Weekender Alicante South Issue 055

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Friday 27th July 2018

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Your Weekend Starts Here!

Kidnapped teenager rescued by Andy Mansall

A year and a half after disappearing from home to join a South American sect, a young Spanish girl has been able to hug her father. Alberto Aguilar and his nineteen-year-old daughter, Patricia were reunited following her rescue from captivity in the Peruvian jungle earlier this month. The teenager had fled her home in Elche in January last year after falling under the influence of self-styled guru CONTINUED PAGE 3



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Chorus Financial is a trading style of Tourbillon Limited, authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Commission (Gibraltar), Licence Number FSC1118B and registered with the UK FCA as an EEA Authorised firm, reference 539348.

Is leaving money in the bank all that safe? Time flies, and seems to get faster as you get older! How often do you reminisce about the past and then realise it was 10/20/30 years ago!

Let’s take 1997 for example; the year the world mourned the death of Diana, the Princess of Wales, and the UK saw a landslide general election victory for the Labour Party under Tony Blair. Katrina and the waves won the Eurovision song contest with Love Shine a light and the year that channel 5 was launched. The average price of a house was £68k and a litre of petrol?... 61p. It’s crazy how live evolves, the people and memories we pick up along the way, the mistakes we make and lessons we learn. Whilst technology is constantly changing and the way we do things is different, there is always one thing that stays the same – inflation. I cannot tell you how many times I have

sat down with clients who haven’t taken inflation seriously. It was only last week that a client walked into the office and during his financial review it was revealed that before moving to Spain, 20 years ago, he sold his UK property and brought a Spanish property and had £70k surplus. Not knowing what to do with it, he decided to leave it safe and secure in a UK bank account. The years have passed and my client has settled into Spanish life and has never looked back. The £70k he originally put in his UK bank was still there and over-all he was happy with his life decisions. That was until I calculated the effect of inflation on his £70k, in today’s terms his £70k is worth the equivalent of £46k meaning he’d lost £24k in spending power – and people think the bank is the safest place to keep your money!

Over that same period, if my client had placed his money into a cautious investment, returning 4% after fees, that £70k would now be worth £153k beating inflation by £33k.

As a truly independent advisory, Chorus have access to the whole of the market, however two providers who have proved incredibly popular with our clients here in Spain are The Prudential & Old Mutual. These FTSE 100 companies have a combined 40 million clients worldwide and have set up solutions specifically for Expats in Spain. It’s reassuring for our clients that we only recommend solutions from wellknown, ‘house-hold name’ institutions.

The Prudential and Old Mutual Spanish compliant bonds offer a whole host of advantages which can include tax efficiency, inheritance tax mitigation, ease of accounting and no requirement to report on the Modelo 720 as an overseas asset. Inflation risk is real and should be taken seriously. You don’t need to take aggressive financial risks to protect against it, just sensible financial planning. If you have any questions about these products or their suitability for you then please contact me today on 693 107 044 or email t.storer@chorusfinancial.es

By Tracy Storer

Senior Partner Chorus Financial

Investment contracts are intended as medium to long term investments, and all investments have some level of risk. Figures in this article are examples of what can be achieved, and cannot be guaranteed; the value of your investments can go down as well as up. Fees and charges can vary and will be fully explained to you before any advice can take place. This article should not be considered as investment advice or a recommendation of any particular product.

Chorus Financial is a trading style of TOURBILLON LIMITED - Registered Address: Trinity House - Ocean Village Avenue - Gibraltar - GX11 1AA Tourbillon Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Commission (Gibraltar). Licence Number FSC1118B. Registered with the UK FCA. Reference number: 539348



Kidnapped Elche teenager reunited with father by Andy Mansell


...and ‘son of god’, Felix Steven Manrique, a 35 year old Peruvian, whom she had met via the internet. Since their journey to Peru, the young girl had become pregnant, given birth to a baby daughter, by Manrique and was looking after two babies he had fathered with other women. As a vulnerable sixteen-yearold, whose uncle had recently died, Patricia came into contact with Manrique, through a website that deciphered the meaning of dreams. María Teresa Rojas, a lawyer with the SOS Disappeared Association and legal representative of Patricia’s family, told BBC Mundo, “First he introduced himself as a friend, then as a kind of boyfriend and then, when he saw that it was the right time, he began to tell her that the world was very bad, that there were many wars to come, that everything was written, that he was a kind of God and that would be the judge in the next apocalypse,” “Little by little, through the

techniques used by Manrique, Patricia was losing her mind,” said the lawyer. Manrique, a trained electrician, had several profiles and pages where he preached that the end of the world was very close. He presented himself as a chosen one, as a saviour, as an envoy of God before the apocalypse. He preached that his mission was to repopulate the planet and have children with as many women as possible. Once Patricia’s family were aware that she had fled to Peru, her father travelled to the South American country twice, spending all of their savings, to publicise the disappearance of his daughter. Eventually, Peruvian police, were able to pinpoint the whereabouts of Manrique, living in a small jungle town 600 kilometres from the capital Lima and rented a room next to one he shared with two women, one of whom was his legal wife. “Thanks to that, they learned that Patricia was alone with the children somewhere in the jungle, and after obtaining the

confession of one of the two women with whom Manrique lived, they were able to locate her,” explained the lawyer. They discovered Patricia, living in subhuman conditions, undernourished, alone in the middle of the central jungle of Peru, with a baby less than two months old (unvaccinated and full of insect bites) between her skinny arms. On his arrest, Manrique attempted to take two vials of poison but failed in his attempt. Patricia and the other captive women were transferred to Lima, where she was eventually reunited with her father who was still waiting in the country and spoke to her mother and other family members by video. “She was at all times very receptive and calm and was interested in the state of the rest of the family,” said a spokesperson

for her family, speaking to the Spanish press, “and physically her and the baby are in much better health.” As no doctor attended the delivery, there was no medical certificate issued for

the registration of the baby. “Therefore, we must wait 60 days (which ends on the last day of July) to register the baby and continue with the necessary procedures to travel to Spain.” Said the spokesperson.



Naval farce carrys on For whom the bell falls A priest at a Valencian church where the clapper from a tolling bell fell to the ground admitted it was lucky that no-one was hurt or worse in the incident. It is not known how much the clapper (the striking mechanism) weighs but the heaviest bell in the tower at Nules has a diameter

THE latest setback to hit the construction of Spain’s fleet of four new submarines is the discovery that the dock planned for their use is too small. The docking base at Cartagena can take subs up to 78 metres long, two metres short of the planned 80-metre vessels.

by Simon Russell

The base will now have to be expanded, adding another €16 million to the already eyewatering €4 billion total cost of the four submarines, nearly twice the original budget. The first major problem was detected back in 2013

when it was calculated that the planned weight of the subs would have meant they were too heavy to resurface after going underwater. This led to expensive modifications to increase their length and buoyancy – but this, in turn, meant that the specially built dock at Cartagena was now

too small. The first sub is now expected to be launched in around 2022, well behind schedule. At a cost of nearly a billion euros each, many are questioning the wisdom of the project over a period when extreme austerity was inflicted on many ordinary Spaniards.

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of 1.3 metres and weighs a whopping 1,310 kilos. As the clapper fell over 40 metres on to a busy street, things could have been much worse than a cracked paving stone. The church has been closed and the surrounding area cordoned off while engineers inspect the bell tower.



Further outrage at Pamplona gang rape leniency

FOLLOWING widespread outrage at the lenient sentencing and then release on bail pending appeal of a gang of men who brutally assaulted a teenager, it has now emerged that one of them has been allowed to keep his freedom despite allegedly breaking bail conditions. Antonio Manuel Guerrero was one of five men convicted of sexually abusing an 18-year-old at the 2016 Bull Running Festival. They escaped the more serious trial of rape as the young woman did not fight back, despite being in fear of her life if she did. They appealed what many saw as a light sentence and were

by Simon Russell

released on bail last month pending the result of the appeal, again causing controversy. It now transpires that Guerrero almost immediately applied for a passport, despite his bail conditions meaning he cannot leave Spain. The Guardia Civil agent said that it was because he had lost his old one; the court in Navarre agreed with allowing him to stay out of jail with a two to one verdict. To many peoples surprise the accused has been allowed to return to work in the Guardia, at least until his appeal is heard.

Antonio Manuel Guerrero immediately applied for a passport

Vandals close bridge THE on-going campaign of vandalism against the Barranco de las Ovejas footbridge in Alicante has led to it being temporarily closed for safety reasons. The glass panels lining the structure have been the main targets of the vandals, and four more have been broken this week, meaning the

Shelter demand

ORIHUELA council has been slammed for not having shelters at most of the municipal bus stops on the Orihuela Costa. Residents group, La Federación de Asociaciones de Orihuela (FAOC), says that 80 per cent of stops in the area has absolutely no shelter from the

by Simon Russell

elements, be it the sun or rain. In a catalogue of complaints, FAOC claim that visitors to the area are also left in a quandary as many of the 50 stops are missing signs identifying that it is a bus stop or timetable boards..

FAOC have called for urgent improvements and have handed over a report of their findings to Orihuela council. The group say that most of the stops lack any form of seating, which they regard as vital for elderly travellers. In fact, a plastic chair has been left at one stop at

by Matthew Richards

majority have now been destroyed. The city plans to replace the glass panels with steel plates, which they concede is “a real shame” as the bridge won architectural awards for its original design. Despite the

La Regis with a note asking people not to remove it as it is needed for people waiting for a bus. The FAOC report lists all the stops that they say are sub-standard for a variety of reasons, and have called for additional stops to be located in areas like Punta Prima. The file has been sent to, coastal councillor, Luisa Boné, and to transport councillor Begoña Cuartero.

closure many locals are still using the bridge with everyone from “kids aged under 10 to old ladies” according to witnesses moving the police tape aside to pass through. Locals say they know who has been carrying out the vandalism but are afraid to report the names for fear of reprisals.

Connecting Javea PLANNED new bus lines will connect Javea to the airport and train station at Alicante as well as the San Vicente del Raspeig University. The new routes are part of an overhaul of public transport in the area, with buses being a

by Simon Russell

strong focus. The new number 4, 6 and 7 lines should improve the links at tourist hubs such as Calpe, Altea, Denia and Teulada as well as Javea and some smaller inland towns and villages.



Callosa Cock-up RED-FACED Callosa de Segura council was fined by their own local police on Sunday, all because of a “white elephant” electric minibus that did not have an up-to-date ITV certificate. The barely-used vehicle was bought by the authority two years ago, and four days into providing a shuttle service to the municipal swimming pool, eagle-eyed cops spotted

by Alex Trelinski

that the ITV certificate had expired. The Partido Popular opposition on Callosa council accused the PSOE-led authority of “recklessness” and endangering public safety, as the bus then continued to pick up and drop off passengers throughout Sunday afternoon.

Warm weather brings drowning spike THE Royal Spanish Lifeguard Association have published their half-year report on drowning deaths across Spain, meant to serve as a timely reminder to bathers to take care as the summer gets underway. 159 people drowned across Spain up to 15 July – 33 of those in the first two weeks of this month alone. Six of those deaths were in the Valencian Community,

Lift death still a mystery

by Simon Russell

while the Canary Island heads up the overall list with 25 drowning deaths between 1 January and 15 July. 15 people drowned off the coast of the Valencian Community over the same period. The Canaries often has the most annual drowning incidents as the waters are warm enough to bathe in for most of the year.

If there had been an accident involving the bus, then because of the lapsed ITV, the Callosa authority would not have been insured. The minibus has been mired in controversy since nearly 60 thousand euros was spent on it back in 2016, amidst opposition accusations, strongly denied by the council, that the contract award for the vehicle was not properly handled. The bus was due to be

leased to boost municipal transport services provided by Alsa-Bacoma at five thousand euros per month, but legal issues, which were not made apparent beforehand, prevented that from happening. Callosa council were then left with an expensive minibus that was garaged for a year, but it did make an appearance last November ferrying residents to the cemetery on All Saints’ Day.

AN Irish boxing champion is among four men arrested in connection with an alleged rape on the island of Ibiza this week. Paul Upton was a super welterweight champion of Ireland two years ago while

his brother Sonny, who was also arrested, is likewise a professional boxer. 21-yearold Bradley Smith, an English professional boxer was also detained along with a fourth British man. The arrests followed

TWO weeks since the body of a man was found at the bottom of a hospital lift shaft in Madrid, police admit they are no closer to even identifying the man let alone how he came to be there. What they do know is that he was male, estimated to be aged between 50 and 60 and had probably been dead for about a week when his body was found by maintenance workers investigating the bad smell. Despite appeals, noone has come forward who has had a friend or

by Simon Russell

family members missing for almost three weeks. Other mysteries include why he had a lift key and whether the death was an accident, murder or suicide. The police are also keen to know who closed the lift door which would not have closed automatically if forced open enough to allow the man to fall, jump or be pushed. Decomposition also means that forensic teams are struggling to take a readable set of fingerprints.

Boxing champ among gang rape arrests allegations by a 29-yearold British woman that she has force-fed two pills in the famous San Antonio bar Linekers. She was barely conscious and was taken back to an apartment where she said she was

forced to have sex. The men were arrested the same day but strongly deny the claims. They say they accompanied the woman back to her hotel from the bar as she was feeling ill and had been drinking heavily.


