ORDINARY PEOPLE Magazine Dec. 2021 | Vol. 12 | Issue 36

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Retrospect of 2021 BY SHARON E. LOCKLEAR, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Two thousand, twenty-one was a Blessing for all that survived 2020. At the beginning of 2021, many of us set intentions, made resolutions, and hoped for the best. This has been a remarkable year. The COVID Pandemic marked its second year, mutated twice (Delta and Omicron) and is likely to be with us for many years. Vaccinations have been available for at least a year and approximately 62% of the United States population is fully vaccinated. A new presidential administration was sworn in 2 weeks after the US Capitol Insurrection. The Biden Administration increased production of covid vaccinations, provided multiple stimulus checks/relief for some citizens and delayed student loan repayment for millions. Shipping prices for goods shipped from the AsiaPacific region were approximately 5 times higher in 2021 than 2020. The global supply chain crisis developed in 2021 and has produced increased prices and longer wait times for manufactured goods. Merchandise in the Dollar Tree is now $1.25. Rent increased across the USA, in some parts of the country there are fewer homes for purchase and bidding wars for available properties have become the norm. It is projected that the median purchase price for a single-family home will increase by 5.7% and rents will increase by 12%.

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Groceries, gas, and other consumable products became more expensive in 2021. Price increases can be blamed on shortages, bottlenecks, transportation, weather, and the lack of employees. Expect prices to continue to increase in 2022. Caucasian males were found guilty and sent to prison for murdering African American males. For centuries, white men have murdered black men without thought or consequence. Justice is slow. Virtual employment became more prevalent since the beginning of the pandemic. Businesses lowered overhead costs, had more satisfied employees (attracts and retains) and higher scalability. Virtual church attendance was reported to be higher than in person attendance in 2021 and is projected to increase more in 2022. Online attendance has not increased tithes. October 4, 2021 was the day of social media outage, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Messenger, Mapillary and Oculus left users without the ability to access those platforms for 6 to 7 hours. According to reports the outage affected 3.5 billion users around the world. The takeaway for 2021: humans survive, adapt and thrive. For those of us who are Christian, it is imperative to live your faith and commitment and clearly understand that everything is possible with GOD.


Freelance Studio Engineer From Memphis, Tn to Atlanta, Ga RENEGADE EL REY has been putting in the groundwork to build the name of both his self as an artist and his brand, Southern Eagle Music Group LLC. Working as an artist, writer and engineer out of Stankonia Studios in Atlanta RENEGADE has been able to grow his network and hone his craft in a very organic fashion. Never satisfied with his latest accomplishments, RENEGADE EL REY is making sure to create a lasting name in the entertainment industry. For more info send an email to RENEGADETGC1@aol.com or call 901-336-3757

- Courtesy of

departments Founder and Editorial Director Verna V. Nickelberry Editor-In-Chief Sharon Locklear Art Director Rushun Wiseman https://creavolutionarts.com Contributing Writers Vanderbilt Brabson Jeanette Chestnut-Chester Teresa Jordan Paola Tennon Photographers Kimberly Taylor Kendall Elem ‘Advertise With Us” Please Contact Us At (770) 7670649 O.P. Magazine Mail P.O. Box #19699 Atlanta, GA 30327 (770) 767-0649 http://ordinarypeoplemagazine ORDINARY PEOPLE MAGAZINE is a quarterly publication and is distributed in Atlanta, GA, Memphis, TN; Knoxville, TN; Matteson, IL.

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contents DECEMBER 2021


Earl “The Bass Man” White

Times of Refreshing

The 7th Annual OPM Servant Awards 2021


FOR YOUR HEALTH Celebrating God’s Goodness While Staying Healthy During the Holiday Season


STYLE CONFIDENCE Beyond Beauty…Beauty for Ashes

All rights reserved.Reproduction in whole or in part without the founder/editor’s consent is strictly prohibited. The opinions expressed herein are exclusively those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the positions or views of the editor. The publication of any advertisement in the issue does not constitute an endorsement of the advertiser’s products or services by the publication. © 2021 Ordinary People Magazine VeMaShe’ Enterprise LLC

6 | December 2021


MIRACLES AND BLESSINGS Discovery and Recovery “A Shared Journey”


SMALL BUSINESS CORNER Your Finishing Touches

Psalm 100

I Just Can’t Lord! I just Can’t!

Verna V. Nickelberry


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On The Cover

8 | December 2021


I am a Cancer Survivor, but let me share with you how I got here… I gave my life to Christ at the age of 14, that is when my journey started. How did I know, at that age, that I was sure, I was ready? I knew when I began to have dreams of me preaching, singing, and being at Award shows, playing the bass guitar and drums for popular artists, I knew then that I was seeing the future through dreams. Not necessarily dreams of what I wanted but dreams of what God wanted me to see and do for Him. I learned to play the bass guitar through my uncle Lee White, and my cousins Eddie White, and Alonzo Hobbs. I come from a very religious and Multi-talented/gifted anointed family. My older brother Alvin plays lead guitar and bass, my brother Mike is a songwriter arranger/ producer, my sister Sheila is a pastor, singer, and comedian, my brother Brion is an awesome organist/keyboardist, and my brother Darnell who graduated from college with honors. My mother Velma Janet is a soprano deva, songwriter and my

father Alvin White a songwriter/recording artist alongside cousin Bishop JC White (Family of The Institutional Church of God In Christ Brooklyn NY). I can truly say God has fulfilled and has given confirmation through the years of traveling and doing tours, winning awards, working with Grammy winners, and famous artists. In my Now chapter “Journey 53”, I still believe and trust God. I say to Him “Use Me for Your Glory”. But in most cases, we don’t really expect or want tragedy or illness to come to us for that to be fulfilled in our lives. But in this chapter of my life it did, by contracting Covid-19. Most of us during the Pandemic, tried as much as possible to stay away from any and everything that was unsensitized, unclean, someone coughing, sick or without a mask or not following the CDC guidelines, and unfortunately I did contract the virus, and it was not good. God began to show me in dreams of deaths of people I knew. The Devil, in my opinion, showed up through depression, hate, anger, and fear to kill and destroy my life, if I let it. Fear and doubt that I wouldn’t even wake up, ordinarypeoplemagazine | 9

and that God was not going to save me. I serve the community, I try to live by way of the Bible as much as I know how, so, Why me? And so I asked, “Lord, please help me, tell me, show me why am I here in this place? HE said ‘WHY NOT YOU”, “didn’t you say USE You? Didn’t you say ‘You Trusted Me”? I said ‘Yes I did” and in my Covid state for 2 long days and nights getting worse at home, my B.I.L. Apostle and Pastor D’andre Green texted me on January 8th 2021, to see if I was OK, not knowing he was being used by God to pull me out of darkness through the notification bell that woke me. See, my wife Uraina (by the way is a walking miracle) wasn’t home, she had a previous engagement hours away, so I was literally asleep and couldn’t wake up. After the text, I tried to get to the bathroom by crawling, I was so weak with Covid Pneumonia, at this time I’m in the hospital, I can barely breathe, lugs heavy, heavy oxygen flowing through tubes through me, coughing profusely and I am diabetic (which is another story). The doctors begin to run several tests, like chest and lungs X-rays and scans, hours later, finally, the doctor comes in to say, “Your left Kidney is Cancerous and too far gone to save or receive a transplant,” (mind you, no one is allowed in the hospital with you) I’m alone, no wife in the room or on the phone because this is suddenly! The doctor go on to say “Your cancer has been there for at least 3 years from what we see by the size of it. Also, we do not know how it became cancerous and so fast, you need surgery immediately but we can’t do this until we find out from the CDC because we’ve never done surgery on a patient with Covid Pneumonia and Cancer let alone a cancerous Kidney”. Can you Imagine? Do you know how many Q’s and A’s that were going through my mind? Like, How do I tell my wife of 12 years what they just told me? And how do I tell our 4 children? My firstborn son Bobby, our only daughter Ciara, Simeon the oldest, and Sae’von our middle son? Nevertheless, I trusted the next move even though I didn’t know. In all of my chapters of this journey called “Life”, as a believer, there will be lots of times when you just won’t know what God will do or what’s going on, so you have to have faith, believe, and ‘Let God

10 | December 2021

Be God”. I raised my voice in the hospital praying for everybody there with sickness and/or diseases, and every doctor, nurse, and techs, that God direct their eyes and hands to see problems and issues in patients and fix what we cannot. “God, show your face in this place like never before”. I know what God has done for me, but my prayer changed at that very moment to show up for the people that have Not seen HIM work. “They need you more than I do”. Being in the hospital healing for six days, recovering was no laughing matter. They finally got the OK to do surgery but I’d have to fully recover from Covid and Pneumonia which took two months. My faith didn’t stand always and I don’t think that anybody’s will without Christ. You WILL get tried, so, just keep trying, because in my experience, in this case, If GOD did NOT allow me to contract Covid Pneumonia, I would not have known I had a kidney so badly overtaken by Cancer that was in me for at least three years. I would have died at any point, any time, just dropped dead. I asked God to help me in my unbelief when I am in doubt. I am in recovery still, with side effects both from Covid and Cancer Surgery. The doctors will take a look inside of me to see if there are remnants, but again Lord help me. I am encouraged just to tell you part of my story. Don’t let anyone tell you that you have to have been in something a long time to share or tell your story, little becomes much when it’s in God’s hands. God IS in control, He Will take care of you, and He is Faithful to His people! In dew season you’ll reap, if you wait on the Lord. Don’t give up, I threw In the towel, But He threw it right back at me to take up my bed and continue to do the work of the Lord. God considered me at this time in my journey, at a time when I didn’t feel God was around, and so I thank you Verna V. Nickelberry and I thank God for your Obedience to consider Me in this season. To God Be All The Glory

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Letters to the Editor

Letters to the












Congratulations, to Larraine Walker-Nelson




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for gracing the cover of this amazing magazine! You look so beautiful! - Unknown

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I am loving the “Best Care is Self-Care” ad!

