ORDINARY PEOPLE Magazine Sept. 2021 | Vol.12 | Issue 35

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SEPTEMBER 2021 | VOL. 12 | ISSUE 35

Part 4:

An Abundance of Corrective

For Your Health


Curzetta Austin

CEO of YOUnique Performing Arts & Out Reach Ministries, Inc

Memory Loss: A Journey in Hope Inspirational Words

Psalm 33


Lamb, Sheep, and Pastor   BY SHARON E. LOCKLEAR, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF                                      “15 Feed my lambs 16 Take care of my sheep 17 Feed my sheep” John 21 NKJV This chapter in the Bible deals with instructions that Jesus left with his disciples about caring for the flock. Animals must be feed and cared for, hence the reference to the sheep and lambs. Lambs are young sheep and can be compared to new Christians who need to be feed the word and nurtured to become sheep. Sheep are mature Christians, who are to be cared for by the shepherd. In the modern church are the shepherds caring for and feeding the sheep and lambs? Are lambs becoming sheep and are sheep maturing? And the bigger question may be who is feeding and caring for the shepherds? Shepherds are in need of care more than ever before. Imagine being a pastor (shepherd) in today’s church. The most common problems pastors face: time, expectations, emotional fatigue, fix-it, toxic members, aging congregations, communication, pastor only (we pay YOU), hospital/hospice visits, multi-vocational and criticism. A recent social media survey revealed that pastors are challenged with human problems. Some pastors are more challenged than others and have few people that they are willing to listen to their concerns. Pastoral care needs exceed the 24 hour per day schedule. Pastors frequently ignore or neglect

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family in an effort to meet the needs of the flock. How many people in one congregation believe that the pastor isn’t doing what he/she should/could/ ought to do? Both pastors and congregants can have unrealistic expectations of what serving a congregation comprises. Pastors, ministers – hear emotional, physical, mental and spiritual laden information from members. With whom does the pastor process all that is heard, definitely with GOD; however, if the contents are particularly horrific – who is available to help the pastor, who listens, who consoles without judgement, condemnation or thinking the pastor is weak and unable to perform his/her duties? The toxic member (the one or ones that you want to ask to leave and never return), how do you perform your Christian duty and love them as GOD loves them? It can be difficult and take more than saying, “Bless their heart.” An aging congregation means that the congregation is decreasing, how are new members recruited and maintained. There can be dissension and discord between the older adults and younger adults about how church expectations. There are numerous problems that beset a pastor. As Christians let’s be mindful that your pastor is human and is often doing the best, he/she is capable of doing. Be kind, say thank you, let the pastor know that you are appreciative of his/her efforts. Dr. Sharon Locklear Editor-in-Chief


Freelance Studio Engineer From Memphis, Tn to Atlanta, Ga RENEGADE EL REY has been putting in the groundwork to build the name of both his self as an artist and his brand, Southern Eagle Music Group LLC. Working as an artist, writer and engineer out of Stankonia Studios in Atlanta RENEGADE has been able to grow his network and hone his craft in a very organic fashion. Never satisfied with his latest accomplishments, RENEGADE EL REY is making sure to create a lasting name in the entertainment industry. For more info send an email to RENEGADETGC1@aol.com or call 901-336-3757

- Courtesy of

departments Founder and Editorial Director Verna V. Nickelberry Editor-In-Chief Sharon Locklear Art Director Rushun Wiseman https://creavolutionarts.com Contributing Writers Vanderbilt Brabson Jeanette Chestnut-Chester Teresa Jordan Paola Tennon Photographers Kimberly Taylor Kendall Elem ‘Advertise With Us” Please Contact Us At (770) 7670649 O.P. Magazine Mail P.O. Box #19699 Atlanta, GA 30327 (770) 767-0649 http://ordinarypeoplemagazine ORDINARY PEOPLE MAGAZINE is a quarterly publication and is distributed in Atlanta, GA, Memphis, TN; Knoxville, TN; Matteson, IL.

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Published 4 times a year

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contents SEPTEMBER 2021


Lamb, Sheep, and Pastor

Lorraine A. Nelson

Jeanette Chestnut-Chester

Ms. Curzetta Monik’ Austin

My Answers to Your Common Styling Problems


FOR YOUR HEALTH Memory Loss: A Journey in Hope


MIRACLES AND BLESSINGS How My Business Thrived During the Pandemic


Crystal Cameron

Françoise Lama-Solet

Psalms 33 (KJV)

A Beach and a Bathroom

Verna V. Nickelberry

All rights reserved.Reproduction in whole or in part without the founder/editor’s consent is strictly prohibited. The opinions expressed herein are exclusively those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the positions or views of the editor. The publication of any advertisement in the issue does not constitute an endorsement of the advertiser’s products or services by the publication. © 2021 Ordinary People Magazine VeMaShe’ Enterprise LLC

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On The Cover

8 | September 2021


“I AM A Godly, Inspirational and Unstoppable Christian Visionary and Billionaire, that leads People to reach their Potential and make a difference”.

although being a twin has its perks, like having a lifetime BFF, I could not see it at the time. I had to share everything, and it was never enough to begin with. I thought Lorrene (my twin) was only around to rob my share and that was not funny.

I created that statement approximately 3 years ago in the middle of a conference. I was asked to shout it with confidence and own the statement. My shout was very faint at first because I didn’t really believe it. I did not realize that I had convinced myself that I was not good enough to become what I wrote.

Our plastic shoes were a hot topic for the kids at school who had so much fun laughing at us and could be found in a chorus cheering behind us as we made the long walk home after school was dismissed; “Plastic Boot A Wear, Fifty Cent a Pair, It Easy Fi Tear and it Hard Fi Repair”.

The negative self-image happened over time. It is amazing how little things from our childhood can chip away at our self-worth without us realizing the impact. One incident stands out in my mind when I evaluate my pre-teen years. My twin sister and I wore plastic shoes to school as a means of preserving our “good shoes” from the weather as mom thought it best. The good shoes we alternated between school and church based on our financial position at the time. We were the middle of seven children in a low-income household, and

As I stood in that conference and repeated my statement, for a moment I felt the same kind of ridicule I felt for being a poor child and I felt as though I was being judged for being bold enough to speak positively over myself. The more I repeated the statement, the crowd started to fade, and I started to believe what I wrote about myself. Call it a moment of self-discovery that led to a whole new journey for me. I left that conference and repeated that statement daily and I decided to print it on a shirt, and I did the same for my ordinarypeoplemagazine | 9

children and other persons started to become interested. After prayer one morning at 4:30 am “MY I AM MATTERS MINISTRIES” was birthed to make the shirts available to others for sale and start a campaign to give back part proceeds to youths, by providing them with their own I AM Shirts. I want our youths to have a positive self-imagen and hold that vision in their minds into adulthood. The campaign seeks to give back 1 million shirts to youths to empower them to believe in themselves. Our campaign has gone to schools all over Jamaica and the journey continues. Our words are seeds, and we should plant them wisely. Forget the negative self-talk. As I took the” I Am” Journey, I have discovered some truths that have always been mine to treasure, but I was looking through the wrong lenses. Mark Twain says, “A Man cannot be comfortable without his own approval”. That statement was true for me. I did not approve of me, but I started to evaluate the origin of our identity and my answer was found in the word of God. In Genesis chapter 1 vs 27-KJV “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he them.” If God created me in his image, then that truly means my identity is found in him and the only truth I should hold on to is what he says about me. So let me brag a little because I now have “GODFIDENCE” I Am the head, and not the tail, I am above and never beneath, I am fearfully and wonderfully made by God, and I am the apple of his affection. That is the truth I now stand on, the word of God, and it is the truth I want everyone to understand about themselves. I am a Certified Speaker and Coach that has been trained by the acclaimed John Maxwell and Les Brown, and I have shared the stage with the Great Les Brown which was a personal goal of mine; and I’ve spoken to into the lives of thousands of people, and I’ve been so blessed by the stories of how my story has impacted their lives. It is my life’s mission and my childhood dream, and I truly believe it is the call of God for my life. I love it with every fiber of my being, but I have accepted that Speaking is what I do, it is not who I am. I am really a girly girl, who likes to dress up and look and feel pretty. I am not shy to say my age

