Vision Magazine Oct.2012

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Greek To Me innocence misplaced


Ask The LifequakeTM Doctor Advice About Life Transitions

Astrology October 2012 Forcast


Culture Rev. Marilyn Rosner, Humanitarian and Prophetess


Healing Arts Each Precious Moment El Natural


Features East Meets West and All of the Rest of it Life Journeys


Community Resources


Vision Café Sounds from the Heart Halloween New Vegan Coop in San Diego Loving the Silent Tears

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Holistic Living 10 Natural Steps to Breast Health


Interns Erin Tagan, Antranik Marquez, Camille Udan

Listings: Online & Print Sales



16-17 Culture Feng Shui with Peter Lam

Graphic Design Sloan Gomez

Sales Sydney L. Murray, Trevor Watson, Tim Parks, Sloan Gomez, Camille Udan, Katie Gallanti

Viewpoint Seeking the Best of Both Worlds

11-15 Mindstates 10-day Free Trail from Peace and Healing from East and West Reconnective Healing

Editor at Large Daphne Carpenter, Dana Stewart

Adrienne Abeyta, Dr. Toni Galardi, Micahael Raysses, Shannon Nies,Brennan LaGasse, Christine Dreher, CNN, CHH Rachel Hindle, Louix Dor Dempriey, Sean Cute,Christian Hummel, Melissa Bridges





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On the Cover October 2012 Theme: East vs West

NEXT MONTH, November 2012 Theme: The Great Approach–2012 Beckons

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Seeking The Best of Both Worlds by Brennan Legasse


his isn’t the first time you’ve come across the idea of East versus West. On a macro level, Eastern ways of thought most certainly differ from Western trains of thought. So, what does that mean and why does it matter? In the East, you have an undeniable search for balance. That balance is grounded in acceptance that “truth” is a given, and in order to achieve balance, social needs must be met with the needs of the environment. Economics and politics have been socially constructed by humans and are ultimately what helps shape, govern, and rule the world we live in today. But since humans have created these systems, it is arguable that humans must work to balance these social constructions within the reality of ecosystem health—something that humans have not created but are inextricably reliant on and have influence over. In the West, balance has not been the overriding goal. It is the search for truth that orients those who abide by Western notions. While in the East, truth is viewed as a given, in the West, truth is something that must be found and proven to be. For the West, the individual and his or her rights are at the forefront, while in the East, the well-being of the collective, communities, and cultures outweigh those of the individual. These basic divergences in ideology are in fact the core reason why Eastern ways of thought are so different from Western ways of thought. For the West, “westernization of the world” can be understood through the efforts of colonization, the spread of capitalism and development, and an overarching goal that the ways of the West are not only best understood as the progress of humanity, but most saliently, that the ways of the West are in fact the path to modernity. In simplistic terms, the West argues that their ways are the ways and those that do not subscribe to their agenda and belief systems are backward, archaic, and ultimately undeveloped. This argument has a very negative connotation because modernity and development are viewed as the highest forms of human achievement in the West. Should everyone and everything then be developed in order to be progressive, modern, and ultimately

good? The West has brought great advancements to the planet as well as great wealth. During the Enlightenment, notions of the West became crystalized in that the ideas of progress were shared in such a way that if another community, culture, and/or nation-state accepted this standpoint, they would ultimately be better off. Grounded in rational, scientific, and logical schools of thought, the ways of the West have largely shaped the lived reality of much of our world. Indeed, achievement and success are major tenets to Western ways of thought. “Pull yourself up by the bootstraps” is a common notion of the West, and, again, many miraculous things have come about through this school of thought. Technological advancements, medical cures, and industrialization are some of the fruits of this materialistic system of belief. Many have prospered and continue to prosper because of Western ways. Yet one must ask, who has actually received these so-called benefits and who has faced the burdens? If one is to abide by an ideology grounded in the West, then what becomes of those who do not follow such principles of belief? The assumption is that nonwesternized societies are actually backwards, stuck in the past, and live lower quality lives. Does that seem right to you? Let’s take a quick look at Bhutan, a small country located in Asia. For Western thinkers who measure societal well-being through economic indicators such as Gross National Product (GNP), the people of Bhutan are easily categorized as undeveloped and poor, which by definition would mean they do not live a reality of progress, and thus have a lower quality life than those in, say, the United States. However, upon closer examination, although the World Bank sees Bhutan as one of the poorest countries in the world, largely the people who live there have food, shelter, and community. Their lived reality is different than those who struggle to find food, shelter, and other basic needs in the United States, but according to the GNP as an indicator, the people of Bhutan are just as poor as those struggling to make ends meet in the United States. Through cultural integrity, Bhutanese people also have the ability to spend more time with their families and loved ones rather than having to sell their time for a wage, as in most Western societies. They also have their basic needs met. So, why are they viewed by the West as poor? The question must be asked, what are we to learn from the East and the West? And if they are so different in their principles of belief and how they measure well-being, is there a way to glean the best from both worlds? In the East, all events that take place in the universe are interconnected. “You reap what you sow” fits within this framing of life, and although that view diverges greatly from Western notions of progress and individualism, if Western societies adopted a more open mindset to allow individuals to understand themselves within the bigger picture of community, society, and the planet, perhaps a true holistic progress might be reached. The creativity and advancements brought on by the West have pointed to advancements in human thought. However, by arguing that one way is the way for all, the West has facilitated a brutal legacy of human relations that is still seeking healing today. What would happen if all cultures and communities took on the idea of development as preached by the West? It seems that continued exploitation of people and the planet would be necessary byproducts in order to continue the search to prove the truth, to continue progress, and increase development across the globe. But in that vein, respect for diversity amongst the human race is lost. Sustainability and justice across the greater biotic community of Earth is lost. If you believe in well-being and dignity to all creations in this world, then you cannot ethically or morally support a universal belief grounded in westernization. It doesn’t mean you can only support views born from the East, but where the East preaches a holistic virtue, the West preaches an individually serving ethic. continued on page 39


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Top 10 Natural Steps in Promoting Breast Health —Where an Ounce of Prevention Truly is Worth a Pound of Cure by Christine Dreher, CCN, CCH


s someone who has lost a loved one to breast cancer, I feel for all of you that have lost family and friends, and for all that have struggled with this disease. I am pleased when I hear about breast cancer awareness efforts and fundraisers that are searching for a cure. With my background as a holistic clinical nutritionist and herbalist practitioner, I cannot help but feel that we need to focus more on the causes of breast cancer and ways to prevent this disease from manifesting. There is a growing consensus of agreement that breast cancer, like many other cancers, is a modern-day epidemic, starting with the industrial revolution and escalating due to modern conveniences such as fast food, chemicals, xenoestrogens (a byproduct of industrial and chemical processing that has an unhealthy, estrogen-like effect), pesticides, and hormone replacement therapy. So, what can we do? Below are my top 10 steps for breast health. Healthy Whole Foods (Organic, Pesticide-free, Non-GMO Foods) By choosing whole foods free of pesticides and artificial ingredients, you are giving your body the fuel it needs for proper nutrition. Many of the pesticides used in farming have been found in studies to cause cell mutations and cancer. Genetically modified organism (GMO) food safety has not been established because not enough time has passed to be able to do long-term studies, though preliminary studies have shown immunity and infertility issues. Many countries have already banned GMO foods or require them to be labeled, but there is no requirement for labeling GMO foods in the United States. Currently in California, we have a ballot measure (Prop 37) included in our upcoming fall election, called the “California Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Act.” This offers Californians the opportunity to vote to know what’s in their food through mandatory labeling of genetically modified ingredients. Cleansing and Detoxification for Releasing Accumulated Toxins In today’s world, we are impacted by toxins and chemicals in our food, water, and air supply. I believe that cleansing and detoxification is now essential on a regular basis to prevent the accumulation of toxins. I suggest at least a seven to 10-day gentle colon and liver cleanse program about four times a year. A heavy metal type cleanse program once a year is also helpful. Also, eat broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, kale, and cabbage. These cruciferous veggies are rich in indole-3-carbinol, which offers a number of protections against breast cancer. It is best to get at least four servings a week in your diet.

2,100 toxic chemicals that can cause cancer.” Water is the body’s best way to flush out these toxins, and the purer the water is, the higher its capacity is to collect and cleanse these harmful compounds from the body. I recommend investing in a home water filtration system or at least a drinking water and shower filter that provides third-party performance testing, documenting that the filtration system exceeds the industry guidelines for removing toxins. Healthy Inflammation Response and Omega-3s I recently interviewed master herbalist and founder of New Chapter Organics, Paul Schulick, about inflammation and its role in the epidemic of our modern diseases. Paul shared that by regulating and balancing our internal inflammation response, we are able to support our health, including normal cell growth. Inflammation is a natural process that affects every cell and organ in the body. It is only when the inflammation response gets out of balance that health challenges develop. These can include degenerative diseases like cardiovascular disorders, cancer, and accelerated aging. I believe that our diet is our first line of defense in preventing chronic inflammation and the resulting health challenges. Most of us have heard of essential fatty acids. These “good fats” are considered “essential” because they cannot be produced by the body alone and must be consumed through our diet and food supplements. I feel the most important class of essential fatty acids are omega-3s, which help the body maintain cellular health and modulate our natural inflammation response. Foods like cold water fish, including wild Alaskan salmon, grass-fed meats, and dairy provide excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids. The best sources of vegetarian and vegan omega-3s include flax seed oil, chia seed oil, and marine algae. Antioxidant Support to Prevent Oxidative Stress and Damage to Our DNA Proper antioxidant support reduces free radicals, thereby reducing oxidative stress, which is known to cause DNA damage. Studies suggest that low antioxidant levels combined with high fat intake can increase reactive oxygen species production. Therefore, antioxidant protection is a necessary element in

Pure Source of Drinking and Bathing Water The causes of water contamination are many, ranging from agricultural runoff to improper use of household chemicals, and everything in between. While the standard use of over 80,000 different synthetic chemicals has led to added convenience and productivity in our lives, these come at a tremendous price—drastic increases in degenerative disease, including cancer. According to the Ralph Nader Research Institute, “US drinking water contains more than W W W.VI S I O N M AG A Z I N E .C O M • O C TO B E R 2 012 • VI S I O N M AG A Z I N E


HOLISTIC LIVING reducing the ill effects of chronic inflammation. Pomegranate juice has the highest concentration of punicalagins and ellagitannins, which are bioactive polyphenols that have more antioxidant properties than any other commonly consumed juice. According to Dr. Aaron Katz, director of the Center for Holistic Urology at Columbia University Medical Center, and an associate professor of clinical urology at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, “Research has firmly established the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of pomegranate. Additionally, pomegranate juice has been found to have apoptotic effects in lab studies, which means that it encourages the death of cancerous cells.” Natural Hormone Balance to Support Normal Cell Growth I already mentioned the importance of grass-fed, hormone-free meat and dairy for omega-3s and a healthy inflammation response. Now, I mention these again for a healthy hormone balance. Commercial meat and dairy generally have added hormones that do not break down with cooking. This can create estrogen dominance and a myriad of health issues. Alternatively, grass-fed, organic, wild, and free-range varieties do not have added hormones. I also mentioned xenoestrogens in the introduction of this article, which are derived from man-made chemicals. These mimic estrogen and can throw off not only the balance of estrogen, but all hormones, and cause other diseases. Further research, as mentioned in “Our Stolen Future,” by Theo Colburn, Dianne Dumanoski, and John Peterson Myers, has identified 51 families of hormone mimics that can cause an alarming number of new health issues, including breast, ovarian, uterine, prostate, and testicular cancer. A body of scientific evidence has demonstrated that the weak estrogenic effects of plant lignans (phytochemicals in grains, seeds, and legumes) can block the cell multiplication influence on breast tissue from long-term exposure to human estrogens and xenoestrogens. Natural progesterone can also help with estrogen dominance and reduce breast cancer risks.

Immune Support: A Healthy Immune System Can Rid the Body of Damaged Cells Keeping your immune system healthy is also important for breast health so that your immune system can dispose of damaged cells before they have a chance to multiply. Immune health can be protected and strengthened with immune modulators. My favorite immune modulators are medicinal mushrooms like reishi. The majority of immune cells are created in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, so a healthy GI tract is essential. Probiotics and cultured foods help to keep the GI tract healthy.

Regular moderate exercise of at least 2.5 hours a week can help keep your immune system strong and reduce stress levels. Stress reduction is essential, as stress creates an acidic environment and more internal inflammation.

Healthy Lifestyle, Healthy Home, Exercise, and Stress Reduction I suggest you detoxify your home by eliminating all toxic chemicals from your cleaning supplies as well as skin and body care products. A multitude of ingredients in these types of products have been linked with cancer. Regular moderate exercise of at least 2.5 hours a week can help keep your immune system strong and reduce stress levels. Stress reduction is essential, as stress creates an acidic environment and more internal inflammation. Regular Health Checkups and Monthly Breast Exams Pick one day out of the month to do a self-exam. In addition, be sure to have regular health checkups, and if something seems off, get it checked right away. Emotional Clearing: Forgiveness and Self-Love I believe there is a strong connection between our emotional, mental, and spiritual states and the outer reflection of our health and well-being— so within, so without. It seems that unresolved issues of resentment, ‘unforgiveness,’ and other blocks to the heart energy could possibly affect breast health. This could also include a lack of self-love. I suggest reading Louise Hay’s books, including, “You Can Heal Your Life,” for forgiveness and emotional healing work. I do believe that vibrant health and well-being is possible. We just need to learn to see food as our medicine and understand that everything we put in or on our body has an effect on us. We need to make choices that support a healthy planet for all, including future generations. I like what Thomas Edison had to say about our health: “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” Christine Dreher, CCN, CCH works and lives in San Diego, CA. She is a clinical nutritionist and herbalist, president and founder of Christine’s Cleanse Corner, Inc., the author of The Cleanse Cookbook, and editor and publisher of the free online newsletter, “Transform Your Health.” Her company specializes in holistic health, whole food supplements, herbal therapeutics, internal cleansing, healthy hormones, and toxic-free living. For moe information visit www. or call 858.673.0224.