The picture say it all! althe e H r ou rney in Hop ForssY u : A Jo

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- Belinda

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like to know more about the OPM 3 3 Psalm Servant Awards.

- Jea

How can I submit (contributor) an article to this magazine? - Jenna

12 | December 2021

Cancer is a disease that can affect anyone, but it does not affect everyone equally. The American Cancer Society is addressing the unequal burden of cancer by reaching individuals in underserved communities in collaboration with community partners. Our Community Health Advisors provide education, outreach, and information to men and women, particularly in the area of cancer prevention. They encourage people to practice early detection of colon, breast and cervical cancer while it is in the most treatable stages. To find out more about our Community Health Advisor program , please contact the American Cancer Society at 1.800.227.2345.

Just to Encourage

TI ME S OF R E F R E SH ING BY MINISTER JEANETTE CHESTNUT CHESTER As we reflect on the things that happened 20192021, we are thankful that the Lord settled us and kept us during these times of separation and shut in, we were never without His Omnipresence. We have been given an opportunity to redirect our thoughts, and our agendas, as well as our passions. In the Book of Deuteronomy Chapter 16, it reads “In honor of the Lord your God, celebrate the Passover each year in the early spring, in the month of Abib, for that was the month in which the Lord your God brought you out of Egypt by night. In the ancient Hebrew calendar: the first month of the ecclesiastical year and the seventh of the civil year, corresponding to the latter part of March and the early part of April. Later called by the Babylonian name Nisan. In the Talmud, this is called the “New Year”, Rosh Hashanah. Rosh Hashanah doesn’t just mark the beginning of the Jewish New Year—it’s also the start of the high holy days. It’s celebrated with prayer, festive meals, and joyful blasts of the shofar, a horn

14 | December 2021

whose sound is believed to be a call to repent from sin, it’s customary for some who observe Rosh Hashanah to go to a body of water to perform a Tashlich ceremony, which involves symbolically casting away their sins. This is an event that brings a time of refreshing, it signifies that the old has gone, behold all things are become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17. (Note:Tashlich is a customary Jewish atonement ritual performed during the High Holy Days.) Now during this season of celebration, it is important to remember that we are honoring the Lord, and acknowledging the fact that He freed us for bondage. Now I understand that some may say that this is a celebration that is of the Jewish customs, and that would be true, however, we who were outside of the commonwealth, have been engrafted in, adopted into the family off Christ. In Acts 28: 27-28, says, For this people’s heart has grown callous; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise, they might

see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts, and turn, and I would heal them.’ 28. Be advised, therefore, that God’s salvation has been sent to the Gentiles, and they will listen!” God send His salvation unto all mankind and seated us in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. Ephesians 2:6-9. This is not only a time of rejoicing; this is also a time to repent and be renewed and refreshed in the presence of the Savior. The Feast of Tabernacles, also known as the Feast of Booths and Sukkot, is the seventh and last feast that the Lord commanded Israel to observe and one of the three feasts that the Jewish were to observe each year by going to “appear before the Lord your God in the place which He shall choose” (Deuteronomy 16:16). The importance of the Feast of Tabernacles can be seen in how many places it is mentioned in Scripture. In the Bible we see many important events that took place at the time of the Feast of Tabernacles. For one thing, it was at this time that Solomon’s Temple was dedicated to the Lord (1 Kings 8:2). It was also at the Feast of Tabernacles that the Israelites, who had returned to rebuild the temple, gathered together to hear Ezra proclaim the Word

of God to them (Nehemiah 8). Ezra’s preaching resulted in a great revival as the Israelites confessed their sins and repented of them. It was also during this Feast that Jesus said, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water” (John 7:37–39). During these times of refreshing, we release all the things that we have allowed to bog us down, such as unforgiveness, issues of the heart, things that we have not done according to what the Lord asked of us, in a time of refreshing we allow the love of the Lord to overflow in us, and truly rivers of living water, water from Mount Zion flows out of us. The love of the Lord for us, and the rededication of our life to Him, is refreshing. Can you imagine what this would look like if we all thrived after, and took our time of refreshing? Can you imagine what it would be to honor the Lord in a manner as thousands upon thousands of people came together to remember and celebrate God’s deliverance and His provision, all living in temporary shelters or booths as part of the requirements of the feast. I CAN ONLY IMAGINE…. ordinarypeoplemagazine | 15

Passover, or the Feast of Unleavened Bread, last for one week and recalls the deliverance of the Hebrew nation from Egyptian slavery. Pentecost, or the Festival of Weeks, marks the last phase of the grain harvest and came to be associated with the giving of the Law at Sinai.

Israel that had gathered about him were before the ark, sacrificing so many sheep and cattle that they could not be recorded or counted. 2 Chronicles 7:8 We see here that Solomon is celebrating the festival as he dedicated the temple that was built for the Lord…

The Feast of Tabernacles, on the other hand, occurs in autumn when the summer crops have Nehemiah 8:14; says this: They found written in been harvested, so it is also known as the Feast the Law, which the Lord had commanded through of Ingathering. In addition, the Israelites were Moses, that the Israelites were to live in temporary instructed to shelters during “The love of the Lord for us, build temporary the festival of the shelters, or and the rededication of our seventh month. booths, in which life to Him, is refreshing.” to live for this In the Book of one week in Nehemiah, Israel is order to remember the forty years of wandering in just coming out of captivity, and Nehemiah and the desert prior to entering the Promised Land. Ezra had located the book of the law, and they are eager to resume the customs that were given to The origins of Tabernacles can be found in the Moses by the Lord at Sinai. Five Books of Moses, where we are told that the Lord commanded all Israelite males to appear Ezekiel 45:25). Gives the same instructions, before him three times a year at the place he would although Ezekiel here omits altogether the Feast designate (first Shiloh, and then Jerusalem). They could not come before their God with empty hands. So, one common aspect of all three Feasts centers on acknowledging the ultimate provider, the Lord, by visiting the location of His presence and providing timely sacrifices to Him from their most recent harvests. Take a look at Leviticus 23:33, there you will find the command from the Lord to Moses for the celebration of this time of refreshing. Leviticus 23:39; Hosea 9:5; Judges 21:19). But it became common to refer to it simply as “the festival” (1 Kings. 8:2, 2Chronicles 5:2-6 Then Solomon summoned to Jerusalem the elders of Israel, all the heads of the tribes and the chiefs of the Israelite families, to bring up the ark of the Lord’s covenant from Zion, the City of David. 3.And all the Israelites came together to the king at the time of the festival in the seventh month. 4.When all the elders of Israel had arrived, the Levites took up the ark, 5.and they brought up the ark and the tent of meeting and all the sacred furnishings in it. The Levitical priests carried them up; 6.and King Solomon and the entire assembly of

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of Pentecost, the Day of Atonement, and the Day of Trumpets (the first of the seventh month); for these he substitutes a special sin offering for the first and seventh days of the first month, and for the first day of the Paschal feast; he, moreover, largely modifies the ritual of the two feasts which he retains. Note: The word Paschal refers to what we call Easter.

The Greek word rendered “refreshing” denotes “any kind of refreshment, as rest, or deliverance from evils of any kind” Acts 3:19-20 says Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the LORD, 20. and that he may send the Messiah, who has been appointed for you-even Jesus. Refreshment through repentance:

What happens during all these festivals? This appointed time of repentance, renewal, ad restoration brings us closer to the Father as we honor His instructions, and in obedience to what He has asked of us. This is what brings is into times of refreshing. As we remember the goodness of the Lord and His unfailing love and rescuing us for all bondage, we have hope, and our souls are refreshed. Psalm 42:11. These are some avenues and reasons why we are refreshed when we honor the Lord as He has instructed. Hoping for physical refreshing:

Although there is often hardship involved in living God’s way of life, there is also refreshing in the sense of having peace of mind (John 16:33) when we repent of our sins. As we remember to celebrate the Lord, and as we repent and honor him and remember the ways in which he saved us, kept us and delivered us, we realize how important it is for us that “times of refreshing” come to each of us whose sins have been blotted out by the shed blood of Jesus Christ (Romans 4:7-8). Those who ask God for a change of heart during this time of festivals, and celebration and who live by Christ’s teachings will be on the path to God’s gift of conversion. And times of refreshing will be evident. So, be encouraged in this; the Lord is worthy of glory and honor. He is the rightful King of Glory. His word will stand forever, therefore, it is essential that we remember the Lord and the many ways He has taken care of us, it is important that we take note of the reality that we did not and could not save ourselves, it is the Lord’s doing and it must be marvelous in our sight. God has chosen us, even when we did not choose Him, (John 15:16) He still wants us, we have been adopted into the family of Christ. (Ephesians 1:5.) Now as followers of Jesus, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit, we celebrate the Lord’s amazing work. And as we do, our very lives become the fruit of celebration, bringing more and even greater celebrating, and times of refreshing will be our portion. Bless you with love and peace.

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OPM Live! with Verna V. Nickelberry Streaming Live! Every Saturday @ 12:00 noon CST on www.facebook.com/omplive1

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VEMASHE ENTERPRISE Blue Skies & Green Grass Publishing Ordinary People Magazine OPM Live! with Verna V. Nickelberry OPM Annual Servant Awards VeMaShe's (online store)

"We Create Opportunities For Others"

In The Spotlight

T he 7 t h A nnua l O PM Se rva nt Awards 2021 BY VERNA V. NICKELBERRY The 7th Annual OPM Servant Awards 2021 was an amazing event, as we didn’t celebrate in 2020 due to the Pandemic. From the Red Carpet event, Award Show, the honorees interviews, and to the very end excitement was in the air to so the least. The Red Carpet event kicked it off as the honorees and guest was interview by some of Memphis local media, such as Sherry Self Ministries, This Is The Day with Stella Faye, and OPM Live! hosted by Danita Brown and Latoya Dotson. Mr. Kevin & Mrs. Brenetta Humphries, Sr (Atlanta, Ga) served as host, this is the Humphries third time hosting the OPM Servant Awards. It is always a pleasure having them as the host. The entertainment was second to none as local artist had the audience on their feet! Gospel Recording Artist Aretha Phillips got thing started follow by Tony Dickerson & The Essential Band and rounding out with the amazing Renee Lee!

