The Voice October 2011 Edition

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FROM THE EDITOR The Relation (ship)Woman to woman, man to man, woman & man, boy & girl, mother & daughter, father & son, brothers & sisters boss & employee, and finally, God & Mankind. These are all different kinds of relationships that we all encounter in our lifetime. How are you handling your relationships with your friends, family members , potential spouse etc.? There are big „ships‟ and there are small „ships, but the greatest of these, is relation-ships! What I am learning is that in order to be successful at any relationship, the foundation must be healthy and strong! What is the cement that connects any two people together? With a mother and her children, it is obviously the DNA and the deep affection and the need to give of yourself to the extension of yourself, the same is true when two people become one. The Voice of Manifestation takes pleasure in sharing various articles on relationships in this edition. God is the Sovereign administrator of all relationships. That being said we must consult Him in the nurturing and furtherance of them. What is it that you are looking forward to seeing be made manifest in your relationships? Have you sought the Lord for wisdom in the future of all relationships that make up your life? Do you hunger for more God-centered interaction with those you engage? VMWMagazine© is published quarterly. It is distributed electronically via the web @, one of the biggest electronic publishing services in the world! No portion of this magazine may be reproduced in any form without written permission. We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information we print, but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from omissions or errors. For information on where you can find VMWM or to become a distributer call (813) 690-8346 or email:

Read on as we experience more of what God has to offer as we approach relationships from His Divine perspective! This is a revolution! It’s not just church as usual“This is the season for the manifestation of the sons of God!”

2 us on Facebook! Find VMWM October 2011

On the Cover“A Canopy of God’ Grace and Manifestation” Pages 10-12

Contents: “Authentic

Relationships” How to Keep it REAL Page: 15

“Thriving in Singleness” Page: 14 & 16 “Mother & Daughter Bond” Page 17

“An ounce of Prevention… Discount at Natural Detox Shoppe Page 7


VMWM October 2011

DERRICK WILLIAMS Derrick Williams, Vocalist/ Pianist / Songwriter Meet DERRICK WILLIAMS, a confident yet humble & talented, blessed with a unique expression of his own! He is a singer, songwriter, and pianist, anointed with an extraordinary style of Contemporary and Traditional Gospel, Jazz, Rock, and Rhythm & Blues.... Williams‟ style and captivating stage performances are showcased weekly as the Host of The Gospel Voice, a 30 minute music show, airing nationally every Saturday at 2:30 Am (EST), 1:30Am (CST), & 11:30PM (PST) on The Christian Television Network (CTN) and online at The show features a variety of formats from a live stage band with a live studio audience to an "up close" and "personal feel” with Williams on the Grand Piano accompanied by a few vocalist. Williams also serves as the show‟s Creative and Musical Director, as well as, Co-Executive Producer. The Gospel Voice celebrates three successful years on air!

For show schedules or to appear as a guest visit His new Gospel CD titled "I'll Go" will be released in 2012 but several singles are available now for download on iTunes. For more information visit Has toured nationally as "The Rabbi" in the Gospel Musical "The Rock and The Rabbi" -- receiving rave reviews for his thrilling stage performances to sold out venues across the country.

VMWM ~ January 2011


Lisa Winchell, M.A. NCCA Licensed Clinical Christian Counselor Masters in Clinical Christian Counseling

(813) 684-7927

Walking in the compassion of God, daily, is of utmost importance. His compassion touches the deep need in others and draws them out of the crisis, sickness, or bondage. But, sympathy is human, and natural, it only ministers to surface needs and leaves the one you are ministering to wanting. (derived from Bill Johnson teaching– Submitted by Lisa Winchell)

VMWM January 2011 5

Woman to Woman Relationships

She is a multifaceted, beautiful, assertive woman with too much to lose and a lot to share. But you were equally as patient and persistent. She got to see over time that you were unlike the rest. You are responsible with your family and a leader in your own profession. You both communicate very well and are committed to loving and caring for your „already made family‟ as a unit. You are her equal. But most importantly, you make her smile….and it radiates from the inside out. When she said that you were her “best friend”, I knew then with all things considered, that she was falling in love with you.

