed that you have been vaguely suspicious of. Sit with it before you respond.

Gemini: Hermit (Page of Swords) 5/22 – 6/21 Self-reflection is one of the most valuable tools for carving away at one’s façade. When you feel tired of constantly working to please others or trying to fit into something too rigid, take a moment to reflect. This month offers you time to reconnect with who you are beyond definitions and titles. Loneliness and fatigue are signs that your soul is yearning for more. Listen to your inner voice for advice. It could be time for a vacation, too. A close friend or colleague may suddenly withdraw. Be sure to follow up with them, or a small misunderstanding could easily escalate.

Sagittarius: Hierophant (8 of Pentacles) 11/23 – 12/21 This month is a journey of self-discovery. As you assess your values and how they pertain to your life, see if it’s time to create a new value system based on your current philosophy rather than what you’ve been conditioned to accept. Examine the values you’ve adopted from others, like your family, friends, and society. Notice how they affect your beliefs about the world. You’ll find that much of what you consider truth is only someone else’s opinion. This is not a time for self-recrimination, but for honesty and self-awareness. It is better to know yourself than waste time trying to figure out others.

Cancer: Sun (4 of Cups) 6/22 – 7/22 It’s amazing how many committees exist in your head, all of which have conflicting and somewhat outdated ideas. Even more amazing is that you listen to them, believing that they are an extension of you and your truth. Try for a moment to observe what you are being told, then ask yourself whether you actually agree with this. You have the chance to dismantle these committees and design a new frame of mind. Rather than relying on old commentary, look with the eyes of a child and observe with curiosity. It’s very likely you will see something you didn’t see before.

Capricorn: Temperance (8 of Cups) 12/22 – 1/20 Some pent-up emotions really need an outlet. Discover ways to bring forth these deeper feelings and you will uncover a new dimension of yourself. It’s worthwhile for you to concentrate on what’s important, to abandon hopeless situations, and to face the truth of what you’re feeling. Work on accepting your feelings by offering them space to move. Suppressing their effects denies the beauty and wholeness of your soul. For the artist, this is a profoundly creative period and a good time to resurrect an old project. An issue at the beginning of the month will be resolved through compromise and self-compassion.

Leo: Death (10 of Swords) 7/23 – 8/23 There’s a big life change this month that will challenge your way of thinking. It could be that plans take a massive detour, asking you to relinquish control over something important. Unfortunately there’s no getting out of this one, and in fact, your ego is likely to be a little bruised in the process. On a more positive note, this detour will surely lead you to a larger arena of opportunity. Working with this energy, now is a great time to throw out the old to make space for the new. Don’t procrastinate or hold on to things too tightly.

Aquarius: Emperor (6 of Cups) 1/21 – 2/18 Family matters are at the forefront this month, and how you deal with them says more about you than you realize. You will be expected to take greater initiative and responsibility, and although this may be challenging, the rewards are great. A male figure could provide extra support but may also try to dominate the situation. It would be wise to turn down any help that comes with a price. Trust your power right now! By the end of the month, the issue should become more manageable, and you, in turn, more confident. Make an effort to connect with siblings. Pisces: Moon (King of Cups) 2/19 – 3/20 Attempts to avoid anxiety in favor of feeling emotionally secure will only create illusions. Around the week of the 10th, the unavoidable uncertainty you feel will challenge you to find healthier ways of coping, but don’t deceive yourself by thinking you can escape reality. Your choices offer freedom from suffering. If you avoid making a move, however, you limit your ability to change your path. Be careful not to become an emotional hostage or manipulate someone else. The temptation to romanticize your vices is huge, but also very harmful. Find alternative ways to fulfill your spiritual longings.

Virgo: Magician (4 of Swords) 8/24 – 9/22 Your words are like arrows; aim carefully for the mark. Through the clever use of words and your shrewd mind, you have a heightened ability to achieve what you want, particularly in the realm of business and sales. It’s important to maintain a calm demeanor, however, and be conscientious about who you are talking to. Your silver tongue could stir up controversy and suspicion if you lose your cool. The time around the 4th is great for intellectual pursuits, negotiating business deals, or snagging bargains. For you introverts, take time to write or meditate; there’s an open channel for deep thought.

Becoming Who YOU Are! Adrienne Abeyta, Sacred - Self Coaching

Using Astrology, Numerology, & Tarot to discover the hero in your life story. Answering the questions:

• What is my purpose • What is the lesson of this challenge • When will my life look different • Where do I go from here Contact Adrienne for consultations, events, and private lessons. • (619) 917-0998 18

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A Modern Day Shaman By Isabella Stoloff~Shaman. Speaker. Spiritual Guide


hen I was asked to write an article on Indigenous people from a modern day Shaman’s perspective, I thought, what could I possibly say that everyone does not already know? So then, as I often do, I began to think outside the box. Why are we so interested in Indigenous people? What is so special about them? The thought of Indigenous tribes takes us back and connects us to another time and space, a time when we trusted our intuition and knew how to be stewards of the earth. It was a time when we felt a deeper connection to everything. In today’s world we are losing our connection. With so much information coming at us all the time we have lost touch. I think we love the Indigenous peoples because we can feel they are still in touch with something much bigger than themselves. There is a certain vibe when we hear the word Indigenous. It conjures up images of a time long ago, ancient civilizations, different cultures and traditions we could never understand. It also makes us think of jungles and plant medicine, unfamiliar territory to most. But this territory is where people are finding their way back to themselves. Those who are noticing something is missing from their lives are seeking ways to get in touch with their soul’s purpose. The people who want to connect and come back to the Mother are what I call “New Indigenous Tribes.” These tribes are yearning for something more. We see them popping up everywhere. All religions, all walks of life, are joining together to make a difference in the world. Permaculture, sustainable living, communes and more, are sprouting up all over the country. Occupy “whatever” is the fad of the day and people are joining in force saying enough is enough. And, because of this, things are changing. I believe this is the time to take control of your destiny. If things are not working, fix them. We can no longer stand by and allow the lies to fill our day. One way to do this is to begin to clear your life of all that no longer serves you. I say, if it makes you feel bad or is negative, it is a lie. If it makes you feel good and is positive, it is the truth. As the old saying goes, “The truth will set you free,” and freedom is what we are all seeking. In 1991 when I began my path I remember making the decision to be honest in all my affairs. That meant absolutely no lying. It was not easy, and even harder for those around me. But I told my truth and to this day I do not lie. I feel this is one way for others to dial in to their intuitive nature. Speak your truth no matter what. All of us are connected to every living thing. Once we tune into the planet and listen, all our questions will be answered. It is a waste of time to sit around and beat yourself up over things. To tell yourself you are fat, or not good enough, or stupid. Allow these thoughts to melt away and fill your mind with love. Love is the answer, especially at this time. We are in the middle of a great change and I feel this change can bring us back to our Indigenous state of being. So, what if we took the word Indigenous and created our own culture, our own tribe, our own world? What if the word Indigenous described us as, the people of

the new world, the world we have all been talking about, one filled with peace, love and light, compassion and solidarity. How would that make you feel? Imagine it now. Let that image spread all over your being. We are all feeler healers and once we clear our minds, learn how to tell the truth and trust ourselves, we will be ready for the next step, using our connection to the Mother and inner guidance to assist us on our path. The inner guidance system, what I refer to as “my very own tracking device,” is that intuition we all possess. When you are Isabella Stoloff open and dialed in to your heart and the planet, magical things can, and do happen. Shamans are extremely tuned in to the Mother. They can feel her heart beat as if it were their own. Very simply put, Shamans are conduits between the physical world and spiritual world. They commune with nature and speak with spirits to assist individuals, communities, and the planet. They’re grounded in earth medicine and live between the worlds. Shamanism is not a religion, it is a spiritual practice, and can be for just about anyone, no matter your religion. People come to me from all walks of life to deepen their understanding of themselves, and grow. In 2010 I was asked to speak at the 6th Annual Shamanic Conference in Iquitos, Peru. Each July Alan Shoemaker brings people together in love to meet Ayachusca Shamans. Here they learn about plant medicine and herbs so they can explore their subconscious minds and get in touch with their souls. Speaking at the conference was extremely enlightening. Here I was this white Shaman with blonde hair from Orange County, and they accepted me. After I finished giving the Shamanic healing on stage I could feel they appreciated my work. It was during this time continued on page 41

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Palenque— Extraterrestrial Influence? by Daphne Carpenter


’m sitting directly across from this phenomenal structure, Palenque’s Temple of Inscriptions, and although it’s difficult to formulate words and sentences, let me try to share. There are these ominous rain clouds looming over me above a thick layer of fog, and through the fog you can slightly see a prism of rainbow color; it’s everywhere, a strange and miraculous spectrum of light. Deep within the pyramid lies the ornate vaulted chamber containing the crypt of Pacal Votan, the Maya emperor who ruled at the height of the Classic Period. There’s speculation amongst ancient alien theorists that the engravings on Lord Pacal’s sarcophagus—one of the Maya world’s most renowned, iconographic monuments—is evidence that the Maya had contact with extraterrestrials. Surrounded by advanced technology unknown to the Maya of that period, the claim is that the ancient Maya were “not alone” in constructing their empire. According to the History Channel show, “Ancient Aliens,” “Extraterrestrials with superior knowledge of science and engineering landed on Earth thousands of years ago, sharing their expertise with early civilizations and forever changing the course of human history.” Here we find Swiss author Erich von Dänikin’s interpretation of the carvings, in his 1968 best-seller, “Chariots of the Gods?”