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Justice at last for grieving mother

THE Spanish Supreme Court has ruled that a woman w h o s e daughter was murdered by her exhusband, the girl’s father, should receive compensation of €600,000 from the Spanish state.

Angela Gonzalez left her husband in 1999; he had been abusive since she had become pregnant with the little girl who was three at the time of their separation. At the time a Madrid Court ruled that her husband could have supervised visits with his daughter.

However he appealed this decision and two years later a judge ruled that he could have unsupervised visits, despite warnings from Angela and Social Services of the danger this would put the girl in. After just the twelfth unsupervised visit the man killed his daughter, aged seven, with three gunshots and then took his own life. After initially rejecting any liability, the Spanish justice system has admitted fault, partly on the recommendation of the United Nations specialist gender violence lawyers.

San Juan thieves apprehended THE National Police in Alicante has arrested eight people in connection with a series of robberies on the night of the San Juan Fiesta. The gang, all members of the same family, took advantage of the reduced police presence away from the festival area to launch a number of raids on industrial units on the edge of the city. Described as skilled thieves, they broke into

several units and seized about 50 batteries from trucks and other vehicles, worth around €5,000. They also stole scaffolding valued at around €8,000. The group were traced through the company they were trying to sell the stolen property to and the eight, aged between 21 and 42, have been charged with theft and membership of a criminal organisation.

Crooked Croatians

THREE CROATIANS have been arrested in San Miguel de Salinas over a series of house robberies in the south of Alicante Province. Two women and a man were detained by the Guardia Civil after several homes were robbed in Santa Pola, with the trio hiring rental cars in order to reduce their chances of being detected. The vehicles were hired under false names and the crooks would then go back to the rental company and simply change them to another model. The rental switches though proved to be their undoing,

by Matthew Richards

as the Guardia tracked down their last car to an outlet in San Miguel, and went to their rental property in the municipality to arrest them. A check on police databases revealed that a 29-year-old man had used six different identities, whilst a 28-year-old woman had gone through five name changes. One of the trio was the subject of a European arrest order for committing similar crimes in Croatia, with the two women remanded into custody after appearing before a judge.

Crop plague FRESH outbreaks of the Xylella virus, which affects several crop staples grown locally, have been detected by the Ministry of Agriculture. 23 new plots across the Marina Alta and Marina Baixa have been found to be infected at groves in Altea, Benissa, Famorca, Gata de Gorgos and Tarbena. Almonds are the crop most affected by the new outbreak which has also been detected in several non-cash crops in the areas. Under current guidelines, infected plants will be destroyed to avoid further spread of the virus.

Airport truck tragedy POLICE have opened an inquiry after a man was killed by a lorry outside Valencia airport, an incident in which his nine-year-old daughter was also badly hurt. The fatality occurred at about 6.45am last Friday morning on the N-220 just outside Valencia’s Manises airport terminal. An emergency medical crew were quickly on the scene but could only confirm the 50-yearold’s death. His daughter was treated at the scene and transferred to La Fe Hospital in Valencia City, suffering from multiple injuries.



SISTERS ARE DOING IT by Alex Trelinski

Digital spouse spy jailed AN Elche man who was standing trial on a number of charges has been found guilty of spying on his wife’s social media applications without her knowledge or permission. Details of the case which finished last month in Alicante have just now been revealed. The 32-year-old was

by Simon Russell

also standing trial on charges of rape, threats, assault and ill-treatment but the judge heard that there was little or no concrete evidence to support the more serious accusations. However, the court heard how the man, a computer expert, loaded an

application onto his wife’s mobile phone allowing him to monitor all her WhatsApp conversations as he suspected her of having an affair. He was sentenced to two years in jail for the offence as well as being fined €3,240 and prohibited from contacting his soon to be ex-wife for at least four years.

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TWO BULGARIAN siblings who targeted elderly people in so-called “hugging crimes” across Alicante Province and other areas of Spain have been arrested just over the border in Alquerias in the Murcia region. The 22 and 24-year old sisters had been previously detained and were tracked down at an isolated property in the Alquerias area bordering the Vega Baja region. The duo had warrants issued against them by courts in Alicante and Elche, as well as Murcia and Cartagena, in addition, to further afield at Malaga and Salamanca. They used false identities as they travelled across the country, after using a “loving

hug” to snare their victims. The technique, used by mainly East Europeans, sees somebody seek out an elderly person for directions and information, and then embrace them with a hug as a symbol of thanks. Whilst their “mark” is immobilised, somebody else snatches some jewellery, a wallet or money, before beating a hasty retreat, as their victim is left in a state of shock. A string of identical incidents has taken place across the Alicante Province and Murcia regions over the last three years, but in many cases the perpetrators have ended up being bailed, only to skip a designated court appearance and to re-offend again.



150 SQUARE metres of scrubland was incinerated by a Monday afternoon fire that happened next to the AP-7 highway, just before the exit for Almoradi, Guardamar and Rojales. Fire crews from Almoradi tackled the blaze, which was extinguished within 90 minutes, whilst traffic flows continued as normal on the southbound carriageway.

Deadly wasps strike again A 65-year-old man who died in Galicia last weekend after being stung by a wasp was the third such fatality in the region in less than a week. Manuel FP, a local bus driver in San Cristo de Cea was aware he had a severe allergy to insect bites. The

by Simon Russell

victim was cutting grass when he was bitten and, knowing of his condition, his partner administered adrenalin. However, he sadly died at the scene. The previous Wednesday a man had died after being

stung in the Galician town of Porrino, again while cutting the grass and he was also confirmed as hyperallergic. A third male had died in Viveiro the previous weekend after what the autopsy confirmed had been a wasp sting.



New 3.2 million euro TRAM station opens

Serial sawer A CONSTRUCTION worker, who had a night job as a house burglar sawing through metal bars, has been arrested by the Guardia Civil in San Pedro del Pinatar. The 43-year-old Spaniard used his daytime tools of the trade to hack through window bars and is alleged to have robbed at least 11 properties up and down the coast in the Torre de la Horadada area. The Guardia believe the

by Alex Trelinski

man could have been involved in another 16 crimes, all of which had featured security bars that he had dismantled. The authorities launched Operación Enrejado in May to track the burglar down, who they revealed already had a history of breaking into properties, and had previously been arrested in San Javier. A raid on his San Pedro

home saw the Guardia recover some 20 thousand euros of items including DVD players and video games; a television; six watches; and three cameras. That’s in addition to several keys to houses that he had robbed. Most of the items have been returned to their owners, whilst the burglar has been denied bail, after his court appearance, with this time only prison bars for him to look at, minus his trusty tools.

Travellers arriving into Benidorm by bus will have easy access to towns along the coast of Alicante, once the resorts new TRAM stop opens next week. Work on the 3.2 million euro project is now complete, with the first TRAM set to open its doors to passengers on Tuesday, July 31st. The new halt, given the name Benidorm Intermodal, will replace the littleused Discotecas station situated a few hundred metres along the track towards Altea, considered to be a little isolated by regular users. Earlier this week, Benidorm Mayor Toni Perez, led a delegation of councillors, technicians and

representatives of the FGV TRAM company and regional government on an inaugural test run of the facilities. Perez was keen to highlight the “intermodal nature of the halt, enabling passengers to link up with city buses and long-distance bus services, within a few metres distance.” “Our aim is to promote sustainable mobility whilst improving connectivity with the region” he stressed. The new halt will also provide improved transport facilities to residents of the nearby El Tolls neighbourhood, to students of the Salto del Agua school and people using the Palau d’EsportsL’Illa sports centre.

Warehouse conversion set space for public use. As for autumn by well as the new National Simon Russell

ONE of the five giant warehouses that dominate Valencia port’s seafront is set to be converted to public use, possibly to include a new police station. The buildings were built over a century ago and originally used for storing fruit and vegetables shipped in from around the world. Despite their prime location they have survived the bombs of the civil war, the massive

flood of 1953 and, in more recent times, approaches by developers. The buildings are now protected and the half million euros budget will see a conversion to a

400 Spanish flights cancelled by Simon Russell

THE long-threatened strike by Ryanair cabin crew started this week, with Spain being the worst hit in Europe wide disruption. On Wednesday it was reported that the budget carrier had to cancel 600 flights, 400 of these either to or from Spain. A company spokesman said 75,000 passengers have been affected, with many turning up at the airport not knowing whether their flight was leaving or not. As they so often do, Ryanair has caused controversy by saying that any additional compensation will not

by Andy Mansell

be paid as the strike is an “extraordinary circumstance”. Consumer experts disagree, saying that as the strike is by company personnel and had been on the cards for a while the get out clause does not apply. The airline has also threatened layoffs if the action continues and a cutback of its Dublin HQ services. The stoppages revolve around a number of issues; these include lack of benefits such as insurance and sick pay, lack of respect for workers, pay gaps and dependence on temporary staff.

Police station the old building will be used for social and cultural events and as a multi-purpose space. It is scheduled to be ready by the end of October this year.



Good hearted grocers THE Carrefour hypermarket in Gandia delivered almost 1,500 kilos of food to Valencian food banks in just one weekend this month. This was done as one of the good works of the Carrefour Solidarity Foundation and as part of the supermarkets’ on-going “Operation Kilo” campaign. Nationally the campaign delivered over 130,000 kilos of produce to the Spanish Federation of Food Banks, the umbrella organisation of hundreds of food banks across Spain. In 2017 similar projects by the French supermarket giant saw around 10 million kilos of food delivered, helping an estimated 100,000 vulnerable people and families across the country.


FIVE BEACHES in the Mar Menor area have been classified as “Smoke-Free” by the Murcia government. with special flags hoisted to discourage cigarette smoking on the sands. The move from the regional health department is not legally enforceable but is part of a campaign called “Lo Normal Es No Fumar” to encourage people to give up cigarettes and cigars. Another aim is to reduce the pollution

caused by the number by Alex Trelinksi of butts found stubbed out on the beaches, with the Mar Menor Rotary Club supplying two thousand free ashtrays which will be used at San Pedro del Pinatar’s Playa de la Puntica. The designated “smoke free areas” are at Villananitos in San Pedro; El Castellico and El Pescador in Santiago de la Ribera; Playa La Mistral in La Manga; and La Concha in Los Alcazares.

One crime too many A 32-YEAR-OLD Spaniard has been arrested for sexually assaulting a woman in Guardamar del Segura. I n c r e d i b l y, authorities revealed that he had been previously detained on 38 separate occasions for a string of different crimes across the country.

by Alex Trelinski

The National Police swooped on the man in Sant Joan d’Alacant, after starting their investigations last month following a complaint from a Guardamar resident. The assailant met his victim in a car that he had stolen in the Cádiz area, and it was just one of many vehicles that he had pilfered. The man was arrested last week, though details were

only released a few days ago by the National Police. Also detained was an 18-year-old man, who assisted him in his nationwide crime spree, which besides stealing cars and number plates, also included home robberies and fraud in the Benidorm area. The 32-year-old, not surprisingly, was denied bail this time after a court appearance in Alicante City.

Summer street theatre FOR the third consecutive year Javea will have family street theatre and music in the evenings. The venue is the David Ferrer Paseo (in front of the Las Olas heladaria) from 8.30 until 11.00. From now until 15 July Victor Tor will present “La lada del jugador” and from 16 July to 22 July the Hoy aqui company take over with their show “Avistacielos”. The final act in July is Javimalabres with “A fuego lento”. There is also a full programme of events in August; all performances are free but there will be official collection points if you want to donate a few coins.

Danger dust removed from school THE Department of Education in Oliva is using the summer break to remove fibre cement panels from Luis Vives School. While assured that the panels are currently safe, if they deteriorate or break there is a risk from the silica dust that escapes. This has been associated with silicosis, pulmonary disease and lung cancer among other conditions. Staff working during July have been moved to a different part of the site while the work starts. The bathrooms will also be reformed and perimeter fencing replaced while the pupils are off for the summer.

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Ex-policeman kills wife

SPAIN’S latest gender violence death was perpetrated by a retired policeman in the region of Leon. The 112 emergency number was called on Monday night after local residents in Astorga heard a violent argument and what

by Simon Russell

sounded like gunshots. The National Police arrived and found a dead woman and a wounded man in a residential property. The deceased was confirmed as the wife of the

unnamed killer while the man was a neighbour who had tried to intervene. He was taken to the local hospital but his injuries are not thought to be serious. The retired policeman was arrested and is awaiting charges.

Woman and son escape from burning car A woman and her ten-yearold son, escaped unharmed from a burning car, which caught fire while she was driving through a suburban Benidorm street. The incident occurred at around 14.00h last Tuesday afternoon in the vicinity of Avenida de

by Andy Mansell

Andalucia, in the Els Tolls area of the resort. Two fire tenders from Benidorm Fire station were dispatched to the scene, where, fortunately, the driver and passenger had managed

to escape the vehicle unharmed. Benidorm local police were also called to the scene, whereupon they closed the road whilst the fire officers dealt with the fire, which destroyed the car, but caused no danger to other drivers or pedestrians.

