Weekender Alicante North Issue 086

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ISSUE 086 - Friday 22nd March 2019


Your Weekend Starts Here!


A DUTCH teenager has been given an 18 month sentence in a juvenile prison and a two month supervision order after being convicted over a sexual assault on two British girls aged 12 and 14. 17-year-old Charly T was arrested in the middle of August last year on the final day of a holiday that he was taking with his father and brother in the Marina Alta area of Alicante Province. Charly T agreed to meet the girls at a communal swimming

Court time for Elton.

by Alex Trelinski

pool on the urbanisation that they were staying at, having met them the night before. The assault victims filed a police report against him, with the younger girl saying that some vodka had been poured into her soft drink, whilst the 14-year-old said that she could not remember what had happened. The Dutch teenager admitted kissing the girls, but denied any sexual assault. Minute samples

of his DNA were found on the 12-year-old´s thigh. The story has attracted a lot of media attention in the Netherlands, as the teen was denied bail as he was regarded as a flight risk. He was put into in at juvenile centre at Villena ahead of the trial, with reports that he was mistreated by other inmates and that he resorted to self-harm, as his mental state suffered. Dutch MPs raised the issue in their national parliament, and there was also concern from

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prisoner rights organisations that a conviction would be unsafe because no interpreters were present during the police investigation. Dutch broadcaster NOS claimed that there were no witnesses to back up any claims. Charly T is back in the Netherlands though after being unexpectedly released from seven months of custody last week, with his lawyer suggesting that he does not have to return to Spain until an appeal process is worked out.



FRIday 22Nd maRch 2019

Finance Feature provided by...

Property vs Investment Portfolios Investing in property has been popular in past years, with many people buying property to rent out as an investment. The attractions of property are clear. The UK sector has historically delivered a compelling rental yield, combined with an attractive level of capital growth over the long term. However, property is not right for everyone and here I highlight some of the main factors that should be considered. 1.- Age – Once you really start getting to the later years of life, your risks start to become greater. You no longer have the luxury of investing for the long-term. For example, if you’re 80 years old, and invest in property during a property boom, in 2 years time the market may start to dip. The market may recover after 10 years and put you back into high profits. But you may no longer be around to reap the benefits. So essentially, the older you are, the shorter your opportunity becomes for a long-term investment. 2.- Cost - The costs involved in buyto-let can quickly stack up and erode the returns. Buying costs, including legal fees, agency fees and survey fees, all of which are usually paid upfront need to be considered and in Spain this can be somewhere around

15%! Then you will need to find tenants or advertise the property for holiday lets. Then you have the ongoing costs, which could include redecoration and repairs, gas and electrical appliance maintenance, buildings and contents insurance, legal insurance and the costs of complying with the various landlord regulations. 3.- Tax - You should also ensure you have a firm grasp of the tax implications of purchasing a buying property as this will cause a further limit on returns. In Spain the purchasing tax is 10%, so essentially you are 10% down from day one, but there are other ongoing taxes to consider. If you have a property you rent out in Spain and live in Spain yourself, you will have to declare

the income on your Spanish tax return (declaracion de la renta de las personas fisicas) every year and then of course when you sell the property you will have to consider the possible capital gains tax. 4.- Lack of diversification - If you own your current home, investing in a second could leave you heavily exposed to the property market. If property prices falter, your wealth could be significantly affected. The property market is also highly illiquid, meaning a property can sit on the market for months, or even years, before a buyer is found. If you need to access your money quickly, you could be forced to accept a lower offer than you could achieve given more time and even then, this could take some time. We should also take into consideration the location of the property. Unlike the UK the rental yields in Spain can be as little as 2-3% gross and if you take into consideration the buying fees, often it can take over 5 years just to break even! So what if buying a property is not a suitable investment for

By Tracy Storer Senior Partner Chorus Financial you? What are the alternative options? Number one, leaving money in your bank can be a bad idea if you want to achieve growth. UK inflation is currently at 2.5% so unless your bank is paying you a 2.5% interest (which is very unlikely) you savings are depreciating daily. So what about investing? Many people get put off by that word. They think that it is only for the experienced or for big risk takers but it really isn’t. The key to investing is getting the right advice, making sure that all of your needs and objectives are considered and that everything is explained in a simple manner that you understand. At Chorus Financial, we do just that. If a client comes to me and purchasing a property is the right thing for them, I’ll advise them of that – and if it isn’t? I’ll sit down and talk through the various options available, whether they just want to grow their money at the same rate of inflation or they are more aggressive investors looking for bigger growth, we make sure that it is right for them. If you are confused about what investments are right for you, give me a call on 693 107 044 or email t.storer@chorusfinancial.es

Facebook: @TheWeekenderSpain

FRIday 22Nd maRch 2019


A BOY may have been abducted by his father from his British home and taken back to Spain, as authorities work together to track him down. Eight-year-old Angelo Juarado-Marmolejo lives with his mother in Bristol, and his father, Rafael Jurado-Cabello, did not bring him back home after an access visit on March 2nd. Cabello comes originally from Puente Genil in Córdoba province, with Spanish and British police working together to try to find both father and son. Avon and Somerset Police say they are ‘not worried’ about the child’s welfare but they want to find him ‘as soon as possible’. Friends and family of the mother and child have set up a Facebook group, ‘Angelo Missing UK’. Anyone in Spain who believes they have any information are asked to contact their nearest police station.

The missing duo.




FRIday 22Nd maRch 2019


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Protestors last Saturday.

THOUSANDS of supporters of pro-Catalan independence took to the streets of Madrid on Saturday in protest at the ongoing trial of 12 separatist leaders. Many waved Catalan flags and had

by Alex Trelinski

placards reading “Selfdetermination is not a crime”. Protest organisers said 120 thousand people marched in Madrid, whilst authorities put

the number at around 18 thousand. The rally was organised by more than 60 civil liberty groups from all over Spain. The separatist leaders behind Catalunya´s illegal

2017 independence referendum are facing rebellion and sedition charges in trial expected to continue into the summer. If convicted, some could face up to 25 years in prison.

25 years requested for child rapist A trial has started in Castellon of a man accused of raping his 14 year old sister in law on at least two occasions. The first incident was in 2015

by Simon Russell

when it is alleged he entered the girls room and raped her, an act he repeated two years later, this time coercing

her into having sex in order to leave her alone according to the victim’s account. The man lived in a property in Castellon with a family group

that included his wife, her younger sister and his parents in law. Prosecutors have asked for a sentence of 25 years if the man is found guilty.

Facebook: @TheWeekenderSpain

Bull 1 Toreador 0 by Andy Mansell

A bullfighter was badly, but not life threateningly, injured after being gored by a bull at a fight in Valencia City last week. Enrique Ponce, a native of nearby Chiva and experienced toreador, was gored

in the buttock and thrown into the air, causing further knee, ligament and hand injuries. Horseback riders entered the ring and pulled the wounded man clear where he was taken for treatment. Most comments on social media were less than sympathetic to Mr Ponce’s plight.

Horns of a dilemma. Enrique Ponce gored by the bull.


British Fugitive arrested FRIday 22Nd maRch 2019

by Andy Mansell

National Police officers in Benidorm, swooped last week to arrest a British man wanted for questioning by UK authorities, on charges relating to the alleged sexual abuse of his two stepchildren. The detainee had fled the UK, once he realised he was being investigated by police, following implications from the children, who were aged thirteen and fourteen at the time of the alleged abuse. Once the fugitive arrived in the resort, he changed his appearance and kept a low profile to avoid detection. However, a Europe-wide arrest warrant was issued by UK authorities, in respect to ten charges of sexual abuse of minors, which allegedly took place in his stepchildren’s bedrooms. A statement issued by National Police in Benidorm, praised the collaboration of the NCA, National Crime Agency, which led to the eventual arrest of the detainee in the resort.

The fugitive Briton had altered his appearance to avoid detection

Bad lessons from driving instructor A driving instructor, who had two young pupils with him, has been arrested for drink driving and taking drugs at the wheel of his car. The incident happened

by Alex Trelinski

near Alzira (Valencia) when the Guardia Civil saw him make an incorrect manoeuvre when joining the motorway from the

A-35. They stopped the man to warn him and saw he was showing signs of drunkenness. He was breathalysed and also tested for drugs, showing positive in both cases.

The 37 year old instructor was charged with road safety crimes and his car immobilized. The two youngsters with him then had to call their parents to be picked up.

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FRIday 22Nd maRch 2019

Persian wonders on display by Simon Russell

THE MARQ Archaeological Museum in Alicante has opened an important and impressive exhibition of Persian artefacts. “Iran, Cradle of Civilisations”, has 200 pieces from one of the most important periods in human history, many of them appearing outside of Iran for the first time. The Iranian ambassador to Spain was among dignitaries at the inauguration, as well as the Director General of the National Museum of Iran where many of the items were loaned from. Humans were known to have first established civilisations in what was Persia around

300,000 years ago, and the tour starts with exhibits from the Bronze and Palaeolithic ages including a flute carved from bone, early examples of writing and ceramics. An unusual addition is the incorporation of aromas from the area where the pieces were found, using natural materials such as moss, flowers and leaves. Possibly the most important item on display is the priceless Riton de Oro, a jewel encrusted ceremonial vase from around the 6th Century BC. Another showcase is the Luistan Bronzes, a collection of instruments and weapons from the same period. The exhibition gradually walks you through Persian and then Iranian history with items including an early Qur’an, silver platters, statuary and much more. The event runs until 31 August and there will sometimes be one off events such as music and talks by experts. For more information go to www.marqalicante.com

Unemployment fund used for booze and brothels A court in Andalucia has heard how money meant for a local government fund set up to help with training the unemployed was spent on prostitutes, alcohol, jewellery, parties and gifts. Fernando Villen was director of the now defunct Fundacion Andaluza del Fondo para la Formacion y el Empleo (Faffe) set up to train unemployed Andalucians. It is alleged that Villen ran up a bill for nearly €15,000 in just six hours at a “hostess club” in Seville using his Faffe credit card.

by Simon Russell

Other charges included €2,514 for a “feast”, various jewellery, a cot for a baby, travel not related to the job and payment of traffic fines. Mr Villen and others have been unable to adequately explain the charges with one telling the Guardia Civil they did it “because they could”. Mr Villen has said he has returned all the cash in what was a misunderstanding but prosecutors do not believe his version of events.

Fernando Villen

Getting their fingers burned THE combination of by Simon Russell alcohol, young people out in force and industrial injury at the Fallas festival quantities of fireworks in Valencia and this year means that there are almost was no exception. always some forms of A total of six people

were treated by the Red Cross over the weekend, with three of these having more serious injuries. These were a bad cut, an eye injury and burn,

with one of those hurt requiring hospitalisation. The health services were well prepared, with 52 medically trained people, mainly Red Cross workers

but also a doctor and two nurses being on call for the burning of the castle on Paseo de la Alameda with 12 emergency vehicles also in attendance.

Facebook: @TheWeekenderSpain

UK HEALTH ASSURANCE BRITISH retirees in Spain accessing healthcare under the S1 reciprocal care scheme have been given an assurance from the UK government that “they can use NHS services without charge when on a temporary visit to Britain”. That pledge has come from health minister Stephen Hammond, as he announced this week that the British expats undergoing medical treatment in all EU countries would continue to do so for up to a year in the event of a no deal Brexit, as treatment would be funded by London. Spain had already announced that existing healthcare provision would be maintained for British retirees in the country until the end of 2020 if Britain crashed out of the EU, so long as there was some kind of similar deal for Spanish nationals living in the UK. Hammond did state that individual deals would have to be done with each EU country in the case of a “no deal” and that discussions were taking place.

Not the sharpest tool in the box

by Alex Trelinski

The minister´s announcement did not make clear whether there was a similar one year timescale on accessing the NHS for expats. At least for the time being, whatever happens over Parliament accepting an exit deal, those who have paid National Insurance into the UK system and have chosen to retire to Spain, will, in theory, not have to worry if they need treatment if they fall ill or have an accident on return visits to the country. British citizens who return to live in the UK part way through their treatment will also be able to access NHS services, according to Hammond. Meanwhile, with Britain officially due to leave the EU next week, PM Theresa May has written to the EU asking for an extension of Article 50 until the end of June, and as the Weekender went to press, was meeting her fellow leaders at a European Council gathering yesterday.


FRIday 22Nd maRch 2019

Stephen Hammond

A man who alarmed fellow travellers on the Madrid Metro by taking out a large knife and starting to sharpen it could be facing charges. He was filmed by a passenger who said that the unnamed man’s action sparked “scenes of panic”. He passed the video on to the Metro de Madrid who have been able to identify the culprit and passed the details on to the National Police - although it is not

by Alex Trelinski

immediately apparent if any laws have been broken. However people spoken to regarded the actions as stupid and insensitive in the wake of recent terror attacks, both in Spain and globally. The incident also took place close to the anniversary of the Metro terror attacks,when dozens of people were killed in bomb blasts.

Spanish link to terror attacker POLICE are looking into connections that the man who carried out the massacre of 50 people at a mosque in New Zealand had with Spain. 28 year old Brenton Tarrant, an Australian, walked into the mosque in Christchurch last week and opened fire with an automatic assault rifle, killing worshippers that included women and children. He live streamed the attack and hundreds of people viewed it before You Tube and Facebook took down his feed.

by Alex Trelinski

The weapon he used was emblazoned with his “heroes”, far right figures and terrorists. These included self proclaimed neo-Nazi Josue Estebanez who stabbed a man to death on the Madrid subway in 2007. The authorities are looking into this and any possible connection with a short stay that Tarrant had in Spain last year when he came to Jerez. However early indications are that the killer was a “lone wolf”.

Mass murderer Brenton Tarrant


Assaults on doctors climbing A S S AU LT S on doctors and physicians in the region rose by 45% in the 12 month period from March 2018 to March 2019, according to a report by the Valencian Medical Association. There were 24 assaults officially registered with almost two thirds being against


FRIday 22Nd maRch 2019

by Andy Mansell

females. Serious verbal abuse, serious threats and intent to harm are all included in the figures and make up the majority, although it is not thought that all verbal assaults are recorded. “Dr Google” has been cited as one of the reasons for the rise, with

people expecting their GP to back up their own online diagnosis, causing conflicts. Waiting times and equipment malfunctions have also been blamed. The Medical Association urged it’s members to report all incidents, however minor they may seem, and called for greater security at medical centres.

EU losing trust in THE European Union have slapped a massive €1.49 billion dollar fine on tech giants Google for breaching their antitrust laws, the third such time this has happened. At a press conference the EU’s Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager explained that the fine was for continued breaches of anti competition laws. The search engine is easily the biggest ad

by Simon Russell

broker in the EU, with its Ad Sense platform accounting for over 70% of such traffic. Ms Vestager said the firm “abused their dominance to stop websites using brokers other than AdSense” and found restrictive clauses which were intended to harm competitors. She also pointed out that companies who believe they

have suffered due to Google’s actions can claim compensation at a national level, meaning a spate of individual lawsuits could soon follow this latest ruling. Google was fined €4.34 billion by the same body in 2018 for similar infringements relating to its Android system and €2.42 billion in 2017 for online shopping search results that were deemed deliberately unfair.


MALLORCA´S capital, Palma, is launching a drive to restrict alcohol in some areas to stop drunken tourists. Palma will see bars, clubs and restaurants told not to promote any drinking in the street from April 1st, or else they could be fined. Anti-social behaviour could see penalties of up to three thousand euros, whilst

by Alex Trelinski

happy hours and two-for-one offers are to be scrapped in the waterfront areas of Palma. The measures have been introduced by Palma council and do not stretch 18 kilometres to Magaluf, the island´s main binge-drinking spot, which is covered by another council.

Segura cleansed THE RIVER SEGURA in the Vega Baja area is getting a clean-up after numerous complaints, with the Segura river and water authority(CHS) undertaking the work, which finished the first phase this week in Guardamar. 70 tons of waste has been

by Alex Trelinski

removed from the mouth of the old course of the Segura at Guardamar, with a similar amount expected in the next locations to be tackled, which include Almoradi, Orihuela, Rojales, and Benejuzar.

DEAD DICTATOR WILL MOVE SPAIN´S government has formally approved the exhumation of former leader and dictator, Francisco Franco at a controversial burial site that’s viewed by many as too regal for a man who ruled through decades of violent repression. The exhumation of Franco, who died in 1975, will take place on Monday June 10th, when his remains will be transferred from the Valley of the

by Alex Trelinski

Fallen memorial complex near Madrid to an ordinary cemetery near to his wife’s tomb. Descendants of Franco are continuing to oppose the relocation through the courts, and that might the delay the government’s plans, which may also be scrapped if next month´s general election sees the PSOE socialists lose power.

