Tips for Deep Meditation
1. Bring a Smile to another Face How do you feel when you help someone? Happy, satisfied? Do you also feel a
burst of positive energy, like something expanding in you? Do you know why? This is because when you do service and bring a smile to someone’s face, good vibrations and blessings come to you.
2. Pamper Your Body with Some Yoga Twists Have you observed that some days you feel very restless during your meditation and are unable to go deeper?
This is because long working hours bring stiffness to the body and aches due
to this stiffness make you restless. Doing some yoga asanas frees you from this stiffness and releases restlessness. With this, your mind settles down and allows you to have a deeper experience in meditation.
3. Keep a Watch over Your Food Think about the days you have meditated after having oily, fried, non-
vegetarian food, and the days you meditated after having light and healthy
food. Do you feel a difference in your meditation? This is because your food has a direct impact on the state of your mind.
As a meditator, an ideal diet should include grains, green vegetables, fresh
fruits, salads, soups, etc. – essentially foods that are light and easy to digest and high in ‘prana’.
4. Sing to Yourself Have you noticed how different types of music trigger different emotions in you?
We are made up of 90% or more space, so sound has a very profound effect on us. Singing in satsangs purifies emotions and you feel a sense of expansion in you. The ‘little mind’ that chatters incessantly is silenced and when you meditate, you have a deeper experience.