The rain bow a token of promises

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The Rainbow, A Token Of Promises ( Gen. 9:13 ) The Rainbow is given to remind us, that GOD our SAVIOUR, shall faithfully keep HIS promises. Truly the Rainbow is a faithful of sign and perpetual reminder of all HIS promises, given & revealed to us in HIS Written TESTIMONY by HIS servant Moses, HIS Prophets & HIS Apostles. Even according to HIS COVENANT ( HIS WILL & TESTAMENT ), sealed by HIS Own Blood, for all people of all generations. ( Duet.4:13; Jn.14:21,23; Heb.9:16-17; Is.8:16; Rev.&:1-3; Heb.10:12-23; Jn.15:10; Rev. 22:14; Rev.14:12 ).

Immutable/Unchangeable is the Eternal Throne & Governing LAW of GOD THE FATHER and HIS only begotten SON ( The LORD JESUS ). so likewise all THIER promises & conditions enjoined with THEIR COVENANT of Salvation, are Immutable/Unchangeable. By wonderful MERCY for a witness and reminder, the Garden of Eden was not removed from the world, until just before the great flood which destroyed all people, except Noah his wife, his 3 sons & their wives. Even a Mighty Angel was stationed at the entrance. Whereby all could come and behold our SAVOUR’S Angel, guarding the entrance gate.

But in the face of that MERCIFUL witness and

confirmation of promised forgiveness and crown of Life.

Almost all ( except 8 persons ) did not accept the Conditions of promised Mercy with a crown of life. But choose to believe Satan’s thoughts & reasonings, planted in the willing minds of his servants ( men & women ), who preached & taught from the time of Cain ( Cain who murdered his own brother, to silence the voice and witness against his evil ways ), unto Noah’s time. Whereby all, who choose to believe Satan’s lies thru his servants, were destroyed by the Great Flood. ( Gen.3:24; Gen.6:5-13,18,22; Gen.7:1-24 ) So like wise in these last days, the world is becoming like it was in those last days of Noah and those last days of Sodom & Gomorrah Our SAVIOUR’S Promises enjoined with HIS Everlasting Covenant, are formed and built upon the Immutable/Unchangeable character and will of GOD our SAVIOUR for us.

The 10-

COMMANDMENT LAW is the transcript of GOD THE FATHER’S and HIS Character. The Rainbow of GOD THE FATHER & HIS only begotten SON, is a Token of THEIR Great

Love for us. Further it is a continual reminder and sign of THEIR Precious PROMISES; and THEIR faithful outpouring of MERCY, GRACE with Blessings, of which we are not worthy.

GOD our SAVIOUR’S HOLY 10 COMMANDMENT LAW is the WAY of Love and Life. Truly, The HOLY SPIRIT, is sent to enjoin only with the TRUTH ( every WORD that proceeds our of the Mouth of GOD THE FATHER THRU HIS SON, given unto us by The HOLY SPIRIT ). And The HOLY SPIRIT enjoins with all, who seek with a humble willing mind as a child, to know the knowledge & wisdom of our SAVIOUR’S Written TESTIMONY by HIS servant Moses, HIS Prophets & HIS Apostles. The LORD JESUS , is The Author of The Only WAY, Salvation is promised.

Even unto all who, trust and obey HIM. ( Heb.5:9; Jn.15:4-5,10; Jn.1:12 ) The Rainbow that spans the heavens at the end of each new rain confirms to all, who truly believe and love GOD our SAVIOUR, of THEIR Great Love for us. By GRACE we are made able, thru faith tp lay hold of wonderful promises, with encouragement not doubting THEIR Embracing Watchful

Protecting Care. The LORD JESUS ( the only begotten SON of GOD THE FATHER ) is far more than our SAVIOUR, HE is GOD CREATOR of Heaven and Earth. ( Heb.1:1-3,8 & 10; Col. 1:16-17, Col. 2:9; Jn.1:1-3,10 & 14 ) Wherefore, unto us in these last days, the Rainbow is a far more exceeding great reminder and

token of promised wonderful MERCY & LOVE for all people. Our Heavenly FATHER, is ever seeking to save all, who will come unto Him through His Infinite

Sacrifice of HIS "only begotten SON”.

( Jn.3:16; Rom. 8:32 )

The LORD JESUS is both, our CREATOR and our REDEEMER. And for HIS Great Love for us, HE ever Lives to STAND as LORD and SAVIOUR for all, who will come unto HIM. And Faithfully HE pleads HIS Life, HIS Death, HIS Shed Blood, and HIS Resurrection on our behalf. ( Heb.4:14-16; 1-Jn.1:9; 1-Jn. 2:1-2, 1-Peter 2:24; Is.53:1-11 ) As many as come unto HIM receive forgiveness, and cleansed of all sin; adopted as sons & daughters by GOD THE FATHER ; even made joint-heirs with The LORD JESUS. ( 1-Jn.1:9; Rms. 8:15 & 17 ) Wonderful is HIS Tender MERCY poured out upon us, who are so unworthy. I pray for our hearts be quickened by The HOLY SPIRIT, with greater love for GOD THE FATHER, and The LORD JESUS. A Voice, Sonny

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