Published bi-monthly by VOLUNTEER MARINE RESCUE BRISBANE Radio Call Sign: Marine Rescue Sandgate Phone: 3269.8888 A/H Emergency Phone: 0428.022881 Fax.: 3269.2245 www.vmrsandgate.net.au
VMR BRISBANE Is proudly supported by ENERGEX
PAPA CREW DINNER 22ND FEBRUARY, 2013 Papa Crew busy serving dinner. Note the big screen in the background with photos of Gavan.
Gavan involved in one of Papa Crew’s rescues
This month’s dinner was a Tribute to Gavan Orders who was a member of Papa Crew before his untimely passing. We were joined by Lee Orders and her daughter, Katrina, as we celebrated Gavan’s life. Carmel and Joe Orders, Gavan’s parents, also enjoyed looking at the big screen and seeing some photos of Gavan on his crew days and listening to some of his favourite music. Sandgate Canoe Club filled a table and remembered how Gavan had been one of their number. About 50 people enjoyed the evening which started with some delicious appetisers, including one item Gavan was rather partial to and that was ... pies! Roast meats, potato bake and salads were our main course and these were followed by ice-cream and fruit. Daryl Claffey was MC for the evening and he read the lovely tribute to Gavan which was published in the last issue of Boat Talk. Lionfish’s Elaine and Steve presented VMRB with $500 to enable us to continue our work and Glenn Philip accepted this generous donation on our behalf. The Gooseclub winner was Sandgate Canoe Club member, Lainie Rummery who wasn’t in attendance so the prize jackpotted to $650 for the March dinner. There were heaps of prizes throughout the evening for both the door prize and raffles. Winners of the main prizes (packs of alcohol) included Cameron Peglar, Chris Brown and Dave Harris. All of the prizes were donated by Nigel and Pat Turner of EuroPacific Liquor as well as of Papa Crew fame. Our roving reporter apologises profusely as some of the photos disappeared when she was having a senior moment. or two It will have to suffice to say that Papa Crew did a great job and everyone had a wonderful time! The winners of the biggest raffle in VMRB history! (At far left are Carmel, Joe, Katrina and Lee Orders.) Katrina Orders drew the lucky winners’ tickets.
Left: Col English, George Fisher and Cameron Peglar enjoying the night air before dinner.
2 – April/May 2013
FOR YOUR INFORMATION WHAT'S COMING UP APRIL 2013 9th Lionfish Dive Group Social … 6:30 pm 14th SYC Sailing … Start time 12md 14th SYC Meeting … 4:00 pm 17th SCC Committee Meeting … 7:00 pm 21st TS/KB Race … Start time 10:00 am 23rd VMRB Management Meeting … 7:30 pm 24th Lionfish Dive Group Meeting … 6:30 pm 26th Alpha Crew Dinner—Tribute to Anzacs … 6:30 pm 28th Book Launch 100 Years of Shorncliffe Sailing … 10:00 am 28th SYC Sailing … Start time 11:00 am then Trophy Presentation MAY 2013 14th Lionfish Dive Group Social … 6:30 pm 15th SCC Committee Meeting … 7:00 pm 24th Charlie Crew's Dinner … from 6:30 pm 28th VMRB Management Meeting … 7:30 pm 29th Lionfish Dive Group Meeting … 6:30 pm
PO Box 201, Sandgate Qld 4017 Phone: 3269 8888 Fax: 3269 2245 www.vmrsandgate.net.au Radio Call Sign: Marine Rescue Sandgate
Neil Sheppard president@vmrsandgate.net.au
Senior Vice-President: Wayne Wright 0407 916388 snr.vice.president@vmrsandgate.net.au Junior Vice-President: Luke Hillyard 0421 239559 jnr.vice.president@vmrsandgate.net.au Secretary: 3865 6364
David Massam secretary@vmrsandgate.net.au
Treasurer: 0433 154105
Glenn Philip treasurer@vmrsandgate.net.au
Unit Training Coordinator: Peter Leech 3314 0388 utc@vmrsandgate.net.au Crew Liaison: 0413 893902
Richard Miles crew.liaison@vmrsandgate.net.au
Members' Representatives: Bill Hirn 3203 5865 and Les Pascoe 0418 191428 members.rep@vmrsandgate.net.au
contributions to BOAT TALK is THURSDAY, 24TH MAY, 2013
Welcome! New members this time are Gregory Smith, Andre Maestracci, Vic Kussrow, Jeremy Sharp Ian Stringer, Mitchell Acres, Ian Robertson, Dennis Gray, Matthew Boyd, Jamie White.
Looking Ahead to JUNE 2013 11th Lionfish Dive Group Social … 6:30 pm 19th SCC Committee Meeting … 7:00 pm 25th VMRB Management Meeting … 7:30 pm 26th Lionfish Dive Group Meeting … 6:30 pm 28th Foxtrot Crew’s Dinner … 6:30pm VOLUNTEER MARINE RESCUE BRISBANE INC
The next deadline for
We look forward to seeing you around the Base and getting to know you better soon.
BOAT TALK Editor: Deidre Windham Ph: 3602 5250 editor@vmrsandgate.net.au Publisher: Volunteer Marine Rescue Brisbane Volunteer Marine Rescue Brisbane Inc is a member of the Printed by: Redback Print Volunteer Marine Rescue Association Queensland Ph: 3269 6357 rbprint@bigpond.net.au
PATRONS: Inspector Chris Emzin,
VMR Brisbane is proudly supported by
Regional Superintendent Brisbane Water Police Hon Kerry Millard MP for Sandgate Cr. Victoria Newton, BCC Member for Deagon: UNIT CHAPLAIN: Rev. Ron Holt Ph 3865 8896
Neil Sheppard 0417 499326 Luke Hillyard 0421 239559 Workplace H&S Officer Thomas Grice 0413 200271 whso@vmrsandgate.net.au Health & Safety Representative: Thomas Grice 0413 200271 thomas@grice.id.au iT & Communication: Thomas Grice 0413 200271 it@vmrsandgate.net.au Membership: Greg Keough 0433 261269 membership@vmrsandgate.net.au Publicity: Deidre Windham 0419 766687 publicity@vmrsandgate.net.au Vessel & Equipment: Bill Hirn 3203 5865 equipment@vmrsandgate.net.au Building & Grounds: Wayne Wright 0407 916388 snr.vice.president@vmrsandgate.net.au Zone Delegates:
Tom Begbie 3269 8633 Tom Begbie 3269 8633 hallhire@vmrsandgate.net.au Duty Roster: Ray Langdon 0432 248679 Assistant to Treasurer: Phil Fitzgerald 0419 657131 Activations Recording: Luke Hillyard 0421 239559 Assistant to Editor: Linda Frankland 0422 628106 Key Custodian: Greg Keough 0433 261269 key.custodian@vmrsandgate.net.au Fishing & Cruising: ………TBA……………………….. fishing.cruising@vmrsandgate.net.au Social & Support Team: Rae Hirn 3203 5865 williamhirn@bigpond.com Unit Historian: ……..………TBA…..………………….. Webmaster: Glenn Philip 0433 154105 webmaster@vmrsandgate.net.au Venue Manager: Hall Hire:
The Team also includes representatives from our Associated Groups – SYC, SCC and Lionfish Dive Group. BOAT TALK is published bi-monthly. Management Committee Meetings are held at the Club at 7:30 pm on the fourth Tuesday of each month (check in holiday periods) and members are welcome to attend. Front Cover: New motors being fitted on Energex Sandgate 1 at Scarborough Marina (Photo: Rae Hirn)
April/May 2013- 3
VMRB Matters WELCOME TO APRIL-MAY, 2013 From Your President, Neil In February we replaced the motors on Energex Sandgate 1. After some early teething problems the motors have lived up to expectations with the electronic controls proving a hit with all our crew. Over the past couple of months we have lodged five grants for the purpose of replacing the tables and chairs in our main hall through to refurbishment of the exterior of our main building. Peter Leech has our training program up and running with a number of crew members participating in a 2nd stripe training program. Over the coming months, we will also ramp up our night training. Papa Crew’s Tribute to Gavan Orders paid great respect to him and his family at our dinner in February. The March BBQ hosted by Delta Crew was a tremendous success too. Thanks to Bob and his crew and many helpers for a lovely night. As always we have many things to do so, if you can assist us in any way, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Safe Boating
Neil Sheppard, President
Alpha Crew’s April Barbecue Because Anzac Day falls on a Thursday this year, there is the possibility people will take Friday off and make a four day long weekend. ~~~ But please don’t! Choose to support VMRB and attend our April barbecue. ~~~ It will help Alpha Crew with their catering if you text message 0415 354732 with your attendance numbers. The date for Alpha Crew’s Anzac Tribute Barbecue is Friday, 26th April - the day after Anzac Day. The theme for the night will be a Tribute to the Anzacs. The members’ Gooseclub Draw is up to $700 but you have to be in attendance to collect the prize if your number is called. Come along any time from 6.30 p.m. for a real Aussie barbecue - and there are bound to be some Anzac biscuits around too.
