Ordinary People 2018 Fall Magazine

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People’s Choice Awards "Season 11" 2018 OPM 7TH ANNUAL

Servant Awards 2018 Coping in the Midst of Trial


Bertha Fayne

Cancer is a disease that can affect anyone, but it does not affect everyone equally. The American Cancer Society is addressing the unequal burden of cancer by reaching individuals in underserved communities in collaboration with community partners. Our Community Health Advisors provide education, outreach, and information to men and women, particularly in the area of cancer prevention. They encourage people to practice early detection of colon, breast and cervical cancer while it is in the most treatable stages. To find out more about our Community Health Advisor program , please contact the American Cancer Society at 1.800.227.2345.


Freelance Studio Engineer From Memphis, Tn to Atlanta, Ga RENEGADE EL REY has been putting in the groundwork to build the name of both his self as an artist and his brand, Southern Eagle Music Group LLC. Working as an artist, writer and engineer out of Stankonia Studios in Atlanta RENEGADE has been able to grow his network and hone his craft in a very organic fashion. Never satisfied with his latest accomplishments, RENEGADE EL REY is making sure to create a lasting name in the entertainment industry. For more info send an email to RENEGADETGC1@aol.com or call 901-336-3757

- Courtesy of

departments Founder and Editorial Director Verna V. Nickelberry Editor-In-Chief Sharon Locklear Art Director Rushun Wiseman Contributing Writers Vanderbilt Brabson Paris Ducker Paola Tennon Jeanette Chestnut-Chester Photographers Whitney Howard Kendall Elem Sales Director/ Memphis, TN Janet Chestnut salesmemphis@ ordinarypeoplemagazine International Director of Sales and Market Frisco, TX Will Odom tndimension.net (214) 514-2926 ‘Advertise With Us� Please Contact Us At (770) 767-0649 O.P. Magazine Mail 1311 Woodridge Dr. Atlanta, GA 30339 (770) 767-0649 http://ordinarypeoplemagazine ORDINARY PEOPLE MAGAZINE is a quarterly publication and is distributed in Memphis, TN; Knoxville, TN; Frisco, TX; Atlanta, GA; and Orlando, FL.

contents FALL 2018

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Five Amazing Cancer Survivors

Trials and Tribulations

JUST TO ENCOURAGE YOU Jeanette Chestnut-Chester

IN THE SPOTLIGHT Mrs. Bertha Fayne


Coping in the Midst of Trial

All rights reserved.Reproduction in whole or in part without the founder/editor’s consent is strictly prohibited. The opinions expressed herein are exclusively those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the positions or views of the editor. The publication of any advertisement in the issue does not constitute an endorsement of the advertiser’s products or services by the publication. © 2018 Ordinary People Magazine VeMaShe’ Enterprise

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The Prayze Factor People’s Choice Awards Season 11

MIRACLES & BLESSINGS OMG My Ride With The Big Cancer!

Two Thieves - One Cross


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On The Cover


Each year OPM dedicate the 4th quarter issue’s cover to cancer survivors. On the cover this year we have five amazing survivors and they share a little about themselves. From the top to the bottom: Sterlin D. Williams is a native of Pine Bluff, Arkansas. He was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma in May 2008. He was then treated locally by his oncologist and was the subject of two stem cell transplants and three high dosage in chemotherapy in 2009 at the University of Arkansas Medical Science (UAMS) in Little Rock, Arkansas. He

statewide implementation of federal interstate motor carrier safety/economic/hazardous materials programs where he partnered with numerous partners and stakeholders. While with the agency, Sterlin served as the first chairperson of the National Diversity Committee. As a result of his leadership, he received the Diversity Champion Award and the Secretary of Transportation EEO and Affirmative Action Award in directing and implementing the agency’s Diversity Initiative. Sterlin is a member of Brown Missionary Baptist Church and the cancer ministry. His interest include art, traveling, golf, reading and he is currently writing a book. He is a member of the Alpha Phi

has been in full remission since 2010. He has since been

Alpha fraternity.

reviewed periodically by his doctors with excellent results.

Barbara Ingram is a 24 yr, Breast Cancer Survivor! She

His long term prognosis appears to be very good. Sterlin had a very successful career with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (U.S Department of Transportation) and recently retired after thirty-two years of federal service. During his career, he served as the

is a clinical assistant at the Baptist Women’s Health Center located in Memphis, Tn. One on the center’s function is preforming mammograms early detection, one of the first step toward a cure. Barbara enjoy walking, bike riding, helping with the elderly, taking care of others and enjoying

Division Administrator for twenty-six years for the states

her children and grandchildren.

of Louisiana and Mississippi. He was responsible for the

Sophia Brown-Williams is a native Memphian, on

8 | Fall 2018

November 8, 2018, she will be an 11-year breast cancer

Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior. He is my Helper and my

survivor and a 27-year survivor of fibro-sarcoma, a rare

Healer and I am Happy all the days of my life because of

form of cancer that often occurs in the muscles of the body.


Though currently in treatment for Metastatic disease, she is a two-time cancer survivor, and often reflects on different aspects of her journey, from diagnosis, to treatment, to recovery; all the while reminding herself to enjoy life, no matter the circumstances. After a banking and finance

Amen and Thank God. Wanda Jackson, retiree from the United States Postal Service, and is a nine year breast cancer survivor. “One of my greatest joys in life has been serving others.” ( Mark

career spanning over four decades, she retired in 2011.


She encourages other Survivors and those currently in

My favorite scripture is John 14:27. Nothing comforts

their journey to focus on Jesus, and not their diagnosis

me like the peace I find In Jesus Christ. That is the

or situation. Sophia now lives in Hernando, Mississippi

encouragement I leave to everyone whose life has been

with husband, Jon. They have two children, son, Sigmond

touched by cancer.

