“Apostle Paul told Timothy to commit to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. (2Tim.2:2). Faithfulness is the cornerstone of character. May Godly character continue to be seen upon your life as you continue to submit your will to the will of the Father.”
Leola TillmanEditor - in - Chief & Publishing Coordinator
Michelle GuessLive Panel Coordinator
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Photo Journalist
Building and Empowered By Holy Design
The Plumb line-
In Architecture, Master Builders use the plumb line to build tall skyscrapers and monuments. ALL measurements, standards, and foundations must be precise and accurate. The Bible says many are called but few are chosen. If we, the Body of Christ, will ever become the monumental examples of His Nature in these last days, our lives, which consists of our character, in our homes, on our jobs, actions and integrity, must all be measured by His Word, not by our own standards. The Plumb line causes us to be constructed by the Master Builder with precise and exact measurements. In this edition the VOICE will take a look at the life example of Pastor Laytecia McKinney. Pastor McKinney is an FBCM partner. FBCM exist to be an accountability and covering to its partners. Understanding that accountabilities are in place to help discerning people remain honest and equitable, and to exercise sound judgment in the affairs of life and ministry, FBCM also serves as a covering, and accountability partner for all covenant ministries. The Voice will present more of FBCM Partners in upcoming issues. If you desire accountability and covering to assist in your kingdom assignment, I invite you to check out FBCM on @ http://www.centerformanifestation.com/fbcm.html and find out more information on how you can cut the learning curve as a new pastor. This is a revolution! It’s not just church as usual“This is the season for the manifestation of the sons of God!”
VMWMagazine© is published quarterly. It is distributed electronically via the web @ www.issuu.com, one of the biggest electronic publishing services in the world! No portion of this magazine may be reproduced in any form without written permission. We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information we print, but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from omissions or errors. For information on where you can find VMWM or to become a distributer call (813) 690-8346 or email: ltillman@centerformanifestation.com VMWM October 2010
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The Order of Worship Apostle Bennie Fluellen - (pg. 4-5) Relevant Relationships Prophetess Gail Boles - (pg. 19)
Pastor Laytecia McKinney shares what it means to maintain “Order in God’s House” as Senior Pastor and Founder of Victory Temple Outreach Ministry, Inc. while at the same time maintaining balance in her personal role as wife, mother of 3, co-worker, entrepreneur and faithful servant to so many individuals who depend on her as their example. Pages 10-12
VMWM October 2010
THE ORDER OF WORSHIP (Submitted by Apostle Bennie Fluellen for Coat of Color Ministries – Cincinnati, OH to Center For Manifestation, Tampa, Florida. Apostle Bennie is the Overseer and Visionary of Overflow Ministries Covenant Church in Cincinnati, OH and Apostolic Covering of Covenant Family Fellowship of Churches) As we approach this subject, it is imperative that we first deal with the religious mindset towards worship. Worship is not what we have made it! It is placing God first and foremost on the agendas of our daily lives and not just the time that we gather and call ―Church‖. Worship is the acknowledgment with corresponding actions that the Almighty; Jehovah; Yaweh; Elohim, He is God. With such acknowledgment comes a reverential fear for the Lord that is difficult to describe, but wonderful to experience.
The earthly place where the Believers gather is commonly called ―The Church‖. When we gather, it is our desire to see God move uninhibited; restoring all things that are out of order and chaotic. Rightfully, The Church is not just the gathering place for the Believers.; but the Church is the King‘s Court. When entering the King‘s Court, there is an expected decorum and behavior for all who would be granted access by the extension of His scepter. Psalm 100:2b-4 says: ―…come before his presence with singing. 3Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. 4Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.‖
Worship as God defines it is the giving of oneself completely to Him. More definitively, it is obedience! One of the most talked about worship experiences was that of Abraham in the offering of his son, Isaac. Most often referred to as a sacrifice, this act or this experience was worship. It was a giving of all that they had in obedience to God. Genesis 22:5 – ―And Abraham said unto his young men, Abide ye here with the ass; and I and the lad will go yonder and worship, and come again to you. There were no musical instruments and no Praise and Worship team nor leader! There was simply Abraham and Isaac moving in obedience. Obedience is worship!
