My Top 10 Natural Alternatives to Antibiotics WINTER 2019/2020
Circulation 60,000
OLD WORLD HERBAL REMEDIES for Coughs, Colds, Flu, and More
WINTERIZE YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM with Probiotics and Plants
HEALTH HAZARDS OF 5G TECHNOLOGY Citizens Urged to Take Action Before 5G Destroys All Living Things
PLUS: TCM for Autoimmune Disorders Winter Resource Directory Dec/Jan Horoscope Predictions Calendar of Winter Events
WINTER 2019 / 2020 FEATURES 6
HEALTH HAZARDS OF 5G TECHNOLOGY Concerns Increase About Radiation Risks
14 OLD WORLD HERBAL REMEDIES for Coughs, Colds, Influenza, and more
20 WINTERIZE YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM with Plants and Probiotics
28 TOP 10 ALTERNATIVES TO ANTIBIOTICS Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs, and more
36 RESOURCE DIRECTORY Centres & Schools; Vacations, Retreats, Getaways
38 TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE for Autoimmune Disorders
COLUMNS 46 Sacred Journeys
Kim Elkington
48 Sun Sign Predictions: Dec/Jan
Julie Simmons
60 SERVICE DIRECTORY Toronto’s Comprehensive Monthly Health Resource
62 CLASSIFIEDS ................................................................................................ Vitality magazine is a member of the following organizations: n
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Woodford Files Welcome to our final issue of 2019. Ignited by research and commentary from some of our top writers, this issue carries a torch for good medicine. With it, we shine a light into the darkness of these troubled times, when conventional ‘healthcare’ seems to have become an obedient servant of the pharmaceutical industry. For example, earlier this year the World Health Organization listed antibiotic resistance [caused by drug overprescribing] as one of the top 10 threats to human health. Yet according to the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada’s 2019 Report, overuse of antibiotics continues to be a problem. In Canada, it is estimated that as many as one third of the 24 million prescriptions dispensed each year are not necessary. Thankfully, there are viable alternatives to the standard medical model, and our job is to show you the way. This month, Dr. Zoltan Rona offers his “Top 10 Natural Alternatives to Antibiotics,” highlighting the most effective vitamins, minerals, and herbs for preventing and even treating infections that are typically treated with drugs. This is valuable for those wishing to avoid the hospitals and clinics that are breeding grounds for antibiotic-resistant superbugs. Here at Vitality, we have been fortunate to publish Canada’s top independent health magazine for the past 30 years, offering it free of charge to the community, thanks to the generous support of our advertisers.
Because of them, we have been able to offer you an alternative voice in healthcare. Alas, there comes a time when even the mightiest publications must face the reality of dwindling advertising support for print magazines as advertisers gradually shift their dollars to the online world. Thus we are finding that Vitality is no longer able to sustain six print issues per year. So the next phase of our evolution will involve reducing our print magazine’s frequency to four times per year, while increasing our digital newsletter frequency to 12 times per year and expanding the content on our website to include videos and international contributors. The plan is to find a new model of sustainability by trimming our overhead and at the same time increasing content. The next issue of Vitality you see will be our Spring issue, released in early March, which will cover the months of March, April, and May. After that will come our Summer issue (in June), followed by our Fall issue (in September), and finally our Winter issue (in December). The best way to stay on top of these new developments is to get on our email list by sending a request to: subscribe And keep in mind that all of our print articles will also be published on our website where you can go to comment on them, read other people’s comments, and share links on your social media and with friends and family. Another fun thing: Vitality’s digital magazine is now appearing on our home page, where the ads and articles can be viewed by readers around the world. Have a great winter. See you in March! Julia Woodford
Vitality magazine is published 6 times per year (bi-monthly). It is released in the first week of every other month, the advertising deadline is the 7th of the month prior. Subscription rates are $44 (incl. hst) for 1 year, $79 (incl. hst) for 2 yrs. U.S. subscriber rate is $110/yr. Overseas subscriber rate is $220/yr. For a FREE SUBSCRIPTION to our digital magazine, please visit our website at: We welcome contributions from writers, photographers, and others. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without written consent. For ADVERTISING inquiries email: or write to us at: Vitality Magazine, 356 Dupont St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5R 1V9 Tel: (416) 964-0528 ISSN 1180-0291 Established Oct. 1989 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: While we recognize that, in some ways, our world is in crisis, we feel a great need at the same time to provide an antidote to the very distressing messages being broadcast worldwide. To help initiate new visions, we aim to inform you of the many worthwhile choices available for a healthy, fulfilling lifestyle. We welcome your participation, as we recognize the importance of our readers as an unlimited source of information about Ontario’s evolution in this new age of wellness in body and soul. All Vitality articles represent the views of the writer, and not necessarily those of the publisher. We accept no responsibility for the variability in outcomes achieved by the usage of these views, and they are not meant to replace the advice of a physician.
THE LOOMING THREAT OF 5G Experts Call on Government to Protect us From Devastating Effects of Radiation BY HELKE FERRIE
But it is not possible to recover from 5G, should it be rolled out as planned. Once those prerequisite 53,000 satellites are launched into space orbiting the earth to enable the millions of antennae to be installed at intervals of a few hundred feet over the earth, and once that so-called Internet of Things has been switched on, the entire planet will be radiated with non-ionizing radiation at a 30 to 40% increase over its current “safe” limit of radiation, as reported to the United Nations. Thus it will not be possible to opt out. Industry-protective legislation and court orders have already been established, so you can’t opt out. This 5G technology would radiate the whole world 24/7 and effect you even if you don’t own a cell phone, even if you manage to establish a cabin on Mount Everest, or put up a tent in the Sahara Desert. The Internet of Everything Can Even Monitor Your Kid’s Diapers
“Never in human history has there been such a practice as we now encounter with the marketing and distributing of products hostile to the human biological system.” – Robert C. Kane, Motorola cell phone engineer, died in 2002 from radiation-caused glioma, author of Cell Phone Russian Roulette “If you are not currently working on stopping 5G, it means you don’t understand it. When you understand it, nothing else matters anymore because this is about the survival of you and your children and this planet.” – Claire Edwards ( “Digital authoritarianism is not, alas, the stuff of dystopian fantasy but an emerging reality. It’s bigger than the atomic age – but it is like nuclear power in that it is capable of both good and harm.” – UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson addressing the UN October 24, 2019
f you thought that things couldn’t get any worse these days, I am here to tell you that there is something worse than genetically engineered foods, pharmaceutical drugs based on fraudulent research, pesticides, epidemics, weaponized ticks responsible for Lyme Disease, and worse even than war and climate change. It is called 5G. There are ways to escape all the others, and humanity has recovered from those disasters – we can choose to eat organic, refuse toxic pharmaceuticals and find effective alternative treatments, learn about fraudulent research, and tackle climate change.
The sales pitch for 5G is that it is a faster, more efficient, and more successful data-capturing method than all previous wireless devices, and will connect everything with everything else. But this is not true. “The only reason for 5G is to promote the Internet of Things, so that your refrigerator can talk to your coffee pot and your child’s diaper,” stated Devra Davis, internationally renowned researcher and author of Disconnect. This is not a joke. This is fact. Devices exist that can be placed in a diaper to alert mothers when to change it. For Davis,“This is criminal. And we should never accept the idea that because we can do something, we should do it.” The concept is best explained in a statement made by Tom Wheeler, then chairman of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC), who announced on June 20, 2016 that “American ingenuity” would be “unleashed” to ensure “American world leadership in 5G” so that all humans would benefit from that “powerful processing centralized in the Cloud wirelessly connected to clients: autonomous vehicles will be controlled in the Cloud. Smart-city energy grids, transportation networks, and water systems will be controlled in the Cloud. Immersive education and entertainments will come from the Cloud… 5G will connect the Internet of Everything. If something can be connected it will be connected in a 5G world… from pill bottles to plant waterers.” He neglected to mention that banks and hospitals and all security data can only be truly safe if transmitted through fibre optic cables which use the same speed as 5G. To enforce this brave new world, regardless of anybody’s consent, Wheeler stated that “technology should drive policy rather than policy drive technology; we will not wait for standards to be first developed.” In other words, they won’t let facts or standards get in the way of this plan, and to heck with governments and their debates on behalf of the public, the individual’s fundamental right to free choice, and
sight of any kind. The FCC is not answerable to government. They are legally exempt from accountability to anyone. In January, the FCC removed even the public notice requirement, so that 5G can be installed “without notice, hearings, or appeals.” And what the FCC wants to force down our throats is presumed to be forceable on the entire world population. American imperialism has ceased to be a metaphor. Radiation From Smart Meters and Automobiles Is Already a Problem
In Canada, the same thing was done with Smart-Meters which emit radiation at higher levels than even allowed by our antiquated Safety Code 6. It took me years to figure out why I experienced excruciating pain whenever I walked into our living room and had headaches when preparing dinner. Sleep became only possible when our main hydro breaker was switched off at night. Hydro One told me they would be happy to cut off all electricity, if I wished, but the SmartMeter would have to stay as legislated (even though it radiated well above Code 6 limits!) We were able to obtain some relief when our house was cleaned up from electro-smog by Building Biologist Robert Steller. ( Now I live on Manitoulin Island – off the grid with no Wi-Fi at all. Recently, after purchasing a new car, we got headaches as well as leg and hip pains when driving for more than a few minutes. After disabling the Wi-Fi fuses and then removing the spare key fob from the glove compartment (which was in constant electronic “cross-talk” with the fob inserted in the ignition), it was possible again to drive and survive. For 5G to be fully operational, 56,000 satellites and the installation of millions of antennae every 300 feet are required. That is supposed to start in 2021 in Canada. Courtesy of the plutocrats at Amazon, Google and Apple, these satellites will be built and launched. This 5G plan is possible only if no changes are made to Canada’s current 40-year old Safety Code 6. If that and the U.S. standards set by the FCC were to be updated to reflect current published science on the health hazards of electromagnetic radiation, 5G would not be permitted to go forward. The proposed 5G rollout violates 15 international treaties, including Article 7 of the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights derived from the Nuremberg Code of 1947, the Declaration of Helsinki, and hundreds of national laws around the world. President Trump interestingly draws the line at 5G interfering with his Mar-a-Lago estate. He and his billionaire friends in Palm Beach, Florida, “have obtained a key exemption from 5G rollout plans,” as reported in Palm Beach Daily News on May 3, 2017. It limits installation of 5G equipment to prevent an “aesthetic disaster,” said Palm Beach Mayor Gail Coniglio. In Canada, a Supreme Court decision of June 16, 2016 affirmed the rights of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) to take precedence over municipal 8
rights surrounding antenna installations. Therefore no exemptions are possible. Has the Public Been Kept in the Dark About Impact of Radiation?
Words like “criminal” and “fraudulent” need justification. Something is criminal if harm is knowingly inflicted. Something is fraudulent when facts are knowingly misrepresented, usually to achieve a desired end harmful to others. These terms also apply to withholding information and thereby failing to prevent harm. Back in 1972, there were already 2,800 studies showing biological effects and harm from microwave radiation, which had been conducted and published by the military. As of today, more than 60 international appeals have been made to stop the 5G rollout and to update so-called safety limits to reflect known science and known epidemiological harm. And yet, in Canada all governments have ignored this. (Imagine, if our building codes were unchanged for 50 years!) According to the website founded by Trent University’s Magda Havas, “What is most amazing is that the current Safety Code 6 was supposed to be amended back in the 70s to provide far lower safety levels in accordance with knowledge then. The pre-1977 levels were based on thermal (burn) effects observed from radar exposure during WW II. After the atom bombs were dropped, non-ionizing radiation was discovered. It was unknown before. It breaks DNA
The harm caused by strands. Our Safety Code 6 cell phone technology is reflects WWII science due to its high pulsation; before atom bombs and has this pulsing is known to ignored all science published break DNA strands, thus since.” leading to cancer. It also On the Canadian governcreates cellular oxidative ment’s website you will find stress, and causes vitamin a Fact Sheet designed to disB12 deficiency which pel “common myths”. Yet disables the central every item on the Fact Sheet nervous system. has been proven incorrect by thousands of studies to date. The government even has the temerity to deny that this type of radiation causes cancer by asserting that the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) got it wrong in 2011 when classifying it as a potential carcinogen like asbestos and lead. The Fact Sheet repeats ad nauseam that Canadians are protected as long as they follow safety guidelines. But Code 6 is based on no safety studies whatsoever.