“Real Friends Will Rejoice & Sing Over You!” Anika, My heart sings with joy to see how happy and in love you are with Alvin! I had never met anyone so resistant to love in my life until I got to know you. It was no secret how you felt about relationships…you didn‟t have the time, energy nor wanted the trouble. A little over a year ago, as far as you were concerned, you were happy on your own with Brendan. And that was all that mattered. As my hopeless romantic side started to trickle out, I was relentless when I started the “talk” with you. “Step outside of your box Anika. Let your guard down. You should allow it to happen if it feels right. Sometimes you just know. It is worth the risk. Be smart about it. Every relationship requires compromise, communication and work.” I think I told you these things at least 3 times a week. At least…

When Alvin finally came along, you were still on the defense about just dating. But I encouraged you to take everything in stride and to just have fun. And I think you listened. Slowly I saw your outlook on relationships change and your protective exterior began to soften. Alvin‟s skills as a chef definitely played a huge role in getting you to let your guard down. The passion he put into the food he made for you translated into another language that you both understood very well. But Alvin, she did fight it, didn‟t she? I know she did not make it easy for you to win her heart over. 6

When the hard candy shell finally melted away, “totally in love Anika” emerged. We all took notice at how you were always floating on cloud nine and how completely smitten you are with Alvin. I feel that you are completely deserving of all the bliss and happiness that being in love brings. So when he told me that he was proposing to you, I was in complete shock! Not only was I sitting right next to you when he told me over the phone, I had to come up with a quick reason why I gasped AND with a game plan on how to get us to leave the mall early from shopping so he could do the deed! I also realized that I was witnessing full circle your journey from refusing romantic advances to receiving unconditional and uninhibited love. I could not have been more elated for you two and your beautiful family! Once all the pieces fell into place and you saw how beautiful life was with Alvin, I believe you realized that you had reached a new level of happiness that you never knew existed. I am sooooooooooooooooo thrilled to see that you are enjoying the euphoric Blessings of true love. Very few people get to experience what you have, finding a companion. And even fewer make it last. Not everyone gets to marry their best friend. So, I wholeheartedly wish and pray that you have a love that will last a lifetime and rival the greatest of love stories. Congratulations Anika and Alvin! I love you! ~Melissa Espat - Maid of Honor

Pat Hartley “It really excites me that I am now able to provide natural detox services for my clients in a larger facility.” Now I have more than enough room to service healthy snacks in an even healthier atmosphere too!”

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Take $5 off your purchase of $25 or more! This discount is good through 31 DECEMBER 2011. Good on first visit only with a copy of `this Advertisement 7

VMWM October 2011

The Intimate Worshipper “Impacting multidimensional realms for His glory!”

Dr. Darlene Townsend CEO-Founder Prophetic Expressions International Dance Worship Institute, Inc.

VMWM October 2011



“KINGDOM”- A World Beyond

Homosexuality The Voice of Manifestation features LIVE PANEL discussions each quarter. Next panel will be in January 2012!!! . The topic will be The Apostolic Mandate


VMWM October 2011

Far from being a mere fairy tale, here is the beautiful reality of how a wounded nurse and a prime cut executive chef went from being ordinary elementary school classmates, to husband and wife!

“An elderly lady that was also at the restaurant at that time of our class reunion asked if Alvin & I wanted her to take our picture because she thought we made such a cute couple. We stood side by side and posed, neither of us declared that we were not a couple.”