This scripture sets forth the standard for how we ought to come into the Lord‘s presence! It outlines our expected behavior. Our behavior is one of worship. Our singing, acknowledgement of God as God, thanksgiving, praise, and the blessing of his name is our attitude. Worship is first an attitude. Attitudes give birth to behaviors. And when our behavior does not conform to the scripture, we are out of order and it affects everyone else in the King‘s Court. So as we Disobedience produces chaos and disorder. There is a famil- gather in the King‘s Court let us: iar picture recalled that takes place in a courtroom. The 28Give unto the LORD, ye kindreds of the people, give unto judge sits enthroned on the bench as the case is presented to the LORD glory and strength. 29Give unto the LORD the prove one‘s guilt or innocence. Suddenly, someone‘s behav- glory due unto his name: bring an offering, and come before ior or something happens in the courtroom that does not con- him: worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness. 30Fear form with court decorum and behavior and the judge slams before him, all the earth: the world also shall be stable, that it the gavel shouting ―order in the court‖! What happened? be not moved. 1 Chronicles 16:28-30 (KJV) Well, someone‘s behavior or their expected obedience to the So as we enter, let us not come empty handed, but let us rules of the court was not in conformity to the will of the come with an offering prepared to be given unto the Lord as court and has caused the entire courtroom to react bringing worship. chaos and disorder. Whenever our behavior does not conThe reverential fear of the Lord brings and maintains order form with the will of the Lord it results in chaos and disorwithin us—the dwelling place of God and His spirit. ―What? der. Wherever there is disorder and chaos, there is rebellion know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and darkness. Wherever there is darkness, there is the abwhich is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your sence of light! In his presence there is light; expressions of own?‖ 1 Cor. 6:19 His life and revelations of His power and might. Wherever As we daily worship the Lord with our lives submitted in there is order, you will find God moving uninhibited. reverential fear and awe of who He is, it produces order in our lives. VMWM October 2010
A part of that order includes our behavior when we come and gather as the House of the Lord. The obedience to God carries over into obedience to what He requires as we enter into His courts and what is required of our behavior in the house of God. Ushers, Greeters, Parking Attendants, etc. are Porters at the door of the Lord‘s House to help facilitate natural order so that there can be spiritual order. Our obedience then becomes worship to God, not to man! The result then is Order! Worship produces order both privately and publicly. Worship reveals God; and God reveals where we need to conform to the image of the Christ within us. Whenever there is something in us that is not like God, it needs to die. Only when that thing dies are we able to see the Lord and recognize Heaven‘s activity of obedience. Isa. 6:1-8: ―In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the LORD sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple. 2Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly. 3And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory. 4And the posts of the door moved at the voice of him that cried, and the house was filled with smoke. 5Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts. 6Then flew one of the seraphims unto me, having a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar: 7And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged. 8Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.‖ We all want to see the manifested Glory of God in our worship services. However, the pattern of Old and New Testament scripture is: (1) Divine Order, (2) God‘s Glory, and (3) Judgment. ―Before God manifests His glory, there must be Divine Order. Once His glory is revealed, any irreverence, disorder, or disobedience is met with immediate judgment. Order in the King‘s Court!
Worship born out of obedience causes a shift and moves the posts in our lives and our services. The fruit of worship is a proper view of our own condition as we see t he Lord. We must then remain in His presence to be ministered to as He purges us with live coals from the altar that ignites, cleanses, anoints, enables, and prepares us for our apostolic missions where we can say, ―Here am I; send me.‖ As Apostolic Houses, we must summons order by our worship of a Holy God!
