ORDINARY PEOPLE | FALL 2019 | Vol. 10 | Issue 28

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Cancer is a disease that can affect anyone, but it does not affect everyone equally. The American Cancer Society is addressing the unequal burden of cancer by reaching individuals in underserved communities in collaboration with community partners. Our Community Health Advisors provide education, outreach, and information to men and women, particularly in the area of cancer prevention. They encourage people to practice early detection of colon, breast and cervical cancer while it is in the most treatable stages. To find out more about our Community Health Advisor program , please contact the American Cancer Society at 1.800.227.2345.


Freelance Studio Engineer From Memphis, Tn to Atlanta, Ga RENEGADE EL REY has been putting in the groundwork to build the name of both his self as an artist and his brand, Southern Eagle Music Group LLC. Working as an artist, writer and engineer out of Stankonia Studios in Atlanta RENEGADE has been able to grow his network and hone his craft in a very organic fashion. Never satisfied with his latest accomplishments, RENEGADE EL REY is making sure to create a lasting name in the entertainment industry. For more info send an email to RENEGADETGC1@aol.com or call 901-336-3757

- Courtesy of

departments Founder and Editorial Director Verna V. Nickelberry Editor-In-Chief Sharon Locklear Art Director Rushun Wiseman Contributing Writers Vanderbilt Brabson Paris Ducker Paola Tennon Jeanette Chestnut-Chester Photographers Whitney Howard Kimberly Taylor Kendall Elem Sales Director/ Memphis, TN Janet Chestnut salesmemphis@ ordinarypeoplemagazine International Director of Sales and Market Frisco, TX Will Odom tndimension.net (214) 514-2926 ‘Advertise With Us� Please Contact Us At (770) 767-0649 O.P. Magazine Mail 1311 Woodridge Dr. Atlanta, GA 30339 (770) 767-0649 http://ordinarypeoplemagazine ORDINARY PEOPLE MAGAZINE is a quarterly publication and is distributed in Memphis, TN; Knoxville, TN; Frisco, TX; Atlanta, GA; and Orlando, FL.

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contents Fall 2019

08 11 12 14 22

ON THE COVER Danita Brown

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Sharon E. Locklear

JUST TO ENCOURAGE YOU Jeanette Chestnut-Chester




All rights reserved.Reproduction in whole or in part without the founder/editor’s consent is strictly prohibited. The opinions expressed herein are exclusively those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the positions or views of the editor. The publication of any advertisement in the issue does not constitute an endorsement of the advertiser’s products or services by the publication. © 2019 Ordinary People Magazine VeMaShe’ Enterprise LLC

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The Right Motivation


God’s Glory and Man’s Honor


Verna V. Nickelberry





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On The Cover

ON THE C OVER   COVER INFORMATION                                   Danita Brown is living her best life! She is an eleven year cancer survivor. Danita taught school for 31 years. During ten of those years she served as a facilitator, until May of 2015, when she felt it was time to start her new chapter in life. After being diagnosed in 2008, with stage three breast cancer, she went through six rounds of chemotherapy, losing all of her hair, and thirty treatments of radiation therapy. She knew then that God had plans for her here on earth.

Danita is known for giving her testimonies, visiting

She works fiercely with cancer survivors throughout

survivors and families in their homes, going to the doctor

Memphis, Southaven and as far as Kansas, City Missouri. She promised God if he would heal her body she would walk beside others that contracted this dreadful disease. She is the Ministry Leader for the Cancer Support Ministry at Brown Missionary Baptist Church in Southaven, Mississippi under

with survivors as an advocate for them, asking questions, to make sure they understand what the doctor is telling them. She also accompanies them to their first treatment, which includes any type of cancer. Because she knows from her previous experience with cancer how important it is to have

the leadership of Dr. Bartholomew Orr, senior pastor, and the

family and friends there to support you.

Memphis chapter of the National American Cancer Society.

Danita is the wife of Michael Brown (36 years and counting)

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who accompanied her to every treatment and doctor’s appointment. She is the mother of two sons Dylan Curry, Brandon Brown, and the stepmother to Nevin and Devina Brown, and is a proud grandmother and great grandmother.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” Jeremiah 29:11

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Letters to the Editor

Letters to the













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I loved the cover of the two military personnel it was nice seeing something different. Thank you for honoring our veterans. - Caroyln

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It’s so nice the see community organization being honored. ations .




What an awesome issue! I especially enjoy reading about the “Servant Awards!”

Motiv t h g i ic The R l Mus s e p s o G rtist and A

ghting ams i i l t l l o i p S W . rea R

nd A t s i t Ar

- Janet

Love the cover! Great job! Keep doing what you all are doing. - Belinda How can someone get into your magazine? - Unknown

10 | Fall 2019



Joshua 2:11 As soon as we heard these things, our hearts did melt, neither did there remain any more courage in any man, because of you: for the Lord your God, he is God in heaven above, and in earth beneath. Hearing about the might of the true God of Israel and the deliverance of the Israelites, the people knew that it would be impossible to fight. God had delivered his chosen People, the Israelites and given them the Promised Land. The people of Israel were delivered numerous times since the exodus from Egypt. The people of this new land recognized the sovereignty of the one, true GOD. How is this verse applicable to us in today’s world? People are delivered daily when they accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Christians are delivered daily when they pray the Lord’s Prayer and other prayers. People of the earth recognize God’s sovereignty.

do as they please, they do as their feelings dictate, they do what is seen on social media, and they do as they think or as someone has advised them to do for their particular circumstance. Committing to Christianity and saying that God is the head of our life means that we listen to God. We talk to God and pray for guidance and direction. We accept and obey God without the fight. We become encouraged in our obedience and acceptance and know that God is the God of heaven and earth. Does your heart melt when you hear about the mighty and miraculous things that God has done in the lives of people you know? Do you rejoice for the miracles that occur in your life? Or is your heart hardened and closed? How can we be Thankful, Grateful and Appreciative

Despite recognizing that God is ruler of heaven and earth, many people even Christians are inclined to do as they wish. God allows humans free will. Many people ordinarypeoplemagazine | 11

Just to Encourage


Joshua 2:11 And as soon as we had heard these things, our hearts did melt, neither did there remain any more courage in any man, because of you: for the LORD your God, he is God in heaven above, and in earth beneath.

commanded victory to Joshua as he and his men marched around it seven times.