In the center of that frame is a man sitting, bending forward. He has a mask on his nose, he uses his two hands to manipulate some controls, and the heel of his left foot is on a kind of pedal with different adjustments. The rear portion is separated from him; he is sitting on a complicated chair, and outside of this whole frame, you see a little flame like an exhaust. Note the implication that the emperor is sitting on some kind of propulsion device. Proponents of the “ancient astronauts” theory, as it is also called, claim that the construction of structures like the pyramids and the Moai stone heads of Easter Island were beyond the presumed technical capabilities of the historical societies with which they are associated. Sitting atop another pyramid, El Palacio, I’m mesmerized by the scenery. Fifteen minutes ago I was enjoying the sun, singing and chanting like I never had before, when all of a sudden an outlandish fog wandered in without warning. A mysterious raincloud appeared from nowhere and unleashed an unexpected downpour. It all

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HEALING ARTS happened so suddenly, this remarkable wild jungle rain. And now the roar of howler monkeys has capsized the entire Palenque site. The change in atmosphere and the rain has stirred them from what might have been an afternoon slumber. They’ve become excited and have started up with their ethereal expressions. If you’ve never heard this phenomenon before, let me explain. As Palenque is surrounded by thick jungle vegetation on all sides, the highly vocal monkeys begin to unleash this extraordinary sound that’s uncharacteristic to other species of monkeys. It spookily rises up from the trees and circles through the air, surrounding you in waves like stereo surround sound. The first time I heard this daunting sound I thought jaguars had come out from the trees. It resonates in a loud whispering roar, like phantom jaguars. My senses are sharp, and an acute state of awareness makes this whole experience more enticing. Late yesterday afternoon at camp, I walked out with a group of twentysomethings, mostly Mexicans, through a back field where one can find psilocybin mushrooms growing plentifully. We picked a batch and brought them back to camp, where a few of the woman prepared a tea. Against the backdrop of a red-orange ribbon sky, a large, black iron caldron hung above an ostentatious wood fire, simmering the mushrooms. Coiling steam rose up from the pot while the exotic sound of multiple languages echoed through the air. Between 15 of us, we passed around three jicaros (clay cups with handles) from which we sipped generously. Once the sun had set, everyone was feeling the psychosomatic effects of the psilocybin—feeling more in tune with nature and seeing things from a different perspective. We made our way in the dark to the vacant, tree-lined road that leads to the pyramid site, and that’s where a tribal scene quickly emerged—drums, fire torches, African dancing, all kinds of bellowing sounds, rising from the depths of people’s souls. Shadows assumed supernatural forms and I was transported to another, well, I don’t know what. I can’t even analyze it. Unwilling to suspend this epic experience, I was up until 9 a.m. When I finally descended into a light sleep, psychedelic visions still rolled through my head and dreams. Two hours later, it felt like the psilocybin was re-metabolizing in my body, and I could no longer

sleep. I got up and I walked up the road to the pyramid site by myself, feeling anything but alone. I’ve been here all day now, wandering freely, timelessly, like a nymph through trees, encountering the most incredible artifacts and alien plant species. I’ve heard people say that they’ve achieved transcendental states while meditating at the pyramids. From up here on my perch, atop El Palacio, I watch a group of middleaged French tourists pull raincoats up over their heads and scurry to find shelter from the sudden deluge. They love it—they can’t stop laughing and enjoying it. After 15 minutes of heavy rain, there’s hardly anyone left on the grounds. As the main plaza empties out, so does my mind. I’m a city girl shell-shocked over all this, and all I can do is sit cross-legged, in admiration of nature. I can’t sense any separation between myself and the elements around me. Happily removed from the superficial things in my other life, I start to sing again and my voice is steady and tuned-in. Sounds are opening up inside me and my entire library of lyrics and songs—so vulnerably constructed over the years, but not always as spontaneously accessible— flow out of me, one after another, song after song, mantra after mantra. It’s as if something’s singing through me. Feeling alive on a different level, I transcend my fear of death. Although many of the pyramids are closed off for climbing due to erosion and vandalism, we can still climb some of them and experience this raw energy amidst the artistry of ancient designs and hieroglyphs. The pyramids were (and still are) ubiquitous to Maya spirituality and are the headstones of their ceremonial landscape. In the Maya Book of the Jaguar Priests, “Chilam Balam,” it states, “The road to the stars descended from the sky and the thirteen and nine gods came to earth.” Did the Maya (as a technologically less developed culture) have contact with extraterrestrials, coming from aircraft in the “sky,” and then wrongly interpret their advanced technologies to be evidence of their divine status, assuming them to be gods, deities? Who knows. In fact, the ancient astronauts’ claim is unconfirmed by most Mayanists and scholars. All I can say is, right here, right now, nature is kind and forgiving. I sense that amongst all the trees, with this abundance of oxygen, the vibration of the natural world is higher. Everything is wet and clean, and the crispness makes my skin feel dewy and young. I can’t help but imagine that something could open up in the sky in front of me right now, and honestly, I wouldn’t be too scared, surprised, or shocked. There will be a Global Rainbow Gathering of the Tribes in Palenque the whole month of December, and caravans have been making their way there. For more information, visit GlobalRainbowGatheringsOfTheTribes. Daphne can be reached at and at www.paintzflwrs.

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An Energetic Discussion of Healing A Conversation with Sara Burns by Sydney L. Murray


ara Burns is an amazing woman, and our meeting was one that surprised me due to her incredible knowledge and compassion. As I told her, she is the “real deal!” There are so many people that offer help and healing, but for some reason I am attracted to the work of Sara Burns. Vision Magazine: What is Reiki? Sara Burns: Reiki is considered spiritual and universal energy. The true source of that energy is actually is a person’s own Kundalini energy. When you start feeling the pulse of Reiki more in-depth, you realize that that is actually a person’s own spiritual energy getting activated to begin opening them up on their spiritual journey [so that they can] work on other people.


VM: If you had someone come to you and need a session, what would that happen? SB: I do an assessment to find out what they’re there for. I also want to make sure that whatever their spiritual path is, we’re working within what their belief system is. I do an assessment and then I explain what I’m going to do. Sometimes what I do in a session is incorporate shamanism along with doing the Reiki work. My techniques are a little bit different than most Reiki practitioners because I kind of created my own way of working to where I’m more focused on helping to transmute emotion in the body. I feel that Sara Burns moving the energy in certain areas of the body helps accelerate whatever issues or process is going on with them on a psychological or an emotional level. VM: How did you come to this technique? SB: Years and years of studying different things. I come from a Buddhist background, so I looked at a lot of the Buddhist sutras, and I came to realize that the symbols of Reiki actually come out of Taoist and Buddhist religion or philosophy. One of my sutras was how catastrophes come about because the elements are out of balance, and in order to make world catastrophes subdue, we have to work on the internal elements within ourselves. During the fires of 2007, I was working with the sutra a lot because there was a lot of conflict in the neighborhood. When we had the fires, the area

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HEALING ARTS above my house was completely clear for about a 2.5-mile radius, and I had another friend who was working with that particular sutra also. He was in Washington D.C., and when he came home that night, they were doing voluntary evacuations in Chula Vista, where he lived. He sat up all night working with that particular sutra, and by morning they had called off the evacuations. That was very strong discovery for me about the importance of working with Spirit, our balance, and the elements. And because I’m one person, I can’t really change the whole world, but what I can do is help people through the elements within their own body, which is the same theory a lot of acupuncturists utilize. That’s my goal: to transmute those negative emotions into more of a virtuous, peaceful state within themselves, and that eventually carries out into the world. Also, because Taoism is a shamanic tradition—and I trained in shamanism with Sandra Ingerman and the soul retrieval work—and through the foundation of shamanic studies, I just came to recognize how those things can all bloom together and really accelerate people’s healing process. So, because I have my master’s in social work, I feel that in my sessions with people—not that I am doing therapy, of course, but in coaching them—I draw from a lot of my training in those areas also, to kind of guide people to come into their own internal ‘a-ha’s.’ In the classes, I actually try to teach that to my students, to really come from a place of guiding instead of coming up with psychic answers, because it’s going to be more effective and empowering when people come to this awareness in themselves. So I really try to instill my teachings in my class also. VM: Can you talk about your work? This combination of Reiki and Buddhist teachings, I think is amazing. SB: In my work, there is a very strong understanding about the flows of energy through the body and how energy can end up getting stagnant in areas or being in excess. And people take on certain behaviors that kind of reflect when those things are imbalanced. Very commonly, a lot people in this country have liver issues, and that’s where it’s believed that anger is stored. And so, on the other side, in the spleen area is where we carry our worries, so you see where the two go hand-in-hand. So when we’re worrying a lot, our energies begin to jam up and they don’t flow properly. And then we don’t digest our food properly, so we don’t take in the right nutrients to really help us be in balance physically as well. So, when I go in and do the work on a more shamanic level, I’m just opening up to allowing my spiritual connections or spirit guide to come in to show me what that looks like internally for a person. What does that worry look like to them? Another aspect of the five-element theory is the belief that there are these five soul parts that go along with these five elements. VM: What are the five soul parts? SB: Each of the main organs carries an element. And each of those elements carries a soul. It’s kind of an all-living dimension of yourself. It’s actually part of your life force. The belief in regular shamanism is that each part of your body carries a soul part. And when you work with those soul parts, you go in and you connect with the living piece within the organ, the life force within that organ. So then I begin to converse with it and ask what it is it needs to find inner peace so that it can thrive within that organ. I tell my students that when somebody comes to you with an issue, some kind of chronic issue or chronic pain, I ask them to describe what that illness looks like to them. I say, “I don’t care if it looks like a cartoon. Tell me what that illness looks like to you.” And most people have no problem describing in their mind what that looks like. Some of the answers can sound kind of frightening. But when you get that continued on page 41

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Craz y

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A Conversation with Kris Carr by Sydney L. Murray


can only say that there is no more intense hot spot than our own body. The old saying is true: “Everywhere you go, there you are.” Coming from Stage IV (“incurable”) cancer, Kris Carr has turned her own experience into a wealth of information and activism. Her matter-of-fact attitude is refreshing and her insights are invaluable. Her blog, Crazy Sexy Life, is packed full of information for everyone. I would imagine going to the edge and coming back strong would be more than enough to come back full of life and love. Kris Carr is an inspiration for anyone struggling with health issues or interested in living a healthier, more energetic life. Vision Magazine: Please tell me about your background and your story about overcoming cancer. Kris Carr: I was diagnosed with a very rare sarcoma in 2003 on Valentine’s Day. I was 31 years old, and at the time, we didn’t know how aggressive it was. There’s no treatment, there’s no cure. The diagnosis that I had, and still have, is Stage IV. I was given a lot of different potential options, and some of them were pretty grim options as far as potential outcomes. And that’s when I decided to take my health into my own hands. It was really for my own sanity, first and foremost, and hopefully to increase my longevity and whatnot. That was kind of when my wakeup call began. I, first and foremost, picked up the camera and started shooting my story. I’m a filmmaker and a writer, and I needed that creative outlet to sort of deal with stress and this uncertainty. And that’s when I started to educate myself about healthy food and healthy lifestyle choices, and basically anything I could do to feel a little control and feel empowered. And before I knew it, that’s when “Crazy Sexy Cancer” was born. It’s been about 10 years since I’ve been living with cancer and living a healthy life with cancer and teaching people about longevity and prevention. It’s been an amazing journey for me. Thankfully, there’s two things that have happened: I’ve radically changed my lifestyle and feel better than I did before I had cancer, and over the course of these last 10 years, we’ve been pretty confident that my cancer is slow-moving. So it’s almost like we maybe meet each other halfway. But at first, I thought it was going to be aggressive because sometimes this disease that is incredibly rare can be very aggressive. But it turned out that I did not have an aggressive kind. Unfortunately, that could change, and that’s why I get monitored every year or so. Anyway, during this time, I just really changed. I changed my job, I moved. I really transformed how I lived my life. And that’s basically what I teach other people to do.


