SEFFC Regional Production Incentive Support Guide

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1. Criteria A production company/enterprise or private entrepreneur registered in Finland and operating in the audiovisual field can apply regional production support from South-East Finland Film Commission. Film Commission has a set of criteria. To receive support, we require at least one of these criteria is met: 1. Location in the script, main production location in the Kotka-Hamina region 2. Local story/plot: Recognizability of the area 3. Local characters and use of regional dialect 4. Production infrastructure (number of shooting days in the area) 5. Utilization of regional experts in production departments 6. Export-oriented - productions going into international distribution.

South-East Finland Film Commission can grant 20% production support of those costs which production makes in the Kotka-Hamina region. The 20% granted support share can generally be a maximum of 60 000 € per production. The support is granted on a discretionary basis. basis

2. Other criteria for the support Beneficiary commits to tell in public about production support from South-East Film Commission. Information about the production support and SEFFC and Cursor logo must be in credits and in other materials (digital and print materials). In addition, all the cities that has funded the production, must be mentioned (Kotka, Hamina, Virolahti). The production company must also organize the local premiere in Kotka-Hamina region and opening words for the event makes the director, producer, and main actor. The beneficiary commits to use as much work force, equipment, and other services available in the region as possible.

3. Eligible costs The eligible costs are costs incurred in the Kotka region (pre-filming preparation, filming, and possible follow-up work) In terms of personnel costs, production personnel living in the Kotka region are eligible for support. Eligible costs also include purchases of goods and services from companies operating in the Kotka-Hamina region. Such costs include, for example: accommodation, catering, transportation, rental facilities, and equipment.

The production may be used as a reference on the website ( ) and the marketing materials of the production for the South-East Finland Film Commissions marketing purposes. Beneficiary commits to clear accounting about the costs in Kotka area. South-East Finland Film Commission don’t require that production received support from SES or Business Finland. However, production company must be able to prove that production has the financial prerequisites to be carried out as planned. Production company must attach to the application budget and financial plan and the information about the production (synopsis and manuscript) All the significant changes or delays before or during the production should be informed to SEFFC.

The costs of the development phase are not acceptable costs.

4. Payment of support The production support is paid when the production company has submitted an up-to-date accounting report on the costs incurred in the area. Costs must be accounted for on a net basis. VAT 24% will be added to the actual support amount excluding VAT when invoicing. The beneficiary undertakes to provide the grantor with additional information, such as individual receipts, upon request.

If you cannot send e-invoices, please send the invoices to the purchase invoice scanning service. Email scan address: The invoice to be sent must be attached to the email as a PDF file. One email may only contain one invoice and its appendices. The maximum size of attachments is 2 mb.

5. Billing Cursor's Business ID: 0727178-6 Operator: E‐invoice address: EDI code Apix Messaging Oy (003723327487) 003707271786 003707271786 Please note that if you use one of the following operators for sending e-invoices: Danske Bank Plc, Handelsbanken, Local Cooperative Banks or Savings Banks, you must use Apix Our e-invoice address is the following address: E-invoice address: 003723327487 and operator code: DABAFIHH.

6. Address for scanning paper invoices Cursor Oy (Apix Skannauspalvelu) PL 16112 00021 LASKUTUS In order for the scanning service to match your invoice, this billing address must also be printed on the invoice itself, and not just in an envelope. No material other than invoices should be sent to these billing addresses.

7. Recovery of support SEFFC pays the funding to the account indicated by the production company according to the accounting report. The funding granted will not be paid if the beneficiary does not submit the accounting report within the agreed timeframe. More information about the South-East Finland Film Commission’s production incentive Johanna Kunttu, expert, +358 40 190 2569,

8. How to apply? Production support can be applied with this LINK OR send free form of application to email

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