Local Weekender Issue 044 Marina Baixa

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Marina Baixa 11th May Issue 44


A group of British parachutists, arrested by Benidorm local police while heading for an illegal jump off one of the resort’s tallest buildings, are now faced with hefty euro penalties into the hundreds of thousands. The four arrested flyers, staying on holiday in Benidorm, were apprehended, armed with parachutes in the early hours of last saturday morning. Continued Page 2...

FRIDAY 11TH MAY 2018 by Andy Mansall

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Police apprehend Brit base jumpers by Andy Mansall

From Front Page... Police believed the parachutists were planning to ascend and jump from the roof of the Torre Levante apartment building, situated directly on levante beach frontline, in the vicinity of the Hotel Don Pancho. Thrill seekers are drawn to base jumping through it’s dangerous nature, as many of the jumps are conducted without prior permission or authority and filmed by the parachutists for later broadcast on internet sites, such as youtube. In this case, the four protagonists, were arrested, as the police officers had reason to believe that they may have made several prior jumps without capture. The four Brits, whose parachutes were confiscated by the arresting officers, now face fines of up to 300,000 euros for the illegal activity.

Bulgarian car theft gang busted Seven Eastern Europeans running an operation specialising in the theft of luxury vehicles using sophisticated technology, have been arrested in Benidorm. National Police working in the city, tracked the men’s movements, to discover the cars were shipped to Linea de la Concepcion, in the southern province of Cadiz, where they were used by gangs bringing drugs into the country from North Africa. The men, all of Bulgarian origin, developed a hierarchical system where each person had a particular role in the organisation and thefts of the high end vehicles. Some members of the group were brought into the country specifically

because they had an encyclopedic knowledge of the security system and technology of particular high end models. The detailed thefts often entailed weeks, of stakeouts to determine the regular routines and travel habits of the car owners. Each member of the gang was trained in sophisticated techniques to avoid detection, but eventually they came to the attention of National Police investigating the theft of cars destined to be shipped out of the country. The officers swooped on two houses in the

Benidorm area and a hotel, where the leader of the gang stayed permanently as a means of laundering

Most of the stolen vehicles were off road SUV’s, which were taken to safe houses, by Simon Russell before receiving new identification papers and funds and avoiding plates and later shipped detection and successfully under escort to be sold on arrested all the gang to the drug smugglers for their illegal activities. members identified.


FRIDAY 11TH MAY 2018 News | Whats on | Lifestyle | Community | Property



Two arrested for Volunteers in Albir Altea Equestrian clean up centre robbery and dog poisoning by Andy Mansall

by Andy Mansall

by Andy Mansall

he had paid for the saddle immediately, rather than waiting for the victim to recover the full amount lost in the raid. The waiting officers, already suspicious of the twenty year old Spaniard, swooped quickly to arrest him and his 38 year old accomplice, who they were able to link them with similar robberies at equestrian centres in Sant Vicente del Raspeig and Mutxamel. They arrested the two men, who appeared in court on charges of robbery with force and animal cruelty. They were released on bail, pending trial, however, officers were able to recover all of the stolen items.

The Weekender (Registered Trademark Pending) Editor-In-Cheif Marco Baiardo - Y1153737-W. Deposito Legal - A375-2017. C/Castellion 5 Benidorm, 03500. The Weekender Newspaper, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. No part of this newspaper may be reproduced without written consent of the publishers.

Justo Lopez, representing Cuidemos and Dino Trubianelli from the We Love Albir group. All three expressed their delight at the amount of people, including youngsters, who gave up their time to join in the project, which has the motto “Get involved in the beaches, in nature, in the sea” With the focus of this year’s World Environment Day emphasising the problems of plastic

waste polluting the oceans, under the theme “ A world without plastic pollution”, the mayor was keen to point out that much of the rubbish collected by the volunteers from the river bed, which is bordered by Boulevard de Musicos, would have

ended up deposited on the beach, whenever prolonged periods of heavy rain occur. T h a n k i n g the helpers, the organisers stressed the importance of citizens taking responsibility for their environment and said they planned to make the clean up

Alfaz and Benidorm to receive grants totalling 15 million euros Two Marina Baixa municipalities are set to benefit from substantial subsidies, courtesy of the EDUSI (sustainable urban development ) programme, funded via European Union, central and regional government grants. Alfas del Pi and Benidorm, are two of only five municipalities in the Valencian community to receive the funds, which must be used to enrich the quality of life of their citizens through a series of technological, environmental and social improvements. Benidorm will receive a total of 10 million euros, which is earmarked as part of

an ongoing project scheduled to be completed by 2023, using further grants and subsidies towards the eventual cost of 34 million euros. Mayor Toni Perez, explained that development will focus on the northern semi-urban zone of the city, to develop green areas between the coast and interior. The aim is to ultimately provide the city with more green zones and facilitate access to information technology, reduce CO2 emissions and stop inequality and poverty. Initial projects are to focus on Avenida Jaime and Parc Sequia Mare “Extensive areas at the very heart of

Benidorm”, promised Perez. Alfas del Pi’s five million euro grant will be used to continue the town’s drive toward a sustainable, healthy, intelligent and inclusive environment for it’s citizens. To this end, Mayor Vicente Arques, explained the funds are earmarked for projects until 2023, including the digitalisation of the Villa Roman historical site in Albir, the extension of cycle lanes, creation of rural trails, installation of charging points for electric cars and construction of a pedestrian bridge over the N332.

Guardia Civil officers have arrested two men for the theft of horse riding equipment and accessories to the value of 12,000 euros from an Equestrian centre in Altea. The arrested men, both Spanish, are alleged to have stolen 8 saddles, 10 horse sweats, 12 leather bridles, a horse blanket and cover and even riding boots, by poisoning a german shepherd guard dog, left on the premises to deter intruders. Investigating officers, from the Altea Guardia Civil, who were called to the scene by the owner of the centre, came to the conclusion that the robbery was committed by someone who knew the layout of the premises including the presence of the large dog, who weighed 80kg. The dog, who was sedated with poison, took several days of veterinary treatment before recovering from the ordeal. After taking to social media sites to publicise the robbery and give details of the stolen items, the owner was approached by a young man, who said he had an interest in horses and offered to visit rastro’s and second hand businesses in the area, to search for the missing equipment. A day later, he sent a photo of a saddle he had bought from a market stall for 30 euros, which the owner immediately recognised as one of the stolen items. She arranged to meet the man in a local bar, but also informed Guardia investigators, who planted two plain clothes officers in the same venue. At the meeting, the young man, became agitated, as he wanted to receive the money,

Forty volunteers spent last weekend picking up rubbish and debris from the dry river bed in the centre of Albir. During the two day clean up operation, organised by Alfas del Pi town hall in conjunction with two neighbourhood associations, seventy bags of rubbish were collected, filling two waste trucks. Alfas mayor Vicente Arques, joined in with the collection, along with



FRIDAY 11TH MAY 2018 News | Whats on | Lifestyle | Community | Property


Benidorm to clampdown on drunken Brits With the busy by Andy Mansall summer season fast approaching, Benidorm city hall has drafted in extra weekend security officers to control the growing problem of antisocial behaviour amongst groups of British tourists. Following a recent upsurge in lewd and unacceptable behaviour, in particular, by large groups of stags and hens, the Ciudadanos political group, has expressed laws to clamp down on anticoncerns that local police social disturbance, which are overwhelmed by the is currently being passed amount of through legal channels. incidents they are called However, head of to investigate and need Benidorm city hall’s security reinforcements now. department, Lorenzo Juan Balestegui, the Martinez, insisted that deputy spokesperson for meetings have already been Ciudadanos, demanded, held with businesses within “urgent meetings with the Levante beach area and hoteliers, bar owners, other an extra security presence leisure businesses and of four to five more officers police to agree on forceful have been introduced from measures to curb the unruly Thursdays to Sundays on the behaviour.” beachfront zone. In 2016, Balestegui’s Whilst pointing out group successfully forced that the level of incidents through a motion to reported are extremely low introduce stringent local considering the number of

British tourists visiting the resort, and also accepting that they are fundamental to the local economy, Martinez warned that heavy fines would be imposed on anyone tarnishing the image of Benidorm. The ever increasing influx of weekend groups of revellers has even begun to cause problems in the normally quieter old town bars, with many establishments, particularly in the picturesque streets of the gay quarter, drafting in extra security staff to deal with threatening and abusive behaviour.


FRIDAY 11TH MAY 2018 News | Whats on | Lifestyle | Community | Property



More questions for ambulance service JUST a few weeks after a patient fell out of a speeding ambulance on the motorway near Ondara, the service is facing further controversy after a Briton being ferried to hospital ended up unconscious in a ditch outside Benidorm. The incident happened on the evening of 3 May after the man had been involved in a fight in the English Square area of Benidorm. His injuries required treatment and the crew received the call to take the man to La Vila Joiosa Hospital. Despite the hospital expecting their patient after being

informed by the police, he never arrived. After the centre reported their “missing” patient the police tracked down the ambulance crew, who had returned to base. They said the British man had become violent and escaped. They gave the police the location, who found the man unconscious in a ditch, about 500 metres away from the hospital which he was finally transferred to. To further complicate matters, the policeman who interviewed the crew reported their behaviour as “odd”. They were tested for drink and drugs, both testing positive for cocaine and marijuana. They have been suspended following an investigation into their actions, both the patient abandonment and drug taking.