20 | December 2021

The purpose of the OPM Servant Awards is to honor those who gives back to their various communities. There are so many individuals, small non-profits organization and small corporation that spend countless hours reaching out to the less than fortunate and filling in the gaps where ever they can. Oftentimes their efforts go unnoticed. It is our desire to honor four individuals, four non-profits, and four corporations each year. The 2021 Annual OPM Servant Awards took place on October 2nd , 2021 in Memphis, TN, at Abundant Grace Fellowship Church, 1574 E. Shelby Dr. Also, The Sylvester Bowens Life Time Achievement Award is given to an individual who has spent a number years serving his/her community at large. This award is named in honor of Mr. Sylvester Bowens (my father), who was a giver from his heart and who served his church until his death in 1997.

OP M 7th A nnua l S e rva nt Awar d s 2 0 2 1 Hono r e s s Individual Category Mr. Kerry Hayes Mr. Kerry Hayes is the Founder of “ The Kerry Hayes Foundation” which has served over 3,000 underprivileged youth, so far. Their mission is “To empower youth to enhance professional and personal skills that will help end poverty and overcome hardship to make them productive citizens in the community” Hayes is passionate about mentoring young black men and helping to keep them off of the streets for the past 15 years, while providing them with a future in academics and sports. He is a coach for the local high school football and basketball teams and is the Kershaw County School District’s Bullying Prevention Coordinator, in South Carolina. He host Bullying Prevention events for the community to help promote unity, as well as create monetarily events to help support schools supplies and sports fees. Hayes is known in his community as a very selfless person and one who love the youth.

Mrs. Telisa Frankin Founder and CEO of WAVN the Trend Radio Station President of the Memphis Juneteenth Festival Community Advocate Telisa Franklin is a beacon of hope and light for the Memphis Community. She the Founder and CEO of her own media organization, WAVN The Trend. Telisa’s heart is to help the community and not be a burden to those who have a message, and needed a platform. Telisa has servant’s heart and it can be seen through her involvement in her community, in ministry, mentoring of others, as well as teaching and preaching the word of God, and assists in any area that’s needed. As the President of the Memphis Juneteenth Festival, Telisa is a faith walker. This past festival, she stepped out, broke barriers, and made history in hosting the festival in Health Sciences Park, formerly Nathan Bedford park, which provided an unforgettable experience for our City! ordinarypeoplemagazine | 21

Mrs. Belynda Terry Co-founder of Liberty Transitional Outreach Ministries, Life Food Pantry, Taking It To The Streets and The Agency Partnership Manager (of pantries, soup kitchens, low income daycare, rehabs missions in 31 counties in 3 states at the Mid-South Food Bank and Mobile Pantry Manager also for the counties. Mrs. Terry started her journey with passing out water on the corners in East Memphis and that lead to her Soup Kitchen. Realizing that having a “Soup Kitchen” was only meeting the needs of the community for one day, and that’s when she started “Life Food Pantry” and “Taking It To The Streets”. Life Food Pantry has been in existence for 11 years and Taking It To The Streets 12 years. Taking It To The Streets is organized to meet the needs outside of food, like distribute clothing, school supplies, furniture, etc. Mrs. Terry say “Life Food Pantry which is open twice a month distributes more than food, we distribute Love. Whatever the client needs we try to meet the need”. We offer cooking demos of the pantry foods, have job fairs, counseling and so much more. “I love folk y’all”…Mrs. Belynda Terry. My motto is ‘Saved2Serve. Married for 33 years and have 3 children and 6 grandchildren.

Mrs. Deidre Pryor Founder of The Hygiene Chic Nonprofit organization which serve over 700 youth girls around the Memphis and Mississippi area, including the local school and 50 college freshmen ladies. Deidre Pryor’s contributions to the community consist of the following: •

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Educating youth girls on the proper etiquette of all things hygiene, which consist of mental hygiene, personal hygiene, and puberty hygiene. Preparing youth girls for their period and educating them on restroom etiquette Preparing self-care packets for youth girls in foster care The Hygiene Box catered to college girls

Deidre provides personal education sessions to help educate and prepare each young ladies ages 8-19 with the tools and understanding needed to display appropriate hygiene behavior. Every youth girl receives a self-care packet after each session That includes items like, sanitary napkins, wipes, hand sanitizer, etc. Special Project/Contribution: “Shopping with The Hygiene Chic” partnered with two local Boys & Girls Club. The project included educating and shopping for 35 girls. The youth girls were accompanied by the organization on a field trip to Walmart. Youth girls were educated on different sizes of sanitary napkins (pads) and was given $20 gift card to shop for hygiene necessities. In 2019, The Hygiene Chic Nonprofit

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organization served over 700 youth girls around the city of Memphis and Mississippi area, including the local school district and 50 college freshmen ladies. In 2020: The Hygiene Chic served 200 youth girls virtually due to pandemic and 40 freshmen/ sophomore ladies. Currently, in 2021: 150 girls and 22 college sophomore ladies have been served. Servant Leadership runs deep in Deidre’s heart. She is one who embodies the true meaning of service and selflessness, and that is what being a servant leader is all about. The Hygiene Chic organization has allowed Deidre to fully walk in her purpose of helping youth girls and young ladies understand the importance of proper feminine hygiene, but to also educate others. According to Deidre, the award that is continuously presented to her without public recognition is being able to serve youth girls in her community, unapologetically and receiving the servant award would signify that her labor is not in vain. Deidre Pryor was born and raised in the North Memphis area. She is a wife and mother of two. Pryor is high school graduate from Frayser High and received a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Christian Brothers University. Pryor is a Behaviorist Specialist for Shelby County Schools and works with the youth at her church.

Mrs. Danita E. Brown Danita Brown taught in the Memphis City Schools/Shelby County Schools district and later as a teacher leadership and Facilitator. Danita displayed her skills as a coordinator of projects, leading school and community projects for students and parents. She led these projects successfully due to her welcoming demeanor and the ability to relate to our constituents, school adopters and the community. Our relationship merged from being a person to talk to about cancer into a true friendship. Danita was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2008. Prior to the diagnosis, she’d asked God to reveal her purpose. As a Hero of the Faith she touches many lives through the church ministry that she leads at Brown Baptist Church. Her love for her students and for those affected by cancer is widely known throughout the community due to her commitment to help others irrespective of age, race, or circumstance. While at a medical appointment and because of her firsthand knowledge of going through cancer treatments, a nurse asked her to comfort one who had just been diagnosed with cancer. So began her journey of support for others. In 2008 it was very rare to see women with no hair, but Danita embraced her situation. She petitioned her pastor Bartholomew Orr, of the need for a Cancer Support Group, not only to serve Brown Baptist, but for the community. It was developed and has continued to serve the community for over 12 years under her leadership. Danita works closely with The American Cancer Society, speaking to audiences of women and men about the importance of yearly mammograms and physicals. She counsels and visits with cancer patients who have been newly diagnosed with cancer. She has accompanied survivors and their families in Memphis, Mississippi, and has traveled as far as Kansas City, Missouri and Dallas Texas to accompany those with cancer, including one young lady diagnosed with lung cancer. She is known at the West Cancer Clinic, as survivors request her presence for support and to answer questions and to address concerns about treatments or to have a listening ear. ordinarypeoplemagazine | 23

She has told her story on TBN, has been featured in magazines, and is sought out as a “tell it straight, down to the nitty-gritty” speaker throughout Memphis and surrounding communities. Her mission is to inform and teach others how to survive this disease. Through organized health fairs, she has made it possible for uninsured women to get mammograms at Brown Baptist Church through the Methodist Mammography Mobile. Danita Brown Community Service • • • • • • •

Conduct Monthly Cancer Support Meeting Goes with Cancer Survivors while taking treatments or meeting with the Doctor for the first time results Often called in with the family, when their love one is transitioning Make weekly phone calls to survivors and their caregivers to check on them and offer service She is often called in the late hours just to comfort a survivor Making sure survivors have resources Often arrange workshops on the different types of cancer

Pink Savvy, Inc. “Fierce Fighter” Pink Savvy’s mission is to celebrate the inner and outer beauty of women going through breast cancer. They host several events throughout the year that render education, beautification services, and celebratory appreciation for women in the fight of their life. Pink Savvy deliver “Fierce Fighter” baskets every Friday to newly diagnosed warriors and also serve as chemo companions, as we as make and donate chemo care necessities to cancer treatment facilities throughout city of Memphis, TN. Pink Savvy recently launched a new program called “Boobi Troop” for women ages 18-35 that have a family history of breast cancer, but have a hard time getting a mammogram. This program will help fund those mammograms.

Soul Reborn Non-profit Organization Soul Reborn is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit charitable organization that has supported more than 4,500 disenfranchised, under-served, and previously incarcerated women through lectures and conferences, and by educating and equipping them with tools for life and business. Their mission is to educate and equip women with the tools for life and business through seminars on leadership, financial literacy, entrepreneurship, etiquette, life coaching and communication. Skills. Community activities: provided groceries for more than 100 families, purchased over 10,000 hot meals to front liners and essential workers, donated 5,000 autographed books,

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host virtual educational classes for several South Dallas apartment complexes, provided over 1,000 toys to children and sponsored three families by providing TV’s and $500.00 gift cards. Soul Reborn serves as the catalyst to women who have experienced significant trails during their lives. Through personal and professional programming, Soul Reborn helps women to heal, identify their purpose, and to fully use the gifts, that are uniquely assigned to them so that their families, careers, and community relationships can thrive. In January 2019, Soul Reborn at Victory Center (SRVC) opened in Tyler, Texas, in collaboration with New Life Community Church.

