Weekender Issue 051

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ISSUE 051 - Friday 29th June 2018




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Doctor on the beach


For most of us a holiday in the sun gives us the perfect opportunity to switch off from work mode, kick back, relax

by Andy Mansell

and forget about our daily routine. However, for some professions, work is never far away and they may be called on to use their expertise even when they are away from their job. This was recently

the case for newly qualified doctor, Louise Bamford from Lytham St Annes, who was holidaying in Altea, with her boyfriend William. Louise, aged 29, had settled down, with a glass of cider in a beachfront café on the town’s Play del Roda, last Sunday, eager to watch England take on

Panama in the World Cup. Within minutes, she was caught up in a life or death drama, which called on all of her professional skills and training. She became aware that a man had collapsed on the beach opposite, when people began to call for an ambulance. “I saw a lifeguard

performing CPR and immediately thought I need to get over there and help.” Said Louise. “As a newly qualified doctor, I am not used to these situations yet, but my training and adrenaline, obviously kicked in and I found myself running towards him.” Contined Page 3

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Spanish tax inquiries triggered by common reporting standard

It is only “a matter of time” before an innocent international client is accidentally snared by the Common Reporting Standard (CRS), according to local tax advisers who’s clients have already begun to receive tax investigation notifications. Many of my regular readers will have read some of my previous articles explaining the CRS, for those of you who aren’t familiar with it, here is a brief overview: On January 1st, 2017, the UK and Spain, along with all other EU countries, and many others Worldwide, agreed to a system of financial information sharing in an unprecedented global crack-down on tax evasion. This means that your financial information, including the movement and balance of money in any financial product you hold, will now be automatically shared with your local tax authority here in Spain. There are two main areas of concern. The first is for those who live in Spain for more than 183 days a year but have not correctly registered as a Spanish resident – you should apply for the

official documentation as soon as possible to ensure you are paying your taxes correctly.

The second relates to the Spanish ‘Modelo 720’ which is a legal requirement to declare overseas assets worth more than €50,000 or GBP equivalent, to the Spanish tax authorities each Spring. Failure to make this declaration currently results in a minimum fine of €10,000 per asset group and up to 150% of unpaid taxes. The Automatic Exchange of Information will ensure that the Spanish tax authorities receive this information whether you have made the declaration or not, but if they find out before you complete the Modelo 720, then the fines will apply. Santiago Lapausa, head of tax, economist and partner at a Spanish law firm JC&A Abogados, fears that CRS will trip up unsuspecting cross border clients, especially if a bank, adviser or broker sends mail to the wrong address. Even a straightforward error can trigger an investigation because intelligence shared through CRS is

treated as verified by the recipient jurisdiction.

Under CRS, a financial firm is required to share a client’s details, including address, with relevant jurisdictions. Even if the address is a rarely used holiday home it would trigger a tax investigation on the assumption the client is a resident and a tax domicile. For example, a client who is resident in Gibraltar but owns a house in Spain and has a Spanish bank account. If mail from the bank was sent to the Spanish address, the bank could assume it is the client’s primary residence and tell the authorities in Spain. It is recommended that clients check their addresses with their banks and brokers, especially anyone with houses in both countries and urgently in the case where correspondence is sent to the holiday home. Also it is important to understand that financial arrangements set-up for UK residents, including ISAs, Premium Bonds, UK Investment Bonds and others, are not Spanish

compliant. They are not designed for Spanish residents, can create complex accounting requirements and will not generally offer tax benefits here in Spain. Many people forget that as soon as they become a Spanish resident, gains on these products are now declarable in Spain and any tax due should be paid.

There are equivalent products available for Spanish residents created by well-known institutions like The Prudential and Old Mutual Wealth, which are, subject to suitability, available to Spanish residents through Chorus Financial. These products are not reportable under Modelo 720 and offer tax efficient growth in a similar manner to their equivalent UK products. Now, more than ever, is the time to ensure that the financial advice you receive is suitable, with solutions designed for your life here in Spain. The team of experts at Chorus Financial are here to answer any of your questions and provide you with free, independent, fully regulated

By Tracy Storer

Senior Partner Chorus Financial

advice without pressure or obligation. If you would like any further information or to discuss your current financial position with one of the team, call Tracy on 693107044 or email t.storer@chorusfinancial.es This is for information purposes, and should not be taken as advice or an invitation to apply; If you have any questions about these products or their suitability for you then please contact us for more information. Investment contracts are intended as medium to long term investments, and all investments have some level of risk. Fees and charges for these investments can vary and will be fully explained to you before any advice can take place.

Chorus Financial is a trading style of TOURBILLON LIMITED - Registered Address: Trinity House - Ocean Village Avenue - Gibraltar - GX11 1AA Tourbillon Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Commission (Gibraltar). Licence Number FSC1118B. Registered with the UK FCA. Reference number: 539348



Doctor on the beach by Andy Mansell

give resuscitation breaths, the mask was too small for the victim’s face, leaving them unable to make a proper seal. “What I found most disappointing and frustrating in the emergency situation was, when I asked whether there was a defibrillator, maybe in a bar or supermarket or at the Cruz Roja lifeguards station, I was told there wasn’t.” said Louise sadly. “My heart sank as I knew I couldn’t do anything further than more CPR until the paramedics arrived, which was 20 minutes later.” Unaware of the cause

of the man’s collapse, she remains unsure whether a defibrillator could have helped resuscitate the victim, who sadly never regained consciousness and died at the scene. “Every minute defibrillation is delayed after cardiac arrest, the chance of survival reduces by 7-10%. In the UK we have them in nearly all public places,” she explained. “We need to implement the same public equipment to other countries including Spain, so anyone suffering sudden cardiac arrest has the best chance of survival, although we must remember the sad reality is that many people who

Fewer Brits

SPAIN’s population went up for the second straight year in 2017, which is being put down to an increase in immigrants, though the British are bucking that trend. Official figures show that the number of UK nationals registered as living in the country is falling, with an overall drop of nearly eight thousand, taking the total registered figure to under 286 thousand. The National Statistics

by Alex Trelinski

Institute reported that over 27 thousand Brits quit Spain last year, and they are the second-largest exiting nonSpanish group, following the 47 thousand Romanians who departed in 2017. The total population of Spain increased to 46.66 million as of the start of the year, a rise of just over 132 thousand people 12 months earlier.

require CPR do not survive regardless of timing or treatment.” Louise, who returns to the UK at the weekend, will soon take up a placement at Stockport Stepping Hill Hospital as a Foundation Doctor, was quick to praise the lifeguards and paramedics who fought valiantly in high temperatures to save the victim’s life. “I was deeply saddened by this man’s death and wish there was more I could have done and my thoughts and prayers go out to his wife, family and friends”, said the new doctor who will surely prove an asset to the NHS, when she takes up her post.

Spain saw a net increase of migrants arriving in the country of 146 thousand, after the arrival of almost half a million people last year, the largest migrant influx in a decade. The total number of deaths in Spain in 2017 outpaced the number of births at the fastest pace since records began in 1941. Locally, the Valencian Community saw a nine thousand population hike to take the total to 4.94 million, whilst further south, the Murcia region rose by just under three thousand to just under 1.5 million.

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by Alex Trelinski

Dr Louise Bamford

BEACHGOERS on the Orihuela Costa are being asked to be environmentally friendly, and not to bring plastic materials to the area’s beaches. Orihuela council will run a week-long campaign starting this Monday calling on visitors to help keep the beaches clean, and next Friday, a group of volunteers will do a sweep of Cala Mosca targetting plastic rubbish. 11 of the Orihuela Costa’s beaches have the coveted blueflag award, and a series of displays and live entertainment performances on the sands will be staged next week to bring home the message of maintaining high cleanliness standards.

