Sunday 15th 3.00pm - 7.00pm
Thursday 19th 9.30am - 12.00pm
Saturday 21st 4.00pm - 7.30pm (school students' edition)
Sunday 22nd 3.00pm - 7.00pm
Wednesday 25th 4.00pm - 7.00pm
Thursday 26th 2.30pm - 7.00pm
Friday 27th 4.00pm - 7.00pm
Saturday 28th 4.00pm - 7.00pm
Sunday 29th 3.00pm - 7.00pm


Wednesday 1st 3.00pm - 7.00pm
Sunday 5th 2.30pm - 7.00pm (Adoration of the Magi)

Milied f’Għawdex 2024
Il-Milied hu perjodu fejn iġib miegħu għaġna ta’ bosta elementi. Hu żmien ta’ ferħ, għaqda u altruwiżmu. Huwa fażi fil-kalendarju li fiha forsi niċċelebraw ftit aktar mis-soltu l-kisbiet li nkunu għamilna matul is-sena filwaqt li nħarsu lejn is-sena l-ġdida b’xi ftit aktar ottimiżmu.
Għal uħud, hu perjodu kkaraterizzat minn konsum sfrenat, li qed iwassal biex jintilef is-sinjifikat vera assoċjat ma’ dan ilperjodu ferrieħi tas-sena. Il-perjodu festiv qed jirkeb fuq il-valur il-għala, għal aktar minn 2000 sena, l-umanità ċċelebrat din il-festa, fejn fiha tfakkar l-akbar rigal li ta Alla lill-bniedem, meta sellef lil Ibnu stess biex isalvana.
Nemmen li bħala poplu, minkejja d-diffikultajiet li nesperjenzaw u l-influwenza li kontinwament qed tiġi mponuta fuqna, għadna niċċelebraw il-Milied fil-vera sinjifikat tiegħu. L-impenn talMinisteru għal Għawdex u l-Ippjanar f’dan ir-rigward hu rifless f’dan kollu, fejn għalkemm jiġu mħejjija bosta attivitajiet, il-qofol aħħari f’dak kollu li nippreżentawlkom jibqa’ dak li nfakkru din l-akbar ġrajja tal-umanità – it-twelid ta’ Sidna Ġesù Kristu.
Il-programm b’rabta ma’ dawn il-festi jimmarka t-tmiem ta’ sena impenjattiva, però hu wkoll il-bidu ta’ sena oħra ta’ ħidma fil-qasam kulturali iżda mhux biss. Il-kalendarju kulturali vast qed kull ma jmur jiġi apprezzat u mfaħħar minn kulħadd iżda l-impenn tagħna jibqa’ wieħed – li nkomplu nwasslulkom aktar attivitajiet ta’ kwalità li issa saru tant imfittxija u sinonimi ma’ Għawdex tagħna.
Nieħu l-okkażjoni biex f’ismi u f’isem il-familja tiegħi, nixtiqielkom Milied hieni u sena ġdida mimlija saħħa u paċi.
Clint Camilleri
Ministru għal Għawdex u l-Ippjanar
Christmas in Gozo 2024
As we gather to commemorate the joyous season of Christmas, let us reflect on the unique blend of emotions and experiences it brings. It is a time for rejoicing, a moment to strengthen our bonds of unity, and an opportunity to express our generosity towards those in need. As we celebrate the achievements of the past year, let us look ahead with renewed hope and determination.
Let us remember that the true spirit of Christmas extends far beyond the glitz and glamour that often surrounds it. For over two millennia, humanity has commemorated this sacred occasion, a time to reflect upon the profound gift bestowed upon us by God – His Son, Jesus Christ, sent to redeem us all. Let us strive to rediscover the simplicity and humility that lie at the heart of this holy celebration, and to embrace the message of hope and salvation that it brings to the world.
As Maltese and Gozitans, despite the challenges we face and the constant pressures of a changing world, we continue to celebrate Christmas in its true meaning. The commitment of the Ministry for Gozo and Planning in this regard is evident, as numerous activities are prepared. Yet, at the heart of everything we present remains our celebration of the greatest event in human history, the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
This year’s festive programme brings a close to a busy year and opens the door to another new year filled with work and dedication, particularly in the cultural sphere. Our ever-growing cultural calendar is increasingly cherished by everyone, yet our commitment remains steadfast: to continue delivering quality events that have become emblematic of our beloved Gozo.
On behalf of myself and my family, I extend our heartfelt wishes for a joyful Christmas and a New Year filled with health and prosperity.
Clint Camilleri Minister for Gozo and Planning

Christmas MAGIC

01 - O6

Swejjaq tal-Milied
12:00 - 17:00
San Lawrenz Square, San Lawrenz

Swejjaq tal-Milied fejn wieħed isib bankarelli bl-ikel u xorb, pasturi u dekorazzjonijiet kif ukoll animaturi għattfal, mużika minn Ta’ Ċiangura Folk Group, dimostrazzjoni ta’ kif isir il-qagħaq talgħasel u logħob għat-tfal.
San Lawrenz will inaugurate its Christmas festivities with Swejjaq, a charming Christmas market featuring artisans crafting cribs and other seasonal treasures, complemented by lively street performers. Visitors can savour traditional Christmas fare, adding to the festive atmosphere, while performances by the Ta’ Ċiangura Folk Group enhance the evening. A traditional honey ring-making workshop and fun games for children will also be part of the event. The highlight of the evening will be the grand inauguration of the village’s festive decorations.
“Gej Żmien ta’...”
Gozo College Rabat Primary School, Victoria
Harp and Wind Trio
Il-Ħaġar Museum & Cultural Centre, St George’s Square, Victoria
Christmas in the Square 2024
FRIDAY 06 & SATURDAY 07/19:00
SUNDAY 08/09:00 TILL 20:00
St John the Baptist Square, Ix-Xewkija

Il-Gozo College Arts Cradle jippreżenta
“Ġej Żmien ta’ ... prestazzjoni li se tittella’ għall-ewwel darba. Din is-serata tiftaħ l-attivitajiet tal-Milied fi ħdan l-iskejjel kollha tal-Kulleġġ t’Għawdex. Se tinkludi prestazzjoni ta’ arti performattiva fejn ilprotagonisti huma t-tfal fi ħdan il-Kulleġġ t’Għawdex.
The Gozo College Arts Cradle proudly presents “Ġej Żmien ta’...” a premiere performance. Raising the curtain for all Christmas activities in schools, this narrative includes all the performing arts showcasing students from all Gozo College State Schools.

Kunċert ta’ mużika mir-repertorji ta’ Elizabeth Poston, Howard Blake, Claude Debussy, Cheryl Frances Hoad, John Williams, u Christopher Beck. Dħul b’xejn. Irriserva post fuq events@heartofgozo. org.mt.
The trio will perform a concert featuring Trios for Flute, Clarinet, and Harp by Elizabeth Poston and Howard Blake, along with works by Claude Debussy, Cheryl Frances-Hoad, John Williams, and Christopher Beck. Reservations are recommended by emailing events@ heartofgozo.org.mt.

Selezzjoni ta’ attivitajiet fosthom gruppi mużikali, korijiet, kunċert tal-Milied millBanda Prekursur u ħafna oħrajn. Wieħed jista’ jsib ukoll bankarelli b’ikel tradizzjonali u tiżjin relatati ma’ dan iż-żmien.
This event will feature a diverse lineup of live music, including performances by local music groups, choirs, and a Christmas concert by the Prekursur Band, among others. Alongside the musical festivities, guests can indulge in traditional food and admire festive decorations.
Festa Tfal Immakulata Kuncizzjoni .
St Kerrew Square, Chapel of the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady, Il-Qala

Marċ li jitlaq minn Triq il-Kunċizzjoni, organizzat mill-Għaqda Briju San Ġużepp, bis-sehem tal-banda Ite Ad Joseph u tat-tfal li se jerfgħu statwa żgħira talpatruna tal-post.
A march organised by Għaqda Briju San Ġużepp will feature the Ite Ad Joseph Band, commencing from Conception Street. Local children will participate by carrying a small statue of the Immaculate Conception.
Stuffed Animal Chrismassy Sleepover
10:00 - 12:30
Gozo Central Public Library, St Francis Square, Victoria

Tfal ta’ etajiet bejn 4 u 9 snin, flimkien mas-soft toy/ġugarell favorit tagħhom, jistgħu jżuru l-librerija. Dakinhar is-soft toys issirilhom il-card personalizzata ta’ sħubija mal-librerija. It-tfal flimkien mal-ġugarelli jingħaqdu mal-librara u jisimgħu storja sabiħa u wara jagħmlu krafs bit-tema tal-Milied. Qabel ma jitilqu t-tfal iħallu s-soft toy/ġugarell mal-librara biex iqattgħu l-lejl fil-librerija. L-għada t-tfal jistgħu jiġbruhom lura.
Biex tirriservaw post agħmlu kuntatt fuq: events.library@gov.mt.
Children aged betweeen 4–9 are invited to bring their favourite soft toy for a magical sleepover at The Gozo Central Public Library! On this day, the librarians will enroll the toys as honourary library members and issue personalised library cards for them! Children are welcome to stay for Reading Sessions and a fun Christmas Craft Activity. After the event, the soft toys will stay behind for an adventurous night at the library! The following day, participants can return to the library to collect their stuffed animals and receive a special surprise gift!
Sign up now by emailing events.library@ gov.mt.
to the World!
Il-Ħaġar Museum & Cultural Centre, St George’s Square, Victoria

Christmas in the New Square

St Margaret Square, Ta’ Sannat


Kunċert ta’ mużika tal-Milied minn studenti tal-iskola tal-Arti VPA.
A Christmas concert featuring students from the VPA School, who will spread holiday cheer by performing a delightful selection of Christmas medleys.
Avveniment li jilqa’ lill-pubbliku b’korijiet lokali jkantaw għanjiet festivi, bands jallegraw b’mużika ferriħija, kif ukoll żeffiena u animaturi joffru spettaklu bittalenti tagħhom. Minbarra dan wieħed jista’ jsib bankarelli bi krafts magħmulin bl-idejn kif ukoll ikel u xorb.
An event open to the general public with local choirs singing festive carols, live bands filling the air with joyful music, and captivating dancers and performers showcasing their talents. One can explore charming Christmas stalls offering handmade crafts and delicious seasonal treats.
Il-Milied fin-Nadur: The Launch
St Peter & St Paul Square, In-Nadur