From the Editor On page 9 meet Rick Secombe in Me and My Boat. Rick is a new member who is on Quebec Crew. Another new member is Amy Elliot and she and her family are on page 16. Thanks to Linda Frankland for gaining some more supporters for VMRB - on page 17 you can see how to support Raphaels Restaurant, Tackle Land and Prolube. A small sailboat has been in our yard for quite a long time (see page 16). We are endeavouring to find its owner: please let us know if you can give us any leads. We’ve got some interesting events coming up; check out our Date Claimers on page 6 and you can also check out the fees due for the next year there too. My thanks for contributions from Bob Chapman and Alan Eustace as well as the many photographers who sent amazing photos of the floods which, unfortunately, we didn’t have the space to include in this issue. Happy Reading.
4 – April/May 2013
Unfortunately full statistics are not available for the last period. Date Activity (excluding training exercises) 7/2 A/H 1am: vessel sinking in CTC, pumped out and owner advised. 21/2 A/H 18:00: tow a 5.2 metre vessel with engine trouble north-west of St Helena to Whyte Island ramp. 18/3 Tow a 5.5 metre vessel broken down at the south-eastern side of Mud Island to Pinkenba ramp. CTC = Cabbage Tree Creek 18/3 Tow a 9.5 metre sailing vessel from off Shorncliffe to CTC marina. 17/3 A/H 18:00: tow a broken down RIB SE of the Fisheries Beacon to CTC. 24/3 Tow a 4.5m aluminium centre console runabout experiencing electrical problems from Mud Island to Whyte Island.
Crews’ News
Sea conditions settled down for February and March which was a change after the wild conditions over the Australia Day weekend. Because it has been quiet, the crews relished the opportunity to become familiar with the new motors and modifications on Energex Sandgate 1. It has unanimously been agreed that the new electronic controls are a great improvement and easy to use – especially in the wet and windy conditions experienced in a ‘moderate to rough’ Bramble Bay. Thomas led the After Hours call out at 1 a.m. to check on a vessel that was sinking in Cabbage Tree Creek. Upon inspection, the vessel was very much bow down in the water so our crew returned with the pump and pumped the vessel out before advising the owner. By the time Delta Crew started their duty day on 9th February, the ramp was covered in driftwood and debris. Substitute skipper, Joe, and Delta Crew gratefully acknowledged the assistance given by the Aspley cubs and their leaders, to clean up the mess. The cubs were enjoying a weekend camp at the Brownsea Scouts facility. After the ramp clean up, Skipper Joe organised them into three groups and they had a guided tour of Energex Sandgate 1, the squadron facilities and the radio room. The After Hours Crew were called out on Thursday at 1800 hours for a 5.2 metre vessel with engine trouble north west of St Helena. Thomas was lucky enough to have the pleasure of being joined on this rescue with one of our promising up and coming crew members. “We arrived at base at approx 18:15 and proceeded to contact the vessel requiring assistance for some more specific details on the vessel, people on board and location. After a quick briefing on where we needed to go and how we were going to do it, we proceeded to launch Energex Sandgate 1. As we were leaving base, we were advised that there had been a Strong Wind Warning issued. Knowing the part of the bay we needed to traverse to locate the vessel and where they wanted to go quite well through experience gained with Volunteer Marine Rescue Brisbane, we made the relatively easy decision to proceed with the rescue.
We located the vessel exactly where they indicated they would be. Due to the deteriorating conditions we made a slow pass to explain to the Master of the vessel what we proposed to do. One more slow pass and Kelly landed the tow rope in the Masters hand, no mean feat in the wind and waves that we were working in. We proceeded to tow the vessel at a steady pace so as not to knock the towed vessel or crew around. We successfully navigated through the boat passage from the south to the Whyte Island boat ramp. This really showed the value of night time familiarisation of our area of operation. Upon arrival at the Whyte Island boat ramp, we discovered that the pontoon we expected to tie up to had been washed away in the recent bad weather! Quick change of plan: we decided to raft the vessel alongside Energex Sandgate 1 and slowly motor in toward the boat ramp to get out of the swift flowing current. The current was so swift Energex Sandgate 1 actually proceeded at a 45 degree angle toward the boat ramp. Once within approx 2 metres we advised the Master of the towed vessel to give himself a large push off Energex Sandgate 1 to gain enough momentum to reach the boat ramp.” After they ensured the rescued people were safely ashore, Kelly successfully navigated and helmed Energex Sandgate 1 back to base via the boat passage, Brisbane River, Koopa Channel and back to base. All in all, considering the conditions, it was a very successful and uneventful activation. 16th March was unusual in the number of people Delta Crew had on duty due to crew rotations and visiting crew members for training. They split into three groups: Energex Sandgate 1 took some for a training run to the Redcliffe jetty for vessel handling practice; Sandgate Rescue 11 and Sandgate 2 did towing and rafting practice, returning to base in time for some crew to complete their ESS orals with the UTC. We were called to retrieve a 5.5 metre vessel broken down at the south-eastern side of Mud Island and return to Pinkenba ramp. Returning via Water Police headquarters the crew were met with the smell of a well cooked lunch which was cut short by the need to tow a broken down 9.5 metre sailing vessel to its berth in Cabbage Tree Creek. The help with the tows from the visiting crew from Bravo was appreciated.