Tribal living A just-published college study on the property-owning foreign population in the Marina Alta backs up what many people already suspected – that expatriates tend to gravitate toward towns where many of their fellow countrymen already live. While the British dominate Javea, Teulada and Pego, in Calpe and Benissa it is Belgians who are in the majority while in Denia it is the French. The study includes second homeowners as well as permanent residents and many French, in particular, have second homes in these parts without settling here all year round. In places like Benidorm, while the British seem to dominate, most do not own their own property, tending to rent and often moving back to the UK after a year or two.

by Matthew Richards

When the Marina Alta first started to develop as a destination for foreigners the Germans were the dominant force, but their numbers have dropped away over the years, at least in this part of Spain. The study by the Notarial College says that there are several reasons for the so-called tribalism; social networks and word of mouth, the common language, friends and family who already live in a town or just a feeling of comfort being surrounded by “your own” in a foreign land. The report also pointed out that those who buy a home for economic reasons, such as work, tend to move to the cities. So the largest buyers in Alicante are from Algeria and in Elche from Morocco.

Suspected paedophile trial starts by Simon Russell

THE pre-trial hearing has started in Castellon of a man accused of the sexual abuse of six minors in Burriana, in the north of the Valencian Community. The charges include four repeated cases of assault against four 13-year-olds, indecent exposure, possession of illegal pornographic material and rape of minors. The court heard that the defendant took advantage of his job in his

parent’s photography company to gain the confidence of children. This then progressed to various degrees of sexual assault between 2007 and 2013. He also placed a hidden camera in a bathroom and faces several other charges. The prosecutor has asked for a prison term of 63 years if the accused is found guilty. The full case is scheduled to start in September.


Anyone got a cigarette? Guardia Civil officers working alongside customs and tax agents at Alicante Airport have confiscated more than five thousand packets of contraband tobacco during the last week. Although tobacco smuggling occurs throughout the year, authorities working at the airport are aware that the problem increases during the peak summer months as the perpetrators take advantage of the increased traffic using the facility. Agents from the Office of Analysis and Fiscal Investigation (ODAIFI) joined forces with Guardia Civil officers and customs officials to make the huge seizures, which amounted to a total of 5100 packets of cigarettes. The majority of the haul was discovered in suitcases carried separately, by three individuals travelling to Milan (Italy), Dusseldorf (Germany) and

by Andy Mansell

Brussels (Belgium). Bag checks conducted by the officials revealed each of the bags contained only and exclusively tobacco, divided into the quantities of 1,262, 1,642 and 1,590 packets, respectively. In addition to these major infringements of the National Contraband Law, a further 606 packets were confiscated from eight minor seizures. In a period of seven days, the total of 5,100 packs confiscated had a retail value of around 24,462 euros. The current Spanish duty-free allowance to travellers leaving the country is 800 cigarettes, or 200 cigars, or 1kg of rolling tobacco. However, travellers to the UK can take back one from the following list: 200 cigarettes. 100 cigarillos. 50 cigars.

Fall boy gravely ill A 13-year-old Dutch boy is reported to be very seriously ill after falling from an apartment building in Moraira. The incident happened at around 7pm last Sunday evening when the youngster fell about 20 metres from an apartment

by Simon Russell

block located on Playa Portet de Moraira. He was treated at the scene and then taken to the intensive care unit of Alicante General Hospital by an emergency ambulance.

The Guardia Civil in Moraira are investigating the reason for the fall, and one possible theory is that he was attempting to scale the building as he did not have his keys with him. However, the Guardia have said it is too early to rule out anything at this stage.


Caught on camera

AN opposition councillor in Benidorm found himself in trouble after a misjudged attempt to discredit the ruling party. Rafa Gasent thought it would be a good idea to film himself driving along Avenida Bernat de Sarria to highlight the traffic problems there. However, the stunt had at least two serious driving infractions - the use of a mobile while driving and his clear failure to halt at a stop sign. Although he is seen driving past several local police officers who took no action the film has now come to light and, after the errors were pointed out, Mr Gasent has received a fine of €400 and lost seven points from his licence. He has admitted his error and paid the fine without complaint, saying he was caught up in the moment.

Beach boost ELDERLY and disabled bathers at a busy Torrevieja beach have had their lives made easier, with the installation of a new shaded seating area.

by Alex Trelinski

The Valencia Tourism Agency has funded the zone at the city’s Playa del Cura, with plans for similar facilities

at other beaches in Torrevieja. Walkways have already been put in to improve disabled access at Playa del Cura, Los Locos, and Los Náufragos.



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EXPATS RIGHTS FEAR The rights of British nationals settled in Spain and other EU countries must be protected in the event of a no-deal Brexit, a UK parliamentary report has said. MPs on the Brexit select committee have called on EU leaders to make a public commitment to the estimated one million Britons in Europe, including over 300 thousand in Spain, who fear they are the forgotten victims of Brexit. There is concern that they may lose their rights to live and work in Spain, France, Germany and other member states if the UK crashes out of the bloc. “Whatever happens with the negotiations,

we urge all governments to make it clear to all EU citizens who have made somewhere else their home, that they can stay,” said Hilary Benn, a Labour MP and chair of the parliamentary committee. The committee said in a report published on Monday that the deal for Britons living in Europe and EU citizens living in the UK who are directly affected by Brexit was “far from done”. Many of the rights are guaranteed under the current draft withdrawal agreement, but the committee said that Britons in Spain and the rest of the EU, as they currently stand, will be worse off after Brexit.

The Brexit committee noted that the home secretary, Sajid Javid, had given a public commitment to EU citizens in the UK, saying they could “stay no matter what happens” in negotiations. The committee said: “We … call on member states to make similar public commitments to assure all UK citizens living in their territory that their rights will also be safeguarded in such circumstances.” The committee heard last month from British people living in countries like Spain and France that they felt they were the forgotten victims of Brexit and were being used as hostages in both sides in the negotiations.

A newcomer to the Spanish petrol station market is having to defend the quality of the fuel it sells. Ballenoil sprung from the Ballena Azul carwash businesses after they started putting a single petrol pump at their outlets. These proved so successful that they now have almost a 100 stations across Spain, including Valencia,

by Simon Russell

with 33 more on the way. However, director David Querejeta says that they have to contend with rumours about the quality of their product. He says this is nothing more than rumours linked to their low price and in fact, most of their diesel and petrol comes from the

same source as giants such as Repsol and BP. They have kept costs down by using new technology, employing existing sites (from their carwashes) and having less staff. Ballenoil calculates that their average price is about 10 cents cheaper than Repsol and describes themselves as “the biggest of the small companies” in the market.

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Business & Finance

The Death of the Final Salary Schemes


It was only back in April that I wrote an article on the health of final salary schemes, less than 2 years after the BHS collapse, giving details of yet another large company collapsing, and that company´s pension scheme is now being placed into the Pension Protection Fund (PPF). I mentioned that each time this happens we hear the politicians say that lessons will be learned, rules will be changed, pensioners and pensions will be protected but nothing changes. Well I have been proved right with the latest news that a black hole of more than £1.5billion has opened in the pension schemes of some of Britain’s biggest High Street chains Household names including John Lewis, Dixons Carphone, Mothercare, Carpetright and Topshop owner Arcadia are nursing shortfalls in their pension schemes.

Surprise, surprise, Sir Philip Green´s Arcadia group, which owns Topshop, Topman, Miss Selfridge, Burton, Dorothy Perkins and Evans, has a pension black hole of £300million, according to the latest accounts. Arcadia is not alone, however. The John Lewis Partnership, which owns the department store chain as well as Waitrose, has a deficit of £731million in its pension scheme. Dixons Carphone which owns Currys and PC World, has also seen an enormous black hole open up in its pension scheme. Latest company data shows it has a deficit of £470million. Mothercare has a pension deficit of £37.7million. The struggling chain has seen its stock market value plunge by more than 95 per cent since the turn of the decade. The pension schemes of other major

High Street chains are in rude health, however, Marks & Spencer’s scheme has a surplus of nearly £950million while the Next scheme is £106million in the black. So if you have a final salary pension scheme and you haven’t yet taken retirement, don’t just bury your head in the sand and think everything will be OK in the end, you need to find out if your pension scheme is in deficit, and if it is by how much and what plans are in place to reduce and ultimately to clear the deficit. If this seems unrealistic and/or the Company itself is on rocky ground then it’s time to get your money out. I am here to help YOU. To arrange an independent, professional and impartial consultation please contact me by email christina.brady@blacktowerfm.com or call me on 658 892 330. Website: www. blacktowerfm.com

Blacktower Financial Management Ltd is authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority and is registered with the DGS.

By Christina Brady

BLACKTOWER Financial Management

Blacktower Financial Management has been established for over 32 years and have worked with clients through the good and the bad times, offering sound independent advice, we will be by your side both now and in the future. The above information was correct at the time of preparation and does not constitute investment advice and you should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity.

Blacktower Financial Management (Int) Ltd is licensed in Gibraltar by the Financial Services Commission (FSC) and is registered with the DGS in Spain.

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www.blacktowerfm.com Blacktower Financial Management (International) Limited is licensed in Gibraltar by the Financial Services Commission Licence 00805B. Blacktower Financial Management Limited in the UK is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Critical Illness



Back In


A TEENAGE boy was charged with assault after he allegedly used a straw to fire a chip at a woman

in a McDonald’s in restaurant London. It was alleged the chip hit other the c u s t o m e r ’s face, sparking bust-up a between three of the boy’s friends and four young women, spilled which outside. T h e Metropolitan Police, which is having to deal with increased cases of gun crime and knife attacks amidst complaints of poor

resourc ing, decided spend to m o n t h s i nv e s t i g a t i n g before charging the 13-year-old with assaulting a woman “by using a straw to fire a chip, hitting her in the face”. However, the case was dropped after two magistrate hearings ended when the boy accepted a caution. His mum said it was a waste of money and insisted he actually fired a bit of the straw’s wrappear at a pal. She said: “It’s ridiculous. I tried to put a chip in a

COOLER TUBE London Underground staff will have the option to wear shorts to work during the summer months as part of a trial to keep workers cool in scorching temperatures. A 12-week trial is underway at six stations on the Northern line in an attempt to improve station working conditions in the hot weather. Workers will have the option to wear shorts and bosses are looking for ways to cool down workers’ mess areas with “improvements” to air-conditioning. If successful shorts could become a permanent option for Tube staff.

fit.” Police said the boy’s three friends, all 13, were also charged with assault over the bust-up at the Broadway shopping centre, West Hammersmith, London, in November. One pleaded guilty, one was referred for a caution and the third is awaiting trial.


BEANS MEANZ BANNED A UK TV advert for Heinz baked beans has been banned for comparing its nutritional value to a protein shake. The commercial, seen in February, shows a woman implying a bowl of baked beans has as much protein, fibre and fat as her partner’s

protein shake. The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) said its regulations do not allow claims that one food has “as much” of a nutrient or nutrients as another food. Heinz Foods said it was “disappointed” but would not run the ad again.

McDonald’s straw. It doesn’t

A tourist got a notso-royal welcome after she was shoved out of the way by a marching Queen’s Guardsman as she stood in his way at Windsor Castle. has Footage emerged of the moment the soldier pushes the woman as she stood beyond the rope restricting tourists at the royal venue. guard, the As sporting the traditional red tunic and bearskin hat, marches towards the woman, he extends his arm and sends her forward stumbling several metres in front of stunned bystanders woman, The wearing sunglasses and a yellow dress, lets out a shocked scream in disbelief before staring blankly at the soldier. Yet he appeared the by unfazed incident and carries on without reaction in the traditional British stiffupper-lip manner!

Britain RTH JOBSWO NONSENSE A car park warden sparked outrage at a Tesco Express in Cheshire this week when he slapped an ambulance with a ticket after it was left for a short time on a double yellow line. was worker The confronted by a witness videoing the incident before he had a row with the paramedic outside the shop entrance. Other shoppers came to her aid and tried to reason with the warden, who

refused to back down. astonishing The confrontation ended with the paramedic from the North West Ambulance Service saying to the warden ‘If you ever need an ambulance........”, before shrugging her shoulders and walking away. The car park is on private land owned by London & Cambridge Properties who employ a third party to monitor parking. The company, when contacted by UK newspapers



on Wednesday, said: “it had no comment at this stage”. The paramedic crew were eight hours into a 12-hour shift and had pulled over to quickly nip into the store to get some water to cool themselves down on a hot day, before moving on their way. The law states that ambulances can park on double yellow lines, but the officious attendant told passers-by that he was “proud” of what he had done.

SOARING SUSSEX The UK heatwave is raising sea temperatures in parts of England to higher levels than some of those in California, according to statistics. Bracklesham Bay in West Sussex, where temperatures have hit 21.6C, is beating temperatures in Zuma Beach on the West Coast of the US, at 20.6C. Dr Tim Smyth of the Plymouth Marine Laboratory, which analyses seawater data, said temperatures were dictated by factors such as the type of seabed and tidal flows, as well as the weather.

