Ordinary People Magazine | Vol. 15 | Issue 47

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Dr. Laticia Nicole Beatty Author, Speaker, Coach Taloris Hood Gospel Hip Hop Artist “HOODchic” Through Tragedy, Truth, Triumph Beauty & Blessings Come Pt 3

3rd Quarter 2024 |Vol. 15 | ISSUE 47

From With In

Recently I had a conversation with two of my grandchildren on being responsible for their actions, and not to blame others for the choices that they make. I wanted to teach them a lesson that’s important for everyone – young or old. We all make choices in life, which is a part of growing up, but we must learn to take responsibility for our choices. During our conversation I explained to them that they must take ownership of the decisions, actions, and the consequences of their behavior as this is part of being responsible. Many time I’ve seen adults blame others for the decisions that they made, with a “I would not have done…, if you had not been so…,” but, no matter what one may do or not do, as an individual, you and only you are the sole person responsible for your actions! Being responsible builds trust, character, and integrity. It's ok to explain problems or challenges, but not us use them as excuses. It is said that…” Excuses only satisfy the person who gives them.” Everyone make mistake, but the real flex is learning from and growing from them!

And as always, Love, Peace, and Increase… Verna V. Nickelberry

Departments Verna V. Nickelberry Contributing writers Jeanette Chestnut-Chester Paola Tennon Photographer Kimberly tylor Ordinary People Magazine is a quarterly publication produce in print and digital form. You can find the printed version at www.magcloud.com and the digital version at www.issuu.com O.P. Magazine Mail 2624 Santa Monica Dr. Atlanta, GA 30318

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Cover Story Dr. Laticia Nicole Beatty 12

Inspirational Words Isaiah 61: 10 41

Your parac For Your Health

Just To Encourage You The Book of Obadiah 18

The Health Effects of Negativity 24 Small Business Corner 36 From With In 3

Word Search 23

Miracles And Blessings Who Would Have Thought? Part Three 30



18 30


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Cover Story

Dr. Laticia Nicole Beatty, entrepreneur, speaker, and mentor deeply committed to empowering women and girls while also advocating for the elderly. My journey includes founding a non-profit organization dedicated to providing essentials for the elderly, reflecting my passion for serving and uplifting others. Having owned and operated a 120-bed assisted living community, I intimately understand the needs of the elderly and strive to ensure they receive the care and dignity they deserve. My mentoring and coaching focus on helping women and girls conquer fears and realize their full potential, particularly in entrepreneurship and personal growth. My approach is shaped by personal experiences, including overcoming shyness and self-doubt, and professional achievements as a best-selling author and international speaker. I'm dedicated to serving others with authenticity and compassion, making a difference in the lives of women, girls, and the elderly through my work. Being diagnosed with dyslexia and being placed in remedial classes in college was definitely a challenge for me. At first, it felt like a barrier that could hold me back, especially when I saw others moving forward without similar hurdles. However, I refused to let it define me or limit my potential. Instead, I used it as a catalyst for growth and transformation. I embraced my dyslexia as a unique aspect of who I am, rather than a limitation. It taught me the importance of perseverance and resilience. I learned to approach challenges with a mindset of determination, knowing that with hard work and dedication, I could overcome any obstacle in my path. Through dedication and hard work, I not only excelled in my studies but also developed a deep sense of self-belief and confidence. This experience taught me that challenges are not roadblocks but opportunities for growth and self-discovery. It has shaped me into the person I am today, a strong, determined individual who is passionate about helping others overcome their own obstacles and achieve their dreams. Graduating with my Bachelor of Science in Nursing was a significant milestone for me. It was a moment of immense pride and accomplishment, knowing that I had achieved a goal that required dedication, hard work, and perseverance. This accomplishment laid the foundation for my future endeavors and instilled in me a sense of confidence in my abilities. Earning my Master's in Business Administration further solidified my passion for entrepreneurship and business leadership. It was a challenging yet rewarding experience that equipped me with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in the business world. This accomplishment opened up new growth opportunities and allowed me to expand my impact in the entrepreneurial community. Overall, my goal is to be a source of inspiration and empowerment for women everywhere, encouraging them to embrace their unique gifts and talents and pursue their passions with confidence and courage.

“Empowering Through SpeakLife”, enter the world of Dr. Laticia Nicole, where the power of words creates waves of transformation and now, having defended her dissertation for her Doctoral degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Entrepreneurship from Walden University. I am able to help others achieve their dreams too. This accomplishment represents years of hard work, dedication, and a relentless pursuit of knowledge. It is a testament to my commitment to personal and professional growth and a reminder that with determination and perseverance, anything is possible. I aim to inspire and uplift other women through my actions and achievements by being a living example of what is possible when you believe in yourself and your dreams. I strive to show women they can overcome any obstacle, no matter how daunting it may seem, and achieve their goals with determination and perseverance. I also seek to inspire women by sharing my journey openly and honestly, including the challenges I've faced and how I've overcome them. By being vulnerable and transparent, I hope to show other women that they are not alone in their struggles and that there is always a way forward. Additionally, I aim to uplift women by creating a supportive and empowering community where they can connect, learn, and grow together. Through my work as a mentor and coach, I provide women with the tools, resources, and guidance they need to navigate their own paths to success. inspires souls to reach new heights. As the visionary behind “SpeakLife”, her renowned brand, Dr. La’Ticia embodies the essence of an entrepreneur aligned with her divine assignment. She is a trailblazer in multiple industries, leaving an indelible mark as an author, captivating speaker, nursing home facility owner, travel agent, and the proud proprietor of an online boutique that curates inspirational women's health products, collections, and gifts. Dr. Laticia Nicole is a visionary and an innovator. Her commitment to entrepreneurship goes hand in hand with her mission to empower others, creating a ripple effect of positive change in the world. With each business or nonprofit venture, she undertakes, Dr. Laticia embraces the opportunity to touch lives, leaving a mark on all those who encounter her unique brand of inspiration. Book Dr. Laticia for your next event and let her ignite a fire of inspiration within your audience. She has the power to make hearts soar, instilling unwavering hope and empowering individuals to conquer their fear and be in alignment with their God-given assignment! I am a transformation coach for women entrepreneurs, teaching Kingdom Principles. I'm also the CEO and founder of a non-profit organization that feeds and clothes the elderly. My passion lies in helping women and girls conquer their fears to fulfill their potential, and I serve as a motivational and

