Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sodales aliquam pulvinar.
Cras in quam in justo pulvinar pretium vitae eget arcu. In in convallis velit, nec egestas dolor.
Etiam enim dolor, gravida at vehicula vel, venenatis in diam. Mauris non aliquet risus.
Nulla rhoncus mauris nunc, non pretium enim varius ut. Aliquam sollicitudin varius tortor, vitae venenatis enim pulvinar sit amet.
Aliquam et lorem et mauris ornare vestibulum.
Curabitur ut euismod tellus. Integer interdum ipsum lacus, non semper enim hendrerit eleifend. Nunc cursus a ligula non imperdiet.
Vivamus fermentum quam sit amet massa porttitor, viverra ornare quam vestibulum. Duis
et fringilla dui. Curabitur fermentum aliquet convallis. Ut consequat rutrum felis vitae
euismod. Pellentesque eu dui dictum, congue orci vitae, dictum quam. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean gravida risus mi, quis pretium eros laoreet vitae. Quisque urna odio, vestibulum a quam eu, hendrerit vehicula sapien.
Phasellus hendrerit ex vitae elementum lacinia.
Morbi cursus tincidunt pretium. Suspendisse porttitor augue sit amet posuere facilisis. Proin et viverra ligula. Cras congue leo nec augue vulputate, in rhoncus tortor porttitor. Sed urna augue, sagittis a dignissim ac, facilisis ac massa. Maecenas in felis euismod, tempor nisl id, finibus ante. Morbi fermentum tristique semper. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Vestibulum et pharetra ipsum, eget tempor justo.
Proin molestie vitae leo sit amet lobortis. Nam mattis diam vitae dui rutrum, ac mattis orci tincidunt. Etiam in varius nulla. Curabitur sapien nibh, auctor at libero suscipit, rutrum pulvinar enim. Donec consectetur sem consectetur,
lobortis metus non, ullamcorper justo. Integer rhoncus lectus nec scelerisque tincidunt.
Perishable Vase: 01
The Perishable Pieces reflect on consumer culture; their shapes reference archetypal collectors’ items, and their ephemeral quality is achieved through the material they are made of. Waste flowers, salvaged from London’s flower markets or acquired as unsellable waste from private growers and sellers, are captured within a mixture of natural ingredients including shellac – a natural polyester resin produced by parasitic lac insects that forge certain trees in India and Thailand. The Perishable Vases’ limited lifespan relies on the habitat they are placed in. Whether it is a shelf in a house, a plinth in a gallery or a pedestal in a park, the object becomes united with its environment. As the temperature and humidity increase, the piece begins to melt, swell, fall and shrink. It becomes a dynamic form in the state of constant flux, and under our passive supervision, it is able to morph and change into something new and unexpected.
Perishable Vase: 01
The Perishable Pieces reflect on consumer culture; their shapes reference archetypal collectors’ items, and their ephemeral quality is achieved through the material they are made of. Waste flowers, salvaged from London’s flower markets or acquired as unsellable waste from private growers and sellers, are captured within a mixture of natural ingredients including shellac – a natural polyester resin produced by parasitic lac insects that forge certain trees in India and Thailand. The Perishable Vases’ limited lifespan relies on the habitat they are placed in. Whether it is a shelf in a house, a plinth in a gallery or a pedestal in a park, the object becomes united with its environment. As the temperature and humidity increase, the piece begins to melt, swell, fall and shrink. It becomes a dynamic form in the state of constant flux, and under our passive supervision, it is able to morph and change into something new and unexpected.
Encoded Symbols: 05 (PN05)
Standing light sculpture made of real leaves, steel and zinc in a sleek, polished finish. In Protoplasting Nature, metal and exotic leaves are combined to make opposing processes life and death, renewal and decay — evident. A load-bearing structure, formed by hand using welded steel, evokes organic shapes and ornate historical furnishings. The abstract, sculptural lampshade is formed by real leaves from the exotic plant Thaumatococcus Daniellii, a rhizomatic herb widely cultivated in central Africa for its exceptionally sweet fruit and useful leaves. The entire sculpture is then coated in zinc using a thermo-coating process, thus permanently encasing the leaves within a thin metal shell.