Learning through chess L’Alfaz del Pi has been teaching chess to schoolchildren, an activity proven to help children with concentration, creativity, memory and problem solving. They attend twice a week at the Youth Centre and Carlos Agullo, president of the town’s chess club, attends to help the youngsters hone their skills in playing the ancient strategy game. The Education and attend chess sessions twice a introduction for many kids Youth Departments have provided the learning week as part of their regular to the Youth Centre, which materials, while the kids school studies. It is also a first usually caters for older youths.

Every second counts LOCAL Police in La Nucia will now carry portable defibrillators in their vehicles, which will be available on all shifts worked by the force. This is a further step in the Marina Baixa

town’s attempts to make itself a “cardio-protected municipality”. Larger, non-portable defibrillators are now installed in many municipal buildings and training on their use has been given to a number

of public employees. Quick treatment is vital in saving lives with cardiac incidents, and these machines are for use in the vital few minutes before professional medical help is on the scene.



FRIDAY 11TH MAY 2018 News | Whats on | Lifestyle | Community | Property


“I’ll try anything once, twice if I like it, three times to make sure.” Mae West by Hugh Robertson

With around 42 percent of married Brits ending up divorced it is lamentable that English divorce law is so draconian. Spain doesń t even make it into the top 20 countries of divorcees, and ironically given it being a honeymoon destination the Maldives comes first (more of that later). However English law may be at a crossroads driven by changes in society and attitudes. Let s hope ´ so. It was in 1857 that divorce was made available to people other than the rich who could afford to seek an Act of Parliament.In 1937 other grounds were permitted subject to strict proof for instance desertion and “the bottle”. Then in 1969 the groundbreaking Divorce Reform Act enshrined the concept that a divorce could be granted if a marriage had irretrievably broken down. Thus a divorce could be granted if the parties consented after 2 years of living apart or without consent after 5 years of separation. Whilst the actual divorce had become a simpler matter, problems remained and the battle ground became the children and financial provisions. It was only in 1996 that the House of Lords (now the Supreme Court) made a groundbreaking decision.Until then a woman’s entitlement was judged by her needs – not her contribution. Pamela White had run a successful farm business with her husband for 33 years and the business was worth about £ 4.5 million. The Court initially awarded her £800,000. She appealed first to the Court of Appeal and then pressed on to the House of Lords where she was awarded £1.5 million. Theimportance? The highest Court in the land had decreed that assets should be split fairly and contribution of a wife to the creation of the assets be properly recognised including as a

homemaker. But, problems that the UK Parliament should addressremain. There is still the need to actually prove that the marriage has irretrievably broken down. Sir James Munby, Britain’s top family judge, advocates that no fault divorce should be introduced to assist women trapped in a loveless marriage. He was prompted by the sad case of Mrs Owens who was unable to divorce her husband because she could not prove that his behaviour was sufficiently unreasonable.The case dismayed Sir James . Mrs Owens had come to the conclusion that after 39 years her marriage to her wealthy husband had come to an end. It was her irrevocable decision but, unfortunately, not his. It is

a personal matter as to whether behaviour amounts to being unreasonable. There is no one size fits all and she could not convince the Court. Mr Owens may have won his case but to no avail because his wife had decided that there was no way that she could live with him. His ‘pyrrhic victory’ sent out the message that effectively means that someone in her position must wait for 5 years to elapse before they can divorce without agreement if they have lived apart

throughout that time. That can be a very long time in legal and probably emotional limbo. Sir James commented that

“the law which the Judges have to apply and the procedures which they have to follow are based on hypocrisy and lack of intellectual honesty”.

His views are echoed by Baroness Hale, President of the Supreme Court, who has said that blame should be removed from the divorce process. Sir James has also commented that the lack of legal recognition of cohabitees is “an injustice “. His view is that a woman who has given herself to a long term relationship without actual marriage should enjoy the same

rights as a married woman. As the law stands they are entitled to nothing when a relationship ends. The Law Commission has made similar recommendations. Sir James Munby is an enlightened judge and has further suggested thatserious thought be given to divorce itself being separated from the adjudication of child and financial issues and become a purely administrative process dealt with by a ‘Registrar of Births, Marriage, Divorce and Death’.

It is Parliament that makes the law and it must act. However there is another issue that must be addressed and it is one which requires delicate handling.The inequality faced by many Muslim wives.Discussing the issue does not discriminate against a minority but is aimed at greater inclusion in what was once fashionably called ‘The Big Society’. Historically within the British Isles the law has at times positively discriminated against particular religious groups, for instance Catholics and it has been necessary for Parliament to act. However, efforts to include all areactually being undermined by the very people who complain of isolation because of their faith.For example, it is possible for a couple to marry with an Islamic ceremony, the ‘Nikah’not recognised under English law. Divorce for a Muslim man is a simple matter – he merely has to say “I divorce you” three times and the divorce is legitimate under Islamic law. (Hence the Maldives statistic earlier). On the other hand, outrageously,in non-Muslim countries a Muslim woman has to apply to a Sharia Council.If she cannot establish ‘grounds’ for divorce she forfeits her right to Mehr – a compulsory financial gift from her husband. There are over 80 Sharia Councils operating in the UK andthey act in good faith but a cornerstone of Britain’s unwritten constitution is the ‘Rule of Law’ which must surely apply to all who live within the jurisdiction .

the testimony of a woman in court is worth half of that of a man (Quran 2:282 All should be equal under English Law. Surely that cannot be reconciled with the rule under Islamic law that the testimony of a woman in court is worth half of that of a man (Quran 2:282, I believe.) I also believe that Parliament should remove the need to prove‘fault’ to enable divorce,should legitimise the rights of cohabitees and require registration of all marriages whatever form they may take.


FRIDAY 11TH MAY 2018 News | Whats on | Lifestyle | Community | Property



Pre-school process underway THE registration period for children in l’Alfas del Pi to start their pre-school education when the new school year starts is now open. This applies to children who are three in this calendar year, so would have been born in 2015. There are a total of 138 places available and a meeting was held last week informing parents of the admission process. This year for the first time 36 places will also be available for two year olds i.e. children born in 2016. Accordingly, some of these parents also attended the meeting to find out more about this pilot scheme. Completed application for both groups of pre-schoolers can be submitted between 17 and 24 May and a provisional list of those accepted will be made public on 4 June. Any appeals can be made at this stage and a final list will be printed on 13 June. Queries about the process should be directed to the Department of Education in the Casa de la Cultura (ground floor). Pre-school education in Spain is free but optional, and the majority of parents choose to send their children to school in their third year. In most cases the pre-school facilities will be in the same school as the one they will attend when children’s compulsory education period starts.

Fish out of water

A landowner inland of Elche was surprised to say the least after someone dumped a consignment of what appeared to be sharks on his land. The incident happened on the Mayday holiday weekend when the man saw the out of place site behind a palm tree. He called

Taming the tiger THE annual initiatives to address the issues of Tiger Mosquitoes across the Costa Blanca are starting to commence as the weather gets warmer. Each municipality will have a different approach, depending on their size, susceptibility to the pests and so on. Pools, empty water containers and ponds are all favourite spots for mosquitos and people are being

by Simon Russell

advised how to avoid them settling on their property. The advice includes emptying water containers, clearing drains and gutters, store pots and buckets etc. facedown, cover wells with mosquito mesh and ensure pools are clean and well maintained. Teulada-Moraira has announced their plans which are a mixture of prevention,

control and education. While the town can control public land, most mosquitoes still spawn and live on privately owned property. The Town Hall will be targeting public wetlands, fountains, guttering and other hotspots for the creatures. They are also starting a poster campaign; you can get further information on control and prevention at www.sp.san.gva.es

the Seprona nature protection arm of the Guardia Civil, who came to investigate and said they looked to be type of small shark species. Seprona are looking further into the case to try and determine their origins and if they were dumped so far from their natural

habitat to cover up a crime such as illegal fishing. The man who made the discovery said that unfortunately fly tipping was common on the land, including sometimes dead animals such as cats and dogs – sharks however were a first for him.




Family | Garden | Health | Home | Style | Wellbeing

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> All editions of “Gardening on the Costa Blanca” can be found at www.weekender.news/CBGC or visit

GARDENING ON THE COSTA BLANCA 38 It is easy to assume that container planting refers to quite small pots - hanging baskets in particular tend not to be large (when newly watered, they can be very heavy indeed). There are many people, however, who have situations where quite large containers are needed - you only have to walk around a local garden centre to see the hundreds of large pots on sale to confirm this. Planting such large containers is not quite as easy as it might seem. Obviously, the sheer size means that the inadequate growing medium problem is avoided but watering still has to be considered (it is one instance where a watering system might be an advantage!) as well as such things as, perhaps, being evergreen, able to withstand full sun and possibly salt winds. They should be fairly quick growing to no more than about 3-4 metres and not produce too much mess from leaf litter or fruit (berries). So one candidate is Tecom-

aria capensis, or Cape Honeysuckle. This plant is usually classed as a climber , but left to its own, it tends to be an upright shrub with orange or dark red flowers although there are other colour variations as well. The evergreen foliage is always attractive, very clean looking and shiny. Selective pruning of stems after flowering will create an interesting, open shrub and help to renew the display which comes mainly in the late summer and autumn but can often last well into winter. Several varieties of Callistemon (Bottle Brush) are available locally and are often to be seen in public plantings. C. viminalis is, perhaps, the one most recommended in this situation. A graceful foliage plant with a weeping habit, and gorgeousflowers. It is certainly considered drought tolerant once established and will thrive under cooler mediterraneansummers with no additional water. In our heat, regular garden watering would

be adequate. C. viminalis will get to be more than 4 metres tall with age, so it will probably need some regular tip pinching/shaping to keep it tight and bushy. Nerium, or Oleander as it is more commonly known, is an obvious candidate although it does grow like fury and drops quite a lot of leaves (it is also

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subject to the usual warning about being poisonous but as a lady gardener remarked to me years ago “I normally wear gloves when gardening and always wash my hands afterwards, so what’s the problem?” Prunings are, nonetheless, better put in the bin rather than burnt or composted). Try to get a medium sized variety and,

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particularly, one that flowers down to the base – some quite attractive specimens only flower at the tips which rather misses the point of the exercise!