What are the things that were heard that caused hearts to melt, and courage to dissolve? What was the nature of the information and who was the giver of this overwhelming confession? In order to understand the nature of this confession and the reason behind it, we need to go back a bit.

When the spies went out, know that they went to spy out the land, however, they did not go unnoticed. Be assured of this, whenever you are on a mission for the Lord, someone will always know and attempt to stop you. The spies found cover in the house of Rahab, a woman with a reputation, and a lot of courage. You may wonder how the spies knew that they could find refuge in the house of such a person? We may never understand the reason for this; however, we can be assured of this one thing, it was all orchestrated for their good. Not only did the spies know that they would be safe there, the enemy also knew that this was the likely place they could be found.

In the beginning of the 2nd chapter of Joshua, two men are sent out to spy out the land, as far as Jericho. You may wonder why it was necessary for the land to be spied in such a manner; Jericho was the oasis of the area, it was filled with palm trees, banana trees, balsams, sycamores, and henna trees. It was a very tropical place. It is believed to be one of the oldest inhabited cities in the world and the city with the oldest known protective wall in the world. It is at this wall that the Lord

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So, the things spoken of in verse 11 of Chapter 2, is the awesome power displayed by the Lord God.

This woman knew of the Lord, even though she was a pagan. This is was she did when the king’s men came to inquire as to the

whereabouts of the spies; taking no thought of her own life, she hid them on the roof, and this is what she said; Yes, the men came to me, but I did not know where they had come from. And showing much bravery, she also informed them that just as she did not know where they came from, when they left, she did not know where they went. These are the things that influenced her and caused her heart to melt with love and reference for the people of God that needed her help. She spoke of knowing that the Lord had given the land that was being spied out to Joshua, she knew that God would cause them to be victorious.

This Canaanite woman and the people close to her now knew the there was a God that could cause a turnaround, he is the Lord God Almighty. He is Elohim! He is Jehoveh Tsidkneu, the Lord our Righteousness. He is Jehoveh Shalom, the Lord our Peace. He is the Ancient of Days, the Consuming Fire, the Refiners Fire, and the Purifying Fire. These are the characteristics of the Father that causes hearts to melt, mindsets to change, wrongdoers to correct their behavior, and even those that have no courage, to be strong and courageous. There is nothing that could eve come against you that the Lord cannot uphold you in and through.

“Let me encourage you in this, the Lord our God is one God, there is none before him or after him. He can cause the heart to melt from even the hardest of stones. ”

She understood that the people around the area had reason to be afraid, for the great and mighty God had done great and mighty things. Things that would certainly cause the heart to melt. She remembered that things that she had heard regarding the Lord drying up the water of the Red Sea so that the children of Israel could cross over on dry land when they came out of Egypt, she remembered that the kings of the Amorites had been utterly destroyed. As all this came back to the memory of Rahab, I can imagine that her heart did melt and any previous thoughts that her neighbors had concerning pagan worship just evaporated. And any brave aggression toward the men of God, ceased.

Let me encourage you in this, the Lord our God is one God, there is none before him or after him. He can cause the heart to melt from even the hardest of stones.

Submit your ways to him and allow him to direct your path, just as he directed the path of Joshua and the spies. Just as he melted the heart of Rahab and directed her path, leading her to become the great great grandmother of the man after God’s own heart, King David. Amazing that as her heart was receptive, God honored her with a great great grandson whose heart belonged to him. Be abundantly blessed...

The statement made by this woman is “for the Lord your God, he is God in heaven above and in earth beneath. This is a statement of wonderment, and sincerity. How does our heart line up with all the truths here? When we remember and realize that the Lord is the only true God, that he and only he has the power to heal, deliver and set free, does our heart melt? He has not changed, he is the same today, as he was on yesterday, and forever more. He is the same God that delivered the spies from the hand of those that wanted to do them harm, and he is the same God that caused a heart change in an idol worshipping prostitute. ordinarypeoplemagazine | 13

In The Spotlight


BY VERNA V. NICKELBERRY                                                                                     We caught up with Mrs. Latoya Dotson at a local coffee-shop in Memphis, TN and wanted to know more about the awesome woman (a breast cancer survivor) and the amazing work that she does in her community. Not only is she a “Breast Cancer” survivor but she is the founder of Pink Savvy, Inc. an organization that encourages and support “Breast Cancer” survivors.

OPM: Who is Latoya Dotson? Latoya loves God with her whole heart. She is a wife, mother, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and business owner. Latoya has been married to her amazing husband (Derrick Dotson) for 13 years. Together they have 3 handsome young men. James (21), Derrick Jr. (14) and Dilan (6). Latoya is a native of Clarksdale, MS in which she was born and raised. After graduating high school, she attended Rust College, where she was a member of the astounded Acapella Choir. There she met her husband. She later moved to Memphis, TN after they married. She would later her education at Belhaven University majoring in Psychology. OPM: When and why did you launch a Breast Cancer Organization? I launched Pink Savvy Inc in 2014. Granted it was a vision that God had given me years prior to ever being diagnosed with Breast

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Cancer. My mom and mother--in-law has been diagnosed with Breast Cancer. My mom (Christine Melton) was Stage 0 and didn’t have to endure any of the harsh treatments of chemotherapy and radiation. My mother in law (Linda Wesby) was diagnosed with Stage III Triple Negative Breast Cancer. Thankfully they are both survivors!!! I began volunteering when my mother in law was diagnosed and continued to do so even after she was cancer free. I would spend 3-4 days a week volunteering at West Clinic on my lunch break. There, I saw a need for so much. One thing that stuck out the most was that so many women were alone. Either by choice or by force and I became a chemo companion. I then knew that were my purpose and mission. OPM: What is Pink Savvy’s mission and purpose? Pink Savvy Inc’s mission is to celebrate the inner and outer beauty of women going

Pink Savvy Inc’s mission is to celebrate the inner and outer beauty of women going through breast cancer as well as survivors.

