Ordinary People Magazine Spring 2009

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spring 09


Photo by Kendall Elem

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6 ........................................................FROM WITHIN ................................................IN THE SPOTLIGHT ....................................LETTERS TO THE EDITOR .............................................CHIDLREN & MONEY ...............................................FOR YOUR HEALTH .....................................MIRACLES & BLESSINGS .....................................................CONSIDER THIS ......................A WORD FROM PASTOR BOWERS

22 All rights reserved.Reproduction in whole or in part without the founder/editor’s consent is strictly prohibited. The opinions expressed herein are exclusively those of the writers and do not necessarily reflectthe positions or views of the editor. The publication of any advertisement in the issue does not constitute an endorsement of the advertiser’s products or services by the publication. © 2009 Ordinary People Magazine (Trademarkpending)


From within.... EDITORIAL his scripture has been on my mind for weeks. It has become part of my soul. I don’t know why God has given it to me, but I knew that it was to be apart of my editorial for this quarter. It is strange how one’s life can change in a blink of an eye. One minute we can be on top of the world and the next, down in a pit of despair. But we know that everything that we go through will work out as long as we depend on God: “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths”. Proverbs 3:5&6 With today’s economy on a spiral downfall, it is as if God’s people have forgotten how to pray or where their help truly comes from: “Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart”. Psalm 37: 3&4 Know that even in these trying times, that God is still in control and that He cares for us, is something to truly rejoice about! In this quarter we introduce two new segments of the magazine which are: Consider This……..by Vanderbilt Brabson of Knoxville, TN and Miracles and Blessings…..by Pamela Steward of Memphis, TN. Both articles are so befitting for such a time as this, when there is so much unrest in the world. Let us not forget that God still answers prayers.

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land”. 2 Chronicles 7: 14 All scriptures are from the Holy Bible the Nelson King James Version

And as always be blessed, Love, Peace and Increase,


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In The Spotlight

ANDY SMITH By: Corina Campbell

We all know someone, whether we realize it or not, sometimes they are a figment of our imagination, at times, we just can’t understand them and the things that they do. Sometimes they are a point of idolization as we realize even though we don’t understand what they do, they do it anyway. I’m talking about those in our community who dedicate hours on end lending a hand, opening their heart and, most importantly, giving their time to the community. In this particular case, I’m talking about Andy Smith. Many of you may have never heard of Andy Smith, but I am sure there is an Andy Smith in your community as well. You see, Andy is the president of “Brothers United Who Dare to Care”, a group based in Hagerstown, Maryland with one mission: “to provide outreach and 6 | Spring 2009

technical assistance to minorities, minority organizations and others to increase minority development and minority contribution.” Hagerstown is a historical city that lies within the stretches of the Appalachian Mountains. A city rooted in Civil War history, Hagerstown’s population is far from what most consider diverse. The 2000 US Census Bureau reported that 89.7 percent of the city’s population was White, with African Americans making up only 7.8 percent of its population. “Our goal at ‘Brothers United Who Dare to Care’ is to get Black men together and support the

community. We want them to be accountable and take responsibility. We started in 1996 in response to the crack cocaine plague that infested many of our communities,” Andy explains, “We wanted to do something, we wanted to turn things around,” he continues. As leader of ‘Brothers United’ Andy has led several community outreach initiatives, including pioneering and operating the Speak Up newsletter. Speak Up is a publication that Andy hand delivers throughout the community once a month. Speak Up is the first Black news publication to be distributed in Hagerstown. Speak Up is one of my most remarkable

contributions to the community. I wanted to show the citizens’ perspective and offer self-help. The newsletter tells the story of our heritage,” Andy says. Surely with any great victory there is a great trial and Andy is no exception. Andy was repeatedly met with resistance and disappointment in his efforts in uplifting the community. Andy’s greatest triumph is his current battle with the city to offer a public access channel that showcases community events on cable television.

via cable TV.” Another triumph that Andy encountered was structuring “Brothers United.” Andy wanted to re-structure the organization as an association that the community could turn to for technical assistance. Andy pursued this desire by surging an all-out outreach effort.

well. The office hosts a computer lab that is free to community residents. “Brothers United”, also host several youth initiatives such as the ‘Neighborhood Youth Club’ and partners with outside organizations in order to address health challenges which minorities face.

