Lord jesus the door & lord of truth & righteousness

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LO R D JE S U S , Th e D O O R Of Heav e n ’ s Sanctuar y LO R D JE S U S , G O D Of TR U T H An d RIG H T E O U S N E S S * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Truly! The LORD JESUS, is Creator Heaven and Earth, even all things that exists through out the universe. Even HE, The PRINCE of LIFE , worshipped by the Angles and all who live in the un-fallen worlds, did humble HIMSELF to be made like us in all points. Whereby HE could reveal GOD FATHER’S and HIS True Character, and be tempted in all points, even like we are tempted. Even fulfill HIS at Adam’s fall, to come and give HIS Life, for all who will repent, love HIM and keep HIS COMMANDMENTS. ( Jn.1:1-3,10; Heb.1:1-3,8,10; Heb.2:14-18; jn.3:16; Jn.14:21 ) Truly! Infinite is The Price given to prepare The WAY, make and open The DOOR of Salvation unto our fallen world. And GOD THE FATHER by The HOLY SPIRIT, has poured out from Adam’s fall into Satan’s bondage, Loving Tender MERCY & Infinite Power of GRACE, which embraces the world. And by The HOLY SPIRIT, GOD THE FATHER seeks to find all who will be drawn and will humbly hear The Written VOICE of HIS “ only Begotten SON ” The LORD JESUS. Searching into the mind of all people who humbly accept HIS Gift and Sacrifice of SON, for the sins of all people who will turn from our sinful ways, and be made able to overcome, even as HIS “ Only Begotten SON “,has shown The WAY by The HOLY SPIRIT, thru obeying The Written WORD of The TRUTH. Even whereby The LORD JESUS, as man ( with flesh & bones ) made like us all points, over came all of Satan’s temptations, and all those carnal tendencies for sin. Whereby HE did no sin, not even by a thought. Even whereby and thru HIS Victory, HE is The Author and The Finisher of The WAY unto Salvation, even for all who will truly love HIM for HIS Love & Sacrifice for us. Truly! Thru knowledge of The Written VOICE of The LORD JESUS ( writings of Moses, confirmed by HIS Prophets and Apostles ) we shall come to know The WAY of The TRUTH, and know HIM & GOD THE FATHER, WHO sent HIM. Truly! The five ( 5 ) books Moses wrote reveal the following: 1. The Book of Genesis reveals: The Creation of this World; Adam’s fall into 1

Satan’s bondage & COVENANT Conditions of Promised Redemption. 2. The Book of Exodus reveals: The LORD JESUS, our Sanctuary; and LORD WHO Sanctifies us. 3. The Book of Leviticus reveals: The LORD JESUS, our Sacrifice; and those laws, ordinances and other rest days pertaining to sacrifices, designed by The LORD JESUS, to keep before the people HIS Promised Coming into the world, to Confirm HIS COVENANT & Give HIS Life for the sins of the world. 4. The Book of Numbers reveals: The LORD JESUS, our Faithful Guide

of TRUTH, unto The Prepared WAY by GRACE thru faith, we are made able to walk upon the path of Righteousness. 5. The Book of Deuteronomy reveals: The LORD JESUS, our Reward. Even by GRACE thru Adoption, made partaker of HIS Divine Nature; and made joint heirs with our LORD JESUS.

GOD our SAVIOUR, thru the writings of HIS Apostles: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and confirmed by all HIS Apostles, reveals to us( 4 )characteristics of HIS Divine Nature: 1. The Book of Matthew reveals: CHRIST JESUS: KING of Kings 2. The Book of Mark reveals: CHRIST JESUS: Humble Servant 3. The Book of Luke reveals: CHRIST JESUS: Man ( flesh & bones ) made like us in all points 4. The Book of John reveals: CHRIST JESUS: GOD Creator of all things

When GOD, Creator of Heaven & Earth, took upon HIMSELF our flesh and bones, clothing HIS Divinity with our humanity. HE has for eternity identified HIMSELF with us, the beings HE Created with HIS own Hands, even in HIS

Own Image ( expressed Image of GOD THE FATHER ).

