Vitality Magazine Autumn 2014

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Easter light


While you were sleeping WHAT HAPPENS TO YOUR BRAIN AND BODY?

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Vitality is a seasonal health and happiness magazine dedicated to helping you live your life to the full. Bursting with fresh ideas on fitness, good food, events and lifestyle activities, Vitality is a wonderful wellness companion.



Easter light


While you were sleeping


PLEASE NOTE: This and all offers/competitions throughout the magazine close on 31/05/14. Winners notified via email after this date.

! FREE take one

Cook up a storm



Falling away



Protect your beau ty



True colours Ge t f i t wi t h Mic Bridg he lle e s! P age 3 2.

at e hoc ol c r e alt hi . A he ge 10 a P . t f eas

Over the last 10 years, many people have asked me about the origins of the Vitality Brands Worldwide logo, especially the three figures. It was designed by Brian Sadgrove, one of Australia’s foremost graphic artists. Brian is renowned for designing, amongst other things, the Australian $50 note, and the logos for Channel 9, Victoria Police, Rio and Bonds underwear, the Heart Foundation, Quit and Redheads matches. Having told Brian about the founding of our company and the values for which we stand, he immediately asked me what I knew about the French painter, Henri Matisse. After a little research, I discovered that Matisse was known as the “Master of Colour”. He earned this title following a serious illness, which caused him to gradually lose his eyesight, thereby forcing him to paint in increasingly vivid hues that he could actually see.

Knit your own beanie. Page 56.

As a result, Matisse’s works gained increased popularity with the French public, and ultimately he came to be respected as one of the major influences on modern art around the world. This story of how Matisse turned his personal health problem into a positive outcome sparked our interest in his work.

Publisher: Vitality Brands Worldwide Managing Director: James Wright Editor: Bianca Mangion Art Direction and Design: Monique Genio and Michelle Elias Contributors, we’d love to hear from you. Please email for more information on contributing to Vitality Magazine. Vitality Brands Worldwide Level 2, 415 Riversdale Road Hawthorn East Victoria 3123 Phone: 03 9861 7000 Copyright: All material in Vitality Magazine is copyright and no part may be reproduced or copied without written permission of the publisher. The views expressed in this magazine do not necessarily reflect those of Vitality Brands.

Vitality Brands Worldwide is an Australian owned company dedicated to developing “wellness” products that help people feel healthier and happier, thereby influencing their lives in a positive way.

One of his most famous paintings, La Danse, was the inspiration for Brian to develop a logo that depicts the sense of “vitality” that really resonated with us.

We incorporated the colours used in La Danse to represent the three elements of our world which we personally identified with: the blue of the oceans, the golden sands of our great beaches, and the green of the natural environment which we believe needs to be maintained for generations that follow us. We also like the way the figures in the painting linked hands as if to represent the strong bond of friendship, collaboration and team play that we continue to foster with our Vitality team to this day. We felt the linked figures also represented a sense of global business reach, which we began to develop from day one. Additionally, we really felt that the bright red of the word “Vitality” counterbalanced the three figures with its simple, yet passionate statement of what our organisation stands for. The autumn edition of Vitality magazine continues to remind me of the Matisse story and how we can all find our own sense of “vitality” and happiness. Stay well,

James Wright Managing Director Vitality Brands Worldwide



Autumn Aura Autumn is when our surroundings look their most brilliant – illuminated with cherished sunshine, glowing in gold and copper. Don't rue the cool air – embrace it. Wrap yourself in something cosy and take to your environment with an open heart. Hit the road, seeking soul-loving solace in a quaint country village. Fill your home with love and warmth by stirring up something delicious in the kitchen. When Easter arrives, rise to the occasion with a self-promise to make this one healthier and happier. 5

golden days Amber hues, the crunch of fallen leaves underfoot, cool air, cosy nights. Autumn is a time for admiring nature’s beauty, healthy feasting and outdoor adventure.

LET'S DRIVE Autumn’s beauty truly shines in the country – where deciduous trees adorn streetscapes and mountains in deep gold, rich red and honey brown. Pack the car with a picnic – include some Well Naturally Chocolate for a healthier treat – and whisk your partner, friends or family away for a country drive. Victoria’s High Country – incorporating towns like Bright, Beechworth and Mt Buffalo – is lauded as the region to experience autumn in Victoria. Mount Wilson is a romantic, old-English-style village in the Blue Mountains where chestnut and walnut picking is the call of the season. The Adelaide Hills are aflame with colour in autumn. Drive along, stopping at quaint country towns like Piccadilly and Stirling where you can enjoy cafes and boutiques.

Autumn bou nt y.




Back to basics With a focus on helping to fight dietrelated illnesses, Jamie Oliver’s Ministry of Food shows participants how to cook with fresh, nutritious and inexpensive ingredients. It’s suited to everyone from 12 years and up. "I want to inspire you to get in the kitchen and cook meals for yourself and your family from scratch, using fresh ingredients. With some basic skills under your belt and a handful of recipes, you'll be able to prepare nutritious meals on any budget,” says Jamie on his website. The five-week course is a series of five, 90-minute classes, held in Ministry of Food centres in Sydney, Victoria and Queensland. Prices are very reasonable.

Cultivate your culinary prowess Adelaide residents can have an accredited dietician and celebrity chef teach them to cook healthier meals at Spout Cooking School. Run by accredited practising dietician Themis Chryssidis, and Master Chef runner-up Callum Hann, Sprout aims to help students take control of their own health and wellbeing. In this laid-back, enjoyable environment, attendees are shown and practice how to cook nutritious, affordable meals based on their own dietary requirements. They can then sit together with fellow classmates and enjoy the meal they have made.

SAY TOMATO What to do with the abundance of tomatoes from your bumper summer crop? Make like an Italian and preserve them! Perfect as a base for pasta sauces, pizzas and marinades, “pomodoro pelati” will also add depth of flavour and body to your favourite dishes. And it’s so simple!

What you need: Ripe tomatoes – as many as you like. Try to use varieties with less seeds such as romas. terilised jars filled with 2-3 fresh S basil leaves.

What to do:

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Boil water in a large saucepan, remove from heat. Gently place tomatoes in the boiling water and allow the skins to soften – generally this takes around one minute.

Pack the tomatoes tightly into the jars, allowing 2cm at the top of each jar. Seal the jar tightly.

Lift tomatoes from water with a slotted spoon and place in a colander to drain.

lace each jar in a large stockpot P with water and bring to the boil for 30 minutes.

Once tomatoes are cool enough to handle, peel away the skin and place back into the colander to drain further.

Once jars have cooled to room temperature in the pot, remove them, dry them and store them in a dark, cool place.

lice the tomatoes into halves or S quarters depending on their size in relation to the jars.

Preserved tomatoes keep for up to 12 months. Once opened, consume within three days.

The re ward ! 7

Easter light Holidays, family gatherings, delicious fare, egg hunts, bunnies and an overload of chocolate. These are all the beloved hallmarks of Easter. But can this delightful holiday be celebrated with

EMBRACE LENT IN THE LEAD-UP Lent is the religious concept of forgoing a certain luxury in the lead-up to Easter. You may not be religious, but the notion of giving up an indulgent food for a certain period of time could benefit your weight loss goals.

fewer calories? Here are some suggestions.

CHOOSE HEALTHIER CHOCOLATE When we over-indulge on regular chocolate at Easter, we are consuming excessive amounts of sugar. We all know the negative implications this can have on our health. The best alternative this Easter is Well Naturally Sugar Free 70% cocoa Dark Chocolate and No Added Sugar Milk Chocolate, which uses natural, plantbased sweetener stevia instead of sugar.

JOIN THE HUNT Design and implement a healthier Easter egg hunt. Don’t let anyone else see where you’ve placed the eggs, that way all of the other adults can get involved, and burn calories in the process. Allocate fewer eggs per person and spread the eggs further away. This will mean more calories burned and less caloric intake. Try offering alternatives to chocolate eggs: Easterthemed treasures can be just as fun!

The result is a delicious, creamy, smooth range of chocolate, available in nine varieties, that tastes just as good as regular chocolate, but without the added calories of sugar. Stevia also has no impact on blood sugar levels. Fans of dark chocolate are in luck. The high amount of cocoa (in at least 70 per cent cocoa dark chocolate) contains powerful antioxidants. If you do happen to cross paths with sugary chocolate, be sure to only eat a little bit on a full stomach. Eating sugar while hungry can send blood sugar levels skyrocketing, leading to a dip in energy, a rise in hunger and over-eating.

SHARE THE LOVE Don’t leave that glut of chocolate or Easter eggs lying around the house for your own consumption. Share them around with family or work colleagues to lighten the load.


ACTIVATE YOUR EASTER An extra long weekend brings more time to exercise and perhaps try some new activities. Discover some picturesque bike paths in your area then gather the family and go for a long ride. If you find yourself on an Easter escape, maximise your surroundings and enjoy a scenic jog along the beach or through a national park with your partner.


Prefer to stay indoors? Check out the fitness classes at your local gym. You could uncover your latest fitness fix!

To avoid mindless food consumption over the Easter holiday and beyond, stock your fridge and pantry with healthy treats that you can enjoy when hunger (or temptation) strikes. Fresh fruits, air-popped popcorn, veggie sticks, nice teas, Well Naturally Chocolate and Protein Bars, nuts, low fat cheese and yoghurt are all healthier options.


se e ggs. Work of f t ho

Funnily enough, much of the foods that represent Easter are actually quite healthy and satiating. Make carrots, eggs (chicken, not chocolate) and lean lamb your new Easter staples – instead of chocolate and hot cross buns. And if you do eat a hot-cross bun, opt for a wholemeal one.

L ook - no f e e t!

S k ip t h e c alorie s



Cooking with Hayley Hayley Cavicchiolo is a qualified nutritionist and personal trainer with a passion for delicious, nutritious food. She shares some of her favourite Easter and autumn-inspired recipes here. Enjoy them without the excess guilt.

Mmm. . better - for -yeaout! chocolate tr 10


GLUTEN FREE BROWNIES Amazingly-delicious without the guilt. Serves 10-12 Dry Ingredients ¾ cup organic coconut flour, sifted ½ cup unsweetened cocoa ½ teaspoon gluten-free baking powder ¼ teaspoon bi-carb soda ¼ cup chopped walnuts (optional) ½ Natvia (stevia) 90 grams Well Naturally Sugar Free Dark Chocolate Melts. Wet Ingredients 5 large free-range eggs ¹/3 cup unsalted butter, melted, or cold-pressed extra virgin coconut oil (or ghee) as a dairy-free option 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 5 tablespoons coconut milk or milk of choice Method Preheat oven to 180°C (160 fan forced). Mix the dry ingredients until thoroughly combined. Set aside. In a different bowl, with a mixer, blend together the wet ingredients. Add dry ingredients to the wet and mix until they are well blended. Line a non-stick baking pan with baking paper, pour in batter. Bake for around 25 minutes or until skewer comes out clean. Allow to cool slightly in pan before turning out onto wire rack to cool. Cut into squares and enjoy!