“I hope I am remembered for being willing to do whatever I can to help people be successful”

Andy is a member of the Hagerstown Public Access Corporation, a group dedicated to bringing this dream to a reality. “We are working to establish a public access channel. To me, it is just as important as Speak Up. We want to give the citizens perspective

Andy is committed to finding resources to support outreach activities. “Brothers United” offers several free initiatives to the community, including free computer training and free computers are given away in the volunteer exchange program. The office features a free cultural library with countless books detailing Black history and is expanding to incorporate other minority groups as

Andy Smith is truly a remarkable man who is dedicated to his community and is making great strides toward improving the quality of life to Hagerstown minorities. “I hope I am remembered for being willing to do whatever I can to help people be successful,” Andy says. “I see myself through my students and through my community. I hope I am recognized for my love of both,” he continues.

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departments Founder and Editorial Director Verna V. Nickelberry

Contributing Editor Josie Hayslett Alexis Johnson Contributing Writers Vanderbilt Brabson Corina Campbell Dr. Sharon Locklear Pamela Steward Paola Tennon Designers Denardo Crawford Rushun Wiseman Marketing Consultant Reginald Nickelberry Photographers Kendall Elam Eric D. Hall Sales Director/ Memphis, TN Janet Chestnut salesmemphis@ ordinarypeoplemagazine.org Sales Director/ Atlanta, GA Bernetta Kennabrew sales_atlanta@ ordinarypeoplemagazine.org O.P. Magazine Mail P. O. Box 323 Memphis, TN 38101 (901) 949-3409 http://ordinarypeoplemagazine.org ORDINARY PEOPLE MAGAZINE is a quarterly publication and is distributed in Memphis, TN; Knoxville, TN; Atlanta, GA; and Orlando, FL.

8 | Spring 2009

Letters to the Editor Delightful & Inciteful What a delightful and inciteful volume you rendered in the Winter edition. I love your letter and your discussion of your Dad. I know that he’s still smiling, “kissing you on the forehead”, and is beaming with pride at who you are and how you’re impacting folk with this work of faith. Stay at it, you’re truly making a difference. Remember the FLAG: Family, Leadership, Ambassadorship, Growth Col. Barrye L. Price HQ USMEPCOM N. Chicago, IL Uplifting I was given an issue of ORDINARY PEOPLE; this magazine is so well put together and uplifting. I will definitely order a subscription and look forward to reading them. Much love from an ordinary Denison, TX, Christian, Nancy L. Richard





by Dr. Sharon Locklear, PHD, LCSW, ACSW

Parents should teach their children how to use money and make wise financial decisions.

Pay children for chores; do not give money because it is requested. Decide which chores have monetary value – cleaning your room does not earn income, cleaning the small aquarium has a monthly monetary value of five dollars. Make sure the earnings are age appropriate. Do not use money as a form of discipline. Money Your example is the best teacher and during this is never to be used to buy love, assuage parental guilt, or challenging economic time, it is essential that we all be a substitute for a parent’s absence. become money savvy. Teach budgeting by using the envelope system. Have a Family Financial Meeting (FFM) at least Have children label envelopes for spending, sharing monthly. Teach the basic money management principles (charity/church), saving, and miscellaneous. Have each of earning, saving, sharing (church, charities, etc.) and child make a list of needs/wants, take them shopping spending money. The FFM is an opportunity for children and teach them cost comparison and what is and is not a to see themselves as partners in the family business of sale. Be flexible, Children will make mistakes; mistakes managing available are excellent teachers. income. Children are not born with “money” sense. They Praise success and The primary definitely learn what they see, hear, experience, and help children review benefit of the FFM and plan better to parents have a very strong influence. is to help children overcome challenges. understand that Utilize the FFM spending is governed by income and your family’s to plan and review the family’s financial health. Help circumstances and needs, not by what friends and children understand that they can not have everything neighbors spend. When the FFM occurs on a regular they want. Teach choices and alternatives that can be basis with open, honest communication, both parents and achieved within the family’s resources. children better understand the family’s financial plan. Teaching children about money is a parental A child does not need to know exactly what responsibility. As a parent, gain the knowledge that is parent’s earn and owe. Provide children with the general needed to prepare your child to be financially successful. knowledge of family income and expenses. Make the money discussion positive and meaningful. Parents should be good money managers – the kind of financial responsibility children find in their own home will usually determine their attitude toward their own use of money. Children are not born with “money” sense. They definitely learn what they see, hear, experience, and parents have a very strong influence. Childhood is the most appropriate time to learn about managing money. The FFM will help children learn money management by teaching them money’s worth, how to make wise financial choices, save for wants and needs, and to appropriately manage and eliminate debt. 10 | Spring 2009