(Continued on page 6)
April/May 2013 - 5
Date Claimers 9th April - Crew Meeting at VMRB 7.30 pm. 21st April - SANDBAG Community Wellness Expo and Fun Run 7 am to 2 pm at Einbunpin Lagoon Parklands, Brighton Road, Sandgate. We will have a boat on display and promote VMRB and benefits to the community. If you want to enter for any of the Fun Runs - 8km, 4km, 1500m run or walk - register on http://www.sandgatefunrun.com.au/ or phone Debra Griesheimert: (07) 3869 3244. 28th April - 100 Years of Shorncliffe Sailing—10 am for the launch of Brian Hutchison’s book. This is a fantastically researched Limited Edition 36 page book with copious race results from 1912 to 2012 and it can be purchased at the launch for $10.00 [cash only or cheque made out to Sandgate Yacht Club]. The author will be present and happy to chat to everyone. 1st June - Launch of Sandgate Rescue II by Wayne Swan, Deputy Prime Minister—1pm. There will be displays of a range of goods and services by sponsors and supporters. This is an opportunity for the community to see what VMRB does and how we are on call to assist them. TBA (likely to be a Sat in late October)—this is our annual Saturday ‘Shop Till You Drop’ trip where our keen shoppers are tempted by bargain goods at lots of factory outlets and enjoy a very social day including a lovely lunch.
Membership and Hardstand Fees Welcome again to membership renewal time! In due course you should receive your membership renewal and hardstand fee invoices which have only increased in line with the CPI. Please note these are due for payment by 30th June, 2012 and the payment methods are listed on the bottom of the renewal form. Also there will be a change of details form with your renewal which we would appreciate you completing so that our records remain up-to-date. Membership Classification
Membership Fee
Hardstand: Vessel Type
Annual Fee
Full Member
Mono Hull
Full Member Active Crew
Multi Hull
Concessional Full Member (Country & Pensioner)
Associate Member
Associate Member + Boat Talk Subscription
Waterside Assist Membership
Crews News
Please note: Your access to facilities, hardstand area and ramp will be restricted if payment is not received by the due date.
(Cont’d from page 5)
It was the end of November Crew’s duty day when they received a report of a broken down RIB off Margate. Energex Sandgate 1 was sent to find the broken down vessel which was actually located slightly south-east of the Fisheries Beacon. Due to the sea conditions, the vessel was towed at a slow pace to the public ramp where the vessel was reunited with its trailer and headed home. Many thanks to Luke Hillyard for helping with this activation after being on crew all day. Currently local knowledge is an ongoing focus of our Squadron training so Foxtrot Crew’s March duty day saw them studying exactly that! While crew were inspecting and preparing vessels for launch, Duty Master Thomas Grice created a spreadsheet for the crew to recognise our individual levels of local knowledge. We shared our knowledge and our own areas of interest, common callout areas and any individual virgin territory. With this information, Michael Overend plotted a course including the CTC lead lights, FB, markers on the way to the two sets of lead lights in and
6 – April/May 2013
out of Tangalooma, (surprisingly hard to find!), Main Channel Markers and the Measured Mile, all the time recognising directional and light sequences. Glenn Philip, Duty Master (November) led us through an extremely thorough check on both Energex Sandgate 1 and Sandgate Rescue 2. This was so worth doing; taking our time through each vessel, identifying rescue and safety equipment, checking and adjusting the air pressure on the RIB. All the time Glenn was questioning us and answering our (maybe silly) questions. Little things that are so vital to our own safety and the ability to effectively execute a safe rescue procedure illustrate what we forget when we are regularly breezing over them.. No call outs but a brilliant training day! 24th March and Quebec Crew started early with a call to a 4.5m aluminum, centre console runabout which was experiencing electrical problems and unable to start their engine. They were towed from Mud Island to Whyte Island.
Training News UTC, PETER LEECH Due to significant changes to the training procedures currently in use, the training program for 2013 has not been completed and the only courses offered until the end of April 2013 are Local Knowledge, CPR and First Aid and Radio licence. On Saturday 16 February 2013, a conference was held for all UTC’s from Gladstone south with representation from all squadrons. A number of matters were discussed and resolutions were agreed to. One of these was the way in which the training of members is to be conducted. There has been some concern within VMRAQ about the number of failures in the area of subject assessments which is a closed-book examination. Research has found that many participants lacked the underpinning knowledge for the marine subjects involved as many members lacked experience in the maritime industry. Therefore the format of the training for all subjects that require Task Book completion will be as follows effective immediately. The procedure will be as follows: - Theory Training, Task Book completion, Assignment, Assessment and Practical Assessment. Theory Training – ALL members MUST attend the theory training to gain the basics of the underpinning subject knowledge and any other required documentation. Task Books – The task book for the relevant subject must be completed regardless of the number of times a task has to be done. For instance MR30 07B Operate and carry out basic service checks on small vessel marine propulsion systems requires that some of the tasks be completed 2 or 3 times and all must be completed in full. The task can only be completed once on any one day and there MUST be a break of 3 weeks between completing the same task more than once. The Task book should be signed off by a Duty Master or a person who holds the rank of VMRAQ Coxswain. If a member wishes to complete a task on a day when not on duty then it is the member’s responsibility to arrange same with the Duty Master on the day. Sometimes there will be a need to visit vessels off base and this will have to be arranged by the UTC as partnership documents need to be completed. There is a need here to make arrangements with a number of businesses. Members need to provide Candidate Details inside the front cover and ensure that the details of vessels and assessors are recorded. A training course in the completion of Task Books has been conducted. All members requiring a Task Book are to submit a passport sized photo (with name and signature on the back – the name must be legible) in hard copy to the UTC ASAP. Task books will not be issued until a member has completed the ESS training. Some members will have the 2009 book and some will have the 2010 book and there are differences between the two. To identify the differences, a member MUST refer to the Training Folder in the Radio Room. Assignment – Members are now able to download assignments from the VMRAQ website. Members can then complete and sub-
mit the assignment IN THER OWN HANDWRITING (typed will not be accepted) BUT it will not be assessed until the Task Book has been completed in full. An Assignment is an open-book assessment and will further develop a members underpinning knowledge. Assessment – These are closed-book assessments and it is thought that by the time a member arrives at this assessment the underpinning knowledge is sufficient to enable a member to successfully compete the assessment. The assessments will be some weeks after the theory training. Practical Assessment – This will be done either on a Squadron vessel or an external vessel by the UTC only depending on the circumstances and will include oral questions on all aspects of the subject matter. If a member has recently done a written assessment then they are to change to this new format immediately. Elements of Shipboard Safety Training – Please refer to the UTC’s comments in the last Boat Talk regarding this matter. Until a member has been assessed and signed off by the UTC then they are not completed. There are a number of persons who have gone past the 6 month period (some well past) and have not yet completed their ESS. A list has been supplied to the President and Duty Master Coordinator and Duty Masters. First Aid Training – As Bill McCord of Sierra Crew is the Designated First Aid Training Officer, all matters regarding this subject are to be referred to him. Bill will arrange his training schedule. There is a need TO ENSURE that all the paperwork for this subject is completed correctly and properly signed off. There have been problems getting the last course finalised. A new assessment paper for CPR and First Aid has been received. Training and Assessment Schedules – These schedules for 2013 and 2014 have to be completed immediately as this is required by VMRAQ and MSQ. There will be joint training between squadrons as happened earlier this year, and the best use is to be made of VMRAQ resources. (Continued page 12)
The answer to last edition's question: What is the legislation that came into force on 1 January 2013 that will apply to the domestic commercial fleet operating in Australian waters across all States and territories? The National System will be given legal authority through the operation of the Marine Safety (Domestic Commercial Vessel) National Law Act 2012. This edition's question: What is the name of the buoyage system that is used within Australian waters?