Il-ftuħ uffiċjali tal-Milied fin-Nadur se jkun jikkonsisti minn programm ta’ kant u għanjiet tal-Milied, inawgurazzjoni talpresepji minn presepisti Nadurin, ftuħ tad-Dar ta’ Santa Klaws u se jiġi servut mulled wine b’xejn. Waqt din l-attività se jinxtegħlu wkoll id-dekorazzjonijiet u s-Siġra tal-Milied.
The official launch of Christmas in Nadur will feature the lighting of street decorations and the Christmas Tree, along with live Christmas carols and free mulled wine. The event will also include the inauguration of cribs by local crib-makers and the opening of Santa’s House.
It’s Beginning to Look Like a Junior Youth Christmas (2nd edition)
Oratory Don Bosco, Victoria

Tletin membru minn The Gozo Junior Wind Band & Orchestra se jingħaqdu malGozo Youth Orchestra sabiex jesibixxu t-talenti mużikali tagħhom u jwittu t-triq għaż-żminijiet tal-Milied permezz ta’ repertorju vast adattat għal dan iż-żmien festiv. Dħul b’xejn.
Thirty members of The Gozo Junior Wind Band & Orchestra will perform alongside the Gozo Youth Orchestra to showcase their musical talents, celebrating the Christmas season with a wide array of popular festive arrangements. Admission is free.
Tota Pulchra
19:30 – 20:30
St Augustine Church, Victoria

Kunċert mużikali mill-Kunsill tal-Kultura fl-okkażjoni tal-Festa tal-Immakulata
Kunċizzjoni li jinkludi l-parteċipazzjoni
tal-Kor Regina Angelorum u Kor Santa Marija, taħt id-direzzjoni ta’ Mro Franco Cefai u s-Sinjura Maria Cefai. Il-programm jikkonsisti minn għażla ta’ innijiet popolari Marjani u ta’ żmien il-Milied.
A musical concert by the Culture Council on the Feast of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception featuring Regina Angelorum Choir and Santa Marija Choir, under the baton of Mro Franco Cefai and Mrs Maria Cefai. The programme will include a selection of popular Marian and Christmas hymns.
SUNDAY 10:00 - 17:00
Merhba Milied -
Triq l-Avukat Anton Calleja, Ta’ Kerċem

Suq tal-Milied b’bankarelli ta’ ikel, xorb, ħelu tal-Milied u artiġjanat lokali. Waqt din l-attività jkun hemm ukoll programm varjat ta’ divertiment li jinkludi mużika, kant u żfin. Minbarra dan tiġi organizzata Fiera tal-Milied b’logħob u rigali għal kulħadd. Se jkun hemm preżenti Santa Klaws u karattri popolari oħra qalb logħob u fantasija.
This event provides a delightful experience for all. Attendees can explore Christmas market stalls featuring local artisan crafts, food, beverages, and confections. The programme includes a selection of carols, dances, and musical performances. Children will have the opportunity to meet Santa Claus and participate in enjoyable games.
A Spark of Joy!
19:00 MBC Theatre, In-Nadur

Is-Soċjetà Filarmonika Mnarja tippreżenta kunċert tal-Milied li jinkludi taħlita ta’ kanzunetti klassiċi bil-parteċipazzjoni tal-kor tat-tfal Angel Voices, Rebecca & The Passengers, u grupp ta’ żeffiena.
A concert featuring a delightful blend of Christmas classics and original music, perfectly suited for the festive season. Presented by The Mnarja Philharmonic Band, the event will also showcase the Choir Angel Voices and Rebecca & the Passengers. In addition to the musical performances, dancers will grace the stage, highlighting the diverse array of talent involved in this enchanting celebration.
The Ghajnsielem Christmas -
Għajnsielem Square, Għajnsielem

Siġra unika tal-Milied, b’għoli ta’ 60 pied magħmula minn struttura tal-ħadid u dekorata b’aktar minn 4,500 flixkun tal-ħġieġ.
A unique 60 feet steel Christmas Tree decorated with more than 4,500 glass bottles.
It’s A Brassy Christmas – 4th Edition
Church of St James, Independence Square, Victoria

Permezz ta’ dan il-kunċert BrassTubes ensemble se jwasslu l-ispirtu ferrieħi tal-Milied b’għażla ta’ siltiet mużikali li jvarjaw minn żminijiet differenti.
The BrassTubes ensemble will spread festive cheer by performing a diverse selection of music, ranging from traditional Christmas carols to popular holiday songs.
Santa’s Factory & The Glowing Alley
16:00 – 21:00
Experimental Farm, Triq l-Imġarr, Ix-Xewkija

BETA Entertainment Theatre Academy tistiednek biex iżżur din it-trejqa mdawla b’dekorazzjonijiet mill-isbaħ u l-fabbrika ta’ Santa Klaws. Matul din iż-żjara ltaqa’ ma’ karattri popolari waqt li tista’ wkoll tieħu sehem f’bosta attivitajiet divertenti. Dħul b’xejn imma trid tirriserva post billi tikkuntattja fuq 9948 6391 jew jmeuniquesound@yahoo.com.
Step into a dazzling Christmas wonderland presented by BETA Entertainment Theatre Academy! The venue will be transformed into a festive paradise with twinkling lights, enchanting decorations, and glowing inflatables – perfect for holiday photos. Explore new attractions, holiday treats, and Santa’s factory, where fun and games with elves await. Plus, meet your favourite cartoon characters in this magical adventure. Best of all, it’s free! Book your spot in advance to enjoy this unforgettable Christmas experience.
Feel the Magic of ChristmasIl-Kuncert tal-Milied (27 Edizzjoni) .
St George’s Basilica, Victoria

Kunċert li jiftaħ iċ-ċelebrazzjonijiet tal-50 anniversarju tal-Chorus Urbanus, fejn se jiġu esigwiti għanjiet tal-Milied li jkomplu jżidu mal-ispirtu festiv tal-istaġun, bilparteċipazzjoni ta’ solisti, kor u orkestra, kollha taħt id-direzzjoni tas-Surmast Dr John Galea.
This concert kicks off the 50th Anniversary celebrations of Chorus Urbanus, where the performed repertoire will add to the glitter and magic of the festive season, with the participation of soloists, choir and orchestra under the musical direction of Mro Dr John Galea.
Meet Santa at the North Pole
10:30 – 20:30
Fontana Centre, Il-Fontana

Villaġġ tal-elfi fejn it-tfal jistgħu jiltaqgħu ma’ Santa Klaws u l-assistenti tiegħu filwaqt li jgadwu minn għadd ta’ attivitajiet prattiċi f’ambjent tal-Milied. Matul din l-attività t-tfal se jingħataw diversi rigali mingħand karattri differenti li ħa jkun hemm.
This year’s event will feature exciting new sensory elements, allowing visitors to explore the elves’ village, visit their rooms, and interact with Santa’s little helpers through various hands-on, immersive activities.
Throughout the Christmas walk-through, children will have the chance to participate in sensory activities, adding a unique, engaging aspect to the experience. Additionally, animated characters will be on hand to distribute gifts to the children, making the event even more magical.
Joy to the World
17:00 – 21:00
St Peter & St Paul Square, In-Nadur

Attività għall-familja kollha li tinkludi fost l-oħrajn ritratti ma’ Santa Klaws, rigali, logħob, kant, mużika, żfin, ikel, xorb u ħelu tradizzjonali. F’każ ta’ maltemp, l-attività issir fl-20 ta’ Diċembru.
This Christmas activity offers fun for the entire family, featuring photos with Santa Claus, presents, games, and a variety of engaging activities. Enjoy music, and dance, along with traditional food, drinks, and sweets. In the event of inclement weather, the activity will be postponed to December 20th.
St George’s Basilica, Victoria Carolling Christmas

Il-kor Piccole Stelle jippreżenta s-seba’ edizzjoni tal-kunċert annwali. Dan ilkunċert se jinkludi repertorju varjat, fejn l-ilħna sbieħ tat-tfal u l-adolexxenti ta’ dan il-kor, taħt id-direzzjoni ta’ Sylvana Attard, żgur se jdaħħlu lill-udjenza flispirtu tal-Milied.
The Piccole Stelle Choir proudly presents the 7th edition of the annual Christmas concert. This concert will feature a diverse repertoire performed by the beautiful voices of children and youth, conducted by Sylvana Attard, which guarantees to engage the audience while evoking the true spirit of Christmas.
Milied Flimkien - Santa’s
Magical Night
FRIDAY 13TH 18:00 – 23:00
SATURDAY 14TH 17:00 – 23:00
SUNDAY 15TH 18:00 – 22:30
St Joseph Square, Il-Qala

Tmiem il-ġimgħa mimli attivitajiet fosthom ukoll suq tal-Milied fejn wieħed jista’ jsib rigali tal-okkażjoni kif ukoll ikel u xorb. Esperjenza l-maġija tal-Milied hekk kif il-familja kollha tista’ ssegwi parata b’karattri maħbuba, mużika, żfin, u kant mill-kor tat-tfal Ulied Ġużeppi. Se jkun hemm ukoll Santa’s Workshop fejn ittfal se jkollhom l-opportunità li, apparti jiltaqgħu ma’ Santa Klaws, jipparteċipaw f’bosta krafts.
A weekend of festivities which includes a Christmas market brimming with handmade gifts and local treats. Experience the magic of Christmas with this family-friendly event, where you can enjoy a Christmas parade featuring beloved characters, live music, dancing, and singing by the children’s choir Ulied Ġużeppi. There will also be a Santa’s Workshop, where children will have the opportunity not only to meet Santa Claus but also to participate in various crafts.
Festa Titulari ta’ Santa Lucija .
St Lucy Square, Santa Luċija

Il-Ġimgħa, 13 u s-Sibt, 14 ta’ Diċembru, fit-20:00 - marċ madwar it-toroq ta’ dan l-irħajjel pittoresk, segwit minn logħob tan-nar.
Il-Ħadd, 15 ta’ Diċembru fid-9:00 –quddiesa solenni u fil-17:00 purċissjoni bl-istatwa ex-voto ta’ Santa Luċija, V.M., akkumpanjata minn logħob tan-nar u baned.
Friday, 13th and Saturday, 14th December, at 20:00 – enjoy the captivating sight of band marches through the charming streets of this picturesque hamlet, accompanied by a dazzling fireworks display.
Sunday, 15th December at 9:00 – The weekend concludes with a solemn mass at 9:00, celebrating the spirit of the season. In the evening, at 17:00, join us for a heartfelt procession featuring the ex-voto statue of St Lucy V.M., fireworks and the melodies of the band marches.
MONDAY TO FRIDAY 19:00 – 22:00
SATURDAY 11:00 – 22:00

Suq tal-Milied b’bankarelli fejn se jkun hemm għall-bejgħ oġġetti ta’ artiġjanat, oġġetti b’rabta ma’ dan iżżmien kif ukoll ikel u xorb. Father u Mother Christmas ikunu preżenti biex min irid jieħu ritratti magħhom; mużika folkloristika u korijiet; animazzjoni minn karattri speċjali; workshop ta’ Santa, rink tas-silġ sintetiku għall-użu ta’ kulħadd, u funtana bl-ilma jiżfen. Għal aktar informazzjoni żur ilpaġna Facebook: Kunsill Lokali - Għarb - Local Council.
A Christmas market featuring stalls selling food, beverages, Christmas-themed items, and handcrafted goods. Visitors will have the opportunity to take photos with Father and Mother Christmas, enjoy choir performances, and folk music, meet special characters who will entertain children, and explore Santa’s Workshop and other attractions, including the synthetic ice rink area and the water dancing fountain. For further details, please visit the Facebook page: Kunsill Lokali - Għarb - Local Council.
Milied fl-Gharb
Visitation Square, L-Għarb
Ta’ Dbieġi Crafts Village, Għarb, Gozo
14 December 2024 // 10:00h-16:00h
Take the train to the Artisan Village, book a workshop with the artisans, and explore the village during Santa's Treasure Hunt!
Enjoy many other fun activities for all the family, and get your picture with Santa too!