I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” (The Third Epistle of John verse 3)

For Your Health by Paola Tennon RN, BNS, MBA/HCA, CCM

The focus this month is on how nutrition has the potential to impact our lives. When we take a closer look, we find that what we ingest not only impacts our nutritional status and weight, but it can also indirectly impact our dental health, our vision, mental awareness, and the exacerbation of certain disease processes. Additionally, studies have shown that the health of our heart and other factors leading to the development or worsening of diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, gout, heart disease and certain cancers, etc. can often be correlated with unhealthy nutritional choices. 12 | Spring 2009

Changing Perspectives:

One may ask if a 200-pound person can be healthy? One expert may say “yes” while another may say “no”. There are multiple factors that help to define what is healthy, including height, weight and heredity. Take the time to reference the weight-for height chart as a guide to gauge whether you may be considered overweight. This information can be accessed on this website http://www.webmd. com/diet/health-risks-overweight. If you fall in the overweight category, remember the focus should not be about losing weight to look good, but rather it should be about losing weight “For Your Health.” Often we fret because things don’t happen as

quickly as we think they ought to. But remember, the weight gain occurred over a period of time and it will take time to lose it, therefore patience is crucial. James 1:4 states, “But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.” Is the weight evenly distributed over the body is another question that has been asked? People come in all shapes and sizes and can be influenced by multiple factors including skeletal structure, fat distribution, muscle, hormone levels, gender, and heredity. Typically, society tends to relish over the male with V shapes and the female with Hourglass figures. However, let us consider some of the other shapes that may have

associated health risk and may be reflective of what is actually happening internally: Apple Shape - The stomach area is usually wider than the hips (fat accumulation above the waist). Fat that accumulates around the mid section also accumulates around major organs such as the heart, liver, etc and has the potential to limit blood flow, thereby interfering with proper functioning of these organs. Increased insulin is responsible for the accumulation of fat around the abdomen. Metabolic problems related to increased insulin may lead to a greater risk for diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc. Pear Shape - The hip section is wider than the upper body (fat accumulation below the waist). Accumulation of fat in this area is also insulin related, however, there is a delayed process. As the condition worsens, the threat of accumulation of fat above the waist will occur thus bringing about the same problems as the person with the apple shape. Because weight plays a major factor in the quality of life, here are some facts that you might consider. First, if you have a 10 to 20 pound weight loss, it can yield a reduction in many health risk factors. The more pounds over your average weight you add, the more you increase your risk factors. Imagine the heart, no larger than a closed fist pumping blood throughout the body, 60 to 80 beats a minute, 24 hours a day 365 days a year for however

many years we may live. Now imagine all of the risk factors it has to deal with and ask yourself how effectively is it able to do its job? The American Heart Association has been actively involved in increasing awareness in the areas of healthy heart, stroke prevention, lifestyle changes and obesity. These programs are geared to educate the public on risk factors and empower them to become more active in their efforts to reduce or eliminate as many risk factors as possible through preventive efforts. Prevention and moderation are important reasons for decreasing your risk factors.

