Local Weekender Issue 046 Marina Baixa

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Marina Baixa 25th May Issue 46

BRITISH FUGITIVES ARRESTED IN ALTEA A British father and son, who fled the UK to escape jail sentences, have been apprehended by Guardia Civil officers in Altea. The fugitives, were convicted of two crimes of financial fraud which carried sentences of 32 months and five years in jail. Continued page 3... by Andy Mansall

FRIDAY 25TH MAY 2018 News | Whats on | Lifestyle | Community | Property



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> were alerted to from Altea apprehended the possibility the fugitives, in the that the pair exclusive Altea Hills may head for housing development, the Costa Blanca where many properties are and the trail value in millions of euros. eventually led to The men were travelling Altea last week, in a luxury, British plated where police vehicle, when the officers believed they intercepted them, after were planning to tailing their movements commit a similar for some time. ...From Front page men escaped the country, fraud operation After arrest the pair with a European warrant to the one they were were detained in custody However, following issued for their arrest. convicted for in the UK. pending extradition the trial in january the two Security forces in Spain Guardia Civil officers proceedings.

Guardia Civil arrest British Father and son

False abduction claim couple under investigation Guardia Civil officers from Alicante have opened an investigation into a false claim of attempted child abduction by a young couple from Villajoyosa. The incident occurred last month when the mother of a three year old boy alerted Guardia officers to an attempted abduction of her son, sparking a social media frenzy as people reported sightings of the alleged perpetrator. Agents were alerted to the alleged crime by the woman, a 26 year old Spaniard and her 22 year old brother, after the infant went missing on an afternoon visit to a park in the town. The couple claim they conducted

by Andy Mansall

a frantic search for the boy, before they spotted him being walked away holding the hand of an unknown man. After screaming his name, the suspected abductor let go of the boy and ran off, upon which, the mother reported the incident to Guardia Civil officers and took to social media to warn other parents. However, after conducting a reconstruction of events, Guardia agents, became suspicious that the case was a complete fabrication by the mother and her sibling. Witnesses to the incident told officers that the boy had wandered

into a local café alone, quickly followed by the mother who picked him up in a normal manner, without distress. The same source also told investigators that a few minutes later, the infant’s uncle rushed into the same café asking customers if they had seen a man trying to walk off with his nephew. After watching security camera footage of the incident, which confirmed the witnesses version of events and becoming suspicious because the mother was unable to give a clear description of the alleged abductor, the agents reached the conclusion that the couple had made the story up. The investigation into charges of simulation of the crime of abduction continues.


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Refugees rescued from boat off Altea by Andy Mansall

to rescue the occupants of the refugee boat and carry them ashore at Altea Port. The refugees who were assisted on landing by a team of Red Cross volunteers, received no injuries during the incident, although one was treated for symptoms of mild hypothermia. Maritime rescue officers believe the refugees boat was part of a convoy of three, with the other two managing to avoid detection and unload their passengers ashore on the Benidorm beaches of Poniente and Almadraba. Police in the resort are now searching for what they understand to be around a dozen occupants of these boats.

The right place to crash A “Weekender” reader informed us this week of a traffic incident that could have been a lot worse if it hadn’t happened where it did. The incident happened on the N-332 in Altea last Monday when a motorcyclist lost control and skidded along the road. Fortunately for him

by Simon Russell

the Altea Medical Centre was close to the scene and two nurses rushed out and were able to give emergency first aid while an ambulance was called. The police were next on the scene and coordinated matters until the

ambulance arrived shortly after. The medical staff in the ambulance praised the actions of the nurses, saying they may well have saved the riders life. We would like to pass on our thanks to reader Barry White for informing the “Weekender” newsdesk about the story.

The Weekender (Registered Trademark Pending) Editor-In-Cheif Marco Baiardo - Y1153737-W. Deposito Legal - A375-2017. C/Castellion 5 Benidorm, 03500. The Weekender Newspaper, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. No part of this newspaper may be reproduced without written consent of the publishers.

Employment subsidies for under 30’s Towns across the Marina Baixa have recently received regional grants designed to create jobs for unemployed young people. The subsidies are issued via two schemes introduced by the Communidad Valencia to boost employment prospects for qualified and unqualified citizens aged under 30 in the region. Benidorm, will receive a total of 1.9 million euros to employ 125 young people in the city for a year. Fifty three of the jobs will be paid via the EMCUJU fund for qualified youngsters, who will be employed in tourism and

by Andy Mansall

commercial positions. The remaining 72 unqualified places will be filled in horticultural and security work within urban areas of the resort through subsidies via the regional EMPUJU scheme. Announcing the grants earlier this week, Benidorm mayor Toni Such, explained that the city hall will also spend 152,000 euros over the next two years, to co finance contracts for those employed in the unqualified positions. However, he was pleased that the total grant was “the greatest ever achieved by the city”.

Other towns within the Marina Baixa area to receive subsidies are Villajoyosa, who will employ nine under 30’s with a 225,000 euro grant and La Nucia who will have the same amount in subsidies. In addition, Altea receives 300,000 euros, Alfas del Pi 158,000 euros, Polop 142,000 euros and Callosa 72,000 euros. The Marina Baixa social services association will also receive 83,000 through the two subsidies. Anyone wishing to apply for one of the positions, should be registered on Servef, with further information available via CIJ.

Coastguards from the Mirfak Maritime Rescue intercepted a boat carrying eleven illegal immigrants after it collided with a yacht in seas off the coast of Altea during the early hours of last Tuesday morning. In the minor collision, which occurred around 4.30am approximately thirty miles out at sea, three of the refugees fell overboard. Two of them managed to climb back on board their own boat, whilst the remaining victim was rescued and taken onboard the other vessel involved in the accident, a yacht by the name of ‘Wilma’. The yacht’s skipper immediately alerted coastguards, who arrived on the scene



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Kids learning from simulated crash

THREE hundred students from Benidorm secondary schools watched a simulated emergency at the city’s Traffic Park last week, something aiming to familiarise them with the protocol involved with serious road accidents. The Local Police, Red Cross, Civil Protection and Benidorm Park fire-crew all took part in the exercise which was filmed aerially using drones. The drones help the authorities determine the scale of an accident quickly and are being used increasingly often. In this case the simulation was of a

by Simon Russell

pedestrian, not paying attention as they are wearing headphones, is knocked over by a cyclist. The cyclist is not wearing a helmet and also has headphones on. There is a third incident where a car with two occupants who are not wearing safety belts hits a tree. As well as showing the actions taken by the emergency services, the pupils were also able to discuss what those involvedcould have done differently to help avoid the accident.

Sad loss of Dundee fan A 54-year-old Scotsman became ill and later died while on holiday in Benidorm earlier this month. Ian Anderson, known as “Ando”, was a well-known figure in the Dundee area where he lived, especially at his local football club Lochee United. He was described as a lifetime stalwart of

by Simon Russell

the club where he ran the lottery on a volunteer basis and “never missed a match home or away.” He also helped out with other junior clubs in the area and tributes poured in from many of them. Mr Anderson is thought to have died of natural causes.


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Four arrested in Benidorm British bar drugs raid Employees from a popular British bar in the centre of Benidorm were arrested and detained in custody after a surprise drugs raid last week. Around fifty National Police officers, including agents from the regional drugs squad, entered the premises last Friday afternoon acting on a tip off that drugs were being stored and distributed from the bar. The busy bar was cleared of customers and sealed off before the officers began a search of the building and the four staff who were working at the time. During the operation agents uncovered 64 bags of cocaine carefully prepared for sale and distribution plus 400 erectile dysfunction tablets and around 6000 euros of cash. The raid was planned after police received information suggesting that

by James Hill

illegal drugs were being supplied to members of the public by staff in an ‘over the counter’ operation, at times using a side window onto the street, where customers could purchase the drugs without actually entering the premises. After completing the operation, four members of staff who were working in the bar at the time were taken into custody pending charges. The bar owners, who were not present during the raid, were allowed to reopen the business immediately and continue trading as normal with replacement staff. Police reports show, the four detainees, three men One of the suspects and one woman, were aged between 32 and 51 from the was released overnight Czech Republic, UK and the without charges, whilst the remaining three, who Netherlands.

Let the waters flow

by Simon Russell

THE new water treatment plant for La Nucia is now in the testing phase after the construction work was completed earlier this month. The new plant will bring cleaner water to the municipality, using its state of the art filtration system that will be able to cope with some of the past issues with the local water supply. The 350 square metre construction operates on an eco-friendly gravity type system and can supply water for up to 40,000 people, twice the current capacity. The project cost â‚Ź1.3 million but will have zero direct cost to the taxpayer as water concessionaire Aqualia will be paying the bill as part of the concessionary agreement. were caught in possession of a number of bags of cocaine, were retained in custody and later transferred

to a detention centre in Alicante pending charges of possession, distribution and crimes against public health.