Christmas Brass
Il-Ħaġar Museum & Cultural Centre, St George’s Square, Victoria

Festival tad-Dawl
St Lucy Square, Santa Luċija

Purċissjoni ad unur il-Patruna tal-post li tikkonsisti minn grupp ta’ tfajliet lebsin ilbies abjad, b’faxxa ħamra ma’ qaddhom u b’xemgħa f’idejhom fejn tispikka t-tfajla b’kuruna bix-xemgħat fuq rasha. Isegwi tqassim ta’ pasti lil kull min jipparteċipa.
Milied li Ghaqqad Mużajk -
Society of Christian Doctrine MUSEUM, Triq Dun Ġorġ Preca, In-Nadur

Dramm b’kitba u direzzjoni ta’ Mark Azzopardi msejjes fuq storja li ġrat ġewwa raħal ħdejn il-baħar fl-Ingilterra fejn is-Supretendent tal-Pulizija flimkien mal-Kappillan jipprovaw isolvu sensiela ta’ każijiet misterjużi li jolqtu lir-raħal tagħhom. Għal aktar tagħrif ikkuntattjaw fuq 9986 6777. Dħul b’xejn.
Dan id-dramm jerġa’ jittella’ l-għada l-Ħadd 15 ta’ Diċembru fis-18:00.
A festive programme of music for the Christmas season conducted by Mro Mark Gauci.
A procession in honour of the Patron Saint of the locality will feature a group of girls dressed in white attire, adorned with red sashes and holding candles. The standout participant will be a girl wearing a crown of candles on her head. Following the procession, traditional buns will be distributed to all participants.
Written and directed by Mark Azzopardi, this play is centred around the mysterious events that unfold in an English seaside village, where the Police Superintendent and Archpriest join forces to solve them before Christmas. For more information, please contact 9986 6777. Admission is free.
Additionally, there will be another performance on Sunday, December 15th, at 18:00.
Luci D’Inverno
St Lucy Square, St Luċija

Il-pjazza ikonika tal-irħajjel pittoresk ta’ Santa Luċija se tinxtegħel b’mod spettakolari permezz ta’ piroteknika sinkronizzata mal-mużika.
A spectacular display of pyrotechnics will light up the picturesque square of Santa Luċija, synchronised to music for an enchanting experience.
Mużika għall-istaġun tal-Milied taħt iddirezzjoni ta’ Mark Gauci.
Santa’s Magical Theatre
Triq San Ġorġ Preca, Ix-Xagħra

Suq tal-Milied li jinkludi attivitajiet għall-familja kollha b’mużika live u b’numru ta’ bankarelli differenti b’ħelu u ikel tradizzjonali marbut mal-Milied u dekorazzjonijiet.
A Christmas market that includes activities for the whole family with live music and several different stalls with traditional Christmas sweets and delectable food and decorations.
Xaghra Christmas Market15 DECEMBER SUNDAY 16:30
17:00 - 19:30
MBC Theatre, In-Nadur

Attività għat-tfal minn 4 snin ’il fuq, fejn se jintwerew films tal-Milied f’kull ġurnata.
An engaging activity for children ages 4 and up, featuring a different Christmasthemed movie screening each day. 14
Nadur Garmin 10K
08:00 - 11:30
St Peter & St Paul Square, In-Nadur

Nadur Garmin 10k tikkonsisti fi tlielaq ta’ 10k u 5k madwar it-toroq tan-Nadur. Eżatt wara se jkun hemm tlielaq oħra tat-tfal taħt il-ħmistax-il sena. Jingħataw medalji lill-parteċipanti kollha u tazza lir-rebbieħa.
Nadur Garmin 10k, features both 10k and 5k races through the streets of Nadur. Following these events, there will be races for children under 15 years. All participants will receive a medal, while trophies will be awarded to the winners.
A December to Remember
Church Square, Il-Munxar

Avveniment tal-Milied għall-familja kollha b’bosta karattri animati u logħob għat-tfal. Jieħdu sehem ukoll bosta kantanti lokali, korijiet tat-tfal u gruppi taż-żfin.
A Christmas event for the entire family will feature a variety of animated Christmas characters and games. Attendees can enjoy performances by local singers, children’s choirs, and dance groups, making for a festive and entertaining experience for all.
Sounding the Joy of Christmas – it-Tmien Edizzjoni
Rotunda of St John the Baptist, Ix-Xewkija

Kunċert tal-Milied bis-sehem tal-Kor tat-tfal Ulied il-Battista u diversi mużiċisti Xewkin.
A Christmas concert featuring the children’s choir Ulied il-Battista, alongside performances by other talented musicians from Xewkija.
It-Tarbija ta’ Bethlehem…
Erga’ Ejja Fostna
The Grand Christmas Concert
Il-Milied... Kif Niftakru Jien
Our Lady of Pompei Church, Triq Enrico Mizzi, Victoria

Kunċert minn Allegro Clefs Band bilparteċipazzjoni tal-kor tat-tfal Ilħna
Smewwija fejn se jindaqqu għanjiet talMilied b’narratur janima s-serata. Issegwi purċissjoni bil-Bambin Ġesù mill-abbatini.
A concert by the Allegro Clefs Band featuring Christmas Carols and accompanied by the children’s choir Ilħna Smewwija. The programme will include performances by students on piano, flute, and two trumpets, with a narrator guiding the evening’s festivities. The event will also showcase a procession with Baby Jesus carried by altar boys. .
St Margaret Parish Church, Ta’ Sannat

Kunċert annwali, taħt id-direzzjoni tassurmast direttur Mro George Apap misSoċjetà Mużikali Santa Margerita V.M. bis-sehem tal-Banda Santa Margerita u bosta kantanti.
Soċjetà Mużikali Santa Margerita V.M. will present its Christmas concert under the direction of Mro George Apap, featuring the participation of the Saint Margaret Band and various guest singers.
FRIDAY 10:00 - 12:30
Gozo Central Public Library, St Francis Square, Victoria

Sessjoni ta’ qari ta’ stejjer dwar il-Milied, flimkien ma’ diskussjonijiet dwar ikel tradizzjonali u l-prattiċi li kienu jsiru f’dan il-jum fil-passat. L-attività hi miftuħa għal kulħadd.
A reading session of stories about Christmas, along with discussions about traditional Christmas foods and the customs that were practiced on Christmas Day in the past. The activity is open for the general public.
Xmas Carols at Santa Lucija .
St Lucy Square, Santa Luċija

Għanjiet tal-Milied minn tfal lebsin kostumi ta’ persunaġġi marbuta mal-Milied iduru mat-toroq tal-irħajjel b’fanali f’idejhom u akkumpanjati minn banda żgħira biex iferrħu lil dawk preżenti. Isegwi tqassim ta’ qagħaq tal-għasel u kafè tradizzjonali.
A heartwarming carol singing activity to revive traditional Christmas carols will take place, featuring children dressed in festive costumes as they stroll through the village streets carrying lanterns and accompanied by a small band. After the event, honey rings and traditional coffee will be served.
Nativitate Domini Choral
Concert – 11th Edition
Church of the Assumption, Iż-Żebbuġ

Kunċert mill-Korijiet Santa Marija u Regina Angelorum immexxija minn Maria Cefai u Mro Franco Cefai.
A concert featuring the Santa Marija and Regina Angelorum Choirs led by Maria Cefai and Mro Franco Cefai.
The Grand Leone Christmas Variety Show
Teatru tal-Opra Aurora, Republic Street, Victoria

Varjetà tal-Milied, b’medleys ta’ mużika ferriħija, umoriżmu, u spettaklu bilparteċipazzjoni tal-Banda Ċittadina Leone, kantanti, żeffiena u l-Aurora Youth Choir. Biljetti minn www.teatruaurora.com jew ċemplu fuq 7904 5779.
A festive Christmas variety show presented by the Leone Band and Aurora Youth Choir will feature a talented lineup of singers and dancers. Attendees can enjoy a captivating mix of seasonal medleys and beloved joyful melodies. For tickets, please contact www.teatruaurora.com or call 7904 5779.
In Dulci Jubilo
Il-Ħaġar Museum & Cultural Centre, St George’s Square, Victoria

Kunċert tal-Milied mil-Laudate Pueri, il-kor tal-Bażilika ta’ San Ġorġ, taħt iddirezzjoni ta’ Rev. George Joseph Frendo u Prof. Maria Frendo.
The Laudate Pueri Choir of Saint George’s Basilica, under the direction of Rev. George Joseph Frendo and led by Professor Maria Frendo, will present a concert featuring some of the most beloved Christmas carols and motets.
Merry Merry Elves
14:00 - 18:00

KUNĊERT Mużikali b’risq il-Presepju
Mill-Arpista Jacob Portelli flimkien
mas-Soprano Ruth Portelli

Triq Għajn Tuta, Ta’ Kerċem
Knisja Santu Wistin, Victoria, Għawdex Post:

Pop into Christmas with DCapitals Big Band
Kollox Jista’ Jmur Hażin.. Lejlet il-Milied
Attività għall-familja li tinkludi fost l-oħrajn train rides flimkien mal-Elfi u Santa Klaws, bosta logħob għat-tfal, għażla kbira ta’ ikel relatat ma’ dan iż-żmien tas-sena, kif ukoll dekorazzjoni tal-akbar qagħqa tal-għasel u l-akbar pudina tal-Milied.
A family event featuring train rides with Santa Claus and his elves, alongside various organised games for children. Enjoy an assortment of Christmas-related food while participating in activities such as decorating the largest honey ring and Christmas pudding.
St Augustine Convent, St Augustine

Independence Square, Victoria
Oratory Don Bosco, Victoria
21 ta’ Diċembru 2024
Data: Ħin:
Irriserva post fuq 79276795, 79707353 .
Kunċert tal-Milied minn Jacob Portelli fuq l-arpa u s-soprana Ruth Portelli li jinkludi bosta għanjiet tal-Milied. Dħul b’xejn. Irriservaw post fuq 7927 6795 jew 7906 6168. Dan il-kunċert huwa organizzat mill-Għaqda Ħbieb talPresepju Għawdex-Malta 1985.
A Christmas concert featuring harpist Jacob Portelli, accompanied by soprano Ruth Portelli. Admission is free, but advance booking is requested. For reservations, please contact 7927 6795 or 7906 6168. This concert is organised by Għaqda Ħbieb tal-Presepju GħawdexMalta 1985.