Zonal solution

CARAVANS and motorhomes are to get designated overnight parking areas in La Marina village, under plans announced by Elche council. With the increased use of such vehicles, the authority is set to create special zones for the mobile homes, which would help with the disposing of waste water.

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The collapsed man, was a sixty five year old Norwegian, who had driven down to the beach for a quick swim with his wife. Quickly assessing the situation, Louise explained her medical background and took over administering chest compressions to the unconscious man. “The lifeguards emergency case had oxygen, a bag valve mask and variously sized tubes used to keep airwaves open,” explained the young doctor praising the two lifeguards for setting up the equipment quickly. However, she soon realised as they tried to

Keep it clean

stay overnight in an undesignated area would Users are currently be subject to fines. parking on roads, often in a whole line, and are dumping sewage in public places, which has led to complaints from local residents. Under council plans, mobile homes that by Neil Mortimer



Long time coming

AN HISTORIC trial started this week in Madrid with an 85-yearold man facing charges of stealing a newborn baby in what was said to be a frequent practice during the years of iron-fist rule by dictator, General Franco. The aim of Franco’s policy was to punish left-wing Republicans who opposed him in the Civil War, and starting in 1940, a decree allowed the state to take children into custody if their “moral formation” was at risk. F r o m the fifties onwards, doctors, nurses, nuns and priests took babies born out of wedlock, or newborns from poor Business families,

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by Alex Trelinski

from maternity wards and gave them to couples close to the Franco regime, who in many cases were infertile. On Tuesday, Eduardo Vela, a former obstetrician at Madrid’s San Ramon hospital, became the first person to be hauled to court over the scandal, that caused outrage across Spain when it first came to official light at the start of the century. The ex-medic is suspected of having taken part in the 1969 theft of Ines Madrigal, now aged 49. Madrigal, who lives in Murcia City, and who leads the region’s stolen babies

support group, accuses him of having forged her birth certificate so that her adoptive mother, who has since passed away, appeared as her biological parent. Tens of thousands of others are said to be in Madrigal’s position, with around two thousand court complaints filed so far.

Convicted for stabbing bouncer

A man who stabbed and almost killed a doorman outside a gaming room has been found guilty and sentenced to three and a half years in prison. The assault occurred in Alcoy in 2015 when the suspect’s niece approached the doorman and began arguing with him

by Simon Russell

about an alleged incident at a Moors and Christians Festival. The young woman’s uncle heard about the fracas and drove up in a van; after a short altercation he suddenly stabbed the bouncer with a

large serrated knife. This severed an artery and required an urgent operation to save the victims life. Prosecutors had originally asked that the defendant be charged with attempted murder, but the judge decided there was insufficient evident of intent to kill.


Raped while comataose

A man from Castellon has been sentenced to two years in jail for having sex with his wife knowing she was in a very deep sleep due to having taken sleeping pills. The court heard how the couple, who had been married for 20 years, were going through a separation. They did not share a room but the

by Simon Russell

man entered his wife’s room, knowing she took the medication each night for her depressive disorder. However she did wake up, telling the man to stop. The next day she made an attempt at cutting her own wrists and she later reported the incident.


AN ALICANTE court has jailed a man for three-and-a-half years for attacking his girlfriend with a lethal 21 centimetrelong Katana-style knife at their Torrevieja home last year. The court accepted that Columbian national, John Anderson BZ, had no intention of killing her, and rejected prosecution calls for an eight year prison sentence. The incident happened last August where Anderson’s partner asked him to leave their home on Calle Frigata after an argument. The young

by Alex Trelinski

couple had been together for 14 months. As he was packing his things, the row became increasingly heated, and he punched his girlfriend to the ground. The noise woke up a roommate who saw Anderson in the kitchen with the blade in his hands, and he stabbed her a couple of times as the argument spilled onto their terrace. Fortunately for the woman, no major organs were ruptured in the attack.


STREET OF SHAME NATIONAL POLICE officers went into riot mode on Sunday, after English hooligans rampaged on a Benidorm street, on the back of England’s emphatic 6-1 World Cup group win over Tunisia. Yobs ambushed a car on Calle Gerona in the “English Zone” of the town, shortly after 4.00 pm, not long after the full-time whistle in Russia. They smashed the vehicle’s windscreen, as footage hit social media sites of their disruptive activities. H o r r i f i e d holidaymakers were left bewildered as a normally calm Sunday turned violent, with the hooligans surrounding the car and repeatedly slammed their hands on its bonnet while chanting the anthem, Football’s Coming Home”. The video footage showed a bare-chested man rolling headfirst onto the bonnet and smashing into the

windscreen, causing it to shatter. He’s then seen sprinting off into a crowd of fans as onlookers, obviously amused by the vandalism, started to laugh. Further videos showed the National Police

brandishing shields as they moved in to patrol parts of Benidorm, whilst there was footage of lines of cars trying to snake their way through the unruly mob. No arrests appeared to be made, and the celebrations in the rest of the resort were good-natured and passed without incident.




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He’ll be back A CATRAL industrial estate has been transformed into a Mexican setting for the latest Terminator movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton, with three minutes of footage expected to be used in the blockbuster. Terminator 6 has been shooting at various locations across Spain including Madrid, and the San Juan industrial estate will see over two weeks of filming, with a production crew of over 500 people on site. A camp with over 50 vehicles has already been established, and the area will be used for an action sequence that will involve five fire trucks and ambulances. Star gazers looking for a glimpse of Schwarzenegger are going to be

by Alex Trelinski

disappointed as the ex-body builder turned actor and politician does not feature in the scene, but reports suggest that Linda Hamilton, who returns to the franchise as Sarah Connor, will feature prominently. The shoot has proved to be good

business for the Catral area, with warehouse owners being paid to use their properties. Temporary white walls have been erected, whilst local road signs have had to be covered up. There’ll be a long wait though to see the final product on screen, as Terminator 6 is not scheduled to be released before November 2019.

Aquarius migrants go on walkabout LIVE-IN CARERS To Work in the UK Do you have experience in care professionally or with a family member or friend?

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Twenty nine young migrants from the Aquarius refugee ship, disappeared hours after their arrival at an Alicante reception shelter. The teenage boys, who had been held at a detention centre before being transferred to the accommodation, had dispersed into smaller groups and made their way to the outskirts of the city by the time they were intercepted by Guardia Civil and local police officers. The Aquarius ship, en route from Libya, hit the news headlines earlier this month after it was barred from docking in several Mediterranean ports, including ones in Italy and Malta, before being accepted by authorities in Valencia. The men, had absconded from the centre in the early hours of the morning, within a few hours of registration, with a view of linking up with members of the mafia gangs, who they had paid for their safe passage. The youngsters told police that they hoped to continue their journey onward to their country of preference, in most cases France. Many alluded to Libyan trafficking gangs in their statements to the prosecutor’s office, explaining that they had paid only a percentage of the cost of passage to the gangs, with the remainder to be paid, once they arrived in their country of choice. Whilst most assured the court they had left their homes for political asylum, others said they had been promised the chance to play for football teams in Europe, whilst one of

by Andy Mansell

the younger boys had been travelling with his mother, who had drowned during the crossing. Valencian Vice President, Monica Oltra, defended the boys actions, describing them as “teenagers who come with few parenting patterns because the life they have experienced is unimaginable to us, and it is an educational process that takes time.” “They have done what teenagers do, go partying “ said the vice president, adding that “they will be reprimanded with understanding via a translator, so they understand that they are protected and have to comply with a pattern of behaviour, and they will be informed seriously about the existence of some rules that they have to follow.” She also explained that the reception centre is a refuge to protect them, rather to lock them up and deprive them of basic human rights, reminding police authorities that their protection must be balanced with a “necessary guarantee of their freedom.” Following bone tests conducted on the 61 refugees claiming to be minors under the age of 17, a number of the men were considered to be at least twenty years of age. These twenty migrants will be transferred to the Ciudad de Esperanza, a comprehensive care centre in Aldaia, which currently has 164 residents, of which 110 are refugees of 36 different nationalities.