Pulsating Radiowaves Already Proven Harmful
Our cell phone technology, all of it, does not present a thermal problem – its documented harm and potential dangers are due to its high pulsation. This pulsing is known to break DNA strands, thus leading to cancer. It also creates cellular oxidative stress, causes vitamin B12 deficiency which disables the central nervous system, harms the mitrochondria (energy cells inside each cell) so they produce less and less energy, causes autism by harming fetal brain development, disables the cryptochrome controlling navigation in the brains of insects including bees, which means they cannot pollinate. (All birds and fish also rely on these navigational abilities.) The ruinous effect of pulsing radiation on trees and vitally important soil bacteria is also documented. The U.S. national toxicology program spent $30 million on a ten-year experimental study to determine if pulsating radiation causes damage to animals. The results were subjected to an unprecedented triple peer review and showed beyond doubt that animal hearts and brains were damaged and cancers caused. This kind of study would normally be “a slam dunk in the world of science,” Devra Davis observes. But the study was declared as not applicable to humans by the FDA’s radiology director. (His wife was in charge of medical devices, such as in radiology for Arnold & Porter, and the conflict between fact and profit came down on the side of protecting profit.) Another worrisome effect of 4G – amplified enormously by the proposed 5G – is the deleterious effect on reproduction – animal and human, which is already happening. The Cleveland Clinic has for 10 years been reporting research on the catastrophic decline of male sperm in humans (less than 50% of what it was 25 years ago) due to Wi-Fi exposure. This effect compelled the government of India to reduce its cell towers’ radiation intensity to 1% of that 10
emitted by Western towers. Infertility in India, both in men and women, has become the primary health problem. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has outlawed 5G for now. Meanwhile, in other parts of the world, populations have dramatically declined within a couple of years in Singapore, some Philippine islands, and South Korea. Singapore has refused 5G, as did Florence, Rome, Brussels, the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. In the U.S., Senator Richard Blumenthal observed about 5G that, given there are no safety studies, “we’re kind of flying blind as far as health and safety are concerned.” This is literally, quite possibly, because 5G interferes with weather forecasting and ocean navigation, as NOAA (National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration) reports. Finally, NATO has come out against it too. UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson addressed the UN on October 24, demonstrating that he is well informed about 5G and totally outraged. He is supported by the biggest insurance com-
“Disconnect” by Devra Davis
panies in the world: Swiss Re, Lloyds of London, and others have refused to insure 5G technology. Everybody working in 5G hopes to cash in on a projected $17 trillion market. That market includes you and me. We must stop this and we can. Now the greed and stupidity of the “market” has hit the wall: money has become more important than life itself and many governments are almost co-opted, ours included. Former Microsoft CEO Frank Clegg’s organization, C4ST, wrote to the Canadian government on September 15, 2017, demanding that the International EMF Scientists’ Appeal be accepted to stop this projected devastation of life. Please read it and support that demand with your MP. Everyone needs to sign the
petition. Vitality’s extended online version of this article has all the sources, resources, and a suggested action plan listed to help enable your involvement. I personally will send a copy of this article with a covering letter to every MP in Ottawa. I hope you all will join me in defending life as we know it, and stop this potential catastrophe in its tracks. Sources & Resources: • - for 2019 5G Summit transcripts • C4ST Frank Clegg letter Sept 15, 2017 • PACE – Planetary Association for Clean Energy – • Devra Davis, Disconnect: The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation; 2010 For the complete set of sources and resources, see the extended version of this article posted at: Editor’s notes: - At the 2019 Whole Life Expo, Andrew Michrowski gave two talks on the subject of 5G. To see the lecture descriptions or order audio recordings, email: – On January 25, 2020, there will be a global day of protest entitled: “International Appeal: Stop 5G on Earth and In Space”. For more information, and to sign the online appeal, go to:
Old World Herbal Remedies for Coughs, Colds, Influenza and Other Winter Ailments ~ BY LINDA GABRIS
HERBAL hen I was a kid growing up in the TEAS & rural woods of INFUSIONS Muskoka, my grandma had a cure for almost every comSage Tea for Sore mon ailment. Folks would Throat, Upset come from miles around to Stomach, Gas – To make sage tea from the seek her advice for treating fresh plant use 2 Tbsp their health complaints. fresh sage leaf, or 1 tsp As a girl, I took as much dried plant, in a heated pride in grandma’s doctoring teapot and cover with 1 skills as she did, for I was the cup of boiling water. one who helped tend her Steep 5 minutes. Add herb gardens and trek lemon if using as treatthrough backyard woodlands ment for sore throat. in search of the “medicinal Sweeten with honey if pickings” that she used in you wish.[1] her concoctions. In China, sage tea is Today, grandma’s old docrecommended for toring journals with their many ailments including handwritten entries are some Homemade Herbal Cough Syrup blends sage, bad nerves, ulcers, liver of my most prized possesthyme, rosemary, and mint with fresh grated and kidney troubles, and sions, and whenever I’m feelor dried organic ginger root and to reduce fever.[2] ing under the weather I turn to a sweetener such as local honey Grandma notes that cold the fragile yellowed pages of sage tea can be used as a those cherished scribblers to seek a cure for my discomforts. Sometimes a quick inspir- cleansing wash for cuts, sores, and wounds. It can also be ing read of the stories behind her recipes is all I need to pick used as a hair rinse, in which case I usually brew it up a litme up. Other times, I’ll take her advice and prepare a cup tle stronger. It adds shine, helps prevent split ends, and of herbal tea or a special tonic. In my book, preparing one leaves hair smelling naturally clean with no trace of the of her old prescriptions is the next best thing to having heavy fragrance often found in commercial rinses. grandma care for me in person. Of course, she would always recomThyme Tea for Cough and Bronchitis, and Oregano Tea for mend that folks who were feeling poorly Sinusitis – Thyme makes a comforting due to unknown causes seek the advice cup of tea that is useful for breaking up of a medical practitioner; that sound coughs associated with bronchitis. It advice should still be followed today! can be made by steeping 2 Tbsp fresh But for the common upsets of daily livplant, or 1 tsp dried plant, per cup of ing, nothing beats these natural Old boiling water for 15 minutes. Oregano World cures. tea is a good treatment for sinus conNext time you’re under the weather, gestion. Make it the same as you would try one of the remedies that follow and thyme tea. A blend of the two herbs see if you don’t immediately feel much makes a potent tea for fighting any cold better. Sage Tea or influenza virus.
Dandelion Tea to Boost the Immune System – Grandma has
written that this tea is good for warding off cold and ’flu. It is also noted as a good cleanser for the intestines and helps prevent bloating from overindulgence in rich foods (good to remember at holiday time). To make the tea from fresh plant material, simply put a handful of fresh picked, washed flowers in the teapot, cover with boiling water and steep for 5 minutes. To make it with dried plant material, use 2 Tbsp dried flowers per cup of water. The tea can be sweetened with honey and served hot to ward off cold and ’flu in winter, or served cold with a bit of lemon to cool down the body in summertime. Chamomile Tea for Aiding Digestion and Warding off Heartburn –
This fragrant tea is reputed to aid digestion and should be served before mealtime. To make it, put 3 Tbsp fresh chamomile flowers or 1 Tbsp dried flowers into a warmed teapot, cover with boiling water and steep for 5 minutes. Strain into a teacup. It also alleviates mild nausea, so is good for easing morning sickness in pregnant women as well as seasickness in travellers. Parsley Tea for Halitosis, Sore Throat and Mouth – This tea is
good for treating bad breath, sore throat, and mouth infections.[3] To make tea from fresh plant material, put several sprigs of parsley in the teapot, cover with 1 cup of boiled water and steep until all the goodness has been
leached out of the plant, about 15 minutes. To make it from the dried herb, use 1 tsp per cup, although grandma has it written that fresh plant, especially in this case, is much more potent. Like her, I keep a window box in my sunroom all winter long in order to have fresh herbs readily available for recipes. Or buy organically grown herbs if possible.
Mint Tea
Calming Clover Tea for Bad Nerves and Bronchitis – Clover tea is a very calming drink and a good
treatment for bronchitis.[4] Species of clover include red, white, purple, pink and yellow flowered plants from which the best teas are made. Clover flowers can be steeped fresh but the tea is more fragrant when made from dried flowers. Clover flowers can be dried by spreading them on a sheet of clean cloth or waxed paper and drying them in a warm sunny place until the moisture is gone, about 2 to 3 weeks. To make tea, use 1 Tbsp dried crushed flowers per cup of boiling water. Sweeten the tea with clover honey if you like. Mint Tea for Bloating, Gas, Colds, and ‘Flu – Garden and wild mints make delightful teas that are very good for treating bloating and gas caused by gas-producing foods such as dried beans and lentils. They are also wonderful for the sheer pleasure of drinking, and exert a cooling effect on the inflammatory effects of colds and ‘flus.[5] Wild mint or garden mint, peppermint, spearmint, and lemon balm are all good in the teapot. Use a small handful of fresh plant per cup of boiling water, or 1 Tbsp dried plant. Lavender Tea for Depression, Insomnia, Headaches – Nothing is more uplifting than catching a
whiff of lavender in the summer breeze. The good news is, you can grow lavender in your indoor herb garden all year round to fill your room with the calming scent. Of course, you can also dry the herb to use as a picker-upper when you’re feeling down and out, can’t sleep, or are suffering from headaches caused by stress.[6] To make the tea, use 2 Tbsp fresh lavender or 1 tsp dried plant per cup of boiling water. Steep 15 minutes. For headache, inhale the steam before drinking the tea. To cure insomnia, drink the tea while soaking in a bath to which you’ve added a good handful of dried plant for a relaxing scent before retiring. 16
MORE OLD WORLD REMEDIES Apple Cider Vinegar Preventive Medicine –
Organic unpasteurized apple cider vinegar is a tonic useful for treating different types of stomach ailments including diarrhea, bloating, gas, sour Rose Hip Tea stomach, traveller’s sickness, and mild cases of food poisoning. If you are nervous about getting stomach and bowel infections while traveling and eating away from home, bring along a bottle of apple cider vinegar. One teaspoon of the vinegar stirred into a glass of water and drunk half an hour before mealtimes helps ward off bacteria that cause upset stomach and diarrhea. To make the drink more palatable, especially for children, it can be sweetened with honey. Brandy Posset for Sleeplessness – Grandma warns that this relaxing posset should not be given to children, but works well at helping to induce sleep in fretting adults. The posset should be sipped slowly before bedtime. It calls for 3/4 cup of milk to be scalded. Add 1/4 tsp grated lemon rind, 1 Tbsp honey, and simmer until honey is dissolved. Stir in 1/4 cup brandy and heat through. Strain into cup and take upon retiring to bed. Rose Hip Cold Prevention Medicine – “Drink a cup of rose hip tea everyday all winter long and you’ll never catch a cold,” says grandma. This is preventive medicine that’s easy to swallow, and since rose hips are so plentiful and easy to gather, it’s old advice that I live by. Rose hips are at their best for gathering in the autumn after they have been nipped by frost. Gather the hips, and thumb out and discard the seeds (they contain bristles that irritate the mouth and stomach). Spread hips on a cloth and let dry in warm place until shriveled. Or buy dried hips at health food stores. Rose hips contain more vitamin C than oranges and are a rich source of iron, calcium, and phosphorous. They make a very nourishing cup of tea. Put about 3 Tbsp dried hips in the teapot and cover with boiling water. Steep 15 minutes, and drink. When the teapot is empty, I like to sweeten the hips with honey and eat them for good measure!
HOMEMADE HERBAL COUGH SYRUP Grandma has recorded many recipes for homemade cough syrup; this one is my favourite. It seems to ease the cough as soon as it is taken. To make, add 3 cups fresh mixed herbs or 1/2 cup dried herbs into 2 cups of water. Herbs to choose from are sage, thyme, rosemary, parsley, lavender, oregano, borage and mint.[7] You can also add dried plan18
tain leaf, crushed dried clover blossom, chamomile flowers, dried raspberry leaves, ground wild ginger rhizomes or fresh grated or dried organic ginger root to the herb measure. Bring mixture to a boil, simmer about 20 minutes or until reduced to half. Remove from heat, cover and steep until cold. Strain liquid into clean pan. Put back on stove and add 1 cup of creamed clover honey. Heat until blended. Cool. Pour into sterilized bottle and cap. Take 1 tsp as needed. Store the cough syrup in a cool place and it will save indefinitely. Linda Gabris is an avid cook who enjoys sharing her grandmother’s old recipes and medicinal preparations. Over the years Linda has instructed numerous international cooking courses in Prince George, B.C. References and Resources [1] -to-ease-a-cold-with-herbs [2] [3] [4] [5] 973/best-tea-for-cold/ [6] Lavender benefits: [7]
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hen clients ask me what they can do to avoid respiratory infections during the winter months, they are often surprised that the first thing I recommend is a good probiotic supplement. Probiotics have been an integral part of my protocol for treatment of respiratory infections for three decades. The use of probiotics has The use of probiotics has long been recommended long been recommended in to replenish gut bacteria natural healing circles to after the use of antibiotics, replenish gut bacteria during and to aid treatment of and after the use of antibi- unfriendly microorganisms otics, and to assist the treatin the digestive tract; ment of overgrowth of now they are also being unhealthy organisms in the recognized as treatment digestive tract. In the latter for respiratory conditions situation, probiotics are known for their ability to compete with unfriendly microorganisms, thus shifting the balance in a more positive direction. Lesser known is the fact that probiotics also have the ability to compete with unfriendly microorganisms in the respiratory tract. Typically, probiotics are taken in the form of capsules and tablets that release their contents into the stomach (or duodenum if they are enteric coated) and therefore the organisms only reach the digestive tract. In order to broaden their benefits into the region of the respiratory tract, it is necessary to take probiotics in powder form mixed with water so that some of the organisms remain in the mouth and throat. From there they can spread deeper into the sinuses and lungs. Historically, the use of probiotics (even for the treatment of digestive disturbances) was considered as snake oil by the medical profession. But recently this has changed significantly. The variety and function of numerous organisms that live on the exterior and interior surfaces of our body has been extensively studied over the last decade. These organisms actually outnumber our own body cells by a factor of 9 or 10 to 1! In spite of this, we continue to routinely wipe them out with antibiotics, even though we have only just begun to understand their function.
The Delicate Dance of Microorganisms Within Us Recently, the term ‘gut microbiome’ has come into popular usage to describe the ecosystem of microorganisms that live in the gut. But in terms of the bigger picture, it slightly misses the point because it implies that the ecosystem is limited to microorganisms. In reality, distinct individual organisms, whether they be trees or dogs or human beings, are largely an illusion (like shamans and mystics have been saying for millennia). We exist, not as distinct entities, but as a series of relationships. Therefore the biome really consists of a complex interaction between the organisms that live on and in us and our body cells (ultimately it doesn’t end there because we are not separate from the environment that we live in). The complexity of interactions between the human body and the ‘other’ organisms that inhabit it is beyond comprehension. Because of this, disturbances of the balance of organisms within the microbiome are potentially connected to virtually any health disturbance that we suffer from! This needs to be considered in any holistic protocol. Furthermore, the tendency to attribute health imbalances to just one single cause, such as parasites, is not quite correct. Every person’s situation is a unique result of all the ways that they interact with the world in which they live.
