Published bi-monthly by VOLUNTEER MARINE RESCUE BRISBANE Radio Call Sign: Marine Rescue Sandgate Phone: 3269.8888 A/H Emergency Phone: 0428.022881 Fax.: 3269.2245 www.vmrsandgate.net.au
VMR BRISBANE Is proudly supported by ENERGEX
Alpha Crew Dinner 26TH APRIL, 2013
Approximately 60 people attended the ANZAC themed barbecue hosted. by Alpha Crew on Friday night, 26th April. Thank you to the members who brought along their wartime uniforms, medals and other memorabilia to display for us to inspect. Peter Leech tried to wear his jacket, but unfortunately he found that it had shrunk since he had worn it last! As usual Jan McCoy had produced a Scratchie Ticket Lucky Numbers Board; this was won by a very excited Rosemary Chapman. The Goose Club, with a total of $700 was drawn and unfortunately Number 211 William Murray was not in attendance, The three raffle prizes were donated by Jan and Joe McCoy. First Prize was a hamper of Australian-made Products and was won by Alpha Crew Member Peter Van Sloten. Second Prize was a large tin of Arnott’s Anzac Biscuits, won by Dean Ryan, and third prize was a big box of Bushells Tea Bags won by Tom McCormack. Lucky Door Prize was a bottle of white wine: Alpha Crew Member Paul Harris was the lucky winner. When the meal was finished and the raffles drawn we were entertained by Daryl and Meg Claffey playing and singing hits from the Vietnam War era, a very fitting ending to a very enjoyable evening.
Photos : (Above from left - Uniforms and memorabilia on display; Peter Leech wondering how his uniform could have shrunk , and (clockwise from right) Peter Van Sloten with 1st prize in the raffle, Dean Ryan with 2nd prize, Rosemary Chapman with her Scratchie prize, Tom McCormack with 3rd prize and Daryl Claffey entertaining the troops.
2 – June/July 2013
FOR YOUR INFORMATION WHAT'S COMING UP JUNE 2013 1st SCC General Meeting … 11:00 am 11th Lionfish Dive Group Social … 6:30 pm 19th SCC Committee Meeting … 7:00 pm 25th VMRB Management Meeting … 7:30 pm 26th Lionfish Dive Group Meeting … 6:30 pm 28th Foxtrot Crew’s Dinner … 6:30pm JULY 2013 9th Lionfish Dive Group Social … 6:30 pm 17th SCC Committee Meeting … 7:00 pm 23rd VMRB Management Meeting … 7:30 pm 26th Sierra Crew's Christmas in July… from 6:30 pm 27th Rock and Roll Night … 7:00 pm 31st Lionfish Dive Group Meeting … 6:30 pm Looking ahead to AUGUST 2013 6th Lionfish Dive Group Social … 6:30 pm 21st SCC Committee Meeting … 7:00 pm 23rd Bravo Crew’s Dinner … 6:30 pm 27th VMRB Management Meeting … 7:30 pm 28th Lionfish Dive Group Meeting … 6:30 pm VOLUNTEER MARINE RESCUE BRISBANE INC PO Box 201, Sandgate Qld 4017 Phone: 3269 8888 Fax: 3269 2245 www.vmrsandgate.net.au Radio Call Sign: Marine Rescue Sandgate
Neil Sheppard president@vmrsandgate.net.au
Senior Vice-President: Wayne Wright 0407 916388 snr.vice.president@vmrsandgate.net.au Junior Vice-President: Luke Hillyard 0421 239559 jnr.vice.president@vmrsandgate.net.au Secretary: 3865 6364
David Massam secretary@vmrsandgate.net.au
Treasurer: 0433 154105
Glenn Philip treasurer@vmrsandgate.net.au
Unit Training Coordinator: Peter Leech 3314 0388 utc@vmrsandgate.net.au Crew Liaison: 0413 893902
Richard Miles crew.liaison@vmrsandgate.net.au
Members' Representatives: Bill Hirn 3203 5865 and Les Pascoe 0418 191428 members.rep@vmrsandgate.net.au
The next deadline for contributions to BOAT TALK is THURSDAY, 26TH JULY, 2013
Welcome! New members this time are: Joanna Jones, JasonGrace Melissa Peacock , Dean Crust We look forward to seeing you around the Base and getting to know you better soon.
BOAT TALK Editor: Deidre Windham Ph: 3602 5250 editor@vmrsandgate.net.au Publisher: Volunteer Marine Rescue Brisbane Volunteer Marine Rescue Brisbane Inc is a member of the Printed by: Redback Print Volunteer Marine Rescue Association Queensland Ph: 3269 6357 rbprint@bigpond.net.au
PATRONS: Inspector Chris Emzin,
VMR Brisbane is proudly supported by
Regional Superintendent Brisbane Water Police Hon Kerry Millard MP for Sandgate Cr. Victoria Newton, BCC Member for Deagon: UNIT CHAPLAIN: Rev. Ron Holt Ph 3865 8896
Neil Sheppard 0417 499326 Luke Hillyard 0421 239559 Workplace H&S Officer Thomas Grice 0413 200271 whso@vmrsandgate.net.au Health & Safety Representative: Thomas Grice 0413 200271 thomas@grice.id.au iT & Communication: Thomas Grice 0413 200271 it@vmrsandgate.net.au Membership: Greg Keough 0433 261269 membership@vmrsandgate.net.au Publicity: Deidre Windham 0419 766687 publicity@vmrsandgate.net.au Vessel & Equipment: Bill Hirn 3203 5865 equipment@vmrsandgate.net.au Building & Grounds: Wayne Wright 0407 916388 snr.vice.president@vmrsandgate.net.au Zone Delegates:
Tom Begbie 3269 8633 Tom Begbie 3269 8633 hallhire@vmrsandgate.net.au Duty Roster: Ray Langdon 0432 248679 Assistant to Treasurer: Phil Fitzgerald 0419 657131 Activations Recording: Luke Hillyard 0421 239559 Assistant to Editor: Linda Frankland 0422 628106 Key Custodian: Greg Keough 0433 261269 key.custodian@vmrsandgate.net.au Fishing & Cruising: ………TBA……………………….. fishing.cruising@vmrsandgate.net.au Social & Support Team: Rae Hirn 3203 5865 williamhirn@bigpond.com Unit Historian: ……..………TBA…..………………….. Webmaster: Glenn Philip 0433 154105 webmaster@vmrsandgate.net.au Venue Manager: Hall Hire:
The Team also includes representatives from our Associated Groups – SYC, SCC and Lionfish Dive Group. BOAT TALK is published bi-monthly. Management Committee Meetings are held at the Club at 7:30 pm on the fourth Tuesday of each month (check in holiday periods) and members are welcome to attend. Front Cover: The Henery family on board TaToo for a few days off Moreton Island.
