Mandate for World Missions

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Terrence & Catina Smith “Why Every believer should Have a Heart for Worldwide Missions”

Because of Worldwide Missions I am confident that I am obeying the great commission! I am excited about God‟s idea of impacting the world by being involved in World Missions. Together, our financial contributions assist in identifying and meeting the needs of those in other parts of the world who are less fortunate than we are here in the U.S. where we seem to have an abundance. It‟s such a blessing to be able to sow into the fertile ground of Manifestations Worldwide Missions and the corporate effort to take this gospel of the manifestation of the sons of God across the country and around the world, so that the whole earth can be filled with the knowledge of the True and living God!” This edition of the Voice of Manifestation Worldwide Magazine‟s focus is on Worldwide Missions. I remember when I was a child sitting in church, the ushers would pass the „missions offering‟ plate to receive what was called the „mission‟ offering. Do you remember that? Even then I thought, “boy, it certainly must take a lot of pennies to meet the needs of those in other countries,” however, I can‟t ever recall hearing any reports or progress that was made as a result, or where all those pennies went to or who the actual beneficiaries were of our giving. Today, so much has changed as I am given an even greater opportunity to partner with those that are sincerely obeying the great commission as it pertains to physically “going into all the world” and preaching the gospel to every creature. In this edition, we will share with our readers several accomplishments that validate this great effort known as world missions. Recently in India, 8 land donors have donated 8 parcels of land in 8 different villages in India for the erection of The Fellowship of Bible Centered Ministries Churches of India. The registration costs for each parcel of land is a little over $200 each. Even though the land was donated, it has to be registered in our mission name. One of our partners, upon hearing of the need, sowed the entire amount of $1700 to register all of the churches in the FBCM name! This was not merely a great suggestion but a Great Commission and a pattern given by the Lord Jesus Christ to His disciples. If we would desire to do all that God intended that we should do until He returns, it would most certainly include following the great commission to win lost souls and make disciples of them. Will you consider partnering with us? Get ready to be blessed by all that is taking place worldwide as we continue to manifest sons! This is a revolution! It‟s not church as usual-

“This is the season for the manifestation of the sons of God!”

Leola Tillman, Chief Editor / Publishing Coordinator

Voice of Manifestation



Manifesting Sons Q & A… 5

Manifesting Sons Across the Country, Around the World “The Journey to India” By Jason Edwards … pgs- 9,10, 11 & 14

The Clarion Call - An irresistible Mandate Dr. Norma Fontaine Philbert Prophetess Marilyn Smith….pg-16


Passion For Life (Transformational Thinking) Dr. Randall Worley

Apostolic Maturation Dr. John Garcia

Page 12-13 3 Voice of Manifestation


4 Voice of Manifestation

July „10

Dr. Mark T. Jones Sr. Apostle/ Founder Manifestations Worldwide Inc. “I live for the manifestation of the sons of God.”

Apostle Jones, is there a model in Scripture for a "local ministry only" mode of operation? Can this be justified scripturally or is it simply an inconvenient truth? Judea, Samaria and the uttermost part of the earth We are all called to missions some locally-some regionally- some nationally- some internationally. A church led by an Apostle will have missions concerns that cross and blur the lines.

Questions for the World Missions team: Catina Smith- How has Worldwide Missions changed your life since you said yes to the call? A. “I haven‟t been to Africa, Asia, Europe, but I know I am very spoiled, yet I love to give, we have to love unselfishly & really know that it‟s not about us, it‟s about the kingdom. It‟s about the people.” (Sis. Catina Smith– CFM Missions Leader) (Prophet Jason Edwards was asked the following question being someone who traveled to India for the very first time.) How did going into that region, and seeing the culture that you were in affect your thinking concerning missions? A.- “Knowing that India is a predominately Hindu nation, also knowing that there is idol worship and that sort of thing. Mentally, I was getting prepared for it, spiritually getting prepared for it. Just being alert and vigilant going into that place. It was as if we took a step back in time somewhat. But even though we went into a different culture and were among Hindu gods, and among idols, the Spirit of the Lord just magnified upon us! So even though we stepped into a place that maybe deemed by others as 5 dangerous God says that He will lift up a standard!

From the time we stepped into the place, God put a standard, an extra anointing upon us and empowered each and everyone of us! When we returned here to the U.S., I told Apostle, “I‟m ready to go back...I‟m ready to go back.” How are we viewed by those in other cultures? Are we considered Westerners when we go over into Asia?- (From Tanya Williams) Teacher Katherine Walton– Chief Intercessor of Manifestations Worldwide answered: “Because we have diplomatic immunity, we‟re never viewed as Westerners. We have an anointing and a mantle that is upon us and so what they see is not with the natural eye, but there is a scale that is removed from men‟s eyes because we are on a mission for the Father. And so, what they are seeing is not us, but it is the Christ that is IN us. And, it‟s the VOICE, the SOUND of the manifestation that goes forth through the speaking of the word of the Lord and the message of the manifestation of the sons of God. That is what they see, and they are already expecting us because the Father has already prepared their hearts so there is no resistance. This has all been preformatted, this has already been predesigned before the foundation of the earth. And so, they are waiting, they‟re anticipating and they are expecting us to move forth in His power and in His strength!”

