Weekender Alicante South Issue 087

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Trusted News Read By Over 50,000 People Every Week ISSUE 087 - Friday 29th March 2019 South Alicante & Murcia E E Your Weekend Starts Here! R F

BREXIT BAFFLEMENT Theresa May vows to quit as PM if her Brexit deal passes on third try

THE BREXIT process for the UK has now totally hit the buffers despite Theresa May offering to resign early, whilst a series of indicative votes with alternative options to her deal were all voted down by MPs on Wednesday. May told Tory backbenchers that she´d quit early to help get her deal through, and though the likes

by Alex Trelinski

of Boris Johnson have now reluctantly agreed to back it, she is still way short of the numbers to get it through, including the 10 DUP MPs who repeated their opposition to it. Many MPs believe the continuing deadlock, made even more uncertain by the

prime minister’s resignation announcement, makes a general election more likely. With the Conservatives firstly needing to elect a new leader, pundits believe that the EU will have no alternative but to grant a long extension whilst the UK domestic situation is sorted out. The government had tabled a Commons motion

enabling a debate and vote on the PM’s deal today(Friday) but as The Weekender went to press, it was unclear whether this would actually happen. Under a deadline set by the European Union, it must be passed by MPs by today at the latest if the UK is to benefit from the offer of an automatic delay to Brexit to May 22nd.


THREE National by Alex Trelinski Police officers were injured on Wednesday and discovered her morning after a husband with a knife in 37-year-old man one hand and holding barricaded himself the little girl in his inside an Orihuela City flat with his twoyear-old daughter and a knife. S e v e r a l officers arrived on the scene shortly after 7.30 am after getting a call from a 36-yearold woman that her partner had kicked her out of their apartment in the Avenida Doctor Garcia Rogel area of the city, near to the El Palmeral college. Six agents then proceeded to Avenida Doctor Garcia Rogel. enter the property

other arm. The police rescued the toddler, who was uninjured, but the man then assaulted and injured three officers,

though the extent of their injuries was not revealed. He was arrested on a charge of gender violence and causing

injuring to the agents, with the police saying that he his wife claimed that she had been mistreated in the past, but had not reported it.


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FRIday 29TH maRcH 2019

Finance Feature provided by...

Do you have an unclaimed pension? There are over £400 million in lost or unclaimed pensions in the UK and it is not surprising when you consider people have had on average 11 jobs during their working life which can mean they have as many workplace pensions to keep track of. The reality is people have not only lost track of their pensions but in some cases never even realised they were paying into one making it an almost impossible task to reconnect people with their hard earned money. This is the reason I have chosen to write this article, I want to make people think back about the different jobs they had in the past, especially where it was for a period of 5 years or more.

It has never been easier for us to help trace people’s pension history and that is why at Chorus Financial we offer a fully free pension tracing service.

By Tracy Storer Senior Partner Chorus Financial

My client’s wife completed a letter of authority which gave me permission to request information on her behalf and I was then able to contact HSBC to see if she was a member of their I have helped trace tens scheme. of thousands of pounds for my clients, money that It was approximately they never knew they had. 4 weeks later when I was One of my substantial sitting back in front of my findings recently was of client advising her that she the wife of one of my was entitled to a pension clients who was adamant whilst employed at HSBC, she’d never paid into a it was a final salary scheme pension. Having always and they had calculated worked for herself, pension that she is due an annual planning was something pension of £3,243 at the she had overlooked. Then age of 65 (she is currently she remembered she did a 45) or they were offering short stint for HSBC bank her a cash value to leave straight from school. It the scheme of approx £63k. was only for about 5 years My recommendation to this however I knew that at the client was to take the cash time she was employed equivalent transfer value by them they had a Final and move her pension into Salary scheme in place. a UK SIPP. That way not

only could she access the pension from 55, but she would also have 10 years to grow her pension and at 4% annual growth she could expect her pension to be worth just short of £100k. This news was life-changing for my client, it means she can live a completely different retirement than what she had previously planned. As I said, whilst this case was one of the highest value I’ve ever traced, it is not an isolated incident. If you have lost track of any of your pensions or think that you may have a pension that you are not aware of making use of our free pension tracing service. Call Tracy on 693 107 044 or email t.storer@ chorusfinancial.es

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FRIday 29TH maRcH 2019


COLD CASE REOPENS ONE of Spain’s most notorious murder cases is to be reopened after new evidence has come to light, the authorities have announced this week. The disappearance of 22 year old Deborah Fernandez in 2002 after she had been jogging on a beach in Vigo sparked a massive manhunt that ended in tragic circumstances 10 days later after after her body was discovered. However this soon introduced more questions than answers, most of which remain unresolved. Her corpse was found 40 kilometres from where she had last been seen, badly decomposed, far more than would be expected after a week and a half. It was found hidden among bushes, laid out “almost like a sleeping doll”, with her dark hair spread behind her and leaves covering her breasts and vaginal area. A used condom was placed next to the body where it could easily be found and semen was found inside her body. Bizarrely investigators believe this was placed there her after death and that neither specimen belonged to the killer; she had not been raped and had no injuries, probably dying of suffocation with a pillow or similar soft object. Everything led the police

by Simon Russell

to believe the killer was someone Deborah knew well but were unable to gather sufficient evidence to bring charges. The new evidence that has come to light places the last sighting of her at a location much further than first thought and she was seen getting into a car of her own free will, supporting the theory the killer was someone she knew. The investigators always had one firm suspect and their spotlight may well return to them in light of the new evidence.

Deborah Fernandez



FRIday 29TH maRcH 2019

Shady spice farm shut down

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IN a change from the usual by Alex Trelinski marijuana and cocaine factories, this week the Guardia Civil the UK. They reported this have dismantled a laboratory to their Spanish counterparts that was adulterating saffron for who this week tracked it down onward sale. The operation was carried out in Novelda where the agents found 87 kilos of the spice that was actually a mixture of pure saffron and other fibres that were not classed as a food product. Famously worth more than it’s weight in gold saffron, an essential part of an authentic paella, is the world’s most expensive and this haul would have fetched up to €870,000 on the open market. The operation started last year after British health authorities had detected the fibres probably from a plant such as gardenia - in saffron entering

to the factory in Novelda. Two Spaniards in their thirties have been charged with crimes against public health and consumer crime.


AN EARTHQUAKE measuring four on the Richter scale struck on Sunday afternoon off the coast of Torrevieja at Cabo de Palos, and was felt over large parts of Alicante Province and the Murcia region. The five second tremor, which occurred

by Alex Trelinski

at 5.16 pm, was one of the largest to hit Alicante Province in recent years, according to the National Geographic Institute.. The quake was logged some 10 kilometres under the sea, and no structural or personal

injuries were reported.. Nevertheless, the Valencian emergency services got 30 calls from worried residents, with 13 of them coming from Alicante City. The extent of the tremor was felt as far north as Alzira and Gandia and down south

to Cartagena and Murcia City. The irony of Sunday´s tremor was it that coincided with the 190th anniversary of a massive earthquake in 1829 that took 400 lives in the Vega Baja region including the total destruction of Almoradi.

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FRIday 29TH maRcH 2019


Welcome Weasleys

colleagues.” ”On Thursday night, the European Council agreed an extension of our exit date to May 22nd, assuming that the Withdrawal Agreement is approved by the House of Commons this week. If the House of Commons doesn’t approve the Withdrawal Agreement this week, then the European Council decided that the Withdrawal date will be April 12th”. ”I understand that all this is unsettling for many of you. You want to know on what terms and when the UK is going to leave the EU.” ”At this moment, leaving under the Withdrawal Agreement agreed back in November or leaving without a deal both remain possibilities.

TWO of the major stars of the Harry Potter films, the Weasley twins Fred and George, will be in Valencia to open the Harry Potter exhibition on 12 April it has been announced. Actors James and Oliver Phelps, twins in real life (or the Muggle world as fans would refer to it) will be in the City of Arts and Sciences where the event is being held. This is an exclusive event for fans who won a contest and the exhibition opens to the general public on 13 April. Nearly half a million people visited when it was held in Madrid, the only other Spanish stop-off on the shows world tour. For more information go to www.harrypotterexhibition.es

THE FAST moving developments over Brexit and new deadlines imposed by the EU in Brussels last week for the UK Parliament to reach a consensus over what kind of Brexit deal it wants, prompted this letter to British expats in Spain from the UK ambassador in Madrid, Simon Manley. ”I’m sure you have been watching events closely, both in Brussels and in London, so I wanted to give you a quick update about what all of this means for British people living here in Spain.” ”Following the recent votes in the House of Commons and then the ruling by the Speaker of the House of Commons not to allow another vote on the Withdrawal Agreement last week, PM Theresa May requested an extension until June 30th from our European

by Alex Trelinski

The exit date will be either 12th April or 22nd May, depending on what happens in Parliament this week.” ”As the situation develops, I and our consular teams across Spain will, of course, keep you updated.” ”But for now, please ensure you know how to prepare for Brexit by signing up for our Living in Spain guide on gov. uk and by joining our Brits in Spain Facebook community, where you can watch our videos on what you need to do to prepare, deal or no deal, for our departure from the European Union.” Manley´s letter surprisingly made no reference at all to the unilateral emergency package for British expats approved by the Spanish government at the start of the month, in the case of a no-deal Brexit.

by Alex Trelinski

Hash stash smash SEVEN PEOPLE, including an unspecified number of British nationals, have been arrested for shipping over three tons of hashish from Morocco to Spain via Gibraltar.

by Alex Trelinski

The Marbella-based gang, which was led by a Spanish woman and her German partner, rented luxury yachts to move the

drugs to various marinas on the Costa del Sol. A drone, four cars, 30 mobile phones and €630,000 in cash were seized by the Guardia Civil. and those involved

have been charged with membership of a criminal organisation and drug trafficking. Four of the gang members were denied bail, according to the Guardia.

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FRIday 29TH maRcH 2019

Catholic paedophile case begins THE trial has started this week of a gym teacher accused of a catalogue of child abuse at the school in Barcelona where he worked. Joaquin Benitez has confessed to being a paedophile and while the case involves four children prosecutors think this could be the tip of the iceberg and at least 13 other historical cases are known about. The prosecutors office are trying to reach a plea bargain whereby Benitez confesses to the abuse for a reduced sentence, although they have originally requested 22 years if he is found guilty. The school where the defendant worked was a Marist, or Society of Mary

by Simon Russell

run institution. Also known as the Marist Fathers and Brothers, this an international Roman Catholic organisation whose goal is the education of young people. However there have been concerns that staff at this school and at least two other Marist institutions are rife with paedophiles who use their position of trust to abuse children. It is said many of the children let the abuse happen due to a combination of sexual ignorance and fear. There are currently a dozen outstanding complaints of child sexual abuse by staff at Marist schools in the country.

SECOND VOTE PLEA AROUND 150 British expats staged a protest in Madrid on Saturday against the UK leaving the European Union. The demonstration, organised by the Eurocitizens group, saw protesters chanting anti-Brexit

by Simon Russell

slogans and many also held up homemade signs, including “17,410,742 people need a good spanking,” in reference to the number of people who supported leaving the EU in the

2016 vote. The gathering in Madrid’s Margaret Thatcher Plaza on Saturday came before a massive People´s Vote march in London which attracted a million people calling for a second Brexit referendum.

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Segway away 8


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Fines of up to 500€ will be imposed for serious rule breaking

At the seventh attempt, Benidorm City Councillors have passed a motion to licence and regulate the use of the two wheeled, stand up mobility scooters, known as Segways. On six previous occasions, the opposition voted down the motion, as it fell within a wider mobility plan, which would also create green parking zones in the resort. By modifying the plan, the new regulations were passed unanimously earlier this week and could come into force within the next few weeks. The new law will make it compulsory for Segway users to wear a crash helmet whilst riding their vehicle and being in possession of a civil liability insurance will be mandatory. In addition, users must be at least 16 years old, must wear reflective

Time’s a changing? AS THE CLOCKS go forward this weekend, the European Parliament has backed a proposal to stop the obligatory one-hour clock change which extends daylight hours in summer EU-wide. The proposal would give each member state a choice from 2021: either to keep the current summer time system or scrap the twiceyearly clock changes.

by Alex Trelinski

Under an EU directive, all 28 states currently switch to summer time on the last Sunday of March and back to winter time on the last Sunday of October. But MEPs and the European Commission stress that countries must co-ordinate their choices, to minimise the risk of economic disruption from a

patchwork of different time mean lighter mornings. systems. Spain and Portugal are in neighbouring time zones, as General Franco in the early forties switched to the same time as Nazi Germany. There have been discussions in Spain as to whether to keep lighter evenings in the winter, or to opt for the same time zone as Portugal and the United Kingdom, which would

by Andy Mansell

clothing, their vehicle must be fitted with a bell or horn and no more than 10 Segways can be ridden as part of a group at one time. They must never be ridden on pavements, cycle lanes or along one way streets where other vehicles may need to overtake them and only smaller vehicles will be allowed in park. The maximum speed Segways will be permitted to travel at is 20km per hour and they must adhere to the required speed limit where it is less than this. Whilst falling short on a total ban, which other cities such as Alicante have brought into force, the new law will severely restrict the use of Segways on the streets of Benidorm, with fines of up to 500€ on the statute for serious breaches of regulations.

Thief doesn’t get far A prospective thief in Elche got more than he bargained for after several local residents detained him while the police arrived. The incident started after a householder saw someone in the private courtyard of the apartment block where he lived in the middle of the night. He had been woken by a barking dog and when he saw the intruder he yelled out, attracting the attention of

by Simon Russell

neighbours. Several of them quickly came to the scene and when the police arrived a small crowd were restraining the suspect. They arrested the 50 year old man who had tools to force locks and a backpack, assumed to be for carrying away any ill gotten gains. The suspect was also in possession of an engraved silver bracelet that is thought to be stolen.

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FRIday 29TH maRcH 2019


Bereaved mother “let down” by state

A mother whose two young children were killed by their father last year has given her first interview, accusing the authorities of ignoring her concerns prior to the murders. Spaniard Itziar Prats was called out by police in the Castellon province of Valencia last September to identify the body of her estranged husband, Ricardo Carrascosa, who had thrown himself out of a building. She confirmed it was him but immediately asked about

by Simon Russell

her two children who were in his care at the time. Police urgently entered the man’s apartment but sadly found the bodies of Nerea and Martina, aged two and six. This was last September and though Itziar will never get over the tragedy, she wanted to talk with the press about her experience in the hope that something may change for others. After nine years together she had requested a

divorce in 2017 from her “selfish and controlling” spouse, something her husband didn’t want. He had been extremely anger with her on more than one occasion and he had started drinking and breaking objects in the house. However as he was not physically violent the authorities said they could not act on her complaints and her case was classed as “low risk”. The latest incident had been in a cafe as he was picking the children

up for the weekend, something serious enough that the proprietor had to intervene and said they would act as a witness if required. Tragically it was that weekend that Carrascosa killed himself and his children. Itziar has returned to her native Madrid to live with her parents and try and rebuild her life. However she feels that if the authorities had taken her allegations more seriously her young daughters would still be alive.


