The Holy Blessed Gift

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That HOLY BLESSED Gift-Placed In Time ( Gen.2:1-3; Mark 2:27-28; Ezekiel 20:12 & 20; Is.56:1-6 )

The LORD JESUS Made the 7TH-DAY SABBATH; and gave IT, for a SIGN between HIMSELF and all mankind. ( Ex. 31:17; Mk.2:27-28 ) Whereby we may come unto HIM, know HIM & WORSHIP HIM: GOD our SAVIOUR and GREAT HIGH PRIEST. ( Ezk.20:12 & 20; Rev.14:6-9,12; Heb.4:1-16; Rev.22:14-20 )

GOD THE FATHER declares WHO JESUS IS: "….Hath in these Last Days Spoken unto us by HIS SON, Whom HE Hath Appointed Heir of All Things, by WHOM also HE

WHO being the Brightness of HIS GLORY, and the Express IMAGE of HIS PERSON,…. when HE by HIMSELF Purged our Sins, Sat Down on The Right Hand of The MAJESTY ON HIGH;…. unto The SON HE saith, Made The Worlds;

THY THRONE, O GOD, is for ever: A Sceptre of Righteousness is The Sceptre of THY KINGDOM. And, THOU LORD, in the beginning hast laid the foundations of the Earth; and the Heavens are The Works of THINE Hands:" ( Heb.1:1-3,8,10; compare, Neh.9:6,13-14; Jn.1:1-2,10,14; Jn.5:22; Rev.14:7 )

HIS Everlasting COVENANT of MERCY, is HIS10-COMMANDMENT LAW of HIS Will & TESTAMENT, written with HIS Finger upon two tables of stone, then placed under the SEAT of MERCY inside the Ark, in the Most Holy place of the earthly Sanctuary ( copy or pattern of the TRUE SANCTUARY in Heaven ). ( Ex.31:18 Duet.4:12-13; Ex.25:89; Heb.8:5 )

HIS WILL & TESTIMENT ( HIS COVENANT Conditions ): Are the only WAY forgiveness, Sanctification and a Crown of Life is Promised. Even the only WAY GOD THE FATHER & The LORD JESUS, are Justified to Intercede for us; and Make us partaker of promised MERCY and a Crown of Life. ( Heb.4:14-16; Heb.5:8-9; Heb.2:14-18; Jn. 14:21,23 ; Rev.22:14 ) Truly! Many sleeping in their graves, were resurrected with The LORD JESUS, and witnessed unto many. ( Matt.27:50-53 ) th

COMMANDMENT, bares our SAVIOUR’S Name ( GOD ), HIS Title ( Creator ) and Jurisdiction of HIS Authority ( Heaven & Earth ). HE Declares, HIS 7th day Sabbath is HIS Gift to us ( Mk. 2:27-28 ); and HIS Sign between us & HIM, that we may know HIM, The LORD WHO Sanctifies us; and know HIM, GOD, Creator of The 4

Heaven and Earth.

( Ezek.20:12; Ezek.20:20: Ex.31:13,17; Is.58:13-14 )


