V I D E O # 2
V I D E O # 2
I specialise in showing virtual assistants and other online service professionals how to create functional and efficient online businesses, attract and secure high end clients and lead with sustainable profit-driven packages that can be scaled to 6+ figures through strategic experience-based training, resultsdriven coaching and diverse hands-on services.
The 3 'Super Skills' every online business owner needs for ultimate prosperity.
How to reverse engineer success so you'll know exactly how to grow your business.
Developed a multi-6 figure VA business, while travelling and living abroad in multiple countries before I began training and coaching, and I run my business inside my dream lifestyle as a mum of 5 on the beautiful Red Sea, in Egypt. Have been coaching virtual assistants into 6+ figure businesses and dream lifestyle changes since 2011.
Created a plug-in and activate VA business model that achieves incredible results for virtual assistants...
I will show you a technique today that has the ability to change your life, as it did mine, and I will give you specifics on how to apply it. But first, I ask you to keep an open mind.
Success is deciding on the ‘Possibilities’ and then creating those possibilities using universal laws.
Laws of attraction, laws of assumption, laws of creation...
Step 1: You decide the goal.
Step 2: You consider how that goal was achieved.
Step 3: You write out or ‘script’ what happened.
Step 4: You take intuitive action towards the end of the story.
Step 5: You allow the story to come true.
Step 6: You receive your story.
Create a clear vision for what you want your end goal to be with your business, but unless you ’ re familiar with manifesting, simply select a “Next Level” goal. This goal will be unique to you. First client. First $1000. Next Client.
First 4 figure, 5 figure month etc...
Think about how that goal could have possibly happened and decide if you like and believe the way it happened. Let’s take a first client scenario...
You have consultation bookings.
You have email enquiries.
People are recommending you.
People are seeing you and contacting you on social media.
“I nail client consultations and everyone wants to work with me. ”
Articulate those scenarios in the past / present tense as if they had already happened using... I am, I have, I’m thankful now etc.
I’m so excited to wake up to new consultation bookings daily.
My inbox has new emails daily with potential client enquiries.
I’m so happy that everyone is talking about my service; word is getting out!
It’s great to communicate with so many amazing potential clients through social media comments and enquiries.
I’m such a good converter on consultations and can work with whoever I choose!
Action is required, but not the hard slog, hard work, hard graft kind of action. This is from inspiration, answering emails, posting, contacting people, taking a course, learning a skill, whatever feels natural and exciting to you which aligns with your goal - do it!
This is most likely going to be one of the hardest parts. When you write your story you immerse yourself in the feeling and go about your day as if it has already happened in ‘knowing’.
When you order something online you don’t immediately check the front door to see if it’s there - that’s coming from a place of wanting, whereas you need to simply carry on, enjoy your life and know it’s already there, in transit, in delivery...
Here is some scripting I’ve done and the outcomes that have happened from it...
Script: I’m the most sought after virtual assistant on the Web right now, and I’m so glad I made additional room in my calendar for this dream client. I freed up my calendar for additional hours for the consultations that I knew were going to come in.
Next morning I woke up to an enquiry, I booked myself on a call with the potential client on the enquiry, did the consultation and got paid on the spot, within 2 hours of scripting.
Script: I am so grateful that my client accepted my proposal for the new Podia project with me, I got to work on something I love to do, the client really needed it and had fabulous results from the outcome.
I picked a potential client who I could see really needed Web development, I made a proposal and contacted the client with it, we had a meeting 2 days later and the funds were in my account within 4 days from scripting.
Script: I am so excited that my Virtual Assistant Network is growing by hundreds of members per day. I am now attracting people who really value the expertise and support I can provide them and are keen to be the best in their field through seeking out professional support.
I began to really contribute, I hosted a Virtual Assistant Festival where we had over 1500 sign ups to the event, I started making videos 5 days a week for accountability, keeping a regular social media schedule and rebuilding my 1nSourcing Programme from the ground up, to completely bring it up to date for today’s VA landscape.
You can use techniques and strategies from training programmes, or courses to create your stories.
Choose things you will love to do (this is not a chore and shouldn’t feel like it), create plans to sell service packages, attract clients and work on projects you’ll love, and write them out as if it’s already happened.
Then think about the actions you need to take - none of this should feel like a waste of time because you need to come from the sense of knowing it’s all being delivered...
You'll learn how to speed up the process so goals can begin to be achieved in weeks (sometimes days!) instead of years.