YOUnique Performing Arts & Youth Outreach Ministries, Inc. YOUnique Youth was created in 2018 by Curzetta Monique Austin, who served as the CEO and Founder. The mission of YOUnique Youth is to combat undesirable massages presented to youth and young adults between the ages of 9 – 19 and to offer them alternative means to express themselves through Performing Arts and Drama. YOUnique Youth is also designed to address the socio-emotional and holistic well been of the youth and young adult, where they receive educational training, creative writing tutoring and prep, professional imaging and development and participate evocative works of dramatic expression through workshops and positive presentations that enable them to utilize their GOD-given gifts and maintain positive direction for their life, which will further impact change in communities. Performing Arts/Drama is also used to demonstrate how youth can more effectively express themselves via drama enticing positive life change messages. Additionally, YOUnique Youth include other arts and crafts are employed to help youth to discover their own personal talents, discipline, and to build a spirit of teamwork and workshop. YOUnique Youth also employs other Artist to teach them creative skills that can afford them the opportunity to create products that can create personal income streams which teaches individual independence.

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The Sylve s t e r B o we ns Lifetime Achi e ve m e nt Hon o r e e 2 0 2 1 Bishop Brandon B. Porter BRANDON B. PORTER I—BISHOP, PASTOR, CEO—LEADER Bishop Brandon Burdett Porter is a progressive leader, focused on making a difference in the Community. He is the pastor of Greater Community Temple Church Of God In Christ in Memphis, Tennessee with campuses located in North Memphis and Hickory Hill. He is also CEO of several community development projects in the Greater Memphis area. His leadership has been evident during this COVID crisis. Bishop Porter keeps Greater Community Temple open and the church has become essential to the community’s health, providing safe in-person worship, prayer, counseling, communion, weddings, funerals, and distributing masks, food, appliances, school supplies, emergency shelter, COVID testing, vaccinations, and health information, while streaming live worship and Bible Study for the sick, shut-in, and all who want the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Because he is trusted to do good, the United States Department of Health and Human Services sent Bishop Porter over a million masks to distribute to churches all over the country to protect people from COVID19. Churches and business owners across the nation testify to gaining information and access to COVID crisis funding through Bishop Porter’s social media presence. His personal ministry, “Touched by the Truth,” is seen and heard by millions via television, radio, and social media weekly, accompanied by several books he has authored such as In His Likeness, A Reason to Keep Going, and The Multicultural Church: True or False. Bishop Porter was elected in 2012, re-elected in 2016 and 2021, to serve on the twelve-member presidium of the Church Of God In Christ (COGIC) which governs the largest black Pentecostal denomination in the world, numbering over 6 million members, operating in over 105 countries. He is also prelate of Tennessee Central Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction which encompasses over 80 churches from Memphis to Chattanooga. Bishop Porter is CEO of several community developments for lower income families as well as luxury apartments for residents in Memphis. The facilities range from downtown retail spaces to community centers. In particular, his 501c3 nonprofit called Community Project Inc., has been a consistent resource for North Memphis residents for more than 40 years. A proud native Memphian, Bishop Porter has a B.A. in Rehabilitation of Public Offenders and a minor in Criminal Justice from the University of Memphis. For 38 years, he has been married to his lovely wife, Melody, a registered nurse. They have two sons: Brandon II, a graduate of Morehouse and Memphis business man, and Bryson, a senior at the University of Memphis and video producer who is married to Kristen, an educator; they have an infant, (Bishop Porter’s first grandbaby) Braxton IdaMarie Porter.

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Word Search






































































































































































































































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For Your Health

C E LE BRAT I NG GO D’ S G OODNE SS WHILE STAY I NG H E A LT H Y DU R I NG THE HO L I DAY S E AS O N BY PAOLA TENNON, RN, BSN, MBA/HCA, CCM Celebrating the holidays serves as a time of remembrance and a time of reflection. It is a time of happiness and cheer, a time to celebrate life, and a time when we reach out and connect with family, friends and loved ones. It is a time of unity, when we put our differences aside and are more willing to help one another, and it is also a time when people are more charitable. As Christians, the holiday season is a time in which we express gratitude for life’s accomplishments and for what God has done and how He has worked in our lives. However, the holiday season can sometimes give the allusion of being a stress-free rest and relaxation step back from an otherwise stress life. When in reality, it can be just the opposite without us really realizing it. This article is structured to give pointers on better options that can help us to joyfully celebrate without causing harm to our physical, mental, or spiritual wellbeing. When we take our focus off of our health, especially

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during this festive season, the consequences can be surprising as evident by a 2017 survey by the American Psychological Association which reports that thirty-eight percent of people surveyed said their stress level increased during the holiday season. Participants listed the top stressors as: lack of time, lack of money, commercialism, the pressures of gift-giving, and family gatherings. Furthermore, there are two specific disorders, Holiday Depression and (SAD) Seasonal Affective Disorder that are two distinct mental health conditions that are real during this time of year. With Holiday Depression, people can develop other stress responses such as headaches, excessive drinking, over-eating, and difficulty sleeping. SAD is a mood disorder associated with depression and related to seasonal variations of light. Symptoms include depression, anxiety, mood changes, sleep problems, lethargy, overeating, plus social and sexual problems. Treatments for this condition

include spending time outdoors, phototherapy, and medication if indicated. Children can also be impacted by these conditions. Additionally, American Psychological Association confirmed that, 38% of people surveyed said their stress increased during the holiday season. This can actually lead to physical illness and or depression. From a physical perspective, a 2004 Circulation study reported that; “The number of cardiac deaths is higher on Dec. 25 than on any other day of the year, second highest on Dec. 26, and third highest on Jan. 1.” Since that time a new report was published July 27, 2018, which states that; “Researchers have long studied why cardiac problems spike during the holidays and have found a pattern that deadly heart attacks indeed increase during the winter holiday season.” Cardiac death is almost 5% higher during the holidays, according to American Heart Association research. Common causes include excessive eating and drinking, emotional stresses, an increase in respiratory diseases such as the Flu, cold viruses, complications from Covid, and skipping medications. In addition, other causes result from some people not wanting to interfere with family plans; while still others fear being hospitalized during the holidays according to Dr. Kobina

Wilmot, with Novant Health Heart & Vascular Institute. The reference scriptures for this article goes back through the annals of time to the book of Deuteronomy chapter 16. In this chapter, Moses is giving instructions to the children of Israel who are being prepared to inhabit the Promised Land. The instruction Moses gave to the people was about 3 celebrations they were expected to have each year and were required to attend. The three great feasts which required the presence of the whole people at the sanctuary are, the Passover, which commemorates God’s deliverance of Israel out of Egypt. Pentecost, also known as The Feast of Weeks or Harvest, which commemorates the giving of the law at Mount Sinai. And, The Feast of Tabernacles, also known as the Feast of Booths (Sukkot), which commemorates the forty years of wilderness wandering. According to the Classic Bible Study Guide on the book of Deuteronomy; these three feasts symbolized the three great events of the Christian Dispensation, specifically, the sacrificial death of Christ, the descent of the Holy Spirit and the Second Coming of our Lord. Each festival was to commemorate all the things that God had done and to give Him praise and honor.

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The children of Israel were instructed when, where and how to celebrate and they were to be happy celebrations and were to include family friends and foreigners. Reading about these celebrations in Deuteronomy 16 prompted me to take a closer look at the holiday festivals we celebrate today. Christians in the United States, Canada, and some other countries celebrate what are considered the winter festivals which include Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s. Thanksgiving, observed on the fourth Thursday in November, marks the official start of the winter festivals. It is a time when people from all walks of life volunteer to help those in

improve one’s behavior or situation. Each of these holidays is a celebration of God’s goodness towards us and good health keeps us resilient and safeguards us so that we can fulfill our divine purpose and service towards others. In order to preserve our health, we must make wiser choices, some of which include eating nutritious foods, staying mobile through exercise, managing stress, getting enough sleep and rest, and the list goes on. Why then is it that these festivities that are supposed to be joyous and celebratory, in many cases yield unexpected occurrences. This article will address just a few potential issues that are heightened during the holiday season.

“In order to preserve our health, we must make wiser choices, some of which include eating nutritious foods, staying mobile through exercise, managing stress, getting enough sleep and rest, and the list goes on. ” need especially on Thanksgiving Day, donating to shelters and feeding the hungry. It is a time for giving thanks to God for all he has and continues to do, and it is a time to humbly repent for our sinfulness and disobedience. Thanksgiving is a true expression of our gratitude and a time for reaching out to our fellow man. There is a plethora of scriptures in the Holy Bible that reference giving thanks. 2 Corinthians 4:15 reveals to us that; “All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.” Christmas, celebrated on December 25, is a catalyst for even those who are not religious, to give to others and to help the disadvantaged. For Christians, the holiday marks the anniversary of Jesus’ birth some 2,000 years ago and the faithful commemorate His birth by attending church services. Christmas is important to many Christians because it reminds them that: Jesus, the Son of God, came to Earth for all people. The New Year is heralded in as a time for fresh beginnings, with hope for a better future and resolutions to

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We began by recognizing that there is a direct correlation between physical health, emotional and mental health, and spiritual health. If we neglect one, eventually one or both of the others will suffer as well. Promoting wellness and managing our stress is maintained when we are mindful of our health, especially during the holiday season. Being mindful of your health during this season of celebration helps us to recognize what to do about it. For starters, accept your limitations and recognize when you are feeling stressed. Prioritize the most important activities or schedule get-togethers for after the holidays, and don’t forget to schedule time to take care of yourself. Communicate intentions to friends and family early in the holiday season so everyone knows what to expect and stick with your budget. In addition, take advantage of other ways to connect; talk to your mental health professional or your primary care physician if you have been feeling anxious or depressed for more than two weeks. As mentioned previously, medical studies have shown that Christmas and New Year’s Day are the deadliest days for heart attacks all year.