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New Benidorm tram stop by July Construction work on the new FGV tram stop alongside Benidorm bus station has begun, with an expected completion date of July this year. An artist impression of the project released last week, shows a 6000 square metre landscaped area, featuring pathways and a bike lane linking the bus and train stations to the Palau d’Esportes and school. Work will also include

overhead electrification of the 1.4 kilometre stretch of track between Benidorm main station and the new halt, hailed by bosses as the beginning of an ongoing plan to fully electrify the line all the way to Denia. The 3.2 million euro project, which includes two parallel 76 metre platforms, with street lighting, public address system and ticket machines, is seen as a potential gateway

to the Levante Beach area of the resort, both to residents and tourists arriving from Alicante. Modernisation of the Tram D’Alacant, has the financial backing of the European Regional Development Fund’s EDUSI grant for sustainable development driven by ministry head Maria Jose Salvador, in a project with an estimated completion budget of 120 million euros.

The minister was quick to assure travellers that disruption will be kept to a minimal, as the majority of the heavy construction work will be undertaken overnight, when the train service is suspended. Completion of the new Benidorm station in July will be followed by closure of the current Disco Benidorm halt which is considered to be remote and underused by passengers.

Film to highlight gender violence THE Council for Equality in the Marina Baixa (CCIMB) is making a short film to commemorate the international day of non-violence against women on 25 November. The film, called Me amas? (Do you love me?) will be screened at the gala event to be held on 24 November. Shot by an entirely female cast and crew, director Elisa Llobregat said that

“the film tries to show the harsh reality that a woman who suffers gender violence lives through every day.” The 14 minute film is due to be shot in September with Altea and La Nucia confirmed as locations for the shoot. Fourteen representatives from Equality Departments across the region attended the presentation ceremony last week.

Adventure tourism boost THE proposed mountain biking centre at Finestrat is a step closer to fruition as the town have agreed to release two plots of land to the company building the new complex. The 12,000 metre square site near the Font del Moli will house a hotel, warehouse, office, workshop and toilet block. There will also be a swimming pool, social club and parking while the hotel will have special 40 meter square suites for guests and their bikes, all with terraces and independent access. Construction on the

by Simon Russell

project is due to start shortly and is scheduled to take six months. Nature Suites SL, the company who will be running the service, will pay a fee of €15,000 a year for the use of the municipal land. The Mayor of Finestrat has said that the design is such that the complex fits into the surroundings in a sympathetic way. He also talked about the huge potential for tourism and the benefits for the local economy once the centre is completed.


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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> All editions of “Gardening on the Costa Blanca” can be found at www.weekender.news/CBGC or visit


The Effects of Salt Salt has many adverse effects on gardens. This includes the ‘poisoning’ of soil by the build-up of salts but this doesn’t seem to be a problem locally - at least horticulturally. Salt spray from the sea is a different matter altogether and may be the cause of problems even though you have not realised it. Salt carried on the wind can cause damage much further inland than is usually suspected. For instance, when driving in Cornwall, you will probably have noticed that roadside hedges a kilometre or more from the sea will appear to be bent away from the wind. It is not just the wind, however, the salt that it carries kills or retards growth on the seaward side while having less effect on the protected side producing the characteristic shape. There are two sides to dealing with the salt problem – one is to grow plants which are resistant to salt and the other is to use such plants to provide shelter to more tender specimens. One incredibly useful shrub, much grown locally, is

Pittosporum tobira or Mock Orange (one of at least six plants referred to by this name). It’s tough leathery leaves and remarkable drought resistance makes it particularly well suited to coastal regions. As

with most drought resistant plants, it will manage in shade. Clipping its drought resistance is due to its (or pinching out in the case of the ability to find water rather than exist variety ‘nana’) is best done following flowering - around late June and it can be clipped into an excellent hedge. This is a photograph taken at Javea’s Cala Blanca earlier this month showing a plant flowering beautifully without any protection growing only a few metres from the sea. It will grow much taller than this and looks good together with that other staple of coastal gardening, the oleander. This will grow to a similar height (but, because of its vigour, is rather more difficult to keep compact) and comes in several colours although it lacks the superb scent of the pittosporum. Having said that, many Americans refer to it having a without it, therefore, if grown in a beautiful scent – maybe it pot keep it well watered. The beau- is just the varieties grown tifully scented white flowers last in Europe which are less from around mid-May to mid-June odiferous! Although evand although the hotter and sunnier eryone jumps on the bandthe position the more it will flower, wagon of “oleander being

Costa Blanca Gardening Cirlce are a friendly group who enjoy gardening and gardens. Please contact Joan Birch on 697 320 169 for details.

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poisonous in all its parts”, there is an Oleander based cancer treatment with the trade-name Anvirzel which doesn’t seem to be very well known but might be worth further research. These two plants could well form the basis for creating wind and salt screens behind which rather less robust plantings could be made. This subject seems to be worth following up, so perhaps more another time.



FRIDAY 25TH MAY 2018 Family | Garden | Health | Home | Style | Wellbeing


Can I Have a Blood Test? On as serious note, when a patient requests blood tests we question the patient about why they want tests: are they regular blood tests that they need? Are they diabetic? Have they had previous abnormal results that need monitoring? Are they suffering symptoms or have particular concerns? etc.etc. Sometimes it is very easy to find out exactly what the patient needs, other patients we would refer to the Family Doctor for advice rather than going ahead with needless tests causing the patient extra expense. Of course some people are ‘fit and well’ and are requesting blood tests as part of health screening (which is a fantastic thing to do!!). For these patients we have special ‘packages’ of blood tests which work out far cheaper for the patient than randomly having a few tests at a This is a question time. Health check blood that we are asked many times in the clinic, either packages include: from ‘walk in’ patients or telephone enquiries. The Full Blood Count: this looks answer is always ‘Yes, at your red cells, white cells and but which test do you platelets. We can learn a lot from a want?’ Often the answer full blood count as often when there is ‘I want to be tested is a disease process the first thing for everything’ but to go ‘out of sync’ is your full blood unbeknown to the count. patient we have over Urea and Electrolytes: this 3,000 blood tests looks at your kidney function and available! It is therefore obviously not feasible is especially useful to monitor to ‘test for everything’ patients taking certain medications as the patient would or following a change in medication. need to give a gallon of blood then take out a mortgage to pay the laboratory fee!!

Lipid Profile: 4 tests including ‘good’ cholesterol, ‘bad’ cholesterol, total cholesterol and triglycerides. This is a test that more and more health conscious people are asking for. Glucose: to test for diabetes. Remember the undiagnosed million walking around! Liver Function Tests: what they say on the tin! LFT’s will show us how your liver is functioning. Some people do have specific concerns about their liver and choose just to have LFT’s. Thyroid Function Tests: if a person’s thyroid gland is either underactive or overactive this (In different ways) can make them feel pretty rotten. This is a good test for people with varied symptoms but generally feeling ‘not on top form’. Prostate Specific Antigen: commonly known as PSA which men over the age of 40yrs. (certainly 50yrs.) should seriously think about having. Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 deficiency is common problem (especially in vegetarians and the over 60’s) and is responsible for many symptoms of ill health and generally feeling ‘under the weather’. So, when people ask ‘Can I Have a Blood Test?’……Yes of course! We just need to make sure it’s the right test for you!

This article was supplied by The Family Medical Centre, Albir

FRIDAY 25TH MAY 2018 Family | Garden | Health | Home | Style | Wellbeing




The Staysure Tour Comes to Benidorm T he Staysure Tour today announces its schedule for the 2018 season, featuring three new events in D e n m a r k , England and Spain. The Shipco Masters Promoted by Simon’s Golf Club, Staysure PGA Seniors Championship and Costa Blanca Benidorm Senior Masters are the latest additions to the calendar, which will see the Tour travel to four continents in 2018. United Kingdombased insurance company Staysure have also been named as title sponsors of the PGA Seniors Championship, which returns to the schedule for the first time since 2015. The field for the Staysure PGA Seniors Championship will be made up of Staysure Tour members, PGA professionals and a Monday qualifier will also take place prior to the event. The Staysure-sponsored tournament will take place the week after The Senior Open Presented by Rolex, which will see many of the game’s legends step foot onto the iconic Old Course at St Andrews, from July 2629. Bernhard Langer, who captured his record tenth Senior Major Championship at last year’s Senior Open, will bid to become the first golfer to defend the Senior Claret Jug since Christy O’Connor Jnr in 2000. Meliã Villaitana Golf Club in Alicante will host the first edition of the Costa Blanca Benidorm Senior Masters from November

29-December a n d


the 2018 season will conclude in the spectacular Indian Ocean setting of Mauritius at the eighth edition of the MCB Tour Championship from December 7-9. David MacLaren, Head of the Staysure Tour, said: “We are all very excited about the forthcoming season and the first year of our landmark partnership with title sponsors Staysure. We have made further progress in expanding our tournament schedule and are delighted to see the return of the PGA Seniors Championship to our calendar. “Our new events in Denmark, England and Spain are also welcome additions to our schedule, and we are working diligently to add further tournaments to our calendar for the 2018 season. “We look forward to seeing Clark Dennis begin his defence of the John Jacobs Trophy in Sharjah and wish all of our players the best of luck for the forthcoming season.”


elcome to La Costa Golfer, we are joining forces with The Weekender newspaper to bring you all aspects of golf in the province of Alicante and much more every week. These will include golf course reviews, events, news, tournaments, and player profiles... Thank you and enjoy.