Francoists against the move at the Valley.

Facebook: @TheWeekenderSpain

Money for nothing

RESIDENTS in the small Spanish town of Villarramiel (Palencia) have been faced with an unusual dilemma what to do with envelopes stuffed with cash that have been pushed through their letterboxes. The packages have contained either 50 or 70 euros and there are no clues as to the identity of the mystery benefactor. There doesn’t appear to be any pattern as to who receives the gifts, young and old, male or female with some people having received more than one windfall.

by Simon Russell

The bank notes are all in mint condition, raising some people’s suspicions that they are forgeries but the local bank has said they are genuine and have probably been taken from a cash Cash from the Spanish Robin Hood point machine. Some have asked advice on what to do it if they want. One young with the cash and have chosen woman found an envelope to donate it to the church or with the word “Princess” and a charity but authorities have two hearts containing €50 in said they are entitled to keep the basket of her bicycle but

most donations have not had a message with them. Even more bizarrely some baffled residents have received empty envelopes.

Generals election bid

SPAIN´S new far-right party Vox has signed up three former generals to run for parliament in next month’s general election, two of whom expressed support for the legacy of former right-wing dictator Francisco Franco by signing a petition last year. Former generals Agustin Rosety and Alberto Asarta will run as parliamentary candidates for the provinces

by Alex Trelinski

of Cadiz and Castellon, whilst ex-general Manuel Mestre, is running in Alicante Province. Rosety and Asarta signed a manifesto last year in support of Franco’s legacy, including the military uprising that ignited the 1936-1939 Spanish civil war and resulted in his rule until he died in 1975.


FRIday 22Nd maRch 2019

Latest opinion polls show support as high as 12 per cent for Vox, which opposes gender equality laws and immigration and has a strong stance against independence for Spain’s regions, That could translate into 38 seats in parliament at the April 28th election, which is expected to see the ruling PSOE socialists returned as the largest single party, but without an overall majority.


FIVE PEOPLE were arrested in Elche for being members of a gang that distributed fake viagra pills across Europe via the internet. A warehouse in Elche was used as part of the operation that was smashed by the National Police, with a total of 18 arrests, including 11 in Tenerife which was the central hub for the con, with branded nutritional pills actually being

by Andy Mansell

imitations of erectile dysfunction products. 400 thousand pills were seized in the Elche raid, plus 50 thousand euros; 27 mobile phones; and 22 laptops in 19 home raids across Spain. The National Police said that the pills posed a serious health risk to anybody who took them.

Some of the fake pills.

Bring your own

Alicante candidate Mestre.

PEOPLE using Carrefour stores are now able to bring their own plastic containers, after the retailer launched an initiative to reduce the amount of plastic it uses Containers can be used to put fresh fruit, meat, fish, and vegetables in,

by Alex Trelinski

so long as the boxes are transparent and have a lid. In another move, Carrefour has introduced a biodegradable tray for seafood products to reduce the amount of supplied packaging.


FRIday 22Nd maRch 2019


Playmon residents fightback

Residents of a Benidorm apartment block, which has become a notorious home for drug dealing and violent crime,have begun a Facebook and media campaign to draw attention to their plight. The owners and occupants of apartments and studios in Playmon Fiesta Block F, which is part of a large residential complex situated on the edge of the resorts town centre feel that they have no alternative, as they have reached a ‘dead end’ in their dealings with relevant authorities. They complain of robberies on the stairs of the building, urine and excrement in the corridors, furniture occupying the common spaces, doors kicked in every day by squatters who also hook into the electricity from the

Another later post, highlighted the plight communal spaces. of a resident, who when Last week, a group of confronted by two squatters disgruntled residents, led by living in the block, received a a man only known as Lucha, deep blow to the head from a launched a Facebook page, to blunt weapon, which needed which they add daily photos hospital treatment. and messages, giving graphic Although the attacker was details of the daily struggles interviewed by police, she they are forced to endure in the was released from the station, vicinity of their homes. whereupon she returned to the A recent post, shared to block and proceeded to bang the Ahora Marina Baixa on the victim’s door at 02.30h, media page said, ‘Due to the loudly issuing death threats. situations that happen day by Residents groups have day within our Community, spoken regularly to town hall we, a group of residents of the officials, but claim to have Playmon Fiesta Block F have received no help. decided to make public all of When the police act on the humiliations, aggressions drug dealing or anti-social Apartments in Playmon F reached a peak valuation of 120K€ and insults that we have to behaviour, the protagonists face every day caused by the return to the block soon after to stem directly from the banking the management company passivity of the City council continue with their activities. crash, which hit the Spanish suffered from a lack of funds and impotence of the police.’ The problems appear to property market disastrously for maintenance, eventually in 2009. falling into receivership with Playmon F and its sister community debts of more than blocks opened in 1971, 800,000€. marketed as a luxury With apartments in the residencia, with Olympic building now valued at sized pools and tennis courts a maximum 15,000€, as promoted by Spanish star the communal spaces and Manuel Santana. building fabric fall into severe Raising Awareness & Fund Raising Priced in the region of disrepair, owners are caught in For Cancer Care Nursing & Advisory Service 450 million pesetas, the an unenviable situation. apartments and studios Many of the apartments are We Deliver Support & Care were snapped up quickly, owned by foreign residents reaching a peak price point of from Eastern Europe, or are To Those Affected By cancer 120,000€ by 2004. ex holiday homes belonging However, following the to owners who no longer use Please come along and visit both our shops and charity bank crisis, owners struggling them and are prepared to rent centre located in Javea Park just off Av.de Paris Javea. to pay their mortgages them out for 150€ per month Chat with our wonderful team of volunteers and find out allowed their properties to be to avoid them being taken over repossessed by their banks, by squatters. about everything we do. leaving at least 120 empty Currently, the owners who properties in the block. pay the community charge Telephone - 965796846 / 965790129 As banks who own have negotiated with a new You can also contact our Lead Nurse properties are not required management company to to pay the 700€ per takeover the maintenance Jayne directly on 965796846. annum community fees, contract, but they are not prepared to take on the outstanding debt from the previous company, which is still subject to a court case. Last year, the residents by Andy Mansell

Can you help us? OUR MISSION We endeavour to raise funds and distribute them where most needed.

group paid for the repair of one of the seven elevators, which had all been out of action for more than a year. “We have one elevator used by 420 homes and 1,500 people, seven times more than normal with an average of 42,000 trips a month, 1,400 a day, more than any skyscraper in Benidorm,” said the group, adding that, “Every day tragedies occur in Block F, which go unpublicised, people get killed and commit suicide, others are maimed with weapons of all kinds, plus there are cases of regular attacks, extortion, coercion, and death threats which seriously infringe all human rights.” “We call on authorities, politicians, media, public administrations, city council, and all existing agencies with a huge cry for help to end this problem that affects the people and families of those who suffer these daily aggressions, caused by not being able to eliminate this group of criminals.”

Game ends in grisly find

The unfinished hotel where the body was found.

TWO young girls playing hide and seek in the basement of a hotel last weekend had a shock when they came across the battered corpse of a man. The incident happened last Sunday at the derelict Lagomar hotel in La Manga when police attended the scene and noted that the victim had a nasty blow to the head. An autopsy on Monday confirmed this

by Simon Russell

as the cause of death but could not say if it was as a result of a fall or something more sinister. An investigation has been opened and the case handed to the Guardia Civil. The Lagomar hotel is set to be demolished after building higher than permitted, but the owners have failed to carry out these instructions.

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27/2/19 10:28



FRIday 22Nd maRch 2019


POWERING UP IBERDROLA has started work on building a 500-megawatt (MW) solar photovoltaic power plant in Badajoz in south-west Spain. The facility, Iberdrola’s first photovoltaic plant in Europe, will use 1.5 million panels spread across a 1,000-hectare site, at a cost of 300 million euros. Set to be fully operational by 2020, the Núñez de Balboa plant will be able to produce enough energy

by Simon Russell

for roughly 250,000 people, Iberdrola said this week. “As costs have come down, and technology has matured, it is clear that solar is going to be a pivotal technology in the energy transition,” Iberdrola’s chairman, Ignacio Galan, commented. “Our extensive experience in developing renewable energy means that we are well-placed

to integrate this technology into our global portfolio,” he added. In February, Iberdrola said it would make investments of 34 billion euros between 2018 and 2022, with 13.3 billion euros of that figure going toward renewables. The company is set to install three gigawatts (GW) of wind and solar power plants in Spain by 2022, with that figure rising to 10 GW by 2030.

Monday´s launch in Badajoz.

Four arrested for ‘amorous’ thefts on tourists

National police have detained three people in Benidorm and one in Tenerife, in connection with a series of robberies on unsuspecting tourists, using sexual advances as a means of operation. The woman arrested in Tenerife, was detained on suspicion of stealing a watch worth in the region of 6000€ from a 74 year old holidaymaker in the resort, whereas the other suspects were apprehended in Benidorm last weekend. Officers received an 091 call to attend an incident involving a group of Belgian tourists, who were

by Andy Mansell

holding a young woman, whom they alleged, had stolen wallets containing a total of 500€ from them. The woman, working alongside a man acting as a transvestite had approached the group, making innuendos and offering sexual favours, whilst groping the men, with an apparent view to stealing from them. Although, the transvestite fled the scene, the officers were able to intercept him as he crossed their

path while they were accompanying the group of Belgians back to their hotel. On the following day, National Police arrested another woman, aged 36, charged with a similar theft of more than 400 pounds sterling, from a British tourist in Benidorm. The detainee approached the tourist with an accomplice and began to kiss and hug him while touching him all over his body. In a moment of distraction,she stole the money from the unsuspecting holidaymaker, before attempting to flee the scene.

However, several people who witnessed the ‘amorous crime’, held heruntil the arrival of the police, although the accomplice escaped. The arrest in Tenerife, involved an incident in Benidorm, in which a young woman approached the elderly victim, offering him sexual intercourse. The man was knocked to the ground during the theft of his watch and later treated at hospital. The suspect was identified from a description given by the victim and later traced to Tenerife, where she was arrested.

A 16-YEAR-OLD teenager has been arrested in Torrevieja, in addition to his older sister, on suspicion of beating up a 23-year-old man in Leon in north-west Spain, The boy was apparently part of a gang that set upon the man and recorded the assault on a mobile phone, with the footage downloaded to social media. The group shouted homophobic comments as well as calls to “kill him”, but the National Police have dismissed it as an antigay attack, suggesting that the beating was in revenge over an accusation made by the man involving a relative of the 16-year-old boy. The attack happened on March 10th, with the victim discharged after spending three days in hospital. The 16-year-old boy was at his mother´s Torrevieja home when he was arrested last Friday, and it was unclear whether he normally lived there, or just sought to hid after the Leon attack. Police also detained a 19-year-old woman in Leon, who they said was the boy´s sister.

Facebook: @TheWeekenderSpain

Alfaz blood donation success


FRIday 22Nd maRch 2019


by Andy Mansell

RED TRIANGLES which have to be in every car ready to be put next to a road as a breakdown or accident warning, may be phased out over the next few years, due to motorists and passengers being hit by other vehicles. The General Directorate of Traffic (DGT), is looking at replacing the red triangle with a flashing light, with the DGT´s Ana Blanco saying that 20 people were killed on motorways last year by getting out of their cars and being run over, as they got out to place the warning triangles. New traffic laws being drawn up will include fresh advice on what to do in the event of an accident or breakdown, as the concept of a new light-driven warning system is developed. The National Amputees Association is calling for clearer guidelines for what to do in the event of a crash, stating that drivers and passengers often put themselves at risk and become indirect accident victims.

Health chiefs in L’Alfas del Pi are celebrating the success of last Sunday’s Maraton de Sangre, blood donor day. A total of 24 new donors turned up to give blood at the marathon session, with a total of 102 donations registered throughout the day. Health councillor, Marisa Cortes said, “We are very pleased because, once again, we have surpassed that ambitious number of hundred donors, but above all, because almost a quarter of them are people who had not donated before, so the number of donors in L’Alfàs del Pi grows once again.” A prize of 200€ was handed out to the local Futsal Association, who encouraged the most members to donate and 150€ to La Clau Association, whilst Sergio Duran won a dinner for two at the Hotel RoberPalas in a donor raffle draw. Cortes thanked, “all the people who have decided to donate blood, demonstrating the great solidarity of our municipality, helping to save many lives in our hospitals.” The next opportunity to donate blood (and marrow) at l’Alfàs del Pi Health Centre, will be on Thursday, April 25th from 16.30h to 20.30h.

Dress Code: Yourself Our only rule: be who you want to be. You will find everything you need to dress and feel how you like to, in any of our more than 100 stores. We’ll be waiting for you. Avenida Costa Blanca, 1 - 03760 - Ondara, Alicante



FRIday 22Nd maRch 2019

Advertising Feature

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Can you afford the cost of living longer? Today, Britons aged 65 can expect to live for another twenty years on average – five years longer than in 1989. Not only are people living longer, but many are also enjoying a lifestyle that is more active (and arguably more expensive) than previous generations. So how can you make sure your money lasts as long as you do? Getting value for money Many retirees favour low-risk, ‘safer’ investments like bank deposits in later years. But with a long retirement ahead of you, lowinterest rates and the cost of living increases over time, this can be risky. In times like this, savers need to look further afield for returns that can keep up with inflation. It is important to have a welldiversified portfolio with a mix of assets, like equities, bonds, property

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about your pension, take regulated, personalised advice to avoid scams and establish the best approach for your objectives and circumstances. An adviser with cross-border expertise can outline the available opportunities and ensure you do not pay more tax than necessary.

need, so you can enjoy a long and comfortable retirement in Spain. Keep up to date on the financial issues that may affect you on the Blevins Franks news page at:


Good financial planning can help put you on track to afford the lifestyle you want for as long as you

By Brett Hanson Partner Blevins Franks

Facebook: @TheWeekenderSpain

FRIday 22Nd maRch 2019

Altea river to join National Park

Environment officials in Altea have launched a project, with a view to gaining national park status for the River Algar, which flows through the Northern outskirts of the town. Municipal councillor, responsible for the area, BeatriuNomdedeu, took advantage of the recent International Day of Action for Rivers to announce the initiative, with an investment of 4,500 euros. She explained that the project will assess the ecological status of the mouth of the river with a detailed study of its vegetation and fauna. “We hope to include theAlgar basin as part of the Natural Park of Serra Gelada - Bahia d’Altea, which will afford it the corresponding environmental protection”, said the councillor, adding that the ecological study

by Andy Mansell

will be carried out by the Verd company and be conducted over three months. Nomdedeu indicated that this will allow, “Us to have greater knowledge on the area called ‘Els dos rius’ at the mouth of the Algar, for future environmental action.” Biologist responsible for the project, Carlos Úbeda, explained that the bioindicators, “will provide information on certain ecological, physical-chemical, micro-climatic, biological and functional characteristics, as well as of the environment and the impact of certain practices in the environment, which translates into a study of the vegetation on the riverbank and vertebrate and invertebrate species, among others “.

The Sierra Gelada Natural Park - Bahía d’Altea was created in March 2005 and opened in May of that year. It was the 16th Natural Park of the Valencian Community and the ninth in the province of Alicante, but with the peculiarity of being the first with the maritime-terrestrial condition of the Community. Its protected area has 5,665 hectares, of which 745 are terrestrial and 4,920 are maritime. Councillor Nomdedeu said the river, “needs projects such as this to value, if possible even more, this type of ecosystem, especially in Altea where the river is an emblematic space and highly esteemed by the population.”


The River Algar a project will be conducted over three months.

Dog death row

AN argument about a dog escalated so quickly that it ended with the death of one man and the wounding of three others. The incident happened in Puente de Vallecas (Madrid) on Sunday when a family got together to celebrate a birthday party. In the afternoon Paco DC, aged 64, took their dogs for a walk with his brother and a nephew. This resulted in an altercation with what the press has described as “a gypsy family”. The trio went on to the park but on the way back were confronted with a group of about 15 or 20 people from the family they

by Alex Trelinski

had been arguing with. At this stage violence broke out and while the brother and nephew were attacked with sticks Paco was stabbed in the neck. He died of his wounds shortly after the ambulance service arrived at the scene, from heavy bleeding and a possible cardiac arrest. The two other men were treated at the scene and transferred to hospital for further treatment but their injuries are not life threatening. National Police are seeking out the group who carried out the attack.