DCapitals Big Band ser ittella’ s-sitt edizzjoni tal-kunċert spettakolari talMilied. Dan il-kunċert ser jiġbor fih mużika popolari tal-Milied u aktar bis-sehem talkantant mistieden Ozzy Lino u l-kantanti residenti tal-band Francesca Sciberras, Gail Attard, Eliza Stellini u Thomas Casha taħt id-direzzjoni ta’ Mro George Apap.
DCapitals Big Band proudly presents the sixth edition of Pop Into Christmas, a Christmas Band concert. The concert will feature all time Christmas favourites and other popular music with the participation of guest singer Ozzy Lino and the band’s resident singers Francesca Sciberras, Gail Attard, Eliza Stellini and Thomas Casha under the direction of Mro George Apap.

Ingħaqdu magħna fejn għall-ewwel darba ġewwa Għawdex se ssir kummiedja ta’ dan it-tip. Bħalma jingħad fl-isem tal-kummiedja stess: kollox jista’ jmur ħazin Lejlet il-Milied... u xħin qed ngħidu kollox, fil-veru sens tal-kelma kollox se jmur ħażin! Prestazzjoni mimlija ċajt għall-famija kollha li żgur tinżel tajjeb fi żmien il-Milied.
Join us for a fresh take on comedy theatre on the island of Gozo! “Kollox Jista’ Jmur Ħażin: Lejlet il-Milied” is a hilarious show packed with jokes and fun for all ages, making it perfect for the entire family. Produced by Moviment Missjunarju Ġesù fil-Proxxmu in collaboration with Beta Entertainment Theatre Academy, this comedy promises an evening of laughter and entertainment. Special prizes are available for families and group bookings!


Christmas Soirée
Żebbuġ Band Club, Iż-Żebbuġ

Attività għall-familja kollha li tinkludi fost l-oħrajn ritratti ma’ Santa Klaws, kunċertin mużikali b’għanjiet oriġinali tal-Milied bis-sehem tal-youth band tas-Soċ. Filar. Santa Marija u l-Kor Regina Angelorum, spettaklu ta’ maġija, kummiedja qasira, il-prietka tat-tifla, rigali, ikel, xorb u ħelu tradizzjonali.
A family-oriented event featuring various attractions, including photos with Santa Claus, a musical mini-concert with original Christmas carols performed by the Santa Marija Philharmonic Society Youth Band and the Regina Angelorum Choir, a classic magic show, a short comedy, the traditional “sermon by a child,” as well as gifts, food, drinks, and traditional sweets.
Il-Pageant tal-Milied
San Lawrenz

Dan il-pageant tradizzjonali tal-Milied jirrakkonta l-istorja tas-salvazzjoni, millħolqien sat-twelid tal-Mulej. Kważi nofs il-popolazzjoni tal-villaġġ tieħu sehem f’din il-produzzjoni fil-beraħ, li tinkludi wkoll id-djar lokali tul it-triq tal-prestazzjoni. Atturi f’kostumi bibbliċi jagħtu ħajja lill-akbar storja li qatt ġiet irrakkontata. L-ewwel parti tal-pageant se jkun ippreżentat b’show innovattiv ta’ 3D mapping ipproġettat fuq il-faċċata tal-knisja.
The traditional San Lawrenz Christmas Pageant narrates the story of salvation, from creation to the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Nearly half of the village’s population participates in this open-air production, which also involves the local households along the performance route. Actors in biblical costumes bring to life the greatest story ever told. The first part of the pageant will be enhanced by a 3D mapping show projected onto the façade of the church.
tan-Natività –Carolling the Nativity -
Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, Il-Fontana

F’dan il-kunċert se jiġu esigwiti għanjiet talMilied li jkomplu jżidu mal-ispirtu maġiku u festiv tal-istaġun, bil-parteċipazzjoni ta’ solisti, kor u orkestra, ilkoll taħt id-direzzjoni tas-Surmast Dr John Galea.
This concert features a repertoire relating to the Nativity story, and it will add to the glitter and magic of the festive season, with the participation of soloists, choir and orchestra under the musical direction of Dr John Galea.
Christmas Illuminated
St Lawrence Parish Church façade, San Lawrenz

3D mapping show b’rabta ma’ dan iżżmien tal-Milied.
A 3D mapping show to keep the joyful seasonal spirit alive.
O Gesù Bambin
Cooking with Santa 24
10:00 - 12:00
Community Hall, Civic Centre, Il-Fontana

Attività ta’ tisjir ta’ pasti immirata għattfal ta’ bejn il-5 u t-12-il sena fejn fiha t-tfal se jkunu qed jaħdmu l-proċess kollu tar-riċetta fil-preżenza ta’ Father Christmas. Waqt l-attività se jkun hemm ukoll logħob mill-Elfi. Meta l-pasti jkunu lesti, Father Christmas se jagħti rigal żgħir lit-tfal għall-ħidma tagħhom.
A cooking session for children aged 5 to 12, where they will bake biscuits with the help of Father Christmas. Kids will be involved in all stages of the process, assisted by Santa’s elves. While the cookies bake, Santa’s elves will organise games for entertainment. Once ready, the cookies will be distributed in pre-made bags by Santa, along with a small gift.
Church of the Assumption of Mary, Iż-Żebbuġ
Qala with Christmas Carols
Society of Christian Doctrine MUSEUM, Il-Qala

Il-Banda Santa Marija – taħt id-direzzjoni
ta’ Mro Dr Joseph Grech - se tkun qed tippreżenta kunċert b’mużika popolari
Natalizja kif ukoll sinfoniji storiċi tal-Milied mill-arkivji tagħha. Dan l-avveniment se jkun imxandar live fuq il-paġna talFacebook: Zebbug Gozo Parish.
The Saint Mary Philharmonic Society will perform classical and popular Christmas music excerpts, while also reviving historical Christmas symphonies from the Band’s archives. The concert will be conducted by its Music Director, Mro Dr Joseph Grech. The event will also be streamed live on the Zebbug Gozo Parish Facebook page. .

Purċissjoni bl-istatwa ta’ Ġesù Bambin
segwita minn programm imżewwaq u adattat għal dan iż-żmien - li jinkludi l-prietka tat-tifel - ġewwa l-Knisja Arċipretali. Il-purċissjoni se tgħaddi mittoroq ewlenin tar-raħal fejn fiha jieħdu sehem numru ta’ tfal, kif ukoll l-Għaqda Mużikali Ite ad Joseph, taħt id-direzzjoni ta’ Mro Mark Gauci.
A heartwarming procession featuring the statue of Baby Jesus will wind through the village streets, accompanied by enthusiastic children and the Ite ad Joseph band, directed by Mro Mark Gauci. Following the procession, enjoy a delightful programme at St Joseph Parish Church, including carols, poems, a play, and the traditional children’s sermon.
Purcissjoni tal-Bambin .
Society of Christian Doctrine MUSEUM, Triq Dun Ġorġ Preca, In-Nadur

Purċissjoni ta’ Ġesù Bambin forma ta’ pageant imtellgħa mis-subien talMUSEUM bis-sehem ta’ nies lebsin ta’ persunaġġi bibbliċi akkumpanjata millBanda Mnarja tan-Nadur.
A traditional Procession with Baby Jesus in the form of a pageant organised by the boys of the MUSEUM, featuring individuals dressed as biblical characters, accompanied by the Mnarja Band of Nadur.
Service of Readings and Christmas Carols .
Gozo Seminary, Triq Enrico Mizzi, Victoria

Servizz ta’ qari u kant mill-Kongregazzjoni Anglikana f’Għawdex. Għal iżjed informazzjoni kkuntattjaw 7923 3275.
A reading and singing service organised by the Anglican Congregation in Gozo. For more information, please contact 7923 3275.
Kuncert tal-Milied
Basilica of St Peter & St Paul, In-Nadur

Kunċert bis-sehem tal-orkestra, il-Kor
tal-MUSEUM u bosta kantanti stabiliti Għawdxin, ilkoll taħt id-direzzjoni ta’ Mro Antoine Theuma segwit minn reċta qasira, qari ta’ poeżiji u l-prietka tradizzjonali tat-tifel.
A Christmas concert under the direction of Maestro Antoine Theuma will feature an orchestra, the MUSEUM Children’s Choir, and other established Gozitan singers. The event will also include a poetry recital, a short play, and the traditional Christmas sermon delivered by a child.
Strings for Christmas
St Augustine Church, St Augustine Square, Victoria

Kunċert taħt id-direzzjoni ta’ Pierre Louis Attard bi programm imżewwaq ta’ mużika klassika fosthom Sinfonia Pastorale ta’ Emmanuele Galea u Christmas Suite ta’ Alec Rowley. Dħul b’xejn, imma se ssir ġabra għall-Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation.
Adding to the festive Christmas spirit and celebrations, ‘Strings for Christmas’ organised by the Victoria Local Council, presents an eclectic concert under the musical direction of Pierre Louis Attard. The string orchestra will perform a programme featuring seasonal classics such as Sinfonia Pastorale by Emmanuele Galea, Christmas Suite by Alec Rowley, and other festive pieces from different countries, along with more standard repertoire for strings. Entrance is free; however, a collection will be made in aid of The Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation.
Children’s Museum
Il-Ħaġar Museum & Cultural Centre, St George’s Square, Victoria

Workshop għat-tfal bit-tema tal-Milied. Irreġistra billi tibgħat imejl lil events@ heartofgozo.org.mt.
A hands-on Christmas-themed workshop for children. Register by sending an email to events@heartofgozo.org.mt.