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in front of a crowd. One of my favorite things to do is eat a huge East Indian Mango while I have a heart to heart with one of my best friends, my beautiful 20-year-old daughter Ashliegh, who I am so proud of for being an author and for loving Jesus and sharing him with the world. I have the most amazing logical and structured intellectual conversations with my 15-year-old son Jhonathan, and I am so proud to be his mom because he tells me ‘Mom you don’t need miracles, you are the miracle’. He really believes in me, and it warms my heart. My oldest son Jon Patric 28 is impacting lives daily in his role as a doctor, and his heart to serve makes me know why I am proud to be a mom. I want to grow old with my hubby Vurjhon, and still gaze into his eyes with great passion and love when we are 90 years old, and I still want to look like I’m 30 forever. (Smile). I desire to serve like my dad Timothy Walker who has dedicated his life to serving the people of God in his role as a Pastor and I truly want to be the wife like my mom Olga Walker is, who stands beside him and her family in prayer no matter what. I want to be the support to my 6 beautiful siblings that they have been over my journey. My greatest joy, however, is being on my face in worship before Jesus who is my everything. ‘True Success is living at the feet of Jesus’, according to Eric Gilmour and walking out your purpose according to his blueprint for your life. Remember you don’t have to prove anything to the world. God already approves of you, and you don’t need to prove anything to him. His love is unconditional and unfailing. I am on a mission to help others see themselves the way Jesus sees them. I will see you on STAGE, and you can count on me reminding you, that you are Amazing. I am Lorraine A. Nelson a real Jamaican girl. You can find me at lorraineawnelson.com

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Letters to the Editor

Letters to the













Great cover of Mr. Will Odom, CEO of The Next Dimension Marketing! JU N

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Hello, I love all of the articles in your magazine. Keep sharing the good that

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- Carolyn


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you Ordinary People Magazine for LyrikThank featuring me on your Front Cover. I’m truly Humble! - Will Odom It’s really great to see that you feature “Small Business” owners in your magazine. Their stories are very motivating. - James

12 | September 2021

Cancer is a disease that can affect anyone, but it does not affect everyone equally. The American Cancer Society is addressing the unequal burden of cancer by reaching individuals in underserved communities in collaboration with community partners. Our Community Health Advisors provide education, outreach, and information to men and women, particularly in the area of cancer prevention. They encourage people to practice early detection of colon, breast and cervical cancer while it is in the most treatable stages. To find out more about our Community Health Advisor program , please contact the American Cancer Society at 1.800.227.2345.

Just to Encourage

JU S T TO E NC O URAG E YOU   BY MINISTER JEANETTE CHESTNUT CHESTER                                                                    If I were to give this article a title, it would be “What’s Really Going On”? There are many reasons for this. The scripture reference is from John Chapter 21, in its entirety.

sandals of Jesus. This John is the one who knew that he baptized only with water, but Christ is the one that baptizes with Holy Ghost and Fire!! This is that John. This was John the Baptist.

In the narration we see that a lot of this had led up to the account of Jesus making breakfast for the fishing disciples. Firstly, we are reminded from the beginning of the penning of this account that Jesus is identified as the Eternal Word.

So, what’s really going on? In this gospel, Jesus has been identified as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Imagine that, one man to take away the sins of an entire world! One man who came and called and drafted the first disciples after these guys heard what John the Baptist had to say concerning Jesus.

And indeed, He is that! He is the Living Word, made flesh that came to dwell among us. We realize that in Him, is life and light. This is the light that illuminated all darkness. The darkness that prevailed before Christ came. Secondly, we see that John (who baptized Christ, was not a disciple of Christ, nor was he the Apostle John who penned the gospels of St. John.) This John is the son of Zechariah and Elizabeth. Elizabeth was the cousin of Mary, the mother of Jesus. This John is the one who cried out in the wilderness “to make straight the way of the Lord”. This John is the one was confessed that he was not even worthy enough to latch the buckle on the

14 | September 2021

What they heard was this: Behold the Lamb of God!! See the Savior of the world! There had been an expectation that a Savior was coming, there was an anticipation that this would happen. However, I don’t believe that they had the truth of how it would occur. Jesus came, John identified Him, and their choice was to follow. No one forced, nor cajoled them. They referred to Him as Rabbi, meaning Teacher. This is an indication that they wanted His truth, the truth of His teachings and His way of life to be theirs as well, since they choose to follow Him.

How many of us make a decision to follow Christ, only to turn around when things get a little hard? How many of us stay as long as the terms are to our liking?

and setting up His base of operation. He is taking the time to reassure the men that He has chosen, and those who have chosen to follow Him that greater is coming.

Jesus asked the ones that were following Him, “what do you want”? Their reply was to ask Him a question. They asked “Where are you staying”? Wherever Christ was, is where they wanted to be.

And so it begins; the ministry of Jesus according to the Gospel of John the Baptist. The miracles, signs and wonders.

When was the last time you located the Lord wherever He was? When was the last time you tarried in your prayer time, not just talking to the Lord about what you needed from Him, but waiting and listening to what He wants from you? The disciples said that they had found the Messiah or the Anointed one. When this happened, one of the first disciples brought his brother to Jesus. So, what’s really going on is that when we find Jesus, it is our responsibility to invite others to come and encounter Him. Just as this disciple brought his brother, we are to bring those that we love and those close to us to meet the Master.

John 20:31 says, These are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. The “these” here are seven miracles that John wrote about. I saw this written in a study with no attached name, but it is fitting: “The Sign”. T – turning water into wine. H – healing the nobleman’s son. E – elevating the lame man. S – supper for 5000. I – interim on the sea [walking on water]. G – giving sight to the blind. N – notification of Lazarus to “come forth”.

This is what the woman at the well did in John Chapter 4. Her encounter caused her to go and tell others and bring them to Jesus. And they were delighted in what they encountered.

Remember that the disciples were His constant companions during this time, that they saw and participated in these miracles, signs, and wonders. So why were they in need of reassurance? Why are we in need of reassurance?

Now, during this time Jesus is positioning Himself,

We know that Peter felt bad about some of the ordinarypeoplemagazine | 15

decisions that he made concerning Christ and his relationship with Christ. However, we also know that Jesus desires that no one perish, but that all come to repentance.

Christ. They thought that the Savior was dead and gone. If you notice in Chapter 21, the account of all the things that happened leading up to their change of heart, was overwhelming. The ones that Christ revealed Himself too had the job of telling the others that they had seen the Lord, alive!

When Peter realized that all Jesus had said to him concerning the denial that would come to pass where Peter would be a main character, Peter vehemently denied “Christ knew the heart of it. This statement came from the allPeter, just as He knows seeing eye. El-Roi, the heart of each of us. the God that sees all and the one that therefore, no matter how searches the heart.

Their reaction was disbelief and frankly a little suspicious. One even stated that unless he saw the much and what we deny, prints of the nails Jesus knows. And yet, He Christ knew the in His hand, and heart of Peter, just the spear print still wants us.” as He knows the in His side, he heart of each of us. would not believe. therefore, no matter how much and what we deny, Jesus allowed just that to happen, much to the Jesus knows. And yet, He still wants us. amazement of this “doubting Thomas”. The disciples thought that Christ was dead, even though He told them that He would rise on the third day, they didn’t have faith to believe that this would actually occur. After all the business with the crucifixion; they resorted to the life that they had prior to meeting

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Indeed, the Bible states that Jesus did many signs in the presence of His disciples that are not recorded; but the ones that are recorded are there so that we might believe. Now, we can see what is “really going on”. These things that occurred, were for our own good. That we might believe and live accordingly.

The disciples went back to fishing., back to what they knew. But the difference this time was that they were not as good at it as they were before they met Jesus. They toiled all night, to no avail, they caught nothing. Then they see Jesus standing on the shore! Why is Jesus standing on the shore? He is waiting to dine with them! Just as He is waiting to dine with us. The Lord told the fishermen to cast their net on the right side of the boat. The right side is indicative of being in a special place of honor”. To be in a special place of honor given by the Lord is pretty special. He thought a lot about these guys, and He thinks a lot about us as well, according to Jeremiah 29:11. And according to John 3:16-17 For Peter to state that he was going fishing, suggest that this was a job that he loved, so as they are dining with the Lord, Jesus ask the question, “Peter, do you love me more that these”? indicating the fish, pointedly implying that the job Peter had before was an easy draw for him to return to. Peter of course, replied that Yes, Lord, I do love you more that these. Jesus was relentless, His remark was then to tell Peter, if that’s so, then feed my sheep. In other words, part love time will not do. Commit to the job. Because He asked again, and said for him to tend the sheep. And a third time for the disciple to feed the sheep, Peter got a little testy, Peter was probably thinking, “why you keep asking me this, I already said I love you”, what more do you want from me? I surmise that the Lord Jesus was making a point. To feed means to instruct, particularly in this instance, the Word of God. To tend is to watch; to guard; to accompany as an assistant or protector. The Lord Jesus was charging the Apostle Peter as a watchman over His flock. How wonderful is this? We all have been given this same charge. We all are to feed, tend, and nourish. Sheep were often used as sacrificial animals in the OT. The Lamb of God came, and was sacrificed once and for all, for the sins of all mankind.