QUICK PALEO CHOCOLATE MUG CAKE The perfect solution for when you're having some "me-time" and you feel like a cakey treat. Serves 1 Ingredients 2 tablespoons coconut flour 1 tablespoon almond meal 1 heaped tablespoon raw cacao or unsweetened cocoa 1 tablespoon Natvia (stevia) 1 egg 1 tablespoon coconut oil, melted 4 tablespoons coconut or almond milk ½ cap vanilla essence (or favourite liqueur or coffee) 1 tablespoon Well Naturally Sugar Free Dark Chocolate Melts 1 tablespoon chopped nuts/flaked coconut/peanut butter/raisins Method Combine dry ingredients, then add to remaining wet ingredients and blend until evenly combined (adding a little extra coconut milk if required). Pour into a lightly greased mug or ramekin and microwave for 40-60 seconds (or until firm to the touch). Top with a dollop of coconut cream and devour!

NO BAKE CHOC BERRY SURPRISE A heavenly mix of berries, coconut and cashews encased in a raw, yet decadently fudgy slice that takes minutes to make and seconds to eat. Serves 15-20 (it’s quite rich so a little goes a long way) Ingredients 1 ¼ cups coconut oil, melted 1 cup raw cacao powder (or regular cocoa works also), sifted ²/3 cup rice malt or maple syrup 1 cup freeze dried strawberries ½ cup raw cashews, in pieces ¼ cup flaked coconut, plus extra to sprinkle on top 1 tablespoon cacao nibs (optional) Method Line a large loaf tin with baking paper. Pour coconut oil into a mixing bowl and whisk in the sifted cacao powder until smooth and free of any lumps. Whisk in the rice malt syrup until evenly combined. Taste and adjust according to desired sweetness. Fold through the freeze dried strawberries, coconut flakes, cashews and cacao nibs and pour mixture into prepared loaf tin. Place in fridge and allow to set for several hours or overnight, before cutting into squares to serve.

Hayley uses Well Naturally Sugar Free Dark Chocolate Melts in her chocolate recipes. This delicious, 70% cocoa, real cooking chocolate is sweetened naturally with stevia, not sugar. Available from leading independent retailers and online: 11




Rich in antioxidants, essential vitamins and minerals, this is the ideal breakfast to kick-start your day!

This filling dish freezes very well, so it's a great idea to double the quantity and freeze in portions for a convenient work lunch or mid-week dinner option.

Serves 2 Ingredients I cup frozen berries of choice 2 tablespoons acai powder 2 frozen bananas, chopped I cup almond or coconut milk 1 tablespoon ground chia 1 tablespoon rice malt syrup or honey 1 teaspoon cinnamon (optional) 1 AntiOx Acai Snack Bar - chopped to serve Method Place all ingredients (except for the AntiOx Snack Bar) into a high-speed blender and blend until smooth. Pour into 2 separate bowls or glasses, top with AntiOx Snack Bar pieces and enjoy! Did you know: Just 5g of acai powder contains antioxidant equivalent of 240 blueberries.



Serves 8 Ingredients 6 large eggs, beaten 3 rashers of bacon, finely diced 1 large brown onion, finely diced 3 medium zucchinis, grated 2 carrots, grated 1 cup of tasty cheese, grated 1 cup gluten free SF flour, sifted 1 teaspoon gluten free baking powder Sea salt and black pepper to taste Dash of cayenne pepper (optional) Method Pre-heat oven to 180°C and grease and line a medium sized baking dish with baking paper. Sauté onion and bacon on medium heat until onion begins to soften. In a large bowl, combine zucchini, carrots, flour, baking powder, cheese, bacon, onion, salt and pepper. Add beaten eggs to mixture and fold until well combined. Transfer mixture to dish and bake for approximately 35-40 minutes until golden and cooked through. Allow to cool slightly, cut into squares and serve with salad.

BABA GHANOUJ – EGGPLANT DIP GLUTEN FREE / VEGAN Here is an easy and delicious recipe for Baba ghanouj, a Middle Eastern eggplant dip. Ingredients 2 medium globe eggplants 3 tablespoons roasted tahini 2-3 garlic cloves 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1 teaspoon ground cumin Juice of one lemon 1 tablespoon chopped parsley plus extra to garnish Sea salt and a touch of pepper to taste Method Preheat oven to 200°C. Pierce the eggplants all over, then place on a baking tray with garlic cloves and roast until tender, around 30-35 minutes. Remove from oven, cool for 15 minutes. Slice eggplants in half; scoop the flesh into a large bowl together with the roasted garlic (squeezed from skins) and mash well with a fork. Add tahini, olive oil, cumin, lemon juice, parsley, salt and a pinch of pepper and mash well to combine. The dip should be smooth, yet textured. Allow the baba ghanouj to cool to room temperature, then season to taste with additional lemon juice, salt and cayenne if required. Sprinkle with freshly chopped parsley and serve with your favourite guten-free flat bread or crackers.

KIDS MUNCHY COOKIES Serves 24 cookies/bars

T F O R 10 M TH AT


Method Preheat oven to 160˚C. Put the cranberries and sultanas in a bowl, cover with boiling water to soak. Mash banana in a medium-sized bowl. Add the flour, ground linseeds, chocolate, vanilla, sunflower seeds, pepitas and stir. (If you are worried about the size of the seeds, grind them in a food processor or mortar and pestle first.) Drain and rinse the cranberries and sultanas. Add them to the mixture. Melt the coconut oil and honey. Once liquid is cool, add to the cookie mixture. Stir until all combined. Divide and shape mix into round cookies or bars. Cook in the oven for 25 minutes or until golden brown. Allow to cool and enjoy!



Ingredients ½ cup cranberries ½ cup sultanas 1 ripe banana 1 cup wholemeal flour ½ cup ground linseeds ½ cup sunflower seeds ½ cup pepitas 50g Well Naturally No Added Sugar Milk Chocolate, cut into small pieces 1 teaspoon vanilla essence ¼ cup honey ½ cup coconut oil



The little ones will love feeding themselves these sweet, nourishing treats.

SUGAR FREE DARK CHOCOLATE EGGS Watching your sugar intake? You can still enjoy delicious chocolate Easter eggs. Make your own with love, using Well Naturally Sugar Free Dark Chocolate Melts.

Ingredients 250g Well Naturally Sugar Free Dark Chocolate Melts Easter egg moulds, small medium or large Method Melt chocolate in a heatproof bowl over simmering water. Paint a thin layer of chocolate inside the egg moulds, making sure to meet the edges of the mould. Chill for 5 minutes or until the chocolate is firm. Spread another even layer of chocolate over the first layer. Chill for a further 5 minutes or until firm. Gently ease the mould away from the chocolate and join the chocolate halves together with a little melted chocolate. Tip: To add some extra texture and flavour to your eggs, sprinkle coconut or finely crushed nuts over the first layer of chocolate before cooling and coating with the second layer.


Easter is sweeter without the sugar Three new, delicious, Well Naturally better-for-you Chocolate varieties have just hatched, joining the range in time for a healthier, happier Easter. The only way to convince yourself of just how deliciously delightful these new varieties are, is to try them. Treat yourself to a new guilt-free indulgence.

INTRODUCING TWO NEW DELICIOUS FLAVOURS! Well Naturally No Added Sugar Milk Chocolate is just as creamy, just as smooth, just as sweet as your favourite milk chocolate, without the extra calories of added sugar.

JAFFA ORANGE is smooth, velvety and

It’s naturally sweetened with stevia: a plant-based sweetener, which has zero calories and no impact on blood sugar levels.

mingled with a palate-dazzling sprinkling of crunchy, sugar-free peppermint chips.

Retaining only the natural sugars present in the milk ingredients, Well Naturally No Added Sugar Milk Chocolate has around 80 per cent less sugar than regular milk chocolate. 14

melt-in-your mouth decadent with cheeky notes of zesty orange.

PEPPERMINT CHIP is creamy and indulgent, Well Naturally has launched the new flavours following the success of existing No Added Sugar Milk Chocolate varieties, Creamy Milk and Fruit & Nut. In the Dark Chocolate range, Peppermint Chip and Valencia Orange are the best-selling flavours.


Well Naturally Sugar Free Dark Chocolate mousse Serves 4 Ingredients 200g of Sugar Free Dark Chocolate Melts 2 cans coconut milk (chilled for a few hours in the fridge)
 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 drop liquid stevia (optional) Fresh berries, coconut flakes and grated chocolate (extra)

 Method 1. Place Well Naturally Sugar Free Dark Chocolate Melts in a microwave container and microwave for periods of 30 seconds until it is melted (be careful not to overdo it, so remove the chocolate when it's mostly melted and stir to melt the rest).

MELT AWAY YOUR HOMEMADE SUGAR INTAKE Introducing Well Naturally Sugar Free Dark Chocolate Melts: The real chocolate, 70% cocoa, sugar-free alternative to full-sugar cooking chocolate. Reduce the sugar (not the taste) of your favourite chocolate cakes, desserts, cheesecakes, mousse, ganache and more. Well Naturally Sugar Free Dark Chocolate Melts are sweetened naturally with stevia – a plant-based sweeter with zero calories and no impact on blood sugar levels. Try Well Naturally Sugar Free Dark Chocolate Melts in your favourite Easter dessert. To the right is a recipe to get you started.

2. Open the cans of coconut milk and scoop out the cream from the top (this should have separated in the fridge), leaving the liquid aside. 3. With an electric whisk, beat the coconut cream for 2-3 minutes until it thickens to the same consistency of regular whipped cream.
 4. Add the vanilla and optional stevia, followed by the melted chocolate and whisk together by hand until thoroughly combined.
 5. Spoon into glasses or small ramekins and place in the fridge to set.

 6. Sprinkle with flaked coconut, berries and grated Well Naturally Sugar Free Dark Chocolate to serve.

Important tips when working with real chocolate he most important tip is to T never allow any water, moisture or steam to come in contact with melted chocolate. If this occurs the chocolate will start to quickly firm up and solidify or become very granular. When melting chocolate always use clean and dry utensils. Metal spoons or stirrers are preferable to wood (wooden spoons or

stirrers may contain absorbed water which is a big no-no for melted chocolate). Chocolate will easily burn or scorch when heated directly over a stovetop so never melt chocolate in this way. Always use the traditional bowl over simmering water or microwave method to melt chocolate.