Truly! Great is this mystery of such Wonderful LOVE and MERCY poured out upon this fallen world. Even to the Holy Angels, this is a great and wonderful mystery. Truly! GOD our Creator, by uniting HIS Divinity with our humanity HE made HIMSELF, the Only DOOR -thru- WHOM, GOD THE FATHER, by The HOLY SPIRIT, draws & moves all people to hear Salvation’s GOSPEL. And all who, by faith lay hold of HIS Redeeming Sanctifying Power of HIS GRACE. Whereby we are made partakers of the Sacrifice of HIS SON’S Willing Gift of HIS Life for our sins. Even by faith believe ( not doubting ) but trust & obey all things according to HIS Written GOSPEL: The WRITINGS of Moses, confirmed by the Prophets and GOD Creator of Heaven and Earth , as a man


personally confirmed for 31/2 years. And for the balance of that 70 the week ( 31/2 years ) HE confirmed thru HIS Apostles. Even by The HOLY SPIRIT all things HE Taught and Commanded the Apostles, was brought to their remembrance & WRITTEN, that all who will hear trust and obey, shall be made partaker of HIS Sanctifying MERCY and GRACE. Oh! Truly! By faith we are received into Heaven’s True Sanctuary, even our names written in LAMB’S BOOK of Life. Wherein we are kept & hid with GOD our SAVIOUR, by and thru HIS COVENANT: placed in HIS ARK covered by the MERCY Seat. Representing HIS Victorious Faith, likened to pure gold. Where-upon the Seat of MERCY HE sprinkled HIS Blood and Eternally Sealed HIS COVENANT Conditions for all people. Even all who will love HIM & keep HIS 10 COMMANDMENT COVENANT, according to HIS Statutes and Judgments. Which HIMSELF confirmed, and confirmed thru HIS Apostles, even plainly confirmed in HIS written WORD. For all who will love HIM & obey HIM, GOD THE FATHER, awaits to send The HOLY SPIRIT. For by beholding our faith HE, is justified to make us partaker of HIS SON’S Divine Nature. Even by wonderful MERCY & GRACE we are adopted, and made joint heirs with our LORD JESUS. ( Jn.3:16; Rms.8:17 )

The highest form of worship is obedience. And as we behold the MERCIFUL , Loving and Wonderful WAY of GOD THE FATHER, The LORD JESUS and The HOLY SPIRIT. Truly we are moved with thankfulness & love to-ward our Wonderful SAVIOUR & GOD THE FATHER-WHO sent HIM. By The HOLY SPIRIT’S Merciful Movings upon us and in us, we are made partaker of the merits of our SAVIOUR’S Sacrifice & HIS Interceding Work as our Great HIGH PRIEST in Heaven’s Sanctuary. ( Heb.4:14-16; Heb.7:25-26 ) Truly! The highest form of worship is obedience. And to be worshiped as god is Satan’s objective. And Satan leaves no means allowed him, which is revealed even Satan is unmasked thru our SAVIOUR’S written WORD. Oh! Truly! Only the TRUTH reveals and unmasks lies. And thus saith The LORD JESUS thru HIS Servant Isaiah: If they speak not according to HIS LAW and HIS TESTIMONY, it is because there is no light ( no-TRUTH ) in what they teach. ( Is.8:20; Jn.5:39, 46-47; Malachi 4:5-6 & 4 ) Thus saith The LORD JESUS thru HIS Servants, Isaiah and John: Seal MY LAW, and bind up MY TESTIMONY among MY Disciples; and I have sent MY Angles to hold back Satan and his angels, until I have placed MY Sealed in the 3

foreheads of all who love ME, keeping MY LAW and place their trust upon MY written TESTIMONY ( the WRITINGS of Moses, the Prophets & Apostles ). ( Is.8:16; Rev.7:1-3 ) The foundation of Satan’s governing ways, is the ways of sin ( to transgress ). For Satan hates Heaven’s 10-COMMANDMENT LAW & the TESTIMONY ( Statutes and Judgments ) of The LORD JESUS. The expressed image of Satan’s character, is revealed by & thru the state of condition the world has come. Satan’s motives & intents are filled with hate for The LORD JESUS and HIS faithful people. ( Rev.12:17 ) Satan’s ultimate aim is to be worshiped as god. Even in the face of his sure and eternal death that awaits for him, he leaves no means allowed him untried to cause all, even by force to worship him as god. ( Is. 14:12-15; Ezek. 28:15-19 )

The LORD JESUS declares Satan a liar and the father of lies. And Satan’s

natural tendencies of his nature is: selfishness, stubbornness, rebellion, lust, treachery, deceit, lies, murder, wickedness and hate for The LORD JESUS and Heaven’s LAW of Love and Life. Truly, Satan knows sin’s power only corrupts and destroys life. And sin can be compared to the life destroying power of leprosy. Whereby only Divine Interceding Healing or death, is it’s prey set free from it’s anguish and pain. Satan by his, sinful leprous ways of treachery, deceit and lies, is step by step stealing the affections and trust of many, even multitudes. Step by step Satan is drawing his victims into his bondage of the leprosy of sin. Satan knows all are his, who willingly choose to believe and trust any part of his teachings. This fallen world is flooded with Satan’s lies, deceit & treacherous works. And how can we be absolutely sure, that we are hearing The WAY of TRUTH and Righteousness. But by comparing all things with our SAVIOUR’S WORD


Soon our SAVIOUR shall Complete HIS Fishing Work of Judgment. Satan and his angels, know at that time The Eternal Destiny of all born in this world, shall be Declared by The LORD JESUS. And then shall the 7-Last Plaques be poured out upon the world. ( Rev.22:10-12 ) Truly! By The HOLY SPIRIT, all born into this world are convicted of their sinful ways. But only those, who will humbly hear the Written VOICE of our SAVIOUR Speaking into our conscience. And willingly open our mind’s eye to behold the true state of our condition. And humbly seek forgiveness, will be made partaker of Divine Interceding MERCY.