Costa Blanca Gardening Cirlce are a friendly group who enjoy gardening and gardens. Please contact Joan Birch on 697 320 169 for details.



Habitaciones individuales Ozono Hilo musical Calefacción Parques ajardinados Servicio a domicilio Admitimos todas las razas

Individual rooms Ozono Music Heated floor system Landscaped playgrounds Free home delivery service All types of dogs & cats allowed

Other possible candidates include pistacia lentiscus, viburnum, cotoneaster, polygala, choisya, hibiscus (red), lantana, malaleuca, santolina, teucrium, agaves, aloes, yuccas, phormium, strelitzia, poinsettia, genista (common Spanish broom), cestrum nocturnum, cortaderia, schinus molle, olive, mimosa (acacia dealbata), palms, cupressus sempervirens, tamarix, cercis siliquastrum (Judas tree), chorisia, jacaranda, bauhinia, parkinsonia, sophora,strawberry tree (arbutos unedo), albizia, tipuana, caesalpinia gillesii. While many of these may not meet some of the criteria given above, such as leaf drop, it is often a case of getting what you can rather than what you really want!

FRIDAY 11TH MAY 2018 Family | Garden | Health | Home | Style | Wellbeing



Diabetic? What is your HbA1c? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Fact: many diabetics reading this will have no idea what an HbA1c is. I shall rectify this with a brief explanation but that is not the point of this article. The point is that good diabetes management can drastically reduce complications. The main person responsible for your diabetes management is YOU but unless you understand your condition how can you be expected to control it?! In an ideal world, every newly diagnosed diabetic would have a short series of appointments with their Doctor or Practice Nurse where they would be educated about their condition and given the opportunity to ask any questions. Some patients do have access to such a service but it varies from Practice to Practice. GP’s do not normally have the time and not all Practice Nurses are trained in diabetes care. To make matters worse, when you live in a foreign country and do not speak the language you may be put on tablets and sent away with no clue as to what is happening to your body!

If not correctly managed, diabetes can lead to: • Heart and blood vessel disease. • Nerve damage (neuropathy). • Kidney damage (nephropathy). • Eye damage. • Foot damage and amputations • Skin and mouth conditions. • Osteoporosis. • Alzheimer’s disease. • Hearing problems.

Thankfully, such complications are largely preventable with early diagnosis, regular tests and the correct care. It has long been recognized in the medical world that educated patients cope better with chronic diseases such as diabetes. Knowledge gives them power over their illnesses, reduces complications and reduces the risk of depression that often accompanies chronic disease. So, for those of you that don’t know, your HbA1c is your average blood glucose over a 2-3 month period. It is expressed as a percentage and in general, the aim of treatment is an HbA1c of between 6.5% and 7.5 % depending upon the patient.

This article was supplied by The Family Medical Centre, Albir

This figure is very important as it is used to decide:

-if and when you need to change from diet only control to tablets. -if your medication dose needs changing. -if you require different types of tablets to control your blood glucose. -if you need to commence insulin. If you have questions about any aspect of your diabetes or feel that there are gaps in your understanding of your condition, make an appointment with a suitably qualified health care professional who can give you the time that you need.






FRIDAY 11TH MAY 2018 Family | Garden | Health | Home | Style | Wellbeing



6 summer essentials to stay healthy and maximize the season

(BPT) - The long summer months are full of potential. From hitting the beach to hitting the open road, there are plenty of activities for you to get outdoors and explore the warm weather. To make the most of the sunny days and star-studded nights, you need to be prepared so you have fun, stay safe and keep your health top of mind.











EL ANCLA, ALBIR 10.30 - 12.30 (19 MAYO)


To have a healthy summer full of incredible memories, experts recommend you don’t leave home without these essentials: Sunscreen: Any time you’ll be outside, it’s important to wear sunscreen. This is especially important when spending time around sand and water as these reflect the sun’s rays, which put you at higher risk for sunburn. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends everyone use sunscreen that offers broad-spectrum protection (protects against UVA and UVB rays), is SPF 30 or higher, and is water resistant. Sunglasses: Did you know your eyes can get sunburned? Protect those peepers by keeping sunglasses on hand. If you wear prescription glasses, a stylish and affordable solution is Solar Shield, available in clip-ons and fitsover designs. Solar Shield sunglasses are polarized and come at an affordable price point, so you can have a pair with you for all your summer adventures. Put a pair in the car, your workout bag, purse and backpack, the cabin and anywhere else you’ll need sun protection.

your water intake. Keep a bottle nearby and drink often. If you tend to forget, set an alarm on your phone or use an app to remind you regularly. Insect repellent: Warm weather brings out people to enjoy nature, and whether you like it or not, that includes bugs. From mosquitoes and ticks to ants and chiggers, bugs thrive in the summer. The first step to keep yourself protected is to be aware of what insects you may encounter during the activities you have planned for the day. Next, be prepared by using appropriate insect repellent and clothing. Shoes: The unofficial shoe of summer has to be the flip-flop. This easy-on, easy-off shoe has been keeping feet cool for generations. The problem is flip-flops offer little support and put you at higher risk of injury. From stubbing your toes to being a tripping hazard, flip-flops are a flop when it comes to your health. Support feet and be ready for summer by shopping for supportive sandals with toe and ankle straps. For example, athleticstyle sandals are trendy, durable and will last more than one season, making them a worthwhile investment.

Cotton clothing: All-natural cotton can serve you well when on summer adventures. Cotton breathes, meaning it allows air to circulate against the body so you don’t get too hot. It also can wick away sweat and dries quickly. Whether a classic cotton T-shirt or a trendy swimsuit cover-up, it’s the ideal material Water: Staying hydrated is for covering up and staying cool. important for keeping your body well, especially as the temperatures rise. These six must-have summer When outdoors during summer, your essentials will help you feel your body needs H2O to stay energized and best so you can maximize every keep cool. If you’re doing an activity day to the fullest. Have fun and in the heat, you’ll need to increase stay safe for the best summer yet.





Spanish house price data published in April 2018

12-month Euribor, the base rate used for most mortgages in Spain, came in at -0.19 in April, a fraction higher than the month before, but 59.7% lower than the same month last year, which is what counts when it comes to annually resetting mortgages. As a result, borrowers in Spain with annually resetting Spanish mortgages will see their mortgage payments fall by around €3.6 per month for a typical €120,000 loan with a 20 year term. Euribor’s downward trend deep into negative territory looks like it has run its course, as you can see from the chart above. Having fallen every month between September 2016 and December 2017 Euribor has remained unchanged or risen in three of the last four months. Financial analysts quoted in

the Spanish press report that traders do not expect Euribor to fall much further, if at all. Monetary sanity has to return to the Eurozone at some point, and that day now looks a bit closer. Once again you can see below the ten year chart illustrating how interest rates in the Eurozone have fallen to historic lows, and money has never been this cheap. It looks like a good time to take out a long-term, fixed-interest rate mortgage as money might never be this cheap again in our lifetimes. If interest rates, inflation, and Spanish property prices rise (as they are), buying a Spanish home today with a fixed-rate mortgage could turn out to be an excellent investment, especially considering how pricey all other assets around the world appear to be.




FRIDAY 1TH MAY 2018 News | Whats on | Lifestyle | Community | Property





We had arrived for the Full Monty though; as well as the “tour” we were bravely going to try to eat 6 courses and drink plenty of wine in preparation for a “sing-song” that and my initiated friend warned me would be demanded of us.

by Fiona Jennison

The problem with writing about “hidden gems” in the areaisI feel a bit guilty for potentially “unhiding” said“gems”. On the other hand, sharing is caring (as I have to yell at my daughter whenever we buy raspberries) and some “gems” are too good not to write about.Just please don´t all go at once.

It was a blisteringly hot day as my friend and I made our escape from civilisation, driving up the beautiful Bernia mountain, 6 kilometres above the Jalon valley. We encountered rather hair-raisingly on the lasthair-pin bend a 52-seater bus leaving the scene of the “hidden” gem. We breathed

Up A Steep Mountain, Steeped In History, But The Price Is Not Too Steep with the “missing girl”” in and inched past the intrepid bus driver and his cargo and arrived at Le Maserof. Restaurant, winery, museum, Inn and so much more. The coach load were in fact randomly all Scandinavians who have very much put this place on theScandy map. As we arrived at 2 pm to eat, these guys had just finished a tour of the museum, winery and grounds whilst drinking the organic red wine produced on site.

