Ordinary People Magazine Summer 2010

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departments Founder and Editorial Director Verna V. Nickelberry


Standing from left to right: Jonathan Nicholson is a senior at the University of Memphis. He is a Political Science Major and minoring in music. Martell Martin is a 2009 graduate of Craigmont High School (Memphis, TN) and he attends Southwest Community College.

Editor-In-Chief India B. Oliver Art Director Rushun Wiseman Contributing Editors Josie Hayslett Alexis Johnson

Sitting from left to right: Mekah Bradley is a 2010 graduate of Cordova High School (Memphis, TN) and will attend Tennessee State University this fall.

Contributing Writers Vanderbilt Brabson Pamela Steward Paola Tennon

Christina B. Walton is a 2010 graduate of Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN) with a Bachelors of Arts in Medicine, Health, and Society. She will attend University of Memphis this fall enrolled in pre-med classes, and hope to attend medical school in the fall of 2012.

Layout Designer Denardo Crawford

Ravell S. Walker is a 2010 graduate of White Station High School (Memphis, TN.) She will attend Clark-Atlanta University in Atlanta, GA, focusing on pre-med, with hopes of becoming a pediatrician.

Marketing Consultant Joyce Parkinson jpconnection.com (901) 907-8557 Photographers Kendall Elam Marlon Hayes Sales Director/ Memphis, TN Janet Chestnut salesmemphis@ ordinarypeoplemagazine.org Sales Director/ Frisco, TX Will Odom tndimension.net (214) 514-2926 O.P. Magazine Mail P. O. Box 323 Memphis, TN 38101 (901) 949-3409 http://ordinarypeoplemagazine.org ORDINARY PEOPLE MAGAZINE is a quarterly publication and is distributed in Memphis, TN; Knoxville, TN; Atlanta, GA; and Orlando, FL. Spring 2010 46 || Summer 2010

Holy Nation Church of Memphis Youth Department.

Letters to the Editor I have enjoyed reading every issue of Ordinary People Magazine. I have also notice the change and growth of your publication. Keep up the good work. Belinda Bowens Memphis, TN

I enjoyed the article ‘From Lemons to Lemonade� in the Spring 2010 issue. It was very uplifting. Anonymous Frisco, TX

contents Summer 2010 4





IN THE SPOTLIGHT Gilbert Barnes Carter, III








CONSIDER THIS Shower or Bath?


WORDS OF INSPIRATION The Heart of a Godly Parent







All rights reserved.Reproduction in whole or in part without the founder/editor’s consent is strictly prohibited. The opinions expressed herein are exclusively those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the positions or views of the editor. The publication of any advertisement in the issue does not constitute an endorsement of the advertiser’s products or services by the publication. © 2009 Ordinary People Magazine

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FromWithin . . . .


“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverb 22: 6

All scriptures are from the Holy Bible the King James Version

When God gave this scripture, as always, I wondered why? In this proverb, we are told to train up, teach, instruct, and lead our children by example. As they grow older they will not forget the things they have learned. This is the responsibility of parents, guardians, or those who God has entrusted with His precious gift. It is our duty to ensure that our children grow strong in every facet of their lives and strive to become, not only good citizens, but productive ones, too. God has instructions for children in Ephesians 6:1-3 (in verse four He has instruction for fathers) “Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right, Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise ;) That it maybe well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth. Ephesians 6:4 says, “And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” In the Spotlight features Gilbert Barnes Carter, III, who works with children at Youth Villages, a private non-profit organization that helps children with emotional and behavioral problems. Our guest writer is Josie Hayslett; one of Ordinary People Magazine’s contributing editors. She gives us a look at life in “Through Life’s Eyes.” In For Your Health, Paola Tennon gives in-depth instruction in mental and physical health as it pertains to teenagers and young adults. Ms. Pamela Steward takes us through two of Memphis’ finest hospitals, LeBonheur Children Medical Center and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. In Consider This, Vanderbilt Brabson asks the question: “Shower or Bath?” And, in Inspirational Words, Minister Anthony Burton, Jr, shares his thoughts in “The Heart of a Godly Parent.” As you read this issue pray for the children of the world. And as always, Love, Peace, and Increase…

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I work to help any child or group of children alleviate their problems instead of compounding them.

