VOA E - Paper 05-08-2020

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Serving Harris, Fort Bend and Surrounding Counties for over 30 years

FRIDAY, May 8, 2020 l Published Weekly From Houston Vol. 34 • No. 19 • 16 Pages • 2 Sections • 50 cents • 713-774-5140 • www.voiceofasia.news • E-mail: voiceasia@aol.com

Indian American nurses at the forefront of Covid fight Challenges at work and impact on family life

Mayor to spend $15M on rent relief for Houstonians by Miya Shay


OUSTON, Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - Mayor Sylvester Turner is set to announce a rent relief program that will use millions in federal COVID-19 relief money to help Houstonians pay their rent.

According city council agenda documents, Turner wants to allot $15 million in federal CARES Act funding for the rent relief program. City council is set to vote on the program this Wednesday, and if approved, it will be managed by the well-known local non-profit, BakerRipley. If approved, BakerRipley will provide up to $1,056 of rental assistance per month to qualified low-to-moderate income people who could not pay their April and/or May rent. Documents show the program is anticipated to help at least

Members of National Association of Indian Nurses of America (NAINA).

by Ajay Ghosh “On a rainy Sunday morning last weekend, we had just finished breakfast. I was happy that I was able to make Appam and egg curry (a traditional south Indian delicacy) for breakfast after many months. I sat on the couch and was checking the messages on my phone,” Mary (name changed for the report), who is an RN at a large Hospital in the state of Connecticut recalls. “I was shocked to learn that a 41 year old male patient I had admitted and had taken care of for over a week has come positive for Covid-19, the deadly virus that has affected over a million people in the United States alone.” This is not the first patient Mary had worked with for weeks/days, not knowing that the patient had hidden symptoms of Covid-19 since the pandemic broke out over two months ago. The fear of being exposed to the Continued on Page 7

Mayor Sylvester Turner announced a rent relief program that could use millions in federal Covid 19 relief money to help Houstonians pay their rent. (Screengrab: KTRK-TV)

6,818 people across Houston. In reality, because many renters are families, the actual number of people helped could be much higher. According to those briefed on

the program, qualifying individuals will not get a check. Rather, BakerRipley will issue the rent payment directly to the renters’ landlords. Continued on Page 5

Arya Samaj Greater Houston distributes groceries and masks on Sundays 12-1 pm

Volunteers loaded groceries and masks as people lined up in their cars at the Arya Samaj where they were distributed on Sunday, May 3, 2020. Read Report on Page 2

Now Enrolling for 2020-2021 Preschool - 5th grade Montessori & Traditional Program 

Hindi Language

Vedic Prayers


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Page 2 • VOICE OF ASIA (Section A)


FRIDAY, May 8, 2020

COMMUNITY Second Front Page

Email: voiceasia@aol.com

Tel: 713-774-5140

Arya Samaj Greater Houston distributes groceries and masks on Sundays 12-1 pm


he last week saw various teams of Arya Samaj Houston functioning in unison in wartime urgency mode. Indeed, the challenge was to convert the idea into reality – to distribute free non-perishable vegetarian foodstuff to needy and vulnerable people – at a very short notice. And, it succeeded with flying colors. There were initial murmurs of apprehensions – who will come and why; how the word will get to those recently laid off; how many packets to prepare; and so on. But the common determination was the hallmark of the success. And it was a bewildering success that so many needy people Arya Youth volunteers ( L to R - Siddhant Ahuja, Anrav Sood & Aditya came to collect. Encouraged by Jain) with Food bags the response, Arya Samaj Houston commits itself to the drive even at a larger scale for the rest of May, and maybe, even beyond. Come on Sunday, between 12-1 pm at 14375 Schiller Road, Houston, TX 77082.

Teams were formed for procurement, packing, and distribution on the D-Day! Our youth members of the Arya Yuva Mandal are always there. And, it was a pleasant surprise to see that the largest fraction of beneficiaries was from the immediate neighborhoods that must have been the most affected in the aftermath of the pandemic due to the economic slowdown such as those working in restaurants, small businesses, and so on. Many have been laid off at a very Volunteers Jai Agrawal and Arnav, loading the Food bags in the car short notice. As expected, there were seniors too, fearing the crowded grocery stores. Mindful of the current ‘new normal’, every food packet included some face masks as well. The scene last Sunday must have been very deceptive for a newcomer – rather quiet in the entire campus that otherwise used to be a bustling sight. However, the fact is that the activities at the Arya Samaj Houston have increased and moved online. Its flagship Sunday Satsang takes place every Sunday 9:45-10:30 (Sandhya & Havan) followed by Pravachan at 11 am. Vari- Arya Samaj volunteers preparing the bags ous adult classes include Geeta,

Sanskrit, Vedic Principles Q&A, Study of Satyarth-Prakash, Patanjali Meditation, Yoga & Meditation, etc. – there are now additional classes catering to the community needs when the people are more at home than outside. All our links appear in the weekly newsletter – another instance that we have gone overboard in the current phase, the monthly newsletter has become weekly. Both schools, DAV Montessori & Elementary School and the Sunday School of Arya Samaj Houston – DAV Sanskriti School – have moved online. Enrollment for both the schools for the next academic year 2020-’21 are currently on. Their phone numbers: DAVMES: 281-759-3286 and DAVSS: 832-874-3376. Donations for various noble activities of Arya Samaj Houston, particularly this food drive are humbly solicited. Checks can be sent by mail. One may donate online by visiting the Arya Samaj website and using the credit card or call Sanjay Jain @832598-5246 to lend support. To stay tuned to its functions and for further information, please visit www.aryasamajhouston.org, subscribe to newsletter, or call 281.752.0100.