April/May 2013- 7
Sandgate Yacht Club Sandgate Yacht Club Summer Series Dinghy Racing December through February 2013 Christmas Race (December 16, 2012, in 10-15 knots from the East, for FUN) 1. Grumpy Old Men, Peter Croft/Gary Rushton 2. Think Big, Eelke Wouda/Bruce Wales 3. Yandina, Chris Howell/Paul Young 4. Criss Cross, Richard Cunnold/John Buckley 5. Corang, Lindsay Gilbert/Joanne Kurtzman 6. 12 Foot Skiff, Laurie Williamson/Josh McK. Dinghy Racing on January 20, 2013 Handicap Results: Summer Series Race 10. 1. Criss Cross 2. Corang 3. Think Big 4. Yandina 6. Mango Magic, Owen Hutchison et al. Handicap Results: Summer Series Race 11. 1. Corang 2. Think Big 3. Criss Cross 4. Yandina Dinghy Racing on February 3, 2013 Handicap Results: Club Championship Race 5/Summer Series Race 12. 1. Think Big 2. Yandina 3. Grumpy Old Men 4. Stiff Uffa Lip, Grahame Baker/Kent Harland 5. Mango Magic
Handicap Results: Club Championship Race 6/Summer Series Race 13. 1. Think Big 2. Stiff Uffa Lip 3. Yandina 4. Grumpy Old Men 5. Mango Magic Dinghy Racing on February 17, 2013 Handicap Results: Summer Series Race 14. 1. Grumpy Old Men 2. Yandina 3. Stiff Uffa Lip 4. Go to Red, Richard Hyde/crew 5. Corang Grumpy Old Men’s Peter Croft 6. Think Big with Gary Rushton on trapeze Commodore:
Laurie Williamson 0438 165 916 (M) Email: soggysox@live.com.au Vice Commodore: Lindsay Gilbert 0419 210 645 (M) Rear Commodore: John Mitchell 5484.1738/0429.387441 Secretary: Ron Walker 3399.1586/0407.251413 Email: ron@syc.org.au Treasurer: Graeme Dobson 3262.2269(H) 0417 756356 (M)
Flying 15 State Championships 2013 Hosted by Tin Can Bay Yacht Club on 16th and 17th March, a fleet of 10 Flying Fifteens entered the regatta which featured Open, Silver, Classic and Handicap series . Winner of the Handicap series was Corang.
2013 Silver - Races sailed: 5; Entries: 4. 3245 Turning Vehicle L Bardsley 5 points 3257 Think Big F Wouda 8 points 3306 Flying Fossils B Whan 8 points 2912 Corang Joanne Kratzman 16 points
Most improved Flying 15 was Yandina. Navigator’s trophy was won by Flying Fossils. 2013 Open - Races sailed: 5; Entries: 10. 3972 Sake Adam Kingston 4 points 3767 Bubbles K Bubb 7 points 3245 Turning Vehicle L Bardsley 14 points 3306 Flying Fossils B Whan 18 points 3257 Think Big F Wouda 19 points 1398 Secret Fifteen G Williamson 21 points 3709 Ghost Magic Peter Croft 22 points 2386 Yandina C Howell 30 points 2912 Corang Joanne Kratzman 36 points 3489 Final Fling R Yeeles 37 points 2013 Classic - Races sailed: 5; Entries: 2 1398 Secret Fifteen G Williamson 4 points 2386 Yandina C Howell 7 points
8 – April/May 2013
Corang’s Lindsay Gilbert/Joanne Kurtzman
You can view some fantastic photos of racing taken by sailing enthusiast Julie Hartwig on the following website: www.juliehartwigphotography.ifp3.com
Me and My Boat RICK SECOMBE If you see a blue and white Allison Vulcan 189 called Ruby Belle with a 90HP Honda 4 stroke out on the bay, you will be seeing Rick Secombe getting some more experience. When Rick was in the army in his later teenage years based at Wacol, he had no idea he would ever own such a good fibreglass fishing and cruising machine. Upon leaving the Artillery, Rick knew he wanted to go fishing so he joined the Deception Bay Fishing Club. Fortunately for him, he was asked if had room to store a boat and, even more fortunately, he replied that he did. That is how he managed to go fishing most weekends in a borrowed tinny for the grand membership fee of $10. Unfortunately politics saw the boat returned so, in his early 20s, Rick purchased his own 12ft tinny with a 25HP Yamaha. He called it Catchalot – and he certainly did. He used to fish in the Caboolture River, Nudgee Creek and other estuaries and regularly ended up with good feeds of whiting and flathead. At the same time he had the 12 ft camouflage tinny above so he could go fishing in stealth up the far reaches of the Serpentine Creek (pre Green zones)! However it was progress to sell Catchalot and acquire a 16 ft Zephyr Express powered by a 50HP Yamaha. This was billed as a very stable and safe boat and it served Rick’s family and friends well with fishing around the Broadwater and Tipplers where they used to hire a houseboat for the accommodation side of things. This boat was named Nikita Jane after one of his nieces. Domesticity saw the sale price of this boat used as a deposit on a house.
drive a bigger boat compared to his previous little vessels and how little he knew. The obvious solution was to join Volunteer Marine Rescue to learn about boating safety. About 6 months’ ago, he was allocated to Quebec Crew and now Les Pascoe and the rest of the crew are filling in the gaps in his boating knowledge. (He does say that he has come to the conclusion that it doesn’t matter which boat he owns, he is really only good at sand mining!) Getting a boat licence wasn’t the beall and end all; he needed to know about navigation and radios, safety and rope handling. Just as well Rick is on a rescue crew, because the weather hasn’t really been conducive for recreational boating lately. His daily occupation is running his wheel alignment and suspension specialist business, called Rick’s Wheel Alignment and Tyre Service, and based at Bowen Hills (phone 0418 789278). However Rick also has other interests: photography, with his speciality being wedding photos and portraiture. He combines his love of travel with photography, having undertaken a course in Hong Kong and a landscape shoot at Kunnunurra in W.A. For a change of pace, Rick rides a 700 Raptor Quad Bike on properties at Narangba. He has also ridden dirt bikes and sidecars most of his life competing in motorcycles trials events where he made it to B grade. Later on, turning to big road, his latest one was a Victory Hammer 1800 cc. Rick has also rescued two Staffy dogs from the pound so Zac and Bubba also enjoy the great outdoors from their home with Rick in Bracken Ridge. In 1988, after years of studying Taekwondo, Rick won a gold medal in a tournament and has trained Queensland. junior champions. He is still involved in the sport and trains his son Riley and daughter Ruby in the art.
In 2004, Rick was itching to go fishing again so bought a 4.1m Polycraft fitted with a 40HP Johnson. He resumed fishing around his old haunts and caught lots of huge whiting. He really had the bug now, so sold this boat to get something bigger and better. And this is where the Allison comes in. As well as being great for fishing, this vessel has the extras needed for comfortable socialising and overnight excursions - and Rick is very happy with it. He named this boat after his six year old daughter, Ruby Belle. Unfortunately not being accustomed to multi roller trailers saw the first launching turn to disaster when the boat launched itself at the Nudgee boat ramp - although there was some water under the boat at the time thus reducing the amount of damage to the transom. However, after buying the Allison, Rick realised how hard it was to
April/May 2013- 9
Crew Lists and Qualifications New member (clean slide) Duty Master (3 stripes + Anchor + Rank on Name Badge This roster is a living working document, and as Trainee Crew (1 stripe) Senior MSQ Coxswain (4 stripes + Anchor) such will change from time to time, or details LEGEND: Crew (2 stripes) Radio Operator may be omitted or entered incorrectly. Should VMRAQ Coxswain (3 stripes) Designated Radio Operator (1 stripe + Lightning Bolt) you find an error, please contact Luke Hillyard Senior VMRAQ Coxswain (3 stripes + anchor) on 0421 239 559 to arrange for the correction.
