Ordinary People Magazine March 2023 | Vol. 14 | Issue 41

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The Lady. Her Story. Her Faith. Small Business Corner

Inclusive Excellence Consulting National Gospel Recording Artist

Dr. Everett McBee

MARCH 2023 | VOL. 14 | ISSUE 41

On the Cover RENEGADE EL REY & Marcus L. Oliver, II


FEAR BY SHARON E. LOCKLEAR, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Fear is not a word that is found in a Christian’s vocabulary, behavior or conversation. Fear has no place in the Christian life. There are at least thirtyone Bible verses about fear and each clearly exhorts Christians to not be afraid. Fear is common in the world. Fear is marketed daily as news and runs twenty-four hours per day. Murders, gun violence, robberies, kidnappings are real. There are networks and programs devoted to reporting gruesome stories. There is a weather channel developed to scary reports about adverse and inclement weather all over the world. Some people even chase storms as a career and some have died as a result of their storm chasing. We hear and see stories about people who have challenging lives, people living in adversity, people living in war zones and of course people with incurable illnesses. We are bombarded with negativity and begin to believe that there is much to fear in the world. As Christians, we must guard against what we hear, what we see and what we say. Are we spiritually based? Do we know our Bible? We are born again to walk in the majesty and power of our Father who is in Heaven and on Earth. We know that GOD has

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not given us the spirit of fear. GOD gave us Power, Love and a Sound Mind. We live in the world, but are not of the world. Our thoughts and behaviors should not mirror those of the world. We proclaim daily that we are not afraid. We walk in righteousness. We live in truth. We are conquerors. We walk fearlessly and in faith.


Deuteronomy 31:6, 3:22 Jeremiah 42:11, 46:27 John 14:27 Genesis 50:21 Joel 2:21 Joshua 8:4 Isaiah 41:13, 41:10, 35:4, 43:1 Lamentations 3:57 2 Timothy 1:7 1 John 4:18 Hebrews 13:6 Revelation 1:17 Matthew 10:26, 10:28, 10:31 Luke 2:10, 12:32 Philippians 2:12 Psalm 34:4-5, 23:4, 56:3-4, 27:1, 46:1-3, 91:4-5, 27:3, 115:11


Freelance Studio Engineer From Memphis, Tn to Atlanta, Ga RENEGADE EL REY has been putting in the groundwork to build the name of both his self as an artist and his brand, Southern Eagle Music Group LLC. Working as an artist, writer and engineer out of Stankonia Studios in Atlanta RENEGADE has been able to grow his network and hone his craft in a very organic fashion. Never satisfied with his latest accomplishments, RENEGADE EL REY is making sure to create a lasting name in the entertainment industry. For more info send an email to RENEGADETGC1@aol.com or call 901-336-3757

- Courtesy of

departments Founder and Editorial Director Verna V. Nickelberry Editor-In-Chief Sharon Locklear Art Director Rushun Wiseman https://creavolutionarts.com Contributing Writers Vanderbilt Brabson Jeanette Chestnut-Chester Paola Tennon Photographers Kimberly Taylor “Advertise With Us” Please Contact Us At (770) 767-0649 O.P. Magazine Mail 2624 Santa Monica Dr, Atlanta Ga, 30318 (770) 767-0649 https://VeMaSheEnterprise.com ORDINARY PEOPLE MAGAZINE is a quarterly publication produced in print form and digital form. You can find our printed version on MagCloud.com and our digital version on Issuu.com.

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contents March 2023




RENEGADE EL REY Marcus L. Oliver

14 JUST TO ENCOURAGE YOU GOSPEL MUSIC/ARTISTS 18 National Gospel Recording Dr. Everett McBee


A Cautionary Tale about

Undetected or Undiagnosed Heart Disease

All rights reserved.Reproduction in whole or in part without the founder/editor’s consent is strictly prohibited. The opinions expressed herein are exclusively those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the positions or views of the editor. The publication of any advertisement in the issue does not constitute an endorsement of the advertiser’s products or services by the publication. © 2023 Ordinary People Magazine VeMaShe’ Enterprise LLC

6 | March 2023


Didn’t Plan on This!

Dr. Mary “MJ” McConner, CDE Founder and Principal of

Inclusive Excellence Consulting

51 53 FROM WITHIN...



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On The Cover


RENEGADE EL REY RENEGADE EL REY, born Shelton E. Oliver, is an American artist, Song writer, and Audio Engineer based in Atlanta, GA. RENEGADE was born in Germany as his father was in the military and raised in Memphis, Tennessee growing up in the Mitchell Heights & Binghampton communities. Taking a natural liking to music at a young age RENEGADE began writing rhymes as an outlet to adolescent problems. This passion for music would strengthen throughout his teenage years as he wrote raps daily while balancing playing sports throughout high school and college. Thanks to his older brother feeding him the latest and hottest music, and after hearing Nas’ ‘I Am’ album along with a list of other MC’s such as Jay- Z, OutKast, T.I., Tupac, The Roots, Eminem, 8Ball & MJG, Scarface... RENEGADE got serious about music in high school, beginning his journey to take his place in Hip Hop amongst his musical influences. When asked, RENEGADE describes his musical style as

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eclectic being that he has been well traveled and diverse in culture while growing up in a rough city which is reflected in his sound. Residing in Atlanta for the last 10 + years, RENEGADE has been creating a name for himself starting out as an intern and working his way up to the head audio emEngineer at Stankonia Studios. During this journey, he has worked with the likes of Big Boi, Curren$y, Project Pat, Killer Mike, Jeezy, Snoop Dogg, Kurupt, Sleepy Brown, Goodie Mob, Young Buck, Bobby Creekwater, and even pop acts like Phantogram, Little Dragon, as well as rock acts like Tom Morello of the electrifying group Rage Against The Machine. Recently, RENEGADE EL REY has been performing across the country at concerts and music festivals with Big Boi of legendary hip hop Duo Outkast. RENEGADE has had his music videos featured on BET Jams and his music has been placed on various video games and

interviewed on mumerous platforms such as The Progress Report Podcast. Also teaming up with audio plug-in-company Waves Audio, RENEGADE can be seen on their official YouTube channel teaching beginner tips for producing rap vocals. The video now has over 114,000 views and the comments praise RENEGADE for his clarity. His latest project “My Gift To You” has been buzzing while gaining streams rapidly. RENEGADE EL REY credits his family, supporters, his fans, his hometown city (Memphis, Tennessee), and even his naysayers as motivating forces for keeping him going. Holding a Bachelor Administration’s degree as well as and an Associate’s Degree in Recording of Arts, RENEGADE makes sure to lead by example and never settle for less than great!