Page 3 • VOICE OF ASIA (Section A)

FRIDAY, May 8, 2020

OP-ED/COMMENTARY/ANALYSIS Real Heroes Don’t Wear Capes

Koshy Thomas, Publisher & CEO Voice of Asia


oice of Asia salutes the nurses, doctors, EMTs, police, fire and other first responders who have become the bold line of defense against the Coronavirus.

The Coronavirus has crisscrossed a wide swath of this planet with little regard for gender, age, class or social status. It has become the common denominator of misery, fear, anx-

by Olivia Carville and Shelly Banjo


iety and death for millions. It has upended the economic and social order of countries across the board. In the midst of all this hopelessness, it is easy to lose heart. The constant drumbeat of negative stories of death, disease and financial ruin of millions is enough to numb the rest of us into silence. Yet, in the midst of this darkness there is a ray of light. This light is reflected in the selflessness of the nurses and doctors often working impossible 30-hour shifts, risking their own lives to save the lives of strangers. Indian nurses make up a large sector of the nurses who are on the frontlines of this war against a disease that continues to ravage the country with unrelenting fierceness. Voice of Asia salutes these unlikely warriors. In saluting these nurses, we also salute nurses who came to the United States in the early 1970s. Many who grew up in the digital age may not even remember President Lyndon Johnson, but

Now is the time to stand up for DACA recipients and Dreamers


These students strive to graduate in the midst of uncertainty that the rest of us don’t have to worry about. It is time Congress passed real legislation to ensure these young adults can continue to contribute and thrive in the country they call home. While most Americans are hunkered down at home, trying to imagine a post-pandemic return to normal, the Supreme Court is weighing whether over 800,000 DACA recipients, many of whom have lived in the United States almost their entire lives, will ever see normal again. There are approximately 15,000 DACA recipients in my home state of Colorado. Their economic and civic contributions increase significantly with the completion of a higher education degree. Their loss of DACA status would translate to a loss for our state’s economy

There may soon come a point when the couple can’t stay and can’t go: India, their home country, has closed its borders indefinitely. They also have a combined $520,000 in student loans from the advanced dental degrees they completed at U.S. universities, which would be nearly impossible to pay back on the salaries they would earn in India. The stress has caused Buch, also 31, to start losing his hair. Neither of them is sleeping well. “Everything is really confusing and dark right now,” said Vasavada. “We don’t know where we will end up.” As many as 250,000 guest workers seeking a green card in the U.S.— about 2,00,000 of them on H-1B visas — could lose their legal status by the end of June, according to Jeremy Neufeld, an immigration policy analyst with the Washington D.C.-based think tank Niskanen Center. Thousands more who are not seeking resident status may also be forced to return home, he said. About three-quarters of H-1B visas go to people working in the technology industry, though the exact levels vary year by year.

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and society. Within the context of the COVID-19 national pandemic, these challenges only multiply. The Center for American Progress estimated that removing all undocumented immigrants from the U.S. would reduce the country’s gross domestic product by $434 billion per year. But this is about more than their contributions to our economy. DACA students at Metropolitan State University of Denver are working to become nurses, social workers, engineers and public servants. Even one of our trustees, a first-generation college graduate who became a teacher, is a DACA recipient. Nationwide, the American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) reports in a recent amicus brief that there are over 27,000 DACA recipients currently working in critical health care professions and on the frontlines of the COVIC-19 crisis. These are the people who are needed to help this country combat the pandemic and who will help the country recover and compete afterward. Along with other university presidents and chancellors in Colorado, I have urged my

Koshy Thomas is the Publisher and CEO of Voice of Asia, weekly newspaper published in Houston, Texas. Voice of Asia is a leading, gratis community newspaper that has been in circulation for over 30 years.