Steps to Maintaining a Healthy Ecosystem Within the Body What we now know is that the benefits of probiotics for the prevention and treatment of infectious conditions goes way beyond ‘friendly’ microorganisms competing with ‘unfriendly’ microorganisms. The interplay between our microbiome and our immune system is integral to the normal functioning of our immune system and our body as a whole. It would not be an exaggeration to say that, in many ways, our microbiome is part of our immune system even though its members do not contain our DNA. Our immune system is not designed to work in isolation from the world within and around us. It is designed to work with our micro-
biome, not against it. This means that a ciently and there are carbohydrates, prohealthy ecosystem on the surface of our teins, and lipids in the gut that are not getbody is a prerequisite to a healthy ecosystem ting broken down and absorbed, this will “within” our body. Maintaining a healthy shift the balance towards the growth of microbiome is essential to our wellbeing. organisms that eat these nutrients instead of The microbiome of each individual is primarily those that eat fibre. In short, it is unique. It depends on many factors such as impossible to have a healthy immune system where we live, what we eat, our history of if we don’t have a healthy digestive system! Fructo-oligosaccharides the use of antibiotics and other antimicroOn a symptomatic level, taking probiotic (FOS) such as inulin are bials (including natural ones!), and other supplements can, to some degree, help to common in roots of plants factors. To promote the growth of healthy compensate for poor digestive function. from the Aster family. microorganisms, the best place to start is They are an excellent food However, in reality it’s the other way around. our diet. When our digestive system is source for many species of In order to have a healthy microbiome we functioning properly, carbohydrates, proneed to eat the right diet and we need a beneficial gut bacteria. teins and lipids are broken down into their Jerusalem artichokes have healthy digestive system to properly digest a mild flavour and good component parts and absorbed into the the food we eat. texture, making them a body. The only thing that should be left over palatable and delicious Prebiotics Promote a and eliminated is fibre, which primarily food source of FOS Healthy Microbiome consists of carbohydrates with chemical bonds that our digestive enzymes can’t A diet that supports a healthy microbiome break down. Not surprisingly, the kinds of microorganisms is one that includes a lot of vegetables and fruits. It should that should be living in a healthy digestive tract are prima- be rich in fibre and complex carbohydrates. Of particular rily organisms that eat fibre. When our diet does not importance are soluble fibres such as pectins in fruits, as include sufficient fibre it will disturb the balance of organ- well as mucilaginous fibres such as those found in flax, chia isms living in our gut. and psyllium seeds, and oat bran. Foods that promote a Similarly, if the digestive system is not functioning effi- healthy microbiome are called prebiotic.
One group of prebiotics that have received attention is the fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS). These are relatively small polysaccharide molecules primarily composed of the sugar fructose. They contain chemical bonds that our digestive enzymes can’t break down so that they are part of the fibre component of our diet. They are an excellent food source for many species of beneficial gut bacteria. Fructo-oligosaccharides such as inulin are very common in the latex of the roots of plants from the Aster family. They occur in the roots of many common herbs such as purple coneflower (Echinacea spp.), dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), chicory (Cichorium intybus) and elecampane (Inula helenium). Although, for therapeutic purposes, I primarily use these herbs in the form of fresh root tinctures, when using them as prebiotics it is better to take them as a tea because the amount of herb required per unit dose is much higher to make a tea than a tincture and quantity is important for prebiotics. Purple coneflower and elecampane roots are a bit too strong for this purpose. Dandelion, burdock, and chicory are better. Even better still is to eat them. If you would prefer something with a milder flavour and better texture, try Jerusalem artichokes (Helianthus tuberosus). They are from the same family but, because they are tuberous, they are milder and more palatable as a food. Still on the subject of diet, many fermented foods such as yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, and miso tend to be
both prebiotic and probiotic. Some of the important dietary factors that contribute to an unhealthy microbiome are processed foods and overconsumption of simple carbohydrates (sugars) and animal proteins.
digestion. However, excessive pungency (hot spices) can over-stimulate our digestive system. Mild to medium pungency is best. Many aromatic spices such as cinnamon Many aromatic spices such as cinnamon, (Cinnamomum verum), sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum), thyme sweet basil, thyme, oregano, marjoram, Boost Your Digestion with (Thymus vulgaris), oregano and rosemary not only aid digestion the Right Foods and Herbs (Origanum vulgare), marjoram (O. but are antimicrobial as well The flip side of the diet discussion majorana) and rosemary is good digestive function. To promote a healthy digestive (Rosmarinus officinalis) not only aid digestion but are system it is important that we don’t overeat, and that we antimicrobial as well! minimize snacking so that we don’t overwhelm our digesAs you can see, the health of our microbiome, digestive tive system. It is important that our stomach be empty of system, and immune system are interconnected. Therefore, the contents of our previous meal before we eat the next one important way to boost our immune function and preone, rather than working it constantly because we are eating vent infection is to eat a good diet, make sure our digestive too much, too frequently. It’s also best if we don’t eat any- system is functioning well, and support the health of our thing for at least two hours before we go to bed and that we microbiome. are in a calm, relaxed state when we eat, and for at least an Since no matter how healthy our lifestyles and diets are, hour afterwards. there are still going to be factors that can disturb the balBitter, aromatic, and warming herbs promote the produc- ance of organisms in our gut, the periodic use of a good tion of digestive enzymes. A good digestive tincture or tea probiotic supplement is an important part of a healthy regbefore or after a meal can be helpful (before is best). Some imen. of our best digestive herbs are common spices, and the libHowever, it’s important to keep in mind that healthy eral use of spices in cooking also helps promote good lifestyle practices are the most important thing to focus on.
Probiotics in Action Taking probiotics all of the time is not recommended. I generally recommend taking them once per day for a month, a couple of times per year. In particular, it’s recommended to take them just before those times when we are most likely to get sick. In most of the northern hemisphere, the months of September, December, and March are particularly good times to take probiotics. It is important to add probiotics to water in powder form and swish each mouthful around in the mouth for a bit before swallowing. This will ensure that some of the culture gets into the mouth and throat, a key step because the mouth and throat are the primary entry point into the body for most pathogenic organisms. We need to have a healthy microbiome in this area to prevent pathogens from taking hold. It is not necessary to buy probiotics in powder form. They actually keep better in capsules. Simply open up the capsule and pour the contents into a glass of water. The effectiveness of a probiotic supplement can be enhanced by taking it with a prebiotic. The best way to do that is to take the probiotic in warm (not hot) water and add a tablespoon of some source of mucilaginous fibre. Psyllium husks or whole flax or chia seeds (or some combination of them) work best. It is important not to use ground flax or chia seeds because grinding them releases other nutrients that stimulate stomach acid production. In this application we want to use them strictly as a fibre supplement, not as a source of other nutrients. You don’t have to wait until the fibre gels before you drink it (most people find this unpleasant). It will gel quickly in your stomach as long as the water is warm. Choosing a good probiotic supplement is also important. It should contain at least 10 billion active cells. It is also important that it contain at least six or more different strains of bacteria, preferably twelve or more. There was a time when it was almost impossible to get strains other than Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum. Fortunately, there are now many other strains available. It is important that a probiotic supplement also contain L. plantarum, L. rhamnosus and L. salivarius. (Also, the Organic Herbal Facials Energetic Facial Rejuvenation Acupressure Facial Toning Organic Back Treatments Aromatherapy Massage MONIKA GHENT 416.537.8842
requirements of infants are different than adults. If you are giving probiotics to children up to the age of one or two, make sure you choose a product that is specific for that age.) In addition to using probiotics to help boost our immune system and prevent infection in general, they should also be used under the following circumstances: – Whenever we travel (once per day beginning one week before we leave until one week after we return); – Whenever we are using antibiotics (concurrently and for one month following antibiotic use); they must be taken twice per day, at least one hour before or two hours after the antibiotics
– Or whenever we have a respiratory or digestive tract infection, take probiotics twice per day. Generally, the best time to take probiotics is 20 – 30 minutes before meals or bed. Before breakfast is best.
Get Ready for Winter So, getting back to my original point, I recommend that you always keep a good probiotic supplement on hand in your fridge. As soon as you feel like you might be getting sick, start taking it right away. It’s also best to have a good herbal tincture formulation for infections on hand and start taking that right away too. Make sure it’s one that contains some Aster family herbs so that they will help nurture your
microbiome as well. The key is to have them on hand as soon as you need them. The sooner we start using them, the quicker and more effective the results. Thus prepared, we are ready for winter! Michael Vertolli is a Registered Herbalist practising in Vaughan (just north of Toronto). He is the Director of Living Earth School of Herbalism, which offers in-class and online general interest courses, certificate, and diploma programs. For more information: call 905-303-8723, ext. 1. Visit his website at: Blog: (See ad on page 57.) Upcoming Workshop: A 6-Day Intensive Experiential Workshop in Maple Sweet, July 25 - 30, 2020. For more information on this and other courses conducted by Living Earth, visit their website.
My Top 10 Natural Alternatives to Antibiotics BY DR. ZOLTAN P. RONA, MD, MSc.
Most people require at least one or more of the natural antibiotics listed below to prevent influenza, colds, and other infections
CTV News story filed on Nov. 13, 2019 reported that a B.C. woman had filed a lawsuit against a Vancouver hospital for the wrongful death of her husband as a result of hospital-acquired infection and subsequent failed antibiotics. This is just one example of what some describe as a growing epidemic of antibiotic-resistant superbugs killing patients. In fact, experts say that drug resistant bacteria could kill as many as 400,000 Canadians and cost the economy about $400 billion over the next 30 years. I’m certain that more lawsuits are to follow. Is Canada returning to the pre-antibiotic era of the early 20th Century? Penicillin and many other antibiotics no longer work because of clever bacteria that have adapted to resisting them. Major media outlets are reporting more and more about the rise of antibiotic-resistant superbugs. Many of you may have now heard of the ever increasing deaths as a result of C. Difficile and MRSA infections, just to name a few of the superbugs. These bugs are responsible for 5,400 deaths in Canada a year, a figure that just might be an underestimation of the total number of deaths caused by bacteria that have learned how to avoid being affected by commonly, and even uncommonly, prescribed antibiotics. The annual death rate from superbugs now rivals that of the number of people dying because of Alzheimer’s disease in Canada annually. What can be done about this growing public health concern? Is improving personal hygiene the only effective plan of action? Is using less antibiotics in our food supply something that should be done? Do we force doctors to prescribe fewer antibiotics for infections? Aside from pushing vaccines, and something called phage therapy (the use of virus28
es to kill bacteria), mainstream medicine hasn’t got much else that can effectively treat infections. More toxic and expensive drugs and amputations are not exactly desirable treatments. Is there anything you can do on your own initiative to prevent or treat an infection without antibiotics? What about natural antibiotics?
DIET & LIFESTYLE Health care practitioners will often tell you to wash your hands frequently to reduce the spread of microbes. You see antibacterial soaps in hospitals, doctor’s offices, banks, tennis clubs, gyms, grocery stores, and elsewhere. But I recommend that you avoid using these at all cost. These products are not only quite toxic to your skin but can only make matters worse for your immune system. These soaps contain triclosan and triclocarban, two ingredients recently exposed by the U.S. FDA to be neither safe nor effective infection preventers. Keep your hands clean but use natural soaps, tea tree oil cleansers, or those containing neem, aloe, or oregano oil. Sugar, highly allergenic foods, and stress can feed microbes and spread disease. Instead, try to follow a high protein, sugar-free, gluten-free and dairy-free organic diet with copious amounts of raw vegetables. In addition, exercise regularly and get enough sleep. Get yourself tested for food intolerances if you are unsure of the right kinds of foods to eat. This can be done through
a physician, a naturopath, or even online on your own from a selection of labs offering testing to the public. Stress weakens your immunity and it’s often difficult to keep it under control. This is why most people require at least one or more of the natural health products listed below to prevent influenza, colds and other infections.