~ Anika L. Bronson Anika Smalls had recently joined Facebook, the because she thought we made such a cute couple. very popular social network, where some of her We stood side by side and posed, neither of us defriends from elementary school and junior high clared that we were not a couple. school began to send her friend requests. “I was so I can‟t recall Alvin telling me he wasn‟t looking to surprised that a lot of my old friends remembered engage in a relationship with anyone. I strongly me because we were in elementary and Jr. High opposed relationships, so maybe he felt, in the beSchool such a long time ago.” To her surprise, ginning, that it didn‟t need to be said. It wasn‟t when a guy by the name of Alvin Bronson‟s name until later on as we began to spend more time with appeared on her screen, she thought to herself, each other, that I actually heard him say, that he “Yes, I know Alvin Bronson, we went to Robles wasn‟t looking to be in another relationship or to together.” She sent him a friend request because be married again. Neither of us were looking for a she and a few other classmates, were discussing a relationship so I thought that this could be a perfect reunion and she wanted to invite as many old class- friendship. mates as possible. He accepted, however, his acWe sat next to each other during dinner at the class ceptance was not because he remembered going to reunion. There were several other friends there. school with her. This is how communication beThe two of us talked, laughed very loud, and talked tween the two of them began. “I didn‟t think any- some more. We all enjoyed each other‟s company. thing of it initially because he wasn‟t the only But there were several times throughout the night classmate I was communicating with and during that I would catch Alvin sitting there, just staring at this time, I was so resistant to platonic relationme. I felt so uncomfortable. I hate being stared at. ships, love relationships or any of the sort. I was I guess I was uncomfortable because most of our very certain that I had made everyone that I encommunication up to this point had been spent countered aware of this so that they wouldn‟t get with each other either on the phone 4-5 hours, text any ideas.” messaging, and/ or Facebook . This was our only Alvin and I began to send messages via Facebook, form of communication before we actually saw text message on a regular basis, then eventually each other in person. There were several times conversed on the phone for 4 – 5 hours every night. throughout the night that I felt this very strong conThe class reunion dinner was set for June 18, 2010, nection between the two of us. Whether it was a just 3 months after Alvin and I had reconnected via glance, a smile, a few words here or there, or even Facebook. I asked him to meet me early at Fresh the staring that made me feel so uncomfortable, it Harvest, because I had never been there before and still resonated in my mind as a deep connection I didn‟t want to be there alone waiting for the other that had been made between us. I‟m such a picky classmates to arrive. We got there about an hour eater, during our dinnertime I was having the hardearly, went to reserve space at the restaurant, then est time finding something to eat. walked around the casino touring and talking. An elderly lady that was also at the restaurant at that time asked if we wanted her to take our picture 10

Alvin kindly offered to help me find something to eat that I would like. He really looked after me that night. I was way out of my comfort zone, even when it came to being in a restaurant at the casino for dinner. I was enjoying his company way too much, and I say this because remember, I‟m the one who never, ever wanted to date again. My wall that took me so long to build was being challenged. With midnight approaching, and the night ending with Alvin and I closing down the restaurant, it was time to depart, neither of us wanted the night to end. But, we said Goodnight and went our separate ways. After that night, the phone conversations continued. We made plans to see each other again. We decided that we would go to breakfast, just the two of us, the following Friday. After breakfast, we decided to go see a movie, and at some point during the day, Alvin said he wanted to cook dinner just for me. At the time Alvin was working at The Double Tree Hotel‟s Restaurant on Courtney Campbell Causeway. He invited me to his restaurant that same night for dinner. We both knew what was happening between us, yet neither of us wanted to admit it, especially not me. I had not been in a serious relationship for at least ten years. There was only my son Brendan and me, and I was completely content and happy with

things being the way that they were. With Brendan being an over protective 12 year old son that growled at any man who came within two feet of me, keeping the men away was easy. Of course I had a wounded heart from previous relationships and the only sure way to guarantee that this experience would never happen again, I was NEVER, EVER to date again. I had determined that I was going to leave this earth a single woman. From Alvin‟s perspective, he was a divorced man, single Father, and was not looking to become involved in another relationship either. He kept himself busy with work, his daughter and his many, many friends. He did not desire a relationship because he had experienced failure in past relationships as well. After Alvin and I had dinner that night at his job, he told me that he noticed that there was something different about me. He said he knew that I was a God fearing woman, one with a calm spirit. He noticed I was very consistent in my actions. We had very good conversations, and he felt as though I was a complete woman therefore he was willing to let his guard down and go with the flow. He said, “Seven days later, fourteen days from our first encounter, he was in love and that he knew that I would be his wife.” He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the LORD. Proverbs 18:22 NIV