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Innocence Misplaced © 2012 Greek to Me by Michael Raysses

“Zorba the Greek wasn’t.” —my Uncle Tasso, commenting that the most famous Greek character was portrayed by Anthony Quinn, a man of Mexican descent.


n the timeless battle of East versus West, the place where those two polar opposites oftentimes meet most directly is arguably Greece. There, the mysticism of the East runs head-on into the modernity of the West. Growing up as a Greek-American, my role model for all things Greek was Alexis Zorba, the protagonist in Nikos Kazantzakis’ novel, “Zorba the Greek.” Since Zorba was somewhat of a Lothario, it came as no surprise that he also became my role model for interacting with women. Historically speaking, Zorba was the best I could come up with. Though Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle were all very bright guys, Plato’s relationships were, well, platonic. But Zorba’s example imposed an unwitting burden—he knew so much and I knew so very little. “God has a very big heart, but there is one sin He will not forgive. If a woman calls a man to her bed and he will not go. I know because a very wise old Turk told me.” —Alexis Zorba *** The year was 1974. I was a freshman in college. It was a typical Saturday night: I was lying up on my bunk bed, recovering from a night out in which I had drunk too much beer in too little time, when a girl walked by my open door looking for someone who lived on my floor. I told her he was gone for the weekend, asking why she was looking for him. It turned out she needed a place to sleep for the night. Coincidentally, my roommate was gone for the night, too. Naively, I offered her his bed. Naturally, she declined. But she came in anyway, and after a spirited three-hour chat, she asked if my original offer was still open. It was. Her name was Marianne. I got her a tee shirt and left the room so she could change. When I came back in it was time for bed. I had this urge to kiss her, which I very chastely did on the cheek. I turned out the light and climbed up onto my bed, which ran perpendicular to the bed she was sleeping on. As I settled in, I looked down and saw her and thought, “Wow—there’s a girl in my room!” Content with that realization, just as I put my hands behind my head, Marianne’s voice came wafting up from the bed below me—“Michael, I am really hot!” So I did what any red-blooded man would do: I slid off my bed onto hers, skipping like a stone, my momentum carrying me over to the far wall, where I opened a window, scampered back up into my bed and promptly fell asleep. The next morning we awoke and went our separate ways without incident. I was eating breakfast with friends in the dormitory cafeteria as I recounted the prior night’s events, and just as I got to the part where Marianne said, “Michael, I am really hot,” I reheard those words, and they reverberated with newfound meaning. I’d committed Zorba’s unforgivable sin—a woman had called me to her bed and I didn’t go! I dropped my fork mid-bite with a clang and raced to her room. When I got there, she invited me in, and soon we were intensely making out. Just as I started thinking about birth control, I was visited by Zorba’s ghost, making me feel the need to say something

GREEK TO ME manly and experienced, which is to say, things I had no relationship with whatsoever. So I said, “You know, I don’t have any raincoats…” Her look to me said, “We’re in the middle of foreplay and you’re worried about precipitation.” At that point Marianne literally took matters into her own hands and removed my glasses, rendering me legally blind. Having miraculously decoded my reference to raincoats as a concern about birth control, she reached into her closet and pulled out what looked like a small orange Frisbee. She said, “Don’t worry—I’ve got this.” Not wanting to appear ignorant, I assumed the Frisbee was an diaphragm. When I asked her if she used it, she replied, “Yes, every day.” At that bit of news, my eyes got bigger than the Frisbee itself, as I asked her to show me how she used it. She held it up to my face, where I saw something I didn’t expect: the days of the week in small print. It was a birth control pill dispenser—she was on the pill! I was in heaven! Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead! And at that point, ‘speed’ became the operative word… If my life were an impressionistic film, we would have cut to a shot of an unmanned fire hose, only smaller, as it flailed madly about. Then, even the modern-day miracle of time-lapse photography couldn’t have captured the love continued on page 39

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Ask the

LifeQuake™ Doctor


Dr. Toni Galardi

utumn is finally here in its full thrust. The leaves are turning gold where I live. I find nature so interesting in its offerings to us that are full of truth. As a leaf dies, it turns red or gold. Allowing aspects of ourselves that are no longer viable to die naturally, without resistance to the passage of one season into another, can provide an opportunity for the death process to be alchemical, turning old beliefs into golden residue that makes us lighter. What are you ready to let go of? This last quarter of the year is a critical time of great planetary acceleration. Use it to break out of any box you have placed around yourself. Take a risk and become like the leaf that has turned to gold. Dear Dr. Toni: You know the expression, “coming out of the closet,” and how it usually refers to gay people who have been hiding their sexual preference? Well, I feel like I need to come out of the closet, but not about my sexuality. I have been working in corporate consulting for 20 years and have been studying astrology on the side. I always ask my clients for their birth date in my information sheet and then just use it surreptitiously to assist me in working with them. I am a change management expert, and the thrust of my work is to help my clients and their organizations to prepare for needed transitions before a crisis hits damaging levels. Astrology has provided me with information about the planets in our galaxy and their vibrational impact on us on earth. My clients marvel at how accurate I have been on predicting certain events six months into the future. My question is this: Do I keep letting them think I am just a brilliant prognostician or do I share how I get the information? Last night I had a dream. I dreamt I had been called by “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” to come on the show. I arrive and realize I have forgotten my makeup. My mother is there and I have the thought that I know I cannot use her makeup. I look around the green room and see makeup from others displayed. I ask Ellen if they have a makeup artist and she says no, it would be too costly. I try to use the makeup I see in the green room, but it streaks my face and is too dark. I take off all the makeup and I say to Ellen, “I don’t know if I can go on national TV with no makeup on.” What do you think it means, Dr. Toni? Dazed and Confused


Dear Reader: Well, here is my interpretation. Ellen DeGeneres is the part of you that has been in the closet around your practice of astrology. Ellen lost her TV show when she came out, but eventually people came to respect her courage and she ended up with an even better gig through her talk show. Your unconscious may be telling you that the makeup (your persona) that you’ve been using has to be left behind and you cannot use anyone else’s. You must be brave enough to step into the spotlight without makeup and trust that eventually you will gain acceptance. The key in talking about astrology with mainstream folks is to share the empirical data that supports it as a science. I would also suggest touting all the powerful men who have used it, like the first billionaire, J.P. Morgan, Ronald Reagan, and, of course, Carl Jung, to name a few. Trust yourself to know when the moment is right to share with your clients how you were able to make such accurate predictions in your business coaching. Discuss it pragmatically. Quantum physics has shown us that we are all vibrational fields of energy. Everyone has felt the impact of being around a person whose “vibes” make you feel better and those whose vibes make you feel worse. Why would we not be affected, then, by these massive vibrational fields of energy in our galaxy called planets? Emergency room physicians attest to the fact that at a full moon they do more transfusions because violent acts go up. We know that hormones are affected by the moon, so if the moon affects us on earth, why not other planets as well? Read up on the history of astrology and its efficacy in diagnosing medical conditions. Like all sciences, it is not a perfect science. It does involve intuitive wisdom, but all great leaders and CEOs are highly intuitive. Something is pushing you to “come out of the closet.” Trust yourself in how you can share this wisdom and make it very practical and accessible. Dr. Toni Galardi is a licensed Jungian-based psychotherapist, astrologer, and career coach. She can be reached at 310.890.6832 for personal consult, or if you would like a question answered, write her at

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Open Your Mind, Awaken Your Spirit With a 10-Day Free Trial with

G, a streaming video subscription service, is offering a free 10-day trial subscription for consumers to sample their conscious media programming. uses the power of conversation, videos, and documentaries to raise awareness and provide new perspectives in spirituality, social change, personal growth, new science, and health. The ultimate goal is to create a fully awake, aware and alive global community. This new video streaming service offers the best in transformational entertainment, conscious living, spirituality, metaphysics, health and wellness, yoga, and so much more. It’s an affordable and accessible opportunity to enjoy unlimited “conscious” content to fuel your life’s journey. “We hope people will take advantage of our free 10-day trial to sample this amazing collection of curated videos,” says Patricia Karpas, GaiamTV. com’s Digital Strategy Officer. “With the growing popularity of streaming video and interest in living a healthier and more socially responsible lifestyle, is uniquely positioned to be the leading source for conscious media.” Founded by Gaiam, Inc., a longtime leading lifestyle media company, GaiamTV. com features original interviews with top visionaries; exclusive, on-demand personal growth videos; and inspiring films and documentaries. features world-renowned experts such as Deepak Chopra, Seane Corn, Jack Canfield, Gregg Braden, Jean Houston, and Jillian

Michaels. Viewers can enjoy a wide array of videos, ranging from Tom Shadyac’s critically acclaimed film, “I AM,” to instructional yoga videos from yoga master Rodney Yee. Viewers can also browse special collections that showcase some of the best videos on a particular subject, including happiness, stress relief, compassion, and meditation. In addition to on-demand access, viewers can access Gaiam TV’s 24/7 channel, which offers free programming around the clock. also offers original interviews with its shows, “Gaiam Inspirations” and “Gaiam Open Minds,” hosted by Regina Meredith, Lisa Garr, and others. is available on Roku, iPad, and iPhone. To activate your free 10-day trial, please visit www.gaiamtv. com/vision. costs $9.95 a month for unlimited access to its extensive video library and original live-streaming programming. Subscribers can access online on their computers as well as on the iPad, iPhone, iPod, Roku, and other devices. Gaiam, Inc. (NASDAQ: GAIA) is a leading producer and marketer of lifestyle media and fitness accessories. Gaiam is dedicated to providing solutions for LOHAS (Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability) and ecoconscious living. The company dominates the health and wellness category and releases non-theatrical programming focused on family entertainment and conscious media.

Celebrate Life Oct. 26-28 • Nov. 23-25

Sunburst invites you to experience a deeply restorative and joyful weekend. Come to our 4,000 acre nature preserve for revitalizing yoga, meditation, song circle, hiking, group activities and delicious home-cooked meals. Take a leisurely walk through pristine nature, or walk the Hopi labyrinth. Sit in the shade of the redwoods and restore yourself! Discover your inner and outer sustainability. Camping available. Sunburst, founded by Norman Paulsen, direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda, is located 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, CA. Please call for more information. • Email: • 805.736.6528

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Peace and Healing for East and West A Conversation with Peace Mother Geeta Sacred Song

Peace Mother

by Shannon Nies

Sat., 13 October: Darshan: 7:30 p.m. Akasha Yoga, 3211 Holiday Ct, #203, La Jolla, CA 92037

Sat., 27 October: Ecstatic Singing with Louix: 7:30 p.m. Featuring the world devotional music of Pranam. Reach profound states of bliss and joy through song. Prema Drala Ashram, 25742 La Serra, Laguna Hills, CA

New Year’s Eve Retreat Sedona, Arizona, Enchantment Resort 29 Dec 2012 - 3 Jan 2013

* All events, except the retreat, are by donation *

For more information, please contact Samantha: phone: (888) 288-3735 • e-mail: To register online, go to:

All attending these events consent to having their names, voices, images, and likenesses recorded and used for commercial purposes. All proceeds from these events will be used to support the Louix Dor Dempriey Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization.



ack in early September when I was thinking about our October theme, East vs. West, I started thinking about all the differences I saw between East and West and what “East vs. West” actually meant. Yet, after reading articles and interviewing a very inspirational woman, these supposed “differences” became less important. I immediately thought of an example from my own life: interacting with my Vietnamese/Chinese boyfriend and his mother, who were both born in Vietnam and grew up with more “Eastern” traditions. My boyfriend’s mother speaks almost no English, and I know how to say just a few words in Cantonese: good morning, good food, good drink, I’m full, thank you. Yet somehow we can still communicate. That’s probably because, ultimately, we really are no different as human beings. We appreciate and desire the same things: family, friends, respect, love, peace. But what really got me thinking about this idea of “no difference” between East and West is a recent conversation I had with Peace Mother Geeta Sacred Song, or simply, “Peace Mother.” She is the founder of the Sacred Peace Center, a non-profit organization dedicated to peace and healing. Speaking with Peace Mother was an enlightening experience, one that brought a muchneeded calmness to my soul. Vision Magazine: What is the mission of the Sacred Peace Center? Peace Mother: Sacred Peace Center’s mission is to help all beings live their highest destiny. We provide all beings with mantras and spiritual protection tools, ways and teachings, so that everyone can remember their true nature, their God essence. All the tools that are provided help them to be able to dissolve all that which is not of the light so that their light can shine brighter than ever, unencumbered. VM: What led you to become a Mayan peace shaman and energy healer? PM: These things, of course, are according to karma and destiny, because I had already done this work in past lives. After a certain amount of spiritual practices, the desire welled up within me that I wanted to be a healer. Before that, I was studying the traditions of India, and with great faith, and with great joy, and great love, I feel very close to those traditions. I’m of course forever grateful to my teacher. The time came when I felt I needed to apprentice to the best healers, the most knowledgeable and the most powerful, so that I could help all beings. That was my desire, to help all beings be free of pain. I didn’t know how it would happen, but grace takes care of everything. At the right time, I was led to my teacher, Don Jacinto Tzab. He taught me the highest tradition of healing. He was, himself, a healer since 14 years old, trained by his teacher. So

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M I N D S TAT E S it’ s part of a lineage he belonged to. He taught me everything I needed. And then my connection with Divine Mother took over, and she channeled the rest. This work is a combination of Divine Mother’s grace over all—because she sings, she heals, she dances, she is the energy coming through the hands—and then my Mayan spirit guides, as well as Native American spirit guides. So, it really was karma and grace—grace earned from the time that I spent with my teacher from India, Gurumayi Chidvilasananda. To be with a master teacher, and through the spiritual practices, you cleanse, you lighten up, you dissolve past life suffering and sickness. And when my light became bright enough, then I was ordered to be an apprentice to a master healer. Because, you have to be strong, and you have to be pure. Otherwise it can be a terrible situation for the teacher and also for the student. VM: Please talk about your Mayan Soul Retrieval Limpias. PM: The soul retrieval limpias are a combination of, once again, the Mayan tradition… But because I am all traditions—that is what Divine Mother made me to be—I find that when I do the healing work, Divine Mother’s name wants to be called out from many different traditions. So, I call out [different names of Divine Mother], and in this way, call out her name from various traditions, because that is what she wants done. Within the name, there is a sound. So, while I’m doing that or while I’m doing the Mayan prayers, it’s the same vibration of the sound. Regardless of what tradition I am paying attention to at the moment—what tradition I am channeling—the sound, the purity, the pure love, is consistent. In the Mayan tradition, we call upon the cleansing winds by name, and they are secret names and they cannot be mentioned; they cannot be taught. These are powerful names, and when you call them, then these winds come and they miraculously start lifting impressions. Psychic impressions are layered upon souls, the darkness that has taken up residence in the soul: the limited thinking, the selfsabotage, the self-destructive patterns—everything that is blocking us from living an enlightened life, a wholesome, radiant life. In that time [the Mayan prayers], I am also calling forth all the layers of good for the person. So, it is a prayer petition that is taking place on behalf of the person and on behalf of their soul. We’re calling forth grace and we’re calling forth the doors to open up—the good doors, the negative doors and the doors to evil to be healed— and we’re calling forth perfect protection for the soul. We’re calling for all that is hostile to our light to be removed and to go through every area of life: health and wealth; prosperity; relationships, that there be perfect cooperation and support, for example; that there’ll be abundance of love in present life. So, we’re going through and addressing every part of the body, the mind, the spirit, the light path—the friendships, the connections, the contacts, the relationships, the past—to make sure that all this heaviness and pain of the past be replaced with wisdom, so that