What’s interesting is, in the beginning, it was really me teaching other cancer patients how to live a healthier life and how to meet their doctors halfway and participate in their well-being. And then what shocked me was the more media attention I got—I was on Oprah and many, many different shows and lots of different publications—people came to me and said, “I don’t have cancer, but I really like the way you’re living your life, what you’re teaching. Can I hang out?” So then I wrote “Crazy Sexy Diet,” and now my next book, “Crazy Sexy Kitchen.” So, I’m just opening the audience and opening up the teaching to a much bigger crowd, because it’s really what we all need to learn, not just people who happen to have a heightened sense of danger in their life. VM: You are an activist. I was kind of intrigued by the term “global activist.” Have you traveled around the world with your teachings? KC: What’s interesting is that I can be a global activist from Woodstock, New York. I have readers all over the world. I have followers from all over the world. And it’s so exciting to be connected to them through social media and through my blog. I try not to travel, although I travel a lot. But I don’t really need to. They [readers and followers] are out there, and I can connect with them daily. VM: Our theme for our September issue is “World Hot Spots.” We are a global village. What does that term mean to you? KC: Well, a global village—I think there’s something very familial about that. And what I try to do with my work is really welcome my readers into my life and welcome them to join me and to become friends with me. I like to keep that level of intimacy and stability, and just [be] a regular, everyday person. And I think that’s what resonates with people, whether they’re in the US or Australia or Japan—really, everywhere. We’re all facing the same struggles. We’re all going through the same problems and same challenges; it just might have a different face. I got an e-mail the other day that said, “I’m deeply in love with my life, and here’s why…” And just being willing to be vulnerable and open and share my process

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I think we need to get a lot more political and a lot more active, and I think that for a lot of years, I just thought, wow, there’s nothing I can do.

F E AT U R E and say, “It’s not because I don’t have cancer anymore, and it’s not because I don’t have any problems anymore. It’s because of how I deal with that, because of the peace that I found within the chaos.” And no matter who you are or where you are in the world, you can resonate with that. So I think that the level of authentic leadership and authentic vulnerability goes very far in touching the hearts of people. And then you back it up with giving them some tools. How can I help you help yourself? And basically how I do that is I teach how to reduce stress in your diet and in your lifestyle. And also how to love yourself more. That’s what cancer taught me. I’m not going to be here forever. Cancer may or may not take me—who knows. But during the time that I have—which, to me, is more immediate than it might be to you—I’m going to celebrate it. I’m going to celebrate me and the good, and I’m going to help heal the bad and really be appreciative. VM: If there were one person that has impacted you greatly, who would that be? KC: Wow, that’s such a great question. It’s probably hard for me to say one person. I’d say that maybe the one principle that has impacted me the most and that guides my work and guides my life is compassion. And the teachers that I respect also all come from the place of compassion, not only for ourselves, but the world around us. In addition to health reasons, one of the reasons why I’m a vegan is because I practice compassion—compassion for the animals, compassion for my body, compassion for the environment, compassion for my inner environment, my inner ecosystem. Whenever I’m lost, I say, “What is the compassionate way here?” One of my favorite quotes is: “From compassion lies strength.” And that says it all. And sometimes you want to go in the situation, you want to bowl it over and just burn down the town, like, “I want to show my strength!” And that’s how you mess shit up. Show your compassion, and all of your strengths will shine. VM: I think so many people need that wakeup call. How can we awake before something serious happens? It just seems to be the American way. KC: What I try to do in my work is to give people a taste of the wakeup call without the

So, if you’re chewing up that time and you’re obese, you’re smoking, you’re drinking, you’re angry, you’re stuck in a dead-end job, you have a limited number of breaths, you have a limited number of memories—how’s that going?

price. For the price that I’ve had to pay is great; I live with cancer. And I have to say that as a result of the changes I’ve made—many of them, mental changes—I can say I’ve thrived with cancer. I didn’t even think somebody could do that. And I thank my disease for being slow-moving. And I also thank myself for being a good caretaker. But getting people to sort of have that epiphany is what drives me. And I try to frame it in a way so I’m not framing it as a fear-based [thing], like, “Wake up before you get cancer, idiot!” [Laughs.] I try to say, “The wakeup is so beautiful. You will feel so good. It is so gorgeous on this side of the mountain. Come here.” But that’s not even the point. The point is, you have a limited number of breaths, you have a limited number of memories—what are you going to do with it? What are you going to do with that time? So, if you’re chewing up that time and you’re obese, you’re smoking, you’re drinking, you’re angry, you’re stuck in a dead-end job, you have a limited number of breaths, you have a limited number of memories—how’s that going? VM: I’ve noticed so many more people becoming vegan, and I think it’s easier than it was 10 years ago. When you’re trying to help people shift their life, cutting out meat or just taking small steps, is that kind of the way that you try to educate people? KC: Yeah. And I’m really not a ‘my-way-or-the-highway’ type of gal. I first tell people to add the goodness into their lives even before they remove the things that don’t serve them. My goal is not to make everybody a plant-loving vegan; my goal is to help people feel better. There is a way to meet them where they’re willing to go. So if you were to say to me, “I’m not willing to be vegan, but I agree with what you’re saying and I would like to improve,” amazing—I celebrate you. So let’s make a plan for you that will work for you and your goals and your lifestyle choices. And so, we can move in the direction of eating more plants and being nice to yourself and moving your body. That’s simple. You might not go all the way, and that’s fine. You go as far as you want to go. But you will change, and that’s the most important thing, that you make some change. And it’s not an all-or-nothing approach, like, if you’re not 100 percent on my program, you’re not on my program. No, that’s not the way it works at all. To me, that’s exhausting. I think that’s why “Crazy Sexy Diet” has been so continued on page 39

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The Legacy of Abelardo Rodriguez A Conversation with Abelardo Rodriguez III, and a Few Insights from His Son, Abelardo Rodriguez IV by Sydney L. Murray

Sowing the Seeds of Vision

One of the largest port cities in the Northwestern Baja region is Ensenada, a region that has long been known for its hospitality and culinary delicacies, including wine, seafood, and the latest culinary diaspora, Baja Med. The region also boasts the most important wine-producing valley that is host to the largest wine festival in all of Mexico, Valle de Guadalupe. People from all over the world come to spend perfect summer days in one of the region’s many hotels with picturesque shore breaks and vineyards, its multiple food venues that include restaurants as well as local street vendors known throughout the city, and the many events the region is host to. There has been much growth throughout the region over the years, and it is now coming to a new type of growth: sustainable development. Abelardo Rodríguez Ratliff, who has been a resident of Baja and Ensenada most of his life, has seen the seeds his grandfather, General Abelardo L. Rodriguez sowed throughout his lifetime in areas such as viticulture, education, and other regional development, and is now planting his own seeds for a brighter future with Rancho La Escondida, a development centered around a Medicinal Endemic Plant Botanical Garden, whose houses will be fully powered using renewable energy such as wind and solar. Nestled in a valley overlooking the ocean near the wine route entrance, just before reaching Sauzal de Rodriguez, this development strives for ultimate sustainability and is the only development of its kind in Ensenada. While Abelardo has held his vision since the late 1970s, it is now in its initial phases of construction as a model to the city and state for further urban development. Abelardo Rodriquez, The IV We were working on our new issue, World Hot Spots, when I met Abelardo Rodriguez, who I soon found out came from a line of men with the same name (obviously, Sr., Jr., III, and the IV). Rodriguez IV’s family was instrumental in developing Baja as well as other parts of Mexico. I had traveled to Guadalupe Valley, which, in my mind, was so reminiscent of Spain with the many vineyards and olive groves. I found out that Abelardo III was instrumental in developing this region and owned Santo Tomás winery. Now, Abelardo III is developing Rancho La


Well, I think, traditionally, the Americans have taken care of people that don’t have the resources, but it’s not the way it could be. Usually the Americans are wonderful in taking their money and giving it out throughout the world.

Escondida, which is a sustainable development. They have a Medical Endemic Plant Botanical Garden in Ensenada, which is a member of both Southern California Botanical Society as well as Mexico’s Botanical Garden Society. I was thrilled with the introduction because I have always thought of San Diego and Tijuana as sister cities, and I have enjoyed and discovered so much of Baja over the years I have lived here. I was surprised to find out that Baja is one of most bio-diverse places on our earth. They have mountains, deserts, ocean, and a sea. I am fortunate to have found out some of the history of Baja from two amazing men. [Unless indicated all responses are from Abelardo Rodrguez, III] Vision Magazine: Our theme for this month is “World Hot Spots.” Where do you think we, as a world, need to concentrate our energy? Abelardo Rodriguez: Right now, I think in the United States we need to concentrate with everything we have is in the economy. It’s a mess right now, and it affects the whole world. We have had three years of difficulties. The United States is trying to emulate Europe, and Europe is going south, and I’m sorry for that. VM: That’s always the debate, isn’t it—the ‘haves’ and the ‘have nots’? AR: Well, I think, traditionally, the Americans have taken care of people that don’t have the resources, but it’s not the way it could be. Usually the Americans are wonderful in taking their money and giving it out throughout the world. VM: I have to admit, I love Baja so much. When I first moved here

