ORDINARY PEOPLE Magazine | Vol. 11| Issue 31

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Cancer is a disease that can affect anyone, but it does not affect everyone equally. The American Cancer Society is addressing the unequal burden of cancer by reaching individuals in underserved communities in collaboration with community partners. Our Community Health Advisors provide education, outreach, and information to men and women, particularly in the area of cancer prevention. They encourage people to practice early detection of colon, breast and cervical cancer while it is in the most treatable stages. To find out more about our Community Health Advisor program , please contact the American Cancer Society at 1.800.227.2345.


Freelance Studio Engineer From Memphis, Tn to Atlanta, Ga RENEGADE EL REY has been putting in the groundwork to build the name of both his self as an artist and his brand, Southern Eagle Music Group LLC. Working as an artist, writer and engineer out of Stankonia Studios in Atlanta RENEGADE has been able to grow his network and hone his craft in a very organic fashion. Never satisfied with his latest accomplishments, RENEGADE EL REY is making sure to create a lasting name in the entertainment industry. For more info send an email to RENEGADETGC1@aol.com or call 901-336-3757

- Courtesy of

departments Founder and Editorial Director Verna V. Nickelberry Editor-In-Chief Sharon Locklear Art Director Rushun Wiseman https://creavolutionarts.com Contributing Writers Vanderbilt Brabson Jeanette Chestnut-Chester Teresa Jordan Paola Tennon Photographers Kimberly Taylor Kendall Elem ‘Advertise With Us� Please Contact Us At (770) 767-0649 O.P. Magazine Mail P.O. Box #19699 Atlanta, GA 30327 (770) 767-0649 http://ordinarypeoplemagazine ORDINARY PEOPLE MAGAZINE is a quarterly publication and is distributed in Atlanta, GA, Memphis, TN; K noxville, TN; Matteson, IL.

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Published 4 times a year

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contents SUMMER 2020


ON THE COVER Pastor Bartholomew Orr


Jeanette Chestnut-Chester


Will and Katie Boggs

Peace and Hope in the Middle of Chaos


STYLE CONFIDENT Courtney Robinson

All rights reserved.Reproduction in whole or in part without the founder/editor’s consent is strictly prohibited. The opinions expressed herein are exclusively those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the positions or views of the editor. The publication of any advertisement in the issue does not constitute an endorsement of the advertiser’s products or services by the publication. © 2020 Ordinary People Magazine VeMaShe’ Enterprise LLC

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DeLayna Michele Elliott

The Beard Sisters

42 CONSIDER THIS Believe Or Not…

It Is A Matter Of Faith


Verna V. Nickelberry





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On The Cover

ON THE C OVER   COVER INFORMATION                  “And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:” Ephesians 4:11-12 It was November 2018 when we saw Pastor Bartholomew Orr, via a trending, viral social media post; suspended in mid-air, zip lining his way into the hearts of people all across the world spreading the message of Jesus Christ from the sanctuary of Brown Missionary Baptist Church, located in Southaven, Mississippi, bordering the Tennessee Stateline. This viral craze landed him on major television networks. We were able to witness him on celebrity sets such as the Steve Harvey Talk Show and Roland Martin. The Mid-South family proudly watched this

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homegrown Mississippian bounce from one social media platform to the next. As a result of this viral occurrence on social media, his message was indeed clear to the world “Are You Ready for His Return?” Meet, Pastor Bartholomew Orr, the Senior Pastor of Brown Missionary Baptist Church since January 25, 1989 at the age of 19. From an early age, Pastor Orr knew there was a significant call upon his life. At the age of nine years old, Orr receive a vision from God which he recalls: “I saw a vision, in the vision, there was a Cross-a Light--and an audible voice saying, “Go Preach.” I saw myself pastoring a Church that ministered to the Whole Person. At nine years old, I saw myself preaching in a church where I would eliminate teenage pregnancy and welfare; a Church that was creating jobs and helping make life better for people in the community. Yes, I was nine years old! I saw myself pastoring and then told my mother about it. I put this in the back of my head but still felt the call. Although everyone told me that I was going to be a preacher, I wanted to solidify that it was God calling me; with my answer being solely to Him and not anyone else. I knew I had to preach, so much so until, if my Pastor was late, I would find myself getting up teaching Bible Study until he arrived. I would give speeches. I did Sunday school highlights. I submerged myself in all that I could to make the call concrete because I wanted to ensure that it was God.” Under his leadership, Brown has grown from 66 members to over 12,000 members and counting. Despite a large church setting, Pastor Orr works diligently to ensure that Brown maintains a “family-like” atmosphere and executing the vision that God gave him at nine years old - ministering to the whole person. Brown has over 60 ministries that focus on women, men, children, youth, young adults, seniors, health, education, financial awareness, political action awareness, community revitalization, fitness, and job placement with their Acts Career Center. If you think it, Brown has it or will create it. Regardless of the quantity of members, Pastor Orr makes every effort to provide members with a quality experience making himself accessible to every member of his congregation. Every member receives an annual birthday call from their pastor. He articulates and shares his love for birthdays, “I remember birthdays-they were not always filled with gifts, but there was undeniable family love, cake-and a lot of Kool Aid! At the age of 12, my mother did not have much to give me, but she gave me a globe. While the globe was in her hand, she began to spin it around and she spoke into my life at that very moment; she told me that I could go around the world, if I kept my eyes on Jesus. So, as I look back, God has literally taken me around the worldliterally!” At the heart of Pastor Orr and Brown is Missions. Annually Brown executes over 30 service projects locally. The Memphis Union ordinarypeoplemagazine | 9

Missions, St. John’s Kitchen, Schools, Whitehaven Community, MIFA, and the Mid-South Food Bank are just a few of the community-based organizations that Brown supports. Additionally, prior to COVID19, Brown sent mission teams nationally to New York and Miami and internationally to Haiti, Dominican Republic, India, Ghana, and Jamaica. While most people would think that Brown has slowed down because of COVID-19; the opposite is true. Brown has been charging ahead, continuing to work relentlessly through their Year of Wisdom theme of being Unstoppable. “We just have to be creative and change our approach” Pastor Orr states. The Mid South community continues to experience the impact of Brown’s generosity. Brown has continued packing lunches and delivering them to the Union Mission, taking seniors to the their doctor appointments, giving donations to Christ Community Health, facilitated Covid-19 testing for over 500 people, as well as hosting a blood drive for Vitaliant. Brown continues to hold funerals for members and the community, several food drives to feed those that are in need and packed over 30,000 meals for Rise Against Hunger. All while, the world can still view Brown Baptist’s weekly worship services, virtually via social media outlets and their website (brownbaptist. org) on Saturdays 6:00PM and Sundays 8:00AM and 11:00AM. Brown also provides a plethora of virtual programming for women, men, children, youth and young adults. “It is indeed because of God’s faithfulness, and the love and people of Brown as well as our partners that we are able to continue to do ministry in spite of Covid-19. We couldn’t do what we do without them.” Even in these challenging times, Brown remains a Beacon of Light under Pastor Orr’s exemplary leadership. Pastor Orr and Brown Missionary Baptist Church continues to lead the “Church With A Vision” where they are consistently Changing Lives and Making A Difference. His desire to minister to the whole person: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually was the driving force of his success, which would yield exponential growth. On April 6, 2014, Brown purchased the multifaceted South Campus located at 7200 Swinnea Road which increased it’s reach to now two campuses, over 160 acres of land, two baseball fields, two gyms, Senior Housing, and over 100 classrooms, a career center, and two event spaces - all available to BMBC Members and the Community at large.

