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7 Excellent Reasons to Advertise 1. ADVERTISING WILL GROW YOUR BUSINESS Magazine Advertising Sells – and it delivers results consistently. Studies show that magazines are the strongest driver of purchase intent, and they actually boost the effectiveness of other media. What’s more, magazines that also are online with links to your website are nearly twice as effective. Visit Black Houston magazine is also available online, each month with links to your site at no extra cost.
2. AFFORDABILITY Visit Black Houston magazine is committed to your success! In addition to print advertising, we offer advertising packages for every budget, and our staff will create a marketing plan with you that works. Whether you are a new business or need to reestablish your business in the marketplace, be assured that no matter how small or large your business is, we have plans that are tailored to meet your needs.
3. DISTRIBUTION Visit Black Houston magazine is a great place to get your ad noticed, as our magazines are distributed free monthly in coffee shops, waiting rooms, clinics, grocery stores, colleges, barber shops, beauty salons, restaurants, and many other locations throughout the Houston area. Plus, Visit Black Houston distributes your print advertisement and listings globally, with a clickable link from your ad to your website.
4. YOUR AD WILL STAND OUT Who stands to sell more tacos and make more money: the taco truck parked downtown amidst a sea of food trucks, or the taco truck that is parked five miles outside of town on the side of the highway surrounded by nothing but hungry travelers? So many advertisers have fallen for the myth that print is dead. Many have migrated their marketing budgets online where they vie for consumer attention in a sea of other digital ads. This is great news because it means your local magazine ad has far less competition and will stand out from the crowd.
5. PEOPLE DON’T FEAR PRINT ADS The Internet is full of cybercriminals who use viruses as an attempt to gain access to consumer’s private information. Because of the proliferation of these malware viruses, web surfers have become very wary of clicking on banner ads, even if those ads are enticing. But consumers have nothing to fear by reading your print ad, and this makes them more open to receiving your message.
6. CUSTOMERS MUST BE AWARE (A) Before people will purchase a brand, they must prefer it. (B) Before people will prefer a brand, they must be interested enough in it to put it on their shopping lists and explore it further. (C) Before people will be interested in a brand, they must be aware of it
7. MEMORABLE Stand for values above and beyond the product or service itself while combining powerful, meaningful, inspirational messages delivered in a way to touch your audience.
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Home delivery of Visit Black Houston is available for $60 annual. Please call 832.707.5057 for more information
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Full Page Ads get the most attention. The recognition you gain could take you to another level. Call for more details.
The rebellious 1960s musical Hair left a lasting imprint on theater and society. Dallas hair braider and reformer Isis Brantley is determined to expand her own hair imprint — one she already made on deregulating natural hair braiding in Texas. She plans to take her celebrated court victory across the nation, beginning with a September rally in Dallas that will precede a multiracial national braiders' March on Washington next year. Through the national march, the Dallas native aims to help braiders in states where they still are forced to comply with heavy regulations not related to their craft. Brantley says only nine states do not have these restrictions. "This is our new civil rights movement," Brantley said. "The battle is far from over." Brantley, known professionally as Isis, won a 20-year battle against the state of Texas in January 2015 that inspired her national crusade. A federal judge finally deemed it unconstitutional for the state to force her to comply with arbitrary, expensive, timeconsuming laws that regulate barbers and barber colleges. The judge ruled that those overwhelming regulations have nothing to do with natural hair braiding, which is usually done by small independent businesses. Braiders say their skill is a cultural art form that uses no chemicals, dyes, sprays or cutting utensils that could harm the person, hair or environment and is not a threat to consumer safety. Brantley's case became national news in 1997 after the mother of five was arrested and handcuffed in her Dallas hair salon and hauled off to jail for practicing braiding without a cosmetology license. Braiding was a custom and independent service she began as a teenager and provided for more than 30 years while teaching her methods to others who wanted to learn. To learn more, potential sponsors, vendors and the public should call 214-329-3820 or visit www.naturallyisis.com andwww.BraidOn.org.
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Full Page Ads get the most attention. The recognition you gain could take you to another level. Call for more details.
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Measuring the Success of an Ad How do I measure response to my ad? 1. Track the total number of responses/inquiries you get from each ad. 2. Track the number of sales you get from each ad. If you would like a BETTER response to your ad, here are some ways to get it: 1. Put your special offer in the headline. Remember...it's read about four or five times more often than body copy! 2. Offer something free in your ad, like a free book, instruction manual, or product sample. (Recent ad tests indicate that something given away free as a premium gets better response than a discount offer.) 3. Show a picture of the item you plan to offer free. 4. Make the offer look more like a news article than a standard ad. 5. Include testimonials -- comments from satisfied customers -- in the ad. (Of course, get their permission first!) What should I do if I get no response to my ad? If you get no response, it could be because (1) the ad was positioned where hardly anyone saw it, (2) the offer did not appeal, or (3) a competitor made a similar -- or better -- offer in the same publication, and the reader saw it first, or (4) the publication does not reach a large segment of your primary prospects. Talk to your sales rep! Maybe he/she can offer some ideas. Can I request my money back if I receive no response to an ad? First, ask yourself: "Is the offer in my ad strong enough? Is the headline exciting? Does the body copy and/or coupon reward immediate action?" Next, tell your sales rep if you're disappointed. Perhaps he/she can offer you some other positions in the publication, or give you more inquiryproducing ideas. Should I have tested my ad? Yes. The easiest way is by asking friends and/or co-workers to compare it with your prior ads. Next, ask those same comparisons from your regular customers. (You might offer them some sort of free gift for critiquing your new ad.) Finally, prior to "rolling out" your ad to a large audience, you might test it with a smaller group first. How do I pre-test my ad? Here's one simple, no-cost way. Display your new ad on a page right next to similar-sized competitors' ads...or even some of your own previous ads. Then, ask a few customers or family members which ad they noticed first...and why.
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