This page has been left blank intentionally. Crew details are included in Members’ copies.
NEARBY SQUADRONS: Ambulance, Fire, Police……………000 Mobile Phone Emergency No. ……112 (even if you have no credit or service) Poisons Information Centre…..131 126 (Poisons, medicines, plants, bites and stings) VMR Sandgate………………3269 8888 Try Radio first: Channels 88 or 91 A/H Emergency VMRB 0428 022 881 VHF Channels 16 or 67 Water Police…………………3895 0333
10 – April/May 2013
VMR Bribie Island VMR Raby Bay VMR Victoria Point VMR Stradbroke Island Coast Guard Redcliffe Coast Guard Manly
3408 7596 3821 2244 3207 8717 3409 9338 3203 5522 3396 5911
Fishing & Cruising Hall Hire
APRIL 2012
23 Management Mtg
24 ANZAC Day
13 Delta Crew
SYC Sailing SYC Meeting14 November Crew
SYC Sailing 21
Foxtrot Crew
Quebec Crew
TS/KB Race 28
Bravo Crew
Sierra Crew
Papa Crew Alpha Crew Dinner
Lionfish Meeting
Tango Crew
SCC C'tee Mtg
Alpha Crew L
Lionfish Social
Watch for Boat Talk
Charlie Crew
Only dates actually confirmed at time of printing are shown for this month. Further information can be obtained from members of the Management Team or are as displayed in the Radio Room.
MAY 2013
1 Labour Day 6 Delta Crew
14 Lionfish Social
All dates are as provided by participating groups and members at time of production.
Charlie Crew Dinner
28 Management Mtg
Charlie Crew
Tango Crew
Alpha Crew
November Crew
SCC C'tee Mtng
Foxtrot Crew
Quebec Crew
Bravo Crew
Papa Crew
Lionfish Meeting
Note: When scheduled meeting dates fall on public or school holidays, the meetings may be changed.
On 26th April Alpha Crew will be your hosts for our monthly dinner and on 24th May Charlie Crew will be your hosts.
REGULAR MEETING DATES Selected Sundays after races SYC Meeting TBA 2nd Tuesday in Month Dive Group Social 6.30 pm. 3rd Wednesday in Month Canoe Club Management 7.00 pm (General Meetings 1st Saturdays in March, June, September & November at 11.00am)
4th Tuesday in Month VMRB Management Team 7.30 pm. Last Wednesday in Month Dive Group Committee 6.30 pm. (Venues change‌.. NOT at VMRB)
DUTY MASTERS Alpha Crew Joe McCoy 3269 1255 Bravo Crew Ian McCartney 3869 0916 Charlie Crew Bill Hirn 3203 5865 Delta Crew Bob Chapman 3216 5521 Foxtrot Crew Thomas Grice 3869 2825
APRIL 1st Charlie 6th Alpha 7th Tango 13th Delta 14th November 20th Foxtrot 21st Quebec 35th Papa 27th Bravo 28th Sierra
MAY 4th Charlie 5th Tango 6th Delta 11th Alpha 12th November 18th Foxtrot 19th Quebec 25th Bravo 26th Papa
November Crew Glenn Philip 0433154105 Papa Crew Nigel Turner
3264 3648
Quebec Crew Les Pascoe 3216 5801 Sierra Crew Callum Baird 3869 1515 Tango Crew Karl Nast 3886 5451
JUNE 1st Charlie 3nd Sierra 8th Delta 9th Tango 10th Volunteers 15th Alpha 16th November 22nd Foxtrot 23rd Quebec 29th Bravo 30th Papa
April/May 2013- 11
UTC Training Fire fighting – At the UTC’s conference we were advised that as our training in this area only involved fire extinguishers then there is no need to utilise the services of qualified persons. This can be done by the UTC and VMRAQ is obtaining a fire box and the squadron needs to supply the required extinguishers. A fire fighting and flare course will be conducted later this year in about the June/July timeframe. Assessment and Assignment Cover Sheets – The cover sheets for both these documents must be completed in full as it is a legal requirement under the training requirements. Failure to complete the cover sheets correctly and in full will result in the paper not being assessed. Elearning – Access and user password – Immediately a member receives their VMRAQ number they should access the elearning website forthwith. When a VMRAQ number is issued, the access remains current for about 3 weeks and if not accessed it drops out. UTC’s will now be able to reset the password thereby reducing the calls on VMRAQ management. All members MUST access the website every 90 days or the password deactivates. Audit cover sheet – To meet VMRAQ and MSQ Audit purposes, a cover sheet has been designed which must sit on top of each member’s training folder. This form will also be used to advise members where they stand in relation to their training. A copy of each of these forms will be placed on the computer in the radio room under each crew’s area. They will be upgraded monthly and initially will only show those members who are training under the TDM07 program. This will take some time to put together. VMRAQ Audit Sheet – This sheet has been changed to meet new requirements regarding the recording of the Task Book completion. This form is mainly used by the UTC and a copy will be placed in the Training Folder in the radio room. Initially this form will only be used for those members undertaking the TDM 07 training package. Training folder – This folder is in the radio room and contains valuable information. All members are to read this folder to ensure that they are meeting their training requirements The training program for the first half of 2013, up until 30 June, will be posted in the Radio Room during April 2013 as there are some matters to be finalised due to the changes in the new training format and the administration of the new legislation. It is also proposed that training will be conducted conjointly with
(Cont’d from page 7) other squadrons and this should benefit all squadrons. The Squadron will commence another ESS course in May 2013 for the new members if there are sufficient numbers. This course is a must for all people wishing to successfully complete the ESS component of their training and the theory component of this training must be attended or members will not be deemed competent. Please note that until you complete the ESS module, it is recommended that a member not attend other training courses as they will not have the knowledge or experience. When members consider that they are competent enough to complete the practical assessment they should contact the UTC. Remember that a member has 6 months to complete the ESS from the date of joining. Please note that if you have been in the squadron more than 6 months and have not fully completed the ESS training then you are not to board the vessels. As from 1 January 2013, the operation of commercial vessels will come under the direction of the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) and VMRAQ have been advised that on-water audits will be conducted. Members should be aware that there are a number of practical parts to the ESS training other than the swim test, life raft drills, flare usage and fire fighting. Prior to being signed off as competent, a member must be assessed by the UTC and undergo an oral examination prior to completion. Until you complete the oral examination you cannot be signed off. Please note that a member MUST be wholly conversant with the information on page 2 and the top of page 3 of the ESS Practicals Sheet. The standard for knowledge in this area is falling. A CPR and First Aid course will be conducted by the First Aid Officer on Sunday 7 April 2013 for those who need to renew their qualification. Please note that theory assessment is now required for CPR and First Aid and members MUST attend the training days for this subject if they are to achieve competency in the practical aspect. The theory assessment for this training will be on a date TBA—check Radio Room for details. All members MUST WEAR enclosed footwear when coming onto the base, whether it is for a duty or a visit. VMRAQ OH&S policy states that enclosed footwear MUST be worn at all times. There are no exceptions!!! Safe boating Peter Leech, UTC, VMR Brisbane Inc.
