Tourism Economics: August Executive Summary

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Totalhotelroomnightsbookedvs.STLY AsofSeptember10,2023



MilwaukeeCountyhotelsinAugustproducedgrowthinroom nights,up17% from lastyearIncombinationwitha slightlygreater2% increaseinsupply,occupancyof68.3% wasjustunder2022,by0.2%.

HotelperformanceinMilwaukeeDowntownwassupportedbyincreasingweekdayoccupancy(66%,+8.7%).Group demandincreased7.6% YOY,followedbytransientincreasing4.1%.ADRgrowthinallsegmentssupportedanincrease of18.9% YOYinroom revenue.

POIvisitationforAugustwasledbyMenomoneeValley(23.9%),followedbyBronzeville/LindsayHeights/Harambee (17.1%).ToporiginmarketstoMilwaukeewereChicago(21.8%),GreenBay-Appleton(12.7%),andMadison(9.2%).

UShoteloccupancyforAugustregistered66%,down0.3% from thepreviousyear.ADR($153.60)andRevPAR ($101.35)wereeachaheadoflastyear,at+1.8% and+1.5% respectively.Thiswasadecreaseinoccupancyfrom the previousmonth(69.1%),withdeclinesMOMinfluencedbyseasonalpatternsforresultingAugustperformance.

InflationforAugustacrosstheUSmeasured3.7% aheadofthepreviousyear,withcoreinflation(excludingvolatile goodssuchasfood,energy)reportingslightlyhigher,at43% Despitethis,thepercentoftravelerssayinginflationwill impacttheirdecisiontotravelinthenextsixmonthsisshrinking(23% inJuly;Source:LongwoodsInternational).




ExecutiveSummary August2023 August2023 Occupancy ADR RevPAR $104.75 $153.44 68.3% YOY YTD YOY YTD YOY YTD ▲ 12.1% ▲ 9.9% ▲ 9.2% ▲ 10.1% ▲ 2.6% ▼ -0.2%
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Sep-23 Oct-23 Nov-23 Dec-23 Jan-24 +118% +179% -11% -2.2% -0.1%
MenomoneeValley Bronzeville/LindsayHeights/ Harambee Airport Walker'sPoint HistoricThirdWard MarquetteUniversity AmericanFamilyField BayView WisconsinCenterDistrict Riverwest 5.9% 6.4% 7.6% 9.5% 10.2% 10.6% 11.1% 14.1% 17.1% 23.9%
August2023 Chicago,IL GreenBay-Appleton,WI Madison,WI Minneapolis-StPaul,MN Milwaukee,WI Wausau-Rhinelander,WI StLouis,MO Rockford,IL LaCrosse-EauClaire,WI Indianapolis,IN 21.8% 12.7% 9.2% 4.2% 3.9% 2.9% 2.2% 2.2% 1.9% 1.3%
August2023Employmenttrendsandleadingindicatorsfortravel Organic Facebook Impressions Leisure& HospitalityJobs MOM YOY ▼ -52.3% ▼ -22.1% 202.9K ▲ 53% ▼ -03% 861K AVG AVG Source:STR,FacebookBusiness,Near,TravelClickandBLS *BLSjobnumbersforMilwaukee-Waukesha-WestAllis,WI Jul-22 Aug-22 Sep-22 Oct-22 Nov-22 Dec-22 Jan-23 Feb-23 Mar-23 Apr-23 May-23 Jun-23 Jul-23 Aug-23 0% 20% 40%
%changerelativetosamemonthin2019 Leisure&HospitalityJobs HotelDemand HotelRevenue ShortTerm RentalDemand 2022 2023