VITAMIN D – Vitamin D deficiency is likely responsible for the high incidences of colds and ’flus during winter in Canada. By nature, vitamin D is antiinflammatory. Deficiency causes immune system weakness and chronic inflammation. Supplementing with 5,000 – 10,000 IU daily from October to May of each year is safe for most adults. It is effective for prevention of ’flus, colds, cancer, and approximately 200 different diseases. Humans manufacture their own antibiotic through vitamin D stimulation. It promotes the production of cathelicidin, a protein with natural antibiotic properties. Cathelicidin kills viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. The more vitamin D in the system, the more the body makes this antibiotic. For those unfortunate enough to get the ’flu, Dr. John Cannell of the Vitamin D Council recommends taking 50,000 IU daily of vitamin D at the first sign of the ’flu for 5 days, then dropping the level down to 5 - 10,000 IU daily for the winter season. This strategy can also be employed if you get the ’flu or a cold right after receiving the ’flu shot. Most conventional doctors do not believe you can get the ’flu after a ’flu shot. Then again, most conventional doctors continue to ignore the overwhelming evidence that vitamin D prevents infection. In any event, vitamin D is both great prevention and effective treatment for colds, ’flus, and probably many other infections. Vitamin D works even better if taken with vitamin K2. Both vitamins are anti-inflammatory and can prevent as well as treat infections successfully. Believe it or not, a conventional doctor recently put in a complaint to the College of Naturopathy about a naturopath who prescribed 10,000 IU daily for a mutual patient. The
claim was that this dose was toxic and would products like organic tempeh and miso, komcause kidney failure. This is nonsense since our bucha, natto, and apple cider vinegar. Other food bodies can make over 20,000 IU of vitamin D in sources of probiotics are sauerkraut and sourour skins at high noon in the summer without any dough breads. Ideally, one can get a good supply sign of toxicity. (What that doctor failed to disof probiotics from one or more of these foodclose was that the patient was already on several stuffs. If dietary sources are not easily available, prescription drugs that listed kidney failure as one supplemental probiotic powders and capsules are of the numerous side effects.) World authorities good alternatives. Choose a brand that has at least on vitamin D verify that up to 30,000 IU 10 different strains of friendly bacteria and Vitamin D is both great between 10 – 15 billion live organisms. daily for a healthy adult is perfectly safe and that periodic higher doses (50,000 IU daily prevention and effective treatment for colds, for 5 days) are also of no concern. COLOSTRUM – is the first mamma’flus, and probably ry secretion nourishment that any many other infections mammal, including humans, provides for its PROBIOTICS (lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, and numerous others) – newborn during the first 24 to 48 hours of are friendly bacteria that usually inhabit the gut, the oral life. First milking colostrum is available at most health food cavity, and the skin. They are well documented optimizers stores as a natural health product. Most people wanting to of the immune system. Probiotics function as natural prevent infections will take between 3 and 6 capsules daily antibiotics against unfriendly bacteria, viruses like the ’flu to prevent viral infections. and cold virus, as well as yeast like Candida albicans. Polio vaccine developer, Dr. Albert Sabin, discovered that Cultured dairy products like raw non-pasteurized cheese, colostrum contained antibodies against polio and recomyogurt, acidophilus milk, buttermilk, sour cream, cottage mended it for children susceptible to catching the disease. cheese, and kefir are the best-known sources of friendly bac- Well known colostrum components include interferon, teria. Equally effective probiotic sources include gamma globulin, growth hormone (GH), IgF-1 and protease cultured/fermented vegetables (cabbage, turnips, eggplant, inhibitors used by medical specialists in the treatment of cucumbers (pickles), onions, squash, olives and carrots), soy cancer, chronic viral infections including HIV, and autoim-
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mune diseases. Dr. Jeffrey Dach is one doctor who provides evidence in one of his recent publications that colostrum is three times more effective at preventing the ’flu than the ’flu shot. (Ed: See Resource List at end.)
VITAMIN C (ASCORBIC ACID) – 1000 mg or more daily has anti-viral and immune enhancing effects. Mega doses above and beyond bowel tolerance (dose that produces diarrhea) can be given intravenously to fight serious infections like Lyme disease as well as cancer. The daily requirement of vitamin C is still in debate but most would agree that the RDA of 60 mg is too low an estimate of actual human need. Vitamin C is used up quickly during conditions of stress, allergies, diseases like diabetes, and by tobacco smoke, drugs, antibiotics, alcohol, mercury, and other toxic heavy metals like lead and cadmium. Some vitamin C is stored in the adrenal glands, pituitary, brain, eyes, ovaries and testes and is in greater demand whenever the immune system or any connective tissue is stressed. The best food sources of vitamin C are the citrus fruits. Other fruits with high amounts of C include rosehips, acerola cherries, papayas, cantaloupes, and strawberries. The best vegetable sources are red and green peppers, garlic, onions, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, tomatoes, asparagus, parsley, dark leafy greens, cabbage, and sauerkraut. Vitamin C was first isolated from lemons in 1932 but it was well known to be a factor in the prevention of scurvy back in the 18th century. Vitamin C is used by the body in the formation of collagen, a protein required by all joints, ligaments, skin, cartilage, capillary walls, bones, teeth and connective tissue. Vitamin C is needed to help heal wounds and to maintain healthy blood vessels. It has been proven to help speed healing of burns, fractures, bedsores, ulcers and post-surgical wounds. Vitamin C may well be the most controversial of all the vitamins. Most of the medical establishment still objects to the use of mega doses of vitamin C for treatment of cancer, the ’flu, allergies, stress, adrenal fatigue or just about anything else. Yet there is a growing body of medical literature supporting the use of vitamin C in very high doses to both prevent and treat infections. Vitamin C in larger than physiological doses are successfully used to treat a wide range of viral, bacterial, fungal and inflammatory conditions including colds, ‘flus, mononucleosis, herpes simplex infections and shingles. Vitamin C boosts the production of interferon, a potent anti-viral and immune enhancing substance. Chronic inflammatory conditions not necessarily related to infectious disease will also respond to vitamin C therapy. These include arthritis, bursitis, gout (vitamin C pushes uric acid out of the body), asthma, and chronic musculoskeletal pain of any origin. One of the strategies that I have recommended for people who have just acquired an infection is something called “vitamin C to bowel tolerance.” When someone is plagued
The Book is available at our office.
with a viral infection, the Oil of Oregano is an tolerance for high doses of effective natural antibiotic that works against vitamin C is greatly numerous infectious enhanced. It takes far higher diseases, including doses of vitamin C to prothose that are proven duce loose bowel moveto be resistant to ments which occur at the prescription antibiotics vitamin C tolerance dose. Pushing vitamin C to that level will produce a strong anti-viral and anti-histaminic effect, reducing all the signs and symptoms of the common cold and the ’flu. Doses of 20,000 mg or more might be required to reach that bowel tolerance level when, ordinarily in times of good health, the bowel tolerance dose might just be 3,000 mg daily. In other words, the sicker you are, the higher the dose required.
ECHINACEA – 1000 mg or more of this very popular herb, taken daily, is well documented as an immune system booster used to both prevent and treat a long list of infections. Echinacea is best taken at the first sign of an infection. It is not only anti-viral but also antifungal. Lower doses yield poorer results. If you use echinacea, be bold and use a minimum of 1,000 mgs of the concentrated tincture or capsule a day. Side effects have been reported as minimal at virtually any dose. It is often said that echinacea shouldn’t be taken for long periods of time beyond a few weeks but this has never been proven to be detrimental. This false advice on limiting the length of time that one should be using Echinacea originates from a German study that actually said the opposite. Things can be lost in translation. One can supplement echinacea continuously for years without concerns. The other echinacea myth is that people who have autoimmune disease should not be taking it due to over-stimulation of their autoimmune disease. This too is nonsense since supplementing with echinacea increases the body’s production of hyaluronic acid, a well-known anti-inflammatory pain reliever. This is also one of the reasons why high dose Echinacea can be helpful to treat arthritis pain. Once again, to be healthier with autoimmune disease, take echinacea in large doses. Caveat: If you have a ragweed allergy you might react adversely to echinacea because it belongs to the same plant family.
OIL OF OREGANO – 2 to 4 drops, taken 3 times daily, is an effective natural antibiotic for numerous infectious diseases, including those that are proven to be resistant to prescription antibiotics. Oregano oil contains carvacrol, a phenol shown to stop the growth of multiple bacteria. It also contains thymol (a natural antifungal) and rosmarinic acid (a powerful antioxidant). Side effects are rarely, if ever, seen and the spicy taste can be offset by mix-
Continued on page 43 34
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Traditional Chinese Medicine for Autoimmune Disorders - Traditional Chinese
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he incidence of autoimmune disorders is on the rise in North America. According to Western medical theory, autoimmune disorders (AD) are caused by the body’s own immune system when it becomes unable to differentiate healthy from unhealthy cells. This results in the immune system attacking its When balance is own healthy tissues. Microorganisms such as restored in the body, the transplanted tissue donated by destructive mechanisms another person, bacteria, that trigger autoimmine disorders will stop; blood, and cancer cells can all then a lot of negative contribute to this disease, as can chemical toxins such as signs and symptoms medications and food preservof AD will begin to atives. improve Autoimmune disorders can destroy any type of body tissue. This tissue destruction can then cause abnormal growth or function of the organ. Blood components, including red blood cells, blood vessels, or skin are commonly affected. Another way that autoimmune responses can occur is from reactive antigens. For example, rheumatic fever may result from cross-reactive antigens affecting heart tissue. Western Medicine Approach
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Different types of autoimmune disorders include Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Addison’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Grave’s disease, Sjogren syndrome, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Vasculitis, Rett syndrome, and Diabetes Mellitus Type I and II. Signs and symptoms of autoimmune disorders include low-grade fever, weight loss, fatigue, dizziness, and general malaise. Diagnosis: Blood tests may reveal an elevated white blood cell count, along with high levels of special proteins called ‘complement proteins’ (which indicate an amplified immune response), as well as specific immunoglobulins or antigens. Western medicine treatment: In order to control the overactive immune response which is typical of autoimmune
disorders, Western medicine tends to use corticosteroids and immunosuppressants such as Cyclophosphamide and Azathioprine. These drugs can have powerful side effects for some patients; death has been known to result from regular consumption of such medications. Traditional Chinese Medicine Approach
In TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) theory there is no equivalent name for the Western medical term ‘autoimmune disorder.’ Instead, a person is generally diagnosed with one of four main disorders, depending on their signs and symptoms: 1) Liver heat or liver fire: This typically expresses itself in a person’s behaviour as deep frustration and anger. Physically, the tongue colour is red, the pulse is wiry and/or rapid, and the liver may have moved to an unusual position. 2) Kidney yin deficiency: This typically expresses itself in symptoms such as night sweats, afternoon fever, chronic fatigue, ringing in the ears, and/or pain in the lower back and knees. Usually the tongue colour is red, and the pulse is wiry and rapid but fine. 3) Blood stagnation: Patients with blood stagnation will usually exhibit a dull or dark complexion on the face. As well, the tongue colour can be dull or dark. Because of the different types of human bodies or different degree of the diseases, blood stagnation can show itself in different ways. The pulse is usually wiry, especially on the whole pulse points that include the right hand lung, spleen, kidney yang (Vital gate); whereas the left arm contains the heart, liver, kidney yin points. As time goes by, many chronic physical diseases will also start to impact the mind and may express themselves as mental disorders and unusual behaviours. 4) Combination of (1+2) or (1+2+3). My Own Theory
I personally believe that autoimmune disorders are mainly caused by the “destructive mechanism within the human body that triggers the antibodies to attack our own cells.” In regards to why it does that, I have the following theory: 1. Persistent negative emotions of depression and frustration can lead to physical disorders. (This is a traditional
TCM theory from the ancient scholar of TCM, confirmed by my own clinical observations and research.) 2. Genetic predisposition 3. Chemical irritation (such as pollution, drugs) 4. Weak immune system (mainly a weak lung Qi and Stomach Qi deficiency) Addressing Autoimmune Disorders Across the Cultures
In today’s civilization, the more progressive, modern, and industrialized we are the more autoimmune disorders that occur; some researchers believe that 90% of modern diseases arise from autoimmune disorders. I personally believe that reducing the rate of autoimmune disorders will require that we work together to improve our earth – the (three P problems) pollution, population, poverty – and regain our traditional family values and high moral concepts. As well, we need to teach our citizens to incorporate a daily practice of meditation, qigong, yoga, or other exercises into their lifestyle in order to reduce stress and increase fitness. Also important is a good diet, which requires that we produce more organic food, and understand the ways of nature. Then the future world of human beings should be better.
Treatment Protocols
After many years of clinical experience and studies, I have come to recognize the deep wisdom of Classical Chinese medical theory. So I use a holistic treatment approach which includes different herbal formulas and special acupuncture techniques. I select the special acupuncture points that correspond to the patient’s condition, and then use my years of experience to determine the precise manipulation of the needles. (Different acupuncture doctors have different styles of manipulating the needles, just like musicians can create different effects by playing a different instrument.) Also employed are special Tuina massage methods and herbal wraps which work well in treating most of the autoimmune disorders with good results. (The three conditions which do not need massage and herbal wraps are Diabetes Mellitus, Rett syndrome, and advanced stages of Multiple Sclerosis.) My approach to treatment utilizes the balance theory. In TCM, we believe that if the universe has two kinds of forces – namely the yin and yang – they should be in balance. Once the balance is lost, then the destructive forces can invade the human body. Conclusion
When balance is restored, the destructive mechanisms that trigger autoimmune disorders will stop. A lot of negative signs and symptoms of AD will then improve; for example the red spots on the face of a Lupus patient will clear up. Furthermore, pain or walking disabilities, and chronic fatigue symptoms, will also improve after a few treatments. In some cases, even after one treatment the Multiple Sclerosis patients can feel the improvement. The keys to help yourself to prevent the progress of an autoimmune disorder include the following: 1) Avoid negative emotions: Try not to give your attention to depressed, angry, and sad thoughts. 2) Go to bed early and avoid too much mental stress. 3) Do walking exercises daily (each time walk over 45 minutes). 4) Eat well (I recommend real organic foods for all of my patients as part of their treatment protocol). 5) Be happy with what you have. Don’t covet the possessions of your neighbours. Tom Fung is a Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner and Acupuncturist practising in Ontario. He is also the Founder and Chief Instructor of Self Balance Meditation Association. His office is located at: 179 Main St. N., Markham, Ontario. For more information or an appointment, email:, call his office: (905) 554-8849, or visit:
Letters to Editor Was Dr. Andrew Wakefield Discredited? Or Exonerated? Re: “Nutritional Medicine for Autism” by Terry Vanderheyden, ND
Although I enjoy many of your articles, I’m shocked that in the article entitled, Nutritional Medicine for Autism you included Dr. Andrew Wakefield’s name as a source of information. While at University two decades ago, I learned of Dr Wakefield’s so called investigations, hypotheses and fraud. Not only was he barred from practice in the UK, he was found guilty of mistreating developmentally delayed children, of acting against the best wishes of his clients and their children and was found in financial conflict of interest. Keep healthy, Lori Adam (Julia Woodford responds: Dear Lori, According to an article currently posted on the website of Vaccine Choice Canada, “Dr Andrew Wakefield, lead author of a 1998 Lancet study had begun researching a possible connection between measles vaccine and bowel disease several years before the 1998 study was published. The 1998 study only claimed to have shown a connection between measles virus and a novel inflammatory bowel disease. However, since some of the parents of the children studied suspected a 42
NUTRITIONAL MEDICINE FOR AUTISM How Multivitamins and Folic Acid Can Lower Autism rates BY DR. TERRY VANDERHEYDEN, ND, RH
Nutritional therapies that comprise an excellent diet including fruits and vegetables along with vitamin and mineral supplements, as well as herbal medicines, are indispensable to the recovery of children with autism
n March of 2018, a report by the Public Health Agency of Canada estimated that one in every 66 Canadian children and youth aged five to 17 has autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This is in line with similar estimates in the U.S. According to Autism Ontario, “While we don’t know why, we do know that the rate of ASD is increasing and it is placing huge demands on the education, healthcare, and social service systems and highlighting glaring gaps in the supports available.” As a naturopathic doctor, I have become very interested in possible preventive strategies that can help to reduce the alarming rise of autism, and restore the health of our kids. While investigating the nutritional medicine aspect of prevention, I came across a research study which found that children of mothers who take multivitamins and/or folic acid supplements have a 60% lower risk of autism, even if their moms only take the supplements before getting pregnant.[1] And the risk appears to be lowered even in those who used the supplements before becoming pregnant but discontinued their use while pregnant. In 2017, Dr. Stephen Z. Levine and his colleagues conducted a case-control cohort study in which they surveyed 45,300 children born between January 1, 2003 and December 31, 2007 for a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The children were followed from birth to January 26, 2015, for the risk of ASD. The cases were all 6
children diagnosed with ASD and the controls were a random sample of 33% of all live-born children. Then Dr. Levine and his colleagues compared ASD incidence with patterns of maternal vitamin and folic acid usage. What’s notable is that the participants were Israeli women who were prescribed the vitamins by their doctors. What the researchers found is striking: multivitamin and/or folic acid use lowered the risk for autism spectrum disorder by 61% in those who used the supplements before becoming pregnant (i.e. not within nine months of pregnancy). Even more striking was the finding that women who used the vitamins during pregnancy lowered their children’s risk for autism spectrum disorder by 73%! This study by Levine et al., confirms earlier findings by a Norwegian group, who also found that folic acid supplementation in mothers reduced ASD risk in their children.[2] The latter study showed a reduction in risk of 39% in mothers who used the vitamin for only a short period, from four weeks before, to eight weeks after, becoming pregnant. Levine and his fellow researchers concluded that, although “causality cannot be inferred,” the use of the observational type of study that they conducted is “more pragmatic and ethical” than a randomized, controlled clinical trial (RCT). A RCT where, for example, women would be prescribed the supplements and others denied it by giving placebo would be considered unethical, since it is already known that folic acid supplementation prevents neural tube defects that lead to spina bifida in children.[3] Are Autistic Kids More Affected by Pollutants and Nutrient Deficiencies?