“Jerome” and daughter, Shellee. She is a member of Brown Missionary Baptist Church.

Be blessed always.

“It is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.” —1 Samuel 17:47 Phyllis Carter a nine year Breast Cancer survivor. Has worked for the same company for twenty eight years as a Customer Service Rep./ Sales Coordinator. “I believe in the ordinarypeoplemagazine | 9

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the








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We here at Ivery Enterprises are very impressed with OPM. They came to Memphis and took our story to share with the public. We are thankful for them allowing us the opportunity to reveal our passion and the heart we have for people. It’s an honor and pleasure to allow a peak into what we love to do as far as giving people an elegant place to live while they travel through the City Of Memphis! The entire team was exceptional in treating us as royalty. Thanks again OPM we look forward to seeing bigger and greater things through you in the future! - Gwenita Ivery

hom W d n e A Fri an DependThank you (Verna V. Nickelberry) for allowing me to serve as a You C presenter at the Ordinary People’s Magazine 7th Annual Servant

tingAward 2018, as well as being feature on the cover! You are a h g i l t o Sp phenomenal woman - a conqueror overcoming many obstacles, s

e s i r turned “SHE-RO” to so many! Thank you for the awe-inspiring p r te n E experience. The quote I was led to share rings personally true y r Ive for me & I pray will serve as a reminder to you: “Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you have come.” Thank you for your acknowledgement of the seeds of service by some extraordinary people! ALSO Huge Congratulations on receiving the Prayze Factor People’s Choice Award for Print/Editor/Magazine of the year! You are truly an inspiration -a Phenomenal woman! Congratulations my precious sister! You so deserve it!

- Linda Michelle Trainer

10 | Fall 2018


TRIALS AND TRIBUL ATIONS   BY SHARON E. LOCKLEAR, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF                                   Most people are aware of the trials and tribulations that Job encountered. Job was a righteous man and endured much.

and attempts to garner sympathy are distractions.

What is a practical application for us? How do you weather the storms in your life? Do you endure in silence or tell everyone you meet? Do your storms define you or refine you?

Become still, very still, movement without purpose is pointless. It’s okay to wait for God to direct your path. While being still, silently ask God to order your steps. Ask God what is the lesson that you would have me learn from this experience and listen for the answer.

To weather any storm requires preparation. As a child of God, each day requires prayer, medication, devotion and reading God’s holy word. Patience is required, few things come as we want them, when we want them or how we want them. Learn to wait on God and you will never be disappointed.

I hear God constantly. I have trials and tribulations as you do and I know that they are lessons to prepare me. I don’t know what God is preparing me for, it will be revealed in God’s time. I will be obedient, faithful and as Job like as possible.

Sometimes it is necessary to be silent and be still. Everyone does not need to know what you are going through. Most people don’t care to hear what you are going through, they are attuned to their needs and wants. Your whining, complaining

OPM has much to share with our readers. Read and be Blessed! Sharon E. Locklear, Editor-in-Chief Twitter: @sharonelocklear Instagram: @sharonlocklear

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Reflecting on the memoirs of Job, and looking at the life that he had in God. Job was a man that God thought highly off, he was certain that Job was his man! So much so, that God bragged on him. He was so certain that Job would maintain his faithfulness to Him, that He invited the enemy to invade Job’s life, to step into his space, to disrupt his peace. Now, as we look at this we have to remember the life that Job lead. God said that Job was a man that was upright, meaning that he was honest and full of integrity, that he eschewed evil, meaning that he deliberately went out of his way to keep from any wrong doings. Job was the parent that prayed for his

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children and sacrificed on their behalf, because they were the party kids! Job wanted to make sure that the Lord of all blessed his kids, since they may have neglected to ask for forgiveness or the nights of sibling partying got out of hand. But, the enemy didn’t miss any of this, when God called the Sons of God together, of course Satan came too. Please understand that whenever you go into the presence of the Lord, the enemy will show up also. He will show up in distractions, cell phones, television, and people, and mindsets. He was quick to tell the Lord, that he had been walking to and fro on all the earth, and yes, he was very aware off who Job was. God being God, said to Satan, so, have you

considered my servant, Job? Now the very fact that God refers Job as “His” servant says to me that God was fully sure that Job was and would continue to be His. So, even when the enemy was granted permission to come against Job, to take all he had as his possessions, including all his children, and this was the entire clan, seven sons, three daughters, all his livestock, not to mention there were probably grandchildren as well. And of course, there will always be someone left to bring the bad news. Everything hit Job at once, four separate events in concert. Before he could catch his breath, four different people came to deliver blow after blow after blow after blow, until all Job could do was fall on the floor. But, he did not fall on the floor is despair and overwhelming grief, although, I am sure he was in sorrow and distress. He fell face down in worship. And if that wasn’t enough, Satan is once again back in the face of God, and God again ask him, “Have you considered my servant Job”? This is to say, I know that in your roaming up and down in the earth, you caused catastrophe in Job’s peaceful life and he is still my servant, he still worships me in the midst of it all. Satan, in the world’s view of things says “yeah”, I’m sure he does still worship you, after all; you have a hedge of protection around him, but skin for skin, all that a man has, he will give for his life, if you put forth your hand and touch his flesh and bone, he will curse you to your face. WOW! So, God gave Satan permission to do his worst, only he could not take Job’s life. So, it begins, sores, boils, pain, unhappy wife, unhappy life.

die, that she was speaking out of her own hurt, hurt for him and all they had lost. Surprisingly enough, even in the mist of all the scratching, aching, and grieving, Job holds onto the God of his salvation. Job understands that his wife is speaking foolishness, and its out of her despair. He wants to reassure her that we cannot just accept the good, and not worship the Lord when the bad things happen. Job is saying either the Lord is the Lord of all, or He is not the Lord at all! Can we see that Mr. and Mrs. Job had different relationships with the Lord, can we see that Mrs. Job’s faith was scattered from the moment she learned that her children were dead, and it is not restored as she watching and wrings her hands, unable to help her husband?