Voice of Manifestation

July „10

Manifesting Sons Broadcast Schedules

Sunday 3PM

Sunday 3PM Glorystar channel 117

Sunday 3PM

Sunday 3PM

Nationwide channel 276

channel 136

Nationwide channel 136

Live Steaming Video Internet Broadcast Sunday Morning 9AM– 2PM (EST) Monday Nights 7pm– 9:45 PM (EST) Sunday 3PM– Thursday 4PM Tampa Bay area

“I live for the manifestation of the sons of God…” Sunday 3PM

“Manifesting Sons” European Radio Broadcast 10:30pm to 11:30pm [in Europe] / 4:30pm to 5:30pm [for Eastern USA listeners] - Covering all of Europe with the Kingdom Now Message Station: Frequency: 11427mhz on Eurobird Satelite1@ 28.5 E 6 Voice of Manifestation

July „10



Many people are searching for significance in the world. There is no higher calling than to help another human-being achieve a better way of life: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). Many times, we get side-tracked with solving the problems within our churches and neighborhood, that we forget about those across the world that don‟t even have half of the resources that we have in America. God has called us to impact more than the people within the four walls of our local churches, we have to plant seeds and where better than the fertile soils of Africa. The Partnership for Kingdom Advancement in Africa (PKAA) was initiated by Dr. Mark T. Jones in October 2006. PKAA is committed to reaching out to those who live in the villages of Africa and offering them more than anything money could buy. The purpose is two-fold: get them an education and allow them to return to their villages to build the kingdom of God. The primary focus of the partnership is church building and the acquisitioning of scholarships to send students to Bible college for 2 years. Also, Dr. Jones would like to increase the salaries of the pastors in Africa to take care of their families while furthering the mission of God. So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. (Isaiah 55 : 11) Office Location: The Center for Manifestation 3102 East Lake Avenue Tampa, FL 33610 1-888-LEVEL-77

Fast Facts From Africa $30 for each child to attend public school (each year). $300 -for each student to attend a 2 year Bible college. $30 - Average monthly salary for pastors. 7

Voice of Manifestation

July „10

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kids enter CFM Emerge Orphanage in India * supplies purchased for their schooling and maintenance *2 FBCM churches built from ground up *1 church half way complete *22 former Hindus baptized *18 churches visited The mission of the Aid India Mission is threefold: *30 FBCM pastors ordained *first time bibles given to villagers 1. Assist in the advancement of the gospel of Jesus Christ in The Republic of India. 2. Identify special needs among the churches and For more information or to sponsor a child in ESO - Emerge Student Orphanage, humanitarian needs in the country and seek to please contact Manifestations Worldwide Mission minister to those needs. Leaders Terrence & Catina Smith @ 3. Mentor and develop church leaders. 8 Voice of Manifestation

July „10



Voice of Manifestation

July „10

Looking unto JESUS, the Author and the Finisher of our faith... To take this gospel across the country and around the world, so that all the world may know of the glory of the Father.

After a brief lunch intermission, the second session was facilitated by Bros. Terrence Smith and Jason Edwards. The team was exhausted by the end of the second session so we were taken back to the hotel where everyone had an early night. By 5:00 a.m., on Friday, June 11th, the team was already up and getting ready to go. In India, by 5:00 a.m., the sun has risen so your body automatically adjusts to the light. We left the hotel at about 7:30 a.m. and were taken to Apostle Prabhakara‟s home again for a five-course breakfast prepared by his wife.

The next morning, Saturday, June 12th the team was up again early before 5:00 a.m. and split up into two groups. We traveled to into remote villages to greet the pastors and their congregations. The team left the hotel around 7:00 a.m. and traveled to Apostle Prabhakara for breakfast. After breakfast, the team split up into the two groups: Apostle Dr. Mark T. Jones and Apostle Prabhakara traveled in one vehicle with a driver and Bros. Terrance Smith and Jason Edwards along with a staff member from FBCM India traveled in another vehicle. We drove for about 1½ hours before we arrived at the first village. We were warmly greeted by the pastor, his/her family, and the congregation in every village. They always greeted us with flower pedals and always went out of their way to accommodate us to make us feel at home.