NUDE sunbathing on naturist beaches in the Balearic Islands has been given continued regional parliamentary approval, though a wide-ranging extension proposal from the left-wing Podemos party was rejected. The parliament turned down the idea of allowing nudism on every single one of the islands’ beaches, while the proposal to allow nudists

by Alex Trelinski

in all cafés and restaurants – only requiring a towel to sit on – was also voted down. According to the Spanish Naturism Federation, Mallorca is home to 13 nudist beaches, Ibiza has 10 and Menorca has 16. Podemas representative Marta Maicas said that the rapid growth in tourism on the islands has relegated

naturism to “more reduced and isolated spaces, in many cases because of the lack of information – bathers themselves do not know their rights and where they can practice nudism in a legal and safe manner”. The approved motion also calls on the Balearic regional government to improve signposting to approved nude beaches.

The victim clasps a butterfly, the symbol against gender violence.



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Facebook: @TheWeekenderSpain


FRIday 29TH maRcH 2019

Gastric band shocker

A ruling in a Valencian courtroom against a surgeon could have serious implications for the gastric band industry in Spain, especially the private surgeons who fit them. The plaintiff had been fitted with a device similar to a gastric band, which constricts the stomach to prompt weight-loss, usually in dangerously obese people and the case was brought by the Association for People Affected by Bariatric Surgery. The court heard how the woman received bariatric surgery after a silicone device was used to close the mouth of her stomach. She had been informed by the surgeon, Vicente Dolz, that the procedure would be straightforward and weight

loss would be rapid. However the patient, Jessica CE, said that she suffered greatly after the band was fitted with constant pain, nausea and infections, serious enough to affect every aspect of her daily life. The judge found in her favour, saying she was not informed of the risks and proper tests were not carried out prior to surgery. Mr Dolz has been ordered to repay the cost of the surgery and a further amount for “moral compensation�. The association that prompted the case believe this ruling could open the floodgates for the up to 3,000 people they say have been adversely affected by this form of surgery.

Not to be, for famous tree A tree in Valencia that already holds the title of Spanish tree of the year missed out on winning the European title. The Centennial Elm of Navajas was believed to have been

by Alex Trelinski

planted in 1636, making it one of the oldest specimens in existence. The elm is very special to the 750 or so residents of the Castellon village

and there is even a traditional song that has been written about it. Cuttings have spawned hundreds of offspring around Europe helping the tree gain 13,622 votes in the competition,

which recognises the historical importance of the tree as much as the plant itself. The winner was from the Hungarian city of Pecs, a 135 year old almond tree.

Home invaders caught

A TORREVIEJA-based burglary gang that carried out robberies across a wide area have been arrested by the National Police. Six people aged between 36 and 47 years, and all of Georgian nationality, would travel around

by Alex Trelinski

Alicante Province and the Murcia region, and even further afield to plunder homes. One of the group specialised in carrying an array of tools with him

to get in through doors, with all six charged on six counts of robbery with violence in Murcia, Albacete, Orihuela, Elda, Villena, and Caudete. Authorities realised that a specialist home break-in gang was operating in the Murcia region at

the start of the year, and launched an operation to track them down. Four of the Georgians were caught in the act during a robbery in Elda, and one of them fled to Torrevieja, where he was intercepted by the police.

The gang lived at three addresses in Torrevieja, with five of them denied bail after a court appearance. The home raids yielded three thousand euros in cash; tools to break through doors; and a big selection of gold and silver jewellery.



FRIday 29TH maRcH 2019

Drug link to ram raiders POLICE believe a British registered van that was forced off the road on the motorway between Denia and Oliva may have been carrying a large consignment of marijuana and was purposely targeted. The incident happened early last week but the police have only now released details, saying they were contacted by the occupants of the vehicle who were being rammed and pursued by several

by Simon Russell

other vehicles. At one stage two of these braked in front of the van, blocking the motorway, but the driver managed to pass them. A pursuit commenced which was when the police were contacted. By the time the authorities arrived the van had been forced off the road and emptied of it’s contents. The attackers had fled in two cars, leaving behind two others

that were damaged in the incident and un-driveable. The Guardia civil found around a kilo of marijuana still in the British vehicle and believe it had been loaded with the drug before the theft. The two occupants were treated for injuries and charged with crimes against public health. The authorities are looking for at least four other men in relation to the incident. The cars they left behind were reportedly stolen.

The damaged Transit van.


A BOGUS clairvoyant who took over 13 thousand euros from a disabled Santa Pola resident, has been given a 15 month prison sentence by an Elche court, as well as being ordered to pay back the cash. The events dated back to 2013, with the female victim hiring the medium to try to make contact via a spell with her deceased partner, with the clairvoyant taking

by Andy Mansell

advantage of her disability. Tarot cards were used to predict the future and to make potential contact which never happened, with the client being totally cleared out of her savings after a number of unsuccessful sittings. The unnamed medium then went with the woman to a car

dealership in Alicante City, so that she could sell her vehicle to fund more sessions, and she promptly pocketed 1,500 euros from the sale. The fake psychic then threatened satanic curses if the woman filed a complaint with the Guardia Civil, which is when she told her parents, and they then reported the matter. It´s not the first time that

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the fake medium has seen a courtroom and used Satan as a bargaining chip, as six years ago she faced a charge of gross deception by promising a sex change to a customer by making a “deal with the devil”. The charge was withdrawn by prosecutors who said that the client should have clearly known that all of the psychic´s crazy claims were a load of lies.

COME ON HOME! SPAIN´S Socialist cabinet has backed a plan to persuade some of the roughly one million workers who left the country during the 2008-2013 recession to return home. Among the 50 measures included in the two-year plan are scholarships and grants for scientific researchers and lower social security payments for selected workers. The plan also calls for the creation of an online search engine for job opportunities in Spain and a web-site which will make it easier to complete the bureaucracy related to moving back to the country. The plan will cost 24.2 million euros and the government hopes it will lead to 23 thousand workers to move back to Spain. The number of Spaniards registered as living abroad jumped by around one million since 2009, according to government figures, as unemployment soared in Spain due to a steep recession sparked by the global financial crisis and a burst in the property price bubble. The majority were young doctors, engineers, scientists and other skilled workers, and the government, which faces a general election on April 28th, first announced in November that it would introduce the plan. Over two point five million Spaniards live abroad, with the majority in South America, and close to a million in Europe.

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FRIday 29TH maRcH 2019


Brexit uncertainty Alfaz Sunday race day hits Summer bookings A group of tourism experts gathered in Benidorm last weekend to give their thoughts on how Britain’s departure from the European Union is likely to affect their industry in the region. The general consensus of opinion from the conference, entitled ‘Is Brexit a threat to tourism in Benidorm and the Costa Blanca?’, was that, uncertainty, driven by Britain’s inability to execute a suitable withdrawal strategy, has already led to a drop in Summer bookings to Spanish destinations. Demand for trips to Spain from the UK, over the last Winter season, rose by 2% on the same period last year. However, as the March 29th official date for exit loomed ever closer, with uncertainty heightened over the exact terms of the Brexit deal, bookings for the upcoming Summer remain 3% lower than the previous years. Whilst confirming the data, Javier Piñares, head of the Spanish Tourist Office, based in London, spoke of the need to keep calm during the current period of tension, as the British have been choosing to holiday in the country since the 1960’s and will continue to do the same once the current situation ends.

by Andy Mansell

In a speech, echoing those of fellow speakers, Toni Mayor, president of the Hosbec, hotel association and Tomas Megler, Director of Alicante-Elche Airport, he explained that British holidaymakers have always stayed faithful to Spain and in particular Benidorm and the Costa Blanca and very few of them have been directly affected by the current crisis. He pointed out that more pressing problems evolve from low profitability, seasonal variations and de-centralisation of tourist numbers as 92% of British visitors choose to stay on the coast and islands of Spain, with very little knowledge of other inland regions. Piñares also highlighted another positive, drawing attention to growth in the number of airline seats to Alicante Airport, which “last winter has been 700,000 more and in summer will grow by 140,000, meaning we are in a good moment.” Other speakers at the conference were, Álvaro Ramírez de Haro, of the Pérez -Llorca law firm, Alex Villeyra, CEO of Mabrian Analytics, Susana de la Peña, of Industry Lead Travel and Hospitality GFK, Regional tourism secretary Francesc Colomer and Benidorm mayor Toni Perez.

Runners from around the country will be heading to L’Alfas d’el Pi this weekend, eager to take part in one of the region’s most popular road races. The X Millas Costa Blanca event, which takes place on Sunday March 31st, follows a route of 16.26 kilometres around the main streets of Alfaz and its beach resort, Playa de Albir, even taking in a climb up to the iconic Faro de Albir lighthouse. Beginning at 10.00h, on the athletic track at

by Andy Mansell

the municipal sports centre, runners will head through the narrow old town streets, before heading downhill towards the beach, crossing beneath the main N332 highway using the subway, continuing down the Boulevard de Musicos, before climbing through the Sierra Gelada national park, up to the lighthouse, where a chip will record their progress. The return route, takes in the famous

Boulevard des Estrellas beach promenade in Albir, before heading up to the finish line back at the sports centre in Alfaz, using the same roads as the outward run. Local Police advise that residents and visitors to both Alfaz and Albir, should expect closures and delays on roads in both areas, between the hours of 07.00h and 13.00h on Sunday, although the main Avenida del Albir and N332 should remain mostly unaffected. However, owing to

access difficulties before and during the event, the Albir Sunday Market, will not take place this week, returning as normal on April 7th. Now in its eleventh year, organisers of the X Millas, Club Del Atletismo El Faro, are expecting a high turnout for the event. Registration will be open up to the race day, with a cost of 12€ until March 29th and 15€ on March 30th and 31st. For details of the event and a route map, visit their website www. xmillascostablanca.es


FRIday 29TH maRcH 2019

World News

Yovana Mendoza.

Wardrobe malfunction Fishgate and the power stops spacewalk of the influencers

Yovana Mendoza confesses to her fishy secret.

QUESTIONS are being raised about the undue influence people known as, well, influencers, have on the lives of young people as one of the best known has become embroiled in a scandal dubbed “Fishgate”. YouTuber Yovana Mendoza has over three million followers who watch her preach the virtues of something called a raw vegan diet. This involves not only excluding animal and animal-related products from your diet like a traditional vegan but also eating primarily food that is uncooked and unprocessed. Into this strict regime, she has thrown in such controversial practices

as the 25-day water fast, which many nutritionists say could be the start of a dangerous path to severe dietary issues like anorexia for susceptible young people. Whatever the truth is, it appears that Ms Mendoza, aged 28, has spectacularly been failing to practice what she preaches after being filmed in a restaurant eating fish - not raw vegan, vegan or even vegetarian. When she realised she was being filmed she tried to hide the fish, then made various unlikely denials before confessing - on YouTube of course. In what was probably not the best advert for the diet she has been so enthusiastically

extolling, she said she had been suffering from digestive problems and irregular periods and had “started eating animal products to see if that helped.” To underline the whole confusion around veganism, celebrities such as Ariana Grande have been accused of jumping on the bandwagon by promoting vegan products that upon closer examination, aren’t actually vegan at all. In Ms Grande’s case (62 million followers and counting) this was a Starbucks Cloud Macchiato (no me neither) that it transpires uses egg whites, dried milk, butter and cream.

Nazi link to Pret a Manger A huge German investment firm, which has major holdings in Pret a Manger and Dr Peppers among hundreds of other well known businesses, has apologised after being confronted with its Nazi past. JAB Holdings is the Reimann family firm and their wealth is estimated at €33 billion, making them the second richest family in Germany. Recently German paper Bild am Sonntag ran extensive articles on the company and the Reimanns in particular. Among other things, during World War II they were accused of using captured females from eastern Europe as free labour and as sex slaves. Founder Albert Reimann senior and his son were described as “enthusiastic and unapologetic Nazis”, views that continued long after the war until their

by Matthew Richards

deaths in 1954 and 1984 respectively. Confronted with the allegations the firm hired their own historian who backed up Bild am Sonntags findings. A spokesman for the business and family, Peter Harf, apologised profusely and said that the family will donate €10 million to a “suitable charity”. He went on to say that Mr Reimann and his son should have been imprisoned for their crimes which he described as abhorrent. Many think that the issue runs deeper and that certain huge German firms made their fortunes during the Nazi period, something it would have been impossible to do without collaborating with Hitler and his followers to some degree.

NASA was left red faced this week after the planned first all female spacewalk had to be cancelled as they didn’t have the right size spacesuits. Both the women, Anne McClain and Christine Koch wear medium sized suits but only one was available, meaning a man will take the place of Ms McCain. The decision was partly taken at the request of Ms McClain who trained in a larger suit but realised for safety reasons she would need a size smaller. The item in question is the “outerwear” basically the shirt between the outside of the suit and the astronaut. These can be manufactured on board the International Space Station, but not by today (Friday 29 March) when the walk is required to change vital batteries.

Christina Koch (left) y Anne McClain (right)

by Simon Russell

Many saw the planned mission as another significant step forward for female astronauts who have only made up about 10% of every human that have ever been in space. Russian cosmonaut Svetlana Savitskaya made the first female spacewalk

35 years ago and plenty of women have followed her example, but always with a male companion. Koch and McClain were both part of NASA’s 2013 intake which was 50% women - showing things are changing but like down here on Earth maybe not as quickly as they should.

FRIday 29TH maRcH 2019

Advertising Feature


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FRIday 29TH maRcH 2019

Business & Finance No more yellow cabs

Life’s a gas As of last week, the maximum price for a standard 12.5-kilo butane gas bottle was set at €13.86, a drop in the cost of just under 5%. The gas price is reviewed every

The Ford production line in Valencia

THE Valencian Generalitat has expressed concern at the news that Ford has decided that the new model of their Kuga brand, which is used for New York’s famous yellow taxis among other things,

by Simon Russell

will not be manufactured in Valencia’s giant Almussafes plant. The US motor giant has decided to move production to a factory in Mexico, something that

could result in the loss of around 400 jobs at the Almusaffes site. There are currently 7,500 workers at the plant concentrating on five models, the Connect, Mondeo, Galaxy and S-Max as well as the Kuga.