MASS MOB Bumper cherry crop Drug mules ARRESTS sentenced

OVER 30 PEOPLE were arrested in Alicante Province on Tuesday in Spain’s biggest ever operation against Russian and Armenian mafia gangs. A series of coordinated raids by the National Police saw at least 160 detentions in the culmination of a two-and-a half year investigation led by a Barcelona judge. Local arrests took place in Alicante City, Sant Joan, El Campello, Elche, Torrevieja, Elda, and Petrer, with an Armenian group of at least 36 members

by Alex Trelinksi

being picked up in Valencia City. Mobsters were also picked up in Madrid, Albacete, and Barcelona. Four groups were targeted in the mass police sweep, and raids also stretched to France, from where gang members would travel to the Valencia region. Authorities started their investigation in January 2016, after two leading mobsters were shot dead in the Barcelona area in what were described as “revenge killings”.

THIS year’s crops of cherries from the Vall de Gallinera amounted to 800,000 kilos, regarded by growers as a good harvest. Gallinera cherries have a worldwide reputation and around two thirds of them end up on supermarket shelves in Germany, France, Italy and the UK. The fruit are heavily promoted by the Denia City of Gastronomy scheme, which supports local produce of a unique nature. One unusual thing about their production is that for various

by Simon Russell

reasons very few large producers get involved and almost all are grown by small, local farmers who have often had the orchards in their family for several generations. Recently

renowned chef Ferran Giro gave a demonstration at Denia Market of dishes to cook with the local delicacy, including cherry coulis and even a gazpacho and seafood cherry dish.

TRAFFICKERS STOPPED 28 PEOPLE have been arrested in Spain, accused of smuggling Moroccan children into the country. The joint operation between the National Police and Europol lead to the nationwide detentions, including a man being apprehended in the Murcia region. Two gangs are believed to have shipped in at least a hundred youngsters from Morocco, with

by Alex Trelinksi

Europol saying that the victims were transported for sums ranging between two and eight thousand euros. The children illegally entered the country using dangerous means of transportation such as wooden boats, jet skis or fishing boats or simply by staying hidden in vehicles and trucks. In addition, the National Police seized fake documents, data storage devices and mobile phones in a two-phased operation against the smuggling gangs.

THREE people, two men and a woman, have been sentenced to between a year and 20 months in prison for smuggling cocaine by swallowing the drugs encased in plastic bags. The trio were due to fly in from Lima, in Peru, to Alicante airport. However they had been under surveillance for some time and the Guardia Civil was waiting for one of them at the airport while the other two had been arrested in Lima

by Simon Russell

before even boarding. They also faced charges of falsifying documentation relating to false passports. The crime actually happened back in 2009 and has highlighted the huge delays in Elche’s Provincial Courts. The three will not be serving any prison time now as they spent a period in detention equivalent to the sentence while awaiting trial.


LATE-NIGHT landing passengers at AlicanteElche airport have been facing long waits for taxis, for the second successive summer. Problems came to the fore again in the last week, with cabs being used for the Hogueras celebrations in Alicante City, in addition to dealing with the increased number of flights arriving at the airport. To try to stop a repeat of last year’s delays, Elche council announced last

by Alex Trelinski

month that 18 additional taxi licences were to be issued to boost the fleet, but new drivers will have to go through a series of tests, which means that they will not come “on stream” until August at the earlies. Elche council has also allowed taxi drivers, like in previous summers, to have greater flexibility over rest periods, and to be drafted in if demand becomes high.



Dodgy ham

Drone to the rescue In a vision of the future, Guardia Civil officers in Villajoyosa dispatched a drone to quickly identify the location of a group of elderly walkers lost on a mountainside inland from Ortxeta last Sunday. The five hikers aged between seventy and eighty, were walking with a woman in her forties, when they lost their bearings, causing the

by Andy Mansell

younger walker to call for assistance. Concerned at the age of the group, officers of the Guardia Civil Seprona division knew time was an important consideration in the rescue, so decided to use a drone to search for the walkers. The drone quickly pointed out the location of

by Simon Russell

the group, allowing the rapid dispatchment of a rescue helicopter to transfer the hikers to safety. Once they had landed at a sports field in the town, the elderly walkers were examined. However, although physically exhausted, the group were in a good state of health and only in need of the sports centre’s toilet facilities.

THE Ministry of Health has warned consumers in the Valencian Community about consuming certain brands of cured ham products purchased from budget supermarket chain Family Cash. They have seized 500 tons of ham, chorizo, salami and sausages from the warehouse of a firm that supplies the chain as well as around 4,300 kilos of meat products directly from stores in Torrent, Museros, Xativa, Alzira and Ontinyent. Thebrandsto look outfor are Bodega Alto de Aitana, Sierra Gorda, Mariola, Serriana de Ameta, El Galan, Croval, Don Enrique and Oro la Ermita.

Victim of its own success THE governing board of the Montgo natural park are so concerned about the damage being caused to the Cova Tallada by visitors that they are considering limiting numbers. Hikers, canoeists and bathers all flock there in the summer and not all treat the caves with the

by Simon Russell

respect they deserve. The board were shown photos of rubbish, graffiti, damage to plant-life and even films of oil caused by sun cream. The proposed maximum number discussed is 71, including

hikers coming from Les Rotes de Denia. This figure represents a major drop in visitors which are estimated to be several hundred a day in peak months. Controlling the limit will be an issue, and one proposal is to issue tickets and sanction people who are found at the spot without them.

Fighting the weed by Simon Russell

“Miracle drug” denounced as a fake

TWO insurance agents have been ALICANTE’S College of Physicians have denounced a German “doctor” who has been selling a substance that claims to have miraculous healing properties. MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement) has been marketed by

by Simon Russell

Andreas Kalchker as a cure forAIDS, cancer, autism and even mental imbalances such as depression. However analysis shows MMS to be nothing more than a mix of diluted bleach and citric acid with

no discernible medicinal properties. The move comes ahead of a planned seminar by Kalchker in Alicante next month, which aims to promote and sell MMS. The physician’s college say the substance was banned in Spain almost a decade ago and the whole operation

is nothing more than pseudoscience. There is also the danger of seriously ill people turning to this rather than conventional medicines, taken in by the extravagant claims for the product. Their primary aim with the denuncia is to stop the seminar going ahead next month.

THE Numero 1 Instituto in Javea has won an award from the Ministry of Health for its smoking prevention programme. Devised and run by Jose Vicent Artes, a teacher and head of the secondary schools sanitary department, the course focuses on education and prevention aimed at the age group that often starts smoking before being aware of its dangers. The award was given to head teacher Angela Boronat at the school by Inmaculada Clemente from the Ministry of Health.


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Budget bonanza A total of €35 million has been pledged by the Valencian government for general infrastructure works across the Community’s 266 municipalities. This covers projects that were underway at the start of 2018 and ongoing or new ones until the end of 2019. Water management, schools, sports facilities, tourism promotion, green spaces, traffic management, cultural facilities and roads are among the many works and services covered by the money. As well as hopefully improving the living conditions of Valencian residents, the money will also create a number of jobs to carry out the various projects; possibly around a thousand based on previous cash injections of this nature.