June/July 2013 - 3
VMRB Matters WELCOME TO JUNE-JULY, 2013 From Your President, Neil It’s great to see that we have been making tremendous progress with our Crew training. Over the past couple of months we have run First Aid and CPR training, Radio Operator training, made significant progress with the participants in our 2nd stripe program, conducted numerous night training exercises and much more. I’d like to acknowledge the efforts of our UTC, Peter Leech, Bill McCord, Luke Hillyard, Richard Miles, training participants, and our Duty Masters in making this all become a reality. At the April Management Committee meeting we were joined by Keith Williams (VMRAQ President), Ron Matlik (VMRAQ Vice President) and Garry Radford (Training Officer). This was a most informative meeting as Keith spoke to his interactions with the State Government and their desire for Volunteer Marine Rescue to work closely with Coastguard. I think we’d all agree that this is an admirable goal and it was to see Keith on top of all the issues that need consideration. The Duty Crew meeting held in April was well attended with some 20+ crew members present. We were joined by Robert Brock and Garry Radford and covered a wide range of topics from Squadron training through to equipment care and maintenance. We have had two notable resignations from our crew ranks, namely Bob Moritz and Tom Ivins. Both gentlemen have served our Squadron and our community admirably for many years and we wish them both every success and happiness in the future. I am pleased to announce that representatives from Energex will be joining us at the Christmas in July BBQ (26 July). Please put this very enjoyable date in your diary. Safe Boating
Neil Sheppard, President
Under the Weather Some of our members are experiencing very difficult times with their health. Our heartfelt thoughts go out to Doug Young (Life Member), Gwen Lewis (wife of Life Member Stan) and Bob Moritz (and their families). We trust they find the strength to deal with the tough challenges they are facing.
From the Editor We truly value all our volunteers and I greatly appreciate the insight given by Tom Ivins as he finishes his stint with Alpha Crew. Read his interesting reflection on page 8 - and thank you for everything, Tom. An event which attracted a lot of attention recently was the launch of Brian Hutchison’s fourth book, 100 years of Sailing at Shorncliffe. See a report on the big occasion on page 14. I’d like to thank Luke for his contributions this month—see page 12, and for an update on fishing and boating regulations, check the lists on page 17. And we would really like you to keep an eye on the forthcoming events which are listed on page 9. This includes the big Christmas in July on 26th July and the Rock and Roll Night on 27th July as well as the annual ‘Shop Til You Drop’ on 26th October. Happy Reading.
4 – June/July 2013
Activations Date 6/4/13 11/4/13 25/4/13 25/4/13 25/4/13 26/4/13 27/4/13 27/4/13 2/5/13 5/5/13 9/5/13 9/5/13 14/5/13 15/5/13 18/5/13 19/5/13 25/5/13
Activity (excluding training exercises) Tow 17m Power Boat from the Toowong to Breakfast Creek after motor breakdown. Tow 9m Power Boat from Brisbane River Port to Rivergate Marina after motor breakdown. Tow 4m Power Boat from the mouth of Nudgee Creek to Nudgee Boat Ramp after fuel leak and motor breakdown. Tow 6m Power Boat from Measured Mile to CTC after motor breakdown. Tow two Jet skis from mouth of Cabbage Tree Creek to the beach after motor breakdown. Tow 2 Vessels from north of Mud Island to CTC after motor breakdown. Search for source of flare activation near Mud Island and Moreton Island. Tow 6m Power Boat from West of Tangalooma to Rivergate after motor breakdown. Attended a sinking vessel in Moreton Bay. Tow 6m Boat from Tangalooma to CTC after motor breakdown. Tow 6m Power Boat from South of Otter Rock to Nudgee Creek after motor breakdown. Attended a 13m Power Boat drifting from mooring. Tow 6m Power Boat from the mouth of the Nudgee Creek to Nudgee Boat Ramp after motor breakdown. Tow 4m Power Boat from Fisheries to Cabbage Tree Creek after motor breakdown. Tow 4m Power Boat from Bramble Bay to Cabbage Tree Creek after motor breakdown. Tow 6m Power Boat from mouth of Cabbage Tree Creek to Cabbage Tree Creek Ramp after motor breakdown. Search for missing kayaker near St Helena Island. Both rescue vessels activated.
Crews’ News As usual, training sessions were held on every duty day amounting to 24 sessions totalling over 40 hours. Alpha Crew started the period’s jobs by towing a 17m power boat on 6th April from the Toowong to Breakfast Creek after their motor broke down. The next week a 9m power boat was towed from Brisbane River Port to Rivergate Marina after a motor breakdown. Anzac Day turned out to be an unusually busy and eventful day for the two members of Papa Crew on roster. It seems that with the first decent stretch of fine weather in months, lots of people decided to make a long weekend of it and took to the water in droves. With many boaties logging on for overnight stays, three "assists" and a big hiccup encountered in attempting to launch Energex Sandgate 1, Darryl quickly filled 7 pages of the radio log. With Papa's regular skipper in Europe, the crew soon had to call in volunteer of the day, last minute fill-in skipper Callum, to attend to the first boat (a 16 foot aluminium vessel) which was anchored outside the mouth of Schultz's Canal with a fuel leak and unable to return to Nudgee boat ramp without assistance. After safely delivering the vessel and its sole occupant to their destination, Sandgate 2 returned to base, only to receive a second call for assistance before disembarking. The second job involved an 18.5 foot vessel (with young children aboard) which was having "engine troubles" in the vicinity of the Measured Mile. A larger rescue craft was required! An attempted launching of Energex Sandgate 1 was undertaken, but she did not make it off the rails. Actually the problem was that she did “come off the rails” during the launch - but unfortunately sideways - and was left stuck fast, high and dry. All efforts to move her up, down or sideways failed, and as the stranded family was becoming increasingly anxious and agitated and bright ideas for freeing ES1 from her predicament were being exhausted, it was necessary to launch our third (and last) vessel for the day. The RIB - Sandgate Rescue II - was launched uneventfully at the public boat ramp and the crew proceeded towards the Measured Mile. With news coming through enroute that the distressed vessel had now managed to get their motor started, Sandgate Rescue II continued towards the vessel and met up with them to escort them back. They still wished to be assisted as they were not confident of the engine continuing to function and were also unsure of how to find their way back. As they were led through the outer
CTC = Cabbage Tree Creek
lateral marks, a jetskier approached and requested assistance for another jet ski nearby which was unable to start its engine. The escorted boat indicated they were happy to make their way unassisted the short distance to the boat ramp while SR II proceeded to aid the jet skiers. The jet ski was taken alongside and delivered to the boat ramp after a fifteen minute recovery. Finally arriving back at the VMRB pontoon, the crew grabbed a hasty and belated lunch around 3.30 pm before returning to the task of freeing ES1 from her predicament. Bob Chapman had now arrived to help sort out 'the troubles' and after much strenuous and mostly under water (with incoming tide) hammering and bashing and a bit of levering using the power of SR II's engine and a line attached to the trolley stop assembly, ES1 was finally freed and floated off the trolley. The sun had set by the time we had completed this final 'mission' and were ready to head home. The next day a mid-week call out was received to bring home a tinnie from One Nautical Mile north of Mud Island to CTC. Bob Chapman reports: “Weather: Good – crew available (Tony Lloyd) so it would be one of the better jobs to do. On the way out we received word from “The Pres” that there was a second boat requiring identical assistance. We decided to locate both vessels and attempt to bring both home at the one time. Here the plot thickened as both were using mobile phones for contact and one had decided after making the initial call that further contact was no longer required. As there were approximately 15 boats in the area we approached likely ones and checked if they required help and we located both. The smaller was hooked on first with tow rope lowered as much as possible on the samson post. This boat was snigged as close to Energex Sandgate 1 to provide a safe comfortable ride and the larger vessel to be attached higher on the post and asked to steer outside of the wash from Energex Sandgate 1. A reduced tow speed allowed a comfortable safe journey home.” Bravo Crew spent their April duty day searching for the source of a flare activation near Mud Island and Moreton Island. They also towed a 6m power boat from west of Tangalooma to Rivergate after a motor breakdown. On 2nd May the mid-week crew attended a sinking vessel in Moreton Bay. Charlie Crew’s ‘rescue’ in May was of a rather large tree from the bay which was reported by one of our members. Tango Crew towed a 6m power boat from Tangalooma to CTC after a motor breakdown. (Continued on page 13)
June/July 2013 - 5
Training News UTC, PETER LEECH In relation to Elements of Shipboard Safety Training, until a member has been assessed and signed off by the UTC then they are not completed. There are a number of persons who have gone past the 6 month period (some well past) and have not yet completed their ESS. A list has been supplied to the President, Duty Master Coordinator and Duty Masters. It is important that members liaise with the UTC to finalise this matter. All CPR and First Aid papers have been assessed by the First Aid Officer and all passed except one person in the First Aid Assessment. It should be noted that there were 5 persons who just managed to pass. Even though this is an open book assessment members should undertake some preparation prior to attending the assessment. The papers have been sent away to obtain the certificates and upon their return they will be copied with a copy on the member’s file and the original sent to the member through the crew folder. This will take a few weeks. The VMRAQ certificate will then be issued after this. The squadron is still awaiting the certificates for members L. Baker, R. Chapman, R. Miles and D Steinback. The copies have been received by the UTC and the originals have been posted by the authorising body.