Puer Natus Est Nobis
Basilica of the Nativity of Our Lady, Ix-Xagħra

Kunċert b’għanjiet tal-Milied mill-Kor talBażilika tax-Xagħra Voci Angeliche taħt it-tmexxija ta’ Grace Vella Refalo flimkien mal-Cordia String Ensemble.
Experience the true essence of Christmas with the harmonious voices of the Voci Angeliche Choir and the captivating music of the Cordia String Ensemble, all under the direction of Grace Vella Refalo.
Gloria Regi Infanti
San Lawrenz Church, San Lawrenz

Kunċert ta’ mużika u letteratura marbuta mal-Milied bis-sehem tal-Kor Levita Laurentius u solisti u li fih jindaqqu għanjiet tal-Milied akkumpanjati bl-orgni tal-knisja u strumenti oħra. Segwit minn preżentazzjoni tal-premijiet marbuta malKonkors Letterarju tal-Milied organizzat mill-Kunsill Lokali San Lawrenz.
A musical and literary Christmas concert performed by Kor Levita Laurentius and soloists, featuring Christmas-themed carols accompanied by the church organ and other instruments. Following the concert, prizes related to a Christmas Literature Competition will be presented.
Ta’ Pinu National Shrine, Għarb

Jubilate – ċelebrazzjoni ta’ għanjiet talMilied ġewwa s-Santwarju Nazzjonali Ta’ Pinu. Schola Cantorum Jubilate, rinomata għall-kunċerti tal-Milied, ser tkun tiftaħ sena ta’ ċelebrazzjonijiet f’għeluq il-25 sena mit-twaqqif tagħha. Dan il-kunċert, taħt id-direzzjoni ta’ Marouska Attard, ser jinkludi diversi forom tal-art biex tintwera s-sbuħija, il-festività u l-unità.
Jubilate – a celebration of carols at Ta’ Pinu National Shrine. Schola Cantorum Jubilate, renowned for its Christmas concerts, will be opening a year of celebrations for the 25th anniversary since its foundation. This concert, under the direction of Marouska Attard, will include different forms of art to show beauty, festivity and togetherness.
Frosty Wonderland
10:00 – 17:00
Ġnien il-Familja, Il-Qala

Ġnien il-familja jinbidel f’dinja tal-Milied b’bosta attivitajiet u attrazzjonijiet għat-tfal fosthom karattri bħal Frosty the Snowman.
Frosty’s Wonderland transforms Ġnien ilFamilja into a magical Winter Wonderland, featuring various Christmas characters and activities for children and the young at heart. Join Santa Claus, his elves, and Frosty the Snowman, along with numerous attractions and shows!
Dreams of Vienna
Hotel Kempinski, San Lawrenz

Il-Banda Viżitazzjoni tal-Għarb se ttellgħa programm klassiku b’Valzi, Polkas u marċi tradizzjonali Vjenniżi ispirati mill-kunċert annwali li jsir fi Vjenna fl-Ewwel tas-Sena. Il-kunċert joffri atmosfera sabiħa u unika lil dawk preżenti bi preparazzjoni għassena l-ġdida. Id-dħul huwa b’xejn imma hu rakkomandat li tirriservaw post fuq 7949 2667.
Għarb’s Visitation Band will be holding its annual end-of-year classical concert featuring Polkas, Waltz and Viennese Marches inspired by Vienna’s first concert of the year. You are invited to join us and enjoy this unique concert with its wonderful atmosphere in preparation for the New Year. Free entrance. It is recommended to book your seat on 7949 2667.
A New Year’s Toast
Hotel Kempinski, San Lawrenz

Il-Kor Gaulitanus jiftaħ is-sena mużikalment b’kunċert f’atmosfera ferriħija. Il-kor, is-solisti u l-mużiċisti mistiedna se jippreżentaw repertorju propizju taħt id-direzzjoni mużikali u artistika ta’ Mro Colin Attard. Dħul b’xejn. Għal aktar informazzjoni: gaulitanus@ gmail.com jew 7703 8971.
Welcome the New Year in style with an energetic and vibrant concert presented by the Gaulitanus Choir. Experience a musical extravaganza featuring the choir, its soloists, and guest musicians, all under the artistic direction of Mro Colin Attard. Free entrance. For more information, contact gaulitanus@gmail.com or call 7703 8971
La Cavalcata dei Re Magi
Victory Square, Ix-Xagħra

Mal-wasla tat-Tliet Slaten Maġi fil-pjazza, Ġesù tarbija jiġi ppreżentat b’rigali waqt dan il-pageant annwali. F’każ ta’ maltemp dan issir ġewwa l-Knisja Bażilika taxXagħra.
Witness the arrival of the Three Wise Men on horseback, as they present their gifts to Baby Jesus. In case of unfavourable weather the event will take place in Xagħra’s Basilica.
I Tre Re 10:30 – 13:00
Sacred Heart of Jesus Church Parvis, Il-Fontana

Fl-okkażjoni tal-Epifanija, it-tfal se jkollhom bosta attivitajiet b’xejn fosthom logħob, krafts, esperimenti xjentifiċi, kif ukoll jesperjenzaw il-Miġja tal-Maġi.
Featuring the arrival of the Three Kings, this event will offer a selection of activities, including crafts, educational science experiments, and immersive experiences.

Adoration of the Magi
Mġarr Harbour and Ta’ Passi fields, Għajnsielem

Il-wasla tat-Tliet Maġi fil-villaġġ tanNatività - Bethlehem f’Għajnsielem biex jagħtu qima lil Ġesù Bambin.
The arrival of the Three Kings at the Nativity village of Bethlehem f’Għajnsielem to pay homage to Baby Jesus.
Yuletide Cheer Celebration by Mro Antoine & Friends
Independence Square, Victoria

Kunċert ta’ mużika tal-Milied mill-Brass Band u kantanti stabbiliti fejn se jindaqqu għanjiet varji.
A concert featuring the Brass Band, accompanied by special guest singers showcasing a diverse repertoire designed to delight audiences of all ages. All musical pieces are arranged by Chev. Mro Antoine Mercieca.

Milied ieħor reġa’ magħna, kif jitgerbu b’ħeffa s-snin!
Hawn arana mdawrin miegħek
O Ġesù ħelu Bambin.
Fid-dar bnejna l-Presepju
kollu nagħaġ, kollu pasturi
u bir-riħa tfuħ tas-sagħtar, kewkba tiddi t-triq turi.
Lil tant ragħajja li bil-merħla
ġew fil-għar biex jadurawk; deheb, inċens, magħhom il-mirra, tawk is-Slaten malli rawk.
Mis-Smewwiet qtajjiet ta’ anġli għalenija lkoll kantaw –
‘Glorja ’l Alla, paċi, hena’, lill-bnedmin ħabbrulhom, taw.

Kemm neħtieġu din il-paċi li qed tonqos ma’ kull jum!
Erġa’ twieled fil-qalb tagħna O Bambin, kemm ser iddum!
X’jiswa illi djarna nżejnu, nibnu s-Siġra tal-Milied, jekk fostna ssaltan il-firda, lejl u nhar jaħkem il-ġlied!
Mhux il-‘parties’ u d-‘discos’ jagħmlu dan veru Milied; ’mma l-imħabba, bla tarf, t’Alla, li minn Betlem darba ġiet.
Bambin ċkejken ejja ninni fil-benniena tal-qalb tagħna, lilha saħħan w ibqa’ hemm ġewwa u la titlaq qatt minn magħna.
B’hekk tifsira l-Milied jikseb għaliex dan l-akbar tifkira ta’ kemm Alla ħabb lill-bniedem meta fdieh b’tarbija fqira.
Kav. Joe M. Attard 2024
Presepji u Wirjiet
Cribs &Exhibitions

Julian Refalo
Ezechiel Grima
Ċentru tal-Vokazzjonijiet, Triq Arċ. Ġ. Diacono, Ix-Xagħra 7956 5444 / 2739 2039
Każin Banda Victory, Triq Maria Bambina, Xagħra
Fr Joe Said obo Knisja Ġesù Nazzarenu Ċentru Knisja Ġesù Nazzarenu, Triq Ġnien Xibla, Ix-Xagħra
Francesco Bonello 24, HOS Ta’ Dun Anton, Ix-Xagħra
Mario Buttigieg 51, Triq Grunju, In-Nadur
Andrew Muscat obo Għaqda Armar Triq Diċembru 13 Nadur Pupu’s Bar, Triq Diċembru 13, In-Nadur
Jean Paul Portelli obo MUSEUM Subien Nadur Triq San Ġorġ Preca, In-Nadur
Matthias Mercieca Man-Gol House, Triq San Blas, In-Nadur
4078 / 9945 0523
5319 / 7926 1035
8426 / 9976 0955
Sammy Saliba Knisja Parrokkjali tas-Salvatur, L-Għasri 2701 7432 / 7920 4517
Herman Mifsud Malverno, Pjazza Madonna ta’ Loreto, Għajnsielem 2156 6850 / 7992 3134
Anthony Buhagiar obo Rotunda San Ġwann Battista, Xewkija Knisja Arċipretali, San Ġwann Battista, Xewkija
Joseph Attard Insieme, Triq is-Sagħtar, Victoria 7920 4759
Karl Attard 29, Triq Għar Gerduf, Victoria 2156 3306 / 7929 7038 . .
1112 / 7956 2969
Josef Debattista
Toni Sammut
Peter Aquilina obo Għaqda Ħbieb tal-Presepju, Sezzjoni Nadur

65, Triq l-Arċisqof Pietru Pace, Victoria
2155 5877 / 7970 5708
59, Triq it-Tiġrija, In-Nadur 9924 7041
54, Dar Dun Franġisk Grima, Triq it-Tiġrija, In-Nadur 7922 1701
Charles Portelli Anthony House, Triq Grunju, In-Nadur
Jean Paul Portelli obo Kunsill Lokali Nadur
Maverick Muscat
Fabio Azzopardi
Andrè Cassar
Pjazza San Pietru u San Pawl, In-Nadur
2155 1044 / 7955 1044
21558080 / 7928 4419
Ta’ Kenuna Court, Fl. 2, Triq it-Torri ta’ Kenuna, In-Nadur 7903 7299
50, Triq it-Tiġrija, Ix-Xagħra
2156 5644 / 9925 8629
52, Dar il-Merin, Triq l-Għejjun, Ix-Xagħra 7900 1005
TILL 122025
The Annunciation. The Itinerary of Hope through Iconography
Il-Ħaġar Museum & Cultural Centre, St George’s Square, Victoria
MONDAY TO SUNDAY 09:00 – 17:00

Wirja kkordinata minn Valerio Ballotta ta’ GBK (Malta) Ltd, b’xogħlijiet li juru l-Annunzjazzjoni minn artisti Ewropej mill-Gotiku tardiv, matul ir-Rinaxximent u żmien il-Barokk. Fosthom hemm Barocci, Beatrizet, Bossi, Bourdon, Callot, Collaert, Cort, Cranach, Dürer, Liberi, Mochetti, u Wolgemut. Dħul b’xejn.
An exhibition coordinated by Valerio Ballotta of GBK (Malta) Ltd showcases works depicting the Annunciation, created by European artists spanning the late Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque eras. Featured artists include Barocci, Beatrizet, Bossi, Bourdon, Callot, Collaert, Cort, Cranach, Dürer, Liberi, Mochetti, and Wolgemut. Free entrance.
TILL 122025
Mechanical Nativity Crib
Il-Ħaġar Museum & Cultural Centre, St George’s Square, Victoria
MONDAY TO SUNDAY 09:00 – 17:00