Photos taken by Marlon Hayes



The Bartlett campus is one of 64 Youth Villages locations in 11 states and the District of Columbia. Youth Villages counselors will help more than 15,000 children and families this year through a wide range of programs that include intensive in-home services, foster care and adoption, residential services, mentoring, and a transitional living program for children who age out of foster care or state custody. Youth Villages operates the Anaya Partnership in mid-town Memphis, working with churches through the Urban Youth Initiative. Mr. Carter began his career at Youth Villages on August 3, 2009, and served as both a mentor and a Spiritual Life volunteer before being hired to work full-time as a teacher-counselor. The Youth Villages Spiritual Life program is a faith-based initiative that recruits volunteers to work with the children. The program incorporates group Bible study and prayer with insightful group discussion of Biblical topics that apply to the varied life circumstances and situations of the children who participate. Many of the children helped by Youth Villages have suffered from abuse and neglect and have had to overcome challenges to find success in school and at home. Mr. Carter’s positive experiences from serving as a Spiritual Life volunteer prepared him to make a smooth transition from being a volunteer to an employee. He always acknowledges that his relationship with God is the first and foremost stabilizing force in his life that it allowed him to evolve as a professional Youth Villages’ employee. He combines that relationship with what he considers to be the second-most important stabilizing force in his professional evolution, the Re-Ed model, which is short for the Re-Education of Emotionally Disturbed Children. This model was developed by Dr. Nicholas Hobbs and serves as the cornerstone of residential treatment at Youth Villages.


Trust between child and adult is essential.


Life is to be lived now, not in the past.


Competence makes a difference.


Time is an ally.


Self-control can be taught.


Intelligence can be taught.


Feelings should be nurtured.


The group is very important to young people.


Ceremony and rituals give order.


The body is the armature of the self.


Communities are important.


A child should know some joy in each day. ordinarypeoplemagazine.org | 9

Mr.Carter can testify that Re-Ed principle number five, Works, Habitat for Humanity, HOPE Worldwide, The “self-control can be taught”, is critical for children as well Mid-South Food Bank, and The National Civil Rights as adults. Children with problems can act out with parMuseum at the Lorraine Motel. Mr. Carter plans to graduents or their caregivers, expressing their anger and fear. ate from Lane College this December with a Bachelor’s Self- control and positive reactions help children learn to degree in Business (Organizational Management). He is control their emotions and also a business owner and their behavior. “I must alsole proprietor of his own “I work to help any child or group of children ways remember that I work e-commerce based business alleviate their problems instead of compoundfor God first always, and that is supported by Amway ing them.” that I am representing him Global. Mr. Carter is an in thought, word, and deed aspiring inventor and politiwhen I set foot onto our cian and wants to conserve Bartlett Campus. I have and use his best mental and the best opportunities to physical energies to makshow His love and power ing Memphis greater by when I am challenged by the day. He knows that the a child’s behavior. I work future is in our children, to help any child or group and he is grateful to God of children alleviate their for allowing him to help the problems instead of comchildren at Youth Villages, pounding them. Re-Ed one who need the most help principle five highlights and love from the present self-control, and many of society at large. “I am forour children struggle from tunate to have God’s favor time to time with channelas I work at Youth Viling and redirecting energy lages. I could not do what to promote a positive outI do without God’s love come. As a staff member, and mercy, the help of my I show them how to use leadership, and the help and energy in a positive way. support of my co-workers. I cannot help but think of I have been richly blessed.” Proverbs 19:11. “A man’s If you would like to learn wisdom gives him pamore about volunteer optience; it is to his glory to portunities at Youth Villagoverlook an offense.” I am es, volunteer opportunities, grateful for having God’s go to www.youthvillages. Holy Word to remind me org. Also, there is a special of that and how I must conduct myself at all times as a need for those who feel a calling to be foster or adoptive Christian man at and away from any Youth Villages locaparents. Youth Villages provides tax-free reimbursement, tion.” 24-hour support and free training. For more information, Mr. Carter is very active in the greater Memphis metgo to www.youthvillages.org/foster. ropolitan community. He is a board member of Victory Ministry Memphis. He is an Infant Mortality Force agent. He has either served or is serving as a volunteer with First