Brits blamed for tourism drop A falloff in visitor numbers from the UK has been blamed for Benidorm seeing a year on year drop in tourist numbers at the start of June. Hotel occupancy for the first half of the month was 88.6%, figures most resorts would have been delighted with but a 2.2% drop compared to the same period in 2017 for Benidorm. Hotel association Hosbec is attributing the fall to some poor economic markers in the UK, making people reluctant to spend more money on luxury items. While most Brits don’t see their main annual holiday as a luxury, second holidays and minibreaks – something that makes up a big part of Benidorm’s tourism – are perceived by most as an expensive treat. Spain’s budget holiday market is also facing increasing competition from Turkey, Egypt and Tunisia which have stabilised politically and are offering holidays cheaper than Spain can compete with.


Life saving heroes A FIVE-YEAR-OLD boy’s life was saved by two local police officers, after he nearly drowned at the Dolores municipal pool on Saturday afternoon. Carlos Navarro, who is a qualified first-aider, and Joaquin Guirao rushed to the scene and revived the youngster, as his parents looked on anxiously. The boy was taken to the Vega Baja Hospital before being transferred in a serious condition to the children’s Intensive Care Unit at Alicante General Hospital. He recovered well within 24 hours, but such was the shock of what happened, his father was admitted to hospital with an angina attack. The boy was in the

by Alex Trelinski

pool with his parents at around 6.55 pm when he lost consciousness, and a lifeguard immediately tried to revive him. The early attempts at resuscitation did not work, but the two Dolores police officers regained the child’s vital signs after three minutes. A doctor from the local health centre provided extra help before paramedics arrived on the scene, and a helicopter was placed on stand-by to airlift the young patient. The boy’s breathing slowly improved, and he was eventually taken by ambulance to Orihuela’s Vega Baja Hospital, before his onward journey to Alicante.

La Nucia calls for more buses Residents of La Nucia could see an improvement in public transport links to neighbouring town following a recent town hall initiative. Proposals agreed at an extraordinary council meeting, will be forwarded to the Valencian regional government along with similar plans from Benidorm, calling for an improved bus service with greater frequency and a new route, linking the two municipalities with Altea, Alfas del Pi. The Transportation Service Project CV-206, Benidorm

by Simon Russell

Metropolità plan will be forwarded to the regional transport executive highlighting the frailties of the current public transport system operating within the area, whlst pointing out that the responsibility for improvement, lies within the remit of regional, rather than local government. In addition to the creation of new stops, the proposals ask for frequency of buses on the current Line 24 route, linking Benidorm to Callosa, via La Nucia to be

increased to every fifteen minutes. More than 80,000 vehicles circulate between La Nucia and Benidorm on a daily basis, therefore, with greater frequency of buses, this figure could be significantly less. “There are many people who travel daily from La Nucía to Benidorm and from Benidorm to La Nucía to work in the Industrial Estate, play sports in the Ciutat Esportiva, attend performances in the Auditorium, courses in the University Seu, or take selection exams “ say the proposals.

The plan also highlights the need to increase the number of stops on the yet to be inaugurated circular Line 22, linking La Nucia, Alfas and Altea. Current schedules do not include a stop close to the Centro de Salud in the town, which also serves as a specialist medical centre for neighbouring Alfas and Altea, plus the smaller mountain villages. The proposals also call for a new local service, Line 27, which would serve the nearby urbanizations and housing developments on a frequent service.



Buzzing guests A SWARM of bees had to be removed from a car parked in an Elche cty centre street, after they had nested themselves on a rearview mirror. A resident on Calle José María Buck raised the alarm, and firefighters were brought in, along with a beekeeper to move

Residents concern over derelict factory A group of locals have met with the Mayor of Denia to express their concerns about the state of the old gas factory in the Faroleta-Diana neighbourhood. The building is becoming increasingly dilapidated and children have been seen entering it through the many gaps in the structure. Local residents say that the roof looks particularly dangerous, with large holes giving the impression it could collapse at any time. Mayor Grimalt said that there are two main problems; the property is privately owned

by Simon Russell

and also protected as a building of historical importance. The owners have been asked on several occasions to repair or make safe the structure as well as cutting back the undergrowth in the grounds. The factory has historical importance; when it was built in 1888 Denia became only the third Spanish city to have a gas supply. There have long been plans to purchase it and convert it to a museum but various issues have stopped these being realised.

by Alex Trelinski

the uninvited guests. It’s the latest in a series of swarm removals across Alicante Province over the last few months, and in Elche, the bees have taken a particular liking to basing themselves inside the niches at the local cemeteries.


by Alex Trelinski

CHILEAN national, John Charlie Leiva, has been sentenced to 20 years behind bars for killing his partner at their Torrevieja home in June 2016. The sentence has been handed down by the Alicante Provincial Court, after a jury found him guilty of the premeditated murder of 32-year-old Johana Berina at their property on Calle Ramón y Cajal. After a row which ended in her death, Leiva dumped Johana’s body in a service alcove in their apartment block, and covered it in bricks and cement. It was discovered two months later by the Guardia Civil. The court has also ordered Leiva to pay out 100 thousand euros in compensation to Johana’s mother, and 150 thousand euros each to her two children.



From parcels Name to footwear dropping DURING a visit to Elche last week Ximo Puig, the Valencian President, announced that the old post office on Paseo de la Juventud was to be converted to a Shoe Design and Fashion Centre. The city council has been in negotiations with the Correos about the building but had not had the funds to carry out the new project. However Mr Puig has been able to pledge these funds due to debts owed on compulsory purchases relating to Elche’s Miguel

by Simon Russell

H e r n a n d e z U n ive r s i t y. Shoe making and design is a major industry in Elche as well as a tourist attraction, something these proposals should further boost.

by Simon Russell

Although Cristina was cleared of any serious charges she was found guilty of civil liability, sufficient grounds to warrant the

change according to the local council. The road will now be called Avenguda Presidente Adolfo Suarez, who was a key figure in the Spanish transition to democracy after the Franco regime ended.

Top athletes implicated in doping scandal

New tram stops requested By Simon Russell THE Sant Joan d’Alacant council has made an official request that the TRAM includes the town centre and the Sant Joan Hospital on its routes in future. Municipal technicians have been in discussion with their counterparts at FGV, the company that operates the TRAM system and the proposal has been added to the 2018-2030

A street in the Alicante town of Petrer is changing its name due to its association with the recent scandal involving members of the Spanish royal family. Avenguda Infanta Cristina was named after the King’s sister, wife of Inaki Urdangarin who has just started a five year jail sentence for defrauding a charity.

by Simon Russell

UNEIX plan for transport. The proposed stop at the hospital will mean it is connected in the same way other regional hospitals are, meaning a major cutback on road traffic in the area which makes it less than suitable for a healthcare environment. The city centre stop would connect Sant Joan fully to Alicante with a minimum of disruption.

LEADING athletes have been arrested in connection with a major doping ring, the National Police have confirmed. The six detainees include the winners of last year’s Madrid Half Marathon, Gizaw Bekele and Said Aitadi a former Spanish champion. The investigation was based in Valencia, Madrid and Zaragoza and related to the distribution of EPO, growth hormones, insulin and testosterone, all banned substances for professional athletes. The gang was based in Calatayud near Zaragoza and the authorities believe

by Simon Russell

a network of athletes were travelling there solely to collect drugs either for personal use or for distribution to others. They think the drugs were being collected on competitive trips to the likes of France, Morocco and Italy then hidden in athlete’s luggage. Raul Chapado, the president of the Spanish Athletics Federation, said he was outraged by the news and promised that anyone linked to the allegations would not be selected for the national team while the case is investigated.