We now know that mutations, which occurred in our ancestors’ genes, have led to many individuals requiring higher levels of certain nutrients.[4] For example, all humans must derive vitamin C from their diet, because we, along with guinea pigs and some other primates, have a genetic mutation in the synthetic pathway for ascorbate, whereas most other mammals produce their own.[5] Similarly, variations in genetics between individuals, often called single-nucleotide polymorphisms (or SNPs), may contribute to the root of the autism epidemic.[6] The science behind these genetic influences is known as epigenetics and has much to contribute to our understanding of the autism epidemic occurring today.[7] Epigenetics is the science of how our genes, which are unalterable, can be modulated by changing the cellular biochemical environment in which those genes are expressed.[8,9] In other words, diet, nutritional supplements, and lifestyle factors (such as exposure to toxins in the environment) can modify the expression of existing genes, so that mutations or other genetic differences can be either expressed or repressed. Folate, and other vitamins and nutrients are important in the biochemical pathways, which methylate DNA base
connection between the children’s MMR shots and their regression into autism, the study did recommend further investigation into a possible connection. This plus Wakefield’s recommendation that, at least until such investigation had been carried out, the measles, mumps and rubella vaccines be administered separately and several months apart, was enough to trigger an unbelievably vitriolic reaction from the vaccine establishment worldwide.” The article goes on to say: In the 2011 book, Vaccine Epidemic, co-editor Mary Holland JD conveyed the position of the US Center for Personal Rights (CPR) concerning the GMC panel’s now-overturned decision. She wrote: “CPR finds no evidence of Dr Wakefield’s scientific fraud …. The GMC’s conclusions and The Lancet’s reliance on them appear unfounded.” The US National Autism Association (NAA) comments, “No one questions that adverse vaccine events do occur in susceptible individuals, yet those who investigate these events on behalf of sick children are subjected to the harshest scrutiny and punishment.” The article is posted at:
Ontario Residents Call for Moratorium on Dangerous 5G Roll-out Trade agreements that have been signed in the past few years have overruled our rights to protect our environment, and even are at odds with our own health. Do you know that if a foreign power buys land next to you and poisons your well, you may be out of luck to stop them because you are interfering with their profits! Eastern Ontario is slated for the ‘experiment’ of 5G. There are NO safety tests done on this, 5G was developed as a military weapon, the benefits to us are marginal, and the hundreds of studies on 3G and 4G show how much they undermine our health. Any efforts at climate change will be nullified if 5G is implemented as it kills bees, disrupts bird migration and has been known to kill them, needs thousands of trees cut, etc. Since 5G also damages DNA, it will continue the rate of infertility among couples (now one in six). The wireless industry, which will earn trillions of dollars, has flooded the internet with articles downplaying 5Gs health effects, using the same methods the tobacco industry did for 50 years. This week, China and Australia are rolling out 5G, while Japan has rejected it completely. Either we need a moratorium or a proper safety study to protect ourselves. We need our MPs to protect us and not someone’s pocketbook. Janice Gannon, Eastern Ontario for Safe Technology,,
Top 10 Natural Antibiotics – cont.d from page 34 ing it with olive oil, foods or beverages. For sinus and nasal infections, one can inhale vapours from a bottle of oregano oil several times daily to reduce or eliminate symptoms.
BLACK SEED OIL – It is often said that black seed oil will cure anything except death. Every few years a natural health product captures the imagination of the public and this year appears be the year of the black seed oil. It’s 2019 and health food stores have it flying off the shelves. Black seed oil comes from the medicinal plant Nigella sativa (N. sativa) which has been used in various traditional systems of medicine like Unani and Tibb, Ayurveda, and Siddha. The list of diseases or health conditions that it is purported to help run into the hundreds. Most of the benefits have yet to be proven by clinical trials. Nonetheless, a great deal of scientific studies have been published supporting its use as a natural antibiotic. It has been widely used as an antihypertensive, liver tonic, diuretic, digestive, anti-diarrheal, appetite stimulant, analgesic, anti-bacterial, and for skin disorders. Extensive studies on N. sativa have been carried out by various researchers and a wide spectrum of its pharmacological actions have been explored which may include antidiabetic, anticancer, immunomodulator, analgesic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, spasmolytic, bronchodilator, hepato-protective, renal protective, gastro-protective, antioxidant properties, etc. Asthma is one of the many chronic conditions that often responds well to black seed oil. Most of the therapeutic properties of this plant are due to the presence of thymoquinone – the major bioactive component of the essential oil. There’s a warning on the bottle of black seed oil that pregnant women shouldn’t take it. The so-called danger is pure speculation. There is no proof of harm. Given that black seed has been available for centuries and there is no record of hazards, this warning on the label is unscientific and scared off at least one of my patients who could have used it for her dry skin and fungus infection.
BERBERINE – is a natural compound found in several herbs including barberry, goldenseal, Oregon grape, phellodendron, and turmeric. Aside from its antibiotic properties, it has also been used to help lower blood sugar in diabetes, as well as treat obesity, inflammation, high blood fats, and high blood pressure. Berberine has been used for thousands of years in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine. For most adults I usually recommend 1,000 mg twice daily. The only side effect is stomach upset in some sensitive individuals, but most adults tolerate it very well.
CURCUMIN – An extract of turmeric, curcumin has antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic activity.
Continued on page 45
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Top 10 Natural Antibiotics – cont.d from page 43 Curcumin is also well known for its analgesic and antiinflammatory effects as well as its anti-cancer benefits. Curcumin is a stronger antifungal than most prescription antifungals. One study showed it to be superior to fluconazole, a very effective but expensive antifungal. If you happen to be on a prescription antibiotic, fungal infections can be one of the side effects. So, curcumin and probiotics could be very good things to supplement to avoid candida or fungal infections of other kinds. Doses are variable depending on the infection and the individual. SILVER HYDROSOL
– Be careful with taking colloidal silver in amounts higher than 23 ppm of silver. Higher non-nanoparticle sized amounts could accumulate in the system causing a blue skin discolouration. Small particle sizes of colloidal silver (10 to 20 ppm) are generally safe and effective for many different types of infections, especially those resistant to prescription antibiotics.
CONCLUSION Well, those are my top 10 natural antibiotic choices. Of course, there are even more alternatives one can use but the evidence for effectiveness is not as strong. For example, there’s zinc, garlic, hypericum, lomatium, goldenseal, cloves, Manuka honey, elderberry, astragalus, grapefruit
seed extract and ginger. Most of these will be effective for a large number of people to kill unwanted microbes. Consult a natural health care practitioner for personalized advice on one or a combination of the top 10 remedies. Dr. Zoltan P. Rona, MD, practises Complementary Medicine in Thornhill and is the medical editor of The Encyclopedia of Natural Healing. He has also published several Canadian bestselling books, including Vitamin D, The Sunshine Vitamin. To see more of Dr. Rona’s articles, visit: For appointments, call (905) 764-8700; office located at: 390 Steeles Ave. W., Unit 19, Thornhill, Ontario References • Sharon Kirkey. The National Post. More deaths, fewer joint replacements, huge costs: The superbug crisis is already here, report warns. • CTV News. 'The next epidemic': B.C. woman warns of antibiotic resistance after husband dies from superbug. Nov. 13, 2019. • Bactericidal Property of Oregano Oil Against Multidrug-Resistant Clinical Isolates. • Berberine benefits: • Berberine uses. • Benefits of Oregano oil. • Silver Hydrosol. • Vitamin D Deficiency Likely Responsible for Flu Epidemic. Readers: For the complete list of references, see the extended version of this article posted at
live at the edge of the Bonnechere River, and although I have been slow to prepare for the approach of winter it is clearly in full swing out by the water. This morning’s visit to the water revealed bold interwoven patterns of ice crystals expanding about 20 feet out from the shore. Truly expressive and original, some patterns were caused by curves as they responded to a rounded branch at the water’s edge, while others shot straight out like selenite fans. Right now, the geese and ducks are still lingering, getting fattened up before their long flights. What began as two pairs and their offspring has now swelled to a flock of over 200 geese in the vicinity. They seem to know when the river will freeze over, often about two days before it does. I can tell by the volume and urgency of their night chatter as they read the signs and consult each other. Then, usually just before dawn, they rise like a great wind of wings, announcing to the valley and all they are leaving behind that they must be off and will return in the spring. These days it’s harder to get up close to watch the
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SACRED JOURNEYS Everyday Rituals & Celebrations WITH KIM ELKINGTON This year I am determined to appreciate the winter with all of its noisy winds, frosty blue skies, and wildly deep, icy snow; as I learned last year, being outdoors is vital for our mental, emotional, and spiritual health geese because there’s very little tree cover since the beavers decided to make a clear-cut of all the birch and alders along my shoreline. They made their lodges bigger this year, likely to protect from the new torrent of water as the river’s banks swell and flood regularly now in the spring. Following their lead, I have put twice the mulch as usual around the roses and young fruit trees to prepare for a long winter. And the 2019/2020 Farmer’s Almanac agrees that it will be a memorable season for those of us who live in Ontario, similar to last year: long ... with lots of snow that melts into ice, repeat. Sigh. This year I am determined
to appreciate the winter with all of its noisy winds, frosty blue skies, and wildly deep, icy snow. No excuses will be tolerated when it comes to getting outside for a hike or ski at least two days a week. As I learned last year, being outdoors is vital for our mental, emotional and spiritual health. Perhaps even more so in the winter. Last year I had broken my ankle during an African adventure, and so I stayed indoors during recovery to avoid making it worse by slipping on the icy trails. But my body definitely did not thrive on living and exercising inside for five months. Recently, I have begun to
practise a breathing technique that will be a great friend as I move into this winter season. It is centered around being outside and connecting to the sun. Now that there are no leaves I am able to lean back against a tree facing the sun, and focus my attention around the third eye, while breathing in for 4, holding for 4, out for 4 and holding for 4, cycling in this way about twelve times. Throughout the breathing I deepen into my awareness of the sun as a nutritive source of light and warmth, and also a source of cosmic intelligence and possible upgrades. Those last two attitudes help open dialogue and deepen my relationship with the sun. Folks who practice this sun-breathing technique claim to reach a point where they receive answers to their questions, from light itself! That sounds appealing to me, so part of my winter goal is to get into a rhythm of breathing the cosmos into the cells of my body and learning to decode all that wonderful information. Following the breathing cycles, I focus on moving the sun’s energy through my body to the centre of the earth to ground it. Then I visualize a golden egg around my aura, as thick as I want, and then focus on each chakra and its colour being clear(ed) and radiant as I move from my base up to my crown. Our long winter nights make this the season of dreaming, and practising this exercise just before bed has changed my dreams. They are consistently both very pleasant and very lucid.