inspirational speaker and minister of the word of God. What piqued my interest in my business was a deep desire to help women and girls overcome their fears and fulfill their potential. Seeing my grandmother's selfless dedication to helping others also inspired me to make a difference, especially in caring for the elderly. As for my success, I attribute it to my unwavering faith in God, who has guided me every step of the way. I also believe that my ability to connect with people on a deep level and my determination to never give up, even in the face of challenges, have been key factors in my journey. When clients work with me, they can expect a transformative experience. I provide personalized coaching and mentoring, tailored to their specific needs and goals. I guide them through a journey of self-discovery, helping them to unlock their full potential and overcome any obstacles in their path. I am dedicated to their success and am committed to providing them with the tools, support, and encouragement they need to thrive. One thing that sets me apart is my holistic approach to coaching and mentoring. I don't just focus on the surface-level issues; I delve deep into the core of my clients' being to help them discover their true potential and purpose. My processes are designed to be comprehensive and transformational, guiding clients through a journey of self-discovery, healing, and growth. Additionally, my products and services are carefully curated to provide clients with everything they need to succeed, from practical tools and resources to spiritual guidance and support. My superpower is my ability to Glory,' where the co-authors will have the opportunity to share their stories internationally in Jamaica. This event aims to inspire others to believe in themselves and their ability to overcome obstacles, showing that they can do all things through faith and perseverance. The cruise will not only be a platform for the co-authors to share their stories but also a transformative experience for all attendees. It will be a journey of empowerment, encouragement, and enlightenment, reminding everyone that they have the power to write their own stories of triumph and glory. I am excited to see the impact this event will have and look forward to empowering others to believe in themselves and their dreams. inspire and motivate others. This superpower is instrumental in my work as a transformation coach and motivational speaker. It enables me to uplift and empower those around me, guiding them to overcome their fears and achieve their goals. My superpower creates a ripple effect, positively impacting the lives of many and helping them to discover their true potential.

(Connect with Dr. Laticia

Nicole on her website. www.LaticiaNicole.com Laticia@LaticiaNicole.com)

Just To Encourage You A Little Bit of Encouragement Dr. Jeanette Chestnut Chester Obadiah: what do we know about this minor prophet? The book of Obadiah is a very short book of the Old Testament; it is indeed the shortest Old Testament book; however, it is a very significant book. The name Obadiah means Servant of Yahweh. Therefore, we can conclude that Obadiah served the Lord as His Prophet carrying out the will of the Lord in the land. Obadiah is charged with announcing the destruction of Edom. The Lord is very displeased with the Edomites because of their treatment of the Israelites, especially since they were related. Their crime was selling their own relatives into slavery. The Book of Obadiah is split into four parts: (1.) Edom’s humiliation (2.) The crowning sin of Edom (3.) The future visitation of Edom in the Day of the Lord and (4) The inclusion of Edom in the future kingdom. This is especially interesting, considering the vision that the Lord has given to the Prophet Obadiah concerning Edom. The destruction levied at Edom was due to the injuries inflicted on the Jews by the Edomites. The trouble against Jerusalem came by the hands of the Philistines and the Arabians, the Edomites took sides against Jerusalem in their distress, and this caused the punishment of the Lord to be their portion. The Edomites were descendants of Esau. We remember Esau as the twin brother to Jacob, and the one who was favored by his father Isaac. We also remember his as foolishly selling his birthright for a bowl of stew. We also remember him as receiving the lesser blessing from Isaac due to the deception of his mother Rebekah, involving tricking the nearly blind Isaac. However, can we say that this is part of the reason for the animosity toward the Jews from the descendants of Esau? Could it be that there was a remanent that still held anger toward Jacob because of Esau? It could be that there was a fraction that did not get the memo that the brothers reconciled, and forgiveness was granted. This brings me to the second part which is the crowning sin of Edom. Remember Edom was an ancient kingdom that is mainly associated with Esau and his descendants in the Bible. Being descendants of Abraham, the Edomites were related to the Israelites. But they did not always act as brothers. And the result was that the Day of the Lord was visited upon them from the prophecy delivered through Obadiah. Edom's violence is against Jacob in Obadiah Chapter 1:10- we see what the Lord says: 10. Because of the violence done to your brother Jacob, shame shall cover you, and you shall be cut off forever.