“I encourage you to maintain the relationship you have with the Father, allow Him to caress your heart, and sooth your spirit. ”

And what of Mrs. Job, wasn’t she affected as well? After all, she was the mother to the children that died, and the grandmother to the kids that were also maybe lost. Granted, her faith was perhaps not as sure and strong as her husband, and she was grieved and in pain watching him be in agony with peeling and painful lesions all over his body. The man that she married and had lived with in sickness and health. What about her? I would surmise that when she suggested to Job to curse God and

We all have suffered in some form or another, we all have been in a Joblike state, when all we hold near and dear is taken away, when friends come and are of no comfort or help. However, let me encourage you in the Lord. I encourage you to maintain the relationship you have with the Father, allow Him to caress your heart, and sooth your spirit. I encourage you to ask the Lord to give you the now faith spoken of in Hebrews Chapter 11. I encourage you to seek the Lord in every situation, to set your affection on Him, to know that He is the Author and Finisher of everything concerning you. I encourage you to know that everything God does will work out for your good. The Lord delights to do good for those that are faithful to Him, take another look at Job, after all that he went through, in the loss of all he had, God restored him, and not at the same level. God will always do exceedingly, abundantly above all we could ever hope, ask or think. God increased him and kept him and Job was full, meaning complete. Bless you with Love and Peace

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Word Search





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IN THE SP OTLIGHT   BY VERNA V. NICKELBERRY                                   Mrs. Bertha Fayne, Community Health Advisor for the American Cancer Society, Inc., North Central Region. Mrs. Fayne is truly a “Servant Leader” as she gives many hours to her community and outside of her community. We caught up with Mrs. Bertha Fayne to ask her a few questions. OPM: Tell us a little about yourself. BF: I recently celebrated my 35th anniversary with the American Cancer Society, holding several positions with the Society over the years. Currently, I am a Community Health Advisor Specialist, working in communities whose populations are at greater risk of dying from cancer due to lack of education, insurance and access to health care. I manage the Community Health Advisor (CHA) program in Shelby and Fayette counties in

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Tennessee. The CHA Program is a community- based participatory program that was established to eliminate health disparities among African-American women at each level of the healthcare continuum: prevention, early detection, treatment and survivorship. OPM: How did you begin to work with the American Cancer Society? BF: My tenure with the American Cancer Society began as a volunteer. I was sent by my instructor to the American Cancer Society to volunteer as part of my class internship. Eventually, I was hired as a staff member. Thirty-five years later, I am still with the organization. OPM: As a Cancer Advocate what has been your biggest challenge?

“The desire to serve and improve the lives of others. Serving others is the way to serve God.”

BF: We receive many calls from patients who need assistance with out of pocket costs for resources. Hospital social workers and case managers often are too busy to provide adequate support and personalized help that patients need, so they call the American Cancer Society. While the Affordable Care Act has provided many individuals with greater access to preventive cancer screening and treatment, gaps still remain for the uninsured and underinsured. Access to care have been constant challenges for many African-Americans living in Memphis, Tennessee. OPM: What drives you? BF: The desire to serve and improve the lives of others. Serving others is the way to serve God. Colossians 3:23-24. “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as working for the Lord and not for men”. OPM: What is the one thing that bring you joy? BF: The partnership, dedication, trust and mutual respect that my volunteers, community network partners and I share brings me joy. I manage over 100 trained CHA volunteers who are empowering communities daily to save lives from cancer. We educate over 7,000 individuals annually on life-saving cancer information, and direct hundreds of uninsured and underinsured individuals to free breast and colon cancer screening facilities. OPM: Please share a few words of wisdom with our readers. BF: “Everybody can be great…. because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve…. you only need a heart full of grace…. a soul generated by love.” -Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.-

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18 | Fall 2018


ANNUAL SERVA NT AWAR D S 2 0 1 8 The Prayze Factor People’s Choice Awards presented the VeMaShe Enterprises’ ORDINARY PEOPLE Magazine 5th Annual Servant Awards 2018 during “Season 11” of the Prayze Factor Awards. Red Carpet photos courtesy of Black Media Pro Awards photos courtesy of Regina Ragsdale for the PGNetwork

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For Your Health

C OPING IN THE MIDST OF TRIAL   BY PAOLA TENNON, RN, BSN, MBA/HCA, CCM                                                  The Book of Job is one of the greatest scriptural examples of how complicated life can become and, in many instances, without a moment’s notice. Job is known as a true man of God. The Holy Bible describes him as perfect, upright, God fearing, and one who shunned evil (Job 1:1). God had blessed him with a wife, children, servants, numerous livestock, property, wealth, and good health. Although he was righteous, loved God, and remained true and committed to God, he was not excluded from the devastating trials of life - for Job lost all that he had. Scripture tells us that the reason for Job’s loss was not of his own doing, but rather God permitted it to be so. Satan desired to test and disprove Job’s love and faithfulness towards God. He believed that Job was only faithful because he feared God and because God had surrounded him with protection and prosperity. The adversary thought that Job would curse God if He removed His hand of protection for him. Job’s friends did not understand how or why God would allow a righteous man, such as he, to go through these trials. They thought his suffering was because of something he or his children had done.