Our two hearts were beginning to become one, but there were things from our past that we had to relinquish if we were going to make the relationship work. Though I was always attracted to and had a love and appreciation for men, I had such animosity and resentment towards them. Friendships were OK, but relationships, absolutely were not. I had to be able to open my heart and mind completely, and tear down the wall that I spent many, many years building. I had to trust that Alvin was going to consistently be the man that he had shown me over the past several months. One night Alvin and I met after he had gone to a comedy show with a few of his friends. We were not dating at that time. My nose is very sensitive to alcohol because I hate it. I smelled the alcohol and of course asked him if he had been drinking. He answered honestly, “Yes.” I said, with my nose turned up of course, “I could never be with someone who drinks.” End of conversation. Though Alvin loves God and attended church on a pretty consistent basis, he was still comfortable hanging out with his friends and drinking, and he was also known to be a party man. Alvin knew I was a Christian woman and he knew that I had a standard that would not allow me to date someone who lived that type of lifestyle. Without asking him to, Alvin made the necessary changes on his own which proved he was serious about me and my standards. I never asked him to give up alcohol. He did it completely of his own free will and I‟m glad that he did. The next thing I know, he confessed to me that he had emptied every bottle that he had. He has not had a drink since that night. I must say, these were not temporary changes. His actions have been very consistent since June 2010. Things were happening very fast, however, I still had my mind made up, I would never get married. I said I would never date again, but we were already beyond that point, and I had to admit this, even though I didn‟t want to. Everyone around me saw that I was beginning to change and I was still in denial. By December 2010, my son had completely accepted Alvin and his children, which began to change his life as well. He had become a much happier kid. I watched him go from being a child who was comfortable with being by himself, to a child who never wanted to be by himself. My family went from being Brendan and me, to being Alvin, Bryana, Alexys, Brendan, Little Alvin, Jayla, and me. I never thought I wanted any more kids, but now I have four kids and a Granddaughter. All of which I love as if I had given birth to them myself. 11

Brendan, Anika & Alvin


Alvin and I had discussed marriage from time to time, but my answer was always the same, “We‟ll be together forever, just not married.” Alvin was not going for that and he really didn‟t expect that answer coming from a Christian woman, “How could we be together forever and not be married?” I eventually came around. On February 18, 2011, Alvin proposed to me, and with great joy, I accepted.


Anika & Briana


After becoming engaged, we brought all of the children together and told them we were getting married. Alvin‟s children were happy and receptive. My son Brendan was not happy initially, I guess he felt as though he was going to lose me forever. But, he too eventually came around. Brendan soon understood that Alvin did not only loves me, but he loves him just as he loves his own children which he had already come to accept and want to be around all the time. August 13, 2011 was a defining moment in my life. Not only is it the day that I celebrated my 40th birthday, it was also the day that I became Mrs. Alvin L. Bronson. My friend became my husband, I became his wife. WE had become Husband and wife, with our four kids and a granddaughter. One big happy family!


VMWM October 2011

Anika & Alvin Jr.

“I was not always the person that I am today. Growing up I always wanted to be in the Olympics or the NFL, but after losing my mother when I was in the 11th grade my desire for school and sports changed. After graduating from High School in 1990 I had an interest in becoming a Firefighter. Those dreams disappeared when I started drinking, smoking weed and getting into trouble for selling crack cocaine in September 1991, which resulted in 3 years probation. Even though I was 19 years old and bigger than my Dad, I was ashamed and scared to talk to him. Dad told me that he would help me and any of my other siblings with anything except crime. He said, as long as I was doing wrong I was not welcome at his house. It was at this point in my life that I woke up and realized that I had a chance at a good life. I got a job bussing tables at the Village Inn. With a desire to make more money I decided that I wanted to cook. A close friend of mine by the name of Robert McGill used to coach and teach me every day. While watching and learning from him I knew that I wanted to do this for the rest of my life. After being in the business for years I was eager to learn more. With the drive to be the best, I became a manager. There are many African Americans in the food industry, in the kitchen, prepping, cooking and doing the dishes, however I was not about to be limited. In 2006, I became an Executive Sous Chef at Shula‟s Steakhouse. I knew then that the sky is the limit. With kids to feed I‟m always thinking of ways to make more money. I also started catering while maintaining 2 full time jobs. Enchanted Dining is my catering company. With the trust of Robert Newhart the owner of Sunset Grill, the support and love of my wife Anika, I am also the head Chef of Sunset Grill in Carrollwood, Tampa.