11. On the day that you stood aloof, on the day that strangers carried off his wealth and foreigners entered his gates and cast lots for Jerusalem, you were like one of them. 12. But do not gloat over the day of your brother in the day of his misfortune; do not rejoice over the people of Judah in the day of their ruin; do not boast in the day of distress. 13. Do not enter the gate of my people in the day of their calamity; do not gloat over his disaster in the day of his calamity; do not loot his wealth in the day of his calamity. 14. Do not stand at the crossroads to cut off his fugitives; do not hand over his survivors in the day of distress. Their action of being “aloof” reflected their hearts, saying, in effect, "Do not confuse us with them!" It indicates an attitude of great superiority, of haughty pride and separation. Thus, instead of standing with Israel in her defense, they stood aside and let the enemy do what it would. Edom did not behave as a brother nation should have. Even had the Edomites not been directly engaged in the hostilities against Israel, this act alone reveals that their loyalties were solidly with Israel's enemy. The nation of Edom existed before the Israelites left Egypt, and the Lord commanded the Israelites not to attempt to take the land from the Edomites as they passed through, since He had given the land to Esau (Deuteronomy 2:1–5). Moses and the Israelites asked permission to cross through the land of Edom on their journey out of Egypt, but they were refused passage by the Edomite king (Numbers 20:14–21). From this point on in the Bible, Edom is mentioned as Israel’s enemy, and the two nations fought frequently. The book of Obadiah deals specifically with Edom’s judgment. The Edomites were proud (Obadiah 1:3), violent and apathetic to the destruction of Israel, and God promised a reckoning. After the Edomites were driven from their land by the Nabateans, they migrated to the southern part of Israel and became known as Idumeans. Much later in biblical history, Herod the Great, an Idumean, appears on the scene. It was Herod who tried to kill the infant Jesus in Bethlehem—through Herod, the rebellion of Edom continued. The third part is the future visitation of Edom in the Day of the Lord- Between Obadiah 11 and 14, a total of four verses, the phrase "in the day" or "on the day" occurs ten times. It acts as a kind of refrain in the prophet's song of lamentation over the nation of Edom. It repetitiously reminds us of a specific time when the Edomites' iniquity came to a head, sealing their fate. The Edomites had an opportunity to repent just as we all have, they chose to continue to walk in the way opposite of the Law of the Lord, thereby causing “visitation” from the Lord. For the Edomites this is a time of distress, calamity, captivity, and destruction. Finally, we see the inclusion of Edom in the future kingdom. Edom didn’t repent. Obadiah prophesies that Edom would be “small among the nations, utterly despised” (Obadiah 1:2); that Edom’s best-laid plans would come to naught, and that Edom would be completely destroyed: “‘The house of Esau will be stubble, and [the house of Jacob] will set it on fire and consume it. There will be no survivors from the house of Esau.’ The LORD has spoken.”

Inclusion in the future kingdom here does not mean that Edom nor anyone who does not repent and turn from the ways of the world will inherit eternal life, no this is not the gospel of inclusion. Inclusion here means the wicked who persecutes God’s people will not escape the “Day of the Lord.” Failure to help others when we have the ability to do so brings God displeasure. The Edomites inclusion was with those condemned not just for their harsh treatment of Judah but also for standing idly by while they were enslaved and attacked by the enemies of Jerusalem. The judgement was to be thorough and complete. Edom would be completely destroyed, made into stubble, never to rise again. Their inclusion was that they received just what they had given out. You may wonder if any of Edom survived, but the end of verse 18 says, "No survivor shall remain of the house of Esau. According to the Prophet Isaiah chapter 49:24 -26 The Lord speaks: 24.Can the plunder be snatched from the mighty, or the captives of a tyrant be delivered? 25.Indeed, this is what the LORD says: “Even the captives of the mighty will be taken away, and the plunder of the tyrant will be retrieved; I will contend with those who contend with you, and I will save your children. 26.I will make your oppressors eat their own flesh; they will be drunk on their own blood, as with wine. Then all mankind will know that I, the LORD, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.” Be encouraged in this: God will never allow us to be destroyed, He will never allow His servants and those who trust in Him solely to be put to shame or mistreated. The Lord will fight against those who fight against you. Our actions always carry consequences, so if you can “do good.” Psalm 37:27- Depart from evil and do good, so you will abide forever. Shalom Shalom.

And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it: because it will surely come, it will not tarry. HabakkuK 2:2