The Maserof Villa Romana, wine museum and surrounding buildings area time-travelling experience. The site has revealed a melting pot (with pots) of archeological remains from the Bronze Age and Iberian and Roman times.After the civil war people from Mallorca were shipped in to inhabit the area. The farmhouse was rebuilt by the Englishman Peter Pateman 1972, and his colourful daughter Carolina is still rebuilding it to this day. Carolina is highly entertaining and informative and her speel is worth the drive up the mountainalone. Commendably she runs the place with no

running water and no electricity. A recent add on to the business is a beautiful “hotel” bedroom for those who would like to stay the night and don´t mind a cold shower or bath in the morning. Laughs Caroline “I suppose I could put some kind of water heater in but you know what people are like in hotels – they stand under the water for hours and water is kind of precious up here!” The museum is rammed with quirky antiques and old farm machinery dating from between the 11th century to the 19th century, with fabulous old wooden doors that have been lovingly restored, and storytelling pieces like art canvases that were barbarically slashed in the civil war. Maserof also runs a wine club (you can buy your own vines), wood fire cooking workshops, pottery and soap-making workshops, wine and oil tasting sessions and best of all in the month of September they host fun-filled evenings when the public are invited to join in with the stamping on the grapes by candlelight. For lunch we had (all served on antique plates with antique cutlery) a very subtle papaya gazpacho, carpaccio de tobinado (a precursor to the potato, apparently, and absolutely delicious) a very exotic salad “del Monte” which had all sorts of things

going on, including flowers. Next came a divine vegetable soup, and for the “main” course Aberdeen Angus steak with cognac. All the dishes were beautifully done, and we very much bonded with our super friendly “serving wenches”, Claudette and Louisa. The (quite literally) “house” red is organic (helping with that hangover) with as much as you can drink included. As promised there was live Spanish guitar music and Carolina insisting that the customers sing, which given the mix of nationalities was quite entertaining. We took our tiramisu with forest fruit outside to the lovely chill out area to soak up the sun and admire the views.

High On Being Up High There is something about being in the mountains that “changes the chip” for me and in fact it has been proven to restore our minds from periods of concentration. Environmental psychologists Gatersleben and Andrews have shown that humans genuinely need ‘high levels of prospect and low levels of refuge’ to feel good. This means we have days when we need to see into the distance -- the further the better – and other days when we need low lying vegetation refuge, with the more expanse seen the more restorative the experience. Gatersleben and Andrews discovered that being high up with great views causes emotions of sadness to dramatically decrease, and anger to substantially diminish, and that in ‘low prospect high

refuge’ ( like dense forest) anger was found to increase and sadness did not decrease. These researchers have shown that the ability to concentrate increases in ‘high level of prospect and low level of refuge’

compared to other landscapes, suggesting that high altitude mountains are an ideal learning location (although the school run would be a bit of a pain.) The study also states that experiencing awe evokes deeper thoughts and reflections, as most mountain hikers know. Luckily for those who don´t like hiking (never again Montgo!) then there´s Maserof!

Opening Times of the restaurant and museum are Saturday and Sunday, from 13:00 to 18:00. Address is Carretera Xalo-Bernia, Km 5,5, Jalon. Tel: 0034/687 722 451 (Carolina).




07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Rip Off Britain: Food 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 A1: Britain’s Longest Road 12:45 The Housing Enforcers 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London News 14:45 Doctors Weight of the World 15:15 Escape to the Country North Devon 16:00 Garden Rescue 16:45 Flipping Profit 17:30 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 The Button 22:00 Have I Got News for You 22:30 Home from Home 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 BBC London News 23:35 The Graham Norton

07:00 Flog It! Trade Secrets Tools of the Trade 07:30 A1: Britain’s Longest Road 08:15 Flipping Profit 09:00 Antiques Roadshow 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Perfection 14:45 Home Away from Home 15:30 Going Back Giving Back 16:15 Digging for Britain 17:15 Tudor Monastery Farm 18:15 Money for Nothing 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 Back to the Land with Kate Humble 21:00 Gardeners’ World 22:00 The Bridge 23:00 Episodes 23:30 Newsnight 24:05 Louis Theroux: My

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 New: The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 14:00 New: Judge Rinder 16:00 New: Tenable 17:00 New: Tipping Point 18:00 New: The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Love Your Garden Mason, Winchcombe 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 New: Who Wants To Be A... 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News London 23:45 Through the Keyhole 00:45 Take Me Out 01:45 Jackpot247

07:00 Countdown 07:45 3rd Rock from the Sun 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier 11:05 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:00 Undercover Boss USA 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Coast vs Country 14:05 Posh Pawnbrokers 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun 17:00 The ?100K Drop 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Buy It Now 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:30 Unreported World 21:00 Our Wildest Dreams 22:00 Gogglebox 23:00 Friday Night Dinner The Tin of Meat 23:30 High & Dry The Camp 24:00 First Dates 01:05 The Crying Game Film

07:00 MILKSHAKE 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 13:10 5 News At Lunchtime 13:15 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 The Yorkshire Vet Casebook 16:15 Tormenting Abigail Film 18:00 5 News At 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 New: The Gadget Show 21:00 New: Britain’s Great Cathedrals... 22:00 New: Portillo’s Hidden History... 23:00 The Great Rameses: New Evidence... 24:05 Secrets of Tutankhamun’s Treasures

08:10 Top Gear 09:10 American Pickers Mama Knows Best 10:00 Storage Hunters 10:30 Storage Hunters 11:00 American Pickers 12:00 American Pickers 13:00 American Pickers 14:00 QI XL Indecision 15:00 Top Gear 16:00 World’s Most Dangerous Roads Siberia 17:00 Steve Austin’s Broken Skull... 18:00 Top Gear 19:00 Taskmaster There’s Strength in Arches 20:00 QI XL Invertebrates 21:00 New: Into the Fire 22:00 Red Dwarf IV 22:40 Red Dwarf IV 23:20 Red Dwarf IV Meltdown0 Have I Got a Bit More 2013 News... 01:00 QI Aviation 01:40 Mock the Week 01220 Mock the Week 03:00 QI Aviation

07:00 Richard E Grant’s Hotel Secrets VIP 08:00 The British Superpower 09:00 The Guest Wing 10:00 The West Wing 11:00 The West Wing 12:00 House 13:00 House 14:00 Without A Trace 15:00 Blue Bloods 16:00 The West Wing 17:00 The West Wing 18:00 House 19:00 House Gut Check 20:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Lucky Strike 21:00 Blue Bloods 22:00 Game Of Thrones Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken 23:00 Game Of Thrones The Gift 24:10 Game Of Thrones Hardhome 01:20 The Sopranos Christopher 02:30 The Sopranos The Weight 0:40 High Maintenance

07:00 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30 The Hairy Bikers’ Asian Adventure 13:00 Football Focus 14:00 BBC News 14:15 Rugby League’s Legendary... 15:00 Rugby League Challenge Cup:... 17:30 Doodlebugs 17:45 Big Hero 6 Film 19:20 Ready or Not 19:50 BBC News 20:00 BBC London News 20:10 Pointless Celebrities Theatre Actors 21:00 Eurovision Song Contest 2018 Grand Final 24:35 BBC News 24:55 Lay the Favorite Film 02:20 Weather for the Week Ahead 02:25 BBC News

07:15 David Attenborough’s Natural... 07:40 Naomi’s Nightmares of Nature 08:10 The Pets Factor 08:30 The Dengineers 09:00 Absolute Genius Super Tech with... 09:30 Beyond Bionic 10:00 Robot Wars 11:00 Astronauts: Do You Have What It... 12:00 Homes Under the Hammer 13:00 The World According to Kids 14:00 Money for Nothing 14:10 Escape to the Country Cornwall 14:55 Finding Neverland Film 16:30 Top of the Shop with Tom Kerridge 18:30 Love in the Countryside 19:30 The Forest 20:00 World’s Most Extraordinary Homes Spain 21:00 Coast Lives 21:30 Dad’s Army

08:00 CHILDRENS TV 09:25 ITV News 09:30 New: Zoe Ball on Saturday 10:25 New: James Martin’s Saturday... 12:20 Countrywise 12:50 ITV Lunchtime News 13:00 Little Big Shots 14:00 Midsomer Murders Blood on the Saddle 16:00 Ninja Warrior UK 17:00 Tipping Point: Lucky Stars 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV Evening News 19:15 ITV News London 19:30 New: Ninja Warrior UK 20:30 New: Harry Hill’s Alien Fun... 21:00 New: Britain’s Got Talent 22:20 New: The Keith & Paddy Picture... 22:50 ITV News 23:05 Terminator 2: Judgement Day Film

06:25 Fifteen to One 07:15 Motor Sport: Mini Challenge 07:45 The King of Queens 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:30 The Big Bang Theory 12:55 The Simpsons 14:25 Come Dine with Me 15:30 A Place in the Sun 16:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 17:00 Location, Location, Location 18:00 F1 Spanish GP Qualifying... ...Highlights 19:30 Channel 4 News 20:00 When Harry Met Meghan: A Royal... ...Romance 21:00 Britain’s Most Historic Towns 22:00 Cowboys & Aliens Film (2011) 00:15 2 Guns Film (2013) 02:15 Ramsay’s Kitchen

07:00 MILKSHAKE 11:30 The Gadget Show 12:25 Police Interceptors 13:25 Police Interceptors 14:20 Police Interceptors 15:20 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 16:20 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 17:15 Nightmare Tenants: Get Out Of My House 18:15 Bad Tenants, Rogue Landlords 19:10 Rich House, Poor House 20:00 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away! 21:00 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away! 21:55 5 News Weekend 22:00 Live Boxing: Fury Vs Sexton 00:15 When Eurovision Goes Horribly Wrong