LCG Golf

M iguel Ángel Jiménez

"The Most Interesting Man in the World"


iguel Ángel Jiménez from the first round of the 2014 Masters, wearing his trademark aviator sunglasses, is just one more example of why some compare him to "The Most Interesting Man in the World" featured in the Dos Equis commercials. We're revisiting this piece, from Masters week 2014, on Miguel Angel Jimenez today in honour of his 54th birthday. To fellow pro golfers, Miguel Angel Jimenez is known as "The Mechanic" for his love of high-performance vehicles like his red Ferrari. To the rest of us who follow the game, he's become known as "The World's Most Interesting Golfer" because of the numerous similarities to "The World's Most Interesting Man" from the Dos Equis commercials. You can't help but smile when you look at Jimenez. He's a man with his own style, the red, curly ponytail under the PING hat and the aviator shades and, of course, the fine cigar and glass of Rioja that seem to occupy each hand after he signs his scorecard. It's hard to say when exactly the comparisons started. The ads made their debut in 2006 in the United States, but it would have certainly taken time to become the well-known part of pop culture it is today. GolfChannel. com's Jason Sobel, made the reference in a blog while at ESPN, covering the 2009 Open Championship. Jimenez held the first-round lead at Turnberry. That fictional character played by actor Jonathan Goldsmith in the Dos Equis commercials is known for the outlandish things he does. He enjoys fine cigars. His drink of choice -- naturally -- is Dos Equis beer. Overall, he seems to enjoy life more than anyone else. "He's an enigma" We dug up an interview from www.

cigaraficionado.com from 2011. In the piece, agent Chubby Chandler (who represents Darren Clarke and Lee Westwood among others), had this to say of Jimenez: "He's a man of his own and everyone appreciates him. He lives his life and plays the game the way he wants to. He never rushes anything, he savours everything. He just inhales life, and he exudes it. I've never known someone more comfortable in his own skin than Miguel." What's better than that? "It is important, no, to love what you are doing?” asks Jimenez. "It is important to enjoy the things that life brings you. I always know that when I start to play golf, that this is what I would like to do. I become good enough to be successful and have many good things for my life." Right then, Jimenez picks up the reporter’s tape recorder from the table and holds it close to his mouth, like a microphone: "I just want

to say that golf is a beautiful game and it has given me a beautiful life." During the 2013 Open Championship, Sobel asked Jimenez if he was aware of his comparisons to the World's Most Interesting Man. Jimenez provided this fantastic, insightful response: "I don't compare myself with anyone. I try to live my life and enjoy myself. I think people ought to try to do the same thing." To recap: Jimenez loves fast cars, fine cigars, fine wine, has won 20 events on the European Tour, has played on four European Ryder Cup teams, today joined Fred Couples and Ben Hogan in the Masters record books with his third-round 66 that tied for low score by a player 50 or older in the tournament and, overall, loves life. It makes you wonder: Maybe those Dos Equis commercials are loosely based on Jimenez.

Cheating Golfer Jokes

Golf Swindler: (Guy's Favourite Clean Golf Joke) While sitting at a table in the clubhouse after a game, Padraig remarked to a fellow club member', I'm not going to play golf with Jim Lawler anymore. He cheats.' 'Not when I had his golf ball in my pocket' 'Why do you say that?' asked his friend. 'Well, he found his lost ball two feet from the green', replied Padraig indignantly. 'That's entirely possible', commented his friend. 'Not when I had his golf ball in my pocket', retorted Padraig with finality.



LCG Golf

The Star of the 2018 Majors - will be....?

By Tony Myles

Jordan Spieth Dustin Johnson

Jon Rahm

Justin Rose


s we approach the start of the Golf Major season it is very difficult to make a case for a single player who could become the Major Star of 2018.

· Dustin Johnson – so consistent and seemingly unflappable. · Jon Rahm - How good it is to see a Spaniard so high in the rankings as Jon holds onto his second place. · Justin Rose - Is this going to be the year when Justin improves his consistency and claims a second Major? There are so many players with similar abilities so how do you isolate one individual. Sadly, the crystal ball is not a reliable mechanism and so I have to resort to other more mundane methods. In the heyday of Tiger Woods, it was easy, and the only question was who would be the runner-up. Then came a young Texan who also appeared to be setting the greens on fire. His maturity belied the fact that he was still a teenager. His attitude more than his skill brought him immense and well-deserved credit. Not only with the general public but also amongst his fellow golfers. He was undoubtedly a strong influence in the victorious US Ryder Cup team in 2016. Jordan Spieth. Still in his early twenties and recently engaged to his childhood sweetheart. I wonder if that is the catalyst that will bring him back to his best form in the current year? He has started 2018 in a reasonable manner and claims that he is feeling confident about the challenge of the Majors. The strongest part of his game has always been his putting and when that deserted him his success also diminished. He proclaims that this is back in

peak and precise condition and if that is the case, he will once again be a formidable force in the coming events. It is possible that as you read this Sergio has

reproduced the startling rounds that enabled him to win the Master at Augusta last year, but I would be very surprised if Jordan Spieth is not in contention.


FROM THE FASHION POINT OF VIEW, it is instructive to know what is actually selling—what consumers are buying—as opposed to what styles are being pushed. Here is a snapshot of what is happening on John Daly´s colourful world.


OU, TOO, CAN LOOK LIKE JOHN DALY. Daly, who tends to stand out in any circumstances, can be seen a mile away. His electric colouful trousers come from the aptly named LoudMouth Golf company, which specializes in old-fashioned, in-your-face golfing trousers of merrily questionable taste: Hawaiian prints; “shagadelic” patterns; disco-ball designs; pink and green awning stripes; and Daly’s raspberry argyles, which go for $89.95. The company’s chief executive, Larry Jackson, said in a statement, “We’re not your ordinary golf pants,” said Jackson. “But then, who wants to be ordinary?” The company’s philosophy is “pants that go from fairway to party.” Its founder, Scott “Woody” Woodworth, is a graduate of Brown University and the Rhode Island School of Design who got fed up with the sedate state of contemporary golf style. With a name like that, he can’t be all bad.



LCG Golf Focus

ElGolf Plantio E

l Plantío is a golf course in perfect harmony with the environment. A unique area of spectacular nature which invites you to stroll through it. The careful reafforestation of plant species gives the course an exotic atmosphere and a special feeling, which makes each hole different. It has an area of 750.000 m2, with 45.000 native mature trees (palm-trees, olive-trees and locust-trees) more than 500.000 m2 of grass and about 15.000 bushes and flowering plants. Pioneering irrigation methods are employed using residual water. Address: El Plantio Golf Ctra. Antigua Alicante-Elx/Elche, km 3 03114 Alicante, Spain Getting there: Take the highway AP-7 direction Alicante and then exit 71 Alicante Port, after the exit take Alicante West and at the crossing turn to the right and continue straight for 3 km. El Plantio nearest Airport: El Altet (Alicante) 7.9 km Campo de Golf El Plantio: 18 holes Par 72 championship, and the other a 9 hole par 3 Course designer: Manuel Ferry Ruiz Type of grass: Fairway: bermuda (summer) rye grass (winter) – Green: agrostis penncross Prices: 18 Holes Greenfees High.S: 75€, BUGGY 30€ HS: FEB - MAR - APR - SEPT - OCT - NOV MEDIUM.S: 18 Holes Greenfees MS: 45€, BUGGY 30€ MS: JAN - MAY Club Services: Golf classes: Private/group, beginners/advanced players (english, french, spanish) Driving range: 60 bays, Putting green: 1 Practice bunkers: 2 Tel: +34 965 115 049 Fax: +34 965 287 316 reservas@elplantiogolfresort.es http://www.elplantio.com/

FRIDAY 25TH MAY 2018 Family | Garden | Health | Home | Style | Wellbeing




High tech home buyer BANKING giant BBVA have launched a new app that helps potential home buyers with every aspect of their purchase. The Valora View tool is the first of its kind in the European banking sector and is known as an “augmented reality” app. Firstly, if you point the app at a building, it will tell you if any apartments in the block are for sale with BBVA’s idealista web portal. It then tells you information about the area and even the specific building. The app also provides the user with recommended prices for renting and buying, as well as recommending if you would be better off renting or buying dependant on your financial situation and other factors. The “heat indicator” indicates the most

by Simon Russell

expensive and cheapest parts of a specific area. The additional expenses post sale can also be calculated such as monthly mortgage or rental, utility bills, insurance or even any property reforms you may want to make.