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by Josie Hayslett

I see an old dented car slowly traveling along the highway going nowhere in particular, yet trying to get everywhere at once, adding mile after mile on the already full odometer. I see an old, serene couple facing each other as they rock back and forth on the wide porch of their paid for home. In their eyes, I see contentment, love, retirement and unfulfilled dreams. The pain, struggle and effort of raising a family are visible in the tiredness that is reflected in their gaze. Above us all, a bird is seen lowering worms into the hungry mouths of her babes. The bird is perched on a nest that fits snuggly into the branch of a tree. The tree is tall and sturdy, slowly swaying against the wind, each branch moving independently of the other with an occasional leaf fluttering to the ground. Dark clouds are gathering in the sky as lighting flashes and drops of rain angrily fall, beating down the blooming flowers and manicured lawns. As I look away to a brighter day, I see a young couple strolling hand in hand, deep in thought, silently making commitments and looking ahead to the future. In their eyes, there is a look of hope, love and promise. In my own world, I see dust and dried streaks of rain staining the windows of my home, making viewing difficult from the inside out. Through the haze, I see a rabbit and a squirrel playing about as they search for food beneath the backyard trees. Sitting on the porch step, guarding his spot, is a shorttail lizard watching the antics of the rabbit and squirrel. Further out into the world, I see poverty, drugs and the elements that lead to crime, unemployment, complacency and despair. In a land of plenty, I see many people, both young and old, who are hungry, starved, and desperate for food that will nourish their weakened bodies. Money is needed for essentials such as clothes to cover their bloated bodies and hide their frail arms and legs. Many young people are struggling against peer pressure.

Life allows me to see an array of things each having an important impact on my total self.

Through Life’s

The pressure is on to be like everyone else. Drugs are plentiful and easy to obtain. Taking drugs on a dare, following the crowd or believing that it is all right to try anything once are the reasons given for indulging. Common sense is lacking, bodies are neglected, and minds are wasted. On many inner city streets, vagrants, school dropouts, unemployed businessmen, ladies of the night and unwed mothers can be seen as an odd collection of dispirited people who are facing failure and despair. In the wading pool across the street, there are throngs of kids splashing about, gleefully yelling and having the time of their lives. Their cares are cast aside, their eyes are wide with joy and the problems of growing up have left them for the day. With my eyes, I can see into life’s complex windows. Each pane gives a different view of the hearts of mankind. The eyes cannot see the many intangible things throbbing in the heart; hope, determination, generosity, courage and perseverance resting on one valve while hate, envy, spite, and greed rest on the other. Through life’s eyes we see a lifetime of good and bad. May the good prevail in each one of us. I wrote “Through Life’s Eyes” twenty-five years ago during the summer of 1985. I was living in Atlanta, GA with my husband and three daughters. Although written many years ago, this piece is a timely and is as current today as it was in 1985.

Josie Hayslett is a retired teacher from the Memphis City School System and a member of Holy Nation Church of Memphis.

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Shelton Ad

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.� Proverbs 22:4

For Your Health

It is very important for parents or guardians to provide structure, safety and stability for their children; however, training in the prevention is not only beneficial but could also serve as a life saving strategy with long-standing effects. During the transition periods from childhood to adolescence then to adulthood, change is constant and adapted behavior patterns are constantly evolving. Throughout this process, the choices that are made not only impact the current and future health of our children, but their overall well-being and safety as well. Some of these adapted behaviors can actually promote the risk of chronic disease that may have life shortening effects. It is critical for parents and caregivers to help in promoting healthy family life styles and the development of healthy habits. Both timing and the opportunity for training are critical. Many youth of today are inundated with an array of circumstances that has the potential to cause mental, physical or spiritual anguish and may seem overwhelming or even devastating at times. Parents or caregivers play an intricate role in helping their child understand the importance of structured decisions and healthy choices that can improve their overall quality of life. This process should begin in early childhood and continue throughout early adulthood and beyond. Regardless of the circumstances, they begin to realize that sometimes positive things can actually come out

16 | Summer 2010


by Paola Tennon RN, BSN, MBA/HCA, CCM

Recent statistics also indicate that approximately 12 million American children and adolescents’ ages 2 to 19 years are considered obese.

of a challenging situation. Self-confidence, self-acceptance, self-esteem, respect, and improved well-being can develop as a result of these circumstances. Value systems, moral structure, and standards by which they live can also become secured.

