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Finance Highlights
The Elizabeth City-Pasquotank County Tourism Development Authority (TDA), doing business as Visit Elizabeth City, is funded by a six-percent occupancy tax on lodging; meaning each time a visitor spends the night in a hotel, motel, or bed and breakfast, a portion of those taxes are allocated to the TDA.
A portion of these taxes are set aside each year for the City and County to spend on tourism-related projects in the community at their discretion. In 2021 we saw funding from a few additional nonoccupancy tax sources (see chart for details). The remainder is used by the Visit Elizabeth City staff to develop and manage programs, marketing and media buys, destination development and more.
As part of our effort to ensure financial transparency, the Board reviews finance statements monthly, and annually we are audited by a third-party firm authorized to audit North Carolina Local Government groups. All finance documents are available for review once adopted by the Board.