Task books will not be issued until a member has completed the ESS training. Some members will have the 2009 book and some will have the 2010 book and there are differences between the two. To identify the differences, a member MUST refer to the 2010 Task Book in the Radio Room. All members MUST WEAR enclosed footwear when coming onto the base, whether it is for a duty or a visit. VMRAQ OH&S policy states that enclosed footwear MUST be worn at all times. There are no exceptions!!! Safe boating Peter Leech Unit Training Coordinator VMR Brisbane
The Training and Assessment Schedules 2013 have been completed and are in the Courses Offered folder in the Radio Room. Please remember that the squadron is now required to follow the new training procedure which is Theory Training, Task Book completion, Assignment, Assessment and Practical Assessment.
Something is amusing these radio course participants!
The Local Knowledge Assessment paper has been assessed and out of the 19 persons who sat only 7 passed. This is primarily due to the members not knowing how to access the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s) (there were 3 questions on this) and not knowing the local area sufficiently enough to gain a pass. More work is needed in this area of knowledge. There will be a course AGAIN later this year. Those who passed were B. Gillespie, D. Harris, R. Miles, M. Overend, A. Pamplin, T. Sauer, K. Williams. To obtain your VMRAQ certificate and complete the practical each member is required to complete a practical assessment with their Duty Master. This consists of locating 6 places on the chart in the Radio Room given the chart name, or a local or nickname for the location. When on board the vessel Energex Sandgate 1 the member from a location in the bay is to give directions to the Duty Master on how to proceed to three positions based on their knowledge of our area of operations. This should be done without reference to the chart. Once the Duty Master has advised the UTC that the member has been deemed competent then the VMRAQ certificate will be issued. It is noted that some members have successfully completed the practical but have not passed the Theory assessment and until the theory is successfully completed a certificate will not be issued. A member upon receiving their Radio Operators Certificate from AMSA OMC has to undergo a practical test conducted by their Duty Master. This assessment consists of sending and receiving radio messages whilst in the Radio Room and when on board Energex Sandgate 1. Voice procedure will play an important role in this assessment. When the member has been considered competent and has advised the UTC by email then the VMRAQ certificate will be issued. All members requiring a Task Book are to submit a passport sized photo (with name and signature on the back – the name must be legible) in hard copy to the UTC ASAP.
6 – June/July 2013
The answer to last edition's question: What is the name of the buoyage system that is used within Australian waters? Queensland uses an internationally recognised uniform coding system of navigation marks known as the International Association of Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) buoyage system ‘A’. The system uses five different types of marks to distinguish safe navigation. These marks are Lateral marks, Cardinal marks, Isolated Danger mark, Safe Water mark and Special mark. It is essential for masters and crew to recognise all marks and pass them safely and in the correct manner.
This edition's question: The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972 (IRPCS or ColRegs) indicates the responsibilities between vessels in that which vessel has right of way over another vessel. What is the order of responsibility for all vessels?
Sandgate Yacht Club The last official dinghy races of the SYC 2012/2013 centenary season were held on April 14, with 6 boats taking part in two races on Moreton Bay. It was a sunny day, with light breeze 5-10 from the southwest to start, changing to northeast 5-10 about halfway through the first race, and holding through the second race. There was a barbecue with sausage sizzle after the racing upstairs in the clubhouse.
for the dinghy series was won by Eelke Wouda of the Flying 15 Think Big, with crew Bruce Wales. Eelke and Bruce also took home the Richard Turner trophy for Summer Series dinghy champions, and the Red Hand trophy for most aggregate points. The fastest times in the Summer Series dinghy races, the Albert Jeays trophy, was won by Peter Croft of the 505 Grumpy Old Men, with crew Gary Rushton. Peter and Gary on Grumpy Old Men also came second in the Club Championship racing, while Grahame Baker came third in his Flying 15 Stiff Uffa Lip, with crew Kent Harland. The winner of the Flying 15 Silver division was Chris Howell on Yandina, with crew Paul Young. The winner of the Flying 15 Classic division was Graham Elliott on Seamist, with crew Michael.
The finish line results were as follows: Club Championship Race 9 (Summer Series Race 17) 1. Grumpy Old Men, Peter Croft/Gary Rushton 2. Think Big, Eelke Wouda/Bruce Wales 3. Corang, Lindsay Gilbert/Robin Gilbert 4. Mango Magic, Owen Hutchison and crew 5. Stuff Uffa Lip, Grahame Baker/Kent Harland 6. Seamist, Graham Elliott/crew Michael Club Championship Race 10 (Summer Series Race 18) 1. Grumpy Old Men, Peter Croft/Gary Rushton 2. Think Big, Eelke Wouda/Bruce Wales 3. Stuff Uffa Lip, Grahame Baker/Kent Harland 4. Corang, Lindsay Gilbert/Robin Gilbert 5. Mango Magic, Owen Hutchison and crew 6. Seamist, Graham Elliott/crew Michael The final meeting of the SYC 2012/2013 centenary season was an action-packed day of events at the Clubhouse on April 28.