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through breast cancer as well as survivors. One thing I’ve learned that if we can manage to look good, it makes us feels so much better. Pink Savvy Inc has many components. It has a prayer ministry, support group, as well as chemo companions. Pink savvy host’s a yearly Denim and White Wine down in which they spot light breast cancer survivors as well as women in the fight. They host a Pink Polish Sparty that gives back to fighters and survivors. They are treated to day of beatification from head to toe and then a nice dinner out in the town. We supply women with Savvy Kits with items to assist them while in treatment. We also assist with educational, emotional and financial support. Starting in 2020, Pink Savvy will host a yearly holiday breakfast for breast cancer patients and caregivers. She finds it an honor to give back and serve those in the cancer community.

heart was located. I had them so bad, I ended up being going to the hospital several times thinking I was having some heart problems. After having a CT scan, what the doctor thought were calcium nodules showed up on the scan. I was then instructed to get a mammogram. In February of 2019, I was diagnosed with Triple Posi tive/ Her2 Positive Breast Cancer. While on her job working for USPS corporate, she received a phone call that no one ever desired to hear. “Your biopsy results were positive. You have breast cancer”! Life as I knew it changed dramatically. They immediately got the ball rolling on the course of treatment. I had a partial mastectomy, 24 rounds of chemo, 22 rounds of radiation , a hysterectomy and will have reconstruction in the near future.

“Stop waiting on people to validate you and your purpose. The time you are wasting on them, you can’t get back. Focus upward and forward. God has already validated you upon creating you.”

OPM: How did you find out about your diagnosis: In July is 2018, I noticed that my body was feeling extremely different. My energy level had decreased. I seemed to never be able to get enough rest. I simply thought my body had started acting up because people say when you hit 40, that check engine light goes on. I literally felt like a transformer but not like the ones we see on television. I also started having chest pain around the area in which my

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When I was first diagnosed, my thoughts were: “Why me? Haven’t I been doing the work?” ”Haven’t I given selflessly of myself to serve others in need and helped those on this journey ? Why did I need to walk this path?” All I wanted to do was serve, not be a member of the team in which I was of service to, but breast cancer had now become a path in my life journey in which I had to walk through. I struggled for two months with this information and didn’t tell a soul besides my husband, sister and one of my closest (my

person) friends. It was hard to say the words out loud, but I prayed and proceeded with surgery. After surgery, I felt as though it was time to share. I knew God could use anything meant to bring you down for his good and his glory. That’s exactly what I allowed him to do. USE ME! I continued to encourage and serve others as I did before I was diagnosed. I was intentional in sharing the love of Christ with every visit to the West Cancer Center while having treatment. I continued to be who God called me to be in every way. Cancer had already taken so much physically, I in no formed planned on allowing it to dismantle my spirit! OPM: How has cancer changed you? Being diagnosed with Breast Cancer changed my life not only in the physical, but the mental as well. 1. If I had any doubt, I now know without a doubt that God can and will get you through ANYTHING circumstance life brings at you. Trust him! Lean not to your own understanding because you WILL NOT UNDERSTAND all of life’s challenges. He is truly all you need. 2. I stopped caring what others thought of me. Live your life authentically and passionately. Stop waiting on people to validate you and your purpose. The time you are wasting on them, you can’t get back. Focus upward and forward. God has already validated you upon creating you. 3. Forgive as quickly as possible. It takes more energy holding grudges than to let things go and flow. 4. Never take life, love and the people in your world for granted. It could all change in the blink of an eye.

5. Take care of YOU!! Self-care is necessary for your mind, body and soul! You can’t pour if you are empty. I learned that it’s ok to accept help when needed. It’s ok to not be ok. I was always the giver, the nurturer and the encourager. I had to allow others to do and be that for me. 6. Love me or hate me.. but I’m always going to be that Jesus loving, giving, helper to others, tell ya like it is girl you always see. OPM: What do wish others will gain from your journey? We all are going to at some point in life face something that we aren’t mentally or physically prepared for. Nothing can prepare you for the journey but when that journey comes, the way you face it and go through it will indeed help determine the outcome. Yes keep a positive attitude, but also allow yourself to grieve just don’t stay in that state of being. As the saying goes, “Are you going to boss up or cry about it? First of all, I’m going to do BOTH”! It’s absolutely ok to cry. Do that, but dust yourself off, look fear in the face and push past it. No matter how many people are rooting for you to win, you must have the will, fight and desire to do so within yourself. Faith and fear CANNOT live in the same house! Tell fear to go back to hell because it is definitely not a gift from God! In everything give thanks. In the good times and in the bad times, God still deserves his praise. All in all, I Count it all Joy in spite of!

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18 | Fall 2019

Word Search




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For many, the role as a caregiver can be

disabling and crippling disease processes

The intent of this article is to raise

challenging and even overwhelming for

such as Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s,

awareness to the sometimes-challenging

some. The underlying reasons involves

Cancer and the list goes on. Regardless

role of the caregiver and the associated

providing care for those who are

of the attributing factors, it is important

health risk that can ultimately lead to

physically and or mentally incapacitated.

to remember that in the midst of it all,

burnout of the caregiver if not addressed.