Out and About…! Alan Eustace forwarded this story attributed to the Rockhampton Morning Bulletin: A central West couple drove their car into the Rockhampton KMart, only to have their car break down there. The man told his wife to carry on with the shopping while he fixed the car. The wife returned to see a small group of people near the car. On closer inspection, she saw a pair of male legs protruding from under the chassis. Although the man was in shorts, his lack of underwear turned private parts into glaringly public ones. Unable to stand the embarrassment, she dutifully stepped forward and
12 – April/May 2013
How he should have been dressed!
tucked everything back into place. On regaining her feet, she looked across the bonnet and found herself staring at her husband standing idly by. The repair man had to have three stitches inserted in his head.
Sandgate Canoe Club On 16th and 17th February, a group of SCC campers went to Island Reach Camping Ground at Imbil. They planned to do a ‘club paddle’ on the Saturday- not sure if they went on the Mary River or on Yabba Creek - and were planning to start at one of the crossings and make their way back to camp. Hopefully they had a good time. Another chance to socialize is when members of the club head to the Seaview Hotel (Pier Avenue, Shorncliffe) on the first Tuesday of every month for dinner (kids eat free!). An event coming up is on May 10-13 when some club members will be going to Stradbroke Island. They intend to depart from Raby Bay for Amity and do day paddles to the close island locations (weather permitting) but the tides are not predicted to be the best for the paddlers. More information will be disseminated closer to that weekend.
You participate in these activities entirely at your own risk on the understanding that you are aware of these risks and voluntarily accept them and that you are also aware that no one is liable in negligence for any harm that you may suffer as a result of engaging in them. There is always a paddle at Yundah St on Saturdays starting at 8am and Tuesdays at 9am. In June, July, and August there may be an alternative paddle at Yundah St on Saturdays starting at 9am. We want to make paddling as interesting and enjoyable as possible so if you have any ideas for a paddle contact one of the paddle committee members.
This might be a good time to promote the SCC Disclaimer: By its very nature sea kayaking is a dangerous sport. The obvious risks include exposure, fatigue, physical trauma and drowning. Meetings: Management Committee: 1st Saturday at 10.30 am. Sub-Committee: 3rd Wednesday alternate months 7 pm General Meetings: at 11.00 am on the first Saturday in March, June (AGM), September, November.
Club President email: Club Secretary email: Club email: Web page: Newsletter email:
sccpresident2010@hotmail.com suegollagher@gmail.com sangate@canoe.org.au www.sandgate.canoe.org.au sandgatecanoeclub@gmail.com
Lionfish Dive Group Sunday 24th February 2013 and Anita Ong reports: After some woolly weather and with most of the commercial dive operators cancelling this weekend’s diving; we were a bit apprehensive about what conditions to expect. It was fairly lumpy on the water so we opted to dive The Mountain which is by Flinders Reef. We had a 50 minute dive here and average depth of 20m. Most of us didn’t stumble across the Mountain but had a pleasurable dive with no current and about 15m VIS which was a nice surprise. We saw Green and Hawksbill Turtles, Octopus, a school of juvenile Skipjack Tuna! and the usual suspects you would find in the region of Flinders Reef, that is if you weren’t playing with your reels the whole time Andy and Nick! It wasn’t the most exciting dive but I think everyone was just happy to get in the water. For most of us it had been way too long due to bad weather, and we needed our Ocean fix! Upon surfacing, the ocean had calmed down and was now very mild. We enjoyed some hot drinks and hot food and cake and then decided to head to The Cementco and had a fantastic 45 Club Nights: 2nd Tuesday of the month at VMRB 6.30 pm Club Committee Meetings: Last Wednesday of the month 6.30 pm (Venue to be arranged)
minute dive here. The Wreck, still there, is decaying fast and rusty steel is falling off it so we were careful upon penetrating the wreck to not dive under any steel and also to be mindful of the outside walls caving in. VIS was about 20m and no current again. We had a really nice dive here and some great photographs were taken. Just a bit wider of the wreck are some nice rocky outcrops and these had Lionfish, huge Trumpet fish, and lots of Crays including baby Crays hiding. Divers did comment that there were far less Pelagics on the wreck than in past years probably due to overfishing. Some divers had commented it was their best dive in quite a while. It turned out to be a beautiful day on the boat, and we even missed getting drenched by the rain by about 5 minuteswhen we got back into the harbour ! All in all a fun day out and great to get to some different sites too. Club Contacts: Steve Dobson - Ocean Cat Trips - Email: steve.dive@hotmail.com Katherine Harding - general enquiries - Email: lionfish.secretary@gmail.com
April/May 2013- 13
Personal Water Craft What you need to know before you use one Cruising, wave jumping, surf-riding and skiing are just a few fun ways to enjoy your personal watercraft (PWC). Whatever activity you choose, the best way to enjoy your sport is safely. Whether you own or just borrow a PWC, it is vital to understand the safety rules and regulations.
Safety equipment Safety equipment depends on where you are travelling. All people riding a PWC must wear the correct personal flotation device (PFD) or life jacket at all times – the type you have to wear depends on where you are operating.
This information is from Maritime Safety Queensland. There are new operational requirements coming from 1 January 2012 that will affect PWC operators. The changes are: • PWC drivers must keep a distance of 30m from other moving boats when travelling at more than 10 knots –unless the PWC is involved in an approved aquatic event or where doing so would endanger the driver or another person. • A supervised unlicensed driver is not allowed to carry passengers other than the supervising PWC licence holder. • A supervising PWC licence holder must wear the kill switch safety lanyard when the PWC is being driven by an unlicensed driver.
• For smooth waters: ◊ PFD type 2, 3 or a wetsuit with inbuilt flotation
Before you head out: General safety obligation Owners and operators have a general safety obligation to make sure their PWC is in good condition, used safely and has the correct safety equipment. You have a safety responsibility towards those who use your PWC. Licences To operate a PWC you must hold a personal watercraft licence as well as a recreational marine driver licence or a commercial marine licence as master, or have a licensed person on board who is able to take immediate control in the case of any trouble. When towing a skier the operator must be licensed and there must be an observer on board. A supervised unlicensed driver is not allowed to carry passengers – other than the supervising licence holder. The supervising licence holder must wear a kill switch safety lanyard while the PWC is being driven by the unlicensed driver. Registration All PWCs must be registered. Registration symbols must be: • displayed on both sides • at least 100mm high • able to be read from 30m away • clearly visible in a contrasting colour to your craft • easily seen while your craft is underway.
Ride Smart stickers and capacity labels are available from Department of Transport and Main Roads customer service centres or Maritime Safety Queensland regional offices.
14 – April/May 2013
• Partially smooth and open waters: ◊ PFD type 2 ◊ Level 50.
Find out more information about life jackets and PFDs. There are new requirements for safety equipment that must be carried on PWC more than 0.5 nautical miles from land. The boating safety improvements factsheet (PDF, 53 KB) outlines the new safety equipment that PWCs are required to carry from 1 January 2012. If you travel more than 2 nautical miles offshore, when beyond smooth and partially smooth waters, you must carry an EPIRB (emergency position indicating radio beacon). Personal watercraft travelling at night, or at times of reduced visibility, must show navigation lights – side lights and an all-round white light which is visible from 360 degrees. On the water - Know and understand the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea and always keep a lookout for other boats, hazards and other people involved in water activities. • Approaching head on - Each boat alters
course to starboard (right) and passes port to port (left). This applies to both narrow channels and open waters. • Overtaking Keep out of the way of the boat
being overtaken and pass safely either side.
• Give way (powered boats) Give way to boats
approaching from your starboard (right) side, they have right of way.
The registration label must be displayed on the port (left) side of your craft, adjacent to the registration symbols. Ride Smart stickers and capacity labels You must have a Ride Smart sticker and capacity label attached to the PWC and visible to the operator at all times.
approved as PFD type 3 ◊ Level 50 or Level 50 special purpose.