There was no longer a need for sacrificial lambs, bullocks, or turtle doves. The price was paid one and done! The Lord knew that sheep were easily led astray, and that predators were always lurking to pounce on them. In the spiritual, this leading away could be done by false teachings, and inconsistent care. Sheep are notorious for following the leader, regardless of how dangerous or foolish that may be. Like sheep, human beings are extremely gullible when an attractive or charismatic leader promises a shiny new idea, or a spin at the wheel of unreality. They follow blindly and eagerly. We all fall, and we will fall more than once, but how marvelous it is to have One that is willing and able to restore us, when we are lead astray. That Peter had been restored after his denial and his extreme self-pity should not be missed, even more importantly, the fact that Jesus restored him should not be missed either. Jesus restored him, with the instructions that he should take care of the sheep. Again, this is all our responsibility, according to Galatians 6:1, Brothers, if anyone is caught in any sin, you who are spiritual [that is, you who are responsive to the guidance of the Spirit] are to restore such a person in a spirit of gentleness [not with a sense of superiority or selfrighteousness], keeping a watchful eye on yourself, so that you are not tempted as well. (Amplified) In conclusion, we get distracted just as Peter did, wondering what is really going on, obsessing over what the other brothers/sister are doing. The Lord has an answer for that as well, “whatever they are doing, should not be a concern of ours”. “Whatever I allow him to do, should not be your worry”. Do the work assigned to you…Feed, tend and care for the sheep. Trust the Lord to give you all that you need to accomplish this. Be encouraged, God is not finished with you or me yet... Bless you with love and peace.

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OPM Live! with Verna V. Nickelberry Streaming Live! Every Saturday @ 12:00 noon CST on www.facebook.com/omplive1

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VEMASHE ENTERPRISE Blue Skies & Green Grass Publishing Ordinary People Magazine OPM Live! with Verna V. Nickelberry OPM Annual Servant Awards VeMaShe's (online store)

"We Create Opportunities For Others"

In The Spotlight


CEO OF YOUNIQUE PERFORMING ARTS & YOUTH OUTREACH MINISTRIES, INC.   BY WILL ODOM                                                                                                             Curzetta Monik’ Austin is

Master of Arts in Religion from

underlying health and physical

a passionate woman with a

Memphis Theological Seminary.

implications, which in turn,

compelling zeal about being a

plagued her with many years of

catalyst for positive change in

Curzetta is an educator, skilled

low self-esteem and self worth

her surrounding environment

orator, gifted playwright, Poet/

and lack of confidence.

and community. Curzetta is

Spoken-Word artist, and has

intentional about being available

served in ministry and worked

Consequently, Curzetta has

to be used as a vessel for service

and volunteered at many diverse

used her story, passion and

wherever the need may exists.

organizations using her talents

creative gifts to become a

for approximately 25 years.

positive catalyst for change

Curzetta graduated from East

and a dynamic youth advocate

High School in Memphis, TN.

As a child, Curzetta was

to address the socio-emotional

and received her Bachelors of

diagnosed with a chromosomal

health of youth and young

Art in Education from Crichton

disorder called Turner’s


College and graduated with a

Syndrome, that has several

20 | September 2021

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Curzetta is the creator and owner of the 501-c3 organization YOUnique Performing Arts and Youth Outreach Ministries Inc. ,which is designed to address the socioemotional and holistic well-being of youth and young adults ages 9-19 where they can receive educational training, creative writing tutoring and prep, professional imaging and development and participate evocative works of dramatic expression through workshops and positive presentations that will enable them to utilize their GOD-given gifts and maintain positive direction for their life to further impact change in the communities and ultimately the world. Over the years, Curzetta has gained varied experience in working in the Creative/ Dramatic Arts in many schools, churches and community organizations and endeavors to continue to spread messages of love, hope and inspiration through her various teaching and creative works and will continue to be a motivational agent of change throughout their lifetime.

22 | September 2021

Word Search


























































































































David Hebrews Moses Acts Peter Christ Saul Damascus

Luke Daniel Cyrus Ezekiel Meshech Zedekiah Jeremiah ordinarypeoplemagazine | 23

2 0 20:

AN ABUNDA NCE OF C O RRE CTI V E O P P O RTUN I T I E S F O R VALI DATING AND INSPI RATI O N DA I LY - PA RT F O UR   BY LATOYA R. “DR. JAY” JEFFERSON-JAMES                                   I began this series by talking about Black America at large. I would like to end it by sharing a little about myself. Well, I want to tell you about the people who shaped me. Here is one of my favorite OURSTORIES. The Depression was so shocking that my mother had a favorite cousin whose language revolved around 1932. There was nothing on this earth harder than 1932. If the chair were hard, she’d say, “Child, that chair was harder than the times in 1932.” If she were angry: “Girl, I wanted to ball my fist up harder than 1932 and sock him right in the face.” Yet, people lived right through 1932, they fell in love, got married, and had babies, according to her. Lord, she’d declare. There were some babies born in 1932. One elder lady told me that their favorite hen, Clucksy, had the unmitigated gall to lay an egg in her daddy’s favorite hat in 1932. Every time she told that story, she would laugh herself into a coughing fit. In my personal life, when times are rough, if I just close my eyes, I can hear my mother’s cousin say,

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“Them was some times in 1932.” I can hear another elder say, “Lord, child. Black women have a hard row to hoe.” I remember OURSTORY – the one where it is always 1932, the dirt is hard, and the hoe blade just is not sharp enough. I remember that I am sitting in an air conditioned house with the ability to hold a computer in my hand after attending a university with a campus so segregated that my grandmother never could have imagined placing a big toe on its campus. I remember that my own grandparents were born in the 1920s and that my own grandfather wanted to further his education, but there were no high schools for African Americans in Mississippi at that time, so his education ended in the eighth grade, and all of our lives, he was fortunate that he made it that far. Many of his peers did not. He kept that 8th grade report card all of our lives and it became part of OURSTORY. I remember 1932 and Clucksy. I can say affirmatively, that Clucksy the Chicken and 1932 took me all the way through the Ph.D. process. In fact, they were my only mentors! Without

them, I would have quit. And I know that no matter the news of today – I know the West Coast is on fire, the South has been battered, we have police brutality and homicides almost daily in mid-America, and the East Coast has taken a bruising numerically from COVID-19 – we will go on living just as they did in 1932. Recently, my mother called, and we started talking about her cousin and 1932. We laughed and laughed. My son, who was listening in the back seat of the car asked, “Momma, why do you and Big Momma laugh so much about 1932?” Through my tears and my laughter, I had to tell him. It has been tough explaining George Floyd, Trayvon Martin, Breonna Taylor, and Emmett Till to my son. He has looked at me in puzzlement as I cried when watching John Lewis’s funeral. But he is just beginning to understand that throughout American history, African Americans have been the conscience of this country. I am beginning to share OURSTORIES – personal, collective, and national – with my little seventh grader. I want him to be not just grounded, rooted in the knowledge of who he is so that he can have a clear view of where he is going. He does not need to be lied to by commission or omission. I want him to know who he is. I don’t fret about my son seeing a Black man in a dress, because he has already read Frederick Douglass’ “What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?” This year, when my son passes the seventh grade, I plan to show him my grandfather’s report card. I have yet to tell him that my grandfather actually named him. My grandfather’s report card, though it means nothing to the rest of America, has become part of OURSTORY, and is a symbol of his commitment to education. It is meant to urge his great-grandchildren onward and upward to places where he literally could not go. For many, many things, we have been there, done that, and gotten the t-shirt in four different sizes (small, medium, large, and extra-large). It is sad that our young people don’t know our resilience, because they do not know OURSTORIES. We can and we will survive, because 1932 and Clucksy deem it to be so. This time of social distancing and essential gathering only is time for Corrective Opportunity for Validation and Inspiration this Day. We can take this time and pass down OURSTORIES. We have millions of them just waiting to be told.