Daily responsibilities can range from

we must remain encouraged; “For the

Multiple studies have been conducted

minimal care to total care; and in many

Lord your God, He is God in Heaven

over the years which indicates that the

cases the caregiver’s role is one that

above and on earth beneath”. Joshua

role of the caregiver can become very

has been assumed typically by a family

2:11 (NKJV)

time consuming, physically intensive,

member. Contributory factors may include; the increasing age of a loved one who requires assistance with activities of daily living, or one who has experienced a medical emergency such as a heart attack or stroke, or one who had a major health event from a traumatic injury. Other circumstances may include a child or adult born with a disability, or loved ones struggling with mental health issues, or those incapacitated by

22 | Fall 2019

socially disabling and one in which is

financially burdensome. These factors

also propose that caregivers are at risk

say they are in excellent or good health

can bring about added stress for those

for fatigue and sleep disturbances, lower

(74 percent), there are approximately

providing care and can lead to emotional,

immune functioning, altered response to

one in six caregivers (17 percent) who

mental, or physical health problems

influenza shots, slower wound healing,

indicate their general health has declined

particularly in situations that require

increased insulin production, altered

since becoming a caregiver. In addition,

multifaceted caregiving. In addition, the

lipid profiles, and a higher risk for

an article written by the staff at the

effects of prolonged stress can lead to

cardiovascular disease.

Mayo Clinic on ‘Caregiver stress: Tips

increased blood pressure, exacerbation

for taking care of yourself’ denotes

of an existing disease process or mental

According to Family Caregiver

that; 1 in 3 adults in the United States

health issues and a deepened irritability

Alliance (FCA), an estimated 44 million

provides care to other adults as informal

and depression. Findings reported

Americans age 18 and older provide

caregivers and that nearly 60 percent of

by the National Institutes of Health

unpaid assistance and support to older

caregivers work outside of the home.

on ‘Supporting Family Caregivers in

people and adults with disabilities.

They indicate that employees who are

Providing Care’ suggest that caregiver

Statistics also indicate that over fifty-

covered under the Federal Family and

burden and strain have been related to

five percent of caregivers say their

Medical Leave Act may be able to take

the caregiver’s own poor health status

caregiving duties leave them physically

up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave a year

and in some cases, it has increased

and emotionally exhausted and Forty-

to care for relatives and encourages one

health-risk behaviors such as smoking

four percent say their duties leave them

to check with their Human Resources

or higher use of prescription drugs.

feeling completely overwhelmed. And


Other findings and areas of concerns

although, three out of four caregivers ordinarypeoplemagazine | 23

Although caregivers’ responsibilities may vary depending on

some of the things that can help in diverting the aggravation

the level of care required; there is also a cost factor associated

and bring you peace.

with caregiving. The cost of that care can heighten the stress level of the caregiver and can become overwhelming not only

Speaking from a personal perspective I have found this article

impacting the caregiver economically but psychosocially and

somewhat challenging to wright, but it is one that I feel is very

physically as well. Factors include, but are not limited to,

much needed in a time when there are so many providing for

lost income due to time off from work, or extra out-of-pocket

loved ones, neighbors, friends and others that may be in need.

expenses on behalf of the care recipient and or unexpected

For forty-two years I served as what one might call a formal

medical expenses. Another factor to be considered when

caregiver in my chosen profession that evolved into nursing.

becoming a caregiver is sharing responsibility among family

A formal caregiver by definition is often referred to as one

members. Typically, the primary responsibility of care for a

whose services are provided by trained, licensed and qualified

loved one falls on one individual leading to a disproportionate

professionals. However, over the course of time I have also

amount of the work which often goes without the realization of

served on four separate occasions as what one might call an

the potential risks involved. When family members pitch in to

informal caregiver; which is defined when care is mainly

assist not only in providing care but with financial support, the

provided by family, close relatives, friends or neighbors.

risk factors for the primary caregiver are actually decreased.

Remembering that caregiving is a labor of love and vital role in our society for providing support for loved ones. We must

The TransAmerica Center for Health Studies conducted a

also remain cognizant of the potential issues and risks faced by

query of caregivers which indicated that the type of help many

caregivers and know that you are not alone; “For the Lord your

caregivers were seeking was information on topics related to

God, He is God in Heaven above and on earth beneath”.

care giving, free support services, financial assistance, longterm care and legal documents. The query also identified that

One of my favorite scriptures which empowers me and

more than one-third of caregivers indicate that they would

reinforces my belief that God will never leave or forsake me

like information about stress management, tips for coping and

comes from Isaiah 40:26-31. It encourages me and reminds us

information on what government benefits are available for

to; “Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created


these things, that bringeth out their host by number…He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he

The Family Caregivers Alliance has an article on “The

increaseth strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary

Emotional Side of Caregiving” that can be found at

and the young men shall utterly fall. But they that wait upon


the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up on

Added frustrations that accompany the role of giving care

wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary and they shall

can sometimes lead to a darker side of caregiving including

walk and not faint.” As caregivers we are to show love, mercy

neglect or abuse of those who are being cared for. This website

and compassion towards those we are caring for. In Luke

offers coping strategies and an overview of multiple topics

6:36, Jesus admonishes us to “Be ye therefore merciful, as

ranging from anger and anxiety, to depression and sadness, to

your Father also is merciful”. Even during His Sermon on the

resentment and tiredness. Though the journey of caregiving

Mount, Jesus begins his teachings with the Beatitudes which

may sometimes be long and fraught with many challenges;

gives insight on how we are to respond towards the needs of our

the word of God is what keeps you strong. And yes, there will

fellow man and the blessings to be received as a result of these

be times of great frustration, but know that God is still there.

actions. The following segments were taken from Christianity.