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FRIday 22Nd maRch 2019

Business & Finance

Unemployment on the rise again

Focus on Facebook LAST week won’t go down as one of the best for social media giant Facebook with two events that could have significant longer term ramifications for them. Firstly they suffered the largest disruption in their history when the main site as well as Instagram and WhatApp were down for over 14 hours across the planet. It is not known how

A further 1,897 people across the Valencian Community signed on as unemployed in February, a rise of 0.5%. The jump was the second highest across Spain as a percentage, with the national average being only plus 0.1%. Over the past 12 months the news

by Simon Russell

is still generally positive as unemployment in the region has reduced by 17,397, a drop of 4.4%. January and February usually sees a rise in people looking for work locally as many were hired on

short term contracts for the Christmas and New Year period as well as the sales. With Easter not falling until April this year March may also prove to be a tricky month, but hopefully the figures will start picking up from April as seasonal work commences.


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If Britain were to leave the European Union without a deal, it could have a “significant”, but not “excessive” effect on the Spanish economy, the Bank of Spain said on Tuesday. A no-deal, disordered Brexit would hit the Spanish economy by 0.82 per cent over the next five years, the bank said in a report which provided estimates of the effects on the Spanish economy under various hypothetical scenarios. “The results suggest that the cost for the Spanish economy of the eventual exit of Britain

from the EU could be significant, depending on the final scenario in which it leaves, but, probably, not excessive,” the bank said. The bank has warned that Britain’s exit from the EU was one of the main uncertainties affecting Spain’s economy this year due to close economic ties between the two countries and Spain’s high reliance on British tourists. After two-and-a-half years of negotiations, Britain’s departure from the EU remains uncertain with options including a long postponement, leaving with a deal, a

disruptive exit without a deal, or even another referendum. If Britain were to leave with a deal, the effect would be relatively minor, with a 0.02 per cent point lag over the next five years on Spain’s economy, the Bank of Spain said. “With only a few days remaining until March 29th, when the Article 50 deadline for withdrawal expires, no consensus plan has emerged yet. Without an alternative plan, a nodeal exit is – excepting postponement – the current default option,” the bank commented.

many of the 2.3 billion users were affected, but it is believed to be “a significant amount”. The increasing amount of businesses that rely on the platform for work were particularly upset by the outage, many having tools such as Messenger as their prime form of communication internally and with clients. A couple of days before

this US Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren spread more alarm with her proposal for breaking up giant tech companies such as Facebook to avoid an unfair monopoly. The firm didn’t help itself by initially taking down the feed from Ms Warren about this matter, backing up her argument about their powers in the eyes of many.

Facebook: @TheWeekenderSpain

FRIday 22Nd maRch 2019


Business & Finance

Investing in Volatile times

By Christina Brady BLACKTOWER Financial Management

through the various investment options with you and to tailor your investment to meet your needs and attitude to risk and to manage your investments and expectations. Don’t get greedy and fall for a scam - if something sounds too good to be true, it usually is! In these testing times, getting advice from a Financial Management Company that has weathered more than one or two downturns in the market, is essential for your financial wellbeing and peace of mind. Blacktower Financial Management has been established for over 32 years and has worked with its clients through the good and bad times offering sound independent advice.

At the end of 2018 and the beginning of 2019, we saw renewed volatility in the world’s stock markets. This volatility (markets going up and down) seems to have abated slightly in the last month, but investors shouldn’t become complacent as this could return at any time.

twitchy, which can make the situation worse and even less predictable.

It’s a time in the market that counts, not timing the markets - the So here are six principles to follow sooner you start investing and the to ease the ride: longer you invest, the more likely you are to have the potential for Have a plan and stick to it – healthy returns, regardless of shortkeep your focus on your long term term downturns. aims. Don’t let the current market conditions dictate what you do. No Risk, No Reward - leaving your money in cash isn’t an option Naturally, some investors get Don’t keep all your eggs in one if you want at least the potential to basket – this may be a cliché but outperform inflation. it is so true. Diversification is key, spreading your risk across asset Take advantage of advice – the types sectors etc. role of a financial adviser is to go Blacktower Financial Management Ltd is authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority and is registered with both the DGS and CNMV. Blacktower Financial Management

Blacktower will be by your side both now and in the future. We are here to help you weather the potential storms ahead. To arrange a professional and impartial consultation, please contact me by email christina.brady@ blacktowerfm.com or call me on 658 892 330. Website: www. theblacktowergroup.com The above information was correct at the time of preparation and does not constitute investment advice and you should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity.

(International) Ltd is licensed in Gibraltar by the Financial Services Commission (FSC) 00805B and is registered with both the DGS and CNMV in Spain.



FRIday 22Nd maRch 2019

by Yvonne Hollywood, Worldwide Horizons This Mediterranean archipelago of islands is situated south of Sicily and boasts a year-round pleasant climate averaging 23 degrees, with highs of 35 in the height of summer (August) and lows of 15 in the winter. There are many islands in the archipelago, but only these three largest islands are inhabited, from, it is believed, as early as 5900BC, when settlers arrived from the island of Sicily. The heritage and nationality of the country have changed many times, from being part of the Kingdom of Aragon, the Romans, the Carthaginians, Normans, Greeks, Sicilians and latterly, British. Much of its desirability is derived from its very

advantageous location, which also played a major part in resistance in World War 2, earning the country the George Cross. Following negotiations in 1964, Malta achieved first its independence as a British State, retaining the monarchy at this stage and then in 1974, declaring itself a Republic and removing the Queen as their head of state. Today, the history of all of these nationalities can be found throughout the islands, where art and museums feature in day-to-day life. Most prominent in all of this is in the city of Valletta, where you can visit the Co. Cathedral of St John, dedicated to John the Baptist, or visit the National Museum of Fine Arts, and the War Rooms, a World War 2 headquarters,

now turned into a museum where you can wander the underground tunnels, before walking along the embattlement looking out over the bay. Guided tours are offered around all these and many other attractions. Choosing where to stay is one of the

most important aspects of holidaying in Malta – you can stay in the city of Valletta, or choose one of the more popular resorts – Bugibba, St Pauls and Qawra on the north coast are very popular with families, and offer good, mid-priced accommodation however limited beachline – an artificial beach in Bugibba or some rocky beaches around Qawra and smaller beach areas in St Pauls. Note – all these areas are very popular in the main months, so be prepared for crowds and book early to get your desired location. There is good public transport from these towns to Valletta and to Mdina, allowing you to explore the areas further south. Sliema is also located close to here in the north and again offers good budget accommodation. It s got a very pretty ´ area of old town in the middle, however,

this is starkly contrasted again the arrival of new, high rise buildings. To the west of Sliema is St Julian, popular all year round and offering good day and nighttime activities, although again lacking in beach areas even with determined efforts by the administration in maintaining an artificial beach at St Georgé s Bay. For the best beach zone, one of the best choices is Mellieha, combining great sandy beaches with family-friendly, budget-friendly hotels too. One should note that it is built on a hill, making it difficult for those with limited mobility and that for exploring, a car rental is a good choice as public services are more limited. A must see whilst visiting this island is the ancient walled city of Mdina, nicknamed the ‘Silent City’ given that no traffic is allowed to enter this cobblestoned elevated area, with stunning views over Malta. Originally the entitled place of nobility, this is now the number one visited attraction in Malta, offering traditional gifts emblazoned with the Maltese Cross, many many tea-rooms and the opportunity to see glass-blowing in action. Accommodation can be located in the nearby town of Rabat. Direct flights are available to Malta from Valencia & Madrid, or a connecting flight from Alicante. Transfers to and from the hotels can be arranged for your chosen hotel.






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THE WEEKENDER – Alicante Norte – 338mm x 256mm – Colour

22 March


Alex Trelinski’s

Back In


making a followers after of a book ok bo ce Fa 0 es 00 ed 5, ” copi A cat that gaincond home has been “signing se s hi t ke ar Ely, superm ures. Sainsbury’s in about his advent Garfield took a liking to on his old stomping Ginger tom after the store was built e, Cambridgeshir ok - What’s copies of the bo . id sa h ground ut ar C Cate The co-author ? - sold out in half an hour. with a paw-print re he T g in do Ely Library THAT d” his book in built Garfield “signe his real paw. d on store after it was stamp, modellew 12, first started visiting the he lives with owner Garfield, no dow opposite the flat where ea op in in 2012 on a m irgin travel sh David Willers. spot was a sofa in the V t into people’s cars His favourite and he often tries to ge bby, Sainsbury’s lo e. field in the or st e photos of Gar from places th e ith id w outs up t se ns ge 0 fa A Facebook pafollowing of more than 5,50 alia and Russia. a tr s us ha A t a, ke ad ar an rm C es, supe the United Stat as far away as


the If you fancy the whiff of own r you in nds Scottish Highla n, then home and have money to bur buy a to £85 to up you can shell out bottle full of it on eBay! s it A company, Vital Oxygen, say m fro ted lec col – air h fres the t will pos a oni wd Sno , nds hla the Scottish Hig ada Nev rra Sie the n eve or les in Wa door. here in Spain – right to your

hest One listing, from Britain’s hignew’ and ‘br mountain Ben Nevis, is jar at and comes in either a 500ml . £75 £40 or a 1000ml jar for users Social media postings from the h wit say they are delighted I´ve products they´ve bought, but not it´s it t merely had to check tha this ut abo ting wri ore April 1st bef k! “money for old rope” gimmic

CATERPILLAR RELIEF Arthritis is someth that a lot of us start to sufing from the charity Versus from as we hit middle fer Arthritis, said: “The study age, has great poten but British boffins see tial for to have come up wi m helping people suffering th possible pain killer thank a pain of musculoskeletal the good old caterpillar. s to conditions.” Many arthritis sufferers University of Nottingh scientists testing a caterp am have to resort to joint fungus on rodents illar replacement surgery to have tackle the dis found it can be effective ease, and in interestingly treating arthritis pain. enough They said cordycepin has caterpillar fungus has been used for centuries in reduced osteoarthritis Asia and inflammation in ratspain as a remedy for various and illnesess. mice. Bring it on, many fol Dr Stephen Simpso k n, will say!


ROLLING IN THE AISLES y doesn´t have Who says that German could certainly we a sense of humour, and Brexit continues do with some laughs as Britain. to bemuse everybody in r manufacturer, German toilet pape sending over a Hakle, staged a stunt byto Buckingham thousand luxury rolls that the Queen Palace to make sure Brexit! doesn´t go short due to largest importer The UK is Europe’s said that daily is of toilet paper, and it er enough to last ev ly on are els lev supply a single day. ls each were Ninety packs with 16 rol t they were bu – ty jes Ma r He addressed to security ble ssi po a rejected at the gates as risk. mium loo rolls This left over 1,440 pre on, until they nd Lo in me without a ho arby secondary were taken in by a ne school. eous delivery Hakle sent the ‘spontan roll as part loo ly r-p fou of relief ’ of dely in German of a stunt covered wi entual recipients ev the t bu newspapers, School must have at the Woodcote High it has to be better as , ed iev been really rel that sand-papered than the San Izal paper ars ago! my backside all those ye


FRIday 22Nd maRch 2019



r where ‘treasure’s fai I do feel sorry game’. r for chocolate makeir The problem is Cadbury and the o that Freddo leapt to mate, Freddo, wh the wrong conclusion, tried to come up with as digging without an educational idea forit permission is illegal kids, but didn´t think and can be regarded as through. looting. Freddo the Frog the Following at ign pa cam a ed s wa spawn ury db Ca h, backlas encouraging children forced to take down a to take an interest ins website for Freddo´s archaeology, but it wa s campaign, adding that hastily scrapped thid it was going to update week, after experts sai it to ‘focus solely on it told kids to break the directing families law. where ms seu mu to excitedly Freddo can res asu tre youngsters existing urged ’. nd fou be to ‘grab your metal Freddo I don´t think detector and go hunting was terribly amused by for Roman riches’ or it all, as especially as a ‘dig up Viking silver’,s few French chefs might and suggested famoud have something else in sites in Somerset an n mind for him! shipwrecks in Devo

Even the good old days of detective shows like The SweenTV back in the seventies would not ey have seen our heroes Regan and Car breaking wind and swearing ter old troupers, but in 2019, a Welike detective has been fired for doilsh ng just that. And here´s the twist, it´s not som e middle-aged overweight boo drinking, cigarette-smoking blozeke, but a 44-year-old woman! Det Con Claire Fitzpatr was fired for gross misconduc ick Gwent Police on Tuesday t by after 25 allegations of inappropria behaviour were proven against te her, including bullying. Ms Fitzpatrick admitted breakin g wind outside a sergeant’s offi at a police station, but said it ce was accidental. She also used a four-letter wor tell to a motorist how he was driv d to with a colleague having to apologing, ise to the stunned driver. A hearing heard Ms Fitzpatrick, who was an acting sergeant at time, also asked a junior officer the wanted an affair with a “fatter, if he ugly, older woman”. She admitted using foul languag e, but said it was part of “a culture of banter” at the station. It´s a strange definition of ban ter in my book!


FRIday 22Nd maRch 2019

is always one step forward on welcoming and satisfying guests. H i m a l a y a Tandoori was the first Nepalese restaurant in Costa Blanca found in 2004 The Original restaurant’ located in heart of Costa Blanca in Altea situated along This the seafront just past the port of weeks food review is Altea.now they have recently part of my journey to visit as many opened its doors in Javea, Spain. Indian and Nepalese restaurants in the Costa Blanca before Easter, my recent Specialise in Nepalese and Indian visit to the newly opened Nepalese Cuisine they offer a wide variety of both vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes, Restaurant in Javea Himalaya Tandoori who have originated from their restaurant in Altea. Serving authentic Nepalese and Indian cuisine with Keshar Bahadur Thapa head chef who has gained over 30 years of experience working in the best restaurants around the world. Owner Anju Poon grew up in the mountainous city of Pokhara, Nepal. She has previously run traditional Nepali Restaurant in Poon Hill (one of the most famous viewpoints cooked with the traditional of Annapurna Mountain Range mix of herbs and spices. Nepalese in Nepal). Anju brings over 20 years food is certainly different as far as of professional restaurant experience the spices and tastes are concerned. with her to Himalaya Tandoori she

For me, the whole experience of dining out is actually enjoying the meal in a restaurant that offers the ambience and the pleasure of authentic hospitality. For others, it has become the favourite take away experience and the threat of taking a non-cooking day at home has become almost a weekly ritual. Himalaya have built the new restaurant business in Javea to service the ever-increasing demand for taking away meals. The construction of their new kitchen demonstrates the purpose to have a fast but quality meal prepared and then delivered free to your door within a 3km radius. You can order via WhatsApp on 654 61 66 42 and you can benefit from an amazing 30% discount making the takeaway experience even more affordable.

Arriving at the opening night of the Javea restaurant I immediately smelt the amazing aromas from the kitchen, the layout is stylish and comfortable. The mixed starter was served that combined a selection of marinated meats that were similar to traditional Indian tikka and kebab but offered a smooth spicy coating perfectly cooked meat that was soft and juicy complemented with a mint dressing. Everyone on the table commented on how beautiful the food was and this was just the beginning of our meal so we were all quite excited to get the mains underway. A selection of mouthwatering, beautifully presented authentic curries that were served that included a spicy hot Nepalese curry with a sauce and

the choices included lamb and chicken dishes. Considering the restaurant was full the speed of service could not have been better and was served together with the puffy tender Nan bread and rice. All of the food was hot and cooked fresh we are all very impressed with the quality and the

presentation. The finale was a mixed sweet of fresh fruit and homemade ice cream that cut through the lasting tastes of spices and left the fresh taste and feeling simply complementing the complete meal. Himalaya Tandoori - Altea - Carrer Sant Pere 37,Altea - 622 810 735 / 965 840 968 - Javea - Avenida Pla 126, - Javea 654 61 66 42 / 966 46 30 72 Open every day 6:00 pm – 12:00 am

Follow my curry crawl across the areas of the North Costa Blanca and read more in next weeks Weekender Newspaper.

Facebook: @TheWeekenderSpain


FRIday 22Nd maRch 2019

Varied programme for Pick up a bargain town fair

MUSIC, books, wine, food and shopping are all featured in the fourth “Fira de la Paraula y la Bona Taula” in Ondara next month. There will be a book fair featuring regional writers and publishers, located on Avenida General Bosch. The Commission

Soledad will be offering local gastronomic delights and there will also be a wine fair as well as an artisan market. In addition to these there will be live music, guided tours and kids workshops. The event will end with the Spring Concert in

the bullring, featuring international star Maria del Mar Bonet and support act Jonatan Penalba. The fair is to be held on 6 April, a Saturday; for starting times, locations, arrangements in the event of bad weather etc. contact the Ondara tourist office or town hall.