Physical Health:

The 2008 U.S. Census Bureau of the Centers for Disease Control and the Preventive National Center for Health Statistics reported that 83% of U.S. children under the age of 18 years are actually in excellent or very good health. However, health issues impacting this segment of the population carry a high prevalence of risk factors that may lead to chronic conditions later in life. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), associated danger risk for teens include: heart disease, high blood pressure, increased cholesterol, diabetes and breathing problems,

and some types of cancer. Recent statistics also indicate reduced fats (avoid saturated and trans fats), decreased use that approximately 12 million American children and of caffeine products, increased complex carbohydrates and adolescents’ ages 2 to 19 years are considered obese. In decreased simple carbohydrates (sugars, cookies, cakes, etc.) addition, 150,000 people under 18 years of age have Type increased dietary fiber (whole grains, fruit and vegetables), I Diabetes and Type II Diabetes, which is usually seen in increased water intake, and ongoing review of food nutrition people over the age of 40, is increasing in this population. facts labels. These changes should occur gradually to The Center for Disease Control also reported the following ensure success, so began small steps. The goal is to improve health risk for young adults: Smoking- 29% men, 21% wellness through healthy choices and healthy lifestyle women; Obesity -24% changes. young adults while 28% are “Physical health and mental overweight. Statistics on Mental Health: health issues can be of inactivity shows that only According to the National serious concern, however, 36% are physically active Adolescent Health on a regular basis leaving Information Center making time to pay attention approximately 64% with (NAHIC) at least one and become proactive could very little if any regular half of lifetime diagnosed influence the outcome in a physical activity. With heart mental health disorders more positive way.” disease continuing to be the start by age fourteen. In number one killer of both 2008, their report indicated men and women in America, changes in our diet, physical that among adolescents, approximately one in five reported activity and lifestyle can help deter, curtail or reverse the potential problems, with depression as the most widely effects of some of these high risk diseases and chronic reported disorder. Additionally, statistics from the Substance conditions. Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration shows that 8% of the U.S. population from ages 12-17 had major Furthermore, the 2009 National Center for Health Statistics depression episodes. reported that smoking usually begins among adolescents and young adults. It attributes to heart disease, stroke, chronic Emotional or mental decline in teens may often be difficult lung disease, and cancer including lung cancer. Smoking to indentify or diagnose because of mood changes in this remains the leading cause of premature preventable deaths. age group. Conditions associated with mental decline may Likewise, secondhand smoking can attribute to premature result from or have contributing factors associated with death of children or adults who have never smoked. To stress related to trauma, loss of a love one, relationship prevent damaging health effects, stop the use of all tobacco problems, break ups, emotional or sexual abuse, parental products. conflict, family history, an unstable environment, and poor coping skills. It may also be a part of the normal maturing Early Prevention: Balanced eating is the key: “The amount process or influenced by the sex hormones. Untreated, this of calories we eat should not exceed the amount of calories may lead to poor school performance, troubled relationships, we burn (energy) from physical activity.” substance abuse, behavioral changes, suicide attempts, or TIPS: The U. S. Dietary Guidelines for Healthy Eating actual suicide which is listed as the third leading cause of and other health promoting organizations recommend the teen deaths in the U.S. following suggestions: increased physical activity, smarter and healthy meal and snack choices, managing portion Signs of adolescent depression: Persistent sadness, low size, lean meats and alternate sources of protein (poultry, self-esteem, loss of self-worth, discouragement, loss of fish, lentils, eggs, tree nuts), reduced sodium (salt, MSG), interest in usual activities, extreme sensitivity is among

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common signs. Common Symptoms: • Behavior changes (anger, agitation, irritability, acting out, and thoughts of suicide) • Eating Disorders (extreme weight gain or extreme loss) • Changes in sleep patterns • Faltering school performance, failing grades • Substance abuse • Physical complaints: headaches, stomach aches Early Prevention and Tips: • Educate yourself on the warning signs of depression or other disorders • • • • • •

Listen to your teen for potential problems or issues that may cause distress Early intervention on helping your child develop positive coping skills and stressing tolerance skills Seek the proper healthcare professional and treatment Include the family in the therapy process Be aware of warnings associated with antidepressants Make sure your child gets adequate sleep and rest

References • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Physical health and mental health issues can be of serious concern, however, making time to pay attention and become proactive could influence the outcome in a more positive way. A careful evaluation by the appropriate health care professionals could also aid in the early identification of any underlying disorders, thereby promoting a more constructive and optimistic outcome.