Look for Well Naturally Chocolate and Melts in independent supermarkets nationwide, or ask your local store to range the new varieties. Also available online: 15

the latest in autumn health,

happiness and

Smart swaps Feel like something sweet to eat at 3pm? Instead of grabbing a biscuit or piece of cake, try these ideas: • Have a cup of herbal tea. There is a rainbow of tea flavours available: everything from jasmine to vanilla, mint to berry. Tea will also help hydrate and energise you – giving you the pick-me-up you need without the additional calories. • Another way to satisfy your sweet cravings is with a piece of fruit. Apples, figs, grapes, kiwi fruit and plums are all in season in autumn. Try lightly grilling some apples, figs and plums and sprinkling with some cinnamon for a warming, sweet treat. • If you still crave something sweet, have a couple of pips of Well Naturally Sugar Free Dark Chocolate. Available in a variety of flavours, Well Naturally Sugar Free Dark Chocolate is sweetened naturally with stevia, not sugar. It’s also rich and satisfying.

Nutrient spotlight Strong bones and teeth rely on a good intake of calcium. Without enough calcium in the diet, bones can become fragile, and this can lead to osteoporosis later in life. Calcium is also an important nutrient in regulating muscle and heart function, preventing blood clots and facilitating nervous system and enzyme function. Adequate calcium intake is especially important for certain groups of people, including pregnant and breast-feeding women, bottle-fed babies, children and the elderly.

Foods rich in calcium: The primary source

of calcium is milk and milk products such as yoghurt, cheese and buttermilk. Calcium-fortified milk is a great way to get even more calcium from one serve. There are also calcium-fortified products such as cereals, soymilk and fruit juice which are great for boosting your intake. Leafy, green vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, bok choy, Chinese cabbage and spinach also contain significant amounts of calcium. Soy and tofu, fish including sardines and salmon (with bones) are also good sources. Nuts and seeds such as Brazil nuts, almonds and sesame seed paste also offer reasonably good amounts of calcium.


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More melatonin = increased weight loss? Spanish and US scientists have recently found that an increase of melatonin in the body could lead to weight loss. Melatonin is a hormone responsible for sleep function in humans. It can also be taken as a supplement and is naturally present in many foods. Increased supplemental melatonin was found to correlate with an increase a special kind of fat called “beige fat”. This fat actually helps burn energy, rather than store it. Beige fat is one of a series of specific fats that seem to perform this function. Scientists believe that encouraging production of these fats could help treat obesity and Type 2 Diabetes. The researchers from Spain and Texas used rats to test the effects of increased melatonin on “beige fat” production. Test rats were given supplemental melatonin in their drinking water over six weeks. The test group included both healthy, and obese rats with Type 2 diabetes. Half of the rats (both obese and normal weight) were administered the melatonin, while the remaining rats were given no additional melatonin.







Montmorency tart cherries contain the highest levels of natural melatonin found in plant products. The juice equivalent of 100 Montmorency tart cherries is in every 90ml serve of Chillax. The other active ingredient in Chillax is Lactium: a dairy derivative, clinically-proven to help calm and de-stress, preparing one for a great night’s sleep.

After six weeks, each rat in the oral melatonin group had more beige fat in their bodies. These rats also showed increased sensitivity to the thermogenic effects of both cold and exercise. It is these everyday thermogenic processes that cause the body to burn more energy. This is the latest in a series of studies that show dietary supplementation of melatonin may impair weight gain, lower blood pressure and improve glucose function.

Seasonal star: Figs Soft, mellow-sweet and decadent, the fig has enjoyed centuries of favour. Indeed, it was one of the first plants to be cultivated.

Nutrition: This bell-shaped fruit is bursting with dietary fibre, as well as vitamins A, E and K. It also contains antioxidants that help protect our good health. Dried figs are an excellent source of calcium, copper, potassium, manganese, iron, selenium and zinc.

Selection: Figs should be soft but not mushy to the touch. They should feel heavy. Be sure to consume figs within a day or two, as they do not keep well beyond this time. Try them with: Figs are delicious when paired with rich cheeses like Brie, Camembert and blue vein; they are also a wonderful accompaniment to meats like pork and chicken, as well as “meaty” nuts like walnuts. Figs work well in Moroccan dishes like tagines, couscous and spiced lamb. For a sweet treat, cut a cross in the top of each fig, then bake them lightly in the oven until warm and soft. Push some ricotta and crushed walnuts into each fig, and then drizzle with honey. Figs can also be baked into sweet muffins, tarts or loaves and work deliciously-well with Greek yoghurt. 17


Apps we

The price of a pedometer ranges anywhere from $10 through to $150. Alternatively, you could try the Pacer app for iPhone which is free for the basic version.

Pacer Need to take your fitness to the next level in 2014? If running is part of your workout routine, Pacer is just the thing to get you working even harder to achieve your goals. Tony Featherstone reports. There is one activity that seems central to just about every fitness program ever written and it’s something that most of us do every day: walking! The popular school of thought is that we should complete at least 10,000 steps per day as part of a typical, calorie controlled weight-loss program, but how on earth can you measure that? Of course the answer is to use a pedometer: a little device that literally counts the numbers of steps you take. If you have never used one, you may have seen joggers running through the streets with a pedometer strapped around their arm.

Pacer is refreshingly easy to use. You simply start it up and it will immediately start counting steps as you walk, measuring your progress against a daily target, which is set at 10,000 by default. You’ll also discover the total amount of time that you've been active for the day and how many calories you have burned. There are some more intricate features available from the upgraded version of Pacer, of which advanced users might find useful. As a basic pedometer, however, the out-of-thebox, free version will provide you some great insights into your day to day activities.

Tony Featherstone loves knowing the latest in all things digital. He has over 15 years’ experience in digital communication, having worked with such brands as Australia Post, Panasonic, Subaru and Microsoft.

Fresh, H ealt hy, Filling Mor ning Smoothie

Ing redients: - One ban ana, peeled - One apple, peeled

- One orange, peeled - One carrot


- One egg

Bar, chopped - One Well Nat ural ly High Protein Mini - 1/3 teaspoon of ging er IPEsource of fibre and antioxidants, a good source of calcium, a llent exce C (An s seed chia oons E esp tabl - 2 R ga 3 fat ty acid.) llent source of the plant derived ome exce an and ein prot ed bas t plan good source of


whiz until well com bined. Place all ingredie nts in a blender and


ss ent husiast) From the Kitchen of: Haydn Wa l l, (Fitne 18


To do list: 10 fun ways to put yourself FIRST As your year gets busier, grab some elusive “me time” with these fun ideas – just for you. Aim to make “me time” a regular habit in your weekly routine.

1. Take yourself on a date: Whether it’s a trip to

the movies, a quick coffee at your favourite cafe, or dinner for one at a nice, quiet restaurant, taking some time just for you can make a significant difference. Learning to enjoy your own company is a handy little trick to master. It also allows some mental space to contemplate your own thoughts and observe the world with an uncluttered mind.

2. Pampering please: The next time you have the house to yourself, run a warm, fragrant bubble bath complete with scented candles, dim lights and relaxing music. Flick through a magazine as you allow your muscles, and mind, to relax. If you have a little cash to splash, treat yourself to a massage, manicure, pedicure, skin treatment or facial. You deserve to be looked after! 3. Make yourself a meal: When catering to the

culinary tastes of your family, you don’t always get to eat the dishes you love. Make yourself a special dish, starring your favourite ingredients and flavours. Complete the meal with specially matched wine and a little dessert. Then sit at the table and enjoy.

4. Private dancer: Let your inhibitions go and give way to a little frivolity the next time you’re home alone. Turn the radio up or play a feel-good song. Then dance, sing and jump around as you do the cleaning, washing or cooking. It can be liberating to feel childish and have a little laugh at yourself.

5. Say no: Creating me time often means sacrificing another commitment. Don’t feel horrible about it – just be selective with what you do and don’t attend – and be sure to make an appearance there next time. Another aspect of saying no is being assertive when you’re not happy. If someone is treating you badly, not pulling their weight or disappointing you with their behaviour, tell them you won’t tolerate it. 6. Check up: Your health is your most important virtue. Make those important check ups a priority and keep your appointments. Your boss will (should) understand! 7. Work out: Equally as important as it is selfish. Make

time for exercise by waking up an hour earlier each day and hitting the gym, swimming pool or track. Challenge yourself to keep pushing your limits and you’ll feel a true sense of achievement – not to mention all the energy you’ll have to get through your day!

8. Say yes to the dress: You spend so much money

on everyone else: ensuring the children have everything they want and need, buying gift after gift, treating your partner to little surprises here and there – not to mention those bills! Now it’s time to buy yourself a little something: a reward for all of your hard work. If that dress, clutch bag, or perfume has been beaconing for weeks, give in and just get it.

9. Ask for it: Practice being assertive and ask for

something you want: from a pay rise, to changes in the way things are done around the house. If this wish will make a big change in your life, don’t be afraid to ask for it!

10. Go away: If life is getting a little too hectic, escape! It

could be for a drive to your “happy place”, a weekend away, or an extended working holiday overseas! Being away can offer a refreshing perspective and some time to heal.


Don’t abandon your 2014 health and fitness goals just yet. Fitness Food nutritionist Tricia Rufus shares her tips on how to stay on track.



Ensure you not only achieve your targets, but also start to enjoy your health and fitness journey.

Tricia Rufus is a nutrition coach, personal trainer and owner of Fitness Food. Website: Facebook: Fitness Food By Tricia Rufus Instagram: fitnessfood_tricia_rufus Change your food, change your life.


YMCA Program Director Nicky Brown has been involved in the health and wellness industry for over 25 years. YMCA Victoria is all about creating healthier, happier and more connected communities. To find out more visit 22



Natural Sleep Support Drink Chillax Natural Sleep Support Drink is a natural dietary supplement, offering an alternative to sleeping pills, designed to calm, relax and help one get a quality, restful sleep. The food scientist who developed Chillax, Wladimir Budnik, explains.


HOW DOES LACTIUM HELP YOU GET A GOOD NIGHT’S SLEEP? The initiation of a good night’s sleep begins with feeling relaxed, calm and stress-free before bed. Indeed, stress is among the most common causes of sleeping difficulties. Enter Lactium; a bioactive peptide derived from cow’s milk, with proven calming properties to help you de-stress. Lactium is a food-grade, patented product, developed by French dairy ingredients manufacturer, Ingredia. It is formulated especially to reduce and regulate stress-related symptoms that can hamper sleep and normal function. The development of Lactium arose from observations of the calm and contented nature of infants after ingesting breast milk. Knowing that the major milk proteins, casein and whey, contain peptides with high biological activity, Ingredia researchers, working closely with French university researchers, set about to identify a potential link between milk ingestion by babies and calmness. It was later demonstrated that the calming effect of milk was not only due to the effort of suckling or satiety but to the milk itself.

Chillax is made from Lactium and Montmorency Tart Cherries – both scientifically proven to be effective, as follows:

This type of approach led researchers to look for a specific milk peptide that possessed anxiolytic (calming) activity. Using a particular digestive enzyme, they synthesised and isolated a milk casein hydrolysate. The hydrolysate contained a 10-amino-acid bioactive peptide (I.E. decapeptide) which, with the support of animal trials, was shown to have proven stress reduction properties.1

Lactium is a unique and patented protein ingredient derived from milk, which helps to de-stress, relax and calm – preparing one for rest.

