APRIL 2010
-Dr Randall Worley
Leola TillmanEditor - in - Chief & Publishing Coordinator
Al Gonzalez-
Yesmin NegronSubscriptions/Admin.
Graphics / Advisor
Michelle Guess-
Jaiya Green-
Live Panel Coordinator
Renae KendrickVolunteer
Marjorie MannVolunteer
oice of Manifestation is an “Apostolic” lifestyle magazine dedicated to the sons of God that are being made manifest in the earth realm. As people of God, we are about to experience the likes of a spiritual revolution, this huge „wave of glory‟ is sure to come! Signs, wonders, miracles and demonstrations of the spirit‟s power will clearly make known the Relevant church in these end times! There shall also continue to be a manifestation of the sons of God in the earth realm, just before the coming of our Lord. A golden age of sailing upon this tremendous anointing is coming forth as a mighty OUTPOURING, but we shall be riding upon it as we move rapidly In it! If you‟ve not perceived it by now, just know that we are sailing on uncharted waters.
Felton Sanderson-
This is a revolution! It‟s not just church as usual-
“This is the season for the manifestation of the sons of God!”
Photo Journalist Editor-in-Chief
VMWMagazine is a quarterly publication. Articles cannot be reproduced without authorization of Manifestations Worldwide, Inc.
VMWWM 3102 East Lake Ave. Tampa, FL. 33610
VMWM April 2010
anifesting Sons
Dr. Mark T. Jones Sr. “I live for the manifestation of the sons of God.” statements geared towards not offending the CULTURE that the gospel was INITIALLY sent into. Even to this day in many of the middle eastern countries, women are dealt with the same way they were in the days of the Apostle Paul. Since there are no such CULTURAL RESTRAINTS for women in our culture, the standards imposed in the cultures in which Paul first ministered the gospel, bear no relevance. THAT WHICH IS NO LONGER CULTURALLY SIGNIFICANT IS TO US NOW, CULTURALLY IRRELEVANT. Remember that Paul did all that he could to not offend the culture and societal norms! 1 Cor 9:22 1. The first preacher of the resurrection of Christ in the bible was a woman John 20:17-18 2. Both Elders & Bishops oversee the flock, Deborah was a Judge in Israel and by God‟s choosing practiced ruler ship over the entire nation Judges 4:4 3. Miriam was listed among the “sent ones”, almost synonymous with the term Apostle Micah 6:4 4. Miriam was also a prophetess [female version of a prophet..the mouthpiece of God] Ex 15:20 Most people wrangle over the specific references of a woman entitled as Bishop, or Elder, or Preacher, while ignoring the fact that there is no male or female in Christ and in the KINGDOM CULTURE. Gal 3:28
The purpose of this page is to enlighten, inform and edify the body of Christ so that we may be firm in our convictions and belief in the revelations of the word of God. The questions presented here are from our readers and those that attend our live panel discussions. For more information feel free to contact us or send questions to the editor for review and to be considered for printing in future publications.
What does the Bible say about women preaching, being an elder, or bishop? The basic problem that I have with questions like this is that they are structured in such a way as to insinuate that because of gender alone, a woman‟s use in the kingdom of God should be questioned. As I endeavor to bring clarity to this issue, I have to remind the reader of several realities concerning women in the bible particularly in the Old Testament, but also in the New Testament, which predisposition them to be perceived and treated as second class citizens, inferior beings to men, and unusable to God in the kingdom of God. 1. In the Old Testament the woman was treated as property of the man. First, she was property “sold” by her Father to a man interested in taking her as a wife Gen 34:12 2. She was not permitted to speak to a man in public, nor was she permitted to look a man directly in the face, as this was considered an act of rebellion John 4:27 3. She had no worth per se and could be used by men as a sexual object, and that was commonplace Judges 19:24-28 4. She was not allowed to leave the home of her father to live independently. 5. She was not allowed to leave nor divorce her husband at all. 6. She was not allowed to testify in court. 7. She was not allowed to go into public without a veil 8. Women were not even permitted to come to the three holiest feast of Israel. Ex 23:17 9. She was not even counted in the census as a person. Numbers 3:15 and the list of oppressions goes on and on…. In order for us to answer questions surrounding the role of women in the New Testament church, we cannot ignore the CULTURAL SIGNIFICANCE of some of Paul‟s statements, and we must realize that many statements made by Paul were
What must happen to help people to understand that God can call women into the ministry? The eyes of their understanding needs to be enlightened.[Eph 1:18] If we can see that God, Who would not dare use a gentile in the bible prior to Christ, and a gentile was considered less than a woman, why are we fine with the freeing of the gentile to the service of God, but not the woman? 2 Cor 3:17, Gal 5:1, Rom 3:29 How do we educate the congregations about what the word says instead of the interpretation of the word? The essence of education is the “opening” of the mind. Some congregations, that is leaders, are so closed minded that Jesus could appear in bodily form and explain the scriptures, and men would still cling to their shallow interpretations, traditions, and denominational standards. Continued on page 13
VMWM April 2010
Thursday - April 1 Dr. Mark T. Jones
Saturday - April 3 Dr. Randall Worley 10 am Leadership Workshop -
7 pm Service
Resurrection Sunday-
“Does anybody sense the next dimension in this atmosphere?”