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MARCUS L. OLIVER Originally from Memphis (TN), Marcus has called Knoxville home for the past twenty years. He is a graduate of the University of Tennessee with a BA in Sports Management and Business. He also has a MBA from Tusculum University. He has had numerous managerial positions and currently is a Contract Analyst II for the Tennessee Valley Authority. Marcus is the father of four very active young boys (15),(14), (7),(7). He has an extreme passion for giving back and his community service has taken him to many places and given him a purpose. He’s worked as a volunteer with a

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homeless ministry in Knoxville (TN), city outreach program in Memphis (TN) and Missions Ministry in Jamaica. He is also an AAU basketball coach and soccer coach for the ages 6-12. He enjoy working with and encouraging young boys and girls to reach their maximum potential. When not working with kids and giving back, he enjoys the outdoors and scenery in East Tennessee and Georgia. Additional hobbies include performing (singing vocals) and playing rhythm guitar at weddings, events, or church and getting a great working out.

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Letters to the Editor

Letters to the

EDITOR I had an opportunity attend the OPM 8th Annual Servant Awards. I totally enjoyed the experience! To hear about the services that the honorees offers their communities was amazing. - Margaret Great article on the OPM 8th Annual Servant Awards! I didn’t know that this award exist, how can you nominate someone? - Toya I enjoyed reading this issue. The “Just to Encourage You” was just what I needed! Thank you. - Mary Thanks for the reminder that “Self-Care” is the best care! - Candace Moore-Monie

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Cancer is a disease that can affect anyone, but it does not affect everyone equally. The American Cancer Society is addressing the unequal burden of cancer by reaching individuals in underserved communities in collaboration with community partners. Our Community Health Advisors provide education, outreach, and information to men and women, particularly in the area of cancer prevention. They encourage people to practice early detection of colon, breast and cervical cancer while it is in the most treatable stages. To find out more about our Community Health Advisor program , please contact the American Cancer Society at 1.800.227.2345.

Just to Encourage


Through the Prophet Joel, God gives a vision of the coming outpouring of His spirit upon His people. This vision was fulfilled at Pentecost.

people have no control over and can do nothing about. They could only stand and watch in awe as it unfolded. This is how Joel is introduced.

However, prior to getting to this wonderful promised outpouring, there were a lot of other things that happened. In Chapter one of the Book of Joel, we learn that there was desolation and the land was laid to waste. There were natural disasters such as rising floods, earthquakes and ravenous locusts that invaded the land. These are the things which

While Joel is a book of warnings, it also is a book of promises. The Father is not in the business of allowing destruction without keeping His promises of never forsaking us and always being there for us. Therefore, even in the midst of destruction; Holy Spirit is always near.

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Joel’s prolonged lament over the coming judgement developed into a call for the priests, ministers of the Temple, and all the people to lament over the sorry state of a nation. He exhorted them to turn back to the Lord. Does this not sound familiar in today’s state of the nation, and indeed the state of the world? Let us not forget that God’s judgements still stand and repentance and restoration are always available, which is what the prophet Joel was relaying. Joel’s announcement that states “the day of the Lord” is coming and will bring a greater judgment, but before any of this happens God will send His Spirit to bring extended blessings. Chapter 2:1 tells us to blow the trumpet in Zion (the Mountain of God) Let all the inhabitants tremble, for the day of the judgement of the Lord is coming: it is close at hand. But what does “close at hand” mean? The Lord is at hand means that the Lord is nearby. He is always close to us, both in time and in space. This again points the meaning of the prophet Joel’s name.

Keep in mind that the very name Joel means “The Lord is God”. So, we all can be encouraged that in every situation we encounter the Sovereignty of the Lord God is in place. Joel chapter one starting with verse 13 is a call to repentance. It says this, Put on sackcloth and lament, O priests; wail, O ministers of the altar. Go in, pass the night in sackcloth, O ministers of my God! Because grain offering and drink offering are withheld from the house of your God.

The central themes of the book of Joel is the day of the Lord. The language of this book is a description of a period of time when God would come down to bring wrath and judgement on the wicked and salvation to the righteous. However, God is the God of time, so there is not a day when it is not the Day of the Lord! Everyday we should live in expectancy that the Lord is coming. We are reminded by the Lord Jesus that we are to be ready. Matthew 24:44-Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect. The day of the Lord’s coming in the book of Joel is not just a warning that judgement is coming, but repentance, restoration and comfort is also coming. The Lord God promises to pour out His Spirit on all people. Joel 2:28-“And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions. This promise was spoken in the Old Testament and fulfilled in the New Testament. In the book of Acts the promised pouring is ordinarypeoplemagazine | 15

manifested. Acts 2:27-“’In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Joel prophesied that the Spirit would come and The Messiah fulfilled the prophesy. There are many types and shadows to be seen in the Book of Joel. The prophets of the Old Testament continually warned Israel to repent, but even when they did, their repentance was limited to law-keeping and works. Their temple sacrifices were but a shadow of the ultimate sacrifice, offered once for all time, which would come at the cross (Hebrews 10:10).

locusts have left the young locusts have eaten; what the young locusts have left other locusts have eaten.” This verse is a picture of utter and continuous destruction but then God promises to restore in the next verse. Joel 2:25, “I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten...” and Joel 2:28, “And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.” After all the devastation, fear, and uncertainty God still promises to restore, care for and revive us. This is our assurance, our hope and indeed our anchor. Joel 3:16-17- The Lord also shall

“The day of the Lord’s coming in the book of Joel is not just a warning that judgement is coming, but repentance, restoration and comfort is also coming.” Joel tells us that God’s ultimate judgment, which falls on the Day of the Lord, will be “great and terrible. Who can endure it?” (Joel 2:11). The answer is that we, on our own, can never endure such a moment. But if we have placed our faith in Christ for atonement of our sins, we have nothing to fear from the Day of Judgment. We can apply this by remembering that without repentance, judgment will be harsh, thorough, and certain. Our trust should not be in our possessions but in the Lord our God.

roar out of Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem; and the heavens and the earth shall shake: but the Lord will be the hope of his people, and the strength of the children of Israel. Father God, we thank You for loving us so much that You would pour Your precious Holy Spirit out on us. Help us to walk in the Spirit always, and not fulfill the lust of the flesh. Cause us to always remember that You are for us and not against us, and with Your Spirit abiding in us we can be better and do better, for greater is He that is in us than he that’s in the world.