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TUSK RALLIES REMAINERS European Council president Donald Tusk has issued a rallying call to the “increasing majority” of British people who want to cancel Brexit and stay in the European Union. In a stirring intervention on Wednesday, Tusk praised those who marched on the streets of London and the millions who are petitioning the government to revoke article 50.Speaking to the European Parliament, Tusk reprimanded those who voiced concerns about a potential lengthy extension to article 50 in the event of the Commons

rejecting the withdrawal agreement again this week. Tusk said: “Let me make one personal remark to the members of this parliament. Before the European Council, I said that we should be open to a long extension if the UK wishes to rethink its Brexit strategy, which would, of course, mean the UK’s participation in the European Parliament elections. And then there were voices saying that this would be harmful or inconvenient to some of you.” “Let me be clear: such thinking is unacceptable. You cannot

betray the 6 million people who signed the petition to revoke article 50, the 1 million people who marched for a people’s vote, or the increasing majority of people who want to remain in the European Union” To heckling from Ukip MEPs, Tusk went on: “They may feel that they are not sufficiently represented by the UK Parliament, but they must feel that they are represented by you in this chamber. Because they are Europeans.”The former UKIP leader, Nigel Farage, responded to Tusk by describing him as “deluded” and claiming that a second referendum would deliver a larger majority for leave. He added that Initial suggestions that a million people marched last weekend in favour of remaining in the EU have been questioned in recent days.

by Simon Russell

other month and as it is not permitted to fluctuate by more than 5% this fall (4.87% to be precise) is close to the maximum

permitted. This is the third successive drop in cost and although prices are roughly at the level they were in March 2018 the trend continues to be downward.

Facebook: @TheWeekenderSpain

FRIday 29TH maRcH 2019


Business & Finance

Yes, we DO sell you something – Peace of Mind!

In a world where our financial stability impacts almost every aspect of our daily lives, it is more important than ever to preserve what we have worked so hard to achieve. Unless you´re lucky enough to win the lottery, most of us have worked hard and for a very long time to achieve financial security and the lifestyle we want for ourselves and our families in retirement.

We all remember Robert Maxwell and the Mirror Group pension scandal in the early 90s when innocent working people woke up to the horror that their pension contributions had been used to subsidise his failing empire. The same happened when “Sir” Philip Green sold BHS for £1

in 2015, and this confirmed that even some of the biggest household names cannot be trusted with our retirement funds and financial future. So, What Do You Might


Do, Ask?!

Well, it´s quite obvious from the above that we can never be absolutely protected against this happening, but what we must do and can do is to check out thoroughly and diligently the Wealth Management company or Financial Adviser that we trust and take advice from. If they do not have a proven track record, longevity and experience within the financial services industry then surely we are handicapped from the start? Unfortunately, it is far too easy in our internet driven society to believe the hype and marketing that can transform a small start-up company into a GIANT company on screen – but where´s the backup and

By Christina Brady BLACKTOWER Financial Management proof that they will be around to support us if and when we need them in the future? You owe it to yourself and your family to carry out your OWN due-diligence checks so that you have taken every possible precaution to protect yourself. At Blacktower we can offer you 32 years of continuous growth, commitment and dedication to providing clients with the BEST possible advice which will always be in their interests. I think it´s fair to say that if we hadn´t been doing that we wouldn´t still be here talking about it, would we? If you would like to talk about investments, pension or wealth management please contact me by

Blacktower Financial Management Ltd is authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority and is registered with both the DGS and CNMV. Blacktower Financial Management

email christina.brady@blacktowerfm. com or call me on 658 892 330. Website: www.theblacktowergroup.com Blacktower Financial Management has been established for over 32 years and has worked with clients through the good and the bad times, offering sound, independent financial advice, we will be by your side both now and in the future. The above information was correct at the time of preparation and does not constitute investment advice and you should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity.

(International) Ltd is licensed in Gibraltar by the Financial Services Commission (FSC) 00805B and is registered with both the DGS and CNMV in Spain.


in the whole of the European Union. Although the city can trace its history Worldwide Horizons back to the 12th Century and had The capital city of the Netherlands, great influence during the Golden Amsterdam is named from its Age (17th Century), this is also a origins as a small fishing village city which is modern and vibrant, beside a dam on the river Amstel. a mecca for tech-savvy companies Amsterdam has long been recognised and also headquarters of some of as one of the main ports of Europe the largest companies worldwide. and remains today the 5th largest As a historical destination, the city

by Yvonne Hollywood,


FRIday 29TH maRcH 2019

is packed with places of interest, just as it had some of the most interesting inhabitants. Artist Rembrandt van Rijn lived here - his works, along with other Dutch Masters such as Jan Steen and Frans Hals can be seen at the world-class Rijksmuseum, whilst the works of Vincent Van Gogh a r e on display i n t h e

museum of the same name. It is the city w h e r e Anne Frank wrote her famous diary, her house now a visitor museum containing the original diary and where you can still see the secret annexe where Anne and her family hid for two years during the Second World War. Of course, Amsterdam is also known

for its liberal attitude, most obvious of which is in the famous Red Light area, where workers parade their wares in the windows. A recent decision has been taken to reduce the presence of tourists in this area – official tours are no longer permitted late into the night and will be almost completely phased out by 2020 in an aim to offer the area and its workers more dignity whilst plying their trade. There is accommodation of all types here, from budget to exorbitant and everything in between. Hostels are located throughout the city, or as an alternative, you can sleep on a houseboat! There are direct flights to the city from Alicante regularly and transport into the centre is simple. Cycling is the best way to travel around and bike hire is easily organized. Another unique way of seeing the city is by a canal tour, letting you see Amsterdam from a totally different perspective. Surprisingly, Amsterdam also has some very fine beach destinations, complete with restaurants, chill-out areas and over 2 kilometres of manmade sandy beach. Perfect for sipping cocktails and cooling down when the temperature in the city gets too hot!


A rising property market is usually the sign of an improving or buoyant economy, and there are plenty of factors why Spain is on the upturn in stark contrast to the property bubble bursting during the recession a decade or so ago. 1. Spain is in an expansive economic cycle and a good economy means employment, increasing incomes, optimism & confidence, moderate inflation, etc. Experts predict the Spanish economy will grow stronger than the rest of the Eurozone, with better rates than Germany, France, and for that matter, the UK! 2. Interest rates are historically low in Spain. It has never been cheaper to borrow money from the bank. This is of enormous help for many buyers to access their dream property, and for investors to increase their financial returns

(you use the bank´s money as a low-cost engine to create money for you). 3. Savings are not as good as property investment. There´s no need to say that bank deposits, investment funds, bonds and stock markets have greatly disappointed. The Central Bank of Spain forecasts a 11,2 per cent return on residential properties in Spain for 2019. Compare that to the interest you get on your bank deposit! 4.The expat-dimension features UK and other foreign buyers, often with higher available incomes than locals. They make lifestyle choices with a property or properties in Spain and pay a premium for location or certain wowfactors. This is a very local effect, mainly in coastal areas like the Costa Blanca and Costa Calida as well as in big city areas like Barcelona and

Madrid. This creates micro-markets that behave differently from similar markets without expat buying activity. Detailed local knowledge of these areas is vital to understand the implications and opportunities

for you. It impacts buying prices but also your property´s performance on the rental or re-sale market. 5. Spanish property is cheap compared to many other countries, and Spain offers an unbeatable lifestyle and cost of

living. For instance, Barcelona properties cost on average less than half the price of Paris properties, and the the Costa Blanca offer fantastic homes for prices that are a mere fraction of what you would pay for back in the UK.



FRIday 29TH maRcH 2019

Local - Property

Remain vigilant

as clocks change

Local sales surging ACCORDING to statistics just released by the Development Ministry, property sales across the Marina Alta increased by 7.1% last year, the seventh successive year of growth. Although they have not yet reached the high point of the early start of the century, there are concerns that the continual rise could

eventually result in a housing bubble and then crash as increased sales leads to increased demand. However other commentators feel that prices are still reasonable and the most likely result is a gentle levelling off in the next year or two. A total of 5,958 houses were sold in the region last year against 5,564 in 2017.

Don’t let thieves spoil the longer days.

INSURANCE companies have warned that they usually see a spike in thefts after the clocks go forward, which happens this weekend. The main jump is in opportunistic thefts and often the householder is partly to blame for being careless. Some companies report almost a 40% rise in cases where no break in has been made, often down to doors left open in the warmer weather or items such as bikes left unlocked in gardens. They

by Simon Russell

advise to always keep windows and doors closed and locked, make sure outbuildings are secure and consider CCTV. If you’re planning on a spring or summer break try not to advertise on social media that your home is going to be empty - post the pictures when you get back.

Table showing house sales in the Marina Alta since 2004. The “u-shape” indicates a possible boom and bust scenario.


A lot has been written and said about Spain´s new rental law, which after some parliamentary delays, is now on the statute book. The legislation mainly covers long-term lets and these are the main points:If the landlord is a natural person: Five years mandatory renewal period on longterm rentals (plus three years silent renewal). Before it was three years plus one. If the landlord is a legal person: Seven years mandatory rental period on longterm rentals (plus three years silent renewal). It was three years plus one before. Additional bank guarantees demanded by a landlord on long-term rentals may not exceed

by Alex Trelinksi

a two-month deposit. Landlords typically request additional guarantees besides the compulsory one-month tenant deposit, especially when a tenant is a nonresident (because of the increased financial risk). These guarantees are now capped for legal persons acting as landlords. For physical landlords there is no change and they may keep requesting additional guarantees in excess of the two month deposit. Landlords - by law will pay the commission to estate agencies on tenancy agreements. It was the case that tenants paid half or all this commission, whether directly or not. The following changes affect all people, regardless of the legal

status of the landlord: Inflation update: unless specified, all contracts will now be updated to bring them in line with inflation, referred to the IPC index as a benchmark reference during the first five years. Given how rental yields increased by two digits year-on-year over the previous three years, this measure basically caps any rental increase at one digit only. Non-renewal (for tacit renewal periods only): landlords must now give a four month notice, whilst tenants give a two month notice period. Necessity clause’: must now be expressly worded into the contract to be triggered by a landlord. This clause legally allowed landlords to cancel a longterm contract ahead of the agreed duration (for

personal use, for family use etc). Selling property: property buyers must now respect the whole duration of pre-existing lease agreements, even if they are not registered at the Land Registry. This may seriously jeopardise sales. If you want to sell your property, don’t lock yourself into an eight or ten year rental contract. Transfer Tax: payment of Transfer Tax by tenants on signing rental agreements has been removed. Subrogation: in the event that the tenant dies, if his family are in a vulnerable position (under aged children, physical or mental disability and over 65-year-olds) they can take over his legal position as tenant throughout the duration

of the contract. There are some more new laws that cover shortterm holiday lettings: Spain’s Horizontal Act is amended allowing the Community of Owners to vote by a simple majority of 3/5 to ban outright holiday rentals within a community. This agreement has no retroactive effects. Spain’s Horizontal Act is amended allowing

the Community of Owners to increase the communal quota assigned to a landlord (capped at 20 per cent of the overall community budget. In plain English, communities of owners may now vote to increase the community quota of a property owner who uses his property/properties as holiday lettings. This agreement has no retroactive effects.

Facebook: @TheWeekenderSpain

FRIday 29TH maRcH 2019

Local - Property

Tinder for housing? TWO young Spanish entrepreneurs are relaunching a website that has been described as “Tinder for housing”. Dyndong matches people looking to buy or rent a property with owners and landlords who have a place available. One of the big advantages is the filter system so if, for example, a landlord didn’t want students or someone with a pet they can filter them out - or vice versa if that is something they are looking for. For renters or buyers you can be very specific about price, location, the number of rooms etc. Some of these options are


by Simon Russell

available on standard real estate sites but many think they haven’t progressed much from when property was advertised in shop windows. The problem that developers Jose Molina and Jose Fornieles have had is there are more people looking for property than there are properties available. The relaunch, a year after the start up, is to address that imbalance by targeting sellers or renters such as banks who have large amounts of spare housing stock on their books.

Interface of Dyndong

Back In


Alex Trelinski’s


ntrol and ng out of all co er being tti ge is ss ne si era sing Brexit bu We know this kinds of stupidity like an opncert at London’s l co al a r ve fo ha s dres now we her EU-themed of the asked to changeall. x performances Royal Albert Hano Anna Patalong sang in si nd, and wore the EU er last weeke ay. British sopr rd cular concert ov Classical Spectatfit for a performance on SatuLtd, encouraged Ms y ou ba ed ub ir G sp d in was on gfla ucer, Raym e yellow dress The show’s prodother dress on Sunday, as th r an Patalong to weaterpretation”. n, claimed in is Benedict Nelso colours as m ne to ri ba e “open to th r dress husband, Ms Patalong’s at she was asked to switch he th ia ed m hour on social t enjoy a three provocative”. they “were too st which said:- “If you can’visible gold stars for I like his po a performer wears some with yourself.” e nc co ert becaus it, you need to have a word three minutes of


Britain’s “ugliest” dog, who had d at a cataract and no teeth, has die ner ow his 16, the grand old age of ek. we this announced , Chase, a Chinese-crested mixs rld’ Wo ’s nia ifor Cal in d came thir Ugliest Dog contest in 2017. from His owner Storm Shayler, he t Neath, south Wales, said tha is. atit cre died of pan

n’t “Even at the end he did e “H . said he lose his sparkle,” gest was a small dog with the big of one s wa lly personality and rea a kind.” l Mr Shayler added: “No one wils wa lly rea he ; ase Ch e lac every rep one of a kind.” And that´s what matters.... personality, rather than looks.