I am a product of God‟s grace. This is what grace has produced! I am what I am by the grace of God and the grace of God will not fail to produce what He has designed. But by the grace of God I am what I am: and His grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.

I Corinthians 15:10 KJV


“The MAN, The CHEF…..

The LEGEND Alvin Bronson is inspired to lend his support and example to other young men that are striving to be all that they can be. Whether the desire is to be a an Olympic all star, athlete, Football player Firefighter or an Executive Chef, Bronson believes all things are possible.

“As singles ministry leader it gives me great joy to minister to other singles who share like issues and situations.”

There are times when I don‟t think that I have done as good a job as being a mom as I could have done. Single parents need to be encouraged when we are doing the best we can even if our children never tell us. We also need to know God blesses our hands to be able to do what we are doing. Sometimes the finances get low and we are not always able to get the things we need to run the household. We may go lacking in groceries and so may have to survive on hot dogs and beans or noodles for a few days. We don‟t say anything because we don‟t want to feel we are a burden to anyone and so we continue to trust in the Lord knowing He will once again get us through as He always does. I am able to give a kind word, pray and encourage others along the way. I believe my passion for other singles and single parents is so strong because I am a single mom of a soon to be 16 year old. I understand the challenges that we are faced with and know that people tend to listen to someone who has been through various issues that arise in the lives of

single parents. Issues like why we have to work so hard because the fathers of our children are taking a back seat and are not helping to support their children with proper financial support, emotional support or proper affirmation our children need. Some of the fathers don‟t spend time with their children, they don‟t live in the same state, and in my case, they never call to check on their child, never send any kind of financial support or ever give the child proper praise for the good grades and strides the child is making. It seems that the fathers go on with their lives, never having to give up anything like going on trips on the spur of the moment, buying that expensive piece of jewelry, or just eating out every day of the week just because they can. After all they are not using their funds to support their own children. This is why there is often anger towards fathers of the child or children. I‟m not saying all father‟s are doing this, but based on those single parents I have talked to, this is often the case. People seem to receive a person

more readily who has been in similar, if not the same situation they have been in. It is truly an honor that the Lord would allow me to minister to other singles. Many relationships have been developed with other single parents and singles alike which has allowed us to encourage one another along the way. I constantly remind the participants of the singles ministry that I am here for them, and if at any time they need to pray or just talk, I am always a phone call away. I thank God for the opportunity to be singles ministry leader in my local fellowship, for it has allowed me to take a look at myself and see the what God has been doing in me these last 2 years. The Lord has allowed me to become more compassionate towards other single mothers. If I see a mother in service that is having a hard time with their child or children I go up and offer my assistance by taking the child outside for a walk or run to allow them time to be active and to give the mom a break.

(Story continues on pg. 16)