God at times may use nature, sorrow, or other common occurrences to draw us closer to Him. Be Encouraged. But in His mercy and grace, He has provided the definitive plan for our salvation—Jesus Christ, Abundant Blessings. crucified for our sins and exchanging our sin for His perfect righteousness. Proverbs tells us is Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Our trust in Him allows His to do great things on our behalf, such as pouring out His Spirit on us. We read in Joel 1:4, “What the locust swarm has left the great locusts have eaten; what the great

16 | March 2023

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Gospel Music/Artists



MCBEE Dr. Everett McBee is a 21st century spiritual leader, graced to encourage, and inspire followers to deeper levels of intimacy with themselves and God. He is a renowned worship and recording artist, senior pastor of 360 Worship Center, and founder of Life Changing Ministries World Wide, along with his wife, Brenda. McBee released his monumental debut album, WORSHIP EXPERIENCE, that featured the hit single “Be God In This Place”. The 17-track live album still quenches worshippers’ thirst for music that assists in pure and personal worship. McBee has now released an all-new single, “Stronger”, that continues to set the atmosphere for worship and praise. “Stronger” is written by McBee and Keenan Smith. McBee, Smith, Robert Lance Lucas, and Darryl “DJ” Pruitt produced the empowering praise anthem.

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“STRONGER is my personal testimony, but it resonates with so many others because it’s their testimony after overcoming obstacles,” says McBee. “STRONGER is an anthem of awareness that strength exists at the end of my personal trials. Looking back on the tests and trials I endured, I realized that instead of becoming weak, I had become STRONGER!” Through songs like “Stronger” and his preaching, McBee has a unique way of hearing and expressing wise words from God. McBee received his Doctor of Ministry degree in pastoral leadership from DOMA Christian Leadership University. He provides spiritual support and pastoral leadership to many across the globe. He is the creator and host of Worship 360, a yearly conference that focuses on bringing worship back to God. McBee is also a published author of two books. MEISMS: My Intimate Spiritual Meditations is a journey through proverbial quotes from over a portion of the years he has been in ministry. PRAYER FLOW is a collection of prayers, confessions, and declarations captured during 5:30am prayer calls that he and his wife have hosted for over ten years. “Stronger” is available on iTunes and Apple Music now. You can follow and connect with Dr. McBee at EMcBeeMinistries.com.

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Miracles and Blessings


In a little town called Pickens, Mississippi, during the hot smouldering summers, all the children that lived in our neighborhood would play outside. Some would roll down the dusty unpaved street inside a car tire or an old tractor tire. While others would have a rope swinging from a tree as if they were Tarzan. The little girls would pretend to cook by making mud pies with dirt and water and allowing the heat from the sun to be their oven and harden the pies. It was only pretending, and they

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never ate the mud pies that they cooked. But there was a little girl about 10 years of age, who would sit for hours watching her mother (Amelia Washington) cut out Simplicity’s dress patterns to make three (3) dresses for her daughters. She would then sit and watch her mother sew all the pieces on her Singer sewing machine until they became three beautiful dresses that looked like they came from Macy’s department store. But in fact, they were made in the family room of her home.

One day this little girl’s mother decided to purchase a newer model sewing machine. By this time, that little girl had learned to cut out her own patterns and sew by hand. Making hats and matching halter tops that she would wear around town. So, her mother decided to give her old sewing machine to her daughter. That little girl is me, Brenda Lee Washington Hutchinson, and that’s how it all started!

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When I became a high school student, I thought that I was a pro at sewing, but soon learned that there was so much more to this art that needed to learn. So, my “home economics” teacher would have me sewing clothing that she was making for herself. She knew that I needed to learn more than sewing. She taught me table etiquette, how to act prim and proper, and to curtsy like the British does. It was not in vain. Time had fast-forwarded itself to 1977 when I married my high school sweetheart. Many years later, there are four (4) children born from this union. So as my mother did for me, so did I for my children. I began sewing their clothing to wear to school. But keep in mind; I was born during the “baby boomer” years. So, my generation was accustomed to taking little things and making something out of them. When I was a child, within my neighborhood, we all had the same things in common. What we had, was shared with the families within the community, and what they had was shared with others, also. We appreciated the little things in life. We would collect lightning bugs by putting them into jars. As nightfall came, our efforts would pay off with the beautiful colours from the bugs. A radiant colour would cast off inside the jar. Those were some of the things my generation appreciated. But my children (the Millennials generation) did not want to wear clothing that their mother sewed. That was not a cool thing to do. Not understanding the supermodels that were walking down the runway, that their clothing was sewn on a sewing machine just like theirs! The difference is that their fabrics cost more money, and they paid more money to have the garment made. This mindset of thinking would come to and end when their friends at school would say, “girl, you are crazy; I wish my mom could sew like your mother”.

My gift for sewing, making hats and crafts with my hands would now become dormant for many years. I was never prepared for what life would throw my way. It was never expressed nor taught as a young adult how life will throw you a “curve ball” or the “storms of life” will come. Well, this was becoming my years of a “curve ball” and “storms in my life”. Being a wife and mother was not the glitz and glamour I thought it would be. My dreams of owning my own business would soon come to a screeching halt. We had bills and no money to pay them. Attempting to prepare breakfast, lunch, and dinner with little to no food. The car needed gas in its tank but no money. We needed the car to get to work, but the bank took the car. Now the biggest “storm of life” at that time; was having a house but “NO” heat to keep warm. The bitter temperatures in Michigan during the months of November thru January were always 19 to 28 degrees. Small payments were made but insufficient to keep up with the monthly bills. We had no lights. The house ran solely on electricity. We had more bills than money... Moving is okay as long as you have someplace to go… It was like we were homeless but living in a house. My prayer is that maybe my experience will help someone and guide them through some of the “storms of life”. These “storms of life” would now become a part of the chapter in my life. Which NO one ever knew, but now you know.

“The gift that God gave me; working with my hands and making things. Taking nothing and making something. That gift was/ is called “Classy Hats by BLH”.”

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Now I’m walking into my years of life’s lessons. What did not kill me made me stronger. On a Sunday night, my family and I walk into this holiness church on the east side of Detroit. This night we commit our lives to serving Christ as our Lord and Savior. The pastor would begin teaching us money management skills, and he stressed education. From those teachings, my husband and I would both attend college at the same time. After it became too costly for us to attend, I dropped out.