09:00 World’s Most Dangerous Roads Siberia 10:00 World’s Most Dangerous Roads Peru 11:00 American Pickers 12:00 American Pickers 13:00 American Pickers 14:00 Impossible Engineering OasisClass Cruise Ships 15:00 Impossible Engineering Virginia Class Submarine 16:00 Scrappers 16:30 Scrappers 17:00 Scrappers 17:30 Scrappers Wish You Were Here 18:00 The Hurting 18:30 The Hurting 19:00 The Hurting 19:30 The Hurting 20:00 Red Dwarf IV White Hole 20:40 Red Dwarf IV 21:20 Red Dwarf IV 22:00 Mock the Week 00:00 Have I Got a Bit More News for You

07:00 Urban Secrets 08:00 Urban Secrets 09:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 10:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 11:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 12:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 14:00 Cold Case 15:00 Cold Case 16:00 Cold Case 17:00 Without A Trace 18:00 Without A Trace 19:00 Without A Trace 20:00 Without A Trace 21:00 Without A Trace 22:00 New: Blue Bloods 23:00 Westworld 00:10 Last Week Tonight With... 00:45 Billions 02:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 03:00 New: Patrick Melrose 04:10 House 05:10 Richard E Grant’s

07:05 Glorious Gardens from Above 07:50 Life in a Cottage Garden with... 08:20 Gardeners’ World 09:20 Countryfile Northumberland 10:15 The Beechgrove Garden 10:45 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 12:15 Spring Kitchen with Tom Kerridge 13:00 Athletics: Diamond League... 14:00 Triathlon World Series: Yokohama 16:00 Rugby League: Toronto Wolfpack... 18:30 Flog It! Duxford 19:00 Tomorrowland Film 21:00 Neanderthals - Meet Your Ancestors 22:00 Burma with Simon Reeve 23:00 Atlanta The Big Bang 23:25 Atlanta Streets on Lock 23:50 Later... with Jools

07:00 CHILDRENS TV 09:25 ITV News 09:30 New: Zoe Ball on Sunday 10:25 Love Your Garden Mason, Winchcombe 11:00 Peston on Sunday 12:00 Britain’s Got Talent 13:15 Britain’s Got More Talent 14:15 ITV Lunchtime News 14:30 Ninja Warrior UK 15:30 Paul O’Grady For the Love of... ...Dogs 16:00 New: Change Your Tune 17:00 Tipping Point: 18:00 The Chase: Celebrity Special 19:00 Harry Hill’s Alien Fun Capsule 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 New: Little Big Shots 21:00 New: Midsomer Murders Death by Persuasion 23:00 ITV News 23:20 Peston on Sunday 00:20 This Time Next Year

06:25 Fifteen to One 07:15 The King of Queens 08:05 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:25 Eat the Week with Iceland 10:30 Sunday Brunch 13:30 Bake Off: The Professionals 14:30 The Simpsons 15:30 Cheaper by the Dozen Film (2003) 17:25 Extreme Cake Makers: Royal... 18:30 Channel 4 News 19:00 F1 Spanish Grand Prix Highlights 21:00 Bake Off: The Professionals 22:00 Eddie the Eagle Film (2016) 00:05 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 01:05 Good People Film (2014) 02:35 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 03:25 When Harry Met Meghan: A Royal...

07:00 MILKSHAKE 11:30 Dogs Make You Laugh out Loud 12:00 Budgies Make You Laugh Out Loud 12:55 Penguins Make You Laugh Out Loud 13:55 Puppies Make You Laugh Out... 14:55 Naughty Dogs Make You Laugh Out Loud 15:50 Ace Ventura When Nature Calls Film 16:50 5 News Update 16:55 Ace Ventura When Nature Calls Film 17:40 Garfield Film 19:10 Kittens Make You Laugh Out Loud 20:00 Kitten’s Got Talent 21:00 Psycho Pussies: When Cats Attack 21:55 5 News Weekend 22:00 New: Kylie At 50:Especially For... 23:35 Muriel’s Wedding 01:40 Funniest Fails, Falls & Flops

08:10 Trawlermen 08:35 Trawlermen 09:00 Deadly 60 on a Mission 09:30 Deadly 60 on a Mission Australia and New Zealand 10:00 Deadly 60 on a Mission Asia 10:30 Deadly 60 on a Mission South America 11:00 Top Gear 12:00 Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 14:00 American Pickers 15:00 American Pickers 16:00 American Pickers 17:00 Red Dwarf XII 16:40 Red Dwarf XII 18:20 Red Dwarf XII 19:00 Red Bull Soapbox Race: Paris 20:00 Cop Car Workshop Ranger 21:00 Motorway Cops 22:00 Have I Got a Bit More News for You 23:00 Taskmaster Tarpeters.

07:00 The British Superpower 08:00 Regarding Susan Sontag 10:00 Cold Case 11:00 Cold Case 12:00 Cold Case 13:00 Without A Trace 14:00 Without A Trace 15:00 Without A Trace 16:00 Without A Trace 17:00 Without A Trace 18:00 Blue Bloods 19:00 Blue Bloods 20:00 Blue Bloods 21:00 Blue Bloods 22:00 New: Patrick Melrose 23:10 The Trip To Spain: The Movie 01:10 New: Real Time With Bill Maher 02:25 Silicon Valley 03:00 New: Westworld 04:20 High Maintenance 05:00 Urban Secrets



07:00 Breakfast 10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 The Big Questions 12:00 Sunday Politics 13:15 Bargain Hunt Norfolk 14:00 BBC News 14:15 Britain’s Fat Fight with Hugh... 15:15 Lifeline 15:25 Points of View 15:40 Songs of Praise 16:20 Britain’s Best Home Cook 17:20 Final Score 18:30 BBC News 18:45 BBC London News 19:00 The A-Z of the RHS Chelsea... 20:00 Countryfile Hampshire 21:00 British Academy Television... 23:00 BBC News 23:20 BBC London News 23:30 Match of the Day 01:10 The Women’s Football Show 01:45 Weather for the Week Ahead




07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Ill Gotten Gains 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 A1: Britain’s Longest Road 12:45 The Housing Enforcers 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London News 14:45 Doctors Damned if You Do 15:15 The Doctor Blake Mysteries 16:15 Escape to the Country Wiltshire 16:45 Royal Recipes: Wedding Special 17:30 Hardball 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Fake Britain 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Panorama 22:00 Peter Kay’s Car Share 22:30 Mrs Brown’s Boys 23:00 BBC News at Ten

07:00 Flog It! Trade Secrets 07:30 A1: Britain’s Longest Road 08:15 Flipping Profit 09:00 Gardeners’ World 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live 12:30 The Week in Parliament 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Perfection 14:45 Going Back Giving Back 15:30 Digging for Britain 15:30 Tudor Monastery Farm 17:30 Street Auction 18:15 Antiques Road Trip 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great Continental Railway Journeys 20:00 Back to the Land with Kate Humble 21:00 Inside the Factory 22:00 Heart Transplant: A Chance to Live 23:30 Newsnight 00:25 Burma with Simon Reeve 01:25 Versailles


Later -

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 New: The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 13:55 ITV News London 15:00 New: Judge Rinder’s Crime Stories 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17:00 New: Tipping Point 18:00 New: The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 New: Give It A Year Just Bee, Mermaids UK, Barntopia 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 New: Innocent 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News London 23:45 On Assignment 00:20 Killer Women with Piers Morgan 01:15 Jackpot247


07:00 Countdown 07:45 3rd Rock from the Sun

08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier 11:05 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:00 Undercover Boss USA 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Coast vs Country 14:05 Posh Pawnbrokers 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun: 17:00 The ?100K Drop 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Buy It Now 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 The Political Slot 21:00 Holidays Unpacked 21:30 Tricks of the Restaurant Trade 22:00 Catching a Killer: A Knock at... 23:20 Myanmar’s Killing Fields


Episode 1 of 10 BBC2 London 10:00pm Sun 13 May

New series. The Big Bang Earnest `Earn’ Marks is broke, out of luck and living with his ex-girlfriend and their daughter, so when he learns that

Episode 1 of 6

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Ill Gotten Gains 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 A1: Britain’s Longest Road 12:45 The Housing Enforcers 13:15 Bargain Hunt Wetherby 14:00 BBC News at One 14:45 Doctors The First Stone 15:15 The Doctor Blake Mysteries 16:15 Escape to the Country Norfolk 16:45 Royal Recipes: Wedding Special 17:30 Hardball 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Holby City Blind Spot 22:00 The Split 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:45 Manchester Bomb: Our Story 00:55 The White Slums:

07:00 Flog It! Trade Secrets 07:30 Ill Gotten Gains 08:15 Royal Recipes: Wedding Special 09:00 Top of the Shop with Tom Kerridge 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Perfection 14:45 Going Back Giving Back 15:30 Digging for Britain 16:30 Tudor Monastery Farm 17:30 Street Auction 18:15 Antiques Road Trip 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great Continental Railway Journeys 20:00 Back to the Land with Kate Humble 21:00 Pangolins - The World’s Most... 22:00 Nigeria’s Stolen Daughters 23:00 Later Live... with Jools Holland 23:30 Newsnight 24:15 Love in the Countryside