NOSE TO THE GROUND A pensioner has lashed out at Hertfordshire police after they visited his home to investigate reports of ‘offensive noises’ – that came from a farting toy. Colin Mitchell was left dumbstruck when an officer arrived at his home in St Albans at around 3pm on Sunday, July 15 to investigate the noises. The constable was enquiring about reports by a female neighbour of ‘offensive human noises’ coming from inside the house. But Mr Mitchell took

the wind out of their sails but when he said one of his little it’s my four great-grandchildren gra nds greathad been playing with a fart it’s highon, ly machine. amusin The 75-year-old said: to youngg ‘What an absolute waste of children .’ police time.’ M ‘They could be doing M i t c h r ell something better because h a s there are so many problems r e p o with the shortage of money been r t e d l y involved for policing.’ in a long-running ‘They had been told that dispute with the there was an insulting noise neighbo ur. every time this woman A spokeswoman from walked past.’ Herts Poli ‘I could understand if it of advice ce said: ‘Words have been given came from real flatulence to both parties.’

SAFE AND SOUND A kayaker rescued a baby badger which plummeted 27 metres into the sea in the south-west of England. The stricken creature survived the death-defying plunge and had scrambled to relative safety on a cliff ledge off the north Cornwall

coast. It was spotted by Tom Wildblood who pulled it on to his boat in a “surreal” rescue mission. “When I went to grab the badger it tried to nip me but then a wave picked it up and threw it into the water,” he

said. “I then grabbed it by the scruff of the neck and hauled it aboard. It was in a really bad way and was shaking. I think it finally realised we were doing it some good.” The cave tour leader said the cub had probably

fallen down an old miners’ track above the cliffs at Trevaunance Cove near St Agnes, where he had been leading a group of kayakers. “I was just doing a normal tour around the caves when I saw this badger on a ledge,” he said.



FRIDAY 27th July

07:00 Flog It!: Trade Secrets 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under 07:30 Coast 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 08:15 Heir Hunters 09:00 Gardeners’ World 12:00 Heir Hunters 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:45 The Farmers’ Country 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live Showdown 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 Perfection 14:00 BBC News at One 14:45 Getting the Builders In 15:30 For What It’s Worth 14:30 BBC London News 16:15 Nature’s Weirdest Events 14:45 Red Rock 17:15 Jungle Atlantis 15:30 Escape to the Country 18:15 Antiques Road Trip 16:30 Celebrity Money for 19:00 Eggheads Nothing 17:15 Flog It! 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 18:15 Impossible 20:00 Hairy Bikers’ 19:00 BBC News at Six Mediterranean Adventure 19:30 BBC London News 21:00 Gardeners’ 20:00 The One Show 20:30 A Question of Sport World 22:00 Love & 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Still Open All Hours Friendship 23:30 22:00 Would I Lie to You? Newsnight 22:30 Our Friend Victoria 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 BBC London News 23:35 Room 101: Extra Storage

07:00 Good Morning Britain 07:00 Countdown 09:30 Lorraine 07:45 The King of Queens 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 08:10 The King of Queens 11:30 This Morning 08:35 Everybody Loves 13:30 Loose Women Raymond 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 09:00 Everybody Loves 14:55 ITV News London Raymond 15:00 Judge Rinder 09:30 Everybody Loves 16:00 Tenable Raymond 17:00 Tipping Point 10:00 Frasier 18:00 The Chase 10:35 Frasier 19:00 ITV News London 11:05 Ramsay’s Kitchen 19:30 ITV Evening News Nightmares USA 20:00 Emmerdale 12:00 The Simpsons 20:30 Coronation Street 12:30 The Simpsons 21:00 James Martin’s American 13:00 Channel 4 News Adventure 13:05 Come Dine with Me 21:30 Coronation Street 14:05 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 22:00 Doc Martin 15:10 Countdown 23:00 ITV News at Ten 16:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter 23:30 ITV News London Sun 23:45 The 40-Year-Old Virgin 17:00 The £100K Drop 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 The Simpsons 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 The Crystal Maze 22:00 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 23:00 The Last Leg

SATURDAY 28th July

07:35 Marrying Mum and Dad 07:00 Breakfast 07:00 CHILDREN´S TV 08:05 Officially Amazing Goes 09:25 ITV News 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30 Nadiya’s Family FavouritesBunkers 09:30 Zoe Ball on... 08:35 The Dengineers 13:00 Bargain Hunt 09:05 Naomi’s Nightmares of 10:25 James Martin’s Saturday 14:00 BBC Weekend News Nature Morning 14:15 Wanted Down Under 09:35 Deadly Dinosaurs with 15:00 Money for Nothing 12:20 James Martin’s American Steve Backshall 15:45 Garden Rescue 10:05 David Attenborough’s Adventure 16:30 Escape to the Country Natural Curiosities 12:50 Eat, Shop, Save 17:30 Wedding Day Winners 10:30 Animal Odd Couples 13:20 Love Your Garden 11:30 Natural World 18:25 Monsters vs Aliens 12:15 Homes Under the Hammer14:20 ITV Lunchtime News 19:50 BBC Weekend News 13:00 Food & Drink 20:00 BBC London News 14:30 Live: ITV Racing Live 13:30 Kew on a Plate 20:10 Pointless Celebrities 14:30 The Man Who Never Was 17:00 The Chase 21:00 Who Dares Wins 16:10 Ben and James Versus the18:00 WOS Wrestling 21:40 Casualty Arabian Desert 19:00 ITV 22:30 Mrs Brown’s Boys 17:10 Flog It! 23:00 BBC Weekend News Evening News 17:35 Don’t Panic! The Dad’s 23:20 Avengers: Age of Ultron Army Story 19:15 ITV News 18:25 Dad’s Army London 19:00 Live: RideLondon 19:30 JapanWomen’s Road Cycling 19:50 BBC Proms Extra demonium 20:30 We’re Doomed! The Dad’s 20:00 Big Star’s Army Story Little Star 21:30 Dad’s Army 22:00 Reginald D Hunter’s 21:00 The Songs of The Border Hobbit: An 23:15 QI Unexpected 23:45 Stewart Lee: Content Provider Journey

SUNDAY 29th July

07:00 Breakfast

07:20 Glorious Gardens from 07:00 CHILDREN´S TV Above 09:25 ITV News 08:00 Gardeners’ World 09:30 Zoe Ball on... 11:00 Sunday Morning Live 09:00 Countryfile 10:25 Japandemonium 12:00 Homes Under the Hammer10:00 The Beechgrove Garden 10:50 Ninja Warrior UK 13:00 Bargain Hunt 10:30 Saturday Kitchen Best 11:50 WOS Wrestling Bites 14:00 BBC Weekend News 12:50 Big Star’s Little Star 14:15 Animals Behaving Badly 12:00 Live: Ride London Cycling 13:50 ITV Lunchtime News 13:00 ITU World Series Triathlon 13:55 Tipping Point: Lucky Stars 15:15 Eat Well for Less? 14:30 Hairy Bikers’ Best of 15:00 The Chase 16:15 Songs of Praise British 16:00 Live: Tour de France 16:50 Live: RideLondon-Surrey 15:30 Escape to the Country Cycling 16:30 Natural World Classic Road Cycling 19:30 Paul O’Grady: For the 17:30 The Big Life Fix with 19:30 BBC Weekend News Love of Dogs Simon Reeve 19:50 BBC London News 18:30 Secrets of Silicon Valley 20:00 ITV Evening News 20:00 Countryfile 19:30 Mortimer and Whitehouse: 20:10 ITV News London 20:15 Catchphrase Gone Fishing 21:00 Antiques Roadshow 21:00 The Chase: Celebrity 20:00 Inside the Factory 22:00 Poldark Special 21:00 Searching for Shergar 23:00 BBC Weekend News 22:00 Travels in Trumpland with 22:00 Unforgotten 23:20 BBC London News Ed Balls 23:00 ITV News 23:30 Imagine... 23:00 Free State of Jones 23:20 Carry On Forever 10:00 BBC News

07:00 The Planet’s Funniest Animals 07:20 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:45 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 17:00 Milkshake 08:10 Who’s Doing the Dishes? 09:00 Emmerdale 10:15 The Wright Stuff 09:55 You’ve Been Framed! 12:15 Bad Tenants, Rogue 10:25 The Ellen DeGeneres Landlords Show 13:10 5 News at Lunchtime 11:20 The Bachelor 13:15 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 13:15 Emmerdale 14:15 You’ve Been Framed! 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres 14:45 Neighbours Show 15:15 Cagney & Lacey 15:35 The Jeremy Kyle 16:15 Jesse Stone: Benefit of Show the Doubt 17:45 Judge Rinder 18:50 Take Me Out 18:00 5 News at 5 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 18:30 Neighbours 21:00 Two and a Half Men 19:00 Home and Away 21:30 Superstore 19:30 5 News Tonight 22:00 Love Island 20:00 Tony Robinson: Coast To 23:05 Celebrity Coast Juice 21:00 Celebrity 5 Go Caravanning 22:00 Jane McDonald & Friends 23:00 Blind Date

07:00 Emmerdale Omnibus 07:10 The King of Queens 07:00 MILKSHAKE 07:35 The King of Queens 11:40 Make You Laugh Out Loud 09:50 Coronation Street 08:00 The King of Queens Omnibus 08:30 Everybody Loves 12:10 Police Interceptors 12:40 Catchphrase Raymond 13:25 Looney Tunes: Back in 13:05 Police Interceptors 08:55 Everybody Loves Action Raymond 14:05 Police Interceptors 15:15 St Trinian’s 2: The Legend 09:25 Frasier 15:05 Nightmare Tenants, Slum of Fritton’s Gold 09:55 Frasier 17:25 Hotel Transylvania 2 10:30 The Big Bang Theory Landlords 19:10 Puppy! 10:55 The Big Bang Theory 16:05 Nightmare Tenants, Slum 19:20 Star Wars: Episode I -11:25 The Simpsons The Phantom Menace 11:55 The Simpsons Landlords 22:00 Love Island 12:25 Come Dine with Me 17:05 Bad Tenants, Rogue 23:05 Keith Lemon: 13:25 Four in a Bed Coming in America 13:55 Four in a Bed Landlords 14:25 Four in a Bed 18:05 Rich House, Poor House 23:50 Family Guy 14:55 Four in a Bed 15:25 Four in a Bed 19:05 5 News Weekend 16:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter 19:10 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Sun 17:00 Kirstie and Phil’s Love It Away! or List It 20:05 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it 18:00 Channel 4 News 18:30 Formula 1 Motor Away! Racing 20:00 A Year in the New 21:00 Blind Date Forest 22:00 Gino’s Win Your Wish List 21:00 My Family and 23:00 When Game Shows Go the Galapagos 22:00 Hitman: Agent 47 Horribly Wrong 23:50 Riddick

07:10 Mobil 1 The Grid 07:35 British GT Championship Motor Racing 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:55 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:25 Frasier 10:00 Frasier 10:30 Sunday Brunch 13:30 The Simpsons 13:55 The Simpsons 14:25 Diary of a Wimpy Kid 16:15 Location, Location, Location 17:15 Bang on Budget 18:20 Homes by the Med 19:20 Channel 4 News 19:45 Formula 1 Motor Racing 22:00 The Handmaid’s Tale 23:05 Artist in Residence

07:00 Coronation Street 07:25 Coronation Street 07:55 Heartbeat 09:00 The Royal 10:00 Judge Judy 10:30 Judge Judy 10:55 George and Mildred 11:25 Agatha Christie’s Marple 13:35 The Royal 14:40 Heartbeat 15:40 Coronation Street 16:15 Coronation Street 16:50 Housewife 49 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 23:00 Foyle’s War

07:00 MILKSHAKE 12:20 Police Interceptors 13:10 Police Interceptors 14:10 Police Interceptors 15:05 Nanny McPhee 17:10 Nanny McPhee & The Big Bang 19:15 The Wonderful World of Puppies 20:05 Chuckle Time with the Chuckle Brothers 21:00 Funniest Ever Celebrity Moments 21:55 5 News Weekend 22:00 Face/Off

07:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:25 Emmerdale Omnibus 10:20 Coronation Street Omnibus 13:15 Ninja Warrior UK 14:15 You’ve Been Framed! 15:15 You’ve Been Framed! 15:50 Yogi Bear 17:25 Dr. Seuss’ the Lorax 19:10 Star Wars: Episode II -- Attack of the Clones 22:00 Love Island 23:00 Love Island: Aftersun 15:35 Looney Tunes: Back in Action 17:25 Hotel Transylvania 2 19:10 Hotel Transylvania 19:15 Star Wars: Episode I -- The Phantom Menace 22:00 Love Island 23:00 Love Island: Aftersun

07:00 Murder, She Wrote 07:50 Murder, She Wrote 08:50 Murder, She Wrote 09:50 Agatha Christie’s Marple 11:50 Agatha Christie’s Marple 13:45 Agatha Christie’s Marple 15:40 A Touch of Frost 17:55 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 20:00 Midsomer Murders 22:00 Endeavour

07:00 Murder, She Wrote 07:50 Murder, She Wrote 08:45 Heartbeat 09:50 Heartbeat 10:50 Agatha Christie’s Marple 12:55 A Touch of Frost 14:55 Housewife 49 16:55 Rosemary and Thyme 17:55 Foyle’s War 19:55 Victoria 21:00 Victoria 22:00 The Halcyon 23:00 The Halcyon 23:00 The Halcyon