Although the holiday season is the time of year when healthy habits tend to slide off track and waistbands get tighter as noted in a health article from Harvard Medical School on November 1, 2019; it is important to stay on tract to prevent unwanted outcomes. If you commit to maintaining your health goals, there are simple practices that can help. The CDC offers a list of 12 ways to have a healthy Holiday Season. 1. Wash hands often with soap and clean running water for at least 20 seconds to help prevent the spread of germs. It’s flu season. Wash your hands. 2. Bundle up to stay dry and warm. Wear appropriate outdoor clothing: light, warm layers, gloves, hats, scarves, and waterproof boots. 3. Manage stress. Give yourself a break if you feel stressed out, overwhelmed, and out of control. Some of the best ways to manage stress are to find support, connect socially, and get plenty of sleep. 4. Don’t drink and drive or let others drink and drive. Whenever anyone drives drunk, they put everyone on the road in danger. Choose not to drink and drive and help others do the same. 5. Be smoke-free. Avoid smoking and







secondhand smoke. Smokers have greater health risks because of their tobacco use, but nonsmokers also are at risk when exposed to tobacco smoke. Fasten seat belts while driving or riding in a motor vehicle. Always buckle your children in the car using a child safety seat, booster seat, or seat belt according to their height, weight, and age. Buckle up every time, no matter how short the trip and encourage passengers to do the same. Get exams and screenings. Ask your health care provider what exams you need and when to get them. Update your personal and family history. Get your vaccinations. Vaccinations help prevent diseases and save lives. Everyone 6 months and older should get a flu vaccine each year. Monitor children. Keep potentially dangerous toys, food, drinks, household items, and other objects out of children’s reach. Protect them from drowning, burns, falls, and other potential accidents. Practice fire safety. Most residential fires occur during the winter months, so don’t leave fireplaces, space heaters, food cooking on stoves, or candles unattended. Have an emergency plan and practice it regularly. Prepare food safely. Remember these simple steps: Wash hands and surfaces often, avoid ordinarypeoplemagazine | 31

cross-contamination, cook foods to proper temperatures and refrigerate foods promptly. 12. Eat healthy, stay active. Eat fruits and vegetables which pack nutrients and help lower the risk for certain diseases. Limit your portion sizes and foods high in fat, salt, and sugar. Also, be active for at least 2½ hours a week and help kids and teens be active for at least 1 hour a day.


* Other strategies offered by Harvard Medical School include but are not limited to the following: * *




Partake (in moderation). Focus on goals and set limits. Avoid drugs and stick to the American Heart Association guidelines if you drink Alcohol. • Moderate alcohol consumption means an average of one to two drinks per day for men and one drink per day for women. • Remember: different types of beer, wine and liquor have different amounts of alcohol. • Drinking too much alcohol increases your risk for many health problems, including high blood pressure, obesity, stroke, breast cancer, liver disease, depression, suicide, accidents, alcohol abuse and alcoholism. Schedule regular workouts of at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity. It will not only help relieve stress, but it will also lead to better weight regulation during a time when calorie-dense foods are the norm.” Connect socially: try new indoor and outdoor activities and solicit family and friends. Exercise is always more fun if it doubles as a social activity. Track your health habits and if you go off track during the holiday season, don’t give up.


* *

* *

* When addressing mental health, we must understand that mental health disorders differ from holiday blues. *

Mental health disorders actually do not increase around the holidays, but signs and symptoms associated with mental health temporarily worsen during the in the period

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between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day. Although, the months of November, December, and January actually have the lowest daily suicide rates according to Mental Health Specialist; signs and symptoms associated with mental health temporarily worsen around this time of year. Surveys suggest that people feel more stress, anxiety, and depressed. Being aware of changes in your stress level or noticing changes are important because these temporary signs and symptoms can later develop into mental health disorders if not addressed in a timely manner. According to a survey, the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) reported that approximately 24% of people with a diagnosed mental illness find that the holidays make their condition “a lot” worse and 40% “somewhat” worse. * Get enough sleep is very important because the symptoms of some mental health conditions can be triggered by getting too little sleep. * Avoid alcohol and drugs. They don’t actually reduce stress. * Spend time in nature. Studies show that time in nature reduces stress. Ex. Taking a walk in the park. * Volunteer. The act of volunteering can provide a great source of comfort. Tips to prevent holiday stress and depression recommended by the Mayo Clinic include: Finding support, whether it’s with friends, family, a counselor, or a support group, talking can help. Set realistic goals and boundaries, manage your time, and don’t try to do too much. Practice relaxation: deep breathing, meditation, and progressive muscle relaxation techniques. Prioritize self-care: Schedule time to walk outside, bike or join a dance class. Daily exercise naturally produces stress-relieving hormones in your body and improves your overall physical and mental health. Eat healthy: Eating unprocessed foods, like whole grains, vegetables, and fresh fruit is the foundation for a healthy body and mind. Eating well can also help stabilize your mood.



Plan ahead and understand that it is ok to say no. If that is not possible, try to remove something else from your schedule. Seek professional help if you need it or consider attending a free support group.

Spiritual Health: Practicing a healthy spiritual life helps to make it easier to overcome your holiday stress. •

Ways to do this: spend time with friends and family, connect with a faith community, attend holiday events where you might make new friends, give your long-distance friends and family a call. Give back: Giving back helps us to disconnect from the materialistic scramble that the holidays can sometimes be. Volunteer at your favorite charity, help out at a shelter, donate things you don’t use, physically do something for someone you love, reach out to a friend you haven’t seen in a while. Stay Physically Healthy; Spiritual wellness is connected to your physical wellness. To fight back against holiday excess, try to do yoga or take a simple walk around your neighborhood. Use Your Time to Reflect: If you’re in need of solitude, learn how to say no to a party. Then, find a peaceful place, have some rest, and do a self-awareness test. Be Appreciative: Giving love will make

your heart warmer. In return, it brightens the receiver’s day. Go on a Nature Trip: Having a good view of nature actually improves your blood flow that helps in boosting both your physical and spiritual health, making this an all-around better option to traditional holiday travel. Keep a Positive Attitude: Learn how to set your boundaries and take control of holiday situations. Additionally, try to keep your thoughts positive and teach yourself to demonstrate understanding in every situation.

A combination of any of these fore-mentioned strategies can aid in helping us to better celebrate God’s goodness during this holiday season and those to come, while we strive to stay healthy in the process. From a spiritual perspective, we must remain prayerful for those in need, those who are dealing with loneliness, physical illness, emotional and mental conditions, spiritual dilemmas, grief and etc. Let us show our Christion fellowship as we reach out to others in Love during this holiday season and throughout the year. Remember, for some, the holiday season is not a time of joyous celebration, and there are some that may be at risk. For this reason, below is a list of resources that will help those in crisis.

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REFERENCES Classic Bible Study Guide, Deuteronomy, https:// classicbiblestudyguide.com/English/DeuteronomyA2.pdf, retrieves 11/06/2021 25 Healthy Holiday Choices - https://www.webmd.com/diet/ features/25-healthy-holiday-choices

Nacional De Prevención Del Suicidio: 1-888-628-9454, Lifeline ofrece 24/7, gratuito servicios en español, no es necesario hablar ingles si usted necesita ayuda. Crisis Text Line provides free, confidential text message support for individuals experiencing emotional distress or crises. It is available 24/7. Text “MHA” to 741-741 for support.

Holiday Depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder, https://www. augustahealth.com/community-outreach/holiday-depression-andseasonal-affective-disorder-0

Veterans Crisis Line offers confidential support 24/7/365 and is staffed by qualified responders from the Department of Veterans Affairs — some of whom have served in the military themselves. Call 800-273-8255, then press 1, or access online chat by texting to 838255.

How to Sustain Your Spiritual Wellness During the Holidays, https://raisingselfawareness.com/spiritual-wellnessholidays/#:~:text=The%20holiday%20season%20is%20upon%20 us%2C%20and%20we,appreciate%20all%20the%20miracles%20 of%20life%20and%20love.

The National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE) www.ndvh.org

Is drinking alcohol part of a healthy lifestyle? https://www.heart. org/en/healthy-living/healthy-eating/eat-smart/nutrition-basics/ alcohol-and-heart-health

National Dating Abuse Helpline 1-866-331-9474 www.loveisrespect.org


National Child Abuse Hotline/Child help 1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453) www.childhelp.org

McLean’s Guide to Managing Mental Health Around the Holidays, https://www.mcleanhospital.org/essential/mcleans-guidemanaging-mental-health-around-holidays

National Sexual Assault Hotline 1-800-656-4673 (HOPE) www.rainn.org

Raising Mental Health Awareness During the Holiday Season, https://discoverymood.com/blog/raising-mental-health-awarenessholiday-season/

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255 (TALK) www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org

Spiritual Wellness During the Holiday Season (Blog), https://blogs.winona.edu/wellness/blog/spiritual-wellness-duringthe-holiday-season/

National Center for Victims of Crime 1-202-467-8700 www.victimsofcrime.org

Stress, depression and the holidays: Tips for coping, https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/stress-management/ in-depth/stress/art-20047544

National Human Trafficking Resource Center/Polaris Project Call: 1-888-373-7888 | Text: HELP to Be Free (233733) www.polarisproject.org

Study: More deadly heart attacks occur on Christmas, New Year’s, https://www.webmd.com/heart/features/the-truth-behind-moreholiday-heart-attacks

National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights 1-510-465-1984 www.nnirr.org

Study: More deadly heart attacks occur on Christmas, New Year’s, https://www.wtol.com/amp/article/news/study-more-deadly-heartattacks-occur-on-christmas-new-years/512-d5c0195e-cd68-4eac9799-bd81a43c2249

National Coalition for the Homeless 1-202-737-6444 www.nationalhomeless.org

The CDC list 12 ways to have a healthy Holiday Season: https://www.cdc.gov/healthequity/features/holidayseason/index. html

National Resource Center on Domestic Violence 1-800-537-2238 www.nrcdv.org and www.vawnet.org