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Pastor Orr is a graduate of Christian Brother University, completed his Masters of Divinity from Mid-American Baptist Theological Seminary in Germantown, TN in 2003 and received his Doctor of Ministry Degree from Union University in Jackson, TN. Married to his best friend, his college sweetheart, Valarie Bates Orr, for over 30 years, they have four sons , Bart, Bates, Bradford and Brandon and four beautiful grandchildren. So what’s next for Pastor Orr? He is excited to release his first book “ORRdinary Lessons”. In ORRdinary Lessons you will experience the story of Moses and the Israelites as never before. Using their journey, ORRdinary Lessons identifies seven principles Dr. Orr learned as a poor child in Mississippi that still empower him today-and they will change your life and inspire you, too! 10% of the proceeds from ORRdinary Lessons will be donated to COVID-19 Relief Efforts, With the values of integrity, humility, and excellence, this is only the beginning for Pastor Orr and Brown Missionary Baptist Church....stay tuned…. The Best Is Yet To Come!

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the

EDITOR “I was given the chance to tell my story of going through kidney failure and trusting and believing God to see me through. I would like to thank Ms. Verna V. Nickelberry for this opportunity and my aunt, Sharon Jackson, for connecting us. In telling what I’ve grown through, all I wanna do is encourage, as well as inspire those who may be dealing with something themselves, no matter what it is. The goal is to never give up. To keep fighting. No matter what it looks like. God took me through this for a reason, brought me out, and how dare I not tell of His goodness! And just like He did it for me, He can do it for you”.

- Ebony Jackson It’s another Magazine cover for Kimazing Photography! A special “thank you” to Ms. Verna V. Nickelberry for trusting me over and over again. I appreciate you more than you know.

- Kimazing Photography


N ew L iv ing T r a n s l at i o n

2 PETER 3:4

BY SHARON E. LOCKLEAR, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF                                                   They will say, “What happened to the promise that Jesus is coming again? From before the times of our ancestors, everything has remained the same since the world was first created.” esus is coming again. His coming was foretold in the Old Testament and he came. Jesus spoke of his second coming in John 14:1-3. He will return. We do not know when and it should not matter when. The world has not remained the same as when it was created. The world is constantly evolving and changing as are the people who occupy the world. GOD designed a paradise – Earth for man to inhabit. Mankind is destroying Earth. The polar icecaps are melting, the Amazon rainforest is being deforested for cattle ranching and the Ogallala Aquifer is disappearing (it supplies 1/5 of the total annual U.S. agricultural harvest).

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Technological advances have occurred in the last 30 years that would have been unimaginable 100 years ago. Do you remember the first computers in the early 1990s? Your current smart phone has more capability than your first computer possessed. Mankind is destroying itself. Wars, famine and disease. Humanity is currently in a pandemic and there is not a known cure. The way we lived before the pandemic does not exist and it is doubtful that we will go back to living without masks and precautions in the future. We currently live with more questions than there are available answers. Jesus is waiting patiently to return. Divine time is not man time. The Lord does not view time as we view time, one day in divinity may be the equivalent of one thousand years on earth. The question is not when is Jesus returning, he is returning. The question that we must answer: are we ready for Jesus to return? Are we prepared?

He Wrote The Script... God said to Jeremiah, “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee.” The same goes for all of you. God has an assignment for each of you, and it is me for you to accept it. If you are ready to consent to your calling and learn how to become an entrepreneur in the field you are passionate about, read He Wrote the Script...Just Follow It!





Overview of Book In this engaging and interactive guide, entrepreneur Verna Nickelberry provides key tips and strategies, along with relatable biblical principles, to guide you through the essential aspects of business: creation, communication, and collaboration. With spaces for reflection, and a planner to help you organize goals, events, and opportunities, you will move further along your path to entrepreneurship. Hold God’s vision for you above any doubt, fear, or hesitation. The journey can be long and scary, but if you set credible, manageable goals for your success and allow God’s voice to guide you, you can break down the walls of negativity to build up your confidence and build up your business.

About the Author Ms. Nickelberry is the Founder and Editorial Director of Ordinary People Magazine (OPM) an inspirational magazine that showcase the stories and efforts of communities and charities. Ms. Nickelberry continuously serves others through sharing her confident spirit and the word of God. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, sewing, crocheting, and writing. Ms. Nickelberry currently resides in Atlanta, Georgia

Just to Encourage


According to the scriptures penned in 2Peter, we are to be concerned with our behavior because this is The Day of The Lord. This term was used a lot in the Old Testament. In the Book of Isaiah, we see that It is used first by Isaiah and subsequently incorporated into prophetic and apocalyptic texts of the Bible. In the New Testament, the “day of the Lord” may also refer to the writer’s own times, (in the time of the Apostle Peter’s letters) or it may refer to predicted events in a later age of earth’s history including the final judgment and the World to Come. Apparently, the Apostle Peter had informed the recipients of his letters of these warning before. Peter penned his letters to the churches in Northern Asia. He realized that the believers were suffering and were being persecuted because of the pagan worshippers in the

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area. His letters were written to encourage the recipients to not lose heart. I am a big fan of encouragement. I believe that encouragement is the difference between success and failure. Even better when that encouragement comes in the form of the Greater inside of you. However, this letter found in 2Peter is not one to encourage the readers, for now they are not suffering nor are they under persecution. What is needed are reminders! They needed to be reminded of the faith instilled in them. And the grace extended to them. The Apostle had gotten report that the believers in Asia Minor have now began to lose hope. They have been bombarded with a slew of false teachings, and evildoers have situated themselves in the congregation. The believers are now beginning to waiver in what they once held firm to since there is no strong voice to

encourage them. The essence of true knowledge for the believer is in remembering and applying what they previously learned. The Apostle reminded them that they had received the equal privilege of faith, just as the Apostles had, in and through the righteousness of Jesus Christ. I love that Peter did not berate them, thereby causing them to feel bad, and become reckless with discouragement. What he did was greet them in a manner that reminded them who they were in Christ.

impostors and scoffers. Those that would cause them to turn away from the faith. This is something we all have to be mindful of. As we can see in 2 Peter 2:1–9 this describes false teachers who greedily spread lies about Christ’s authority. They encourage Christians to indulge in sexual sin. They pursue erotic desires in the open, are experts in greed, despise authority, live in bold arrogance, and blaspheme things they don’t understand. Peter assures that these deceivers will be punished for the harm they’ve caused. This includes leading people away from Christ and back into the sinful practices from which they had begun to escape. God did not spare sinful angels, or the wicked of Noah’s day, or the people of Sodom and Gomorrah, and will not spare these false teachers, either.