07:00 Richard E Grant’s Hotel Secrets The Extra Factor 08:00 The British Tale of Two Cities 09:00 The Guest Wing 10:00 The West Wing 11:00 The West Wing 1 12:00 House 13:00 House 14:00 Without A Trace 15:00 The British War and Peace 16:00 The West Wing 17:00 The West Wing 18:00 House 19:00 House 20:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 21:00 Blue Bloods 22:00 New: Westworld 23:20 New: West:Word 23:50 New: Last Week Tonight With... 00:25 Real Time With Bill Maher 01:35 Circus: Inside The Wildest... 02:10 Westworld 03:30 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Lady


BBC2 London 11:50pm Sun 13 May studio album, Wildness. South London’s Shame feature songs from their debut LP Songs of Praise, and there’s also a chance to hear Detroitraised soul singer Bettye

08:00 Trawlermen 08:25 Trawlermen 09:10 American Pickers 10:00 Storage Hunters: 09:30 Storage Hunters 11:00 American Pickers 12:00 American Pickers 13:00 American Pickers 14:00 QI XL Naval Navigation 15:00 Top Gear 16:00 Deadly 60 Romania 16:30 Deadly 60 Norway 17:00 Steve Austin’s Broken Skull... 18:00 Top Gear 19:00 Taskmaster 20:00 QI XL Inventive 21:00 Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 22:00 Live at the Apollo 22:00 Have I Got a Bit More News for You 00:00 QI XL Lenses 01:00 QI Advertising 01:40 Mock the Week 02:20 Mock the Week 03:00 QI Advertising 03:40 The Last Man on Earth Screw the

new this week

with Jools Holland NEW SERIES. Return of the live music programme, featuring Snow Patrol. Twenty years on from their debut, they will be performing songs from their seventh

07:00 MILKSHAKE! 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away! 13:10 5 News At Lunchtime 13:15 The Gadget Show 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 The Yorkshire Vet Casebook 16:20 Murder, She Baked: A Peach... Film 18:00 5 News At 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 World’s Fastest Train 21:00 New: Police Interceptors 22:00 New: Paddington Station 24/7 23:00 New: Cocaine: Cant Stop Using 00:05 New: Criminals Caught on Camera 01:05 America’s Toughest Prisons

Lavette, Plus, Tower of Power celebrate their 50th anniversary with an appearance, along with rising Northumberland singer-songwriter Jade

Bird, and singer/actor Plan B (aka Ben Drew), who performs songs from his fourth album, Heaven Before All Hell Breaks Loose

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 New: The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 15:00 New: Judge Rinder’s Crime Stories 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17:00 New: Tipping Point 18:00 New: The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Devon and Cornwall Cops All Hands on Deck 21:00 New: This Time Next Year 22:00 New: Innocent 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:45 The Late Debate 00:15 Heathrow: Britain’s Busiest... 00:45 Road Rage Britain: Caught on... 01:35 Jackpot247

07:00 Countdown 07:45 3rd Rock from the Sun 08:10 3rd Rock from the Sun 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier 10:35 Frasier Motor Skills 11:05 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:00 Undercover Boss USA 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Coast vs Country 14:05 Posh Pawnbrokers 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun: 17:00 The ?100K Drop 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Buy It Now 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 The Secret Life of 5 Year Olds 22:00 The Windsors Royal Wedding Special 23:00 Meet the Mark

his cousin Alfred is on the verge of rap success under the name of Paper Boi, he sees an opportunity for both of them. Comedy drama, starring Donald Glover

ugh Judge Rinder’s Crime ttheh r opolice and summing up the trials. In Stories ITV London investigations the first edition, he focuses

3:00pm Mon 14 May

New series. Barrister Robert Rinder examines more real-life cases, looking at the events leading up to crimes, going

06:00 MILKSHAKE! 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:15 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away! 13:10 5 News At Lunchtime 13:15 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 The Yorkshire Vet Casebook 16:15 Cradle Swapping Film 18:00 5 News At 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Britain By Bike With Larry &... 21:00 New: The Yorkshire Vet 22:00 New: Intercity 125: The Train... 23:00 New: Manchester Terror Attack:.. 00:05 Body In The Lake: Countdown To... ...Murder 01:05 When Kids Kill

on the murder of five-yearold April Jones by Mark Bridger, and the carjacking of great-grandfather Anthony Mather by a gang of youths in Birmingham

08:10 Top Gear 09:15 American Pickers 10:00 Storage Hunters UK 11:00 American Pickers 12:00 American Pickers 13:00 American Pickers 14:00 QI XL Inventive 15:00 Top Gear 16:00 Deadly 60 UK 16:30 Deadly 60 Namibia 17:00 Steve Austin’s Broken Skull... 18:00 Top Gear 19:00 Taskmaster The Dong and the Gong 20:00 QI XL Incomprehensible 21:00 QI Atoms 21:40 Would I Lie to You? 22:20 Mock the Week 23:00 Dave Gorman Modern Life is Goodish It Was an Accident and I Was Hospitalised 00:00 Taskmaster Tarpeters.

07:00 Richard E Grant’s Hotel Secrets Ireland 08:00 The British War and Peace 09:00 The Guest Wing 10:00 The West Wing 11:00 The West Wing 12:00 House 13:00 House 14:00 Without A Trace 15:00 Blue Bloods N 16:00 The West Wing 17:00 The West Wing 18:00 House 19:00 House Holding On 20:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 21:00 Blue Bloods Loss of Faith 22:00 New: Hotspots: On The Frontline 23:00 New: Circus: Inside The Wildest... 23:35 Totem 01:20 Westworld 02:40 West:Word 03:10 House We Need The Eggs 04:10 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation A Night



07:00 Flog It! Trade Secrets 07:30 Ill Gotten Gains 07:15 Royal Recipes: Wedding Special 09:00 Nightmare Pets SOS 09:30 Britain in Bloom 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live 12:30 Daily Politics 14:00 Lifeline 14:10 Coast London to Antwerp 14:45 Going Back Giving Back 15:30 Digging for Britain 16:30 Victorian Farm 17:30 Street Auction 18:15 Antiques Road Trip 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great Continental Railway Journeys 20:00 Back to the Land with Kate Humble 21:00 World’s Most Extraordinary Homes India 22:00 Love in the Countryside 23:00 Detectorists 23:30 Newsnight 00:15 Atlanta 00:40 Atlanta

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 New: The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 New: Judge Rinder’s Crime Stories 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17:00 New: Tipping Point 18:00 New: The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 New: Heathrow: Britain’s... 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 New: Innocent 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News London 23:45 UEFA Europa League Final... 24:45 Play To The Whistle 01:20 Jackpot247 04:00 Grantchester

07:00 MILKSHAKE 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 Paddington Station 24/7 13:10 5 News At Lunchtime 13:15 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 The Yorkshire Vet Casebook 16:15 Maniac Mom Film 18:00 5 News At 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Police Interceptors 21:00 New: GPs: Behind Closed Doors 22:00 New: Rich House, Poor House 23:00 When Kids TV Goes Horribly Wrong

07:00 Countdown 07:45 3rd Rock from the Sun 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier The Show Must Go Off 10:00 Frasier Sliding Frasier 10:35 Frasier Hungry Heart 11:05 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:00 Undercover Boss USA 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Coast vs Country 14:05 Posh Pawnbrokers 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun: 17:00 The ?100K Drop 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Buy It Now 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 The Political Slot 21:00 The Secret Life of the Zoo 22:00 24 Hours in A&E 23:00 What Makes a Woman? 00:05 Gogglebox 01:05 Friday Night Dinner The Tin of Meat

KACROSS S G A R I S 1 Entreat (7) I 5 Stinging insects (5)E 19 20 21 stone L8 Precious T L A(5) S C A 9 Motorcycle attachment (7) I (7) C P 10 O Church spire 11 Accommodate (5) P12 R E S toSaimUfor (6) R E Something 14 Y Country formerly part T E of X Yugoslavia (6) 18 Polite (5) 20 Islamic fast (7) 22 American reindeer (7) 23 Atomiser (5) 24 Mournful poem (5) 25 Clad (7) DOWN 1 Look after children (4-3) 2 Twilled fabric (5) 3 Oval shape (7) 4 Athens (anag) (6) 5 Breadth (5) 6 Give in (7) 7 Carefree lively outing (5) 13 Daydream (7) 15 All together (2,5) 16 Vexed (7) 17 In the vicinity (6) 18 Hidden store (5) 19 Antechamber (5) 21 Pub game (5)

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Ill Gotten Gains 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 A1: Britain’s Longest Road 12:45 The Housing Enforcers 13:15 Bargain Hunt Wetherby 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London News 14:45 Doctors The Lift 15:15 The Doctor Blake Mysteries 16:15 Escape to the Country East Sussex 16:45 Royal Recipes: Wedding Special 17:30 Hardball 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 20:00 The One Show 21:00 Watchdog Live 22:00 Police Under Pressure 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:30 BBC London News 23:45 A Question of Sport: Mind Games 00:15 FA Cup: The Road to Wembley 00:45 Ambulance 01:45 Weather for the Week Ahead

