Th is issue includes a brief focus on prominent national art collections. Discussing the 60-year evolution of the Niland Collection, Emer McGarry, Director of Th e Model, highlights collecting and ‘keeping’ as active investments in building ‘living repositories’ of thoughts and ideas. As the Arts Council of Northern Ireland launches its new Art Lending Scheme, Suzanne Lyle, Head of Visual Arts, discusses their contemporary collection. Similarly, Eamon Maxwell offers insights into the evolution of the Arts Council of Ireland Collection, which was established in 1962. VAI NI Manager, Rob Hilken provides an overview of art collections in Northern Ireland. Several feature articles focus on recent or ongoing archival projects. Val Connor and Dorothy Hunter off er insights into ‘Th e Long Goodbye’ – an exhibition focusing on the late 1990s as a pivotal stage in the 50-year history of Project Arts Centre. In a similar recollective vein, Christina Mullan profiles the Stephen McKenna retrospective. And more...