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So my husband could continue and receive his Ph D. I made that decision because he was head of the household, and I still had children that needed my full attention (teenage years). After many years of sacrifices, my husband and I purchased a house. In 1998 “Brenda’s Boutique” was born and became a legal business. My husband had the basement remolded with an office and a large area for me to work in. I worked tirelessly learning the art from a lady who made hats from a wooden block. But somehow, it was not in my heart to stay focused. I guess it was from the many trails that I had in my life. I remember making a hat for my first lady, Vada Mae Crawford, who is now deceased, and Dr Dorinda Clark Cole. But life’s pitfalls would show up in my life once again, which would alter my life’s dream once again. On and off, I was attending college to get closer to the degree that I wanted so much to achieve. But the Lord had other plans for my life. The Lord called my husband to pastor in the ministry. By this time, we had already been prepared for whatever curve balls life would throw. We were focused, goal-oriented, renewed in our minds with positive

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thinking and positive energy, God-driven, Godfocused and ready for whatever life wanted to throw our way. So, I thought! During the years two thousand (2000), many positive and heart-breaking things happened in my life. I reorganized my business to Alpha and Omega Community Services LLC and formed it to be a 501 (c) 3 company; because of the passion that I have for humanity and to teach young families how to prepare for adult life with families. We relocated to Texas, where I finally received my Bachelor of Science degree, received a State of Texas license; as a substance abuse counsellor and am currently preparing myself to return to school to strive for my master’s degree. All while accomplishing the goals; I set for myself, my father would have a stroke, and eight (8) years later, he would die due to losing his battle with multiple myeloma (bone cancer). I never thought I could hurt as much as I did. I had a flood of emotions from all over the place. At that moment in time, that’s when I began to reflect and re-access things in my life. I started prioritizing what was necessary, and; my “to-do list” needed to be my “now list”. That is when I got serious about what I was doing with my gift. The gift that God gave me;

working with my hands and making things. Taking nothing and making something. That gift was/is called “Classy Hats by BLH”. As I push rewind in my mind, that little girl from Mississippi; would make hats for herself. But never for anyone else. This concept would follow her into adult life. It was not out of selfish behavior that she would not make hats for other women, but out of fear. Fear of the product not meeting the client’s expectations. Lack of confidence. Fear of negative rejection and fear of my business failing. I now know: God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7kjv Now, I’m walking in the shoes of a first lady. I’m reminded of how my first lady would wear her hat every Sunday and on various occasions during church events. So, I started wearing hats and wearing my own creations. I would receive so many compliments on my hat designs. But I wasn’t impressed by the compliments, but I was proud to finally do it! I pushed past all the fears that clouded my view and stepped out on faith. Early on, as I started wearing hats, the bigger the brim, the better I would feel about myself. I was wearing hats for the wrong reasons. I wore them for their beauty and because I wanted to hide the shame I had carried in my life for years. The Years of struggles! Years of hurt! Years of pain! Years of mistrust and Years of sorrow! In 2018 as I sat down in my work office, I listened to Dr Cindy Trimm prayers and began getting to work. Classy Hats by BLH became a part of my daily prayer time. This is when I allow the Lord to lead my mind and guide my hands to create designs to share with women everywhere. It was no longer a gift for me but the gift that God wanted me to share with every woman. Now Covid has arrived in 2019 and hit us in the thigh. I became discombobulated as death and sorrow were all around. The nation was on shutdown. Now I had moments to think and get down to business. I knew my purpose, my destiny, and I was fortified by what my God-given task was. Classy Hats by BLH had to continue to live. It lives through social media, cash apps, Zelle and

us postal stores. Classy Hats by BLH is made from love and woven in prayer. I realize that women wear hats for many reasons. It’s okay because I can relate to you. If you want to wear your Classy Hat by BLH because it’s: a “bad hair day” or because you simply want to “look fabulous”, or because you “didn’t get enough sleep” and want to hide the tiredness from your face or because you want your outside appearance to match the hat that you are wearing. But the inside is far from feeling good; it’s the shame you’ve carried. But, believe me, beautiful women, my story or my journey is my truth. You can wear Classy Hats by BLH but know the hats you wear are saturated in prayer. God has blessed my hands, whereas bishops’ wives, pastors’ wives, professional women, women in leadership roles and even women living in shelters are wearing Classy Hats by BLH. To God Be The Glory! Anything worth having comes with a great cost and sacrifices… Never give up on your dream. That little girl from Mississippi is still standing!

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For Your Health

A C au tio na ry Ta l e a b o u t

U n de t ect e d or U n d i ag nose d H e art Di sease BY PAOLA TENNON, RN, BSN, MBA/HCA, CCM Heart disease also called cardiovascular disease, refers to any condition that affects the heart and blood vessels. It is associated with a number of conditions, some of which include Atherosclerosis which is a condition that results from a buildup of plaque in the arteries. This causes narrowing or blockage of the blood vessels thereby making blood hard to flow and can lead to blood clotting, heart attacks, heart failure, arrhythmias, heart vessel problems, and stroke (1). The American Heart Association list strokes as the fifth leading cause

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of death in America today and a major cause of severe, and longterm disability (9). Knowing the signs of stroke is also important. Remember the acronym, F.A.S.T. which stands for: F- Face drooping, A- Arm weakness, S- Speech Difficulty, T- Timecall 911. To be more specific, there may be sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm, or leg, especially on one side of the body. There may also be sudden confusion, trouble speaking or understanding; trouble seeing in one or both eyes; trouble walking, loss of balance or coordination or dizziness, and finally, severe

headaches with no known cause (9). I bring this to the fore-front because, according to a report by the CDC, common heart disorders can increase your risk for stroke. For example, coronary artery disease increases your risk for stroke, because plaque builds up in the arteries and blocks the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the brain. In addition, other heart conditions, such as heart valve defects, irregular heartbeat (including atrial fibrillation), and enlarged heart chambers, can cause blood clots that may break loose and cause a stroke (10).

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According to an October 14, 2022, statistical report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, (CDC); heart disease is the leading cause of death for men, women, and people of most racial and ethnic groups in the United States. The report further states that: One person dies every 34 seconds in the United States from cardiovascular disease. About 697,000 people in the United States died from heart disease in 2020, that equated to 1 in every 5 deaths (2-3); and attributed to the cost of heart disease in the United States as being about $229 billion each year from 2017 to 2018. This expenditure included the cost of health care

7. Swelling of the belly area (abdomen) 8. Very rapid weight gain from fluid buildup 9. Nausea and lack of appetite 10. Difficulty concentrating or decreased alertness. 11. Chest pain if heart failure is caused by a heart attack. The Mayo Clinic also recommends that you see your doctor immediately or call 911 or emergency medical for help if you have: fainting or severe weakness; rapid or irregular heartbeat associated with shortness of breath; and chest pain or fainting

“Research further estimates that about 1 in 5 heart attacks are silent with many having resulting damage that the person is not aware of.” services, medicines, and lost productivity due to death. Research further estimates that about 1 in 5 heart attacks are silent with many having resulting damage that the person is not aware of. While these statistics are disturbing, we must recognize the fact that early detection and prevention are the key indicators that can lead to an improved quality of life and an increased survival rate in many cases. It is important to understand that Heart Failure can be chronic, which means that it may occur over an extended period of time, or it may start suddenly (acute) according to the Mayo Clinic (6). In addition, heart disease can also be congenital (inherited) thereby going undetected or undiagnosed and may not present until later in life. Nonetheless, whether chronic, acute, or congenital; undetected, diagnosed, or undiagnosed; it is important to know the signs and symptoms of heart failure regardless of the type (6). These may include any or a combination of those listed below: 1. Shortness of breath with activity or when lying down 2. Fatigue and weakness 3. Swelling in the legs, ankles, and feet 4. Rapid or irregular heartbeat 5. Reduced ability to exercise. 6. Persistent cough or wheezing with white or pink blood-tinged mucus.