“In Christ we have everything we need, as we grow in Him, he takes us from Glory to Glory, as we stay connected to Him, we are able to rightly divide the word of truth.”

He reiterated that his desire was for God’s favor and peace to be multiped in their life. This is the encouragement that we all need from time to time. We all need someone that will extend grace in our lives, the kind of grace that speaks of Christ’s sacrifice for us and that keeps us from throwing in the towel in despair. So, the Apostle has made it plain. They are to guard against

In Christ we have everything we need, as we grow in Him, he takes us from Glory to Glory, as we stay connected to Him, we are able to rightly divide the word of truth. This will

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cause scoffers, and evildoers and falsehoods to come to the Light of the Word of God. Therefore, let me encourage you in this, we who are connected to Christ by acknowledging that He is the Lord, that He is the Son of the living God is our Redeemer, we are partakers of His divine grace. Be encouraged to renew your mind daily as you turn your desires and hope over to Christ. Determine that as the Day of the Lord approaches, you will not return to the ways of the world, take a stand and be steadfast and immovable. Let the Lord plant you, stay in Him and your roots will go deep. Exercise the power that the Lord has given you over darkness, and over the evildoers. Remember to add a variety of graces to your faith. The Word of God is true, Jesus Christ will come again and He will judge the world. Be encouraged to be found by Him as one who has resisted the naysayers, and not looked back nor returned to that previous life before you gave your life to Christ. Know during this particular time, we are pressed all the more by false reports concerning the Kingdom and the Lordship of our Lord. This is not a time to lose faith, this is time to grow in faith. We remember that Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1) We don’t see what is to come, but our

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lives must reflect the fact that faith is working love and trust in the Lord who has promised us eternal life. Keep this is mind: 1 Peter 1:22-23, Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for each other, love one another deeply, from the heart. 23. For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. Stay encouraged that you are now God’s chosen one, you are not to trust in those that have false desires for you to live a wholesome life, you are not to listen to those that cause you to feel false joy. I pray that as you move closer with your walk with Christ, you will recognize all toxic, false influences that will cause your demise. Be Abundantly Encouraged.



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In The Spotlight



FOUNDERS OF “RAISING A VOICE”   BY WILL BOGGS                                                                                                       The mission of Raising a Voice is simple. We want to end human trafficking through gospel-centered community transformation and global outreach. By extending our reach throughout and beyond the Knoxville community we hope that our message carries and brings justice to the victims of these horrible crimes. We believe human trafficking can and will end. Our hope is that we eventually run out of work due to the amazing efforts of those who join the fight. Our end goal is to be out of a job and free of worry about 18 | Summer 2020

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human trafficking locally and globally. Gospel-centered community transformation encompasses our belief that the people we work with can go out and bring change in their communities, especially with a Christ-centered heart and the confidence they find in themselves that all they need is Jesus. Our belief is that those impacted by the horrors and trauma of human trafficking can’t find complete healing and restoration for their lives apaart from a relationship with Christ. We believe our volunteers can go and impact the world and seek out an end to this injustice. Everything we do at Raising a Voice circles back to this mission. Our goals revolve around focusing on ending this issue, not drawing attention to ourselves or our plans, but giving glory to God who will bring an end to this suffering. We will not allow these victims to continue to be plagued by exploitation and injustice. Victims of human trafficking are often products of an unjust system that faces systemic issues such as racism, 20 | Summer 2020

lack of access to healthy food, educational disparities, and much more. Raising a Voice doesn’t seek to only address the issues of an individual victim, but wants to better the community and change the unjust system as a whole to make an impact for generations to come. Our mission is something everyone can get on board with, whether it’s being more aware of what’s happening around them or donating towards anti-trafficking efforts. We want people to see human trafficking for what it is. It’s not just a woman on the street or a lost kid, and it’s

not just a one-time injustice in local hotel rooms. Human trafficking is present all around the world – in Knoxville, overseas, and in your home city - and the entire community in which these injustices and exploitation reside must be changed to sustainably address the issue. The fight to address human trafficking needs you. It needs your skills, passions, and resources. Everyone can make a difference in this issue! If you want to find out more about Raising a Voice and our work, please visit raisingavoice.org or if you find yourself in Knoxville stop by our coffee shop, Likewise Coffee, and we’d love to speak with you.

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OPM Live! with Verna V. Nickelberry Stream live every Saturday at 12:00 p.m. (noon) EST www.facebook.com/omplive1 and YouTube OPM Live! w/Verna V. Nickelberry


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BY VERNA V. NICKELBERRY                                                             24 | Summer 2020

Meet our third quarter’s couple Tiffany and Terrell Monger of Memphis, Tn. We caught up with this amazing energic couple and wanted to know more about Her Fashion/His Style™ and everything in between! So I dived right in wanting to know about Fashion and Style first! OPM: Tiffany, as fashion goes, would you so you are a “Fashionista?” What are you most comfortable wearing? Terrell, What would you say is your style? And do you have a name for it? TERRELL: If I had to name my style, I would call it “Intentionally Unintentional.” My style does not mirror or model any particular fashion trend. It is all about how my clothes fit me. I’m not into name brand or prices. My height, length and torso call for XLTs shirts or 17” 36/37 dress shirts that are slim fit. As long as I keep my body slim, I depend on me making the clothes look good Morning than the clothes making me look good. Of course, there was a time when I could eat whatever I want and maintain my slender frame. Now a days, I find my self running 3 miles in the morning and hitting the gym for the first time in my life to assess in my frame helping me with my style.

energy at one moment and then a 100% introvert the next. I love people and want to see others live their best healthy life. I have had to unlearn many things I have learned in my life. I didn’t come from a family that was big on affirmations. However, I grown to learn everything that makes me great is already inside of me. My desire is to empower others to tap into that mindset as well. OPM: I know that you all work very close together in ministry, share with us what that looks like. TERRELL: We are both Life Coaches and Motivational speakers. As a team and as individuals, we hope to bring electric energy, practical tools and learning principles that uplift, encourage and at times bring a level of excitement that is magnetic. Tiffany is heavily involved in physical training. I’m well versed in social intelligence. Together, we enhance each other and add value to many lives, events and audiences. We are also Pastor and First Lady of a 10 year old, growing ministry. Our efforts not only include church activities we are heavily involved in Out-reach and social influence efforts. We are excited about working and growing together.

TIFFANY: I am not a fashionista at all. I honestly hate shopping for clothes. I’m not into trends it doesn’t matter where my clothes come from. I just want the perfect fit. The most comfortable clothing are outfits that are fit and flattering. I love and feel most confident with attire that accents my waist and flatter at the hips. OPM: Before we go too far, tell us a little us a little about yourselves TERRELL: I, Terrell, am many things to many different people. I am a pastor, author, playwright, actor, IT Project Manager, Motivational speaker, creative and all around NERD. I enjoy being in creative mode. In all of my passion for innovation, I try to put in the necessary time to be a good husband and a good father. I come from an impoverished family that had many personal struggles. After experiencing life growing up in the housing projects and living in lack, my number one goal is to put my family in a good position and to create first generation wealth. TIFFANY: I’m a wife, mother, 1st Lady, certified life coach, and personal trainer. I’m an individual who can be a ball of ordinarypeoplemagazine | 25

OPM: Are there any businesses that you all are involved in separately? TERRELL: Tiffany has her “Sweat is the New Swag” athletic Gear and also does physical training. I have many motivational efforts such as a playwright, producer and author. We have acted together in some of those Stage Plays and worked together in several TV Shows. OPM: Knowing that you all are in ministry, how are you all serving your community? TERRELL & TIFFANY: Our biggest contributions to the community is helping people find their best self so they can live their best life. Our goal is to orchestrate opportunities to share our findings and experiences to help others obtain greater wealth, greater health and a greater version self. We also do yearly free dental services for the community, homeless drives and provide me efforts to involve youth to give them experience, education and growth opportunities.