April 4 Dr. Randall Worley “The Finished Work”
Dr. Mark T. Jones- Dr. Worley
Friday - April 2 Dr. John Garcia God‟s Beautiful Dream
The Relevant Church Conference featured guest speakers Dr. Randall Worley and Dr. John Garcia. This audacious premiere event was hosted by Dr. Mark T. Jones, Sr. Apostle and Founder of Manifestations Worldwide. The focus of the conference was to examine ourselves, to see if we are relevant in our efforts to convey the glorious gospel that Jesus Christ charged us with as believers of His word. Or are we like the 8 track device, outdated and ready to be extinct. “Anything irrelevant only lives to be replaced!”
Articles :
Copies of the Relevant Church 2010 Conference is available by visiting our online bookstore @
The Role of the ApostolicPastor O'Neil Salmon - (pg. 6-7) Recap of Relevant Church Conference Or call 1-888-538-3577
Dr. Jones, Dr, Garcia Dr. Worley- (pg. 8-9) Worship & The Apostolic Darlene Townsend (pg. 10)
VMWM April 2010
mpowered ngagements Highlights!
Georgian and Winnie Banov have been ordained ministers, serving as missionary evangelists for over 25 years - since 1979. They have traveled worldwide doing meetings from churches to stadium-size crusades in the United States, Africa, East and West Europe, the Philippines, Australia and New Zealand sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, partnering with local churches for Love Fests, bridging the gap of denominational walls and depositing the Riverlution “The Extravagant Love of Jesus Christ.” For the second year, Manifestations Worldwide has hosted this awesome Crusade and experienced a mighty outpouring of God‟s spirit during the teaching and preaching of the word of God, and the Love fest Outreach where over 100 families came out and enjoyed Live Praise and Worship, hot meals, groceries for families, face painting for the children along with games. Dr. Heidi Baker, Bishop Mark Chironna & Apostle Guillermo Maldonado, all deposited relevant revelation concerning the Kingdom of God with demonstration of the Spirit‟s power and released precise apostolic and prophetic utterance concerning the expansion of Manifestations Worldwide and visionary Dr. Mark T. Jones Sr. The staff of Global Celebration felt at home and like family during their time with us, Galatians 6:10 says - As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith, It is a mandate of the kingdom to have no respecter of person and to assist & serve our brothers & sisters in the body of Christ as the Lord has prospered us to do so. The photos shown reflect memorable moments during the event that will have a lasting imprint in our hearts.
Georgian & Winnie Banov
Georgian Banov
Dr. Mark Chirrona
Feeding Ministry
VMWM April 2010
The Role of the Apostolic in the 21st Century Church “The Relevant church” This declaration of which I shall share today with you “RELEVANT” in such times. I declare unto you that our emerged out of a recent message of which I ministered entimethods must change and our doctrine must remain consistled “Developing a Ministry of Transparency.” The Holy tent with God‟s Spoken Word. In echoing the words of my Spirit provoked me to reveal to the nation that unless we Spiritual Father, Apostle Mark Jones: “Whatever is not relebecome transparent to the world, we will soon become inefvant, will soon become extinct.” fective in reaching them. The challenge is now preThe Apostle Paul wrote these sented unto us Christians, words according to I Corinto reach the world that‟s thians 9:22… “I am made all looking with hesitancy at things to all men, that I might the church, and yet be efby all means save some.” fective in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The church of today is being (Not Religious. But RELEVANT) (Let us not forget that this mandated to walk in such hesitancy developed due to agreement and authority. traditionalism, of which Reflected in this article are some was based upon ritusome principles to which will als, man-made rules and empower you to walk regulations, a perverted heart, a hidden agenda, religiosity, a RELEVANT in your purpose and calling. desire to control people and much more…) In order to restore such, the church must become even the more Here is an acronym which was inspired through the Holy Spirit to aide you in becoming more R.E.L.E.V.A.N.T.: We must become… *Reflective; this allows others to be able to see themselves in you… The world has already entertained enough fakes and copy cats… Who are you? Vision is unique and designed according to the purpose to be fulfilled. Every church is different and even identical twins bear a difference in personalities. 1 John 3:2… “Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.” *Effective in ministering the Word of God in season and out of season (when favorable or not favorable) 2 Timothy 4:2… Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. Vulnerable to the enemies attack, feelings being hurt and weaknesses exposed. In the text: “instant” means to be on standby or positioned as though there was some urgency. Proverbs 27:5… Open rebuke is better than secret love. We cannot expect growth without going through seasons of correction. Too many leaders and ministries have shied away from making the adjustments needed to yield a greater harvest. Think of “correction” as making “strategic adjustments”. (continued on pg. 7) VMWM April 2010
*Living; the way God intended for us to live and without compromise. John 10:10… The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. The Body of Christ ought to exemplify living in the liberty of which Christ has made us free. The Church was not placed here to rape the people, but build the people up in HIM to make the right choice at life.