Sales August2023 Events RequestedRooms Show&Room Attendees 21,698 17,732 91 EventsTurnedDefiniteAugust2023 YOY YOY YOY ▼ -72.2% ▼ -48.3% ▲ 51.7% Events RequestedRooms Show&Room Attendees 228,749 200,010 326 EventsTurnedDefiniteYTD(January-August2023) YOY YOY YOY ▼ -28.0% ▲ 94.7% ▲ 57.5% Requested Rooms Requested PeakRoom Show&Room Attendees MagicalElvesProductions Jul2023 StructuralBuildingComponentsAssociation Oct2024 MischiefManagement,LLC Sep2024 MechanicalContractorsAssociationofAmerica,Inc. Aug2024 GeneracPowerSystems May2024 CapitolHillManagementServices Apr2024 LeSaffreYeastCorporation Aug2023 NationalGovernorsAssociation Oct2023 JohnsonControls,Inc. Nov2023 WorldClassInstructionalDesignandAssessment Oct2023 153 154 7,092 1,500 700 2,105 4,300 360 1,220 325 230 715 254 254 712 300 176 575 170 154 491 130 120 430 120 120 338 106 106 333
ByRequestedRooms A u g2 2 S e p2 2 O c t2 2 N o v2 2 D e c2 2 J a n2 3 F e b2 3 M a r2 3 Ap r2 3 M a y2 3 J u n2 3 J u l2 3 A u g2 3 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 R F P s R e c i e v e d 0K 20K 40K 60K 80K 100K 120K 140K 160K 180K 200K R e q u e s t e d R o o m s 183 199K
Leadsarrivinginthelastyear Source:VisitMilwaukeeCRMSystem (SimpleView) Events RequestedRooms




Marketing August2023 TotalAudience Impressions Engagements EngagementRate Total Instagram Facebook Twitter TiKToK LinkedIn Youtube 30% 10.2% 6.6% 1.8% 29% 4.7% 4.3% 84 3,219 27,194 2,418 28,951 72,920 134,786 2,839 31,647 409,500 132,661 1,003,697 1,558,967 3,139,311 1,110 12,283 19,232 48,952 97,674 150,041 329,292
August2023 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 50K 100K 150K 200K E n g a g e m e n t s
July2019-August2023;Network:All Source:SproutSocial&TiKToK Mar-23 Apr-23 May-23 Jun-23 Jul-23 Aug-23 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 P a s s R e d e m tp i o n s 540 589 550 459 454 441
Last6Months Milwaukee Wauwatosa Racine OakCreek WestMilwaukee Brookfield Pulaski NewBerlin Mequon Neenah 4427% 443% 391% 2.86% 2.34% 2.34% 2.08% 2.08% 2.08% 1.82% In-StateCityPassRedemptions August2023 Illinois Florida Michigan Indiana Ohio Virginia NewMexico NewHampshire Colorado Pennsylvania 4645% 1161% 516% 5.16% 4.52% 3.87% 3.87% 2.58% 2.58% 1.94% Out-of-StatePassRedemptions August2023 Source:Bandwango 2020 2021 2022 2023 Product All






Benchmarking August2023 Occupancy ADR RevPAR M i l w a u k e e D o w n t o w n Total Transient Group Contract 71% 41% 26% 4% $190 $208 $175 $96 $135 $86 $45 $4
August2023 Occupancy ADR RevPAR MilwaukeeDowntown Wauwatosa,WI MilwaukeeSouth Milwaukee,WI MilwaukeeCounty MilwaukeeNorth 71.1% 69.6% 69.4% 68.7% 68.3% 59.1% $190 $146 $112 $146 $153 $118 $135 $101 $100 $105 $78 $70
August2023 Source:STR Jan-20 Jan-21 Jan-22 Jan-23 -40% -20% 0% 0% 9%
comparedtoFeb-20 Source:BLS Occupancy ADR RevPAR Supply Demand Revenue Mil.Downtown53233 Mil.Downtown53202 Greenfield Mil.Downtown53212 MilwaukeeCounty Milwaukee Wauwatosa Mil.Downtown53203 Mil.Downtown53215 67.5% 62.8% 62.0% 59.8% 59.7% 59.6% 58.3% 58.0% 52.3% $142 $257 $295 $207 $214 $216 $196 $257 $193 $162 $183 $124 $128 $128 $114 $149 $101 $96 14.6K 10.0K 83.5K 80.4K 3.2K 0.5K 3.9K 3.2K 1.1K 49.8K 47.9K 2.2K 9.1K 0.3K 6.0K 2.3K 1.9K 0.6K $10,678K $10,323K $2,353K $1,234K $308K $445K $481K $107K $88K
August2023 Source:AirDNA MilwaukeeMitchellInternational USA -8.4% -1.3% TSAThroughput % Changevs.2019

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