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F E AT U R E in 1996, I discovered Santo Tomás and the Guadalupe Valley, which is so beautiful. How did the vineyards start? AR: Well, as you know, they started with the missions back in 1817. That started with the monks. And eventually they started selling the wine. They started to sell the wine from their vineyards in small containers. And then they sold them in the old barrels. They were not the type of barrels we have right now. They are smaller than what we have now so that customers could carry them home. As more and more people drank the wine from their vineyards, they became very popular. The monks eventually had tastings, and there were two monks that were instrumental in this development. And then there were two guys who started a business in Ensenada who started to develop Santo Tomás. That’s when the commercial development started, when the markets for this wine started. VM: I love that area. But I used to go to an artist enclave between San Vicente and Santo Tomás, mostly to surf. You talk about the vineyards, but there olive trees, too. I don’t know how much olive oil is produced. Could you tell me more? AR: Well, my grandfather had a vision that other trees or vines could survive there. The weather of the area is Mediterranean. Not only grapes, he brought olives from Italy and he planted olive trees. In Santo Tomás we had many trees. We used to have a little olive oil plant next to General Rodriguez’s house. That is where it was. VM: Is that the picture your son [Abelardo Rodriguez IV] showed me of you and the General and your brother and one sister? Is that right in the valley? AR: Yes, that was right. The General was with us. We were young and in the valley with the olive trees and the vineyards. VM: The thing that I love the most about the experience in Baja is it’s like Europe to me. Families can have a huge impact on commerce and culture. With everything that you have done, what do you believe your lineage is? AR: I know Baja, which has grown quite a bit, especially commercially. My grandfather used to have a cannery. They had canneries and they had a place where they fixed up the boats, where they worked on the boats or the ships that would arrive (basically, the shipyards). That’s what you can see now here in Ensenada. There used to be the pier, “La Familia,” the names that the family started with. My grandfather started so many things. It was incredible. VM: What a responsibility, it seems, to continue that. AR: And now Abelardo has this

responsibility. He [his son who is part of our conversation] is fourth generation. VM: How did Rancho La Escondida start? Your son told me about it. And I had asked, “When did your father first conceive of this development?” He answered, “He had plans for it in 1979.” I asked, “So, from 1979 to today, how different is it?” And he said, “Not that different.” AR: Yeah… in 1976, I think. VM: I think that is beautiful you held a vision for that long, and it’s here. AR: It is outside of Ensenada and it used to have cattle and horses. In wintertime once, my cattle couldn’t eat. Over here it’s very low, only a couple hundred feet, but I had another ranch up in the hills [that was] 4,200 feet high. Now it’s different. VM: What is your dream for Rancho la Escondida? We have something like 2.6 hectares right now that we plan to develop, including our botanic garden. That started the whole project. We have a whole project around the botanic garden. Then we started to see that if it was self-sufficient, it would be a lot better. We don’t have too much water, so we’ve got to recycle the water. We don’t have a lot of equipment, so we’re going to have windmills and… So we’re going to try to make it independent and sustainable as possible. It’s in Northern Ensenada. Abelardo Rodriquez IV: It’s right in front of the entrance to the wine route behind the General’s house. VM: I have to ask about the General. What a man. AR: Well, he was my grandfather, but he was also my father because my father died when I was 4 years old. I was 3 when my mother died, so my grandparents took care of us. He was like my father. VM: If you could say one word for his character, from what you remember, what would it be? AR: I know that he had a big heart for everybody. He treated everybody the same way and he was an exceptional person. VM: You’ve been very successful. If you had one, what would be your most important habit that supported your achievements? AR: Well, I try to meditate every morning before I go out. And I don’t know whether that’s an achievement, but I try to meditate a little while every morning. That’s the way that day starts. I like to exercise. At the moment I can’t because I have problems with my eyesight. AR IV: He’s the type of guy who wakes up every day at 5 or 6, on the nose, without an alarm clock. VM: Who would be your greatest teacher? AR: First, my grandfather, of course. And second, there was a teacher in continued on page 39

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VISION MAGAZINE IS CURRENTLY LOOKING FOR TALENTED/ ENTHUSIASTIC SALES ASSOCIATES. This is a commission based position. Excellent money making potential for the right Holistic minded person. Please send resumes to sales@visionmagazine or call Sydney at 866-804-8444.

Shamanic Counseling

Core Level Healing. Shamanic Counseling. Soul Retrieval. Past Life Therapy and Nutrition. Kathleen Downey is considered a master healer after 20 years experience and seven years training. Helping clients make quantum leaps through life’s transitions, health challenges, fertility, CFS, Lyme disease, weight loss issues and more. See her published articles and testimonials at 858-4013144 San Diego, San Francisco, LA and long distance. 10.12



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vision cafe

art | cin e m a | pe r f o r m a nc e a r t s | t hea t r e | g a l l er i es | p o et s | c o nve rs ati on | cu l tu re

Pushing Upward is Not a Bra,

Fictionalized, fun, and fascinating, she touches on how we face our fears and grow.

It’s a State of Mind!

by Andrea Adler


ushing Upward,” winner of the 2012 Los Angeles Book Festival Award, published by Hay House, pushes the boundary of transformational fiction, bringing ancient wisdom to modern times. This novel is both a powerful, no-holds-barred spiritual exploration of how we arrive at the decisions in our lives and a rollicking good read. This fascinating roman à clef by Andrea Andrea Adler Adler—today an accomplished award-winning writer of books on holistic marketing— takes us through one epic year in the life of 21-year-old Sandra Billings. While trying to eke out a living as an actress in LA, Sandra discovers the ancient Chinese oracle, “I Ching,” and uses it as her GPS to navigate a torrid love affair, battle with demons of the past, and search for meaning and truth. After consulting the oracle, Sandra places an ad in the Los Angeles Times: “Drama Student in Need of Rm and Brd in Exchange for Housekeeping.” She meets some crazy, dangerous men, a few zany women, and Emma, a wise and mysterious woman. Their meeting changes the course of both their lives.


Interwoven throughout the deep, rich tapestry of this book are words of wisdom that illuminate Sandra’s spiritual quest and profound inner changes. The result is a stunning climax, where everything she has gained is challenged by a poignant and surprising twist of fate. “Pushing Upward” strikes a chord with many audiences. For the mature readers, it highlights their critical importance and wisdom. For people in their thirties, forties, and fifties, “Pushing Upward” becomes a reminder and a catalyst for processing their young adult experiences. For teens and 20-year olds who strive for independence, trying to digest their lives at full throttle, battling to maintain a sense of peace in the midst of mayhem, “Pushing Upward” may very well become a powerful mirror. Andrea Adler pulls from her diverse background (Broadway actress, journalist, international workshop presenter, founder of Holistic PR) in telling this story. “Pushing Upward” taps into her memories as a new arrival to California, lost and floundering before finding the key that sets her on her path. Fictionalized, fun, and fascinating, she touches on how we face our fears and grow. Andrea Adler can discuss the myriad of topics from her novel, including facing your demons, spiritual pitfalls, the power of mentoring, history of the “I Ching,” why she used the oracle in her book to create a tapestry of 1974 ambiance, and how 2012 is much like the 1970s on steroids. To book Adler for an interview to share insights from Pushing Upward with your listeners, please send an e-mail to with the name of the show, your contact information, and a proposed date after September 15. You can also contact Nicholas Rubando at 310.597.1462.

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One Heart, One Soul

He writes, “Walking is a physical alignment and direction. Metaphysically speaking, the path we walk on, which is our life direction, is the result of our beliefs and thoughts.

A Review by Sydney L. Murray

Sole to Soul, How to Love and Heal by Ariel A. Talmor One’s journey can take us many places in the world, but there is a place of healing, inspiration, and self-discovery amongst the pages of Ariel A. Talmor’s new book, “Sole to Soul, How to Love and Heal.” Having known him for years, not only as a colleague, but as a well-known and talented reflexologist, I was intrigued to find out how this healing modality opens the door to both emotional as well as physical healing. Using the five elements, he explores the paths to healing using the structure of our feet as literal pathways to healing. When I first experienced reflexology, I was amazed that the bottoms, sides, and even the toes of my feet could provide information about our bodies and minds as well as the possibility of relief for certain Ariel A. Talmor conditions. I love the quote that Talmor uses from Shirley MacClaine’s book, “The Camino,” in which she encounters a reflexologist who told her of “the healing of reflexology, which uses pressure upon the meridian points of the feet to release blocked energy and blocked memories. When the energy is released, health resulted.” Talmor’s use of the five elements was very effective in creating an analogy of those aspects of ourselves and how they relate. For example, he has very

brief questionnaires as well as examples of how the elements reflect upon our lives. The earth element is related to our physical space. Is there clutter? How are your plants doing? He writes, “Dust and clutter are representatives of the Earth Element; they represent stagnation.” Note to self: Clean

your desk after deadline! His teachings allow our very human emotions, which may be deemed negative (such as irritation), as an opening for self-discovery. Being irritated is human, but to utilize that emotion as an opening for deeper understanding either at that moment or at a future date was somewhat liberating for me because I had always deemed negative emotions as unacceptable and sought to eradicate them. But acknowledging them and their gifts are now always welcome in my life. I also benefited from the exercises Talmor provides that support his written material, which he presents from his experience with his college students and clients. They are concise and helpful. Talmor’s infectious energy for living and loving are probably the most inspiring part of both who he is and his new book. He writes, “Walking is a physical alignment and direction. Metaphysically speaking, the path we walk on, which is our life direction, is the result of our beliefs and thoughts. To improve the choice of path, we must bring more energetic flow to it. When we are healed we walk in perfect alignment with energy and matter.” You can order Sole to Soul at For more information, please visit, call 619.282 4580, or e-mail

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GLOBAL SPIRIT Programs Explore Essential Human Questions, Issues


ho are we? What are we doing here? How does all the diversity we witness all fit together? What does it all mean? Now more than ever, it’s critical that we ask (and seriously attempt to answer) these essential human questions. Our very survival on earth probably depends on it! Bill Moyers recently said: “The discussions on the Global Spirit series are sorely needed in this dispirited and disenchanted world. In many ways, it is more important than journalism today.” “Global Spirit” (, will soon give Public Television viewers an opportunity to discover how people of various religious, spiritual, and wisdom traditions around the world think, believe and address life’s core, eternal questions. Whether Hindu, Islamic, Judaic, Buddhist or animistbased, these are, after all, cultures with whom we must learn to peacefully coexist. (The series is being translated and broadcast in 14 countries overseas!) “Global Spirit” will air Sunday mornings as an inter-faith, “globally-rich” addition to traditional domestic religious programming. British actor and writer John Cleese (“Monty Python”) opens and closes each episode with a witty,


meaningful commentary. Each of the series’ ten episodes addresses a different essential human issue, from Forgiveness and Healing, to The Journey Towards Oneness, to The Mystical Experience, to Exploring Consciousness: East and West .…. Expert leaders and practitioners of Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Shamanism and other indigenous traditions are interviewed by program host/ moderator Phil Cousineau, a critically acclaimed writer, teacher, travel leader and storyteller. Award-winning producer/director Stephen Olsson (Emmy, Peabody, DuPont-Columbia) weaves in original film footage shot around the world, providing an emotional, experiential “ like being there” resonance. “Global Spirit” is a harbinger of the emerging and expanding enlightened new genre of transformational media, content that offers a shift in understanding and relationship with ourselves, each other and our world. More information about the series (including markets, stations and times) is available at www., along with digital downloads and a way to request the series be scheduled in your market if it’s not already.