A special Honorary membership for 2013 was awarded to Amy Summer Elliott, born January 17 to Amelia Brown and Graham Elliott, with her own custom shirt. (See photo on back page.) Many thanks for this great honour, and special thanks to the race committee members and volunteers who made the season possible: Commodore Laurie Williamson, Treasurer Graeme Dobson, Rear Commodore John Mitchell and club stalwarts Tom Begbie, Bill Wheatley and Ralph Munro, as well as all the sailors who came out to race over the 2012/2013 centenary season. - Amelia Brown, Acting Secretary, SYC
The day began with the launch of a new book by member Brian Hutchison entitled 100 Years of Shorncliffe Sailing 1912-2012: Cabbage Tree Creek to Bramble Bay. (Ed: See Amelia’s report on page 14.) The book launch was followed up by an end of season Fun Race from the pontoon, with 6 boats taking part in a light 5-8 knot northeast wind over a course of fixed marks around Bramble Bay. The results of the Fun Race were as follows: 1. Yandina, Chris Howell/Paul Young 2. Think Big, Eelke Wouda/Bruce Wales 3. Patrick Kills Oysters, Bill Wheatley and crew 4. Grumpy Old Men, Peter Croft/Gary Rushton 5. Stiff Uffa Lip, Grahame Baker/Kent Harland 6. Ffree Ffor All, Mark Murtaugh/Allan Ward
Laurie Williamson 0438 165 916 (M) Email: soggysox@live.com.au Vice Commodore: Lindsay Gilbert 0419 210 645 (M) Rear Commodore: John Mitchell 5484.1738/0429.387441 Secretary: Ron Walker 3399.1586/0407.251413 Email: ron@syc.org.au Treasurer: Graeme Dobson 3262.2269(H) 0417 756356 (M)
The start of the End of Season fun race.
The day culminated with a prize giving ceremony for the Sandgate Yacht Club’s 2012/2013 Centenary Season of Yacht and Dinghy Racing. The prizes of trophies and bottles of wine were presented by SYC Commodore Laurie Williamson and Acting Secretary Amelia Brown (who donated the wine). The Yacht Club Championship trophy for the Trailer Sailer series was won by Suzanne, skipper Peter Croft. The Club Championship trophy
June/July 2013 - 7
The Life of One Volunteer Tom Ivins I have fallen on my sword! Yes it was deliberate. After 12 month of working through it, my time had come. The difficult part was advising my duty master and members of Alpha Crew; for we had bonded together as a team which was not easy to leave. But nobody was distressed, nobody cried! “Sunset and evening star…” I had retired in 2000 and I had bought a better boat to wile my days away (yeah?). Then one day I happened across Ian Withers, then master of Quebec Crew and a long time work colleague of mine. It was Ian who asked if I would be joining VMR now that I had a boat. “VM Who?” I replied, for I thought the Unit in Cabbage Tree Creek was some Government Organization of a sort – publicity was scarce back then, so how was I to know? Well one Monday I was down at Shorncliffe when this chap with a walking stick was approaching the VMRB office. So I asked him about membership. He had papers for me to sign; he accepted some $$$ and I was in subject to management approval. That was long time supporter, Doug Young. Doug then said, “You are joining an ageing club!” Hmmm! I was allocated to the top crew on the list – Alpha; and to get into uniform, I needed to attend 3 crew days – that is 3 months - a long time I thought. I figured that if I attended other crews, I could overcome that obstacle in 3 weeks. That I did and I attended Bravo and Charlie crews and I noticed how different each crew operated. In charge of Alpha Crew was a Joe McCoy. He wasn’t in attendance on my first crew day, but I met him at the Club BBQ. Introducing myself, I stirringly said that I have a lot of experience with boats!! To which Joe replied: “And you still don’t know anything!” I thought that was a good start and it was - the start of a steep and long learning curve about boats and boating! Joe proved to be very experienced and knowledgeable about all things marine. He was/is a great leader and very fair and forgiving. Well, he had me to deal with! Members of the crew came and went. Some were real characters – well aren’t we all? The UTC back then was Don Ross and he must have read my application for membership; as it was no time that his hand was on my shoulder. I was not ready for what was coming up and what was about to develop, but, we had to talk and it was about my qualifications and years involved in training. I became Don’s side kick and I was out on the water at all hours, day and night to “observe” (I think is the word) how it was done. The variety of jobs, the risks boaters were taking, it was seemingly endless. But Don had another plan for without notice, he one day brought a box of VMR files, etc. to the Base and dumped it all in the office. He immediately resigned from everything except his overall membership. There was some ‘argy bargy’ for a while and I ended up as UTC, a position I held for more than 6 years. Training courses consisted of Radio, Sea Safety, Weather and Tides, First Aid, Navigation and Vessel Handling - all very basic but with a wealth of knowledge and experience required. This training was delivered from the personal head knowledge of the trainer with few visual aids and an old over-head projector. But
8 – June/July 2013
hang on – the UTC position included the welfare of crew members as well! He positioned new members on crew, approved the issue of shirts and badges in time, knew what was going on in each crew and who or what they needed, record keeping, issue of key, reports to Boat Talk/ management and the handling of complaints as well. This was just too much and when I contacted VMRAQ, I found that the duty of a UTC was to ‘plan and organize training’. That is, discover what was required to develop crew members, plan for and organize it. The rest of the baggage had to go. So I set about relinquishing duties and several people came forward so that we now have a person looking after membership, crew allocation, introductory sea safety, etc. My presence at the Base required several days a week; not only for training, but the building of a small training room and radio room. Getting approval to develop training took a lot of pushing through procrastination. I wrote some of the courses and delivered some of them, but I managed to gain the support of people like Ian McCartney, Bob Chapman and Horrie Hunt to deliver some as well. Then came Competency Based Training of which I was well versed. In 2003 we received a new training package containing 23 subjects! Dragging this concept into VMRB took some effort – but it changed again in 2005; always providing RPL for previous qualifications – a lot more work for the UTC. It changed again in 2007, but I saw it coming and let Peter Leech work that one out as the incoming UTC. Peter is doing a great job in a world of training change – don’t let him go. River Fire and The Night the River Sings were also the responsibility of the UTC and I always managed to find crews willing to go to these events. Night Training for skippers-come-duty masters was one of my passions. The Bay and the night lights make for a totally different scene from day time on the water. I first organized the late John Dohle to take skippers out, while I manned the Radio Room. In turn, Ian McCartney and I did the night training while others, such as Bob Moritz, maintained radio contact for us. It seems to me that assisting people on the water since the turn of the century (yes, it seems that long ago) has changed with better boats, and the way they are serviced. But many boaters in trouble complain that they have just had their boat serviced and now it has broken down. Others leave their boats in the yard and mow around them for yonks then expect them to function properly when next on the water. But to hear some of the stories that we have often left the head shaking. Like the call out at 4:00am in winter, cold, dark and raining. The waypoint given was “I can see 2 sticks on the beach just north of Cowan”. Another one is “I am just out from the mouth of the Brisbane River” which is a common one and again means very little. (Cont’d on page 9)
Date Claimers 26th July - Sierra Crew’s Christmas in July. (See below for more details.) 27th July - Rock and Roll Evening at the Club. Support VMRB while having fun. (More details on page 16.) 28th July - Einbunpin Festival - our chance to promote VMRB in the local community. Helpers required! 22nd September - Open Day at the base, will include the blessing of the fleet and launch of Sandgate Rescue II. 24th September - VMRB Annual General Meeting.
Ho, Ho Ho…….Come One Come All for the Fun, Frivolity & Delicious Food of Christmas in July!!! Sierra Crew is hos ng the Crew BBQ in July and in keeping with our great tradi on the theme will be “Christmas in July”. We will also be joined by representa ves from our premier sponsor, Energex! So come along and enjoy the high spirits of the silly season with interes ng company and treat yourself to a sumptuous tradi onal Christmas dinner.