08:10 Top Gear 09:10 American Pickers 10:00 Storage Hunters UK 10:30 Storage Hunters UK 11:00 American Pickers 12:00 American Pickers 13:00 American Pickers 14:00 QI XL Incomprehensible 15:00 Top Gear 16:00 Deadly 60 16:30 Deadly 60 Madagascar 17:00 Steve Austin’s Broken Skull... 18:00 Top Gear 19:00 Taskmaster Little Polythene Grief Cave 20:00 QI XL Inequality and Injustice 21:00 QI XL Noble Rot 22:00 New: Taskmaster One Warm Prawn. 23:00 New: Jon Richardson: Ultimate... 00:00 QI XL Noble Rot 01:00 QI Campanology 01:40 Mock the Week 02:20 Mock the Week 03:00 QI Campanology 03:40 The Last Man on

ACROSS 7 Without bias, I belong with one partner (11) 8 Admirable woman last to go for drug (6) 9 Batten down firm (6) 10 European country with a musical sound (6) 12 Weapon designed for pilots? (6) 13 Small amount in France held back by virtuoso (3) 14 Small wood - and small pieces of meat (6) 16 Loud budgerigar is hushed? Not entirely (6) 18 Metal nut found by a lieutenant (6) 20 Foreign seaman - a terrible rascal (6) 22 A super cure's transformed alternative therapy (11) DOWN 1 In Berlin expect a row (4) 2 Resist work – be a model! (6) 3 Royal female in city surrounded by journalists (8) 4 Epitaph soon started to produce tears (4) 5 Squadron leader has no casual wear (6) 6 Cosy trip at sea for islanders (8) 11 Helping call centre is sensible (8) 12 Boxer dog - one with catalogue (8) 15 We can count on it if a vehicle reverses over us (6) 17 Save key found in French street (6) 19 Attempt to capture old conservative (4) 21 Tip making primate cross (4)


07:00 Richard E Grant’s Hotel Secrets French Riviera 08:00 Fish Town 09:00 Urban Secrets 10:00 The West Wing 11:00 The West Wing 12:00 House 13:00 House Holding On 14:00 Without A Trace 15:00 Blue Bloods 16:00 The West Wing 17:00 The West Wing 18:00 House 19:00 House Pilot 20:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 21:00 Blue Bloods Ends & Means 22:00 New: Occupied 23:00 Patrick Melrose 00:10 New: High Maintenance 00:45 Silicon Valley 01:20 Barry 02:55 Billions 03:05 The Sopranos PieO-My 04:10 High Maintenance Selfie 04:45 Anon: Special 05:10 The West Wing Isaac And Ishmael


Puzzle Solutions NO CHEATING! L


















H E R O 7 1











12 9

I A R 3








L 5





































































P Y 6





















E C H 4


15 11

T 9




U 6


















2. One of the oldest human needs is having someone wonder where you are when you don’t come home at night. 1. They are eloquent who can speak low things acutely, and of great things with dignity, and of moderate things with temper. “The number of those who undergo the fatigue of judging for themselves is very small indeed.”











FRIDAY 11TH MAY 2018 Chat | Travel | Celebrity | Puzzles



Horoscopes ARIES (March 21st-April 20th)

LIBRA (Sept 24th-Oct 23rd) Who would have guessed that It isn’t always easy to win the you have an ability to understand admiration you expect from your subjects as irrational as human partner, Aries. But in this area today passions? You’re getting down seems to be better than most. and dirty with the sticky, trivial You’re likely to be brimming with realities of day-to-day life that ideas for ways to enhance your ARIES LIBRA never interested you before. Your most appealing qualities. But don’t overdo it. Your efforts at physical or intellectual new nonstick coating would make you an excellent personnel director, hiring and firing at the drop of a seduction are most effective when they’re subtle. hat. Has that thought ever occurred to you? SCORPIO (Oct 24th-Nov 22nd) TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st) Until now, you didn’t know you No one dislikes red tape and were capable of managing people bureaucracy more than you. But take with problems. But the so-called advantage of the atmosphere today. poetic universe you inhabit is If you have any applications to submit actually much more realistic than or formalities to complete, you’ll find TAURUS the process much easier than usual. SCORPIO it seems at first glance. People who believe that human reality is 100 Communication channels that are normally closed will percent logical will feel ridiculous when they see the open, and the administrative mechanisms will be well elegant, humane solutions you invent. oiled instead of grinding. Get all administrative tasks done so you won’t have to think about them again! GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st) Some people tend to make mountains out of molehills. Currently, you’re likely to feel as though you’re surrounded by people who exaggerate problems. GEMINI You, on the other hand, have a loftier perspective. You’re a visionary who can foresee future social trends. This gift would serve you well as a political speechwriter, should you want to take on that sort of job.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23rd-Dec 21st) At last, a day of relief from the tension! The flow of communication facilitates personal and professional projects. Now is the time to listen to your partner or other family members about SAGITTARIUS the material aspects of the future. For example, are you setting aside enough money for your children’s education? Are you taking proper care of your home? Are your investments allocated correctly? These are all issues worth considering today.

CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) You’re visionary and progressive today, Cancer, despite what people may say about your tendency to be conservative. You could easily come up with an effective way to help CANCER people. For some reason, practical problems are easy for you to solve. Don’t pay any attention to the idle and ineffective chatter of intellectuals.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22nd-Jan 20th) At last, a day of relief from the tension! The flow of communication facilitates personal and professional projects. Now is the time to listen to your partner or other family members CAPRICORN about the material aspects of the future. For example, are you setting aside enough money for your children’s education? Are you taking proper care of your home? Are your investments allocated correctly? These are all issues worth considering today.

LEO (July 24th-August 23rd) AQUARIUS (Jan 21st-Feb 19th) Today you should abandon The mood is one of bustle and any intellectual pursuits and change, Aquarius. It’s a good day concentrate on practical problems to clear out your wardrobe or other related to organization and goal belongings. Out with the old, in setting. You’re likely to find perfect with the new! You may consign the solutions within an hour of starting. old stuff to the basement or give it LEO AQUARIUS The heavens are helping you, Leo. to charity. The main thing is to make Give them some credit for your ingenuity, and waste room for your new tastes and new relationships. A no time in implementing your plans! new person is being born in you. Clear the path for this being to come through!

PISCES (Feb 20th-March 20th) VIRGO (August 24th-Sept 23rd) Today is a good day to organize You’re a great creator of systems, professional or personal meetings. Virgo. You can tinker with every They will be productive. It’s an sort of construction, from theories auspicious time for efficient, serious and computer programs to communication, realistic plans, and scientific experiments and strategic group harmony. All the ingredients evaluations. Today the planets PISCES for success and true advancement VIRGO are guiding you. You’re a perfect are available. Don’t be surprised if computer, capable of synthesizing random events you’re the one in charge. You’re especially good at into pure reason. You’re sure to attract attention if creating a warm, welcoming atmosphere. you share your thoughts with others.

CRYPTOGRAMS Cryptograms are simple-substitution ciphers where every letter of the alphabet has been switched. Your task is to use pattern recognition and your grammar and vocabulary abilities to decipher the hidden quote. Hint: start

with the 1, 2 and 3 letter words, and remember that the most common letters in the English language are E-T-A-I-O-N, in roughly that order. Good luck!

Easy/Medium Easy/Medium Cryptograms Cryptograms Presented by Puzzle Baron

Presented by Puzzle Baron Easy/Medium (1.)



— Marcus Tullius Cicero — Marcus Puzzle Tullius#R908MI Cicero Puzzle #R908MI

Easy/Medium (2.)


TriSub - 0003_E1


— Margaret Mead —Puzzle Margaret Mead #L575DG Puzzle #L575DG




Each orange triangle connects a set of three numbers. — Jim Rohn — Jim Rohn #P746EX Two numbers must add or subtract to equal thePuzzle third. Puzzle #P746EX All numbers must be between 1 and 12 and no number cCSSG a n BAUS b e AEIZBZVIZR r e p e a t e dFKAOI i n Fa KUZLTI h o r i zCOIOUS o n t a l CAU r o BFX w . ZC


10 4 6







— E. B. White — E. B. White Puzzle #U599IH Puzzle #U599IH


3 2 8 1 9 12 9 11 3 2 7 5 8 1 10 7 9 2 3 1 7 8 2 5 4 6 9 7 8 1 9 11 6 10 4 5 Copyright © Puzzle Baron May 10, 2018 - Go to www.Printable-Puzzles.com for Hints and Solutions! Copyright © Puzzle Baron May 10, 2018 - Go to www.Printable-Puzzles.com for Hints and Solutions!

Like our facebook page & share your results for your chance to be in The Weekender Newspaper!