MONDAY 30th July

07:00 Flog It!: Trade Secrets 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under 07:30 Coast 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 08:15 Heir Hunters 12:00 Fake Britain 09:00 Antiques Roadshow 12:45 The Farmers’ Country 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire Showdown 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live 13:15 Bargain Hunt 12:30 Westminster in Review 14:00 BBC News at One 13:00 The Entertainer 14:30 BBC London News 14:45 Getting the Builders In 14:45 Red Rock 15:30 Escape to the Country 15:30 For What It’s Worth 16:30 Celebrity Money for 16:15 Nature’s Weirdest Events Nothing 17:15 Britain’s Secret Seas 17:15 Flog It! 18:15 Money for Nothing 18:15 Impossible 19:00 Eggheads 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Great British Railway 19:30 BBC London News Journeys 20:00 The One Show 20:00 Hairy Bikers’ 20:30 True North 21:00 EastEnders Mediterranean Adventure 21:30 Panorama 21:00 Nadiya’s Family 22:00 Who Do You Think You Favourites Are? 21:30 University Challenge 23:00 BBC News at Ten 22:00 Versailles 23:30 BBC London News 23:00 QI 23:42 BBC Weather 23:45 Have I Got News for You 23:30 Newsnight

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Judge Rinder 16:00 Tenable 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Give It a Year 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Lewis 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News London 23:45 Long Lost Family



One Hot Summer

Season 1 Episode 1 of 6 - BBC 1 12:15am Sat 23rd Jul NEW SERIES: Series capturing young British people’s encounters on a trip across Spain, as they discover new friendships and learn new things about themselves. Contributors include ambitious DJs Sam and Luke, young farmer Aidan, West End girls Rashida, Aimee and Izzy, party animals Lewis and Megan, and London Swagger guys Reenel, Shaq and Chris

TUESDAY 31st July

07:00 Breakfast 07:00 Good Morning Britain 07:00 Breakfast 09:30 Lorraine 10:15 Wanted Down Under 10:15 Wanted Down Under 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:00 Fake Britain 12:00 Fake Britain 13:30 Loose Women 12:45 The Farmers’ Country 12:45 The Farmers’ Country 14:00 ITV Lunchtime News Showdown Showdown 14:20 ITV News London 14:30 Live: ITV Racing Live 13:15 Bargain Hunt 13:15 Bargain Hunt 17:00 Tipping Point 14:00 BBC News at One 14:00 BBC News at One 18:00 The Chase 14:30 BBC London News 14:30 BBC London News 19:00 ITV News London 14:45 Red Rock 14:45 Red Rock 19:30 ITV Evening News 15:30 Escape to the Country 15:30 Escape to the Country 20:00 Emmerdale 16:30 Celebrity Money for 21:00 Love Your Garden 16:30 Celebrity Money for 22:00 Long Lost Family Nothing Nothing 23:00 ITV News at Ten 17:15 Flog It! 17:15 Flog It! 23:30 ITV News London 18:15 Impossible 18:15 Impossible 23:45 The Frankenstein 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:00 BBC News at Six Chronicles 19:30 BBC London News 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Holby City 21:00 Holby City 22:00 Age Before Beauty 22:00 Age Before Beauty 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:30 BBC London News 23:30 BBC London News 23:42 BBC Weather 23:42 BBC Weather 23:45 Stacey Dooley 23:45 Stacey Dooley Investigates Investigates

07:00 Countdown 07:45 The King of Queens 08:10 The King of Queens 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 10:35 Frasier 11:05 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:00 The Simpsons 12:30 The Simpsons 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 13:50 The Great Celebrity Bake Off: Stand Up To Cancer 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun 17:00 Sun, Sea and Selling Houses 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 The Simpsons 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Dispatches 21:30 How to Get Rich Quick 22:00 Our Guy in Russia 23:00 Who Is America? 23:40 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown


07:00 The Planet’s Funniest 07:00 MILKSHAKE Animals 10:15 The Wright Stuff 07:20 Totally Bonkers Guinness 12:15 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it World Records Away! 07:45 Totally Bonkers Guinness 13:10 5 News at Lunchtime World Records 13:15 GPs: Behind Closed 08:10 Who’s Doing the Dishes? 09:00 Emmerdale Doors 09:30 Coronation Street 14:10 Access 10:25 The Ellen DeGeneres 14:15 Home and Away Show 14:45 Neighbours 11:20 The Bachelor 15:15 Cagney & Lacey 13:15 Emmerdale 16:15 Garage Sale Mystery: The 13:45 Coronation Street 14:15 Coronation Street Wedding Dress 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours Show 15:35 The Jeremy Kyle 19:00 Home Show and Away 16:40 The Jeremy Kyle 19:30 5 News Show 17:45 Judge Rinder Tonight 20:00 Sinkholes 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 You’ve Been 21:00 Police Framed! Interceptors 20:30 You’ve Been 22:00 The Framed! Bermuda Triangle 21:00 Two and a Half Men Enigma 21:30 Superstore 23:00 Ganglan 22:00 Love Island 23:35 Family Guy

07:00 Coronation Street 07:30 Coronation Street 07:55 Heartbeat 09:00 The Royal 10:05 Judge Judy 10:35 Judge Judy 11:00 George and Mildred 11:35 Housewife 49 13:35 The Royal 14:40 Heartbeat 15:40 Coronation Street 16:15 Coronation Street 16:50 Hidden Treasure 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Agatha Christie’s Marple 23:00 DCI Banks

new this week

A year in the New Forest

Season 1 Episode 1 of 4 - Channel 4 8:00pm Sat 28 Jul NEW SERIES: Documentary following a year in the life of the animals and people who call the ancient forest their home. Telling the story of each season as it passes in this rich ecosystem, the series explores a remarkable, precious and traditional way of life. In the New Forest, people and nature must face climate change and the new threats of the 21st century together. As the land cools and the days shorten, the leaves turn golden and one of the great spectacles of the forest begins - the red deer rut

07:00 Countdown 07:00 The Planet’s Funniest 07:00 MILKSHAKE 07:45 The King of Queens Animals 10:15 The Wright Stuff 08:10 The King of Queens 07:20 Totally Bonkers Guinness 12:15 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it 08:35 Everybody Loves World Records Raymond 07:45 Totally Bonkers Guinness Away! 10:00 Frasier World Records 13:10 5 News at Lunchtime 10:35 Frasier 08:10 Who’s Doing the Dishes? 13:15 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 09:00 Emmerdale 11:05 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 09:30 Coronation Street 14:10 Access 12:00 The Simpsons 09:55 Coronation Street 14:15 Home and Away 12:30 The Simpsons 10:25 The Ellen DeGeneres 14:45 Neighbours 13:00 Channel 4 News Show 13:05 Come Dine with Me 15:15 Cagney & Lacey 11:20 The Bachelor 13:50 The Great Celebrity Bake 13:15 Emmerdale 16:15 Last Scene Alive: An Off: Stand Up To Cancer 13:45 Coronation Street 15:10 Countdown Aurora Teagarden Mystery 14:15 Coronation Street 16:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter 18:00 5 News at 5 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres Sun Show 18:30 Neighbours 17:00 Sun, Sea and Selling 15:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show Houses 19:00 Home and Away 16:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:00 Come Dine with Me 19:30 5 News Tonight 17:45 Judge Rinder 18:30 The Simpsons 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 FIA World Rally 19:00 The Simpsons 20:00 You’ve Been 19:30 Hollyoaks Championship Framed! 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 The Dog Rescuers 20:30 You’ve 21:00 Ackley Bridge Been Framed! 22:00 999: What’s Your 22:00 The Bermuda Triangle 21:00 Two and a Emergency? Enigma Half Men 23:00 Gogglebox 23:00 First Time Call Girl

07:00 Coronation Street 07:25 Coronation Street 07:55 Heartbeat 09:00 The Royal 10:00 Judge Judy 10:30 Judge Judy 11:00 George and Mildred 11:30 Hidden Treasure 13:35 The Royal 14:40 Heartbeat 15:40 Coronation Street 16:15 Coronation Street 16:50 Goodbye, Mr. Chips 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Midsomer Murders 23:00 Scott & Bailey




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Across 1. Sign of life — plus renewed energy (5) 4. New place is not common (7) 8. Wine left by railway for old soldiers (7) 9. Hot fish for despicable people (5) 10. One held back by irresolution? (5) 11. Bottle taken from container vessel (5) 13. Saint who may be warned off (6) 15. Torment a nocturnal mammal (6) 18. Boers get fuddled, but not with drink (5) 20. Child following master craftsman (5) 23. Oprah broadcast for Marx (5) 24. Pharmacist beginning to tire after endless shift (7) 25. Put right about clothing (7) 26. Great Scot initially in good health (5)

Down 1. Odd tangle I clear up (8) 2. Elvis represented in biographies (5) 3. Blow up a rebellious general? (7) 4. Adage, for example, in Greek capital (6) 5. Number three is odd (5) 6. Lettuce that may be a danger to shipping (7) 7. Young female star leaves Las Vegas (4) 12. Parental involvement before birth (8) 14. Section of ĂŠtude Sir Edward wanted (7) 16. Melissa goes astray, lacking direction (7) 17. Flower in middle of clump eaten by reptiles (6) 19. Dickens swallows old English drink (5) 21. Strike small child (5) 22. Scorch a fish (4)



Across 1. Street musician (6) 4. Steady (6) 8. Scarcely sufficient (5) 9. Endurance, staying power (7) 10. Glowing (7) 11. Portion (5) 12. Occurring repeatedly (9) 17. Composition for nine performers (5) 19. Deposit (anag) (7) 21. Brought about (7) 22. Invited (5) 23. Water ice (6) 24. Soldier on watch (6)

Down 1. Informal French restaurant (6) 2. Defamation (7) 3. Additional (5) 5. Crush underfoot (7) 6. Cloth for card-tables (5) 7. Tooth surface (6) 9. Soaked (9) 13.Skin at the base of a nail (7) 14. Dense mass of trees or shrubs (7) 15. Tomfoolery (6) 16. Lethal (6) 18. Lowest point (5) 20. Location (5)


Hard 21


Daily Codeword


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12 July 18 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>




2 3 4 A Rosetta is made up of a 7 6 centre coloured hexagon Example encircled by 6 white hexagons. To complete the puzzle, fill in all 7 Rosettas with each number between 1 and 7 in no particular order while also ensuring that :


Scribble Pad

1. No number is repeated in a horizontal row 2. Each number from 1 to 7 are represented in the 7 grey coloured hexagon cells.



© Engaged Learning

Star 0013-Grid_H1 STAR PUZZLE

To complete the puzzle fill in each of the empty hexagon cells with numbers between 1 & 7 following the 3 rules below; 1. No numbers in a horizontal line can be repeated. 2. No numbers in a diagonal line can be repeated. 3. No numbers in the 7 gray hexagons can be repeated.

Drop Quotes

Drop Quotes

Source: George Eliot

Puzzle #S883TX




Copyright © 2017 Best for Puzzles O I S G V B

Drop Quotes are similar to cryptograms, in that the goal is for the solver to uncover a hidden quote. A black-and-white crossword-style grid is set up for each quote, with a number of letters “hovering” above each column. Your task is to “drop” each of those letters into the appropriate square in each column, until the entire quote is revealed. All punctuation (commas, periods, dashes, etc.) has been removed. Good luck!
















































Sudoku EXTRA





Hard 1/1

© 2011 Engaged Learning

* Note that each white hexagon belongs to a line of 7 that must contain each of the numbers between 1 and 7.

Copyright © Puzzle Baron July 25, 2018 - Go to www.Printable-Puzzles.com for Hints and Solutions!