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or sudden, severe shortness of breath and coughing up white or pink, foamy mucus. I began this article with general information on heart disease because it will serve as a reminder and hopefully be instrumental in saving a life. However, the primary focus for this article is on the detection of potential undetected or undiagnosed heart conditions. Our reference scriptures are from the book of Joel. In this book, the prophet Joel cautioned Israel about God’s impending judgement because of spiritual complacency and religious neglect. Joel was warning them of impending danger. This illustration is used to help us to understand that warnings exist in all parts of life, even as it relates to our health. They manifest themselves in varying ways, but regardless of how they may present, warnings come to alert us that something is not right. The human body is constantly sending out warnings, but do we acknowledge them or when we do, do we put them off. According to the Life Lesson Study Bible in the book of Joel, reference is given to the red light that one might see on the dashboard of our car. Do we heed it and avoid a negative outcome or do we ignore it and reap unwanted consequences. One might ask, what does this have to do with heart disease? Well, sometimes signs or symptoms may present themselves but we in turn may get

distracted, or we may put them on the back burner to address at a later time. Becoming complacent or disregarding signs and symptoms that your body may be displaying can lead to serious outcomes if not identified and addressed early. Note that this is not always intentional, because signs and symptoms can honestly be mistaken for something else especially if they are not consistent.

from cardiomyopathy and spent years waiting on the call notifying him that he would be receiving a new heart. That call came in November 2015. “Watching my brother struggle has really impacted me,” she said. “I’m approaching the age of 40, and that seems to be the magic age where heart conditions manifest in our family. It is quite nerve wracking at times, and that is why I try to live a healthier lifestyle.” Unfortunately, my daughter was I begin with a personal story shared by my diagnosed with cardiomyopathy which we learned youngest daughter, April Armstrong. She shared was a hereditary disease of the heart muscle that can her story with the DeSoto Appeal, a subsidiary lead to heart failure. There were no known signs or of the Commercial Appeal on February 2, 2016, symptoms of heart failure earlier in her father’s life. to address heart disease. The article is intitled April was diagnosed at age 26 in 2006, but initially “Faith helps Armstrong fight heart disease” thought that her fatigue and weight gain was from written by Catherine-Anne Collins. Excerpts of her recent pregnancy. During that time, she said that her story are being shared to help bring awareness her heart was beating like she was an 80-year-old of the importance of recognizing when something woman and she realized that her heart was saying a is not quite right, the importance of seeking help, little bit more than that.” She sought medical help and being consistent. “April’s heart story begins and began a life-long medication regime, educated with her father. She was just 12 years old when he herself and daughters on the importance of taking passed away at age 40 from complications from care of their hearts and learning the symptoms of cardiomyopathy while waiting for a heart transplant. heart disease. She also understands the importance Her older brother, Keenan Greene, 40, also suffers of following a heart healthy lifestyle. April credits ordinarypeoplemagazine | 31

her strong faith with helping her cope with her diagnosis and staying strong for her family, including her four daughters. She stated: “When I am feeling down or need a boost of confidence, I call on my prayer warriors, family and friends, and they keep me encouraged,” She also said: “I don’t know what God has planned for me, but I trust in him alone, He hasn’t failed me yet. I often tell others God won’t give you more than you can bear. Only what you do for Christ will last.” At the end of her article, she reminds us that: “You only get one body, and it is so important that you take care of it so you can enjoy the time you have.” According to the Mayo Clinic, Cardiomyopathy is a disease of the heart muscle that makes it harder for the heart to pump blood to the rest of the body. Cardiomyopathy can lead to heart failure, cardiac arrest or sudden death. There are 5 types of Cardiomyopathy listed, however, the three main types include dilated, hypertrophic and restrictive cardiomyopathy. There are varying treatments which include: medications, surgically implanted devices, heart surgery or, in severe cases, a heart transplant depending on the type and severity of the disease (7). It is further stated that there may not be any signs or symptoms of this condition in the early stages; however, as the condition advances, signs and symptoms will

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present and advance if not treated. Surprisingly, these conditions may worsen quickly in some people; while in others, it might not worsen for a long time. Regardless of the circumstances, if you have severe difficulty breathing, fainting or chest pain that lasts for more than a few minutes, call 911 or your local emergency number. Although many of the symptoms are consistent with those of standard heart disease conditions, they may present differently in some cases and may include: • • • • • • • • •

Breathlessness with activity or even at rest Swelling of the legs, ankles and feet Bloating of the abdomen due to fluid buildup Coughing while lying down. Difficulty lying flat to sleep. Fatigue Heartbeats that feel rapid, pounding or fluttering Chest discomfort or pressure Dizziness, lightheadedness and fainting