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07:00 Flog It! Trade Secrets Car Booty 07:30 Ill Gotten Gains 08:15 Hardball 09:00 Antiques Roadshow Helmingham Hall 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Perfection 14:45 Going Back Giving Back 15:30 Ray Mears Goes Walkabout 16:30 Victorian Pharmacy 17:30 Street Auction 18:15 Antiques Road Trip 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 Wild Escapes 20:30 Extreme Wales with Richard Parks 21:00 RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2018 22:00 The Bridge 23:00 Frankie Boyle’s New World Order

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 New: The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 15:00 New: Judge Rinder’s Crime Stories 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17:00 New: Tipping Point 18:00 New: The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Countrywise: Guide to Britain 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 New: Lethal Weapon The Odd Couple 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:45 The Keith & Paddy Picture... 00:15 Through the Keyhole 01:10 Change Your Tune

07:00 Countdown 07:45 3rd Rock from the Sun 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:05 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:00 Undercover Boss USA 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Coast vs Country 14:05 Posh Pawn 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun 17:00 The ?100K Drop 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Buy It Now 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:30 Unreported World 21:00 How to Get Fit Fast 22:00 Gogglebox 23:00 Friday Night Dinner Lord Luck 23:30 High & Dry The Trial 00:00 First Dates 01:05 Alan Carr Yap, Yap,

07:00 MILKSHAKE 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 13:10 5 News At Lunchtime 13:15 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Celebrity 5 Go Motorhoming 16:15 Stranger in the House Film 18:00 5 News At 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Cricket On 5: Eng Vs Pak-Day 2 21:00 New: Kilimanjaro: Wonder Of... 22:00 New: The Cliff Richard Story 23:30 An Audience With Cliff Richard

08:10 Top Gear 09:10 American Pickers 10:00 Storage Hunters UK 10:30 Storage Hunters UK 11:00 American Pickers 12:00 American Pickers 13:00 New: American Pickers 14:00 QI XL Idleness 15:00 Top Gear 16:00 Deadly 60 Costa Rica 16:30 Deadly 60 Panama 17:00 Steve Austin’s Broken Skull... 18:00 Top Gear 19:00 Taskmaster Meat. 20:00 QI XL Ice 21:00 New: Into the Fire 22:00 Red Dwarf XI Officer Rimmer 22:40 Red Dwarf XI Krysis 23:20 Red Dwarf XI Can of Worms 00:00 Have I Got a Bit More News for You 01:00 QI Dogs 01:40 Mock the Week 02:40 Parks and Recreation 04:10 Parks and Recreation

07:00 Storm City 08:00 Fish Town 09:00 Urban Secrets 10:00 The West Wing 11:00 The West Wing 12:00 House 13:00 House 14:00 Without A Trace 15:00 Blue Bloods 16:00 The West Wing 17:00 The West Wing Dead Irish Writers 18:00 House Control 19:00 House Mob Rules 20:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Fur And Loathing 21:00 Blue Bloods 22:00 Game Of Thrones 23:00 Game Of Thrones 00:00 Game Of Thrones 01:10 Patrick Melrose 02:20 The Sopranos 03:30 The Sopranos Eloise 04:40 Ballers Raise Up 05:15 The West Wing 06:10 The West Wing 07:00 Urban Secrets

07:00 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30 The Hairy Bikers’ Asian Adventure 13:00 Bargain Hunt Grimsthorpe 14:00 BBC News 14:15 Money for Nothing 15:15 Escape to the Country Wales 16:15 Wallace and Gromit: The Wrong... Film 16:45 Puss in Boots Film 18:05 Ready or Not 18:35 BBC News 18:55 Pointless Celebrities Music 19:45 Ed Sheeran at the Biggest Weekend 20:45 Who Dares Wins 21:25 Casualty 22:15 All Round to Mrs Brown’s 23:15 BBC News 23:35 Kenny 00:50 The Button 01:25 The Uninvited Film 02:45 Weather for the Week Ahead 02:50 BBC News

07:15 David Attenborough’s Natural... 07:40 Naomi’s Nightmares of Nature 08:10 The Pets Factor 08:30 The Dengineers 09:00 Absolute Genius Super Tech with... 09:30 Beyond Bionic 10:00 Robot Wars 11:00 Astronauts: Do You Have What It... 12:00 Homes Under the Hammer 13:00 The World According to Kids 14:00 SAS: Rogue Warriors 15:00 The Sinking of the Laconia 16:30 Love in the Countryside 17:30 The Biggest Weekend 19:00 Golf: PGA Championship 19:45 RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2018 20:45 Emeli Sande & Clean Bandit at... 22:00 Sam Smith at The Biggest Weekend 23:00 Noel Gallagher’s High..

08:00 CHILDRENS TV 09:25 ITV News 09:30 New: Zoe Ball on Saturday 10:25 New: James Martin’s Saturday... 12:20 Best Walks with a View with... 13:50 Little Big Shots 14:50 ITV Lunchtime News 14:00 Midsomer Murders The Silent Land 16:00 Love Your Garden NHS Special 17:00 Tipping Point: Lucky Stars 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV Evening News 19:15 ITV News London 19:30 New: Ninja Warrior UK 20:30 New: Harry Hill’s Alien Fun... 21:00 New: Britain’s Got Talent 22:15 The Keith & Paddy Picture... 22:45 The Keith & Paddy Picture... 23:15 ITV News

06:25 Fifteen to One 07:15 Motor Sport: FIA World... 08:05 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:25 Frasier 10:55 Monaco Historic Grand Prix 2018 11:55 F1 Monaco GP Practice 3 Live 13:25 F1 Meets... Niki Lauda 13:55 F1 Monaco GP Qualifying Live 16:45 Car S.O.S 17:45 A Place in the Sun: 18:30 The Secret Life of the Zoo 19:30 Channel 4 News 20:00 Grand Designs 21:00 The Queen’s Lost Cousin The romantic, tragic story of Prince William of Gloucester 22:00 Identity Thief Film (2013) 00:15 Bad Neighbours Film (2014)

07:00 MILKSHAKE 11:50 Make You Laugh Out Loud 12:10 Naughty Toddlers Make You LOL 13:05 Holidays Make You Laugh Out Loud 14:00 Playful Pups Make You Laugh Out Loud 15:05 Nightmare Tenants: Get Out Of... 16:05 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 17:05 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 18:05 5 News Weekend 18:10 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 19:05 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away! 20:00 Cricket On 5: Eng Vs Pak-1st Test 20:55 What the Dambusters Did Next 22:15 New: Queen Victoria And Her... 23:15 Elizabeth I: The Enemy Within 00:15 Football On 5: The Championship...

08:10 World’s Most Dangerous Roads 09:00 World’s Most Dangerous Roads 10:00 World’s Most Dangerous Roads 11:00 New: American Pickers 12:00 American Pickers 13:00 American Pickers 14:00 Deadly 60 on a Mission 14:30 Deadly 60 on a Mission 15:00 Deadly 60 on a Mission 15:30 Deadly 60 on a Mission 16:00 Scrappers: 16:30 Scrappers: 17:00 Scrappers: 17:30 Scrappers: 18:00 The Hurting 20:00 Red Dwarf XI 20:40 Red Dwarf XI 21:20 Red Dwarf XI 22:00 Mock the Week 22:40 Mock the Week 23:20 Mock the Week 00:00 Have I Got a Bit More News for You

07:00 Urban Secrets 08:00 Urban Secrets 09:00 Urban Secrets 10:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 11:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 12:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 14:00 Cold Case 15:00 Cold Case 16:00 Cold Case 17:00 Without A Trace The Thing with Feathers 18:00 Without A Trace Fade-Away 19:00 Without A Trace 20:00 Without A Trace 21:00 Without A Trace 22:00 New: Blue Bloods 23:00 Westworld 00:10 Last Week Tonight With... 00:45 Ray Donovan Abby 01:50 Ray Donovan Las Vegas 03:00 New: Patrick

07:00 Breakfast 10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 The Big Questions 12:00 Sunday Politics 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:15 Homes Under the Hammer 15:15 Escape to the Country Northumberland 16:15 Britain’s Best Home Cook 17:10 Points of View 17:25 Songs of Praise Perth 18:05 The Coronation 19:05 BBC News 19:30 Countryfile Royal Special Windsor 20:30 Taylor Swift & Paloma Faith at... 22:00 A Very English Scandal 23:00 BBC Newss 23:30 imagine... Orhan Pamuk: A... 00:35 The Ides of March Film 02:10 Weather for the Week Ahead

07:35 Coast 08:35 Glorious Gardens from Above 09:20 Countryfile Spring Special 10:15 The Beechgrove Garden 10:45 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 12:15 Spring Kitchen with Tom Kerridge 13:00 Motorsport: NW200 Highlights 14:00 Athletics: Diamond League... 15:00 The Sinking of the Laconia 16:30 Flog It! Herstmonceux 17:30 The Biggest Weekend Live 19:00 Golf: PGA Championship Final... 20:00 Million Pound Menu 21:00 Steve Backshall v the Monster... 22:00 Florence + The Machine at The... 23:00 Liam Gallagher at The Biggest...