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Even Job’s wife angrily told him to “curse God and die.” Many believe that she was wrong and should have been punished, while others believe that she had only spoken out of anguish, frustration, despair, and grief because she was suffering too. Nevertheless, neither Job nor his wife could understand why God had seemingly forsaken them. A quote from Biblica, the International Bible Society states that, “When good people suffer, the human spirit struggles to understand.” Many of us can attest to the overwhelming stress and strain that occurs when we are faced with or are in the midst of life’s trials and tribulations. Take a moment to contemplate on how you would respond when you are having your Job experience or standing at your Red Sea and not knowing which direction to go or what to do. In times such as these, we should “Trust in the Lord and lean not on our own understanding. We are to acknowledge who God is and allow Him to direct our path.” (Proverbs 3:5-6) We too, like Job and his wife, will have to cope with stressors that

bombard us over the course of our lives. We often ask why is this happening or what is going on and finally how do I fix this. In many cases, the why’s are not as important as the how’s and the what’s. How do we make it through this challenge? How do we cope with the devastation that is ravaging our lives? How can we remain steadfast in our faith when we are in the midst of trials and tribulations? Well, the what’s are just as challenging as the how’s. Let’s make it personal and then see if you can relate to any of these examples. Ask yourself the following questions: What do I do when my loved one can no longer recognize my face because of dementia, trauma or Alzheimer’s disease? What do I do when I have been given a devastating diagnosis that could result in the end of my life? What do I do when my children go astray and nothing I say seems to matter? What do I do when someone I love dies, or is abused, or is in prison, or is afflicted with disease, or impacted by trauma? What do I do when all is well and suddenly I become a care giver? The what’s of life are too numerous to mention and denial is not an option. Understand that, just because we are Christians and children

of the faith, we are not immune. So, what can we do to improve or change our circumstances? How do we cope with all that is going on and how do we manage the stress that ensues? The Biblical answer is that WE STAND. As Christians, let us began by considering Christ who set the ultimate example as to how we handle our trials and tribulations. Jesus forewarns us in John 16:33 that, “In this world we shall have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” Additionally, the Apostle Peter speaks of suffering for God’s glory and encourages us “not to be surprised of the fiery trials when they come to test us and not to be ashamed of suffering for Christ; rather, we are to rejoice because we share Christ sufferings.” 1 Peter 4:12-16 This is only possible through the grace of God. If we remain steadfast despite the trial, despite the test, James 1:12 affirms that “Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.” We are also to “rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, ordinarypeoplemagazine | 23

be constant in prayer.” (Romans 12:12 ESV) Finally, we have the assurance that is referenced in 1 Peter 5:10; “And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.” The stress that we generate from our trials and tribulations must be understood. From a health and wellbeing perspective, stress can cause us to feel anxious, threatened, and overwhelmed. Thus, it is important for us to develop an optimal coping strategy to manage our stress. The definitions for trials and tribulations are both very similar. Trial, as defined by Merriam-Webster, states that it is a test of faith, patience, or stamina through subjection to suffering or temptation, vexation, or annoyance. Tribulation is defined as distress or suffering resulting from oppression or persecution or a trying experience. However, other references define tribulation as a trial, a state of trouble, or suffering that causes affliction, misery, distress or deep sorrow. Regardless of the definition, many would agree that trials and tribulations test our patience, our endurance, and our faith - all of which leads to stress. These stressors are displayed in many different ways including problems with sleep, eating, substance abuse, denial, etc. Sydney Youngerman-Cole, RN, BSN, RNC and Katy E. Magee, MA, with Mental Health Wellness Week, states “Many mental health problems begin when physical stress or emotional stress triggers chemical changes in your brain. They further state that “the goal of treatment and prevention is to reduce stress and restore normal chemical processes in your brain.” Additionally, The American Psychological Association identifies physical effects of stressor on the body. Based on their overview, stress impacts several systems in the body. The following examples will help you to have a clearer picture of our reaction to stress and why it is important to develop good coping skills. When our stress levels are increased or sustained the muscular system tenses and triggers reactions

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from other parts of the body. These reactions can affect the respiratory system triggering asthma or panic attacks. Moreover, the endocrine system releases the stress hormone which causes chemicals in parts of the adrenal glands and liver to be activated. Long-term effects can impact the cardiovascular system leading to heart disease. The gastrointestinal system, nervous system and reproductive systems can also be impacted. We begin the process of coping by developing a healthy routine that transitions our negative focus to one that is more positive. Coping skills are techniques a person uses to deal with stressful situations. Maintaining and applying good coping skills takes practice that becomes easier over time. They assist in the development or improvement of our mental health wellness. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) list the following healthy ways to cope with stress. •

• • •

Take care of yourself. Eat healthy, exercise on a regular basis, get plenty of sleep, and give yourself a break if you feel stressed out. Talk to others. Share your problems and how you are feeling and coping with a parent, friend, counselor, doctor, or pastor. Avoid drugs and alcohol. They may compound the problem and increase stress. Take a break. If the events are causing or increasing your stress, excuse yourself from whatever is causing you distress. Recognize when you need more help. If problems continue or you are thinking about suicide, talk to a psychologist, social worker, or professional counselor.

Pointers for children include: •

Maintain a normal routine.