Remember: Knowledge is wisdom and “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get Understanding.” Proverbs 4:7 18 | Summer 2010

www.cdc.gov http://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/ http://www.cdc.gov/hchs/data/hus/hus09.pdf www.eatright.org-AmericanDiabetesAss http://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/ http://www.healthcentral.com/depression/ teens1356-1.html www.mayoclinic.com/health/tween&teen-health/ MY00393 www.medlineplus.nlm.nih.gov http://nahic.ucsf.edu www.nationaleating.disorder.org http://ndep.nih.gov.media/Youth_Facesheet.pdf http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/guidelines/hypertension/ child_tbl.htm http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/public/heart/ obesity/wean/downloads/gswtps.pdf www.nimh.nih.gov-NationalofMentalHealth http://www.thedietsolutionprogram.com/recipes. asp?cat=Meals-Recipes http://www.webmd.com/ (Teen depression: Symptoms and Tips for parents) www.nationaleating.disorders.org_EatingDisorder Awareness&Prevention http://www.healthcentral.com/depression/ teens1356-1.html

Miracles & Blessings By Pamela Steward

by Josie Hayslett


ou’ve heard it said that babies are a blessing from

tablishments that specialize in the care of children, St Jude

ing from God. A smile from a child can just light

cal Center. Neither facility turns any child away because of

heaven, a gift from God. I agree. They are a bless-

up your heart. They remind us of the future and what it can

hold. Sadly, many children are born into the world fighting for their lives because of medical complications. We know that God is able to heal instantly, but, most of the times,

God grants a healing process rather than an instantaneous

miracle. In this process, God uses the skills, hands, and hearts of ordinary men and women who are part of a medical team

that works exclusively to perform miraculous procedures on young children.

Memphis is fortunate and blessed to have two medical es-

Children Research Hospital and LeBonheur Children’s Medithe inability to pay for services. They both are a part of “The Children’s Miracle Network.” Their goal is to give every

child a fighting chance and hope regardless of their medical complexity.

Everyone and every thing in the hospital environment play

an intricate part in the healing process of these children.

Everyone entering these facilities is greeted with a friendly smile. Colorful art, by both renowned artists and other

children, engage the children as they walk the halls. Little red wagons carry precious cargo to their appointments

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throughout the hospitals. Buses drop off a load of volunteer “grannies” who cheerfully and dutifully carry out a part in the healing process by providing that extra touch of healing by holding and rocking the babies. The environmental engineering staff does their part by keeping the environment clean or sterile. Everyone works with love for these children and compassion for their families. These hospitals release a sense that “hope, healing, and miracles” happen here.

beds to little red wagons; from the operating rooms to treatment rooms; from the skillful hands of doctors, nurses, and researchers to the touch of a volunteer granny; these outstanding medical establishments share a common goal: to create a place that nurtures hope, a future, and some miracles. After all, they are a part of “The Children’s Miracle Network.”

Lord, we pray for the people who have been called and who work as part of the St Jude is world renown for its medical teams that care for our babies. treatment of children diagnosed We thank you for the skills and the heart with cancer and for cancer you have given them to perform lifesavresearch. Its work continually ing procedures and to be forerunners impacts the lives of families and in medical breakthrough. We thank children around the world. It you for those who provide an arm or allows some sense of normalcy a lap to lie in and for those who keep and hope for children who have the environment safe for healing. We cancer. St Jude provided treatcelebrate with them in their victories, St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital ment for my niece last summer and we lift them up when a life is lost. when she and her siblings travWe continue to pray for encouragement eled to Memphis for that propose. and hope for the families of the children. Let them be anxious for nothing. In Your Holy and righteous Name, Jesus, LeBonheur is celebrating 58 years of renowned service as the largest children’s hospital in Tennessee. It will open the Amen. doors to a new state-of-the-art facility in September 2010. Remember to stop and look in the eyes of a child today. Although the older building is engaging, the new facility will be even more magical- from a child riding the wings of the If you look close enough and listen, you’ll hear what their wind on a bird’s back to a whimsical flower garden that never heart has to say. It speaks of hope and a future with no pain or sorrow; It sings of the joy of today and a tomorrow. Where there’s no need for miracles or a cure. But of a place that is unbroken and pure. Much love and Miracles and Blessings to you, LeBonheur Children’s Hospital

needs watering. It is truly a setting of “hope and healing.” From the welcoming smile of the receptionist to the attentive hands of the environment control engineers; from hospital

