MILAPINOU AW 2013 Photographies: Vivienne Mok
ÂŤLove me TenderlyÂť ÂŤ Once upon a time in the corner of a beautiful crib sat a soft and delicate little bunny, observing the magical relationship that bonds a precious baby to its mother. The little bunny admired their intimacy and began to imagine how beautiful it would be if that inWLPDF\ FRXOG EH UHĂ HFWHG LQ WKHLU FORWKLQJ 7KLV WDOH WDNHV SODFH LQ 3DULV )UDQFH LQ ZKHQ 0,/$3,128 ZDV ERUQ
DDD MILAPINOU is an attractive French brand that reminds us of our favourite soft toy or a warm blanket made of cosy fabrics. It is a comforting symbol which links the child to his mother. It reminds us of mi, as well. The Spanish possessive pronoun, which is the mother-tongue of the designer, Dallana Bayarri. We think of us, too. That which contains us, you my dear baby, and me your mom . This tight bond between PRWKHU DQG FKLOG GXULQJ WKH ÀUVW VWDJHV RI OLIH LV ZKDW 'DOODQD VWULYHV WR LOOXVWUDWH through her clothing line for young mothers, and babies. The blissful happiness of a rounding tummy, the dreamy expectation and then, ÀQDOO\ WKH UHDOLW\ RI WKH ÀUVW FU\ WKDW RYHUWDNHV HYHU\WKLQJ DQG SXVKHV DOO ERXQGDULHV 'DOODQD KDV H[SHULHQFHG WKRVH IHHOLQJV ZLWK WKH ELUWK RI KHU ÀUVW FKLOG This special moment was marked by a kind of naivety that Dallana has translated into pure, aerial lines and cuts. Silhouettes are vaporous and dance like small nymphs in the woods. The brand’s style is somewhere between the pastoral scenes of the Renaissance and the spirit of Woodstock. The dresses of MILAPINOU, full of magic and tenderness will attract moms, as well as romantic young women. 7KH QDWXUDO DQG RUJDQLF ÀEUHV LQVSLUH \RXQJ PRWKHUV WR ´UXQ¾ LQ WKH PHDGRZV feeling peaceful and free. Embroideries are hand-made by Mexican women experiencing life challenges, ZKR DUH RUJDQL]HG LQ FRRSHUDWLYHV WKDW KHOS WKHP WR EHFRPH ÀQDQFLDOO\ LQGHSHQdent. This social program initiated by MILAPINOU is called  Tejiendo Sueùos A touch of vintage, with the hippy spirit of the 1960s and 70s. A romantic blend of Renaissance and Woodstock. This is MILAPINOU.
A soft a dreamy world inspired by LOVE
D MILAPINOU, THE SECRET The name and the idea really emerged with the birth of my daughter. Mi is the Spanish possessive pronoun and lapinou  means small rabbit in French. It is also the sweet nickname I gave to my daughter. Furthermore, the association of both words FRQWDLQV KHU ÀUVW QDPHª 0LOD LV VKRUW IRU WKH ZRUG PLODJUR ZKLFK WUDQVODWHG WR (Qglish means miracle, so the MILAPINOU brand was born, both as a celebration of new life.
D A CONCEPT INSPIRED BY LOVE MILAPINOU offers a collection for woman and child. Its design is full of sweetness and poetry, indicative of a young woman full of grace and innocence as she is about to EHFRPH D PRWKHU IRU WKH ÀUVW WLPH The message of MILAPINOU is one of love, tenderness, complicity and solidarity. A visual representation of this special bond, the maternal love which is created in the YHU\ ÀUVW PRPHQWV RI SUHJQDQF\ XQLWLQJ D PRP ZLWK KHU FKLOG MILAPINOU represents this love through its designs by using the same fabrics and color ranges for women’s and children’s clothing while respecting the identity of each with various forms and cuts. We love the timeless and basic items made of noble, natural materials, pure and comfortable lines adapted to the young mom and to the child. This line for women has also been designed to facilitate breast-feeding. MILAPINOU is in constant change, always looking for new sources of innovation to offer better quality and comfort in every collection.