Involve them is extra-curricular activities. Talk, listen, and encourage expression. Create opportunities to have your children talk, but do not force them. Listen to their concerns, fears and worries and share some of yours. Establish a regular routine and ask them how they feel in a week, in a month, and so on. Watch and listen. Be alert for any change in behavior. Are children sleeping more or less? Are they withdrawing from friends or family? Are they behaving in any way out of the ordinary? Any changes in behavior, even small ones, may be signs that your child is having trouble and may need support. Similar behavior changes may also be seen in adults. Reassure. Stressful events can challenge a child’s sense of physical and emotional safety and security. Take opportunities to reassure your child about his or her safety and well-being. Discuss ways that you, the school, and the community are taking steps to keep them safe. Connect with others. Make an on-going effort to talk to other parents and your child’s teachers about ways to help your child cope. It is often helpful for parents, schools, and health professionals to work together for the well-being of all children in stressful times.

accessed via books, CD’s, the internet, the local library, and other professional resources that deal with coping skills and managing stress. I encourage you to be proactive in your search and find what works best for you. Be encouraged. “Count it all joy when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.” (James 1:2-4) I also want you to remember that it is our faith and trust in the Lord and our Savior Jesus Christ that helps us to gain the confidence needed to endure. If we “cast our burden on the LORD, He will sustain us; He will never permit the righteous to be moved.” (Psalms 55:22) We are to remain steadfast in our faith in God, pray, commit ourselves to the Lord and trust Him. In so doing, we really get to know God and not just to know about Him. It is then that the relationship turns intimate and we can trust Him unconditionally. The how’s, why’s, and what’s will disappear; humility will spring forth and our trust will surpass all understanding even unto death. Lest we forget, “it is God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Therefore, we are to “remain steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord for our labor is not in vain in the Lord.” (1 Corinthians 15:57-58, KJV)

There is an overabundance of resources available that can be



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

The Holy Bible, King James Version, English Standard Version https://www.dictionary.com/browse/trials-and-tribulations, retrieved 9/4/2018 https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/tribulation , retrieved 9/4/2018 https://www.cdc.gov/ViolencePrevention/pub/coping_with_stress_tips.html, retrieved 9/4/2018 https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/stress/index.shtml, retrieved 9/6/2018 https://www.biblica.com/resources/scholar-notes/niv-study-bible/intro-to-job/, retrieved 9/6/2018 http://www.apa.org/helpcenter/stress-body.aspx, retrieved 9/13/2018 http://www.mhww.org/strategies.html, retrieved 9/4/2018

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Child-Help USA: 1-800-422-4453 (24-hour toll free) Coping with Stress Disaster Distress Helpline: 1-800-985-5990 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (1-888-628-9454 for Spanish-speaking callers) Youth Mental Health Line: 1-888-568-1112 http://www.apa.org/helpcenter/disaster Coping with Stress After a Traumatic Even[570.27KB, 2Pages, 508] https|www.cdc.gov\violenceprevention\pdf\copingwithstress.pdf http://www.diasterdistress.samhsa.gov/ http://www.mhww.org/strategies.html https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/stress/index.shtml https://positivepsychologyprogram.com/coping-skills-worksheets/#adults-coping-skills https://positivepsychologyprogram.com/positive-psychology-tools.html https://www.webmd.com/balance/stress-management/stress-management https://psychcentral.com/stress/

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

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Gospel Music/Artists


P EOP LE ’S C H O IC E AWAR D S “ S EA S ON 1 1 ” 2 0 1 8

BY PASTOR TERESA JORDAN                                     It was a grand night for our up and coming inspired artists during Season 11 of The Prayze Factor People’s Choice Awards. The Prayze Factor People’s Choice Awards (Prayze Factor) is designed to expose faith based arts on a national/international level with major market radio, television and industry exposure. Nominations should be for artists that are seriously looking to gain more exposure, increase their fan base and make their music/ ministry more relevant in the gospel and inspirational industry. This is a “fan driven” platform so artists will be required to engage their fans in voting, commenting, promoting…

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etc. their ministries. While this is a friendly awards competition it is more important that artists utilize the platform to draw those that are unaware of their ministry to the table where they can not only experience the ministry but experience the realness of Christ. There are three rounds during a period of Prayze Factor promotions. Each round is designed to accomplish the aforementioned goals for the artists but it takes work. Nominees will be afforded several opportunities for promotions of their ministries, opportunities to engage their fans and opportunities to show the nations the strength of performing arts ministry. To

maximize full potential of this platform, artists must be in the frame of mind that God deserves their very best every step of the way and without excuse. Those that grasp and understand that, are rewarded greatly by the time the seasons award show airs as their presence in the gospel community is greatly advanced. Prayze Factor is at the top of every search engine which in turns puts every participant front and center for the industry and world to see. Follow us on social media @prayzefactor for all the latest updates on the who’s who in the inspired artists movement. #prayzefactorawards11 Photos Courtesy of Black Media Pro

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Fa mi l y

TI M E   BY KEONA HANNUM                         My name is Keonda Hannum. I married my soulmate David Hannum Jr. September 18, 2010. When we met I had three kids. Dominic, Chyna and Amiya. And He a daughter named Davida. After having my three children I had a tubal ligation in 2006. Me and my husband decided we would try and have a child together. We contacted Dr. Gayla Harris (the fertility Dr.), February 10, 2011, I had a tubal ligation reversal surgery. The worst surgery to date as far as pain goes. We went into this knowing there was a high chance it may not work. But our faith in God wouldn’t let us think that way. I was so optimistic I called my baby sitter Mrs. Martha and asked if she would be able to keep the baby while we worked. She just laughed and said yes. We found out in May of 2011 we were expecting and all was well. January 6, 2012, our baby girl Kedaja was born. I’ve spent the last 18 years working as a Registered Nurse at Blount Memorial Hospital. I’ve floated all floors, worked in SICU, CCU, MICU and helped out in the ER. David is a veteran of the United States Army. He has worked at Cintas the last 12 years as a Quality