Important Factors & Preventive Measures websites: • Heart Disease - www. goredforwomen.org • Stress Management - http://www.americanheart. org/presenter. jhtml?identifier=3047939 • Childhood Obesity - www.healthiergeneration. org, www.igohugo.org, http:// www.youngwomenshealth.org/ healthyeating.html • High blood pressure (hypertension) - http://www. americanheart.org/presenter. jhtml?identifier=3041646 • High cholesterol - www. powertoendstroke.org • Diabetes - (diabetesfaq.com), http://www.diabetes. org/about-diabetes.jsp, www. diabetes.org • Physical inactivity and obesity - www.americanheart. org/start

Secondly, nutrition research indicates that hunger is the body’s strongest stimulus that helps it to secure enough calories for survival. Typically, as our hunger increase so does our caloric intake. To optimize the nutritional quality of the foods we ingest, we may want to consider foods that have a large amount of water, dietary fiber and or protein. Foods that fall in these categories include vegetables, fresh fruit and lean meats. They are considered fullness factor foods and do a better job of satisfying hunger. Likewise, foods that are high in sugar, starch or fat do not sustain hunger. http://www.nutritiondata. com/topics/fullness-factor. • Thirdly, 30 to 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise activity has been shown to significantly decrease certain risk factors and disease processes. Remember to obtain medical clearance if pre-existing health issues exist and increase physical activity a little at a time www.hhs.gov. Let us strive to improve our perspectives on health so that we might be prosperous, as well as be in the best optimal health we can provide for ourselves as we venture toward the path God has prepared for us.

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Miracles & Blessings by Pamela Steward


hat are Miracles? What are blessings? Well, a miracle is an experience or occurrence that could only happen through divine intervention; there’s just no earthly way to achieve the outcome. Miracles happen every day but not to everyone every day.

Blessings are the favor of God. We all receive a blessing every day when we wake up. Some favors are greater than others. Some favors are unmerited. We call that mercy and grace. The Clark Sisters sang a song ... “I’m looking for a miracle, I’m expecting the impossible… Believe and receive it, and God will provide it today”… Most miracles are not granted because we looked, prayed or believed for them. Most miracles are released unexpectedly and in crisis. They are not necessarily given based on having a relationship with Christ. The other night I saw a program that was really about miracles, but they didn’t call them miracles. The people in each story simply said they were “lucky”. They didn’t even 14 | Spring 2009

acknowledge God or a higher power. One young lady was in an accident that pinned her flat under a boulder that weighed tons. She should have died on impact .If she did live she should have had every bone in her body crushed. When the rescuers finally got her from under the boulder, she only suffered a few scratches in her face. As I looked back over my life, I can’t recall all of God’s blessings because they are too numerous. But I have been fortunate to have experienced a few of His miracles. One day, when I was about 3 or 4 years old, everyone was doing magic tricks and I wanted to do them too. So, I put a fence staple up my nose which ended up in my stomach instead of my lungs, which was a miracle in itself. I made

the staple disappear for sure. I was admitted to John Gaston Hospital and placed under “staple watch”. The doctors were hoping the staple didn’t pass with the points down because it would have torn my intestines open. Well, I’m here and with intestines intact! In 2003, I drove my niece’s car from Florida after her graduation from high school. My niece and daughter decided to go out after getting to Memphis. Later that night, my daughter was in an accident. The car was totaled. Fortunately, there was no loss of life. A few days after the accident, I went to get a few things I’d left in the car. When I saw the car, I realized she should have been dead. The steering wheel had been pushed into the driver’s seat which should have crushed her chest. Her legs should have been pinned. There wasn’t even a scratch on her legs. An eyewitness said she got out of the car on her own, praising and thanking God. The right side of her face hit the windshield on the passenger side, which should have snapped her neck. Even though she had on her seatbelt, Pamela and daughter Beth it was as if someone pulled her out of the seat and put her back once the car came to a halt. She bears only a few scars on the right side of her face as a reminder of that night. The Lord has been gracious towards me and my family. He has granted us a few miracles but above all He has graced us with His smile and blesses us with another day.