WEDNESDAY 1st August

07:00 Countdown 07:00 Good Morning Britain 07:00 The TV That Made Me 07:00 Breakfast 07:45 The King of Queens 07:30 Holiday of My Lifetime with 09:30 Lorraine 10:15 Wanted Down Under 08:10 The King of Queens 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer Len Goodman 08:35 Everybody Loves 11:30 This Morning 08:15 Impossible 12:00 Fake Britain Raymond 13:30 Loose Women 09:00 See Hear 12:45 The Farmers’ Country 10:00 Frasier 14:00 ITV Lunchtime News 09:30 Caught Red Handed Showdown 10:35 Frasier 14:20 ITV News London 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire 11:05 Ramsay’s Kitchen 14:30 Live: ITV Racing Live 13:15 Bargain Hunt 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live Nightmares USA 17:00 Tipping Point 14:00 BBC News at One 12:00 The Simpsons 18:00 The Chase 13:00 The Seven Little Foys 14:30 BBC London News 12:30 The Simpsons 19:00 ITV News London 14:30 Coast 14:45 Red Rock 13:00 Channel 4 News 19:30 ITV Evening News 15:30 For What It’s Worth 15:30 Escape to the Country 13:05 Come Dine with Me 20:00 Emmerdale 16:15 Nature’s Weirdest Events 16:30 Celebrity Money for 13:50 The Great Celebrity Bake 20:30 Coronation Street 17:15 Britain’s Secret Seas Off: Stand Up To Cancer 21:00 Best Walks with a Nothing 18:15 Money for Nothing 15:10 Countdown View with Julia Bradbury 17:15 Flog It! 19:00 Eggheads 16:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter 21:30 Coronation 18:15 Impossible Sun Street 19:30 Great British Railway 19:00 BBC News at Six 22:00 The Bletchley 17:00 Sun, Sea and Selling Journeys 19:30 BBC London News Houses Circle: San 20:00 Natural World 20:00 The One Show 18:00 Come Dine with Me Francisco 21:00 Hairy Bikers’ 18:30 The Simpsons 23:00 ITV News 20:30 A Matter of Life and Debt Mediterranean 19:00 The Simpsons at Ten 21:00 Animals Behaving Badly Adventure 23:30 ITV News 19:30 Hollyoaks 22:00 The Real Marigold Hotel 22:00 Picnic at Hanging 20:00 Channel 4 News London 23:00 BBC News at Ten Rock 21:00 Live Well for Longer 23:30 BBC London News 23:45 Heathrow: 22:00 24 Hours in A&E 23:00 Rhod Gilbert’s Britain’s Busiest 23:00 Stath Lets Flats 23:42 BBC Weather Work Experience 23:30 UN Sex Abuse Scandal Airport 23:45 A Question of Sport 23:30 Newsnight

07:00 MILKSHAKE 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 13:10 5 News at Lunchtime 13:15 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 14:10 Access 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Cagney & Lacey 16:15 A Honeymoon to Die For 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Cricket on 5 21:00 Britain’s Parking Hell 22:00 The Bermuda Triangle Enigma 23:00 21st Century Sex Slaves

07:00 The Planet’s Funniest Animals 07:20 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:45 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 08:10 Who’s Doing the Dishes? 09:00 Emmerdale 10:00 You’ve Been Framed! 10:25 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 11:20 The Bachelor 13:15 Emmerdale 14:15 You’ve Been Framed! 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 15:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:45 Judge Rinder 18:50 Take Me Out 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Superstore 22:00 Family Guy 22:30 Family Guy 23:00 CelebAbility 23:45 Family Guy

07:00 The TV That Made Me 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under 07:30 Bargain Hunt 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 08:15 Impossible 12:00 Fake Britain 09:00 Eat Well for Less? 12:45 The Farmers’ Country 10:00 Victoria Derbyshire Showdown 12:00 BBC Newsroom Live 13:15 Bargain Hunt 13:00 I Was Monty’s Double 14:00 BBC News at One 14:40 Coast 14:30 BBC London News 15:30 For What It’s Worth 14:45 Red Rock 16:15 Nature’s Weirdest Events 15:30 Escape to the Country 17:15 Britain’s Secret Seas 16:30 Celebrity Money for 18:15 Money for Nothing Nothing 19:00 Eggheads 17:15 Flog It! 19:30 Great British 18:15 Impossible Railway Journeys 19:00 BBC News at Six 20:00 Natural World 19:30 BBC London News 21:00 The Big Life Fix 20:00 The One Show 22:00 The 20:30 EastEnders Prosecutors: Real 21:00 Eat Well for Less? Crime and 22:00 Keeping Faith Punishment 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:00 Quacks 23:30 BBC London News 23:30 23:42 BBC Weather Newsnight 23:45 New Tricks

07:00 MILKSHAKE 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:15 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 13:10 5 News at Lunchtime 13:15 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Cagney & Lacey 16:15 Stalked by My Ex 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Cricket on 5 21:00 Bad Tenants, Rogue Landlords 22:00 Eamonn and Ruth: How the Other Half Lives 23:00 Rich Kids Go Skint

07:00 The Planet’s Funniest Animals 07:20 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:45 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 08:10 Who’s Doing the Dishes? 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 09:55 Coronation Street 10:25 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 11:20 The Bachelor 13:15 Emmerdale 13:45 Coronation Street 14:15 Coronation Street 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 15:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:45 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:55 Judge Rinder 19:00 Take Me Out 20:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Superstore 22:00 Evil Monkeys 23:00 Keith Lemon: Coming in America 23:50 Family Guy

THURSDAY 2nd August 07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:00 ITV Lunchtime News 14:20 ITV News London 14:30 Live: ITV Racing Live 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Eat, Shop, Save 21:00 Emmerdale 21:30 Birds of a Feather 22:00 Our Shirley Valentine Summer 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News London 23:45 Unforgotten

07:00 Countdown 07:45 The King of Queens 08:10 The King of Queens 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 10:35 Frasier 11:05 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:00 The Simpsons 12:30 The Simpsons 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 13:50 The Great Celebrity Bake Off: Stand Up To Cancer 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 17:00 Sun, Sea and Selling Houses 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 The Simpsons 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 George Clarke’s Old House, New Home 22:00 Meet the Drug Lords: Inside the Real Narcos 23:00 Gordon Ramsay’s 24 Hours to Hell and Back

07:00 Coronation Street 07:25 Coronation Street 07:55 Heartbeat 09:00 The Royal 10:00 Judge Judy 10:30 Judge Judy 10:55 George and Mildred 11:30 Goodbye, Mr. Chips 13:35 The Royal 14:35 Heartbeat 15:40 Coronation Street 16:15 Coronation Street 16:50 Goodnight Mister Tom 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Rosemary and Thyme 22:00 Lewis

07:00 Coronation Street 07:25 Coronation Street 07:55 Heartbeat 08:55 The Royal 10:00 Judge Judy 10:25 Judge Judy 10:55 George and Mildred 11:25 Goodnight Mister Tom 13:35 The Royal 14:35 Heartbeat 15:40 Coronation Street 16:15 Coronation Street 16:40 Inspector Morse 19:00 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Vera 23:00 Law & Order: UK





“Blessed is the man, who having nothing to say, abstains from giving wordy evidence of the fact. “



Cancer Target



Fears for centre A COSTA BLANCA horse rescue centre that owes 26 thousand euros, could be forced to close down unless they raise money urgently to keep their work going. The Rojales-based Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre has over 120 horses and donkeys under their care, but co-founders Sue and Rod Weeding say that recent extra and unexpected expenses have made life much harder for them, coupled with the charity’s six shops experiencing their annual summer downturn in income. Centre running costs alone per week amount to five thousand euros, but circumstances have seen a water leak that had to be repaired for five thousand euros, whilst the Centre’s 4 by 4 vehicle has broken down, costing 900 euros to get back on the road. Two popular horses recently

passed away with vet bills amounting to over five thousand euros, whilst the hay supplier is owed 15 thousand euros but continues to provide a supply. Sue and Rod’s efforts have also help to improve animal welfare and rights in Spain, inspiring others to volunteer, donate or simply inform themselves about animal rights. The Centre, located just outside Rojales at Partido Lo Garriga, 59, opens to the public on the first Sunday of every month between 1pm and 4pm. A free horse tour with centre co-founder Rod Weeding begins at 2pm and refreshments are available in the café. For more details and directions, as well as how to donate, are on their website, www.easyhorsecare.net

The Stagestruck Theatre Group have handed over the last of their charity cheques from their recent show, “From a Jack to a King”, and it’s taken the form of a thousand euro donation to breast cancer charity, “We are F.A.B”. The spring show raised five and a half thousand euros for local causes, and Stagestruck director, Leigh Humphries, has a strong personal connection with the F.A.B. charity because she was one of its founders.

Leigh recently completed successful treatment for breast cancer, and along with Sue Appleton and Carol Holder, she formed the charity to help raise 10 thousand euros in the next year. To reach their target, they need people to organise their own fund-raising projects and events, and they will be invited to a special presentation evening at San Fulgencio’s Cardenal Belluga theatre next June. The night will take the form

of a variety show with a range of acts interspersed with personal stories from breast cancer survivors and individuals or groups will be invited to tell their fundraising stories and to hand over the money they have raised. If you would like to get involved by arranging an event, please contact Carol on 966 392 823 or go to the ‘Life’s too Short - fundraising for Cancer’ Facebook page for more information.

Stroke success OVER 622 euros was raised

for the Benijofar-based Stroke Association, Spain, at a recent charity evening staged at Guardamar’s El Paraiso restaurant. 110 people attended with entertainment provided by the band, Best of British. The money raised will provide equipment and supplies for local stroke sufferers.

Studio´s Giveaway

THE STUDIO 32 Musical Theatre Company boosted the coffers of local charities to the tune of four and a half thousand euros, thanks to their spring production of Chicago. The money went to groups like the San Fulgencio Alzheimer’s Association; Caritas; and the school in San Fulgencio. Studio 32 chairman, Philip Wilson, pictured with some of the beneficiaries, explained the group’s history:- “Studio32 was set up five years ago to bring high quality full-scale musical theatre to the Costa Blanca, and through doing so enable us to support local charities.” “In just under five years we’ve raised almost 30 thousand euros for local charities, and we will continue to support AFA San Fulgencio and local good causes in the future.” Studio 32’s winter show takes place at San Fulgencio’s Cardenal Belluga Theatre at the end of November and will be an updated musical based on The Wizard of Oz.







BMW 3 Series

T h e BMW 3 Series saloon is now in its sixth generation and more polished, honed and able than ever. Considering the competition the BMW is up against, the fact it also regularly comes out on top is a huge credit to the Bavarian. BMW has kept the same basic formula for the 3 Series as always, with an engine at the front driving the rear wheels. However, for the first time for UK buyers, you can also order the 3 Series with xDrive four-wheel drive and it’s proving popular, with one in 10

buyers opting for all-wheel drive. Four-wheel drive or rear-wheel drive, the 3 Series has always been a benchmark for driving dynamics and the latest generation is no different. It steers with enjoyable accuracy and sashays over lumps and bumps with much better control and suppleness than its predecessor thanks to a longer wheelbase and more rigid

Heading for a roadblock Traffic authorities have issued warnings of severe congestion on the roads of Alicante Province as the high season gets into full swing this week. As in previous years, coastal routes are expected to be the ones most affected as drivers head to the beaches of the Costa Blanca. With 2,621 kilometres of motorways, trunk roads and conventional roads crisscrossing the province, the DGT traffic agency has identified four particular blackspots, where the combination of lack of road capacity, combined with the saturation of extra vehicles visiting the region cause major bottlenecks. Throughout the country, 89.3 million trips are planned during July and August, an estimated 2% more than last summer and of these, around 21% will be recorded on the roads of the Alicante, Murcia, Cuenca and Albacete provinces.

by Andy Mansell

Traffic saturation in summer affects journeys from north to south along the N-332 traversing the coast of Alicante and the access roads to beach resorts. However according to DGT statistics, the four most conflictive points in the province during the special operations of summer are on the 31.2 kilometer stretch of the A-70 Alicante Bypass and in three sections of the N-332 road: From El Altet to Santa Pola (from km 95 to 86.5); Torrevieja (from km 49 to 55)

and Altea (from km 157 to 159). The directorate have drafted in extra officers to patrol the busy roads and conduct greater surveillance to help the traffic move more fluidly. They have also requested that drivers try and reduce the number of car journeys they make, use public transport if possible and be patient with other vehicles, particularly at weekends, when the problem spreads to most roads within the province, exacerbated by locals taking to the roads on their free days.

body s h e l l . The extra length also goes a long way to addressing one of the 3 Series few flaws by offering much more rear legroom than any previous generation. While not limo-like, at least a couple of adults can travel in decent comfort now, while the boot is large and practically shaped. To tailor the 3 Series more to modern

buyers, B M W now offers it in no less than five trim levels, from entry point ES all the way to M Sport. There is also a more comfort oriented strand to the trim levels with the SE and Luxury versions. As it’s a BMW, the 3 Series also has a broad spread of engines, comprising four and sixcylinder petrols and turbodiesels. All offer fine performance, while the 320d provides 68.9mpg and 109g/km, sure to be a huge hit with company and private buyers alike.

Audi 2018 Q3 SUV

The new Audi Q3 SUV has arrived. With more space, more eqipment and a new look. This is the secondgeneration Q3, designed to take on the Range Rover Evoque, Mercedes GLA and BMW X1. The firstgeneration sold 1.1m units.

For comparison the Audi TT sold 600,000 units in the last 20 years. The design of the front end is more an evolution than a re-design. With a much more angular look than it´s predecessor, much like the latest A1, Q8 and A7. There

Pilar Crash

A DRIVER was initially trapped in his overturned car, after colliding with another vehicle just outside the entrance to the tunnel on the AP-7 highway at Pilar de la Horadada. The accident happened on the Orihuela Costa bound carriageway on Monday at 8.30 pm, causing long delays to summer tourist traffic. Though one of the

motorists was unable to get out of his car at first, he managed to exit the vehicle before firefighters from Pilar arrived on the scene. Two occupants of the other vehicle involved in the crash were treated by paramedics for minor injuries, with the fire crew clearing up some oil that had spilt onto the carriageway from one of the cars.

are four engines available at launch. Three petrol units and a diesel. Prices are not confirmed yet but expected to start at around €33,000.

Concrete chaos

A concrete mixing lorry overturned on the N-332 near Gata de Gorgos on Wednesday, causing the major road to be closed for several hours. The accident happened at around midday and the driver had to be taken to hospital although his injuries are not serious. The reason for the lengthy closure was the complex operation required to move the truck and its load of cement, which weighed an estimated 26 tons.