Other delights of winter revolve around getting warm, like sitting around wood fires, soaking in a detoxing salt bath (or a foot bath) and listening to audio books. One of my favourite things to do in the winter is to learn a new skill. Last year I learned how to make moccasins. Right now I am not sure yet what my craft will be for this year, but learning to play the piano and learning some Spanish are on the short list. It’s always fun deciding which audio books to hear and in which order. It is best to download them and then turn off the Wi-fi and give yourself a break from that too. I hope you are all turning it off at night when you sleep. (Ed note: The brain needs complete darkness and quiet in order to create melatonin – the hormone that helps you sleep and protects from cancer. Since cell phones emit a blue light, they should be kept out of the bedroom.) So exercising outside, breathing in the sun, plus grounding and clearing before sleep, as well as long soaks in the tub, combined with catching up on some books and crafts are some commitments I am making to nourish myself and enhance the gifts of our longer nights this winter solstice season. Some of the most innovative ideas, and most wonderful stories, were born in the velvety dark of a long winter night. Kim is the co-founder of The Algonquin Tea Co., a line of quality teas made from organic wildcrafted Canadian herbs. Email: spirit. VITALITY MAGAZINE – DECEMBER 2019 / JANUARY 2020
December 2019 &January 2020 Sun Sign Predictions
★★★ by Julie Simmons ★★★ Introduction One thing that is clear about our planet at the moment, and not likely to stop any time soon, is the sense that we are barreling over and through the falls of change. What is also clear is that we are all in it together. It’s a practice for the Age of Aquarius which seems fast approaching. With that in mind I feel that it’s time to alter the format of this column which has been steadfastly structured in the way of Sun Sign horoscopes down through the ages. I will now present it with an introduction – a theme of the month for us all to have a sense of our direction as if we are a human organism rather than separate individuals. At the end of that I will focus on the task of each sign in each month regarding the overarching theme. I hope you enjoy the spirit and the uses of this new format.
December December begins with Jupiter changing signs from Sagittarius (which it calls home) to Capricorn (where it is considered to be in its fall and far away from showing its best traits). It will be joining forces with Saturn and Pluto, also in Capricorn. It will be leaving the realm of potential, passion, possibility and limitless learning opportunities. The message for this year is that inspiration is good but perspiration is required if anything is to get done. Inspiration shows us the way but perspiration is caused by the effort we must make to get there, to manifest our vision. We have seen what needs to get done, now it’s time to dig in and do it. Although Jupiter is in the sign of its fall, it will make some strong and favourable aspects this month with Uranus on the 15th and with the Sun just before and after the New Moon on the 26th. These are times to set clear intentions in the direction of your chosen efforts and do something practical to further your goals. SAGITTARIUS: Nov. 22 - Dec. 20:
Your task this month is to use resources well. To do this you must accept, realistically, what they are (and are not) and proceed with determination and confidence that you are the one who can make a difference. Saving what you can and spending what you need is a good plan. CAPRICORN: Dec. 21 - Jan. 19: You are the boss of your world. Your creative impulses are to be trusted in love, in art and in the general art of living. Do what you do for the good of yourself as well as the good of all. 48
AQUARIUS: Jan. 20 - Feb. 17:
Sometimes we lay groundwork in the actual ground. Other times we lay foundations in the inner world. Journey inward with intention and see what your guides and helpers have in store for you. They are only doing what they think you want. Make sure this is true. If it isn’t, now is a perfect time to change the course. PISCES: Feb. 18 - March 19:
You belong to and in this world, if only for this ‘one precious life’. Speak your truth through whatever medium you choose, to the people who have the ears to hear. You never know exactly who that might be. ARIES: March 20 - April 19:
Someone has to take responsibility, which is not the same as wearing a hair shirt and thumping your chest to show how sorry you are. You live here and you have some measure of bounty. Share it with gratitude, just because you can. TAURUS: April 20 - May 20: A
world of adventure is opening its doors to you. You might travel the world, or you might just as well stay right where you are and travel the inroads of the Self. Choose your teachers with care. And don’t believe anything just because they say it’s true.
GEMINI: May 21 - June 20:
Strong reactions don’t lie but they generally tell us more about who we are than who the other person is. Protection, like a seed, grows from the inside out and is nourished by the waters of self-acceptance. CANCER: June 21 - July 21: The obligations and expectations of our social relationships can weigh heavily upon us in December as well as filling us with the joy of belonging. It’s not an either/or situation. The weight of our connections keep us here. We decide if it’s love or something else. LEO: July 22 - Aug. 22: Our work matters. How we care for ourselves and our workplace is a kind of sacred practice. Sacred things require heart, of which you have plenty. Align your will with your daily life. VIRGO: Aug. 23 - Sept. 21: Love and wisdom are the two wings that allow that old bird of happiness to fly without a wobble. If you feel off-kilter, channel your thoughts into writing or expression of some sort. Once you’ve externalized it you will know exactly how to find the balance.
Continued on next page
LIBRA: Sept. 22 - Oct. 22:
We do, in fact stand on the shoulders of the great and not-so-great as we make our life journeys. Sometimes these connections feel oppressive, sometimes we are grateful and empowered by those who came before us. Do the work of transformation. It’s scary but it will set you free.
SCORPIO: Oct. 23 - Nov. 21:
Words have power when they arise from the gut instinct. They can be funny, supportive or sarcastic and full of hurt. Your words have power and your job is to direct them with love, starting with the kind of love that allows you to feel your own essential, original goodness.
January The big astrological news of 2020 starts now! Many of us hope for the best while fearing the worst, as if in a dream of running; that is, running and getting nowhere. It would be good to wake up from our dream of relative personal ease (which many of us have) and actively find ways to support those in more precarious situations. The thought is easier to articulate than to put into action. On January 12th, Saturn will conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. Shortly before that, on the 10th there is a full Moon eclipse, which underscores this rare and somewhat heavy conjunction. The last time Saturn and Pluto conjoined was in the early 1980s. Ominous as these two planets can appear to the astrological eye, they are not telling us anything we don’t already know. The whole idea of using astrology is that it can help us navigate the way of our lives. It is not the way itself. Saturn is about the real world, limits of matter and foundational structures. Pluto is about transformation. Pluto indicates the inevitability of endings. Pluto’s wisdom reminds us that in the heart of destruction and loss we always find the seeds of new life. Tough and tender as these seeds are, to find them we have to get rid of the rot. Together, this pair along with the lunar eclipse asks us to look at foundations and be realistic about what they can and cannot bear, personally and collectively. The next time
they will conjunct will be 2052. We are often encouraged by spiritual teachings to be fully present. This month’s wisdom is that presence is about the manifest world, the one you inhabit. It’s about how you manage your world and the effect that has in causing your world to take shape. After January 20th when the Sun moves into Aquarius, it may seem that we’ve done with that. Jupiter recently arrived in Capricorn and will activate this theme of cleaning up, fortifying structures, and looking realistically at how things really are throughout the year. Jupiter reminds us that it will cost each of us something to turn this ship around. Here are some suggestions regarding how each astrological sign might best engage with these powerful energies. CAPRICORN: Dec. 21 - Jan. 19: You carry the heavy weight
of responsibility and obligation even if you act like you don’t. It can seem like a thankless task, you know in your bones that you are the best one for the job. Success is achievable by aiming for the greatest good for greatest number of people. AQUARIUS: Jan. 20 - Feb. 17: You are generally three steps ahead of the rest of us but it’s often unappreciated. Forget the validation. Better to dig deep, right where you are, and respond to your sense of crumbling infrastructures with the innate kindness you have toward all. Martyrdom is not required, generosity is. PISCES: Feb. 18 - March 19:
The time for reviewing or lamenting the past is over. Now the mandate is to start where you are and consider your plans and expectations for the future, as well as who you want to take along with you. Be realistic about what can and can’t be accomplished, starting from here. ARIES: March 20 - April 19:
Whatever your status in the eyes of the world, you are a leader in your own domain. If it weighs heavy you might be taking it too personally. You didn’t create the way things are all by yourself. But you can be a real motivating force for others.
DANCING THE CREATIVE PATH Women’s ChakradanceTM Retreat July 7-10, 2020, Cozumel, Mexico Connect with your divine feminine flow! Experience Chakradance™ workshops, nurture your wellbeing, enjoy healthy local cuisine, and a vibrant culture, as you get in rhythm with your soul. 50
Hosted by Pollyanna Blanco: Travel information: 416 960 1393 ext 11 Talk of the Town Travel Ltd. 8A-1444 Dupont St. TICO #1112688
TAURUS: April 20 - May 20:
LIBRA: Sept. 22 - Oct. 22:
Follow the dictates of nature, not culture, for philosophical inspiration. The greatest wisdom comes from the natural world. The trick is to apply it even if you’re flying by the seat of your pants. Gravity is always present, as is grace. These are some powerful teachers.
You could imagine your carry the past like a heavy load or you might see yourself standing on the shoulders of all who came before. Perspective matters. Look and listen for new ways to see old things.
GEMINI: May 21 - June 20:
Avoid the inclination to take the easy way, to settle for comfort. Better to look the challenge in the eye and see what you have to contend with. You are not simply clever, you are intelligent. Think deeply. CANCER: June 21 - July 21:
Your partner needs to master the controls of his/her life, not you. Codependence is ready to give way to mature and practical understanding of the capabilities, or lack thereof, of others: In love or business. There is much to do. Share the load. LEO: July 22 - Aug. 22:
Everything about your lifestyle is in the cooking pot. The heat’s on. Accept the realities of your situation. Let go of stuff you don’t need. Consider if how you live supports you in the most effective and efficient way.
SCORPIO: Oct. 23 - Nov. 21: Learn all you can. If
you’re a teacher, work hard to get your best students to understand. But don’t discard the slower ones. To be alive is to be learning all the time. Make space for the myriad of ways this can happen in yourself as well as others. SAGITTARIUS: Nov. 22 Dec. 20: You have a mighty
vision for 2020. Don’t worry about ‘likes’ or followers. Express your truth because it matters and because you can. Those who can benefit will find their way to your door. There’s not much you can do about the rest. Julie Simmons is a practising astrologer in Toronto. She would like you to understand that Sun Sign astrology has its strengths and its weaknesses. Take it lightly; use it as you will. For consultations call (416) 424-3079. For more information visit her website:
VIRGO: Aug. 23 - Sept. 21:
All art requires craft. All craft is a form of art. Channel your anxiety about the quirks and complexities of love into self-expression. Take the risk of art knowing you are skilled in craft. It will liberate something. Otherwise you’re just herding cats.
On December 9 and 16, the Rising Sun Boutique & Healing Arts Centre in Richmond Hill hosts “Meditation Mondays” at 10:30 am. Each session focuses on a spiritual topic for the day followed by a guided meditation that will help you stay peaceful and centered for the week. Explore the fundamentals of spirituality and learn how you can start living in alignment with your true spiritual essence. Join other seekers like you who are eager to find peace and enduring happiness through a better understanding of their spiritual journey. The sessions will be conducted by Manisha Melwani, teacher, writer, and speaker who specializes in providing spiritual and wellness solutions for life and stress management. The topics will be presented from the perspective of Vedanta, a wisdom tradition that embodies the cumulative wisdom of generations of the highest spiritual masters from the East. Vedanta affirms the essential oneness of life and the divinity of the Soul. It explains the
The Rising Sun, a boutique filled with crystals, jewellery, and gifts reminds everyone to shop locally this holiday season
goal of life and the various means to achieve it. Cost: $10 per session. Get tickets through Eventbrite, or call (905) 884-3362, and visit w w w. t h e r i s i n g s u n . c a Address: 10330 Yonge St. BIOENERGY THERAPY HEALS ANXIETY & MORE
The theory behind Bioenergy therapy is that there is no negative energy or vibration. There is either too much or too little energy; disease indicates imbalance. Bioenergy therapy rebalances the body, mind, and spirit. Bioenergy therapy is the offering of energy from the world around us to the body so that the body can heal itself. All diseases, from cancer
to diabetes, heart disease, fibromyalgia, headaches, concussion, arthritis, and mental disorders indicate an imbalance in the body and Bioenergy addresses this imbalance. We’ve had success working with anxiety, headaches, concussion, arthritis, depression, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, scoliosis and even metastatic cancer. We view cancer as a problem of the body, mind, and spirit and offer a comprehensive program which includes hands-on Bioenergy healing, techniques to shift you into a positive frame of mind, and alternative ways to help the body enhance healing and regain balance. The next Healing Transformation Clinics are Dec. 9, 10, 11, 12. Come learn this unique hands-on Bioelectric Healing technique from Ellen Lewinberg, a Bioenergy Therapist who has been practising hands-on healing around the world since 2006. For more information, call (416) 203-2744, email: ellen@healingtransfor m, visit: www.healing
Learn Bioenergy Therapy with Ellen Lewinberg in December at her Healing Transformation Clinics GROUP MEDIUMSHIP READING WITH KELLY FERGUSON
On Sat., December 14, a group session will be conducted by Psychic Medium Kelly Ferguson at the Earthworks Spiritual Shop in Brampton, Ont. You are invited to spend the afternoon with Kelly as she hosts a mediumship reading and connects with your loved ones in spirit. In an intimate setting, Kelly will deliver messages of love, healing, and guidance from your loved ones in heaven, directly to you. Through evidential mediumship, she will share and validate specific details and memories that show your loved ones are always with you, even from the other side. Kelly does not choose who communicates with her, or who comes through. Every soul has free will and she respects all participants
in this process (living or deceased). Every effort will be made to bridge a connection for each participant. However, Kelly cannot guarantee a message for everyone, either due to free will or time constraints. Even if you do not receive a personal message, you can be sure to enjoy and benefit from the uplifting and healing experience. Group readings are a positive environment and opportunity to experience love, healing and closure. As such, all participants are expected to stay for the full session, even if they receive a personal message at the start. Time: 3 to 5 pm. Cost: $40 + hst. Location: Earthworks, 370 Main St. North, Brampton, Ont. Email: earthworks-spiritual-shop@ More information: (905) 454-4826 WHOLE LIFE EXPO LECTURE RECORDINGS NOW AVAILABLE
The recent Whole Life Expo held in November played host to over 65 fascinating talks by a wide range of expert speakers. Topics included: – “How To Put Type 2 Diabetes Into Remission
DANCING THE CREATIVE PATH Women’s ChakradanceTM Retreat July 7-10, 2020, Cozumel, Mexico Connect with your divine feminine flow! Experience Chakradance™ workshops, nurture your wellbeing, enjoy healthy local cuisine, and a vibrant culture, as you get in rhythm with your soul.