Councillors announce details of the fair.

Night of the living dead Denia Youth (Juventud) AFTER the success of by Simon Russell Centre on Ronda Murallas last year’s event Denia is running another Zombie entradium.com or at the 42. Survival night in early April. This is a real-life role-playing game where you take on the identity of either a zombie or a survivor. The streets and allocated buildings are the battlegrounds as survivors try to avoid getting caught and turned into zombies themselves. The participants are split into teams of 10 to 12 and distributed across the town, while those playing the un-dead try to track them down. 500 people took part in the 2018 event, with about 100 starting out as zombies, and once again it has been organised by the Youth Council. The event runs overnight and is not suitable for very young children while participants can expect to cover about 12 kilometres over the night. It is scheduled for 6 April, a Saturday night, and starts at 11 pm, finishing at about 5 am. Tickets can be purchased at www. eventozombies.com, www. Marina Alta horror show

by Matthew Richards

THIS Saturday (23 March) is Denia’s annual “Botigues al Carrer” event where over 60 shops set up stalls on the streets of the town, selling a wide variety of goods at discount prices. These include clothing, footwear, accessories, sports goods, toys, pet products, children’s items and much more. The location is the downtown part of Denia, around the Passeig del Saladar/La Via area. Many of the outlets use the fair as an opportunity to sell off goods ahead of the spring season, meaning there are often real bargains to be had. Go to www.denia.es for a list of participating stores, times and locations.

Pot luck

A man has had his jail sentence for drug possession revoked after a court decided the authorities did not have a suitable search warrant in their initial investigation. The case went back to 2016 when the Guardia Civil were called to a property in Pego about

by Simon Russell

a gender violence incident. With the defendants consent the home was searched and around 400 grams of marijuana was found in a cupboard. A Benidorm court had previously convicted the man to a year

in jail for drug possession but as the Guardia had failed to obtain proper judicial authorization for the search this was overturned. The discovery also tainted the man’s subsequent confession concerning drug possession, the Alicante court ruled.

A hug too far One of the defendants being led away

TWO people have been arrested in Calpe accused of trying to rob an elderly man using the “hug method” of theft. A Guardia officer saw a woman speaking with the man on Avenida Gibraltar and his suspicion was aroused by the way she kept embracing him and holding his wrist. The sharp-eyed agent also noted a car parked close by with the engine idling and watching the pair closely. The agent decided to intervene and found that the 72-year-old man, a British national, was wearing a gold watch with an estimated value of €9,000 believed to be the target of the

thief. One agent detained the woman while another intercepted the driver of the car and a record search showed that there was an arrest warrant out for both people. This was for a similar case in Denia where they had stolen a watch from a 71-year-old man in Denia. This theft had involved violence and they have also been linked to the theft of a gold chain valued at around €1,500 from a pensioner in Moraira. The two accused, both Romanian nationals aged 32, have been charged with various crimes including theft and assault.



FRIday 22Nd maRch 2019

Local - News & Community

Moraira takes centre stage The

MORAIRA castle will be the iconic backdrop as the Teulada Moraira municipality hosts the team presentation for the 74th Vuelta cycle race in August. Councillor for Tourism Eduardo Dolon made the announcement this week along with Mayor Carlos Linares and Javier Guillen, the CEO of the Vuelta. The scheduled date for the presentation is 22 August, two days before the first stage of the race, the most important on the The team at the presentation site European cycling calendar after the Tour de France. by Simon Russell Mr Dolon said that this is a fantastic opportunity to showcase backdrop of the castle and beach the municipality to a global in the height of the summer. He audience, with the event being asked as many local people as held on the paseo against the possible to take part or attend


Talking in my bar about Brexit surprisingly leads to a fair amount of similar conclusions, even between those who are for or against it, who are happy to believe that a sensible compromise is needed to end the current impasse. The bottom line of agreement is over the sheer bumbling of Theresa May ever since she became prime minister in 2016.

and also anticipates an influx of visitors. The presentation will be broadcast live on RTVE, Spain’s premier public TV broadcasting company.

Lost and found online ONE of Denia’s biggest by Simon Russell Vicent said the most common lost social media sites has quite an property posts are for keys, wallets old fashioned premise, reuniting to have a habit of wandering off. and glasses. people with their lost property. The Facebook group “Objetos Perdidos Denia” has nearly 4,500 members although it was only started last year. That was when Vicent Femenia found a set of keys and put them on the social network, with the site quickly growing as other people started posting about things they had found and making requests to help with lost objects. This has expanded to include Screen shot of the Facebook page. animals, particularly cats who seem

Clubs, Charities & Events

ANGELS WANTED! Guardian Angels is a Costa Blanca based charity that supports single-parent families in the area. Many of these parents came here happily married with their children, only to sadly split up and become the sole supporter of their family. Living in a foreign country with a different language brings huge challenges in the form of mental, emotional and financial distress. GA helps them by giving emotional support from a mentor and financial help when bills are hard to pay as well as helping in many other ways. If you are the kind of person who has empathy and would like to give back please contact us for a chat. You will find giving some of your time to help our families will be very rewarding. We are looking for 2 committee

members, a Vice President to support the President and 2 mentors (with counselling or similar background). PLEASE CONTACT GILL ASAP to arrange a meeting. gill@guardian-angels.es 655 415 003 www.guardian-angels.es

We’re on countdown to the latest ACTS Production – a comedy of hilarious errors!

The current shambles is all of her own making, as nearly three years ago she should have got all political parties together, along with business, trade union and religious leaders, and merely asked the question:- “What kind of Brexit can we unite around?” She chose not to do it or to show any kind of national leadership, but instead pandered to a minority number of her own MPs who frankly have no interest in any kind of Brexit deal that makes economic sense. She rushed to invoke Article 50 without coming to a national consensus or anything resembling a proper plan before pulling the trigger in March 2017. May called an unnecessary general election which saw her lose her majority, resorting to her pandering again:- this time to a group of MPs that don´t reflect the main body of opinion in Northern Ireland. I saw a social media posting a few weeks ago from the exBBC correspondent and presenter, Gavin Esler, which is so right. In it he said that he we have a crazy alignment of the stars and planets in having the worst prime minister since 1945, coupled with the worst ever leader of the opposition(Corbyn), leading the UK´s main two political parties in the biggest domestic crisis since the Second World War. Forget what you thought of them politically, but the likes of Clement Atlee, Harold McMillan, Harold Wilson, Margaret Thatcher, and Tony Blair would all have had the political sense to have had all of this sorted out ages ago, and getting most of Britain to back them. Hugh Merchant, Javea.

I fully go along with last week´s letter from Gladys Jones over the quality of the Spanish health system, having had nothing but good experiences of it. But assuming there is no Brexit deal, what happens after the end of next year, when our entitlement to the system comes to an end, based on Spain´s announcement at the start of the month? Jenny Widlake, Benidorm ED:- Spain´s extension of healthcare to retired expats was made as a contingency package assuming Britain crashes out of the EU without a deal. In the worse case scenario, it would be hoped that the UK and Spanish governments would do a health deal covering both countries, but let´s first see how the Brexit saga eventually pans out!

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Facebook: @TheWeekenderSpain

FRIday 22Nd maRch 2019


Local - News & Community

The craft fair in Pedreguer has another go In February it was cancelled because of the weather Gusts of wind of over 80 kms an hour made it impossible to open the craft fair during the celebrations of San Blas in Pedreguer at the beginning of February. So another date was chosen and most of the participants will have another try on 29, 30 and 31 March. This time the stalls will be set up under cover of the Porches, right in the centre of the village and they hope for better weather than the first time! Plenty of choice The fair was first planned as part of the Fiestas de San Blas. Every three years there is a different group of people organizing these fiestas and the current comission “Festes Sant Blai 20172019” had d e c i d e d to include an Amata fair in their programme. This regional c r a f t association makes sure

that everything on sale is made by the participants themselves. As a result you can find original and curious items in the fair, like small furniture made of recycled wood, traditional baskets woven from esparto in the special way they use in Calasparra (Murcia), jewelry made of natural orchids or from glass using a blowtorch (while you watch!) or soft books for the very young. You can watch a weaver make shawls and vests on her loom, and young and old can make their own bowl or vase on a potter´s wheel. Some twentyfive stalls are expected, each one offering something different, all hand made and guaranteed “made in Spain”. The fair opens on Friday the 29th of March at 7 pm. On Saturday and Sunday opening times are from 11 am till 9 pm. The stalls stay open at midday. To get an idea of what to expect you can look at photos on www.amata.es,

for example at http://www.amata.es/ San_Fulgencio_18.html. For more information, also in English, you can ring 639 979 678. Pedreguer lies in the North of the province of Alicante on the N-332 coastal road. Every Sunday morning there is a big car boot sale on the industrial estate of the village.



FRIday 22Nd maRch 2019

Local- -Food, NewsDrink & Community Local & Entertainment

Cubing master-class

THE Rubik’s Cube, a craze that swept the world in the 1970s is still very much alive and to prove this Denia’s Youth Department has organised a Rubiks Master-class for the 30 March. The event will be run by Kubekings.com, which specialises in the multicoloured cube that you solve by having only one colour on each face. All youngsters are welcome regardless

by Simon Russell

of their experience level, you just need to bring your own cube along. Preregistration is required either at the Youth Centre on Ronda les Murallas 42 or by calling 966 423 700. The first 30 people registering will receive a free gift from the organisers.

Students clean up THIRD and fourth year students from Antoni Llido school in the Javea Old Town.

MANY local students were on strike from school last Friday as part of a global protest against climate change and other environmental issues. However pupils from two secondary schools in Javea decided to also take some practical action by

cleaning up parts of the town and coast. Older children from IES Antonio Llido and IES No 1 collected rubbish in the Muntanyar coastal area and the historic old town centre and also handed out information and displayed posters publicising

the cause and their reason for downing tools for a day. The Global Climate Strike was the idea of a Swedish activist and has been taken up around the world by school children, usually with the full support of their educational establishments.

by Simon Russell

A 28 year old Spanish youth has been arrested in Denia after a marijuana plantation was discovered inside his house. The police had been tipped off about it’s possible existence via the antidroga@police.es anti-drug helpline and made the arrest earlier this week, also detaining his flatmate. This follows on from similar arrests in Altea and Benidorm which was all part of the same operation across Alicante province, leading to a total of eight arrests.

Wall to wall drugs



FRIday 22Nd maRch 2019

Health & Beauty

Winter allergies: The allergies you didn’t know you could have When temperatures get below freezing, people with seasonal allergies to grass, tree and weed pollens get well-deserved relief from their symptoms. But if you’re still sneezing and blowing your nose when winter descends, you might have indoor allergies. The problem for many allergy sufferers is figuring out what, exactly, is causing their symptoms. Why? Most allergy sufferers develop similar symptoms no matter what allergen they’re reacting to. When you have a stuffy or runny nose, itchy or watery eyes, sneezing and coughing you know you’re probably allergic to something. Beyond that, it’s hard to discover the culprit. If it’s serious enough to prompt a trip to the doctor for relief, see an allergist. “Allergists are the besttrained medical professionals to treat allergies and asthma,” says allergist Todd Mahr, MD, president of the American College of Allergy, Asthma

by BPT

and Immunology. “Much like a cardiologist specializes in heart problems, an allergist specializes in allergic diseases. Your allergist will find the source of your symptoms and treat the cause so you can feel healthy all the time.” Here are some common causes of winter, indoor allergies and tips from ACAAI on what you can do about them: Dust mite allergy: Dust mites are one of the most common indoor allergens and a year-round annoyance. Those allergic to dust mites suffer most in their own homes. Dust mites are microscopic creatures that live in furniture, carpets and bedding, and feed off the flakes of skin people shed every day. They thrive in warm, humid environments. Often, you’ll notice your symptoms immediately after vacuuming, sweeping or dusting, when you’ve stirred up dust. Molds, pollen, pet hair, fur or feathers

can contribute to a dust allergy as well. * Diagnosis and treatment: As with all the allergies in this article, your allergist will perform a skin test or blood test to determine the exact cause of your allergy and order a course of treatment that may include medications or allergy shots. * Management: The presence of dust mites does not mean you have a dirty house; they’re everywhere. You can lessen or avoid your symptoms by removing the usual suspects that cause dust allergies. Choose wood floors instead of carpet, clean your house with a vacuum that has a HEPA filter, use mite-proof cases on your mattresses and pillows and wash your linens regularly in hot water. Consider installing a high-efficiency disposable filter in your HVAC system. The filter should have a MERV (minimum efficiency reporting value) rating of 11 to 13 - the higher the MERV rating the better.

Mold allergy: Molds live inside and outside of your home. They can thrive in moist places like bathrooms and kitchens, and the annoying thing about molds is that many molds aren’t visible to the naked eye. As the spores become airborne, they can cause allergic reactions and worsen asthma symptoms. * Diagnosis and treatment: Your allergist may have you track your symptoms over time to see where you’ve been when your allergies flare up. That will help identify the culprit. Antihistamines and decongestants can ease symptoms. * Management: Wear a mask when doing yard work, and once inside, take a shower and rinse your nose with a saline solution to remove mold spores. In the kitchen, clean up any spills or leaks quickly to prevent mold from growing. Use a dehumidifier to reduce moisture in areas like bathrooms and basements. Clean your garbage cans and fridge drawers.

FRIday 22Nd maRch 2019


Health & Beauty

Hairy? Heavy? Having irregular periods?

It could be PCOS

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common condition affecting up to 15% of women. It is a syndrome where the normal balance of hormones is disturbed and the ovaries are enlarged with lots of small cysts (follicles).

stimulating hormone, are also imbalanced and can disrupt ovulation. This is why periods may be irregular or even stop altogether.


The cause of PCOS is not known although it is known that the condition runs in Symptoms families. If you have relatives Symptoms include: with the condition, you should - Irregular or absent periods be aware of the symptoms and - Acne and oily skin seek medical advice if you - Excess body hair affecting have any concerns. the face, back, buttocks and Treatment inner thighs There is no cure for PCOS - Weight gain and problems and the cysts themselves losing weight actually do no harm and do - Mood changes and not need to be removed. The depression condition is managed with - Problems getting pregnant medication and lifestyle Not all women will have changes to control symptoms all these symptoms and many and keep the lining of the are not aware that they have womb (endometrium) thin. a problem until they see a Irregular or absent periods Doctor for another matter or cause thickening of the they have trouble conceiving. endometrium which is a risk Some women have factor for cancer of the womb. polycystic ovaries but not Treatments include: PCOS. The contraceptive pill Symptoms are caused which suppresses testosterone when hormones produced and helps to control acne and by the ovaries, oestrogen, excess hair growth. It also progesterone and testosterone produces withdrawal bleeds, are at abnormal levels. Many “periods�, which prevents of the symptoms of PCOS the lining of the womb are caused by high levels of (endometrium) becoming too testosterone. thick. Insulin, the hormone Metformin, which is a produced by the pancreas to medication used to treat regulate glucose levels, may diabetes. Metformin controls also be high. This can increase insulin levels which in turn testosterone levels. lowers testosterone levels, Other hormones produced helps to regulate periods and in the brain, luteinising aids weight loss. hormone and follicle A progesterone-releasing

IUD (coil) or progesterone hormone tablets to prevent endometrial thickening if the contraceptive pill is not suitable. Creams and tablets to help with acne. Cream to reduce unwanted hair growth. Losing weight is very important for women with PCOS. This can be hard work but it is vital to help lower insulin and testosterone levels. Symptoms can be alleviated even with a moderate amount of weight loss and your chances of becoming pregnant will be improved. Please note that having PCOS does not mean that you cannot become pregnant. If you are not planning a pregnancy you must use contraception! Weight is also important to help prevent complications of PCOS occurring. Women with PCOS are at greater risk of developing type II diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and heart disease. Women with PCOS over the age of 40 and certainly after menopause, should have regular checks for blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes.


pregnant. If you are planning a baby you will need to see your Gynaecologist. The first line of treatment is usually injections of either clomiphene or follicle stimulating hormone that stimulate the release of eggs. Medicines used to stimulate the ovaries can result in twins, triplets or even more babies! Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) is a possible complication of this type of fertility treatment. It causes abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting due to enlarged ovaries leaking fluid into the abdomen. Some cases can be serious and require hospitalization. If treatment with injections fails, keyhole surgery may be used to perform a procedure called ovarian cautery. This reduces the production of testosterone and helps with ovulation. Most women respond to treatment with injections, only around 25 % will have to proceed to ovarian cautery. Like so many other medical conditions, early diagnosis of PCOS along with treatment and lifestyle changes will help with distressing symptoms and possible complications. If you have any symptoms of this condition, speak to your family Doctor or Gynaecologist. The Family