Remain in fervent prayer, read the word of God and lean on His

com and gives reference on how these Beatitude values are to

Word for it will give you strength and a peace that passes all

be interpreted.

understanding. Even if you have to cry sometime because of the pressures of the task, seek out creative or diversional activities

1. “Blessed are the Poor in spirit”. This signifies that we are to

that will help in calming you. Exercise, planting, engaging in a

be humble. Humility brings openness and inner peace, enabling

crafting activity such as crochet or adult coloring book are just

one to do the will of God. 2. “Blessed are those that mourn”.

24 | Fall 2019

When we mourn our sinful nature, this action produces in us


an intention to renew ourselves and to follow the way of God

4. Set realistic goals. Break large tasks into smaller steps

in righteousness. 3. “Blessed are the meek”. A person that is

that you can do one at a time. Prioritize, make lists and

meek is one that manifests self-control and in so doing will

establish a daily routine. Begin to say no to requests that

bring peace and tranquility in the midst of their storm. 4.

are draining, such as hosting holiday meals.

“Blessed are those who hungry and thirst for righteousness”

5. Get socially connected. Find out about caregiving

simply means that we will seek for virtue and justice in all

resources and classes in your community. Caregiving

things. 5. “Blessed are the merciful” means that we are to

services such as transportation, meal delivery or

show mercy towards others if we wish to obtain mercy. 6.

housekeeping may be available.

“Blessed are the pure in heart” means that we are to be free

6. Join a support group. A support group can provide

of all selfish purposes and self-seeking motives. 7. “Blessed

validation and encouragement, as well as problem-solving

are the peacemakers.” Peacemakers demonstrates as sense of

strategies for difficult situations.

peace in their lives and share this peace with others. Therefore, it is important that we strive to achieve peace within ourselves.

7. Seek social support. Try to stay well-connected with family and friends who can offer nonjudgmental emotional support.

These Christlike qualities or values are to be exhibit in our

8. Take care of yourself. If you are unhealthy emotionally,

lives and in our caring for others. Remember that you aren’t

physically or spiritually, you will be of no help to anyone

alone, so why struggle on your own when you can take


advantage of the many resources’ available for caregivers

9. See your doctor. Get recommended vaccinations and

both in your community, online and through your healthcare

health screenings. Make sure to tell your doctor that

provider. Meaningful solutions, tools, educational and

you’re a caregiver and don’t hesitate to mention any

community resources can help in the management of one’s

concerns or symptoms you have.

caregiving duties and can help enhance one’s physical, mental,

10. Set personal health goals. Establish a good sleep routine,

emotional and spiritual wellbeing. The following compiled

find time to be physically active, eat a healthy diet and

list of strategies were taken from a multitude of resources and

stay hydrated.

websites dealing with stress management, burnout, caregiving and etc. Please refer to the reference and resource section.

11. Acknowledge your emotions. If you are feeling hopeless, worthless, helpless, sad, anxious fearful, or frustrated acknowledge these emotions. These are all normal

Strategies for dealing with caregiver stress:

reactions to your situation. Allow for healthy expression of your feelings in an open and respectful manner.

1. Accept help. Be prepared with a list of ways that others can help you. Be willing to relinquish some control. (Delegating is one thing, trying to control every aspect of care is another.) 2. Educate yourself about the disease or condition that your loved one is experiencing and don’t be afraid to ask questions. The more you know about the disease the more comfortable you will feel in your role as caregiver. 3. Focus on what you are able to provide and Make informed ordinarypeoplemagazine | 25

12. Talk to a supportive family member or friend. Positive reinforcement doesn’t have to come from the person you’re caring for. When you’re feeling unappreciated, turn to friends and family who will listen to you and acknowledge your efforts. 13. Focus on the things you can control. You can’t force your people to help out more or extend the hours in a day. Rather than stressing out over things you can’t control, focus on how you choose to react to problems. 14. Look for the silver lining. Think about the way’s caregiving has made you stronger or how it’s brought you closer to the person you’re taking care of or to other family members. 15. Celebrate the small victories. If you start to feel discouraged, remind yourself that all your efforts matter. Don’t underestimate the importance of making your loved one feel more safe, comfortable, and loved! 16. Allow for caregiving holidays. You will be a better caregiver to your loved one if you take some time away. 17. Encourage healthy independence of your loved one. Help your loved one be as independent as possible for as long as he or she can. This may involve assistive devices or new technologies, so seek these out. 18. Respite care: taking a break can be one of the best things you do for yourself — as well as the person you’re caring for. 19. In-home respite. Health care aides come to your home to provide companionship, nursing services or both. 20. Adult care centers and programs. Some centers provide care for both older adults and young children, and the two groups may spend time together. 21. Short-term nursing homes. Some assisted living homes, memory care homes and nursing homes accept people needing care for short stays while caregivers are away. I was recently given a Guidepost Outreach Publication by a friend which lifted my spirit, bestowed inspiration and reinforced my belief that I am not alone. It is filled with a plethora of helpful instructions and spiritual guidance that strengthens the soul and bring peace and comfort. It is entitled “STRENGTH for the Helping Hearts: reflections for Caregivers”. The first topic instructs us, to “Letting Go and Letting God’. The scripture reference is taken from Psalms 55:22 and says, “Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you…”. This segment explains that “caregiving is the hardest task you’ll ever do, and it also reminds us that; we are Jesus’ hands to the suffering who are often blind to the sacrifices we are making. She also reminds us that we are not alone, and that God will carry our burdens if we give them to Him.” We must remember that God never leaves us even when we feel abandoned, or rejected or downtrodden. Rather, God equips us for our tasks each day regardless of how challenging they may seem. “It is of the LORD’S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness” Lamentations 3:22-23. So, never forget that “God is still there even in the midst of our trails and tribulations.”