Experienced (Mature); in the realm of leadership. KNOW THE WAY – GO THE WAY – SHOW THE WAY! Romans 5:3-5… 3And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; 4And patience, experience; and experience, hope: 5And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. In the text: the results of the first 2 verses are predicated on one having received the Holy Ghost. The question is: Do you have the Holy Ghost? Look, the question is will you react? (often in the flesh and out of character) or will you respond? (requires thought and provides an opportunity to be convicted if motives are inappropriate).
Verbal; we cannot be silent in this hour. Mark 1:3… The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. Preparing the way for God to move… Moving out of tradition and allowing room for transition… Declaring the necessity of relationship and tearing down religiosity (a form of godliness).
Attractive; the church today has to be progressive. John 12:32… And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. The church today has to be attractive (the method may change, but the message must not)… The meek may inherit the earth; but the geek will inherit the church… It must remain progressive… 1 Samuel 16:7… “… for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.”
Nurturing; training the NOW for tomorrow… Train up a child… Ephesians 6:4… “And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.”
Teachable; this allows others to embrace you in your next level, because they can relate to you. The time for starchy Christians is over… you either play friendly or get out of the playpen. “Don‟t play well with others!” I‟ll take “WILL” over “SKILL” any day… Just because you can do, doesn‟t mean that you are called to do it.
Come worship with us! Shiloh Restoration Tabernacle 1044 East Brandon Boulevard / P.O. Box 1655 Brandon, Florida 33511 (813) 657-9400
VMWM April 2010
“There MUST be more to God than religion!” “Why did God lay it on my heart to name this conference“ The Relevant Church Conference?” This conference is about adaptation. God does not change, but culture does. Anything that is irrelevant lives to be replaced. The 8 track tapes, audio cassettes, they were all relevant in their time. If you don‟t adjust - you won‟t be used! If you don‟t keep adapting… People have different ways that they receive information– if you don‟t know how to convey the information, they won‟t be able to receive your message. We must align ourselves with the mind of the Spirit – RELIGION IS OVER !”
“We‟re dealing with the Relevant Church and what it means for the church to operate in veins of relevance. Antiquated forms of worship are being removed so that the people of God can be ushered into the fullness that was intended for them. Matthew 16:13-19...This revolution is the beginning of relevance and purpose. HE defines how it should go. God is re-distributing because of irrelevance. This season is characterized by tender-hearted shepherds whose mind is only on bringing people to a condition of wholeness. In a relevant church God gives your overseer the right to oversee what‟s been hidden. Gifts come alive in a relevant church because you are free to flow and operate.”
“I don‟t need to be known I need to be RELEVANT” Photos courtesy of Felton Sanderson
VMWM April 2010
-Dr. Mark T. Jones, Sr.
God‟s Beautiful Dream-
Future glory, now! Christians and the environment - Christians & politics/government - Christians and media Christians and education - Christians and the arts - Christians and the family SOCIAL MEDIA REVOLUTION: Facebook The biggest waste of space in America
Twitter -Iphones- blogs - email Our marketing is outdated i.e. silly church signs
An authentic church is a church that lives for others. Dietrich Bonheoffer
“Pastors preach, people shout, but nobody gets it.” Demonstrate what you learn The incarnation of the legacy of leaders should be seen in those who follow, demonstrating what they have learned from their leader. The first place we need to be relevant is at home. To the lost, the gospel is irrelevant. To the world we are labeled as hypocrites. Acts 2:15-17, the early was too early in the morning for people to be drunk, but according to Joel, this was old school revelation. In our search and pursuit for relevancy we can not be looking at other churches to define us. We need to ask ourselves, “is my church relevant?” relevancy comes with an understanding of our identity. Culture of a life-giving church- “Honor not only goes up, honor also goes down. The relevant church is effective and has created a momentum that this world‟s culture has to contend with. God needs to download prophetic words that have been spoken over this world that are still out there unfulfilled. How are we drawing from the wisdom of the ages and causing them to collide with our now? Future Glory NOW!