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International Gathering for

Eden Energy Medicine, Coming to San Diego This September


onna Eden is one of the most effective and joyous energy pioneers in the rapidly expanding and vitality supportive frontier called Energy Medicine.” – Christiane Northrup, M.D. For the very first time, this September, Innersource - home of Eden Energy Medicine, will hold a special international event in San Diego, California. Donna Eden and David Feinstein will bring forth the very best people in the fields of Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology to present to their convention. Donna and David believe that “this inaugural event represents a unique opportunity for our community of all experience levels to come together and share the love and hope we have for Energy Medicine.” [For those who are new to Energy Medicine and interested in learning selfhelp tools to improve health and vitality, Donna will be presenting a 2.5 hour Introduction to Energy Medicine class preceding the convention on Tuesday, September 25 at 6:30pm at the Hilton San Diego Resort & Spa. Tickets are $25 in advance through the Innersource website:] Slated as the opening keynote speaker for the International Gathering is ground-breaking biologist Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. While teaching at Stanford University School of Medicine, Dr. Lipton made scientific discoveries of how energies in our environment control cell behavior, physiology, and the activation of genes. Now he will be sharing with the public the practical and empowering applications of these discoveries. Also speaking at the convention will be Candace Pert, Ph.D., an internationally recognized brain researcher known for her discovery of opiate receptors, as well as an author of more than 300 scientific articles. Dr. Pert’s work led her to write a best-seller on mind-body communication entitled, “Molecules of Emotion,” and will discuss “Choosing Conscious Calm.” The next keynote speaker, psychologist and anthropologist Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D. will continue the convention by sharing his insight into “Shamanic Soul Retrieval” to help you heal emotional wounds and discover states of exceptional health and well-being. Having studied the healing practices of the Amazon and the Inca shamans for over 25 years, Dr. Villoldo has the expertise and brilliance to share with IGEEM participants how to bring these ancient practices to our current Western culture. Energy Medicine researcher and cell biologist James Oschman, Ph.D. will

follow Dr. Villoldo with his discussion on “Energy Medicine: State of the Art; State of the Science.” Dr. Oschman’s book, “Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis,” is a powerful and welcoming compliment to Donna Eden’s own “Energy Medicine” book. Closing the convention will be Jean Houston, Ph.D., who shows people how to activate and appreciate their unique life purpose. Unfortunately she now holds fewer live workshops and instead teaches mainly through teleseminars, so IGEEM is thrilled to have Dr. Houston speak at the upcoming convention. In additional to these enlightening speakers sharing their knowledge of Energy Medicine, the convention Donna Eden will also offer 46 individual classes to choose from, for the beginner to the most advanced practitioner. There will also be extended pre and post class workshops with the Keynote Speakers, as well as featured faculty. Just a few of the many practical and enlightening classes include: Understanding the Healing Power of Sound & Music; Can Energy Medicine Principles Be Applied in Schools?; Using Energy Medicine to Live from Your Spiritual Nature; Sports Kinesiology; Stress and its Energetic Effect on Teens and Energy Medicine for Children. With these excellent keynote speakers and a variety of classes to choose from, the International Gathering for Eden Energy Medicine (IGEEM) provides participants with opportunities that they can take advantage of long after the weekend is over. The International Gathering for Eden Energy Medicine will take place September 26-30, 2012 at the Hilton San Diego Resort & Spa. For more information and to register, visit, e-mail, or call 541.482.1800. —SN

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Children are the ones who hold our future in their hands, as they will someday be the ones to lead the way. Though they will be taught about the workings of life by others and by their own experiences, it’s up to spiritually awake adults to help them come to know their spiritual Self. Parents, grandparents, and other significant adults can provide conscious guidance and teaching, not through dogmatic or coercive methods, but through their own example and gentle, welcoming invitation. One dimension of spirituality that has been neglected in our western culture is that of the spirits of the natural world. We’ve tended to view the Earth as here mainly for our benefit rather than understanding that we’re simply a part of the web of life, intimately connected to all beings, both physically and spiritually. SPIRIT IN THE NATURAL WORLD So how do we encourage our children’s spirituality and in particular, how to receive guidance from the many voices of Spirit? How do we influence our children’s familiarity and appreciation of the natural world and come to know the Life force that expresses not only through but also as everything? It starts with overcoming the addiction to technological devices and getting outside as much as possible. From there we can teach our children by our own fascination with the magic that’s inherent in the Earth.


The degree of estrangement from the world around us has increased in direct proportion to our reliance on technology. With this explosion of electronic tools available to us, it’s easy for parents and children to succumb to the allure of the multitude of devices, from smartphones to computers to television. The downside is that it keeps children inside, close to electrical outlets or wireless routers, at the cost of the direct experience with the threedimensional world. There is increasing evidence of the detrimental effects of this obsessive preoccupation. On the flip side, there’s also a growing awareness of the benefits of regular contact with the natural environment. ANIMALS AND ANIMAL SPIRIT GUIDES There’s ample evidence of how animals are intertwined in our lives, from the shoes we wear to the food we eat (if you’re an omnivore). Our pets give us comfort and solace, while animals in the wild give us a glimpse into our own instinctual nature. With rare exceptions, children readily relate to animals, sometimes starting with their attachment to that stuffed animal figure that they fall to sleep with every night. It’s a short step from their love of animals to eventually understanding that animals can also be teachers and guides. Children’s Spirit Animal Cards not

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continued on page 46

“Kris Carr” continued from page 25

successful. It’s been on the New York Times best-seller list for multiple weeks. I think that book really encapsulates what I try to teach, which is acceptance. There’s no judgment. There’s all love and support. As I’m teaching about the horrors of factory farms I’m still on board for what you choose. And “Crazy Sexy Kitchen” just takes it to the next level, really. It gives it a lot of the basic information and then just all of these wonderful recipes. Ultimately, that’s what I try to bring to these conferences. I try to be a catalyst. I have you for an hour and a half. Maybe I can awaken something that, when you leave that conference, the domino effect will begin. VM: I hope it’s shifting. I feel like there is awareness out there. KC: There is. I think we need to get a lot more political and a lot more active, and I think that for a lot of years, I just thought, wow, there’s nothing I can do. And then, with the power of social media and the power of writing and building this platform, I’ve realized I have this army of followers. Talk about a global village. They’re all changing their diets and lifestyles. We’re going through our testimonials because we’re rebuilding our Web site. My assistant has gone through 600 testimonials in the last year from people who’ve said, “I have results. I feel better.” And they’re measurable emotional results, they’re measurable physical results. Change really does start from the bottom up. It’s a grassroots thing until we have enough pressure to force things at the top. And those changes need to come in form of the farm bill. This is really important stuff and what we’re trying to do, in addition to teaching people about love and compassion. VM: Like you said, self-compassion, love for yourself, that’s when you’re good to yourself. KC: Absolutely. And then you take those concepts and back them up with science and a game plan, and now you’ve got that blueprint for not only a healthy life, but also change. Kris Carr is a New York Times best-selling author, motivational speaker, and wellness coach. In 2003, she directed and starred in Crazy Sexy Cancer, an inspirational documentary for TLC that chronicled her journey from cancer diagnosis to juicy, healthy living. Her books include Mean It!, Crazy Sexy Cancer Survivor: More Rebellion and Fire for Your Healing Journey, Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips, and the upcoming Crazy Sexy Kitchen. Carr will be among the featured speakers at Hay House’s I Can Do It! Conference in Pasadena, CA, October 26-28. For more information and to register for the conference, visit or call 800.654.5126.

“Abelardo Rodriguez” continued from page 27

Mexico City. He was called [Hector Vasquez Perez]. He was great. He was the head of an engineering school. I studied engineering. He was a great guy, an excellent man…excellent teacher, excellent friend, excellent husband to his wife, Sally. Such an amazing person. So after my grandfather, of course, Mr. Vasquez Perez. VM: What would be the lessons they taught you? AR: Well, to do things. Be a doer not just a thinker. You can’t spend your whole life just thinking about things. You have to make them happen. VM: Are there any future plans for Rancho La Escondida? AR: We are stuck with permit problems and there is of course the red tape. I have a friend in Pasadena, and we’re in a kind of a race. Who gets his permit first? He wants to build something in Pasadena, and I want to build something over here. And we’ve been stuck for 6 or 7 years. We’ll see who wins. I’m getting

my permits soon, but I don’t know where he is at in the process. VM: I’m curious as to what your concept of God or Spirit, whatever you want to call it, is? AR: Well, what I’ve believed for all my life that God is love. That’s how I see him. He’s a mountain of love. If you have love for a person, for your world, or for whatever… Love is light. VM: So when you think about what’s going on in the world right now, do you have hope? AR: I saw this video on YouTube of a guy from Israel, sending love to people in Pakistan and in Iraq. People everywhere, they answer the question the same way: they love, and in the same way they fight. But people, if you let them, they will love each other. VM: I heard once that we are the largest border cities in the world, Tijuana and San Diego. And if not, we’re one of the largest. So what does that mean? We’ve got this relationship, this interchange. What does that mean to you? AR IV: That’s what they had said at the Mexican Consulate where I used to work, that this is the biggest border crossing in the world. Over 300,000 people cross daily. VM How can we be a positive model for the world? AR: I don’t know, but when I was a very small person, I remember that the border used to be four lanes. If you see the border right now, it’s not only the border between Tijuana and San Ysidro. You go to Mexicali and there is another border crossing, and then you go to Tecate and there’s another border crossing. And we’re going to have more of that. So many people come over here every weekend to Ensenada and all of Baja. It’s incredible. And now that the media has stopped saying that there are killings over here, now we’re getting more and more people over here. VM: Baja has such amazing arts. Do you have any favorite artists? AR: Well, yes, we have singers that come out from Mexicali. We have a lot of artists and we have painters from Ensenada. People have started painting for tourism, and now they have become really good painters. There are a lot of artists here. And then there was a Russian soldier that came over here that was a musician, which taught a lot of Mexicans very good music. Everything integrates with wine [laughs] and all of the art. That’s why I live here in Ensenada, because it’s a beautiful place. For more information about Rancho La Escondida, go to Abelardo Rodriguez Ratliff (III) - Born in SD, BA in Engineering in Mexico City, Masters in Applied Mechanics from UCSD. Loves the Ecology and has always been sustainable in his businesses in agriculture, construction, manufacturing and more. Has helped in planting over 100,000 trees in the Baja region. Also loves piloting aircraft and scuba-diving. Abelardo Rodriguez Lopez (IV) - Born and raised in SD, BA in Global Studies & Cultural Ideology from UCSB, background in arts & media as a TV host & producer, writer, healing artist, energy worker and more. &