By MERCY and GRACE we are forgiven our sins against our SAVIOUR’S 10-COMMANDMENT Covenant LAW. And only then our works have merit. For our sin’s are covered with the Blood of GOD our SAVIOUR. And by the SEED of TRUTH, enjoined with our trusting obedience, our old nature dies & the promised new divine nature is formed in us. For it is built upon The MERITS of The ROCK-CHRIST JESUS. Even by enabling GRACE we are made able to choose, and turn from doing our old ways of sin.

By humble thankfulness & trusting meekness we, lay hold of our SAVIOUR’S Omnipotent Power of HIS GRACE. Even by MERCY we are drawn and then by faith, we lay hold of HIS Gift of desire to repent, and seek forgiveness and be cleansed of all our unrighteousness. Only by The HOLY SPIRIT, we are drawn, convicted of our sins & moved to repent. Only by The HOLY SPIRIT, we are made partaker of Salvation’s Covenant Promises. Only by The HOLY SPIRIT, we are born again with a new mind with new desires, even with love for The TRUTH, with unselfish motives and intents. In all generations, many of those who listened to The TRUTH believed and were moved to repent. But would not repent because, they did not want to offend those around them or they desired the praise of men, more than the Praise of GOD THE FATHER, The LORD JESUS, The HOLY SPIRIT and the Holy Angels.

Wonderful Interceding Enabling GRACE, awaits for all, who will hear, believe, trust and obey The GOSPEL of The LORD JESUS. ( Heb.5:9 ) Truly! Unto who or what are we Honoring and Giving our Loyalty unto? And upon whom or what are we placing our belief, trust & hope for, forgiveness of our sins and to be made free from the Eternal Death? Upon who or what standard are we placing our belief and allegiance to follow & pattern our daily lives and be like-minded? And from who or what source have we chosen to seek for the knowledge, wisdom and understanding of our SAVIOUR’S WILL and TESTIMENT: GOD THE FATHER’S TRUE and FAITHFUL


What is “unleavened bread ” likened unto? But unto our SAVIOUR’S pure Written VOICE of The TRUTH, not mixed with man made teachings and traditions. What is “leavened bread ” likened unto? Satan’s ways of cunningly mixing his corruption false teachings with The TRUTH. 5

Satan, leaves no means allowed him untried to keep us from our personal study of our SAVIOUR’S written VOICE of HIS & GOD THE FATHER’S GOSPEL of Salvation. Whereby we are Made wise, and not deceived. For The LORD JESUS, has revealed Satan's lies, deceit and treacherous ways. Upon two great delusions Satan, holds almost all people under the power of his treachery, deceit and lies: 1. That we can be saved in our sins. 2. That we can be saved by our merits. Our SAVIOUR’S written VOICE of GOD THE FATHER’S GOSPEL. Can be likened unto Heaven Sent MANNA. Even likened unto leaves from Tree of Life. And daily as we search and study HIS WORD, we are eating HIS Heaven Sent MANNA. Which makes us wise with understanding of those happening around us, those things happening throughout world and those things that shall come to pass. It was not our SAVIOUR’S Will, to remove HIS embracing presence and blessings from Israel as a nation. But Israel would not repent. . Oh truly! If Israel as Nation had repented, it would have become the center of our SAVIOUR’S Great Work, of teachings all nations and all people, HIS and


With Great LOVE for our World, our SAVIOUR & Heavenly FATHER by The HOLY SPIRIT, are Mercifully and Graciously with Patient Long Suffering, looking into the minds eye of all people seeking find all who will hear believe, trust and repent. In Daniel 8:14; Daniel 9:25-27 & Ezra 7:11, it is revealed the appointed time for The LORD JESUS to come into the world, and take upon HIMSELF our flesh and bones. The book Daniel, reveals that appointed time when the 2300 day prophecy would begin. And the book of Ezra, reveals the date ( 457-BC ) when the 2300 days would begin. October 22, 457-BC, the 7th year, of the reign of the Persian King Artaxerxes. Did with the power of His Throne, give the commandment to restore and rebuild Jerusalem. The rebuilding was completed in 408-BC. ( Ezra 7:7-26 )

The LORD JESUS, reveals thru HIS Witten WORD, how to understand HIS timed Prophecies. For in Numbers 14:34 and Ezekiel 4:6, it reveals each day represents a year. Note: in HIS Witten WORD, year is base on 360 days, and month is based upon 30days.