“Find the people that can use a „relevant‟ gospel.” - Dr. John Garcia Legacy Church, Brandon
VMWM April 2010
Liturgical dance is a non-verbal language comprised of movements orchestrated by the leading of the Holy Spirit. These movements interpret musical sounds resonating from various instruments, lyrics from songs of praise and worship, humming, and words of exaltation. It interprets the praise and the worship when words seem insufficient or difficult to find just like when we cannot find the appropriate words to pray, our heavenly prayer language is the perfect prayer. What a privilege and an honor to be chosen by God to engage Him and His people in praise and worship through dance. We have the opportunity to use so many members of our bodies which offers multidimensional praises and worship because it requires ALL of you. (Colossians 3:23; Acts 17:28; Psalm 134:2; Romans 12:1).An effective worship dancer must be yielded with a pure heart so the Holy Spirit can fill that vessel with an overflowing anointing that ministers in ways that cannot be measured. From out of the abundance of the heart, the Holy Spirit inspires dances movements and expressions that are executed to capture the pure essence of total praise, celebration, honor, and glory to the Most High God! Be ye also ready to receive this impartation which will usher you into your next dimension of praise and worship.
The worship experience under an apostolic ministry has catapulted me into deeper dimensions of expressing my adoration and love for the Lord through liturgical dance. It seemingly has translated the essence of my heart of hearts of prayer and worship to the place of public worship whereupon others can also partake in and feast upon the anointing from God’s throne room of glory. For the past year, God has imparted and ignited a fire within my spirit unlike anything I previously experienced. To be called to dance before the Lord was totally unforeseen since “dance” was not part of my ministerial repertoire. While I was exposed to the ministry of dance years ago, it had absolutely no impact. At best, they performed well. God does have a sense of humor because he took this non-experienced, non-dancer and put his signature on this vessel to minister in the dance to His people . . . “for such a time as this.” (Esther 4:14) All it took was a “yes” from the innermost part of my being and a yielded spirit. Look at GOD! I believe it’s the apostolic anointing that draws, pulls, and extracts the vibrancy and energy of the dancer to offer up strategic movements unto the Lord during the praise and worship experience. These dance expressions and movements coupled with the use of flags, streamers, and body scarves permeate the atmosphere to: bring honor, reverence, adoration, and exaltation to the Lord as well as pull down strongholds, destroy heavy yokes and to bring deliverance to God’s people.
VMWM April 2010
Photos courtesy of Felton Sanderson
Manifestations Worldwide Welcomes Dr. Randall Worley, Founder of Headwaters Ministries! Dr. Worley pastored a thriving congregation for 25 years and now as founder of Headwaters Ministries provides apostolic consultation to church leadership and teaches in churches and conferences on relevant kingdom issues. His cutting edge articles have been published in many of the leading Christian publications today. Dr. Worley's colleagues in ministry to mention a few include Rick Joyner, Bob Jones and Bill Johnson. He is a regular guest instructor in some of the nations leading schools of ministry preparing believers to impact the world with kingdom influence. As a life coach Dr. Worley works with individuals in the business community desiring to integrate kingdom principles in the marketplace. Dr. Worley and his wife Penny have three adult sons that are all uniquely involved in various aspects of lifestyle ministry
“Coincidence is also a geometric term – „ nce’ our destinies are running parallel with one another.” -Randall Worley The leadership team of Manifestations Worldwide had the awesome pleasure of being mentored on Saturday morning as Dr. Worley taught. Here are a few excerpts that are available in our bookstore! Dr. Mark T. Jones - Dr. Randall Worley
“My intent here this weekend is provoke you to such a degree that you will have more questions than you have answers.” The intent of a true Apostle is not to get people to believe in them, but to believe in themselves. True apostles are vanguards, pioneers, they are fearless, have a great desire to receive revelation. They don‟t teach the doctrine and commandments of men. Tradition is the living faith of DEAD men Traditionalism is the dead faith of living men.
Teacher Katherine Walton, Diane McNamara
The word apostle is not even a religious word. It is a term borrowed form the secular context, a word used to identify a flagship that lead a FLEET of ships. Apostle-ship An apostle is one who is an explorer, not easily understood. Apostles always have a revelation beyond their dispensation. Not many men have the courage to say what isn‟t being echoed by others! God is always broadcasting– He‟s always speaking but we must be tuned into THAT frequency. Isaiah in chapter 6, is confronting monotony. The things that had lost purpose (no longer relevant). A word concerning prayer. Prayer is coming into harmony with the sound that is coming from heaven– giving voice to His voice! See Dr.Worley’s featured article on pages 18-19
Riding New Waves of Greater Glory! Dr. Worley expounds on the word „apostle-ship‟ 11
VMWM April 2010
VMWM April 2010
How do we open eyes to view the population in which Paul was speaking to when writing his letters.? We have to teach people to stop reading the bible like a newspaper and start studying the context of scripture as well as the culture into which scripture was initially given. We need to train believers to study the bible from the Jewish perspective, so that it will make sense…as it was written by Jews. Then we must ask ourselves, how must we live in light of the scripture, in our present context.