The team went to visit several villages where the FBCM Pastors gathered and dedicated churches that were recently constructed. The pastors and the people were so kind to us. They all put a demand on the anointing and requested for us to pray for them. The team also visited future FBCM India property that would be used for additional orphanages and training facilities. The team had traveled many miles and visited multiple locations that day and got back to the hotel about 10:30 p.m. 10 Voice of Manifestation




Voice of Manifestation

July „10

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Knowing that God has called His people to proclaim His name among all people, you find yourself in a situation that could alter thousands or maybe even hundreds of thousands of people's lives, it is a humbling experience. Lives are being transformed as people have come to know Jesus, it‟s amazing. We are very passionate about reaching the lost and we believe strongly that we are all called to missions, whatever our stage of life. Being a part of Manifestations Worldwide Missions is a growing expectancy and desire for God to move powerfully. The most exigent aspect is hearing all the needs of so many individuals. As Matthew 9:37 says „Then he said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest therefore to send out workers into this harvest field.” (NIV) More workers are needed to aid in advancing the Kingdom of God. So many believers are not concerned about taking the Gospel across the country and around the World, but it doesn‟t take a lot of individuals to do what God has planned and purposed. What does Missions mean to us? Missions is when you really understand that it is not about you, any of your personal desires that you may have, or not what you think you can gain but know it is about God‟s people, expressing His love, His will and His desires. He will be glorified! Worldwide Missions is an individual commitment to proclaim the gospel of Jesus and to equip believers to reach the lost. Instead, we desire to be a “mission-hearted church.” By this we mean that we do not desire individuals to merely think about missions occasionally, but we desire each partner to live a mission oriented life. Missions are not what we do; it is who we are as followers of Jesus Christ. It knows no limits in territories, regions, people, places, or methods used to reach those who are lost. God‟s desire is that none should perish. God's Call to each individual is unique and detailed to them. He uses our upbringing, surroundings, environment, and experiences, and He associates them with His vision, goals and desires, to shape us into a unique instrument for His hands to form, guide and use for his Glory. We will experience another dimension of Manifestation through Worldwide Missions. God's Will for us is to love God and love People. This Ministry allows all people to come to Him. God's Command is to Love Him and Love Others. We must advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those who do not know him as their Lord and Savior. 12 Voice of Manifestation



Manifestations Worldwide Missions Team has traveled to Africa, Asia (India), and Europe. There are several million gods that are worshipped, but we know that we are sent in the name of Jesus Christ to inform them that He is Lord, He is the (I AM). Through MWWM several churches are being built, pastors are being mentored and trained, students are able to attend Bible College and an Orphanage has been birthed which houses 30 + kids and so much more. The Missions Team visited India a few weeks ago to ordain Pastors and Emerge Student Orphanage India, was launched. If all believers really understood Missions, churches and individual relationship with God would never be the same. On the Missions trip to Africa and most recently India, there was an awesome experience to minister to God‟s people and to see that the expectation and patience that they have is so great. It teaches such humility, you become less judgmental, much more caring and love even more.

CFM World Missions Night TEAM Members “Missions means sharing the gospel wherever you go. Missions are not just exclusive to the nations of the world. I have been on a couple of missions trips, (Nicaragua), I take missions very seriously. Missions put things in proper perspective. - Devan Williams

The Worldwide Missions Team is a team that impacts the world. I partnered with MWM Missions Team for this very purpose. Spreading the gospel is really important to me, I don‟t want any soul to be lost. I want to impart the good news of Christ to everyone that I come in contact with.

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20 NIV. Our Lord Jesus Christ gave us a commission to go into all the world making disciples out of God‟s people. This is the Great Commission, it was not a suggestion.

Our Mission Responsibilities: MWM conducts quarterly Worldwide Missions Night at the Center for Manifestation located at 3102 East Lake Ave in Tampa, FL.  Monthly/ Quarterly mail-outs or email updates  Seeking corporate partners  Create Missions Tracks/ Brochures/ Certificates  Presentation to New Member Orientation Class

- Carla Crumb “Being born in the Hispanic community I understand the challenge that comes from language barriers when it comes to receiving the gospel. I hope to be instrumental in assisting MWM with conveying the gospel to those with similar challenges.

How can you get more involved in Missions? *Start praying for the nations. Prayer is the fuel that will allow us to be victorious as we follow God’s direction in ministry. *Sign up to receive MWM updates about what God is doing in other parts of the world. Go to www, and select (MWSU.pdf) Financial supporters can also sign up online. For recurring billing (MWSRB.doc) or donate your Missions seed

-Yesmin Negron

Other individuals that assisted during the beginning phases of World Missions Night were: Sis. Jeanette Lewis Sis. Anna K. Minor Sis. Sheena Lane Prophetess Gail Boles was really a blessing in helping to take the appearance of Missions Night to another level with her decorating expertise! 13

Voice of Manifestation

July „10

Voice of Manifestation

July „10


May21st – 23rd


FBCM 3 Day Ordination


15 Voice of Manifestation

July „10

Pastor Norma attending to a very ill baby

Voice of Manifestation


GGM team member attending to a dehydrated baby


Many Haitian families still call tents their homes

Prophetess Marilyn & Woodnelson

Evangelists Huggins & Jones Woodnelson (c)

The Wilderness Children of HaitiWoodnelson & Sarah are brothers and sisters with no parents to take care of them. They were rescued by Pray for the Nations and are now living in one of our network Orphan Homes. They are supported by Pray for the Nations of People Prophetic Ministries 17

Voice of Manifestation



Voice of Manifestation


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Voice of Manifestation




Voice of Manifestation


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Voice of Manifestation


The VOICE of Manifestation Worldwide Magazine is a publication of Manifestations Worldwide,


“This is the Season for the Manifestation of the sons of God!”


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