07:00 CHILDRENS TV 09:25 ITV News 09:30 New: Zoe Ball on Sunday 10:25 Best Walks with a View with... 11:00 Peston on Sunday 12:00 Britain’s Got Talent 13:15 Britain’s Got More Talent Live 14:15 ITV Lunchtime News 14:25 Countrywise 14:55 Ninja Warrior UK 16:00 Tenable 17:00 Tipping Point: Lucky Stars 18:00 The Chase: Celebrity Special 19:00 Harry Hill’s Alien Fun Capsule 19:30 ITV Evening News 19:45 ITV News London 20:00 New: Little Big Shots 21:00 New: The London Palladium: The... 23:00 ITV News 23:20 Peston on Sunday 00:20 Sunday Night at the Palladium

06:45 Steph and Dom’s One Star to... 07:10 Motor Sport: Caterham 07:40 Eat the Week with Iceland 08:30 Frasier 09:00 Monaco Historic Grand Prix 2018 09:55 Bake Off: The Professionals 11:00 Sunday Brunch 14:00 F1 Monaco GP Live Build Up 14:45 F1 Monaco Grand Prix 17:30 F1 Monaco GP Live Reaction 18:30 Grand Designs 19:30 Channel 4 News 20:00 Escape to the Chateau 21:00 Bake Off: The Professionals 22:00 The Handmaid’s Tale Unwomen 23:10 The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Film (2013) 01:55 The Family Film (2013)

07:00 MILKSHAKE 11:30 Make You Laugh Out Loud 11:55 Police Interceptors 12:50 Police Interceptors 13:50 Five Children and IT Film 14:50 Access 14:55 Five Children and IT Film 15:35 Madeline Film 16:35 Access 16:40 Madeline Film 17:25 Disney’s The Parent Trap Film 18:25 Access 18:30 Disney’s The Parent Trap Film 19:55 5 News Weekend 20:00 Cricket On 5: Eng Vs Pak-1st Test 21:00 Agatha Christie’s Crooked House 23:05 New: Top Of The Box 1989 With... 00:50 The 80s: The Best Of Bad TV 02:10 Football On 5: Play Off Final

08:20 Top Gear 09:10 Deadly 60 on a Mission 09:40 Deadly 60 on a Mission 10:40 Deadly 60 on a Mission 11:10 Top Gear 12:10 Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 13:10 Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 14:15 Gavin & Stacey 15:30 Gavin & Stacey 17:20 Gavin & Stacey 18:00 Top Gear: Polar Challenge 19:00 Football’s 47 Best Worst Songs 21:00 Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 22:00 Have I Got a Bit More News for You 23:00 Taskmaster BMXing! 00:00 The Horne Section Television... 02:00 QI XL 03:00 Have I Got a Bit More News for

07:00 San Francisco 2.0 08:00 Becoming Warren Buffett 10:00 Cold Case 11:00 Cold Case 12:00 Cold Case 13:00 Without A Trace 14:00 Without A Trace 15:00 Without A Trace 16:00 Without A Trace 17:00 Without A Trace 18:00 Blue Bloods 19:00 Blue Bloods This Way Out 20:00 Blue Bloods Unwritten Rules 21:00 Blue Bloods The City That Never Sleeps 22:00 New: Patrick Melrose 23:10 Spielberg 01:50 Billions 03:00 New: Westworld 04:10 Ray Donovan Dogwalker 05:20 Urban Secrets 06:10 Urban Secrets 07:00 Storm City






07:00 Breakfast 10:00 Countryfile Spring Diaries 10:45 Homes Under the Hammer 11:45 Neighbourhood Blues 12:30 Close Calls: On Camera 13:00 Bargain Hunt London 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 Escape to the Country 15:00 Money for Nothing 15:45 Flog It! Manchester 16:45 Garden Rescue 17:30 Hardball 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 The One Show 20:00 RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2018 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Antiques Roadshow Coronation... 22:30 Peter Kay’s Car Share 23:00 Peter Kay’s Car Share: The Finale 23:30 BBC News at Ten 00:00 Have I Got a Bit More News for You

07:00 Flog It! Trade Secrets 07:30 Ill Gotten Gains 08:15 Hardball 09:00 David Attenborough’s Natural... 09:25 How to Train Your Dragon:... Film 09:40 Mars Needs Moms Film 11:05 Frankenweenie Film 12:25 Over the Hedge Film 13:45 Golf: PGA Championship Final... 15:30 Ray Mears Northern Wilderness 16:30 Victorian Pharmacy 17:30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:15 Antiques Road Trip 19:00 Richard Osman’s House of Games 19:30 Curious Creatures 20:00 Eric & Ernie’s Home Movies 21:00 Springwatch 2018 22:30 King Lear Film 00:25 Brideshead Revisited Film 02:30 Countryfile Spring


07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:45 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 Paul O’Grady: For the Love of... 19:30 ITV News London 19:45 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 New: Britain’s Got Talent Live... 22:00 Coronation Street 22:30 New: Britain’s Got Talent Results 23:00 ITV News 23:20 Rush Hour Film 01:05 Jackpot247 04:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show


07:00 3rd Rock from the Sun 07:25 3rd Rock from the Sun 07:50 Step Up All In Film (2014) 09:50 The Big Bang Theory 10:50 The Big Bang Theory 11:15 The Simpsons 12:40 The Simpsons 13:10 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 14:05 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun 17:00 The £100K Drop 18:00 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 20:30 Hollyoaks 21:00 Channel 4 News 21:30 Travel Man: 48 Hours in Valencia 21:00 Jamie’s Quick & Easy Food 21:30 Tricks of the Restaurant Trade 22:00 24 Hours in Police Custody 23:00 Gogglebox 00:00 Life Stripped Bare 01:20 First Dates


Britain’s Got Talent ITV London 8:00pm Sat 26 May Its the final round of auditions in the nationwide talent search, with the last few acts competing for the chance to impress judges Simon Cowell, Amanda Holden, Alesha Dixon and David Walliams and win a place in the semi-finals

08:15 Top Gear 09:15 Top Gear 10:10 Gavin & Stacey 10:40 Gavin & Stacey 11:20 Gavin & Stacey 12:00 Gavin & Stacey 12:40 Gavin & Stacey 13:20 Gavin & Stacey 14:00 Red Bull Soapbox Race: Santiago 15:00 Red Bull Soapbox Race Atlanta 16:00 Top Gear: Polar Challenge 17:00 Top Gear: India Special 19:00 The Horne Section Television... 21:00 Taskmaster BMXing! 22:00 QI XL 23:00 QI XL Lethal 00:00 Jon Richardson: Ultimate Worrier The Body 01:00 QI Dictionaries 01:40 Mock the Week 02:20 Mock the Week 03:00 QI Dictionaries 03:40 Ross Noble: Freewheeling

07:00 Storm City 08:00 Fish Town 09:00 Richard E Grant’s Hotel Secrets Power & Money 10:00 The West Wing 11:00 The West Wing 12:00 House 13:00 House 14:00 Without A Trace 15:00 Richard E Grant’s Hotel Secrets Living & Dying 16:00 The West Wing 17:00 The West Wing Stirred 18:00 House 19:00 House 20:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 21:00 Blue Bloods 22:00 New: Westworld 23:10 New: West:Word 23:40 Circus: Inside The Wildest... 00:15 Silicon Valley 00:50 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 01:40 Westworld 02:50 Ray Donovan Sold 03:50 Ballers Move the

new this week Richard Osman’s House of Games BBC2 London 7:00pm Mon 28 New series. The return of the quiz in which four famous faces go toe-to-toe testing their general knowledge skills in a variety of entertaining

trivia-based games across the week, with BBC Breakfast’s Naga Munchetty, singer and actor Jordan Stephens, presenter and actress Sally

Lindsay and comedian David O’Doherty kicking thing off. A daily winner is declared following a quick-fire round at the end of each show.

Pompeii’s Final Hours: New Evidence Channel 5 10:00pm Wed

Season 12 Episode 7 of 13


07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Countryfile Spring Diaries 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Neighbourhood Blues 12:45 Close Calls: On Camera 13:15 Bargain Hunt Hexham 14:00 BBC News at One 14:45 Doctors Face-Off 15:15 Escape to the Country Welsh Borders 16:00 Flog It! 16:45 Garden Rescue 17:30 Hardball 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Holby City Only a Word 22:00 The Split 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:45 MisFITS Like Us 00:25 The Millionaire Preacher

07:00 MILKSHAKE! 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 13:10 5 News At Lunchtime 13:15 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 14:10 Home and Away 14:40 Neighbours 15:10 Criminals: Caught On Camera 15:40 Rio Lobo Film 16:40 5 News Update 16:45 Rio Lobo Film 18:00 Home and Away 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Aviva Premiership Rugby Highlights 19:55 5 News Tonight 20:00 Cricket On 5: Eng Vs Pak-1st Test 21:00 New: Police Interceptors 22:00 New: Paddington Station:.. 23:00 Greatest Talent Show Moments 01:55 Football On 5: Play Off Final 02:30 Supercasino

07:00 Flog It! Trade Secrets Hearth and Home 07:30 Countryfile Spring Diaries 08:15 Hardball 09:00 Top of the Shop with Tom Kerridge 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live 12:30 The Week in Parliament 13:00 The Super League Show 13:45 All Creatures Great and Small Film 15:15 Coast 15:30 Ray Mears Northern Wilderness 16:30 Victorian Pharmacy 17:30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:15 Antiques Road Trip 19:00 Richard Osman’s House of Games 19:30 Curious Creatures 20:00 Mexico: Earth’s Festival of Life 21:00 Springwatch 2018 22:00 Grammar Schools: Who Will Get In? 23:00 Later Live... with Jools