REFERENCES AND RESOURCES https://www.aarp.org/caregiving/answers/ https://www.aarp.org/caregiving/life-balance/info-2019/caregiver-stress-burnout.html https://www.activebeat.com/your-health/12-signs-to-help-identify-and-avoid-burnout/2/, retrieved 11/7/2019 https://www.caregiver.org/caregiver-health, retrieved 11/8/2019 https://www.caregiver.org/caregiving-issues-and-strategies, from the Family Caregivers Alliance retrieved 11/8/2019 https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/9226-caregivers-successful-caregiving : retrieved 11/7/2019 https://www.guideposts.org/how-we-help/outreach-publications/free-ebooks/strength-for-helping-hearts https://www.helpguide.org/articles/stress/caregiver-stress-and-burnout.htm, retrieved 11/10/2019 https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/stress-management/in-depth/caregiver-stress/art-20044784, 11/8/2019 https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/juggling-career-and-care.htm , retrieved 11/7/2019 https://www.transamericacenterforhealthstudies.org/search?indexCatalogue=search%2Dindex&searchQuery=caregivers&wordsMode=0, retrieved 11/9/2019 www.transamericainstitute.org. retrieved 11/11/2019 https://www.transamericainstitute.org/caregivers-research, retrieved 11/11/2019 https://www.activebeat.com/your-health/12-signs-to-help-identify-and-avoid-burnout/2/, retrieved 11/8/2019

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Gospel Music/Artists


Gospel Hip Hop Artist D.C. To Release New Single “Sunshine Christmas” During The Holidays Inspirational Hip Hop Artist D’von Campbell better known to fans as D.C. is spreading all the good holiday vibes this holiday season with his upcoming projects. DC is quickly becoming a fan favorite on the Christian Hip Hop scene. TBN Network recently taped a performance featuring D.C. during Prayze Factor’s Inspiration event in the Bahamas. The “son shine” is real and his music is climbing charts fast. He’s currently at #21 on his artist page, and #8 collectively on his label PBX Music Group’s Reverbnation page. D.C. demonstrates extraordinary talent in his writing and rapping skills. Just in time for the holidays, D.C.’s single “Sunshine Christmas” will be released on Thanksgiving Day. Music fans can expect “Sunshine Christmas” to have a fresh sound and deliver the heat, just like a Florida Hip-Hop Christmas. Sources report that “Sunshine Christmas” is lit. . .literally. D.C. also recently released his mixtape “TakeBack Vol. 2: Peace Be Still!!!”. Music from “TakeBack” Volumes 1 and 2 can be downloaded from PBX Media Group’s website. Dvon’s music style is enjoyed and streamed by both faith-based and mainstream hip hop communities alike. Fans can check out his music along with other artists projects at pbxmusicgroup. com

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About D’von Campbell In addition to music D.C. speaks to youth groups around the country with inspirational messages of faith, hope, and encouragement. For more updates on rising Hip Hop Artist D.C. follow his Facebook page at facebook.com/DCInTheBuilding He can also be found on Instagram @dvoncampbell

About PBX Media Group PBX Music Group Inc. was founded in 2000 by Purvis Beach. It was created with the intention of providing opportunities for gospel and urban street artists to create music. PBX Media Group is committed to spreading the gospel through music, song, education and awareness. More Information on PBX Media Group can be found on their official website: www.pbxmusicgroup.com, Facebook: facebook.com/pg/ PBXMusicGroup and on Instagram: @pbx_music_producer

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Miracles and Blessings


Rhonda Savain is a six-year survivor was diagnosed June 5, 2013, Rhonda was devastated. “I thought I was going to die.” A home hospice care nurse at the time, most of the patients that were dying had cancer. It was a time of great despair. I would encourage all women to do monthly breast exams 7-10 days after the first day of menstruation. Initiate mammograms at age 35, and be sure to follow up yearly after the age of 40. My mammogram saved my life. Men should be educated that they can get breast cancer as well. I have been a Registered nurse for 28 years now. I am currently working as a Nursing Educator at Ready To Pass Inc. NCLEX Review which is a business I started with another nurse in 2003.

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In June of 2019 I resigned from my Licensed Practical Nursing School that I started with 2 nursing partners in 2014 as I decided to take time to care for myself. After 12 years of monthly commuting to New York from Georgia even during treatment, I have decided to care for me. A healthy diet, exercise, meditation and saying “No” when necessary are all a part of my self-care. “Once cancer came, my life was on hold for one and a half years. I tried to work in between surgeries and treatments, but it was challenging. It was a humbling experience.” Of her journey, Rhonda says things get much better as time passes. Initially, she faced constant doctors appointments, diagnostic tests, surgeries and chemotherapy. Once her treatments were

“Once cancer came, my life was on hold for one and a half years. I tried to work in between surgeries and treatments, but it was challenging. It was a humbling experience.”

finished, it was tough getting back to her old routine. She gave up two out of three jobs. Today, exercise and healthy eating are a big part of her new routine. “I am a six year survivor and I feel great!” Educating others is important to Rhonda because “cancer does not discriminate.” “It is difficult to have your whole world and lifestyle inconvenienced by cancer. You never know when a family member or yourself can be affected by it…” says Rhonda Rhonda, who is the Director of Nursing at Ready to Pass Inc. can attribute her survivor-ship to early detection and aggressive treatment. As a Master’s prepared Registered Nurse Rhonda understands the necessity of education about the disease. “Hopefully my testimony can help save one life, then this article will not be in vain. Cancer does not discriminate. “Breast cancer is not a secret, many women are afraid to share their story,” says Rhonda. Quoting another survivor, Rhonda says, “Cancer is the best worst thing that ever happened to me.” I am grateful to be alive. Despite all I have been through, I try to encourage other survivors. I don’t stress over minor things anymore and I know who my real friends are. Thank you everyone for making a difference in my life.