While some types of cardiomyopathies are inherited, some may be attributed to a plethora of other risk factors or behaviors. The scope is wide and varying, ranging from long term high blood pressure, certain infections that may cause inflammation to the heart, Covid infection,

metabolic or other disorders, vitamin deficiency, substance abuse or chemotherapy, etc. (7). Another interesting fact discovered during my research on undiagnosed heart conditions was from a 2018 article from the Cleveland Clinic entitled “7 Signs of an Undiagnosed Congenital Heart Defect.” Reference is given to congenital heart defects or undiagnosed heart conditions that develop even before you are born. It is stated in this article that experts estimate about one out of every 150 adults, lives with congenital heart disease and this may involve a variety of congenital heart defects. However, cardiologist Joanna Ghobrial, MD. brings attention to a couple in particular that are more likely overlooked in childhood. These include stenosis (a narrowing of a heart valve) and atrial septal defect (a hole in the heart’s wall). In many cases the symptoms are the same as previously mentioned with a few exceptions. Symptoms include shortness of breath, heart palpitations, fainting spells, abnormal heart rate, abdominal bloating, bloating or fluid in the lower legs that doesn’t resolve with elevation, blue fingertips or toes after exertion (5). Likewise, they may include chest pain or chest pressure; both of which can sometimes be mistaken for something else, especially for those who are younger. Other signs may include, shortness of breath with increased activity or when walking upstairs; a noticeable heartbeat (it starts racing or skips a beat), feeling dizzy for no apparent reason; or feeling unusually fatigued; leg swelling that you have not had before (this could be a sign that your blood is not flowing properly); and finally sudden fainting (note that people often attribute this to low blood sugar and will write it off). In addition, Linda Gillam, M.D., chair of cardiovascular medicine for Morristown Medical Center, Atlantic Health Systems states: If you have a relative who had heart disease or a heart attack while young, heart issues should be on your radar. This includes parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. She explains that; “many of the conditions that result in sudden death in young people have a genetic basis”. However, she reminds us that, even if you do have some of the forementioned symptoms, it doesn’t automatically mean you have an undiagnosed heart condition! But remember, if you notice something feels different, especially if it happens when you’re active, it is important to see

your doctor. (4) The intent of this article is not to alarm, but rather to inform with the hope that we will pay closer attention to what our bodies are trying to tell us and be proactive. As with the people in the book of Joel, it is better to era on the side of caution that to suffer the effects of inaction. What to do: 1. learn your risk factors. 2. Learn the warning signs and what to do when you notice then, and 3. Reduce your risk factors by living a heart healthy lifestyle which includes: • • • • • •

Avoiding the use of alcohol or cocaine, or other forms of substance abuse Controlling high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes Eating a healthy diet Getting regular exercise Getting enough sleep Reducing your stress

Hopefully this article will give insight as to the importance of early detection, learning your family medical history and being proactive as it relates to your own health and the health of your loved ones. Remember, that in many cases there are early warning signs, or you may sense that something isn’t quite right. Pay attention and don’t exclude them because you think you or your loved one is too young, or because you think you have a healthy lifestyle, or you play sports and have an increased activity level. Remember that this may sometimes be misleading. Be proactive, seek medical attention because many conditions are treatable, and some may even be preventable. Throughout the Bible, much reference is given to warnings. One resource puts it this way: “While warnings might not always provoke positive thoughts or feelings, they often serve to spare us from unnecessary hardships and pain.” (11.)

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What is cardiovascular disease? https://www.heart.org/en/healthtopics/consumer-healthcare/what-iscardiovascular-disease 2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. About Multiple Cause of Death, 1999–2020. CDC WONDER Online Database website. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 2022. Heart Disease Facts, https://www.cdc.gov/heartdisease/facts. htm; retrieved February 8, 2023 3. Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics—2022 Update: A Report From the American Heart Association Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics—2022 Update: A Report From the American Heart Association | Circulation (ahajournals.org), retrieved February 8, 2023 4. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. https://meps.ahrq.gov/mepsweb/ data_stats/download_data_files.jsp, retrieved February 8, 2023 5. 9 Signs You Might Have An Undiagnosed Heart Condition: https://www.self.com/story/9-signsyou-might-have-an-undiagnosed-heartcondition 6. 7 Signs of an Undiagnosed Congenital Heart Defect, https://health.clevelandclinic. org/7-signs-of-an-undiagnosed-congenitalheart-defect/ 7. Heart failure , https://www.mayoclinic. org/diseases-conditions/heart-failure/ symptoms-causes/syc-20373142 8. Cardiomyopathy, https://www.mayoclinic. org/diseases-conditions/cardiomyopathy/ symptoms-causes/syc-20370709 9. What Are the Warning Signs of Stroke, https://www.heart.org/-/media/Files/ Health-Topics/Answers-by-Heart/WhatAre-the-Warning-Signs-of-Stroke.pdf 10. Know Your Risk for Stroke, https://www.cdc.gov/stroke/risk_factors.

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htm#:~:text=Heart%20disease,rich%20 blood%20to%20the%20brain 11. 10 Biblical Warnings You Need to Stop Ignoring, https://www.crosswalk.com/ slideshows/10-biblical-warnings-you-needto-stop-ignoring.html RESOURCES 1.

2. 3.






Heart Disease Patient Education Resources, https://www.cdc.gov/ heartdisease/materials_for_patients.htm About Heart Disease, https://www.cdc.gov/ heartdisease/about.htm Tools and Training on Preventing Heart Disease, https://www.cdc.gov/heartdisease/ tools_training.htm Know Your Risk for Heart Disease, https://www.cdc.gov/heartdisease/risk_ factors.htm Prevent Heart Disease-make healthy choices, https://www.cdc.gov/heartdisease/ prevention.htm Answers by Heart Fact Sheets: Lifestyle and Risk Reduction, https://www.heart. org/en/health-topics/consumer-healthcare/ answers-by-heart-fact-sheets/answersby-heart-fact-sheets-lifestyle-and-riskreduction Know Your Risk for Stroke, https://www.cdc.gov/stroke/risk_factors. htm#:~:text=Heart%20disease,rich%20 blood%20to%20the%20brain Heart Disease and Stroke, https://www.cdc.gov/chronicdisease/ resources/publications/factsheets/heartdisease-stroke.htm



Consider This

DIDN’ T PL AN ON THIS! BY VANDERBILT BRABSON III, AUTHOR Almost immediately following my high school graduation, I was blessed to get a part-time job at the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), in Knoxville, Tennessee. The job was a TVA’s student work program specifically designed to enable college students to work while attending college. That job ultimately enabled me to work my way through the University of Tennessee (UT) as a full-time student earning my bachelor’s degree while working part-time. However, during my sophomore year at UT, my full-time student status, as well as my parttime work status at TVA, were both suddenly interrupted and put on hold following the end

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of Fall quarter. The reason: I had joined the National Guards, which subsequently meant I had to leave Knoxville, Tennessee and fly to the Fort Lewis Military base in Tacoma, Washington for army boot camp training which was starting in the upcoming month of January. Yes, I said January! As members of an army platoon in boot camp training in Tacoma, Washington, our days and weeks were spent mostly outside, and I quickly discovered, among other things, how cold one could get… and still live. When those weeks of boot camp training were finally completed, I was immediately flown to Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas for “Advanced Individual Training (AIT)” to begin my training as a military medic. While training in San Antonio to become army medics during the Spring, our platoon also spent a great deal of our time outside. And because of that, I also quickly discovered how hot one could get… and still live. Following the completion of my boot camp training in Washington state and my subsequent completion of my military AIT medic training in Texas, I returned home to Knoxville, Tennessee. There I resumed my full-time student status as a UT sophomore as well as my part-time status as a student employee at TVA. I spent almost five years as a member of the Army National Guards before subsequently transferring and spending several more years with the Air Force National Guards. My brother Frederick and I both served in the Army National Guards practically around the same time for a few years together, and we both subsequently transferred to the Air Force National Guards at the same time. He ordinarypeoplemagazine | 37

later chose to leave the National Guards when his years of required military service had been served. I chose to stay on in the National Guards a couple of years longer.

convinced myself, that if anything ever happened to me resulting in my death, the Lord would make an exception for me because I read the bible every now and then, and in my eyes that meant I was not really a bad person. By taking the time to sit down periodically and read that little pocket-sized bible, I had completely deceived myself into believing I would wind up in heaven if I died.