Subsequent clinical trials with Lactium, involving six separate human studies on a total of 234 volunteers, showed that Lactium significantly improved stress-related symptoms and enhanced sleep without being soporific (i.e. non sedative). 2,3

Montmorency Cherry Juice

is a natural source of melatonin, which helps one get a better quality and more sustained sleep.

The result: You wake up feeling refreshed and raring to go.


How much Lactium is in one single serve of Chillax Natural Sleep Support Drink? 300mg



How much melatonin is in Chillax Natural Sleep Support Drink?

Melatonin is essential for sleep Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland at the base of the brain. It has a vital role to play: it tells the brain when it’s time to sleep and when it’s time to wake up. This sleep-wake cycle is referred to as the “circadian rhythm”. In a healthy-functioning person, melatonin levels typically peak at around 2-3am, and then diminish before light onset in the morning. The brain only produces melatonin at night. It was thought that endogenous (bodily-produced) melatonin was the only natural source of melatonin available to the body. However research has shown that dietary melatonin can play an important role in supplying melatonin to the body.

The level of natural melatonin normally circulating in the average human body at any one time is 25-50 nanograms, which is equivalent to the natural melatonin found in just one Montmorency tart cherry. Chillax uses concentrated Montmorency Tart Cherry Juice, which contains around 4,900 nanograms of melatonin per 30mls. Each 90ml, single-serve bottle of Chillax contains 30mls of the concentrate. Therefore, each 90ml serve contains approximately 100-200 times more melatonin than what is naturally found in the human body.

Melatonin [pg/ml]

That’s one very good night’s sleep! 180

5 – 10 years


15 – 35 years


35 – 50 years


50 – 60 years


60 – 70 years

The significance of tart cherries Doctor Russel J. Reiter, a biomedical scientist at the University of Texas Health Science Center, is one of the world’s leading sleep authorities and has studied melatonin’s role in the body for over 30 years, primarily researching its relation to sleep.

over 70 years


“If you are a robust producer (of melatonin) you do so every night. Conversely, if you are a weak producer, you do that every night,” Doctor Reiter explains.

60 40 20 0















Doctor Reiter’s research into melatonin in plants4, concluded that melatonin is exogenously produced and is available in edible foodstuffs, including plants, and that melatonin-containing diets increase circulating concentrations of melatonin in the body. In addition, dietary-derived melatonin is adequate to contribute to the total antioxidative capability of the blood. He particularly singles out Montmorency tart cherries.

Melatonin levels in the body typically peak at around 2am. The level of melatonin in one's body is age-dependent.

“Tart cherries, specifically the Montmorency variety, contain an extremely significant quantity of melatonin – enough to produce positive results in the body,” he says.

Melatonin [pg/ml]

140 120

Puberty occurs as melatonin declines.

100 80 Melatonin peaks in early childhood.


Melatonin continues to decline in middle age. Older people produce negligible amounts of melatonin.

40 Newborns produce minimal melatonin.


He argues that low levels of melatonin can have an impact on the overall health of an individual and that it’s possible to enhance the levels of sleep-inducing melatonin in the body through the consumption of foods naturally high in melatonin.

A pilot study conducted by a team of researchers from the University of Rochester5 in New York reported that a daily intake of tart cherry juice was useful in treating insomnia in older adults. A randomsed, double blind crossover study was conducted with a group of 15 older adults. Each experienced significant reduction in insomnia severity (minutes awake after settling to sleep) on average, when consuming cherry juice daily.


A more recent study6 on 10 healthy men and 10 healthy women who consumed tart cherry juice concentrate over seven days found significant increase in melatonin circulating in the body and a significant increase in time in bed and total sleep time.

The level of melatonin in the body is age-dependent. It peaks in early childhood and dips to its lowest in old age.

They concluded that consumption of a tart cherry juice concentrate provides an increase in exogenous melatonin that is beneficial in improving sleep duration and quality in healthy men and women, and may be of benefit in managing disturbed sleep.








Age (years)

YES – Chillax is suitable for those with lactose intolerance

CONCLUSION In summary, we have taken two well-researched ingredients, Lactium and Montmorency Tart Cherry Juice, and created a unique natural sleep support drink that is Chillax. Continued.. 25


WHY CHOOSE CHILLAX? Chillax is a natural alternative to sleeping pills that utilises the power of natural ingredients to help you get a restful sleep. It’s a natural drink, not a pill, so that’s one less tablet to swallow. Moreover, consuming Chillax will not “knock you out” or leave you drowsy the next day. It’s a safe, easy-to-consume drink that actually works. No pills, no hangover effect.

Who would benefit from Chillax? • People who can’t sleep • People suffering from poor quality or interrupted sleep • Those tired of taking sleeping medication • Travellers fighting jet lag • Elderly people whose bodies naturally produce less melatonin • Chillax is safe for the whole family

Features and benefits: • Natural, effective alternative to sleeping pills • No sedative (soporific) effects or nextmorning “after-effects” • No added sugar: Naturally sweetened with stevia – a natural, plant-based sweetener with no calories. Stevia does not impact blood-sugar levels • Affordable: A single serve (one good night’s sleep) costs the same as a standard cup of coffee • No artificial colours or flavours • A source of natural antioxidants

Wladimir Budnik is a food scientist and nutritionist who heads the Innovation Team at Vitality Brands. His current role is the latest in his 50-year career, which has included key management roles in three of the world’s leading food manufacturing companies. Wladimir holds a Bachelor of Science Degree and a Masters of Business Administration. He is a scientific expert on diet, nutrition and skincare.

Want to try Chillax for yourself? It’s available in good pharmacies and online: collections/all/chillax

References: 1 Micloh et al (June 8, 2001) FASEB J express article 10.1096/fj.00-0685fje. Published online. 2 Effects of a Bovine Alpha S-Casein Tryptic Hydrolysate (CTH) on Sleep Disorder in Japanese General Population. The Open Sleep Journal 2009, 2, 26-32. 3 Efficacy of as-1-casein hydrolysate on stress-related symptoms in women. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2006. 4 Melatonin in Plants. Nutrition Reviews Vol 59, No 9, September 2001: 286-290. 5 Effects of a Tart Cherry Juice Beverage on the Sleep of Older Adults with Insomnia: A Pilot Study. Journal of Medical Food 2010. 13(3) 579-583. 6 Effect of tart cherry juice (Prunus cerasus) on melatonin levels and enhanced sleep quality. European Journal of Nutrition 2012 Dec; 15(8): 909-916. 26

Trouble Sleeping?



Natural Sleep Support Drink FIND OUT MORE /chillaxnaturalsleepdrink

800ml serve = Ten good nights sleep.

90ml serve = One good nights sleep.


While you were sleeping Cooler nights can mean better a sleep for many. What happens to our brain and body while we sleep? What role does sleep play on

Here are some tips to ensure a good , night s rest:


Try to go to bed at the same time, even on weekends. This helps to maintain proper circadian rhythms (the body’s internal clock) and adjusts your body to its natural cycle.


Stop drinking caffeine after 4pm or at least six hours before going to bed. Having too much caffeine in the afternoon can make it more difficult for you to fall asleep at night.


our physical and mental health? How can we ensure we get a good night’s sleep tonight? Jeff Hogg from Biz Health explains. At night, we leave our waking consciousness for hours and traverse a landscape of dreams and deep sleep. When we wake, we typically remember little or nothing about the hours that have just passed. Thus, although everyone sleeps, most people would be hardpressed to precisely define sleep. From observing changes in behaviour and responsiveness, scientists have noted the following characteristics that accompany and define sleep: • Sleep is associated with a typical posture, such as lying down with eyes closed in humans. • Sleep results in less responsiveness to external stimuli. • Sleep is a state that is relatively easy to reverse (this distinguishes sleep from other states of reduced consciousness, such as hibernation and coma). From observations of behavioural changes that accompany sleep and simultaneous physiological changes, scientists now define sleep in humans based on brain wave activity patterns and other physiological changes.

Physiological changes during sleep

When comparing sleep to wakefulness, physiological demands are reduced and temperature and blood pressure drop during sleep. In general, many of our physiological functions such as brain wave activity, breathing and heart rate are quite variable when we are awake or during REM sleep, but are extremely regular when we are in non-REM sleep.

Respiratory changes

Our breathing patterns also change during sleep. When we are awake, breathing is usually quite irregular, since it is affected by speech, emotions, exercise and posture. As we progress from wakefulness through the stages of nonREM sleep, our breathing rate decreases and becomes very regular. During REM sleep, the pattern is more variable again.


4 5

Exercise regularly. Daily exercise of 30-60 minutes can help you sleep better at night. Try not to exercise too close to bedtime, as you may find yourself too energised to fall asleep. Aim to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine at least 5-6 hours before bedtime.

Relax before bedtime. Take a warm bath, read a book, or meditate to prepare your mind and body for sleep.

Don’t lie in bed awake. If you are having difficulty sleeping, get out of bed and do something else until you feel tired.

6 into a deep sleep quickly, but through the night

Avoid too much alcohol. Alcohol can help you fall can cause you to wake several times, affecting your quality of sleep.


Avoid overeating and eating too close to bedtime. Your body needs time to digest food. If you consume too much close to bedtime, you may experience bloating and indigestion.


Restrict bedroom activities to sleep and sex. Avoid reading or using electronic devices.


Try Chillax Natural Sleep Support Drink. Formulated with Montmorency Tart Cherries and Lactium, Chillax prepares you for rest, and helps you get a deeper, more refreshing sleep.

Cardiovascular activity One of the possible functions of sleep is to give the heart a chance to rest from the constant demands of waking life. As compared to wakefulness, during non-REM sleep there is an overall reduction in heart rate and blood pressure. During REM sleep, however, there is a more pronounced variation in cardiovascular activity, with overall increases in blood pressure and heart rate.

Brain activity

There is a progressive decrease in the activation or "firing" rate of most neurons throughout the brain as sleep progresses from wakefulness to non-REM sleep. Also, the patterns of neuron firing change from a seemingly random and variable activity pattern during wakefulness, to a more coordinated and synchronous pattern during non-REM sleep.


During REM sleep (the stage of sleep most associated with dreaming) there is an increase in the firing rate of most neurons in the brain, as compared to non-REM sleep. In fact, the brain in REM sleep can even be more active than when we are awake. Patterns of brain activity during REM sleep are more random and variable, similar to during wakefulness. This pattern of brain activity probably underlies the intense dreaming that occurs in this state.

Body temperature

Through a process known as thermoregulation, the temperature of our body is controlled by mechanisms such as shivering, sweating, and changing blood flow to the skin, so that body temperature fluctuates minimally around a set level during wakefulness. Before we fall asleep, our bodies begin to lose some heat, which some researchers believe actually helps to induce sleep. During sleep, our central set temperature is reduced by 1 to 2°C. As a result, we use less energy maintaining our body temperature. It has been hypothesised that one of the primary functions of sleep is to conserve energy.

