Tourism Management Institute Business Plan 2022/27
Introduction 3 Background 4 A Changing Environment for Destinations 5 The impact of Coronavirus 6 Our Strategic Direction - Towards 2026 7 Core Objectives 2022/27 8 Efficiency, Governance and Viability 9 Policy & Advocacy 10 Continuous Professional Development 11 Membership 12 Communications 13 Events 14 Sustainability 15 2
The changing tourism landscape, together with the dramatic effect of coronavirus, has made a dramatic impact on the roles of TMI members and moreover, to the TMI itself as an organisation. As a result, this business plan is likely to be one of the most important in the history of TMI, and one which will pave the way for a stronger and even more meaningful organisation. In order to deliver the plan TMI has strengthened its executive board, and now has a blend of experience and innovation to take the organisation forward.”
Progress of the plan will be reported to members annually Introduction
The Tourism Management Institute’s stated purpose is: Advancing the science and art of sustainable destination management for the benefit of our global community”
In parallel, TMI’s definition of destination management is: Sustainable Tourism Destination Management involves activities to attract, manage and support tourism for the social, economic and environmental benefit of businesses and the community”
TMI was created in 1997, having evolved from the original British Association of Tourism Officers, the heritage of which dates back to the 1950’s. In 2010 it was incorporated into the Tourism Society, an arrangement which was subsequently terminated in 2015/16 since when, the ‘new TMI’ has flourished and enjoyed real growth both in membership and profile. It has also continued to expand its accreditation of higher and further education courses through its course recognition scheme. TMI is also more actively engaged on the board of the Tourism Alliance and is working closely with VisitBritain/ VisitEngland and other tourism agencies.
Since its reincorporation some of the essential building blocks have been put in place to enable TMI to operate under its own direction. This business plan is designed to provide structure to the Institute’s membership and engagement activities, build upon its recent successes in delivering its stated purpose, and support its ambition to ‘maximise TMI’s role as the voice of destination management’.
A Changing Environment for Destinations
The face of destination management is changing, and for the professionals involved. The challenges include sourcing new investment, forging new partnerships, placemaking and keeping pace with a rapidly changing technological landscape. There has never been a time when TMI, as a membership organisation has been more relevant in supporting those involved in destination management, whether they be involved in tourism, events, marketing or hospitality.
Destination managers are grappling with the need to transform their organisations and practices to meet the needs of today’s visitors, tourism-related businesses as well as with the resident community and local businesses. They are also required to work in an environment where the lines between private, voluntary and public sector are becoming more blurred.
The impact of the Pandemic
Coronavirus has had an additional, and enormous, impact on the tourism and hospitality sector. It has dramatically challenged the roles of those working in destination management and in turn, the impact of the virus is likely to change some of our established tourism structures and organisations. TMI has been impacted financially and this means that this business plan needs to address the future financial stability of the organisation.
The way we meet and communicate has also been impacted, and whilst this might have resulted in reduced income from events, our reach through the technology has been dramatically increased. Attendance by our student membership at the convention grew to around 500 and the introduction of regular webinars has welcomed many practitioners who may not normally have accessed one of our two annual events. Moreover, at times of lockdown many of our members, particularly those perhaps working in isolated circumstances, have greatly valued our programme of events.
The impact of coronavirus therefore means we need to urgently review and strengthen our financial position but it also means we have an opportunity to examine and redesign how we communicate, and how our organisational structure can be improved.
Our Strategic DirectionTowards 2027
• To support destination managers by providing opportunities for networking and shared learning, along with continuous professional development
• Maintain a clear strategy to support membership growth and ensure financial stability.
• Make the case for destination management and for sustainable resources to support it.
• Improve the knowledge and skills of destination professionals.
• Work collaboratively with other bodies that have a role to play in destination management and marketing.
• Work with educational establishments to ensure that the next generation of destination managers have the skills abs knowledge necessary to lead the profession in the future.
Core Aims 2022/27
In order to deliver our stated purpose as a membership-driven Institute seeking to improve the effectiveness of destination management, our core objectives are:
• Efficiency and viability of the Institute Review and future proof the Executive Board and National Council to ensure operational resilience and ensure the Institute remains financially viable through exploring new income generation opportunities
• Policy & advocacy Be the voice of sustainable destination management and champion the role of destination managers, practitioners and academics
• Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Support our member community through providing the best content, opportunities, training and best practice
• Events - Create and curate professional events physically and virtually to support networking, sharing of best practice and raise profile of TMI
• Membership – to grow the membership to ensure we offer a representative voice of Destination Management.
• Communications - Provide regular communications and opportunities to engage for our members and build Profile nationally and internationally for TMI as the voice of destination management
• Sustainability – Encourage sustainable tourism by promoting best practice, encouraging policy development and , as an organisation, leading by example.
Efficiency, Governance and Viability
Core Aim - Review and future proof the Executive Board and National Council to ensure operational resilience and ensure the Institute remains financially viable through exploring new income generation opportunities
The key priority for 2022/23 - to review the current management structure of TMI and to put in place urgent measures to secure financial stability.