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Pamela Steward

Gospel Music/Artists


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David Frazier, Multiple Grammy, Stellar & Dove Award winning songwriter of the church anthem “I Need You To Survive” presents his latest CD: Psalms Hymns & Spiritual Songs Vol.III “Favor”. The title track “Favor” is the latest hit single performed by Pastor Shirley Ceasar that is heating up the radio charts and the New Single “Be A Worship” is quickly becoming a standard in worship settings around the world. Psalms Hymns & Spiritual Songs Vol. III “Favor” by David Frazier is available on iTunes, Amazon and CDBABY.com or at:www.davidfraziermusic.com ordinarypeoplemagazine.org | 25

26 | Summer 2010


The imagery in Hebrews 10:22 points to the sacrificial ceremonies under

Shower or Bath?

Of course the obvious question is, “Is that it? Is that all we have to do?”

By Vanderbilt Brabson III

Yes…well, ah…there

the Old Testament

is a third thing. (3) Our

covenant where priests sprinkled blood as a sign of cleansing

bodies must be washed in pure water. This is not a reference

and frequently washed themselves and the sacred vessels in

to Christian baptism. It is a reference to the Holy Spirit, who

basins of clean water. Listen carefully to the words of the

takes God’s word and washes you and me clean, making us

Hebrew writer as he tells us the way to draw near to God

pure in thought, word, and deed. This spiritual cleansing in

is with (1) a true heart, (2) a guilt-free conscience, and (3)

the word is absolutely necessary to maintain fellowship with

a body washed in pure water. Wow! So what does all this

our Heavenly Father. Why? Because sin separates you and


me from God (Isaiah 59:1-2).

On a personal level, it means God is inviting you and

When I was just a child, most homes in rural Tennessee

me to come to Him and receive His forgiveness, healing,

lacked indoor plumbing. Outhouses were common. By

and fellowship. To genuinely accept His invitation means you and I have to approach Him (1) with a heart that has no ulterior motive but truly seeks

“Only God knows what lies ahead in our path, and only God can guide us around hurt, harm, and danger.”

His forgiveness, and

the time I had become a teenager, practically everyone considered indoor plumbing, complete with bathtub and/or shower, a necessity. As a teenager I recall listening to two of my cousins debating which

(2) with a conscience free of condemnation because our

gets one cleaner – a bath or a shower? Neither of the two

righteousness rests in the finished work of Jesus Christ at

conceded, but at the time I wondered—what does it really

Calvary, which cleanses us from all sin – past, present, and

matter whether one takes a bath or shower – either way you

future. Now that is truly a reason to rejoice! Because of

still get clean.

Jesus Christ you and I can stand blameless before God, having sonship status and full assurance God accepts us in

With that in mind, have you ever heard of anyone sitting

the beloved (Ephesians 1:6).

down in a bathtub or stepping into a shower and getting clean without first turning on the water? Imagine a friend or

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roommate you played basketball with or went running with

His invitation and approach Him with a surrendered heart

the night before attempting to do this the next morning. As

and the confidence that the Holy Spirit is able to keep you

a true friend, you would reluctantly be compelled to inform

spiritually clean by the washing of the water of His word. If

your roommate he has body odor. Now, let us imagine the

you happen to be one of those individuals who has grown

bathtub or shower is the Holy Spirit. How do we expect

weary of resisting God’s will and are now ready to surrender

the Holy Spirit to cleanse us from sin without the water of

to His very best for you, please pray the following:

the word? The psalmist cried out to God, “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee (Psalms

Dear Heavenly Father, Jesus set the example for how I

119:11). Again the psalmist declared, “Thy word is a lamp

should pray. As He did, I too am abandoning my will right

unto my feet, and a light unto my path (Psalm 119:105).”

now and asking that Your will prevail in every area of my

And again the psalmist pleaded, “Order my steps in Thy

heart and life. Forgive me for misplaced priorities and for

word: and let not any iniquity have dominion over me

pursuing my own course. Help me from this day forth to

(Psalm 119:133).” If you and I fail to turn on the water in our bath or shower, people around us will know it. Of course, you may argue, “Not if I don’t tell them.” Wrong! Even if your mouth does not, your scent will speak for you. Likewise, when you and I fail to read, study, and nourish ourselves