One of the things that characterized my life for several years even in the National Guards was my attempt to straddle the religious fence. My brother and I, along with our older siblings, were brought up and sent to church on Sundays, One particular weekend serving at the medical but our mother rarely attended, and our father dispensary, which never attended. I did not plan on, Both however “It was nothing like will always stand subsequently out in my mind like became Christians anything I had ever no other. While later in their lives experienced before, and performing my duties before their deaths. I knew God had entered in the National Guards And although my life because of what medical dispensary inwardly I longed that weekend, the most to be right with Jesus had done on that bizarre thing happened God, nothing cross for me.” to me which would about my life forever change my life. during my college Our master sergeant and military days who had just recently retired from the national resembled anything like that of a Christian. I guards, showed up at the medical dispensary remember many times during my weekend requesting that I join him outside and go for a warrior duties, when our medic work was ride in his automobile. He said he really needed practically completed for the day and we had to speak with me privately. He appeared to be an hour or so remaining before the end of our very agitated and upset. I could tell he had been shifts. We guys would sit around in the office drinking, so I told him to give me the keys to his talking about a number of things. However, car, and I will do the driving. He did, and we there were always a couple of guys whose drove away off base. conversation would eventually digress into what great ladies’ men they claimed to be. Since I When we were off base and several miles away was never interested in hearing their obviously from the medical dispensary, he began weeping fabricated fantasies, that was always my cue to as I drove. I turned to him and asked what was excuse myself, walk down the hallway to the going on? He shared with me through his tears empty medical dispensary lounge, sit down, and that his oldest sister, who had virtually raised pull out my pocket-sized New Testament Bible him and his other siblings was in the hospital and read it. Mind you, I did not think for one and deathly ill. He said she was more like a moment that I was an actual Christian, and my mother to him than an older sister, and now the life proved it. I had stopped attending church hospital had called and informed him and the services on Sundays when I started college, and others to come and say farewell to their sister my daily sins were way too many to count. because she was not expected to last the night. Through continued tears he reached down pulled Admittedly however, I had erroneously

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I then turned the automobile around and headed out his pistol, and said if something happens to her, he could kill himself. I told him he needed to back to the base. When I arrived on base in front the medical dispensary, I parked. I got out of the put the pistol away. He did. vehicle and turned to the retired master sergeant Then I asked him why are you telling me all this? who was sliding back over to the driver’s seat He said because I need you to pray for my sister! to take the steering wheel. I said to him, I’m I quickly told him. Listen, I don’t have any clout going back into the dispensary, and then I will walk down the hall to the bathroom next to the with God. You’ve got the wrong man! He said lounge and there I will pray for your sister. He no, I don’t. I need you to pray for my sister. I said thank you. Then I looked straight at him and asked, why me? He said because I always saw asked, and what are you going to do? He said, you in the evenings down the hall sitting and I’m driving home, and I’m going to pray for my reading that little pocket Bible of yours in the lounge. For the next few minutes, I said nothing. sister too. Having said this, he drove away. I just simply drove as my mind raced. Just as I had agreed to do, I walked into the medical dispensary, walked down the hallway Finally, I turned to him, and said, okay, I will and entered the dark bathroom next to the lounge. pray for your sister. He quickly turned to me I did not turn on the lights because there was and began thanking me. I interrupted him a very small window just over the shower that immediately and said, no…no, I’m not finished. allowed just enough sunlight to shine in so that He asked me what I meant. I reiterated to him that I would pray for his oldest sister, but only on the bathroom was not completely dark. I then got down on my knees and started to pray for the the condition that he too agree to pray for her as man’s sister, and it immediately felt as though the well. He quickly said, but I’ve never prayed in door to heaven slammed shut in my face. my life. I looked over at him and said, you’ve heard my condition. He sat silent for about five When I tried to pray again, the same thing minutes and then soberly turned to me and said, happened. And then a voice spoke to my spirit Okay, okay, I will also pray for my sister too. and told me, I needed to first pray for myself.

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And immediately I knew why. My life for as long as I could remember was a complete mess. I wasn’t a drunk. I didn’t even drink. I had seen too much alcoholism in others growing up. I wanted no parts of it. I wasn’t a dope addict either, but sinning was all I had done for as long as I could remember. And I was truly ashamed of who I was and what I had become.

for on behalf of his older sister. What was truly amazing to me was how God had taken one deathly sick woman and used her illness to save two sinners like my former master sergeant and me. God is truly worthy to be praised. Neither my former master sergeant nor I had planned on becoming Christians, but God had other plans, and for that I am eternally grateful.

I then asked God to forgive me for my sins (which I knew were countless) and to come into my life. I began emphatically repeating, “I mean this, Lord! I really… really mean this!” Suddenly, a presence and a peace, unlike any other I had ever experienced, rose up in me and engulfed me. It was nothing like anything I had ever experienced before, and I knew God had entered my life because of what Jesus had done on that cross for me. And so, I prayed again… this time for my former master sergeant’s dying sister.

The late Senior Pastor Adrian Rogers, who pastored Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis, Tennessee until March 2005, wisely said regarding decisions we as Christians make, “We make our decisions in the light of God’s word. The three greatest decisions I have ever made were these: Life’s master, Life’s mate, and Life’s mission.”