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MY ANSWERS TO YOUR COMMON STYLING PROBLEMS Do you ever feel like you want to be more “put together” but you don’t know where to begin? Here I’m sharing common questions I receive from my community and providing expert styling tips on how to overcome them. I’m in between sizes - transitioning between sizes – nothing fits right anymore. What should I do while I’m working toward my goal weight? My advice is to invest in core transitional pieces that: 1. have stretch in them – quality leggings/jeggings, jeans, skirts, and jersey knit materials. 2. jackets that hit you about mid-thigh, beautiful kimonos, and dusters. 3. quality fabrics that hold their shape and drape nicely – this will give you a better fit and a sleek silhouette. The key thing to remember is that until you reach your goal weight, stop looking at sizes and go for what fits well. And when in doubt ALWAYS size up – this will keep you looking polished and pulled together. I have lots of clothes, but I tend to wear the same things over and over. How do I change this? 1. This is most likely because you aren’t excited about your wardrobe and the clothes you have may not fit

26 | September 2021

your current lifestyle. Start with a closet cleanse/wardrobe detox and get rid of all the pieces that aren’t serving you in this season. 2. Instead of buying new clothes aimlessly, use the one out, one in rule. Only add a new wardrobe item, once you’ve discarded, donated, or sold an item. This will help keep your wardrobe in check. 3. Stop shopping on impulse – ask yourself will this compliment my wardrobe? I desire to be stylish and comfortable but resort to t-shirts and sandals. Comfort is key for me. How can I diversify my wardrobe? I’ll be the first to admit that sometimes I think that either I’m going to be cute OR I’m going to be comfortable…however, it really doesn’t take much to achieve both! Here are a few styling ideas for inspiration… I’m all about simplicity – and my first goal is getting you to recognize what you already have in your wardrobe that works. 1. Leggings/Jeggings and Jeans • The key is quality…make sure you’re getting nice quality fabrics that will hold their shape. • Pair them with simple flowy tops, tunics, graphic tees… • You can dress this concept up or down - dress up with heels or wedges…dress down with sneakers or ballet flats; dress up with pendant necklace and some cute earrings, bracelets, and your watch, dress down with your fit bit and simple stud earrings 2. Dresses – certain style offer maximum comfort…shirt dresses, A-line dresses, t -Shirt dresses and maxi dresses. Now all dresses are not made for your body…so choose the styles that accentuates your features and look best on your body type. 3. Athleisure Wear – just take athletic apparel that’s trendy, cute and fits your style and add your favorite casual pieces, accessories, jackets, and high-end pieces like a killer handbag – I’ve really enjoyed watching this trend evolve. My favorite part about the examples I provided, is that you can mix and match them…For example – put some cute sneakers with your T-shirt dress, OR wear some leggings under one of your dresses…you get the idea? I’m here to help. I have a Signature Offer – a One Day Image to IMPACT Intensive designed to help you up-level your image. From a closet audit to outfit planning, I will help you understand how best to integrate your new purchases into your existing wardrobe. Are you ready to ignite your Image? I can help you create a wardrobe that fits your passions and lifestyle. Just contact me and we’ll get started! For daily tips to help you elevate your personal style follow me on Instagram @imagebycourtney or Facebook – Courtney Robinson. ordinarypeoplemagazine | 27

For Your Health

M e m o ry Loss: A J ourney i n Hope   BY PAOLA TENNON, RN, BSN, MBA/HCA, CCM                                    A quote by John Peter Read states,’Memories are there to remind us of things that have gone before.” As we get closer to our senior years, many older adults worry about their memory. Concerns may include, taking longer than usual to learn new things, forgeting to pay a bill, missing appointments, and etc. The normal aging process may include weakening muscles and bones, stiffening of arteries and vessels, and some age-related memory changes. These changes may come on gradually and are usually signs of mild forgetfulness which is often a normal part of aging

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and is not necessarly a serious memory problem. Memory is defined as the process of taking in information from the world around us, processing it, storing it and later recalling that information, sometimes many years later. It is often understood as an informational processing system. It is the brain’s capacity to encode, store, retrieve information and it is a basic requirement for learning facts and skills. When it comes to memory, there are several areas of the brain that are responsible for helping in creating and retrieving memories, thus, any problem in

any of these areas can attribute to memory loss. “Just as our muscle strength weakens or our hair may turn gray, so too our mental processes slow down and certain brain changes are inevitable when it comes to aging; however, major memory problems may not necessarily be one of them. Memory loss, amnesia, is described by the NIH, National Institutes of Health Medical Library, as unusual forgetfulness. When this occurs, you may not be able to remember new events, recall one or more memories of the past, or both. This may last for a short period of time and then

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resolve, which is known as transient memory loss, or it may be long-term depending on the cause, and can worsen over time thereby interfering with ones activities of daily living in severe cases. However, there are numerous health professionals and institutions, medical organizations and resource references who concur, that although normal aging can cause some forgetfulness, memory loss or dementia is not a normal part of the aging process, and many older adults live their entire lives without developing dementia.

of their dementia. With ongoing research, we still have the hope that one day this devastating condition can be managed more effectively or that they can be cured. “For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope”, Romans 15:4.

Depending on the cause of memory loss, it may be reversible with the proper treatment. In addition, there are a plethora of ongoing studies that are The focus of this article will be centered around being conducted to address the issue of memory memory loss, cognition, overall brain health loss and dementia regardless of the root cause with and preventive strategies that may help in the some promising results and this gives us hope. prevention of Romans 12:12 memory loss or states, “Rejoice in “As we age it is normal to the reversal of hope, be patient some conditions. in tribulation, be be a little more forgetful. The goal is to give constant in prayer.” However, some difficulties hope to those who The purpose of with cognitive function, are struggling this article is to with the thought bring awareness such as dementia and mild of losing their to factors that cognitive impairment (MCI) memory or the can potentially are more serious.” caregiver who are impact our brain caring for a loved health involving one who is already being ravaged by a memory our memory and cognition. As we age it is robbing condition. Our reference scripture for this normal to be a little more forgetful. However, article comes from John 21:18 NIV where Jesus some difficulties with cognitive function, such as is speaking to Peter and says, “Very truly I tell dementia and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) you, when you were younger you dressed yourself are more serious. Cognitive health as defined by and went where you wanted; but when you are the National Institute on Aging states that it is the old you will stretch out your hands, and someone ability to clearly think, learn, and remember and else will dress you and lead you where you do that it is an important component of performing not want to go.” Although these scriptures are in everyday activities. Cognitive health is just one no way related to memory or brain health, they aspect of overall brain health. Some older adults do refer to the reality of the aging process. One have a condition called mild cognitive impairment, of the most troubling aspects of aging is the fear or MCI, meaning they have more memory or of memory loss or dementia. Many of us either other thinking problems than other people their have a family member or know of someone whose age. People with MCI can usually take care of mental capacity has begun to falter or is rapidly themselves and do their normal activities. MCI degenerating. We think not only of that person but may be an early sign of Alzheimer’s disease, but also their loved ones who will be providing care not everyone with MCI will develop Alzheimer’s. and who will, or who are already facing years of Signs of MCI include: 1. Losing things often, debilitating care giving. In times such as these it is 2. Forgetting to go to important events or important for us to remember that; while there are appointments, 3. Having more trouble coming up many who continue to struggle with the challenges with desired words than other people of the same of this issue, there are others who will benefit from age. They further define Dementia as the loss of medical management depending on the causes cognitive functioning which include thinking,

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remembering, and reasoning which can interfere with daily life and activities. Symptoms may include problems with language skills, visual perception, or paying attention. In addition, some people experience personality changes. There are different forms of dementia which include Alzheimer’s disease, Frontotemporal disorders, Lewy body dementia and Mixed dementia which involves a combination of several causes. The World Health Organization Key facts asserts that Dementia is a syndrome in which there is deterioration in memory, thinking, behavior and the ability to perform everyday activities. Dementia is not a natural consequence of aging but the results of external conditions or disease processes that result in widespread malfunction or death of neurons which are brain cells. It is progressive in nature and has significant physical, psychological, social and economic impacts. According to Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, DirectorGeneral of the World Health Organization, WHO, Dementia robs millions of people of their memories, independence and dignity, but it also robs the rest of us of the people we know and love.” The characteristic symptoms of dementia include difficulties with memory, and problemsolving. However, other thinking skills such as comprehension, learning capacity, calculation,

orientation, language, judgement, in addition to, changes in mood or behavior, emotional control or motivation; can all effect a person’s ability to perform everyday activities. In 2019 the World Health Organization, estimated the total global societal cost of dementia was $1.3 trillion in US currency, and these costs are expected to surpass $2.8 trillion by 2030 because of both the number of people living with dementia and the increasing cost of care. Worldwide, Dementia is currently considered as the seventh leading cause of death among all diseases and one of the major causes of disability and dependency among older people. In addition, according to a report published on September 2, 2021, around 50 million people have dementia. Furthermore, the 2021 Alzheimer’s Association Facts and Figurers Report that looks at national statistics on Alzheimer’s and related dementias, shows disturbing statistics on the prevalence, incidence and mortality. This report indicates that the number of Americans living with Alzheimer’s is not only growing fast but it estimates that in 2021, 6.2 million Americans aged 65 and older are living with Alzheimer’s dementia. Unfortunately, because of the lack of awareness and understanding of memory loss and dementia, there is a stigmatization similar to that surrounding mental illness and this leads to barriers related to early diagnosis and care. Alzheimer’s disease is