Sleep for wellbeing

Sleep allows the body to rest and recharge for the next day. A lack of sleep can cause drowsiness, decreased memory, reduced concentration, and impaired physical performance. Drivers lacking in sleep put themselves and others at increased risk of road accidents. In addition, not getting enough sleep has been linked to several mental health disorders including depression and anxiety disorders. Sleep research is expanding and has become an area of interest amongst health researchers. There is increasing evidence linking the importance of sleep to mental and physical wellness. Getting the proper amount of sleep, at least 7-8 hours per night, is recommended for adults. Children and adolescents need more sleep for proper growth and development, and pregnant women are also advised to get more sleep.

Increased physiological activity during sleep Many physiological activities are reduced during sleep. For example, kidney function slows and the production of urine is decreased. However, some processes may be maintained or even increased during sleep. For example, one of the greatest changes during sleep is an increase in the release of growth hormone. Certain physiological activities associated with digestion, cell repair and growth are often greatest during sleep, suggesting that sleep may aid cell repair and growth.


Dreaming occurs in both REM and NREM sleep. One of the most notable but least understood characteristics of sleep is dreaming, during which our thoughts follow bizarre and seemingly illogical sequences, sometimes random and sometimes related to experiences gathered during wakefulness. Visually intense dreaming occurs primarily during REM sleep. However, not all dreams occur during REM sleep.

Jeff Hogg is the Director of Biz Health Consultants. He has over 20 years’ experience in the corporate health industry. As an Accredited Exercise Physiologist and a previous, professional AFL footballer, Jeff specialises in conducting executive health appraisals, onsite health checks and a variety of health seminars. For more information about Biz Health, phone: 03 9867 5003 or visit their website:


No Worries Eliminating stress and worry from your mind can be most productive and, naturally, bring you peace. As Inna Segal argues, letting go of these negative emotions involves shifting your perspective, and taking control of the situation. Worrying is a habit most people develop from childhood. They observe their parents, grandparents and other adults in their life worry, and unconsciously believe that this is the only way to live. Thus, the brain and nervous systems of the majority of the world’s population are focused on stressing, tensing and being in a state of suppression.


Worry can be seen as a message from your body, telling you that you are uncomfortable with a situation because there is a missing piece of the puzzle.


On a mental level, everybody knows that worry and stress do not actually make the situation any better. In fact, it slows us down, causes internal chaos, conflict, forgetfulness, nervousness, and a loss of focus. It can contribute to heart disease, strokes, high blood pressure, ulcers, abdominal cramps, cancer, rashes, anxiety, hair loss and many other health problems. Studies conducted at the School of Social Work at Georgia State University showed that stressful emotions diminish the white blood cell response to virally-infected cells and to cancer cells. Also, statistics from the American Institute of Stress illustrate that 75-90 per cent of all visits to doctors result from stress-related disorders.



Three ways to free yourself of stress and worry 1. Change your perspective

3. Focus on a solution ~ move from stress to strength

If worry is taking over your life, you need to change your point of view. Become aware of how you are dramatising the situation, buying-in to fear and letting it control you, and look for a different option. You can ask yourself, “What is a more empowered way to relate to this situation?�. Fear can be a wonderful servant that keeps you alive, or a cunning master that sabotages your growth. For instance, when you cross the road perhaps fear of an accident makes you stop and look at where you are going. However, to live your life from a perspective of fear is dangerous, limiting and stressful.

2. Clarify your intention

Recognise that you have a choice to worry about something or not. To make a choice not to worry, you need to learn how to clarify your intention, and communicate it to the people around you. You must then be willing to let go and trust. Your requests can be simple or elaborate. The important thing is to be willing to ask for help, let go of worry and trust that help is on its way. This does not mean that help will arrive the second you ask. This is one of the steps that allow you to recognise that you need to ask for support. The next step is to look for or talk to the appropriate people who might be able to offer you assistance or advice. Then apply this advice and take appropriate action.

The only way out of worry is to shift our focus from a problem to a possible solution. Once we shift our focus from a limited point of view to an expanded point of view, our own wisdom and other people can give us new insights on how we can do things differently.

Sometimes the only thing we need to change is how we perceive a challenge and our reaction to it. Discovering a balanced perspective can make a tremendous difference to our thinking, emotional and energetic state and help us to relax. Other times we may need to move, talk to appropriate people, ask for help, learn something new, make a decision, take action, rest, meditate etc. Worry makes people feel helpless, hopeless and victimised. When we change our perspective from stress to strength, we begin to feel stronger, more confident and capable of creating real change in our lives.


Sometimes the only thing we need to change is how we perceive a challenge


From my experience, I know that worrying about the future is only useful if you are willing to recognise the causes of your stress, deal with it and move forward. In this way, worry can be seen as a message from your body, telling you that you are uncomfortable with a situation because there is a missing piece of the puzzle. When this missing piece is identified and processed, there is resolution and relief.

Stress as a positive

A certain amount of stress can be a positive influence in our lives as it can add anticipation, excitement and call us into action. Some individuals such as athletes, actors, singers and speakers thrive under a certain amount of stress. Having no positive or motivational stress can leave a person bored, numb and flat. It is highly desirable to find an optimal level of stress that will motivate you without resulting in exhaustion. We need to understand what causes us tension and what motivates us. For one person, having a stable job for 20 years, where they know exactly what they are doing and how they will create their income can be a healthy, peaceful experience. Put them into a creative, changeable environment and they might be stressed to the max. Another person who loves change would be stressed in a routine work situation.

Inna Segal is a renowned intuitive healer and author of the best-selling book The Secret Language of Your Body. Her new book, The Secret of Life Wellnes is available at good book stores and online at


MICHELLE BRIDGES 12 Weeks to a Healthier, Happier You Forget the infomercials. There are no quick fixes! Getting healthy, losing weight and being the best version of yourself takes more than just eating lettuce leaves and doing a couple of sit ups! My 12 Week Body Transformation (12WBT) is packed with easy-to follow exercise plans, simple, tasty and family-friendly recipes, shopping lists, weekly mindset and motivational lessons and ongoing support. It's everything you need to take control and reach your goals this season.

super strength workout This super quick circuit is a snippet of what to expect from a 12WBT workout and includes five exercises focused on strengthening your glutes and your core. Complete 20 repetitions (reps) of each exercise once, twice or five times through depending on your fitness level and how much time you have!



Backwards stepping lunges


Stand tall and take a long step back, keeping your feet hip width apart. Bend your back knee towards the floor. Try to make a RIGHT ANGLE with BOTH legs. Return your back foot to the step – that’s one rep. Repeat the exercise with your other leg. TIP: Your movement should be up and down – NOT forwards and backwards.

Single leg squat Grab a post to steady yourself and stand on one leg.


Slowly lower yourself, trying to mimic a normal squat, keeping your knee tracking over your toe and return to standing. Do 10 reps and then swap legs. TIP: Drive through your heel on the way up.


Ice skaters Take wide jumps from foot to foot.

Land the foot solidly with the toes slightly angled out as you lift the other leg behind you.

Swing your arms strongly in the direction you are travelling.

The knee must align with the toes, bend into the leg before you push off.

TIP: Imagine trying to jump over a creek and you don’t want to get your shoes wet!




Side plank raise

Single leg extension

Lie on your side and ‘stack’ your shoulders, hips, knees and feet perpendicular to the floor. Stabilise yourself on your elbow and hip.

Lie on your back and lift your legs with knees bent 90 degrees and directly over your hips. Draw in your abs, make sure your lower back is firm against the floor and place your arms beside you, palms down.

Push your hip up towards the ceiling so your body is in a straight line from your toes to your head. Lower your hips back down and repeat the ‘lift and lower’ for 10 reps on each side. TIP: It’s really important your body stays in a straight line for this one. Don’t let your bum stick out!

To prevent injuries, do 5-10 minutes of cardio before you start and have a good stretch at the end. 34


Exhale and straighten one leg at a time until you can no longer keep your abs drawn in. Alternate legs, left and right is one rep. TIP: As soon as you feel your abs “pop” outwards or your lower back start to arch up off the floor you have extended the leg too far.

This circuit is just a small taste of what to expect from the exercise side of my 12WBT. There are 11 different exercise programs to choose from, so whether you want to lose weight, tone up, learn to run or set yourself some new and exciting health and fitness goals, we’ve got you covered! If you want to eat better, move more and discover a whole new way of thinking, then I can help! Join my team at and let’s do it together!

Tennis Australia and Dextro Energy announce

SPORTS NUTRITION PARTNERSHIP Dextro Energy Sports Nutrition has announced a one-year partnership with Tennis Australia. The German-made products will be the official sports nutrition to Tennis Australia. National academies, players and coaches will all have access to the range whilst they train and compete. “We are very excited to be joining Tennis Australia as their sports nutrition partner and we look forward to supporting the current and future stars of tennis in this country,” said Dextro Energy Australia Brand Manager Andrew Whiteman. “Quality nutrition and hydration play an important role in athletic success. Dextro Energy is a high-grade sports nutrition brand, formulated to help athletes bring out their best”.

About Dextro Energy Dextro Energy has for decades been Europe’s leading and most trusted energy brand. An expert at formulating effective energy products for competition, Dextro Energy has been developed by a team of sports scientists, endurance athletes and nutritionists. The portfolio is an advanced range of products specifically designed to help you bring out your best – before, during and after competition and training.

The Dextro Energy range includes Isotonic and Hypotonic Sports Drinks, Liquid Gels, Carbohydrate Bars, Instant Energy Tabs and After Sports Drinks.


Dextro Energy is and good sports nutrition outlets. Also available online at


SWIMMING POOL si n s Do you regularly go to the pool

and have to fight for lane space, be subjected to a moisturising show, or get a stray arm slap to the head mid-freestyle? Or, are you guilty of some of these pool faux pas? As the cool weather attracts you to the warmth of the indoor pool, Stef Hanson shares her top 10 tips for swimming etiquette.



10swTIPS imming for etiq ue tt e

6. Talking generations of underwear with strangers: With all due respect, I do not need to know what kind of underwear you are wearing now, or what you used to wear when you were a 30 year old. That “dental floss” that my generation wears is to avoid VPL (I hate myself for using that acronym) and for comfort. If you want to talk underwear over generations, buy your granddaughter underwear for her 13th birthday and make sure she opens the present in front of all of her friends, then discuss. **Teenage Flashbacks – nooooooo!**

7. Look before you leap: 1. Lane speed: This is tricky. Really tricky. Are you sitting down? Get your pen and paper out to jot this down. Most importantly, can you read? Well if so, those signs at the end of the lane mean something: The fast lane means you swim at a fast pace, the medium lane means you swim at a medium pace, the slow lane means you swim at a slow pace. The “aqua play” area means do whatever the hell you like, but if your ball comes into my lane, I ain’t giving it back.

2. Timing of the breaststroke: Timing is vital for avoiding a sexual harassment lawsuit. Use your peripheral vision to gauge where other swimmers are when you begin your stroke. Put simply: “Avoid the breast in breaststroke.” There’s surely a t-shirt in that!