Esibizzjoni permanenti tal-presepju popolari ta’ Frank Mizzi. Dħul b’xejn.
Frank Mizzi’s magnificent Nativity crib, recently reconstructed at Il-Ħaġar, will be on permanent display for visitors to appreciate. Free entrance.
TILL 122025
Philathelic Noel Noel
Il-Ħaġar Museum & Cultural Centre, St George’s Square, Victoria
MONDAY TO SUNDAY 09:00 – 17:00

Esibizzjoni ta’ kollezzjoni varja ta’ bolol u kartolini tematiċi. Dħul b’xejn.
A display featuring a collection of thematic stamps and greeting cards. Free entrance.
Bird Breeders Society Annual Show 2024
Munxar Parish Hall, Il-Munxar
30TH NOV 08:30 – 19:00 01ST DEC 08:30 – 14:00

Wirja tal-għasafar fejn membri li jagħmlu parti mill-Gozo Birds Breeders Society jistiednu lill-pubbliku biex jaraw tmien sezzjonijiet: pappagalli, summien u gamiem, kanali tal-kulur, kanali type, finches eżotici, finches tal-Ewropa kif ukoll foreign finches.
A bird show organised by the Gozo Birds Breeders Society will allow the public to observe eight categories of birds, including parrots, quails, doves, colour canaries, type canaries, exotic finches, European finches, and foreign finches.
art..e Gallery, 1, Triq il-Librerija, Victoria
MONDAY TO SUNDAY 09:30 – 12:15

L-artist Christopher Saliba jippreżenta kollezzjoni ta’ pitturi riċenti bl-istil distint tiegħu ta’ xejra espressjonista. Saliba juża kuluri vivaċi u daqqiet enerġetiċi biex jibdel xeni familjari f’dehriet viżjonarji li jqanqlu l-ispirtu u l-enerġija tal-gżejjer tagħna.
Christopher Saliba’s exhibition presents expressionist landscapes of the Maltese Islands, using vibrant colours and bold brushstrokes to transform familiar scenes into dynamic, abstracted visions, capturing the islands’ spirit and energy.
Banca Giuratale, Independence Square, Victoria
MONDAY TO FRIDAY 08:00 – 14:30

Fl-ewwel esibizzjoni personali tiegħu, l-artist żagħżugħ Għawdxi Jonathan Cefai jippreżenta kollezzjoni ta’ xogħlijiet ta’ arti sagra kontemporanja fl-idjoma distintiva tiegħu. It-tematika hija marbuta mal-ħajja ta’ Sidtna Marija Ommna.
In his first art exhibition, young Gozitan artist Jonathan Cefai is presenting a collection of sacred art paintings executed in his distinctive idiom. Themes centre on the Holy Virgin, Mother of God.
Christmas Village & Cribs Exhibition
Rosegor House Triq Cocco Palmeri, Ta’ Sannat
MONDAY TO SATURDAY 20:00 – 22:00 SUNDAY & PUBLIC HOLIDAYS 10:00 – 12:00 16:00 – 20:00

Wirja li tikkonsisti minn villaġġ f’minjatura li fih statwetti animati huma u jagħmlu attivitajiet festivi, kif ukoll selezzjoni vasta ta’ presepji fejn kull wieħed minnhom jirrakkonta l-istorja partikolari tiegħu meħuda minn tradizzjonijiet ta’ kulturi differenti, kollha relatati mal-Milied.
An enchanting display featuring a miniature village with animated figurines engaged in festive activities, and a stunning array of beautifully crafted diorama cribs, each telling its own unique story and reflecting diverse cultural traditions - from traditional designs to contemporary interpretations, every piece captures the essence of Christmas.
Xena tan-Natività
Anthony House, Triq Ta’ Grunju, In-Nadur
MONDAY TO SUNDAY 17:00 – 23:00

Xena tan-Natività armata f’tieqa maħduma minn Jean Paul Portelli.
A window display Nativity crib crafted by Jean Paul Portelli.
Wirja tal-Milied
Convent of St Francis of Assisi, St Francis Square, Victoria
13TH DEC 16:00 – 19:00
14TH DEC 09:00 – 19:00
15TH DEC 09:00 – 13:00

Wirja organizzata mis-Soċjetà Agrikola, Industrijali u Kulturali ta’ Għawdex fejn jiġi esibit kull tip ta’ xogħol bl-idejn, pitturi u arranġamenti ta’ fjuri, dejjem bis-suġġett li jkollu x’jaqsam mat-tema tal-Milied.
A Christmas exhibition organised by the Gozo Agricultural, Industrial, and Cultural Society will showcase a diverse array of Christmas-themed crafts, and floral arrangements.
Il-Qala Tissahhar bil-Presepji
Church of St Joseph, St Joseph Square, Il-Qala
MONDAY TO SATURDAY 17:00 – 19:00 SUNDAY, CHRISTMAS DAY & NEW YEAR’S DAY 08:00 – 12:00 17:00 – 20:00 26TH DEC 09:00 – 19:00

Ġenerazzjonijiet differenti jingħaqdu
biex jippreżentaw kollezzjoni ta’ presepji maħduma b’talent lokali. Din l-esibizzjoni hi organizzata mill-Għaqda Armar San Ġużepp – Qala, b’kollaborazzjoni malParroċċa tal-istess raħal.
Different generations unite to showcase a diverse collection of cribs that captivate the public with their expertly crafted designs, highlighting local talent. This exhibition is organised by Għaqda Armar San Ġużepp – Qala in collaboration with the Qala Parish.
Festo Christi Natalicio
Dar Dun Franġisk Grima, Triq ItTiġrija, In-Nadur
13TH TILL 15TH DEC 21ST & 22ND DEC, 25TH & 26TH DEC
28TH & 29TH DEC 17:30 – 19:30
4TH JAN & 5TH JAN 17:30 – 19:30

Wirja ta’ presepji li jvarjaw minn dawk b’disinji tradizzjonali għal oħrajn b’xejra aktar moderna.
A stunning exhibition of cribs ranging from timeless designs to modern masterpieces.
Presepju Xenografiku
Triq It-Tempju, Il-Qala
MONDAY TO FRIDAY 17:30 – 20:30 SUNDAY & PUBLIC HOLIDAYS 09:30 – 12:00 16:00 – 20:30

Presepju b’bosta xeni orjentat fil-Palestina l-antika u l-bini tagħha li jirrapreżenta l-ħajja ta’ Ġesù Kristu u maħdum minn Clayton Buttigieg.
A multi-scene nativity crib set in ancient Palestine, showcasing its architectural features. This intricate piece represents the life of Jesus Christ and is crafted by Clayton Buttigieg.
Presepju Artistiku fil-MUSEUM
Society of Christian Doctrine MUSEUM, Triq Dun Ġorġ Preca, In-Nadur
MONDAY TO SATURDAY 18:00 – 21:00
SUNDAY 16:00 – 19:00

James Azzopardi u Jean Paul Portelli juru l-ħiliet artistiċi tagħhom permezz ta’ dan il-presepju li se jkun esibit għal kulħadd.
James Azzopardi and Jean Paul Portelli show their artistic skills through this crib which will be on display for the public.
DEC 2024 JAN2025
ta’ Presepji
St Augustine Convent, St Augustine Square, Victoria

Għaqda Ħbieb tal-Presepju Għawdex - Malta 1985

MONDAY TO SUNDAY 09:00 – 12:00 16:00 - 20:00
Wirja ta’ Presepji, Dijorami u bicciet tal-arti
Kunvent tal-Patrijiet Agostinjani, Pjazza Santu Wistin, Victoria, Għawdex Post:
Dati: 13-15
13-14-15 u mil-20 ta’ Diċembru 2024 sas-7 ta’ Jannar 2025
Ħinijiet: 9.00am sal-12.00pm 4.00pm sat-8.00pm
Il-Presepju: Ikona talInkarnazzjoni
Beneath Church of Our Lady of Loreto, Għajnsielem
Is-Seher tal-Presepju
St Joseph Band Club, Għajnsielem
MONDAY TO SATURDAY 17:30 – 20:30

membri tal-Għaqda Ħbieb tal-Presepju Għawdex-Malta 1985. Din il-wirja tinkludi ’l fuq minn 20 presepju u dijorama.
An exhibition of nativity scenes and dioramas created by the members of the Għaqda Ħbieb tal-Presepju GħawdexMalta 1985. This exhibition features over 20 nativity scenes and dioramas. 13
MONDAY TO SATURDAY 17:30 – 20:30 SUNDAY & PUBLIC HOLIDAYS 10:00 – 12:00 17:00 – 21:00

Wirja ta’ presepji, dijorami Spanjoli tal-imgħallem Rafael Martinez Gomez, flimkien ma’ pasturi artistiċi mtellgħa minn “Għimmanu-El” Għaqda Presepisti Għajnsielem, Għawdex - Malta (VO1081) li tinkludi presepju artistiku maħdum mill-presipista Paul Stellini b’sett pasturi oriġinali magħmula mit-terrakotta talartist Għawdxi Manuel Farrugia.
An exhibition showcasing artistic cribs and dioramas by Spanish Master Rafael Martinez Gomez, along with nativity figurines, is organised by the ‘GħimmanuEl’ Għaqda Presepisti Għajnsielem, Għawdex - Malta (VO1081). Additionally, visitors can admire an artistic crib created by artist Paul Stellini, featuring original terracotta figures sculpted by Gozitan artist Manuel Farrugia.

Wirja ta’ presepji u dijorami flimkien ma’ pasturi artistiċi mtellgħa minn “Għimmanu-El” Għaqda Presepisti Għajnsielem, Għawdex - Malta (VO1081). Dawn il-presepji u dijorami nħadmu waqt korsijiet prattiċi li l-Għaqda ttellgħa ta’ kull sena dwar it-teknika tal-bini tal-presepju.
An exhibition of artistic cribs, dioramas, and nativity figurines, organised by the ‘Għimmanu-El’ Għaqda Presepisti Għajnsielem, Għawdex - Malta (VO1081). These works were crafted by participants of various practical courses held throughout the year by the Association.