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the most common cause of dementia. Regardless of the types of memory loss one may face, it can be very challenging causing unwanted stresses for both the patient and the family. Although, in this life we will face trials, tribulations, sickness and pain, we must remember that God is with us. It is import for us to remember that in some cases memory loss can be reversed. While you may be experiencing lapses in memory, it does not mean that you have dementia. There are additional factors that influence one’s cognition. These involve the following: 1. People with specific hormonal problems such as the Thyroid gland which controls metabolism, can cause problems with forgetfulness and difficulty. 2. Vitamin B12 deficiency if untreated can cause permanent brain damage, but it can also reverse the associated memory problems if identified and treated early. 3. Stress and depression can mimic the signs of memory loss; causing concentration problems with staying organized and remembering things become more difficult. 4. Several types of medications including prescription and over the counter drugs have side effects that can cause cognitive problems and memory loss especially in the older population because the medication breaks down and absorbs much slower. And 5. Patients receiving chemotherapy reports suffering from brain fog.

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You should always discuss your medications with your physician or pharmacist if you notice memory problems especially when beginning a new medication. Similarly, some research studies suggest that those taking three or more medications may experience cognitive decline. 6. Heavy metal toxins can damage many different organs, systems and the brain. Exposure of many harmful metals is through the environment (soil, food, water) or through common consumer products such as paint, art materials, cosmetics, toys, aluminum, dental work, etc. Heavy metals effects your brain and nervous system and can lead to cognitive decline and memory loss. Finally, 7. dehydration in older adults can cause drowsiness, memory loss, and other symptoms that mimic dementia. This is because older adults are particularly susceptible to dehydration and can rapidly become severe if left unaddressed. Talking to your health care provider about your health means sharing information about how you feel physically, emotionally, and mentally. Knowing how to describe your symptoms and bringing up other concerns will help you become a partner in your health care. We must remember to place our trust and hope in our Heavenly Father and take the appropriate steps to limit or prevent cognitive decline thereby decreasing the likelihood of permanent memory loss. Scripture tells us to “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in

prayer.” Romans 12:12 NIV. Steps that can be done to prevent or delay cognitive decline is provided by Help Guide. They offer the seven pillars for a brain-healthy lifestyle that are within your control and that can prevent or slow Alzheimer’s and dementia. These same steps are also referenced by multiple other medical resources. Pillar # 1. Regular exercise: Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise each week. Start small—a 10-minute walk a few times a day, for example—and allow yourself to gradually build up your momentum and self-confidence. Pillar # 2. Social engagement: Developing and maintaining a strong network of friends is a priority. Humans are social creatures, and we don’t thrive in isolation, and neither do our brains. Pillar # 3. Healthy diet: Adjusting eating habits, can help reduce inflammation and protect your brain. Manage your weight, decrease sugar and carbs, increase fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, cooking at home and moderate drinking are all pointing to a healthier lifestyle. Pillar # 4. Mental stimulation: Continue learning

new things and challenging your brain throughout life. The key to developing a healthier brain is to “use it or lose it.” Learn a new language or how to play an instrument, or take a class to stimulate multiple areas of the brain, etc. Pillar #5. Quality sleep: If nightly sleep deprivation is slowing your thinking and or affecting your mood, you may be at greater risk of developing deteriorating symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. Establish a routine sleep schedule and set the mood. No TV’s or computers. Pillar #6. Stress management: Chronic or persistent stress can take a heavy toll on the brain, leading to shrinkage in a key memory area, hampering nerve cell growth, and increasing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Stress management tools can minimize its harmful effects and protect your brain. Pillar #7. Vascular health: Maintaining your cardiovascular health can be crucial in protecting your brain and lowering your risk for different types of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia. One of the most important ways to reduce dementia risk is to maintain cardiovascular health. A healthy heart yields a healthy brain.

Stop smoking- This is another tip not included in the pillars but that can have a significate impact on our overall health including our brain health. Smoking heightens the risk of vascular disorders that can cause stroke and constrict arteries that deliver oxygen to the brain. When you quit smoking, the brain quickly benefits from improved circulation.

By identify and controlling your personal risk factors and making simple but effective lifestyle changes, you can maximize and preserve your cognitive abilities much longer while increasing your chances of lifelong brain health. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.” Lamentations 3:24

REFERENCES SOURCES AND RESOURCES: Atlas of the Human Body, Beverly McMillan, 2008, Argosy Publishing, pgs. 100-107 HARVARD HEALTH BLOG: Sleep well — and reduce your risk of dementia and death, May 3, 2021 By: Andrew E. Budson, MD, Contributor https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/sleep-well-and-reduce-your-risk-of-dementia-and-death-2021050322508, retrieved 7/31/2021 Memory Loss and How You Can Stop It, Pamela Wartian Smith,2014; Square One Publishers, Garden City Park, NY, 9-15 35-37. What we need to know about age related memory loss, Gary W Small, BMJ. 2002 Jun 22; 324(7352): 1502–1505. doi: 10.1136/ bmj.324.7352.1502, PMCID: PMC1123445 Many Factors Can Cause Changes in Memory: Medications, diseases, and poor sleep are just a few examples of culprits that can produce memory lapses. https://go.gale.com/ps/retrieve.do?tabID=T003&resultListType=RESULT_ LIST&searchResultsType=SingleTab&hitCount=4871&searchType=BasicSea… 1/3, Retrieved 7/19/2021 https://alz-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/alz.12328, retrieved 9/13, 2021 https://www.alz.org/news/2021/new-alzheimers-association-report-examines-racial, retrieved 7/19/2021 https://www.apa.org/pi/aging/memory-and-aging.pdf, retrieved 8/4/2021 https://www.cdc.gov/aging/aginginfo/alzheimers.htm, retrieved 7/31/2021 http://depts.washington.edu/mbwc/news/article/effects-of-hypertension-drugs, retrieved 6/28/2021 https://www.helpguide.org/articles/alzheimers-dementia-aging/preventing-alzheimers-disease.htm http://depts.washington.edu/mbwc/news/article/effects-of-hypertension-drugs, retrieved 6/28/2021 https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2760393, retrieved 6/28/2021 https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/003257.htm, retrieved 9/13/2021 https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/cognitive-health-and-older-adults, retrieved 9/14, 2021 https://neurosciencenews.com/dementia-therapy-memory-loss-16735/, retrieved 9/13/2021 https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/memory-forgetfulness-and-aging-whats-normal-and-whats-not, retrieved 8/4/2021 https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/how-aging-brain-affects-thinking, retrieved 8/4/2021 https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/dementia, retrieved 6/28/2021 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memory, retrieved 8/4/2021 https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/talking-with-doctor-worksheets, retrieved 8/4/2021 NIA Alzheimer’s and related Dementias Education and Referral (ADEAR) Center 800-438-4380 (toll-free) adear@nia.nih.gov www.nia.nih.gov/alzheimers Alzheimers.gov, www.alzheimers.gov Alzheimer’s Association 800-272-3900 (toll-free) 866-403-3073 (TTY/toll-free), info@alz.org, www.alz.org MedlinePlus National Library of Medicine www.medlineplus.gov National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke 800-352-9424 (toll-free) braininfo@ninds.nih.gov www.ninds.nih.gov U.S. Food and Drug Administration 888-463-6332 (toll-free) druginfo@fda.hhs.gov www.fda.gov

34 | September 2021

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Proven Results Our clients have reduced eczema flare ups, turned dry flaky skin into touchable smooth skin, tightened pores, and filled in lines and wrinkles. With a simple 3 step process, you can too.