The Bible P




















































































































































































































































































































































For Your Health

The Health Effects of Negativity Paola Tennon, RN, BSN, MBA/HCA, CCM, Retired The Cambridge Dictionary defines negativity as an attitude that is not hopeful or enthusiastic. Similarly, negativism as defined on Merriam-Webster Dictionary website is an attitude of mind marked by skepticism especially about nearly everything affirmed by others; or a tendency to refuse to do, to do the opposite of, or to do something at variance with what is asked (1). This leads us to think about what causes us to become negative. Our thoughts are part of the human experience and can be either positive or negative. And our negative thoughts often carry more weight than our positive ones as suggested in a 2023 article in Psychology Today, (1a). It further states why we are hardwired with a negativity bias as a means of self-protection. This causes a heightened awareness of any sense of a threat to our well-being which has played a crucial part in our survival as a species. Unfortunately, when we allow these bias to overshadow the situation, they often work against us and leaves us feeling incapable, threatened, and unwilling to make a change. Our thoughts are our perceptions, opinions and or beliefs about ourselves and our life experiences. Repetitive thoughts are instrumental in how we form attitudes towards a particular thing, person, or situation and that leads to the formation of certain behaviors which can be either positive or negative. Statistics shows that, Excessive Negativity of the daily thinking yields a staggering 80% of which is contributed to negative thoughts. In addition, 95% of these thoughts are repeating themselves on a daily basis, (3). It doesn’t matter if our thoughts are positive or negative, our thoughts are powerful and can impact our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. The intent of this article is to bring awareness to how negativity can affect our health and its effects on our overall well-being. Throughout the years research has found that it may not be our negative emotions doing the harm but our reaction to them. Thoughts create emotions; thus, our emotions are our bodies reactions to our thoughts. Emotion is defined as a conscious mental reaction subjectively experienced as strong feelings usually directed toward a specific object and typically accompanied by physiological and behavioral changes in the body, (2). Negative emotions can include fear or anger, control or criticism, depression or low self-esteem, failure or shame, frustration, hopelessness or grief, guilt, jealousy, resentment, rejection or even hatred, just to name a few. Emotions can also be influenced by other factors such as cultural traditions, beliefs, genetics, physical conditions or our thoughts, (6). It is interesting how our emotions and thoughts can lead to negative attitudes and behaviors, which if not addressed, can escalate leading to bitterness that creates animosity.

This can ultimately intensify evolving into feelings of hatred toward whoever or whatever the case may be; as evident by the rise in hate crimes in the US and worldwide which suggests that this issue is as urgent as ever. These emotions can create chronic stress, which can disrupt the body’s hormone balance, damage the immune system, increase systemic inflammation, and deplete certain chemicals in the brain. Research has found that chronic stress shortens the “end caps” (telomeres) of our DNA and can essentially attribute to early aging and memory loss. Furthermore, poorly managed behaviors and hostility can develop into a plethora of health disorders, some of which include high blood pressure, heart disease, digestive disorders, infection, and mental health issues, (4). An article published in the National Library of Medicine in June of 2019; states that we must recognize negative thoughts just as breathing happens without our conscious control, negative thinking will always occupy a chamber of our minds. We can empower these thoughts, allowing them to undermine our mood, or we can recognize them for what they truly are—distortions conceived in emotional pain, (5). An evidence-based blog from Cornell University states that; having a positive mental state leads to better health, including lower blood pressure, a reduced risk for heart disease, and a greater chance of living longer. Negative emotions, in turn, activate our stress response; over time, this can lead to anxiety, depression, heart disease, or addiction. However, by recognizing the emotion, identifying the thought that is generating that emotion, and changing the negative thought, we will ultimately change the emotion.

The Biblical reference for this article is from the book of Obediah which speaks of two brothers, Jacob who was renamed Israel which became the nation of Israel, and Esau, the first born, who was renamed Edom which became the nation of the Edomites. They were fraternal twins. Esau was a skillful hunter and a man of the field, while Jacob was a mild man, one who dwells in tents. Issac, the father, favored Esau, however, Rebekah, the mother, favored Jacob. As a young man, Esau sold his birthright to his twin brother Jacob for a pot of porridge.

In biblical times, the birthright was considered special rights on the order of birth and inheritance which meant that the firstborn would receive a double portion of the father’s inheritance. Thus, Esau later sought to kill Jacob for tricking him out of Issac’s, their fathers' blessing. Years later the brothers reconciled, however Esau’s descendants the Edomites, became enemies of Israel and sought to destroy them. The health effects of negativity can be seen throughout the history of mankind and in many cases has yielded devastating effects. According to an October 2021 FBI report, Hate Crime Reports in the US surged to the highest level in 12 years, (6). Unfortunately, the trend has continued to rise and these negative influences continue to motivate people to choose behaviors that are harmful, unsafe, illegal, and disrespectful to others. These influences are unmistakable and can be found in daily news reports, political unrest events, distention in the churches, personal attacks, robbing, killing, scams and the list continues to grow. If we, as a society, continue to ignore these signs that are blatantly obvious, we are headed for total anarchy. There is an interesting book by Inna Segal which gives insight into the causes of negativity and how it affects our life. It yields some essential pointers to help in discovering how we can better understand our emotions and how to curtail our thought process for healthier outcomes, (7). In chapter 3 we find a section on understanding and healing emotions that cause disease. It essentially states that many of us unconsciously suppress unpleasant emotions as a protective defense mechanism for many reasons. The author further states that these suppressed emotions do not disappear but remain until they are recognized, acknowledge or released. Negativity causes increased stress which leads to the release of certain stress hormones, and when sustained; dense and heavy emotions can attribute to disease and disfunction. Research has shown that stress has both a physical (objective) and a psychological (subjective) component, (9). A Cleveland Clinic online reference states that Psychologists link negative thinking to depression, anxiety, chronic worry and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and they address some very pointed questions on how to turn around negative thinking, (8). Additionally, an article by Verywellmind gives some steps that can be utilized to change or get rid of negative thoughts. a. using mindfulness to build self-awareness, b. identifying negative thoughts, c. replacing negative thoughts with more realistic positive ones. d. practicing acceptance rather than trying to avoid or deny negative thoughts, e. learning to cope with feedback and criticism, and e. using a diary to track your thoughts, (resource 9). Music can also be beneficial in releasing pent-up or challenging feelings along with slow deep breathing which tends to relax us. To enhance healthy emotions, focus on positive things and make a conscious effort to replace those negative feelings with positive ones.