3. Coffee chitchat is for the café: If you’re one to get to the end of the lane and chat with mates, get out of the water. That’s what the café is for. When you’ve finished your session and you deserve a coffee, that’s when you can chat. Otherwise, I’m mistaking your backside for the wall and pushing off hard. Sorry.

This one is as simple as they come. Before you dive into the pool, or, Ron Burgundy style – “Ladies and gentlemen, can I please have your attention. I’ve just been handed an urgent and horrifying news story. I need all of you to stop what you’re doing and listen… Cannonball!!” – LOOK before you plunge into the pool! I’ve had a full body blow to the head – luckily the kid was only eleven and the size of a matchstick. But still. A bony knee to the back to the head is somewhat unpleasant.

8. Learn to swim/ learn to pee: If you are teaching your kids to swim, please teach them how to pee as well. I get that it’s difficult. BUT, if your kid doesn’t know how to aim at the toilet bowl, the VERY least you can do is clean it up. Swimming pool bathrooms are a barefoot affair. Pee on the floor. You get the golden picture. I don’t even want to touch peeing in the pool – figuratively and literally.

9. Butter fly away: If your butterfly stroke resembles an actual stroke, just don’t do it.

10. Smells: Perfume and aftershave prior to a swim do not help your ability to pull anything more than water. Do not use the pool as a means of washing these off either. Pre-rinse is vital.

4. Moisturise: Moisturiser is your best friend as a swimmer. Chlorine is not. So by all means, lather-up post swim, butt (spelling mistake intended), it is not necessary to stand there stark naked and moisturise every crevice of your body. Do I sound like a prude? Maybe. But seriously, I don’t need to see your level of flexibility or lack thereof. Two feet on the ground at all times when moisturising!

5. The zigzag backstroke: If you have the navigation skills of a drunken budgerigar it’s best that you don’t attempt backstroke. Zigzagging up a lane is not beneficial to people swimming in the opposite direction. Swimming is a noncontact sport – a stray head butt can, and should be avoided.

Stef Hanson is a triathlete, editor of Australian Triathlete Magazine and founder of Witsup – Women in Triathlon. Witsup is aimed at boosting the profile of women in triathlon, introducing women to the sport, and nurturing them on their journey.


CLEAN UP YOUR ACT Cleansed mind body and spirit



The change of season is a great time to make some simple changes which can make a big difference to the health of your body, mind and spirit. Elevate Vitality naturopath, nutritionist and herbalist Cassie Mendoza-Jones reports. When did you last feel that your health was completely on track? Do you wake up with a flat stomach, only to find you’re bloated towards the end of the day? Does your mind buzz anxiously, even when you’re trying to relax? Do you feel overwhelmed by the idea of changing your habits and really looking after yourself? If you truly want to feel your best and become aligned with your healthiest self, now is the time to get back to business and feel brand new. Let me walk you through a few simple ideas, to ensure you’re taking the right steps to the total health of your body, mind and spirit.

Cleansed body Creating healthy eating habits, which put you on the path to a beautiful, healthy life, means navigating the sometimes-overwhelming sphere of diets and healthy eating. Let go of what you think you “should” be eating, and instead choose foods by listening to your intuition. Eat foods that are full of all-natural goodness, as these provide us with energy and vitality.

If you truly want to feel your best and become your healthiest self, now is the time. Cleansed spirit Yoga, meditation, journaling and de-cluttering your home and workspace are wonderful ways to feel brand new. To help you live your healthiest, happiest life, try the following: • Incorporate some downtime into your busy life by prioritising and slashing your to-do list. • “Free write” in your journal for 10-15 minutes per day to create mental white space. • Add yoga to your weekly exercise schedule. You can create your best life using all-natural, nourishing, gentle and effective systems such as eating well for your body, using herbal medicine, exercise and de-cluttering your space and life. My signature Cleansed eCourse, an online group coaching program, might be just what you need to help you feel brand new. In this program, you receive my expert guidance on how to release everything that isn’t serving you anymore, create healthy, winning habits to find your cleansed self, and incorporate your new practices into your new life.

This usually means reducing your intake of processed wheat, dairy and refined sugar, as well as caffeine, alcohol and soft drinks. For a cleansed digestive system which supports you in feeling your best, bulk up your diet with cleansing green vegetables, green veggie juices, purified water, lean protein (eggs, chicken, fish, lamb and beef), nuts and seeds, fresh fruit and essential fats (avocado, nuts and seeds). For extra health points, note how your body feels when you eat smaller portion sizes, when you’re really present at meal times, and when you stop eating just before you’re full.

Cleansed mind If low mood, depression and anxiety plague you, herbal medicine is just what you need. Three wonderful herbs for low mood are skullcap, rhodiola and oats. To ease anxiety, try lemon balm and passionflower. You can obtain these herbs from herbal tea, or seek expert advice from a naturopath or herbalist. Don’t forget to move your body. Exercise is one of the cheapest and most effective anti-depressants. It takes us from feeling down, to feeling fresh and spirited in just minutes. Getting-up a good sweat also flushes toxins from our bodies and imparts a healthy, cleansed glow.

Cassie Mendoza-Jones is a naturopath, nutritionist, and herbalist who believes in the healing power of nature (and a good dark chocolate). Cassie founded Elevate Vitality, a boutique naturopathic clinic which specialises in healing digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, fatigue, anxiety, stress and depression. Website: Facebook: Instagram: @elevate_vitality


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For use on the body or face, this quickly-absorbed oil is great for crow’s feet, scars and stretch marks. The potent formula harnesses the power of Vitamin E to effectively treat skin imperfections.


Do you like to ensure your skin and hands are thoroughly cleansed of bacteria when you wash?



Do your legs and feet ache after a long day, or do you have poor circulation in these areas due to diabetes or other conditions?

no no

Do you want to protect your skin from harsh environmental factors like cold weather, wind and drying heaters?

Do you have a scar you’d like diminished by summer?





Whatever your skin concerns, derma e ® has a natural product to suit you. Visit: Available at:

Tea Tree and E Body Wash

Scar Gel

Intensive Therapy Foot Crème

This antibacterial cleanser deepcleans the face and body. Tea Tree is a natural antiseptic that combats blemishes, rashes, irritation, flaking and itching. Antioxidant Vitamin E and herbal extracts revitalise skin.

Botanical extracts help diminish the appearance of scars. With allantoin and panthenol, this formula helps breakdown scars and encourages healthy skin. Also resolves minor burns and lessens stretch marks.

For those who suffer poor circulation, achy, itchy or swollen feet. With antioxidant pycnogenol, the formula also contains peach seed, menthol and peppermint. Suitable for diabetics, it is also deeply moisturising. 41

Your skincare concerns solved From pigmentation to irritation, Vitality’s resident skincare expert Karen Revell is here to answer the skincare questions you’ve been itching to ask.




I have a few sun/skin pigmentation spots on my face that I’d like to remove without undergoing laser treatments. Which product would you recommend?


This is a common concern, as Australia has one of the highest rates of UV damage in the world thanks to our harsh environment and weather patterns.

The derma e Evenly Radiant range targets uneven skin tone and discoloration with an intensive skin brightening complex. It is rich in Madonna Lily plant stem cells, Bearberry and Vitamin C to help support the skin’s self-repair. ®

I strongly recommend you use this range morning and night, and apply SPF 30+ sun protection for the face every day – even during winter. Cancer Council Face Moisturiser is especially formulated for the face and provides adequate protection from UVA and UVB rays that cause skin damage.


My skin looks so dull. People say I look tired (I think they mean old). What can I do to brighten it up?

Autumn is a great time to detox our skin. When was the last time you gave your skin a refresher peel? This will definitely help to brighten up dull and tired-looking skin.

We love the derma e® Microdermabrasion Scrub. It buffs the skin, helping to diminish the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and acne scars. It leaves the skin feeling dramatically softer, smoother and younger looking. This can be applied in the shower, once a week. Apply to damp skin all over the face (avoid the eye area) for at least 90 seconds. Rub in an upward circular motion and then rinse off.

Skin ages quicker when it is dehydrated, so give your skin a big drink of water by applying derma e® Hydrating Serum. A concentrated treatment that is full of Hyaluronic Acid (nature’s “moisture magnet”), it plumps and rehydrates the skin, leaving it softer, and suppler. Apply this product morning and night, and after a few weeks your friends will be saying how great you look!


I am lactose intolerant and when I inadvertently eat lactose-containing foods, I break out in a facial rash. Do you have any products that can help with the incessant itching this causes?


For instant relief, place a small amount of derma e® Itch Relief Lotion to the affected area. Formulated with tea tree and chamomile, this will provide instant relief from skin itching. Use twice daily until the rash has subsided.

To ensure the rash doesn’t return, treat your skin daily with the derma e® Soothing range. Formulated for sensitive, easily irritated or inflamed skin, the Soothing range is enriched with Pycnogenol® which is extracted from French maritime pine bark.

I also recommend an intensive eye crème to help with dark circles, fine lines and to even-out texture. Apply derma e® Age Defying Eye Creme which is the ultimate anti-ageing, antioxidant-rich eye crème.

Pycnogenol delivers anti-inflammatory properties to calm and soothe, helps to improve circulation and is 50 times stronger than Vitamin E in neutralising free radicals.

Pycnogenol delivers anti-inflammatory properties to calm and soothe, helps to improve circulation and is 50 times stronger than Vitamin E in neutralising free radicals. Use this range morning and night and you will see and feel the difference. The derma e® range is available at and online

YOU COULD WIN ! Have a skincare or beauty question? Email Karen: Use subject line: Ask Karen. If your question is published, you will receive a Natural Skincare Hamper valued at $100. (You can remain anonymous.)


Caring for your feet with diabetes As we swap summer sandals for boots, we must still monitor the health of our feet. Diabetes Mellitus is a condition that

Having diabetes does not necessarily mean you will experience problems with your feet, it simply means they require more attention.

significantly affects the health of almost 1 million Australians. It is a condition associated with a myriad of complications that can also affect the feet. Podiatrist Lana Bortignon explains.

It is important for people with diabetes to have their feet checked regularly by a podiatrist. If you have low risk feet, a regular review every 12 months is advised. If you have highrisk feet, a check-up every 3-6 months is recommended.

Low risk feet > You have normal sensation > Good blood circulation

People with diabetes are at an increased risk of having problems with their feet, as diabetes can affect the vascular supply and the nervous system.

> Well controlled blood glucose levels

Nerve damage

> You have a loss of sensation to any part of your body

Elevated blood glucose levels can lead to neuropathy (nerve damage). Diabetic neuropathy affects all peripheral nerves, including pain fibres, motor neurons and the autonomic nervous system. Symptoms may include:

High-risk feet >P oor circulation (associated conditions include Peripheral Vascular Disease, Arteriosclerosis) >Y ou have had an ulcer or amputation

> Tingling, numbness or “pins and needles” > Cold legs and feet > Burning sensation in the legs and feet – often more pronounced at night or at rest These symptoms can result in a loss of sensation. Unable to sense pain, the likelihood of accidental damage to the feet is increased. An injury, no matter how small, can quickly develop into an ulcer. Unnoticed, this may become chronic, infected, and can spread to the bones and joints, eventually leading to amputation.