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“We are both Life Coaches and Motivational speakers. As a team and as individuals, we hope to bring electric energy, practical tools and learning principles that uplift, encourage and at times bring a level of excitement that is magnetic.”

For Your Health

Peace a n d Ho p e i n t h e

M ID DLE O F C HAOS   BY PAOLA TENNON, RN, BSN, MBA/HCA, CCM                                                 In this era of the Covid-19 Pandemic, we are faced with a multitude of issues including a public health crisis secondary to a worldwide pandemic, political conflict, global and civil unrest, and national financial insecurity which has led to economic catastrophe. This has had a profound effect on society as a whole. Other contributing factors include but are not limited to the following: social injustice, racial and gender inequity, continuing rise in unemployment, loss of medical coverage, limited or lack of medical supplies and equipment to combat the Covid-19 virus, inadequate food resources, disruption in our education system, and the ravages of climate change. Each of these factors have attributed to the current state the nation is in and has only served to fuel the fires of discontent, frustration, and fear. People are hurting, hundreds of thousands have died or are dying, and many are crying and wondering if there is any way they can make it. The normal frustrations of life were enough without having to deal with a pandemic which has only served to exacerbate the situation. The whole world seems to be in the middle of chaos and hope is wavering in the midst. Any of these issues can create

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uncertainties in our everyday life decisions and cause us to wonder where God is. Some have even said that the occurrences of today’s times are reflective of the End Times and have suggested that this may be the beginning of the end. The reference scripture for this article brings this topic into focus and is taken from 2 Peter3:4. It reads; They will say,” Where is this ‘coming’ he promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.” NIV. In the entire third chapter of 2 Peter we will find that it is centered around the coming of the Day of the Lord. A review of the previous verses in chapter 3 indicates that there were false teachers among the Christians who would mock and dispute the assertion that Jesus Christ would return after His death on the cross to redeem mankind. Based on how this scripture reads, we can imagine a people who once because of their faith did believe in His return, however their faith wavered and became overshadowed with doubt and disbelief. As their faith deteriorated, they became convinced that there is nothing more to life and that Christ would not return. They

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concluded that nothing had changed since the beginning of the world nor would it ever. One thing is for certain; when crisis come, it does not discriminate and just as in biblical times we too can begin to waver and lose our faith. Jesus offers the following words of encouragement to His followers and they are still applicable today. John 16:33 states; “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me you might have peace. In the world you shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” In spite of our current status or how ever devastating things may seem, remember there is still hope; for we are told in Psalm 46:1-2 that; “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear…” And, even though the world seems to be in turmoil, let us take comfort in these words from 2 Corinthians 4: 8-9 which gives us a peace of mind in the midst of chaos; “We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed.” Our health focus spotlights mental and emotional health and wellbeing during this era of global pandemic. The intent of this article is to offer hope and to provide suggestions that may aide in calming stressors as we face this challenging time of uncertainty which can take a toll on our mental health and spiritual well-being. This pandemic has caused us to feel unsafe in all aspects of our life and has resulted in quarantine that has brought about feelings of isolation, anxiety, and fear of the unknown. Furthermore, conflicting information by our national leadership has resulted in an atmosphere of confusion and mistrust. Regrettably, multiple resources acknowledge that the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has given rise to an increase in psychiatric symptoms and disorders including panic attacks, anxiety disorders, depression, insomnia, and even posttraumatic stress disorders (PTSD). In addition, increases and exacerbation of disorders are seen in people with pre-existing psychiatric illness along with reports of increases in use of alcohol, and tobacco, substance abuse and death by suicide. Data provided by Healthline and YouGov’s COVID-19 tracker is one source that validates this increase in cases. According to an article by the Centers for Disease and Prevention (CDC), updated July 1, 2020 and entitled “Coping with Stress, Coronavirus Disease 2019”; during an infectious disease outbreak fear and worry is often generated. This can often lead to concerns about our health and the health of our loved ones, loss of financial support, changes in sleep or eating patterns, difficulty in concentration, worsening of chronic health problems and declining or onset of mental health conditions. When we cope

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with stress in a healthy manner, we become stronger and are able to handle situations in a more constructive way. From a health perspective, effective coping strategies can aide in reducing stress thereby preventing or decreasing symptoms of physical, emotional, or mental conditions. I recently heard a minister say that adversity is one of God’s tools that is effective to strengthen our faith. And, when God sends adversity into our lives, it comes to help us and puts our focus on Him. Be of good courage and remember that we are never alone in our adversities because God is always there. The Center for Disease and Prevention offers the following recommendations when dealing with the stress of coping with disaster or traumatic events. •

Take care of your body– Try to eat healthy wellbalanced meals, exercise regularly, and get plenty of sleep. Avoid alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. Learn more about mental health. https://www.samhsa.gov/ programs Connect with others– Share your concerns and how you are feeling with a friend or family member. Maintain healthy relationships and build a strong support system. Take breaks– Make time to unwind and remind yourself that strong feelings will fade. Try taking in deep breaths. Try to do activities you usually enjoy. Stay informed– When you feel that you are missing information, you may become more stressed or nervous. Watch, listen to, or read the news for updates from officials. Be aware that there may be rumors during a crisis, especially on social media. Always check your sources and turn to reliable sources of information like your local government authorities. Avoid too much exposure to news– Take breaks from watching, reading, or listening to news stories. It can be upsetting to hear about the crisis and see images repeatedly. Try to do enjoyable activities and return to normal life as much as possible and check for updates between breaks. Seek help when needed– If distress impacts activities of your daily life for several days or weeks, talk to a clergy member, counselor, or doctor, or contact the (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration), SAMHSA helpline at 1-800-985-5990.