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Assurance Auditor. Where he has received several awards of excellence from one of their largest companies. He also works for UPS at night to provide for our family. David has always had an interest in going to school to be an electrician and was selected into the Electrician Apprenticeship Program this year. He now works for progression electric and getting prepared for classes starting in September. We our so excited for this new journey and I know that he will excel. David and I have always managed to incorporate family time into our schedule. We love going up to Cades Cove, located in the Great Smokey Mountains. Driving through the loop admiring nature and the wild life. We sometimes go on the carriage rides and hike the 2.5 mile trail down to Abraham’s Falls. We can’t leave out stopping for ice cream at the Townsend campground on our way out of the loop. Pigeon forge is another place we enjoy. Renting cabins, riding go-carts, playing video games, old timey photos, going to the aquarium and Dollywood. Vacation is something else our family loves to do. We always make a point to go somewhere each year. Our

favorite place to go is Myrtle beach. Walks on the beach, collecting sea shells, helicopter rides, banana boat ride, parasailing and catching the waves in the ocean. Disney is Another favorite place. We love driving down and staying on the resorts. Making our way through Universal studios, the Castle, Animal kingdom and the Typhoon lagoon. The kids enjoy the roller coasters, the water slides and meeting all the characters.

We are now grandparents of four. Italy, Major, Raziyyah and Niyla. There is nothing sweeter than grandkids and we love spending time with them as well. David and I look forward to having more family fun, vacations, and making memories.

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TRENDING NOW... Kesha L. Hayes is known as a leading expert in subject matter involving care of Aging Beauties and a leader in professional development training for individuals that care for our Aging Population. She is the CEO and Owner of Professional Development and Training Services, LLC, a school that develops exceptional caregivers that provide excellent care to our Aging Beauties. She is also the founder of Caring for Aging Beauties (C.A.B.), an non-profit agency, which provides support to our aging population through companionship. She emphasizes caring for those that made a way for us and giving back to those that once cared for us. “Because of them, we can”. She is a licensed assisted living administrator, license practical nurse and Comfort Care Consultant. In Kesha Hayes’ heartwarming and realistic tale “The Move” a widowed matriarch reluctantly transitions into an assisted living community. Readers will love this woman as she questions her decision and comes to terms with a whole new cast of characters. The book gives insight to the beginning and end of how an older adult may feel as he or she make one of the most important decisions in his or her life and enters into a new environment.

30 | Fall 2018

Miracles and Blessings



I didn’t smoke, drink, and I try to live a normal healthy life. I had it going on so, I thought. Kids were grown and I’m ready to be free! So I thought. January 2008 is a year I will never forget. I was sitting at the breakfast table with my husband when I felt this knot that I had passed off some days ago as being there because of too much caffeine. No big thing I’ll just cut back on my diet sodas. But in the meantime, I decided to go have my mammogram done and afterward treat myself to some shopping for having it done. Shared with the tech and showed the knot, of course, no comment from the tech. I got my letter in the mail and it said I was cancer free. But the knot was still there and my

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doctor was not satisfied with the results and I was sent to see a breast specialist and had a biopsy. On Thursday, February 28, 2008, at 4:30 PM I was waiting to be curled out at the hair salon and I received a phone call that would change my life forever. I’m getting chills just thinking about those dreaded words “you have breast cancer”. I remember hanging up on the nurse practitioner and making my way to my stylist both where one of my play daughter (Tamara) was in the chair and all I could do was lay head in her lap and murmur out the words breast cancer. But my God had me at the right place at the right time. Did I tell you the name

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of the salon was Blessed Hands? My stylist and the hold shop went into prayer! After the praying shouting and crying, it was time to go get ready for a ride. I call family and friends to meet me at the house for a meeting. The hardest thing I had to do was to tell the love of my life (Michael) that I had cancer. That night I saw in his eyes how much he truly loved me. He held me in his arms and said we are going to beat this with the help of God. Rita and I laughed that night after everyone got over the shock, they begin doing what they do best when they come over, cooking at eating. Oh, by the way, they did not wash the dishes. A few weeks later I prepared for the ride, surgery to have my lymph nodes checked (Good News, there was no cancer in my nodes), had my porter put in for my chemo treatments. Oh! Did I tell you that I had made plans to go on a cruise? I wanted to cancel but my sister (Marcus L) worked at the clinic where I was going to take my treatments, told the doctor and nurses. So when I get to the clinic, Michael they all insisted that I go on the cruise. I am so glad I took their advice. While on the trip Michael has a nice long talk about the next step to the ride. He said let’s have some fun, and when we get back, he wanted me to fight for my life because he did not want to live without me. OMG! I knew then that I had to survive. First chemo session (ride), my family was so supportive, that was one of the most important parts for me; to have my family and friends riding beside me. I knew it was extra hard on my sister because she worked at the Cancer clinic. Her prayer was none of her family would ever have to go through this horrible disease, we laughed when she said:” you would be the one”. Everyone has different reactions to the treatment. I felt very strange after my first infusion. I was told that all my hair would come out, but they forgot to say your whole body would be hairless. That forgot to say your hands, feet, tongue would turn black and list went on and on about what my body and mind went through. My stomach stayed queasy so much, I felt like I was on a cruise along with morning sickness. That second ride was when I knew that I needed to put on my seat belt because this ride was going up and down the mountain side with no stopping for a break. My infusion was always on Thursday. On that Saturday, my friend/nurse (Tammy) who came to sit with me every Saturday, decide it