D ECO-FRIENDLY AND FAIR MILAPINOU is an eco-friendly brand, but it is also involved in fair-trade. MILAPINOU’s production respects traditional know-how, such as the example of the Mexican embroideries, which also allows local and economic development. Our products are carefully made in factories and small cooperatives respecting the social and environmental regulations in France, India and Mexico. 7KH PDWHULDOV DUH HVVHQWLDOO\ QDWXUDO ÀEUHV RXU NQLWZHDU LV RI ELRORJLFDO RULJLQ labelled GOTS. MILAPINOU uses soft fabrics and customizes them with golden glitters or a bright detail creating a gipsy style. MILAPINOU plebiscites local sourcing. Our dyes, Oeko-Tex, are ecological; our objective is to develop a complete color range with only natural coloring agents. Embroideries are hand-made by Mexican women experiencing life challenges, in FRRSHUDWLYHV WKDW KHOS WKHP WR EHFRPH ÀQDQFLDOO\ LQGHSHQGHQW 7KLV VRFLDO SURJUDP initiated by MILAPINOU is called, Tejiendo Sueùos (woven dreams)
AUX SOURCES DE L’INSPIRATION SOURCES OFMilapinou. INSPIRATION  Mes racines sont très prÊsentes dans Mes sources d’inspiration les  My roots are very present in Milapinou. My most precious sources of inspiration plus sont les childhood. souvenirs Whether de monitenfance. Que ce soit dans are prÊcieuses the memories of my is in a quite hippy style, just un likestyle the un peu à l’image des jaunies depoetic mes embroideries, parents danswhich les annÊes oldhippie, yellowed photos of myvieilles parentsphotos in the 70s, or the 70, ou lame broderie poÊtique quiI remember me rappelle me souviens remind of my grandmother. how,ma as grand-mère. a child, I likedJe drawing motives. My grandmother me then, fantastic while was embroidering with alors comment, enfant,told j’aimais dessiner desstories motifs. Ma she grand-mère me racontait WKUHDGV RI WKRXVDQG FRORXUV +HU WDOHV ÀOOHG ZLWK IDLULHV DQG VSULWHV DOZD\V DPDGHV KLVWRLUHV IDQWDVWLTXHV SHQGDQW TX¡HOOH EURGDLW DYHF GHV ÀOV DX[ PLOOH FRXOHXUV Milapinou’s collections will show an enchanted winter and a summer very J’aized ÊtÊme. ÊmerveillÊe par ses contes peuplÊs de fÊes et de lutins. Les collections Woodstock or Coachella, Dallana Bayarri, the designer tells us. Milapinou mettront en scène un hiver de fÊerie enchantÊe et un ÊtÊ très WoodsWRFN RX &RDFKHOOD ª QRXV FRQÀH 'DOODQD %D\DUUL OD FUpDWULFH
MILAPINOU été 2013 Photographies: Vivienne Mok
MILAPINOU Presentation 2012 Photographies: Vivienne Mok
MILAPINOU SS 2013 Photographies: Vivienne Mok
MILAPINOU AW 2013 Photographies: Vivienne Mok
MILAPINOU SS 2014 Photographies: Eulalie Varenne
MILAPINOU AW 2013 Photographies: Vivienne Mok
sales@milapinou.fr communication@milapinou.fr 23 rue de Richelieu 75001 Paris
MILAPINOU Paris, All rights reserved.
D Mexico 1982 D Dallana with her mom
As if touched by the wand of a magical “tailor” fairy, after graduating from Atelier Chardon Savard in Paris in 2008, Dallana’s story continues. From the wonderful internship experience of working with one of today’s most renowned designers as Karl Lagerfeld, to Lovemilla, Shyde and CdeC. Today as a young mother, she has a new vision and inspiration… the creation of designs appropriate for mom and her baby