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Pets & Wildlife


5 ways to make your pooch’s mealtime more enjoyable

PUPPIES & KITTIES NEEDING HOMES Seven puppies, 2 boys and 5 girls, have been found and are in the care of ARC. They are approximately 7 to 8 weeks old. They have all been wormed, treated for fleas, and had their 1st injections. All gorgeous playful little guys with their own personalities.

combination of crunchy kibble & tender bits to bring joy to your dog’s every bite. With varieties including Bacon & Steak Flavored dry dog food and Steak & Cheese Flavored dry dog food, you will be sure to find the perfect match for your furry friend.


He is now 9 months old. He was found when he was 6 weeks old in a suitcase, together with 6 brothers and sisters and his mum. They had been dumped by the basura bins. Mooey is the last of the litter and really needs his own forever home. He is very playful and loves attention. He has a sweet nature, is gentle and will make a lovely pet. Also, many other dogs, cats & kittens needing homes. No adoption fee but a donation is always appreciated.

4. Turn mealtime into a dance party

(BPT) - Dogs and their owners have many things in common, but perhaps one of the biggest commonalities is that they both love to eat! When preparing meals for your four-legged family members, it’s important for the meal to be packed with flavor and nutrients, and to create a dining experience they enjoy and look forward to. Help give your pets the ultimate mealtime experience with these tips:

Food and donations also urgently needed and can be left at ARC’s charity shop on Carrer Valencia 1, Jalon between 10 am & 1.30 pm Monday to Saturday. Contact Tel No Sally:- 625 985 689 or Jayne:- 649 310 285. Email jalonvalleyarc14@yahoo.co.uk. Facebook – Jalon Valley A.R.C. Based in Jalon. Charity Reg No CV-01-054107-A.

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Have you ever danced due to excitement? Well, now your dog will, too. Play a song before each mealtime to signal when it’s time for your dog to eat. This new bonding ritual will create more fun for all family members and will have your dog busting moves in anticipation in no time!

1. Create a mealtime Does your dog eat too routine fast? Do you want them to make a game out of their Animals love routine. meal? Puzzle bowls and It’s important for dogs to food dispensing toys are a establish a mealtime routine great way to stimulate your whether they get fed first dog’s mind during mealtime. thing in the morning, after They allow them to slow 5. Make it a training their walk or as small meals down to truly enjoy their opportunity throughout the day. By food, making mealtime fun! establishing a routine, your Head to your local retailer Use mealtime as an pooch will quickly catch on to choose the correct bowl or opportunity to train and when it’s mealtime. toy for your dog. reinforce wanted behaviors. Using commands like “sit” 3. Provide your dog and “wait” before allowing 2. Purchase a puzzle with a meal that gives them your dog to eat helps them bowl or toy variety practice impulse control and good manners. Dogs and humans alike enjoy food with To learn more about variety! That’s why for Kibbles ‘n Bits dog nearly three decades, food and what variety Kibbles ‘n Bits(R) is right for your dog, has been making dog visit https://www. food with its signature kibblesnbits.com.

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Beauty and Fashion


Five fashion controversies you won’t believe It’s safe to say that the world of fashion has never shied away from causing a stir - whether that’s through marketing or the use of animal products in their ranges. They say any publicity is good publicity, and there are few industries in which this sentiment rings truer. Indeed, fashion houses the world over have looked to reappropriate scandals, use shock and apply awe in order to make their mark on the clothes-buying public. This year has been no different and inspired by this apparent love for making people stand up and decide whether something is appropriate or not, we’ve listed five of the most eyebrowraising controversies from recent years, so read and be prepared to feel a hint of outrage.

Tezenis - Crime Scene Pants You may have heard the mutterings surrounding so-called anti-rape knickers that a US firm has started to produce (basically underwear that locks). However, you may have missed the fact that lingerie brand Tezenis had to remove a pair of knickers that had Crime Scene emblazoned across the crotch, due to the obvious connotations with sexual assaults, and the ensuing negative press this led to.

Zara - Nazi Prison Camp Top

A 3/4 length-sleeve top with thin blue and white stripes and a star (which could also be seen as a sheriff’s badge) in the top left hand corner saw high-street giant Zara come Urban Outfitters - Kent State University unstuck as a result of the fact that the garment resembled the uniforms prisoners were forced to wear after being interned Sweatshirt by the Nazis during the Second World War, begging the This ‘vintage’ garment went on sale in Urban Outfitters question who is making these decisions? stores. The problem is that it appeared to be bloodstained, and Kent State University was the site of Vietnam War Zara - White Is The New Black protests gone wrong when National Guardsmen shot and killed four students who were trying to speak out against the You may, or may not, be aware of the hit US TV show conflict. Needless to say, said sweater is no longer available. Orange Is The New Black Zara heads certainly were and decided to cash in on the phenomenon by printing ‘White American Apparel - Made in Bangladesh Is The New Black’, in bold, black text, on a white t-shirt. Needless to say, most people took it as an awful display of Controversial for perhaps the right reasons, chain store racism on the part of the company. A definite no-no. American Apparel - which has never been far from a few shocks - decided to run a new ad campaign featuring a topless model from Bangladesh alongside a back story detailing where she came from. The idea being to highlight one of the biggest problems facing the fashion world right now: namely sweatshops, and the despicable conditions and pay those who work in them endure.

Acne Treatment And How To Prevent Easy adult acne caused by physical, and health, of course, can reduce the incidence of acne, daily life are closely related, double-check these we must not eclipse oh. 10 projects, set goals to improve the physical expulsion of acne. 6 Some fast food, snacks likely to cause constipation, especially those who like late night, 1. Many people often touch things at once, all midnight snack is not only bad for the stomach, of a sudden touch the face of small problems, this but will also cause constipation, and constipation is a very bad habit, because something in the dirt is one of the causes of acne, less late night, eat on the contaminated hands, will not pay attention plenty of natural foods free of artificial additives, until the contamination in the face of skin, causing such as fruits and vegetables contain plant fiber bacteria to breed, and produce acne, so avoid and cheese, etc., is an indispensable factor in the unnecessary contact with the hands and face, and prevention of acne. forehead before the bangs can easily irritate the skin, should try to comb it up. 7 people often have trouble mental stress can cause strong secretion of sebum, acne is one of 2. Often face contact with items such as the reasons, should do more things to their mood, blankets, sheets, pillows, face towels, etc., should work or school every day to lift the pressure on. always be kept clean, the best way to keep clean, is always clean, and exposure to sun, because 8 often staying up there for great harm to the ultraviolet light to kill bacteria the effect of making skin, acne if you do not want to, regardless of the bacteria can not grow, so please develop work or homework no matter how busy, no later thoroughly sheets, quilt habit, even after washing than it should go to bed at 11 o’clock. You know, out the sun. the skin’s metabolism is usually 11 pm to 2:00 am when, a good enough sleep, allowing the skin by 3 I believe cakes, desserts, etc. This type of improving maintenance. food, many people cannot resist, but like to eat sweets a day and cannot eat two cakes made, this 9. Do not over wash your face every day, wash is a factor in causing acne, because more sugar The the skin is beautiful though basic, but one day number of snack cakes and carbohydrates most sooner or later, when two or wash dirty sweat likely to cause acne, in addition, peanuts and other enough, if excessive cleaning, protective oils on nuts also eat sparingly, the beauty of boys and girls the skin will be completely washed to go, causing who had to turn away from these foods Lo! the skin is too dry, great for skin damage, we should never overlook. 4. To develop the habit of daily exercise, moderate exercise can promote the metabolism, 10 Recently, the UV rays become a hot topic, the body and skin are good results, but do not five the beauty of the women in order to prevent minutes of heat, to persevere, keep in mind that ultraviolet light, while the foundation is very even 3 minutes a day in gymnastics, but also to thick coating, which is the wrong approach, you maintain the beautiful skin tips. should use a sunscreen prevent the ultraviolet UV Foundation, and I remember before going to bed 5. Eat vegetables is a good way to prevent acne, be sure to thoroughly remover, otherwise the oil because the carrot, vegetables with wave resistance will be plugged pores, acne prone, of course, the of bacteria can enhance the effectiveness, and green morning rush of water must not only wash your peppers, broccoli, there are antibacterial effect, in face even, dirty skin, make-up after the most addition, a balanced diet, contributing to physical vulnerable to damage the skin.



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AFFL - Alfas Fantasy Football League



Now the dust has settled on the best World Cup since 1970 it’s time to get down to some serious business like selecting your team for the 25th Alfaz Fantasy Football League which starts in 2 weeks time. All you have to do to have the opportunity to win some fabulous Prizes is to select a team in a 4-3-3 formation who score points based on their performances in the Premier League & F.A.Cup throughout the 2018-19 Season. You can only select your team from the official A.F.F.L. List and it must cost a minimum of 45 million and not exceed 50 million. Don’t forget it is important to get your team in A.S.A.P. to help with the administration, so please help by making sure you enter the right code for each Player. If one of your Players gets seriously injured or shipped out before the start of the Season you can amend your team right up to the time of the KickOff of the opening game of the Season. This Season the Transfer Window closes on a Friday when the Season starts so hopefully, we won’t have Managers

hanging on for some last minute changes. Don’t forget you can form your own Mini-Leagues for your friends, Family & Work-Mates which is a perfect way to build up rivalry & banter throughout the whole Season. I must stress you must have at least 10 teams to create your very own Mini-League. The Fantasy starts on the weekend 10th,11th &12 of August and once again there will be plenty of Prizes. Well for the 1st time since 2002 we have put the entrance fee up to 25 euros mainly because we want to make the 25th Anniversary of the A.F.F.L. the best ever and it is still great value at only 75 cents a week. We have 6 main Trophies up for grabs which include our Junior League(under 18), Mark Carter Ladies Section, F.A.Cup League, Golden Boot League K.O.Cup Competition and of course our Main League. We will still have our Monthly wine draw which involves each week our highest scoring team & our lowest scoring team. The Bar Code in Alfaz will continue to treat our Managers who climb up the most places each week to a good olde

English Breakfast for 2. Our Manager of the Month will also be on the go with one of our top Restaurants sponsoring a meal for 2. All entry forms & Players List are now available at the following outlets. In Moraira Bariloche & Spencers Bar, In Alfaz, Bar Code, Robin’s Nest & Camping Almafra, In Albir, The Local, Hepburns, Caspers, Colours, The Orange Tree & Quick Save Supermarket. In Benidorm The Drop Inn, Queen Vic, Winning Post, Union Jack & Juke Box. If you have any problems getting to our pick up points please give me a ring on 696075632 and I will make sure you get the forms. Don’t miss out on this Fantastic Competition which produces plenty of fun for the Family and plenty of talking points in all the Bars. To keep in touch with what’s going on in the Fantasy reports will appear on these pages each week as well as our super website which is www.alfazffl.com. We also have our facebook page on which you can comment on or ask any queries. Only 2 weeks to go so get a shift on!


Adil Rashid has been included in England’s squad for the first Test against India, despite the leg-spinner saying he wanted to concentrate on limited-overs cricket. Rashid signed a white-ball only contract with Yorkshire in February but said he “was not finished” with the longer form of the game. Yorkshire said they are “surprised” and exEngland captain Michael Vaughan called the decision “ridiculous”. “Clearly, the one-off circumstances around Adil’s return to the Test squad are unusual,” chief selector Ed Smith said. “However, the selection panel was unanimous in believing that Adil should be selected in England’s squad.” Rashid has been a key fixture of England’s limited-overs side and

by Alex Trelinski

opted to focus solely on white-ball cricket for the 2018 season. He has taken 38 wickets in 10 Tests for England, but the 30-year-old has not played since the tour of India in December 2016. The first test at Edgbaston starts this coming Wednesday. All-rounder Moeen Ali is included, while Essex pace bowler Jamie Porter has been called up for the first time. Somerset spinners Dom Bess and Jack Leach will train with the squad, but all-rounder Chris Woakes is not yet ready after suffering quad and knee injuries in May. Moeen, who was dropped from the side after a difficult winter, took 5-107 for Worcestershire in the County Championship on Tuesday.