Blood supply Poor blood glucose control can lead to a reduction in the blood supply to the feet as the arteries narrow and lose their elasticity. A reduction in blood supply to the feet leaves people with diabetes prone to infection, as breaks in the skin take longer to heal. Signs of poor blood supply include: > Cramps in the calf muscles while walking a short distance > Pain in the feet, even when resting > Very cold feet > The colour of the skin being reddish-blue > Increased healing time


Lana Bortignon is the chief podiatrist at Heritage Podiatry. She has been a practicing podiatrist for eight years, working in private practice since graduating. Lana specialises in treating patients who have diabetes and preventing subsequent foot complications. Heritage Podiatry also focuses on general foot care. Website: Email:


Give your feet T LC Along with regular visits to your podiatrist you should also: > Know your feet well. What is normal for you, may not be normal for somebody else. Wash and (most importantly) dry your feet every day. Check for signs of infection (redness, swelling, pus, tenderness), check for blisters and be careful to check between the toes, around heels and nail edges. > Cut your toenails straight across the top and file the edges. > Moisturise your feet daily to avoid dry and cracked skin. > NEVER use over the counter corn pads, these can damage healthy skin and lead to ulceration. > Do not wear tight socks or stockings > Wear footwear that is the right size, neither too small nor too big and check your shoes for stones, pins or anything that may cause an injury to the skin before putting them on. Your podiatrist will assess your feet and determine whether you are at risk of developing any complications to your feet due to having diabetes. Having diabetes does not necessarily mean you will experience problems with your feet, it simply means they require more attention.

Derma e® Intensive Therapy Foot Crème Formulated with circulation-boosting natural ingredients such as peach seed, menthol, ginkgo, yarrow, arnica and peppermint, this award-winning crème is also intensely moisturising. It is suitable for diabetics and those who suffer from tired, achy or swollen feet. Available from Terry White and online: 45


Lighten up a little Cancer Council Face Moisturiser imparts a smooth, breathable finish. This light, non-oily, moisturising, facial sunscreen is perfect for daily use. It can be worn with or without make-up and is light enough to feel comfortable whilst keeping the face protected. Available in Untinted, Crème Beige, Light Beige and Honey Beige.


Light Beige

Crème Beige

Honey Beige

Face the world with a fresh visage Cancer Council Foundation provides clean, even coverage for a naturallooking, velvety smooth complexion. It contains SPF 30 to help protect skin from UV damage; glycerin to give skin a firmer and more radiant appearance, and dimethicone to protect the skin from environmental irritation. Available in Beige, Crème Beige and Dark Beige.

Protect your beauty Cancer Council has for years provided Australians with trusted sun protection.


Crème Beige

Dark Beige

Now, it introduces a complete range of quality cosmetics that help enhance one's natural beauty, whilst protecting the skin with broad spectrum SPF 30. We all love the convenience of a 2-in-1 product range that beautifies, corrects and enhances our skin, as well as helping to protect it from UV damage. Trust Cancer Council cosmetics to give you a flawless, air-light finish, whilst imparting anti-ageing, broad spectrum SPF 30. With products that appeal to a wide group of beauty mavens, the Cancer Council cosmetics range has you covered from head to toe. The Cancer Council cosmetics range comprises Face Moisturiser, Foundation, BB Crème, Body Lotion, Lip Gloss and Lipstick in a palette of fashion-forward shades. Each product in the range has the added benefit of SPF 30 protection. 46

Multitask to the max Cancer Council BB Crème is a 3 in 1 formula that corrects skin tone, nourishes skin, and provides SPF 30 protection. The crème is made with the finest skinnurturing ingredients: grape seed extract which is high in antioxidants to help protect skin from ageing; Vitamin E to increase moisture; mushroom extract to fight bacteria build up, and mica to reflect light, giving skin a radiant, flawless finish. Available in Light and Medium tint.




Striking shades Cancer Council SPF 30 Lipstick is available in a range of outfit-perfect colours including Aztec Berry, Bougainvillea, Cherry Blossom, Plum, Cinnamon, Ruby Red, Coral and Soft Pink. It is enriched with jojoba to soothe and nourish lips, and mica, which imparts a lovely shimmer.

Body guard Cancer Council Body Lotion with SPF 30 is a silky, rich lotion, enriched with aloe vera to soothe dry skin, and Vitamin E to nourish, hydrate and protect skin.


Aztec Berry


Cherry Blossom


Ruby Red


Soft Pink

Hey, luscious lips Cancer Council Lipgloss is smooth and non-sticky. Formulated with nourishing aloe vera and soja oil to leave lips soft and smooth. Available in light-catching Cherry and Clear tones.

As with all sunscreens, il Cancer Counc recommends ry eve re-application to two hours um ensure maxim protection.

Very high protection sunscreen Introducing Cancer Council Professional Sunscreen. This zinc-rich, SPF 50+ sunscreen protects delicate scar tissue. It also contains five effective ingredients to help smooth and soften the appearance of scars, and a natural tint to help conceal them. This product is suitable for those with scars, those who've had melanomas removed, and those who've undergone cosmetic procedures including skin grafts and laser surgery. Professional contains the following active ingredients: •Z inc to create a physical, reflective veil over skin. • Pro-vitamin B5 to improve skin’s hydration.




Cancer Council Cosmetics are available from Cancer Council stores, good pharmacies and online:

• Vitamin B3 to aid in skin elasticity. • Allantoin to help improve the skin’s barrier function. •A loe Vera Leaf extract for reduced irritation and moisturising. itamin E to help smooth scar tissue and provide •V powerful antioxidants to help heal and protect skin.

By purchasing any Cancer Council sunscreen you are helping to fund cancer research, patient support and education. 47

natural skincare solutions that work

For more information on derma e速, visit or for a fact sheet, contact


x x m u M , u o Love y Mother’s Day gift guide May

Show your appreciation this Mother’s Day with a gift of love for the extraordinary


Tea fit for a queen Dilmah’s Silver Jubilee Oolong tea is exclusively made from the tender bud of Camellia Sinensis plant, not the leaves. The natural antioxidants are concentrated in the bud, making this the queen of teas in taste and health benefits.

woman in your life.

Shine on Dazzle mum with a gift from the Phantasya jewellery collection. Embellished with Swarovski elements and precious stones, Phantasya’s collection includes pendants, bracelets, rings, bangles, watches, earrings and brooches.

Hands on mum Which mum doesn’t love being pampered? Endota Spa offers a tempting choice of gift vouchers for services that will melt away mum’s cares and indulge her senses. Spa packages, massages, body wraps, facials and pedicures are all sure ways to win mum’s heart.


Give it back

Mother nature

Monkeybiz is a beaded artwork project that focuses on economic empowerment and health development in the most economically under-resourced areas of South Africa. Each animal, doll and picture artwork is unique and is signed by the artist, ensuring that individual artists receive recognition for their work.

Boody garments are all made from bamboo, which is anti-fungal, hypoallergenic, wicks moisture away from the body, breathes well, is durable, and keeps the wearer cool in summer, and warm in winter.

Cool and cushy Rapee home furnishings, including the Rapee Bloom cushion in Canary, will enliven mum’s living space.

Wrapped in love New mums will love The Love To Swaddle UP. Different to other swaddles, it allows babies to be swaddled in a more natural sleep position with their arms up. Research shows that swaddling babies this way is easier, safer and more natural.

Yoga style Kamuka yoga mats merge functionality and design, inspiring mum to maintain her fitness by practicing yoga.


Impress her Pony&pressed jewellery and giftware are made from sterling silver; upon which a handstamped, personalised message can be embossed. Names, dates, words or phrases with special significance can transform a beautiful item into something imbued with meaning.

Bon Voyage Time with mum is the best gift of all. The Byron at Byron is an idyllic escape that will see you both revitalised in no time. Stroll the boardwalks to nearby Tallow Beach, enjoy daily yoga or simply retreat to the resort spa for a touch of indulgence. To book, visit

You’ve got a hold on me The Resort Cosmetic Bag from Escape to Paradise can be used as a make-up purse, carry bag, camera bag, or as a mini clutch.


Julijana Joseph We have two ply giveaway. Sim to ns fa r designe ra yb lit ta vi @ email us: info t” and ct line “Chill Ou with the subje y wh s les or s rd tell us in 25 wo ill out this ch to ed ne u yo The best two Mother’s Day. will win. s se respon

Hot and flash Juijana Joseph Designer Hand Fans are the perfect Mother's Day gift for the woman who has everything. With 18 designs to choose from, each fan is beautifully packaged.

So supportive The Panache Sports Bra claims to eliminate 83 per cent of breast bounce through its innovative technology, which encapsulates each breast: holding, supporting and reducing movement. Bright new designs have just been released.

50 and fabulous Is your mum aged 50 or over? The 50 Book is a celebration of the lives of fifty-something women. Over 20 women are profiled in the book, reflecting on the achievements of their lives so far. Most cite having children as their proudest accomplishment – something which has given their lives meaning and brought great joy.


me by t e e M ac e. f ire pl

e pe r f a t s Vi

Falling away In autumn, cosiness is the call of the season. Slink your way south to a warming hideaway where you and your love can enjoy some quality togetherness and peace.


c t.

t he

Savou ring T in Dr Trail agon C o t ta ge s.


Tin Dragon Trail Cottages Eco Spa Retreat

Be one with nature in these brick and stone cottages, nestled in a lush valley beside the clear-flowing Ringarooma Riv er. Guests enjoy collecting egg s, picking seasonal vegetables and fruit from the organic garden, and cooking the trout they catch. Each cottage features a hea ted, outdoor spa for a warming dip beneath the stars. Follow this with a cuddle beside the ope n fireplace. Eco Spa Retreat is located near the Tamar Valley and a collection of win eries, dairy farms, beaches and golf courses. If you feel like staying in, an in-house massage the rapist and dinner from the retreat kitchen will see you remain warm, rela xed and content.



Peppers Rundells Alpine Lodge, Dinner Plain Slow the pace at Peppers Rundells Alpine Lodge. Inhale the fresh mountain air, gaze at the snow gums and follow the alpine trails that lead from your door.

Reaching ne w he ights at Dinner Plain.

. or t s f m o c C hic

Located within the Alpine National Park on The Great Alpine Road, Peppers Rundells Alpine Lodge is just 10km from Mount Hotham and Hotham Airport. Classic-style guest rooms make you feel well at home, while the plush lounge bar is the perfect place to enjoy a drink, before tucking into fine, local fare at the Graze restaurant.