Presepji u Wirjiet tal-Milied fix-Xaghra.
MONDAY TO SATURDAY 17:00 – 20:00 SUNDAY & PUBLIC HOLIDAYS 10:00 – 12:00 16:00 – 20:00

F’Diċembru bosta dilettanti tal-presepju jesibixxu x-xogħlijiet tagħhom madwar ir-raħal tax-Xagħra. Fuq il-paġni li ġejjin sibu mappa ta’ dawn il-presepji kollha. Għal aktar informazzjoni ċemplu fuq 7970 1745 jew żuru l-midja soċjali permezz tal-paġna Facebook: Għaqda ‘Il-Milied fix-Xagħra’.
During December, Xagħra is transformed in a crib village due to the considerable number of cribs and exhibitions on display around the village. For more information contact 7970 1745 or visit our Facebook page: Għaqda ‘Il-Milied fix-Xagħra’.
1-5 Basilica of the Nativity of Our Lady
Wirja ta’ presepji fosthom il-presepju artistiku l-kbir magħmul minn Kan. Anton Refalo flimkien ma’ Elvin Borg, Manuel Micallef u Jack Micallef. Fuq l-artali talġnub wieħed isib diversi presepji: ta’
Charlon Said, Paul Stellini, Teddy Caruana u Dun Michael Mifsud. Il-Bażilika tkun
miftuħa kuljum mill-16:00 sas-19:00. Għal aktar informazzjoni: 2155 7881.
A collective artistic crib exhibition by Rev. Anton Refalo, Elvin Borg, Manuel Micallef, Jack Micallef, Charlon Said, Paul Stellini, Teddy Caruana and Fr Michael Mifsud. The Basilica will be open every day from 16:00 till 19:00. For more information: 2155 7881.
6-7 Vocational Centre, Triq
L-Arcipriet Gużepp Diacono
Presepju kbir maħdum fil-ġebel millabbatini tax-Xagħra, kif ukoll grotti żgħar maħdumin mit-tfal tal-Parroċċa. Għal aktar informazzjoni: 9984 7100.
An exhibition of cribs crafted by the Xagħra Parish altar boys’ group and children from the Parish. For more information: 9984 7100.
8 Presepju, Pjazza l-Vitorja
Presepju armat quddiem iz-zuntier tal-Knisja maħdum fil-fibre mill-artist Jennings Falzon.
A beautifully crafted crib, made of fiber by Jennings Falzon, on display in front of the church.
9 Euchar Bajada: Triq L-Ghar ta’ Ninu
Presepju armat f’tieqa, maħdum filġablo, ġibs u expanding foam. Għal aktar informazzjoni: 9965 3998.
A window displays a traditional style crib crafted in chalk, jablo and expanding foam. For more information: 9965 3998.
10 Mavic Sultana: 82, Triq L-Imqades
Presepju statiku Bibbliku armat f’tieqa maħdum fil-ġablo u l-ġibs bil-pasturi tad-ditta Landi. Għal aktar informazzjoni: 9929 1098.
A window display static crib crafted in jablo and chalk with figurines by the Landi brand. For more information: 9929 1098.
11 Paul Bartolo: Marion, Triq Frangisk Camilleri
Presepju armat wara t-tieqa fil-ġablo, ġibs u expanding foam b’pasturi ta’ Joe Camillieri. Għal aktar informazzjoni: 7947 8154.
A traditional-style crib is displayed in a window display, crafted from jablo, chalk, and expanding foam, featuring figurines made by Joe Camilleri. For more information, please contact 7947 8154.
12 Victory Band Club: Triq Marija Bambina
Presepju kbir statiku maħdum minn Ezekiel Grima fil-ġebel bil-pasturi ta’ Joe Camilleri. Għal aktar informazzjoni: 2156 0608, 7956 0608.
A static crib crafted in tradtional dry stone by Ezekiel Grima with figurines sculpted by Joe Camilleri. For more information: 2156 0608, 7956 0608.
13 Victor Said: Franvic, Triq Parisot
Presepju diorama maħdum fil-ġablo, ġibs u expanding foam bil-pasturi ta’ Landi Maranduzzo. Għal aktar informazzjoni: 9942 0095.
A static crib crafted in chalk, jablo and expanding foam, with figurines sculpted by Landi Maranduzzo. For more information: 9942 0095.
14-15 Charlon Said: Franvic, Triq Parisot
Presepju statiku fuq stil Malti u tradizzjonali maħdum fil-ġablo u ġibs bil-pasturi ta’ Hermanos Cerrada u presepju fuq stil bibbliku maħdum fil-ġablo, ġibs u expanding foam bil-pasturi ta’ Joe Camilleri. Għal iktar informazzjoni ċemplu fuq 7906 0857.
A traditional Maltese style crib crafted in jablo and chalk with figurines sculpted by Hermanos Cerrada. Another static crib crafted in chalk, jablo and expanding foam, with figurines sculpted by Joe Camilleri. For more information: 7906 0857.

16 Francesco Caruana: Franvic, Triq Parisot
Presepju kbir statiku fuq stil Bibbliku maħdum fil-ġablo, ġibs u expanding foam bil-pasturi ta’ Montserrat Ribes. Għal aktar informazzjoni: 9901 2103.
A static crib crafted in jablo, chalk, and expanding foam, with figurines sculpted by Montserrat Ribes. For more information: 9901 2103.
17-30 Society of Christian Doctrine MUSEUM, Triq
Dun Gorg Preca
Presepju kbir mekkaniku, wirja varjata ta’ presepji, diorami, silhouettes u grotti maħdumin minn Ġanni Attard, Beatrice Cini, Ivan Refalo, Marvic Muscat u tfal li jattendu fil-MUSEUM. Għal aktar informazzjoni: 7953 8337.
A large mechanical crib, exhibition of various cribs, dioramas, silhouettes and small grottos crafted by Ġanni Attard, Beatrice Cini, Ivan Refalo, Marvic Muscat and children attending the MUSEUM. For more information: 7953 8337.
31 Fabio Azzopardi: 50, Triq
Presepju statiku Bibbliku armat f’tieqa maħdum fil-ġablo u ġibs bil-pasturi tad-ditta Landi. Għal aktar informazzjoni: 9925 8629.
A window display static crib crafted in jablo and chalk with figurines by the Landi brand. For more information: 9925 8629.
32 Teddy u Tonio Caruana: St Joseph, Triq Vestru
Presepju kbir statiku Bibbliku maħdum fil-ġablo u ġibs bil-pasturi talartist Jesmond Micallef. Għal aktar informazzjoni: 7955 7207.
A static crib crafted in jablo and chalk with figurines by Jesmond Micallef. For more information: 7955 7207.
33-35 Raymond Bonello: Plot
Triq il-Qasam ta’ Dun
Tliet presepji kbar statiċi fuq stil Bibbliku, Naplitan u Malti maħdumin fil-ġablo u l-ġibs bil-pasturi ta’ Joe Galea u pasturi Naplitani. Għal aktar informazzjoni: 9945 0523.
A biblical, Neopolitan and Maltese style static crib crafted in jablo and chalk with figurines by Joe Galea and Naplitan style. For more information: 9945 0523.
36-37 Centru Gesù
Nazzarenu, Triq
Gnien Xibla
Wirja ta’ presepji fosthom wieħed statiku bibbliku maħdum minn ġebel rustiku bil-pasturi tad-ditta Landi u presepji oħrajn maħdumin mit-tfal. Għal aktar informazzjoni: 2156 0813.
An exhibition of cribs, one of which was crafted in rustic stone with figurines by the Landi brand and other cribs by Children. For more information: 2156 0813.
38 Wirja De Lorenzo: Soleil, Triq Mannar
Presepju statiku maħdum fl-ixkejjer bilpasturi ta’ Carmelo De Lorenzo. Għal aktar informazzjoni: 7708 0871.
A static crib with figurines crafted by Carmelo De Lorenzo. For more information: 7708 0871.
39 Andre Cassar: Dar ilMerin, 52, Triq it-Tafla
Presepju statiku maħdum fil-ġablo, ġibs u expanding foam armat f’tieqa. Għal aktar informazzjoni: 7900 1005.
A window displayed static crib crafted in jablo, chalk and expanding foam. For more information: 7900 1005.
Wirja tal-Milied
Church of the Assumption of Mary, Iż-Żebbuġ
MONDAY TO SUNDAY 17:00 – 20:00

Wirja oriġinali ta’ diversi presepji, xogħlijiet ta’ diversi artisti u voluntiera; kif ukoll presepju artistiku Naplitan. Il-Knisja tkun miftuħa kuljum mill-17:00 sat-20:00 matul il-ġimgħa u sad-21:00 matul ilĦdud. Għal aktar informazzjoni: 9982 6350.
An original exhibition of various nativity scenes, works by different artists and volunteers, as well as the artistic Neapolitan nativity scene. The church will be open daily from 17:00 to 20:00 during the week, and until 21:00 on Sundays. For more information, contact: 9982 6350.
Wirja tal-Milied
Parish Centre, St John the Baptist Square, Ix-Xewkija
MONDAY TO SUNDAY 17:00 – 19:00

Wirja ta’ presepji u oġġetti oħra tal-Milied.
Exhibition of cribs and other Christmasrelated items.
Rotunda of St John the Baptist, Ix-Xewkija
MONDAY TO SATURDAY 09:30 – 18:00

Presepju artistiku fuq stil bibbliku maħdum minn Christopher Gatt u Paul Falzon b’sett ġdid ta’ pasturi maħdumin fit-terrakotta minn Hubert Saliba.
An artistic crib in a Biblical style created by Christopher Gatt and Paul Falzon. This year, a new set of nativity figures in terracotta, originally handcrafted by Hubert Saliba, will be on display for the first time.
Bethlehem f’Ghajnsielem
Ta’ Passi fields, Għajnsielem
Il-ħmistax-il edizzjoni ta’ Bethlehem f’Għajnsielem se tkompli toffri esperjenza mill-isbaħ tal-akbar storja li qatt seħħetit-twelid ta’ Ġesù Bambin permezz ta’ dan il-presepju ħaj mifrux fuq 20,000 metru kwadru. Bħas-snin l-imgħoddija dan ilpresepju ħaj se jkun qed joffri taħlita ta’ tradizzjonijiet u s-snajja’ lokali flimkien ma’ dak kollu li ġeneralment nassoċjawh mal-presepju tradizzjonali Malti.
Ftuħ uffiċjali nhar il-Ħadd, 15 ta’ Diċembru fit-15:00.
Għal iżjed ħinijet tal-animazzjoni tista’ żżur is-sit: ghajnsielem.com/bethlehem
The 15th edition of Bethlehem f’Għajnsielem continues to strengthen the reproduction of the greatest story ever told – The Story of Nativity - through several attractions spread across 20,000sqm of land. Once again. it will offer a unique experience where the Maltese folklore and traditions are intertwined with the Maltese crib.
Official opening on Sunday, 15th December at 15:00.
For more opening hours please visit ghajnsielem.com/bethlehem