The Plaza Golf Society

The now infamous TPGS ventured out to the newly reformatted La Finca [well 2 holes have changed playing order, causing mayhem amongst some of the mentally challenged members] The course was as usual immaculate, and as usual seemed to have more than its fair share of fly’s! NTP”S where kindly sponsored by our spiritual home The Ale House, a fine establishment on the ground floor of Villamartin Plaza. The lucky recipients all receiving a €10 voucher well done Booby Singleton, Dennis Noble, Deadly

Dave Lethaby and Troy the boy who won twice. The 2’s pot was shared amongst 3 players Andy Shaw, Lee McWilliamson and Graham O’Clarke a lovely €27 each. Best guest on the day was Roberto McDowell hcap 9 with 27pts, and best Lady was Deb Rose [ thanks for all your help young lady x ] As usual we present a bottle of Delicious Gama’s Finest Reserve Vino to the player who struggled slightly and Gordy once again leapt into action with 12pts! So into the main prizes Alan Farter came 3rd in the Silver Division 29pts,

La Finca Golf Society report The course continues to improve after the recent changes. Mondays roll up stableford of the yellow blocks was won by Doug Spiring with 39 points and a cut. On Wednesday we played our midmonth Medal competition results was as follows; 4th, Barry Roehrig(73), 3rd, Jerry Conybeare(71), 2nd,Nick Shaw (71) and 1st, Stuart Tosh (70). Nearest the pins were Doug Spiring(3), Doug Spiring(6),Jerry Conybeare(13) &Alex Duchart(16). Barry Roehrig beat Alex Duchart 1 up in the last semi-final of the singles match play and will know play Ole Dibbern in the final. Another warm and humid day, fairways and greens in good condition but periphery of holes needing cleaned with reeds overgrowing the waterways. Results was as follows, 4th, Joss Collignon (37), 3rd,Alex Duchart(37), 2nd,

Steve Ansell(37) and 1st, Stuart Tosh with a score of 38 points. Nearest the pins were Barry Roehrig(3), Will Hammond(6) Stuart Tosh (13) and,Steve Ansell(16). Two 2s today Will Hammond on hole 6 and Alex Ducharton hole 16, fortunately for Will hole 6 was drawn out as birthday boy first drinks were on him thanks Will. Best dressed golfer today was Derek Braid. Back to The Corner Flag Bar afterwards for food and presentation thanks to Steve and his staff. La Finca Golf Society meets every Monday, Wednesday and Saturdays at La Finca with first tee time around 09-00 am. Saturday is main competition day with various competitions which are Spanish Federated, to be eligible to play you need a handicap of 16 or less. If you are interested or require more information give Barry a ring on 666694467 or 966731033.

Darrell McRose 2nd 30pts, but big Phil Sully romped home with 31pts [nice to see a male member of the family in the frame for once!] The Gold Division was also closely fought out with Darren Temple coming 3rd with 34pts of 9 hcap, Billy Wilson 2nd with 35pts 12 hcap and Deadly Dave Lethaby breezing into top spot with a wonderful 37pts of 8 hcap. Next Friday the 27th July we are at Vistabella with spaces going quicker than Troy on the way to the food table get your name down pronto at www.theplazagolfsociety.com

Another Triple Tie at El Plantio 2 Another enthralling team competition saw the second triple tie in two weeks in El Plantio 2’s Texas Scramble Threes. Five teams of three members commenced a ‘Shotgun Start’ on 24th July. Three of these teams finished with a gross score of Fifty shots. The winning team (6 Birdies/2 Bogies) did so by virtue of a higher handicap of 0.1. The team finishing second (7 Birdies/3 Bogies) had an identical handicap as the team finishing third (5 Birdies/1

Bogie ) but had a better last nine holes on Count Back (25 shots against 26). Nearest the pins – Hole 1, Alan Janes – Hole 4, Ian(I don’t like Hole 4) Henderson. Third Place, Alan Janes, Mike Davies, David Swann - Av. H/Cap 4.5 – 45.5 shots. Second Place, Ian Henderson, Rod Loveday, Henry Mellor - Av. H/Cap 4.5 – 45.5 shots (C/B). First Place, John O’Brien, Bryan Watson, Lawrence Wanty - Av. H/Cap 4.6 –

45.4 shots. If anyone would like to join our Society, we play at El Plantio Golf Club every Tuesday, Friday and Sunday. We use both courses - the Par 3 nine hole course and the main 18 hole course, so we cater for all abilities. The membership rates are very competitive, so call for more details. Anyone who wishes to play in the Society as a guest or join as a new member, contact Ian Henderson on 966 716 616 or 636 116 230

Torrevieja rivival up and running with touch rugby This last week the new Torrevieja rugby club got on it’s way, with a meeting of all clubs in the area and the first touch rugby training. On Wednesday there was a meeting of local clubs in the area at the Nelson Mandela Stadium with a good mixture of old and new guard involved and an excellent response from the majority of people there with the new regime, “out with the old and in with the new”. To the extent that training

will start in San Fulgencio with all players from the local feeder clubs starting training on Monday 23 July at 20.00, and every Monday and Wednesday afterwards, for future training times and places contact the co-ordinator on the number below. Also on Thursday we had the first training on the beach for the touch rugby for everybody that wants to get into rugby and people who can not play contact anymore, but

still want to participate in the game. We were down on Guardamar beach and had quite a few spectators and have at least half a dozen people say they will be down next week to join in, so a fantastic start to it all. So looks like we will have the first team already sorted. Training is on Thursday on Guardamar beach in front of the restaurants by the Red Cross. Also in Torrevieja on Nau-

fragos beach, there are also plans to set one up in Pilar de Horadada and start in August, and if anyone would like to set one up in there area, please contacts us, contacts details below. So looking forward to seeing plenty of people down there and spread the word. So if you want to join a brand new progressive rugby club and get in at the beginning contact Tony on 670 972 366 whatsapp

San Miguel Golf Society at Villamartin

On a stifling hot day that would have caused Beau Geste to pull a sickie, 33 members and 3 guests trooped their way to Villamartin. It is actually pronounced “Beeyamarteen” but this is of no importance to those ex-pats who believe saying “cheeso” and “toasto” is displaying a fine command of the local language. As per usual, greens and fairways were in excellent condition hence no excuses for a poor score. Well, okay, some of the tees resembled dried out bogs but other than that it was no surprise that scoring was on the high side. Bronze category winner,

Norman Padmore, recorded a mammoth 41 points to win round 5 of the President’s Trophy. Silver winner, Alan McDonald, who makes Foghorn Leghorn seem a melancholic introvert, scored a magnificent 38 points. The Scot, euphemistically described as over-nourished, has shed kilos in recent weeks and hopefully the sight of a lopsided buggy trundling the fairways – or more usually, the rough – may be a thing of the past.

The day’s results, by category and in reverse order, were the following: Bronze: 3rd Kyrre Skarsmoen (36), 2nd Ian Par-

kinson (37), 3rd Norman Padmore (41) Silver Category: 3rd Mike Greatorex (35), Bjorn Petterson (36), Alan McDonald (38) Gold Category: 3rd Robin Eastman (40 on CB), Tony Smale (40 on CB), 1st Eva Petterson (40) Nearest the pins went to Darren Hancock, Norman Cahill, Eva Petterson and Micky Roscoe. Best guest prize was Russ Bond with a great 36. John Osborne was the overall winner of the President’s Trophy, amassing 114 over the best 3 rounds of 5. The Trophy and round winners’ t-shirts

were sponsored by Moneycorp who also generously sponsored the nearest the pins and best guest prizes. Brendan Toner won this week’s Abacus prize for the lowest number of points. Our thanks to the staff at Villamartin for their contribution to the day. Thanks also to The Ale House in Villamartin Plaza for hosting our apres-golf presentation. Keep up to date with all SMGS matters by logging on to our website www.smgs.org or simply give Tony Smale a call on 628227687. The next three games will be at La Finca, Roda and Vistabella.





The final stretch


Friday 27th July Tennis - Jiangxi Open 2018 - BT Sport ESPN - 10:00 Tennis - Moscow River Cup 2018 - BT Sport 3 - 10:00 Cycling - Tour de France 2018 - ITV 4 - 10:05 Tennis - German Championships 2018 - Sky Sports Arena -11:00 Golf - The Senior Open 2018 - Sky Sports Golf - 13:00 Golf - Ladies Scottish Open 2018 - Sky Sports Mix - 14:30 Motor Sports Formula Renault Eurocup - BT Sport 1 - 15:45 Darts - World Matchplay 2018 - Sky Sports Action - 20:00 Golf - RBC Canadian Open 2018 - Sky Sports Golf 21:00 Saturday 28th July Tennis - Moscow River Cup 2018 - BT Sport 2 - 09:00 Cycling - Tour de France 2018 - ITV 4 - 10:30 Tennis - Jiangxi Open 2018 - BT Sport 3 - 11:00 Golf - Porsche European Open 2018 - Sky Sports Golf - 13:00 Formula 1 - Hungarian GP - Qualifying - Sky Sports F1 - 15:00 Scottish League Cup - Clyde v Motherwell - BT Sport 2 - 16:00 Golf - Ladies Scottish Open 2018 - Sky Sports Mix - 16:00 Golf - The Senior Open 2018 - Sky Sports Golf - 17:30 Cycling - RideLondon - Eurosport 1 - 17:45 Darts - World Matchplay 2018 - Sky Sports Action - 20:00 Golf - RBC Canadian Open 2018 - Sky Sports Golf - 20:00 Int. Champions Cup - Chelsea v Inter - Premier Sports - 20:05 Boxing - Dereck Chisora vs Carlos Takam - Sky Box Office - 22:00 Boxing - Conor Benn vs Cedric Peynaud - Sky Box Office - 22:00 Boxing - Dillian Whyte vs Joseph Parker - Sky Box Office - 23:00 Int. Champions Cup - Man Utd v Liverpool - LFC TV/MUTV - 23:00 Sunday 29th July Snooker - Riga Masters - Eurosport 1 - 10:00 Tennis - Jiangxi Open 2018 - BT Sport 3 - 11:00 Golf - Porsche European Open 2018 - Sky Sports Golf - 12:30 Cycling - Tour de France 2018 - ITV 4 - 14:15 Tennis - Moscow River Cup 2018 - BT Sport 2 - 14:30 Tennis - German Championships 2018 - Sky Sports Arena - 15:00 Formula 1 - Hungarian Grand Prix - Race - Sky Sports F1 - 15:10 Golf - The Senior Open 2018 - Sky Sports Golf - 17:00 Darts - World Matchplay 2018 - Sky Sports Action - 20:00 Golf - RBC Canadian Open 2018 - Sky Sports Golf - 20:00 Monday 30th July Football - Paris St-G vs Atletico Madrid - Premier Sports - 13:30 Tennis - Citi Open 2018 - Sky Sports Arena - 22:00

Formula One Remaining Races 29 July - Budapest Hungary 26 August - Spa - Belgium 2 September - Monza - Italy 16 September - Singapore - Singapore 30 September - Sochi Russia 7 October - Suzuka - Japan 21 October - Austin - USA 28 October - Mexico City -Mexico 11 November - Sao Paulo - Brazil 25 November - Yas Marina - Abu Dhabi

Barring a disaster, Team Sky’s Geraint Thomas will be crowned Tour de France champion in Paris this Sunday, joining Bradley Wiggins and Chris Froome to make a trio of Brits to have won the biggest event in cycling. It would be the 32-yearold Welshman’s first major race victory amongst the treble of Le Tour, the Giro in Italy, and Spain’s La Vuelta. As The Weekender went to press, Dutchman Tom Dumoulin was second in the standings, with current champion, Chris Froome back in third. This Friday’s racing which includes an ascent of the Col du Tourmalet - looks like being the last significant risk to Thomas’ bid for the yellow jersey. It is followed by an individual time trial, where his current advantage should be enough to hold world time-trial champion Dumoulin at bay, and the

by Alex Trelinski

ceremonial final stage on the Champs Elysees on Sunday. Chris Froome effectively conceded the title on Wednesday and pledged to do everything to help his

team-mate win:- “That’s professional cycling, that’s what a team is all about. I’m happy just to be in the position I’m in. I’ll still fight for the podium and obviously we want to see “G” up there in the yellow.”


Sunday’s Open champion Francesco Molinari says that becoming the first Italian major golf winner will inspire a new generation of players just as Costantino Rocca did for him in 1995. Rocca was the country’s most successful player but the closest he came to the Claret Jug was losing a play-off to John Daly at St Andrews having famously holed a 60-foot birdie putt on the 18th.

by Alex Trelinski

“Obviously, it would be massive news,” he added. “The last round already was big news in Italy, so to achieve something like this is on another level. Hopefully, there were a lot of young kids watching on TV today, like I was watching Constantino in ‘95 coming so close.” It was a memorable day for Molinari, whose

two-shot victory at Carnoustie was all-themore impressive as he partnered a resurgent Tiger Woods on the final day and had to watch the 14time major winner take the lead himself at one point. “I’m just in disbelief, to be honest,” said Molinari, who had posted only one top-10 finish in his previous 10 Open appearances, with four missed cuts. “It’s amazing to stand here with the Claret Jug.”






BACK IN THE DRIVING SEAT The mid-point of the by Alex Trelinski F1 season this Sunday in Hungary, sees Britain’s Bottas, despite the loss of Lewis Hamilton take championship points, after a 17 point lead over the Finn had let him go past Sebastian Vettel into the race, ahead of a breather before the autumn action. Vettel, who crashed out in Germany last Sunday while leading on a slippery track, will want to atone for his dramatic error, which let Hamilton in for an unlikely and sensational victory, after starting 14th on the grid. Hamilton is under no illusion that a hurting Ferrari team led by Vettel will come back strong at the Hungaroring on Sunday. “It’s usually not our strongest track,” said Hamilton, who has won a record five times at the circuit outside Budapest but never in one of the four years he was champion. Last year he sportingly handed back third place to teammate Valtteri

earlier to try to chase down the Ferraris as Vettel won ahead of Kimi Raikkonen. “It’s not a power circuit so hopefully this extra

chunk of power that Ferrari have doesn’t serve them as well there and maybe we can have a decent fight with them,” added Hamilton.

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