Hosted by Pollyanna Blanco: Travel information: 416 960 1393 ext 11 Talk of the Town Travel Ltd. 8A-1444 Dupont St. TICO #1112688
COMMUNITY NEWS Naturally” by Jill Hillhouse; – “What You Should Know About the Coming 5G - And What to Do About It” by Andrew Michrowski; – “Mother Earth: Remember, Reignite, Reconnect” by Sandra Moondancer; – “Feed Your Beauty: Nutrients That Turn On Antiaging Power” by Amanda Burke; – “The Science Behind Therapeutic Uses of Cannabis” by Dr. Lee Know; – “How to Prevent and Treat High Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, and Heart Disease” by Dr. Elie Klein; – “Discover a Romanian Superfood for Maximum Health” by Nick Chelu; – “Homeopathy: Discovering New Perspectives and Unlocking Old Ideas” by Hannah Shalom, DCHM – and lots more! For the complete lecture schedule, visit: To order recordings of Whole Life Expo lectures please visit: Individual audio recordings are $4.99, and a complete set of all lectures can be purchased for $99.
The staff at Whole Life Expo wishes to thank the exhibitors, speakers, and everyone who came out to participate in Expo 2019 – it was a natural health extravaganza! GUELPH ORGANIC CONFERENCE COMING IN JANUARY
Wonderful learning and shopping opportunities await at the 39th Annual Guelph Organic Conference & Trade Show. Forty workshops on a range of topics from gardening to urban beekeeping, organic crop production, organic orchard management, and much more take place January 23rd to 26th. (To purchase workshop passes please visit to register.) The Trade Show runs on Sat., January 25th and Sun., January 26th and is free to attend. It features over 140 vendors including a wonder-
ful selection of organic seeds. Enjoy food samples from organic leaders such as Nature’s Path, Pfenning’s, Harmony Dairy, Crofters, and many others! For more information: call: (226) 486-1538, or visit www.guelphorganic
Guelph Organic Conference Trade Show floor
If you’re staring out at the snowy Canadian landscape and dreaming of escape to exotic lands, you may want to add this book to your reading list. Written by spiritual seeker Mark Kacik, Caves, Huts, and Monasteries takes the reader deep into the world of Asian monasteries. “Probing remote footpaths and following the breeze of his soul, Kacik encounters Buddhist masters in temples and monasteries where he is given deep meditative exercises and lessons in awareness, consciousness, and mindful living. “Follow Kacik’s spiritual odyssey as he travels through the deserts of India, the Himalayas of Nepal, Vietnamese jungles, and the Korean mountains. Meet the people he comes face-to-face with who lead lives so amazingly different from his own. Caves, Huts, and Monasteries is more than a travelogue: The vibrant descriptions of jungles and deserts, and advice from masters of Buddhist traditions, speak to the heart of spiritual seekers of any faith. Kacik shares the teachings that affected him most deeply; those that helped evolve his perception of self, and taught him that peace can settle in the waiting soul that remains open and still.” Available on
ORGANIC LIQUID TOOTHPASTE Our mission is to eliminate dental issues naturally and safely, by replacing toothpaste with premium pure essential oils that have been used historically to prevent dental disease, gingivitis, bleeding gums and tooth decay. No preservatives or fluoride, and SLS free. Brushing twice daily with bodyFood dentalTM will help to • Prevent tarter and plaque build up • Reduce gum bleeding and pockets • Produce more saliva
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JAN 18 REIKI I 9 am - 4 pm. Visit, or call (905) 796-0101.
DEC 1 REIKI I CERTIFICATION: Learn to treat yourself and others. Includes Principles of Healing, centering, chakras, endocrine glands and more. Illustrated Workbook. Virginia Hart Nelson, 25 years' experience. (416) 960-1690, virginia@theinner, DEC 3 & JAN 21 HOW TO RESOLVE CONFLICTS & Create Relationships That Work. Discover lasting solutions for difficult relationship issues. Introductory Workshop: 6:30 - 9:30 pm. Visit our website for details: (416) 469-2033. DEC. 4 & 11 LAUGHTER YOGA CLASSES: A fun way to release stress & experience joy. Join us! 6:30 - 7:30 pm. 662 Pape Ave, Toronto. (416) 469-2033. DEC 7 HEALING THROUGH BREATHING 10 am - 1 pm. Visit, or call (905) 796-0101. DEC. 8 – 13 SILENT MEDITATION RETREAT: Choose from 2 - 5 nights, with Liz Frost.
Vitality magazine NEXT ISSUE: SPRING 2020 Advertising deadline: JAN. 22 reserve today, call (416) 964-0528 or email our office will be closed: DECEMBER 20 TO JANUARY 3RD FOR WINTER HOLIDAYS
JAN 20, 21, 22 & 23 HEALING TRANSFORMATION CLINIC: 7 - 9 pm. Hands-on bioenergy healing that gives remarkable results to a wide variety of conditions. Change everything in just four days a month. Please contact Ellen Lewinberg at: (416) 203-2744, ellen@healing,
The staff at Vitality Magazine would like to wish all of our readers, customers, and suppliers a happy Winter Solstice on Saturday, December 21st, and a wonderful New Year! DEC 9, 10, 11 & 12 HEALING TRANSFORMATION CLINIC: 7 - 9 pm. Hands-on bioenergy healing that gives remarkable results to a wide variety of conditions. Change everything in just four days a month. Please contact Ellen Lewinberg at: (416) 203-2744, ellen@healing, DEC. 15 - 22 & DEC. 26 - JAN 3 WINTER HOLIDAY GETAWAY: Escape the city! Daily yoga, meditation & vegan cuisine!
JAN 3 – 5 REJUVENATING YOGA WEEKEND RETREAT - Relax after the holiday chaos and start the New Year refreshed. Sugar Ridge Retreat Centre, JAN 5 – 10 GET CLEAR ON YOUR YEAR - Week Retreat: Start 2020 balanced, with a focused mind, and be clear on how you want to live your life.
Sugar Ridge Retreat Centre, visit JAN 9 REIKI SHARE 6:30 - 9 pm. Visit, or call (905) 796-0101. JAN 10 – 12 YOGA & SKI: Address Your Stress Retreat - Learn to cope with stresses of daily life & have fun in the snow! Sugar Ridge Retreat Centre. JAN 13 TELECLASS RELATONSHIPS 9 - 10 pm. (905) 796-0101. JAN 15, 22 & 29, FEB 5 LAUGHTER YOGA CLASSES: A fun way to release stress & experience joy. Join us! 6:30 7:30 pm. 662 Pape Ave, Toronto. (416) 469-2033. JAN 18 REIKI I CERTIFICATION: For more details, please see the listing for Dec 1. Virginia Hart Nelson: (416) 960-1690,
JAN 20 MINDFULNESS MEDITATION 7 - 8 pm. www.marlene, (905) 796-0101. JAN 24 – 26 GENTLE YOGA AND SKI ESCAPE - A Weekend Retreat: The Yoga is gentle, the cross country skiing is fun, and the food is delicious! . Sugar Ridge Retreat Centre, visit JAN 25 REIKI II CERTIFICATION Learn more potent healing applications including the use of Symbols and long-distance healing. Illustrated Workbook. Virginia Hart Nelson, 25 years' experience. (416) 960-1690, email:, or visit JAN 25 – 26 SUBTLE ENERGY: Information to Enhance, Guide and Heal. Level 1 Workshop Learn the Laws of Nature of the vibrational world of Subtle Energy. Learn what we were not taught in school about our anatomy. Hands-on practical application, meditation and pendulum work. Achieve a new level of mastery in your life. Visit for info and ticket links. JAN 29 HEALING CIRCLE 7:30 9:30 pm., (905) 796-0101.
FEB 14 – 17 FAMILY DAY GETAWAY - An escape for the whole family. Sugar Ridge Retreat Centre, Please visit JAN 31 - FEB 2 RESTORATIVE YOGA AND MASSAGE RETREAT with Liz Frost & Andrea Leplae. The massage happens during restorative yoga (yes it's decadent :) This weekend is designed for you to relax and be nourished in mind, body and spirit. Sugar Ridge Retreat Centre. Please visit
FEB 1 REIKI II 9 am 4 pm. Visit, or call (905) 796-0101. FEB 2 – 7 MINDFULNESS BASED STRESS REDUCTION Week Retreat with Liz Frost. Immerse in practice and ditch your stress. Sugar Ridge Retreat Centre, FEB 6 REIKI SHARE 6:30 - 9 pm. Visit, or call (905) 796-0101. FEB 7 – 9 YOGA, SKI & ZUMBA - a weekend of fun exploration with Liz Frost & friends. Sugar Ridge Retreat Centre,
FEB 21 – 23 MINDFUL EATING, YOGA & MEDITATION with Liz Frost. Sugar Ridge Retreat Centre, Please visit FEB 23 – 28 WINTER CLEANSE JUICE & SOUP DETOX WEEK - with Liz Frost. Sugar Ridge Retreat Centre, FEB 21 – 23 HEART FLAME RETREAT: Come home to the Fire Within, gathering under the stars in the stillness of winter to re-ignite your passion. Connect with your inner self & nature in this Heart Foundations retreat. Visit www. Heart-Foundations
MARCH 7 – 8 LAUGHTER YOGA TRAINING & CERTIFICATION. Eliminate stress - Spread joy - Change lives...with laughing! Register here: www.LaughterTraining .ca (416) 469-2033. Continued on next page...
APRIL 24 – 26 HEART FLOW RETREAT: Flowing with renewed life, embrace your child-like innocence as you nurture and grow the seeds of new dreams. Connect with your inner self & nature in this Heart Foundations retreat. Visit www. Heart-Foundations
KNOWLEDGE IS POWER, Urban Integrative IV and Detox Clinic is offering a series of Educational Seminars/Talks on current issues that affect your health and how to deal with them effectively. See all our upcoming events and special offers: TAI CHI AND QIGONG CLASSES with Daniel Pikelin. Mondays: 9:15 am, Miles Nadal JCC, 750 Spadina Ave. Wednesdays: 10:15 am, Tai Chi
and Meditation Centre, 320 Broadview Ave. Beginners to intermediate students are welcome at both classes. For more information, please contact: BIG CARROT SPEAKER SERIES: Join us Thursday nights at 7 pm for our Free Speaker Series. Hear experts deliver informative workshops on a diverse range of topics. Limited seating, 348 Danforth Ave., Room 212. For more information: or call (416) 466-2129. SHAMANISM WORKSHOPS offered by The Foundation for Shamanic Studies. Join Glenn Campbell for Basic and Advanced Workshops in Core Shamanism. For dates, locations or registration information, go to or call Glenn at: (905) 655-6756 or email at Also, see ad on page 53 for information on the upcoming prerequisite Basic workshops.
WANT TO SEE YOUR AD HERE? For one low price, your ad will appear in three places: Vitality print magazine, Vitality digital issue and on our website ( Choice of three sections: Calendar of Events, Service Directory, or Classifieds Listings are priced at $1.48 per word, plus hst. To get a free quote, send your text to 58
Clear Seeing Naturally Tired of • Blurry Vision • Glasses • Deteriorating Vision • Computer Eyestrain
Classes and Private Sessions Alexandra 416-923-3893
ASTROLOGICAL RESEARCH GENEOLOGY. For initial inquires, send email to
ANARRES APOTHECARY School, Storefront & Mail-Order Resource. Workshops: Intro, certificate, Aromatherapy Certification & Apprenticeships. Handmade bodycare. Natural contraception & sex tools. Eco Gifts. Terracotta water purifiers & cookers. Herbs & essential oils. DIY supplies. Zero-waste housewares. Email, or call (647) 827-6968.
AYURVEDIC MEDICINE AYURVEDA RITUALS STUDIO SPA BOUTIQUE offers courses in Indian Head Massage, Ayurveda Spa Specialist programs, services, Ayurveda Facial, Ayurveda Botanical Skincare and Vedic Astrology Readings. 1081 Bathurst St. Contact: (416) 504-6049, or for more information, visit AYURVEDIC HERBALIST, OAKVILLE: Pulse Reading, Dosha Balance, Herbs, Teas, and Lifestyle Recommendations. Moninder Kaur Rekhi: Contact at (647) 528-2973, for more info, visit
BODY / MIND THERAPY ACCESS CONSCIOUSNESS©, Access Tess, 8 years' experience as Bars Practitioner, 35 years' experience in other modalities. Uxbridge: (905) 862-3999; Toronto: (647) 391-3999; See ad on page 35. COMBINED PHYSICAL, MENTAL, EMOTIONAL HEALING using regression and individualized vibrational remedies. 30 years' of medical intuition. Kathy Walker: (416) 285-8759, EMOTIONAL SUPPORT SESSION One hour for anxiety, depression, loneliness & sadness. Call (416) 7074896 or visit
BREATH WORK MARLENE GEORGE. Healing Through Breathing workshops & private sessions., (905) 796-0101.