1. The first part ( 70-weeks=490 years ) of the 2300 years was given to Israel as a Nation, to repent & by enabling GRACE be make ready & able to receive MESSIAH The PRINCE , only begotten SON of GOD THE FATHER. 6

69 weeks x 7=483 years, to the coming of The MESSIAH The PRINCE It is 483 years, from October 22, 457-BC to 27-AD, when our SAVIOUR was baptized in the river Jordon. ( Matt.3:16; Luke 3:21-23 & Acts 10:38 ) 2. In the15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar. Who began to reign in12-AD. At that appointed time ( 27-AD ). The LORD JESUS, was Baptized in the River Jordan ( Luke 3:1,21-22 ). And Publicly was Anointed BY The HOLY SPIRIT. Further all those present, heard GOD THE FATHER



3. In the middle of the 70th week ( ½ of a week= 3 ½ yrs ) 31-A,=D, The LORD JESUS ( MESSIAH The PRINCE ), was cut off ( killed ), but not for HIMSELF. And by HIS Death, HE cause the need of sacrifices and laws and ordinances pertaining to sacrifices to cease. For they pointed to HIM. ( Eph.2:15; Col.2:14 ) 4. At the end of the 70th week ( 1 week= 7years ), 34-AD, marked the end of the 70 weeks of additional MERCY given to Israel as Nation, to stop their transgressions, repent and obey Salvation’s COVENANT GOSPEL. And do the appointed entrusted work of sharing the GOSPEL to all people. At this time the Apostle Paul was called byThe LORD JESUS, to be HIS Apostle unto the gentiles. 5. The end of the 2300 years, it brings us to October 22,1844. And as revealed thru the Earthly Sanctuary, we behold that yearly antitypical Judgment day of the people ( the cleansing of the Sanctuary ). Which is a shadow of the TRUE Judgment ( Cleansing of Heaven’s TRUE Sanctuary ). Which began at that appointed time (October 22,1844 ). Our SAVIOUR Declares thru HIS Servant Daniel: Unto 2300 days, then HE shall Cleans Heaven’s Sanctuary ( HIS Finishing Work of Judgment ). ( Jn.5:22; Jn.12:48; Dan.8:14; Rev.14:7; Rev.20:12; Rev.22:11-12; Rev.10:7 ) 6.

For 31/2 years, following the Death Burial and Resurrection of The LORD JESUS. The Apostles continued to Confirm Salvation’s GOSPEL unto the Nation of Israel, until the end of the 490 years ( 70-weeks ). ( Daniel 9:24)


Following the stoning of Steven in 34-AD, our LORD called Saul, who HE named Paul, and Commissioned Paul, to preach and teach the GOSPEL unto the Gentiles. ( Acts 7:54-60; Romans 8:10-17; Rms.1:1; Galatians 3:26-29 )


34-AD marks the end of the 70 weeks ( 490 yrs ) given to Israel as a nation, to stop their sinful ways, repent and obey Salvation’s COVENANT. But 7

they refused to hear The TRUTH, and choose to believe and in trust their man made laws and traditions. Even in the face of many works and miracles which no other man did or could, but only HE ( GOD as a man ) WHO has in HIMSELF the Power of Heaven’s Throne and Life. And in the face of the appointed time revealed in Daniel, they stubbornly rejected the SAVIOUR. 9.

Further the rulers and priests knew the place of The SAVIOUR’S birth, as revealed in Micah 5:2. Also they rejected the witness of those sheppards, who made known thru out country, what they had heard & beheld. For unto them the Angels declared, their promised SAVIOUR was born that night, in a stable at Bethlehem. And shall find HIM, lying in a manger wrapped in swaddling clothes. ( Luke 2:8-18 & 7 )

10. Later the rulers of Israel, rejected the witness of those wise men, who came from a far country ( approximately 2 yrs after our SAVIOUR’S birth ). For they were persuaded thru knowledge of the SCRIPTURES, the appointed time had come. And beholding and following a moving star, they were led to Bethlehem, and the stay stopped over the house of Joseph and Mary. Wherein they found The LORD JESUS and worshipped HIM, and gave HIM honored HIM with rich gifts as the promised KING Kings and LORD of Lords. ( Matt.2:1-2 & 9-12 ) May the GRACE and MERCY of GOD our SAVIOUR be upon us. That we may earnestly pray for wisdom to make right choices. Truly the highest form of worship is obedience . A Voice, Sonny


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