Your chances of becoming pregnant depend on how often you ovulate. This varies from woman to woman. Some ovulate on an irregular Medical Centre, Albir has basis but others not at all. a sympathetic, English Losing weight will increase speaking Gynaecologist. your chances of becoming

For more information or to book an appointment call the Family Medical Centre on +34 966 865 072, emailing us at info@albirfamilymedicalcentre.com or on Facebook www.facebook.com/albirfamilymedicalcentre



FRIday 22Nd maRch 2019

Pets & Wildlife

Dogs are making a difference in hospitals

(BPT) - For pediatric patients, being in the hospital can be a frightening, vulnerable and lonely experience, especially for those undergoing serious medical treatments. However, research has shown that dogs, with their playful, comforting and loving nature, can have beneficial, long-lasting effects on pediatric patients. According to Purdue University, interacting with animals in different environments, including hospitals, could improve our physical and mental health, as well as enhance aspects of our daily lives. Here are a few things to know about in-residence dogs and their positive impact on pediatric patients: 1) In-residence dogs are highly trained service dogs that work in healthcare settings and perform specialized tasks. They are also trained to create an emotional connection with pediatric patients, helping to provide them with joy, comfort and other medical benefits. 2) Different from volunteer dogs that visit a hospital for a short time, in-residence dogs have a similar work schedule as their human counterparts,


3 years old and has a sweet temperament. She has been spayed and is in good health. She will need a home with a secure garden as she was a wanderer before being caught.


is a sweet girl and very affectionate. She is 18 months old, spayed & good with other cats & dogs. She needs her own family. NO ADOPTIOIN FEE BUT A DONATION IS MUCH APPRECIATED. Also, many other dogs, puppies, cats & kittens needing homes. Food and donations also urgently needed and can be left at ARC’s charity shop on CarrerValencia 1, Jalon between 10 am & 1.00 pm Monday to Saturday. Contact Tel No Sally:- 625 985 689 or Jayne:- 649 310 285.Email jalonvalleyarc14@ yahoo.co.uk. Facebook – Jalon Valley A.R.C. Based in Jalon. Charity Reg No CV-01-054107-A. CIF No G5482759

working closely with their handlers. They often have access to non-sterile clinics and inpatient units. 3) In-residence dogs can be an integral part of a child’s treatment team. They perform a range of tasks that help medical teams achieve their clinical goals. In-residence dogs can be trained to do incredible things like keep kids calm during medical interventions, teach them how to take a pill or model how to put on a hospital gown. 4) In-residence dogs can help lower a pediatric patient’s stress and anxiety by serving as a pleasant distraction. Hospital staff report that children who interact with in-residence dogs often require less medication. While in-residence dog programs have potential, they are relatively new. Out

of more than 220 children’s hospitals in the U.S., only a few have in-residence dog programs. By implementing such programs, hospitals could give more pediatric patients the opportunity to experience the joy and health benefits that come with inresidence dogs. Dr. Jana Stockwell, a pediatric critical care physician at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, serves as a handler for an in-residence dog named Tidings. “Our Children’s dogs are full-time employees with a meaningful job to do, and on a daily basis, Tidings helps children be more engaged, encourages them to get out of bed, and even inspires them to tell us about a pet at home that they’re missing,” she said. “Our inresidence dogs never fail to lift the spirits of kids and adults alike.”


owner sadly passing away and leaving his 2much-loved dogs, Blanca escaped and got pregnant. There are now 5 puppies, 3 boys & 2 girls, 8 to 10 weeks old that need homes. ARC has paid for their first injections, but funding is desperately needed to pay for their vaccinations, passports, food & ongoing care. PLEASE HELP. LATTE.- is a beautiful colour, a pretty girl and solid in size. She likes to play with the other pups. She follows her mum quite often.She is one of Blanca’s pups from her litter of 5, 3 boys and 2 girls, that are 3 months old and are Golden Retriever/Podenco cross. The pups also need homes urgently. They are all being cared for by Nikki so you should contact her on 616387129 to donate and help by fostering or adopting one of these pups.

BLANCA.- Very affectionate

Podenco, approx. 7 years old and will make a lovely companion. Her owner died about 12 months ago and she escaped and now has a litter of 5 pups, 3 boys and 2 girls, that are 3 months old and are Golden Retriever/Podenco cross. The pups also need homes urgently. They are all being cared for by Nikki so you should contact her on 616387129 to donate and help by fostering or adopting one of these pups.

Residencia canina y felina Boarding kennel & Cattery

Since nce 11977 97 desde/si


RESIDENCIA CANINA Y FELINA BOARDING KENNEL & CATTERY Habitaciones individuales Ozono Hilo musical Calefacción Parques ajardinados Servicio a domicilio Admitimos todas las razas

Individual rooms Ozono Music Heated floor system Landscaped playgrounds Free home delivery service All types of dogs & cats allowed

Contact Nik on 616387129 to donate and help by fostering or adopting one of these pups.Food and donations also urgently needed and can be left at ARC’s charity shop on CarrerValencia 1, Jalon between 10 am & 1.00 pm Monday to Saturday. Contact Tel No Sally:- 625 985 689. Email jalonvalleyarc14@yahoo. co.uk. Facebook – Jalon Valley A.R.C. Based in Jalon. Charity Reg No CV-01-054107-A.


The European Commission has opened an infringement procedure against Spain on the grounds that it discriminates against expats who rent their homes. This is because at the moment non- residents cannot apply the 60 per cent tax reduction for the net income obtained by renting a habitual residence in the Income Tax for Non-residents (Impuesto sobre la Renta de los No Residentes or IRNR). This is seen to be unfair because the tax return for rental income in Spain is a benefit that is enjoyed by Spanish taxpayers. Lawyer, José María Salcedo, said that there is a difference in treatment between Spanish residents and non-residents living in the country that makes no sense and is discriminatory: “Spain gives a better tax treatment to residents in Spain who obtain income from renting out property, compared with non-residents who

receive the same income.” The EU has given Spain two months to change the tax rules for non-residents, or else it faces legal action in the European Court of Justice. Experts suggest the beginning of this infringement procedure opens the door for non-residents in Spain to request that their selfassessments be corrected if they did not apply the tax deduction. “And this is even before the right to request such rectification is granted,” says María Salcedo , who points out that the criterion of the Central Economic-Administrative Tribunal (Tribunal EconómicoAdministrativo Central or TEAC) is to allow non-residents to apply the tax reduction, even if it was not included in their tax assessment at the time it was declared. However, non-residents of the EU can only claim these tax returns for their back taxes as long as the Hacienda Treasury has not initiated.



FRIday 22Nd maRch 2019

Local - Property Advertising Feature

Call : +34 965 321 193 or visit - www.sun-lawyers.com

No need to build your own Cathedral when buying property in Spain Can you imagine the gigantic work of building a Cathedral with your own hands? The frame, the structure, the domes. brick by brick. All done on your own. Impossible, right? Well, not quite. There is a man in Spain who’s been building a Cathedral on his own for over 50 years. Here is his story. Justo Gallego was born in 1925 in a town called “Mejorada del Campo”, Madrid (Spain). Justo joined a Monastery at age 27, where he stayed as a Monk for eight years. Then he was forced to leave the Monastery after he got tuberculosis, which led him to build his own Cathedral on land he owned. Justo did not have proper training in architecture. In spite of that, he accomplished it on his own (put in Google “Catedral de Justo”). However, even though it’s an admirable and beautiful piece of art, the Cathedral is still not finished. Now, does this mean that because Justo built his own Cathedral you would be able to do it? Chances are there is only one Justo Gallego. We used the Cathedral analogy for you to see that the home purchasing process in Spain could be a similar never-ending process. The difference here is that not doing it right could take to you on a path of fines and frustration. Therefore, we’ve prepared 3 rights and 3 wrongs for you to keep in mind when purchasing property in Spain.

Top 3 Rights 1.- Contract a lawyer. Nobody else can take care of this process more efficiently than an experienced lawyer, who will also protect your assets in Spain. You would probably buy it either off-plan, new build or second hand, through a developer or an estate agency, correct? Therefore, the best figure to carry out the purchasing process in Spain is a registered and experienced lawyer. 2.- Tax. The purchasing process has tax involved as well as non-resident tax after the property is in your name. The Spanish tax man will not forgive any mistakes, so our recommendation is that you do hire a lawyer specialised in fiscal matters. It will

provide a piece of mind.

3.- Spanish wills. You should apply

for your Spanish Wills once you’ve bought property in Spain. It’s a simple procedure that will make the inheritance procedure easier and less expensive compared to having only Wills from your country of origin.

Top 3 Wrongs 1.- Purchasing process DIY: Big mistake. The purchasing process is not only an exchange of signatures and cheques at the Notary. Many people end up paying high costs trying to do it themselves or through people who are not experienced in the legal side of purchasing a property. 2.Checkups: Here are

some powerful questions: Does the property have any debt in tax, utilities, community fees? Is the property fully registered at the land registry office? Not reviewing some critical points could come back later in the form of expensive bills and fines.

3.- Down payments: When you contract the services of a law firm there will be a team of lawyers who will carefully review all the down payments. In Spain, it is quite common to pay a deposit to reserve the property. However, if you have not hired a lawyer to carry out your home’s purchasing process, how would you know your deposit is being made in a safe way and to the right people. What Justo has done with his own hands is simply admirable, a unique piece of art, but we would not recommend you to follow Justo’s approach when buying property in Spain. We are here to help, Please let us help you build your life in Spain, quick and safe. Have you got any questions? Please let us know at admin@sun-lawyers.com or on (00 34) 965 321 193 Sun Lawyers is a Spanish law firm founded in 1985 with more than 30 years of experience. Our team of English-speaking Lawyers represent both residents and nonresidents of Spain in all aspects of Legal, Fiscal and Property Law. At Sun Lawyers we pride ourselves in giving every client a personal experience, however, as a majority of our clients remain in the UK throughout the buying process we have become experts in dealing via email or phone. Contact details: Email: admin@sun-lawyers.com

Facebook: @TheWeekenderSpain

FRIday 22Nd maRch 2019

Local - Property

Licence to print money IT is a well-known fact that buying their own property is out of reach for most youngsters these days. While some people from older generations blame the current crop of “millennials� for not knuckling down and saving, the fact is that house price rises have far outstripped wage rises in the last decade or so, effectively pricing first-time buyers out of the market. Many analysts are now putting the blame for this on Quantitative Easing (QE), basically, governments printing more money during the last recession. In simple terms, QE pumped significant amounts of cash


by Simon Russell

into economies at a time when savings rates were negligible. Wealthier investors and financial institutions then turned in ever greater numbers to tangible assets, primarily property. As demand outstripped supply market forces pushed prices up - and out of reach of most first time buyers, generally youngsters. Of course, for property owners, the rise was good news and much of it may trickle down as inheritance one day - but in the meantime, many youngsters are forced to rent or stay at home.

Millennials priced out of the housing market.



FRIday 22Nd maRch 2019


Land Rover Range Rover Evoque 2019 While the first-generation Range Rover Evoque was a good effort, we felt it didn’t quite nail the brief. Luckily, Land Rover has caught up fast with this, the second-generation version of the premium compact SUV. Ladies and gentleman, the baby Range Rover is finally here. The growing popularity of rivals like the Audi Q3 and Volvo XC40 means that this is a market sector which can’t be ignored. So what’s new for 2019? Well, there’s no three-door for a start. And at first glance the new model doesn’t actually look that much different to the old one. But it’s under the metal where the real progress has been made. Engineers have given the car a whole new platform with nothing carried over, apart from the odd hinge bracket and the ECU mount. That means practical improvements in terms of rear passenger space and boot capacity, as well as ride and handling. While its unlikely that an Evoque will ever find its way off-road (on purpose), drivers will have no trouble coping with inclement weather, snow, loose surfaces like mud and gravel. The all-wheel drive automatic come

with a choice of four-cylinder petrol and diesel engines with a 48-volt mild-hybrid system fitted to reduce carbon-dioxide. That means emissions as low as 149g/km and up to 50mpg. Next year, there’ll be a plug-in hybrid as well as a three-cylinder petrol. Right now, though, there’s also plenty of

tech to keep gadgetfocussed drivers happy. The new Evoque features the clear sight rear view mirror option. This is a high-def screen that displays the view from the rear camera, aiding visibility in poor conditions.

Ticking the option box marked Ground View is like having your own in-car Paul Daniels – it makes the bonnet disappear by giving the driver a 180-degree view under the front of the car on the front screen. Now that’s magic. Prices start at £31,600 for the 150PS front-wheel drive diesel manual and stretch to the 300PS petrol 4WD auto £40,350... plus options.

Volvo to introduce in-car cameras to monitor drivers Volvo’s introducing interior cameras to its cars as part of its mission to eliminate fatal crashes involving its vehicles by 2020. The firm has already announced plans to limit all its cars to 112mph next year - but now it wants to tackle the issues of drunk and distracted drivers. It will do this by installing a driver-monitoring system using in-car sensors and cameras. If it detects problem behaviour from the driver - such as a complete lack of steering input for extended periods of time or excessively slow reaction times - it’ll issue warning signals. If the driver doesn’t respond to these, the car will be able to alert the Volvo On Call assistance service and, if required, slow down and safely park the car.

Introduction of the cameras on all Volvo models will start with the next generation of Volvo’s SPA2 platform from the early 2020s. Details of the exact amount of cameras and their positioning will follow. The company says it wants to start a conversation about whether car makers have the right - or even the obligation - to install technology in cars that changes their drivers’ behaviour. Both the speed limit and the installation of in-car cameras illustrate how car makers can take active responsibility for improving driver behaviour. Volvo has also announced its Care Key. Similar to Ford’s MyKey, the Car Key will be introduced in 2021 and will allow Volvo owners to impose limitations on the car’s top speed before lending their car to others.

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FRIday 22Nd maRch 2019

FRIDAY 22nd March

07:00 Breakfast 07:00 The World’s Most Photographed 10:15 Crimewatch 07:30 Good Morning Dagenham Roadshow 08:15 Money for Nothing 11:00 Homes Under the 09:00 Antiques Roadshow Hammer 10:00 BBC News at Nine 12:00 Good Morning 11:00 Victoria Derbyshire Dagenham 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live 12:45 Dom on the Spot 13:15 Politics Live 14:00 Think Tank 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:45 The Great British Year 14:00 BBC News at One 15:45 Talking Pictures 14:30 BBC London News 16:30 Rio Conchos 14:45 Doctors 18:15 Put Your Money Where 15:15 Shakespeare Your Mouth Is and Hathaway: Private 19:00 Eggheads Investigators 19:30 Great Continental Railway 16:00 Escape to the Country Journeys 20:00 Mastermind 16:45 Money for Nothing 20:30 David Attenborough’s 17:30 Flog It! Natural Curiosities 18:15 Pointless 21:00 Great British Menu 19:00 BBC News at Six 21:30 Gardeners’ World 19:30 BBC London News 22:00 Australia: Earth’s Magical 20:00 The One Show Kingdom 23:00 QI 20:30 A Question of Sport 23:30 Newsnight 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 MasterChef

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Tenable 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Live: UEFA European Championship Qualifier Football 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News London 23:45 UEFA European Championship Qualifier Football

06:50 Countdown 07:25 Cheers 08:45 Frasier 10:10 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:40 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:10 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell 12:05 Undercover Boss USA 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun 17:00 Escape to the Chateau: DIY 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Can I Improve My Memory? 22:00 Gogglebox 23:00 The Last Leg

10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:15 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Twisted Sisters 17:00 Friends 17:30 Friends 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Alaska: A Year in the Wild 21:00 There’s a Croc in My Kitchen 22:00 Eamonn and Ruth: How the Other Half Lives 23:00 Meghan and Harry: Inside the Palace

07:00 The Planet’s Funniest Animals 07:20 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:45 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 08:10 You’ve Been Framed! 09:00 Emmerdale 09:25 Emmerdale 10:00 You’ve Been Framed! 10:25 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 11:20 Superstore 11:50 Superstore 12:15 You’ve Been Framed! 13:15 Emmerdale 13:45 Emmerdale 14:15 You’ve Been Framed! 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 15:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:45 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:55 The Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 Take Me Out 20:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Crazy, Stupid, Love. 23:25 Family Guy 23:55 Family Guy