the being can receive all the good that is possible, for whatever is their highest destiny. VM: The theme for our October issue is “East vs. West.” How do you spread peace and love across these two different worlds? PM: Well, first of all, I don’t see a difference. But to the enlightened being, there is no difference. Pain is pain and love is love. It doesn’t matter what culture you’re from, it doesn’t matter whether you’re male or female, it doesn’t matter whether you’re an elder or a child, it doesn’t matter if your income is high or you’re poor; pain is pain, and love is love, and peace is peace. So, the issues, the human condition, are the same around the world. The notion is basically the same also, because it goes back to spiritual practices. Your question is, how do I bridge the different cultures, the different traditions? Again, my first reaction to that is, there is no [difference]! [Laughs.] However, I can explain it to you this way: Each being has a destiny. One person’s destiny, for example, might be to just represent the East path. So, they’re going to represent those teachings. And someone else might be from the Aztec path, somebody else from the Mayan path, and from the Jewish path, for example, the Muslim path, the Hindu path. Years ago, we used to have a project that I formed called “The Global Wisdom Circle.” There was a time when the war demons [from India and Pakistan] were egging on everyone so fiercely that the government issued an order that foreigners should leave; they felt they was such danger, they said foreigners should now leave. But at that time, one of my students said, “Peace Mother, we need to go there. We need to go there and dissolve those warnings.” And I said to him, “Wonderful! If you can figure out how to arrange it and make it come forth, we will.” So we went! We went with a small group, but there was a Sheik master, and there was also someone from the Hindu tradition, and there was someone from the Tibetan-Buddhist tradition, and there was myself, representing the Mayan and the Native American tradition. And there was a Jewish Rabbi. In this way, we went with the idea to represent harmony. We were in an area where there had been rioting, and there was a lot of hatred between some parts of the Muslim community and some parts of the Hindu community. Instead of endangering anyone, I decided that we should all drive through the neighborhoods in the Jeeps, so we wouldn’t be outside doing ceremonies as we had the rest of the days. Inside the Jeeps, everyone would do their prayer at the same time. Everyone was just emanating sound. There is a word in the Sanskrit tradition, which is pranama, and pranama is the sound of the universe. And this is what prayers and phrases, mantras have continued on page 39

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Reconnective Healing by Rachel Hindle


ric Pearl, an established Los Angeles chiropractor, had just been given a reading by an intuitive, who then offered “something he needed as a healer.” Within days of that encounter, Pearl was “reconnected” and his life forever changed. His odyssey had begun. Enter a modality that makes acute reference to the higher, newer frequencies that are becoming revealed and structured in the human energy field and the planet itself. The Reconnection is a twosession attunement process that reconnects us to Eric Pearl what awakened teachers term the cosmic lattice, or what scientists refer to as the zero-point field. It connects with the “God code” in the DNA—what science has now identified and named the “God gene.” It reconnects the body’s meridian lines to the grid lines on the planet that connect us to the stars and other planets. The day-to-day work more commonly practiced is Reconnective Healing, though healings happen with both methods. Clients report healings from cancer, cerebral palsy, arthritis, AIDS-related disorders and other serious afflictions, including psyche-based trauma.


The healing modality itself has affected Pearl on various levels. “I used to believe there were three groups of people: those who believe in nothing beyond the basic five senses; those who are open to alternative possibilities; and people who definitely believe,” Pearl says. “I have now fallen into a fourth category: I’ve experienced it. What I recognize as true goes beyond belief. It was one of the more difficult things I had to face, as, in a sense, I had to overcome my own scepticism.” “The Reconnection and Reconnective Healing raises the level of light that is in the person’s DNA,” he adds. “As far as I am concerned, as spiritual beings we are light beings. What is interesting about that is most forms of energy healing—the old and the new ones—are subsets, but what we get with Reconnective Healing is the entirety of energy. Then it expands beyond that into aspects of light and information not seen before. The light reminds you of your own natural vibration, and anything denser than the light, such as health challenges, falls away. The frequency constantly shifts. It’s like stepping into an infinity pool, which is beyond 4-D and is actually at 5-D level.” Philip Wade, a professional Reconnective Healing Practitioner, facilitated a Reconnective Healing session for a man named Vince from Lancashire via

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distance healing. Vince says, “Following a motorcycle accident over 10 years ago, my pelvic girdle gap extended. I had traction surgery but lived with daily pain. During the healing session, I experienced tingling and heat around the problem area, and I also experienced a moving sensation. It was like the gap was narrowing! Now the pain is completely gone.” In terms of scientific measurement of the effects of Reconnective Healing, Pearl says, “One of our most recent research studies was working with 60 Russian Olympic athletes in St. Petersburg. They were each given approximately 10 minutes of Reconnective Healing. And then there was a control group of the same number who were given either sham healing or healing such as Reiki. The athletes were then brought back later to be measured. The analysis found that they [the experimental group] had dramatic improvements in their red blood cells, their white blood cells, their emotional state, and their DNA. No one in the control group had these changes.” Established practitioner Christina Cherry recently facilitated Reconnective Healing sessions for Vera Cummins. “The effect was incredibly powerful,” Cummins says. “It enabled me to recall and release deep-seated, abuse-related traumas in such a powerful way that I was left completely free of the hold these memories had over my life. The equivalent of several weeks’ worth of

psychotherapy was accomplished in a couple of hours.” Pearl believes that this healing is the next step in evolution. “We are on the precipice of the next level of human evolution,” he says, “and as enough of us gain this, at critical mass level what we will see is people picking the system up simply by sitting next to someone at the movies or on an aeroplane. We will pass it to our kids, and there will be a time where a child looks up at its parents and says, ‘Really? Did people really used to swallow poison to get well?’” One of the most rewarding aspects of the system for Pearl is being the catalyst and channel for people to see their own power and potential. The biggest challenge which remains is getting people past their ingrained resistance and onto the pathway of discovering the fullness of the love in the healing.

“The Reconnection and Reconnective Healing raises the level of light that is in the person’s DNA,” he adds. “As far as I am concerned, as spiritual beings we are light beings.

Eric Pearl currently speaks and presents around the world. He has already trained 70,000 people in full weekend seminars. At least 15,000 mainstream medical healthcare practitioners have attended the seminars and brought the system into their private and hospital practices. Pearl’s new book, Solomon Speaks: Reconnecting Your Life, will be released later this year. For more information, visit or call 323.960.0012.

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East Meets West: Feng Shui in the Modern World A Conversation with Peter Wai Lam by Sydney L. Murray


hen I spoke to Peter Lam about his consulting business, I was fascinated about how he helped both homeowners trying to sell their homes as well as real estate agents dealing with houses that had been on the market too long. His work is a perfect example of East Meets West. “I hired Peter Wai Lam for Feng Shui advice for my business and home. Peter is very knowledgeable. I found that I was being resistant at first, and then I took his advice and made the changes in my office. Wow! There was an instant change to how it felt in the space. There is no doubt in my mind; if you make the changes, you will feel it. I plan to bring Peter back once all the changes are made. Peter, thank you for taking a stand on changes regarding my back to the window. What a difference the space feels now. Thank You” Niki L. Sherman Oaks, CA


Vision Magazine: When was feng shui first brought to the United States? Peter Lam: That’s a good question. Feng shui was in China thousands of years ago. It started with the royal family. It was there for 3,000-4,000 years. My grandfather came to the United States way back in the 1900s. He came to Chicago, then headed back to China. He was already married to my grandmother and he left China and he went to either Chicago or New York. And then he went back. He told me when he came, there were a lot of people working on the railroad, and he worked in the grocery. But at that time, there were only three businesses: railroad, laundry, or grocery. VM: Our theme for October is “East vs. West.” When you’re doing feng shui on a house, how do you blend some of the Eastern elements with some of the more traditional decorations that a lot of Americans have? PL: Most of American clients that I have don’t feel comfortable having their house decorated like a Chinese restaurant, which is understandable. But they don’t need to. What I do is I encourage them to use whatever they feel comfortable with. Basically, there are five elements: metal, wood, fire, earth, and water. Then what I do is use a “flying star” diagram. Once I identify the elements, we recommend a metal. So, wind chimes, brass, anything made of metal. And then for the fire, a lot of red items. And then to suppress illness, you need the water element, which could be a fish tank, water fountain, any kind of water-related item. So, it really doesn’t matter [what ethnic decorations you use] as long as you fulfill the requirement for that element. VM: Have you done feng shui with just rooms, or do you tend to do full spaces? PL: We do room by room. Basically what I do is use the flying star. We divide it into nine sectors, starting with north, northeast, east, southeast, and south, and so on. It just goes around a circle. The other four stars—one, four, six, and eight—are the good stars, which you want to enhance with rock items, like crystals. So, I encourage people to have a lot of rock items. If it happens to be in the kitchen, I would say, have a lot of natural ceramics. VM: You get a lot of calls from real estate businesses. How would you help someone who is trying to sell their home? PL: The people who are trying to sell, I get the calls through their agents. I’m working with about five or six agents right now who have trouble selling. An agent had trouble selling the property for nine months. After I went over

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C U LT U R E to the house, we focused mostly on the outside. The outside is the most important because people drive by and they see it. For the people who are more feng shui-consciousness, it stands right out. They see the wind chimes and animal figures in the yard. He [the agent] got three offers within a month of working on this house. I also work on commercial spaces. Also, a lot of times for the commercial clients, I do their store or warehouse and then I give them a package deal: I do their warehouse and their residence, all in one day if possible. VM: Over the years, has there been one property or space you’ve worked on that stands out as your biggest success story? PL: This young woman was pregnant with a child and she was depressed, almost to the point of committing suicide. So I went to her house in Corona. And I said, “You need to do ‘this,’ do ‘this,’ do ‘this.’” And she said, “Peter, you’re absolutely right. I already know a lot of what you’re telling me because I already read it in a book.” I said, “Wow. So, try it out,” and I gave her some additional recommendations. She followed them and she felt 100 percent better almost right away. Also there was a celebrity client named Devon Aoki, the only celebrity who I had the honor to work with. I did her house in Benedict Canyons a couple of months ago. But it wasn’t until an hour into the consultation before she modestly revealed to me that she’s a famous model and actress. Among her credits were blockbusters like 2Fast 2Furious and DOA which I subsequently watched on one of our movie channels. They have a beautiful two-bedroom house with a separate guest house for her live-in nanny, who took care of one- year-old son who was just learning to walk. She told me that she also has a girl on the way. Her late father Rocky Aoki founded the famous Benihana restaurants chain. Her mother, an American, was an accomplished jewelry designer and their celebrity status opened the door for Devon to get into show business at a very young age. VM: How do you use feng shui in not only your business life, but also your family life? Do you change it every year? PL: I don’t change it every year. You can change it every year if you want, but you don’t need to. It’s a 20-year period. It’s much simpler that way, so I don’t have to tell my clients, “Oh, it’s changing at the end of the year.” I follow the recommendations… my sleeping directions. I make sure that my sleeping directions (and my wife and my son’s) are proper. I follow all of the

recommendations that I have on the checklist. Like the furniture, they need to be solid-back—you don’t want hollow-back chairs—solidback chairs that cover your entire body. You also need wind chimes. Where you have vehicle traffic, whether it’s air traffic or car traffic, anything that creates a thrust towards your house, you want to block it off so that the poison arrow doesn’t hit your house. Sometimes what I do is I recommend that they [clients] plant trees, bushes, or large plants. Now, the only drawback is, if you put plants in front of your house, now you’re —Peter Wai Lam blocking your open expanse, which is not good. Because in a house with good feng shui, everything’s open, there’s nothing blocked (like a power pole or a tree that blocks your expanse). [Otherwise] your path to fortune and prosperity is blocked. But then, if you have a poison arrow coming at your house, you do want to block it, because the harm that it’s doing you is worse than the benefit of having the open expanse. I also have women who are trying to get pregnant. I work with all kinds of people. I work with single people who are looking for companions. So, what I do is I provide them with a companion analytical chart. Based on the first dates, I come up with a trigram. So, I’ve had people who are looking for companions, people who are trying to get pregnant, and people who have been married but just want things to get better and to go well. And then we have people who went through a divorce or went through something traumatic. I don’t teach them the skills, but I make recommendations on certain colors, certain elements they can put in the house to help them heal. I also have a list of resources that they can go to for healing.

So I’ve got people who are looking for companions, people who are trying to get pregnant, and people who have been married, but just want things to get better, to go well.

Peter Wai Lam is a member of the American Feng Shui Institute in Monterey Park, CA, and has been a feng shui consultant for Southern California residents and business owners for the past 10 years. To learn more about Peter Lam and the guidance and knowledge he offers, please call 310/854.8952visit his Web site,

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Deb Vogel is an ordained Metaphysical Minister and has an advanced degree in Pastoral Psychology. She has been in private practice since 1992. W W W.VI S I O N M AG A Z I N E .C O M • O C TO B E R 2 012 • VI S I O N M AG A Z I N E


OCTOBER 2012 FORECAST By Adrienne Abeyta

Adrienne Abeyta presents a unique forecast blending the tarot with astrology. A gifted reader of intuitive arts, she offers private consultations and psychic entertainment for parties and events. To set up an appointment, she can be reached at 619.917.0998 or

Aries: Tower (Knight of Pentacles) 3/21–4/19 You’re expected to pick up the pieces and begin again, and in this case it’s useless to dwell on what went wrong. The area of life that seems to be in chaos is merely a bit out of order and requires your immediate attention. Take advantage of the mishap and design a more appropriate course of action. The full moon on the 29th is sure to deliver an interesting detour, and although it may hurt a little, it is not the end of the world. Take extra care of your health this month and don’t take on more than you can handle.

Libra: Temperance (2 of Wands) 9/23 – 10/23 A conflict you are currently struggling with has a much easier solution than you realize, but to see this you must refrain from black-and-white thinking. There is a middle ground that will lead you to personal fulfillment, a place of both positive and negative elements. If you deny your faults, they will follow you forever. Don’t let your pride prevent you from admitting a mistake, even if it costs you something or someone. A strange occurrence around the 21st will suddenly inspire new goals. Be open to the possibilities regardless of what others think.

Taurus: Hanged Man (3 of Wands) 4/20 – 5/21 Take heed this month and work on your patience. If you make any impetuous moves, you’ll undermine a fragile project in the making. As excitement builds, so does your desire to know; however, in your quest for answers, you may inadvertently jump the gun. Wait until after the 12th for pieces to begin falling into place. Until then, find other ways to channel your energy. A merger of sorts is on the horizon, but before making any business commitments, be sure to read the fine print. Think carefully, too, before acting on romantic impulses; it’s likely you’ll find that something is missing.