Belle Maison, Daylesford

den, Belle Maison Surrounded by an idyllic gar traditional, is a marriage of modern and ded for the nee s fort boasting all the com . ape esc ic per fect romant studio villa features Airy and light, this luxurious n kitchen. The der a sleek, fully equipped, mo to enjoy a ce pla t fec leather sofa is the per master fire. Jet the by d me war favourite flick, rlit sky views, while The loft bedroom invites sta g sun. the deck is bathed in mornin you outside, Views of the township beacon good cof fee, ks, wal lake oy where you can enj shopping. local markets and boutique

t ion Cap

Warming be aut y at Be lle Maison.


Rawnsley Park Station

le y S tunning! R awns Park S tation.

Explore the majestic Flinders Ranges, basing yourself at Rawnsley Park Station. These outback-inspired, luxurio us eco villas are just perfect for couples. Nestled at the foot of the ranges, your little hideaway is secluded and private. Fresh and modern, the self-contained accommodation features over-bed skylights, enabling guests to lie in bed and star-ga ze. They have sleek, chic bathrooms, fully equipped kitche ns, and wide verandahs – perfect for sundowners and wildlife spotting. During the day, walking tours, scenic flights, four wheel drive tours, mountain biking, scenic flights and sheep sheeri ng all make for exciting adventures. Rawnsley Park recently won the Best Unique Accommodat ion and Ecotourism categories at the SA Tourism Awards.


BULBS OF GOODNESS These humble beige bulbs offer abundant health benefits and are the fragrant basis for many a delightful dish. Autumn is the time to grow your own garlic at home. Chris Faram demonstrates. 54


Garlic is good for you Garlic (Allium sativum) is a powerhouse of nutritional benefits. Ongoing scientific research continues to reveal its amazing medicinal properties. A mighty antioxidant, this humble clove is a natural antibiotic and immune-booster, an anti-inflammatory, and can help lower blood pressure and reduce cholesterol.

Grow your own garlic If planted by Mother’s Day, your garlic will be ready for harvest in late spring to early summer. • Prepare the garden bed by digging in some compost and lime (For soils with a neutral to low pH.) Ensure the soil is well drained. • Break the bulb into cloves and plant in rows 4cm deep (deeper in warmer climates) with the pointy end up, 10cm apart, in full sun. • In a few weeks, green shoots will appear and grow. Top dress with blood and bone a few times, in late winter and spring. Keep the ground moist especially in spring. Reduce watering when signs of harvest appear: when leaves begin to brown.

Pests be gone Chilli and garlic insect spray You will need: 1 hot chilli, chopped 1 bulb garlic, crushed Splash of vinegar ¼ cup biodegradable dishwashing liquid 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 litre water 1. Place all ingredients into a bucket and allow infusing for five days. 2. Strain and place the liquid in spray bottles. Use on plants to deter pests such as aphids and whitefly, to name but a few.

• The bulb will start to dry-off to form a papery and protective layer. Gently dig the garlic from the soil with a trowel, (don’t pull), then hang it in a cool, dry place for a couple of weeks while the bulb dries off completely. • Store garlic by plaiting the leaves and hanging decoratively, as lots of whole bulbs in the kitchen, or remove the leaves and roots, just leaving a 4cm stem on the bulb. Keep these in a dark, cool, dry place. Correctly harvested and stored garlic can keep for six months.

Delicious dipping Lime and roasted garlic aioli Ingredients

3 large garlic cloves 1 egg yolk 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard 1 cup olive oil 1-2 tablespoons fresh lime juice A little lime zest

Method 1. Roast garlic in oven set to 180 °C until fragrant and soft. 2. Mash and allow cooling. 3. Whisk egg yolk and mustard together.

4. Continue to whisk while slowly adding a thin stream of olive oil. 5. When mixture thickens slightly, add lime juice, zest, and whisk again while continuing to add the remaining olive oil, whisking continually. 6. Add the mashed garlic and whisk until combined. Lots of whisking! 7. Season with salt and pepper. 8. Dip practically anything into this delicious aioli and enjoy some garlicky goodness.

Need to buy some garlic to plant? The Diggers Club is based at Heronswood in Dromana, Victoria. They stock a great range of organic garlic. You can also buy online: au.

Chris Faram is a passionate grower of organic food at home. Her business, Perfectly Good Food At Home, aims to inspire others to grow their own food. Contact Chris:, or Facebook: Perfectly Good Food At Home 55

k nit your own beanie (wint er's on its way)



Stocking St – Change to 4.00mm needles. Work 16 (24-32) rows stocking st in stripes of 2 rows Colour 2 and 6 rows Colour 1. Working remainder in stripes of 2 rows Colour 3 and 6 rows Colour 2, cont until beanie measures 9 (11-13) cm from end of rib, ending with a purl row and dec 4 (0-4) sts evenly in this row … 102 (110-110) sts.

Crown – Medium and Large sizes only – 1st row – K12, sl 1, K1, psso, (K1, K2tog, K22, sl 1, K1, psso) 3 times, K1, K2tog, K12 … 102 sts. Work 3 rows. All sizes … 102 sts. Next row – K11, sl 1, K1, psso, (K1, K2tog, K20, sl 1, K1, psso) 3 times, K1, K2tog, K11 … 94 sts. Work 3 rows. Next row – K10, sl 1, K1, psso, (K1, K2tog, K18, sl 1, K1, psso) 3 times, K1, K2tog, K10 … 86 sts. Work 3 rows.

Striped Beanie with Pom Pom MEASUREMENTS SMALL To Fit Head (cm)


Next row – K9, sl 1, K1, psso, (K1, K2tog, K16, sl 1, K1, psso) 3 times, K1, K2tog, K9 … 78 sts. Purl 1 row. Next row – K8, sl 1, K1, psso, (K1, K2tog, K14, sl 1, K1, psso) 3 times, K1, K2tog, K8 … 70 sts.




Purl 1 row. Next row – K7, sl 1, K1, psso, (K1, K2tog, K12, sl 1, K1, psso) 3 times, K1, K2tog, K7 … 62 sts. Purl 1 row.

2 balls each Colour 1 (green) and Colour 2 (pink), 1 ball Colour 3 (blue) or desired colours.

Next row – K6, sl 1, K1, psso, (K1, K2tog, K10, sl 1, K1, psso) 3 times, K1, K2tog, K6 … 54 sts.

• 1 pair each 3.75mm and 4.00mm knitting needles. • Wool needle for finishing. • Pom pom maker or piece of cardboard.

Next row – P5, P2tog, (P1, P2tog tbl, P8, P2tog) 3 times, P1, P2tog tbl, P5 … 46 sts.

TENSION 22 sts and 30 rows to 10cm over stocking st, using 4mm needles. Check your tension carefully. If less sts to 10cm use smaller needles, if more sts use bigger needles.

ABBREVIATIONS K = knit; dec = decrease; P = purl; psso = pass slipped st over; rep = repeat; sl = slip; sts = stitches; stocking st = knit right sides, purl wrong sides; tbl = through back of loops; tog = together.

Next row – K4, sl 1, K1, psso, (K1, K2tog, K6, sl 1, K1, psso) 3 times, K1, K2tog, K4 … 38 sts. Next row – P3, P2tog, (P1, P2tog tbl, P4, P2tog) 3 times, P1, P2tog tbl, P3 … 30 sts. Next row – K2, sl 1, K1, psso, (K1, K2tog, K2, sl 1, K1, psso) 3 times, K1, K2tog, K2 … 22 sts. Next row – P1, P2tog, (P1, P2tog tbl, P2tog) 3 times, P1, P2tog tbl, P1 … 14 sts. Break off yarn, thread end through remaining sts, draw up tightly and fasten off securely.


Using 3.75mm needles and Colour 1, cast on 106 (110-114) sts.

Ribbed Brim – 1st row – K2, * P2, K2, rep from * to end. 2nd row – P2, * K2, P2, rep from * to end. Last 2 rows form rib. Work a further 25 (29-29) rows rib.

Knit t e d in C le c k he a t on C ount ry


TO MAKE UP We recommend using mattress stitch to sew up your beanie. With a slightly damp cloth and warm iron, press lightly on wrong side, avoiding rib band. Join side edges to form back seam, reversing seam for rib (turn back brim). Using Colour 2 and a large pom pom maker or two circles of cardboard 12cm in diameter with a 3cm hole, make pom pom and attach securely to crown. 57


Be there

Enjoy exciting autumn events in your home state.

2014 AFL Premiership Season Begins March 14

The much anticipated return of the AFL Premiership Season kicks-off with a clash between Collingwood and Fremantle at Etihad Stadium. The excitement of opening round will be palpable as hoards of supporters flock to footy stadiums around Australia, to support their beloved teams.

Anzac Day

April 25

Honour our he roic diggers – present and fa llen – on the Anzac Day publ ic holiday. Intended to co mmemorate those who foug ht in the Battle of Gallipoli in W orld War I, and subsequent ba is marked with ttles, Anzac Day a series of daw n services and capital city arou m arches in each nd Australia. Sh ow your suppor wearing a sym t by attending, bolic red popp y or baking a ba tch of Anzac bi scuits.

Melbourne International Comedy Festival March 26 – April 20

king people Celebrating 28 years of ma urne “laugh out loud”, the Melbo l is one of International Comedy Festiva world. Indeed, the largest of its kind in the line-up of the festival attracts a stellar edians who local and international com cabaret, per form stand-up comedy, film, theatre, street per formance, arts. television, radio and visual

Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Australia Sydney, April 6-10

Gold Coast Film Festival April 3-13

are Over 75 per cent of Australian films it the ing mak st, Coa Gold produced in the Gold The val. festi film a for perfect host town se wca sho a is FF) (GC ival Coast Film Fest cts a of emerging screen culture that attra ram is prog The e. ienc aud rse culturally dive ed stag and g okin prov ght interactive, thou s. tion loca across various

Kangaroo Island Feastival South Australia, April 24-28

Intimacy is the dish of the day at the Kangaroo Island Feastival – A selection of over 15 exceptional dining events, set amidst the beautiful backdrop of Kangaroo Island. Highlights in 2014 include new “Table Surfing” events, “Meet the Maker” food and wine tastings and celebrity chefs. 58

The world’s leading designers converge on . Sydney for the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week n fashio l Despite being the only internationa festival in Australia, the festival maintains its focus on local designers, acting as a conduit between them, and international buyers, press and consumers. Fashion-lovers will relish a rainbow of runway shows and presentations.

Mother’s Day Classic May 11 Do something to help save a mum’s life this mother’s day and run or walk in the Mother's Day Classic. All proceeds from the event are donated to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, a not for profit that promotes and supports research into breast cancer prevention and treatment.

where to buy?

Vitality Brands products are available from the following leading retailers, Australia-wide:

Vitality Brands products are available from the following leading retailers throughout New Zealand: Â

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integrity team play Vitality Brands Worldwide is an Australian owned company dedicated to developing “wellness� products that help people feel healthier and happier, thereby influencing their lives in a positive way.

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