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THERE were protests across Spain as the five men found guilty of serious sexual abuse during the Pamplona bull running festival two years ago were released from jail pending their appeal. “La Manada” – or wolf pack – case, had already been hugely controversial after the group were cleared of raping a teenager at the festival, receiving a nine year sentence for the lesser crime of sexual abuse. This decision was based largely on the fact that the 18-year-old victim did not fight back, although experts agree that this was due to a combination of shock and fear rather than any form of consent. Bail was set at €6,000

by Matthew Richards

for each of the men, who include a Guardia Civil officer and soldier. The judge setting the bail terms

said that they are being released in Seville while the victim lives in Madrid and that their names and faces are so well known that reoffending would be

impossible. Not everyone agrees and thousands once again took to the streets in Spain’s major cities to protest the controversial decision.


Double the delays by Simon Russell

FIGURES just released show that flight delays across the European Union last month doubled, and a total of 115,000 were affected. The data comes from Eurocontrol who say that the French airtraffic controllers strike was partly to blame but poor weather was also a major factor. Worryingly as Spain gears up for its summer season, the trend with delays has been on the up this year. Europe’s skies are now so crowded that the “butterfly effect” can easily come into play, where a delay in a seemingly unrelated part of the continent can have a knock on throughout European airports. Any major incidents

such as industrial actions or acts of God such as the Icelandic volcanic eruption in 2010 can have a major ripple effect.



W rld Cup Fixtures

14 June - 17:00 -Luzhniki Stadium, Moscow RUSSIA



15 June - 17:00 - Sain MOROCCO


15 June - 20:00

15 June - 14:00 - Ekaterinburg Arena, Ekaterinburg EGYPT





19 June - 20:00 - Saint Petersburg Stadium, Saint Petersburg RUSSIA





20 June - 2

20 June - 17:00 - Rostov Arena, Rostov-on-Don URUGUAY





25 June -20:0

25 June - 16:00 - Volgograd Arena, Volgograd SAUDI ARABIA





25 June - 20:00 -

25 June - 16:00 - Samara Arena, Samara URUGUAY



20 June - 14:0





17 June - 17:0

17 June - 14:00 - Samara Arena, Samara COSTA RICA





17 June - 20:00 - Rostov Arena, Rostov-on-Don BRAZIL



18 June - 14:00 - Niz SWEDEN


22 June - 14:00 - Saint Petersburg Stadium, Saint Petersburg BRAZIL




22 June - 20:00 - Kaliningrad Stadium, Kaliningrad SERBIA




27 June - 20:00 - Spartak Stadium, Moscow SERBIA







23 June - 20:00 GERMANY

27 June - 1 SOUTH KOREA

27 June - 20:00 - Nizhny Novgorod Stadium, Novgorod SWITZERLAND

23 June - 17:00


27 June - 16:00 MEXICO


2 July - 16:00 - Samara A

30 June - 20:00 - Fisht Olympic Stadium, Sochi






2 July - 20:00 - Rostov Aren

30 June - 16:00 - Kazan Arena, Kazan






1 July - 16:00 - Luzhniki Stadium, Moscow


3 July - 16:00 - Saint Petersburg 2A




1 July - 20:00 - Nizhny Novgorod Stadium, Novgorod



3 July - 20:00 - Spartak Sta 2C




GROUP C 16 June - 12:00 - Kazan Arena, Kazan

nt Petersburg Stadium, Saint Petersburg





0 - Fisht Olympic Stadium, Sochi


3 0






00 - Mordovia Arena, Saransk

26 June -





- Kaliningrad Stadium, Kaliningrad



















0 2































GROUP H 19 June - 14:00 - Mordovia Arena, Saransk










June - 17:00 - Ekaterinburg Arena, Ekaterinburg






24 June - 20:00 - Kazan Arena, Kazan POLAND





28 June - 16:00 - Volgograd Arena, Volgograd




28 June - 16:00 - Samara Arena, Samara SENEGAL




19 June - 17:00 - Spartak Stadium, Moscow


SEMI-FINALS 10 July - 20:00 - Saint Petersburg Stadium, Saint Petersburg

6 July - 16:00 - Nizhny Novgorod Stadium, Novgorod 2F


26 June - 20:00 - Saint Petersburg Stadium, Saint Petersburg


Arena, Samara


26 June - 20:00 - Rostov Arena, Rostov-on-Don

28 June - 20:00 - Mordovia Arena, Saransk



22 June - 17:00 - Volgograd Arena, Volgograd

:00 - Fisht Olympic Stadium, Sochi




28 June - 20:00 - Kaliningrad Stadium, Kaliningrad

Ekaterinburg Arena, Ekaterinburg



24 June - 14:00 - Nizhny Novgorod Stadium, Novgorod

16:00 - Kazan Arena, Kazan




21 June - 20:00 - Nizhny Novgorod Stadium, Novgorod

23 June - 14:00 - Spartak Stadium, Moscow

0 - Fisht Olympic Stadium, Sochi





18 June - 20:00 - Volgograd Arena, Volgograd

- Rostov Arena, Rostov-on-Don



18 June - 17:00 - Fisht Olympic Stadium, Sochi

zhny Novgorod Stadium, Novgorod




16 June - 2 :00 - Kaliningrad Stadium, Kaliningrad


00 - Luzhniki Stadium, Moscow





26 June - 16:00 - Luzhniki Stadium, Moscow



21 June - 17:00 - Ekaterinburg Arena, Ekaterinburg




21 June - 14:00 - Samara Arena, Samara

20:00 - Kazan Arena, Kazan



16 June - 1 :00 - Spartak Stadium, Moscow

16 June - 1 :00 - Mordovia Arena, Saransk

00 - Luzhniki Stadium, Moscow








11 July - 20:00 - Luzhniki Stadium, Moscow 6 July - 20:00 - Kazan Arena, Kazan

na, Rostov-on-Don 2H





WK 3rd. & 4th. Place




7 July - 16:00 - Samara Arena, Samara

adium, Moscow 2G



14 July - 16:00 - Saint Petersburg


7 July - 20:00 - Fisht Olympic Stadium, Sochi

Stadium, Saint Petersburg 2E




15 July - 17:00 - Luzhniki Stadium, Moscow






The Supreme Court in London has made ruling, landmark a heterosexual a with couple winning their bid for the right to have a civil partnership instead of a marriage. The Court unanimously ruled in favour of London couple Rebecca Steinfeld and Charles Keidan, saying that the Civil Partnership Act 2004, which only applies to same-sex couples, does not square up with the European Convention Rights. Human on urged Campaigners the UK government to “seize this opportunity” and allow all people to access civil partnerships. In a civil partnership, a couple is entitled to the same legal treatment in terms of inheritance, tax, pensions and next-of-kin arrangements as marriage.


The couple said the “legacy of marriage” which “treated women as property for centuries” was not an option for them.

Since March 2014, same sex-couples can chose whether to enter a civil partnership or to marry. This has not been possible

for mixed-sex couples which led Ms Steinfeld and Mr Keidan to argue that the law was discriminatory. This ruling overturns

a previous judgement made by the Court of Appeal, which rejected the couple’s claim last year. judgement The

does not oblige the UK government to change the law, although it does make it more likely that the government will now act.