“Positive emotions lead to emotional resilience: Positive emotions have a scientific purpose—to help the body recover from the ill effects of persistent negative emotions. Thus, cultivating positivity over time can help us become more resilient in the face of crisis or stress”, (4). Examples of the Process of Identifying and Releasing Unhealthy Emotions: (Resource 7) 1. Fear comes in many different forms and it blocks people in an unrelenting cycle of negativity. It controls and prevents people from taking action over their lives, trusting themselves or others who have their best interest at heart, and it prevents them from achieving their goals. Fear also creates separation, impairs judgement, clouds thinking, blocks one’s ability to love or experience happiness and peace. 2 Timothy 1:7 - For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Isaiah 41:10 - Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. 2. Anger gives people a false sense of power, makes people think that it is alright to fight, criticize, hurt or treat others badly. Ephesians 4:31-32 admonishes us to; "Put away bitterness, wrath, and anger; be kind and forgiving." 3. Hopelessness can be the result of deep disappointment, betrayal, grief, failure, selfanger, an accident, major trauma, or a physiological condition; all of which can lead to unhealthy behaviors and physical illness. Romans 15:13 gives encouragement: “Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.” 4. Grief can be devastating to some and although it is an intricate part of the healing process, when suppressed it can have some devastating effects, such as, depression, hopelessness, blame, victimhood and physical illness or mental issues; thereby creating prolonged sadness and focus on the past, thereby limiting or keeping one from moving forward. Psalm 34:18 - "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." Ecclesiastes 3:1-4, "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven….”

The Process to Enhance Healthy Emotions (Resource 7) 1. Clarity: Seek clarity especially on things you do not understand or that you may not be quite sure about. This will free you from unnecessary worry or uncertainty. “Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore, get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.” (Proverbs 4:7 KJV). 2. Compassion: Rather than react negatively towards those who may cause you pain, show compassion. Ephesians 4:32 states; "And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you." 3. Strength: In order to strengthen your confidence and belief in yourself, focus on your strengths. "But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength." (Isaiah 40:31 KJV). 4. Encouragement: Focus on praise rather than criticism. Become aware of how you are thinking and focus on building your self-esteem. Be kind to yourself and others when mistakes are made and rather than criticizing, encourage. “May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had.” Romans 15:5 5. Forgiveness: When you forgive, you are forgiving and letting go of destructive emotions, pain or discomfort you are carrying. When you pray, call out the name or experience that is keeping you stuck in bondage. Pray that God will release all resentment, anger, hurt, and distrust. Ask for forgiveness for yourself, and or ask for help to help you to forgive others. Research shows that forgiveness helps us experience better mental, emotional and physical health, (4). “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.” Matthew 6:14 Faith: Hebrews 11:1 states; “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” When we have faith, we tune into the unseen world in which we have our being. When we have faith we do so without the ability of our five traditional human senses of taste, smell, touch, 1. hearing, or sight. Faith is confidence or trust in a person, thing, or concept. In the context of religion, faith is "belief in God or in the doctrines or teachings of religion". According to the Wikipedia web site. When we have faith we also have the courage to stand steadfast in whatever situation we are in. And finally, when we have faith we do not fear. All negativity is washed away, knowing that God will see us through as we trust in God and do not lean on our own understanding. And, with faith we have the courage to follow our dreams and make them come true.

References: 1. Negativism- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/negativism 1a. Why Our Negative Thoughts Are So Powerfulhttps://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/a-deeper-wellness/202309/why-ournegative-thoughts-are-so-powerful 2. Emotion- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/emotion 3. https://blog.myneurogym.com/new-study-you-have-6900-thoughts-a-day-dontmake-yours-negative/ 4. How Do Thoughts and Emotions Affect Health? https://www.takingcharge.csh.umn.edu/how-do-thoughts-and-emotions-affecthealth. Retrieved 7/19/2024 5. Your Best Life: Managing Negative Thoughts—The Choice is Yours, by John D. Kelly, IV, MD. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6554130/, retrieved 8/7/2024 6. Hate crime reports in US surge to the highest level in 12 years, FBI says https://www.cnn.com/2021/08/30/us/fbi-report-hate-crimes-rose-2020/index.html, retrieved 8/12/2024 7. Segal, I. (2010), The Secret Language of Your Body. Beyond Word. 8. How to Turn Your Negative Thinking Aroundhttps://health.clevelandclinic.org/turn-around-negative-thinking 9. The effects of chronic stress on health: new insights into the molecular mechanisms of brain–body communicationhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5137920/ RESOURCES: 1. Anger Management Test https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/tests/personality/anger-management-test 2. Find an Anger Management Therapist https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists?category=anger-management 3. Generalized Anxiety Disorder Testhttps://www.psychologytoday.com/us/tests/health/anxiety-test 4. Report a Hate Crime https://www.justice.gov/hatecrimes/report-a-hate-crime 5. How to Stop Negative Thoughts, (Getting off the Stinkin' Thinkin' Highway)https://www.verywellmind.com/how-to-change-negative-thinking-3024843 6. How to Let Go of Negative Thoughts: 4 Stepshttps://psychcentral.com/depression/letting-go-of-negative-thoughts 7. Positivity Test: https://www.positivityratio.com/single.php 8. Taking Charge of your well-being: https://www.takingcharge.csh.umn.edu/practices

Miracles& Blessings

Part 3

WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT? Through Tragedy, Truth, Triumph Beauty and Blessings Come By Susan Stewart