The press can´t get of the allegedly frosty enough imminent departure. Excuse me, but wr relationship between (at best) iting Markle and Kate MiddletMeghan an email at 5.00 am is hardly on , and criminal offence, and mo now Prince Harry´s wi st people been given a nickname fe has in North America are up with the of “M elark at that time anyway. gain” by Kensington Palac I suspect that som according to the Tatler ma e staff ebody gaz Kensington Palace of couine. might just be stirring things up, rse and like Sarah Fe has refused to comment bu rguson and past has dismissed report t in the Princess Diana, Meghan won´t s soon-to-be mother has a that the act as a puppet for the royal relationship with some difficult establishment. of her staff. Recalling the vicious att that Sarah Ferguson was sub acks to after marrying Prince jected Andrew, the magazine said: ‘Megh seen nothing like that an has though staff at Kensington– even are now calling her ‘Me-G Palace ain Insiders have pre .’ revealed that Meghan hasviously been branded ‘Duchess difficult’ allegedly because demanding nature andof her strong work ethic. She was said to have emails at 5am during fired off work-outs, and since she morning Harry last May, a numbermarried staff have quit or announce of key d their


! H G R U B N I D E T S I S A D , NEIN good sense It´s nice to have a th friendly wi of community spirit s that we can neighbours, which meanny miles away all be pleased to be ma from this Dorset couple. and partner David Barnatt, 70 , spent six Jeanette Obertelli, 66ir neighbours the months tormenting torch into their by shining a powerful ended up with home at night, and have a restraining order. elli didn’t Barnatt and Obert and Alison on Sim urs bo like neigh security light Morgan’s new outdoor from dusk till on s wa d sai which they dawn. much that They hated its glow so dog, Yogi, ir the they started walking late at night past the Morgan’s housethrough their ch and aimed a tor windows. ually lived The victims, who act the couple m fro ay aw s tre about 50 me d, eventually on the other side of the roawith blankets s ow nd wi ir covered the fore installing and dressing gowns bese of the sheer blackout blinds becau intensity of the beam. caught on the Obertelli was also a V-sign and g Morgan´s CCTV flickinthem. at ies nit sce shouting ob k and seem She and her partner loo ot! ...n le. up co ul htf like a delig


FRIday 29TH maRcH 2019



t was made. between announcemenft, with a German flight cra What´s the difference air e Th h? c for two-andDüsseldorf and Edinburg t crew, sat on the tarma en fer dif e lik , lot ing off once a tak before A heck of body told a-half hours BA putting the error no t bu rt, sta a for s with countrie mix-up caused again, to a mistake in paperwork, British Airways after a wn do ed ort nsp tra the team their passengers to betheir intended but surely the captain and ething som m t fro tha 524 miles away would have known home to good ing fly n. t tio no destina m London was up by The Sunday flight fro landed in old Deutschland? ve , never slow City Airport should ha ended up in Budget carrier Ryanair als, posted d tea riv ins its the knife into Germany, but amidst claims to dig itter:-“Hey, @British_Airways, the Scottish capital, Tw on t tha ngers sent for you,” it wrote, from bemused passe re in the we have a preture of the cover of the we y the ed lis rea ly on a pic they . they landed next to wrong country when Edinburgh’ book Geography for Dummies to e om elc ‘W a and

I was very impressed by the the million or so people marching in central London on Saturday calling for another EU referendum. Protesters carrying EU flags and placards called for any Brexit deal be put to another public vote, just a couple of days after European leaders agreed to delay the UK’s departure from the EU. But to be a wet blanket on all of this, why should a million people taking to the streets mean an automatic change to any government policy? Do you remember a million amassing in London at the start of the last decade to protest against the Iraq war, and nothing changed? Protests are all well and good and a vital part of democracy, but ultimately it´s down to what everybody does before putting their slip into a ballot box that really counts!



FRIday 29TH maRcH 2019

Motoring The Volvo V60 doesn’t shout about its abilities. In many ways, it’s just a Volvo V90 that’s shrunk in the wash, as a left-field alternative to an Audi A4 or BMW 3 Series. It has the same sense of Scandinavian style inside and out - as the V90, and it’s loaded with technology, including all the safety kit you’d expect in a modern Volvo. There are a number of different variants to reflect your personality, from the sporty R-Design to the gentrified Cross Country. The former is trying a little too hard to be an Audi, while the latter is very good - if expensive. Most buyers will find one of the regular Momentum or Inscription models offer the best compromise. The interior is lovely - a superb contrast of twee materials (you can spec wood if you like) and upto-date technology. There’s a large portrait screen in the centre of the dash on all models. This offers access to the superb infotainment system, with a clear navigation screen which works well on the portrait screen (showing the road ahead rather than fields to your side). Volvo seats are known for their comfort and you can easily spend long periods of time in the V60 without complaining of any aches or

Volvo V60

pains. There’s a useful amount of space inside, thanks to longer dimensions than rivals - meaning six-footers can squeeze into the rear seats relatively comfortably. At 529 litres, the boot’s one of the biggest in its class, while dropping the rear seats increases this to 1441 litres. Every V60

features a n electric rear tailgate, while a wide opening with no lip helps when loading bulky items.

‘Clock change kills people,’ say road safety experts in support of EU proposal The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) is supporting the European Parliament’s proposal to stop the obligatory one-hour changing of the clocks twice a year. In the UK, the clocks go forward one hour at 1am on the last Sunday in March, then back again at 2am on the last Sunday in October. The period when the clocks are one hour ahead is called British Summer Time (BST), but when the clocks go back, the country reverts to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The European proposal would call time on the twice-yearly clock change from 2021, with member states required to choose either permanent summer time or winter time. RoSPA is pointing to the

“marked spike in the number of vulnerable road users killed and seriously injured” when the clocks go back as a reason to make BST permanent. According to Department for Transport figures, pedestrian deaths rose from 37 in September 2017 to 46 in October, 63 in November and 50 in December. ‘We know that the clock change kills people’ RoSPA chief executive Errol Taylor said: “Clock changes were first introduced in 1916 to reflect the needs of a nation at war. However, our priority now should be the prevention [of] road accidents that cause serious injury and death. “We know that the clock change kills people. During the working week, casualty rates peak at 8am and 10am and 3pm and

7pm, with the afternoon peak being higher. Road casualty rates increase with the arrival of darker evenings and worsening weather conditions. “And it is vulnerable road users – such as children on their way home from school and cyclists – who would experience the most benefit. Currently, vulnerable road users have far higher fatality rates per billion passenger miles, and these rates increased for both pedestrians and motorcyclists in 2017. Anything we can do to bring these rates down has to be worth it. “While we respect the views of those that want to keep the current system, we must not lose sight of the fact that lives are at stake.” Daylight Savings Time (DST)

has been compulsory in the EU since 2001 and is aimed at making the internal market work more efficiently while reducing energy costs. But there’s a growing body of evidence suggesting that the energy savings are marginal and the clock changes are having a negative effect on human health. Commission President JeanClaude Juncker said “There is no applause when EU law dictates that Europeans have to change the clocks twice a year. Clockchanging must stop. Member states should themselves decide whether their citizens live in summer or winter time.” As an added benefit, this would bring an end to the twice-yearly routine of trying to figure out how to change the clock in your car…

Facebook: @TheWeekenderSpain


YOU MAY not have ventured to Jávea in the north of Alicante Province, but those who like theatre in that area have the added bonus of a well-established group, The Jávea Players, founded 42 years ago. The Players are well known for their varied repertoire, and the first time, they are bringing My Fair Lady to Rojales for one night only on Saturday April 13th, following six successful days

by Alex Trelinski

in a theatre up north in Gata. They hope this venture will be well received by the audience in and around Rojales and if so, will bring more plays to the region in the future. My Fair Lady will be performed at the Capitol Theatre at 7.00 pm, with tickets priced at 12 euros. More details are available on line at myfairladycostablanca.com


A WOMAN has been accused of killing her husband with a knife in San Pedro del Pinatar last Thursday. The 29-year-old woman, named as Sofia R, allegedly killed her 32-year-old partner, Esteban Patricio O, at their home on Calle Mayor Santiago Arreba in the Las Esperanzas area of San Pedro. She initially told the Guardia Civil that she acted in self-defence after claiming that he tried to assault her, but later she changed her statement to the fact that it had been an accident, with the San Javier court refusing to grant her bail on Saturday, as investigations continued. Her lawyer said that a mobile phone recorded the incident and that it would prove that Sofia was telling

Sofia R at San Javier court.

the truth. The couple´s relationship had seen a variety of problems, and they had separated last year, after Sofia had accused her husband of being

violent towards her, a complaint that she did not follow through. The couple had two children that are currently being looked after by relatives.

TROUPERS WANTED IF YOU can sing or dance, then the New Cardenal Belluga Theatre Group would love to hear from you, as they get ready for their autumn variety show, Reach For The Stars. The production will be staged at the end of September at the Cardenal

Theatre group members.

by Alex Trelinski

Belluga Theatre in San Fulgencio, with all of the proceeds going to local charities in the La Marina urbanisation area. Anybody who is interested in taking part and perhaps can even sing


FRIday 29TH maRcH 2019

a solo number, are invited to get involved in the twice-weekly rehearsals at La Marina´s social centre on a Monday and Thursday afternoon. For more details phone 966 712 089 or send an email to devinelinda44@ yahoo.com

CHILD RESCUE A YOUNG girl was pulled out from a swimming pool at a house on the El Raso urbanisation in Guardamar on Monday lunchtime, after spending some five seconds submerged in the water. The four-year-old Swedish child was rescued by her parents,

by Alex Trelinski

who then called the emergency services, who treated her for symptoms associated with drowning. The girl was subsequently taken to Torrevieja Hospital.



FRIday 29TH maRcH 2019

Local - News & Community


Mayor José Manuel Dolón.

TORREVIEJA´S economy could be boosted by around three million euros with the start of La Vuelta being staged in the city on Saturday August 24th. The estimate was made at an official launch for day one of this year´s race which will consist of an 18 kilometre time trial around the city. A children´s race will also be staged on the same day featuring youngsters from the Torrevieja area.

HELP AT HAND KNOWING where you can turn for help is an important issue and one that many people, particularly expats, face day after day, and so the charity HELP Vega Baja has introduced an Emergency Contact card (in both English and Spanish) providing valuable information of where support may be available. This full-page leaflet comes already folded to the size of a credit card and therefore fits very easily into a purse or wallet. On one side of the card, details of charities are listed together with other useful telephone numbers, including hospitals and the police, whilst on the reverse, the holder can fill in personal details in the case of an accident. HELP President Michele Masson said:-“We have got

by Alex Trelinski The Torrevieja Auditorium will act as a nerve centre for the opening day, with up to 600 journalists from around the world expected to be based there. The launch event was attended by Torrevieja mayor José Manuel Dolón and race director, Javier Guillén, in addition to ex-Torrevieja mayor and Alicante Provincial Council vicepresident, Eduardo Dolón.




Having moved to Spain two years ago, one of my main concerns as a senior motorist was my ability to drive on the “other side” of the road. Within a week I cracked it, but one thing continually does worry me and that is the attitude of some cyclists, especially on narrow routes. Please do not misunderstand me because I´ve found the majority of cyclists(like other drivers) to be perfectly fine, but some appear to lack basic courtesy by cycling two abreast(which I know is legal), but crucially at times with a gap between them that is almost half the width of the carriageway! I slow down because I cannot overtake on a two-lane road and on the majority of occasions it is perfectly apparent that I am there and want to make a move(mainly in the interest of safety), but the riders make absolutely no attempt to cut down on their width. I am therefore not surprised to hear about some of the accidents that we get involving some cyclists, who in certain cases are probably the creators of their own problems. Jane Butler, Villajoyosa. I´ve loved watching the Punch and Judy show of the House of Commons over the Brexit debacle and the frustrated attempts of Theresa May to bring back her deal for a vote yet again.

by Alex Trelinski permission to have the cards available at GP surgeries in the area, chemists, town halls plus many other outlets have already started to take them as well”. The cards are available from the charity’s San Miguel de Salinas centre, and for more details, call 966 723 733 or email office@helpvegabaja. com

Can somebody please tell me why she feels it is alright to do that, yet to deny the British people another perfectly democratic say on an issue which has seen so much change in the best part of three years? by Alex Trelinski NERVOUS children going for an invasive test or operation at Torrevieja Hospital will now have the chance to go to an examination room or operating theatre via a self-drive car. Specific areas of the hospital will now allow the young patients to use a red electric-powered mini convertible car under the watchful remote control of a staff member, just in case it goes off route! The new idea is part of an ongoing plan at the hospital to reduce the stress of a visit or stay for patients, both young and old.

POTHOLE PROTEST by Alex Trelinski

PARENTS of children who attend an Orihuela Costa school staged a protest last week over the state of the main access road to it. The demonstration was organised by the PTA at the IES Playa Flamenca de Orihuela Costa, which has a high number of non-Spanish pupils Protestors demanded that Orihuela council improve the quality of the road, with spokeswoman Yolanda Fernandez saying the authority had done nothing despite over three years of complaints. She claimed that several cars had been damaged because of the potholes, and that the road is too narrow, forcing vehicles to go off the main surface to squeeze past each other. Over criticisms include the fact that there is no pavement for children to use when buses pick them up and drop them off on what is a busy road.

Max Grantham, El Raso, Guardamar. In recent months I noticed my electricity bills leaping up but I thought it was down to increased tariffs and the usual winter consumption rise. A check with Iberdrola found that for whatever reason, I had been put on a more expensive tariff, rather than the day/night tariff that I had been on previously. No reason was given for why that happened, but I managed to switch back once I got onto their website, and to be fair, spoke to a very nice person at their call centre. The moral is to always a question and to do more of a check, rather than blindly accepting whatever is taken out of your bank! Susan Rossiter, Benidorm.

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Pointing out potholes.

Facebook: @TheWeekenderSpain


FRIday 29TH maRcH 2019

Health & Beauty

Gene therapy offers hope to people with achromatopsia, an inherited retinal eye disease For years, people with inherited retinal diseases (IRDs), such as achromatopsia (ACHM), have been undiagnosed, misdiagnosed or delayed seeking genetic testing to confirm their diagnosis due to the lack of treatment options. Thanks to the rapid advancement of gene therapy research, this situation is changing. Achromatopsia patients, however, still face a long journey in pursuit of an early and accurate diagnosis. People with ACHM tend to be affected by color blindness, light sensitivity and decreased visual acuity. The condition results from mutations in one of several genes, the most common of which are the CNGA3 and CNGB3 genes. Although there are no curative treatments for ACHM, the use of red-tinted glasses can reduce symptoms of light sensitivity and daytime blindness. According to the National Insti-

by BPT

tutes of Health, ACHM affects an estimated 1 in 30,000 people worldwide. A recent survey was conducted online in January 2018 on behalf of Achroma Corp., a nonprofit charity dedicated to raising awareness and finding a cure for ACHM, and in partnership with Applied Genetic Technologies Corporation (AGTC), a gene therapy company, to better understand the challenges that people with ACHM face regarding diagnosis and access to genetic testing. Results showed more than one-third of people with ACHM were misdiagnosed, with adults usually seeing an average of seven healthcare providers over more than five years to receive the correct diagnosis. Additionally, the survey found fewer than twothirds of respondents received genetic testing due to per-

ceived lack of knowledge and access. “The survey results demonstrate the challenges that prevent people with achromatopsia from being able to quickly secure an accurate diagnosis, as well as the perceived barriers to obtaining genetic testing,” said Dr. Christine N. Kay, ophthalmologist at Vitreo Retinal Associates in Gainesville, Florida. “As gene therapy technology advances, patient care must evolve as well. Eye care professionals can support patients by familiarizing themselves with the symptoms of various rare IRDs, recommending genetic testing when appropriate and informing patients about clinical trials as a potential treatment option.” “This survey is an important step in educating others about the challenges that people with achromatopsia face, as well as the value of genetic testing,” said Bridget Vissari,

president of Achroma Corp. “With several gene therapy trials underway, it is crucial that we educate medical professionals about this inherited retinal disorder.” Genetic testing has become vital in the development of new treatments for achromatopsia. With numerous clinical trials rapidly advancing, gene therapies are changing the way that doctors manage IRDs. Patient advocacy groups such as the Foundation Fighting Blindness (FFB) offer free ge-

netic testing to individuals who meet specific criteria, and many clinical trials provide genetic testing to potential participants. AGTC is recruiting for two phase I/II clinical trials for patients with ACHM caused by mutations in the CNGB3 or the CNGA3 gene. As a new era of treatment for rare IRDs be-

comes a reality, it is more critical now than ever to embrace these new technologies, and all that can be done to ensure positive outcomes for patients. For more information about AGTC’s clinical trials for ACHM, visit https://agtc.com/ programs/achromatopsia/.