“Today”, is your today, take time to count your blessings, name them one by one, count your many blessings, and see what God has done. No matter what may be pressing in your life at this time…never forget you have life and today, that’s a blessing.

Pamela Steward is the mother of a 26 yr old daughter, Beth. Pamela is also a licensed and ordained minister. She is an anointed singer and speaker with a relevant word for any situation. Pamela is a Certified Life and Activation Coach and owner of “Affirm” Personal and Professional Coaching.

You may not have experienced a miracle but you have been the beneficiary of His daily blessing. ordinarypeoplemagazine.org | 15

Consider This . . . .



& Squash

by Vanderbilt Brabson III

everal years ago, my wife’s employer sent her to Washington D.C. for a weeklong training seminar. This meant I was left behind with our four small children to be “chief cook and bottle washer” for the entire week. Although I love to cook, Doretha, my wife, usually did the honors because our kids never acquired a taste for my “experiments.” The first evening, I decided to prepare something I felt would be both healthy and good tasting, stewed yellow squash—yum, yum! Given that the kids were not

us, it was indeed awful. We all sat there with contorted faces and reluctantly finished our healthy meal. After that evening, whenever I cooked, our kids were quick to bow their heads. I am confident they were not saying grace; they were simply asking God for mercy. There comes a time in each of our lives as Christians when God sets before us an unpleasant meal and bitter cup. He did no less for His Son. Jesus understood that unless He drank from the bitter cup His Father set before Him, there would be no salvation for

at all enthused Dad was cooking, I wanted this squash to taste extra special. Something sweet, I thought, would surely make squash more appealing, and so I promptly dumped several cups of strawberries into the pot. When I served the colorful dish that evening the kids looked at it dubiously. After one bite, India, our ten-year old, said, “Daddy, this stuff is awful!”

mankind and all would be eternally doomed (Matthew 26:39-42). We too must understand that unless we are willing to eat and drink from the unpleasant dish and bitter cup God sets before us, our spiritual growth is impeded and our availability to be used of God to impact the lives of others is limited.

I said, “Listen, sweetie, it’s supposed to be good for you,” and then I took my first bite. She was right, even though that concoction may have been good for

In Matthew’s gospel account, James and John, accompanied by their mother, approached Jesus and asked if each could sit upon seats immediately to His right and left when Jesus came into His kingdom ordinarypeoplemagazine.org | 17

(Matthew 20:21-22). Jesus said, you don’t know what you are asking Me. Are you able to drink from the cup I must drink from and be baptized with the baptism I am to be baptized with? Without knowing what was in the cup, the two confidently answered, “We are able.” After Christ’s ascension, James and John, along with the other followers of Christ, soon discovered what was in this bitter cup Jesus said Christians would indeed drink from (Matthew 20:23). Following

James was killed by the sword, and Stephen was stoned to death. In 64 A.D. Nero began a blood bath in Rome by falsely accusing Christians of setting the fire which burned nearly three-quarters of the city. Persecution left a bitter taste in the mouth of Christians, but spiritually speaking it proved to be beneficial for the Gentiles. Why? It is because persecution scattered the Jewish Christians abroad, and as they scattered, these Jewish Christians shared the gospel message wherever they went. The gospel was not only shared with other Jews but