Ways to Maintain Spiritual Wellness Over the Holidays, https://raisingselfawareness.com/spiritual-wellness-holidays/

National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health 1-312-726-7020 ext. 2011 www.nationalcenterdvtraumamh.org

What We Know About the Holiday Blues, https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/evidence-basedliving/201712/what-we-know-about-the-holiday-blues

National Runaway Safeline 1-800-RUNAWAY or 1-800-786-2929 www.1800runaway.org

RESOURCES The Crisis Text Line: text NAMI to 741-741 to connect with a trained crisis counselor for free, 24/7 crisis support via text message; or call the NAMI Helpline at 1-800-950-NAMI (6264) M–F, 7 a.m.–3 p.m. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a 24/7 toll-free lifeline for individuals experiencing emotional distress or crises. Call 1-800-273-8255 to talk to a trained listener. www. suicidepreventionlifeline.org

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BEYOND BEAUTY…BEAUTY FOR ASHES I’ll be the first to admit that I LOVE all things beautiful. Beautiful decor, beautiful places, beautiful clothes, beautiful people. I’m attracted to beauty, and I love surrounding myself with beautiful things. I believe we all do; as the saying goes, beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. However, beauty can be illusive. Often times, it’s a veil hiding the intangibles that really matter. Intangibles like self-confidence, purpose, perseverance, vision, and charity. Last year around this time, I decided to elevate several areas of my life. My way of coping with the pandemic was to focus on improving what was within my control and aligned with God’s will for me – my health and wellness, and my growing image coaching business. I became consistent with my workouts, nutrition, and self-care. I invested in an elite coaching program and updated my

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business branding with a new photoshoot. I was doing all the things I felt led to do, to move the needle in these areas. After my photoshoot, my husband commented on my right eye asking me if I had hurt it somehow, as it appeared swollen or bigger than the other one. I observed what he was saying but dismissed it, as nothing had happened to my eye, and I wasn’t in any pain. A month or so later my eyes were feeling tired each afternoon, however I contributed that to working in front of the computer daily. I attempted to make an eye appointment, but they were booked through the end of the year. I took the first available appointment which was January 18, 2021. When I went to my eye appointment I was expecting to be in and out and receive

recommendations on how to minimize strain from the computer. However, what I received was a referral to have a CT scan. The ophthalmologist advised he saw something abnormal with my right eye and surprising to me, I failed all of the reading tests on this eye. The CT scan was the following week and when the results came back, I was advised I had 3 meningeal tumors in my brain. I was referred out to a neuroophthalmologist at Emory University Medical Center, and I had a follow-up MRI on Valentine’s Day. Later that week I met with one of the top neurosurgeons to obtain the MRI results and discuss treatment options. He updated me that the MRI identified 4 tumors, and that the vision issue with my right eye was due to one of the tumors being very close, if not sitting on my optic nerve. He was fairly certain these tumors were benign based on his experience, however they would biopsy the tumor being removed to confirm. I had brain surgery to remove that tumor on March 4, 2021. I am now 6 months post-op and I have had a strong and vibrant recovery. I praise God for that. God’s faithfulness, provision and covering overwhelm me. I lack nothing. But can I be vulnerable and honest and tell you that every intangible I named above was challenged. You see I’ve had what I consider a “normal” life - filled with obstacles and barriers to overcome, but nothing on this level. And now that this is a part of my story, I can tell you that God will indeed give us Beauty for Ashes in hard seasons. Isaiah 61:3 NIV and provide for those who grieve in Zion— to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor. Having an incision and now scar, span the perimeter of my hairline has challenged my selfconfidence. I didn’t know if I would feel confident enough to show up in person, on the social media platforms or find ways to style my hair that make me feel presentable and pretty? But I have done it.

While God has gifted me to do a number of things, I know my purpose is to impart confidence to women through my image coaching business. It’s more than closets, clothes, and accessories – it’s understanding and having an appreciation that we are truly made in His image and there’s nothing more beautiful than that. One of the things that sticks out in my memory is when the doctors gathered around my bed the evening after I had surgery with the biggest smiles on their faces because I was so alert, communicating well and in really good spirits. In spite of the fear, I made up my mind before surgery that I would make it through this better than I was before. Perseverance is a key to success. I elected to have surgery to preserve my vision. What I had no earthly idea of is that God would then flood me with vision for many things in my life. I am obedient now more than ever. When he shows me, speaks to me, or gives me inspiration - I move. Being led by the spirt is what I live for now. Charity and being charitable is something I learned about early in life. I learned to give out of my need and that God cannot bless you with a closed hand. I make it a priority to give – of my time, my talent, and my resources. Especially to my first ministry, my family. You can’t out give God. I still love beautiful things and I’m still learning and growing, but one thing I know for sure is that it’s beyond beauty. I’m here to help. I have a Signature Offer – a One Day Image to IMPACT Intensive designed to help you elevate your image. From a closet audit to outfit planning, I will help you understand how best to integrate your new purchases into your existing wardrobe or work with what you have in your closet. Are you ready to ignite your Image? Let’s create a wardrobe that fits your passions and lifestyle. Just contact me and we’ll get started! For daily tips to help you elevate your personal style follow me on Instagram @imagebycourtney or Facebook – Image by Courtney.

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Miracles and Blessings


“A S HARED J O U RN EY ” BY BONNIE ROSS-PARKER It was August 7th the date of my 2014 annual physical. It was a day that turned my world upside down. Every year I approached the visit with my internist with the same expectations. Health is great! Your weight is under control and your vital signs are perfect. No worries, all is well, I’ll see you in a year. My Lab work was as expected. This time, however, my physical produced a very different outcome. During the doctor’s routine breast exam, he detected a small lump on my left side. Unquestionably, I would require mammogram. While I hadn’t had a mammogram for 2+ years, I was being responsible by having thermography. My last one was in May and that report indicated everything was normal. Well, a short 3 months later, ‘normal’ was no longer normal.

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One week later, with my required paperwork in hand, I had a mammogram, biopsy, and the confirmation, that, in fact, my tests showed a small lump in my left breast. Needless to say my concern mounted. The next procedure was ultra sound. A consultation followed along with the name of a breast surgeon. Suddenly I’m a whirlwind of emotion. What will the surgeon say? What will I have to process? Panic, uncertainty and a reality check. I heard these words, “Bonnie, your tests show a small malignancy.” If there was any good news is was that it was Stage One cancer and most likely would only require a simple lumpectomy rather then a mastectomy. My life as well as my husband’s would suddenly change forever. My normal routine annual

physical turned into a cascading series of events, doctors, procedures, and decisions yet to be made. After the diagnosis, I felt vulnerable and out of control. How could this happen to me? I exercise daily. I’ve maintained my weight and lived a healthy, vegetarian life style for over 40 years. All of a sudden – out of the blue – I’m facing the dreaded “C”. It’s always been the challenge that other women have faced. Now it was to become my challenge. I could go on and on about “Why, me?” What good would that serve? There’s never an answer for the ‘Why me?” It was up to me to accept this and now I needed the strength and faith to deal with what was happening the best I could. The next step was meeting Dr. Amerson, my breast surgeon. She turned out to be a caring and supportive doctor. She totally embraced my husband and my concerns and gave us great news. The lump is small and confined to a small enough area and she didn’t believe a mastectomy would be necessary! Wow. What a relief. While facing unpleasant treatment, that suddenly seemed mild compared to what might have been. Next step: MRI. Within another week (everything moving quickly) I faced a full body MRI. Explicit directions: “Don’t move. Stay perfectly in place. Any disruption and we’ll have to redo the procedure.” I thought, there is no way that’s going to happen. After what seemed like an extremely

long 30 minutes, facing downward on a hard table, arms stretched above my head with my breasts hanging in openings, I some how survived this procedure without a glitch. I was afraid to move! Results proved favorable. Another breather. Good news. Cancer is contained in one spot – less than an inch in size AND diagnosed as EARLY stage one! While there’s definitely a long and surely challenging process about to unfold, I’ve been given huge encouragement and reassurance that the prescribed treatment will result in eliminating the cancer. Patience is now about to become my most critical asset. I was consumed by emotion. The uncertainty over how I would handle this journey became real. The horror stories I had heard over the years of nausea, fatigue and digestive problems filled me with anxiety. Will these side effects affect me? Will I be fighting against forces over which I have no control? Will I rise above a temporary roadblock by focusing on the journey’s end? Obviously, these questions can only be answered over time. The good news is that my journey will be well orchestrated. There is support, new information, resources and a system of time-tested and proven procedures every step of the way. While curing my cancer is not a full time job, it might as well be. There are appointments to schedule,

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overwhelming forms to complete, approvals to obtain, and informative reading to do all while still maintaining a positive attitude and one’s sanity. Next stop is the Oncologist! At this point, I think I need to pause for a moment and share what’s going on in our household with my husband, Phil, and I. Overhearing a recent conversation with a dear friend, Phil said, “We need to talk about something.” Well, I’ve often said that to him (Haven’t we all said, “We need to talk?”) This was his turn and I listened with overwhelming gratitude. The conversation went something like this: Remember, what is about to unfold is not your journey, It’s is OUR journey! We have always traveled together and this trip is no different. We will be together every step of the way. I will love you during your good days and I will love you during your not so good days. I will love you with or without hair. I will love you no matter where this detour takes us. Together, we will share and celebrate your progress as you return to optimum health.”

her suggested course of action. First step in the treatment would be a series of 8 chemo sessions with a minimum of 14 days or more between each one. The day after each session I would have to return to the Cancer Center for an injection to ensure stability of white blood cells to protect against infection. And, so it will be, every two to three weeks for a total of 16+ weeks. Then surgery. Then radiation. Oh, I might add – prior to all this, an EKG to insure my heart can handle the series and minor surgery to insert a ‘port’ which will serve as a ‘permanent’ spot for chemo infusion. The port prevents my having to be needled each visit. Who knew there would be so many steps involved?