Cervical Dystonia

Dystonia is a movement disorder in which a person’s muscles contract uncontrollably. The contraction causes the affected body part to twist involuntarily, resulting in repetitive movements or abnormal postures. Dystonia can affect one muscle, a muscle group, or the entire body. Dystonia affects about 1% of the population, and women are more prone to it than men. The most common type of dystonia is cervical dystonia or torticollis. Although it has been reported in all ages, it typically occurs in middle age.

worsen when stressed, learning stress management techniques are also important.



The muscles of the neck are affected causing the head to twist and turn or be pulled backwards or forward. Other symptoms include burning pain in the neck and shoulders, severe headaches, spasms and tremors.

Unfortunately, there is no actual definitive cure. In some cases, the symptoms of dystonia may spontaneously disappear but recurrence is common. Treatment, therefore, is focused mainly on relieving the symptoms.

Surgical and other procedures

Botox - Most people will see an improvement with Primary – this begins as a these injections, which usuproblem in the basal gan- ally must be repeated evglia (the part of the brain ery three to four months. that relays messages to start muscle movement). Therapy:

Deep brain stimulation. In this procedure, a thin wire is guided into the brain through a small hole cut into the skull. The tip of the wire is placed in the portion of the brain that controls movement. Electrical pulses are sent through the wire to interrupt the nerve signals making your head twist. Cutting the nerves. Another option is to surgically sever the nerves carrying the contraction signals to the affected muscles. Both of these procedures are not without risk.


Secondary – resulting a stroke, traumatic injury, Parkinson’s ease or certain drug

from brain disuse.

Sometimes sensory tricks such as touching the opposite side of the face or the back of your head may cause spasms to improve. However, this Family history of dys- is a transient improvement. tonia increases the risk. Therapeutic massages and heat treatment can Diagnosis: help relax the neck and Diagnosis is usually made on shoulder muscles. Specifphysical examination. How- ic exercises may also help. ever, your doctor may order blood tests and an MRI scan to As the signs and symptoms exclude underlying conditions. of cervical dystonia tend to

If less invasive treatments don’t help, your doctor might suggest surgery. Procedures may include:

For more information or to book an appointment call the Family Medical Centre on +34 966 865 072, emailing us at info@albirfamilymedicalcentre.com or on Facebook www.facebook.com/albirfamilymedicalcentre

Andy Mansell’s


Stars In

FRIday 29TH maRcH 2019

The sun ain’t shining anymore “Loneliness is a cloak you wear ………”, the opening line from one of the most iconic and well loved, sixties ballads, a classic that’s stood the test of time. ‘The Sun Ain’tGonna Shine Anymore’, was a 1966 UK number 1, for the Walker Brothers and along with ‘Do You Know The Way To San Jose’ formed my earliest musical memories as a kid. So, it was with a tinge of sadness I heard this week, of the death of Scott Walker, whose unusual booming voice, backed by sweeping harmonies sang the lead vocals on the song. Californian, Scott, moved to London in 1964 as part of the three piece Walker Brothers in 1964 and remained there until his death aged 76.

Although, he went on to have a highly successful solo career, he will probably, always be best remembered for his earlier hits with the band. They weren’t brothers and none of them were actually named Walker in real life, but the Walker Brothers dapper, hirsute image earned them heart-throb status in the mid 60’s. In fact, their fanclub once had more members than that of the Beatles. “We would be on stage sometimes for a minute, and this whole gig would be over”, Walker once said of the screaming mania that surrounded them. You’re on my Spotify playlist right now Scott ….RIP

Sixties icon Scott Walker

It’s just a pants idea

Katie Price eating in her underwear to lose weight

In my other life as a Personal Trainer, I’ve stumbled across lots of methods to help encourage my clients to curb their appetites and eat healthier, but now I’ve heard the best one yet. Katie price, otherwise known as Jordan, never one to shy away from taking her clothes off, as we all know, is now apparently being made to eat her food semi-naked to help her lose weight. The model/actress/singer/ celebrity famous for being famous, has released a trailer for her reality show, ‘My Crazy Life’, which airs on a channel called Sky Living (does

anyone actually watch this drivel?) Anyway, the clip reveals how boyfriend, Kris Boyson, has been making her eat dinner in her underwear, in the hopes of lowering her food intake. “The idea is that you won’t eat as much if you eat with no clothes on,” claims Kris, who is also her PT and must be boyfriend number 271. You know what Kris, this method might just work …… ‘Cos if I had to sit and eat a meal sitting opposite Katie Price in her big knickers, I’d probably vomit on the spot and never touch food again.

nJaMy Eyes red loves Lost The Beat FRIday 29TH maRcH 2019

a flask

More sad news from the music world with the loss of Roger Charlery, aka Ranking Roger, who died at the age of 56 last week. Famous as the frontman of The Beat, Roger had been diagnosed with lung cancer and two brain tumours following a stroke in the

summer of 2018, although he continued to perform with the band. His career saw performances with a host of different acts including Sting and The Clash, but he is best remembered for his hits with The Beat, such as ‘Mirror In The Bathroom’ and

‘Can’t Get Used To Losing You’. Along with other Midland Ska bands like The Specials, The Beat became a mouth piece for the disaffected multi-racial youth of Thatcher’s Britain in the early eighties……..and we loved them for it.

Ranking Roger was the lead singer of The Beat

Jared Leto takes a swig from a hip flask on set Anyone who knows Manchester well, will be very aware, that owing to its geographical proximity close to the Pennines, it rains an awful lot. Perhaps, no one told American actor Jared Leto what to expect when he took on the role of vampire villain Dr Michael Morbius in the upcoming Spiderman spinoff Morbius, which is currently being filmed in the city. An entire street in Manchester’s Northern quarter has recently been turned into a scene from New

York. And naturally, the city welcomed the actors with lots of lovely wet weather, forcing Jared and co-stars Matt Smith and Adria Arjona to walk around with umbrellas when not in character. Must have been pretty chilly on set too, as a snap surfaced of the star, huddled in a doorway, taking a swig from a sizeable hip flask. Don’t blame you mate, most of us would need a litre of whatever you were swigging, if we had to spend a day on any street in the UK.

Little Mix take on Dubai

Every week it seems, the girls from Little Mix use their influence to draw attention to issues that affect the day to day lives of their legions of fans. Whether it be Jesy, filming a BBC documentary on mental health and cyber bullying, or Jade speaking out about how the band were told not to speak out on feminist issues when they first got together. And now, the four piece superstars took on the might of the Dubai government, when they performed at a concert in the country last week. As part of the United Arab Emirates, Dubai has strict laws concerning homosexuality and the promotion of LGBTQ imagery, with people

facing a jail term of up to ten years, but this did not deter the group. Ever since Secret Love Song and Secret Love Song pt. II were released in 2016, the songs have been anthems for the LGBTQ community, with relatable lyrics about having to hide away love. And as Little Mix performed the hit song during a concert in Dubai, lighting up screens surrounding them was the Pride rainbow flag. They’ll probably never get chance to perform in the country ever again, but at least they got to send out a message of support and solidarity to their gay fans in the country ……. Well done girls!!

The Little Mix girls sang beneath the rainbow flag in



friday 8th june 2018

FRIDAY 29th March

07:00 Breakfast 07:30 Murder, Mystery and My 06:05 The Jeremy Kyle 06:50 Countdown 10:15 Murder, Mystery and Family 07:25 Cheers Show 08:15 Money for Nothing My Family 07:00 Good Morning 07:55 Cheers 09:00 Antiques Roadshow 11:00 Homes Under the 08:20 Cheers Britain 10:00 BBC News at Nine Hammer 09:30 Lorraine 08:45 Frasier 11:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 The Sheriffs Are 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle 09:10 Frasier 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live Coming 09:40 Frasier Show 13:15 Politics Live 12:45 Dom on the Spot 14:00 Eggheads 11:30 This Morning 10:10 Everybody Loves 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:30 Royal Recipes Raymond 13:30 Loose Women 14:00 BBC News at One 14:45 Coast 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 10:40 Everybody Loves 14:30 BBC London News 15:45 Street Auction 14:55 ITV News London Raymond 14:45 Doctors 16:30 Ocean Giants 15:00 Judge Rinder 11:10 Ramsay’s Kitchen 15:15 Pitching In 17:30 Going Back, Giving Nightmares USA 16:00 Tenable 16:00 Escape to the Country Back 12:05 Undercover Boss 16:45 Money for Nothing 18:15 Put Your Money Where 17:00 Tipping Point 17:30 Blue Planet UK 18:00 The Chase USA Your Mouth Is 18:15 Pointless 19:00 Richard Osman’s House 19:00 ITV News London 13:00 Channel 4 News of Games 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 ITV Evening News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 19:30 Britain in Bloom 19:30 BBC London News 14:05 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 20:00 Emmerdale 20:00 Mastermind 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Coronation Street 15:10 Countdown 20:30 David Attenborough’s 20:30 A Question of Sport 21:30 Midsomer Murders 16:00 A Place in the Sun: Natural Curiosities 21:00 EastEnders Summer Sun 23:30 ITV News 21:00 Great British Menu 21:30 MasterChef

10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:15 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 A Bundle of Trouble: An Aurora Teagarden Mystery 17:00 Friends 17:30 Friends 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 The Gadget Show 21:00 Paddington Station 24/7 22:00 Eamonn and Ruth:

07:10 Everybody Loves 07:00 Breakfast 07:45 All Over the Place 10:25 ITV News Raymond 10:30 James Martin’s 11:00 Saturday Kitchen 08:15 Wild & Weird 08:00 Frasier Saturday Morning Live 08:30 Absolute Genius 12:40 Ainsley’s Caribbean 08:55 The Big Bang 12:30 Mary Berry’s Quick With Dick and Dom Theory Kitchen Cooking 09:00 Top Class 10:15 The Simpsons 13:45 James Martin’s 13:00 Football Focus 09:30 The Dog Ate My 11:15 Heineken American Adventure 14:00 BBC Weekend News Homework 14:15 Bargain Hunt 10:00 Deadly on a Mission: 14:15 ITV Lunchtime News Champions Cup Rugby: The Big Tackle 14:35 Live and Let Die 15:15 Money for Nothing Pole to Pole 12:15 The Simpsons 16:00 Escape to the 10:30 Nature’s Microworlds17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Secret Life of 13:15 Live: European Country 11:00 Wonders of the Rugby Champions Cup Pets 17:00 Final Score Universe 19:35 ITV Evening News 16:00 Four in a Bed 18:15 Celebrity 12:00 Homes Under the 19:50 ITV News London 18:35 The Secret Life of Mastermind Hammer 20:00 The Chase: Celebritythe Zoo 18:45 BBC Weekend News 13:00 Rick Stein’s Long 19:30 Channel 4 News Special 18:55 BBC London News Weekends 20:00 Formula 1 Motor 21:00 The Voice UK 19:05 Pointless Celebrities 14:00 Talking Pictures 19:50 Catchpoint 14:50 The Wooden Horse 22:45 The Jonathan Ross Racing 21:30 Mission Ignition Show 20:20 All Together Now 16:30 Ocean Giants 22:30 Mechanic: 23:45 ITV News 21:25 Casualty 17:30 Pilgrimage Resurrection 23:55 The 40-Year-Old 22:10 All Round to Mrs 18:30 James May’s Cars of Virgin Brown’s

07:00 Judge Judy 11:20 Make You Laugh Out 07:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:20 Agatha Christie’s Loud 12:05 Police Interceptors 07:15 Emmerdale Omnibus Poirot 09:20 A Touch of Frost 09:50 Coronation Street 13:00 Friends 11:35 A Touch of Frost Omnibus 13:30 Friends 13:45 Agatha Christie’s 12:45 The Voice UK 14:00 Friends 14:45 Britain’s Got Talent Marple 14:30 Friends 15:45 Agatha Christie’s 15:50 You’ve Been 15:00 Friends Marple Framed! 15:30 Deadly Switch 16:20 The Mummy Returns 17:55 Agatha Christie’s 17:10 The Yorkshire Vet Marple 18:55 Arthur 18:20 The Yorkshire Vet 19:15 Around the World by 21:00 Wrath of the Titans 20:00 Vera 22:00 Vera Train with Tony Robinson 23:05 Celebrity Juice 23:50 Family Guy 20:05 5 News Weekend 20:10 Elizabeth: Our Queen 22:00 The Royal Family at War 23:15 Most Shocking Moments In Pop 3