Look out for these common signs of distress:

• • • • • • •

Feelings of fear, anger, sadness, worry, numbness, or frustration Changes in appetite, energy, and activity levels Difficulty concentrating and making decisions Difficulty sleeping or nightmares Physical reactions, such as headaches, body pains, stomach problems, and skin rashes Worsening of chronic health problems Increased use of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs

If you experience these feelings or behaviors for several days in a row and are unable to carry out normal responsibilities because of them, seek professional help. https://www.samhsa.gov/findhelp/disaster-distress-helpline. I end by saying, do not allow yourself to engage in worry, rather preserve your sense of normalcy by engaging in stress reduction activities and focusing on being productive by finding new ways to enjoy life and developing your new normal. Romans 5:2-5 gives us these encouraging words; “Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.”


https://adaa.org/learn-from-us/from-the-experts/blog-posts/consumer/topten-covid-19-anxiety-reduction-strategies, retrieved 7/15/2020

https://www.cdc.gov/childrenindisasters/helping-children-cope.html, retrieved 7/15/2020

https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/daily-life-coping/managingstress-anxiety.html, retrieved

https://mhanational.org/covid19, 7/30/2020

https://www.nami.org/Your-Journey/Individuals-with-Mental-Illness/ Taking-Care-of-Your-Body/Managing-Stress

https://store.samhsa.gov/product/Taking-Care-of-Your-BehavioralHealth-Tips-for-Social-Distancing-Quarantine-and-Isolation-During-anInfectious-Disease-Outbreak/PEP20-01-01-007, retrieved 7/15/2020


https://www.cdc.gov/mentalhealth/learn/index.htm, retrieved 7/25/2020

https://www.healthline.com/mental-health , retrieved 7/29/ 2020

https://www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/suicide-resourceguide#1, retrieved 7/29/2020

800-273-8255 (24/7), The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Online chat: https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/chat/ (24/7)



https://www.thetrevorproject.org/, The Trevor Project offers crisis intervention and suicide prevention to LGBTQ youth

Call 911

Disaster Distress Helplineexternal icon: 1-800-985-5990 (press 2 for Spanish), or text TalkWithUs for English or Hablanos for Spanish to 66746. Spanish speakers from Puerto Rico can text Hablanos to 1-787-339-2663.

“Every day brings a choice: to practice stress or to practice peace.” ~Joan Borysenko

National Suicide Prevention Lifelineexternal icon: 1-800-273-TALK (8255) for English, 1-888-628-9454 for Spanish, or Lifeline Crisis Chatexternal icon.

National Domestic Violence Hotlineexternal icon: 1-800-799-7233 or text LOVEIS to 22522

National Child Abuse Hotlineexternal icon: 1-800-4AChild (1-800-422-4453) or text 1-800-422-4453

National Sexual Assault Hotlineexternal icon: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673) or Online Chatexternal icon

The Eldercare Locatorexternal icon: 1-800-677-1116 TTY Instructionsexternal icon

Veteran’s Crisis Lineexternal icon: 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or Crisis Chatexternal icon


Dressing Well - 10 Ways to Achieve a Put Together Look While looking put together may seem like a skill that few people have, anyone can achieve it! Here’s my Top 10 List of Ways to pull off a Put Together Look 1. Put your best face forward. Getting a makeup update is a perfect way to begin every season. You’ll learn about new tools and application techniques. Makeup makes an impact, showcases your sense of self-care, enhances your appearance when done well, and most importantly sends a message of confidence. 2. Refine your shoe collection. A woman looks modern, up-to-date, and put together in current shoe styles. Experiment with color and step outside of your comfort zone to find looks that will polish your outfit! 3. Add a brooch or two or three to your jackets, capes, or at the throat of a collared shirt. A well-chosen brooch can bring light to your face, express an aspect of your personality, or be a conversation starter. 4. Update your handbag. Are you someone who wears

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the same handbag day after day? Handbags can complete a look. They add texture to an outfit, relate to the mood you’ve created with your clothing pieces, or add an air of sophistication to your look. 5. Add a scarf or shawl to your outfit. Scarves can be functional and flattering. Wearing a scarf in a print that includes your most flattering colors will make you stand out and keep your neck protected in cooler weather. In the summertime, a linen scarf or a loose textured scarf gives your outfit interest when you’re wearing fewer layers. A small scarf tied to the handles of your handbag is another way to bring definition to your outfit. 6. Consider updating your hairstyle with color, a cut, or a protective style. If you’ve been wearing your hair the same way for several years, consider refreshing your look. Nothing gives you confidence like a great hairstyle. Look for people who have hairstyles that appeal to you and ask them where they get their hair done. 7. Glasses are powerful accessories. Even if you only wear readers, you can enhance your look with expressive frames. Frames can make you look younger, alert, sexy, creative, and even dramatic. 8. Wear tailored clothing. It’s not how much the piece of clothing costs, but how well it fits. Dress your body type by choosing flattering and timeless silhouettes that fit well. 9. Don’t neglect your manicures and pedicures. Maintaining your hands and feet is an essential part of self-care and helps you look presentable and well-groomed. 10. Wear a smile. It’s been said by many that the best accessory a woman can wear is a smile. A smile conveys warmth, interest, and kindness. While helping you with your put together look, it lifts the spirits of those around you. I promise the compliments you receive will make it worth your while. Don’t be surprised if you wear a brighter lip color and friends notice your jacket and ask you if it’s new. Or, if you purchase a pair of new heels, they may think you’ve lost ten pounds. You’re standing out, being noticed, gaining visibility and that’s what a woman can expect with a put together look. If you’d like assistance getting your look together, I’m here for you. Contact me to schedule a complimentary style consult and I’ll help you personalize your put together look to highlight your best attributes and personality. For daily tips to help you elevate your personal style follow me on Instagram @imagebycourtney or Facebook – Image by Courtney.

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STRENGTHENED IN TIME OF CRISIS   BY DELAYNA MICHELE ELLIOTT                   It is easy to lose hope when we look at appearances. I decided that I will not be moved by the current pandemic, the escalation of racism, nor the climate of fear that is plaguing this nation and the world. God gave us dominion over the earth. He is not slack concerning His promises. When the world mocks us, by saying “Where is the promise of His coming? Our lives as Christians should show forth the answer. We are God’s demonstration of wealth, health, love, power and joy! I declare like Paul in 2 Timothy 4:17 “But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me, so that the message might be preached fully through me, and that all the Gentiles might hear. Also, I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion. 18 And the Lord will deliver me from every evil work and preserve me for

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His heavenly kingdom. To Him be glory forever and ever.

system, that dictates messages to you automatically.

Amen!” Be strengthened in this season of uncertainty.

There is a program running behind the scenes in your

God is not mocked! He keeps his promises. We are being

subconscious making decisions and choices based on

preserved for the heavenly kingdom. It does not mean

the memories and emotions attached to those memories.

that we are lazy and waiting for Jesus to return. NO! It’s

Change your mind. Change your Life. (We become what

the opposite. When we are preserved it means that we are

we think about all day long)

manifesting our greatness in the earth. We are salt and I charge you to: Build your business, Write the book, Ask


for the raise, Paten your ideas. Please, by all means get it As a spiritual technologist and licensed financial


professional I would like to assure you that you do not have to worry about money. Money is subject to your

When you Mind your Money, Your Money will Mind

authority. Ask probing questions to your marvelous

you. Pay attention to your money behaviors. Track

mind and put the power of “Thought” to work for you.

any improvements you make in your financial status.

Your Mind is POWERFUL. If you give it a problem

Celebrate small achievements. If you save $50.00 per

before you go to sleep, it will provide answers for you in

paycheck, celebrate it. When you resist buying something

the morning.

just because you can, celebrate! To Your Wealth,

Where should I invest my money?

Who do I need to attract in my business affairs?

How should I proceed in this season?