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was time to shampoo my hair that was left. OMG! I knew something was wrong when they stopped talking. The rest of my hair slide off in the sick. The room was so quiet, you could hear a mouse walking in church. They took me to the mirror and we all had our cry. After that, it was on baby! My two son (Brandon, Dylan) said I looked like Brandon with lipstick because he wore his head ball also. On days that I felt good Michael always insisted on be getting out of the house. I think he just wanted to show off my round bald head. Strange to say, but I felt sexy wearing the bald look. But I think he got a more of a kick from the stares and compliments than I did. As Tam would say “put on your game face and rock it MaDear” and I did just that. Some people would build the nerves to ask me about my look because ten years ago people were not embarrassing bald heads on women. The third ride was the one that almost took me over the cliff! I was so sick; I ended up in the ER. All I could do was to get down on my knees and cry out to the Lord! I prayed for Grace and Mercy! I read the 23 Psalms every day and all day. I understand why some people family would say their loved ones gave up. I kept hearing this song “Fight On” and with the help of God, husband, family, church family, and friends that what I did. I remember Teri coming over and all I could do was lay my head in her lap and weep, I’m a very strong person, but that chemo can bring you down to your knees. My mom would come and sit every day, I felt bad because I see the fear in her eyes. By the fourth treatment, the ride one tumor was gone and the second one had shrunk so, that my doctor canceled the fourth Aromasin and started me on my tamoxifen. This treatment cause more joint, nerve and aces than anything else. Well, I finally made it to my last day of treatment. Those that know me, knows I will make a celebration out of anything. What a Hallelujah time we had at the clinic ringing the bell of completion. OMG, there were over one people there to cheer me on and to give GOD the praise he so deserved. Of course, I had to do radiation that was a walk in the park, compared to chemotherapy.

I was asked how did this affect my walk with Christ, I thought that I was going to be a mouthpiece for my school system advocating for students. But God had something greater. Just like in Jerimiah 29:11 where he says “I know the plans I have for you! His plans were not the same. His plans (God) are for me to be a mouthpiece for him through telling his story of hope, healing to millions of Cancer Survivors and their families and to remain humble as I do his ‘Will in my Life” Through his will, I have been awarded as one of the “Hero of the Faith”, at Brown Missionary Baptist Church, told my story on TBN, The Loretta McNairy Show, local and national TV, a cover story for BG Magazine, work closely with the American Cancer Society in Memphis Please take care of your body; get your mammogram. You have some more living to do. I thank GOD for sparing my life!

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Consider This



“ 38 And a superscription also was written over him in letters of Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew, THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS. 39 And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us. 40 But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation? 41 And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss. 42 And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom. 43 And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, today shalt thou be with Me in paradise.” Not long ago I spoke with an individual who told me she has been in church all her life. I will refer

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to this lady as Candy, although that is not her real name. Candy shared with me that she was raised in a Christian home and baptized as a teenager. She has always attended church wherever she has lived. There was one more thing Candy shared with me as well. Candy told me she has no remembrance of ever praying the prayer to truly invite Jesus Christ into her heart. I told Candy there is a reason for that. No one who ever comes to God and truly surrenders his or her heart and life to Jesus Christ will ever forget that event. Why? Because when you and I truly surrender our hearts and lives to Jesus Christ and accept His sacrifice at Calvary as payment in full for our sin debt, our lives are forever changed from that moment on. I would like to tell you Candy truly surrendered her heart and life to Jesus Christ after we talked, but

unfortunately, Candy only became frustrated with me for urging her to truly surrender her heart to Jesus Christ. Not long after that, I shared that incident regarding Candy with a coworker, who I will refer to as Sherry. I never revealed Candy’s true name—even though I was confident that Sherry did not know Candy anyway. As I shared this story with Sherry, I said to her, “Sherry, just imagine being an eight-year old girl standing with your mother along the sidewalk filled with hundreds of people to your left and your right—all standing and waiting to catch a glimpse of the motorcade of the President of the United States as it passes by them. As the motorcade approaches, the President spots you in the crowd and suddenly stops the motorcade. Exiting his limousine, he walks over and picks you up in his arms. The people are amazed, whispering, and in awe of what is going on. The President warmly smiles, kisses your forehead and asks you your name. Then he turns to your mother and says, “Ma’am, you have a very lovely daughter.” And having said that, he gently kisses your forehead once again, puts you down, returns to his limousine, and the motorcade resumes. I told Sherry, “Your meeting the President on that day when you were just eight-years old is an event you will never forget. Even as a grown woman, you may not remember the particular time of day it occurred or even what day of the week it was. But that event will be etched in your heart and mind for as long as you live.” Sherry agreed. Then I asked Sherry, “If meeting the President of the United States is an event one could never forget, then how is it possible to forget a meeting with the God who created the universe—the Christ who shed His blood at Calvary for us in order that we may know life eternal?” Sherry’s eyes welled up with tears, and she looked at me and said, “Candy’s story is my story. I have been in church all my life, and I don’t ever remember praying the prayer to invite Jesus into my heart and life.” I asked Sherry, “Are you willing to do that now?” Sherry, amid tears, said, “I am.” Sherry bowed her head and tearfully told God how sorry she was for a life lived up to this point without Jesus Christ. She tearfully asked Him to forgive her, and then asked Jesus to come into her heart and life right then and there. Afterwards, Sherry told me she plans to schedule her baptism now that she knows she truly is a child of God because she is not ashame to publicly identify with her Savior.