The next month when I was again on duty at the medical dispensary, my former master sergeant again showed up on base, opened the front door to the medical dispensary, and stuck his head inside. He invited me to step outside the medical dispensary so he could speak to me privately. I did step outside and he immediately began profusely shaking my hand as he smiled and his face beamed like the noonday sun. He excitedly thanked me for praying for his older sister (never bothering to ask me if I had… although I had). And he quickly and excitedly informed me not only did God answer those prayers he and I had prayed on behalf of his sister, but his sister miraculously was well enough to go home the very next day. When my former master sergeant was leaving the base, my present sergeant (who was already a Christian) smiled and told me as I re-entered the medical facility, that he was really happy for our former master sergeant who also had become a Christian and joined the church after seeing how God had granted the miracle he had prayed

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Dr. Rogers went on to comment on how we may determine the value of an individual’s soul, “People are always trying to estimate the value of things. Matter of fact, we have people who call themselves appraisers. The way to tell the value of anything is to ask what someone will pay for it. And that is what a property appraiser looks at and what an art appraiser looks at—what is this worth to someone? What price will it bring? How much will someone pay for it? If you want to know the value of a soul, see what Jesus did on the cross. There is the value of a soul measured by the silver of His tears and the gold of His blood.” Joel 1-3 Joel’s prophecy regarding the Day of the Lord, speaks of a future time when the Lord Himself will directly interrupt the affairs of men. It will be a time of both terror and blessing: God will sift out the righteous, and He will bring judgment upon the wicked. What about you? Does God truly have your heart? Are you absolutely sure that if you died today, you would spend eternity with God in heaven? If not, you can be. Jesus said, Behold, I stand at the door; and knock: if

any man hear My voice, and open the door; I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me (Revelation 3:20). If you want to know beyond any shadow of a doubt that your name is forever sealed in the Lamb’s Book of Life (Revelation 20:11-15), please pray the following:

“A world of nice people, content in their own niceness, looking no further, turned away from God, would be just as desperately in need of salvation as a miserable world---and might be even more difficult to save.” C. S. Lewis C. S. Lewis. Lewis was an Irish author and scholar. Lewis is known for his work on medieval literature, Christian apologetics, literary criticism and fiction. He is presently best known for his children’s series The Chronicles of Narnia.

Dear God in Heaven, I come to You confessing I have no assurance that I am truly saved. I desire to have the eternal life, which You offer to all who trust in the sacrifice © January 2023 Vanderbilt Brabson III, Author of Your Son Jesus Christ at Calvary. I am ALL RIGHTS RESERVED now inviting Jesus Christ into my heart. I am sorry for my sin, and I desire to live for You from this day forward. Please take that same power You used to raise Jesus’ dead body from that grave and use that power in my life to make me a new creature in Christ. Thank You for hearing my prayer. Thank You for forgiving me of my sin. Thank You for accepting me into the family of God. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

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“Guys…this is Missile Morgan” Seeking to overcome the scars from her abusive, alcoholic father, Jesse Cartwright, Anthony’s best friend from childhood, is determined to make something of her life. Tomboyish in every way, at times her stubbornness puts her in direct conflict with Anthony’s other friends. A born fighter, she ultimately proves to be tougher than every boy in the neighborhood and the only friend Anthony can really count on. As Anthony battles his inner demons in his march toward glory, and Jesse struggles through her own personal tragedies and loss, their paths grow apart. Eventually the two dis- cover their lives are somehow intertwined and neither will truly realize his or her dreams without the other. Surpassing the expectations his father had for him, Anthony Morgan is poised to be the biggest phenomenon baseball has seen in years. Anthony’s future is set. He has worked hard for it, dreamed about it all his life, and can practically taste it! However, what Anthony could not foresee was the untimely death of his father—his mentor and hero. This tragedy started a downward spiral of bad decisions, which ultimately threaten Anthony’s life and future in baseball. Beyond the Lies is as captivating as The Natural, as compelling as Love Comes Softly, and at times as humorous as Diary of a Mad Black Woman. It’s a coming of age story that will appeal to the young and old, the sports enthusiast, the romantic, those gripped by human tragedy, and those who celebrate the triumph of the human spirit. Author Mr. Vanderbilt Brabson, III https://beyondthelies-theboo.com https://www.amazon.cm/Vanderbilt-Brabson-III/e/ B004DWVNW?ref=dbs_p_pbk_r00_abau_000000 See the book Trailer at https://www.vanderbiltbrabsoniii.com

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1


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Small Business Corner

DR. MARY “MJ” MCCONNER, CDE FOUNDER AND PRINCIPAL OF INCLUSIVE EXCELLENCE CONSULTING When I founded Inclusive Excellence Consulting in December 2021, I established my consulting firm with the goal of centering the human experience. Inclusive Excellence Consulting is a full-service diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) consulting firm headquartered in Memphis, Tennessee. Navigating the workforce as a Black dyslexic woman who is hard of hearing has allowed me to experience firsthand the importance of centering equity, accessibility, and inclusion in organizational systems, cultures, and practices. I

46 | March 2023

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have dedicated much of my professional career to

company. While I have experienced some minor

understanding the evolving challenges impacting

disappointments during my entrepreneurial journey,

different company cultures and how to foster

the wins have far outweighed the challenges and for

environments committed to equity and inclusive

that I am grateful.

excellence. My advice for other small business owners is to find At Inclusive Excellence Consulting, we develop

a group of mentors and supporters, embrace change,

people-centered and data-informed services and

and keep God at the center of everything you do.

solutions that are tailored to the intimate needs of the organizations we serve. We provide customized

To learn more about Dr. Mary “MJ” McConner and

strategies, resources, training, and professional

Inclusive Excellence Consulting, visit

development opportunities that enable organizations www.ieconsultingfirm.com. to incorporate diversity, equity, and inclusion into the core of organizational functioning. As a business owner and entrepreneur, I have learned to become more agile, flexible, and resilient. Business ownership also requires me to constantly learn new information and ways of operating my

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Inspirational Words

THE WAY OF LOVE Corinthians 13 KJV Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away. When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.

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52 | March 2023

FROM WITHIN... BY VERNA V. NICKELBERRY First quarter 2023 got off to a great start!

“the ability of individuals, families and communities to promote health, prevent

We are so excited to introduce our new

disease, maintain health and to cope with

cover! Bringing us more in line with

illness and disability with or without the

today’s trend in the

support of a healthcare provider.”

print media industry. Adding colours that pop as well as eye catching, allows our

As you can see “Self-Care” is very

brand to stand out

important for everyone, as we must

and become easier to remember.

maintain our individual health, by ensuring that we have a health lifestyle,

We anticipate this year to be a great year

good eating habit, a good workout

as we continue to grow our customer base

regiment, and create a good selfcare

and continue publishing stories that are


relevant and inspiring. Self-care is the best CARE! As we embark on this new year let’s not forget to take sometime out for self-care,

And as always, Love, Peace, and

be it a long walk, a day at the spa, or just


a relaxing day at home. Self-care is very important to your well-being: The World

Verna V. Nickelberry

Health Organization defines self-care as

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