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“Greek To Me” continued from page 9

and that people are rarely what they seem, while also learning something new— never, ever play in sandals—I gleaned the most from just watching and listening. I could tell whether a person was going to play just by the way they addressed the table. Some would glance at it, look quickly away, only to have their eyes return to gaze more fixedly, even if just for an instant. It conveyed a dynamic of a lover reconsidering what was, while dealing with the implicit what might be should they stop and swing a paddle. Some walked by with nary a look, though their fingers grazed the table’s top to the very end, letting go only when they had to, returning on their way out, their fingers still outstretched as they glanced around nervously. And even those who refused to look its way or touch it communicated no less effectively—whatever was, assuming there was something at all, was now over. I knew my relationship with that table had turned a corner when someone saw me in the local drugstore, pointed at me, and said, “You’re the ping-pong guy!” The summer is soon over, and with it my tenure as “the ping-pong guy.” I’ll still play from time to time. But the mornings of coffee and a New Yorker, all consumed with one eye on any stranger walking by a table as their fingers dance atop its smooth surface, tapping out a Morse code of “Wanna play?” are numbered. Time for some new routines and to take the lessons of the table into the world beyond. Now that will definitely be cool. Michael Raysses is a writer/NPR commentator who lives in Malibu, California. You can follow him on Facebook at Or e-mail him at “Easter Island” continued from page 11

Island may not have been settled in until 1200 A.D. And the issue of where the natives, the Rapa Nui, came from—Polynesia or South America—also has an air of mystery surrounding it. What is told in the myth of the island dwellers is that they lived within a class system, ruled by an ariki (king) who had almost god-like powers in keeping his kingdom in line. Then the winds shifted after a military coup to the cult-like worship of a god known as Make-make. A new tradition started in the cult of the Birdman, in which a competition was staged yearly with a representative of each clan swimming through shark-infested waters to the islet, Motu Nui, to successfully bring back the egg of a sooty tern. The winner would then be in charge of distribution of island resources for his clan during that year. Easter Island was besieged with a series of events that all but decimated its once-thriving society. In 1862, Peruvian slave raiders captured or killed half of the island’s 3,000 dwellers. Only a dozen Rapa Nui returned from Peru, and those who did return brought back an unwanted souvenir, smallpox, thus drastically reducing the residents of Easter Island. Violent clan wars soon led to even more drastic changes to the dwindling populace, which resulted in famine and death. Further complicating matters for the mysterious island was the moving of the massive Moai that had disastrous implications for its ecosystem. A recent discovery by the Easter Island Statue Project revealed that the heads of the Moai actually have bodies attached to them. Among the fascinating finds made were that the statues were erected in place and are affixed to store pavements, holes were cut into the bedrock in order to support upright tree trunks, and that posts, stones, ropes, and various types of stone tools were utilized to carve the statues and raise them upright. What may come of this latest chapter in the storied history of Easter Island


could prove to be another question mark, another mystery to be uncovered about one of the world’s greatest sources of debate. To learn more about the Easter Island Statue Project, visit Tim Parks is a sales associate for Vision Magazine. Contact him at tim@ “Sedona” continued from page 15

When you’re doing everything yourself, including putting the movie out there with distribution, you have to read all of that stuff, because you can use it to market the film. It’s a really weird thing. VM: The film is a “magical mystical adventure about finding miracles.” What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done? TS: Making a movie, hands down! It’s a whole adventure unto itself and especially with this film. For one reason or another, we had a lot of challenges, and they were just typical, but making a movie is basically solving a problem every day. Something happens that you don’t expect and you have a whole crew that you’re paying and is waiting every day on you. And it’s just, oh man, it’s just a big, stressful adventure; but it’s fun, too. VM: And what has been the most unexpected and miraculous experience you’ve ever encountered? TS: I don’t know how miraculous I’d say it was, but adopting my son, that was pretty miraculous. It was a little unexpected, although we had planned on it; it kind of happened before we expected it. Nothing will change your whole life like that when you have a kid. He’s 11, and in fact, he’s in the movie in one of the lead roles [as Denny]. With me being the director, it was a natural thing to put him in the movie and he ended up having some talent at it; he enjoyed it, and it’s not something that I want to push him into, just as long as he wants to do it. VM: The cast for your film includes some of my personal favorites, such as Frances Fisher, Christopher Atkins, Lin Shaye and Beth Grant, to name a few. What was it like working with such a talented ensemble? TS: A great thing about casting a film is that the actors have their own ideas and sometimes I’ll end up rewriting after talking with the actor. Because it changes things, they’ll think about the entire backstory of the character, whereas I didn’t. It’s like a collaboration once we start shooting. It can be a little bit nerve-racking working with someone of that caliber, especially Frances Fisher; it was such a whirlwind. I didn’t actually meet her until the night before we started filming, so that was another challenge. They’re all great; any actor that wants to do a little movie like this is because they respond to something that is in the story or their passion about the topic. And Lin Shaye and Seth Peterson, I’ve worked with before and they were so great to work with the first time. They are all pretty down-to-earth and easy to talk to. And Christopher Atkins, you can’t get more down-to-earth than him. He’s just fun and great to be around. He’s really funny. I don’t think people know how funny he is; I told him he should do a comedy since he hasn’t really done much comedy. VM: How do you see Tammy’s transformation in the film and how it

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applies to life in the modern world? TS: I wanted to explore with one of the themes of the movie which is how technology has taken over our lives, with cell phones, the Internet and all that. And how we don’t communicate on a personal basis like we used to, at least that’s my opinion. I put that frustration into the movie a little bit, and both of the main characters, including Tammy, are workaholics and always on the phone. The movie to me is about stopping and smelling the roses; it’s like, throw away your cell phone, open your eyes and ears, take in your surroundings and be in the moment. And when her character does that, all of these great things are able to happen to her. VM: Our theme for September is “World Hot Spots.” How would you say that applies to Sedona? TS: Well, it has been voted the most beautiful place in America before. It’s just a place, getting back to the technology stuff. It’s a place that’s calming for me. There’s a lot of great hiking, the weather’s perfect almost all year around, and we’re not tired of it yet. Whenever I go to a city, especially L.A., my stress level just goes up automatically. And Sedona is one of those places that just calms you down and be able to relax a little more; it’s just a beautiful place. Sedona is currently out on DVD/Blu-ray and available to view on VOD. “Shaman” continued from page 19

they named me the Golden Condor Healer. It was an affirmation from the universe that I was on the right track. Although plant medicine is not for everyone, when used correctly with a trained Ayachusa Shaman it is an experience like no other. Talk about expanding your consciousness, and healing your soul! These Indigenous Shamans made me feel like I was one of them, there was no difference between us. While there I discovered a sacred piece of land where I now lead groups on spiritual journeys. Connection to the land is vital if we are ever to get past the trauma of our lives. We have spoken long enough of worry and fear. The time is now to fully shift into this new light, this new consciousness, and we need to do it with such confidence and determination that we never look back again. It is time for us to step forward and become the new Indigenous peoples in our communities, shining our light for the world to see. Golden Sparkles ~ Isabella Upcoming Retreat Join Isabella Stoloff & Deborah for a magical retreat at Joshua Retreat Center 12/12-12/15. Celebrate 12.12.12 with channeling’s, fire ceremony, crystal sound bathes, healing through movement, despachos, activations and more. 3 days 3 nights all lodging, meals & ceremonies included, only $848.00 singles, couples $1,496.00. Double occupancy. Reserve your space today. 714-603-8624. “Release the old stories and step into this new consciousness” Next Ancient Healing Techniques year long training starts Sept. 15th & 16th Isabella Stoloff is the Golden Condor Healer and a Shaman of the light. She founded the Orange County Healing Center in 2009, and speaks all over the world. Isabella is an author and visionary. Isabella’s sessions leave you feeling clear and focused, releasing lifetimes off your energy field. Isabella is available for one-on-one sessions & house clearings. She teaches a year long certification course on Ancient Healing Techniques, guides people on spiritual retreats, and assists her clients in healing at the deepest level. Book your session today! 714-603-8624
 Isabella Stoloff is the Golden Condor Healer and a Shaman of the light. She founded the Orange County Healing Center in 2009, and speaks all over the world. Isabella is a

visionary and her sessions leave you feeling clear and focused. Isabella teaches a year long certification course on Ancient Healing Techniques, guides people on spiritual journeys to the Amazon and Peru, and assists her clients in healing at the deepest level.Book your session today! 714-603-8624
 “Sara Burns continued from page 23

information from them, then you understand they’re actually intuiting on a different level, on the astro level, or that dream body, which is the emotional body. I just know that, on a very intuitive level, things tend to show up, and more times than not, when you share what you are seeing, most people say, “That’s exactly what I thought.” I think that comes because, when I was trained in soul retrieval work, one of the things you do in soul retrieval is you lie next to the person and allow the spirit guides to do the work. On a more realistic level, I think the reason why that takes place is because my energy field is immersing with that other person’s energy field, and you do begin to pick up what that person is thinking. There isn’t a single person in the world that isn’t capable of having the ability to do this. I think it’s a very natural part of our being. The energy creates heat, and that heat then creates movement, and when that movement begins, then you start experiencing what people are thinking, what they’re feeling, what they’re seeing. It’s kind of like shedding a light. The first part is really about self-healing. And I do teach all of this in my classes [the five elements], and I also teach the shamanic part of it. My classes are also focused on their process after the Kundalini gets activated. A lot of people seem to think that after 21 days the process is over and it’s really just beginning, and it never ends. I am going to give you the tools so you can know how your energy flows in your body and keep you on to recognize that these things could be moved through. But you need to stay continually aware of it. And a little goes a long way. I personally would not spend an entire weekend running energy in people; I think that’s dangerous. I think that working with little bits of energy along the way is the safer way to work with it. And that is the other problem with Reiki. Their concept is “energy just flows where it flows.” But the truth is that energy follows certain patterns that can be controlled. VM: That seems almost like a miracle. SB: This is what acupuncturists do. I honestly feel that a lot of the things that can be treated with acupuncture can also be treated this way, without needles. It’s just that we don’t teach that anywhere in this country. And I am trying to begin this. VM: I thought Reiki wasn’t about touching the body. SB: You can go over the body, but the way I do it is I actually hold the organ gently, not putting pressure. I just support the organ. I let it relax. So when it relaxes along with the energy, it allows things to move through the body with the intention of creating an optimal space for those soul parts which are pushing the energy to go in the direction it should be going. That is how I can treat people. And a lot of times I see people move through things very quickly. I think Sara Burns is a completely untapped resource. She has a perspective that is so incredibly important. Reiki on our organs from trauma or even past life residue is intriguing to contemplate. Sara is one of those people that have encountered a myriad of careers and studies, but what I believe is that she is doing what she was put on this earth to do. To learn more, please visit Contact Sacred Transformations at

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Calendar OF EVENTS

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SEPTEMBER Sept. 1 Saturday

40th Annual


Sheraton Universal, Hollywood

– Alternative Therapies – Nutritional Approach including Laetrile, Gerson, Hoxsey, Poly-MVA & Immunotherapy. Also Chelation, DMSO, Oxygen, Herbal, Cellular & Electro-Magnetic Therapies For All Diseases.