The Executive Board, with the specific guidance of the Hon Treasurer and support of the Hon Secretary will:
• Review the national structure of the organisation (Executive responsibility)
• Scrutinise expenditure and identify a range of potential efficiency savings
• Explore efficiencies in relation to existing income, generating new programmes and potential income stream
• Maintain sound financial management of the Institute and TMI Trading Ltd.
• Maintain good written records of the Institute’s meetings and Working Groups.
• Maintain good written records of the meetings of TMI Trading Ltd.
During 2020/21 the Executive Board will meet formally on at least four occasions and the National Council on at least two occasions. There will also be an annual general meeting.
Policy & Advocacy
Core Aim - Be the voice of sustainable destination management and champion the role of destination managers, practitioners and academics
The key priority for 2022/23 - to be the recognised experts in destination management through existing and new relationships with VisitBritain, the Local Government Association, the Tourism Alliance and other similar bodies.
The Head of Policy and Advocacy, with the support of Executive members will:
• Keep a watching brief on emerging policies
• Respond as appropriate, to all relevant national tourism policy consultations.
• Identify and develop new relationships with organisations involved with tourism and destination management
• Ensure our voice is heard on the Tourism Alliance Board.
• Identify with the Executive, opportunities to take a pro-active approach to influencing policy development and advocating TMI’s cause by explicitly sharing best practice.
• Highlight the tourism policy areas that could lead in TMI programmes.
• Promote TMI policy positions to appropriate audiences.
Continuous Professional Development
Core Aim – Support our member community through providing the best content, opportunities, training and best practice
The key priority for 2022/23 - to review the Higher Education aspect of TMI’s CPD including the accreditation schemes and awards with the intention of increasing HE membership, income, and participation..
The Head of CPD supported by the CPD support officer and the CPD Group will:
• Work in collaboration with members to identify their continuing professional needs.
• Review the existing policy, tools and resources available to support the purposeful professional development of members.
• Manage and further promote the Higher Education (HE) course recognition scheme including increasing participation both domestic and overseas, for Foundation, Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses.
• Establish a channel of communication with course leaders to ensure their integration into wider TMI activity, as well as to identify and develop benefits of course membership.
• Assess the potential to widen accreditation to include short courses run as CPD programmes.
• Review and relaunch the David Hughes Memorial Award and the Simon Curtis Postgraduate Prize for students on recognised courses to showcase their achievements and commitment to TMI and destination management.
• Review and refresh the website content for CPD
• Review opportunities for closer collaboration and communication between the different kinds of members of the TMI e.g. students, professionals, universities with a view to strengthening networking opportunities and shared expertise across the TMI community.
Core Aim - to grow the membership to ensure we offer a representative voice of Destination Management.
The key priority for 2022/23 - to secure growth in all membership categories and to review the potential of regional and sector representatives.
The Head of Communications with the support of the Hon Secretary will:
• Implement a plan for growing and retaining membership, including student members.
• Update the prospective member database to support a membership recruitment drive early in 2021.
• Increase engagement with employing organisations and educational institutions.
• Review the role of regional representatives, including consideration of sector or thematic representatives as an alternative
• Oversee the hosting, design and content of TMI’s website.
• Publish regular ‘TM Eye’ bulletins and effective social media.
Core Aim - Provide regular communications and opportunities to engage for our members and build Profile nationally and internationally for TMI as the voice of destination management.
The key priority for 2022/23 – to keep our members informed and to keep the voice of the institute heard.
The Head of Communications with the support of the Hon Secretary will:
• Oversee and improve two-way frequent communications that build and reinforce an excellent relationship with members.
• Enable and stimulate active communications with and between members and stakeholders face to face and through digital forums.
• Review the hosting, design and
content of TMI’s website.
• Publish regular ‘TM Eye’ bulletins and effective social media.
• Interpret and communicate the Institute’s brand values and identity, actively promoting ‘The Voice of Destination Management’ strapline.
Core aim - to run curated professional networking events designed to physically and virtually engage members and other delegates in the dissemination of research, policy and practice.
Overall priority for 2022/23 - to run a programme of informative profit-making events which are accessible to members.
The Head of Events supported by the Events Coordinator will:
• Organising two key major events each year (Hot Topic day and Annual Convention)
• Use events as a source of income generation
• Ensure that each event provides valuable professional development for members, and ensures that TMI remains at the leading edge of debate around destination management in the UK
• Organise a programme of monthly webinar events which deliver high quality content and networking opportunities.
• Explore ‘selective and complementary’ joint working opportunities with Visit Britain/Visit England, Local Government Association and National Tourist Boards.
• Use the events as profile-raising opportunities, and recruitment facilitators for TMI.
Core aim - To encourage sustainable tourisma n ddestinationmanagement by promoting best practice, encouraging policy development and, as an organisation, leading by example.
The Head of Sustainability will:
• Establish a Sustainability Working Group to advise and support delivery of TMI’s sustainability policy
• Develop a sustainability strategy for the management of TMI as an organisation
Overall priority for 2022/23 - To develop policies for the management and promotion of sustainable tourism..
• Identify and share examples of best practice in sustainable destination management
• Establish links with relevant organisation involved with sustainable tourism
• Contribute to the content of the annual programme of events and webinars