What do the remaining apostles say about women preaching? Apostles are not dying off, they are in fact emerging to facilitate the latter days move of the Spirit of Christ in the church. Apostles are critical to manifesting the KINGDOM frames of reference. Interestingly enough when Jesus left, he left Apostles in charge, saying that when He comes we shall see Him come in like manner. He will be like He was, and the church leadership dynamic will be like it was, with Apostles once again leading the body into the essence of kingdom life.
how to preach Acts 18:26 2. The first female named among or as an Apostle Rom 16:7 3. Paul taught the church to endorse women‟s ministries Rom 16:1-2 4. Paul taught us that women do preach [prophecy] in the church 1 Cor. 11:5 5. We see women identified as prophets in the New Testament Acts 21:9 Note: why would God use women as prophets, teachers, and evangelists, yet not PASTORS AND APOSTLES? Who made the decision that He could not use them that way? Joe 2:28 And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: Joel 2:29 And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit.
Lastly, Joel prophesied that one of the main characteristics of our times, was that God would begin using men and women, under the anointing and full of the Spirit. What we are seeing today in the body Yes, and consider this: Paul endorsed the gifting of women more than any of Christ is a fulfillment of that prophecy. In Christ, other New Testament figure. For instance he re- there is no gender, there is no race, there is only one people, one purpose, and One God! vealed to us: 1. The first glimpse of a woman teaching a preacher
Does Paul say the same in all his letters about women preaching?
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VMWM April 2010
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The name Speed Custom Made Design originated when Merlene used to sew for a secular singing group (Super Sonic) while living in New York City. Her clients were often people who moved really fast and so she constantly had deadlines to meet and therefore time always seemed to be a concern. She mastered the art of speed, which meant that she often kept late hours of the night in order to get things done. At this time, Merlene was currently attending the Fashion Institute in New York City. Balance was very important because she was also married with three children at that time. As a Pastor, Merlene‟s ministerial history began under the covering of Apostle Johnny Washington. Today she is established in ministry under the covering of Bishop Nevell Powell and Bishop Joseph Fagan of Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Having a passion to create wedding attire, Mrs. Christie also enjoys making God‟s people who stand in the office of the presbytery look excellent in their ecclesiastical attire.
VMWM April 2010
Merlene Christie Designer / Seamstress
VMWM April 2010
I just love to sit and have a nice hot cup of tea! I recently revisited my passion for natural organic herbal teas by spending an afternoon at Miracles in New Tampa. What a treasure I have found! Jackie Sayles, the owner of Miracles, is such a warm and friendly hostess. She gracefully serves all of her guests as if they were royal ambassadors, and she greets everyone by name, with her lovely English accent. She shared the history of the tearoom with me, along with a cup of freshly brewed Lemon Ginger-snap Tea. Jackie also shared some of her personal history with me and we also talked about “Tea Clippers.” As she shared a research paper with me, to my amazement, there in the article we were reading was a photo of a tall ship and legacy of the single most important event leading up to the American Revolution, The Boston Tea Party. These “tea clippers” were a historical part of transporting the tea because they
were able to move rapidly in the water, by clipping through the waves! Many people consider the era of clipper ships the "Golden age of sailing." (This was also an interesting observation to our cover photo.) I recently decided to become a part of the Christian Women in Business with Jackie Sayles and Facilitator for the group, Jackie Tuozzo. The women meet for breakfast at Maggies on the last Wednesday of each month. We are committed to praying for the success of one another’s business and personal concerns and/or advancements. Endeavoring to be examples of the Proverbs 31 woman in the 21st Century, as Christian Women in Business, we must be perceived as a counterculture - a kingdom culture - transforming our localities in the authority and power of Christ.
-Leola Tillman
Trisha DeHart and Sandy Lee
Seated: Jackie Tuozzo (left) and Jackie Sayles (right) L to R: Karen Zicht, Maryann Yaney, Anna Abraham, Leslie Seabury, Trisha DeHart, Betty Williams, Diane Nadeau, Sandy Lee, Leola Tillman, Annette Baker
Vicki Piccirilli - Jacki Tuozzo
Karen Zicht and Betty Williams
Annette Baker Anna Abraham enjoys a hot cup of tea
VMWM April 2010
Miracles 10335 Cross Creek Blvd. Tampa, Florida 33647 (at the rear of the Cory Lakes Professional Center)
Phone: (813) 991-1212 Fax: (813) 991-9199 Email:
The concept of Miracles was born on a Sunday morning as Jackie and Teresa were returning from a church service. Jackie Sayles, born in Bristol, England and Teresa Rogers, originally from West Virginia, believe the idea was sent from above. The concept quickly took form in their minds as a shopping oasis for New Tampa residents specializing in inspirational books and gift items in an English Tea Room setting. Jackie's English upbringing and Teresa's interior design experience make them a good team. Maggie‟s English Tea Room is named for Jackie’s best friend Maggie who died on March 2nd 2006 (her 60th birthday). Jackie met Maggie on the stage of the Theatre Royal Drury Lane in London’s West End, while auditioning for “Hello Dolly”.