07:00 Breakfast 07:00 The King of Queens 07:10 Scott of the Antarctic 10:25 ITV News 09:30 Match of the Day 10:30 James Martin’s 07:50 The Big Bang 08:55 Talking Pictures 11:00 The Andrew Marr Theory Sunday Selection 09:35 Gardeners’ World Show 08:35 Frasier 11:30 This Morning 10:05 Countryfile 12:00 Sunday Politics 12:30 John and Lisa’s 09:30 Everybody Loves 11:00 Saturday Kitchen 12:30 Walks of Life Weekend Kitchen Raymond Best Bites 13:30 Money for Nothing 12:30 The Hairy Bikers’ 13:35 Australia with Julia 10:30 Sunday Brunch 14:00 BBC Weekend News Chicken and Egg 13:30 Jamie’s Quick and Bradbury 14:15 Songs of Praise 13:30 My Mediterranean 14:05 ITV Lunchtime News Easy Food 14:50 Bargain Hunt 14:15 The Voice UK 14:00 The Simpsons with Adrian Chiles 15:35 Escape to the 16:00 The Man With the 15:30 Dr. Dolittle 2 14:30 Odette Country 17:15 A Place in the Sun: Golden Gun 16:25 Coast 16:20 Brave 18:30 ITV Evening News Home or Away 17:00 Nature’s Miracle 17:45 Pointless Celebrities Babies 18:45 ITV News London 18:15 The Great Celebrity 18:35 BBC Weekend News 18:00 Australia: Earth’s 19:00 The Family Chase Bake Off: Stand Up To 18:50 BBC London News Magical Kingdom 20:00 What Would Your Cancer 19:00 Countryfile 19:30 Channel 4 News 19:00 Inside the Factory Kid Do? 20:00 Antiques Roadshow 20:00 Dragons’ Den 20:00 Escape to the 21:00 Coronation Street 21:00 Blue Planet Live 22:00 Victoria Chateau 21:00 Race Across the 22:00 Line of Duty 23:00 ITV News 21:00 Secrets of Egypt’s World 23:00 BBC Weekend News 22:00 Natural World 23:15 Caught on Camera Valley of the Kings

11:30 Access 11:35 Police Interceptors 12:30 Police Interceptors 13:30 Friends 14:00 Friends 14:30 Friends 15:00 Friends 15:30 Friends 16:00 The Wonderful World of Puppies 17:00 The Wonderful World of Puppies 18:00 The Wonderful World of Puppies 18:55 5 News Weekend 19:00 World’s Busiest Hotel 19:55 Secrets of the Heinz Factory 20:50 Secrets of McDonalds: 100 Billion

17:00 Escape to the

SATURDAY 30th March 21:30 Gardeners’ World

SUNDAY 31st March

07:00 The Planet’s Funniest Animals 07:20 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:45 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 08:10 You’ve Been Framed! 09:00 Emmerdale 09:25 Emmerdale 10:00 You’ve Been Framed! 10:25 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 11:20 Superstore 11:50 Superstore 12:15 You’ve Been Framed! 13:15 Emmerdale 13:45 Emmerdale 14:15 You’ve Been Framed!

07:00 Coronation Street 07:30 Coronation Street 07:55 Heartbeat 09:00 Murder, She Wrote 10:05 Judge Judy 10:35 Judge Judy 11:00 Judge Judy 11:30 Agatha Christie’s Marple 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:55 Agatha Christie’s Marple 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Paul O’Grady: For the Love of Dogs 21:30 Doc Martin 22:30 Doc Martin

07:00 Emmerdale Omnibus07:00 The Royal 09:25 Coronation Street 07:55 The Royal Omnibus 08:55 Heartbeat 12:25 Britain’s Got Talent 10:00 Heartbeat 13:25 Catchphrase 11:00 Long Lost Family 14:25 Wrath of the Titans 12:00 Agatha Christie’s 16:30 Scooby-Doo Marple 18:15 Shrek 14:00 Agatha Christie’s 20:00 The Lord of the Marple Rings: The Fellowship of 15:55 Larry Grayson: Shut the Ring That Door 23:35 Family Guy 17:55 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 18:55 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 20:00 Vera 22:00 Sir Cliff Richard: 60 Years in Public and in Private 23:00 Grantchester

Facebook: @TheWeekenderSpain

MONDAY 1st April

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Murder, Mystery and My Family 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 The Sheriffs Are Coming 12:45 Dom on the Spot 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Curiosity 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Money for Nothing 17:30 The Repair Shop 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Fake Britain

07:00 Murder, Mystery and 07:00 Good Morning 06:50 Countdown My Family Britain 07:25 Cheers 07:45 Money for Nothing 09:30 Lorraine 07:55 Cheers 08:30 Great British Menu 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle 08:20 Cheers Show 09:30 The Week in 08:45 Frasier Parliament 11:30 This Morning 09:10 Frasier 10:00 BBC News at Nine 13:30 Loose Women 09:40 Frasier 11:00 Victoria Derbyshire 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News10:10 Everybody Loves 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live14:55 ITV News London Raymond 15:00 Judge Rinder 13:15 Politics Live 10:40 Everybody Loves 14:00 The Boss 16:00 Tenable Raymond 17:00 Tipping Point 14:45 Tropic of Cancer 11:10 Ramsay’s Kitchen with Simon Reeve 18:00 The Chase: Nightmares USA Celebrity Special 15:45 This Wild Life 12:05 Undercover Boss 19:00 ITV News London USA 16:15 The Hairy Builder 16:45 Wonders of the 19:30 ITV Evening News 13:00 Channel 4 News 20:00 Emmerdale Monsoon 13:05 Come Dine with Me 17:45 Eggheads 20:30 Coronation Street 14:05 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 21:00 The Kyle Files 18:15 Flog It! 15:10 Countdown 19:00 Richard Osman’s 21:30 Coronation Street 16:00 A Place in the Sun: House of Games 22:00 Secrets of the Royal Summer Sun Babies: Meghan and Harry 17:00 A New Life in the 19:30 Britain in Bloom




The Gadget Show NEW SERIES: Craig Charles, Jon Bentley, Ortis Deley and Georgie Barrat visit the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, where rollable television screens and foldable phones are just two of the mindboggling technological advances on offer. Matthew Griffin explains why 11K TV, robotic skin, domestic holograms and cancer-diagnosing apps may well be available in the next few years, while Harry Wallop reveals how to acquire one of the biggest phones of 2019 - the Samsung Galaxy S10 - at the best possible price. Plus, gaming guru Jordan Erica Webber identifies the video games to look out for in the year ahead


FRIday 29TH maRcH 2019

Channel 5 8:00pm Fri 29 Mar

TUESDAY 2nd April

10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:15 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 My Ex is Watching 17:00 Friends 17:30 Friends 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Premiership Rugby 21:00 Police Interceptors 22:00 Around the World by Train with Tony Robinson 23:00 Traffic Cops

07:00 The Planet’s Funniest Animals 07:20 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:45 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 08:10 You’ve Been Framed! 08:35 You’ve Been Framed! 09:00 Emmerdale 09:25 Coronation Street 10:25 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 11:20 Superstore 11:50 Superstore 12:15 You’ve Been Framed! 12:45 You’ve Been Framed! 13:15 Emmerdale 13:45 Coronation Street

07:00 Coronation Street 07:30 Coronation Street 07:55 Heartbeat 09:00 Murder, She Wrote 10:05 Judge Judy 10:35 Judge Judy 11:00 Judge Judy 11:30 Agatha Christie’s Marple 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:55 Agatha Christie’s Marple 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Endeavour 23:00 Scott & Bailey

new this week

Line of Duty

BBC1 London 10:00pm Sun 31 Mar

NEW SERIES: An attack is made on a police transport carrying seized drugs, leaving three officers dead. Suspicion immediately falls on the head of a criminal syndicate, who is suspected of having police officers on his payroll providing him with information. AC-12 are assigned to investigate and root out the corrupt cops - but realise they are up against their most destructive adversary yet. The return of Jed Mercurio’s police thriller, starring Adrian Dunbar, Vicky McClure, Martin Compston and Stephen Graham

06:50 Countdown 07:30 Murder, Mystery and 07:00 Good Morning 07:00 Breakfast Britain 07:25 Cheers 10:15 Murder, Mystery and My Family 08:15 Money for Nothing 09:30 Lorraine 07:55 Cheers My Family 08:20 Cheers 09:00 Gardeners’ World 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle 11:00 Homes Under the 08:45 Frasier 09:30 Great American Show Hammer 11:30 This Morning 09:10 Frasier 12:00 The Sheriffs Are Railroad Journeys Coming 10:00 BBC News at Nine 13:30 Loose Women 09:40 Frasier 12:45 Dom on the Spot 11:00 Victoria Derbyshire 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 10:10 Everybody Loves 13:15 Bargain Hunt 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live 14:55 ITV News London Raymond 10:40 Everybody Loves 15:00 Judge Rinder 14:00 BBC News at One 13:15 Politics Live Raymond 14:30 BBC London News 14:00 The Super League 16:00 Tenable Show 17:00 Tipping Point 11:10 Ramsay’s Kitchen 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Curiosity 14:45 Tropic of Cancer 18:00 The Chase: CelebrityNightmares USA Special 12:05 Undercover Boss 16:00 Escape to the with Simon Reeve 15:45 This Wild Life 19:00 ITV News London USA Country 20:00 Emmerdale 13:00 Channel 4 News 16:45 Money for Nothing 16:15 The Hairy Builder 17:30 The Repair Shop 16:45 Wonders of the 21:00 The Martin Lewis 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 18:15 Pointless Monsoon Money Show Live 22:00 Inside Britain’s 15:10 Countdown 19:00 BBC News at Six 17:45 Eggheads 16:00 A Place in the Sun: 19:30 BBC London News 18:15 Flog It! Storms 19:00 Richard Osman’s 23:30 ITV News London Winter Sun 20:00 The One Show

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Tenable 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase: Celebrity Special 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 21:00 The Martin Lewis Money Show Live 22:00 Inside Britain’s Storms 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News London 23:45 The Jonathan Ross Show

07:00 The Planet’s Funniest Animals 07:20 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:45 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 08:10 You’ve Been Framed! 08:35 You’ve Been Framed! 09:00 Emmerdale 09:25 Coronation Street 10:25 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 11:20 Superstore 11:50 Superstore 12:15 You’ve Been Framed! 12:45 You’ve Been Framed! 13:15 Emmerdale

07:00 Coronation Street 07:30 Coronation Street 07:55 Heartbeat 09:00 Murder, She Wrote 10:05 Judge Judy 10:35 Judge Judy 11:00 Judge Judy 11:30 Agatha Christie’s Marple 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:55 Agatha Christie’s Marple 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Midsomer Murders 23:00 DCI Banks


STAR PUZZLE FRIday 29TH maRcH 2019 Medium Rose_0006_M2



Star 0009-Grid_M1

Star Puzzle

ta Roset ROSETTA



2 3 4 A Rosetta is made up of a 7 6 centre coloured hexagon Example encircled by 6 white hexagons. To complete the puzzle, fill in all 7 Rosettas with each number between 1 and 7 in no particular order while also ensuring that :



Daily Codeword

CODEWORDS 24 January 19

To complete the puzzle fill in each of the empty hexagon cells with numbers between 1 & 7 following the 3 rules below; 1. No numbers in a horizontal line can be repeated. 2. No numbers in a diagonal line can be repeated. 3. No numbers in the 7 gray hexagons can be repeated.

1. No number is repeated in a horizontal row 2. Each number from 1 to 7 are represented in the 7 grey coloured hexagon cells.




5 6







1 1

© Engaged Learning



© 2011 Engaged Learning


* Note that each white hexagon belongs to a line of 7 that must contain each of the numbers between 1 and 7.



Copyright © 2018 Best for Puzzles


Puzzle Solutions DROP QUOTE

For a complete explanation on how this puzzle was solved visit www.hexaliagames.com “Be to their virtue very kind; be to their faults a little blind. “




Star 0009-Solution


Facebook: @TheWeekenderSpain


FRIday 29TH maRcH 2019


CRYPTIC CROSSWORD Across 1. Don’t fail to find a way through the mountains (4) 3. A bad role turning out to be delightful (8) 9. Poles in trouble with letter from Greece (7) 10. Stick duck in boat (5) 11. Partially decorates a long room (5) 12. Middleman insolvent by end of year (6) 14. French resort saint found most pleasing (6) 16. Tool for carver or cheat (6) 19. Actors playing for Cuban leader (6) 21. Row about head of ginger cat (5) 24. A little radio signal saying farewell (5) 25. Islanders can rest in resort (7)



1. Nice entreaties by social worker (8) 2. Material for sails? (5) 4. River making a U-bend (6) 5. Right-hand page in a directory (5) 6. Flags for prohibitionists? (7) 7. You’re heard in vessel (4) 8. Aircraft seen in quiet country roads? (6) 13. Sore calf cured out of doors (8) 15. Poison found in any iced confection (7) 17. Place of rapid growth - with an electric blanket? (6) 18. Might death start to appear unnatural? (6) 20. Opera produced by a Scot (5) 22. Amazing girl? (5) 23. Herb for a wise man (4) Drop

Drop Quotes Drop Quotes are similar to cryptograms, in that the goal is for the solver to uncover a hidden quote. A blackand-white crossword-style grid is set up for each quote, with a number of letters “hovering” above each column. Your task is to “drop” each of those letters into the appropriate square in each column, until the entire quote is revealed. All punctuation (commas, periods, dashes, etc.) has been removed. Good luck!