Let all who enter in be subject to the expected behavior and decorum of celebrating and honoring God as we obey God in bringing Him acceptable expressions of praise and adoration. And let us also obey those delegated in the House of God to maintain order that we might see a corporate move of God as He restores order to the chaotic lives of those who gather with us; order to scattered homes and families; order to broken dreams; order to financial disarray; and order to our physical bodies. Worship then is more than a prelude to the preached word. It is a summons to order our personal lives aright and our corporate gatherings for a move of God! It is an obedient response to having seen God. And when we see God, we cannot help but see Heaven‘s activity born out of reverential fear of an Holy God. Therefore, we cry one to another saying, ―Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts! 5
VMWM October 2010
Apostle Bennie Fluellen is the Pastor/Founder of Overflow Ministries Covenant Church, whose vision rests upon "Building the Foundation of Family, Marriage, Relationships, Performing Arts & Entrepreneurs.' "Covenant is the hallmark of Overflow Ministries, coupled with the biblical principles of wealth and stewardship. Apostle Bennie's heart beats after God's heart as a true Shepherd of God's flock. His earth shaking teachings on shepherding literally dismantles the religious mindset of Christianity provoking Shepherds and sheep alike to establish a biblical paradigm concerning the fivefold ministry office of Pastor. The explosive teaching, preaching and singing ministry of Apostle Bennie Fluellen continues to bless and equip the Body of Christ. Before founding Overflow Ministries Covenant Church, Apostle Bennie served as an Associate Pastor of Christ Emmanuel Christian Fellowship, Cincinnati, Ohio for eighteen years. Fifteen of those years he specifically served in the area of Worship & Arts as choir director, worship leader, and lead vocalist. Pastor Bennie (as he is affectionately called) can be heard on, ―Successful Meditations‖ as songwriter, lead vocalist, and Executive Producer. This project accompanies his book, ―D.A.R.E. To Succeed and Prosper.‖ You will also find Apostle Bennie on the Nation of Praise project (Heirs Media Group), where he is the writer and lead vocalist of the song ―Healing In His Wings.‖ VMWM October 2010
Apostle Bennie & Pastor Delores Fluellen
OVERFLOW MINISTRIES COVENANT CHURCH 10870 Hamilton Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45231 Phone: (513) 742-FLOW(3569) Fax: (513) 589-3143 Website: www.omccministries.com
Culture, simply defined, is the sum total of the lifestyles of a particular group of people. It involves not only our actions, but those unspoken ways that we communicate and interact with one another. It involves those things that we grow up with, and become “second nature” to us without our even thinking about them. The Islamic world, and even the Hindus and Buddhists, pray as a lifestyle. I would dare to say, many Christians pray as a custom or when in need. This mustn’t be so any longer! Prayer must become a lifestyle. It must be a part of our culture. We cannot wait for “Life” to happen before we actually begin to pray.
Pastor John & Marilyn Garcia Legacy Church
anifesting Sons
“I would like to express hearty CONGRATULATIONS to Pastor McKinney and the Victory Temple family on your 2nd Pastor Appreciation. It is and has been a wonderful privilege granted by God for me to serve as mentor to this wonderful woman of God. The growth and transition that we have witnessed in her life, and in the life of the ministry has been phenomenal. May God continue to richly bless and favor the work of your hands.�
Dr. Mark T. Jones Sr.
VMWM October 2010
“Order in God’s House” By Pastor Laytecia McKinney The above photo is a home-going service conducted by Pastor Mckinney. This service was held at Manifestations Worldwide, Inc.-(Apostle Mark Jones, Pastor.) It was during this altar call that over 400 souls came to Christ!