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during treatment, I have decided to care for me. A healthy diet, exercise, meditation and saying “No” when necessary are all a part of my self-care. “Once cancer came, my life was on hold for one and a half years. I tried to work in between surgeries and treatments, but it was challenging. It was a humbling experience.” Of her journey, Rhonda says things get much better as time passes. Initially, she faced constant doctors appointments, diagnostic tests, surgeries and chemotherapy. Once her treatments were finished, it was tough getting back to her old routine. She gave up two out of three jobs. Today, exercise and healthy eating are a big part of her new routine. “I am a six year survivor and I feel great!” Educating others is important to Rhonda because “cancer does not discriminate.” “It is difficult to have your whole world and lifestyle inconvenienced by cancer. You never know when a family member or yourself can be affected by it…” says Rhonda

Rhonda Savain is a six-year survivor was diagnosed June 5, 2013, Rhonda was devastated. “I thought I was going to die.” A home hospice care nurse at the time, most of the patients that were dying had cancer. It was a time of great despair. I would encourage all women to do monthly breast exams 7-10 days after the first day of menstruation. Initiate mammograms at age 35, and be sure to follow up yearly after the age of 40. My mammogram saved my life. Men should be educated that they can get breast cancer as well. I have been a Registered nurse for 28 years now. I am currently working as a Nursing Educator at Ready To Pass Inc. NCLEX Review which is a business I started with another nurse in 2003. In June of 2019 I resigned from my Licensed Practical Nursing School that I started with 2 nursing partners in 2014 as I decided to take time to care for myself. After 12 years of monthly commuting to New York from Georgia even

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Rhonda, who is the Director of Nursing at Ready to Pass Inc. can attribute her survivor-ship to early detection and aggressive treatment. As a Master’s prepared Registered Nurse Rhonda understands the necessity of education about the disease. “Hopefully my testimony can help save one life, then this article will not be in vain. Cancer does not discriminate. “Breast cancer is not a secret, many women are afraid to share their story,” says Rhonda. Quoting another survivor, Rhonda says, “Cancer is the best worst thing that ever happened to me.” I am grateful to be alive. Despite all I have been through, I try to encourage other survivors. I don’t stress over minor things anymore and I know who my real friends are. Thank you everyone for making a difference in my life.

Consider This

THE RIGHT MOTIVATION   BY VANDERBILT BRABSON III, AUTHOR                                     A few years ago Rick, a Christian friend of mine, and I worked for the same large utility. Rick worked in college recruitment in one of our company’s many buildings, and at the time I worked in human resources in a different building. One day Rick called me up and asked to meet with me about a non-job related matter which was bothering him. I agreed and before ending the call, Rick and I set a date and time for our upcoming meeting. At the appointed date and time Rick showed up at my office and shared with me what was troubling him. According to Rick, he was deeply concerned about one of his coworkers (John) who also professed to be a Christian, but whose life in every way, according to Rick, was contrary to his profession of faith. Now before I continue with this true story, I do not want to misrepresent my friend Rick, nor portray him as some kind of on-the-job busybody. Rick was and is not a busybody. Rick was and still is very passionate about his Christian faith and has a burden to see nonbelievers come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Rick was sincerely concerned with the spiritual state of his coworker—a coworker who had recently been diagnosed with a very serious illness, and yet with medication this coworker was still able to continue working. I asked Rick over the phone had he sat down and spoken with his coworker about his concerns. Rick informed me that he had but, according to

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Rick, his coworker John insisted his own lifestyle was really no different than other professed Christians he knew in the church he attended. Therefore, John informed Rick he saw no need to change. I asked Rick what was it he was asking me to do; that is, other than join him in praying about the matter. Rick asked me would I accompany him in an off-the-job meeting he intended to set up with John. I agreed and Rick set up the meeting. When Rick and I met with John, Rick talked with him as I prayed silently. Rick’s intent, as he had privately shared with me was to get John to realize he was simply religious but spiritually lost. As they spoke John continued to justify his lifestyle by reiterating his life mirrored the same lifestyle as those in the church he attended, including, in his own words, the pastor. At that point I spoke up and asked John for permission to share a biblical story with him. John said yes and gave me permission. I shared with John the account in Numbers 21 when God’s anger was kindled against the Jews in the wilderness due to their rebellious attitude, and as a result, God sent venomous serpents in their midst and many began to die due to the bites of these poisonous reptiles. The people cried out to Moses, who interceded on behalf of these terrified people, and God instructed Moses to make an image of the venomous serpent upon a pole, and all who looked up in faith to that serpent (which Moses made of brass) would be healed.

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Then I said to John, humanly speaking what God instructed Moses to do would not make a lot of sense to most people. Someone bitten by a venomous snake would insist on some kind of medicine being administered to them rather than being told to look at an image of a brass serpent and expect healing. So, I asked John, what do you think about those who may have refused to look up to that brass serpent because it defied human logic and therefore died? John quickly answered that their actions would have been ludicrous in the face of witnessing others around them being healed by looking up to that brass serpent on a pole and receiving complete healing. He added they would have perished for no good reason because they willfully ignored the healing of others who had looked up in faith to that brass image. They should have, John continued, looked up to that brass serpent upon a pole as Moses instructed. I told John I agreed with him.

eternal life, we must truly invite Jesus into our hearts. John said to Rick and me, “Well, I must admit I have never heard it put like that before. I would like to give it some thought and get back with you.” True to his word, John called me up a week later and asked me to come to his home to talk. I asked my brother, who is also my pastor, to accompany me to John’s home. When we arrived, John told us he had thought about his and my conversation, and he wanted to invite Jesus into his heart. We rejoiced as John got down upon his knees, bowed his head, and humbly asked Jesus to come into his heart and life. Weeks later my friend Rick called me up rejoicing because according to Rick, his coworker John’s life had so drastically changed it was evident Jesus Christ had transformed him.

“ If you truly desire to have your sins forgiven and become a child of God, and are willing to invite Jesus Christ into your heart … PRAISE GOD!”