Britain WHAT THE As parts of the UK sweltered to temperatures of over 30 degrees Celsius during the week, a Kent beach goer got more than she bargained for, as she was attacked by a flock of seagulls! The sun-bather was on Broadstairs beach when the happened, incident shock and she was forced to run for cover in a scene reminiscent their chips and sandwiches.”. ”There are signs saying don’t to that from the great Alfred ”They can have an ice cream feed them - so DON’T!!! No Hitchcock movie, The Birds. out of your hands in seconds.” matter how charmingly they beg.” The beach has seen seagull attacks on previous occasions, and that led to a special “seagull shelter” being put up for people to hide in. week’s This attack saw around a dozen birds going for the bather, as they swooped for food that was next to her. The TripAdvisor portal offered these from comments visitors to the beach:“Lots of cafes on the beach and loos but the seagulls have trained their babies for years in mugging families for





Ride-sharer Uber, which lost its license to operate in the big London market last September, has been given a stay of execution.Uber has managed to secure a probationary license that will extend for over a year after it agreed to pay “costs” a Transport for London(TfL) to amounting investigation hundreds of thousands of pounds as well as agreeing to a six-month auditing period.It’s a major boost for the company that has been fighting cases in cities around the world, including in Spain, with taxi companies calling it “unfair competition”.Last autumn, the Tfl ruled that Uber was “not fit and proper to hold a private operator

license,” but this week it won a temporary reprieve in its battle against regulators. A magistrates’ court in London found the ride-hailing company “fit and proper” to receive a probationary 15-month license, instead of the five-year license it initially applied for. The court granted the license after Uber agreed to be audited, and to pay £425,500 in costs to Tfl. Tom Elvidge, Uber’s general manager for the UK, said the company was pleased with the decision. “We will continue to work with TfL to address their concerns and earn their trust, while providing the best possible service for our customers,” he said in a statement.



Business & Finance





Sponsored By

Amazon expansion

Amazon’s platform, which gives companies the chance to buy office supplies and services, is to launch in Spain. Amazon Business currently operates in five European counties, including Britain, where it offers consumerfocused eCommerce. The company is “off to a fast start,” said Steve Frazier, global vicepresident for Amazon Business, in an interview with the Financial Times.

by Alex Trelinski

“Business customers in every country all have similar problems such as invoicing”, he added. Amazon Business has more than 100 thousand customers in the U.K, and their British boss, Bill Burkland said that the service “enables multinational businesses with entities in Europe to continue to streamline their purchasing, whilst also providing new export opportunities


smaller businesses.” Last month, Amazon launched ‘Pay by Invoice”, which is a feature that needs no action by a seller, as it allows corporate buyers to make invoiced purchases. This effectively means that buyers no longer have to make payment for goods they buy on Amazon Business at the time of purchase. Instead, they are sent an invoice, with sellers receiving a credited balance to their Selling on Amazon account as soon as a buyer’s payment is processed.

Airbus provides update on impact of

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Brexit No Deal/Deal scenarios Airbus has today published a risk assessment outlining the urgent risks to its business arising from the UK exiting the European Union without a withdrawal agreement.

steps that should be taken to operate competitively. Without these, Airbus believes that the impacts on our UK operations could be significant. We have sought to highlight our concerns over the past 12 months, without success. Far from Project Fear, this is a dawning reality for Airbus. Put simply, a No Deal scenario directly threatens Airbus’ future in the UK.”

It states that the UK exiting the EU next year without a deal – therefore leaving both the single market and customs union immediately and without any agreed transition – would lead to severe disruption and interruption of UK To read the Risk Assessment production. This scenario would force Memorandum in full, please visit: http:// Airbus to reconsider its investments in www.airbus.com/company/worldwidethe UK, and its long-term footprint in the presence/uk.html#Economy country, severely undermining UK efforts to keep a competitive and innovative aerospace industry, developing high About Airbus value jobs and competences. Airbus is a global leader in On the future trade relationship between aeronautics, space and related services. the UK and EU, the Memorandum makes In 2017 it generated revenues of € clear that while an orderly Brexit with a 59 billion restated for IFRS 15 and withdrawal agreement is preferable to employed a workforce of around a no-deal scenario, the current planned 129,000. Airbus offers the most transition (which ends in December comprehensive range of passenger 2020) is too short for the EU and UK airliners from 100 to more than 600 Governments to agree the outstanding seats. Airbus is also a European leader issues, and too short for Airbus to providing tanker, combat, transport and implement the required changes with its mission aircraft, as well as one of the extensive supply chain. In this scenario, world’s leading space companies. In Airbus would carefully monitor any new helicopters, Airbus provides the most investments in the UK and refrain from efficient civil and military rotorcraft extending the UK suppliers/partners solutions worldwide. base.

Entrepreneurial flair

T E U L A DA - M o r a i r a is hosting Alicante’s third “Start-up” conference aimed at encouraging fledgling businesses and helping young business people in the area. Mayor Carlos Linares announced the details at a press conference this week along with his Councillor for Youth Daniel Ibanco, confirming that the event will be at the

by Simon Russell

town’s Auditori Teulada Moraira on 29 September. Linares said that “this is another opportunity to support youth and entrepreneurship, because Start-up is a tool for motivation and an impulse for those who may need it.” The aim is to get together like minded people, creating

working relationships and synergy across the region. Groups such as business associations and specialised trainers will also be attending. Professional guest speakers are lined up including journalist Carolina Selles, head of human rescources for Google Ann Hiatt and professors from the Economics Faculty of Valencia University.

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Tom Williams, Chief Operating Officer of Airbus Commercial Aircraft, commented: “In any scenario, Brexit has severe negative consequences for the UK aerospace industry and Airbus in particular. Therefore, immediate mitigation measures would need to be accelerated. While Airbus understands that the political process must go on, as a responsible business we require immediate details on the pragmatic

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Business & Finance


Greed, Fraud and Losing Your Money By Christina Brady

BLACKTOWER Financial Management

Michael Douglas as Gordon Gekko in “Wall Street.” Courtesy of 20th Century Fox. “The point is, ladies and gentleman, that greed — for lack of a better word — is good. Greed is right. Greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms – greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge – has marked the upward surge of mankind” – Gordon Gekko, Wall Street (1987)

The financial definition of greed is the intense, perhaps inordinate, desire for wealth. WordNet a project at Princetown

University defines greed as “an excessive desire to acquire or possess more than one needs or deserves.” Over the last 30 years, the media has done much to promote the idea that the essential qualities of the free market system are to promote greed and give unscrupulous businessmen a vehicle to line their pockets at the expense of others. We all saw what damage greed can do on a global scale with the US subprime mortgage crisis which led to the 2007/2008 financial crisis , a crisis that the Western world is only now starting to recover from. But greed can affect us all, especially where finance/investing is concerned, experienced con artists regularly defraud 1,000´s of people a year, they know in times of low interest rates savers and investors are looking for a product that offers a better rate of return. Usually

they will tempt you with something that is offering growth rates higher than you could achieve anywhere else, often they will say that there is no risk or use terms like Capital Guaranteed. With most of these schemes they reel you in slowly, initially you get good service, good returns, payments are made on time but then as time progresses things change and the payments stop. Most people hope this is just an oversight and based on empty promises believe that their money will be returned eventually. The truth is usually it isn’t, you have been a victim of financial fraud. In most cases people lose all or a substantial amount of the money they invested. Please don’t become a victim, if something seems to be good to be true, especially where investments are concerned it usually is. Stop, don’t let

Blacktower Financial Management Ltd is authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority and is registered with the DGS.

greed get the better of you, be realistic, a decent return on your money year on year is better than losing it all in the pursuit of the unattainable. Blacktower Financial Management has been established for over 32 years and has worked with clients through the good and the bad times, offering sound independent advice, we will be by your side both now and in the future. If you would like any advice on pensions, savings or investments please contact me by email christina.brady@blacktowerfm. com or call me on 658 892 330. Website: www.blacktowerfm.com The above information was correct at the time of preparation and does not constitute investment advice and you should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity.

Blacktower Financial Management (Int) Ltd is licensed in Gibraltar by the Financial Services Commission (FSC) and is registered with the DGS in Spain.

