Promised Way

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Promised WAY To Abide In HIS LOVE: Our faith is revealed by: what we believe, the words speak and the works we do. The house of our character is, our body temple. Whereby our character is formed, established and sealed for eternity. Our faith is like cargo carried upon a train. But a train can move only, upon two tracks, carefully laid side by side and secured upon that prepared path. One rail is like the LAW and TESTIMONY of The LORD JESUS. The seconded rail is trusting obedience. The prepared path is the victorious, trusting obedient faith of The LORD JESUS ( as man ). The train of cars carrying the cargo is like the enabling GRACE of GOD THE FATHER & The LORD JESUS, freely given unto us by The HOLY SPIRIT. The engineer is The LORD JESUS. The conductor is The HOLY SPIRIT; the other workers are the Holy Angels.

The LORD JESUS, has prepared for us, HIS true and faithful path, where upon HE perfectly laid both tracks. Revealed & made known in HIS Written WORD. And by The HOLY SPIRIT, we are made able to understand with desire & love for The LORD JESUS and humbly repent; and seek to be forgiven of our sins; and confess our sins unto GOD THE FATHER in the name of HIS only begotten SON. With great love for us The LORD JESUS, has shown us by HIS own example: How to be victorious over our sinful nature and Satan’s temptations. For by HIS Interceding MERCY and MIGHTY POWER, HE is More than Able to Save unto the uttermost all who will come unto HIM. ( Heb.5:9; Heb. 7:27 ) Truly! HIS prepared path is, according to HIS WILL and TESTAMENT. Where upon HE laid for us, HIS two tracks of: HIS 10-COMMANDMENT COVENANT LAW and HIS faithful trusting obedience. Those timbers which support the rails are like HIS promised MERCY and Enabling GRACE. But if one track is not rightly placed upon the prepared path or removed. The cargo ( our faith ) cannot advance upon our SAVIOUR’S promised prepared path. ( Duet.4:12-13; Jn.14:1,15,21,23; Rev.14:12; Rev.22:14 )

GOD our SAVIOUR, has Mercifully Restored to us our free will to choose; and has left it in our hands to choose what path and what 2-tracks to place or trust, hope and obey. Truly, all who choose to stand faithful to The LORD JESUS, are by adoption made a child of GOD THE FATHER. And by MERCY and GRACE made victorious over Satan and our sinful ways. There is no vacation from being tempted. For Satan & his angels relentlessly are advancing, leaving no means allowed them untried, to temp or persecute. ( Rev.12:17 ) Let us Further Reason Together: ( John 8:32 )

The LORD JESUS & GOD THE FATHER have given unto us The TRUTH. Whereby we may choose to be made free from the deceit, lies and treachery of Satan & his servants.

The 4th-COMMANDMENT of The LORD JESUS, is under the greatest attack by Satan, his angels and his servants of men and women. The 4th-COMMANDMENT is the only one of HIS COVENANT LAW, which declares HIS Name ( GOD ); HIS Title ( Creator of Heaven & Earth ); HIS Jurisdiction ( The Territory of HIS Kingdom ). ( Exodus 20:8-11; Duet.4:13 ) TH

Further, IT is HIS Sign "that we may know HIM" ( Ezek. 20:12,20 ). And HIS 7 Day SABBATH Bares HIS SEAL ( HIS name, HIS title & HIS jurisdiction ). Whereby all TEN of HIS-COMMANDMENTS enjoined together are the foundation and conditions of the everlasting COVENANT, of Promised MERCY by GOD THE FATHER thru HIS “only begotten SON “ ( Is.8:16,20; compare, Rev.7:2-3; Matt.7:21; Jn 15:10; Jn 3:16 )

The LORD JESUS created all things. At the end of the 6th-day, HE made The 7TH DAY SABBATH ( HIS gift of resting fellowship with HIM ); HE sanctified and blessed th the 7 DAY, setting IT aside, making IT a HOLY period of Time. From sundown the 6th th day, to sundown the 7 Day. Establishing the 7-day week. By The HOLY SPIRIT, a Special embracing HOLY presence of The LORD JESUS & GOD THE FATHER COVERS the whole Earth. Whereby all may enter into that REST ( Heb.4:1-11; Mk.2:27-28 ) and know HIM and worship HIM & GOD THE FATHER ( Ezek.20:12, 20 ). ( Gen. 2:1-3; Is.56:2-6; Rev.14:7; Is.66:22-23 ).

JESUS Made and Created The 7TH-DAY SABBATH for us; and for a Sign between us HIMSELF. ( Mk 2:27; Gen. 2:1-3; Is.58:12-14; Heb.4:1-16 Ex.31:17; Ezk.20:12, 20 ) When knowledge of the Everlasting GOSPEL enters our reasoning powers. We should not be surprised that GOD'S WORD, may point and convict us unto a needed change in our way of life. Let us encourage one another, to take our stand with those before us, who choose and made their stand, to place all their trust and hope, upon the Sure Promises of GOD. ( Heb.7:25; Is.53:2-11; Heb. 1:2,3,8,10; Col. 2:9; Col.1:16,17; John 1:1-3,10,12,14 ) The Enemy of our Souls knows, that he is made powerless, unless he can keep us from believing, trusting obeying The LORD JESUS. We must earnestly seek with a willing mind, to know GOD our SAVIOUR. And be willing to make all needed changes. Whereby faith we lay hold of The Great Power of GOD our SAVIOUR. And shall be TRANSFORMED moment by moment into HIS WONDERFUL

LIKENESS. May GOD our FATHER Create in us, the likeness of The LORD JESUS. Whereby we shall be made able to be, that needed blessing toward one another. A Voice, Sonny

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