• Give way (non-powered boats) Give way to
sailing boats canoes and boardriders.
Distance and speed For your safety, and that of everyone else using the water, it is important you do not go over the speed limit. Do not travel at speeds where your wash can cause damage to the shoreline, other boats or injury to others. If you're travelling more than 10 knots you must keep a distance of 30m from other moving boats – unless you're involved in an approved aquatic event or where doing so would endanger you or another person. (Cont’d page 15)
Talking Fishing on 4BC with Dave Downie and Bob Chapman (Every Sunday evening Dave Downie hosts a show from 5-7pm on 4BC called Outback and Bay. On two consecutive Sunday evenings in February, Dave spoke with our eminent VMRB spokesman, Bob Chapman.
Bob emphasised the importance of logging on and off and the work done by the Volunteers in VMR. As his interviews were just after the Australia Day weekend floods, Bob explained what it was like in the bay, and the need for high awareness because of all the flood debris. He was quick to acknowledge the smart boaties who simply make the smart choice to just stay home during these atrocious conditions as it means we don’t have many call outs, if any. In effect this is good because it means lives are not being risked either way.
As a result of catching more than his fair share of fish and winning a few angling competitions, Dave was asked to write for Fishing magazines. He then studied media and journalism at university and now also writes local weekly columns in the Albert and Logan News, The Bayside Bulletin and The Courier Mail and national publications. Dave loves all forms of fishing with particular interest in targeting the biggest fish species. He was nicknamed the Nugget after saying on air "everything I touched this morning has turned to gold. I reckon with this streak of luck, if I had a crap in a bucket it would be a gold nugget."
Bob gave credit to Redcliffe Coast Guard who went out in the awful conditions to respond to a call for help over the long weekend. “As marine rescue volunteers, we are all there to assist.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dave was an electronics technician who spent more time fishing than working. Now he fishes and talks about fishing seven days a week. (He can be heard on 4BC Talking Fishing 7-8pm on Fridays, and from 5-6am Saturdays as well as on Sundays.)
Personal Water Craft (Cont’d from page 14) The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea requires that you consider the density of traffic in the area to determine a safe speed. The following distances must be adhered to, or reduce speed to 6 knots, within: • 60m of people in the water • 60m of anchored or moored boats, structures, boat ramps, jetties or pontoons • 60m of the shore • 60m of the boundary of a bathing reserve. Exceptions apply to 6 knots within 60m of the shore under the following conditions: • The waterway is less than 120m wide, and: ◊ the operator is operating the PWC in as close as possible to a straight line to transit the area ◊ the operator stays as close as is possible to the centre of the waterway or a marked channel. • The PWC is being used in waterskiing/towing. In coastal waters, freestyling or wave jumping is restricted to outside 200m of the shore if dwellings are within 100m of the shoreline, and are in the vicinity of the waters where the personal watercraft is operating. Coastal waters do not include dams and inland waters. Skiing or towing (ref http://www.msq.qld.gov.au/Safety/Personal-watercraft.aspx) Courtesy and general safety Riding a PWC takes skill and a responsible attitude. Unfortunately, some riders believe a PWC can be ridden anywhere and in any fashion without considering the consequences. As a rider, you must be aware of the hazards and know how your actions can affect other waterway users. Remember at 60km/h your personal watercraft will travel 100m in 6 seconds.
The fun side of riding a PWC is to ride fast, turn quickly and jump waves and wash. It is easy to lose track of how close you are travelling to the shore, fixed objects and other boats while having fun. Serious accidents have occurred from collisions because the rider has misjudged distance, misread other riders' intentions or did not realise how close they were to hazardous objects. Not everyone wants to share your experience in riding a personal watercraft. To gain the most enjoyment from your personal watercraft, ride where you can have fun but remain mindful of others. Steerage Personal watercraft are jet driven and do not normally have a conventional rudder. Throttle needs to be applied to steer (turn and manoeuvre) the craft. Collisions have often occurred when the rider reduces power, not realising the craft does not turn away from the object/vessel without throttle. To avoid a collision, apply power to make your craft turn, then reduce power when you can. All personal watercraft have a safety ignition cut off key (lanyard) which is designed to stop the engine if you fall off your personal watercraft. The lanyard is an important safety device designed to be attached to the operator's wrist. It is a good idea to wear your lanyard on the opposite hand to the ignition switch, as it will prevent it from slipping off your wrist. Some lanyards can be attached to your PFD. Courtesy and the environment Consider the environment and the peace of others who use or live by the water. Try to travel in areas where noise will not disturb other people or wild life. In particular try not to operate near houses, parks populated beaches or boat ramps. Avoid shallow areas where wading birds congregate and roost. Remember your behaviour will reflect on all other PWC riders.. For more on PWC info refer to http://www.msq.qld.gov.au/Safety/ Personal-watercraft.aspx which was last updated 04 March 2013
April/May 2013- 15
Welcome, Amy!
DID YOU FORGET SOMETHING? VMR Sandgate is currently looking for the owner of the above sailing boat and trailer which has been stored near the Telstra tower in our hardstand for some time now. If this is your vessel, we would like to discuss more permanent storage options with you.
A big welcome to our newest member: Amy Summer Elliott, who was born on 17th January. She is pictured here with her proud parents, Amelia Brown and Graham Elliot. Amelia is our SYC reporter and Graham sails their Flying Fifteen, Sea Mist.
If no response is received by 1st May, 2013, the Club will have no option other than to consider the boat abandoned and have it removed.
Both sets of grandparents have been spending time with the new family Amelia’s parents are here for three months from Cape Cod, Massachusetts and Graham’s visited from Hong Kong.
Things that may help... When you can’t budge your trailer-boat off the trailer at the launching ramp, you need the help of a “pullaoffa”. Secure two pulleys to the trailer frame near the axle on either side of the boat’s hull. Pass a rope through both pulleys and join the ends to form a loop as shown. (Note: the rope length used should allow the loop to be draped over the towing eye of the boat.) Hook the trailer winch cable to the rope section running across the trailer between the pulleys and start winding. As this rope is pulled out from the pulleys, the loop over the towing eye pulls the boat off the trailer. Thanks to The Ideas www.mysailing.com.au
Drinking Bottles could be a fire hazard (letter to www.mysailing.com.au) from Joe Roggeseveen, SV Dream Catcher) Just a quick line to alert fellow cruisers to a possible danger. My marina neighbours, Pam and Ted, while loading supplies, placed two six-litre plastic bottles of water on their vinyl-covered cockpit cushions. The bottles sat in the cockpit for most of the sunny afternoon. Late in the day Pam moved the bottles to the galley floor and noticed two charred burn holes in the cockpit cushions, through the vinyl and into the foam inside. How they came about was a mystery. Later in the evening, while enjoying a coffee in the saloon with them, our attention was drawn to a pool of light adjacent to a wa-
16 – April/May 2013
ter bottle on the galley floor. The light was coming from a LED light fitting shining through the water bottle. Early the following morning, we sat one of the full water bottles on newsprint on the dock. The pool of light on the side away from the sun was obvious. By lifting the paper’s edge and adjusting for maximum light intensity, it took just a few minutes to burn a hole through the newsprint. One can imagine in the right conditions with fuel, a fully-fledged fire could have resulted. The possible consequences are frightening. So the message is clear - do not leave or store clear plastic water bottles, full or otherwise, in direct sunlight.