In order for a ministry to flow with an Apostolic Directive, there must be order in God‘s House. Order sets the atmosphere for the miraculous to take place and welcomes the Holy Spirit to be in operation. The Holy Spirit cannot flow or manifest in its fullness where there is no order. I am reminded in John the 6th Chapter when a great multitude followed Jesus after they had seen the great miracles which he did. The Disciples came to Jesus telling him to send the multitude away because they did not have enough food to feed them. They only had the lunch of a little boy which contained 5 barley loaves and 2 small fish. As Jesus began to observe the crowd, the first thing he instructs his disciples to do in verse 10 is to ―sit the men down‖, in other words bring some order to this crowd so I can manifest my power. Therefore, the disciples began to sit the multitude down in companies and once order was established amongst them, they were able to see what they were actually working with, they counted 5,000 souls that needed to be fed. Once order was in the mist of the crowd, the Holy Spirit began to be at work. Jesus took the 5 barley loaves and 2 small fish and blessed it and began to distribute to those that were sitting down (those who were in order) and after they VMWM October 2010
had eaten, they took up 12 baskets of leftovers. When order is in the house, it will bring an overflow effect! When a church practices operating in a spirit of excellence and sets a consistent flow of order in God‘s house, what it does is make room for the fold ministry gifts to be manifested and you will find your ministry growing rapidly and experiencing a great move of God. A ministry becomes stagnated, stale and still (no growth) when it fails to operate in divine order. The following three areas demand Order in order for church growth to take place:
Personal development of the Senior Leader and Church Leaders. Their personal lives must be in order because the anointing flows from the head on down. The Finances of the Church, how monies are used and spent. Church Protocol, how the ministry functions and operates.
Church growth is not predicated on the amount of members a church has but is predicated on the spiritual development and maturity of its members. I must state that you cannot have just Order alone, you must also have authority! Order without Authority is religion, stale, old, lifeless and exists by will power only. Order is earthly related and brings blessings and peace on earth but Authority is a heavenly dimension and embraces and responds to the supernatural. So you cannot have one operating without the other. Just like faith without works is dead, Order without Authority is self motivated and full of pride. Many people want to lead but have no standard or order in their personal lives. Satan was kicked out of Heaven because he attempted to use authority without order! The main purpose for Authority is to promote godly Order! When the Order of God is embraced and His Authority is received, you then become anointed.
the masses for the Kingdom of God. The bible tells us to ―hear the instructions of a father‖ and with that said, I take the words of wisdom and counsel from my Apostle very seriously. I try not to allow the words that come from his mouth drop to ground because I know that if I adhere to them, I will see the manifestation of them. Apostle spoke these words to me in the early stages of our partnership, ―Daughter, if you handle the finances of the ministry correctly, you will see and experience growth.‖ I have practiced this standard and have been a good steward over the financial flow of the House of God and through this divine order, God has given Victory increase. My spiritual mother, Dr. A.F. Nelson-Vickers taught me early on in my Christian walk, that if I live right and be fervent and passionate about the things of God, that the Heavens would open up to me. I can testify with Pastor O‘Neil Salmon who recently released a prophetic word in our ministry that ―we are sitting under an Open Heaven.‖ I thank God for the great men and women of God who have imAs a Senior Pastor of 4 years of a fast parted spiritual wisdom, correction and direcgrowing church (Victory Temple), I could not tion into my life such as my Apostle, Dr. Vickoperate in the level that I do without having ers and Apostle David and Dr. Harriett Boyd. order in the house and an authoritative voice I salute them for their godly integrity and inspeaking into my life. Other than my Heavenly struction down through the years that has Father, having an Apostolic Covering in the helped me to become the woman and Pastor person of my Spiritual Father, Apostle Mark that I am today. (continued next page) T. Jones, serves as an authoritative voice in my life that has brought correct alignment, not only in my personal life but in the ministry that I oversee. This Apostolic Covering, has enlightened me as a young Pastor on how to maintain systems and protocol in its right perspective in the House of God. You must have this in place in order to experience the Glory that is released in an ordered and ordained house. Victory just recently celebrated its 4th year of ministry and the Lord also enlarged our borders by blessings us to move into a larger facility. In our four years of ministry, we recently went from a 900 square ft. building to a 4,400 square ft. building that now enables us to house several outreach ministries to reach 11
VMWM October 2010
Lastly, charity and order begins at home! If your personal home is not kept in order, you will not be able to keep God‘s house in order. I not only serve as a Senior Pastor, but I am also a wife to a wonderful man of God, Bro. Sedrick McKinney who fully supports me in ministry and pushes me to reach my potential in life. I am also a mother of 3 beautiful children, Brittany, Jermaine and Danielar, they all demand their mommy time! I have learned over the years that balance must become a consistent attribute in my life in order to maintain my ability to flow in the anointing, serve God‘s people in the spirit of love and operate the House of God orderly and in the spirit of excellence. I believe that living by example causes correct alignment to flow within the family unit and places a demand upon our children to reflect godly character. In the many capacities that I serve, still working a full time job as a Paralegal, the owner of LayLay’s Custom Jewelry and Senior Pastor, I still have to find time to devote myself to family time and also participate in my children‘s school activities. My 24 year old daughter, Brittany has an anointed voice to sing and is a Plus Size model. I am very much active in attending her modeling events and giving her the support that she needs. Earlier on in my years of evangelizing I was not fortunate enough to do so.