immediately turned to Jesus in faith and asked Him, “Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.” And Jesus said to this dying thief who now was placing his faith in the Christ, “Verily I say unto thee, today shalt thou be with Me in paradise.” Like the two thieves hanging on the cross, both Candy and Sherry were presented with the same gospel message—the same Savior. Sherry turned to the Savior in faith and with a contrite heart asked Him to forgive her of all her sin and become Lord and Savior in her heart and life. Candy did not, but it is my prayer that she will. I have planted, and watered, and now I sincerely intercede on her behalf. The increase is between God and her. What about you today? Have you spent your life attending worship services of a Savior you have truly never come to know personally? If so, like Sherry and the humble thief on the cross, you can come to know Him personally right now simply by praying the following prayer and meaning it with all your heart. Dear God in heaven, I come to You in the name of Your precious Son, Jesus Christ. Lord, I now realize I have spent my life going through the motions of religion without having a true relationship with You through the Person of Your Son Jesus Christ. I now confess to You that I am a sinner in need of a Savior. Please forgive me for all my sin. Cleanse me of all my iniquity and unrighteousness. With all my being, I am truly inviting Jesus Christ to come into my heart right now and become Lord and Savior of my life. Thank You for hearing my prayer. Thank You for forgiving me of my sin. And thank You for accepting me into Your family of believers. In Jesus’ name…amen. “Jesus is not one of many ways to approach God, nor is He the best of several ways. He is the only way.” A. W. Tozer. Aiden Wilson Tozer was an American Christian pastor, author, magazine editor, and spiritual mentor. For his work, he received two honorary doctoral degrees © September 2018 Vanderbilt Brabson III, Author ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

As the two thieves hung dying on their respective crosses and flanking Jesus on either side, one looked over at that solitary cross where hung the Savior of the world and scoffed. The other thief rebuked him for his criticism of Jesus, and then

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Inspirational Words



During seasons struggle, chaos, tribulation, turmoil, loss, pain, heartbreak, rejection, abandonment where do we find our hope when it seems that all is lost? How do we stand strong when we feel like we are being targeted for failure, misery, pain, hurt, humiliation, lack and fear?

Wisdom is good with an inheritance and by it there is profit to them that see the sun. Ecclesiastes 7:11.

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exempt from being tested by losing children, wealth and his health. He realized that his belief system and foundation were shaken to the very core, ripped apart and there was no way that he could have stopped this from happening. He was without hope, help and in confusion.

The times that we live in are such that it is easy to wonder “what is next?” and will we survive these horrible episodes that are taking place daily.

We know that the promises of God are always yes and amen! This means that even when we see our life, world and everything precious to us snatched away; we still must stand in hope.

I know that Job felt the same way as he went through the approved time of torment from the adversary known as Satan. Even though it took Job quite a while to come to the realization that while he was not an evil person; he finally understood that he was not

Hope is our lifeline and it should be planted within in us to pull on, bring forth and to increase in. An example that is so timely and always in season is the Word of the Prophet Jeremiah where he talks about being planted like a tree near the water, where the roots

are by the stream, there is no fear when heat, turmoil, pain or tragedy comes. The leaves remain green due to being planted near water and there is no anxiousness or worry when we lack. This tree that the Prophet Jeremiah talks about does not cease to bear fruit either! Jeremiah 17:8 ESV Hope is an action verb and to have it you must have expectation, desire, expectation, anticipation and determination. You must continue to move in hope even when you feel as if your very life is being cut off. There is an old Lutheran hymnal that was written by Edward Mote in 1834 where part of the refrain is “my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus Christ, my righteousness.” That practically sums up the hope I offer you; that as we go through hard times we must remember how to stand and Who to place our hope in.

description given by Job. When we feel like we have no hope or breath, we are to pant after the One who is the Living Water. As we continue to drink the Living Water by worshiping when we don’t want to, pray without ceasing; read the living Word, speaking the living Word; we will begin to bud with new hope, refreshment and vitality. This makes me excited when I take the time to remember that I can through Hope in Jesus Christ I can recover, be restored and bring forth new things! What a great time in the midst of chaos to find clarity by hoping in what is real, right and never changes; God’s word. Take time at least once a day to start, build and continue to Hope!

Job 14:7-9 talks about hope for a tree. How even if it is cut down it will most certainly sprout again and the it’s tender shoots will not cease. It may grow old in the earth, and even seem as if it has died; but at the scent of water it WILL bud and bring forth branches again. Trees are symbols of life, prosperity, strength, flexibility and longevity. We too as believers must pattern our lives after the

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40 | Fall 2018


“There was a man in the land of Uz, whose

just, no matter what your friends may say or

name was Job; and that man was perfect

think. God is always present, the Bible ensure

and upright, and one that feared God, and

us that He will “never leave us nor forsake

eschewed evil.” Job1:1


Job is one of my favorite books of the Bible,

“And the Lord turned the captivity of Job,

it is a book that shows how one man’s life

when he prayed for his friends: also the Lord

change almost overnight. We all know

gave Job twice as much as he had before.”

Job’s story, he lost everything, his children,

Job 42: 10

property, and was sick, cover with scores. “In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God

In the end God truly blessed Job, “So the

foolishly.” Job 1:22

Lord blessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning: Job 42:13 (a). So, stay focus,

Often time we get very upset with God when

stay pray up, and stay in the face of God when

we are face with trials and tribulations, we

you are faced with trials and tribulations.

may even question God as to “why is this happening to me?” Was Job upset? Sure he

We would like to thank Pastor Bartholomew

was! ( Job 3: 1-26).

Orr, (Senior Pastor, Brown Missionary Baptist Church) and the Cancer Ministry for all of

Job is such a powerful book about life and life

your help and the your community service.

lessons, how we go through, how we respond when we are faced with life altering trials and

This is our last issue for 2018, we do hope

tribulations. The most important thing is how

that you our readers has enjoy reading every

we respond when friends come to condemn

issue and that each articles was helpful as well

as you are going through as those of Job.

are relevant. We don’t take your support for

Imaging your friends attacking you, ridiculing

granted or lightly.

you, and insulting your faith. These are the things that Job had to endure. If you can hold

Look for great things in 2019!

on and keep the Faith knowing that God got

And always, Love, Peace, Increase

you durning your most troubling time, He will answer you as He did answer Job. Yes, God will chastise/correct us, but He still loves us. The thing is to keep doing what is right and ordinarypeoplemagazine | 41

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