SUPPORTERS OF VMRB We have some new supporters and we would like you to patronise their businesses so they can keep supporting us! Raphaels Restaurant is at 85 Brighton Road, Sandgate, and they open Tuesday to Sunday from 7 am to late. Carlos will ensure you enjoy breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as live entertainment on Friday and Saturday nights and Sunday lunchtimes (phone 3269 8095).
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tackle Land is on the corner of Rainbow and Hancock Streets in Sandgate and is the hot spot for all your fishing bait, tackle and tips. Linda said it was a pleasure working with Mark to donate prizes for our March dinner (more to come in April too!). Tackle Land have and are continuing to build a strong relationship with locals. Within their regular customer base, a couple of small clubs have formed with the latest being a Squid Club. Mark and his team at Tackle Land believe in sharing the knowledge but Mark says “only if he has received it on good authority” so see their website www.tackleland.com.au and every Saturday morning check their Facebook page ‘Tackle Land’ for the latest fishing tips on and around the bay. As well as tackle, rods, reels, baits and lures, Tackle Land will help you with rod and reel repairs, rebuilds and servicing, they also do line spooling and insurance quotes. Tackle Land Sandgate really is a one stop shop when you are going fishing beach, fresh and saltwater. VMR Brisbane thank them for support and we look forward to an ongoing relationship with them. Call in, make yourself known to Mark and his team, have a chat and look at the huge and varied range of quality products they stock (phone 3269.5060). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prolube Lubricants has the full range of quality oils and greases in a variety of container sizes at 15 Pinacle Street, Brendale. You are invited to see Richard or his staff for any of your motoring, boating or outdoor lubricant needs (phone 38811773).
15 Pinacle Street, Brendale 4500. Ph 3881.1733
Did you know? Do you think Vicks Vaporub is just for colds? Think again. Apparently it gives wonderful relief to anyone suffering those itchy sandfly and March fly bites!
April/May 2013- 17
TIDE TIMES AUSTRALIA, EAST COAST – BRISBANE BAR LAT 27° 22'S LONG 153° 10'E Times and Heights of High and Low Waters
2012/2013 Time Zone - 1000
Holidays are Fun... Two priests decided to go to Hawaii on vacation. They were determined to make this a real vacation by not wearing anything that would identify them as clergy. As soon as the plane landed they headed for a store and bought some really outrageous shorts, shirts, sandals, sunglasses, etc. The next morning they went to the beach dressed in their 'tourist' garb. They were sitting on beach chairs, enjoying a drink, the sunshine and the scenery when a 'drop dead gorgeous' topless blonde came walking straight towards them ...They couldn't help but stare. As the blonde passed them, she smiled and said: 'Good Morning, Father ~ Good Morning, Father, 'nodding and addressing each of them individually, then she passed on by. They were both stunned. How in the world did she know they were priests? So the next day, they went back to the store and bought even more outrageous outfits. Once again, in their new attire, they settled down in their chairs to enjoy the sunshine. After a little while, the same gorgeous topless blonde came walking toward them. Again she nodded at each of them and said, 'Good morning, Father ~ Good morning, Father,' and started to walk away. One of the priests couldn't stand it any longer and said, 'Just a minute, young lady.' 'Yes, Father?' 'We are priests and proud of it, but I have to know, how in the world did you know we are priests, dressed as we are?' She replied, 'Father, it's me, Sister Kathleen...’
© Copyright Commonwealth of Australia 2010 Bureau of Meteorology National Tidal Centre Datum of Predictitons is lowest Astrronomical Tide. Moon Symbols: New Moon First Quarter
Full Moon Last Quarter Tide times provided by courtesy of Maritime Safety Queensland. For more information, see the Official Queensland Tide Tables published by Maritime Safety Queensland and the World Wide Web at http://www.msq.qld.gov.au/Tides.asps. The tidal predictions for Brisbane Bar are supplied by the National Tidal Centre, Bureau of Meteorology. Copyright reserved.
ADVERTISING TERMS & CONDITIONS Advertising is available in this publication in the size and form as used on this page - approx. 10cm x 5 cm. Ads will be black and white placed as appropriate within the magazine on a bi-monthly basis. Cost is $25 per issue, paid in advance each June & December. One month's notice is also required should a long-term advert be altered or withdrawn from publication. To arrange advertising or for any further information, contact editor@vmrsandgate.net.au.
18 – April/May 2013
Hall Hire Our own base is a great place to celebrate birthdays and other functions. There is a stage, large room with wooden floor suitable for dancing, nice new kitchen, separate carpeted area and verandah. Licenced and manned by bar staff (no BYO). To hire upstairs for an evening, the fees are: Members: $142 (no bond) and Non-Members $220 with a $200 bond, with a non-negotiable cleaning fee of $150 for all. For bookings and available dates, contact Tom Begbie on 3269.8633.
Delta Crew Dinner 22ND MARCH, 2013 John and Greg hard at work
Delta Crew
Everyone attending Delta Crew’s barbecue was greeted at the top of the stairs by James Mathieson handing out little Easter eggs. It was a lovely evening and Bob Chapman had Delta Crew hard at work at the barbecue cooking up tender steaks, kebabs and sausages which went very well with the onions and potatoes and the range of fresh salads. About 60 people enjoyed the meal which was followed by cheesecakes, icecream and jellies (including blue quandong jelly). If Greg Williamson had been there, he would have won the $650 Members’ Goose Club Draw. As he wasn’t, the prize jackpots to $700 for the April barbecue.
Above: Brian Nelson Below: Donna Henery
We had some generous supporters who donated prizes for our raffle. Raphaels Restaurant donated an $80 voucher for fine dining at 85 Brighton Road, Sandgate, Tackle Land donated a variety of goods from their store at the corner of Rainbow and Hancock Streets, Sandgate, and Prolube Lubricants in Brendale donated four 5 litre containers of the oil of the winners’ choice (although MC Joe suggested the empty containers would be good crabpot floats). Please support these organisations who are supporting VMRB.
Above; George Mathieson Below: Linda Frankland
Ray and Donna Henery won the door prize: chocolates for Donna and oil for Ray. The Raphael’s voucher and oil was won by lucky Brian Nelson who held first prize ticket in the raffle. George Mathieson (father of Delta Crew’s James) won 2nd prize of Tackle Land products and 5 litres of Prolube’s Chain ‘n Bar oil, while Linda Frankland also won some Tackle Land goodies and Prolube oil as 3rd prize.
Carmel and the Delta Crew serving
A reminder that Alpha Crew will be presenting a fair dinkum Aussie barbecue on their Tribute to the Anzacs evening on 26th April. We’ll look forward to seeing you there.
April/May 2013- 19
Round the Rigging
Thomas Grice, Peter Leech and Daryl Claffey at Papa Crew’s dinner
Alpha Crew to the rescue! (Photo: Peter Quinn) Angie and Nino Aceto with their grand-daughter and her friend at Papa’s dinner. Which grandparent has Hayley?! Looks like Les has got the Midweek Crew’s attention
Corang, Criss Cross and the 12ft skiff heading back to base
Quebec Crew on Energex Sandgate 1 - as captured by Bill Hirn from the cruise ship Aurora Ian McCartney after a good day fishing
(This is before Andrew injured himself in a motorbike accident)
From left: Bill Wheatley, George Fischer, Andrew Pearson and Brian Nelson dining in the balmy outdoors at Delta Crew’s March barbecue.
20 – April/May 2013
Samurai David with wife, Jenny, and mentor in Nagasaki