Peace of mind… starts with knowledge Our advice, your advantage Blacktower’s expertise and knowledge can be your gain in international investment and tax planning. More than 30 years of helping people make the best of their wealth means that we know how to help you achieve what’s important to you. We care about your “what-if” moments. International Investment Portfolios • Wealth Management Solutions • Taxation Advice

Get in touch today at: info@blacktowerfm.com +34 965 058 212 Avinguda d’Ausiàs March 9, Local 7 (Esq. Joan Fuster), 03730 Javea, Alicante

www.blacktowerfm.com Blacktower Financial Management (International) Limited is licensed in Gibraltar by the Financial Services Commission Licence 00805B and is registered with both the DGS and CNMV in Spain. Blacktower Financial Management Limited in the UK is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.



Pets & Wildlife


4 tips for keeping your pet safe this summer

PUPPIES NEEDING HOMES Seven puppies, 2 boys and 5 girls, have been found and are in the care of ARC. They are approximately 7 to 8 weeks old. They have all been wormed, treated for fleas, and had their 1st injections. All gorgeous playful little guys with their own personalities. Also, many other dogs, cats & kittens needing homes. No adoption fee but a donation is always appreciated. Food and donations also urgently needed and can be left at ARC’s charity shop on Carrer Valencia 1, Jalon between 10 am & 1.30 pm Monday to Saturday. Contact Tel No Sally:- 625 985 689 or Jayne:- 649 310 285. Email jalonvalleyarc14@yahoo.co.uk. Facebook – Jalon Valley A.R.C. Based in Jalon. Charity Reg No CV-01-054107-A.

Pets in Spain Candy is an 11 week old puppy we rescued recently with her 2 other siblings. She has received 2 puppy vaccinations and is a happy, healthy girl that will be small/medium size when fully grown.

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Residencia canina y felina Boarding kennel & Cattery

(BPT) - There are thousands of reasons to love the summer, and if you’re a pet owner, you love summer more than most. Summer is the perfect opportunity to get outside and get active with our pets. Between cool swims in the pool and brisk walks in the sunshine, summer is a great bonding time for you and Fluffy or Fido. However, it’s also important for pet owners to have a proper understanding of factors that can affect their pet’s health and safety during the warmer months. This includes varying weather conditions, maintaining proper nutrition and preparing for other summertime events. With June being National Pet Preparedness Month, Dr. Kurt Venator, Purina’s Chief Veterinary Officer, suggests four things for pet owners to keep in mind this summer so that we can live safe, healthy and happy lives together with our pets whether at home or on the road. Beating the heat Just like the heat can make people feel unwell, the particularly hot days of summer can leave pets dehydrated or ill if not properly attended to. Pet owners should be mindful of a pet’s exercise, outdoor time and hydration to keep them feeling their best. More specifically, if

Since nce 11977 97 desde/si


RESIDENCIA CANINA Y FELINA BOARDING KENNEL & CATTERY Habitaciones individuales Ozono Hilo musical Calefacción Parques ajardinados Servicio a domicilio Admitimos todas las razas

Individual rooms Ozono Music Heated floor system Landscaped playgrounds Free home delivery service All types of dogs & cats allowed

heading out for a walk, be sure to go outside during cooler parts of the day like early morning or early evening. Also, before you start your walk, use your hand to feel the pavement. If it feels too hot to touch, then it’s way too hot for your pet’s paws. Stay in the grass or possibly try booties so his or her paws don’t burn. Above all, never leave your pet unattended in the car. Your car acts like a greenhouse on hot days, and overheating can set in quickly, causing permanent damage to your pet, and even death. On hot days, it’s best to just leave your pet at home. Summer snacks and proper

ingredients With blueberries, strawberries and other yummy treats in season during the summer, you can share these healthy indulgences with pets too. Fruits like peaches, strawberries and mangoes are great treats for pets as long as pits, stems and leaves are removed and fruit is thoroughly washed. What’s great about these fruits is that they contain vitamins, fiber and antioxidants and tend to be low in sugar, so when fed in moderation, they’re actually quite healthy for dogs in the same ways they’re healthy for humans. That’s why Purina includes fruits, like blueberries, in their Beneful Playful Life and Beneful Grain Free formulas. Made from real protein sources and blended with an optimal amount of fruit and veggies, these foods can give your pet the nutrition they need to play all day. Did someone say vacay? Taking to the skies? When flying with a pet, it’s important to understand your pet’s needs. Therefore, you should conduct the appropriate research, plan ahead and understand airline/aircraft policies on the day of departure to ensure the trip is just as safe for your pet as it is for you. For instance, did you know that in order for your pet to fly you should obtain a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection? Most airlines require this document within ten days of travel. This document must be signed by an accredited

veterinarian, and should indicate that your pet has been examined and able to fly. Hitting the road? Buy a travel harness that comes across your pet’s chest and clips onto a safety belt. This keeps your pet secure and prevents him or her from interfering with your driving. To keep your pet feeling comfortable and entertained on the journey, also consider bringing a cozy blanket, spill-proof bowl and time-consuming treats, like the Purina Busy(R) Bone, to pass the hours till you reach your destination. Be prepared for natural disasters Although it’s difficult to predict when natural disasters will occur, preparing for the worst for your family and your pet can make the difference when every second counts especially during hurricanes, tornadoes and wildfires. Understand what weather impacts your area, have resources on hand and have a plan to keep everyone safe. Just like you, your pet should also have a disaster kit that includes basic pet essentials such as bottled water, cans of wet food, blankets, collapsible bowls, cat litter and pan, and a leash and collar. A one- to two-week supply of food that your pet usually eats is an ideal amount to include in your disaster kit as well; however, be sure to check the expiration dates. Pack the foods your pet eats routinely to ensure complete and balanced nutrition in stressful moments like this. For more information and tips about keeping your pets safe, healthy and always prepared, please visit www. Purina.com/Summer.

friday 29th JUNE 2018


Beauty and Fashion


Classic cardigan? 5 tips for caring for your vintage wardrobe (BPT) - As environmentally aware Americans join the movement to reduce, reuse and recycle, many are turning to the past to find unique, well-made vintage pieces to complement their wardrobes. The hunt for great vintage wear has become so popular that we’re spending some $4 billion annually on such fun finds, reports the Huffington Post. “For many it offers individuality, affordability, and that feel-good moment of rescuing an item from the landfill and reducing the environmental footprint,” writes Kate Black in that article. “This also makes it the retail unicorn, that rare occasion when a single store can appeal to stylish fashionistas, valueconscious consumers and passionate environmentalists.” Building a distinctive, one-ofa-kind vintage wardrobe can be fun and easy once you learn a few

1. Aim for versatility with fabrics such as cashmere and silk that can be easily layered to work well through every season. guidelines for finding and caring for Look for well-cut pieces that your collection. LG Electronics and can transition from day to night with luxury vintage clothing purveyor simple shifts in accessories. What Goes Around Comes Around recently partnered to bring the LG 2. Choose quality over quantity. LaundROO Lounge and Vintage Whether you’re opting for vintage or Clothing Swap to Bonnaroo Music new clothing, pieces featuring highand Arts Festival in Tennessee. quality fabrics and construction will Festival-goers were invited to stand the test of time - as long as peruse 3,000 pieces of vintage gear they’re well treated. and exchanged their own clothes for a new look. The swapped pieces 3. Read and carefully follow were then washed in LG washers cleaning recommendations, and dryers onsite and put back ensuring that you’re using into the closet for another attendee appropriately gentle wash cycle to choose. If LG and What Goes or steam options. Making that Around Comes Around can handle process easier than ever is the LG the danced-in duds of 60,000 TWINWash washing machine festival-goers, they can definitely with SideKick pedestal washer, help you take care of your vintage dryer and LG Styler offered by finds! Co-founder and chief creative LG Electronics, a package Maione officer at What Goes Around Comes calls “the ultimate laundry room.” Around, Gerard Maione, shares Its ultra-convenient design features these tips to best maintain your a front loader stacked onto a pullvintage and hard-to-care-for pieces out wash compartment, allowing so you can keep festival style season you to simultaneously run one cycle going all year round: for your heavier items and one for your specialty items such as delicate

vintage pieces.

folding sweaters onto shelves or in drawers, storing handbags and shoes in dust bags, then freshening items up between cleanings. The LG Styler steam clothing care system makes it effortless, using chemicalfree steam-based cycles that can handle anything from sanitizing and removing allergens to eliminating odors and reducing wrinkles.