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 New: The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 New: Britain’s Got Talent Live... 22:00 Coronation Street 22:30 New: Britain’s Got Talent Results 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:35 ITV News London 23:50 On Assignment 00:20 Heathrow: Britain’s... 00:50 The London Palladium: The... 02:30 Jackpot247

07:00 Countdown 07:45 The King of Queens 08:10 The King of Queens 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond No Fat 10:00 Frasier 11:05 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:00 Undercover Boss USA 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Coast vs Country 14:05 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun: 17:00 The £100K Drop 18:00 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Food Unwrapped 22:00 The Battle for Britain’s Heroes 23:00 4 Men, 175 Babies: Britain’s... 00:00 24 Hours in A&E 01:05 Flight HS13: Walter Presents Angry 02:00 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 02:50 How to Get Fit Fast

Episode 1 of 3 Historian Bettany Hughes, archaeologist Raksha Dave and John Sergeant reveal fresh evidence surrounding the

volcano’s eruption. They begin on October 22, 79AD, two days before Pompeii is destroyed, and piece together the final hours of the

doomed city. Raksha joins a live dig, and John visits nearby Naples to find out how the Roman way of life has survived for 2,000 years.

06:00 MILKSHAKE! 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away! 13:10 5 News At Lunchtime 13:15 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Celebrity 5 GoBarging 16:20 Woman Deceived Film 18:00 5 News At 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Britain By Bike With Larry &... 21:00 New: The Yorkshire Vet 22:00 New: Traffic Cops: Drug Busts... 23:00 Most Shocking Moments In Sport 02:00 Supercasino 04:10 Bad Tenants, Rogue Landlords 05:00 Britain’s Greatest

08:10 Top Gear 09:10 American Pickers 10:00 Storage Hunters UK 10:30 Storage Hunters UK 11:00 New: American Pickers 12:00 American Pickers 13:00 American Pickers 14:00 QI XL Next 15:00 Top Gear: India Special 17:00 Steve Austin’s Broken Skull... 18:00 Top Gear 19:00 Taskmaster No stars for naughty boys. 20:00 QI XL Immortal Bard 21:00 QI Death 21:40 Room 101 22:20 Mock the Week 23:00 Dave Gorman Modern Life is Goodish That’s What Debt Actually Is, Actually 00:00 Taskmaster BMXing! 01:00 QI Drinks 01:40 Mock the Week 02:20 Mock the Week 03:00 QI Drinks

07:00 Storm City 08:00 Fish Town 09:00 Richard E Grant’s Hotel Secrets Living & Dying 10:00 The West Wing 11:00 The West Wing 12:00 House 13:00 House 14:00 Without A Trace 15:00 Blue Bloods 16:00 The West Wing 17:00 The West Wing 18:00 House Babies And Bathwater 19:00 House Kids 20:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Invisible Evidence 21:00 Blue Bloods 22:00 Scientology: Going Clear... 00:20 New: Circus: Inside The Wildest... 00:55 Westworld 02:05 West:Word 02:35 Ray Donovan Shabbos Goy 03:40 Ballers Machete Charge 04:15 Ballers Everything is



07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 New: The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 New: Britain’s Got Talent Live... 22:00 Coronation Street 22:30 New: Britain’s Got Talent Results 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:35 ITV News London 23:50 Car Crash Britain: Caught on... 00:50 British Touring Car...

07:00 MILKSHAKE 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 13:10 5 News At Lunchtime 13:15 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 14:05 Access 14:10 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Celebrity 5 Go Barging 16:15 Abducted Love Film 18:00 5 News At 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Police Interceptors 21:00 New: GPs: Behind Closed Doors 22:00 New: Pompeii’s Final Hours: New... 23:00 Inglorious Basterds Film 00:00 5 News Update 00:05 Inglorious Basterds Film

07:00 Countdown 07:45 The King of Queens 08:10 The King of Queens 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:05 Frasier 11:05 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:00 Undercover Boss USA 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Coast vs Country 14:05 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun: 17:00 The £100K Drop 18:00 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 The Secret Life of the Zoo 22:00 24 Hours in A&E 23:00 Carry on Brussels: Inside the EU 00:05 Gogglebox 01:05 Friday Night Dinner Lord Luck 01:35 High & Dry The Trial 02:00 How’d You Get So Rich? 02:45 Straightheads Film (2007)

ACROSS O D D I 14 15 16 17 1 Ornate architectural style (6) S T A L K E R S N U B 4 Debated (6) 18 E O 8 Acute R (5) B O O 9 Woodwind instrument (7) 19 20 G N A T 10 Brother T H or E sister B (7) R O N X 11 Additional (5) T T 12 O C U Asked forR(9) 21 Holiest N O R17 W E city G of IIslam A (5)N S 19 Fiasco (7) 21 for Unnatural-sounding and over17 Bishop with responsibility formal (7) extra pay (5) 22 Larceny (5) 18 Composer taking up bird 23 Barren area (6) without tail (4) 24 Picked (6) DOWN 1 Stand up to (6) 2 Compartment (7) 3 Isle in the Bay of Naples (5) 5 Stories (anag) (7) 6 German sub (1-4) 7 Concerning teeth (6) 9 Conceited (3-6) 13 US coin (7) 14 Titled lady (7) 15 Diverted (6) 16 Substance used for setting jams and jellies (6) 18 Fries (5) 20 Female dog (5)

07:00 Flog It! Trade Secrets The Family 07:30 Countryfile Spring Diaries 08:15 Hardball 09:00 Britain in Bloom 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live 13:00 Coast 13:35 Great Expectations Film 15:30 Ray Mears Northern Wilderness 16:30 Edwardian Farm 17:30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:15 Antiques Road Trip 19:00 Richard Osman’s House of Games 19:30 Curious Creatures 20:00 Mexico: Earth’s Festival of Life 21:00 Springwatch 2018 22:00 Love in the Countryside 23:00 Detectorists 23:30 Newsnight 00:15 Red Ape: Saving the Orangutan 01:15 Britain’s Biggest Warship 02:15 World’s Most Extraordinary Homes Spain 1/1

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Countryfile Spring Diaries 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Neighbourhood Blues 12:45 Close Calls: On Camera 13:15 Bargain Hunt Newark 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London News 14:45 Doctors Clearing the Air 15:15 Escape to the Country Worcestershire 16:00 Flog It! 16:45 Garden Rescue 17:30 Hardball 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Last Chance for Justice - Panorama 21:00 The Big Crash Diet Experiment 22:00 The Doctor Who Gave Up Drugs 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:30 BBC London News 23:45 Miranda Barbour: Serial Killer... 00:45 Ambulance

08:10 Top Gear 09:10 American Pickers 10:00 Storage Hunters 10:30 Storage Hunters 11:00 American Pickers 12:00 American Pickers 13:00 American Pickers 14:00 QI XL 15:00 Top Gear 16:00 Deadly 60 India 16:30 Deadly 60 India 17:00 Steve Austin’s Broken Skull... 18:00 Top Gear: Albania Road Trip 19:00 Taskmaster Tony three pies. 20:00 QI XL Little and Large 21:00 QI XL Naked Truth 22:00 New: Taskmaster H. 23:00 New: Jon Richardson: Ultimate... 00:00 Live at the Apollo 01:00 QI Common Knowledge 01:40 Mock the Week 02:20 Mock the Week 03:00 QI Common Knowledge 03:40 Ross Noble: Freewheeling 04:35 The Indestructible

ACROSS 1 Complicated problem puzzling cows on farm (3,2,5) 7 Resident switching from can to cup (8) 8 Scott Joplin pieces possibly leading to riches (4) 9 Right in a wrong way? Wrong! (4) 10 Police officer brought back tough duck (7) 12 Like mum or dad, unaffected by revolution (11) 14 One who follows second speaker (7) 16 Slight baker's products rejected (4) 19 Insect demonstrating natural selection (4) 20 Ancient city in Texas or New York borough (3,5) 21 Scandinavians changing gear in snow (10) DOWN 1 Two companies with one drink (5) 2 Non-combatant lacking distinctive features (7) 3 Accommodation lacking sparkle (4) 4 Sort of motor not allowed by directors (8) 5 Wet area spoils start of holiday (5) 6 Fungus ruined a cigar (6) 11 Movement of water round wet rocks (8) 12 Powerful petty officer gets mobile home (6) 13 Marconi goes out to a Spanish island (7) 15 Game left by German emperor (5)


07:00 Storm City 08:00 The Guest Wing 09:00 Richard E Grant’s Hotel Secrets Scandal 10:00 The West Wing 11:00 The West Wing 12:00 House 13:00 House Kids 14:00 Without A Trace Deep Water 15:00 Blue Bloods 16:00 The West Wing 17:00 The West Wing 18:00 House 19:00 House 20:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation After The Show 21:00 Blue Bloods Lost and Found 22:00 New: Occupied 23:00 New: Occupied 00:00 Patrick Melrose 01:10 New: High Maintenance 01:40 Barry 02:15 Silicon Valley 02:50 Billions 04:00 The Sopranos Whitecaps 05:20 The West Wing

Puzzle Solutions NO CHEATING!