“The good news is that my journey will be well orchestrated. There is support, new information, resources and a system of time-tested and proven procedures every step of the way. ”

Of course, I was in tears after he finished. It just felt reassuring that Phil and I will continue to share all the peaks and valleys of life and that this journey is only a temporary setback and will eventually have a positive ending. Our love, trust, and commitment to each other doesn’t need testing or strengthening. It’s already unbreakable. We will get through this, Period! Now, let’s get back to the Oncologist. She made us very comfortable and during our hour consultation, she reviewed all of my reports and my tests. We asked a lot of questions and she gave us answers and her recommendations. While not easy to hear, clearly, the time we spent was necessary for us to understand, acknowledge, agree and accept

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To continue to read Bonnie’s Cancer journey copy the link to your browser and download the free eBook

Bonnie Ross-Parker, Founder - DFTBA www.XperienceConnections.com http://xperienceconnections.com/women-make-ithappen/ www.BonnieRossParker.com www.YourLearningLibrary.com www.BonnieAndPhil.com 404-849-3767 The journal of my cancer journey can be downloaded here: www.BonnieRossParker.com/discovery-andrecovery

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Consider This

I JUST CAN’ T LORD! I JUST CAN’ T! BY VANDERBILT BRABSON III, AUTHOR 16 “Each year every man in Israel must celebrate these three festivals: the Festival of Unleavened Bread, the Festival of Harvest, and the Festival of Shelters. On each of these occasions, all men must appear before the LORD your God at the place he chooses, but they must not appear before the LORD without a gift for him. 17 All must give as they are able, according to the blessings given to them by the LORD your God. … Deuteronomy 16:16-17

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In the sixteen chapter of Deuteronomy, God commanded that each Jewish male attend and celebrate three different feasts: 1) the Feast of Passover [Unleavened Bread], 2) the Feast of Pentecost [Weeks or Harvest], and 3) the Feast of Tabernacles [Shelters or Booths]. God commanded that each of these three feasts [festivals] be celebrated three times annually at a place He would choose. Ultimately the place God chose was Jerusalem. Additionally, God commanded that each male attending each of the three feasts was commanded

to give a free-will offering, and the amount given needed to be based primarily on how God had enabled and blessed the individual giver. Such requirements were spiritual disciplines and positive practices that centered around making and keeping God first in the hearts of the people. Let’s take a brief look at why each of these three feasts were celebrated: The Jewish Passover Feast is a holiday commemorating the Hebrews’ liberation from slavery in Egypt and the

“passing over” of the destroyer and the sparing of the firstborn of the Israelites, when the Lord “smote the land of Egypt” on the eve of the Exodus. On these seven (or eight) days of this Passover feast, all leaven, whether in bread or other mixtures, was prohibited. Only unleavened bread (called matzo), was allowed to be eaten. The matzo symbolized both the Hebrews’ suffering while in Egyptian bondage and the haste with which the Jews left Egypt during the course of their Exodus. The Passover feast is also sometimes referred to as the Festival of Unleavened Bread. The Jewish Feast of Pentecost (also called the Feast of Weeks and of Harvest) as described in Acts 2 was a fulfillment of Jesus’ words (John14:16-17) regarding the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon His disciples. Therefore, the descent of the Holy Spirit on that particular day to indwell all believers (those who genuinely had placed their faith in Jesus Christ), means that the Mosaic Law, given by the Lawgiver and honored on the Jewish feast day of Pentecost, had literally been fulfilled as promised. The Jewish Feast of Tabernacles (also known as the Feast of Sukkot, or the Feast of Booths) commemorates the years that the Jews spent traveling in the desert on their way to the Promised

Land. It is a celebration of the way in which God protected them under those very difficult desert conditions. Paul in the book of Colossians 2:16-17 declared, 16 So don’t let anyone condemn you for what you eat or drink, or for not celebrating certain holy days or new moon ceremonies or Sabbaths. 17 For these rules are only shadows of the reality yet to come. And Christ himself is that reality. According to Greg Koukl, President of Stand to Reason, there is not a more perfect picture of the person and work of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, than these three feasts [festivals]: Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles. Jesus Christ was actually crucified on the very day of Passover, which certainly revealed the significant spiritual meaning of this celebrated feast. John the Baptist declared Jesus Christ to be the Lamb of God who would remove the sin of the world (John 1:29). Likewise, Jesus Christ was the personification of the Unleavened Bread in that He was sinless and had never surrendered to the leaven of sin (1 Peter 2:22). Jesus was the bread of life who came down from heaven to give everlasting life to

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all who would believe upon Him (John 6:33, 41, 50). Lastly, Jesus was also the first-fruits of the resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:23) who brought fulfillment to the Festival of First-fruits when He resurrected on the very day of that festival following His crucifixion. And fifty days after His resurrection, Jesus imparted the gift of the Holy Spirit to His believers (Luke 24:49). The truth revealed in these Jewish feasts of Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles, speaks loudly even to each of us who are non-Jewish Christians. Personally, my life prior to trusting Jesus Christ for the remission of my sin, was truly a mess. I am not saying I was a thief, hoodlum, liar, drunkard, or a number of other things that society looks down upon. But I definitely was a sinner just like all others born in sin (Psalm 51:5)! Therefore, when asked by some to describe who I was prior to coming to faith in Jesus Christ, I emphatically respond, “I was a fool, a moron, an idiot, and an imbecile—seriously!” And in spite of who I once was, like countless others, God showered me with His mercy and saved me by His amazing grace alone, through faith alone (which He gave me), in Jesus Christ alone. Whenever I share my testimony with others, I never portray myself as a victim or a hero. There is only one hero, and He came to suffer and die on a cross at Calvary to provide remission of sin for all who have and will trust in His substitutionary death. And from the very moment I, and others, who have sincerely and truthfully placed our faith in Jesus’ substitutionary death at Calvary (as signified in the celebration of the Jewish Feast of Passover), the Death Angel passes us by. Why? Because seeing Jesus Christ’s blood upon the lintel and the two side posts of the hearts of all of us who have and will truly trust Jesus Christ as Savior, the Death Angel [the Destroyer] passes over us (ref. Exodus 12:23). Therefore, as genuine Christians we need never fear the second death (which is reserved for all who will stand before the Great White Throne judgment of God), having their names omitted from the Book of Life. You may ask why will their names be omitted from the Book of Life? Also, why will they be standing before the Great White Throne Judgment? It is because of their willful rejection of the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ at

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Calvary for the remission of their sin (Revelation 20:11-15). However, the gloriously great news is this—just as it was on the celebrated day of the Jewish Feast of Pentecost (Acts 2) when the Holy Spirit indwelled and empowered these first New Testament believers, the very moment you and I personally and genuinely repent and trust Jesus Christ as Savior for the remission of our sin, 1) the Holy Spirit immediately indwells us, 2) we immediately receive eternal life, and 3) we are endued with the Holy Spirit’s power to live a life that brings glory and honor to the name of our Lord. Also, just as it was with the celebrated Jewish Feast of Tabernacles (or Booths), which commemorated God’s calling of the Jews out of the land of Egypt (which was no longer to be their home), and their forty-year march through the desert to the promised land, likewise, when you and I become Christians, this world is no longer our home. We are just simply passing through as we look forward to our glorious eternal abode which we inherit in our glorified bodies (I Corinthians 15:42; 50, 53-54). Let me reiterate, the three required Jewish feasts (Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles) were spiritual disciplines and positive practices that centered around making and keeping God first in the hearts of the Jewish people. However, the New Testament Church is made up of both Jewish and Gentile Christians who have come to faith in Jesus Christ. Furthermore, the New Testament Church does not celebrate the feasts of Passover, Pentecost, or Tabernacles. Therefore, one may ask, so what spiritual disciplines and positive practices is the New Testament Church taught and encouraged by the holy scriptures to follow which are centered around making and keeping God first in our hearts as New Testament believers? Let’s identify at least three we should all be familiar with: 1) Christians coming together regularly for corporate worship, praise and fellowship (Hebrews 10:25). Why? In order that through our Biblically-centered and Spiritindwelled and empowered lives God will be glorified, the body of believers edified, and the unredeemed evangelized. 2) Regular personal and private devotions consisting of Bible reading and

prayer. Why? Jesus encourages us to personally keep persisting earnestly in prayer before our Heavenly Father. In fact, Jesus encourages us to keep asking, keep seeking, and keep knocking in prayer before God (Matthew 7:7-12). In doing so; however, one must also understand that the purpose of prayer is never to get your or my will done, but God’s will done in earth, in and through us, as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10). 3) Tithing and offerings. Just as each Jewish male was commanded to observe these three Jewish feasts [Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles] three times annually, it was also commanded during each of these three celebrations that “Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the LORD your God which He has given you [Deuteronomy 16:17].” One may argue, “Although I am a Christian, I’m not a Jew; therefore, that command regarding Jewish offerings in Deuteronomy 16:17 does not apply to me nor the amount of offering I give. Understood! However, please understand that when it comes to the issue of offerings in the New Testament church body, in order to meet the financial and ministry needs of the global New Testament church (which is made up of both Jewish and non-Jewish believers), consider the following and similarly inspired words of Paul: “1Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given order to the churches

of Galatia, even so do ye. 2 Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come.” 1 Corinthians 16:1-2. Again, I am not saying nor implying there are only three spiritual disciplines and positive practices regarding New Testament Christians (both Jewish and non-Jewish) taught and encouraged by the holy scriptures that are centered around making and keeping God first in the hearts of New Testament believers? However, of these three mentioned above, I want to share a personal example regarding one of them—the tithe. At the age of twenty-eight, I became a new believer by trusting Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord. Almost immediately after becoming a Christian, I searched out and joined a local Baptist assembly. I truly, as I do now, wanted to live a life pleasing to God in His strength and His wisdom. However, prior to becoming a Christian, as a young man having graduated college and being gainfully employed, I had gotten myself into quite a bit of debt. This was largely due to sports cars, credit-card spending on clothes (especially suits), and contracting carpenters, plumbers and other laborers to assist me in building my own singleman residence with money I had borrowed to pay for labor and materials. ordinarypeoplemagazine | 45