Chat | Travel | Celebrity | Puzzles




Across 7. Without bias, I belong with one partner (11) 8. Admirable woman last to go for drug (6) 9. Batten down firm (6) 10. European country with a musical sound (6) 12. Weapon designed for pilots? (6) 13. Small amount in France held back by virtuoso (3) 14. Small wood — and small pieces of meat (6) 16. Loud budgerigar is hushed? Not entirely (6) 18. Metal nut found by a lieutenant (6) 20. Foreign seaman — a terrible rascal (6) 22. A super cure’s transformed alternative therapy (11)






















ACROSS Down 17 18 1 Oil company beginning to 1. In Berlin expect a row (4) explore Alabama location (6) 2. Resist – be a(1-5) model! (6) 4 Subs turning to work a sub 3. Royal female in city surrounded by jour8 Music presenter nalists (8) goes to pub 21 4. Epitaph supplying spirits (5)soon started to produce tears (4) 5. Squadron leader has no casual wear (6) 9 Carter's work - a huge 6. Cosy trip at sea for islanders (8) construction11. outside Los Helping call centreAngeles is sensible (8) 23 12. Boxer dog — one with catalogue (8) (7) 15. We can count on it if a vehicle reverses 10 Gets off in area with over us (6) illuminations17.(7) Save key found in French street (6) 15 Exhausted American editor 19. Attempt to capture old 11 Excited by the change in conservative the air (4) gets out of bed (4,2) 21. Tip making primate cross (4) (3,2) 16 Enclosure holding a male or 12 Herbal plant, European, turning female bird (6) red (9) 18 Odd trees planted again (5) 17 Shoot small animal seen over 20 Dish up some coarser top of ridge (5) vegetables (5) 19 Damaged blade 2is put out3 of 1 4 5 6 7 action (7) 21 Leaders in Dar es Salaam very small lot (7) 8 9 22 Crude ending of Victor Hugo novel (5) (6) 23 Cook got pea soup 10 11 24 Victory sign under construction in old battle (6) DOWN 12 13 14 1 Crazy plan to restrain military assistant (6)15 16 Jack, I found, is 2 Living without 19 20 18 capital (7) 17 3 Start without a meal (5) 5 Alcoholic in bed was embarrassed 21 (7) 22 might seek in 6 What an actor isolation? (5) 7 Phrase translated into Nepalese 23 24 (6) 9 Farm work provides married man with endless cereal (9) 13 Fixing the ropes (7) ons 14 Outsiders in race sure to come back (7)




Across 1. Entreat (7) 5. Stinging insects (5) 8. Precious stone (5) 9. Motorcycle attachment (7) 10. Church spire (7) 11. Accommodate (5) 12. Something to aim for (6) 14. Country formerly part of Yugoslavia (6) 18. Polite (5) 20. Islamic fast (7) 22. American reindeer (7) 23. Atomiser (5) 24. Mournful poem (5) 25. Clad (7)

Down 1. Look after children (4-3) 2. Twilled fabric (5) 3. Oval shape (7) 4. Athens (anag) (6) 5. Breadth (5) 6. Give in (7) 7. Carefree lively outing (5) 13. Daydream (7) 15. All together (2,5) 16. Vexed (7) 17. In the vicinity (6) 18. Hidden store (5) 19. Antechamber (5) 21. Pub game (5)




Daily Codewords


FRIDAY 11TH MAY 2018 Daily Codeword


Chat | Travel | Celebrity | Puzzles

8 March 18






2 3 4 A Rosetta is made up of a 7 6 centre coloured hexagon Example encircled by 6 white hexagons. To complete the puzzle, fill in all 7 Rosettas with each number between 1 and 7 in no particular order while also ensuring that :

CODEWORDS Daily Codeword

Scribble Pad

10 May 18

1. No number is repeated in a horizontal row 2. Each number from 1 to 7 are represented in the 7 grey coloured hexagon cells.



Star 0003-Grid_E1 © Engaged Learning STAR PUZZLE *

To complete the puzzle fill in each of the empty hexagon cells with numbers between 1 & 7 following the 3 rules below; 1. No numbers in a horizontal line can be repeated. 2. No numbers in a diagonal line can be repeated. 3. No numbers in the 7 gray hexagons can be repeated.



5 4

Copyright © 2017Richard Best for Puzzles Source: Brinsley Sheridan

Drop Quotes




Puzzle #P667VL






























Copyright © 2017 Best for Puzzles

W Drop Quotes are similar to cryptograms, in that the T goal is for the solver to uncover a hidden quote. A A black-and-white crossword-style grid is set up for G each quote, with a number of letters “hovering” above each column. Your task is to “drop” each of those letters into the appropriate square in each column, until the entire quote is revealed. All punctuation (commas, periods, dashes, etc.) has been removed. Good luck! http://bestforpuzzles.com/dc/print.html?puzz=daily-codeword-180510

2 6

Drop Quotes

Sudoku EXTRA



























1 http://bestforpuzzles.com/dc/print.html?puzz=daily-codeword-180308 7


© 2011 Engaged Learning

* Note that each white hexagon belongs to a line of 7 that must contain each of the numbers between 1 and 7.

Copyright © Puzzle Baron May 10, 2018 - Go to www.Printable-Puzzles.com for Hints and Solutions!




ALFAZ FANTASY FOOTBALL LEAGUE Goals were in short supply in this weeks Alfaz Fantasy Football League as the Premier League teams fight for survival. In the one Monday Night game and a full Premier League at the weekend only 21 goals were scored and 5 of them came from Arsenal. Clean sheets were the order of the Day with 9 teams failing to score. The Referees were quite busy dishing out 37 yellow cards and 1 red one which was Southampton’s Japanese Defender Maya Yoshida who was dismissed by Referee Jonathan Moss. With the Premier League heading for the last Day finish the same can be said about the 24th A.F.F.L.With 6 MidWeek games, a full Premier League on Sunday and 1 F.A.Cup Final to come it looks like Darren’s team Daz XI will be crowned Champions of this Season’s Fantasy League. They have a 51 point advantage over Pauline’s Vodka Army who has replaced Joe’s team Keith Lard F.C. in 2nd spot. There was not much movement in the top ten this week with one exception, Simon’s team Si is Norfolk R Good who managed to climb up one place to 7th. Down at the bottom, Laura’s Legends have had a shocking Season and look likely to receive 3 Wooden Spoons. Wayne’s team, Two Years Running Maybe have romped away with our Golden Boot League with a 68 point lead at the top over Daz XI.

Deportivclarkoruna is in 3rd place just 13 points behind so the Runners Up spot is still up for grabs. At the opposite end of the table, Laura’s Legend is about to go through the trap door. Our Mark Carter Ladies Section has been a one horse race for most of the Season with Pauline’s Vodka Army taking charge week 18 and since then they have never looked likely to relinquish the top spot. The Bluebells are in 2nd place 8 points in front of Rachel’s Mrs.Max & Paddy. Karen’s Ceasar’s Blackcats are now out of contention for a top 3 finish after a poor week. No need to mention whose at the bottom.I’m sure you can guess, the initials are L.L. The best League this Season has been our U.K.T.V. Junior League, at the moment Robbie’s team Tea & Busquets hold a very slight 2 point lead over Wade’s Alli Barbar. George’s I Love Heather are in 3rd place 2 points ahead of Luca’s Already Won It. Anyone of the top 4 can still win this League. Harley’s Ginger Ninjar had a good week scoring 41 points at the bottom but it was not enough to close the gap on Gian Luca’s Messi or Tidy. 55 points was the maximum score this week by Terry’s team Spurs or Bust. 10 of his team are all Spur’s Players so it is no surprise he top scored because he had 2 lots of games going into the mix. They will go into our Monthly

wine Draw along with 2 teams who got the lowest score Del’s Reds & Shawn’s Punky Rooster who could only manage a lowly 3 points. Our March winner was Richard’s team High Fivers. Manager of the Month for May is being kindly sponsored by The KATMANDOO top Indian Restuarant in Albir and with only one week gone Terry’s team, Spurs or Bust have taken an early 5 point lead over two teams Sue’s London F.W.9 and Buletellitubbies. Chris’s 2 Left Feet and Rachel’s Mrs.Max & Paddy are also in the running for this super meal for 2 at the Katmandoo. Terry’s team Come on my Cockers have won this weeks Breakfast for 2 at the Bar Code In Alfaz cooked by Nikki in the Kitchen after moving up 26 places to No 99 in the Main League. Lee’s Pineapple Chunks made it through to the Final of our K.O.Cup after beating George’s team I Love Heather 54-24. The other team through is Luca’s Already Won It who just beat Marcus’s Salford Sausages by 44-38. The Final will take place this Sunday. With only 2 weeks to go, it’s important to find out where your team finishes in the League as you could be in line for many of our top prizes by visiting our website also don’t forget to vote for the best name in this Season’s Fantasy by visiting our Facebook page.

Send us your Sports Team & Club news Studio@weekender.news

Jukebox Football Predictions League



Saturday 12th May La Liga- Getafe vAthletico Madrid

6:30 PM

La Liga - Girona v Valencia

6:30 PM

La Liga - Real Madrid v Cetla Vigo

8:45 PM

La Liga - Levante v Barcelona

8:45 PM

Sunday 13th May EPL - Burnley v Bournemouth

4:00 PM

EPL - Huddersfield v Arsenal

4:00 PM

EPL - West Ham v Everton

4:00 PM

EPL - Southampton v Man City

4:00 PM

EPL - Liverpool v Brighton

4:00 PM

EPL - Tottenham v Leicester

4:00 PM

EPL - Man Utd v Watford

4:00 PM

EPL - Crystal Palace v West Brom

4:00 PM

EPL - Newcastle v Chelsea

4:00 PM

EPL - Swansea v Stoke

4:00 PM

Formula One Calendar 2018 13 May - Barcelona - Spain 27 May - Monaco - Monaco 10 June - Montreal - Canada 24 June - Le Castellet - France 1 July - Spielberg - Austria 8 July - Silverstone - Great Britain 22 July - Hockenheim - Germany 29 July - Budapest Hungary 26 August - Spa - Belgium 2 September - Monza - Italy 16 September - Singapore - Singapore 30 September - Sochi Russia 7 October - Suzuka - Japan 21 October - Austin - USA 28 October - Mexico City -Mexico 11 November - Sao Paulo - Brazil 25 November - Yas Marina - Abu Dhabi

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