21st Mar – 20th Apr The High Priestess New beginnings are in the air, you will find some doors closing and others opening up new opportunities for you. Think carefully before committing time to others now is the time to look after yourself first and regain some of that inner confidence you may have lost lately Lucky Number 03


21st Apr – 21st May Page of Swords


Source: Matthew Prior

Puzzle #E328GA
















































You may find it a challenge to keep your temper under control this week as there are those around you who will test your patience. However an older gentleman will step in to help find a solution to these annoyances. Saturday will be your best day to organise some fun Lucky Number 23


22nd May – 21th June Six of Swords This is a great time to move ahead with any projects you wish to start or finish, even though you may feel as though you haven’t any time, you will be busy but things will slow down later on in the week and there will be time for you to spend on any personal projects. Lucky Number 34

QUICK CROSSWORD Across 7. Suitable (11) 8. Removal of abuses (6) 9. Indian tent (6) 10. Sea between Greece and Turkey (6) 12. Spanish rice dish (6) 13. Fuss (3) 14. Science of plant life (6) 16. Kidnapper’s demand (6) 18. Sauntered (6) 20. Exaggerate (6) 22. Futility (11)

Down 1. Female horse (4) 2. Resist (6) Copyright © Puzzle Baron March 28, 2019 - Go to www.Printable-Puzzles.com for Hints and Solutions! 3. Scottish New Year celebration (8) 4. Black bird (4) 5. Hang loosely (6) 6. Harem (8) 11. Huge (8) 12. Marine mammal (8) 15. Slumbering (6) 17. Required (6) 19. Profound (4) 21. Twilight (4)


22nd June – 22nd July Three of Coins There will be some hidden expenses this week so it will be best if you sort out finances before deciding whatever else is to be done this week. An announcement from family will greatly please you and put you in party mood. Keep your money affairs simple and save Lucky Number 05


23rd July – 22nd Aug The Moon There may be confusion around you caused by other people, let them sort things out themselves and find their own solutions and give yourself a break, sometimes it is kinder to let others become responsible and sort themselves out. You cannot help everyone Lucky Number 13


23rd Aug– 22nd Sept The World This is a time for completion in any tasks you have set yourself, and with completion will come a new freedom and a feeling of lightness from within. Everything will feel easier than it has lately, you will be able to enjoy all those small things you haven’t had time for lately Lucky Number 15


23rd Sept – 22nd Oct The Lovers You need to make time for those personal relationships around you this week, there may be someone close who needs your support just now. A new friendship will prove to be a strong one, but think before you tell secrets as there’s gossip showing around you just now Lucky Number 07


23rd Oct – 21st Nov Queen of Coins It seems your confidence is taking an upturn this week others are there and will praise your efforts. Animals seem to be taking the spotlight you may even find a new pet arriving around you. Write down those new ideas going around your head then progress will come Lucky Number 19


22nd Nov – 20th Dec Two of Wands Travel is well starred this week if you are not doing any then get some plans in place this is a great time to do this. A friend from overseas will be talking about a visit and they will bring laughter and fun with them. Take time out to relax and enjoy some you time now Lucky Number 42


21st Dec – 19th Jan The Chariot There will be two pathways opening up for you this week, choose wisely and life will become much easier. doesn’t matter too much which path you take as long as you move forward and get your motivation back in gear, the week will end on a high note for you Lucky Number 06


20th Jan – 19th Feb Five of Cups You may find obstacles and delays at the beginning of the week however the second half will flow nicely and you will find yourself in a really good situation. You will also be helping others and that wonderful feeling of a job well done will stay with you for quite a long while Lucky number 12


20th Feb – 20th Mar Knight of Wands This is a great time to show the confident flamboyant side of your nature others are watching for your lead, be positive and see others respond to that. Is it time to treat yourself to some new clothes? choose bright colours and go for something different Lucky Number 10



FRIday 29TH maRcH 2019


06:50 Countdown 07:25 Cheers 08:45 Frasier 10:10 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:40 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:10 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:05 Undercover Boss USA 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 17:00 A New Life in the Sun 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Extreme Cake Makers 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 The Supervet: Noel Fitzpatrick 22:00 Married at First Sight 23:00 Mums Make Porn

10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:15 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Deadly Deed: A Fixer Upper Mystery 17:00 Friends 17:30 Friends 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 World’s Greatest Mountains 21:00 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 22:00 Critical Condition 23:00 The Royal Family at War

07:00 The Planet’s Funniest Animals 07:20 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 08:10 You’ve Been Framed! 08:35 Emmerdale 09:25 Coronation Street 10:25 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 11:20 Superstore 12:15 You’ve Been Framed! 12:45 Emmerdale 13:45 Coronation Street 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 15:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:30 You’ve Been Framed!

07:00 Coronation Street 07:30 Coronation Street 07:55 Heartbeat 09:00 Murder, She Wrote 10:05 Judge Judy 10:35 Judge Judy 11:00 Judge Judy 11:30 Agatha Christie’s Marple 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:55 Agatha Christie’s Marple 18:55 Heartbeat 19:55 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 23:00 Vera

07:30 Murder, Mystery and 07:00 Good Morning 06:50 Countdown My Family Britain 07:25 Cheers 08:15 Money for Nothing 09:30 Lorraine 07:55 Cheers 09:00 The Great British 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle 08:20 Cheers Sewing Bee Show 08:45 Frasier 11:00 Victoria Derbyshire 11:30 This Morning 09:10 Frasier 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live13:30 Loose Women 09:40 Frasier 13:15 Politics Live 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 10:10 Everybody Loves 14:00 The Boss 14:55 ITV News London Raymond 14:45 Tropic of Cancer 15:00 Live: ITV Racing 10:40 Everybody Loves with Simon Reeve 18:00 The Chase: CelebrityRaymond 15:45 This Wild Life Special 11:10 Ramsay’s Kitchen 16:15 The Hairy Builder 19:30 ITV Evening News Nightmares USA 16:45 Wonders of the 20:00 Emmerdale 12:05 Undercover Boss Monsoon 20:30 Tonight USA 17:45 Eggheads 21:00 Emmerdale 13:00 Channel 4 News 18:15 Flog It! 21:30 Australia with Julia 13:05 Come Dine with Me 19:00 Richard Osman’s Bradbury 14:05 Find It, Fix It, Flog It House of Games 22:00 Code Blue: Murder 15:10 Countdown 19:30 Britain in Bloom 23:00 ITV News at Ten 16:00 A Place in the Sun: 20:00 MOTD: The Premier 23:30 ITV News London Summer Sun League Show 23:45 Inside Britain’s 17:00 A New Life in the 20:30 Mortimer and Storms Sun Whitehouse: Gone Fishing 18:00 Four in a Bed

10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:15 Traffic Cops 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Running for Her Life 17:00 Friends 17:30 Friends 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 World’s Greatest Mountains 21:00 Manhunt: Catch Me if You Can 22:00 Secrets of the McVitie’s Factory 23:00 Who Needs a Man When You’ve Got a Spray Tan?: Single Mum & Proud

07:00 The Planet’s Funniest Animals 07:20 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 08:10 You’ve Been Framed! 09:00 Emmerdale 09:25 Coronation Street 10:25 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 11:20 Superstore 12:15 You’ve Been Framed! 12:45 You’ve Been Framed! 13:15 Emmerdale 13:45 Coronation Street 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 15:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 You’ve Been Framed!

07:00 Coronation Street 07:30 Coronation Street 07:55 Heartbeat 09:00 Murder, She Wrote 10:05 Judge Judy 10:35 Judge Judy 11:00 Judge Judy 11:30 Agatha Christie’s Marple 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:55 Agatha Christie’s Marple 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Vera 23:00 Law & Order: UK

07:00 Breakfast 07:30 Murder, Mystery and 07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:15 Murder, Mystery and My Family My Family 08:15 Money for Nothing 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:00 Homes Under the 09:00 See Hear Hammer 09:30 Mary Berry’s Quick 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 12:00 The Sheriffs Are Cooking Coming 10:00 BBC News at Nine 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 12:45 Dom on the Spot 11:00 Victoria Derbyshire 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Judge Rinder 13:15 Bargain Hunt 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live 16:00 Tenable 14:00 BBC News at One 12:15 Politics Live 17:00 Tipping Point 14:30 BBC London News 14:00 The Boss 18:00 The Chase: Celebrity 14:45 Doctors 14:45 Tropic of Cancer Special 15:15 Curiosity with Simon Reeve 19:00 ITV News London 16:00 Escape to the 15:45 This Wild Life 19:30 ITV Evening News Country 16:15 The Hairy Builder 20:00 Emmerdale 16:45 Money for Nothing 16:45 Wonders of the 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Britain’s Brightest 17:30 The Repair Shop Monsoon Family 18:15 Pointless 17:45 Eggheads 21:30 Coronation Street 19:00 BBC News at Six 18:15 Flog It! 22:00 The Bay 19:30 BBC London News 19:00 Richard Osman’s 23:00 ITV News at Ten 20:00 The One Show House of Games 23:30 ITV News London 21:00 The Sheriffs Are 19:30 Britain in Bloom 23:45 Peston Coming 20:00 Race Across the 22:00 DIY SOS: The Big World

THURSDAY 4th April

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Murder, Mystery and My Family 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 The Sheriffs Are Coming 12:45 Dom on the Spot 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Curiosity 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Money for Nothing 17:30 The Repair Shop 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Celebrity Painting Challenge



Premiere. When rivalry leaves them cast adrift on the streets of New York, two bickering hounds must put their differences aside and pull together. Animated adventure from the makers of Despicable Me, featuring the voices of Louis CK, Eric Stonestreet and Kevin Hart


Wrath of the Titans (2012)

The Secret Life of Pets (2016) Sat 30 March 6:00pm - ITV



Sat 30 March - 9:00pm The Greek god Zeus is betrayed by his fellow immortals, who intend to release the monstrous race of titans they banished to the underworld. His Demi-God son Perseus must rescue his father and protect the human race from the terrifying creatures that have been unleashed on the world. Fantasy adventure sequel, starring Sam Worthington, Liam Neeson and Ralph Fiennes



FRIday 29TH maRcH 2019

Pets & Wildlife


3 years old and has a sweet temperament. She has been spayed and is in good health. She will need a home with a secure garden as she was a wanderer before being caught.

DOt is a sweet girl and very affectionate. She is 18 months old, spayed & good with other cats & dogs. She needs her own family.

The real science behind your pet’s food

(BPT) - Pet owners will do just about anything they can to keep their furry friends happy and healthy, which is why the vast majority of pet owners say they’re concerned about the ingredients in their pet’s food. Based on a quality and safety Purina survey conducted in 2017, 84 percent of pet owners are concerned about the ingredients in their pet’s food, and more than four out of five pet owners are likely to read the list of ingredients in pet food before buying it. Yet many dog and cat owners are often confused about what constitutes safe and healthy food, have misperceptions about ingredients, and aren’t clear about what types of nutrients their pets need. A lot of thought has been put into the ingredients in the pet food you see on shelves and online, including many backed by full teams of scientists who work every day to create nutritional breakthroughs that will help pets of all ages live their best life. Pet food science A lot of research goes into developing food - both for pets and humans - and much of this innovation was born out of necessity. Since pets clearly have different nutritional needs than their

NO ADOPTIOIN FEE BUT A DONATION IS MUCH APPRECIATED. Also, many other dogs, puppies, cats & kittens needing homes. Food and donations also urgently needed and can be left at ARC’s charity shop on CarrerValencia 1, Jalon between 10 am & 1.00 pm Monday to Saturday. Contact Tel No Sally:- 625 985 689 or Jayne:- 649 310 285.Email jalonvalleyarc14@yahoo.co.uk. Facebook – Jalon Valley A.R.C. Based in Jalon. Charity Reg No CV-01-054107-A. CIF No G5482759

NIGEL.- is a very handsome boy with pale blue eyes, is very loving, good with other cats and is ok with dogs. He is 22 months old&has been neutered. He likes to be indoors and outside.


Is possibly a German Shepherd cross. She has been spayed and chipped, is about 8 years old and needs her own home.

owners, pet food scientists h a v e developed complete a n d balanced m e a l s that give pets all the nutrition they need in one product. Pet food companies like Purina employ hundreds of scientists to research different ingredients, combinations of ingredients and the nutritional needs of pets of different breed, size, age and lifestyle. Ultimately, they look beyond the latest ingredient fad and develop pet food based on a smart blend of nutrients that supports pets’ overall health. Targeted nutrition When developing pet food formulas, scientists keep in mind that some pets have unique dietary needs. They also account for pets who have ongoing concerns and formulate pet food based on age (whether a pet is in the early or later stages in life). Simply put, puppies and kittens have much different dietary needs than older dogs and cats. In response, pet food companies have put increasing resources into developing life stage-specific pet food formulas. For example, Purina’s Pro Plan Bright Mind Adult 7+ product contains enhanced botanical oils, and is a source of MediumChain Triglycerides (MCTs), which promote alertness and mental sharpness in older pets. These enhanced botanical oils can be used as an additional energy source for the brain in dogs age 7+. What’s sometimes lost on pet owners is the ingredient benefits, and how varied a pet’s nutritional requirements are based on age, activity level and overall health.

Knowledge gap The knowledge gap related to food science isn’t limited to pet food. Misinformation and lack of clarity about food science techniques have prompted people to change how they eat. In the pet world, this has led some owners to develop their own DIY food plans. But despite their best intentions, they may actually be depriving their pets of critical nutrients they need to stay healthy. This is where knowing your pet’s nutritional needs comes into play. Nutrition for your pet When it comes to feeding your pet, it’s important to understand that highquality nutrition starts with nutrients, not just ingredients. Although the level of research may be similar among brands, the actual formulas can be quite different. To keep your pet feeling their best, try to match their food with their lifestyle and activity level. For example, if your dog is your daily running buddy, make sure they are getting enough protein and fat in their diet - try feeding them a formula like Purina Pro Plan Sport. When in doubt, consult your veterinarian to better understand the specific needs of your pet. They can tell you when to feed, how much to feed, and which formula is best suited to keep your pet as healthy as possible

Pets in Spain

Lana is a 10 month old

fox terrier, she is a happy, healthy pup with lots of energy. Lana is vaccinated and now ready for a new home. Call: 645 469 253.

Call: 645 469 253 www.petsinspain.com info@petsinspain.com



FRIday 29TH maRcH 2019


Business - Services Sports & Local & Classified Listings

Sports News

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Building Services

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Blanca - Interior & Exterior undertaken. Benidorm-Denia. We aim to beat any genuine quote. Free no obligation quote call us 602 452 469. Fine and beautiful paintings for sale from flemish painter : Artist : Vic DOOMS, died in 1993 and lived in the region GHENT (Sint-Martens-Latem); Belgium Nature of the paintings : landscapes, interiors, harbourviews, fishes, “natures mortes” and so on... For further details please contact Robert Glorieux, Avenida del Salvador, 11, portal 4, ROJALES (ALICANTE); mobile number : 0032474/94.97.98.

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Facebook: @TheWeekenderSpain


FRIday 29TH maRcH 2019

Sports & Local News Quesada Bowls Club Report The Joy of Six: Monte Batter Betis.