Then I shared with John that the words of Jesus in the New Testament reveal to us that for the Old Testament Jews in the wilderness to look up in faith to a brass serpent upon a pole for bodily healing was merely a physical representation of the divine reality that when we look up in faith to Jesus Christ upon a cross, we can receive spiritual healing and eternal life through His sacrifice on our behalf. I shared with John the words of Jesus in… John 12:32 … “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.” …and John 3:14-15 … “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: 15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.” I told John the scriptures reveal it is not what we do that will damn our souls, but rather it is what we fail to do that will damn our souls to an eternity in hell and the lake of fire. Jesus said… John 3:19 … “ And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.” I explained to John that for the remission of sin and the gift of

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When the venomous serpents invaded their camp, and the children of Israel who had been bitten looked around and saw others bitten being healed after simply lifting their heads and eyes in faith to a brass serpent on a pole, they too wisely lifted their heads and eyes in faith and received physical healing as well. When Rahab the harlot (Joshua 2) and her people heard of the mighty miracles being performed by God in Egypt and against the Amorites and all who would oppose HIM as HE was leading HIS children through the wilderness, she proclaimed that all the hearts of her people melted with fear. But rather than oppose God’s chosen people as others had, she too wisely chose to lift up her head and eyes to God in faith and trust HIM for her salvation as well. What about you, have you been deceived into believing the lie that happiness and contentment await all those who pursue and gain the fortune, fame, power, and pleasures the world offers us? Please, don’t believe this damnable lie (1 John 2:15-16) concocted by the enemy of your soul (2 Corinthians 4:3-4), which will cause you to miss out on the greatest blessing of all—the genuine forgiveness of all your sins and a blissful eternity which awaits you in the presence of our Great God and Savior. Scripture declares in 1 Corinthians 2:9… “But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” Now that you have heard the truth, are you willing to embrace the TRUTH? Jesus said in John 14:6, “I am the way, the

truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” If you have not truly done so already, I pray you will invite Jesus Christ into your heart today for tomorrow is not promised to any of us. You may ask, what exactly do I need to do? My answer to that question is this: If you truly desire to have your sins forgiven and become a child of God, and are willing to invite Jesus Christ into your heart …PRAISE GOD! Please pray the following and mean it with all your heart… Dear God in Heaven, I come to You confessing that up to this point I have attempted to live life on my own terms and not Yours, and all I have to show for it is a life of emptiness and an inner longing that cannot be satisfied. I long for this spiritual void within me to be filled. I long for this inner hunger within me to be satisfied. And I long for this inner thirst within me to be quenched. I am sincerely asking You to forgive me for all my sins. I am looking up in faith to the Christ upon a cross and asking Jesus to come into my heart and save me…to make me anew…that I might be spiritually reborn and become your child through faith in Jesus Christ, who shed His blood on my behalf. I know that Jesus rose from the grave and is alive for evermore. With all my heart I am asking You to help me mean these words because I truly am asking in faith. Thank You for hearing my prayer. Thank You for forgiving me of my sin. And thank You for accepting me as your child. In Jesus’ name, I pray… Amen. “God’s grace is an essential concept for believers to understand, He freely offers His favor to mankind because Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross purchased forgiveness and salvation for anyone who believes.” –Charles Stanley Charles Stanley (Charles Frazier Stanley born September 25, 1932) is the senior pastor of First Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia. © October 2019 Vanderbilt Brabson III, Author: The Gatekeeper and Beyond The Lies, and Co-Author: If The Shoe Fits

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“Guys…this is Missile Morgan” Seeking to overcome the scars from her abusive, alcoholic father, Jesse Cartwright, Anthony’s best friend from childhood, is determined to make something of her life. Tomboyish in every way, at times her stubbornness puts her in direct conflict with Anthony’s other friends. A born fighter, she ultimately proves to be tougher than every boy in the neighborhood and the only friend Anthony can really count on. As Anthony battles his inner demons in his march toward glory, and Jesse struggles through her own personal tragedies and loss, their paths grow apart. Eventually the two dis- cover their lives are somehow intertwined and neither will truly realize his or her dreams without the other. Surpassing the expectations his father had for him, Anthony Morgan is poised to be the biggest phenomenon baseball has seen in years. Anthony’s future is set. He has worked hard for it, dreamed about it all his life, and can practically taste it! However, what Anthony could not foresee was the untimely death of his father—his mentor and hero. This tragedy started a downward spiral of bad decisions, which ultimately threaten Anthony’s life and future in baseball. Beyond the Lies is as captivating as The Natural, as compelling as Love Comes Softly, and at times as humorous as Diary of a Mad Black Woman. It’s a coming of age story that will appeal to the young and old, the sports enthusiast, the romantic, those gripped by human tragedy, and those who celebrate the triumph of the human spirit. Author Mr. Vanderbilt Branson, III https://beyondthelies-theboo.com https://www.amazon.cm/Vanderbilt-Brabson-III/e/ B004DWVNW?ref=dbs_p_pbk_r00_abau_000000 See the book Trailer at https://www.vanderbiltbrabsoniii.com

Inspirational Words


“O Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens. Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger.”

Psalm 8 (KJV)

When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man,

that thou visitest him? For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour. Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet: All sheep and oxen, yea, and the beasts of the field; The fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the seas. O Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth!”

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40 | Fall 2019


As 2019 comes to a close we would like to say, “thank you,” to you, our readers and supporters. We do hope that you found the articles interesting as well as relevant. It is our desire that we produce a “thought provoking” magazine and one that is relatable. We are looking forward to everything that 2020 (a new decade) has instore for ORDINARY PEOPLE magazine, it is our goal to maintain the quality and excellence, while continuing to bring “you” our readers articles that are of interest. Thank you for your feedback and your kind words. I do hope that you have enjoyed reading this issue. And as always, Love, Peace, and Increase!

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