Scorpio: Star (3 of Swords) 10/24 – 11/22 Unexpected news is likely to dampen your spirits this month, and although the tendency may be to adopt a cynical attitude, there is much to discover in the midst of disappointment. Avoid asking why, as it only serves to push you further from the solution. Within all tragedies lie achievements, yet in order to discover them, you must be willing to confront your insecurities and doubts. After the 18th, your emotions will lighten up. Find ways to connect your heart to something greater than the chatter in your mind. Those embroiled in a relationship triangle, prepare for fireworks!

Gemini: Death (7 of Pentacles) 5/22 – 6/21 This is a period to reflect on last year’s harvest, to choose what to use and what to discard. It’s an important time for letting go of relationships, situations, and attitudes that no longer serve you. Be cautious of how you spend your time and who you spend it with. An important relationship will be tested around the 13th, but your response will yield the results you deserve. Prepare for some hard work ahead when a project you take on this month entails more than you expected. Once all is said and done, however, there’s much to be gained.

Sagittarius: Hierophant (8 of Pentacles) 11/23 – 12/21 Creativity must be cultivated for it to flourish, and living a creative life is a mindset. Combining the two makes anything possible; problems turn into puzzles, dreams become blank canvasses, and thoughts are the tools from which we create. As a divine artist, you have authority over the medium you use, but as a person, you don’t have power over other artists. Focus your attention on creating, not controlling. Find imaginative solutions to your problems and spend your energy in more inventive ways. Life is as good as you make it—problems and all—so make the most of what you have!

Cancer: Hierophant (King of Wands) 6/22 – 7/22 Keep your head high and your ego in check; this month will serve you a generous helping of self-confidence and success. Many of your unnoticed efforts will suddenly receive the attention you hoped for. This could mean a promotion or advancement at work, or being appreciated for who you are at home and in relationships. Don’t let the success go to your head. Be gracious and return the gratitude. The days around the 16th bring an exciting new adventure with a charismatic person you’ll meet. This person is likely to say something that changes your views about an important situation, so listen carefully!

Capricorn: Sun (10 of Pentacles) 12/22 – 1/20 Around the 10th, a family affair deserves a celebration, or a personal achievement has garnered recognition. Either way, create time to honor the important things in your life. This is an excellent time to reward yourself for what you’ve been working on. This month brings clarity to how you have defined yourself in the world. It also offers a redistribution of energy to areas that have been out of balance. At the peak of this experience is joy, and, as with each cycle of life, you must not become too attached or you may stifle the vision for the future.

Leo: Lovers (2 of Swords) 7/23 – 8/23 Pinned between choices is enough to make anyone a little nuts, especially when the head and heart are divided. Sometimes too much analysis leads to paralysis. True, you’re great at seeing both sides of an issue, but you’re not always so good at initiating in either direction. An impasse in your life is the result of too much thinking, too much worrying, and too much complaining. You don’t have to make the perfect choice—just make a choice! Even if it doesn’t go as planned, the momentum will pull you out of your rut.

Aquarius: World (9 of Cups) 1/21 – 2/18 In a fantasy world, you always risk the chance of avoiding new perspectives, not because your imagination is inactive, but because it is an illusionist. An emotional situation in your life is asking that you take responsibility for your feelings. Do not deny when you are feeling afraid, excited, hopeful, nervous, or anxious. These states are signals that it’s time to move beyond your expectations. The freedom you seek is within the entirety of this situation; stop focusing on what you don’t have and use what you do. The weekend of the 13th is like a dream come true—enjoy! Pisces: Chariot (Ace of Cups) 2/19 – 3/20 The current of life will pull you in many different directions, and although you may try at times to fight against it, ultimately it will prevail. The emotional struggles this month are like wild horses. To tame them, you must be aware of your reactions. Movement too strong in any one direction will likely throw you off course. Adopt a more detached perspective; witness the situation and consciously choose how to respond. An emotional encounter with someone close to you will trigger passionate feelings. Think before you react, because once you do, there is no taking it back.

Virgo: Emperor (9 of Pentacles) 8/24 – 9/22 When your success is dependent upon a thing, that thing becomes the source of fulfillment. However, lasting fulfillment is obtained by overcoming personal challenges and meeting cherished goals. In this way, a sense of pride fuels your self-esteem. A situation you‘ve been patiently tolerating will yield favorable results, and as you collect the prize, be sure to do it with dignity. Someone you’ve been trying to impress finally gives you the respect you deserve. Take from this confidence, authority and success, but not at the expense of another. A true leader needs only to direct oneself.

Becoming Who YOU Are! Adrienne Abeyta, Sacred - Self Coaching

Using Astrology, Numerology, & Tarot to discover the hero in your life story. Answering the questions:

• What is my purpose • What is the lesson of this challenge • When will my life look different • Where do I go from here Contact Adrienne for consultations, events, and private lessons. • (619) 917-0998 18

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Rev. Marilyn Rossner, Ph.D., Ed.D.

Rev. Marilyn Rossner, Ph.D., Ed.D., World-

Renowned Humanitarian, Clairvoyant, and Prophetess, to Visit San Francisco by Celebration of Light Church


he internationally acclaimed Rev. Dr. Marilyn Rossner has shared her magnificent spiritual gifts throughout the world. This amazing visionary, mystic, medium, prophetess, clairvoyant, educator, therapist, and author will be visiting the Celebration of Light Church in San Francisco, November 9-11, 2012. She is well-known for her uplifting messages from the Spirit World and for her visions, helping us to discern what is most significant for life on earth at this time. She has appeared on television in many countries, giving her gifts of mediumship and spiritual healing to so many around the world. Rev. Dr. Rossner is the co-founder of the International Institute of Integral Human Science (IIIHS), a non-governmental organization headquartered in Montreal, Canada. The IIIHS works towards achieving an inter-religious and inter-cultural understanding to facilitate world peace. She is also the founder of the Spiritual Science Fellowship in Montreal, a non-profit association dedicated to the development of the total person. She has been honored by Pope John Paul II for her humanitarian work with children. One of her special projects is visiting and helping orphans and abandoned children in Africa. During this very special visit to San Francisco, Dr. Rossner will conduct a Clairvoyant Circle on Friday, November 9 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., in which she will discuss the energies of 2012 and give spirit messages to each attendee.

(Seating is limited and reservations During this very are required. Cost is $35 per person.) special visit to San On Saturday, November 10 from Francisco, Dr. Rossner 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., “The Akashic will conduct a Records” will be the topic of the seminar/workshop conducted by Clairvoyant Circle on Dr. Rossner. The Akashic Records Friday, November 9 are a compendium of mystical from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., knowledge. This knowledge can in which she will discuss help a person understand the past expressions of life and how he or the energies of 2012 and she is being affected now. One can give spirit messages to learn to let go of fears, phobias, and each attendee. emotional traumas, and learn to understand and break ancestral and generational memories. Techniques to access the Akashic Records from the Halls of Learning will be shared and practiced. Rev. Dr. Rossner will conclude her San Francisco visit with a Sunday service at the Celebration of Light Church on Sunday, November 11, as the speaker and medium. Services begin at 10 a.m. All are welcome. Rev. Dr. Marilyn Rossner’s seminar in San Francisco costs $65, which includes lunch. Entrance at the door on Saturday is $75, and without advance registration, lunch is not guaranteed. For additional information, and to register, please call 415.377.8350. For more information, visit

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Each Precious Moment by Louix Dor Dempriey


ow many times have you felt something deep in your heart that you really wanted to tell another, and you might have told 20 or 30 other people, but never that one? Though many excuses could justify the avoidance, there is only one true reason: fear of

intimacy. What do you suppose might happen if you quieted the mind and the emotional body and delivered the compliment to the one who most deserves to hear it? You might both start to cry and hug each other. Maybe your friend will say that he loves you, leaving you with a new predicament—having to receive pure, unconditional love from another. All sorts of fears arise from this thought: “What will I say? What will I do? Will I now be obligated? What will come next now that we have crossed the forbidden bridge?” These fears can drive you

to great lengths to avoid being intimate with the ones with whom you really need and long to be. The best place to begin this conversation is with your parents. How many of you have a parent who passed on before you had a chance to say something to him or her that you really wanted to say? How many of you still have moments when you feel a lump in your throat, a knot in your chest, or tears in your eyes over it? How many of you wished, at the very least, “God, if I had her back for even one minute, I would run to her, throw myself at her feet, and tell her how much I love her and how grateful I am to have her as my mother,” but instead of telling her, you told everyone else or no one at all? And for those whose parents are still embodied, why wait? Tell them now and every chance you get. Time is the most precious commodity on the planet. No moment lives beyond the confines of itself. And no moment can ever be lived twice. Knowing this, would you be willing to make a promise to yourself? Will you live each moment of your life as though it were your last? Because it is. Tomorrow is promised to no one. Although many are quick to make this promise, few keep it because soon after each epiphany or spiritual renewal, most people allow themselves to get sucked back in by the groaning machine of life’s daily routines. The first, and most powerful, place to apply this promise is in your relationships with others. What if you treated every encounter with every human being—friend, foe, lover, brother, boss, stranger—as the very last time you will ever have together? How would your behavior differ in those encounters if you truly knew you would never see them again? How would it differ if you knew it was your last day on the planet? Any human being who could be fully present to that truth would cry a river of tears in most all of those moments. You would also laugh, hug, hold, compliment, and share your love profusely. The reason this scenario rarely plays out is because being present to that level of truth is excruciating. Why? It brings up the allpervasive, all-encompassing, human fear of death—of that person and (more importantly) of your own. Human life is predicated upon the fear of death, from the very first moment of living, because of the conscious and unconscious belief in mortality. Fear of intimacy leaches into many different corners of one’s life. What about couples who have been married 20 or 30 years? None would argue that certain things do become rote after all those years. “Honey —Louix Dor Dempriey comes home from work each night at 6:00. Dinner is at

Time is the most precious commodity on the planet. No moment lives beyond the confines of itself. And no moment can ever be lived twice.


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HEALING ARTS 6:30. We dine out on Saturday. Our children come to visit every Thanksgiving.” Life finds that it has settled into a groove. Things are taken for granted. You make gross assumptions that are totally illusory. “It just happens” is the excuse most commonly used and accepted. In truth, nothing just “happens.” Everything you do, and everything that happens to you, occurs solely by way of your own conscious or unconscious, freewilled choice. Have you ever been driving home and heard sirens as you neared your house and felt your heart start pounding with, “Oh, my God, please don’t let it be my house!”? What if you drove home one day only to find your house charred to the ground? You were expecting to have dinner with your wife and children, and you find out from the fireman that they are all dead. After wailing and mourning for weeks or months or years, where is the first place your mind will take you? To the last time you saw them. “What did I say? What space was I in? Did I say ‘I love you?’” These wake-up calls obviously come to those who directly experienced them, but they also happen for the benefit of all those who, in any way, witnessed or gained awareness of the incidents. Ironically, those who say, “Yes, I know that” are most always the ones who insist on learning the lesson and receiving the gift only after tragedy has struck their own lives rather than doing so vicariously through the experiences of others. Does that mean to live in fear? No, it means the opposite. Live in passion. Claim every moment. Seize each moment and promise yourself you will never avoid an opportunity to tell someone you love him or her and that you care. That is “living in the moment,” living in mastery. Unfortunately, so many minds become consumed by such putrefied thoughts as, “When am I going to ascend? When am I going to do my life’s work? What level Initiate am I? I am in the twelfth overtone of the third octave, twice removed on Sundays.” What does that mean? Can anyone tell me? Does it matter? Does any of it matter? What matters is how much you are loving the person who is sitting next to you right now. That is what matters. Do you take a genuine, human interest in the lives of those who are serving you, or do “thank you’s” carelessly roll off your tongue like grains of salt falling out of a shaker? Always take the time to look deep into the eyes of one who has just served you, to sincerely express your gratitude and love. Why not ask if your server is comfortable? Ask if there is anything you can get for him. Have fun with it. Surprise people. Do something for someone who does not expect it. That is where and when the magic of life really starts to happen. Life is not about knowing everything or having all the right things to say.

It is about filling each moment with passion, adventure, love, and joy. Look in your heart. The heart knows everything about everything all the time. “Christedness” means choosing that which serves the highest good for the greatest number of people in any given moment. Combine this principle with “living each moment as your last” and you will experience the heights of intimacy and ecstasy in communion with all those you meet, all the days of your life. Louix Dor Dempriey is a spiritual master who has come into this world to help others restore their inherent divinity and live as unconditional love. Louix’s darshan, as well as his illuminating discourses, meditations, and ceremonies, have invoked profound transformation in thousands of people worldwide. With grace and humor, Louix imparts timeless wisdom in contemporary, practical teachings—that transcend all faiths, paths, religions, and cultures—making self-mastery and true inner peace attainable for all. He resides at Prema Drala Ashram, located in Laguna Hills, California. For more information, please visit

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Sleep is 30 Percent of Our Life – Sleep Well with El Natural A Conversation with Jeff Shipper Developer of El Natural by Sydney L. Murray


hen my husband and I got married, we used some gift money from his parents to buy an expensive natural latex bed very similar to the El Natural. Eleven years later, we are still enjoying a good night’s sleep. I had heard the warnings of man-made latex and memory foam but didn’t really know the levels of toxicity. Thanks to Jeff Shipper, I have more than enough information to avoid latex that is man-made. Vision Magazine: What is the difference between a latex mattress and a natural latex mattress? Jeff Shipper: Basically, there are at least four different kinds of latex. There’s man-made latex, which isn’t good at all, doesn’t last very long, and doesn’t feel all that great. And then there’s blended latex, and that’s where you have real latex and man-made latex blended together. That’s quite a bit better, but still not anywhere near ideal. And then you have people advertising the real, 100 percent pure, natural latex mattresses, but they only give you something like three-quarters of an inch on top, and then they put cheap foam underneath to support the good layer on the top. Hardly anybody uses the premium latex, which is a natural, organic latex, all the way through the mattress, from the top, all away through to the bottom. Almost nobody does that because the natural latex mattress is very expensive. So, very few people use a solid, natural latex mattresses like we do. Most people use blended latex or partial, with the latex on top. VM: How is the natural latex antimicrobial? JS: The dust mites don’t thrive in natural latex, so they don’t breathe and multiply. It’s not a food, it’s a rubber product, so it’s nothing the mites would like to live in and breathe.


The El Natural Mattress is 100% Natural white latex (highest quality) made from organic rubber plants, processed with only purified water, then airated, formed and baked. No chemicals, no smell and no outgassing of chemicals.