VMWM October 2010
I had my priorities mixed up, I became so involved and sold out to doing the work of the ministry that I missed out on some very important events in her life that I cannot take back. I learned a hard lesson through this mistake and had to ask both, her and God for forgiveness. Never get so caught up in ministry that you bring disorder to your first ministry, your family. As the Lord gave me godly wisdom on how to balance life and how to put first things first, I was able to correctly apply my time to the areas in my life that were most important. My two sons, Jermaine and Danielar are very active in sports. Jermaine “Juice” is a senior at Armwood High school and plays on the Varsity Football Team. He was also named in 2009/2010 as the No. 1 Linebacker in Hillsborough County and has received over 5 scholarship offers. My son Danielar ―DJ‖ who has played AAU Basketball is a freshman at Blake High School and plays on the Varsity Football Team as well and is also trying out for the Basketball Team. I am very much active in attending their games and find it enjoyable to be able to spend quality time with them and support them in their giftings as they do with mine. If you want to see the Hand of God move in your life, personally, physically, spiritually and financially, then set your house in order!
Testimonies of Victory VICTORY HAS CHANGED MY LIFE IN MANY WAYS. BEING A PART OF SUCH A GREAT MINISTRY HAS MADE ME MORE LOVING AND COMPASSIONATE. I ALSO HAD PROBLEMS FORGIVING OTHERS BUT HAVE LEARNED FROM GREAT LEADERSHIP HOW TO FORGIVE AND LIVE!!! I USED TO BE VERY FEARFUL, I WAS AFRAID TO PRAY, READ SCRIPTURES, AND SPEAK OUT IN CHURCH. PASTOR HAS PUSHED ME TO THE NEXT LEVEL. I‘M GRATEFUL TO HAVE A PASTOR THAT NOT ONLY TEACHES A NOW WORD BUT SHE LIVES THE WORD. I HAD A LOT OF ISSUES AND I HAVE LEARNED THROUGH BIBLICAL TEACHING TO BE AN OVERCOMER. I NOW SERVE AS A DEACON AND I TAKE GREAT PRIDE IN SERVING. ONE WORD THAT SUM UP VICTORY TEMPLE OUTREACH MINISTRIES, ―AWESOME!‖ -DEACON MICHAEL KELLYVictory has been life changing for me. I was at my lowest point in life. I was depressed and full of guilt for all the things I had went back too. I felt myself sinking, my soul slowly dying and wanted to just give up. I was tired of church as usual and decided I would just not go to church at all. One day I decided to go visit Victory and Pastor McKinney was preaching on how God was going to restore unto me everything the devil stole. I was broken, it was like God was speaking directly to me. She called me up for prayer and said ―God said forget about your past. You have been going through torment and mind battles and its over!!!‖ My husband and our children began to come faithfully and soon joined. Our pastor has a heart for souls and compassion for brokenness. I thank God for Victory Temple and our lovely Pastor. I know God has placed me here at Victory and everyday I thank him for my church. I am now the praise and worship leader, my husband is a deacon and the best is yet to come at VICTORY!!!!!! -Sis Melissa KellyMy experience at Victory Temple has been prosperous and has helped me develop into a better husband and father. I have learned to search the scriptures for myself and not to take the word of anyone thanks to the teaching from Pastor McKinney. I Love the fact that Pastor McKinney is approachable and is available for counsel at any time of the day. My 5year old daughter( Nyla) greets Pastor after every service and will not move until she say something to acknowledge that Nyla is standing there waiting to say hi! This is why I love Victory Temple. -Deacon Eric McNair What I love about Victory is the Word of God is being taught. There are so many things being taught now days but to get the Word and not someone's opinion is always a plus. When I first started coming I was not faithful I came for a while and then stopped for a while. One Sunday one of the Evangelist told me to be consistent. God really knows how to pull your card! So once I started to be consistent I joined Victory Temple and that has been 3 years now and I must say I have grown tremendously within that time. One thing I must point out is, if you are looking to be taught God's Word so that change can take place please come to Victory Temple Outreach Ministries, Inc. - Sis. Kidada McNair 13
VMWM October 2010