PO Box 91038 Houston, Texas 77291 (832)229-5392 or (715)481– 5365

VMWM October 2011


AUTHENTIC RELATIONSHIPS - “How to Keep It REAL” who is offended is hurt and bruised. Does that mean that the relationship was not as strong as it seemed to be? Shouldn‟t both parties have the ability They begin. There is a foundation of an agreement between people that creates a relationship. That agreement to go to one another and express their hurt and frustrais the glue or the functioning reason for the connection in tions with the other? You would think so, but when a relationship is strained, it is hard to find the original the first place. How and/or where relationships begin is a true indicator fibers that wove or created the relationship in the first place. of the root reason (s) for the connection. Forgiveness has to set in now. Maturity has to be the Some are good and some are not so good. And good leader here. and not so good is only defined by the ones in the relaLook at forgiveness as an “all-cutting” lawn mower. It tionship and based upon the needs, which will in turn can cut anything in its path and cause it to be pruned determine its worth. And because you may not feel that a relationship is good/ enough to grow. Not get rid of, but grow correctly. not good for another is not your call (although at times I Now you can tend to your lawn! See weeds and bushes that don‟t belong when they begin to grow and get rid of would love to make the call), it is up to the ones conthem. Water and fertilize as needed and admire what nected to make the determination therein. you have…your Path in front of you instead of resentful They function. As you live, you utilize and pull from hurts! those relationships each and every day. Your life has been created by way of all relationships present and past. You forgive not to just get an “I‟m sorry”, although it would be nice at times, but for your own pasture. Your The ones that you have not rectified, the ones that you personal pasture needs to be clear so that YOU can see. are hoping to never engage in again, and even the ones Not so that the other person can see what they may have that you have ran away from. Whatever the cause, they done to you. have in some way, formed you and your thinking. They are challenged. What do you do when a relationIt is, at times; best to run with a vengeance away from ship is GREAT and you still drift apart? What hapsome nouns (people, places, and things) that you have pened? Nothing really happened at all, just growth. connected with. But every now and again, you can run You grew, they grew, nuff said! up on a connection you had or have that is a good one The most difficult challenge of any relationship is and it IS one that is accountable and true. Just in case growth beyond the original intent of the connection. you don‟t know, those are the ones you need to try to Once you get past the “reason” for your beginning and keep! These are the ones that are true are the ones you need to grow into the purpose of your connection, at that time is look at and see where they fit. What does your purpose when you will see the authenticity of whom and why you tell you? What does your potential tell you? What does are connected. It is okay to become the greatest person that you can be. your path tell you? They grow. Over any period of time, a relationship will Being effective in life is one of the most incredible grow. Some will become more and more desolate while things you can accomplish. And accomplishing such GREATNESS will cause you to be Authentic yourself. others will blossom into something creative, energy inThus now, creating authentic relationships, for a lifejected, and strong. time! Those that naturally become dry and weary, usually This is not based upon what another can fulfill in or for means that either one or the other person involved has moved on in some way or has increased their friendship you, but because both or all of you will want to give the base and there is less time for the connection. But what best of themselves to all and anyone that cross their life‟s about those that are deliberate disconnections that occur Path. Being authentic with God, being authentic with you, will because of offense and strife. automatically produce authentic relationships with There is the one who has created the offence or aught and the other is the one affected. And too often, the one others. who has offended does not have any clue and the one

Authentic Relationships,

Dr. Bridget Fizer is Co-Founder and Master Life Strategist of ® The Fizer Discovery Concepts. Her astonishing and captivating Life Coaching Modules for today‟s emerging Woman has enriched countless women across the country. Her practical, simple yet profound teaching style and analogies has caused many to break free from the limitedness that has bound women both mentally, emotionally, sexually, and spiritually. An incredible designer in her own right, Bridget uses her incredible Spirit to „redesign‟ those who are ready to practice the possible into beautiful byproducts of Unlimited Worth, Value and Purpose! She is married to Dr. Undrai Fizer. The couple along with their 3 boys make their home in Houston, Texas


VMWM October 2011

It can get pretty overwhelming when you are trying to enjoy the service and have to tend to the children as well. The Lord has also worked the “trying to be the perfect mother” syndrome out of me. It would be wonderful to have done everything right all the time, but I had to face the fact that children do not come with a „how-to‟ parent guide. And so the Lord has allowed me to take myself off the hook with myself and look back over the years to see how He has kept my son and me and that I have been a pretty good mother to my child and have dedicated myself to him. I am more open to others and transparent so that others are allowed to see me for who I am. There are many in the local churches that because of past hurts like, as if somehow it was our fault that we are single parents, and because some of us had multiple children by different men that there is no way any man could want to be with us. I have found that even in some cases of spirit filled people think that God can‟t possibly use us after what we have done. In my case it did not seem that there was much support from the church I attended at that time. Very few people reached out to me to help financially nor was there much help in donations of food, pampers or clothes. It felt as though they were saying, you got into this mess now get out by yourself, or this is what happens when you sin. In the past I was very cautious with others, and so I have been able to let my guard down „so to speak‟ and let people in. Though I don't pretend to know it all, or how to reach everyone, I know that I am doing what the Lord has called me to do in this season of my life.