VM: How long do you think a mattress like the El Natural would last? JS: My supplier tells me there isn’t any foam that’s really good for more than eight years except for the premium, natural, organic latex. My mother actually bought a natural latex mattress 65 years ago, and she’s still sleeping on it and says it’s still good. I’ve met other people that have had them for 30 to 40 years, and they’re still sleeping on them, and they’re still good after 30 or 40 years. VM: What are some of the aspects people encounter owning man-made latex? There’s Tempur-Pedic, and others, of course. JS: Well, Tempur-Pedic isn’t a latex at all, but I compare the Tempur-Pedic to the latex because the natural latex is in every way better than a Tempur-Pedic. On my Web site, and when I talk to people in person, I list about 10 or 12 different reasons why they don’t want

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The NEW Blueair 503 w/ SmokeStop Kit is recommended in rooms as large as 580 sq. ft. to help control heavy gaseous pollutants like cigarette and cigar smoke.

HEALING ARTS Tempur-Pedic, why they want natural latex, why natural latex is better in every way. VM: Let’s just go over those. JS: [Something important to know is] there’s a law that passed in California that all mattresses have to be sprayed with a fireretardant chemical, which is also toxic. The only way to get around those toxic chemicals lawfully is to use a layer of wool inside the cover. And our covers have a layer of wool inside. Wool is a natural fire barrier. If you have a thin layer of wool, then you don’t have to spray it with fire retardant chemicals, which makes our mattresses way less toxic for that reason. One thing about Tempur-Pedic is there are no holes in the foam; it doesn’t breathe well. Many people, particularly people that perspire a lot, get very hot from the foam. A lot of them have returned their mattresses because they said they’re too hot. And a natural latex product, in the mold, they have these fingers that stick up all the way through the mold, so when they pour it in there, there are actually holes that go through the foam from the top of the mattress all the way through to the bottom, and the air circulates in and out and prevents these hot spots. Here’s another problem with Tempur-Pedic: the foam is not waterproof and not water-resistant. It actually disintegrates if it gets wet and moist. I had customers who were obese and they would sweat a lot, and I’ve seen it where people who were obese that would sweat a lot, the mattress would go bad in only a year. People who were semi-obese and only sweat a little bit, I’ve seen a mattress go bad in three or four years. The natural latex is a real, natural rubber that’s unaffected by water and moisture and won’t get damaged if you sweat. Another problem with the Tempur-Pedic is the cover doesn’t come off on the more expensive models. You can’t take it off to wash it or clean it if you need to. On some of the cheaper models, it does unzip. On the natural latex mattress, we use a zipper cover to zipper it on easily, and you can take the cover off if you ever need to, and wash it. But the main reason you want a cover that comes off easily is because the foam and the natural latex is layered. If someone gets the mattress and they say, “Oh, Jeff, the mattress perfect, but it’s just a little bit too firm” or “a little bit too soft, but otherwise the mattress is great,” we can actually go to their house, unzip the mattress, and substitute one of the layers of foam for a softer or firmer layer. On the Tempur-Pedic, you can’t do that. It’s all netted; the layers are all netted together. You can’t change that. Another problem with Tempur-Pedic material and other memory foam—that’s in Tempur-Pedic, but now, in memory foam—is it gets softer every year and it loses its memory. It loses its memory, doesn’t bounce There is a new type of back, and starts to sag. At some point, you have to throw the whole carbon on the market mattress away because it’s sagging too much and your back starts to hurts. called catalytic carbon. The natural latex is the springiest, most resilient foam in the world. It We are among a very small springs right back, even after 30 or 40 years. It’ll never sag on you, and percentage of companies to it’ll never need to be replaced. offer it. Another thing is our [mattress] covers are made out of natural materials. It’s a bamboo cloth over the wool. The foam is natural and the cover is natural. With the Tempur-Pedic, they use synthetic fibers made from petroleum products, treat it with toxic chemicals (which is the fire retardant), and then use a very unnatural foam. So, in order to get people to buy the El Natural, I would take a twin-size Tempur-Pedic mattress to someone’s house, and a twin-size El Natural mattress, and let them try both for two or three weeks, and sleep on both, back-and-forth. Well, over

There have been six consumer groups and two government agencies, and they tested all the bottled waters and didn’t find any bottled water that they considered to be safer than regular tap water.

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East Meets West and All the Rest of It A Conversation with Steven Sadleir by Sydney L. Murray


have known Steven for quite a few years and knew he offered meditation gatherings in Laguna Beach, but I didn’t realize how interesting and accomplished he was. So much of his work that I was aware of was not attending to the minutiae of our lives. Of course, right now I am kneedeep in the minutiae. But when I stop and walk outside, the moon is golden and full in the sky. I breathe deeply as I walk down the block—a short respite, which brings me back to center. Vision Magazine: I’ve looked over your book, “The Theory of Existence and the Science of Consciousness,” which, of course, I’m fascinated about. What compelled you to write this book? Steven Sadleir: It serves as the bridge between science and spirituality. It’s the missing link in science. What we’re finding right now, particularly in quantum physics as well as molecular biology, but actually feeding into almost every natural science, is that we recognize that there is some kind of invisible hand guiding how everything works—whether it’s formation of an energy particle arising out of apparent nothingness; whether it’s looking at the particular sequence that is created in the RNA and DNA of our own biology; whether we’re looking at how life forms, human beings in particular, have been evolving. What I’m really trying to do here is define consciousness. It’s a word that’s in the dictionary, but very few people really understand what it is. VM: In Chapter 4, you talk about the atomic structures and the attraction and repulsive forces. Then you also talk about hydrogen and helium, which are the most abundant elements in the universe. How does that relate to me as a human being? SS: Well, hydrogen is the fundamental element in the universe. It’s basically how an energy particle first comes into existence. Helium becomes the second most abundant element in the universe through the formation of stars. Stars manufacture helium as they go through the process of what’s called fusion. That’s a force within the star pushing outward, like an explosion. Then there’s an attractive force of these collective hydrogen atoms, and that pressure pushing on all the elements within the stars is what creates the other elements in the universe. VM: So, what does that mean to me, Sydney, as a human being? SS: It’s only in terms of understanding that there is a universal intelligence at play in every facet of our existence. The Sun isn’t separate from us; we don’t exist except for the energy generated from the Sun. The average human being kind of looks at the Sun as just some big fire in the sky, and they don’t realize that the Sun and the solar system that it created is actually an expression of a


Steven S. Sadleir

higher consciousness that we’re only a small part of. We’re part of a greater cosmic intelligence, not just of the solar system, but also of the galaxy itself. And the galaxy is just part of a greater system of organized intelligence we call the universe. So, the universe is alive. What we’re doing here is we’re literally peering into the mind of God. We’re looking at how God thinks and how God creates, by looking at the elemental structures of the universe. VM: I think it was in Chapter 7 when you talk about the Neanderthals and the evolution of the hominids and where we came from. It’s so interesting because I think of that mostly as scientifically derived and not God, but you see God. SS: I don’t see there being a difference. You see, this is why I call it a bridge. People look at science and say that’s separate from God. Part of the reason they do that is so many people look at God as a religious thing. I look at God as the very underlying intelligence that is within everything that exists, and within everything that isn’t existing yet. So there’s a latent potential. I can explain this in terms of there being consciousness and Shakti— Shiva and Shakti. Shiva represents the underlying consciousness of existence. The pro-creative energy is Shiva, how consciousness is expressed forms matter and structure. This is what creates everything, from the hydrogen atom to the star to a human being. Human beings are all innately consciousness and energy. VM: So, Shiva’s the underlying and Shakti’s the energy? SS: If you look at yourself as an example, everything that you are is really an expression of consciousness, because you relate to what you think, what you feel, what you say, what you do. There was a potential for you to think something, and then there was a self-reflection that became your thought. There was a potential to feel a certain way, innate within you, and when you reflected on whatever you were exposed to in your environment, or whatever thoughts or feelings came up inside you, that reflection created the emotion that you feel. And that potential arose out of something you said or what course of action you took, which is your karma. Even if you look at us physically—if you render us down through the cells and the molecules and into the atoms—you realize at the very core of our physical matter we’re atoms, and atoms are mostly space. There’s

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F E AT U R E affects things materially. So, my contribution to this discussion was trying to explain what consciousness is. Consciousness really wasn’t in the vernacular of science; it wasn’t a word. It was associated with being ‘airy-fairy,’ maybe. Most science looks at what is manifesting or what’s changing. What they haven’t been looking at is where it came from, what underlies it, because that’s invisible. It’s not seen through an instrument. It’s not measured through a device. And yet, it’s what provides for everything to exist. What I was trying to point out in my book was that everything that exists is only a modification of a previously existing state. That was really the focus of my keynote address, which is everything we experience is only a modification of a previously existing state. Everything is an expression of consciousness. It’s just showing up in different patterns. And so, what we’re doing is we’re looking at a particular pattern, at a particular focus, and saying, that does this or that does that, and we’re labeling it and defining it and measuring the change of it. But what we really need to do is what it essentially is, what is the underlying essence of all that is. For that, you’d have to go transcendental. I’m trying to show the interrelationship of everything, from the smallest constituents of hadrons, or the God particle, within a gluon that’s within an up or down quark, which creates the proton, which is part of the atom, which connects with other atoms, forming molecules. And the molecules come together, and in even more articulate ways, they become the organelle within cells. Cells form and start connecting. They form basic life forms like the algae or the bacteria, and from there they grow into more complex systems yet again. So, you see, there are layers. I’m trying to show how all the layers of consciousness are interconnected as one. And then it moves into more complex systems—plants and animals, how animals continue to evolve into human beings, how human beings are evolving, how we are now evolving to the point where humans are becoming aware of themselves. It’s all this self-reflective process, all the way down from the hadrons to our own consciousness, becoming aware of who we immediately are as the consciousness. VM: So it is truly East meets West. SS: Yes, definitely. Well, East and West are like saying you have a left hand and a right hand. VM: And then your heart’s in the center and your mind’s in the center. SS: It’s the same heart and the same love. Innately, we all do love each other. The only thing that really creates the divisiveness between the East and the West are the ideas we have in our mind. It’s kind of like the story of Johnny Appleseed. Every day he walked around and made a hole in the ground, pop an acorn in and then cover it up with dirt, maybe put a little water in there. And over years of just making a habit

I’m trying to show the interrelationship of everything, from the smallest constituents of hadrons, or the God particle, within a gluon that’s within an up or down quark, which creates the proton, which is part of the atom, which connects with other atoms, forming molecules.

Steven S. Sadleir and Sri Sri Sri Shivabalayogi Maharaj

a potential for a little electron or neutron to be expressed, and then it gets expressed for some little fraction of time, and then it goes back into what appears to be nothingness. But that nothingness is the latent potential from which everything arises out of, is sustained by, and merges back into. And so, the essence of what we are is consciousness. Then our experience of life is our expression of consciousness. And that takes form through our body and it takes action through our thoughts and words and how we move through life, how we interact in our environment. VM: You talked about Eastern traditions. Our theme this month is “East vs. West” and how that affects healing, how we make our choices. I’ve used Western medicine, but I’ve mostly used what I consider Eastern medicine— acupuncture, healers. I think there’s a place for both. What are your thoughts on that? SS: That’s why I’m writing a book on science. Westerners tend to look at these things from a scientific perspective. In the East, it’s more common to just be a mystic maybe. In the West, we tend to think what is real is what we can measure with a scientific device. And that’s also the difference between Eastern medicine and Western medicine. In Western medicine, we have machines that tell us what’s going on in our body, what’s wrong. We test through chemical testing labs and using X-rays and this kind of thing. In the East, they’re a little more holistic in their approach. VM: I do believe this is the time to bridge. I met this old yogi in the Himalayas who told me when I was 21, “When science and spirituality meet, then the world will take a leap forward.” I feel that we are at that precipice. Do you think we are going to actually bridge the chasm? SS: I absolutely do. As a matter of fact, I just came back from the Creative Field Conference. I was on the platform co-presenting with Dr. Claude Swanson, who is a quantum physicist from MIT. I was also there with Dr. Bob Whitehouse, who speaks on toroidal energy fields. We were all sharing our perspectives and coming to the same conclusions. Science is beginning to realize that there is such a thing as consciousness. What we look at and how we see it affects what we see. In other words, our state of consciousness

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Traveling the World from West to East as a Life Journey A Conversation with Ibis Kaba by Sydney L. Murray


hen I think of East versus West, I think of Asia versus Europe and the United States. But that is a very limited view. Traveling the world, I have been fortunate to have visited most of the places I want to go. And I have to admit, I do love low-key travel—just my backpack and me would be the ideal. But to travel to amazing places with amazing teachers and to be able to just relax and enjoy the ride is quite enjoyable, too. Ibis Kaba (pronounced “E-bee”) is an amazing woman who does just that. She travels the world and facilitates tours for Life Journeys. This company stimulates the heart, the mind, and the body through travel with some of the best and brightest minds in conscious thought. Their mindful itineraries and graceful accommodations allow participants to really go deep into the world of the teacher, on board the ship and on land. Vision Magazine: Where did the inspiration or idea come to create Life Journeys? Ibis Kaba: Life Journeys was created by Ron Oyer, who is the president of the company. He has been a friend with James Van Praagh and Dr. Brian Weiss for many years. They approached him and said, “Why don’t we do an event on a cruise?” (Ron used to do incentive groups for different companies, and they said, let’s do something like this.) He said, “Okay.” He usually did land tour events. But he said, “Let’s do it on a ship.” That’s kind of how the company started. Then he did his first [cruise event] about 14–15 years ago. After he did it, Brian and James were thrilled and said, “We have to do this again.” So, he started working with them, creating these cruise events for their followers and clients. Basically, our clients promoted to their Ibis Kaba


Left to right: Wayne Dyer, Ibis Kaba, Reid Tracy and Louise Hay

lists and people, but we promote as well. Our clients will appeal to potential attendees via e-mail blasts, and they put it on their Web site, and then we have it on our Web site. We go to the Hay House “I Can Do It!” conferences and promote it there each year. But to book, you come through Life Journeys. We have a whole customer service staff here. We create the events on board the cruise ships. All the cruise lines work very well with us, as we’re very well connected with all of the corporate offices for the cruise lines. So, basically we’re the event’s producers. We produce these cruise conferences and events around the world and we provide the brick and mortar. They [attendees] show up. I do all the staging. I make sure if there’s any audio needs or visual needs they are met. We produce great events on board these ships. Everyone feels that they’re part of a real event. We can have 200 or 300 people, but usually we have 500–800+ participants. But they still feel that they’re a big part of an event on board the ship, even though we might not have the full ship. We’ve done three ship charters already. They have their name tags and know where to go. We have an area in the dining room for the group. We also have cocktail parties. That’s kind of how it operates. But we started with Brian Weiss and James Van Praagh. After that, we were introduced to Neale Donald Walsch, Debby Ford, and then, of course, Abraham Hicks, which really put the company on a whole different level at that point in time. And