COUNSELLING / COACHING CORE BELIEF ENGINEERING. We repeat what we don’t resolve. Lisa Sidorowicz, M.A, B.Ed., CBE Master Practitioner & Trainer. (905) 510-7562, (905) 842-3305,, FEELING STUCK? ANXIOUS? DEPRESSED? Are you looking for a simple, dependable way to resolve painful experiences? New Decision Therapy sets you free of anger, guilt, shame & unworthiness in a surprisingly short period of time. You'll access greater confidence, enjoy better relationships & make clearer decisions. Get started. Call (416) 469-2033. TRANSFORMATIONAL LIFE COACHING empowers you to maximize your personal and professional potential by identifying thoughts and patterns that stand in the way of a fulfilled life. Inquiry is the first step towards change - take action! 905-242-6677
COURSES & WORKSHOPS BELLANINA FACELIFT MASSAGE: Become a Facelift Massage Specialist. Classes held in Toronto. For more details, call (416) 924-6579 or email
HORSES HEALING HUMANS: Equine Assisted Learning and Healing. Oneon-one programs for individuals, families, couples, teams. Focus on healing trauma, building communication, and improve problem-solving. Call Evelyne: (289) 889-0910, or visit MAKE YOUR OWN DRUM: Ongoing workshops held in Guelph, Ont. Frame drums, Djembe, African Talking Drums, Ocean Drums, more. We also travel to your location! For info: visit, or email at, or call at (226) 962-1530. REFLEXOLOGY COURSES in Hand, Foot, Ear & Teacher's Training with Diana O'Reilly (Past Teacher of the Year) & Danielle Gault (Honorary Member with RAC) For more info, call at (647) 523-2435 or visit www.reflex SHAMANISM WORKSHOPS offered by The Foundation for Shamanic Studies. Join Glenn Campbell for Basic and Advanced Workshops in Core Shamanism. For dates, locations or registration information, go to or email Glenn at: glenn@shamanspiritpath .com or call at (905) 655-6756. Also, see ad on page 53 for information on the upcoming prerequisite Basic workshops.
CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY CRANIOSACRAL: Gentle yet powerfully healing. In practice 26 years. Holistic therapies include: Registered Nutrition, Massage, Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Reiki, Osteopathic Techniques, Esalen Massage, Living Raw Food lifestyle expert. Certified by; Hippocrates & Esalen Institutes, Matthew Kennedy Academy & Young Living Essential Oils. Fabienne Thuet (416) 558-7441.
MARLENE GEORGE. Craniosacral Therapy. Private appointments. Visit, or call (905) 796-0101.
EAR CANDLING EAR CANDLING, $35; with sinus drainage, $45. (416) 707-4896,
EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUES (EFT) EFT, CRYSTAL HAWK, M.ED., in person, by phone/Skype. 20 years' experience. Research-based for pain, anxiety, trauma, depression, and addiction. For more info, see EFT section of, or send email to
HEAD INJURIES SCIENCE-BASED NEUROLOGICAL TESTING and revolutionary treatment of nerve/brain injuries based on newest research from NASA. See and feel the changes. Dr. Monika Faulhaber:, (905) 712-8118.
HEALTH SERVICES LARGE FLOAT TANK available for use at the Toronto Healing Arts Centre at Bloor and Christie. Tank fits individual or couple (small to medium builds) in beautiful, peaceful space. Contact (416) 535-8777 or book online NO ENERGY? Frustrated with shortterm results? End chronic pain Forever! Back & knee pain, arthritis, sciatica, anxiety & depression? Live life fully again! Location: Mississauga. Please visit www.softasstoneyoga .com, email
HERBAL MEDICINE PLANT SPIRIT MEDICINE Healers work with the spirit of plants to heal the deepest reaches of the heart and soul, bringing harmony and balance to your body, mind, and spirit. PSM Healers in the GTA: Mai Duong:, Call (416) 543-1531; Monika Ghent: www, (416) 537-8842. CANNA SEED and grow services. blue 8. VITALITY MAGAZINE’S NEXT ISSUE:
SPRING 2020 Released March 1st. Advertising deadline: JANUARY 22 To reserve space, (416) 964-0528, or email 60
FEM SEEDS, 3 strain special $528 (6 seeds), light blue.
HYPNOTHERAPY VIRGINIA HART NELSON. Turn your experiences & conditioning into powerful catalysts for healing & change. (416) 960-1690,, see ad on pg. 44.
LIVE BLOOD ANALYSIS LIVE BLOOD ANALYSIS, 4 Locations: Maple, North York, Newmarket and Bradford; Call (905) 715-6443; or visit
PAIN RELIEF PEMF THERAPY, 4 Locations: Maple, North York, Newmarket and Bradford; Call (905) 715-6443; or visit RESTORATIVE MOVEMENT: End chronic pain Forever! Back & knee pain, arthritis, sciatica, and carpal tunnel? Move purely and build strength & flexibility. Take back your life! Location: Mississauga. Please visit, email:
PAST LIFE THERAPY REMEMBER ACCOMPLISHMENTS from other lifetimes, transform old habit patterns & liberate your purpose. Virginia Hart Nelson: (416) 960-1690, See ad on pg. 44.
PSYCHICS & CLAIRVOYANTS PSYCHIC EXPOS. Psychic readers, crystals, jewellery, and related products are featured at 11 Psychic Expos across Ontario. Free crystal and ongoing demonstrations included with admission. For Free admission discount coupon, please go to
PSYCHOTHERAPY TAMMY MARCUS MSW, RSW. Relational psychotherapy/counselling. 18+ years experience & covered through most benefit plans. Contact Tammy at (416) 654-0196, email: or look her up on HOLISTIC PSYCHOTHERAPY. The most powerful work. Integrating Psychotherapy with body/energy-centred modalities. Registered Psychotherapist, Canadian Certified Counsellor with Master's Degree & Board Certified Polarity Practitioner. Over 25 years' of experience. See ad on pg. 44. Visit www.visualization, Victoria: (416) 916-6066.
REFLEXOLOGY PAM RUSSELL. Pain and stress relief from head to toe. Dupont and Spadina. House calls. Feet, hands & ears. Plus Thai foot reflexology, (416) 856-6589,
REIKI FREE REIKI/PSYCHIC CLASS: Send email to MARLENE GEORGE. Reiki. Recognized Master Teacher by the CRA Ontario. Over 30 years' of experience. Certificate, Attunement manual. All levels. Practice groups and private sessions., (905) 796-0101. REIKI, EMOTION CODE, Healing Codes, Certified Reflexology, & Psychotherapy: Effie Hadzis, BA, B.Ed., Registered Psychotherapist, (416) 751-9619, VIRGINIA HART NELSON. Private treatments, and Certification all Levels. 26 years' of experience. (416) 960-1690,, email: See ad on pg. 44.
RETREATS & VACATIONS ANNUAL FALL RETREAT. www.marlene, (905) 796-0101
MARGOT PSYCHIC SERVICES. Professional, accurate, and insightful readings by renowned psychic medium. Reading by phone or in person, contact: (416) 921-0611, visit JACKIE LEWIS TAROT CARDS, Clairvoyance, gain insight into all aspects of your life and a few coaching suggestions. If you say you saw the ad in Vitality, there'll be a 10% discount. In person (cafe) or phone readings, e-transfer or prepaid cheque. For information call (647) 347-5373 or email
SERVICE DIRECTORY RETREATS & VACATIONS HIDDEN BUDDHA HEALING CENTER: Retreats, Rentals, Bed & Breakfast, Reiki, Macrobiotics, Health Coaching. Contact Lidia: (416) 912-1721, SILENT MEDITATION RETREAT: Choose from 2-5 nights Dec. 8 - 13, with Liz Frost. WINTER HOLIDAY GETAWAY: Escape the city! Daily yoga, meditation & vegan cuisine! Dec. 15 - 22 and Dec. 26 - Jan 3. REJUVENATING YOGA WEEKEND RETREAT - Relax after the holiday chaos and start the New Year refreshed. Jan 3 - 5. Sugar Ridge Retreat Centre, GET CLEAR ON YOUR YEAR - Week Retreat: Start 2020 getting balanced, with a focused mind, and be clear on how you want to live your life. Jan. 5 10. Sugar Ridge Retreat Centre, YOGA & SKI: Address Your Stress Retreat - Learn to cope with stresses of daily life & have fun in the snow! Jan. 10 - 12 Sugar Ridge Retreat Centre. GENTLE YOGA AND SKI ESCAPE – A Weekend Retreat: The Yoga is gentle, the cross-country skiing is fun, and the food is delicious! Jan. 24 - 26. Sugar Ridge Retreat Centre, www.sugar RESTORATIVE YOGA AND MASSAGE RETREAT with Liz Frost & Andrea Leplae. The massage happens during restorative yoga (yes it's decadent:) This weekend is designed for you to relax and be nourished in mind, body and spirit, Jan. 31 - Feb. 2. Sugar Ridge Retreat Centre. MINDFULNESS BASED STRESS REDUCTION Week Retreat with Liz Frost. Immerse in practice and ditch your stress. Feb. 2 - 7, 2020. Sugar Ridge Retreat Centre, for more info, visit YOGA, SKI & ZUMBA - a weekend of fun exploration Feb 7 - 9 with Liz Frost & friends. Sugar Ridge Retreat Centre, FAMILY DAY GETAWAY - Feb. 14 - 17 An escape for the whole family. Sugar Ridge Retreat Centre, for more info, visit MINDFUL EATING, YOGA & MEDITATION Feb 21 - 23 with Liz Frost. Sugar Ridge Retreat Centre, for more info, visit 62
HEART FLAME RETREAT: Feb 21 - 23. Come home to the Fire Within, gathering under the stars in the stillness of winter to re-ignite your passion. Connect with your inner self & nature in this Heart Foundations retreat. e/Heart-Foundations WINTER CLEANSE JUICE & SOUP DETOX WEEK - Feb 23 - 28 with Liz Frost. Sugar Ridge Retreat Centre, HEART FLOW RETREAT: April 24 - 26. Flowing with renewed life, embrace your child-like innocence as you nurture and grow the seeds of new dreams. Connect with your inner self & nature in this Heart Foundations retreat. www.NorthernEdgeAlgonguin .ca/Circle/Heart-Foundations WOMEN'S CHAKRADANCE RETREAT: July 7 - 10, 2020, Cozumel, Mexico. Dance your heart out! Experience transformative meditations, healthy local cuisine, and sacred ceremony. Information: www.talkofthetowntravel .com/wellness-travel (Talk of the Town Travel, 8A-1444 Dupont St. TICO #1112688)
SOUND HEALING THERAPY MARY ANN SATO - Certified Practitioner of Biofield Tuning, Usui Reiki Master/Teacher, Sound Healing, Light Language Channeling. Available for one on one sessions to help with physical pain, emotional healing, spiritual development, general health and wellness. Call at (416) 903 - 0307.,
HEALTH FOOD STORE in Hamilton established 1997. Sales $500,000 per year. Located in Wellness clinic with 2 practitioners. Newly renovated. Customer loyalty program. Owner retiring. Ten year lease available at very reasonable rent. Inventory is $60,000. Buyer pays $60,000 for stock and all fixtures including POS system plus $25,000 good will. Located on Hamilton Mountain in high traffic area. All financial statements available. Call Barry Goldman at (905) 383-6748 or cell (905) 741-6844.
ELEGANTLY FURNISHED, this modern space offers floor to ceiling windows, balcony, living room space with open concept kitchen. Wheelchair accessible bathroom & 1 large therapy room. Near Eglinton Grand Theatre with availability Monday - Sunday, part-time and full-time. Perfect for a psychotherapist or social worker, naturopath, or acupuncturist. Can also hold nutrition or cooking workshops. Please call Michal (647) 447-5768 or email michalkelly23@
BUY / SELL FOR SALE: Norwalk Juicer Model 270 $2,200, Green Star Juicer $400, Ion Cleanse Aqua-Chi Prof. Series 11 $800. Contact 1-613-923-5156.
HEALTH PRODUCTS COLLOIDAL SILVER GENERATORS: Make your own fresh, high potency with our professional domestic and commercial colloidal generators. We supply large area electrodes of 99.99% pure silver, gold, copper, magnesium, zinc, iron, platinum, palladium, tin, titanium & 3 more. 20% discount for zoomers. Made in GTA., (647) 478-6946 or 1-800-4882032. FREE KANGEN WATER FOR THIRTY DAYS., 2239 Bloor St. W. Toronto.
YOGA SUNLILYOGA - A Kripalu Yoga Programme in Richmond Hill and Thornhill. Yoga classes, Yoga Therapy, Retreats and 200- & 500-hour Yoga Teacher Training:, (905) 770-9210. THERAPEUTIC YOGA focusing on Emotional and Chronic release, Fertility, and Prenatal. By attuning the body-mind connection, the body allows a shifting of the emotional state for a renewed physical ability. Call at (905) 242-6677 or for details, visit YOGA PRANAYAM CENTRE. Beginner and intermediate Kripalu yoga - easy, effective, wholesome. 348 Danforth Ave., the Carrot Common, Chester subway. Call (416) 691-7337.
NEW PSYCHOTHERAPY SPACES: Beautiful building across from Allan Gardens - 120 Carlton at Jarvis. Six spaces available on full-time, parttime and occasional basis. For inquiries call at (416) 535-8777 or email at PARKDALE PSYCHOTHERAPY SPACE: Queen West near Brock. Beautifully renovated offices available part-time and occasional. To contact Nick, call at (416) 567-2205.
Vitality’s office will be closed: From Friday, Dec. 20 2019 to Thursday Jan. 02 2020 for Winter Holidays CHECK YOUR AD!
THERAPEUTIC TOUCH© THERAPEUTIC TOUCH© PRACTITIONER, Marlene George, www.marlene, (905) 796-0101.
HIDDEN BUDDHA HEALING CENTER: The Perfect Place to Host Your Retreat. Rental space for retreat leaders, yearround. Contact Lidia: (416) 912-1721, Visit:
BEAUTIFUL OFFICES: Toronto Healing Arts Centre, established 1983, offers a large range - Bloor Street West at Christie subway. Specializing in psychotherapy, open to all. For inquiries call at (416) 535-8777 or email
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• Great Selection! • Full Time, Part Time & Occasional Rentals • Reasonable Rates • Workshop Space Also
www . t o r o n t o h e a l i n g a r t s . ca