DeLayna Michele Elliott

Is this my clue that I need to make a change?

Financial Coach, Licensed Life Insurance Agency Owner

You never change things by fighting the existing realty.

WomenwithWealth.com (704) 421-5701

To change things, you must build a new model Diamond Mind Moment: Your mind is an operating

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Miracles and Blessings

MIRACLES AND BLESSINGS   BY VERNA V. NICKELBERRY                                                 Each and every day is filled with “Miracles and Blessings!” Each day that you wake-up it is both a miracle and a blessings. Because someone didn’t wake up! If you are breathing, have the activity of your limbs (you know arms and legs) it’s a blessing! In your right mind, blessings! Have a job, blessing! A place to sleep, blessing! Food to eat, blessing! You see where I’m going with this? But, often time we take these simple everyday things for granted, so much so that we do not think of them as “Miracles and Blessings! Oh! But they are! Consider what your life would be like without these “simple” every day, got to have, really need, to survive things! Have you thought about it? I’m sure most of you have and many of you have not. You know why? It’s simple! You never thought that you would not

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have, until a life tragic happen to cause chaos in your prefect (you thought) life! It is at that moment when you realize that indeed you were blessed!

ings” that God has performed in your life, your family’s life and the life of your friends. Yes! God is still performing “Miracles and Blessings”, in 2020!

Miracles you say? Yeah, they do happen every day! We may not hear about them, but they do happen! We know of all the “miracles” that Jesus performed in the Bible, it is the ones that He is performing every day, every hour, every minute, every second in 2020! You had a love one that was told that they was not going to make it due to COVID-19, ooh but they did! Miracle! Your best friend beat Cancer! Miracle! The family next door was about to lose their home, but a check showed up in the mailbox just in the time! Miracle! I want you to take a moment and think about all of the “Miracles and Bless-

***Unexplained, Present-Day Miracles *** Source - Guidepost.org Kali Hardig In July of 2013, the 12-year-old Kali Hardig visited a water park. A few days later, her parents were rushing her to the hospital. She was complaining of a headache and had a fever of 103 degrees. Tests revealed that Kali had contracted parasitic meningitis. It’s a rare infection caused by brain-eating amoebas. It’s also a deadly one. Kali was quickly put on antibiotics, but her doctors prepared her family for the

worst. Even with treatment, the infection’s survival rate was less than 1%. At that time—in the whole of North America— only two people were known to have survived. But Kali would become the third. Not only that, but, six months later, she’d made a complete recovery. “It was God’s grace,” Dr. Matt Linam said in an interview with Reader’s Digest when asked how Kali survived. “Other than that, it was countless little things that went her way, countless little miracles that happened every day and made the difference between life and death.” Jean-Pierre Bely Lourdes, France has a reputation for miracles. The small town drew international attention when, in 1858, a young girl named Bernadette claimed to see a vision of Mother Mary. Since then, Lourdes has been a destination for pilgrims and those seeking healing. Jean-Pierre Bely was one of those people.

“As the priest was giving me unction on the forehead and hands, I had the impression that everything was turning around me,” he was later quoted in the book Near-death Experiences Examined: Medical Findings and Testimonies from Lourdes. “In a fraction of a second I lost all sense of time and space. God was coming to cure my heart. I was invaded by a powerful feeling of liberation and peace that I had never experienced before.” After that experience, Jean-Pierre began to feel a tingling in his legs. A few days later, he took his first unaided steps in years. Subsequent examinations would show only minor traces of the illness that had once dominated his life. Though still a medical mystery, Jean-Pierre’s cure was deemed an official miracle by the Vatican in 2002. Be Abundantly Blessed!

In 1987, he traveled to Lourdes. Years ago, Jean-Pierre had been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, an autoimmune disorder that attacks the body’s central nervous system. He was now confined to a wheelchair. But during a service in Lourdes, Jean-Pierre felt something strange.

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Gospel Music/Artists

T H E BE ARD S I S TE R S   BY PASTOR TERESA JORDAN                                  Angela, Latonya, and April are three biological sisters, all saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Spirit. They were born and raised in Memphis, Tennessee and currently reside in their home state. Their parents are Pastor Angelo and 1st Lady Glendora Beard. They are members of The Moore’s Memorial Church of God in Christ in Memphis, Tennessee where they are faithful to leadership pastored by their father.

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They have shared the stage with noble Gospel Artists such as Lillian Lloyd, Michelle Prather, George Dean & Gospel Four, The Brown Sisters, Rance Allen and Pastor Darrel Pettis etc. God has blessed them with great opportunities to spread the gospel through song such as being the opening Act for Gospel Night at the Universal Soul Circus in 2010. They continued to utilize their gift at churches and organizations in the Mid-South. Thorough out the journey of ministering in song, many asked if they had music recorded and would respond, “Not Yet”. After praying and seeking God, they finally were able to respond with “Yes”. On July 1, 2014, their 1st single Heaven was produced and released by Johnathan JDAV Davenport @ Done by John Studios in Memphis, TN. God continued to open doors after the release and that same year in September, they participated in the Allstate Gospel Super Fest held in Memphis, TN. In October 2014, they were asked to perform the sermonic selection before Pastor Marvin Winans who was in Memphis to deliver the Gospel Message at Greater Victory COGIC. God continued to shower down his blessings on the Beard Sisters being featured in Magnify Him Online Magazine in January 2015. In August of that year, their second single was released by Done by John Studios titled “Trust God” and experienced amazing radio airplay around continental United States. Being lifelong members of the Church of God in Christ, they were afforded the amazing opportunity minister during one of the Late Night Musicals during the Church of God in Christ Holy Convocation in November 2015. As God continued to bless their ministry, they continued to seek God and allowed him to lead and guide their path for the year as 2016 would be an auspicious year. Not only did The Beard Sisters celebrate 10 years in Music, but they performed during the Stellar Award Weekend Listener’s Lounge Blue Carpet event in Los Vegas, Preformed on an episode of the Local TBN Praise the Lord broadcast, received several nominations with Vogma Music Awards and released their 3rd single “Won’t He Do It”. Truly God was orchestrating in their life and the sisters were obedient to his will. Over the following years, the ladies saw many more opportunities and doors being opened such as performing again during the Stellar Award Weekend in Las Vegas, performing during the Music Soul Food Festival in Chesapeake, VA,

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receiving numerous award nominations from VOGMA Music Awards in Mobile, AL, FPAD Community in Atlanta, GA, Rhythm of Gospel in Greenville, South Carolina, TGMEA in Houston, TX and Prayze Factor People’s Choice Awards in Atlanta, GA. God has shown that he has his hands on The Beard Sisters. March 2019, the ladies were selected to perform during the Official Stellar Awards Independent Artist Showcase in Las Vegas, NV. They also participated on the Prayze Factor IAM Tour ministering and spreading the gospel in 5 states in the United States and climax in the beautiful country of The Bahamas. The same year, they received the Rhythm of Praise Group of the Year award with the Prayze Factor Awards in Atlanta, GA. Most recently in June 2020, they released their latest single “Prayer Still Works” with Done by John Studios in Memphis, TN. As times changes, one goal remains the same. The Beard Sisters desire to minister to God’s people through music encouraging and uplifting everyone they come in contact with. They want their music to reach the heart of individuals everywhere. The road has not been easy and there have been both good times and bad on the journey, but they gave God a Yes a long time ago and they’re determined to finish the course.