They were the youngest members of the cast and decided to share an apartment. This started one of the most precious friendships one could ever imagine. After a long and successful theatrical career Maggie opened and ran one of the largest dance schools in the South of England, and although Jackie moved to Florida with her family in 1980, their friendship remained constant and strong. Maggie was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s Disease early in 2002 and we wish to honor her for her courage, strength and never ending faith she showed while fighting this debilitating Motor Neuron Disease. We will forever be grateful that she was with us here at Maggie’s Tearoom when it opened on November 26th 2005. She died just 3 months later after her four year battle.
VMWM April 2010
iding New Waves Of Greater Glory! Dr. Randall Worley founder of Headwaters Ministries provides apostolic consultation to church leadership and teaches in churches and conferences on relevant kingdom issues.
Randall Worley
“The word apostle was actually borrowed from the seafaring vernacular of the first century.�
Being involved in trans local ministry for many years I have been afforded a unique perspective in the development of the Charismatic Church culture. One of many concerns that I have is the misuse and abuse of the title apostle. When asked to write this article I realized that my passion to address the topic with clarity must be tempered with humility lest I be guilty of not speaking the truth in love. So I proceed being aware of this one caveat, that we teach what we know but we impart who we are.
and legends in their own mind. Strong language I know. But our responsibility as leaders is to "humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God and He will exalt us." Jesus did not concern himself with the accolades of men but "made of himself no reputation." I have met many men over the years that I consider to be true apostles that are clothed in humility rather than cloaked in pseudo credentials. The church at Ephesus was commended for vetting those calling themselves apostles. Revelation 2:2 "Thou hast tried For too long the corporate them which say they are or pyramid philosophy that apostles, and are not, and the church has embraced hast found them liars." The has been fueled by ministe- conferring of titles on men rial ambition with no regard with fragile egos has wato those that are our follow- tered down the truth of bibers. The legitimacy of leadlical titles. Job 32:21 adership is not measured by dresses this issue "Let me how many people are enam- not, I pray you accept any ored by our personal chaman's person, neither let risma and believe in us. But me give flattering titles unto by how many people we are a man." The Amplified says able to assist in discovering "I will not be influenced by their identity. The church respect of any man's person has languished under leadand show partiality, neither ership that has used people will flatter any man." Ordito build ministries rather nation and credentials certhan ministry that builds tainly have their place. people. Peter who had There were occasions in manifested his share of inPaul's letters where he securities over the years flexes his apostolic muscle cautioned against lording when necessary to bring over God's heritage. correction and others where he refers to himself as a Make no mistake; the scrip- servant. tures are very clear that we are to "give honor to whom The qualifications of an honor is due." However, the apostle are given in the New concept of honor has been Testament but it is not corrupted by insecure men within the scope of this artithat are in love with the cle to adequately address sound of their own voice them. 19
To do so would require an entire volume. Now I have come to the assignment at hand which is to deal with an often overlooked concept related to the word apostle. The commonly accepted definition has been simply "one who is sent as an ambassador" which is true but there is far more. The word apostle was actually borrowed from the seafaring vernacular of the first century. The apostle was the flag ship in a fleet of ships that were commissioned by kings on expeditions to expand his kingdom. Without a doubt this word picture captures the true essence of the apostolic spirit. The story of Christopher Columbus is a vivid reminder of the vanguard mentality of apostles. The contemporaries of Columbus believed that the world was flat. They feared setting sail beyond what they perceived to be the horizon thinking that they would fall off the edge of the world. Columbus was the only man that believed the world was a sphere and beyond the horizon a new world waiting to be discovered.
For 19 years he suffered the agony of public humiliation for his convictions as he appealed to the Queen for the financing of his expedition. Finally he was commissioned and set sail into uncharted waters in his quest for the new world. Just 64 days into the voyage with only 10 days of provisions left his own officers pleaded with him to turn back. Columbus would not recant. He believed that, as all forerunners, that truth is never dependent on the consensus of opinion. Believers today are in desperate need of leaders that possess this same indomitable spirit to explore new horizons that will take us into greater dimensions of the Spirit. Being an apostle has little to do with possessing a title as much as a passionate pursuer of truth. We require God to explain infinite realities in a way our "flat" finite minds can comprehend. "Flat thinkers" want everyone to believe what they believe whether it helps people or not to move beyond what they have always known. The need to vehemently defend our beliefs is a sign that those beliefs have limited our horizon for fear that we might go off the deep end. "Flat thinkers" are content to remain docked in the marina of religious mediocrity. They forfeit coming into new realms of revelation due to the risk of losing the approval of their religious peers. A few from time to time like Nicodemus will come under the cover of darkness to hear an apostolic voice. Men that are tired of feeding on the stale bread of traditional religion will attend conferences incognito to hear revelation that is inciting the coming revolution.