His resurrection and just prior with people in Samaria (Acts to His ascension, Jesus 8:14-17), where the “There comes a time in our lives as served His church an people were part Jewish. Christians when God sets before us an It was even shared with appetizer called the Great Commission. It Gentiles in faraway unpleasant meal or bitter cup.” proved to be an appetizer lands (Acts 10, 13-23). His Jewish followers were hesitant to eat. Why? Their Although bitter to the taste, persecution prompted many deep rooted prejudice against Gentiles made these Jews in the early church to fulfill the Great Commission. Jewish believers reluctant to share the gospel message with anyone who was not a Jew. Peter was even called on the carpet and required to explain himself for sharing What is it going to take for some of us as the gospel message with Cornelius, a Gentile and Roman Christians to begin sharing our faith with those around centurion, and the family members and friends who were us? Will it take a spiritually unpleasant meal or bitter present in his house (Acts 10:19-48; 11:1-17). In His cup? Suffering can’t be all bad when it serves to commission to the Church, Jesus said go forth and teach make us spiritually stronger and more obedient to all nations and baptize all who believe (Matthew 28:19God. Sometimes we just need to be reminded that as 20). He said the Holy Spirit would empower Christians Christians we are God’s spiritual flashlights. When our to be His witnesses, sharing the gospel message in circumstances become dark, God enables us to shine Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the uttermost parts of our brightest. Flashlights are not designed for sunlight the world (Acts 1:8). Is that what these Jewish believers but for darkness that people may find their way. Jesus did? No, at least not initially when they discovered it Christ is the Way (John 14:6), and our commission is to meant sharing the gospel with people they despised. shine our light in the presence of those who stumble in spiritual darkness in order that they may see the Lord Next the Lord served these Jewish believers (Matthew 5:16). an unpleasant entrée and bitter cup called persecution.


18 | Spring 2009

“You will have no test of faith that will not fit you to be a blessing if you are obedient to the Lord. I never had a trial but when I got out of the deep river I found some poor pilgrim on the bank that I was able to help by that very experience.” Albert Benjamin Simpson*

The late Corrie Tin Boone, author of the Hiding Place, once said when a bird flies for pleasure, it flies with (in the direction of) the wind. However, when that bird is threatened, it turns and faces the wind that it might gain altitude and rise higher. Each day God calls you and me to crawl upon His altar and become living sacrifices (Romans 12:1) that He may be glorified in our lives. This means when God lights a fire on the altar beneath us, we will experience great discomfort. However, we are encouraged by the scriptures to stay on the altar because these unpleasant experiences serve to make us into the individuals God wants us to be and to enable us to do those things He has called us to do. When you and I crawl off the altar because of our discomfort or when we avoid His altars, we miss out on the wonderful opportunity to be the salt and light Jesus spoke of in Matthew 5:13-16. Soaring with the wind can be pleasurable, but Christians who have learned to face the wind become stronger…soar higher. What will you do? Will you live for pleasure or will you seek God’s power? That depends on which direction you are willing to fly. When God prepares a table before us, let’s be willing to eat and drink from the unpleasant meal and bitter cup. It will make us spiritually healthy and more effective as His witnesses in this world. If you desire for God to be glorified in your life by becoming the individual He has called you to be and impacting every life God desires for you impact, please pray the following prayer:

Dear Father, forgive me for failing to see Your hand in each of my circumstances. I believe Your word when it says all things work together for good to them who love You, to them who are the called according to Your purpose. However, I confess when my circumstances have been unpleasant, I have not responded in faith and my actions failed to demonstrate an understanding of what I profess to believe. Forgive me for misrepresenting You before others during my times of testing and temptations, and help me from this day forward to pursue Your wisdom and Your power in my life, not that I may be glorified in my trials, but that You may be glorified in my life. I surrender every area of my heart and life from this day forward to Your Lordship. Please give me a submissive spirit and a continual hunger and thirst for Your righteousness. I ask these things in Jesus’ name.

Amen. © November 2008 Vanderbilt Brabson III, Author ALL RIGHTS RESERVED *Albert Benjamin Simpson was a Canadian author, theologian, preacher, and founder of The Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA), an evangelical Protestant denomination with an emphasis on global evangelism. ordinarypeoplemagazine.org | 19

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Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;