3 Simple Steps To The Best Skin of your Life 1. Bathe in Cream, a powder-to-cream Milk Bath Soak 2. Exfoliate with Pearl Softening Skin Polisher 3. Moisturize with Silk All Over Body Moisturizer

“Guys…this is Missile Morgan” Seeking to overcome the scars from her abusive, alcoholic father, Jesse Cartwright, Anthony’s best friend from childhood, is determined to make something of her life. Tomboyish in every way, at times her stubbornness puts her in direct conflict with Anthony’s other friends. A born fighter, she ultimately proves to be tougher than every boy in the neighborhood and the only friend Anthony can really count on. As Anthony battles his inner demons in his march toward glory, and Jesse struggles through her own personal tragedies and loss, their paths grow apart. Eventually the two dis- cover their lives are somehow intertwined and neither will truly realize his or her dreams without the other. Surpassing the expectations his father had for him, Anthony Morgan is poised to be the biggest phenomenon baseball has seen in years. Anthony’s future is set. He has worked hard for it, dreamed about it all his life, and can practically taste it! However, what Anthony could not foresee was the untimely death of his father—his mentor and hero. This tragedy started a downward spiral of bad decisions, which ultimately threaten Anthony’s life and future in baseball. Beyond the Lies is as captivating as The Natural, as compelling as Love Comes Softly, and at times as humorous as Diary of a Mad Black Woman. It’s a coming of age story that will appeal to the young and old, the sports enthusiast, the romantic, those gripped by human tragedy, and those who celebrate the triumph of the human spirit. Author Mr. Vanderbilt Brabson, III https://beyondthelies-theboo.com https://www.amazon.cm/Vanderbilt-Brabson-III/e/ B004DWVNW?ref=dbs_p_pbk_r00_abau_000000 See the book Trailer at https://www.vanderbiltbrabsoniii.com



Miracles and Blessings

HO W MY B US I NE SS T HR I VED D uring th e Pa n de m i C

BY STEPHANIE DIGGINS                            When the pandemic hit it caused not only my business but many other businesses to change how they were conducting service. Many businesses that were already facing challenges have struggled even more during the pandemic, while others have pivoted and experienced more growth and success. In my case God has blessed Integrity Accounting to experience growth not only during tax season but after-tax season also. If we were not willing to change with the new norm, go digital with a lot of services, and add on some new services we would have been one of the struggling businesses. Change is not always bad especially when you have a business to run. One thing the pandemic has taught me is to trust God and pray more each day.

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The Pandemic caused me to change my day-today operations within the business from allowing thirty clients to come into the office during tax season to only allowing ten at one time. For the clients who were still uncomfortable with getting out we provide a secure service for them to download their documents. On some occasions with my senior citizens, I even picked up their information, processed the return, and carried the paperwork back to them for their signature. Not only did we have to rearrange the whole common area to manage while placing signs letting the clients know where they could sit to abide by the social distance guidelines, but we also had to take everyone temperatures that entered the office

them there is no us. Our clients depend us to keep them informed on what is going on. If we as being business owners cannot encourage them and keep them informed when there is a problem, then they will consider us as incompetent. The pandemic also taught me ways to be creative and find new solutions to client’s problems. I had to get more innovative, and forward-thinking. I discovered hidden skills that I was unaware of that I had to incorporate within the business. As business owners you have no choice but to sometimes think outside the box and reimagine the way you operate your business on a day-to-day basis.

and ask them questions before we could conduct business. The good thing about it all is that we were and are still able to keep the doors open. Good Communication is the key to what has helped my business stay afloat. When you can communicate with your staff it not only makes the working environment easier, but your employees respect you. Most importantly being able to communicate with your clients and keeping them informed on what is going on when they do not receive their refunds in a timely manner goes along way. My focus is and has always been to retain my clients by educating them and making sure that we have given them all the knowledge they need before they leave the office because without

Integrity’s motto is to help our clients mentally, physically, and financially. We also provide them with the information, resources, and tools they need to make the proper fiscal decisions as much as possible. My clients are not just my clients they are my family and each one of them is special to me in a different way. This business was not open just to make money, but it was open to make a difference in the lives of people and the community. The bible says leave an inheritance for your children’s children and that is what I stay focused on daily. My motivation comes from my son and my grandson. The smile I see on their face lets me know that I am in this for the right reason. Even though my mom is deceased just knowing that she is looking down at me smiling is also another reason I am so passionate about what I do daily. Integrity Accounting & Tax Solutions, LLC 3025B Hwy 154 Ste 104 Newnan, Ga 30265 (678) 673-6184

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Gospel Music/Artists



BY WILL ODOM                                                    Tiffany Jerrell, otherwise known as Tiff to those that love her; chosen by God to share her story of survival; heartache and pain; love and commitment on her “Inner Journey,” in hopes that her testimony will help others. Her music truly touches the spirit, soothes the heart, and heals the soul. Tiffany was born in York, PA, into a family that was already knee-deep in the Lord; however, just as many young girls, she dreamed of her future “happily ever after” fairy tale. Unfortunately, Tiff did not expect the detours her life took. From a deathly car accident before age 21, diagnosis of breast cancer on her 30th birthday, escaping an abusive marriage, losing her best friend, to more

40 | September 2021

recently the loss of her nana (the apostle that

She has been called to do a mighty work with

started it all), and the news that the breast cancer

the gift the Lord has blessed her with. Tiffany is

she fought so hard against returning, Tiffany’s life

singing and writing more since her car accident

has confronted her with challenges she did not

on June 6, 1997 which infuse her passion even

imagine. With God as her rock she has faced them

more. July 2001, she performed at her first sold out

all gracefully.

concert located at Downtown Ministries Church in Frederick Maryland. Prerecorded songs for Spin

She was told from a young age that her voice

City Recordz based in St. Louis, MO. Collaborated

has been chosen to share the gospel of the

with Lil G, R&B Artist from the Group Silk and

Lord through song which lead her to work with

producer Wayne Murray.

producers in Oklahoma, Chicago, North Carolina, St. Louis, Maryland, Texas, and Atlanta. Jerrell

Tiffany wants to continue using her gift to minister

was sought out by Julian Bond, CEO of the

while uplifting people’s spirits during these times

NAACP, who is an American social activist and

our nation is facing. Her focus is to win over souls

leader in the American civil rights movement. Mr.

to Christ and to let people know that there is a God

Bond requested Tiff to perform at the NAACP

and that He Lives.

event in front of 4000 attendees. Tiff graced the Apollo stage with a song that earned her a well-

List of Interviews:

deserved standing ovation. After relocating to

The Joe Show (Canada)

Texas, she Blessed with an opportunity to perform

Rize and Shyne Morning Show (Dallas,

at Frisco Freedom fest in the fastest growing City


in America. Ms. Jerrell made several Television

We Talk Radio Show (Dallas, TX)

& Radio guest appearances from York, PA and

ReUp Radio Show (Irving, TX)

Baltimore, MD to Texas.

Gospel Beat T.V. Show (Dallas, TX)

Love is N tha Music

Tiff’s voice has been in high demand to sing at

Simply Inspiring Radio Show

many weddings and other church events and

Nita B Experience Show

festivities. It has been said that her voice can open the gates of heaven. Tiff’s music embodies a

Booking Contact:

style unlike any other you have ever heard. Based

Will Odom

in Christianity, her voice can pull on your heart


strings and lead to an intimate worship experience,

The Next Dimension Marketing & Mgmt., LLC

making you feel as if you have just touched the hem of the Father’s garment. Music is her first love after God while music all comes from God. Tiffany say’s so many people have inspired her during her youth such as: Whitney Houston, Yolanda Adams, CeCe Winans, Stevie Wonder, Donnie Hathaway, India Arie, Jill Scott, The Clark Sisters, Lauren Hill, Alicia Keys, Tonex and Kirk Franklin. Tiffany loves God so much where all she wants to do is serve him and follow his well for her life. ordinarypeoplemagazine | 41



As an internationally acclaimed Recording Artist,

landed song placement on EMI Gospel (Major

based in Frisco, Texas. Crystal Cameron has the

Label) Inspirational Jams 2008 and held the

dynamic talents of Singer, Songwriter, Musician,

number 7 song position on the Oasis Inspirational

Actress and Radio/TV Personality. Crystal’s music

CD sampler. Crystal also had the honor of

continues to gain notable recognition around the

featuring Grammy nominated artist “Papa San”,

world with her strong and bold desire to make a

feature on her latest Christmas single “Love of

difference through connecting with the hearts of


people. Crystal has also shared a stage with Grammy Crystal’s hit song, “Lift my Handz, do my dance”

award winning artist Kirk Franklin, Tamela Mann,

featuring Grammy nominated artist Pettidee,

Shirley Cesar, Le’Andria Johnson and Kathy

42 | September 2021

Taylor. Crystal was also was a guest on the Bobby Jones Show, Darrell Johnson Show, TD Jakes Show,WB33 and was the featured artist for Zig Ziglar. Crystal also has performed with Sir Earl Toon from the original Kool & The Gang, Micah Stampley and many more. Crystal’s mission is to encourage dreams, motivate, inspire and restore hope and joy to a broken world through the vehicle of music. “My music is no longer something that I do………….It is something I AM.