Don’t miss out – Win a Special Prize!! Provide us with advance no ce of your intended a(endance and show up on the night: you will gain exclusive entry to our special prize raffle. Let us know if you will be a#ending and the number in your party by no later than 12 July – contact Chris Hilliyard by email (chrishillybarn@hotmail.com) or text / telephone (0411 135 973). Of course you can s ll come along if you haven’t provided us with advance no ce of your a(endance, you just won’t be eligible to par cipate in our highly sought a<er special prize raffle.
See you there – come enjoy the fun! A Great Volunteer—Tom Ivins (Cont’d from page 8)
Other experiences: • Attending an old boat in the Bay that had run out of fuel and being told he had a leak in his fuel tank and fuel is all over the floor - just as we were rafting alongside, • Witnessing a man overboard and seeing his boat travelling at speed around in circles with him in the middle – his wife cowering on the floor of the boat and not having been briefed how to turn off the ignition, and • Hearing a chap calling on Ch 16 and being told to move to another channel – but replying that he does not know how to operate the radio! The list goes on and it really is interesting but of course, could be tragic.
The BBQs at Purcell’s Meats and at Bunnings gave us an opportunity to raise funds in the order of $12,000 per year – but it became a drag in the end! More interesting were the once-a-year Friday night BBQs that each crew mastered. Sponsorship by large corporations helps our funds and we live in a new era because of it. Just have a look at Boat Talk. It has always been a great organ for information, unity and publicity. Nigel and Pat Turner did a great job, while Jean Adams lifted the profile to then encourage Deidre Windham to produce the current, wonderful colour production. But I am left to thank the organization, its management and especially Alpha crew for allowing me this wonderful experience. And it is left to us to thank you most sincerely Tom, and your lovely wife, Carina, for lending you to VMRB for so long.
June/July 2013 - 9
Crew Lists and Qualifications New member (clean slide) Duty Master (3 stripes + Anchor + Rank on Name Badge This roster is a living working document, and as Trainee Crew (1 stripe) Senior MSQ Coxswain (4 stripes + Anchor) such will change from time to time, or details LEGEND: Crew (2 stripes) Radio Operator may be omitted or entered incorrectly. Should VMRAQ Coxswain (3 stripes) Designated Radio Operator (1 stripe + Lightning Bolt) you find an error, please contact Luke Hillyard Senior VMRAQ Coxswain (3 stripes + anchor) on 0421 239 559 to arrange for the correction.
This page has been left blank intentionally. Crew details are included in Members’ copies.
NEARBY SQUADRONS: Ambulance, Fire, Police……………000 Mobile Phone Emergency No. ……112 (even if you have no credit or service) Poisons Information Centre…..131 126 (Poisons, medicines, plants, bites and stings) VMR Sandgate………………3269 8888 Try Radio first: Channels 88 or 91 A/H Emergency VMRB 0428 022 881 VHF Channels 16 or 67 Water Police…………………3895 0333
10 – June/July 2013
VMR Bribie Island VMR Raby Bay VMR Victoria Point VMR Stradbroke Island Coast Guard Redcliffe Coast Guard Manly
3408 7596 3821 2244 3207 8717 3409 9338 3203 5522 3396 5911
Fishing & Cruising Hall Hire
JUNE 2012
Volunteer Crew Lionfish Social
SCC C'tee Mtg
25 Management Mtg
26 Lionfish Meeting
Only dates actually confirmed at time of printing are shown for this month. Further information can be obtained from members of the Management Team or are as displayed in the Radio Room.
9 16
5 12
Tango Crew
Alpha Crew
November Crew
Foxtrot Crew
Quebec Crew L
30 Papa Crew
Charlie Crew
Sierra Crew
Delta Crew
Tango Crew
Alpha Crew
November Crew
Sierra Crew Dinner
Rock & Roll Night Foxtrot Crew
Quebec Crew
Management Mtg Lionfish Meeting
Delta Crew
SCC C'tee Mtng
All dates are as provided by participating groups and members at time of production.
Bravo Crew
Lionfish Social
Sierra Crew
Foxtrot Crew BBQ
Charlie Crew
JULY 2013
SCC Meeting 1
Watch for Boat Talk Queen’s Birthday 10
30 Note: When scheduled meeting dates fall on public or school holidays, the meetings may be changed.
On 28th June Foxtrot Crew will be your hosts for our monthly dinner and on 26th July Sierra Crew will be your hosts for Christmas in July.
REGULAR MEETING DATES Selected Sundays after races SYC Meeting TBA 2nd Tuesday in Month Dive Group Social 6.30 pm. 3rd Wednesday in Month Canoe Club Management 7.00 pm (General Meetings 1st Saturdays in March, June, September & November at 11.00am)
4th Tuesday in Month VMRB Management Team 7.30 pm. Last Wednesday in Month Dive Group Committee 6.30 pm. (Venues change….. NOT at VMRB)
DUTY MASTERS Alpha Crew Joe McCoy 3269 1255 Bravo Crew Ian McCartney 3869 0916 Charlie Crew Bill Hirn 3203 5865 Delta Crew Bob Chapman 3216 5521 Foxtrot Crew Thomas Grice 3869 2825 November Crew Glenn Philip 0433154105 Papa Crew Nigel Turner
3264 3648
Quebec Crew Les Pascoe 3216 5801 Sierra Crew Callum Baird 3869 1515 Tango Crew Karl Nast 3886 5451
JUNE JULY 1st Charlie 6th Charlie 6th Sierra 7th Sierra 13th Delta 13th Delta 14th Tango 14th Tango 10th Volunteers 20th Alpha 15th Alpha 21st November 16th November 27th Foxtrot 22nd Foxtrot 28th Quebec 23rd Quebec 29th Bravo 30th Papa AUGUST 3rd Bravo 4th Papa 10th Charlie 11th Sierra 14th November 17th Delta 18th Tango 24th Alpha 25th Quebec 31st Foxtrot
June/July 2013 - 11
Marine Radio Course On the weekend of 20th and 21st of April, VMR Brisbane ran the first Marine Radio Operator course of the year. With 16 crew members from various backgrounds participating in the course, Saturday was a very busy day with a lot of content to cover. Throughout the day the group learned about batteries, phonetics, radio range and the various channels, the correct order of message content and the hopefully never to be heard 'MAYDAY' call. Acronyms and abbreviations mixed with a short French lesson had most sweating out the practice test later that afternoon. Many left that afternoon with a worried look about the face to hurry home for yet more study that evening before the looming exam the next day. Sunday saw all participants return to VMRB happy to attempt the exam and endure the week-long wait for their results to be posted out. It is extremely pleasing to report that everyone has passed their exam and has since been issued Certificates of Competency from the OMC. Particular mention of Ben Gillespie: the only person to achieve 100% for a MROVCP certificate and Paul Harris for a near perfect attempt at a full MROCP certificate. In particular, thanks to Neil for organizing printing of course materials and to all those who contributed or participate for making the weekend interesting and productive. The next radio course is scheduled to run in December. All boaties (motor or sail alike) are reminded to make use of the free "Log On - Log Off" service available from Marine Rescue Sandgate by calling on VHF Channels 81 72 73 67 16 or 27 Mhz Channels 91 or 88 before venturing out into the bay. More information regarding the proper use of the VHF radio service is available online from a set of education videos produced
by the ACMA (http://www.acma.gov.au/WEB/STANDARD/ pc=PC_312420) . Stickers to help with correct channel identification similar to the one shown below are available from the VMRB Base. - Luke Hillyard
Night Training Early this month on Monday, 13th May, Energex Sandgate 1 again set out into the bay after dark for another round of Night Training. At around 18:30 the crew gathered at the base for a brief on the eveningâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s planned activities before progressing from the Base north toward the entrance to the Pine River and on to the Measured Mile. From there we travelled to the Coffee Pots in the Brisbane River and back to the Base via the Cooper Channel by 21:45.