Take a breath, here goes: My dad had bought my mom out in the divorce and got the house back and moved out of his apartment. Moving back in with my dad with three little kids really wasn’t something I wanted to do. It was something I had to do to get myself together. To this day I don’t know how I did it. I went back to school had a full-time job and was a full time single mom of three kids. I had stayed in touch with the kid’s dad but knew after what we had gone through our marriage was over. So, we got divorced. He was ok for a while at least I thought he was. He had gotten his own place and I had moved out of dads and got my own. The boys wanted to visit him and sometimes spend the night. Then the boys said they wanted to stay with him for a little while. Again, I thought he was ok and not drinking. I found out much later that the boys had seen their dad go through convulsions from lack of alcohol when they were with them. To this day I feel so guilty and so bad for leaving my sons with their dad and for them having to go through what they saw at such young age. If I were my sons, I would have really hated my mom for putting me through all that. So, the boys came back, and the three kids were with me again. I had a great job at a law office, and we lived in a really nice apartment complex. We belonged to the boys and girls club, so the kids had a place to go after school and not be left alone. We did have a few good times at the boys and girls club. The kids and I joined the Karate classes. They all did quite well. I remember my oldest daughter even got on TV for a news story. She was so proud of herself in her little karate outfit. Times were tough trying to work and feed and clothe three kids on my own with no support from anyone. Oh, God how did I ever do it! I got into another bad relationship and that didn’t work out. Seems I was the one always looking for love in all the wrong places. I really couldn’t understand why I had such bad luck with men. I always ask myself is it me? Why do I always fail? My parents were unemotionally available to teach me what a good relationship was growing up. But you could say that was a good excuse. It was just the bad choices I made as an adult. Funny how we always want to blame our pasts or blame our parents for the mistakes that we make. And yes, our parents were not perfect and yes, our parents had a lot of faults. We know as adults and most children know what right is right and what is wrong is wrong. Later in life I had to learn that no matter what we went through with our parents it says in the Bible we must honor our mother and our fathers. It doesn’t say honor them if they gave you a good or bad life. Or if they were perfect parents or not. I just say honor them. This is something I had to work on for myself because I constantly was blaming my parents. I was so angry with my mom for some of the things that she

had done, that I chose not to have a relationship with her. I was the one that missed out on a lot. That is one thing I have to live with and ask for forgiveness for. Even though they went through some of the same tragedies, I still didn’t honor them for not being there when I needed them. Until I realized they were emotionally unavailable for me because they were drowned in their own sorry of losing two children. So, for not honoring my mom before she died, I am the one that has to repent and ask God for forgiveness on that one. Thank God I have the opportunity and through God’s grace my dad is still alive today and the age of almost ninety-two. We speak almost every day, and I am grateful we have talked. Even though my dad is an old stubborn man and so set in his ways. I try my best to love and respect him, even though he seems to always put me down for either my weight or for my past bad choices. One thing my dad never has done is said he was proud of me. Seems like nothing I did was good enough for him. All I wanted was one day to say I’m proud of how far you have come. He always seems to make jokes about it, and I figured out that he wasn’t good about showing his emotions. He never wanted us to see him cry. I guess you could say he is a proud man. I know that my bad choices I made in my life affected him too. Even though he wouldn’t admit it he was not happy with me. I always was looking in the wrong place and the wrong time for attention. I know now that I was looking for something in man that was always missing in my soul. A few years went by I believe it was about 1995. We were making it by the grace of God I guess you could say. I was working in a law office in San Diego, California for a personal injury Attorney. You know one of those car accident attorneys. I wore many hats in that office. From answering the phones to settling the property damage claims, to speaking with the adjusters and following up with the clients to make sure they were going to their doctor appointments etc. Then when I gained more experience in the office, I started putting demand letters together for the Attorney to settle the cases for the bodily injury part. Sometimes I felt that I was the one with the Attorneys license because I was doing just as much work on the cases as the Attorney. Sometimes, well most of the time I did more work on the files than he did. However, he did pay me very well I and I was grateful for that. One day a client came in with his dad. The son had been in a car accident, and they were looking for some representation. Of course, that was my job to do the intake and find out if the case was worth taking or not. To this day I wish we did not take the case and that they would have walked out the door. But we took the case and the more I spoke to the father about the case the more he started telling me about himself. I was single at that time, and he talked a good game and was sweet as pie. Oh, boy, in the next few paragraphs you will see how wrong I was to think that. The dad kept coming back and forth to the office day in and day out. At first, I didn’t pay any attention to it. But after a week or so I figured out he was trying to hit on me. And sure, enough he asked me out.