was born out of the trials I faced as a single mom. Like breaking down and crying because of the overwhelming feelings from having to run a household by myself, never seeming to be able to go out and enjoy myself with friends because of lack of finances. And sometimes it seemed as though I would never catch up on past due bills, get enough rest or ever look to a life of being loved by someone. I knew that others were facing these same challenges. While praying for others, the Lord began speaking to me that one day He would allow me to minister directly to those for which I had developed such a passion for. It is so amazing that the Lord chose me, a person who by nature is an introvert and enjoys being alone. All of that had to be put aside in order to help fulfill God's will in the earth. None of what is being done would be possible unless the decision was made to die to my own self will and selfish desires and do it the way God intended it to be done. All the praise and the honor are to the Lord for the patience He has shown me over the years. He has given me so many chances to get things right. This is true ministry. We must let people know they are not condemned by God, and so they should not condemn themselves. When you minister with the Love of the Lord, people appreciate it. There will always be a special place in my heart for singles, and should the Lord open the door for me to become married someday, prayer as well as encouragement will continue to be offered for singles everywhere, not just to those in my local fellowship. In giving myself away so that the Lord can use me, the consensus is He can use me People often tell me they never knew how anywhere and however He wants. And so I continue to serve in my role of The Center For funny I can be, but I tell them this is who I am and this is just part of the desire I have to Manifestation's singles ministry leader until the Lord decides what the next phase of my encourage and lift up those around me. The passion I have for the singles ministry was life will be. To God be the glory for the things He has done. not something that I just woke up with. It

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planning her suicide, what was really scary about this was the fact that she had told the counselor that she had already Relationships that lack attempted it before by cutting her wrist „God-centeredness‟ can but it was to painful so the next attempt only result in ungodly would be quick and painless so she desoul ties between cided that she would jump in front of a friends, parents and car. As her mother I was so hurt to learn children, siblings, how much my little girl was hurting inmarriage partners, side and I wanted to take the pain away former romantic or but I couldn‟t not at that moment because sexual partners and I didn‟t know what the root cause of her domineering authoripain was. I‟m very thankful to God that ties. my little who is not a young lady is still The first mention of a with me to this day and living her life on “soul tie” in the Word Voice Magazine intern Teresa White & daughter purpose and for God. It very painful for is found in Genesis: me to talk about this because this was When I first learned only two years ago but my prayer is that about a soul tie from my studies in the she was very easy for me to talk to about my testimony will help create healthy bible (Gen 1:28) I always thought that it the situation, without being judgmental. bonds between not just mothers and could only exist between a woman and There is great value in the motherdaughter but families. man or wife and husband but that‟s not daughter tie because the two parties care Mothers have to respect how girls feel, true. for one another and share a strong invest- even if we disagree with them so rather “A soul tie is the joining or knitting ment in the family as a whole. Mother and than telling them how they should feel. It together of the bonds of a relationship. daughter have a special bond with all its is crucial to train girls to pay attention to Godly soul ties occur when like-minded believers are together in the Lord: friends, complex emotions like anger, resentment, their inner voice. Never attempt to enand competition and of course love. force your will on the will of your daughmarriage partners, believers to pastors, Because of the calling on my life I under- ter but rather allow her to be influence children, sibling etc. The relationship between me and my mother really shaped stand that I‟m the most relevant influence and shaped by your character and Godover my daughter‟s life. The main reason centered life style. my life and prepared me for my destiny that we as mothers are so hard on our The biggest mistake that I have made in and because of it I‟m living my life on daughter is because we see ourselves in raising my daughter in the past was trying purpose and for God and that‟s my goal them and we do not want them to repeat to control her and this made her resent for the relationship with me and my our mistakes. A mother who refuses to me. In raising my daughter we have been daughter. As the mother of a two teenagers a daugh- relinquish her hold on her children can be both enemy and best friends and because ter and son I can say that I Love both my guilty of spiritual forces to control others of that we have grown to respect each other. children equally but the relationship that I (witchcraft). It is vital that we must create a close Control can be a powerful thing to have share with my daughter is always a bit “God centered” mother-daughter bond. but when used on people it can be a form extra special because I see a lot of myself Sad to say as women we grow up and all of manipulation. We are not supposed to in her. It is the responsibility of a daughour energy is largely turned toward men, control our kids but instead influence ter to express that she realizes & apprecibut our first true love originally is our them. I thank God for my pastor (Dr. ates the unusual bond that the two share mother. Mark Jones Sr.) who continues to cover but most of the time they don‟t notice it Mothers enjoy a close bond with our me and my daughter in prayer knowing until they are older. that we have a long way to go but also we I once heard someone say that a daughter daughters, we like dressing them up to look like us and show them off to the have come from a mighty long way. He is a mother‟s gender partner, her closest world and despite our best intentions it‟s has taught me to never parent out of fear ally in the family confederacy, an extenhard to just get them to talk to us when and the key to keeping the lines of comsion of herself. And mothers are their they grow up. munication open, it good old-fashion daughter‟s role model, their biological listening. and emotional road map, the arbiter of all I use to dread the thought of the day that my daughter became a teenager because I their relationships. remember how I use to be at that age but There are two things absolutely necessary Some believe that a mother is the truest friend that one could have when it comes now that she is old enough to understand in raising children: parameters and consiswhy I‟m so protective and hard on her I tency. Clearly define the rules, and then down to trials which are heavy and sudrefer this stage. “You can listen to them be consistent in enforcing them. In other denly, fall upon us. The bond that I have and talk to them”, “You can negotiate and words, build a fence and don‟t waver with with my daughter supercedes the one compromise and make a plan with them. the consequences when the fence is between me and my mother. I think it‟s crossed, Most child-rearing problems because I was afraid to talk to my mother Healthy relationships are about trust, about the facts of life. With my daughter I honesty and compromise. Unfortunately, stem from either the lack of established rules of conduct, or inconsistent insishave been blessed to be able to confide-in when healthy relationship skills are not tence that the rules be observed. and lean-on her in ways that I was unable formed, some young people find themselves in abusive relationships that are Mothers, please be transparent with your to with my mother…for instance the daughter because they need to know that break-up of my (common- law marriage) marked by frustration, anger, low selfwith her father. My daughter was the only esteem, and even physical injury. we have experienced the same things that one out of the rest of my family members I will never forget the day that I got a call they are going through right now and that to come to my daughters high school to that stood by as someone who really we celebrate their indifferences! meet with the school counselor (911) understood what I was going through and because my daughter was overheard