There were a number of stops and activities along the way to make reference visible landmarks and the crew rotated through different roles during the night to maximize the learning opportunity. The night was completed without incident and was a great introduction to the night training series. Thanks to Glenn, Dean and Thomas for organizing the practice. - Luke Hillyard
Brisbane River at night presents a vastly different operating environment to that experienced when crews are on daytime duties.
12 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; June/July 2013
Sandgate Canoe Club As we go to press, the Sandgate Canoe Club is in the midst of a very busy program.. On 18th May, they had the Spinnaker to Gilligans Island paddle. The next week they had the Weinam Creek (South) Bay Islands paddle. However the big one was held on 26th May and that was the annual Wetlands Wander which was run under Marathon Rules. We are awaiting the results as there are always many age groups (from under 11 to the Vintage Vets who are over 65), paddle classifications, including 12ft and 14ft stand-up paddle boards, and distances (6km, 12km, 18 km.). On Tuesday 28th May those lucky paddlers who weren’t working, took part in the Tincha Tamba to Petrie paddle. For those interested in canoeing, Sandgate Canoe Club members have the following interests:
A racing division which focuses on fitness and competition
Meetings: Management Committee: 1st Saturday at 10.30 am. Sub-Committee: 3rd Wednesday alternate months 7 pm General Meetings: at 11.00 am on the first Saturday in March, June (AGM), September, November.
A flat water paddling section that likes to meander down the creeks and rivers, taking time to enjoy the wildlife.
Active sea-kayak group, who train regularly to hone their skills for their trips out into the Bay and around the islands, often camping overnight.
A new Junior kayaking Group for School Children.
Club recreational paddles to various destinations around SE QLD are programmed for each Tuesday and Saturday although members also often plan casual Sunday paddles. Race training usually occurs on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday mornings. Junior activities occur on Thursday after school in warmer months. The first Saturday of the month is club day so no away paddles are planned for that day. Club President email: Club Secretary email: Club email: Web page: Newsletter email:
sccpresident2010@hotmail.com suegollagher@gmail.com sangate@canoe.org.au www.sandgate.canoe.org.au sandgatecanoeclub@gmail.com
Lionfish Dive Group Club Nights: 2nd Tuesday of the month at VMRB 6.30 pm Club Committee Meetings: Last Wednesday of the month 6.30 pm (Venue to be arranged)
Club Contacts: Steve Dobson - Ocean Cat Trips - Email: steve.dive@hotmail.com Katherine Harding - general enquiries - Email: lionfish.secretary@gmail.com
Crews’ News (Cont’d from page 5) The mid-week crew were busy again on 9th May towing a 6m Power Boat from South of Otter Rock to Nudgee Creek after motor breakdown and attending to a 13m Power Boat drifting from its mooring. On 14th May the mid-week crew were at it again: this time towing a 6m Power Boat from the mouth of the Nudgee Creek to Nudgee Boat Ramp after motor breakdown. The next day a 4m Power Boat was towed from Fisheries to CTC after a motor breakdown. TRAGEDY IN THE BAY – Bob Chapman received a phone call on 15th May from Keith of Jeffers Motor Sport who was servicing the Squadron’s boats, that a person had been up to him and advised that a tinnie was circling near the Fisheries Beacon at the entrance to CTC and a person was lying face down in the water. “Ian McCartney was contacted to work with me and the Water Police were informed. Jeffers Motor Sport Staff readied the RIB and, when I arrived at the base, Ian had the RIB arriving on the pontoon with a member of the Qld. Police Service aboard.” “We proceeded to the position advised to find a private boat nearby and when we arrived he departed. We located the person in the water but were unable to provide assistance. Water Police arrived and took over requesting us to see if we could capture the circling runaway. We were unable to stall the motor and eventually it ran out of fuel. Due to the VMR, BRISBANE
circumstances, we were requested not to board the vessel and hold station to keep any passerby away. After several hours we returned to base to learn that the deceased was not wearing a life jacket and the safety lanyard was attached to the boat. Neither safety item was employed to do their job. A sad lesson and the Squadron’s condolences go to the family.” Foxtrot’s May duty day included a small tow of a 4m power boat from Bramble Bay to CTC after a motor breakdown. Quebec Crew towed a 6m power boat on 19th May from the mouth of CTC to CTC Ramp after motor breakdown. On 25th May, Bravo Crew were part of a massive search and rescue operation for a kayaker reportedly paddling from Wynnum to St Helena. A helicopter and many rescue craft were involved, resulting in the person being found about 21.30 hours. Several members of Papa crew acted as race observers for the annual Sandgate Canoe Club Wetland Wander race event on 26th May. This required 2/3 of the crew spending a very leisurely two hours, in beautiful weather, tied to the bank of the Nundah Creek in Sandgate 2 observing the race from 27°20'36.40"S, 153° 5'4.11"E.
June/July 2013 - 13
Launch of ‘100 Years of Shorncliffe Sailing’ This 36-page book, many years in the works by Brian Hutchison, is the result of extensive research into the history of the Sandgate Yacht Club and other sailing clubs which have sailed out of Cabbage Tree Creek onto the waters of Bramble Bay over the last century. It features photos of many of the historic boats racing as well as full listings of results of yacht races over the years. The book launch was attended by about 200 people, who enjoyed refreshments and drinks upstairs in the SYC Clubhouse. Councillor Victoria Newton and many other dignitaries were present, and congratulated the author and many of the old timers and current racers featured in the book. It was a welcome reminder of the important contribution of Sandgate and Shorncliffe sailing to the maritime history of Moreton Bay, and sales benefit the Sandgate Yacht Club.