He was always a proud man. He ended up as a vegetable and had to wear diapers. He had no memory of any of us and he couldn’t talk or eat. Basically, a vegetable. His wife was horrible with the family at this time. She continued to act like he was normal parading him around Disneyland like he was a child in a diaper. I know my brother he would have not been happy at all with that. My brother and his wife were going through some hard times before his accident. He found out that she was a lesbian, and it broke his heart. He was already seeing a divorce attorney according to my dad. So, I believe, but don’t know for sure that was her way of coping with his disabilities, by acting like there was nothing wrong with him. Our family again suffered through another tragedy. My brother ended up dying due to complications with pneumonia. I was nine months pregnant at his funeral. My mom had a horrible time of losing her second child. She ended up drowning herself in alcohol. My mom and I didn’t see each other again for many years. Her family was very predigesting, and I was going to have a black child, so she disowned me at that time. Then things started to drastically change. I am trying my best to tell this story in the order in which it happen and remember. But kids, if I’m not correct in the order, please forgive me. I’m trying to do the best I can. I know this part of my kid’s life and mine was something I regret every day and feel guilty and ashamed about just telling the story. But I promised myself I would do the best I could of telling my truth. So, forgive me if I have left anything out or if I don’t or can’t remember. Some of my life was just too tragic and I feel that something’s are stuffed down so deep in my mind that they can’t come out. If that makes any sense to anyone. Something’s so dark they are just locked up in a vault somewhere in my head. I thank God for protecting me from going insane and it’s not time to unlock that vault until he feels I can handle it, have you ever heard the saying he only gives you what you can handle? After having Bridgette, I went back to work. He stayed at home until he had an assignment on the road. Needless to say, the devil came into my home while I was working. I was blinded and chose him over my kids. Yes, that’s right I chose the devil over my children. He started smoking crack in my home while I was working. When we were on the road before my baby, I would party a lot, drinking and doing cocaine as a social thing. My baby’s dad was the one who introduced me to drugs. I had never tried them before until he talked me into it. I never partied like we partied. You would have thought I would have known better at the age of thirty-five and a mom of three. My excuse of being a social drug user was, well I didn’t get to be wild or try different things right out of high school because I got married and had kids right away. What an idiotic person I was at that time. How dumb could I have been to follow a manipulator into doing something I really didn’t believe in? Did I need to be accepted and loved that bad? Thank God I did not have an addictive personality where I got stuck doing drugs all the time, I guess you could say I was a social user at parties. I did try them however when I was on the road, and I liked the feeling of the escape from my problems in my mind even though it was just for a little while. How could my kids ever forgive me for leaving them for my own social gain? How could I forgive myself? So, once I went back to work, I found out when I would

come home that he was doing drugs in the house while the kids were at school and I at work. I had asked him to stop. But of course, he didn’t. He would be in and out of the house coming and going at all hours of the night. I never got really sleep at that time. New baby, back to work and a drug attack in the house. It was awful. One of the biggest regrets are that my daughter told me he was sexually abusing her and at that time I choose not to believe her. I continue even now asking myself why I didn’t believe my child. Because after years had gone by, I discovered it was true. How do you tell your daughters you are sorry for the abuse and for their own mom not believing them, it was pure Hell for my kids. And I mean HELL. Some of the things I learned about later in life it took my breath away what happened to my kids. I don’t know if at that time I was going through postpartum or depression or just didn’t care anymore. I didn’t know how to defuse the situation. If I knew then what I know now. Things I believe would have been completely different. I didn’t know how to stop the madness. So, I decide to try and check out. I was done with everything the stress was too much on me. I remember I didn’t care anymore about life or myself or my kids. How awful for a mom to say that. I was sick and needed help. I had never gotten any help from all my previous tragedies as a young girl. In my head it was like a snowball that kept getting bigger. I was lost and confused and had no one or nothing to turn too. So, I took two handful of pills. To this day I can’t remember what they were, but I knew they were the kind if I took four of them, I would be dead. He had left the house and was gone for days so I had thought. I remember crawling on the floor reaching for a piece of paper to write help on the paper, then I was out cold. Later I found out that my oldest son put me on his shoulders and raced me to the hospital down the street. I don’t recall that because I was out. I remember waking up to someone yelling at me you dummy. I remember crying saying thank God it didn’t work. I had gotten help for my suicidal issue. Then a few months later he was still doing drugs in the home and at that time still abusing my daughter. One day after work I came home and there was a knock on the door. Yep CPS. Children Protection Services. They told me I had to have my baby’s dad move out of the house due to a report of molestation and watching porn and drug use by him in the house. Years later I had found out that during this time he had brought a 15-year-old girl in my house and got her pregnant. This was the same year my baby was born. And much to my surprise she had the child. I was in denial, didn’t want to believe it. I thought my kids were lying because they just didn’t like him. But I was dead wrong. He wasn’t home at the time that they came to the house. But he came home, and he would not leave. Instead of me calling the police to have him removed, I did nothing. So, about a week later or so I got a knock on the door it was the police and child protective services, I remember that I was breast feeding my baby and sitting in a rocking chair and they ripped her out of my arms and took all of the kids away and put them in a place called polinskies. It was a place where they placed children when they were not safe in their own homes. My heart literally fell to my feet as I couldn’t stop crying and screaming saying.” please don’t take them.” It was my fault because I didn’t call the police before to get my babies dad out. At that time, I choose him over my kids. What an idiot I was.

This is something I’m not sure if I can ever forgive myself for. I’ve asked for forgiveness from my kids and from God, but it’s something that haunts me to this day. So, the kids where there for a while I had to go through parenting classes to get them back and I had to separate from the baby’s dad. I thank God for my dad because he was the only one in the family that would take the kids and care for them. No one else was interested in helping. My mom was a prejudice woman, and my baby was a black child and the other three were Caucasian, so she wanted nothing to do with me or the kids at that time. So, I was grateful for my dad taking them and caring for them. My oldest son was in high school, and he went and stayed with his basketball coach at the time. So, dad had two and a baby. I had gotten visitation after I had gone through some classes. It was rough but honestly it was rougher on the kids. The baby got to come home after 6 months but the other two it took a long time. They grew a hatred for me which I do understand and didn’t blame them at that time. Their biological dad had passed away, so I was mom and dad. I betrayed them as a mom. Years went by, my oldest daughter ended up moving in with her best friend and never returned home to me. She was the one who endured the most abuse at that time. How could she trust her mom who didn’t believe her? I understood. All I could do is hope one day she would forgive me. My son came home eventually and stayed with me. The oldest went to live with my brother in Alaska. If I had known, then what I know now. You know the world of should of statement. I cannot make excuses for what was done I can only ask for forgiveness. I am the hardest person on me. I always felt like there’s no God like people were trying to tell me. Just believe in God and your life will change. I used to laugh and just say yeah right. I didn’t know how to believe and thought that I was cursed by the bad spirits. I felt as if there was a spell on me. At that time, I thought how could God if there is one forgive a sinner like me? (To Be Continue) I would like to dedicate this story to my children: Ian, Travis, Elizabeth, Bridgette