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Last year, Wayne Dyer wanted to do a trip, and we charted a private plane for 180 people. We started in Rome. We went to Assisi. We called it “Experiencing the Miraculous.” We spent three days in Assisi. And Wayne spoke at the oldest monastery in Assisi.


then we did a film festival with the Spiritual Cinema Circle. I worked closely with Steven Simon, who is an award-winning producer. Then, as we mentioned, we started working with Hay House. And that put us in a whole different level again because Hay House brought top names to our company, such as Marianne Williamson, Wayne Dyer, Sylvia Browne at that time, and Gregg Braden. VM: What are the criteria you would utilize to choose an author or a presenter for your cruises or even your land tours? IK: Our criterion is we will [choose] any organization, author, or celebrity that could bring us a minimum of 100 passengers—100 participants in the program to make it worth our while, when you talk about employees and the database that has been specifically designed for our business, and the quality in our productions of the custom events that we create and develop. We’re the clients of the cruise line, and then all these organizations, celebrities, and authors are our clients. VM: Our theme for our October issue is “East vs. West,” for healthy living as well as living your life. When you think of “East vs. West,” what does that mean to you? IK: In terms of East vs. West, when I think of western locations that we’ve traveled to and created events, I think of the South Pacific, I think Tahiti, I think Australia, I think Alaska, and I think Hawaii. We really don’t do a lot in Japan or China even though we’d love to, but that’s not where our clients have wanted to go. Because at the end of the day, I have to talk to Wayne [Dyer] and ask, “Where do you want to go?” and he’ll say, “I want to go to Europe” or “I want to go to Brazil.” I work with the clients to see where their message is best going to be heard and what area of the world or what venue is best for that type of training or empowering message to be heard. We also have to work within their wants and needs. Sometimes it’s tied to a book [and someone might say], “Oh, I just wrote a book on this, and the best place to be giving this message is in Europe.” Last year, Wayne wanted to do a trip, and we charted a private plane for 180 people. We started in Rome. We went to Assisi. We called it “Experiencing the Miraculous.” We spent three days in Assisi. And Wayne spoke at the oldest monastery in Assisi. So, all the venues and places that we pick are once-in-a-lifetime experiences for the audiences. People are still talking about it. He spoke at one of the oldest monasteries in Assisi. We toured that whole area and Wayne

We really are staging an event where you have the whole ship to yourself. It’s just like when we charted three ships with Hay House for the “I Can Do It! At Sea.” You’re talking about 2,200–2,300 people on a cruise ship that belongs to you for seven days.

From left: Maya Labos – Manager to Wayne Dyer, Karen McCrocklin – Hay House Radio Host, Nancy Levin – Hay House Director of Events, Reid Tracy – CEO Hay House and Cheryl Richardson, Hay House Best Selling Author and Life Coach, Ibis Kaba – sailing the South Pacific.

Dyer was there on the tour the whole time. It was very inspiring. Participants have access to these authors that they don’t have when they go to a conference in a hotel for a day or two. It’s why we have so much repeat business, because they actually have access to the speakers, to the celebrities, to the organizations, to the message. After that, we went to Lourdes. We spent three days in the Pyrenees Mountains. Wayne Dyer spoke at a chapel in the Esplanade in Europe, 200 yards from where Bernadette—in the Catholic religion—saw the Virgin Mary and the ascension. I mean, people were astounded. After that, we took the plane and went to Croatia. We went into Bosnia and were in Medjugorje. We climbed this mountain of rocks. Imagine 180 people climbing. This is where the latest visions of the feminine divine—Mary in the Catholic religion, Marian in other religions, and the feminine divine in the metaphysical—have been witnessed. The energy up there was just incredible. And Dyer was up there with all of us. We went through a candlelight vigil in Lourdes at night. It was in every language imaginable. And then, for fun, because we live in the world of the living, I rented a Spanish galleon called La Tirena in the Adriatic Sea, in the coast of Dubrovnik. And at 11:00 a.m., I had Sylvester pump the, “You make me feel mighty real,” with Wayne leading a conga line. There’s a DVD of that whole trip. It’s called “Experiencing the Miraculous with Wayne Dyer,” and it’s a DVD set of that entire trip. It has sold very well. And that’s something else that we can do for our customers. VM: That’s so beautiful because, number one, of the immersion effect, like you say. You’re not there for a weekend; you’re there for a week. And you’re traveling together having dinner. Then you’re going into these amazingly beautiful, inspiring places. So, it seems to me that the combination of the immersion for five days, seven days, 10 days, and these amazing places you visit must really heighten the experience. IK: It heightens the experience. People will leave these events transformed. The most incredible thing that I’ve witnessed over the eight continued on page 41

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Sounds from the HeYrt by Sean Cute


ichelle Carter translates her inspiration to others through a beautiful expression of melody and heart. Her musical roots reach deep into the soulful soil of Americana, while her soul reaches up to the heavens of metaphysiology and centered being. The sounds of old thought meet the ideas of new thought. Having moved to Los Angeles from her home of British Columbia, Carter keeps the theme of “moving on” in the most positive of ways. She began playing music as a child, and studied classically until she shifted toward opera during her time at university. Carter came into her own soon after, and focused on being herself. She put her singer/songwriter skills to the test with her successful project, Mercury Sound Cartel, which earned the group several featured songs in commercials, films, and television shows. To spread her wings out even further, Carter went solo after a six-year run with Mercury Sound Cartel. Instead of being locked in one group, Carter is able to move about freely in her musical creations and pick and choose collaborators. She has worked with the likes of Christine Connolly, Simon Nagel, Drew Taubenfeld, Enrique Lara, Wes Switzer, Lucky Diaz, and Shannon Hurley. This led to 2010’s fantastic album, “So Simple,” featuring 10 tracks of heart and honesty. A collaboration with Connolly and Nagel led to the title track for 2012’s forthcoming “Tequila Nights.” Producer Jeff Trott, who has worked closely with Sheryl Crow and Aimee Mann, will be recording Michelle Carter this year. “I think this next record is the closest reflection to me as an actual


person than any other previous work I’ve done,” says Carter. “I’m pretty excited about it. It’s taken some time, but turning out to be well worth the wait.” So, how is the transformation and personal growth reflected in Carter’s music? One only needs to listen and feel to understand the music, and perhaps to understand a bit more about one’s self. “I’m a pretty positive person,” Carter says. “This next record I am working on is a great reflection of my life right now.” On her 2010 album, “So Simple,” the song, “Lighter and Brighter” turns a melancholy situation into happy hope, altering one’s focus from an aching heart to the elated memories of the mind, while songs like “Last Cup Michelle Carter of Tea” will pull your tears out from their roots. “Belong” tells us to “belong to what we want to see,” sharing the message that we attract what we focus on, so focus on what you love. In the spirit of the New Thought Movement, gratitude is a key theme. As “simple” as it seems with the catchy riffs and melodies, it is anything but. The depth of music and message may have a simple feel, but it is the challenge to live simply that is consistently striking. Carter just makes it look easy. As “Listen To Me” says, “Let it shine, oh, let it shine, let it shine!” It sure does. Carter’s musical travels have taken her across Canada and America, including writing trips to Nashville and shows at the taste-making South By Southwest in Austin, Texas. The next leg of her journey will be in San Diego, at The Hillcrest Hoedown. Hillcrest, an artsy and hip

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Carter is no stranger to any of these things. She actually came across a copy of Vision Magazine in Vancouver. “I love that it looks like a record!” says Carter, who also played a special one-off set at the Ruby Room earlier this year, to a fantastic response.

neighborhood in San Diego’s Uptown District, hosts this free annual event, which is in its second year. The Hillcrest Hoedown, held this year on Sunday, October 7 from 1 p.m. until 9:30 p.m., is free, for all ages, and features scores of vendors along with two stages, each with a 21-and-over alcohol garden. It has a Community/ Country theme and features hay rides, a petting zoo, mechanical bulls, and much more. The proceeds benefit the Hillcrest Business Association, which provides neighborhood improvements and outreach at no cost to the general public. Even while moving forward, Michelle Carter is still giving back. San Diego’s Hillcrest neighborhood is not just home to Vision Magazine, but also The Ruby Room, which hosts one of the Hoedown’s two stages. The Ruby Room is an intimate music venue/bar with a major sound system and stage. Carter is no stranger to any of these things. She actually came across a copy of Vision Magazine in Vancouver. “I love that it looks like a record!” says Carter, who also played a special one-off set at the Ruby Room earlier this year, to a fantastic response. The Ruby Room transforms its large parking lot into a minifestival for one of the Hillcrest Hoedown areas, and is fully equipped with a

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stage, sound system, food vendors, seating, and spirits. Artists playing this year include San Diego favorites, Tori Rose, Toothless George, and Tori Rogg, among others. Travels aren’t the only thing Michelle Carter is earning these days. She has also racked up a few sponsors. “I am very lucky to have sponsors such as SKN Holistic Rejuvenation Clinic,” says Carter. “Health and wellness is a natural part of my life, so it only made sense for me to incorporate likewise products into my music career.” Another interesting sponsor has had their sights on Carter: Pura Vida Tequila. Pura Vida, of course, translates literally to “pure life.” However, the term is as flexible as “aloha.” When asked about the message she promotes in her music, Carter told me, “I think a life in balance…including a little tequila.” Balance indeed! Michelle Carter will play at The Ruby Room Stage at The Hillcrest Hoedown on Sunday, Oct. 7. The Ruby Room is located at 1271 University Ave., San Diego, CA 92103. For more information, visit and www.

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by Christian Hummel


ll Hallow’s Eve, Hallow E’en, Halloween, Day of the Dead, Samhain. By whatever name it has been called, this special night preceding All Hallows day (November 1st) has been considered for centuries as one of the most magical nights of the year. A night of power, when the veil that separates our world from the Otherworld is at its thinnest.As ubiquitous as Halloween celebrations are throughout the world, few of us know that the true origin of Halloween is a ceremony of honoring our ancestors and the day of the dead. A time when the veils between the worlds were thinner, and so many could “see” the other side of life. A time in the year when the spiritual and material worlds touched for a moment, and a greater potential exists for magical creation. Ancient rites In ancient times, this day was a special and honored day of the year. In the Celtic calendar, it was one of the most important days of the year, representing a mid point in the year, Samhain, or “summer’s end”. Occuring opposite the great Spring Festival of May Day, or Beltain, this day represented the turning point of the year, the eve of the new year which begins with the onset of the dark phase of the year. And while celebrated by the Celts, the origin of this day has connections to other cultures as well, such as Egypt, and in Mexico as

Dia de la Muerta, or the day of the dead.The Celts believed that the normal laws of space and time were held in abeyance during this time, allowing a special window where the spirit world could intermingle with the living. It was a night when the dead could cross the veils and return to the land of the living to celebrate with their family, or clan. As such, the great burial mounds of Ireland were lit up with torches lining the walls, so the spirits of the dead could find their way. Jack-o-lanterns Out of this ancient tradition comes one of our most famous icons of the holiday: the Jack-o-lantern. Originating from Irish folkfore, the Jack-o-lantern was used as a light for the lost soul of Jack, a notorious trickster, stuck between worlds. Jack is said to have tricked the devil into a trunk of a tree and by carving an image of a cross in the tree’s trunk, he trapped the devil there. His pranks denied him access to Heaven, and having angered the devil also to Hell, so Jack was a lost soul, trapped between worlds. As a consolation, the devil gave him a sole ember to light his way through the darkness between worlds. Originally in Ireland turnips were carved out and candles placed inside as lanterns lit to help guide Jack’s lost spirit back home. Hence the term: Jack-o-lanterns. Later, when immigrants came to the new world, pumpkins were more readily available, and so the carved pumpkins carrying a lit candle served the same function. Festival for the dead As the Church began to take hold in Europe the ancient Pagan rituals were co-opted into festivals of the Church. While the Church could not support a general feast for all the dead, it created a festival for the blessed dead, all those hallowed so, All Hallow’s, was transformed into All Saints and All Souls day. Today, we have lost the significance of this most significant time of year which in modern times has turned into a candy fest with kids dressing up as action hereos. Many cultures have ceremonies to honor their dead. In so doing, they complete a cycle of birth and death, and keep in line with a harmony and order of the universe, at a time when we enter into the cycle of darkness for the upcoming year. As you light your candles this year, keep in mind the true potency of this time, one of magical connections to the other side of life, and a time to remember those who have passed before us. A time to send our love and gratitude to them to light their way back home. Christan Hummel is the creator of the “Do It Yourself Space Clearing Kit.” For information see:


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New Vegan Co-op to Open in San Diego by Shannon Nies


n exciting new project is now underway for the residents of San Diego County, thanks to the vision of vegan restauranteur Mitch Wallis. He and his inspired team are set on opening up a vegan co-op in San Diego by spring of 2013. Although San Diego does currently have a successful natural food store/ co-op (People’s Organic Foods Market), it is located on the not-soconvenient coast in Ocean Beach, with limited parking. It seems that with San Diego residents’ growing interest in vegetarian and vegan food, one co-op is no longer enough. That is why Wallis, who is the co-founder of Evolution Fast Food, has joined with Scott Masters, Rose McClain, Teagen McClain, and Meredith MacCracken, to open the San Diego Vegan Co-op. Wallis and his team have already found an ideal location for their co-op: an 8,000 square foot property, centrally located—right off the I-15 and near the I-8—with free parking for over 100 cars. An auditorium that seats 65 people will be used for community lectures, movie nights, and cooking classes. One of the cooking instructors will be Rose McClain, a nutritional counselor and personal chef who has many years of experience teaching people about whole foods and macrobiotic cooking. Accompanying her is her daughter, Teagen McClain, an animal rights activist and vegan who has helped organize events like World Fest and San Diego Veg Week. Both women look forward to bringing a variety of free cooking classes and community events to the San Diego Vegan Co-op.

Another exciting feature of the co-op will be located on top of the building’s expansive, flat roof: a sustainable garden to grow their own herbs and vegetables.

In addition to having use of the auditorium, the co-op will convert the first floor of the building into a grocery store, full of fresh, organic, local produce, and a homeopathic/herbal pharmacy. Customers will also find their “regular” grocery items—personal care, bulk foods, supplements, prepared foods—and even clothing. The second floor will be Vegan Treats converted into a café/bakery/deli/juice bar, offering homemade organic soups, salads, entrees, desserts, and “all around family cooking.” Another exciting feature of the co-op will be located on top of the building’s expansive, flat roof: a sustainable garden to grow their own herbs and vegetables. Right next door to the future co-op happens to be San Diego’s only alternative fuel station, which sells bio-diesel created from 100 percent recycled cooking oil and other recycled materials. Wallis and his team plan to offer hands-on workshops that allow participants to assist with the conversion of automobiles to run on clean-burning fuels. Also during these workshops, they will teach people how to produce bio-diesel and ethynol at home. The co-op creators are making progress, putting together menus and planning the store layout. But to get this great co-op completed, the project’s creators need your help! They have until October 13 to raise the necessary funds through With your help, construction of the vegan coop can take place and open in spring of 2013! To support the opening of San Diego Vegan Co-op, please visit http://www. and make a contribution. You can make a pledge to back this project for as little as $1.