A presentation was made to Queensland Maritime Museum and accepted by Jack Hamilton of a transom of a 12 ft skiff that first sailed with Brisbane 12 ft Skiff Flying Squadron in 1932 and at Sandgate in 1834, The transom was refurbished by Brian and is on display at the Museum. The first edition of the book sold out at the launch. A second edition was printed and has almost sold out. Perhaps a third printing may eventuate! If so, they may be obtained from the author for the modest price of $12 within Australia and $15 abroad (includes postage). Direct book enquiries or cheques to the author, Brian Hutchison, at hutchi@bigpond.net.au, phone 07 3269 4913, PO Box 86, Sandgate, Qld 4017 Australia. - Amelia Brown Photos: Courtesy of Rod Harris of RODESIGN. (More photos on page 15 and back page.) 3
4 Photos: 1. Glen Bradshaw & Laurie Williamson 2.Darrell & Penny Spiers 3. David Watson & Brian Hutchison 4. Paul Clauson 5. Jack Hamilton (Qld Maritime Museum) 6. Dick Verdon & Jim Sue 7. Bert Midgley 8. Josie & Terry Jordan 9. John Wasson & Noel Barnes 10. Ella & Keith Tickle 11. The crowd
5 9
14 – June/July 2013
More on Brian Hutchison A little background on Brian Hutchison, the author of 100 Years of Shorncliffe Sailing, courtesy of Bernie Pramberg and the Courier Mail (11th May, 2013). 'It wasn't unusual to see 75 boats in a race on the river or in the bay' - Brian Hutchison. BRIAN Hutchison was visiting the Hobart Wooden Boat Festival this year when he chanced across an old friend. “There were 600 boats on display ranging from dinghies up to 33m yachts and my wife and I were enjoying the show,'' Hutchison said. “We came across a boat moored in the marina named Safari and the two owners were sitting in the cockpit. “We said it's a lovely boat in beautiful condition.” “One of them smiled and replied `Yes, it's very well built'.'' Hutchison could not resist: “It should be, I built it,'' he said. More than 50 years earlier, Hutchison had played a key role in the construction of Safari on the banks of Cabbage Tree Creek at Deagon. At the time he was the first apprentice taken on by boat-builder Clem Masters of R C Masters Pty Ltd. “I worked on building the boat and she was launched on Christmas Eve 1960,'' Hutchison said. Not many folk embody the rich boat building and sailing tradition of Brisbane's bayside suburbs more than Hutchison. He lives at Shorncliffe, a short walk from Sandgate Yacht Club, as his parents did. “I suppose our family has lived in the area for the best part of 150 years,'' he said. “My parents established their family home on the banks of Cabbage Tree Creek at Deagon and we were all keen sailors, fishers and crabbers. “Our house was next door to where the famous Brisbane to Gladstone yacht Laurabada was built by neighbour Ivan Holm and close by to where I served my apprenticeship as a boat builder.'' At Sandgate Yacht Club two weeks ago, Hutchison launched his fourth book 100 Years of Shorncliffe Sailing … Cabbage Tree Creek to Bramble Bay 1912-2012. The book chronicles the deeds of boats and sailors from Sandgate Yacht Club and
acknowledges their neighbours in Cabbage Tree Creek, the Queensland Cruising Yacht Club. More than 50 classes of sailing boats have raced on Bramble Bay and some crews have graduated to Olympic Games and America's Cups. One was John Cuneo, who raced his Nip Thorpe trainee on Bramble Bay in the 1940s and went on to win numerous Australian championships, an Olympic gold medal and sailed in Americas Cups. The Thorpe trainees were a small, cheap boat pioneered in the 1930s by Bulimba sailor Nip Thorpe after he had seen a young boy lost to the sport because he was not old enough to join a sailing club. The trainees catered for beginners and dozens of clubs sprung up in Queensland. “It wasn't unusual to see 75 boats in a race on the river or in the bay,'' Hutchison said. In addition to being a boat builder and designer, Hutchinson has been a high school and TAFE teacher/director who gained degrees in economics and arts. He also holds a Churchill fellowship in yacht and boat design and construction. Heavily involved in the community, he was at the vanguard of protests to prevent proposed development of Bramble Bay foreshores in the 1980s and the Boondall wetlands in the 1990s. His working life started at high school where he was doing an industrial course. “I was about 15 and got a part-time job working at R C Masters boat shed in Barclay Street, Deagon, for 10 shillings ($1) a week,'' he said. Hutchison was involved mainly in building rowing dinghies but was allowed to work on the first moulded plywood 16-foot skiff built in Queensland. “She was beautiful, like a piece of furniture,'' he said. ``When she was launched one of the crew didn't turn up and my boss said get in.'' Hutchison had never sailed competitively before and was hooked for life. He built everything from pearl luggers to prawn trawlers. But all the while he was racing boats on Bramble Bay. “I think the character has gone out of sailing a bit,'' he said. ``When we started all the boats were wood.'' - Bernie Pramberg
Below: Howard Lambourne, Jack Grant, Sandra & Robert Wasson, and (Right) Roz Hutchison was presented with a photo of a painting from the Sandgate Fish Board by Alan Woodhead
June/July 2013 - 15
Welcome, Thomas! This little segment looks like becoming a regular feature!
Saturday, 27th July, 2013 7 pm until 12 pm.
We have pleasure in welcoming yet another new member, Thomas John Clark.
Fundraiser for VMRB Band: The Special Ts
Thomas was born on 23rd April at 8.33am. He weighed 3.34kg (or 7.9 pounds) and was 50cm long.
Cost $10 per head for a night of dancing, includes supper, tea and coffee.
Thomas is Shane and Charlene Clark’s second son, and brother to Will. Last report was that all are doing extremely well.
For more details and to RSVP phone Angie Aceto on 3264.6104 Get some friends together, come along and have a great evening while supporting VMRB!
Thomas John Clark
Start Saving Ladies It’s on again !!! The VMRB annual “shop ‘till you drop” Saturday, 26th October 2013 $50.00 per head (includes morning tea & lunch) Pick Up:
8.00 am (sharp) at the VMR Brisbane Base at Shorncliffe.
6.00 pm (approx.)
This is a great way to get your Christmas shopping done at a range of factory outlets while having a fun day out! Extra friends welcome. Phone Rae Hirn on 0418 882933 or 3203 5865 We can highly recommend (from personal experience at Charlie Crew’s May dinner!) the San Marco pizza bases produced by Frank Aceto. Contact Frank and Angela (pictured left) or Nino and Angie to arrange purchase of the bases next time you need some great pizzas.