Therefore, as a new Christian, earnestly seeking to be obedient to my Lord, I found myself deeply convicted regarding my inability to tithe. Of course, not that it actually was happening, but it seemed to me that every sermon preached on Sundays heralded my scriptural responsibility to tithe. I was deeply convicted. I struggled emotionally and spiritually both day and night because I had no desire to displease God and disobey His holy word. Unable to take it any longer, I initiated a private meeting with my Pastor and told him my dilemma. I explained to him that I truly wanted to tithe, but “I am so in debt, I just can’t. I just can’t tithe!” Furthermore, during this period of my life, my debt forced me to learn to do without a number of things initially, such as skipping lunches. Sometimes at work I’d sit at my desk and be so hungry, I could imagine seeing light bread getting away on crutches! Finally, I was able to survive off a daily lunch diet of bananas and peanut butter sandwiches. Not to mention, I also had to give up dating as well because of the expense associated with taking a lady to dinner and a movie. After patiently listening and agreeing with me that I truly did have a serious financial problem, my pastor leaned forward in his seat, looked me straight in the eyes and lovingly told me my real dilemma wasn’t my finances. My real dilemma, according to him, was my unwillingness to allow God to be Lord over my finances. He told me I needed to put God first in every area of my life, and to start faithfully paying my tithes based on my gross income. I quickly agreed and that is exactly

what I did immediately beginning the upcoming Sunday. And since that Sunday so long ago, I have never stopped paying my tithes plus additional love offerings. Within a few short months following my meeting with the pastor —praise God—my finances became manageable, and I was able to finally stop packing my workplace desk drawer with bread, bananas, and jars of peanut butter. Hallelujah! I discovered quickly what a mighty God we serve when I willingly trusted Him! To be completely honest, I actually like bananas and peanut butter, but I’m no longer forced to eat them as my only option. “When I pray, I talk to God, but when I read the Bible, God is talking to me … I believe we should know better how to pray if we knew our Bibles better.” – D.L. Moody Dwight Lyman Moody (February 5, 1837 – December 22, 1899), also known as D. L. Moody, was an American evangelist and publisher connected with Keswickianism, who founded the Moody Church, Northfield School and Mount Hermon School in Massachusetts (now Northfield Mount Hermon School), Moody Bible Institute and Moody Publishers © October 2021 Vanderbilt Brabson III, Author ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

“Guys…this is Missile Morgan” Seeking to overcome the scars from her abusive, alcoholic father, Jesse Cartwright, Anthony’s best friend from childhood, is determined to make something of her life. Tomboyish in every way, at times her stubbornness puts her in direct conflict with Anthony’s other friends. A born fighter, she ultimately proves to be tougher than every boy in the neighborhood and the only friend Anthony can really count on. As Anthony battles his inner demons in his march toward glory, and Jesse struggles through her own personal tragedies and loss, their paths grow apart. Eventually the two dis- cover their lives are somehow intertwined and neither will truly realize his or her dreams without the other. Surpassing the expectations his father had for him, Anthony Morgan is poised to be the biggest phenomenon baseball has seen in years. Anthony’s future is set. He has worked hard for it, dreamed about it all his life, and can practically taste it! However, what Anthony could not foresee was the untimely death of his father—his mentor and hero. This tragedy started a downward spiral of bad decisions, which ultimately threaten Anthony’s life and future in baseball. Beyond the Lies is as captivating as The Natural, as compelling as Love Comes Softly, and at times as humorous as Diary of a Mad Black Woman. It’s a coming of age story that will appeal to the young and old, the sports enthusiast, the romantic, those gripped by human tragedy, and those who celebrate the triumph of the human spirit. Author Mr. Vanderbilt Brabson, III https://beyondthelies-theboo.com https://www.amazon.cm/Vanderbilt-Brabson-III/e/ B004DWVNW?ref=dbs_p_pbk_r00_abau_000000 See the book Trailer at https://www.vanderbiltbrabsoniii.com

Small Business Corner

Your Fi nishing To u che s BY TRACEE RANDALL

Who wants to do real estate and flip a house? The answer to that question is, “Everyone!” I first heard these words in January of 2017 at a Financially Empowered Women’s Event that my business partner, Carol Neal and myself had hosted. Carol and I have many ways of helping empower women in business, and this event was designed to help women learn ways to create multiple streams of income. One of the categories was real estate, of which I knew very little at the time. As I listened to the speaker, an experienced and successful

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investor in the Atlanta area, my mind began to explode with the possibilities, and at 58-years-old I knew that I WANTED to do just that--- flip a house! After being mentored for a couple of months by the investor who spoke at the event, my husband and I jumped in with both feet—purchasing a property with the intention of rehabbing it or “flipping” it. It was a difficult project (although we didn’t know it at the time) and as I walked the property with the General Contractor who had been referred to us, I began to realize that I had

a “natural eye” and creativity for design. That first GC was a total screw up, and after months of watching our property sit with little or no progress, we knew it was time to take more action ourselves and learn more. I began driving through downtown Atlanta, walking properties that were in all stages of progress. Being a female investor unafraid to walk into a property mid-rehab was quite unusual, but I found that the on-site crews were more than willing to brag on their work, to answer my many questions, and to allow me to follow up with the projects they were working on. I collected names and phone numbers, and an inventory of crews who could do everything necessary for a successful flip, and learned. And learned. I learned what to do, but mostly I learned what not to do! I learned terms that were foreign to me, scope

of work, architectural plans, structural engineer, rough-in, hard money—and then the pricing of materials—sheetrock, insulation, 2x4s (did you know they aren’t really 2 feet by 4 feet?), subfloor, paint, bathtubs, vanities—all the things necessary for a successful investment property. After 6 months we were ready to purchase another property, but knew we needed a network to help make that become a reality. My husband and I attended a free real estate event one weekend, learned a lot, but knew that there was still so much we didn’t know, so we took advantage of the company’s offer to attend a 2-day event, where they would dive deeper. By this point I was hooked! Prior to this I owned a women’s networking organization and event service, was a business coach to women entrepreneurs, taught group classes to women on how to succeed in business and mindset, and was the successful ordinarypeoplemagazine | 49

co-author of 4 books, one a national best-seller. I spoke at women’s events dressed for success—in business attire and high heels, so this transition was quite dramatic—I went from high heels to “cute boots” and soon earned the title of “Cute Boots on the Ground”. The event led me to a huge network of investors from around the country, and many were interested in flipping in the Atlanta area, but lived thousands of miles away. I built relationships with many of them, but settled in with a powerful business partner who resides in Arizona—he had successfully flipped 1 property in Atlanta, but wanted to do more and needed, well, #CuteBootsOnTheGround to run the rehab process. We bought a property together (he’s a master negotiator!) and we were on our way to our first flip! If I told you everything worked smoothly for us it would be a huge lie, and unrealistic—we experienced setbacks, challenges, many issues too numerous to name, but we got through it! When the time came to list, my business partner instructed me to find a great home-stager so that we could achieve the maximum return on our investment—at this point I knew nothing about stagers or staging, or the “why” of it all, but of course I trusted my business partner and did as I was instructed. My husband and I watched as our flip house was transformed as the stager decorated it from top to bottom. I immediately understood the value of staging—but also itched to finish another one because I had something else in mind! Together we purchased several more houses, I not only learned about “hard money”, I flew to Austin, Texas to partner up with a national hard money lender, and began educating other investors on the “draw” process (how you extract money from the hard money lender based on rehab work being done) and how to prepare a scope of work that allows the rehab to be completed on a more timely basis. After completing our 2nd flip house, I announced that I wanted to stage it myself and that’s exactly what I did! I will admit, what the previous stager made look “easy” wasn’t easy at all, and it took 3 full days to stage my first property! But I was enamored with the process!! I began collecting

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furniture and accessories and at first staged only my properties--- they sold quickly, I got lots of great feedback from real estate agents on the staging, which encouraged me to offer my services outside of our portfolio. Our staging business, Your Finishing Touches, has grown over the last 2 years. We not only work with investors, but homeowners and real estate agents at every level and size of home. I absolutely love staging for seniors who have lived in their homes for many years and need updating in order to secure the best price for their home! I love staging “problem” properties for investors who may have missed the mark on the finishes or the design….helping them recoup their investment in this powerful industry! And our services have grown as we have seen the needs and problems that investors face. We offer full-service design packages and help with the rehab. Those crews I met along the way have partnered with us so we can offer investors (and homeowners!) honest and dependable rehab and/ or handyman services. Our rates are investorfriendly, because we truly do understand what they are going through—especially those “first time” investors with big dreams like me. That first house we bought? We never finished it. That’s the truth of the matter. It was a lesson learned and very common in this industry. We had to let it go and it hurt more than you can imagine. But we never let that unsuccessful experience stop us from going for it! That failure didn’t define us, it empowered us to build something that we are very passionate about and very proud of. It has fueled us to help others avoid those same pitfalls, and it gives us a sense of pride to know that we have done just that! Tracee Randall / Owner/CEO Tracee Randall Your Finishing Touches https://www.facebook.com/ TraceeRandallRealEstate/ Tracee@TraceeRandall.com Instagram: Tracee Randall Real Estate 770-453-2510 Your Finishing Touches

Inspirational Words

P SALM 100 Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.

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FROM WITHIN... BY VERNA V. NICKELBERRY First let me thank each of you for all of love and support of ORDINDAY PEOPLE magazine. This year truly had is challenges and setbacks, but we continue to move forward. As we are leaving 2021 behind and looking toward 2022, I pray that in the upcoming year you will take advantage of all of the opportunities that it will bring. I want you to focus on the good, be happy in the moment, take a much need vacation, if only in your own city! Try something new, create some new memories, take up a new hobby, whatever it may be enjoy life a little more. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy and Prosperous New Year, from my family to yours!

And as always, Love, Peace, and Increase… Verna V. Nickelberry

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