07:00 Coronation Street 07:25 Coronation Street 07:55 Heartbeat 09:00 Murder, She Wrote 10:00 Judge Judy 10:25 Judge Judy 10:55 Judge Judy 11:20 On the Buses 11:55 On the Buses 12:30 On the Buses 13:05 George and Mildred 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:55 Agatha Christie’s Marple 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Doc Martin 22:00 Doc Martin 23:00 Lewis

06:50 Jamie’s Comfort Food 09:00 Ben & Holly’s Little 07:00 The King of Queens Kingdom 09:15 PAW Patrol 07:50 Everybody Loves 09:35 Nella the Princess Knight Raymond 09:50 Wissper 09:05 Frasier 09:55 Pirata & Capitano 09:30 Frasier 10:15 PAW Patrol 10:00 Frasier 10:30 Shane the Chef 10:30 The Big Bang Theory 10:45 Floogals 11:00 The Big Bang Theory 11:00 Rise of the Teenage 11:25 The Big Bang Theory Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:15 Rise of the Teenage 11:50 The Simpsons Mutant Ninja Turtles 12:50 Four in a Bed 11:25 Beverly Hills Ninja 15:30 A Place in the Sun: 13:10 Friends Home or Away 13:40 Friends 16:30 Sun, Sea and Brides 14:10 Friends 14:40 Friends To Be 15:10 Friends 17:35 Location, Location, 15:45 Live: Premiership Rugby Location Yorkshire Vet 18:35 The Secret Life of the 18:15 The 19:10 The Yorkshire Vet Zoo 20:05 Around the World by Train 19:30 Channel 4 News with Tony Robinson 20:00 Great Canal Journeys 20:55 5 News Weekend 21:00 Elizabeth: Our Queen 21:00 Warcraft 22:50 The Royal Family at War 23:25 The Take

00:25 Family Guy 00:50 American Dad! 01:15 American Dad! 01:40 The Cleveland Show 02:10 Superstore 02:40 Superstore 03:10 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 03:20 Teleshopping 06:50 ITV2 Nightscreen 07:00 Emmerdale Omnibus 09:35 Coronation Street Omnibus 11:30 The Voice UK 13:30 Britain’s Got Talent 14:35 Catchphrase 15:40 You’ve Been Framed! 16:45 Ella Enchanted 18:40 The Mummy Returns 21:00 Spectre 23:55 Celebrity Juice

01:05 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 03:05 Liverpool 1 04:00 Secrets of Growing Up 04:50 Road to Avonlea 05:40 Road to Avonlea 06:30 ITV3 Nightscreen 07:00 Judge Judy 07:20 Judge Judy 07:40 Rising Damp 08:05 Rising Damp 08:40 George and Mildred 09:10 George and Mildred 09:45 Bugsy Malone 11:35 Agatha Christie’s Marple 13:40 Agatha Christie’s Marple 15:40 Agatha Christie’s Marple 17:40 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 18:50 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 20:00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 22:00 Vera

SATURDAY 23rd March

06:30 The Travel Show 07:45 All Over the Place 07:00 Breakfast 08:15 Wild & Weird 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 08:30 Absolute Genius With Dick and Dom 12:30 Mary Berry’s Quick 09:00 Top Class Cooking 09:30 The Dog Ate My 13:00 Football Focus Homework 13:30 Money for Nothing 14:00 BBC Weekend News 10:00 Deadly on a Mission: Pole to Pole 14:15 Live: World Cup 10:30 Nature’s Microworlds Gymnastics 11:00 Natural World 17:00 Escape to the Country 12:00 Homes Under the 18:00 Impossible Celebrities Hammer 18:50 BBC Weekend News 13:00 Rick Stein’s Long 19:00 BBC London News Weekends 19:10 Pointless 14:00 Nigellissima 19:50 Catchpoint 14:30 Talking Pictures 20:20 All Together Now 15:05 The 39 Steps 16:30 Nature’s Great Events 21:25 Casualty 17:30 Pilgrimage 22:15 All Round to Mrs 18:30 James May’s Cars of Brown’s 23:15 BBC Weekend News the People 19:30 The Great British 23:30 BBC Weather Sewing Bee 23:35 Little Fockers

07:00 Dino Dana 07:10 Super 4 07:25 Super 4 07:35 Make It Pop 08:00 Mission Employable 08:05 Mr Bean 08:20 Mr Bean 08:30 Scrambled! 08:35 The Tom and Jerry Show 08:50 The Powerpuff Girls 09:10 ToonMarty 09:30 Robozuna 10:05 Teen Titans Go! 10:25 ITV News 10:30 James Martin’s Saturday Morning 12:40 Ainsley’s Caribbean Kitchen 13:40 ITV Lunchtime News 13:50 On Her Majesty’s Secret Service 16:35 Tipping Point 17:35 The Chase 18:40 ITV Evening News 19:00 ITV News London 19:10 Despicable Me 2 20:30 Race Across the World 21:00 The Voice UK 21:30 Dad’s Army 23:00 The Jonathan Ross Show

SUNDAY 24th March

06:30 The Week in Parliament 07:20 The A to Z of TV 07:00 Breakfast Gardening 08:05 Great British Garden 10:00 BBC Weekend News 11:00 The Andrew Marr Show Revival 09:05 The Edible Garden 12:00 Sunday Politics 09:35 Gardeners’ World 12:30 Walks of Life 10:05 Countryfile 13:30 Homes Under the 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Best Hammer Bites 14:00 BBC Weekend News 12:30 The Hairy Bikers’ Chicken 14:15 Songs of Praise and Egg 14:50 Lifeline 13:30 My Mediterranean with 15:00 Bargain Hunt Adrian Chiles 16:00 Money for Nothing 16:45 Escape to the Country 14:30 World Cup Gymnastics 16:00 ISU World Championship 17:45 Pointless Celebrities Figure Skating 18:35 BBC Weekend News 18:00 World’s Busiest Cities 18:50 BBC London News 19:00 Australia: Earth’s Magical 19:00 Countryfile Kingdom 20:00 Antiques Roadshow 20:00 Inside the Factory 21:00 Blue Planet Live 21:00 Dragons’ Den 22:00 Baptiste 22:00 Race Across the World 23:00 BBC Weekend News 23:00 The Misadventures of 23:20 BBC London News Romesh Ranganathan 23:30 Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

08:00 Mission Employable 08:05 Robozuna 08:30 Scrambled! 08:35 The Tom and Jerry Show 08:50 The Bagel and Becky Show 09:10 Mr Bean 09:30 Project Z 10:05 Teen Titans Go! 10:25 ITV News 10:30 Parveen’s Indian Kitchen 11:30 This Morning 12:30 Ainsley’s Caribbean Kitchen 13:35 Australia with Julia Bradbury 14:00 ITV Lunchtime News 14:15 The Voice UK 16:15 Diamonds Are Forever 18:30 ITV Evening News 18:50 ITV News London 19:00 The Family Chase 20:00 What Would Your Kid Do? 21:00 Coronation Street 22:00 Victoria 23:00 ITV News 23:20 Joanna Lumley’s India

07:20 The Big Bang Theory 07:40 The Simpsons 08:05 The Simpsons 08:35 Frasier 09:00 Frasier 09:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:30 Sunday Brunch 13:30 Jamie’s Quick and Easy Food 14:00 Jamie’s Quick and Easy Food 14:30 The Simpsons 15:00 The Simpsons 15:30 Doctor Dolittle 17:15 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 18:15 The Great Celebrity Bake Off: Stand Up To Cancer 19:30 Channel 4 News 20:00 Escape to the Chateau 21:00 Secrets of Egypt’s Valley of the Kings 22:00 Traitors 23:00 999: What’s Your Emergency?

00:40 Family Guy 10:55 Rise of the Teenage 01:10 Family Guy Mutant Ninja Turtles 01:40 American Dad! 11:05 Rise of the Teenage 02:10 American Dad! Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:20 Make You Laugh Out Loud 02:35 Release the Hounds 03:35 Totally Bonkers Guinness 11:40 Police Interceptors World Records 12:40 Police Interceptors 04:00 Teleshopping 13:40 Friends 07:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness 14:05 Friends World Records 14:40 Friends 07:15 Totally Bonkers Guinness 15:05 Friends World Records 15:40 Friends 16:10 Alaska: A Year in the Wild 07:40 You’ve Been Framed! 17:05 Alaska: A Year in the Wild 08:05 Emmerdale Omnibus 18:05 Alaska: A Year in the Wild 10:40 Coronation Street 19:05 Alaska: A Year in the Wild Omnibus 20:00 Building the World’s Most 12:45 Britain’s Got Talent 13:50 Catchphrase Luxurious Ship 14:50 You’ve Been Framed! 20:55 5 News Weekend 21:00 Britain’s Favourite Crisps 15:20 Dr. Seuss’ the Lorax 17:05 Happy Feet Two 23:00 Black Hawk Down 19:10 Shrek 21:00 Rock of Ages 23:20 Family Guy 23:55 Family Guy

00:00 Vera 02:00 Emmerdale 02:30 Emmerdale 02:55 Emmerdale 03:25 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Rising Damp 07:25 George and Mildred 07:50 George and Mildred 08:20 Heartbeat 09:20 Heartbeat 10:20 Britain’s Favourite Dogs: Top 100 11:25 Agatha Christie’s Marple 13:25 Agatha Christie’s Marple 15:25 A Touch of Frost 17:40 A Touch of Frost 19:55 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 21:00 Vera 23:00 Grantchester

Facebook: @TheWeekenderSpain

FRIday 22Nd maRch 2019

MONDAY 25th March

07:00 Breakfast 07:00 Good Morning 10:15 Murder, Mystery and My Dagenham Family 07:45 Money for Nothing 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 08:30 Great British Menu 12:00 The Sheriffs Are Coming 09:30 The Week in Parliament 12:45 Dom on the Spot 10:00 BBC News at Nine 13:15 Bargain Hunt 11:00 Victoria Derbyshire 14:00 BBC News at One 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live 14:30 BBC London News 13:15 Politics Live 14:45 Doctors 14:00 Eggheads 15:15 Pitching In 14:30 Royal Recipes 16:00 Escape to the Country 14:45 The Manor Reborn 16:45 Money for Nothing 15:45 Street Auction 17:30 Blue Planet UK 16:30 Shark 18:15 Pointless 17:30 Going Back, Giving Back 19:00 BBC News at Six 18:15 Put Your Money Where 19:30 BBC London News Your Mouth Is 20:00 The One Show 19:00 Richard Osman’s House 20:30 Fake Britain of Games 21:00 EastEnders 19:30 Britain in Bloom 21:30 Panorama 20:00 The Chronicles of Mourne 22:00 Warren 20:30 Only Connect 22:30 This Time with Alan 21:00 University Challenge Partridge 21:30 Mary Berry’s Quick 23:00 BBC News at Ten Cooking 23:25 BBC London News 22:00 Expenses: The Scandal 23:35 Fleabag That Changed Britain 23:00 The Mash Report 23:30 Newsnight

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Tenable 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Live: UEFA European Championship Qualifier Football 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News London 23:45 UEFA European Championship Qualifier Football



What Would Your Kid Do? ITV London 8:00pm Sun 24 Mar


10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:15 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 My Ex is Watching 17:00 Friends 17:30 Friends 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Premiership Rugby 21:00 Police Interceptors 22:00 Around the World by Train with Tony Robinson 23:00 Traffic Cops

07:00 The Planet’s Funniest Animals 07:20 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:45 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 08:10 You’ve Been Framed! 08:35 You’ve Been Framed! 09:00 You’ve Been Framed! 09:25 Coronation Street 10:25 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 11:20 Superstore 11:50 Superstore 12:15 You’ve Been Framed! 12:45 You’ve Been Framed! 13:15 You’ve Been Framed! 13:45 Coronation Street 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 15:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:45 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:55 The Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 Take Me Out 20:00 Take Me Out 21:00 You’ve Been Framed! 22:00 Family Guy 22:30 American Dad! 23:00 Timewasters

07:00 Coronation Street 07:30 Coronation Street 07:55 Heartbeat 09:00 Murder, She Wrote 10:05 Judge Judy 10:35 Judge Judy 11:00 Judge Judy 11:30 Agatha Christie’s Marple 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:55 Agatha Christie’s Marple 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Endeavour 23:00 Scott & Bailey

new this week

Blue Planet Live BBC1 London 9:00pm Sun 24 Mar

NEW SERIES: Jason Manford returns with a new series of the show which asks how well we really know our kids, by challenging parents to guess what their children will do in a variety of entertaining situations. Each show sees children filmed in a school specially rigged with hidden cameras. The kids think they’re taking part in a variety of classroom activities and games, unaware that we’re actually testing everything from empathy and lateral thinking to curiosity and rule breaking. Back in the studio, Jason challenges the parents to predict what their child will do in each situation

TUESDAY 26th March

07:25 Murder, Mystery and My 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Murder, Mystery and My Family 08:15 Money for Nothing Family 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 09:00 Gardeners’ World 12:00 The Sheriffs Are Coming 09:30 Great American Railroad Journeys 12:45 Dom on the Spot 10:00 BBC News at Nine 13:15 Bargain Hunt 11:00 Victoria Derbyshire 14:00 BBC News at One 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live 14:30 BBC London News 13:15 Politics Live 14:45 Doctors 14:00 The Super League Show 15:15 Pitching In 14:45 The Manor Reborn 16:00 Escape to the Country 15:45 Street Auction 16:45 Money for Nothing 16:30 Shark 17:30 Blue Planet UK 17:30 Going Back, Giving Back 18:15 Pointless 18:15 Put Your Money Where 19:00 BBC News at Six Your Mouth Is 19:30 BBC London News 19:00 Richard Osman’s House 20:00 The One Show of Games 20:30 EastEnders 19:30 Britain in Bloom 21:00 Holby City 20:00 Antiques Road Trip 22:00 MasterChef 21:00 Inside the Factory 23:00 BBC News at Ten 22:00 The Great British Sewing 23:25 BBC London News Bee 23:35 Eating with My Ex 23:00 Road to Brexit 23:30 Newsnight

06:50 Countdown 07:30 Cheers 08:45 Frasier 10:10 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:40 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:10 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell 12:05 Undercover Boss USA 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 17:00 Escape to the Chateau: DIY 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Dispatches 21:30 Food Unwrapped 22:00 24 Hours in Police Custody 23:00 Women Who Kil


07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Tenable 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 21:00 Vera 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News London 23:45 Fraud: How They Steal Your Bank Account

NEW SERIES: Chris Packham, Steve Backshall and Liz Bonnin present a week of live programmes examining aquatic wildlife around the globe and the current state of the world’s oceans as animals struggle to thrive in the face of increasing environmental pressure. Chris visits the world’s biggest whale nursery in Mexico, Steve goes swimming with tiger sharks in the Bahamas, and Liz meets scientists performing experiments on coral to help preserve the Great Barrier Reef, while also encountering new-born turtles living on a nearby island

06:50 Countdown 07:25 Cheers 07:55 Cheers 08:20 Cheers 08:45 Frasier 09:10 Frasier 09:40 Frasier 10:10 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:40 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:10 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:05 Undercover Boss USA 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun 17:00 Escape to the Chateau: DIY 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 The Great Celebrity Bake

10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:15 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Buried Secrets 17:00 Friends 17:30 Friends 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Yorkshire: A Year In The Wild 21:00 The Yorkshire Vet 22:15 London: 2,000 Years of History 23:15 Fritzl: What Happened Next

07:00 The Planet’s Funniest Animals 07:20 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:45 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 08:10 You’ve Been Framed! 08:35 You’ve Been Framed! 09:00 You’ve Been Framed! 09:25 Britain’s Got Talent 10:25 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 11:20 Superstore 11:50 Superstore 12:15 You’ve Been Framed! 12:45 You’ve Been Framed! 13:15 You’ve Been Framed! 13:40 Britain’s Got Talent 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 15:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:45 The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 You’ve Been Framed! 22:00 Shaun of the Dead

00:00 Scott & Bailey 01:05 Lewis 03:00 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:30 Coronation Street 07:55 Heartbeat 09:00 Murder, She Wrote 10:05 Judge Judy 10:35 Judge Judy 11:00 Judge Judy 11:30 Agatha Christie’s Marple 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:55 Agatha Christie’s Marple 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Larry Grayson: Shut That Door 23:00 DCI Banks

Difficult 38

STAR PUZZLE Medium Puzzle Star Star 0008-Grid_M1

FRIday 22Nd maRch 2019



ta Roset ROSETTA



2 3 4 A Rosetta is made up of a 7 6 centre coloured hexagon Example encircled by 6 white hexagons. To complete the puzzle, fill in all 7 Rosettas with each number between 1 and 7 in no particular order while also ensuring that :

Daily Codeword

CODEWORDS 24 January 19


To complete the puzzle fill in each of the empty hexagon cells with numbers between 1 & 7 following the 3 rules below; 1. No numbers in a horizontal line can be repeated. 2. No numbers in a diagonal line can be repeated. 3. No numbers in the 7 gray hexagons can be repeated.