N D R O M 11



O C C U P O 1











































8 1


U 13








R O C O C O 2





I 9












O 4















C 22





C A N O F W O R M S 2









A R G U E D 5












2. Evil is done without effort, naturally, it is the working of fate; good is always the product of an art. 1. God, give me courage to do what I can, humility to admit what I can’t, and wisdom to know the difference. “Happiness consists of three things; Someone to love, work to do, and a clear conscience. “














FRIDAY 25TH MAY 2018 Chat | Travel | Celebrity | Puzzles



Horoscopes ARIES (March 21st-April 20th)

LIBRA (Sept 24th-Oct 23rd) Tension is apt to build to a high level Your romantic side is powerfully if you aren’t careful about how you charged today, Aries. The more you use words, Libra. The tricky thing is tune into this side of your nature, that forces are going to try to push the happier you’ll be. One thing to you and pull you in different ways. watch out for, however, is that you You may encourage a focus on keep at least one foot on the ground ARIES LIBRA the collective, while others worry at all times. Make sure you have a stable platform of honesty and practicality from only about themselves. Still another force calls for which to work. Without it, you’ll be hard-pressed to outdated remedies and traditional structures that no longer work for you. Blaze your own trail! take down walls and put in windows. SCORPIO (Oct 24th-Nov 22nd) TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st) Take a look at what’s going on Attend to your duties today, Taurus. around you today, Scorpio. Do There’s a pronounced sense of the some internal processing before passage of time and feeling that you reach a conclusion about the the days are slipping quickly by. best way to proceed. You may find Make sure you fit love and romance TAURUS somewhere into the equation. You SCORPIO that powerful forces are trying to win you over to one camp or may experience a bit of resistance in this department another. Don’t pigeonhole yourself into one way of at first, but that indicates that this is an area you need doing things. Keep in mind that the best route is to explore and ultimately feel more comfortable with. often a combination of several different paths. GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st) Two different sides could be tugging at you, Gemini. It may be that neither one is really making a strong case for pulling you one way or the other. Realize that adjustments may GEMINI have to be made in order for you to fit in the scheme of things and fulfill your responsibilities. A close loved one may be distracting you in subtle ways. Try not to get too sidetracked if you can help it.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23rd-Dec 21st) Watch out for a little jolt in the action as someone close to you puts on the brakes in your relationship, Sagittarius. Conflicts could arise based on a need for more structure and stability. The SAGITTARIUS imbalance between having fun and taking care of practical matters is working to slowly destroy the good thing that you have going. Nip this problem in the bud as soon as possible.

CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) Tension may be a bit high in just about everyone and everything you encounter today, Cancer. Some will feel a strong need for stability and discipline. Others may be calling for CANCER fun and carefree frivolity. You could be caught in the middle. The worst thing is that no side, including your own, is going to want to compromise. Try not to take things too seriously.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22nd-Jan 20th) Just when you thought you had everything planned out and working smoothly, Capricorn, love comes in and clogs up the works. Suddenly your attention is diverted and your CAPRICORN concentration flies out the window as that dazzling creature catches your eye. This could be a good or a bad thing, depending on how you view the situation. Both aspects of your life are important. The key is finding a healthy balance between them.

LEO (July 24th-August 23rd) AQUARIUS (Jan 21st-Feb 19th) Remember that you were put Your heart is going pitty-pat, here to have fun, Leo, and that Aquarius, and you’re tempted to happiness is your true destiny. Keep escape to a romantic fantasyland that in mind today, as forces may in which you play the starring role. tend to pull you away from the fun The bad news is that something you’ve been having. There is likely could be trying to hold you back. LEO AQUARIUS to be a sobering tone to the day It could be that responsibility is that’s stubbornly working to rain on your parade. coming on the scene and reminding you that work Recognize the need for structure and stability, but needs to be done here in the real world before you don’t let it bring you down. can go off to your little fairytale world.

PISCES (Feb 20th-March 20th) VIRGO (August 24th-Sept 23rd) You may feel a bit of strain today as You, of all people, will appreciate you try to figure out the best way the need for structure and stability to get to where you need to be, on a day like this, Virgo. This Pisces. On the one hand, the happy practical energy could be taking approach calls for you to let loose, some of the fun out of the equation. be courageous, and strike out with You may not recognize it at fi rst, PISCES conviction toward the things that VIRGO but if you aren’t careful, the fun in mean the most to you. On the other, your life could be chipped away little by little. Make a sense of duty holds you back. Take the best of both sure you hold tight to the things that give your life worlds. Come up with your own plan of attack. passion and purpose.

CRYPTOGRAMS Cryptograms are simple-substitution ciphers where every letter of the alphabet has been switched. Your task is to use pattern recognition and your grammar and vocabulary abilities to decipher the hidden quote. Hint: start

with the 1, 2 and 3 letter words, and remember that the most common letters in the English language are E-T-A-I-O-N, in roughly that order. Good luck!

Easy/Medium Easy/Medium Cryptograms Cryptograms Presented by Puzzle Baron



SUBADDO PYRAMIDS — B. J. Gupta — B. J. Gupta Puzzle #Y030KW Puzzle #Y030KW

Easy/Medium (2.)

TriSub - 0005_H1



— Charles Baudelaire — Charles Baudelaire Puzzle #K539HE Puzzle #K539HE



Sigmund Freud All numbers must be between 1 and 12 and no —number —Puzzle Sigmund Freud #A919FH c a n b e r e p e a t e d i n a h o r i z o n t a l Puzzle r o w . #A919FH

© Engaged Learning



— Benjamin Franklin — Benjamin Puzzle Franklin #T066JM Puzzle #T066JM

11 8 8 3 5 2 6 9 4 12 10 4 5 1 4 8 2 6 11 10 7 11 3 5 1 12 2 12 5 6 3 2 1 11 9 5 7 12 6 9 11 10 1 8 Copyright © Puzzle Baron May 24, 2018 - Go to www.Printable-Puzzles.com for Hints and Solutions!

Copyright © Puzzle Baron May 24, 2018 - Go to www.Printable-Puzzles.com for Hints and Solutions!

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Chat | Travel | Celebrity | Puzzles





Across 1. Complicated problem puzzling cows on farm (3,2,5) 7. Resident switching from can to cup (8) 8. Scott Joplin pieces possibly leading to riches (4) 9. Right in a wrong way? Wrong! (4) 10. Police officer brought back tough duck (7) 12. Like mum or dad, unaffected by revolution (11) 14. One who follows second speaker (7) 16. Slight baker’s products rejected (4) 19. Insect demonstrating natural selection (4) 20. Ancient city in Texas or New York borough (3,5) 21. Scandinavians changing gear in snow (10)














ACROSS Down 14 15 16 17 1 Complicated problem puzzling 1. Two companies with one drink (5) cows on farm (3,2,5) 2. Non-combatant lacking distinctive features (7) 18 3. Accommodation lacking sparkle 7 Resident switching from can to (4) 4. Sort of motor not allowed by directors (8) cup (8) 19 20 5. Wet area spoils start of holiday (5) 8 Scott Joplin pieces 6. Fungus ruinedpossibly a cigar (6) 11. Movement of water round wet rocks (8) leading to riches (4) Powerful petty officer gets mobile home (6) 9 Right in a 12. wrong 13. Marconiway? goes out Wrong! to a Spanish island (7) 21 (4) 15. Game left by German emperor (5) 17. Bishop with responsibility for extra pay (5) 10 Police officer brought back 18. Composer taking up bird without tail (4) tough duck (7) 17 Bishop with responsibility for 12 Like mum or dad, unaffected by extra pay (5) revolution (11) 18 Composer taking up bird 14 One who follows second without tail (4) speaker (7) Across 16 Slight baker's products rejected 1. Ornate architectural style (6) (4) 4. Debated (6) 8. Acute (5) 19 Insect demonstrating natural 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9. Woodwind instrument (7) selection (4) 10. Brother or sister (7) 11. Additional (5) 20 Ancient city in Texas or New 12. Asked for (9) York borough (3,5) 17. Holiest city of Islam (5) 8 9 19. Fiasco (7) 21 Scandinavians changing gear 21. Unnatural-sounding and over-formal in snow (10) (7) 22. Larceny (5) DOWN 23. Barren area (6) 10 11 24. Picked (6) 1 Two companies with one drink (5) 2 Non-combatant lacking Down 12 13 14 distinctive features (7) 1. Stand up to (6) 3 Accommodation lacking sparkle 2. Compartment (7) 15 16 3. Isle in the Bay of Naples (5) (4) 5. Stories (anag) (7) 19 20 17 18 4 Sort of motor not allowed by 6. German sub (1-4) 7. Concerning teeth (6) directors (8) 9. Conceited (3-6) 5 Wet area spoils start 13. US coin (7) of holiday 14. Titled lady (7) (5) 21 22 15. Diverted (6) a cigar (6) 6 Fungus ruined 16. Substance used for setting jams and jellies (6) 11 Movement of water round wet 18. Fries (5) rocks (8) 23 20. Female dog (5) 24 12 Powerful petty officer gets mobile home (6) er13 Marconi goes out to a Spanish island (7) 15 Game left by German emperor (5)






Daily Codewords


FRIDAY 25TH MAY 2018 Daily Codeword


8 March 18

Chat | Travel | Celebrity | Puzzles






2 3 4 A Rosetta is made up of a 7 6 centre coloured hexagon Example encircled by 6 white hexagons. To complete the puzzle, fill in all 7 Rosettas with each number between 1 and 7 in no particular order while also ensuring that :

CODEWORDS Daily Codeword

Scribble Pad

24 May 18

1. No number is repeated in a horizontal row 2. Each number from 1 to 7 are represented in the 7 grey coloured hexagon cells.