Word A

his love endures forever. Let Israel say: “His love endures forever.” Let the house of Aaron say: “His love endures forever.” Let those who fear the LORD say: “His love endures forever.” In my anguish I cried to the LORD, and he answered by setting me free. The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? The LORD is with me; he is my helper. I will look in triumph on my enemies. It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man. It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in princes. All the nations surrounded me, but in the name of the LORD I cut them off. They surrounded me on every side, but in the name of the LORD I cut them off. They swarmed around me like bees, but they died out as quickly as burning thorns; in the name of the LORD I cut them off. I was pushed back and about to fall, but the LORD helped me. The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. Shouts of joy and victory resound in the MT. Zion. M.B. Church tents of the righteous: “The LORD’s right hand has done mighty things! The LORD’s right hand is lifted THIS IS THE DAY THAT THE LORD HAS MADE, high; the LORD’s we shall Rejoice and be glad in it! God has NOT given us right hand has done the SPIRIT OF FEAR, but of LOVE AND POWER, mighty things!” I will not die but live, and and of sound mind. For we know that ALL THINGS will proclaim what the work together for good to them that Love the Lord. LORD has done. The LORD has chastened I greet you in the name of our Lord and me severely, but he has Savior Jesus Christ. Inviting you to not given me over to Rejoice in the Lord with us and again death. Open for me the I say Rejoice. As a Servant Leader it gates of righteousness; is an honor and a pleasure to share with you the great joy we have in our I will enter and give Savior. thanks to the LORD. This is the gate of the Jesus said to believers, these things I LORD through which have spoken to you that my Joy may the righteous may enter. remain in you. This Joy that we have I will give you thanks, the world did not give it to us, and for you answered me; the world cannot take it away. We Bowers Family from left to right: Timothy, Jr., Cynthia, Pastor Bowers, Brea you have become my must always remember that joy goes beyond happiness. Happiness is solely salvation. The stone the unhappy. For example, God may allow predicated on the happenings in our lives. some discomfort in our lives because he builders rejected has If our happenings are happy then we are is more concerned with our character than become the capstone; the happy. If our happenings are unhappy our comfort. In other words beloved, the LORD has done this, then thus we are unhappy then we are Lord will test us. and it is marvelous in our This is the day 22eyes. | Spring 2009 the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad


Pastor Timothy J. Bowers Sr. Dear Brothers and Sisters,

his love endures forever. Let Israel say: “His love endures forever.” Let the house of Aaron say: “His love endures forever.” Let those who fear the LORD say: “His love endures forever.” In my anguish I cried to the LORD, and he answered by setting me free. The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? The LORD is with me; he is my helper. I will look in triumph on my enemies. It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man. It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in princes. All the nations surrounded me, but in the name of the LORD I cut them off. They surrounded me on every side, but in the name of the LORD I cut them off. They swarmed around me like bees, but they died out as quickly as burning thorns; in the name of the LORD I cut them off. I was pushed back and about to fall, but the LORD helped me. The LORD is my

Why does God Test Us? A Test prepares us for future Achievement • By passing tests we learn that God indeed answers prayer, that his promises stand truly reliable, that he is absolutely faithful. Until we place everything on the line and see God come through, it’s only theory. But proven faith increases, preparing us for future service on a larger scale. • I Samuel 17:37 – David said moreover, The Lord that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine. And Saul said unto David, Go, and the Lord be with thee. (It took the lion and the bear to prepare David for Goliath)

A Test proves us worthy of a Crown • Worth must be proven. A test signifies that God intends to crown us. • James 1:12 - Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.

A Testing refines us of Impurities • Testing does more than examine; it purifies. • The metal smith of biblical time’s refined gold and silver in furnaces drafted by air bellows. After it melted, the dross (or Junk) would float to the top and be skimmed off or blown away. • The purpose of tests or trials is not pain, but progress, not punishment but purity.

Matthew 25:21 His Lord said to him, “well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of the Lord.

So why does God test us? Because in love He seeks our true prosperity. Hold on, keep the Faith, and don’t ever give Up. God the Shepherd is in front of you, God the Father is behind you, and God the Holy Spirit is within you.

ordinarypeoplemagazine.org | 23

The “Each One Reach One” church growth challenge is an initiative that challenge members of Holy Nation Church to....

• Be a witness and win souls for Christ • Compel individuals without a church home to visit Holy Nation • Challenge individuals to become members of Holy Nation • Spread the vision of Holy Nation in the Memphis and surrounding community We are extending ourselves to the Memphis, West Memphis and surrounding communities to come and grow with us as we impact the world for Christ!

3333 Old Brownsville Road Memphis, TN 38134 For More Information Call: (901)491-6403

Andrew and Shirley Perpener, Pastor

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