Presepju Ghawdxi
Teatru Astra Cultural Hub, Teatru Astra, Victoria
MONDAY TO SUNDAY 10:00 – 12:00 17:00 – 20:00

Presepju uniku b’pajsaġġ kontemporanju ispirat minm veduti Għawdxin b’sett pasturi oriġinali, xogħol ta’ Michael Cutajar Zahra maħduma fuq personalitajiet popolari Għawdxin - il-biċċa l-kbira mill-Belt Victoria - jew inkella oħrajn bħall-Papa Franġisku, il-Kardinal Mario Grech u l-Arċisqof Charles Scicluna, li jirrappreżentaw it-Tliet Slaten Maġi.
A unique crib portraying typical landscapes of Gozo. The special characteristic of this crib, is that all the figures found in the crib, portray personalities, mostly from Victoria. The Three Wise Men are represented by Pope Francis, Cardinal Mario Grech & Archbishop Charles Scicluna.
Wirja ta’ Presepji
Cultural Centre, Cittadella, Victoria
Cultural Centre, St Francis Square, Victoria
Il-Presepju Malti: Arti, Fidi u Tradizzjoni

MONDAY TO SUNDAY 9:00 – 17:00

MONDAY TO SUNDAY 09:00 – 12:00 16:00 – 20:00
Our Lady of Loreto Parish Church, Għajnsielem

matul il-lezzjoni tal-arti. Il-presepji huma magħmula minn materjal varjat u ta’ daqsijiet differenti. Din se tiġi organizzata mill-Għaqda Ħbieb talPresepju Għawdex-Malta 1985.
An exhibition of cribs made by children from Gozo’s schools during their art lessons. The cribs are crafted from a variety of materials and come in different sizes. This will be organised by Għaqda Ħbieb tal-Presepju Għawdex-Malta 1985.

Presepju li jikkonsisti minn bosta xenarji fosthom il-grotta ta’ Bethlehem. F’dan il-presepju, replika fiċ-ċokon tal-ewwel presepju ħaj li sar minn San Franġisk fi Grecio, l-Italja, jiżviluppaw numru ta’ episodji tant magħrufa marbuta ma’ dan iż-żmien ħelu tas-sena.
A crib consisting of various scenes, among which Bethlehem’s Grotto. This crib - a miniature replica of the first living Nativity created by St Francis in Grecio, Italy – comes alive when various episodes from this beloved tale unfold in a mechanical way.
MONDAY TO SATURDAY 07:30 – 09:30 17:00 – 20:00

Wirja ta’ presepji, dijorami u pasturi artistiċi mtellgħa minn “Għimmanu-El” Għaqda Presepisti Għajnsielem, Għawdex - Malta (VO1081). Din il-wirja se tkun esibita ġewwa l-Parlament Ewropew fi Brussel fl-ewwel ġimgħa ta’ Diċembru 2024.
An exhibition of artistic cribs, dioramas, and nativity figurines organised by the ‘Għimmanu-El’ Għaqda Presepisti Għajnsielem, Għawdex - Malta (VO1081). This exhibition will be at the European Parliament in Brussels in the first week of December 2024.
Kulturali, Cittadella Victoria Gozo
Għaqda Ħbieb tal-Presepju Għawdex - Malta 1985 Post:
Wirja ta’ Presepji magħmula mit-tfal tal-Iskejjel Primarji
Wirja ta’ Bambini
Franvic, Triq Parisot, Ix-Xagħra
MONDAY TO SATURDAY 17:30 – 20:00

Wirja ta’ Bambini li jmorru lura għal mijiet ta’ snin u li ġejjin minn pajjiżi magħrufa għalihom bħall-Italja u Spanja bid-ditta rinomata tagħhom Olot. Il-Bambini jvarjaw kemm fil-kwalità u anke l-etajiet tagħhom, minn dawk tal-injam, xemgħa, ġibs, fit-tafal u bil-kartapesta. Għal iktar informazzjoni ċemplu fuq 7906 0857.
An exhibition of figurines that travel back hundreds of years and come from renowned countries such as Italy and Spain, featuring the famous workshop of Olot. The figurines vary in quality and age, made from materials including wood, wax, clay, terracotta, and papier-mâché. For more information, call 7906 0857.
Il-Milied: Benna ta’ Arti u Tradizzjoni
Pupu’s Hall, Triq Diċembru 13, In-Nadur
MONDAY TO SATURDAY 18:00 – 21:00 SUNDAY 09:00 – 11:00 17:00 – 21:00 CHRISTMAS DAY & NEW YEAR’S EVE 09:00 – 11:00 16:00 – 22:00

Wirja varjata ta’ bosta Bambini, presepji u statwetti maħduma b’mod tradizzjonali minn bosta artisti fosthom presepju uniku life-size xogħol l-artist il-Kav. Adonai Camilleri Cauchi. Għal aktar informazzjoni kkuntattjaw fuq 9910 1957.
An exhibition of traditional cribs and statuettes crafted locally among which a life-size crib by Chev. Adonai Camilleri Cauchi. For further information, please contact 9910 1957.
In Praesepio: The Living Nativity in Nadur
Dar Dun Franġisk Grima, Triq It-Tiġrija, In-Nadur
21ST DEC & 22ND DEC 17:30 – 19:30
25TH & 26TH DEC 17:30 – 19:30
28TH DEC & 29TH DEC 17:30 – 19:30

Presepju ħaj imtella’ mill-Għaqda Ħbieb tal-Presepju Sezzjoni Nadur fejn min iżuru jista’ jesperjenza atmosfera Maltija tal-passat.
Għaqda Ħbieb tal-Presepju Sezzjoni Nadur presents a live reenactment of the Nativity story set in a Maltese atmosphere from a bygone era, performed by local participants.
‘Kif Raw il-Kewkba Mtlew bilFerh’
Presepju interattiv, fejn l-istorja tradizzjonali tingħaqad ma’ elementi kreattivi u sensorjali. Dan il-presepju interattiv huwa mifrux fuq 16-il pied b’16-il pied u mfassal b’mod li jippermetti aċċess faċli għal persuni b’diżabilità.
MONDAY - Reclinavit eum in Praesepio
Gozo Day Centre, Gozo Learning Hub, Triq l-Imġarr, Għajnsielem
21ST DEC 15:00 – 21:00
22ND DEC – 24TH DEC 09:00 – 21:00
CHRISTMAS DAY 15:00 – 21:00
26TH DEC – 31ST DEC 09:00 – 21:00
NEW YEAR’S DAY 15:00 – 21:00
2ND JAN – 6TH JAN 09:00 – 21:00

Flimkien mal-presepju, se jkun hemm wirja li tinkludi statwi maħduma millartist lokali Charlie Camilleri. Il-viżitaturi jkollhom ukoll l-opportunità jaraw lil Charlie jaħdem fuq il-proċess artistiku ta’ proġett ġdid.
Għal aktar informazzjoni, tista’ tikkuntattja lil Charlie fuq 7955 0833 jew iżżur il-profil tiegħu fuq Facebook għal aktar dettalji.
A special 3D nativity crib, where traditional storytelling blends with creative, sensory elements. This interactive crib spans 16ft by 16ft and is thoughtfully designed to be accessible for wheelchair users. Together with the crib, there will be an exhibition featuring statues crafted by local artist Charlie Camilleri.
During the event, visitors will also have the opportunity to see Charlie working on a new project, providing a unique glimpse into his artistic process.
For more information, you can reach Charlie at 7955 0833 or visit his Facebook profile for further details.
Sunset Court, Vjal it-8 ta’ Settembru, Ix-Xagħra
22ND DEC 10:00 – 12:00 16:00 – 20:00
24TH DEC 17:00 – 20:00
CHRISTMAS DAY 10:00 – 12:00 16:00 – 20:00
26TH DEC –28TH DEC 17:00 – 20:00
29TH DEC 10:00 – 12:00 16:00 – 20:00
31ST DEC 17:00 – 20:00
NEW YEAR’S DAY 10:00 – 12:00 16:00 – 20:00

Wirja ta’ xogħlijiet artistiċi bit-tema tanNatività fuq stil modern u kontemporanju minn artisti Maltin u Għawdxin. Din ilwirja hi kkurata minn Victor Agius u qed tittella’ mill-Għaqda ‘Il-Milied fix-Xagħra’ biex tfakkar l-għoxrin anniversarju mittwaqqif tagħha.
An artistic exhibition of modern and contemporary artworks - as interpreted by various Maltese and Gozitan artists - with the Nativity as its central theme. This exhibition is organised by Victor Agius and Għaqda ‘Il-Milied fix-Xagħra’ to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the group’s foundation.

Ministeru għal Għawdex u l-Ippjanar Ministry for Gozo and Planning 2210 0100
Uffiċċju tal-Kultura f’Għawdex Gozo Culture Office 2215 6700
Uffiċċju tal-Informazzjoni għat-Turisti Tourist Information Office 2291 5452/3
Il-Fontana 2155 6097 / 2156 0233
2155 4615 / 2156 1030
2155 6129
2156 0137
2156 4563 / 2155 3764 / 2156 0845
2155 1649 / 2156 2284
2155 6684 / 2155 8552
San Lawrenz 2155 6073
Ta’ Kerċem 2155 1355
Ta’ Sannat 2155 1435
Il-Katidral 2155 4101
San Ġorġ 2155 6377
Is-Santwarju Nazzjonali Ta’ Pinu 2155 6187
2155 1042 / 2155 7881
Ix-Xewkija 2155 6793 / 2156 4608
Iż-Żebbuġ 2155 4882 / 2155 9043
L-Isptar Ġenerali ta’ Għawdex - Emerġenza Gozo General Hospital - Emergency
L-Għassa tal-Pulizija (Victoria) Police Station
Is-Seminarju Maġġuri ta’ Għawdex Gozo Seminary
Il-Kurja tal-Isqof Gozo Curia
2155 1211
Qoxra tal-Ktieb / Front Cover
LEYDA - mixed media on panel, 21cm x 30cm - JEREMY SPITERI 2024
L-informazzjoni f’dan il-ktejjeb ġiet miġbura b’reqqa u attenzjoni. Il-Ministeru għal Għawdex u l-Ippjanar ma jerfa’ l-ebda responsabbilità għal kull tibdil li jista’ jinqala’ fl-attivitajiet. Żomm ruħek aġġornat fuq l-avvenimenti kollha li jsiru f’Għawdex permezz ta’ www.eventsingozo.com jew segwu l-paġna ta’ Facebook: EventsinGozo.
The information in this booklet has been collected with thorough attention. The Ministry for Gozo and Planning is not responsible for any changes that might happen within the programme. To stay up to date with all the events in Gozo visit the official website www.eventsingozo.com or follow EventsinGozo Facebook page.