Star 0005-Grid_M1 © Engaged Learning STAR PUZZLE

To complete the puzzle fill in each of the empty hexagon cells with numbers between 1 & 7 following the 3 rules below; 1. No numbers in a horizontal line can be repeated. 2. No numbers in a diagonal line can be repeated. 3. No numbers in the 7 gray hexagons can be repeated.

1 6

5 7




Drop Quotes Copyright Source: © 2017Unattributed Best for Puzzles

Drop Quotes



Copyright © 2017 Best for Puzzles

S A C H O O Drop Quotes are similar to cryptograms, in that the T H C E N E P P D goal is for the solver to uncover a hidden quote. E A A E R N L S V E I A black-and-white crossword-style grid is set up for F N T N I E E O C L E each quote, with a number of letters “hovering” above each column. Your task is to “drop” each of those letters 5 3 into the appropriate square in each column, until the 2 1 entire quote is revealed. All punctuation (commas, peri7 4 ods, dashes, etc.) has been removed. Good luck! http://bestforpuzzles.com/dc/print.html?puzz=daily-codeword-180524


Sudoku EXTRA

Puzzle #F033FD























Hard 1/1

© 2011 Engaged Learning

* Note that each white hexagon belongs to a line of 7 that must contain each of the numbers between 1 and 7.

Copyright © Puzzle Baron May 24, 2018 - Go to www.Printable-Puzzles.com for Hints and Solutions!




La Vila ‘Rugby Sevens’ weekend


Rugby fans are sure to flock to Villajoyosa in their droves this weekend as the popular Rugby sevens tournament takes place, offering two days of outstanding competition. After thirty two consecutive years, the annual International Rugby Seven a Side Tournament, being played at Villajoyosa Rugby Stadium on Saturday May 26th and Sunday May 27th, promises to be as thrilling as ever. The Sevens caters for all levels of senior seven a side

rugby, being divided into two sections (Invitational sides and Club sides), with teams from across the world taking part this year. Cash winners prize money for elite international champions is 2.500 euros, with runners up receiving 1.000 euros. Whilst the womens clubs cash winners prize money is 1.000 euros and runners up 500 euros. This thriving event is supported by Generalitat Valenciana, Villajoyosa Council

and Patronato Turismo Costa Blanca. Twelve teams are confirmed for the men’s competition, including national teams from Malaysia, Russia and Moldavia, plus the Wooden Spoon Marauders (England); Jonanesburg University (Southafrica); Olymp (Kazajistan); Belgium Barbarians (Belgium); Catalunya Selection; Galicia Selection; Esprit Sud Seves (France); Les Salopards (France) and Costa Blanca Selection.

The eight participating Women’s teams are Tuks Selection (Southafrica), Andorra National team, Olymp (Kazajistan), Galicia Selection, Catalunya Selection, Costa Blanca selection, Spanish Selection and Alicante Selection. Saturday games will start at 10.00h until 20.00h, whilst Sunday games begin at 11.00 until 19.00h, with the finals starting at 17.00h Prices for stand tickets on Saturday are 10 euros and stand ticket on Sunday are also 10

euros for all day, including the finals, plus under 12 can enter for free on both days. Facilities at the beautifully situated ground include bars, DJ Music, food stalls, catering area, souvenir shop and a free parking area. Anyone wishing to attend will find Villajoyosa Rugby Stadium situated at Carretera El Pantano, Villajoyosa. Sunday’s finals will be streamed live on TV at www. nostresporttv.com

ALFAZ FANTASY FOOTBALL LEAGUE The F.A.Cup Final brought the curtain down on the 24th Alfaz Fantasy Football League. In a game which was quite dull Edin Hazard’s first half penalty decided the game in Chelsea’s favour at Wembley to leave Jose Mourinho and Manchester United empty handed for the Season. There was only 1 goal,1 clean sheet, 3yellow cards and no red ones going into the last week of the Fantasy League. Darren’s team Daz XI won the 24th A.F.F.L. after leading from the front since week 25. One of the tricks of winning the Fantasy League is to unearth a hidden gem further down the pecking list and in Darren’s case he certainly did when selecting Liverpool’s Mo Salah who finished up with a record total of points for the Fantasy League with 245 points to his name. The nearest player to him was Spur’s Harry Kane with 229 points. Needless to say, he had both Players in his line-up.I’m sure Darren will have the Fantasy League Trophy on show at the top Restaurant where he works Saritas in Albir who provide an excellent Indian Cuisine. His

mate’s team,Joe’s Keith Lard F.C. came Runners-Up but he was well behind 76 points being the gap. Pauline’s Vodka Army marched away with our Mark Carter Ladies Section winning it by a remarkable 125 points over 2nd placed Rachel’s Mrs. Max & Paddy who just pipped Isabel’s team The Bluebells by 7 points. Our U.K.T.V.SPAIN Junior League proved to be the most competitive with Wade’s team Alli Barber just managing to fight off the challenge from Robbie’s Tea & Busquets and win the Trophy by just 3 points. Joe’s team Lalas 43 came from nowhere in the last few weeks to finish 3rd. Wayne became the 1st Manager to win 3 Trophies in 5 years in the Fantasy League when his team Two Years Running, Maybe romped home in our Golden Boot League and leave Daz XI trailing in their wake by 73 points. Our F.A.Cup League was won by one of our Lady Managers Raquel’s Mrs. Max & Paddy who beat Linda’s Team Tapas by 21 points. A late arrival on the scene was Dean’s Chelsea Blue Boys

who climbed up 4 places to pip Ged’s Chino’s Gladiators for the 3rd spot. I mentioned last week that our K.O.Cup Competition was won by Lee’s Pineapple Chunks who beat Luca’s team Already Won It by 40-25. We have 6 teams going into our Monthly Wine Draw and they are our 2 top scoring teams with 20 points Donald’s Penfold Penguins and Ross’s R.F.C. 1872. The four teams joining them are our lowest scoring teams with a minus one, Benissa Hotspurs,Los Cracks, Penfold Puffins and Elite Kitchen,Swinton. Wooden Spoons have gone out to the following. Three to Laura’s Legends,one to Ginger Ninjar and one to Tommy’s Quantrill’s Raider who finished bottom of our F.A.Cup League thanks to Liverpool’s early exit to relegated West Brom.Boing,Boing! Our last Manager of the Month has been kindly sponsored by the Kathmandu Restaurant in Albir who provide the finest Nepalese cuisine at reasonable prices and our lucky winner of this super meal for 2 is Sue whose

team London FW 9 beat Adrian’s Chico Time by 12 points. Breakfast for 2 at the Bar Code in Alfaz has been won by Ross’s R.F.C.1872 who moved up the most places this week 18, from 131st to 113th. The 24th Alfaz Fantasy Football League has been one of our best with 6 different teams winning our top Trophies. I hope everybody has enjoyed taking part and are looking forward to next Season which will be a special one with it being our 25th anniversary. Hopefully, we expect to have our new Brochure and Players list out just after the World Cup(fingers crossed). A report will appear on these pages as soon as we have them. Don’t forget to visit our website which is www.alfazffl.com you never know you may have finished top or bottom of one of our many Leagues. Thanks once again for taking part in what is easily the best Competition in the Area and also a big thank you to all our sponsorers for helping make it well worthwhile in taking part.



Aston Villa v Fulham - 6:00 PM

CHAMPIONS LEAGUE FINAL Real Madrid v Liverpool - 8:45 PM


Rotheram v Shrewsbury - 4:00 PM

Monday 28th May


Coventry v Exeter City - 4:00 PM

Formula One Calendar 2018 27 May - Monaco - Monaco 10 June - Montreal - Canada 24 June - Le Castellet - France 1 July - Spielberg - Austria 8 July - Silverstone - Great Britain 22 July - Hockenheim - Germany 29 July - Budapest Hungary 26 August - Spa - Belgium 2 September - Monza - Italy 16 September - Singapore - Singapore 30 September - Sochi Russia 7 October - Suzuka - Japan 21 October - Austin - USA 28 October - Mexico City -Mexico 11 November - Sao Paulo - Brazil 25 November - Yas Marina - Abu Dhabi

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