Small Business Corner

Taloris Hood “Hood Chic” Born and raised on the streets for Christ and didn’t even know it. She was born an only child to the parents of Edna Hood and the late Amos Hood, Jr. of Memphis Tennessee. She was born into greatness through a family of musicians of a gospel group called The Family Jubilees of Chicago, Illinois and The Southern Jubilees of Cleveland, Mississippi. There are a great number of pastors as well. She was raised in Tennessee and Mississippi. Her parents separated at a young age. She moved to stay with her father after her mother became ill. She was still cared for by her bonus mom. During that time, she encountered some things that she never discussed with anyone. She believed that if she told someone what had happened, they wouldn’t believe her. It would just get swept under the rug. So, she dealt with matters in her own way. She turned to God while lying in her bed crying at night praying even though she wasn’t a churchy girl and didn’t know what to say. Her Grum Grum (daddy’s mother) always told her that she could talk to God about anything. So she did. In this season of her life, she began to look for love in all the wrong places. She thought it was love. It wasn’t though. She never heard the words “I love you” much in her life. She didn't understand what it meant to be hugged on or shown affection. She vowed to herself that when she had children that she would always tell them that she loved them and hug them frequently. As time passed, she birthed five children. She had her struggles as a single mom selling drugs and working at the same time. She never left God and always prayed in faith even when things were not working on her side. She was still telling people how God brought her through things that had transformed her life. She was still sharing the gospel while going through herself and no one knew it. She would feed and help anyone who she could help in need. At the age of 33, she began to feel that God was calling her to a different path. She surrendered her life back to Christ. She was baptised again at the age of 42. She felt like she didn't understand what was going on within herself. She just knew that something was different. The first time of her being baptised was because she had seen the other children get baptised at the age of 11. The second baptism is when she was filled with the Holy Spirit and fully understood what the symbolism of water baptism meant.

God began to deal with her for several years while cleaning her from the inside out. She was dealing with insecurities, trust issues, and unforgiveness. God placed her in a place of stillness in growing in Him. This is where she found out who she was in Him and who she is to herself. She found her worth. He was breaking off bondages and chains that were holding her down. He was showing her what real love is and what it should look like. He had never left her side. The vision was given for H.O.O.D. Outreach Ministries (Holistic Optimistic Overcomer Determined). In 1991, she got her CNA certification and still enjoys working this occupation in this present moment. She found herself sharing the gospel in her occupation. She went back to school in 2009 and received her associate degree in Health Information Management in 2011. She was later ordained as a minister in 2015 by Apostle Mike Favors of Peace Ministries Fellowship. In 2017, she graduated from Memphis College of Urban Theology and Studies of Memphis, Tennessee with a Bachelor's degree in Biblical Studies and Theology. In 2019, she was ordained as an apostle under leadership of Apostle Ahmad and Prophetess Nakeisha Thornton of Guardian Angels International Ministries. She has hosted a segment on Finding My Way Radio Networks USA/WORLD with Kayla Padgett called “The Hoodchic Love Show” in 2018. She has also hosted an online bible study reading and outside prayer meetings throughout the city of Memphis. Yearly, she hosts an event called The F.L.Y. Conference (First Love Yourself) to help individuals to be healing and set free while understanding who they are in God and finding their purpose. During the summer months serves alongside a nonprofit named Youth Striving for Excellence. She also serves as a kaleo and at a summer camp called Kids Across She has always had a passion for writing and music. She released her first book “Becoming A Better You” in 2020. Later she started the nonprofit, H.O.O.D. (Holistic Optimistic Overcomer Determined) Outreach MInistries in 2020. Her first song recorded was “Um Dat.” The second song, “I'm Coming Out” was her first song to be released on all music streaming platforms. She is known as HOODchic because she likes to be in the street spreading the gospel of Jesus. She is the owner of a non-medical healthcare business named Lovin’ You For Life, INC in Memphis Tennessee. She fully understands that greatness is inside of everyone and it must come out.

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I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. Revelation 1: 8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. Hebrews 13: 8

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Closing With This

Owning Your Voice! This is a powerful phrase; it’s deeply rooted in personal empowerment and authenticity. At its core, owning your voice means you are very confident in expressing your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions in ways many are not. In ways that are true to you, who you are. You embrace your uniqueness, your experiences, and the perspective that only you can bring to the world. Owning Your Voice, leads to your authenticity, meaning you speak from a place of honesty, without trying to conform to others’ expectations or opinions. It’s about being true to your values and not letting external pressure shape your words or actions. When you speak authentically, people connect with the real you, rather than a version shaped by social norms or others’ approval. Own Your Voice!

Wishing the best for each of you!

Verna V. Nickelberry

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