“In a real sense, no one has been a better neighbor to mankind than Jesus Christ who came to our rescue when mankind, like the injured man in Jesus’ parable, was left for dead— battered and bruised along life’s highway by the arch enemy of our souls”

humbly seek Your sovereign will for my life. Please…draw me close and help me cultivate intimacy with You through prayer, a study of Your word, an obedient life, and a submissive heart. Continually and lovingly remind me that You always know and do those things which are best for me and

on God’s word, people around us will know it. You may

bring glory and honor to Your name. In my life please be

say, “Not if I don’t tell them.” Wrong! Just as your smell

glorified. Thank You for forgiving me and giving me the

gives you away when you fail to wash with physical water,

desire to please You. I ask these

your actions give you away when you fail to wash with the

things in Jesus’ name. Amen.

spiritual water of God’s word. Many of us quote James 4:8, “Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you.” Before, James wrote James 4:8, he wrote James 4:7, “Submit

“The shortest distance between a problem and a solution

yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee

is the distance between your knees and the floor.” Charles

from you.” Did you hear that? Before we can draw nigh to


God as it says in James 4:8, we must first submit [surrender] ourselves to Him and resist the devil as it says in James 4:7.

Charles Stanley. Stanley is the senior pastor of First Baptist Atlanta in northern Atlanta, Georgia. He is the founder and

I am back to the original debate – which gets us cleaner—a

president of In Touch Ministries and has served two terms as

bath or a shower? Neither, if we fail to turn on the water.

president of the Southern Baptist Convention.

God is inviting you to draw near to Him. Please, accept

28| Summer 2010

“Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water (Hebrews 10:22).�

Photo by India B. Oliver

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30 | Summer 2010

Words of Inspiration The Heart of a Godly Parent by Minister Anthony Burton, Jr

What does God require of a parent? This is a question every Christian parent asks and struggles with at some point.

The right answer will ensure a parent’s disposition does not become one of enablement or restriction. The answer is simple—Love. It is no different from what God requires of a believer in any relationship he or she may be involved in. The only caveat is that the home is the first opportunity we have to show the love of God. If you are unwilling to share the love of God at home, how could one possibly express it outside the home? Even more, how can tomorrow. Despite all the trials and tribulations our children one live the calling of God in the world if he or she is not may face as they grow older, the time we spend praying with living the calling in their own home? Discipleship starts at and for them, reading and teaching them scripture, discussing home. For those of us who are parents, we should consider godly resolutions to their childhood issues, will be worth our children the first mission field we will ever encounter on every moment. our Christian journey. The greatest impact most individuals The challenge is that every child is different. This means will have on the world is through their children. that the way he should go may require different paths for Disciple and discipline derive from the same word. different children. For According to the American instance, my daughter usually Heritage Dictionary, “The greatest impact most follows the first request, discipline is defined but my son, on the other individuals will have on as training expected to hand, tends to be somewhat produce a specific character the world is through their difficult. Even at an early age, or pattern of behavior, children.” I understand that I will have to especially training that be tougher on him than on her. produces moral or mental The point is to know your improvement. God instructs parents in Proverbs 22:6, “Train child. Pray to God for patience and wisdom when dealing a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will with your children. Most of all use God’s example of how not turn from it” (NIV). Discipline, instruction, and training He treats his children as a model for how to treat our own. are all requirements of parents. This is how love is shown The model you use is the one they will mimic. Whatever you to children. Sometimes this will involve hugs and kisses, expose them to is what will take root in their life. at other times sternness, and still at other times punishment. What does it take to make a godly parent? Love! We can do There is nothing worse than a parent who is rigid when the no more, no less. If you have loved your children, you will situation requires compassion and vice versa. have done all you could do. Let God do the rest! Training a child in the way he should go is not a question of where, but how. As Christians, we know the destination Minister Anthony Burton, Jr is the youth pastor at New is Christ. Our children surrendering their hearts to Christ is Covenant Baptist Church in Knoxville, TN. the ultimate hope we all hold as parents. If we take the time to show them Christ today they will not depart from him ordinarypeoplemagazine.org | 31

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Andrew and Shirley Perpener, Pastor

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