1. No number is repeated in a horizontal row 2. Each number from 1 to 7 are represented in the 7 grey coloured hexagon cells.






7 4





© Engaged Learning



© 2011 Engaged Learning


* Note that each white hexagon belongs to a line of 7 that must contain each of the numbers between 1 and 7.


Hard Copyright © 2018 Best for Puzzles


Puzzle Solutions © 2011 Engaged Learning


For a complete explanation on how this puzzle was solved visit www.hexaliagames.com “He who studies books alone will know how things ought to be, and he who studies men will know how they are.”




Star 0008-Grid_Solution



FRIday 22Nd maRch 2019


CRYPTIC CROSSWORD Across 1. There’s not much music in the capital of Arkansas (6,4) 7. Rogue at home behind house (7) 8. Curry and Rice? (4) 10. Contest in which reversing vehicle gains a point (4) 11. Boxer dog is lit badly (8) 13. Fliers flapping arms (6) 15. Be sorry for soldiers cooped up (6) 17. Everlasting cross inside or outside (8) 18. Vote against Marines standard (4) 21. Scattered rain in the country (4) 22. Care for business (7) 23. No renewals, perhaps, in a Lousiana city (10



1. Ring up about one garden shrub (5) 2. Duck finding meal on lake (4) 3. Queue to see railway being repaired? (4,2) 4. Fee for a servant (8) 5. Arrive holding container to join together (7) 6. Holly, perhaps, always caring for the environment (9) 9. Country people have time to make a declaration (9) 12. To retain order, attack vigorously (4,4) 14. For slimmers, food almost tasteless, initially, and costing nothing (3-4) 16. A rogue Clara’s reformed (6) 19. Portents some women scorn (5) Drop 20. Coin once held by Indian nabobs? (4)

21st Mar – 20th Apr The High Priestess New beginnings are in the air, you will find some doors closing and others opening up new opportunities for you. Think carefully before committing time to others now is the time to look after yourself first and regain some of that inner confidence you may have lost lately Lucky Number 03



Source: Charles Caleb Colton


Drop Quotes Drop Quotes are similar to cryptograms, in that the goal is for the solver to uncover a hidden quote. A blackand-white crossword-style grid is set up for each quote, with a number of letters “hovering” above each column. Your task is to “drop” each of those letters into the appropriate square in each column, until the entire quote is revealed. All punctuation (commas, periods, dashes, etc.) has been removed. Good luck!

Puzzle #I959XE





















































21st Apr – 21st May Page of Swords

You may find it a challenge to keep your temper under control this week as there are those around you who will test your patience. However an older gentleman will step in to help find a solution to these annoyances. Saturday will be your best day to organise some fun Lucky Number 23


22nd May – 21th June Six of Swords This is a great time to move ahead with any projects you wish to start or finish, even though you may feel as though you haven’t any time, you will be busy but things will slow down later on in the week and there will be time for you to spend on any personal projects. Lucky Number 34

QUICK CROSSWORD Across 1. Dairy product (6) 4. Day nursery (6) 8. Regretting (5) 9. Lunacy (7) 10. Female ruler (7) 11. Sufficient (5) 12. True to life (9) 17. Small flock of game birds (5) 19. Dishonourable (7) 21.Taken for granted (7) 22. “La Traviata” composer (5) 23. Small (6) 24. Method (6)

Down 1. Gents’ hairdresser (6) Copyright © Puzzle Baron March 21, 2019 - Go to www.Printable-Puzzles.com for Hints and Solutions! 2. Away-day tourist (7) 3. Large bird of prey (5) 5. Glowing (7) 6. Move furtively (5) 7. Simpler (6) 9. Bewildered (9) 13. Appalling (7) 14. Floor show (7) 15. Scribble (6) 16. Gas used in balloons (6) 18. Call upon (5) 20. Manual worker (5)


22nd June – 22nd July Three of Coins There will be some hidden expenses this week so it will be best if you sort out finances before deciding whatever else is to be done this week. An announcement from family will greatly please you and put you in party mood. Keep your money affairs simple and save Lucky Number 05


23rd July – 22nd Aug The Moon There may be confusion around you caused by other people, let them sort things out themselves and find their own solutions and give yourself a break, sometimes it is kinder to let others become responsible and sort themselves out. You cannot help everyone Lucky Number 13


23rd Aug– 22nd Sept The World This is a time for completion in any tasks you have set yourself, and with completion will come a new freedom and a feeling of lightness from within. Everything will feel easier than it has lately, you will be able to enjoy all those small things you haven’t had time for lately Lucky Number 15


23rd Sept – 22nd Oct The Lovers You need to make time for those personal relationships around you this week, there may be someone close who needs your support just now. A new friendship will prove to be a strong one, but think before you tell secrets as there’s gossip showing around you just now Lucky Number 07


23rd Oct – 21st Nov Queen of Coins It seems your confidence is taking an upturn this week others are there and will praise your efforts. Animals seem to be taking the spotlight you may even find a new pet arriving around you. Write down those new ideas going around your head then progress will come Lucky Number 19


22nd Nov – 20th Dec Two of Wands Travel is well starred this week if you are not doing any then get some plans in place this is a great time to do this. A friend from overseas will be talking about a visit and they will bring laughter and fun with them. Take time out to relax and enjoy some you time now Lucky Number 42


21st Dec – 19th Jan The Chariot There will be two pathways opening up for you this week, choose wisely and life will become much easier. doesn’t matter too much which path you take as long as you move forward and get your motivation back in gear, the week will end on a high note for you Lucky Number 06


20th Jan – 19th Feb Five of Cups You may find obstacles and delays at the beginning of the week however the second half will flow nicely and you will find yourself in a really good situation. You will also be helping others and that wonderful feeling of a job well done will stay with you for quite a long while Lucky number 12


20th Feb – 20th Mar Knight of Wands This is a great time to show the confident flamboyant side of your nature others are watching for your lead, be positive and see others respond to that. Is it time to treat yourself to some new clothes? choose bright colours and go for something different Lucky Number 10

Andy Mansell’s


Stars In

FRIday 22Nd maRch 2019

Strip for me Cardi In a definite case of `Art imitating life`, news came through earlier this week that loudmouth rapper, Cardi B, is about to start filming on her first movie project and guess what? She’s playing a stripper……. Quelle surprise!! The movie, entitled Hustlers tells the story of a group of strippers who get revenge on their clients and Cardi will join fabulous fifty something, JLo, who has been cast as the lead. To give, controversial musician her due, she’s never hidden her colourful past and

has openly spoken of her past as a stripper and how she doesn’t think it should be so taboo. Questioned, why she always mentions her stripping background in interviews, she hit back by saying, ”becausey’all don’t respect me because of it, and y’all going to respect these strippers from now on. ‘Just because somebody was a stripper don’t mean they don’t have no brain.’ No love, but y’all certainly have a gob!

Rap star Cardi B revisits her stripping past in debut movie role

Jesy takes on the trolls

Little Mix star, Jesy Nelson tells her story Weight related mental health issues feature high on the agenda in this week’s celebrity news, with Little Mix’s Jesy Nelson revealing she’s signed up to make a BBC documentary, telling her own experiences at the hands of cyber bullies. Jesy’s own fat shaming began even before the all-girl four piece hit the big time with their 2011 X Factor win, when she was regularly targeted for being larger than the other members of the group. At the time, she questioned whether to stay in the band, but chose to carry on, but never mention it, “I wanted to be known as just the singer in the group, I didn’t wanna

be known as ‘the fat one’ or ‘the one who’s bigger than the others’. It was just so draining, and I just thought, ‘if I don’t talk about this, then hopefully it’ll go away”. “So I’m pleased to announce I’m making a film with the BBC, telling my own personal story and exploring how social media, body shaming and trolling is affecting the mental health of young people.”Jesy revealed to her Instagram followers last week. Once again, it’s heartwarming to watch influential role models, coming out of their shells to address issues which affect their fans …… High Five to Ms Nelson

n DMy Eyes eadpool FRIday 22Nd maRch 2019


o li u J y a D ’s r e h t a F y Happ

welcomes Disney

Spanish media It’s reassuring to know that celebrities its of out pee the e likes to tak Britain. almost as much as we do ins week, with thi e cam le mp exa A prime of website a spoof piece on satirical spo of fun at bit a ing hav o, ari Bec La Voz del r Julio one cro ary the expense of legend Iglesias. lier this week, On Spanish Father’s Day earr shipping fou g win sho ce pie they ran a name on them, containers with the singer’s Miami home, his to y wa ir the on allegedly m his many full to the brim with gifts fro

children back at home. utation to Pointing to the lothario’s repmate kids in giti ille ny having fathered ma ldren, those Spain, the script read, ‘his chi who are se tho and d who are recognise s together gift the d sen to ed join e not , hav ing ‘The add ts’ cos n to save transportatio children the all singer promises to answer cial day with spe s thi on who sent him a gift tcard, a task a personalised thank you pos of months.’ ple cou a st that will take at lea of humour …. Let’s hope Julio has a sense Ouch!!

Deadpool seems happy to be part of Disney now Ryan Reynolds took no time at all to put his Deadpool take on the news that Disney has closed its 71 billion dollar acquisition of the 21st Century Fox studios. As part of the deal, Disney will absorb the Fox film and TV studios, the FX networks, National Geographic and the Indian TV giant Star India. Before the takeover, Disney already boasted a fearsome catalogue of content, including its classic cartoons, Star Wars and many of the Marvel characters. After purchasing Fox, it will be able to add the likes of X-Men and

Deadpool to its portfolio and take on Netflix and Amazon. Many people feared that with Deadpool’s ‘R’ rating, it may not fit in well with Disney’s squeaky clean image, but CEO Bob Igor quashed any rumours by confirming that they have big plans for the franchise. That didn’t stop Reynold’s posting a pic of himself on his twitter account, as Deadpool with Mickey Mouse ears on his head and the tagline ‘Feels like the first day of ‘Pool’ …… But it ain’t your last by any means Mr Reynolds.

Julio Iglesias Father’s Day gifts on their way to Miami

Sam opens up on gender Gender fluidity is at the top of the agenda right now, with, especially younger people feeling able to align themselves away from their traditional male or female roles. For the older generation, it’s often hard to get their heads around the concept, often ridiculing or deriding anyone who doesn’t fit into their world. Stand up Sam Smith, who last week gave a candid interview to activist Jameela Jamil on her Instagram TV show “I weigh” Jamil describes her #iweigh as “a movement... for us to feel valuable and see how amazing we are, and look past the flesh on our bones” Opening up about his own battles with weight issues and coming out

in the public gaze, Smith admitted to having a non-binary attitude to his gender. “I do think like a woman sometimes in my head. And I’ve sometimes sat there and questioned, ‘Do I want a sex change?’ And it’s something I still think about...but I don’t think it is,” Smith said. The superstar said his weight has been the basis of “all of his sadness” – and dealing with body image issues was worse than coming out as gay. “Maybe I’m not a man, maybe I’m not a woman, maybe I’m just me,” he said. “And that’s okay.” “I think I am going to start to live very loudly.” Be as loud as you want Sam mate….. particularly on issues where you can make a difference.

Sam Smith admitted to his battles with weight issues


friday 6TH juLY 2018


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FRIday 22Nd maRch 2019


WEDNESDAY 27th March

07:00 Breakfast 07:30 Murder, Mystery and My 10:15 Murder, Mystery and My Family Family 08:15 Money for Nothing 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 09:00 Mary Berry’s Quick 12:00 The Sheriffs Are Coming Cooking 12:45 Dom on the Spot 09:30 Great American Railroad 13:15 Bargain Hunt Journeys 14:00 BBC News at One 10:00 BBC News at Nine 14:30 BBC London News 11:00 Victoria Derbyshire 14:45 Doctors 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live 15:15 Pitching In 12:15 Politics Live 16:00 Escape to the Country 14:05 Eggheads 16:45 Money for Nothing 14:35 Lifeline 17:30 Blue Planet UK 14:45 The Manor Reborn 18:15 Pointless 15:45 Street Auction 19:00 BBC News at Six 16:30 Shark 19:30 BBC London News 17:30 Going Back, Giving Back 20:00 The One Show 18:15 Put Your Money Where 21:00 Blue Planet Live Your Mouth Is 22:00 MasterChef 19:00 Richard Osman’s House 23:00 BBC News at Ten of Games 23:25 BBC London News 19:30 Britain in Bloom 23:35 Glow Up: Britain’s Next 20:00 Antiques Road Trip Make-Up Star 21:00 Great British Menu 22:00 MotherFatherSon 23:00 White Gold 23:30 Newsnight

06:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Tenable 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Britain’s Brightest Family 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 The Bay 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News London 23:45 Peston

06:50 Countdown 07:25 Cheers 07:55 Cheers 08:20 Cheers 08:45 Frasier 09:10 Frasier 09:40 Frasier 10:10 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:40 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:10 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:05 Undercover Boss USA 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun 17:00 Escape to the Chateau: DIY 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 The Supervet: Noel Fitzpatrick

07:00 The Planet’s Funniest 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:15 The Nightmare Neighbour Animals 07:20 Totally Bonkers Guinness Next Door World Records 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 07:45 Totally Bonkers Guinness 13:15 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it World Records Away! 08:10 You’ve Been Framed! 14:10 Access 09:00 Emmerdale 14:15 Home and Away 10:00 You’ve Been Framed! 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Perfect Life, Perfect Lies 10:25 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 17:00 Friends 11:20 Superstore 17:30 Friends 11:50 Superstore 18:00 5 News at 5 12:15 You’ve Been Framed! 18:30 Neighbours 13:15 Emmerdale 19:00 Home and Away 14:15 You’ve Been Framed! 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Yorkshire: A Year In The 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres Show Wild 21:00 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 15:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 22:00 Critical Condition 17:45 The Jeremy Kyle Show 23:00 Extraordinary People 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Rock of Ages 23:25 Family Guy

07:00 Coronation Street 07:30 Coronation Street 07:55 Heartbeat 09:00 Murder, She Wrote 10:05 Judge Judy 10:35 Judge Judy 11:00 Judge Judy 11:30 Agatha Christie’s Marple 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:55 Agatha Christie’s Marple 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 23:10 Vera

06:50 Countdown 07:25 Cheers 07:55 Cheers 08:20 Cheers 08:45 Frasier 09:10 Frasier 09:40 Frasier 10:10 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:40 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:10 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:05 Undercover Boss USA 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun 17:00 Escape to the Chateau: DIY 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Ugly House to Lovely House with George Clarke

10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:15 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 My Evil Daughter: Love Me or Else 17:00 Friends 17:30 Friends 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Yorkshire: A Year In The Wild 21:00 Secrets of the Heinz Factory 22:00 Manhunt: Catch Me if You Can 23:00 Who Needs a Man When You’ve Got a Spray Tan?: Single Mum & Prou

07:00 The Planet’s Funniest Animals 07:20 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:45 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 08:10 You’ve Been Framed! 09:00 Emmerdale 09:25 Coronation Street 10:25 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 11:20 Superstore 11:50 Superstore 12:15 You’ve Been Framed! 12:45 You’ve Been Framed! 13:15 Emmerdale 13:45 Coronation Street 14:15 Coronation Street 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 15:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 22:00 Family Guy 22:30 Family Guy 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:50 Family Guy

07:00 Coronation Street 07:30 Coronation Street 07:55 Heartbeat 09:00 Murder, She Wrote 10:05 Judge Judy 10:35 Judge Judy 11:00 Judge Judy 11:30 Agatha Christie’s Marple 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:55 Agatha Christie’s Marple 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Vera 23:00 Law & Order: UK