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Small Business Corner

F R ANÇ OISE L AM A- SOLET A rt i st an d Author 44 | September 2021

Françoise Lama-Solet is a French artist and fashion designer living in Atlanta area. Françoise moved to California with her husband, Claude, in 2000, where they lived for 11 years before moving to Atlanta, Georgia where she currently resides. She has two sons.

really helped me with my business afterwards. End of 1999 my husband got offered in job in California. As a teenager it was my dream to go to the US, so when my husband came back from a trip with the job offer, I automatically said YES!!! I quitted my job and we moved in spring 2000.

Françoise Lama-Solet, I started sewing and painting at a very young age. I would create clothes for my dolls and started creating clothing for myself when I was in middle school. I was also painting a lot and my media of choice were gouache and pastels. I have always been attracted to bright colors, nature and flowers. When I was a child, I was inspired by my aunt, who was an impressionist artist. I would often model for her and going to her studio was always a treat for me!

Being a stay at home mom was a great adventure and I could finally spend more time with my son, but having been working all the time, it was also difficult for me. Therefore, in 2004 I launched my fashion business as a children’s clothing designer. I started creating and sewing one of kind clothes for little girls selling them online and in person. My friends kept on telling me “You should make some for adults too!” So, in 2012 I started my women’s wearable art fashion line.

My dream was to work as a seamstress in the “ateliers de haute couture” in Paris. But my parents wanted a better carrier for me. Being a seamstress was not very well paid at the time. So instead, I decided to do a master in English and German.

I’m an avid and passionate learner and love to explore and experiment with new techniques and mediums that I can apply in my wearable art fashion and my paintings. My designs have evolved a lot since I started my business in 2004.

When I went to college, I stopped painting but kept on sewing, creating garments for myself, my family and afterwards for my coworkers while I was working for a corporate company in Paris. I was working as a sales assistant. This position has

I am now also designing, hand printing, hand painting and hand dyeing my own fabrics. I create most of my tools for hand printing [stamps, screens for screen printing, stencils and more] and use different unique techniques as well such

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as sun printing and ice dyeing. I also have some of my paintings custom printed on fabrics that I exclusively reserve for my clientele. My goal is really to offer my customers unique pieces with high quality standards. I am often asked or told that I should sell to boutiques. But this is something I don’t want to do. It would mean for me to go into mass production or sew constantly the same things over and over again in different sizes, which is totally boring for me. I tried with a couple of boutiques and it just didn’t work for me. I love to explore and come up with new designs all the time. My wearable art fashion and my art embrace colors, nature, joy, beauty and elegance. I want my customers to feel unique, empowered and confident when they wear my designs. As I was striving and growing in my fashion business, I was missing painting. In December 2018 I grabbed some brushes, acrylic paints and canvas and started painting again. I took a

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couple of art classes at a local art center and from other artists and I am also learning on my own. I enjoy painting abstracts, landscapes and flowers. My body of work is very colorful and includes textured, mixed media and fluid art. I recently started to explore oil painting. Françoise participated in the Art Show of the Johns Creek Art Center in Georgia in November 2019 and in their Spring exhibition in 2020, in the Suwanee Arts Center’s Summer Vibes Exhibition in 2021 as well as their 2021 Member’s Annual Art show of the Suwanee Arts Center. She is also an active member of the North Gwinnett Arts Association. “I like to volunteer, give back and share my art with the community”. Françoise sells her artwork and her wearable art fashion through her website www.lama-solet.com and art festivals around Atlanta area.

Inspirational Words


(KJV )

Rejoice in the LORD, O ye righteous: for praise is comely for the upright. Praise the LORD with harp: sing unto him with the psaltery and an instrument of ten strings. Sing unto him a new song; play skilfully with a loud noise. For the word of the LORD is right; and all his works are done in truth. He loveth righteousness and judgment: the earth is full of the goodness of the LORD. By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth. He gathereth the waters of the sea together as an heap: he layeth up the depth in storehouses. Let all the earth fear the LORD: let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him. For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast. The LORD bringeth the counsel of the heathen to nought: he maketh the devices of the people of none effect. The counsel of the LORD standeth for ever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations. Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance. The LORD looketh from heaven; he beholdeth all the sons of men. From the place of his habitation he looketh upon all the inhabitants of the earth. He fashioneth their hearts alike; he considereth all their works. There is no king saved by the multitude of an host: a mighty man is not delivered by much strength. An horse is a vain thing for safety: neither shall he deliver any by his great strength. Behold, the eye of the LORD is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy; To deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine. Our soul waiteth for the LORD: he is our help and our shield. For our heart shall rejoice in him, because we have trusted in his holy name. Let thy mercy, O LORD, be upon us, according as we hope in thee.

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Consider This

A BEACH AND A BATHROOM   BY VANDERBILT BRABSON III, AUTHOR                    In the twenty-first chapter of John’s inspired Gospel account, the resurrected Christ performs a miracle by filling the fishing net of Peter, and the six other disciples accompanying Peter in the fishing vessel, with one hundred and fifty-three fish. Jesus performed this miracle early in the morning immediately following the seven disciples’ otherwise totally unfruitful night of fishing. Afterwards Jesus summons Simon Peter, and the other six disciples to come ashore and join Him for an early morning breakfast there on the beach of the Sea of Galilee—a breakfast which Jesus had prepared especially for these seven disciples. Some commentators suggest that when Peter announced he was going fishing (John 21:3), he was announcing the end of his discipleship. Three years earlier Jesus had called Peter from these fishing nets to become a fisher of men. But now perhaps Peter had decided it was time to return to the reality of his previous occupation of being a fisher of fish, and not of men. However, after the seven disciples

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had toiled all night and caught nothing, Jesus, who is standing on the shore and unrecognizable to Peter and the others, yells out a question to these fishermen. Jesus asked had they caught anything. Their honest reply was they had caught nothing. Immediately Jesus yells a command out to them to cast their net on the right side of the fishing vessel and in so doing they would catch fish. They obeyed and immediately one hundred and fifty-three fish filled their nets. Truly amazed by this great catch, John exclaimed to Peter and the others, “It is the Lord.” This was the third time Jesus had appeared to His disciples following His resurrection. Onshore the seven joined Jesus for breakfast, and there Jesus turned to Peter and began questioning him. 15“Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” “Yes, Lord,” Peter replied, “you know I love you.” “Then feed my lambs,” Jesus told him. 16 Jesus repeated the question: “Simon son of John, do you love me?” “Yes, Lord,” Peter said, “you know I love you.” “Then take care of my sheep,” Jesus said. 17 A third time he asked him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” Peter was hurt that Jesus asked the question a third time. He said, “Lord, you know everything. You know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Then feed my sheep. The “these” Jesus was referring to when questioning Peter’s love for Him could very well have been those one-hundred and fifty-three large fish, which represented Peter’s occupation, his chosen profession and career. Or, the “these” could very well have been those other disciples who were present on the beach with Jesus and Peter. In Matthew 26:35 Peter had emphatically declared to Jesus, “Even if I have to die with You, I will never deny You!” And yet Peter now finds himself sitting on the beach with Jesus remembering the truth of Jesus’ prophesy that before the rooster crows, Peter would have denied Him three times. What conviction and shame