4. Narrow wire hangers can create wrinkles, bumps and bulges in aged, delicate fabrics. Instead, choose wider and/or padded hanger styles that better distribute the weight of each garment. Vintage fashionistas often prefer heavy-duty wooden hangers, while others swear by the velvet-covered varieties that keep silky fabrics from slipping Vintage clothing can be a off. For pants and skirts, seek out unique, environmentally friendly specially designed hangers that and cost-efficient means to add flair ward off unnecessary creases. to your wardrobe. Know how to care for your vintage pieces so you 5. Care for your treasured will continue to enjoy the past far vintage items between wearings by into the future.





Skoda Kodiaq The Skoda Kodiaq is everything a family car should be. Comfortable, spacious, affordable, well-equipped, practical and safe, it’s almost impossible to pick fault with. In fact, if you’re looking for a new petrol or diesel SUV with five or seven seats, we think it’s probably the best choice you can make. Having said that, if you opt for the seven-seat model be aware that those back two seats are for ‘occasional’ use at best. Access is tight and they’re quite small, with no Isofix mounting points. They do fold flat into the floor, though – leaving a huge and extremely practical boot in five-seat

configuration, with ample leg and head room in the back row for adults to sit in comfort. The Kodiaq is impressive up front too with a comfortable driving position and excellent build quality. The dashboard inlays, plastics and switchgear all feel plush yet sturdy enough to survive years of family car life and there’s a good level of equipment. This includes an easy-to-use touchscreen system on all models, featuring smartphone connectivity. There’s also plenty of safety tech as standard, including auto emergency braking. The most popular engine is the 2.0 TDI

while there’s also a 1.4 TSI petrol or a 2.0 TSI. Whatever engine you opt for, noise is very well suppressed – but if you regularly carry a full load we’d recommend avoiding the basic 1.4 TSI 125PS. Most buyers not put off diesel will choose the quiet, punchy 150PS 2.0 TDI which has official NEDC fuel economy of up to 56.5mpg. On the road the Kodiaq is incredibly quiet, extremely comfortable and very easy to drive, despite its size. Ride quality is good and the handling is neat and predictable, if not all that exciting. Most of the engines can be paired to an all-wheel drive system, so the

Kodiaq can cope with a bit of off-roading, but it’s better to think of the 4x4 versions as all-weather, rather than all-terrain. If you need a family SUV and you don’t want to spend a fortune, it’s hard to go wrong with the Skoda Kodiaq. For similar money you can also get the Nissan X-Trail, Hyundai Santa Fe and Kia Sorento – but we think as an all-rounder the Kodiaq beats all three, since it feels like a higher quality, better value car. Factor in the relaxed drive, safety gear and convenience technology and it’s a clear winner.


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Double trouble


A MOTORIST was taken to hospital following an accident that caused major damage to the outside of a San Pedro del Pinatar house. The male driver hit a

by Alex Trelinski

parked car on Calle Granada in the Mar Menor town, which then went into a concrete post that collapsed

Caravan collision

and brought down part of the exterior of the building. The motorist was treated by paramedics before being taken to Los Arcos Hospital in San Javier.

AN accident involving a motorhome and a car last week resulted in three people being hospitalised. The incident happened in the northern Valencian town of Les Alqueries

by Alex Trelinski

and all the injured were initially trapped in their vehicles. They were eventually freed by a fire crew; life support and emergency

ambulances also attended the scene which resulted in severe traffic disruption. Once they had been released from the wreckage the victims were taken to Vila-real hospital.

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A HEAVYWEIGHT unification showdown in 2018 appears to be just a dream, as WBO, IBF and WBA champion Anthony Joshua and his promoter Eddie Hearn have been unable to come to an agreement with WBC belt holder Deontay Wilder. Next up for Joshua then is a meeting with Alexander Povetkin, who is the Brit’s WBA mandatory challenger, with all three belts on the line. Povetkin’s promoter says a deal for the Russian to fight Anthony Joshua is “very close” and believes it will be “the best in the heavyweight division”. The WBA on Tuesday ordered Joshua to agree to a date for a mandatory title defence against Povetkin “within 24 hours”. Eddie Hearn said that the fight would take place in September, and that they were looking at a number of venues. Meanwhile, Deontay Wilder has been fuming against Hearn and Joshua via Twitter. “Well I tried,” said Wilder in a Twitter statement, posted in the early

by Alex Trelinski

hours of Thursday morning. “I tried to give you guys the biggest fight of your lives.” “My team and I bent

over backwards accepting everything that they threw at us, just to find out this boy is terrified of me. I’m sorry guys, they played us all. F--- them!”

ANDY MURRAY is leaving it until the last moment to decide whether he will play at Wimbledon next week, adding that there is “no risk” to his fitness if does take part. The two-time champion had yet to make up his mind on what he plans to do, as The Weekender went to press, with the first round draw being made this Friday morning. The Scot has played three matches since making his comeback last week

by Alex Trelinski

after 11 months out injured. “It’s whether I can do myself justice,” he said. “I want to go out there and compete.” The former world number one earned the first win of his comeback after his hip injury, by beating Stan Wawrinka, himself returning from a long-term injury, at Eastbourne on Monday. He lost in straight sets against Kyle Edmund, who has replaced him as British

number one, in their Nature Valley International second round clash on Wednesday. World number 18 Edmund continues to progress well, and the Yorkshireman will realistically be the main British focus at Wimbledon. Johanna Konta will lead the British charge in the ladies singles, but her form of late has left a lot to be desired, and she was eliminated at Eastbourne this week by top seed Caroline Wozniacki.



Your Weekend Starts Here!


AUF WIEDERSEHN, VETS! IN WHAT has turned out to be one of most enthralling World Cup tournaments ever, the one massive shock in the Group stages was Wednesday’s exit for champions Germany, writes ALEX TRELINSKI. It was almost certainly a final international flourish for a number of “veteran”players like Mats Hummels and Thomas Muller, who won’t be around come Qatar in four years time. Squad atmosphere was also said to be sadly lacking.

Germany finished bottom of Group F, after being stung by two injury time goals by South Korea to get a taste of their own medicine, after last Saturday’s late late free kick winner from Toni Kroos against Sweden. Let’s put this into historical context. This is only the second time that Germany have been knocked out in the first round of a World Cup, and that was way back in 1938, before group stages had been introduced! They’ve reached the last four World Cup semi-finals and South Korea’s win was the first time that a German side had been beaten by an Asian team. Germany also continue a bizarre sequence of eliminations for the current holders, with four of the last five champions failing to

make it past the group stage(Spain fell in 2014 and Italy in 2010). Manager Joachim Low offered no excuses saying his side deserved to be eliminated, as well as stating the obvious. “This is something for us to reckon with,” Low said. “This is historic. I am sure this will create some public uproar in Germany.” Just a bit, Joachim! Calls for his head resonated across Germany before the referee had taken his full-time whistle out of his mouth. English football has had many a World Cup inquest(assuming they qualified in the first place), and as Gareth Southgate’s “Young Lions” continue to progress, you can’t help having a little snigger at Germany’s problems!

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