16 – June/July 2013
Boating and Fishing Regulations Are you up-to-date with everything you need to know when it comes to boating and fishing in Queensland? Fisheries Queensland and Maritime Safety Queensland have joined together to create a single boating and fishing guide. Download the Queensland Recreational Boating and Fishing Guide 2012-2013, or the recreational bag and size limits below. Recreational fishing size and bag limits for tidal waters in Queensland - August 2012 (PDF, 92 kB) Recreational fishing size and bag limits for fresh waters in Queensland - August 2012 (PDF, 148 kB) The zoning plan for Moreton Bay Marine Park is available from the Department of National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing. The Queensland Recreational Boating and Fishing Guide provides information covering general rules and requirements for boating in Queensland. Information about fishing rules and regulations is also included. This document has also been split into 6 sections for easy download. The Queensland Recreational Boating and Fishing Guide covers just about anything anyone would need to know about being near water although it does come with the disclaimer: This handbook should only be used as a guide, and the legislation is determinant. You should review the law if you have any doubts. The information in this edition is current at the time of printing. The Contents page lists the main headings as: ∗ Contact information ∗ General rules and requirements ∗ Trip Preparation ∗ Severe storms and cyclones ∗ Safety Equipment ∗ Recreational Boating Infrastructure ∗ Safe Operation ∗ Water Sports ∗ Marine Radio ∗ Bar Crossings ∗ Carbon Monoxide and Confined Spaces ∗ Pollution ∗ Boating Offshore ∗ Boating in Freshwater ∗ Recreational Fishing Rules for Queensland For fishing, relevant legislation, regulations and management plans may be accessed from: Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel (Fisheries Act, regulations and management plans) Australian Fisheries Management Authority (Commonwealth legislation) Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Department of National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing (Queensland marine parks)
If you need more information about boating or fishing in Queensland and don’t have access to the internet, contact the following: • Department of Transport and Main Roads: Their customer service centres handle recreational boat licensing and registration business. For your local centre and any enquiries contact: (Local and Interstate callers) 13 23 80 Interpreting service 13 14 50 • Fisheries Queensland Customer Service Centre...13 25 23 Email: callweb@deedi.qld.gov.au Website: www.fisheries.qld.gov.au The Water Police are responsible for crime prevention on the water and facilitate search and rescue activities in conjunction with the Australian Maritime Safety Authority. The Brisbane Water Police phone number is (07) 3895 0333. Please note: All noise complaints must be directed to your local government. For marine emergencies including search and rescue telephone 000. However your local VMR squadron will answer calls and respond to radio requests for help on either Channels 88 or 91, or VHF Channels 16 or 67 when the bases are manned. (See Radio Channels chart on page 12.) In addition, VMRB has an after hours emergency number:. Call 0428.022881 and the emergency callout crews will react promptly. Boating Interstate If you are going boating interstate, you should check the rules for licensing, registration and safety equipment as there can be differences. N.T.: Dept. of Lands and Planning, Marine Safety Branch. www.marinesafety.nt.gov.au S.A. Dept of Transport. www.transport.sa.gov.au W.A. Dept of Transport. www.transport.wa.gov.au/imarine Tas. Marine and Safety Tasmania. www.mast.tas.gov.au Vic. Marine Safety Victoria. www.marinesafety.vic.gov.au N.S.W.: New South Wales Maritime www.maritime.nsw.gov.au
June/July 2013 - 17
TIDE TIMES AUSTRALIA, EAST COAST – BRISBANE BAR LAT 27° 22'S LONG 153° 10'E Times and Heights of High and Low Waters
2013 Time Zone - 1000
A big Texan stopped at a local restaurant following a day roaming around in Spain . While sipping his wine, he noticed a sizzling, scrumptious looking platter being served at the next table. Not only did it look good, the smell was wonderful. He asked the waiter, 'What is that you just served?' The waiter replied, 'Si senor, you have excellent taste! Those are called Cojones de Toro, bull's testicles from the bull fight this morning. A delicacy!' The cowboy said, 'What the heck, bring me an order.' The waiter replied, 'I am so sorry senor. There is only one serving per day because there is only one bull fight each morning. If you come early tomorrow and place your order, we will be sure to serve you this delicacy.' The next morning, the cowboy returned and placed his order. That evening he was served the one and only special delicacy of the day. After a few bites, inspecting his platter, he called to the waiter and said, 'These are delicious, but they are much, much smaller than the ones I saw you serve yesterday.' The waiter shrugged his shoulders and replied, 'Si, Senor. Sometimes the bull wins…
© Copyright Commonwealth of Australia 2010 Bureau of Meteorology National Tidal Centre Datum of Predictitons is lowest Astrronomical Tide. Moon Symbols: New Moon First Quarter
Full Moon Last Quarter Tide times provided by courtesy of Maritime Safety Queensland. For more information, see the Official Queensland Tide Tables published by Maritime Safety Queensland and the World Wide Web at http://www.msq.qld.gov.au/Tides.asps. The tidal predictions for Brisbane Bar are supplied by the National Tidal Centre, Bureau of Meteorology. Copyright reserved.
ADVERTISING TERMS & CONDITIONS Advertising is available in this publication in the size and form as used on this page - approx. 10cm x 5 cm. Ads will be black and white placed as appropriate within the magazine on a bi-monthly basis. Cost is $25 per issue, paid in advance each June & December. One month's notice is also required should a long-term advert be altered or withdrawn from publication. To arrange advertising or for any further information, contact editor@vmrsandgate.net.au.
18 – June/July 2013
Hall Hire Our own base is a great place to celebrate birthdays and other functions. There is a stage, large room with wooden floor suitable for dancing, nice new kitchen, separate carpeted area and verandah. Licensed and manned by bar staff (no BYO). To hire upstairs for an evening, the fees are: Members: $142 (no bond) and Non-Members $220 with a $200 bond, with a non-negotiable cleaning fee of $150 for all. For bookings and available dates, contact Tom Begbie on 3269.8633.
Charlie Crew Dinner 24TH MAY, 2013
Alias the Italian Job - Pizza and Pasta
Rae Hirn, Bronwyn Young and Karen Traversari ladle out the soups The Mighty Charlie Crew
Well, what a feast we had! We started with the most delicious soups: pumpkin, potato and leek, and pea and ham. Next came the pizzas – and not just any old pizzas. These started with bases from the professionals: San Marco, which just happens to be the wholesale and manufacturing business of Nino’s brother, Frank Aceto. They left the local pizza parlours in the shade. Then came the pastas and sauces – superb! We had to find space to squeeze in the delightful tiramasu and huge Italian trifles – both having alcoholic and non-alcoholic versions. The only problem was that there were just 35 people and we would have needed double that to make a dent in the banquet. The over-supply resulted in several lucky people buying cut-price pizzas for their weekend pleasure. Peter Leech called everyone to order and looked around for Linda Frankland as her number was drawn in the Gooseclub members’ draw. As she wasn’t present, the prize jackpots to $800 for the June draw. Alan Eustace won the Lucky Door Prize which was $60 vouchers for dinner at the Kedron Wavell Services Club’s Coral Sea Restaurant. First prize in the raffle was a meat tray donated by Albany Creek Meat Barn and a bottle of Merlot donated by Thomas Grice and these were won by Tony Lloyd. Tackle Land donated a night light which was won by Graham Makin. Third prize was also donated by Tackle Land and Glenn Philip was the winner. PS. Frank Aceto and his wife, Angela, enthusiastically joined Charlie Crew – which meant we literally had two Angela Acetos for the price of one!
Photos: clockwise from left) Angela and Frank Aceto line up the pizzas, Alan Eustace, Tony Lloyd, Graham Makin, Glenn Philip, and Carol and Peter Leech, Karl Nast, Rae Hirn and Angela Aceto and Frank Aceto look forward to the desserts.
June/July 2013 - 19
Round the Rigging
Brian Hutchison, the esteemed author of ‘100 Years of Shorncliffe Sailing’ Brian Hutchison launched his book, 100 Years of Shorncliffe Sailing, at SYC on 28th April and it brought together the group above who have connections to the SYC Champion Linton Hope Rater ‘Resolute’ which was built in 1930 and skippered by Albert Drew, and after his death in 1948 by Theo Woodhead until 1954. Pictured from left to right [and the year they first crewed in ‘Resolute’] Merv Humble [1948], Colin Woodhead [1938], Russell Bettenay [1948], Allan Woodhead [1948], Albert Jeays [1935], with John Cuneo Olympic Gold Medallist 1972. Later, ‘Resolute’ was taken south to the Outward Bound School on the Hawkesbury River NSW, where its crew member Laurie Jeays [1948] [not pictured] taught many youngsters sailing, and boat handling skills.
Not the usual crew on Energex Sandgate 1! This wedding party made the clubhouse look pretty good too.
Bob Chapman’s intrepid double tow
Fortunately Bronwyn made the pumpkin soup for Charlie Crew’s dinner! This is Joe’s attempt… (at home, thank goodness). The dredge bent our rail Papa Crew watching the SCC competitors
How’s the serenity? So much serenity...
Now this would have to be one of our cutest members! Amy Elliott is showing off her allegiance to SYC.
20 – June/July 2013