Peter must have felt. The Greek word for love which Jesus used the first two times in questioning Peter was “agapas,” which means Jesus was asking Peter do you love Me supremely. Both times Peter, under deep conviction that he had denied Christ three times, replied yes, I love [phileo] you, which means I am fond of you. Therefore, when Jesus questioned Peter a third time regarding his love, Jesus also used the Greek word “phileo.” In short, Jesus, understood that Peter, being under deep conviction for his denial of Christ, was now asking Peter, are you fond of Me. Peter was hurt that Jesus asked, “Are you fond of Me?” Why? Because Peter realized Jesus had come down to his level of love (phileo). Peter would rather have come up to Jesus’ level of love (agapas), but under the circumstances of Peter’s previous actions he just could not. In May 1979 at the age of twenty-eight, I was on duty as a technical sergeant at the Air National Guard base when a former Master Sergeant of mine who had recently retired visited our base just after lunch, specifically just to meet with me. He asked me to go for a drive with him in his vehicle, which I agreed, but immediately discerning he was obviously upset and had been drinking, I insisted that I drive. He therefore turned over the keys to his car to me, and I drove us off base. During our drive he began to weep, and I asked what had him so upset. He informed me that his older sister, who had practically raised him and his other siblings was in the hospital and her condition was so severe the doctors had just informed his family they did not expect his eldest sister to survive through the night. I told him I was sorry to hear that but subsequently asked him why he asked me to go for a ride with him. He told me because he wanted me to pray and ask God to heal his sister. I quickly informed my tearful, former Master Sergeant he had the wrong man because I had no special favor with God. So why did I give him that answer? Because I knew I was not a Christian. Oh, to be sure, I was religious. I had been raised attending church all my young life. I had been baptized at the age of twelve, but now that I was grown, having finished ordinarypeoplemagazine | 49

college, working in a great job for a really great employer, l had stopped attending church and started living life on my own terms. Problem was, my father had died in May 1977, and though he and I had had our differences from time to time, I loved and respected him. When my father’s condition was diagnosed as terminal in December 1976, I begged God time and time again to spare his life, but my father died five months later. His subsequent death, along with the perpetual emptiness which persistently gnawed at my insides, kept me depressed and unfilled. No matter what I did, no matter where I went, no matter who I knew, and no matter what I experienced, the emptiness within was beginning to truly consume me. And now here I was riding in a car with a very distraught former Master Sergeant who is begging me to pray for his sister’s health and survival. Even after insisting to my former Master Sergeant, I had no special favor with God, and that he had the wrong man, he still emphatically and emotionally insisted that I pray for his sister’s health. So, I turned to him and asked, “Why me?” He said because he always seen me reading this little pocket-size New Testament bible. Of course, that was true. But I did that for two reasons: Firstly, because on the military base in the evening when most, if not all, our work was completed in the medical dispensary, certain of the guys would sit around bragging on themselves in an effort to impress the rest of us. After a couple of minutes of listening to that, I would always remove myself from the room and go to the same empty room at the end of the hallway. There l would take out my pocket-size New Testament and begin to read it. Secondly, I read it because I knew that no matter how well things were going for me outwardly, I could not shake this growing emptiness within that was slowly consuming me. I had to constantly hide my depression from others because of it. So, I surmised that even though I was genuinely not a Christian, by reading this Bible regularly, God would see I really wasn’t that bad of a person after all. And this was who I was inwardly at the time my recently retired Master Sergeant approached me insisting I pray for his sister. So, after seeing how upset and now quiet he was as

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he awaited my final answer, I turned to him in that car as I continued to drive and said, “I’ll do it…I’ll do it.” And turning to me he said, “Thank you. Thank you so much.” To which I replied, “But, I’ll do it on one condition.” He asked, “What’s the condition?” I told him, “My condition is that you have to pray for your sister also.” He looked at me in stark amazement and exclaimed, “But… I’ve never prayed in my life!” To which I replied, “You heard my condition.” He said nothing for about five minutes or more as he sat quietly and seriously pondering my condition. Then suddenly he turned to me with a strong resolve on his face and exclaimed, “I’ll do it. I’ll go home and pray for my sister.” I said, “Fine, I’ll drive us back to the base dispensary and go inside and pray for your sister.” When we arrived back at the base medical dispensary, I got out of the car and he scooted back over to the driver’s seat. I turned to him and said, “I’m going into the dispensary to that restroom down at the end of the hall, and I’m going to pray for your sister. And you are going to do what?” I asked. With a serious expression upon his face, he looked up at me and said, “And I’m going home to pray for my sister.” He drove off. Always striving to be a man of my word, I entered the dispensary, walked down the hallway and entered that dark and empty restroom. There in the dim light provided by a very small window at the top of an outward wall, I sank to my knees, apologized to God for not having prayed that often, and attempted at that point to pray for my former Master Sergeant’s dying eldest sister. Strangely enough, my attempt to pray was like hitting a brick wall. Each time I’d start the prayer it was like I couldn’t pray at all. That is, until an inner voice told me I needed to pray for myself first before praying for this very sick lady. Immediately hearing this inner voice, I realized what I needed to do. I outwardly and inwardly apologized to God for my life, for the spiritual wretch I had become, and for not having repented of my sin nor sought His forgiveness sooner. And there on that restroom floor for the very first time in my life, I asked God for His forgiveness as I trusted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, and then I looked up and insisted, “God, I mean everything that I’m saying! I want Your will to be done in my life…seriously!”

And as soon as those words were spoken out of my heart and mouth, an inner peace engulfed my entire being—a feeling I had never—ever felt before. A strange warmth overpowered my entire being. I felt cleansed, forgiven. And then I prayed that He would intervene in the life and health of the eldest sister of my former Master Sergeant. When I finally got off my knees and walked out of that restroom, I knew my life would never be the same again. I had become a part of the family of God through faith in Jesus Christ and His blood sacrifice on my behalf. Two days later, the former Master Sergeant came back to the base specifically to meet with me. He asked me to step outside of the dispensary so he could talk with me. So, I did. His countenance was so different. He radiated with joy. He vigorously began shaking my hand and thanking me for praying for his sister. Mind you, he never bothered to ask me if I really had prayed. He simply trusted that I was a man of my word. He excitedly informed me, that not only did his sister not die that night as the doctors had predicted, but she was well enough to go home the very next day. I told him that’s amazing and that he was welcome, and he left. Shortly afterwards, the new Master Sergeant, informed me that my former Master Sergeant had prayed and asked Jesus Christ into his heart and joined a church.

Isn’t our God amazing! He took one seriously ill woman and healed her overnight, and used her illness to get two great sinners to pray for her and repent of their own sins and invite Jesus Christ into our hearts. The important question from the Lord for all of us who profess to be followers of Jesus Christ is—do I, do we love the Lord more than these? One may ask, what are these? The answer to that question is anything and anyone you and I put before our Great God and Savior. He will not settle for second place in our hearts and lives. For those of you who have not prayed to our Heavenly Father and surrendered your heart and life to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, I sincerely urge you to do that immediately because if you are unsaved / unredeemed, you are truly only one breath, one heartbeat, one moment in time away from an eternity of regret. “The only things we can keep are the things we freely give to God. What we try to keep for ourselves is just what we are sure to lose.” C.S. Lewis, C.S. Lewis was a British writer and lay theologian. © September 2021 Vanderbilt Brabson III, Author ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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FROM WITHIN...   BY VERNA V. NICKELBERRY                             It has taken me days to write this quarter’s reflection or my perspective as this has been an extremely hard quarter for me. You see in August, I lost my dearest childhood friend, Mrs. Tanna Davis. We had been friends since the third grade. We spent days together as little girls, teenage girls, young adults, and finally we were in retirement together! So, begin the morning coffee talks on the phone, (Tanna loved a good cup of coffee), shopping at the local Goodwills, (she knew all the good ones to go to), it was always an adventure whenever we were together, just like when we were little girls. We had started to make plans for quick “get-a-way” trips, first stop would have been Biloxi, Miss And so, late July (2021) Tanna had return from a short trip and I was on my way to a women conference, we talked in between me catching my flight and reaching my destination, not knowing that, that would be the last time I would hear her voice and her laugh. She text me to “Please be Safe and be Aware of your Surrounding,” I assumed that she thought that I was there alone and didn’t know anyone there, I text her back, “I’m not here alone.” This would be the last time we would speak (July 24th 2021 @ 10:54 a.m.) I called her before catching my flight two day later, only to hear that she was in the hospital and had suffered an “Aneurysm!” I was driving, I felt my breath leave me for a minutes, it was as if my mind went into complete shock! But I had to keep up with the car

in front of me, that was the most difficult thing to do at that moment, I felt as if my entire world had come to a “screeching halt!” But I had to keep up with the car I was following, I had to stay focus, stay calm, keep my mind on the task at hand, driving and keep up with the car in front of me! I told myself that “Tanna” is a fighter, she will be ok, I’ll go to the hospital and see her when I get home, well that didn’t happen. I remember crying so hard, and praying so hard, asking God to heal her, the crying came in waves, my mood shifted, I couldn’t think, it was so hard to stay focus on my work, to be present mentally, I began to feel selfish in want her here, not thinking about how her life would possibly be, and so I ask God to forgive me, at that moment I realized that I had to let her go. On August 8th , 2021, I got the call, my dearest friend was called home. My heart was broken, but one thing I knew for sure, Tanna was in good hands, she loved her some Jesus! If you are blessed to have or have a good friend of many years, cherish the time that you have together and don’t forget to let them know how much you love and appreciate them. My friend is gone, but I thank God for all of the great times that we shared, and I have lots of memories to draw strength from. And as always, Love, Peace, and Increase… Verna V. Nickelberry

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