Lectures / Movies / Exhibits $40.00/day CEU’s for Nurses & Dentists $45.00/day Tijuana Clinic Tours – Sept. 5 & 15

CANCER CONTROL SOCIETY (323) 663-7801 September 4, Tuesday Soul Masters Screening & Special Divine Healing Hands Event with Master Sha. 6:30-10pm. Receive powerful soul healing from Master Sha following the screening of this stunning, intimate portrait of two powerful healers and their secret: SOUL CAN HEAL. San Francisco. Filmed partly in China. $12., 415.971.7373.


Thursday, September 6 Divine Healing Hands Soul Healing Evening with Master Sha. 7-10pm. Receive powerful soul healings to transform your health, finances, relationships and more. $15. Palo Alto/ San Francisco. 415.971.7373 September 8, 2012 Has a painful divorce or breakup left you worried…even afraid of the future? 4 Experts guide you to ReCover, ReNew, and ReInvent your Love, Joy, Career and Finances after a breakup or divorce. Registration: www.PostBreakUpWakeUp. com OR Friday-Sunday, Sept. 7-9 Divine Healing Hands Training Program with Master Sha. 10am-10-pm. Receive a transmission of Divine Healing Hands power instantly enabling you to help others transform their health, relationships and finances. San Francisco. Apply www. 415.971.7373

SEPTEMBER 1-2 Sat.-Sun Body Mind Spirit Expo Coming to San Diego for the 12th year, Sept 1-2 Body Mind & Spirit brings to life a positive, healing environment. Weekend admission of $12 includes all lectures and demos as well as admission to the exhibit hall. Visit our website, for a $2 off coupon!! San Diego Doubletree Mission Valley, 7450 Hazard Center Dr. Sat 10-7 Sun 11-6. For Vendor Information call 541-482-3722.

Sept. 8 & 9 Sat.-Sun Corrective Massage System – The Neck - Pinpoint causes of neck issues and provide corrective massage and corrective exercises for your clients. Learn unique, state of the art muscle testing system. Identify compensatory muscles in postural imbalances. Learn postural assessment for neck issues including effects of lower body imbalances. Learn a simple, moderate pressure movement and compression based release system. Saturday day and Monday night. Dr. Barry Green, the founder of BodyMind College, IPSB and 3 other schools. 12 credit hours. $108.00 Instructor Barry Green, Ph.D., H.H.P. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485.

Sept. 6 Thurs. Free OPEN HOUSE. + 3 scholarship raffles, must be present to win. 7:15 prompt – 9:00 pm. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485.

Sunday Sept. 9 & Oct. 14 Kundalini Master Steve S. Sadleir Live Teleconferenced Shaktipat Meditation @ Visions and Dreams in Costa Mesa 10am12pm

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Sept. 8 & 10 Sat. & Mon. Corrective Massage System – The Neck - Pinpoint causes of neck issues and provide corrective massage and corrective exercises for your clients. Learn unique, state of the art muscle testing system. Identify compensatory muscles in postural imbalances. Learn postural assessment for neck issues including effects of lower body imbalances. Learn a simple, moderate pressure movement and compression based release system. Saturday day and Monday night. Dr. Barry Green, the founder of BodyMind College, IPSB and 3 other schools. 12 credit hours. $108.00 Instructor Barry Green, Ph.D., H.H.P. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485. SEPT. 11 and 12 Tues-Wed The Artist’s Way - Nine-week journey to self-discovery and creativity. Begins 9/11 in Encinitas and 9/12 in San Diego. 760.436.8848 Sept 11-12 Tues-Wed Immune Dysfunction, Cancer Treatment & Prevention – (Open to everyone – Required for H.H.P. Program (Part of Increasingly Prevalent Challenging Health Problems) – There is a growing incidence of immune dysfunctions. Cancer has now surpassed cardiovascular disease (CVD) as the number one killer of all Americans. Learn about natural remedies–primarily herbs, foods, supplements, amino acids, and other therapies – that have traditionally been used, and now are scientifically documented, to boost immune processes, prevent and treat different cancers, and other immune dysfunctions, also help generate optimal health and vitality. Also included are specific massage strokes combined with specific aromatherapy essential oils, and other therapies. 7:00pm pm. Steve Schechter, NP, HHP, NHI Director. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485. Sept. 13 Thursday Join Mark Victor Hansen for a talk on

prosperity and to learn about the most exciting business opportunity since “Chicken Soup for the Soul”. 7-9 pm Encinitas. Limited seating RSVP 760-535-4688 Sept. 15 and 16 Sat.-Sun Become A Certified Professional Coach Now over 4500 Graduates are changing lives for the better. Newport Beach, CA. 800.711-4346 www. Sept. 16 Sunday

private setting, offices without a shower or bathtub. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485. SEPT. 16-20 Sun-Thurs HEALING THROUGH THE AKASHIC RECORDS 5-DAY RETREAT with Akashic expert-author Linda Howe. Learn to utilize Akashic Light for spiritual healing for yourself and others. Transform your emotional wounds into sacred evolution opportunities. Includes Akashic Healing Practitioner Certification via Linda’s Center for Akashic Studies. Location: Glen Ivy Retreat Center, Corona CA. Info: Barbara Schiffman, 818-415-3479, www.YourLifeandSoul. com, Sept. 21 Friday CLINICAL NUTRITION (CNC)™. Introductory or full Certification. Special Discounts. Most comprehensive training from nationally honored Nutritionists. Revised! 7:00 pm. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485.

Feng Shui & a Green Workplace: This course offers practical, hands on applications of world Feng Shui principles and tools for enhancing professional and personal settings. Also learn how to incorporate green and less toxic office materials, furniture and furnishings for healthier, safe, supportive and beautiful environments. The class includes green material tips for both personal and professional spaces. Each and every participant has the option of receiving a free Feng Shui & Green Environment individualized consultation!! Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485. Sept. 17 Monday Spa Techniques: Body Exfoliations – Learn the most exclusive, requested spa services, plus body polish, salt glow, much more! Protocols can be used in a spa environment as well as a

SEPTEMBER 21-23 Fri.-Sat. The Whole Being Weekend celebrates 40 years of bringing a mountain summercamp experience to the New Age and Wholistic Communities of Southern California. Registration includes all meals, lodging, massage, seminars, concerts, networking and a beautiful outdoors experience with like minded open-hearted friends. www. 619-944-7838 Sept. 22 Sat. CLINICAL HERBOLOGY (CCMH)™. Introductory or Full Certification. Special Discounts. Most comprehensive training from nationally honored Master Herbalists. Revised! 7:00 pm. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485. MASSAGE TECHNICIAN 100 hr. Program. Required for Massage Therapist License. Special Discounts. Comprehensive training with the most experienced, licensed instructor in USA! Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485. Sept. 22-23 Sat-Sun Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) ™ & Yoga Instructor, Somatics & Movement Therapist (YISMT)™, + Thai Yoga, More

for Certification, National Registration. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485. SEPTEBER 23 Sunday Womens Fall Equinox Celebration! Honoring our own internal cycles of the season. Guided visualization, Breath work, drumming, Journaling and More! RSVP $10 (619) 339-0145 Sept. 22-23 Sat-Sun Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) ™ & Yoga Instructor, Somatics & Movement Therapist (YISMT)™, + Thai Yoga, More for Certification, National Registration. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485. SEPT. 22-23 SAT.-SUN. STAR ESSENCE FLOWER & GEMSTONE ESSENCE PRACITIONER CERTIFICATION COURSE Santa Barbara, CA. For more information please visit: . 805-965-1619/888-277-4955 or email HOLISTIC ARTS FAIR, 10 AM-7 PM. Free psychic, health, art fair. Yoga for Your Eyes workshop, panels, speakers, etc. 1540 Hicks Ave. San Jose. Free parking in lot/along streets. Exhibitors wanted! (408)448-6726; SEPTEMBER 24 MONDAY Edwene Gaines will present the Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity Workshop at One Heart-One Mind, CSL, 7pm 11211 Sorrento Valley Rd. Ste G San Diego, CA 92121 Love offering http:// ESOTERIC ALCHEMY OF THE ANDEAN ORCHID FLOWER ESSENCES presented by essence producer Star Riparetti - Santa Barbara, CA. Class repeats on Wednesday September 26 and Saturday September 29. For more information please visit: . 805-9651619/888-277-4955 or email bliss@ Spa & Massage Therapist – Body Wrap Techniques –– Learn exclusive spa body wrap techniques. You will experience working with various products. Enjoy giving and receiving amazing treatments.