differs with their interpretation of scripture. Apostolic leaders today possess a humility that acknowledges we don't have all the answers. It will require courage to set sail toward horizons that will take us to dimensions in God that we never knew existed. In every generation God has had men with a revelation beyond their generation that were not content with the status quo. Men that were not content to study the scriptures to prove what they already believed. Men like Noah who lived before the giving of the law yet "found grace in the eyes of God." David who took the ark that had been behind a veil for centuries and invited all to experience the glory of God. Isaiah that received the revelation that a virgin would conceive and bear a son and died over 700 years before the prophecy was fulfilled. Apostolic men are often labeled as heretics by their peers. But one of the primary definitions of a heretic is simply a person holding an opinion at odds with what is generally accepted. I have found this is not so much a criticism as it is a compliment. The true apostles of this hour will carry a revelation that will bring a revolution which will result in the inevitable reformation of the church as we have known it. People are weary of church as usual and are awaiting a clarion call that will mobilize them into their kingdom purpose. They are no longer content to sit and be entertained Sunday after Sunday by pontificating preachers. Their hearts cry is why not us and why not now.
For centuries guardians of particular doctrines have dismissed those who have disagreed with them and even passed laws making it illegal to believe anything that
-Dr. Randall Worley
Signs, Wonders and Demonstrations of the Spirit‟s Power! While conducting my regular self examination, I discovered a lump that would later be confirmed as breast cancer. I thought to myself, the battle is just beginning. My faith lead to me to the Word of God, II Chronicles 20:15 became the foundation for me. This battle belonged to the Lord. I knew that my praise in the midst of this situation would give me the victory. My confidence in God is based on four principle truths; 1-God has power over ALL people and situations, 2-God has been faithful to me in the past and present, 3-I am helpless without Him and 4.God‟s active presence in my life means deliverance and victory. The days were filled with many medical reports, findings and proposed treatments, but I declared that I would only believe and receive the report of the Lord, that I will live and not die. Today I am a living witness as I believed the report of the Lord. My healing occurred well over 2,000 years ago when Isaiah declared, that with His stripes I am healed. Jesus was wounded once and the healing will continue not to me only but to all that believe. Miracles, signs and wonders follow them that believe. I declared and decreed my healing long before the manifestation. It is according to the power that worketh in you. I pray that I have encouraged someone to release the sound of your healing, release the sound of ALL your needs according to the Word of God……Believe God!
Miracles Still Happen “I had a rough go early last year. I had an aorta aneurysm to burst, which threatened my heart. I was told that I had about 23 hours to live with or without emergency surgery.”
“My life is in God's hands, He and He alone is the comptroller of my time.” I came to the hospital to get me some help I didn't come here to die and you all can't seem to help me. I trust that God will allow me to move on.” As me and my husband proceeded toward the elevator one of the doctors grabbed me by the arm and said “you could die before you get to the elevator.” I replied, "and you can die right now." I pressed the elevator button, got in the elevator and proceeded to the lobby accompanied by my husband where I waited until he came around with the car. We immediately went down to another hospital emergency room told them what had happened and after a brief examination which could not include another CT Scan, my husband had to go As always, I consulted the real physician "Jehovah - Rapha" back to the other hospital for records, and of course they to see what he had to say about it and out of my spirt and didn't release the scan they had. So I had to wait. 23 hours mouth came the testimony that "He was wounded my trans- had passed and after a short time the vascular surgeon came gressions; bruised for my iniquities, the chastisement of my in to talk with us. I ask him after he introduced himself if he peace was upon Him and by His stripes I am healed.” I went would please not talk to me about death, or tell me the stats on to say that the "power of life and death is in the tongue of how many people live or die from ruptured aneurysms. I and those that speak enjoy the fruit thereof." There were told him that the fact of the matter is this: If I live I'll conthree doctors present and my husband was there also. One of tinue to live for the Lord and if I die I'll go home and be with the doctors looked at me and said "without immediate surhim. They called the chaplain in to pray with me, the anesgery you will definitely die." I decided to stand on the Word thesiologist to prep me for surgery and there I went. because I know that if you stand on it by faith it will defiAfter 14 hours of open-chest surgery and being on the heart/ nitely work in every situation. I unhooked the I.V. from the lung machine for 3 days, Praise the Lord, I'm still here to say meds and with the line hanging from my arm, asked my hus- "HE LIVES" and "HE LIVES IN ALL OF US HIS CHILband to help me get dressed, looked at them all and said, DREN." (Continued on next page)
When I came through in the recovery room, a young lady came in and she said "Hi, my name is Faith and I'll be the nurse taking care of you while you are here in ICU." I replied, "okay Faith, I like that name." Shortly thereafter, another young lady came into the room and she said "Mrs. Durham, how are you feeling." I replied "grateful to God." She said I'm Charity and I'm here to administer a series of breathing tests to see how well you are breathing on your own. I told her, “okay, I got Faith and Charity, do you all have any Hope up in here?” Right then, the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said “the hope of glory is already within you.” I nearly jumped out of the hospital bed. Faith, Charity and William all blocked my leap and Faith asked where are you going? I told her by the grace of God, “I am going home and I am going to be okay.” Well, I did my stay at the hospital, very short as the wound had completely started to close up after a few days, all the tubes were taken away and I had no complications. Once I was moved out of ICU and into my room, I slept in the chair, never got in the bed and never used the wheel chair when I had to go for x-rays or other tests. I walked those halls with the strength God gave me, pain in my body, peace in my spirit but whole. I was surely looking like the "bride of Frankenstein,"
walking like a mummy and could hardly talk. But I made it through. After a few days they allowed me to go home and upon discharge they didn't even give me a band aid because my wound was completely closed up. My doctor even commented about how fast it was healing and I joked with my nurse on the way out as I thanked her for taking such good care of me, "why did you all put me through all of this and didn't even give me a band aid." She laughed and said “you did quite well, “your Faith has surely brought you through.” As always, GOD IS AWESOME, He has enlarged my territory, increased my faith and has surely shown me time and time again that He can do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that we can ask or think. "THANK YOU JESUS". I am doing great now, not only walking but able to run on to see what the end's gonna be!!!!! And as always Jehovah Jireh is still providing all my needs according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus.