THURSDAY 28th March

07:00 Breakfast 07:30 Murder, Mystery and My 06:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:15 Murder, Mystery and My Family 07:00 Good Morning Britain Family 08:15 Money for Nothing 09:30 Lorraine 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 09:00 The Great British Sewing 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 12:00 The Sheriffs Are Coming Bee 11:30 This Morning 12:45 Dom on the Spot 10:00 BBC News at Nine 13:30 Loose Women 13:15 Bargain Hunt 11:00 Victoria Derbyshire 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:00 BBC News at One 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live 14:55 ITV News London 14:30 BBC London News 13:15 Politics Live 15:00 Judge Rinder 14:45 Doctors 14:00 Eggheads 16:00 Tenable 15:15 Pitching In 14:30 Royal Recipes 17:00 Tipping Point 16:00 Escape to the Country 14:45 The Manor Reborn 18:00 The Chase 16:45 Money for Nothing 15:45 Street Auction 19:00 ITV News London 17:30 Blue Planet UK 16:30 Ocean Giants 19:30 ITV Evening News 18:15 Pointless 17:30 Going Back, Giving Back 20:00 Emmerdale 19:00 BBC News at Six 18:15 Put Your Money Where 20:30 Tonight 19:30 BBC London News Your Mouth Is 21:00 Emmerdale 20:00 The One Show 19:00 Richard Osman’s House 21:30 Australia with Julia 20:30 EastEnders of Games Bradbury 21:00 Blue Planet Live 19:30 Britain in Bloom 22:00 Babes in the Wood 22:00 MasterChef 20:00 MOTD: The Premier 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:00 BBC News at Ten League Show 23:30 ITV News London 23:25 BBC London News 20:30 Mortimer and Whitehouse: 23:45 Caught on Camera 23:35 Question Time Gone Fishing 21:00 Great British Menu 22:00 Pose 23:10 Strike a Pose! 23:30 Newsnight



Nurse Greg is now the proud father of twins, but has yet to earn the respect of his wife’s stern father after 10 years of marriage. The couple invite both sides of their extended family to the kids’ birthday party, where Greg makes a desperate effort to finally prove his worth to his father-in-law. Comedy sequel, with Ben Stiller, Robert De Niro, Owen Wilson and Dustin Hoffman


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Sun 24 Mar 5:05pm ITV2 A tap-dancing penguin goes searching for his missing son, but his search leads him to discover a drifting iceberg that threatens to destroy his colony. He sets out to unite all the birds in the Antarctic to avert the catastrophe. Animated musical comedy sequel, with the voices of Elijah Wood, Robin Williams, Ava Acres and Hank Azaria



friday 6TH juLY 2018

Sports & Local News

Montgo Golf St.Patricks Today March 15th Montgo G.S played our St Patrick´s Day Trophy competition. Our sponsor was John Feek. We had 32 players including 2 guests who played in the excellent Costa Blanca weather. The Oliva Nova course was in very good condition. The Lady’s took the main prizes with Sue Burman winning with a fabulous 43 points, second was Gerian van Ooijen with 38 points third place went to Glenys Cuming with 36 points. The men faired better with the NTP´s there were prizes for both ladies and men on the 3rd& 16th Tom Atkinson took the 3rd and Peter Gardiner took the 16th our ladies did not manage to achieve on these holes. We had a longest drive on the 8th which

Marina Alta Golf - 18th March The Marina Alta Golf Society’s game at Oliva Nova on Monday 18th March 2019 saw 15 players taking part, three ladiesand eleven male members of the society with one guest player. Today saw the players in a regular stableford competition and with the Oliva Nova course looking in excellent condition, they were looking forwards to going out to enjoy the continuing

warm spring weather we have been having of late. They were wrong, the morning was overcast, windy and the temperature had dropped by more than a few degrees from what it had been over the last week or so. So be it, at least it was not raining. When the game was over, the cards handed in and before the banter around the tables got too loud, the following winners were

announced, In first place was Jenny Downes. Jenny is a fairly new member of the society with husband David who took the first place prize last week. Today it was Jenny’s turn winning with 35 points off a 33 handicap. And as I said of hubby David last week, think we will be seeing more of this player in the winner’s circle in the weeks ahead. In second place was Capt. Tony Stevens with 34 points off a 36

The inclement weather at the weekend in England didn’t provide any shocks in the four 6th round F.A.Cup Ties. Although some Fans may think Wolves knocking out the in-form Manchester United a big shock but anybody who has watched Wolves play would know that they are no pushover ask Liverpool Fans. Mind you I thought Swansea and Millwall gave it a good go and were both unlucky to go out, one on penalties and the other on two dodgy Refereeing decisions. The Cup-Ties along with the 5 Premier League games contributed to the Alfaz Fantasy Football League a total of 34 goals, only 1 clean sheet, 26 yellow cards and 2 red ones which were Millwall’s Ferguson and Leicester City’s Harry Maguire who was off before he could get a sweat on. John’s team Wee Aggies moved a little closer to winning the 25th A.F.F.L. when they held on to the top spot for the 22nd consecutive week running. As we enter the last quarter

of the Season they have a formidable 47 point advantage over Barbra’s XI. Linda’s Team Tapas are in 3rd place while Pauline’s Vodka Army is on the march again having jumped up 2 places to 4th spot. At the other end of the table, there is no hope for Gary’s Upside Team as they are now waiting for the trap door to open, a bit like Huddersfield! Our Junior League is shaping up to be the most open and exciting for Years, At the moment we have new leaders as William and Henry have moved back to the top of the League and taken a slight 8 point lead over Harley’s Ginger Ninjar who remain in 2nd place. Last weeks leaders Olly F.C. have slipped down to 3rd. Down in the basement, it’s a bit different where Fleetwood Gian has fallen further behind Bez Boden, the gap now 59 points. I said the Junior League was heading for a grandstand finish well the same can be said of our Mark Carter Ladies Section. Barbra’s XI

are closely locked in a battle at the Summit with Linda’s Team Tapas their advantage at the moment is a fragile 10 points and with Pauline Vodka Army coming back to form in 3rd place anything can happen in the final run in. There is also quite a tussle going on at the bottom between Liz’s Cookies Crew who are currently in the bottom spot trailing Sandra’s Brazilian Hooligans by just 4 points. In our Across the Costa’s Golden Boot League Bill’s East Fifers are coming under pressure at the top from Kevin’s team Two for the Road who have moved to within 6 points of the Fifers who failed to pick up any points this week. Kenny’s Albir Boro Army and Big Sam’s Army are both within striking distance of the top spot in 3rd & 4th place. Rachel’s team remain in the bottom spot just 13 points adrift of Gary’s Upside Team. The four 6th round F.A.Cup Ties didn’t change any of the top places in our F.A.Cup League Nick’s Blues remain at the Summit 14 points ahead

was won by Liz Butler for the ladies and Dennis Coe for the men. There was a special prize for the member who came 17th and this was Gordon Gleeson. There were 3 two´s Dave Fotheringham, Neil Carter & Peter Gardiner each took home a coveted Montgo Ball As it was our St Patrick´s Day competition John presented the person best dressed for the occasion with a prize of some Guinness this was Mr George Braddick (some say that he got dressed in the dark). Our 2 guests Steve Fraser & Clive Mansfield also received prizes from our sponsor John. Next week the competition will be The Valencian Greensomes sponsored by Stella and Simon Fox

handicap. Tony won on countback with David Reid also scoring 34 points off a 14 handicap. Now I don’t know where Tony get’s his stamina from as I am well aware of Tony’s partying over the weekend being St Patrick’s Day and I’m sure Sunday night was not an early night for Tony. NTP on hole # 3 was Derek Ashton who was today’s guest so well done, while Denis McVeigh won on it on hole # 18 in two shots. Denis also picked up the only 2’s of the day on hole # 16,

so not a bad day’s play. The Marina Alta Golf Society is a small but friendly group of players who play every Monday at the Oliva Nova course with first Tee time being about 10.40. If you want to join this friendly group of golfers as a guest then a warm welcome will be waiting for you. Anyone interested please contact Denis McVeigh at mcveigh1@hotmail.com or call tel 638401170 or Alan Tissington at alantissington@gmail.com or call tel 656831893.

of 2 teams in joint 2nd, Dave’s team The Hatters and Liz’s Cookies Crew 61. Isabel’s team The Bluebells made up ground on the leaders and have slotted into joint 4th place with Kevin’s One for the Road. Two teams are joint bottom of this section and they are both Liverpool Fans. Tommy’s Quantrill’s Raiders and Dave’s The Liverpool Way have both suffered from Liverpool’s early exit from the F.A.Cup. Pauline’s Vodka Army stretched their lead at the top of our Champion of Champions League to 19 points over Joe’s Keith Lard F.C. while at the opposite end of the table Dave’s team The Hatters still trail Leo’s Power Blueboys. Everton was the only Premier team to keep a clean sheet at the weekend which helped Ian’s team Tasty Toffees to become this week’s highest scoring team with a tally of 39 points. The lowest scoring team was Marc’s ATC Eagles who finished up with a minus 4 thanks to Harry

Maguire who received his marching orders from Referee Mike Oliver. Both teams will go into our March Monthly Wine Draw. Manager of the Month for March is being kindly sponsored by the Universal Lounge bar in Albir who provide an excellent International Menu as well as having over 100 beers available. With one week to go Ian’s Tasty Toffees have taken a small 8 point lead over Peter’s team The Irons. Darren’s King Carrakop 023 and Eric’s team The Chosen Ones are also in the mix for this super meal for 2 at the Universal Lounge Bar. Warning there is an International Break next week, let us hope all our Players come back from International Duty and are fit and well and ready to go again as we head towards the business end of the Season. The Draw for Quarter Finals of our Weekender K.O.Cup Competition will soon be up on our website which takes place at the end of the Month.




FRIday 22Nd maRch 2019


RORY ROARS BACK Rory McIlroy says his best golf is still to come after winning the Players Championship at Sawgrass. The four-time major winner produced a superb performance on the back nine to beat Jim Furyk by one stroke on Sunday. It ensured the 29-yearold Northern Irishman claimed his first PGA Tour title since March 2018. “I’ve started the second phase of my career. I’ve learned a lot in the

by Alex Trelinski

last 10-11 years and feel I can make the next 1011 years even better,” he said. “It’s a massive win on a course on which I’ve had mixed results. I had to show a lot of character out there. I’m just really proud of myself the way I played the last few holes.” “If I go to Augusta for the Masters with a similar game and attitude then I think I’ve got a great chance.”


Valtteri Bottas dominated last Sunday´s season-opening Australian Grand Prix in Melbourne, after overtaking world champion team-mate Lewis Hamilton. The Finn took the lead at the start from Hamilton, who made a slow getaway from pole position, and even took the new bonus point for the fastest lap. Hamilton was left far behind, and had to concentrate on holding off Red Bull’s Max Verstappen for second place. Verstappen passed Sebastian Vettel

by Alex Trelinski

for third on a sobering day for Ferrari. Bottas said:- “I don’t know what just happened. The start was really good. It was definitely my best race ever.” Lewis Hamilton commented:- “It is a good weekend for the team. A really fantastic job from everyone. Valtteri drove an incredible race and he really enjoyed it.” Next up is the Bahrain Grand Prix next weekend, as the Mercedes duo have given Ferrari plenty to think about.

Bring it on! Deontay Wilder insists he “can’t wait” to take on Anthony Joshua in an undisputed world heavyweight title fight. Wilder will defend his WBC title against Dominic Breazeale on May 18th before Joshua defends his IBF, WBA and WBO gold belts against Jarrell ‘Big Baby’ Miller on June

by Alex Trelinski

1st. Told this week that Joshua was eager to take him on, Wilder said: “Oh man, I can’t wait for him either.” Joshua’s promoter Eddie Hearn said last week that there was a “clear desire from both sides to make the fight”.



Players’ shirts will feature their name and squad number for the first time in 142 years of Test cricket when England host Australia in this summer’s Ashes. The change comes as

part of the International Cricket Council’s promotional plans for the new World Test Championship. The ICC wants to make players more easily identifiable to encour-

by Alex Trelinski

age greater engagement in Test cricket. Names and numbers have long been used for limited over and domestic cricket.

Spain broke the world record attendance for a club match in women’s football on Sunday as a crowd of 60,739 turned out to watch Atletico Madrid take on Barcelona. The top-of-thetable clash was played in Atletico men’s team’s Wanda Metropolitano instead of the women’s much smaller home stadium which has a capacity of 3,500. The attendance shattered the pre-

vious European record of 48,121 who watched Athletic Bilbao’s women’s team play Atletico in a Copa del Rey match in Bilbao in January. Barca won 2-0 to close Atletico´s advantage at the top to three points as Asisat Oshoala scored the opener for her fifth goal in five games, and England international Toni Duggan(pictured) came off the bench to add a second.

by Alex Trelinski

FRIday 22Nd maRch 2019


Sport Boxing

Saturday 23rd March Lawrence Okolie vs Wadi Camacho Sky Sports Action - 20:00 Charlie Edwards vs Angel Moreno Sky Sports Action Joshua Buatsi vs Liam Conroy Sky Sports Action Sam Bowen vs Jordan McCorry BT Sport 1 - 20:45


Wednesday 27th March

Gerwyn Price vs Michael Smith Sky Sports Action -20:00 James Wade vs Dimitri van den Bergh Sky Sports Action - 20:45 Rob Cross vs Mensur Suljovic Sky Sports Action -21:30 Peter Wright vs Michael van Gerwen Sky Sports Action - 22:15 Raymond van Barneveld vs Daryl Gurney Sky Sports Action - 23:00

Thursday 28th March

Daryl Gurney vs Mensur Suljovic Sky Sports Action -20:00 Peter Wright vs Gerwyn Price Sky Sports Action - 20:45 Rob Cross vs Jeffrey de Zwaan Sky Sports Action -21:30 Raymond van Barneveld vs MVG Sky Sports Action - 22:15 James Wade vs Michael Smith Sky Sports Action - 23:00

InternationalLeague Football Premier EURO 2020 Qualifiers Friday 22nd March Bulgaria v Montenegro Sky Sports Football - 18:00 Moldova v France Sky Sports Football - 19:45 ENGLAND V CZECH REP. ITV1 - 20:45

Saturday 23rd March Georgia v Switzerland Sky Sports Football - 15:00 Gibraltar v Rep of Ireland Sky Sports Football - 18:00 Italy v Finland Sky Sports Football - 20:45 Sunday 24th March Wales v Slovakia Sky Sports Football - 15:00 San Marino v Scotland Sky Sports Football - 18:00 Northern Ireland v Belarus Sky Sports Football - 19:45

Golf Friday 22nd March

Maybank Championship 2019 Sky Sports Golf 04:30 Valspar Championship 2019 Sky Sports Golf 14:00

Saturday 16th March

Golf - Maybank Championship 2019 Sky Sports Golf 03:30 Valspar Championship 2019 Sky Sports Golf 14:00 Bank Of Hope Founders 2019 Sky Sports Golf 00:00

Sunday 17th March

Golf - Maybank Championship 2019 Sky Sports Golf 03:30 Valspar Championship 2019 Sky Sports Golf 14:00 Bank Of Hope Founders 2019 Sky Sports Golf 00:00



Coach Warren Gatland says Wales can “bring home the World Cup” by playing “as well as we have for the last year”. Gatland’s side clinched the Grand Slam with victory over Ireland in the Six Nations on Saturday and have set a national 14-match winning record. In that time they have

by Alex Trelinski

beaten South Africa twice and Australia, who they meet in the pool stage in Japan. “I know that these guys won’t go down in any match without a fight,” Gatland said. Wales have overtaken Ireland in the World Rugby

rankings to move second behind World Cup holders New Zealand. Gatland’s tenure as Wales coach ends after the World Cup and speaking at an official ceremony in Cardiff to celebrate the Six Nations win, he added: “We’ve got a very special group of players at the moment.”


FRIday 22Nd maRch 2019



AFTER last year´s great run in the World Cup and getting a place in this summer´s UEFA Nations League semi-finals, England now turn their attention to their first two 2020 European Championship qualifiers, beginning with a match against the Czech Republic at Wembley tonight. Gareth Southgate´s side then go to Montenegro on Monday evening, with the other members of a relatively straight-forward looking qualifying group being Bulgaria and Kosovo. England´s captain

by Alex Trelinski

Harry Kane said at a news conference week:- “People now expect us to do well and before the World Cup there was no expectation, so it’s great that we’ve turned that around.” “We’re the only team from the World Cup semifinals to have got through their Nations League group, and we had probably one of the hardest groups. “That was big for us, to prove that it wasn’t just a one-off, that this team were really building for something

special.” Wales start their campaign at home to Slovakia tomorrow, whilst Northern Ireland began against Estonia last night, and then entertain Belarus on Sunday. Scotland also had a Thursday start, as they went to Kazakshtan, ahead of a trip to lowly San Marino on Sunday. Mick McCarthy takes the reins of the Republic of Ireland for a second time with the ex-Ipswich boss seeing his side open tomorrow away to Gibraltar.


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