Marcin Rusak
Perishable Vase: 06
The Perishable Pieces reflect on consumer culture; their shapes reference archetypal collectors’ items, and their ephemeral quality is achieved through the material they are made of. Waste flowers, salvaged from London’s flower markets or acquired as unsellable waste from private growers and sellers, are captured within a mixture of natural ingredients including shellac – a natural polyester resin produced by parasitic lac insects that forge certain trees in India and Thailand. The Perishable Vases’ limited lifespan relies on the habitat they are placed in. Whether it is a shelf in a house, a
plinth in a gallery or a pedestal in a park, the object becomes united with its environment. As the temperature and humidity increase, the piece begins to melt, swell, fall and shrink. It becomes a dynamic form in the state of constant flux, and under our passive supervision, it is able to morph and change into something new and unexpected. Contact:
Marcin Rusak
Perishable Vase: 07
The Perishable Pieces reflect on consumer culture; their shapes reference archetypal collectors’ items, and their ephemeral quality is achieved through the material they are made of. Waste flowers, salvaged from London’s flower markets or acquired as unsellable waste from private growers and sellers, are captured within a mixture of natural ingredients including shellac – a natural polyester resin produced by parasitic lac insects that forge certain trees in India and Thailand. The Perishable Vases’ limited lifespan relies on the habitat they are placed in. Whether it is a shelf in a house, a plinth in a gallery or a pedestal in a park, the object becomes united with its environment. As the temperature and humidity increase, the piece begins to melt, swell, fall and shrink. It becomes a dynamic form in the state of constant flux, and under our passive supervision, it is able to morph and change into something new and unexpected.
Encoded Symbols: 08 (PN05)
Standing light sculpture made of real leaves, steel and zinc in a sleek, polished finish. In Protoplasting Nature, metal and exotic leaves are combined to make opposing processes life and death, renewal and decay — evident. A load-bearing structure, formed by hand using welded steel, evokes organic shapes and ornate historical furnishings. The abstract, sculptural lampshade is formed by real leaves from the exotic plant Thaumatococcus Daniellii, a rhizomatic herb widely cultivated in central Africa for its exceptionally sweet fruit and useful leaves. The entire sculpture is then coated in zinc using a thermo-coating process, thus permanently encasing the leaves within a thin metal shell.
Marcin Rusak
Perishable Vase: 09
The Perishable Pieces reflect on consumer culture; their shapes reference archetypal collectors’ items, and their ephemeral quality is achieved through the material they are made of. Waste flowers, salvaged from London’s flower markets or acquired as unsellable waste from private growers and sellers, are captured within a mixture of natural ingredients including shellac – a natural polyester resin produced by parasitic lac insects that forge certain trees in India and Thailand. The Perishable Vases’ limited lifespan relies on the habitat they are placed in. Whether it is a shelf in a house, a
plinth in a gallery or a pedestal in a park, the object becomes united with its environment. As the temperature and humidity increase, the piece begins to melt, swell, fall and shrink. It becomes a dynamic form in the state of constant flux, and under our passive supervision, it is able to morph and change into something new and unexpected.
Perishable Vase: 10
The Perishable Pieces reflect on consumer culture; their shapes reference archetypal collectors’ items, and their ephemeral quality is achieved through the material they are made of. Waste flowers, salvaged from London’s flower markets or acquired as unsellable waste from private growers and sellers, are captured within a mixture of natural ingredients including shellac – a natural polyester resin produced by parasitic lac insects that forge certain trees in India and Thailand. The Perishable Vases’ limited lifespan relies on the habitat they are placed in. Whether it is a shelf in a house, a plinth in a gallery or a pedestal in a park, the object becomes united with its environment. As the temperature and humidity increase, the piece begins to melt, swell, fall and shrink. It becomes a dynamic form in the state of constant flux, and under our passive supervision, it is able to morph and change into something new and unexpected.
Encoded Symbols: 11 (PN05)
Standing light sculpture made of real leaves, steel and zinc in a sleek, polished finish. In Protoplasting Nature, metal and exotic leaves are combined to make opposing processes life and death, renewal and decay — evident. A load-bearing structure, formed by hand using welded steel, evokes organic shapes and ornate historical furnishings. The abstract, sculptural lampshade is formed by real leaves from the exotic plant Thaumatococcus Daniellii, a rhizomatic herb widely cultivated in central Africa for its exceptionally sweet fruit and useful leaves. The entire sculpture is then coated in zinc using a thermo-coating process, thus permanently encasing the leaves within a thin metal shell.