"But if we live in the light, as God is in the light, we can share fellowship with each other. Then the blood of Jesus, God's Son, cleanses us from every sin. If we say we have no sin, we are fooling ourselves, and the truth is not in us"
He that hath friends must show himself-herself friendly….
Gail Boles
Leola Tillman
This column will feature comments and questions centered around relevant relationships in our quarterly publications! Watch for us during upcoming Panel discussion January 2011!
These attitudes are the death of real friendship.
It's only as we become open about our lives that we experience authentic fellowship. The Bible says, "If we live in the light, as God is in the light, we can An Authentic friendship, doesn't need share fellowship with each other . If we daily conversation. As long as the relasay we have no sin, we are fooling ourtionship lives in the heart, true friendship selves" (1 John 1:7-8 ). will never part forever! The world thinks intimacy occurs in the Authentic friendships are more than dark, but God says it happens in the light. superficial, surface-level chit-chat. They We tend to use darkness to hide our involve genuine, heart-to-heart, somehurts, faults, fears, failures, and flaws. times gut-level, sharing. But in God's light, we can bring them all These friendships develop when we get out into the open and admit who we honest about who we are and what is really are. happening in our lives. They develop Of course, being authentic requires both when we share our hurts, reveal our feel- courage and humility. It means facing ings, confess our failures, disclose our our fear of exposure, rejection, and being doubts, admit our fears, acknowledge our hurt again. weaknesses, and ask for help and prayer. Why would anyone take such a risk? Unfortunately, this level of authenticity and intimacy is the exact opposite of Because it's the only way to grow spirituwhat we find in many churches. Instead ally and be emotionally healthy. The of an atmosphere of honesty and humil- Bible says, "Make this your common ity, we often become involved in prepractice: Confess your sins to each other tending, role-playing, politicking, super- and pray for each other so that you can ficial politeness, and shallow conversa- live together whole and healed." tion. We begin to wear masks, keep our guard up, and act as if everything is rosy (James 5:16 ) in our lives. 22
9728 Lewis Rd. Tampa, FL 33592 (2 Minutes from Big Top Flea Mkt.)
Pastor Ron & Yvette Simmons I believe that the Designer’s Way is relevant to the times in which we live because we recognize that we are in the world though not of it. We are contemporary in our worship and speak a message in a way that is relevant to today…yet we speak that message from the word of God, without compromise. In addition we recognize that God is making a move…He is calling for lives to be reconciled not just to Him, but also to His purpose. Ephesians 2:10 says “For we are God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance for us to do” We weren’t just born we were designed by God for a purpose and we are determined to walk in it! Weekly Service Times Sunday @ 9am & 11am Thursday @ 7:30pm
Why is True Worship relevant to the dispensation we are living in? Because Jesus Christ is the truth, to live in union with Christ requires speaking the truth. To claim to have fellowship with Christ and to possess salvation, yet not live and speak truth, is to be deceived. True Worship Apostolic Faith Ministries Intl‟s mandate is to be the place where one can come to God in complete sincerity and with a spirit that is directed by the life and activity of the Holy Spirit. No traditions, doctrines of men, or religious spirit will thrust you into true worship. Those who advocate worship that sets aside the truth and doctrines of The Word of God have in reality set aside the only foundation for true worship. True Worship AFMI is relevant because we
are praying, watching and waiting for miracles, signs and wonders to take place. We will worship Him until He inhabits our praise and until He is satisfied with our worship. Give up tradition for New Hope! We did at True Worship AFMI and lives are being transformed. Donald R. Lott Jr., Sr. Pastor– True Worship Apostolic Faith Ministries, Intl