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"Loving the Silent Tears": A New Musical Unites Humanity and Music Stars on One Stage by Melissa Bridges


ou know something thrilling is happening when a new Broadway-esque musical takes on a profound and uplifting theme like finding inner peace, and has gathered famous artists of Hollywood, Broadway, and all over the world to deliver it. “Loving the Silent Tears,” set for a red carpet premiere on October 27 at the well-known Oscars venue, the Shrine Jon Secada and Jody Watley star in Auditorium in Los Angeles, is inspired “Loving the Silent Tears” by the poetry book, “Silent Tears,” by Supreme Master Ching Hai, a worldrenowned spiritual teacher, humanitarian, poet, and artist.

Al Kasha, the two-time Academy Award-winning composer who created the musical, says, “It’s a different kind of musical because it deals with more [of] the inside. The Supreme Master has written poetry that really touches my heart, and it deals with the inner happiness that you could have in life.” “Loving the Silent Tears” will feature two-time Grammywinning pop star Jon Secada and Grammy-winning singer Jody Watley; Tony Supreme Master Ching Hai, the worldwinners Debbie Gravitte, Kiril renowned spiritual teacher, humanitarian, Kulish, and Michael Maguire; poet and artist, is the author of “Silent the poetry collection that inspired and Emmy winner and Tony Tears,” 2-time Oscar-winning composer Al Kasha nominee Liz Callaway. to create the musical based on its moving “Hopefully in this show, expression of humanity’s longing for inner anybody there is going to find a peace and lasting fulfillment. lot of places where they connect with everybody at the same time, and therefore have a better connection with themselves,” says Michael Maguire (from Broadway’s original “Les Misérables”). The cast expands to include talents of diverse ethnicities. From the West, cast members include Grammy-winning Jamaican reggae legends Black Uhuru, Italian tenor Mark Janicello, Irish soprano Katie McMahon, and award-winning Brazilian singer Fabiana Passoni. From the Middle and Far Eastern cultures come more stars, including Arab singer Camellia AbouOdah, Korean pop star Brian Joo, award-winning Israeli singer Liel Kolet, Korean R&B singer Heather Park, and Persian superstar Siavash Shams. All established singers in their own right (Ireland’s Katie McMahon was the lead vocalist of Riverdance, for instance), they are proud to represent their unique cultures—16 countries in all—while sharing not only the stage, but also positive ideals. Jody Watley says, “To be in an environment that will be magical and highquality and with that loving spirit, I think collectively it’s just great for the universe, and so, it’s a must-see event.” The lyrics are based on Supreme Master Ching Hai’s poems, which have been set to ethnically styled songs by an entire team, Mr. Kasha included, of celebrated composers: six-time Grammy winner and two-time Oscar nominee Jorge Calandrelli (“Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon”); Emmy winner Doug Katsaros (“Footloose”); two-time Grammy winner and Oscar nominee Henry Krieger (“Dreamgirls”); Tony and Emmy winner Don Pippin (“Oliver!”); Grammy winner Nan Schwartz (“Harry Potter”); and Oscar and two-time Grammy winner David Shire (“Saturday Night Fever”). One song sympathizes with the Buddha (“Hallo Buddha, why do you cry?” ). Another is a loving plea to a possibly Western God (“Oh Lord, it’s said that You are everywhere. / Why is it that in my house You never set foot?” ) East blends again with West in Supreme Master Ching Hai’s rich and humorous verses, especially in her titles of address for “the Inner Master”: “Some call the Master: Lord, the Father, Mother, the Godhead, the Origin of all things. Some call it the Way, others romantically describe Her as the beautiful Bride, the Beloved…


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As I walked back to my room, I realized that I didn’t so much lose my virginity that day. I’d “misplaced” it by not living up to Zorba’s example. Thankfully, though, he left me with a quote that allowed me to go forward into the world of women and love: “And as for women, you make fun of me that I love them. How can I not love them? They’re such poor, weak creatures. And they give you all they’ve got.”

Call Him, Her whatever name you like! Frankly, He wouldn’t mind the least. But no matter what it is, One cannot live without.” “As I delved into Supreme Master Ching Hai’s lyrics, I realized I was part of some large force of positive and goodness in the world.” says Ms. Schwartz. The musical’s world-class creative team is led by Tony nominee Vincent Paterson (Michael Jackson’s Bad and Madonna’s Blond Ambition tours), with choreography by Emmy Award-winning Bonnie Story (“High School Musical”), set design by Emmy-winner John Iacovelli (“Peter Pan”), and costume design by award-winning Sharell Martin (“Chicago”). This grand production is to celebrate the 19th anniversary of Supreme Master Ching Hai Day, honoring the humanitarian’s admirable efforts toward a more peaceful and caring world. A pre-show exhibit of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s elevating artwork will also be held at the venue. “If music and poetry can unite the world and the thoughts in here can unite the world and a number of the theories and beliefs from Supreme Master can unite the world, oh what a better place we’d have,” says one of the award-winning writers, Frank Evans. “But we’re not doing it with a heavy hand; we’re doing it as an entertainment…it’s great fun.” See the musical, Loving the Silent Tears, on Saturday, October 27, 2012 at 4 p.m. at the Shrine Auditorium, 665 West Jefferson Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90007. Also see the art exhibition before the show, at 2 p.m., and the red carpet arrivals at 3 p.m. Purchase tickets online at; by phone at 1.800.745.3000; or in person at The Grove’s Concierge, 188 The Grove Dr., Los Angeles, CA 90036. For more information, visit “The Best of Both Worlds” continued from page 6

to give those luxuries up. But if we are to believe in a sustaining world where all creatures are afforded the ability to live a high quality life defined by their own accord then the idea of progress must be reclaimed from the West. While Western notions have brought and will continue to bring advancements to the world in many ways, the destructive byproducts that have come as a result must also be critically examined as well. Honoring the ways of the East and meshing those principles with aspects of the West, when applicable and appropriate, might just be a recipe of actualized and lived prosperity that would benefit humankind the most in the now. While the West and the East are certainly opposed in their macro views of the world both have lessons to teach one another. As a caring species learning from the past to better understand life in the now will ultimately allow us to seek the best of both worlds for creating a future that serves all. Brennan Lagasse is a writer, teacher, and mountain guide living in Lake Tahoe, CA. Brennan can be reached at “Greek To Me” continued from page 9

act that day, it went so quickly. We finished, and in my most Zorba-like tone, I asked her if she would like to do it again. She looked at me as if to say, “‘Again’ implies that we’ve done it once—I wasn’t here for that.” By my body’s warp-speed count, we did it two more times, in less time than it takes a world-class sprinter to run 100 meters. By the time we were done, I was now channeling Zorba, full-on. But when I suggested that we get together again, I was met by a most pregnant silence. Without a word, Marianne informed me in no uncertain terms that there would be no sequel to what had just transpired.

Michael Raysses is a writer/NPR commentator who lives in Malibu, California. You can follow him on Facebook at Or e-mail him at “Peace Mother” continued from page 13

in them. [Peace Mother shares a pranama.] I can put that same sound into a mantra, or I can just sing some Native American words, for example, but I could also just hum, and the same vibration is there. Your question is, how do you bridge the two? You bridge the two with the understanding that it’s all one. You go directly to the oneness of it. What is the oneness? The oneness is the principle. What is the principle that we were just speaking of? Sacred sound, the healing power of sound. And what is the the principle beyond that? Love. That love is the answer. That when we do something with love, when we sing it with love, when we dance it with love, it moves energy and light. So, how do we bridge the two? We bridge it understanding that there is no such thing as this. Everything blends together. But can you blend it? Absolutely! Should you blend it? Absolutely! Why? Well, more so than ever, in the cycle that we’re living in, it’s time to expand the parameter. This limited reality we have going on of East and West—that’s not even going to be perceived in the future. It’s like the races. Look at how many children now that are from mixed marriages and mixed cultures. We have like a whole new race of people all around the world that is being created through intermarriage. In the old days—and today still, in some parts of the world— many people believed that races should not intermarry and cultures should not intermarry. But don’t we see that you can’t stop it from happening? You just can’t. They say that the rivers should not mix. Well, the river’s going to find its way. What will happen, will happen. What we can always do is be based in love. In compassion, in loving kindness. When we do that, you mix what you are moved to mix. And I teach that as long as you do it with love, it’s accepted by the earth and it’s accepted by the heavens. With tears flowing, they accept it with so much gratitude, so much great attitude. VM: What can one person do every day to help bring peace and balance to the world, no matter where they are? PM: Wherever life exists, there is always the light and there is the darkness. This is what happens on Mother Earth so that we can have the opportunity to stand up for the light. Therefore, all beings and all cultures and all nations, they have challenges. Every day, what we must do in our own way, whatever our preference is, stand up for the light. For example, right now there’s someone who’s going through a very intense cancer case that I’m working with, and they’re going through it just beautifully. And they are being reborn; they are a whole different person. They definitely emerged from it being stronger and seeing that it was perfect, that it was meant to be. Why? Because we removed all the dark energies of fear, for example, of programming, all the limited energies they took on when they were children and energies rooted in past lives. So, now this person is free of all that. All the possibilities are endless as to what beautiful things can happen for them. To learn more about the Sacred Peace Center and how you can get involved, please visit Contact them at and 619.370.2146.

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“Jeff Shipper” continued from page 23

90 percent of people agreed that the El Natural was better than the TempurPedic. Essentially, the only people that were still buying Tempur-Pedic were the people that were saying, “Jeff, you’re right, the natural latex is probably better, but I’ve been wanting Tempur-Pedic from the advertising. I just don’t think I’ll be happy with anything other than a Tempur-Pedic, so I’m going to go with the Tempur-Pedic.” But that was only 10 percent of the people. The other 90 percent say, “You’re right, the El Natural’s better in every way. I just bought one of those.” After we did that at least 20 times—and we still keep doing it— everybody agreed that the natural latex is better once they try it. What you want is a mattress that’s very, very springy and supportive, that comes in all different firmnesses so you can get it just the way you want it and it stays that way. The natural latex doesn’t lose its memory, so it’s a good thing it doesn’t have a memory, because the ones that have a memory actually lose their memory. There’s no reason to have a memory at all whatsoever. It’s just a gimmick. VM: With all your years in health, providing cutting-edge health products, and doing all the research you do, what do you consider to be one of the most profound health revolutions in the last decade? JS: As far as health goes, it’s all about diet, as far as I’m considered. I’ve just finished three years of nutrition school, going into my fourth year. Americans have the worst health in the entire world and they also eat the most junk food of any country in the world. For people that are sick and want to get better, the best thing they can do is buy organic vegetables and make juice, because organic vegetable juice has vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. Everything you need is in the vegetables in just the right proportions. [There are] hundreds, if not thousands, of people being cured of their cancer by [drinking] fresh, raw, organic vegetable juice. And that’s another thing we sell; we sell a good selection of vegetable juicers and

blenders. I sell a vegetable juicer that nobody else even has, for $3,250. And that’s a shredder that shreds everything up into a pulp, that’s unbelievable strong and heavy. Then it goes into a hydraulic press, and this hydraulic press puts 4 tons of pressure on that pulp, and it extracts all the nutrients out of it. When people use a blender (let’s say they put vegetables into a blender), most of the vitamins, minerals, and enzymes stay in the vegetable fiber and go through the body undigested. When people cook their vegetables, that’s a lot better. Now you’re softening up the vegetables so your body can actually assimilate a lot out of them. Then you go to a regular juicer, and those are quite good. Now you’re extracting quite a bit of stuff out from the fiber. And you go to a hydraulic juicer that uses hydraulic pressure, and that increases it by five times from a regular juicer. So, when you eat a salad, you actually don’t get that much out of it because it just goes through it as fiber. When you use a hydraulic juicer, you get a tremendous amount of nutrition out of that by maybe 15 or 20 times more than by eating raw vegetables and chewing them up. It really dramatically increases your nutrient value. I’ve met dozens of people who were cured from cancer just by doing vegetable juicing and changing their diet to a good diet. To reach Jeff Shipper, please call 858.270.7532 (or toll-free at 888.558.4825) or visit Store hours are Monday through Saturday, 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. “Steve Sadlier continued from page 25

of planting an acorn here and there, trees started popping up everywhere. Over the course of his lifetime, he ended up planting a whole forest. So, the way I go about it is, I’ve got my radio show, I go to all these conferences and I speak, I keep writing these books, I keep leading meditations. I just do whatever I can every day. Over the last 10 years, I’ve reached tens of thousands of people, if not hundreds of thousands of people. Now I’m trying to teach others. I’ve got a teacher training program. I’m training, I think, 40 other people, and they’re in other countries and other states. Hopefully some of the people that they’re teaching will, in turn, want to become teachers. Little by little, I think we’re going to grow a forest of awareness. More and more people are going to read Vision Magazine, even if they’re just going to get a green drink at a stand. They see a picture on the cover and they ask, “What’s this? Oh, it’s one of those kooky spiritual magazines.” But they start reading an article. And all of a sudden they go, “Hmm, there’s something to this.” That’s what I mean by the acorn plant. All of a sudden something gets triggered in their consciousness. That seed will germinate in their mind and they’ll think about it: “I think I’ve heard that before somewhere. That’s right, it was in that article in the magazine.” And all of a sudden it starts to become more real, taking root in their subconscious. The forest of awareness grows. Steven S. Sadleir is Director of the Self Awareness Institute, which was founded in 1985 at the suggestion of his guru, Yogiraj Vethathiri Maharishi, and has since grown to thousands in over 120 countries. He is a recognized Kundalini Master and Siddha Yogi as well as a best-selling author and the host of Enlightenment Radio. The Self Awareness Institute is located at 668 N. Coast Hwy. #417, Laguna Beach, CA 92651. For more information, call 949.355.3249, e-mail info@, or visit