This week the winter season drew to a close for the Southern League, but the Winter League continues for another few weeks and the South Alicante Winter League have one more match to play on Monday 27th March. Here are the highlights of this weeks performances. In the Southern League Division A, the Swallows had a fantastic 10-2 win against La Siesta Blues winning on 4 rinks and just snatching the shots 94-91. After the game the Club Quesada provided them with a superb 4 course meal with coffee and wine, followed by cava and cake from Keith Lowry on the occasion of Carol´s birthday. Well done Swallows! In Division B, after a very close match away to La Siesta Golds, the Swifts came away with a 6 point draw, also narrowly winning the shots 83-79. They celebrated the end of the season with a team meal at Alingue in San Luis. Final results aren’t in yet, but hopefully this means the Swifts finish the season in 3rd place in league. Fantastic performance, congratulations Swifts! Quesada Swifts Squad at La Siesta - Last game of the season Quesadas Winter league squad continue to perform well, this week with a 10-2 win away against El CID. The shots were 78-55 which

by Dee Stephenson

puts them in 4th position in the league at the moment.  In the South Alicante Winter League Enterprise Division, the Pearls had an 8-4 win against Vistabella Drivers. The shots were 83-71. This means they go into the last week of the season in 3rd position in the league. Meanwhile there was good bowling on both sides when the Diamonds played Vistabella Albatrosses. Winning two rinks each and drawing one rink, the Diamonds just managed to claim the shots 85-83 and the points 7-5. It was a different story for the Rubies however who suffered a resounding defeat against Vistabella Eagles, who won the match 12-0 with 106 to 65 shots. At Quesada Bowls Club we welcome both new and experienced bowlers. We’re a friendly club with a mixture of competition, league and casual players. In addition to league matches and Club competitions we have our popular Saturday morning chicken drive which is open to visitors and we have free coaching for new members. So come along and see what we have to offer! Contact our membership secretary Angie Goddard newleaf2014@hotmail.co.uk

TEAM:- Carlos, Dimitry, Fernando, Manuel, Morante, Alex, Carlos Lorente, David, Jesus, German, Diego. SUB’s:- Sergio, Macia, Maccan, Dario, Manuel. Well, what a game!! Full of action, a decent referee (for a pleasant change) and a six goal smorgasbord for the dedicated band of Monte fans making the short trip across the valley. Straight from the kickoff, Monte, minus Vaz up front due to suspension, were the livelier side and were rewarded by an early strike by Diego. Despite this early setback Betis seemed content to run with the ball in the midfield, but Monte’s defence was reassuringly robust. Chances fell to both sides, Carlos Lorente being particularly unlucky not to open his account, but the half ended as it began, with an attacking Monte side being deservedly in front. Half Time: CD Montesinos 1 – 0 AD Betis. The second half started

with Betis fighting hard to gain a foothold in the game, one which they needed a result from as much as Monte. Then the goals started to flow with, it has to be noted, some ease, starting with the irrepressible and eventual ‘Man Of The Match’ Carlos Morante who bagged a couple and, on another day, possibly could (should?) have had more. Also on the score sheet in the second session were tenacious midfield dynamo German (a revelation and some way back to his best this season) with a brace along with stalwart defender Morante.

It has long been mooted amongst the faithful that this Monte side were due a good result against somebody, their performances, for a least part of some games, not always being matched by results and on their day (and without having to play the ref as well!) they are a match for most teams in this division. This result goes some way to giving credence to that view as well as giving real hope that they could avoid the dreaded drop. Final Score: CD Montesinos 6 – 0 AD Betis. Match report by Steve Robinson Photo’s by Terry Harris

HERCULEAN CHASE Las Ramblas Golf Society We kick started our week with the best two scores from four on each hole to count but with all on the par 3’s. Taking first place, with 98 points, were Geoff Biggerstaff, Peter Wickham, Terry Field and the fictional Albert. (I wish Albert had been in my team!) Now I’ve taken my fair share of barracking over the years playing golf, but having a baby squirrel sitting on my foot whilst trying to putt out on the 8th takes some beating! Bit of a David Attenborough moment. Onto to Wednesday’s first ‘major’ of the year the ‘Caja Murcia’ Stableford competition. Not only being the sole person to score a ‘2’ today, Nora Betts took the trophy with a terrific 39 points. She was chased by Allen McClusky on

Hercules B are just six points behind Preferente Group Four leaders CFI Intercity on the back of their two-nil win at struggling CD Torrevieja(match action pictured), whilst CFI lost their second successive match one-nil, this time away to play-off hopefuls CD Almoradi, who are now fifth in the table.

35 and Geoff Biggerstaff, who with 34 points, took the 3rd slot. A special mention here to Heinz Lei who managed 22 points on the front 9 holes but just 3 on the back! There were four nearest the pins today; they went to Peter Shervell, Ken Robertson, Ellen Drakesmith and Tom

Hardie. Bryan Neal didn’t quite get the nearest the pin objective as he put his tee shot on the par 3 tenth to within a yard of the blue tees! Finally onto Friday and we played ‘change partners’. Scoring 80 points and taking 1st place, our winners were Bryan Neal, Allen Mc-

Clusky, Mike Chapman and Annemarie Weisheit. Por ultimo, a few of our players should bear in mind the quote from Henry Cotton; ‘missing a short putt does not mean you have to hit your next drive out of bounds’. Pues, hasta la semana que viene

by Alex Trelinski

Villajoyosa CF are third, having whacked Orihuela B four-nil, and they go to Benferri on Sunday, whilst Hercules welcome CD Thader, with the Rojales side looking for a third-straight win after beating Aspe three-one. CFI Intercity welcome UD Horadada, who beat

Benferri one-nil, whilst Almoradi will not look to slip up at relegation candidates Aspe. Also towards the bottom, CD Torrevieja go to play-off candidates Elda Industrial, with Benidorm CD just above the drop zone, despite losing four-nil at Redovan, and they now welcome UD Ilicitana this Sunday.

La MarinaGolf Society A chilly but bright day greeted us on our first visit of the year to Altorreal . A slightly depleted attendance,probably due to the travelling distance to Murcia , meant a faster than usual round was experienced and the Society’s decision to play ‘Ready’golf has contributed greatly to this. A consecutive winner in the Silver group was John

Milton with 36 points and another NTP. Winner of the Gold group was Lynn Leigh with a creditable 32 points Other NTP’S went to John Thompson, Sarah McCabe and Alan Craig. Alas, speedy departure of a couple of winners meant I was unable to get a photo this week.

Our next meeting is at Alenda on 4th April , first tee 10.00 at a cost of 50 Euros. List is on the board at the Sports Centre as usual or contact Alan Craig on a100ac@ yahoo.co.uk. Our next social function is a Quiz Night on 9th April. Contact Iain Lyall on Iainlyall54@gmail.com for full details.


FRIday 29TH maRcH 2019


Sports & Local Sports News

BAHRAIN BECKONS The F1 season moves to Bahrain this weekend for the second race of 2019, and for all the talk of a face-off between Sebastian Vettel and Lewis Hamilton, it was Valterri Bottas who stole the show earlier this month to win in Melbourne. But the Finn, who picked up his first race win since the last race of the 2017 season, may have poked the bear as Mercedes team-mate Hamilton prepares to strike back in his bid for a sixth world championship title. This weekend the Sakhir Circuit hosts the Bahrain

Ten goals in two matches against the Czech Republic and Montenegro have set England off to a flying start in their Euro 2020 qualifying group, with the only minor negative being an early conceded goal in Montenegro on Monday night, as well as the racist chanting of some of the home supporters in Podgorica. England were presented with a test of their confidence and resilience when Montenegro, backed by noisy and passionate support, snatched that early advantage. While Friday’s win at Wembley had been a romp, England did

by Alex Trelinski

Grand Prix in the middle of the desert, and it marks an opportunity for Ferrari to get back to winning ways after a weekend to forget. The Scuderia struggled for pace as Sebastian Vettel was passed by the flying Dutchman Max Verstappen, who brought home a first podium for a Honda-powered car since 2008. But the German will be hoping to secure his fifth win in Bahrain - and Ferrari’s third in a row - to close the gap on Mercedes at the top.

by Alex Trelinski

well in passing a test of their character and ability to respond to such a setback, as well as the off-field abuse. Ross Barkley especially shone on Monday night, whilst Raheem Sterling bagged four goals in the last two matches. Incidentally, it was the first time that England had scored five goals in consecutive games since 1984. The next qualifying match is at home to Bulgaria in July, but before that, there´s a date in Portugal against the Netherlands on June 6th in the Nations League semi-final.

FIVE-STAR ENGLAND CONOR CALLS IT QUITS Ireland’s former two-weight UFC champion Conor McGregor says he has “retired from the sport formally known as ‘Mixed Martial Art’”. The 30-year-old announced his decision on social media on Tuesday. “I wish all my old colleagues well going forward,” he added. McGregor’s last fight ended in defeat, when he was beaten by Khabib Nurmagomedov in October 2018 the Russian winning the lightweight contest by a fourth-round submission. It was his first fight in the octagon in two years and the defeat was marred by a post-fight brawl which led to both fighters being fined and suspended. Since making his mixed martial arts debut in 2007, former trainee plumber McGregor established himself as one of the sport’s leading fighters.

FRIday 29TH maRcH 2019




International Football


EURO 2020 Qualifiers Premier League

Lawrence Okolie vs Wadi Camacho Sky Sports Action - 20:00 Charlie Edwards vs Angel Moreno Sky Sports Action Joshua Buatsi vs Liam Conroy Sky Sports Action Sam Bowen vs Jordan McCorry BT Sport 1 - 20:45

Saturday 23rd March Georgia v Switzerland Sky Sports Football - 15:00 Gibraltar v Rep of Ireland Sky Sports Football - 18:00 Italy v Finland Sky Sports Football - 20:45

Saturday 23rd March


Wednesday 27th March

Gerwyn Price vs Michael Smith Sky Sports Action -20:00 James Wade vs Dimitri van den Bergh Sky Sports Action - 20:45 Rob Cross vs Mensur Suljovic Sky Sports Action -21:30 Peter Wright vs Michael van Gerwen Sky Sports Action - 22:15 Raymond van Barneveld vs Daryl Gurney Sky Sports Action - 23:00

Thursday 28th March

Daryl Gurney vs Mensur Suljovic Sky Sports Action -20:00 Peter Wright vs Gerwyn Price Sky Sports Action - 20:45 Rob Cross vs Jeffrey de Zwaan Sky Sports Action -21:30 Raymond van Barneveld vs MVG Sky Sports Action - 22:15 James Wade vs Michael Smith Sky Sports Action - 23:00

Friday 22nd March Bulgaria v Montenegro Sky Sports Football - 18:00 Moldova v France Sky Sports Football - 19:45 ENGLAND V CZECH REP. ITV1 - 20:45

England´s Paul Casey became the first man to retain the Valspar Championship after an enthralling final day last Sunday in Florida. Casey, 41, led by one overnight going into the final round, but dropped three shots on the opening nine as a pack of players applied pressure. The Englishman was level with Jason Kokrak at eight

by Alex Trelinski

under on the 18th but the American made bogey, meaning Casey needed a par four at the last to win. He found a bunker off the tee but hit the green from there and two-putted for a first win since last year’s victory. “It feels cool,” said Casey, who made bogey on 17 to fall back to eight under alongside

Kokrak. “It was messy but this course was so difficult and I did make errors. Looking at 72 holes, it was hard work.” Casey’s win means European golfers have won the past three PGA Tour events, following Rory McIlroy’s victory at the Players Championship and Francesco Molinari’s success at the Arnold Palmer Invitational.

Sunday 24th March Wales v Slovakia Sky Sports Football - 15:00 San Marino v Scotland Sky Sports Football - 18:00 Northern Ireland v Belarus Sky Sports Football - 19:45

Golf Friday 22nd March

Maybank Championship 2019 Sky Sports Golf 04:30 Valspar Championship 2019 Sky Sports Golf 14:00

Saturday 16th March

Golf - Maybank Championship 2019 Sky Sports Golf 03:30 Valspar Championship 2019 Sky Sports Golf 14:00 Bank Of Hope Founders 2019 Sky Sports Golf 00:00

Sunday 17th March

Golf - Maybank Championship 2019 Sky Sports Golf 03:30 Valspar Championship 2019 Sky Sports Golf 14:00 Bank Of Hope Founders 2019 Sky Sports Golf 00:00



Ronnie O’Sullivan returned to the top of the world rankings for the first time in nine years after sealing victory in the Tour Championship final in Llandudno last weekend. O’Sullivan eclipsed Neil Robertson 13-11 to end Mark Selby’s six-year reign at the top, also becoming the oldest world champion in 36 years at the age of 43. Earlier this month, O’Sullivan became the first

by Alex Trelinski

player to compile a thousand career century breaks en route to winning the Players Championship, as he hits top form ahead of next month´s World Championships in Sheffield. Ronnie said: “I’ve never been driven by being number one in the world but to get there after only playing half the tournaments is probably one of my best achievements.”


No Premier League club has amassed more points than Manchester United since Ole Gunnar Solskjaer took charge Manchester United yesterday appointed Ole Gunnar Solskjaer as permanent manager on a three-year contract. The Norwegian, 45, arrived at Old Trafford on an interim basis in December to replace Jose Mourinho. “This is the job that I always dreamed of doing and I’m beyond excited to have the chance to lead the club long term,” Solskjaer said. “From the first day I ar-

by Alex Trelinski

rived, I felt at home at this special club. It was an honour to be a Manchester United player, and then to start my coaching career here. “The last few months have been a fantastic experience.” When Solskjaer took charge, United were sixth in the Premier League and 11 points off the top four. But they have lost only

once in 13 league games since - at Arsenal this month - and are now two points behind the London club, who occupy the final Champions League qualifying spot. United reached the quarter-finals of the Champions League for the first time since 2014, after they overturned a 2-0 first-leg deficit thanks to a stoppage-time penalty at Paris St-Germain this month.


FRIday 29TH maRcH 2019


BACK TO BUSINESS AFTER CUP competitions and Euro 2020 international qualifiers, it´s a return to the bread and butter stuff this weekend of the Premier League title chase. The two horse battle at the top between Liverpool and Manchester City sees Klopp´s Reds two points clear of the champions, but the Blues do have a game in hand. The fixtures tomorrow give City a perfect opportunity to

by Alex Trelinski

pile on the pressure as they have the luxury of going first with a lunchtime kick-off at Craven Cottage at secondbottom Fulham, who are doomed to Championship football next season. Liverpool will have to wait until late Sunday afternoon, as they welcome third-placed Tottenham to Anfield, The battle for Champions

League slots takes in Arsenal, fourth in the table, hosting Newcastle on Monday night, whilst fifth-placed Manchester United have a Saturday afternoon clash with Watford. With Huddersfield and Fulham relegation-bound, six teams, as the table stands, are realistically involved in trying to avoid joining them, with third-bottom Cardiff City at home to Chelsea on Sunday afternoon.


The 2019 MotoGP championship moves to South America this weekend for round two at Argentina’s Termas de Rio Hondo in what tends to be an eventful circuit for Spain´s world champion, Marc Marquez. The Spaniard is the only rider to win twice in Argentina, and after being satisfied with the opener in

by Alex Trelinski

Qatar, he seems to be the man to beat this Sunday. After the first race in Qatar, Italy´s Andrea Dovizioso leads the field ahead of Marquez with Britain´s Cal Crutchlow third. From 2014 to 2017, Marquez started from pole in Argentina, and in both 2014 and 2016 the reigning

Champion took the win. But in 2015. the Spaniard clashed with Valentino Rossi and also crashed in 2017, both he and then team-mate Dani Pedrosa both slid out of contention – Marquez from the lead. Then last year, Marquez failed to score after gaining three penalties, and being involved with another collision with Rossi into the bargain!


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