Mother and Daughter Bond (Soul Ties)


VMWM October 2011

LET’S STAY TOGETHER!!!! Divorce is so pervasive in our society BUT...

“It Takes 3” Couples Valentine‟s Day Dinner Divorce is not part of our culture. Our culture Game time facilitated by Dave & Roz Bennerman is the kingdom, and in the kingdom there is no need for divorce because love rules. And where love rules, God is love, and God show us what He is like by demonstrating it as; love bearing all things, hopes all things, believes all things, endures all things, love gives, and just keeps on giving and giving. One of the reasons that divorce is so pervasive in our society is because of the covenant breaking heart! Three standards that must persist and be maintained in covenant relationships in order for them to fulfill their intended purposes are:

#1. TRUTH – in every covenant relationship there must be truth. Lies undermine a covenant and cause the individuals in the covenant to not trust the process that God has purposed for the covenant. So we must make certain that whether it‟s a marriage relationship, our covenant relationship we have individually with Christ, friendships, or our family of faith among all the believers, we must make sure that we operate in truth. When you persist in a lie, you are trying to circumvent the processes of the Holy Ghost, as did Ananias and Saphira. God desires truth in the inward parts. God demands that we tell the truth about where we are in the relationships.

#2 LOYALTY– This is whether it‟s in the church relationships with the faith family, marriage relationships or personal relationship with Christ, loyalty is that each of us has a sense of responsibility to our continuance and our vision. What we set out to do. What we perceived as the value of us getting together is still the value of us being together. Vision keeps us together when we get on each other‟s nerves. That requires loyalty. Know that when things get rough no one will bail out because their God is convenience! Loyalty means, I‟m committed to the process with you. One of the biggest crisis in the Christian Church is disloyalty. #3. COMMITMENT– If you‟re going to be in a covenant relationship you‟re going to have to be ALL IN. You are either all in or all out. One of the reason for so many divorces is that you have so many married people with a single mindset. Technically they are married, but practically they are single. They never vested their total person into the relationship. Elements of who they used to be, they are still wishing they were where they left. The essence of Covenant is that you are ALL IN! ~ (Excerpt from the teaching series, “Computer Love”

Various couples participate in games VMWM October 2011

Dee & Robbie Reid up close & personal 18

Dr. Mark & Lady Lisa Jones “It Takes 3� Marriage Ministry Listen to free archived messages !!!



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