The LORD JESUS, with HIS Finger ( Exodus 31:18 ), wrote upon 2-Tables of stone ( Ex.32:15-16 ); Declaring HIS-10 COMMANDMENT-LAW ( the Transcript of HIS Immutable Unchangeable Character ); HIS Governing LAW, throughout the Kingdom of Heaven. Which included this world, before it’s fall into Satan’s governing ways of his evil & wicked character. But Satan’s eternal end shall come to pass: this world shall be cleansed by fire, consuming unto ashes, Satan, Satan’s angels and all people of all generations who do not repent ( turn from their sinful & wicked ways ). ( Ezk.28:18-19; Mal.4:1,3; Rev.20: 9 ) Every WORD that proceeds out of the mouth of The LORD JESUS, will not return unto HIM VOID. BUT shall come to pass. ( Matt.24:35; Isaiah 55:11 ) Truly! The LORD JESUS shall cleans the earth by fire; and shall Create a new earth & new heavens above the earth. ( Is.65:17; Is.66:22-23; Rev.21:1 ) Further, HIS WILL & TESTAMENT , is HIS10-COMMANDMENT LAW ( wherein nd promised MERCY is enjoined with HIS 2 COMMANDMENT ) placed under the SEAT of MERCY, inside the ARK of Heaven’s TRUE SANCTUARY, before HIS and GOD THE FATHER’S Eternal Throne. SEALED & eternally secured by HIS Death ( Heb.9: 14-17 ); and by and thru HIS Resurrection & Interceding Ministry, as our Great HIGH PRIEST by The HOLY SPIRIT and the Holy Angels, we are made partaker of GOD THE FATHER’S and HIS promised MERCY enjoined with HIS 2nd COMMANDMENT. ( Ex.20:6; Duet.5:10; Jn.5:25-29; Heb.5:8-9 ) Truly! The 7 day weekly cycle has never been broken. And every day of Creation week is recorded that we may know the TRUTH. At the end of the 1st day, at the going down of the sun in the west, this marked the beginning of the next day ( 2nd day ); likewise the 3rd ; the 4th ; the 5th ; and at the end of the 6th day ( known also as Friday ) at the going down of the sun in the west, this marked the beginning, the beginning of 7th Day, that HOLY BLESSED GiftPlaced in Time ( every 7th day ). ( Gen.1:5,8,13,19,23,31; Gen.2:1-3; Heb.4:1-4 & 9-11; Is.56:1-6; Is.58:13-14 ) Now especially in these last days, Satan, with terrible success thru his servants, has drawn almost all people away from hearing The Faithful GOSPEL of GOD THE FATHER and The LORD JESUS. Satan is relentless in his work of advancing lies, deceit and treachery to steal affections & trust; and rob all from hearing The TRUTH. Especially to keep all from giving honor & worship unto The LORD JESUS, and receive of those Blessings Prepared every 7th Day ( which begins at the end of the 6th day, known as Friday, at the going down of the sun in the west ) Whereby our world is embraced with that Special Promised HOLY Gift of Time ( every 7th day ); That special BLESSED and HOLY Presence of GOD THE

FATHER, The LORD JESUS & The HOLY SPIRIT. ( Jn.14:23; Heb.4: 1-4,9-10; Is. 56:1-6; Is.58:13-14; Is.66:22-23; Rev.12:17; Rev.14:12 )


GOD THE FATHER & The LORD JESUS, have set before us, Promised MERCY with a Crown of Life. THEIR Conditions.

But we must for our own self choose to accept, believe, trust and obey

The LORD JESUS know our secret motives & intents ( Heb.4:12-13 ) and Declares unto all who profess and call HIM their LORD and SAVIOUR, but continue in their sinful ways: " This people draweth nigh unto ME with their mouth, and honoureth ME with their lips; but their heart is far from ME. But in vain they do worship ME, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men."

( Matt.15:8-9; Jn.14:1-3 )

All thoughts, reasonings, traditions & laws, not supported by the LAW and TESTIMONY of The LORD JESUS. Are not to be trusted. ( Is. 8:20; Matt.5:37 )