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“Ibis Kaba” continued from page 27

years I’ve been with the company as the executive director is the healing that goes on. My background is in television. I worked for HBO Television and Time Warner for 20 years. I was vice-president of HBO and vice-president of Time Warner Communications. But when I started working with Ron [Oyer] and started going into this field [with Life Journeys], it transformed me. And I know that the participants that go on these events [are also transformed]. To read the letters and the e-mails and hear the phone calls is very rewarding. And the fact that these participants keep going with us on more than one trip, sometimes within a year, is so great. These trips are truly life-changing. But the most amazing thing that I’ve discovered in these events is the healing that goes on and how when someone is in pain, it’s like one person is in pain and 180 people are there for them. That has always amazed me. And now with Wayne [Dyer], we are going to Europe. I leave for Europe for a trip entitled, “In the Wake of Our Spiritual Ancestors.” This is going to be a cruise. It’s 11 days and we’re going out of Rome to Turkey, the Greek isles, Naples, the Amalfi Coast. I’ve got Wayne speaking in Ephesus, one of the biggest, most well-known and impressive ruins in the world. And I have him speaking at the Odeon Theater where Cleopatra and Mark Antony sat and listened. We will be filming this entire event as well. VM: I noticed you had, also in October, Debbie Ford and “The Courage Cruise.” IK: We do. Debbie has been our client for many years, and a friend. These people are not just our clients; they’re personal friends. Actually, it [The Courage Cruise] is the week right after Wayne. I mean, we’re in Europe a month. It’s one right after the other. She’s going to be doing practically the same itinerary. And then in November, we have James Van Praagh in Holland. We’ve leased the entire Beach Palace Resort in Cancun, for Abraham-Hicks, for two weeks. And that’s about 1200 participants in 10 days, and we have the entire resort to ourselves. We really are staging an event when you have the whole deal to yourself. It’s just like when we charted three ships with Hay House for the “I Can Do It! At Sea.” You’re talking about 2,200–2,300 people on a cruise ship that belongs

to you for seven days. There were cocktail parties and people were dancing, and the shows, and they had eight keynote speakers. You were constantly getting all these messages from the best-selling authors around the world in selfhelp and metaphysical awareness. So, back to your East vs. West theme. When I think of the East, I think of the Caribbean; I think of a riverboat cruise down the Seine; I think about Europe, which we’ve been to many times Cheryl Richardson and Ibis Kaba with many different clients and organizations, as well as the West. They offer different things to different people. The West is the South Pacific, Australia (Sydney, Melbourne), and Auckland, New Zealand. It’s a different energy. Tahiti is a beautiful, different energy. And then you have Europe, which is more ancient. There is a whole different empowerment in Europe. Whether you’re going into a castle or you’re going into a divine space occupied by divine energy, there’s a whole different field. At the end of the day, our events balance that and fun, where people can also experience the wonders of the world. Some bring their family, some bring their children. It’s educational, but at the same time, it’s fun. At night, there is dancing. They’re meeting new people that have the same interests. It’s people “Ibis Kaba” continued from page 46

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Calendar OF EVENTS

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‘Star’ Continues to Appear Worldwide for MAITREYA the WORLD TEACHER

Huntington Beach, CA, Jan. 2012

Introductory Presentations 3pm 1st Sunday of month Controversial Bookstore 3063 University Ave - SD 6:30pm 2nd Thurs of month Philosophical Library 2091 E. Valley Parkway #D Escondido SD Cable Public Access Channel Time Warner Saturday 5:30pm Visit our booth at local street fairs Serve Humanity through Transmission Meditation 9:30am Sun, 7pm Tues & 8pm Fri in San Diego (619) 223-6703 For LA/SF info about events & Transmission Meditation groups in other cities: LA: (818) 785-6300 SF:


CERTIFIED CLINICAL MASTER AROMATHERAPY (CCMA) ™ – Learn self-help, plus enhancing professional practice. Taught by world renowned Aromatherapy instructor. NHI had the 1st State Certified Aromatherapy program in U.S. 6:30 pm. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485. October 3, Wednesday JANICE STRANGER, author of The Perfect Formula Diet, will be discussing widespread myths that keep you from enjoying the benefits of a whole foods, plant-based diet. 7pm @ Evolution Fast Foods. 619-550-1818. October 5, Friday FREE SCREENING of the film Vegucated Part sociological experiment and part adventure comedy, Vegucated follows three meat- and cheese-loving New Yorkers who agree to adopt a vegan diet for six weeks. 7pm @ Evolution Fast Foods 2965 5th Ave. (corner of Quince). October 6, Saturday 3rd ANNUAL ICE CREAM SOCIAL @ Evolution Fast Foods @ 7pm. ‘Homemade Vegan Soft Serve, Reg. & Raw Banana Splits, Reg. & Raw Sundaes, Fantastic Veggie Burgers and more! Featuring Local Hip-Hop Group The Brothers Burns & J. Phatts performing at 7pm opening for Prince Habib @ 7:30pm. 619-550-1818.

your love life and work relationship. Discover new ways to understanding our behaviour.Oct. 10, 7pm-9pm. The Gateway, 2511 S. Barrington Ave. West. LA 90064 October 12th Friday “T R E” TRAUMA RELEASING EXERCISES FREE INTRO CLASS ~ 7:00 - 9:00 pm A profound yet gentle technique of releasing physical and emotional tension from the Psoas taught by expert facilitator Maria Alfaro ~ Bambulah Yoga Studio 38 Washington Blvd, Marina del Rey, 90292 1 day Experiential Workshop Oct/13 , 3 day Level One Training, Nov 9/10/11 October 13th Saturday “T R E” TRAUMA RELEASING EXERCISES ~ 1 day Experiential Workshop $125.00 ~ 10:00 am - 5:30 pm A profound yet gentle technique of releasing physical and emotional tension from the Psoas taught by expert facilitator Maria Alfaro ~ Bambulah Yoga Studio 38 Washington Blvd, Marina del Rey, 90292 ~ 3 day Level One Training, Nov 9/10/11 Oct. 14 Tuesday

Oct. 17 Wednesday EXPLORE THE NEW FREQUENCIES of Healing presented by: Eric Pearl Venue: Awakenings Center for Conscious Living - 25260 La Paz Rd. Suite D Laguna Hills, Ca 92653 949-457-0797 7:30 pm - $20 in advance/$25 at the door Local Contact: Cecilia Samms 1-323-960-0012 Find out what’s baffling the medical community. Discover why hospitals and universities around the world are investing time and money in an attempt to explain these healings, and how you, too, can master this extraordinary work! Eric will discuss his remarkable story and give live demonstrations of the healings on audience volunteers. Oct. 20 Saturday SALLY ZITO AND HER BAND in concert Saturday, October 20, 2012 at 7:00pm 
Tickets $20.00 each. Teaching of the Inner Christ., 1114 No. 2nd St., El Cajon, CA 619-447-7007 Oct. 21 Sunday FEEL GOOD! DAY RETREAT combines powerful group Life Coaching, heartcentered Yoga and relaxing Meditation at historic Old Mission, Oceanside. 9:30am4pm. More info: www.BardoCoaching. com/events . (949) 444-3399

HARMONY GROVE Psychic Fair Days 1st Saturday of every month Mediums & Psychic Readers, Vendor Booths, Food, Services & More www., 10 am - 4 pm 760-745-9176

OCTOBER 26-28 Fri-Sun AKASHIC RECORDS PRACTITIONER TRAINING with Barbara Schiffman, ARCT. Deepen your Soul-connection to the Akashic Field in 2012. Learn to read the Akashic Records for yourself and others. Includes Past Life healing tools and certification via Linda Howe’s Center for Akashic Studies. $325, LA location. Pre-Registration: 818-415-3479, www., AkashicLA@gmail. com

Oct. 9-20 Tues.-Sat. DEBBIE FORD AND LIFE JOURNEYS “The Courage Cruise: Experiencing your Holiness” Mediterranean Cruise Event Call 888-259-9191 x 1201 toni@ www.lifejourneys. net/DebbieFord/TheCourageCruise/ index.html October 10 Wednesday Personality & Blood Type workshop & book signing, Wendy Watson, C.Ht. Knowledge of blood type can transform

Journey Bookstore 1319 Abbott Kinney Boulevard Venice California 90291 United States 1-310-399-7070 7:00 p.m. Local Contact: Cecilia Samms 1-323-960 0012

Oct. 16 Tuesday THE RECONNECTION: Heal Others, Heal Yourself, Heal Your Family Presented by: Eric Pearl Venue: Mystic

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November 3-10 Sat. to Sat. JAMES VAN PRAAGH/JOHN HOLLAND/ LIFE JOURNEYS “Spirit Connections – Communicating with the Other Side” Caribbean Cruise Call 888-259-9191 x1201 www. EasternCarib2012/index.html Nov. 3 Sat. HARMONY GROVE PSYCHIC FAIR DAYS 1st Saturday of every month Mediums & Psychic Readers, Vendor Booths, Food, Services & Morewww., 10 am - 4 pm 760-745-9176 November 3-10 Sat.-Sat. November 9,10,11 Fri.-Sun. “T R E” TRAUMA RELEASING EXERCISES ~ 3 day Level One Training Weekend $485.00 ~ 9:30am - 5:30pm each day A profound yet gentle technique of releasing physical and emotional tension from the Psoas taught by expert facilitator Maria Alfaro ~ Private Santa Monica Mountain Sanctuary ~ www. November 9-11 Fri.-Sat. HARMONY GROVE SPIRITUALIST Fall Institute Training Classes Nov 9th - Nov 11th, Offering credited & non-credited classes in Healing, Mediumship, Ministry, & other Spiritual topics. Schedule of classes online: www. classes.html or call on weekends for info. 760-745-9176 Nov. 10 Saturday ONE WORLD ONE PEOPLE Global Outreach Concert featuring music from around the world One Heart One Mind, 11211 Sorrento Valley Rd., Ste G San Diego, CA 92121, $20 858-232-0260 7:00pm


Dec.1- Saturday HARMONY GROVES Psychic Fair Days 1st Saturday of every month Mediums & Psychic Readers, Vendor Booths, Food, Services &, 10 am - 4 pm 760-7459176

Dec. 12, 2012 Celebrate 12-12-12 Joshua Tree with Isabella Stoloff~Shaman & Deborah Shea~Channel. 12/12-12/15 Retreat $848.00 Lodging, meals, ceremonies or Dec. 12-18, Tues.=Sat. 2012 WHERE ARE YOU GOING TO BE ON DEC. 21? How about Vilcabamba, Ecuador for the retreat of a lifetime Call 1-604-8001319


JOIN DR. DOREEN VIRTUE Angel Intuitive at Sea – an AI Certification Course South Pacific Cruise Event Call 888-259-9191 x1258 snorth@ www.lifejourneys. net/HayHouse/Australia_2013/index.html GREGG BRADEN/ BRUCE LIPTON Fractal Evolution: Nature’s Roadmap Life, Love and a Beautiful New World South Pacific Cruise Call 888-259-9191 x1258 snorth@ www.lifejourneys. net/HayHouse/Australia_2013/Braden_ Lipton/index.html

APRIL 2013

April 15 -20 Mon.-Sat. ABRAHAM-HICKS AND LIFE JOURNEYS The Vortex of Attraction Cancun Resort Event Cancun’s Beach Palace AllInclusive resort Call 888-259-9191 x1201 BeachPalaceResort_2013/week2.html


EXPERIENCE THE SEVEN SPIRITUAL LAWS OF SUCESS AT A MUCH DEEPER LEVEL. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success Transformation Circles Adopted from the best-selling book by famed author, Deepak Chopra. These workshops will help you connect with you life at a much deeper level. With the practice of these laws you will be able to create affluence and abundance for yourself and others, have better relationships,and live the life you love. Our Day of Transformation also includes discounted Spa Day passes for $30 at the luxious La Costa Spa. after 3:PM. Also all attendees will receive a 15% discount at the Chopra Center store the day of the workshop except for jewelry. Tuition is $25 with advance registration and $30 at the door, and incluces the book “The Seven Spiritual Laws of

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Calendar continued Success by Deepak Chopra” and the Transformation Circles Companion Guide. For more information and to register for this fun and informative workshop and Day of Transformation please visit www. The Law of Least Effort - October 14th - Use energy creatively, do less and accomplish more. The Law of Intention and Desire November 11th - Harness the power of intention to fofill your dreams and desires The Law of Detachment- December 16th Access the creative force of the Universe through intention, surrender, and present moment awareness. Reach






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FREE PSYCHIC READINGS every FIRST Monday 7:30p.m. by students in Vessa’s INTUITIVE INSIGHTS Clairvoyant Program, 4455 Morena Blvd. #108, 858.509.7582 www.MyIntuition. Net Mondays June 4, July 2, August 6, September 3, October 1, November 5, December 3. $8 BEGINNERS YOGA CLASSES Monday @ 6:00p.m. Tuesday @ 5:30 p.m. 2333 Camino del Rio South #240 92108 619.917.0998.

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Jonas Joedicke

v i s i o n a r y

a r t i s t

Jonas Joedicke, also known as “sanguisGelidus,” is an 18-year-old fantasy artist from Berlin, Germany. Ever since he can remember, fantastical creatures and terrifying monsters fascinated him and caught his attention. When Jonas was only 2 years old, art was already one of the things that he spent the most time on. As he never attended any art schools or classes, his artistic skills are solely self-taught. When he was 15 years old, he discovered the seemingly limitless possibilities of digital art. Since then, his graphic tablet and Photoshop have been his preferred tools of creation, though he still also draws and paints in the traditional way, mostly using watercolors or pencils. His favorite genre of art is still fantasy and surrealism, but he always tries to combine it with realistic elements and give it a more believable feel. Jonas also aims for conveying messages within his pictures that make the viewer think about topics such as the environment, our connection to nature, divinity, friendship, or human emotions. To view his art, visit his Web site,

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“Ibis Kaba” continued from page 41

of like minds and hearts getting together and sharing a journey, a journey of their life, which is kind of where the inspiration of Life Journeys comes from. VM: If there is one thing, or one teaching, or a loved one, what gives you the inspiration to live a full life? IK: I think that, really, my parents are my biggest inspiration. I’m here and I’m blessed to be in From left: Brian Hillard, Ibis Kaba the company of such wonderful and Arielle Ford teachers, that I’ve had the honor of producing their events and working along with them and knowing them as people. I am very grateful for that. And I’ve listened and learned along the way with everybody else. But at the end of the day, my greatest foundation and my greatest core, in terms of my values and how I look at life and my life lessons, still comes from my mother and father. My dad is 88 and my mom is 86, and they live with me and I take care of them at home. They tire me out! My mother will be say, “I want a mojito.” And I will laugh and say, “Okay.” She loves to party, they love to dance, and they really enjoy their life. They have taught me many valuable lessons. Ibis Kaba offers such great adventures to so many people. Her enthusiasm for life and learning are part of her charm.


Ibis Kaba has been in client relations, production, and marketing for over 25 years. Volunteering her time to raise millions of dollars for HIV/AIDS research, Ibis devoted seven years as Executive Producer for “The Black Tie Dinner.” This prestigious event continues to be the most attended dinner in the United States. Ibis joined Life Journeys in 2004 and became Executive Director of the company in 2007. She is a world traveler, speaks three languages, and loves to sing jazz. To learn more about Life Journeys, visit

The Mediterranean


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