Victory Temple has touched my life in the way that the church allows me to be free to be the best me that I can be. There is no set mode or model that we are taught to be like outside of Jesus Christ. I can only be me and not like the Pastor, which I know that I could not measure up; not like the Elder, the Prophet or Prophetess, because these are not my calling. Pastor McKinney teaches ―Follow me as I follow Christ‖ and she says that if she displays anything contrary to the teachings of Christ, I am free to continue to follow Christ, and not her. She teaches ―holiness or hell‖ period. Victory Temple does not make me feel less important than anyone else because I don't preach like the Pastor, prophesy like the prophet, or teach like the ordained teacher. There is work in the body of Christ that no one can do but me, because the Lord made me special for that work, just like he made everyone else special for their work. Victory Temple makes me feel that I don‘t have to be like, look like, or act like someone else to be accepted by Christ. I am free to be who God called me to be, no longer bound by the laws and standards of man. LOVE NO LIMIT -Sis Jacqui Funches
I love the fact that we have a Pastor who leads by example. She is an excellent teacher and cares for members in a heartfelt way. She addresses and corrects any area as needed in love. She promotes unity within the church and encourages others to pursue their dreams while walking out their destiny. She is a motivator and an encourager. I pray that God continues to bless, use and elevate her ministry. -Cassandra Stewart
Being a new member of Victory Temple, I‘ve felt a sense of ―freedom.‖ Freedom to learn of God and worship Him right where I am spiritually. I don‘t have pretend to be someone I am not, or act like I have it all together. I can be who I am, right where I am and not feel judged or condemned for missing the mark. I am free to address my mistakes through Pastor McKinney‘s teachings and learn how to appreciate God for all that He does in my life. I am free to learn of God and am encouraged to seek Him for myself and be in relationship with Him. Another thing I really love about VT, is that I am encouraged to be a part of the body of Christ and my talents are not too small to be needed. VT makes you feel like you really do ―belong‖ in the family of God. That is felt from the pulpit to the door, and I really, really love that about my church family. - Katina Hollingshed
“When I first came to Victory Temple Outreach Ministries, I felt like I was carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders. I was released from prison, on probation and house arrest. I was using drugs and alcohol and I was preparing to hurt some people who I thought had did harm to me. God stepped in and used my niece to invite me to Victory Temple. God used my Pastor ( Pastor Laytecia McKinney) to minister the word of God to me and all I could do is cry. My life has not been the same since that Sunday evening. God has opened so many doors for me through the taught word of God in Victory. I was married, off probation early, and then ordained as a Deacon of Victory Temple. I thank God for this woman of God that he uses everyday to cover us in prayer.” ~Deacon Curtis Howell Jr. What Victory Temple has done for me. I came to Tampa Florida 2 years ago from Pittsburgh PA. I started coming to Victory Temple and my entire life has been changed from living and doing the things of the world to living for God. I thank Pastor McKinney and Victory Temple for changing my life. Bro. Steve Oakley
VMWM October 2010
2807 Clifford Sample Dr Ste C 路 Tampa, FL. (813) 626-6313
VMWM October 2010
VMWM October 2010
Some women are caught off guard when they finally find out Mr. Right isn’t so right after all. By then, their heart, mind and body are already ensnared by an unhealthy relationship. Relationships are what keeps us all connected. Every woman wants a man of her own whether she wants to admit it or not. We all have an innate desire to love and be loved. However, there are some relationships we should never entertain. Every man that comes into your life doesn’t necessarily deserve access to your heart. This book is filled with sister wisdom that brings awareness to healthy and unhealthy relationships, exposing unhealthy characteristics in men and pointers on helping you become the woman God intended for you to be.
WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING..... "It's about time someone encouraged women to guard their precious virtue. Kudos to Stephanie McKenny for sharing her insights." ~ Robin Caldwell of the J Standard "Stephanie McKenny creates a very visible correlation between the value and care for pearls and our value and the care we require as women. Clutch Your Pearls, Girl is a great read for women needing direction and understanding of their value and what they bring to a relationship. Built on biblical principles and shaped with Godly wisdom, this book can assist any woman as she navigates this sea called life. This is a wonderful gift of wisdom and sisterly advice." Cheryl A. Pullins, CPC Founder/Chief Visionary Victorious Living International www.liveinvictory.org "Being single, saved and dating doesn't necessarily mean women have to settle for mistreatment in relationships. Stephanie McKenny shares a heartfelt message of the importance of valuing yourself while bringing an awareness of healthy and unhealthy relationships." Kim Brooks, author of How To Date and Stay Saved and He's Fine...But is He Saved? www.kimontheweb.com
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Why are Christian relationships important? Relationships are commands us to be deeply involved with one an integral part of our created design. God designed us for another. Here are just a few: relationship with Himself. ―You have made us for yourself, Lord, and our hearts are • Be Devoted to One Another restless until they rest in you.‖ • Accept One Another But that‘s not all. Did it ever strike you as odd that when • Bear With One Another God made Adam, placed him in a perfect garden, in a sinless • Forgive One Another world, and communed with him daily, He still said, ―It is not • Honor One Another good for man to be alone.‖ We were made for relationship, • Live in Harmony with One Another with God and with each other. • Greet One Another How is that going for you? Unfortunately most people would • Serve One Another answer, ‗not well.‘ In a recent research 10 to 20 million • Submit to One Another women report that they are suffering from something called, • Stop Judging One Another 'Living-Together Loneliness'. • Encourage One Another Loneliness is defined as, "Having no-one or nothing else • Offer Hospitality to One Another around, which causes sadness and depression" • Be Humble Towards One Another They are physically surrounded by people but are emotion• and most importantly, LOVE ONE ANOTHER ally isolated, ignored, and alone. Look over that list again. Is there one in particular that stands According to this research there are five stages dependent on out to you? your age: At your leisure, why don‘t you take that one simple command, to ___________ one another and begin to dream • 22-28 – bewilderment about the ways that you could implement it in your life. • 28-34 – isolation Dare to be different. Don‘t settle for normal. Don‘t cycle • 34-42 – agitation through the inevitable bewilderment, isolation, agitation, • 43-50 – depression depression, and exhaustion that results from going it alone. • 50 + – absolute exhaustion We are aching for the relationships that we spend our lives avoiding. We weren‘t meant to go it alone – God created us for Himself and for one another. It is part of our divine design. Thirty-six times in the New Testament God explicitly
Instead, rearrange your life so that it includes others, serves others, delights in others, and loves others. Relevant Christian relationships help fulfill your divine design. I encourage you to begin to experience the joy of doing what you were created to do.
VMWM October 2010
Manifestation has a VOICE
“...are YOU listening?”