GOD THE FATHER has given to us & for us, HIS Greatest Most Priceless Gift thru HIS "Only Begotten SON". ( Jn.3:16; Jn.14:6; 1st.Jn.1:7; 1st.Jn.2:3; 1st.Jn.3:1-4 ) The LORD JESUS Declares: " Search the Scriptures; for in Them ye think ye have Eternal Life; and They are They which testify of ME." “ Bind up the TESTIMONY, Seal the LAW among MY disciples “ ( Jn.5:39, 46,47; Is.8:16; Rev.7:1-3,9; Is.8:20; Rev.4:12; Rev. 12:17; Rev. 22:12-21 ) Apostle Paul Testifies: "As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received let him be accursed." (Gal.2:9; Rms.1:16; Rms.3:31 ) Apostle Peter Testifies: " For the time is come that Judgment must begin at the House of GOD: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the GOSPEL of GOD? And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear? Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of GOD commit the keeping of their Souls to HIM in well doing as unto a Faithful CREATOR." ( 1st. Peter 4:17-19 ) Apostle John Testifies: " Beloved, now are we sons of GOD, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: But we know that, when HE shall appear, we shall be like HIM, for we shall see HIM as HE is. And every man that hath this hope in HIM purifieth himself, even as HE is pure." ( 1st.John 3:2-3 ) Come and Let Us Reason Together: How valuable to me personally, is my SAVIOIUR’S Sacrifice of HIS All ( HIS Life ) that only Sacrifice Able to stand in my place; and make me partaker of HIS Promised MERCY; even unto all who will love HIM, turn from our sins & keep HIS COMMANDMENTS . And be made free form the power of The Eternal Death Prepared for Satan and his angels?


Today many are in the valley of decision, listening to the LAW and TESTIMONY of The LORD JESUS; and listening man-made laws, teachings & traditions . So likewise it was in those last days before the world was destroyed by water; many were in the valley of decision between LAW and TESTIMONY of The LORD JESUS– vs- man made teachings and traditions and man-made laws. But when The LORD JESUS commanded Noah to enter the Ark, the door of the Ark was shut by an Holy Angel. It was then to late for all who would not believe & repent. ( Heb.4:1-16; Jn.15:4-5,10; Jn.14:1-3,6,21,23; Rev.22:14 ) Only the W ritten VOICE of The LORD JESUS is the TRUTH. Whereby all people of all generations are Judged by The LORD JESUS. But MERCY is still pleading and interceding for all. But that time is revealed, when The LORD JESUS , Knowing the true mind of all people, shall cease HIS Interceding Work as our HIGH PRIEST; and give HIS Final Declaration of HIS Judgment for all people of all generations; and shall stand up and prepare to return for HIS Faithful of all generations. HE shall come in the GLORY of GOD THE FATHER, HIS Glory and the Glory of all the Holy Angels. (Jn.5:22; Jn.12:48; Rev.14:7; Is.8:16,20; Rev.7:1-3, 9-10; Rev.22:11-12; Matt.16:27;Dan.12:1) Truly! All who obeyed: accepted by faith the conditions of promised Devine Protection; and placed their trust & hope in the lambs blood; which represented the promised Sacrifice of The only begotten SON of GOD THE FATHER. None of those last 7 plaques poured upon Egypt had no power upon them. So likewise shall all by Devine Intervention, be Protected from those 7 last plaques that shall be poured out upon the world. ( Ps.91:1-16 ) Now all people are living before the judgment seat of The LORD JESUS ( Rev.14:7 ); and with solemn warnings & pleadings for all people to hear HIS LAW and TESTIMONY; for according to HIS LAW & TESTIMONY HE is Judging all people. And all who will believe in HIM and accept HIS Conditions of promised MERCY & GRACE; shall HIS Blood Cover our sins; and the power of those 7 last plagues shall have no power over us. ( Dan.8:14; Ps.91:1-16; 1-Jn.3:4 )

In whom or unto what teaching or tradition do we place our trust and hope? th

That HOLY Resting Place of Time is The 7 Day SABBATH Gift of The LORD JESUS that we may know HIM ( GOD our SAVIOUR ); unto The Glory of GOD


( Gen.2:1-3; Mk.2:27-28; Rev.14:6-7,12; Is.58:13-14; Ezk.20:12,20 )

It is the Will GOD THE FATHER, to Forgive, Sanctify, Cleans us form all sin; and Create in us a new mind; made a new Creation, unto the likeness of our LORD JESUS. ( Jn.3:16-21; Jn.1:1-3,10,12,14; 1-Jn.1:7-9; 1-Jn.2:1-6 ) A Voice, Sonny


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