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Calendar continued Valuable hands-on experience for home, office, spa, or wellness centers that do not require a shower or bathtub! Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485. Sept. 24 and 25 Mon.-Tues. Become A Certified Professional Coach Now over 4500 Graduates are changing lives for the better. Lake Las Vegas, Henderson, NV 800.711-4346 www. Sept. 26-30 Wed.-Sun. FIRST EVER INTERNATIONAL GATHERING FOR EDEN ENERGYMEDICINE (IGEEM) at the Hilton San Diego Resort and Spa. Keynote Speakers Include: Bruce Lipton, Candace Pert, James Oschman, Alberto Villoldo and Jean Houston. Over 50 classes from beginning to advanced. Opportunities for Continuing Education Credits and Single Day options are now available! Register now for best selection of classes. www. 514-482-1800 SEPT. 27-30 Thurs-Sun TEACHERS INFORM, A MASTER TRANSFORMS - HIMALAYAN MASTER YOGIRAJ SIDDHANATH - USA Southern California 2012 Hilton Garden Inn, 6450 Carlsbad Blvd, Carlsbad, CA, USA 2012 California New Life Awakening Retreat with Yogiraj Siddhanath Registration: 866-YOGI-RAJ or events@ or MeetYogiraj Sept. 29-30 Sat-Sun Deep Tissue Class with Emphasis on Body Mechanics. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485. Sept. 29-30 Oct 1 Sat-Mon evening Learn to practice nonviolence every day. 20 hour AVP (Alternatives to Violence) workshop, Om Spiritual Center, La Mesa., 619-697-3223


Oct. 1 Monday Certified Clinical Master Aromatherapy (CCMA) ™ – Learn self-help, plus enhancing professional practice. Taught by world renowned Aromatherapy instructor. NHI had the 1st State Certified Aromatherapy program in U.S. 6:30 pm.


Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485. Oct. 9 & 13 Tues.-Sat. Certified Ayurvedic Wellness Consultant (CAWC) Tuesday 7 pm, Saturday 9:30 am. You can take the whole program for Certification or individual modules for personal growth. Ayurvedic Nutrition module is 10/9, 10/13. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485. Oct. 16 Tuesday The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself, Heal Your Family Presented by: Eric Pearl Venue: Mystic Journey Bookstore 1319 Abbott Kinney Boulevard Venice California 90291 United States 1-310-399-7070 7:00 p.m. Local Contact: Cecilia Samms 1-323-960 0012 Oct. 17 Wednesday Explore the New Frequencies of Healing presented by: Eric Pearl Venue: Awakenings Center for Conscious Living - 25260 La Paz Rd. Suite D Laguna Hills, Ca 92653 949-457-0797 7:30 pm - $20 in advance/$25 at the door Local Contact: Cecilia Samms 1- 323-960-0012 OCTOBER 26-28 Fri-Sun AKASHIC RECORDS PRACTITIONER TRAINING with Barbara Schiffman, ARCT. Deepen your Soul-connection to the Akashic Field in 2012. Learn to read the Akashic Records for yourself and others. Includes Past Life healing tools and certification via Linda Howe’s Center for Akashic Studies. $325, LA location. Pre-Registration: 818-415-3479, www., AkashicLA@gmail. com


Dec. 12,2012 Celebrate 12-12-12 Joshua Tree with Isabella Stoloff~Shaman & Deborah Shea~Channel. 12/12-12/15 Retreat $848.00 Lodging, meals, ceremonies included. or www.


The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success Transformation Circles Adopted from the best-selling book by famed author, Deepak Chopra. These workshops will help you connect with you life at a much deeper level. With the practice of these laws you will be able to create affluence and abundance for yourself and others, have better relationships,and live the life you love. Our Day of Transformation also includes discounted Spa Day passes for $30 at the luxious La Costa Spa. after 3:PM. Also all attendees will receive a 15% discount at the Chopra Center store the day of the workshop except for jewelry. Tuition is $25 with advance registration and $30 at the door, and incluces the book “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra” and the Transformation Circles Companion Guide. For more information and to register for this fun and informative workshop and Day of Transformation please visit www. The Law of Karma - September 16th - Create happiness and success for yourself and others by becoming the conscious choice maker. The Law of Least Effort - October 14th - Use energy creatively, do less and accomplish more. The Law of Intention and Desire November 11th - Harness the power of intention to fofill your dreams and desires The Law of Detachment- December 16th - Access the creative force of the Universe through intention, surrender, and present moment awareness.


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LOOKING FOR A SPIRITUAL COMMUNITY? You are always welcome at the Celebration of Light Church. Visit our website for program. www. Vicente @ 23rd St. – San Francisco. THEOSOPHY CLASS IN JULIAN/SAN DIEGO, “What is Theosophy and How Does it Apply to Life?” 760.765.1090 619.283.0142 Sally & Jim Colbert Meets: 1st & 3rd Sunday Mornings 10:30 a.m. to Noon with cookies CALL FOR DIRECTIONS


6:30 pm San Diego Are you a truth seeker interested in making a difference for the bigger picture? Learn about spiritual life before religions (over 5,000 years ago) Led by an expert in Ancient MatriCentered Partnership Societys. Introduction is FREE. Call for waiting list. 619.255.4519 CLINICAL NUTRITION. Introductory or full Certification. Special Discounts. Most comprehensive training from nationally honored Nutritionists. Revised! 7:00-9:50 pm. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485.


CLINICAL MASTER HERBOLOGY. Introductory or Full Certification. Special Discounts. Most comprehensive training from nationally honored Master Herbalists. Revised! 7:00-9:50 pm. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485. .


HAPPINESS CLASSES - Based on the life-healing teachings of VERNON HOWARD, Fridays - 8p.m.; Sundays - 10a.m. New Life Foundation, 5779 Westminster Blvd., Westminster, CA. 714.899.9300 Conquer stress, handle difficult people with ease, banish problems. Donation basis. 06.12


SATURDAY DEEP MEDITATION 6 – 9 AM Come and go quietly during this special time of deeper meditation. www. Email: ContactUs@ (805) 736-6528

Lester Woodward

v i s i o n a r y

a r t i s t

My name is Lester Woodward and I live in Nottingham, England. I am a keen amateur photographer, especially interested in travel photography. I have recently joined a local camera club and this is helping me to discover different ways to express my love for the natural world. My photography is ever-evolving in different ways. I am currently working on time-lapse and long exposure images, as well as my long running projects – “X-marks the spot” and “The Bench.” I am starting to publish my work on Deviantart - http:// Or you can follow me on facebook or e-mail me directly at

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“Being the Teacher” continued from page 7

fine. Sometimes it is and sometimes it isn’t. Yet, do you ever ask yourself questions like these?: What effect will prescription drugs have on my long-term health? Do alternative healing modalities really work, and what are the best ones? Can you mix traditional Western medicine with holistic health practices? How would my child’s health be if they had the tools to build a healthy immune system? How can I prevent my family from getting sick in the first place? Don’t you owe it to yourself and your family to get answers to these questions? Western medical treatment clearly has its benefits. What’s so wonderful about learning different natural healing modalities like the ones I have learned is that nothing you will learn will conflict with what your doctor tells you to do or take. As a matter of fact, they will only complement it! How good is that? As Much As They Want to, Doctors Don’t Always Have All the Answers Now, more than ever, we all need to be “the teacher who is living the teaching.” To do this, we need to restore ourselves to a state of wholeness, which is the real meaning of health. We’re all looking for answers. We all want to live a long life, so we need solutions to our emotional and physical issues. We need ways to survive and thrive through these difficult times. And, we need to be able to assist others in their challenging times as well. But without peace, health, and vitality, you have nothing and you can give nothing. Get Involved and Take Action to Solve Your Own Health Challenges Isn’t it time for you to get fully involved in your healing and become an advocate for your own life? It’s time to find the peace, joy, and passion that lives within you and awaken your own inner healer. Then you will be able to withstand the challenges swirling around you because you have built a fortress of health and wholeness that protects you. I’ve traveled the world and met the best, I’ve met those who claim to be the best and aren’t, and I’ve met those who can help anyone heal. On September 21-23 at our “Passionate Life Summit” at the beautiful Kona Kai Resort Hotel in San Diego, you will have a chance to meet many of my favorite healers. Each healer at the Summit is a healing master in his or her own area. How wonderful would it be to learn directly from each one of the most profound and effective healers on the planet? What would it mean for your life and those you love if you could use these healers’ techniques, their methods and their tools, to create perfect health and abundance when you go home, to heal yourself and your family? Just a few of these healing modalities are: Dr. Alex Loyd’s Healing Codes; Master Stephen Co’s Pranic Healing; Dr. Sue Morter’s B.E.S.T. technique; Master Mingtong Gu’s Qi Gong Healing; Christie Sheldon’s methods to awaken your own intuitive healer; and Margaret Lynch’s Emotional Freedom Technique. Each of these great healers takes a different approach. The ones that are right for you will be the ones with whom you resonate most deeply. Wouldn’t you agree that to know which is the right healer for you, you need to experience them in person? The Passionate Life Summit will give you that profound experience.

on developing conscious awareness. They embody core ideas about the importance of self-love, kindness and respect for others and the natural world, how to appropriately use their voice for empowerment, how to trust their inner guidance, and how to channel their feelings toward the positive. The accompanying guidebook explains how to use the cards and their messages and provides additional activities geared toward building relationships with family, friends, and the world around them. A section called “Guide for Parents” provides additional insight to help parents support their children in what they are learning. It is my deepest hope and desire that Children’s Spirit Animal Cards will provide a bridge that can help parents and children to connect deeply with the natural and inner world to which we are all interwoven, the spirit nature of animals and ultimately with all forms of life through the lessons our animal teachers as their spirit essence provide us. In this way we can influence and help to shape the future generations toward a more conscious and thoughtful world. In addition to creating the Children’s Spirit Animal Cards with Satiama, Dr. Steven Farmer is the author of numerous best-selling books and products including Earth Magic, Earth Magic Oracle Cards and Animal Spirit Guides. He hosts his own radio show, Earth Magic Radio, on He is a shamanic practitioner, ordained minister, and licensed psychotherapist. The Children’s Spirit Animal Cards and the Children’s Spirit Animal Stories Audio CD make great holiday stocking stuffers for children! For more information or to purchase Children’s Spirit Animal Cards or the Children’s Spirit Animal Stories Audio CD visit or call (719) 487 0424. These items are also available at other select independent retailers in North America, through and through Reach thousands! Advertise on our Monthly E-newsletter only $50/month! Call today 1-866-804-8444

For more information, visit “Children” continued from page 38

only provide an easily accessible way to promote values that most parents would agree with, but also provide an ideal opportunity to receive clear and simple messages from Spirit in a fun and enjoyable way. With parental support and the use of these cards as a vehicle, children can learn to appreciate how spirit animals can teach and guide them throughout our entire lives. Each of the twenty-four cards features a particular spirit animal that guides children in their personal growth with simple yet profound messages that focus


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