Consider This

BELIEVE OR NOT… IT IS A M AT T E R O F FA I T H   BY VANDERBILT BRABSON III, AUTHOR                    2 Peter 3:3-4 3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, 4 And saying, where is the promise of his coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. A young lady, with Bible in hand, was handing out Bible tracts and sharing her faith with those passing by in the city park one day when a man, who was observing her activities, approached her. He told her he considered himself an agnostic and wanted to show her how misguided her faith really was. The young lady quoted John 3:16 to him and said, “Well, sir, I believe the Bible is God’s inspired word, and I believe what it says.” “That’s nonsense,” he argued. “The Bible is nothing more than a

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collection of fables and unsubstantiated events that only an idiot would believe. “But sir,” the young lady retorted, “I believe the Bible is God’s inspired word, and I believe what it says.” Again, she quoted John 3:16 to him. Infuriated, the man attempted to intimidate the young lady by publicly refuting everything she said to those passing by. However, the more he sought to intimidate and ridicule her faith, the more determined the young lady became. Before long the man turned to her and asked, “Okay, tell me, can you point out any particular story in the Bible that has been proven?” The young lady looked at him, quoted John 3:16, and said, “Sir, I believe the Bible is God’s inspired word, and I believe what it says.” “Is that your only answer?” he laughed aloud. “Okay then, I’ll pick a story myself. Take the story of Jonah for example. Do you really expect me, or anyone for that matter, to believe he survived in the belly of a whale for three days? That, my dear, is absolutely ludicrous!” The young lady replied, “Sir, the Bible says God prepared a

great fish to swallow up Jonah, and the fish later spat him out on the coast of Nineveh. That is what the Bible says, and I believe it.” “Then what did Jonah eat and drink for three days?” he quizzed. “I don’t know, sir” she answered. “The Bible doesn’t say. I guess I’ll just have to ask Jonah when I get to heaven.” “Ah ha!” the man jeered loudly. “But what if Jonah isn’t in heaven when you get there?” “Then you can ask him,” she replied. The purpose and mission of the church in this world is to glorify God. This is why being an effective witness and ambassador for Jesus Christ is so critically important. As believers we are to be the good ground Jesus spoke of in His parable of the sower and the seed, which after receiving the seed of God’s word into our hearts multiply ourselves some thirty-, some sixty-, some one hundred-fold (Matthew 13:39). Being witnesses for Jesus Christ is more than knocking on doors, traveling on mission trips, passing out tracts to strangers, and cornering co-workers, family members, classmates, and peers. Being a witness for Jesus Christ is not

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limited to what we do. It is what we are. The most effective witness we have is our very lives. Even when we are unaware, someone is watching us and taking mental notes. Consider this—if others are watching us, then we have the wonderful opportunity to show them the difference Jesus Christ can make in a life committed to Him, and in doing so God is glorified in our lives (Matthew 5:16). One young Christian man handed a tract to an older coworker at the construction site the two were working. The older man quickly handed the tract back to the young fellow and said, “Don’t bother giving that thing to me, sonny boy, cause I can’t read no ways. But tell ya what I’ll do. I’ll watch your tracks.” The older man’s comments raise an interesting question: For those who are following your and my tracks, are they being led to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ? You have heard it said repeatedly, our life is the only Bible some sinner may ever read. When someone reads your life and mine, will it point them to Jesus Christ? The young lady in this modern-day parable exercised patience and wisdom in dealing with the scoffer. She absolutely refused to debate with him, but chose instead to just give him God’s word and express her faith in it. Contending with nonbelievers over the validity of scripture is an exercise in futility. Like a postman, our responsibility is to prayerfully deliver the message with our mouths and our lives. What people do with the gospel message we deliver is really between God and them. The best we can do is the best we can do, and that means once the message has been delivered in love, we continue to pray for those who received it in hopes that God will give the increase. Some who hear the gospel will repent and embrace the saving message of Jesus Christ and His work at Calvary. Others will outright reject the message and remain in their sins. Jesus said to the blind man in the presence of the Pharisees, For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind. And some of the Pharisees which were with him heard these words, and said unto Him, are we blind also? Jesus said unto them, If ye were blind, ye should have no sin; but now ye say, we see; therefore your sin remainth (John 9:39-41)

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From these words of Jesus, we see that some people will not be saved. You may ask is it God’s will some people be eternally lost? Not according to scripture. The Bible teaches God has called all men everywhere to repent (Acts 17:30). Scripture tells us God would have all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:4). It also teaches God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). So how do Jesus’ words above reveal that some people will not be saved? In John 9:39-41 Jesus is saying individuals who are spiritually blind but insist they can already see, will not come to the only One who can truly open their blinded eyes and heart. Jesus is saying individuals who walk in spiritual darkness yet insist they are walking in the light, will not come to the One who is the Light of the World and able to shine light into their dark hearts. Jesus is saying individuals who are spiritually lost but continue to insist they are saved, will not come to the Savior and be cleansed of their sin dilemma; and therefore, these individuals remain in their sin. The greatest challenge today as Christians is not getting people saved. The greatest challenge today is getting people lost. Until people are willing to acknowledge their sin dilemma and therefore their lost spiritual state, they see no need to repent and trust Jesus as Savior for the remission of their sins. It’s a fact: alcoholics do not obtain sobriety and stay sober until they first acknowledge they have a drinking problem. Drug addicts do not get clean and stay clean until they first acknowledge they have a drug problem. And, sinners do not get saved by the blood of Jesus Christ until they first acknowledge they have a sin problem. If they are unwilling to do this, they remain in their sin. Once confronted with the saving message of Jesus Christ, some will embrace it immediately and be forever changed. Others will out-and-out continue to reject it and thus remain in their sin. Still others will not only reject it but will ridicule those sharing the gospel message as did the scoffer in this modernday parable. Being ridiculed for sharing our faith is no reason to be deterred from being used of God to plant the seed of faith and to water a seed already planted by another of God’s witnesses. Jesus forewarned, If the world hate you, ye know that it hated Me before [it hated] you. If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.

Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted Me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept My saying, they will keep yours also. But all these things will they do unto you for My name’s sake, because they know not Him that sent Me (John 15:18-21). The message of the cross is incomprehensible to the human intellect because its message defies human logic. We must understand that God did not call us to think logically, but theologically about our relationship with Him (1 Corinthians 1:18). Do not be discouraged if you are ridiculed for sharing the glorious gospel message of Jesus Christ, our wonderful Savior. Do not be deterred if you are not eloquent in your presentation of this eternal truth. Start off sharing your testimony with others of how you became a Christian. This you can do while studying along to become more knowledgeable of His word. Remember, the resurrection power of Jesus Christ shining through our life is the most powerful witness for Jesus Christ we have. What about you? As a Christian, are you taking advantage of the opportunities God is giving you to share your faith? Would you like to be more effective as a Christian witness? If this is true, tell Him so. Please pray the following:

to be the most effective witness for You that You have called and empowered me to be. Create within me the desire to be diligent in pursuing intimacy with You through prayer and the reading and studying of Your word. And Heavenly Father, may people around me see the light of Jesus Christ shining through my life from this day forward. I ask these things in Jesus’ name. Amen. “It is not thy hold on Christ that saves thee; it is Christ. It is not thy joy in Christ that saves thee; it is Christ. It is not even thy faith in Christ, though that be the instrument; it is Christ’s blood and merit.” Charles H. Spurgeon Charles Haddon Spurgeon... was an English preacher and pastor who remains highly influential among Christians of various denominations, among whom he is known as the “Prince of Preachers”. He was a strong figure in the Reformed Baptist tradition, defending the Church in agreement with the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith understanding, and opposing the liberal and pragmatic theological tendencies in the Church of his day. Vanderbilt Brabson III © July 2020

Dear Heavenly Father, please touch my heart that I will make personal devotion and Bible study a priority in my life. Please break my heart for the lost who are in bondage to sin. I desire ordinarypeoplemagazine | 45

Small Business Corner




46 | Summer 2020

The one “friend” that a small business should have is the Small Business Administration (SBA). In every state you will find your local SBA, which is a great resource for all thing “small businesses.” The SBA offer information on Loans, Investment Capital, Grants, est., everything that you need to know that pertains to business.

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With every business you need a plan, direction, and guidance and the SBA is a great place to get help with your business plan. A good solid business plan will help you to stay focus, and on track, giving you step-by-step instruction, on how to set up your business, and the day-to-day operation, as well as help you to obtain funding, be it a business partner (s) or investors. Once you have all you T’s cross and you I’s dotted now it time to “Launch” your business! And yes the SBA can help with that as well. Location! Location! Location! How many time have you heard that location is the key to growing a business. The SBA.gov website give great information on choosing the right location and other pertinent information that you will need before your actual launch.

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Now the fun begins! You have business plan, you are launched your business, you are the boss! But are you ready to manage the day-to-day operation? And yes, learn all of this through you local SBA. Remember your local SBA is your “friend” and a great place to start when it come to “all thing business.” Once you have accomplish everything on your list, and things are going good in your business, you can still reach out to your local SBA. They are there to help you as your small business grows! Learn more at www.sba.gov

“Guys…this is Missile Morgan” Seeking to overcome the scars from her abusive, alcoholic father, Jesse Cartwright, Anthony’s best friend from childhood, is determined to make something of her life. Tomboyish in every way, at times her stubbornness puts her in direct conflict with Anthony’s other friends. A born fighter, she ultimately proves to be tougher than every boy in the neighborhood and the only friend Anthony can really count on. As Anthony battles his inner demons in his march toward glory, and Jesse struggles through her own personal tragedies and loss, their paths grow apart. Eventually the two dis- cover their lives are somehow intertwined and neither will truly realize his or her dreams without the other. Surpassing the expectations his father had for him, Anthony Morgan is poised to be the biggest phenomenon baseball has seen in years. Anthony’s future is set. He has worked hard for it, dreamed about it all his life, and can practically taste it! However, what Anthony could not foresee was the untimely death of his father—his mentor and hero. This tragedy started a downward spiral of bad decisions, which ultimately threaten Anthony’s life and future in baseball. Beyond the Lies is as captivating as The Natural, as compelling as Love Comes Softly, and at times as humorous as Diary of a Mad Black Woman. It’s a coming of age story that will appeal to the young and old, the sports enthusiast, the romantic, those gripped by human tragedy, and those who celebrate the triumph of the human spirit. Author Mr. Vanderbilt Brabson, III https://beyondthelies-theboo.com https://www.amazon.cm/Vanderbilt-Brabson-III/e/ B004DWVNW?ref=dbs_p_pbk_r00_abau_000000 See the book Trailer at https://www.vanderbiltbrabsoniii.com

Word Search





Inspirational Words

P SALMS 96 (KJV ) O sing unto the Lord a new song: sing unto the Lord, all the

Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name: bring an


offering, and come into his courts.

Sing unto the Lord, bless his name; shew forth his salvation

O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness: fear before

from day to day.

him, all the earth.

Declare his glory among the heathen, his wonders among all

Say among the heathen that the Lord reigneth: the world


also shall be established that it shall not be moved: he shall judge the people righteously.

For the Lord is great, and greatly to be praised: he is to be feared above all gods.

Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad; let the sea roar, and the fulness thereof.

For all the gods of the nations are idols: but the Lord made the heavens.

Let the field be joyful, and all that is therein: then shall all the trees of the wood rejoice

Honour and majesty are before him: strength and beauty are in his sanctuary.

Before the Lord: for he cometh, for he cometh to judge the earth: he shall judge the world with righteousness, and the

Give unto the Lord, O ye kindreds of the people, give unto

people with his truth.

the Lord glory and strength. ordinarypeoplemagazine | 51

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52 | Summer 2020

FROM WITHIN...   BY VERNA V. NICKELBERRY                                                               I do hope that you have enjoyed reading this issue. The scripture for this quarter is 2 Peter 3:4. Here in the third chapter the Apostle Peter is concluding his second epistle. In verse four of chapter 3, the apostle is reminding the Christians that in the last days there will be “scoffers” that will come to make a mockery of sin and of salvation. “This they do in the course of their conversation, they live as they list, and they speak as they list; it is not only their inward minds that are evil and opposite to God, as the mind of every unrenewed sinner is (Rom. 8:7 ), alienated from God, ignorant of him, and averse to him; but they have grown to such a height of wickedness that they proclaim openly what is in the hearts of others who are yet carnal; they say, “Our tongues are our own, and our strength, and time, and who is lord over us? Who shall contradict or control us, or ever call us to an account for what we say or do?’’ And, as they scorn to be confined by any laws of God in their conversation, so neither will they bear that the revelation of God should dictate and prescribe to them what they are to believe; as they will walk in their own way, and talk their own language, so will they also think their own thoughts, and form principles which are altogether their own: here also their own lusts alone shall be consulted by them. None but such accomplished libertines as are here described can take a seat, at least they cannot sit in the seat of the scornful. “By this you shall know them, that you may the better be upon your guard against them.. We also are forewarned how far they will

proceed: they will attempt to shake and unsettle us, even as to our belief of Christ’s second coming; they will scoffingly say, Where is the promise of his coming? **Matthew Henry Commentary of the Whole Bible** And that we should not be surprise or shaken when this happen. When attached by these “scoffers” we are told just what kind of person they are in verse 3 “Knowing this first, that there Shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,” following the desires of their own hearts, and carnal affections. The mockery you see in verse 4 “And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.” Meaning that to whom the promise was made to are all dead, it never happen in their time and most likely it will not happen at all. But we know that God is a keeper of “ALL” of His promises! We must keep the faith and not allow “scoffers” to get us off track. We must stay the course no matter what! We must stay faithful to the Word of God. For sure He is coming back, He is not a man that He should lie! And as always, Love, Peace, and Increase… Verna V. Nickelberry ordinarypeoplemagazine | 53













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