H-1B visa recipients can remain in the country legally for 60 days without being paid

Vasavada is in the country on an H-1B visa, a temporary visa program designed for people with specialized skills. H-1B recipients can only remain in the country legally for 60 days without being paid. Her husband Nandan Buch, also a dentist, is in the country on an H-1B visa that expires in June. They have

s the president of a large public university with close to 400 undocumented students, and many more Dreamers who have graduated and entered the workforce, it is my job to support these hard-working members of our community as they pursue the exceedingly more elusive American Dream.

and that the sons and daughters of the first generation of nurses would be the ones in masks and gloves ready to help. American writer Joseph Campbell once observed, “A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than themselves.” If this observation is true, then the thousands of nurses and doctors, who continue to take care of their patients often at grave risk to themselves, are the uncelebrated, unnoticed and undervalued heroes of our time. To each and every one of these unlikely heroes we say thank you. Our prayers, the prayers of the nation are with you

Over 2,00,000 H-1B workers could lose legal status by June

ASHINGTON- May 01, 202 0 -Manasi Vasavada has less than three weeks left before she loses her legal right to be in the US. The dental practice in Passaic County, New Jersey, where Vasavada, 31, has worked for almost two years closed its doors in mid-March due to Covid-19. She has been on an unpaid leave of been watching the days tick by with growing fear. absence ever since.

by Janine Davidson

it was President Johnson who signed into law the Immigration Act of 1965 that allowed non-European immigrants to come to the United States in record numbers for the first time. Among this wave of new immigrants was the first generation of Indian, Philippine and other Asian countries nurses. These nurses worked tirelessly to become a seamless part of American society, contributed to the care and nurturing of their own families and ushered in the next generation of nurses, the very ones who are at the frontlines of battling the Coronavirus today. That small relaxation of the immigration law in 1965 helped thousands of nurses, doctors, pharmacists, and other health professionals from India to become an integral part of the fabric of the United States. In 1965, neither President Johnson nor anyone else could have foreseen that in a little over 50 years, there would be a medical crisis of epic proportions,

congressional representatives to automatically extend work authorization for DACA recipients for two years through legislation and simultaneously call upon the administration to do the same. We have also asked for legislation that would provide permanent protection for Dreamers without hurting or penalizing other immigrant communities; and we’ve lobbied the administration to refrain from arresting, detaining or deporting Dreamers until Congress enacts permanent relief. These are the short- and longterm solutions that are needed now to support these aspiring Americans who already contribute so much to our economy and communities, and who will help ensure our nation recovers and prospers beyond this current crisis. Janine Davidson, Ph.D., is the president of Metropolitan State University of Denver, Colorado’s third-largest public university, which earned the federal Hispanic-Serving Institution designation in 2019. Janine Davidson is a Opinion Contributor — the views expressed by contributors are soley their own. -The Hill

Tens of millions of Americans have lost their jobs in the last two months, but workers on visas are vulnerable in ways native-born workers aren’t. H-1B visas, for instance, are tied to a specific location and employer who commits to paying the recipient a minimum salary. Furloughing recipients, reducing their wages, and in some cases allowing them to work from home violates visa requirements. H-1B workers who are terminated have 60days to find another job, transfer to a different visa or leave the country. Even if they don’t lose their jobs, workers can find themselves in a dilemma if they can’t get their visas renewed during this period of disruption. The visa crisis is causing “a catastrophe at a human level and an economic level,” said Doug Rand, who worked on technology and immigration policy in the Obama administration before co-founding Boundless Immigration Inc., a company that helps people navigate the immigration system. H-1B workers often have families who also rely on their jobs for authorization to stay in the country, including children who may have spent their entire lives in the U.S. “It’s just a mess,” Rand said. In a letter sent to the State and Homeland Security departments on April 17, TechNet, a lobbying group whose members include Apple, Amazon,

Facebook, Google and Microsoft, joined a coalition of trade groups calling for relief for foreign-born workers. The letter requested a delay in work authorization expiration dates until at least Sept. 10. “Without action, these issues will lead to hundreds of thousands of unfilled jobs and have profound negative economic effects,” the letter read.

or other visas. The company plans to boost staff by 50% to keep up with a spike in usage that corresponds with the pandemic. “We have definitely felt the practical impact of processing delays,” said Duolingo spokesman Sam Dalsimer. “There’s also a psychological impact on employees futures and abilities to remain here are even more uncertain than ever.”

The tech industry is crucial to supporting offices working remotely, helping doctors provide telehealth services and keeping students learning at home, said Alex Burgos, senior vice president of federal policy and government relations at TechNet. “We’ve seen the administration extend tax filing deadlines,” he said, and similar flexibility in visa programs makes sense “because no one here is at fault in any way.”

In one case, Duolingo has been trying to hire an engineer who was recently let go from another tech company. The worker is in the U.S. on an O-1 visa, which is designated for individuals with extraordinary ability. Now with added pandemic delays, Duolingo estimates he’ll have to wait 6 to 9 months for his visa and work authorization. In the meantime, he can’t work for the company or leave the U.S.

The Trump administration has not responded to the letter. A U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services spokesperson declined to say if the agency would extend visa deadlines but said it may provide special support for people affected by circumstances beyond their control when requested.

The companies facing the hardest decisions, though, are those reducing staff in response to the pandemic. Some are choosing to furlough U.S.born workers and fire foreign employees whose visas require them to be paid. Others are choosing to keep H-1B workers on staff to maintain their legal status, while firing U.S. workers. There’s risk in either approach, because employers who treat workers differently based on their immigration status expose themselves to potential discrimination lawsuits, according to immigration and employment lawyer Rebecca Bernhard, partner at Dorsey & Whitney LLP.

The administration has taken a consistently hard-line stance on immigration and foreign-born workers. The number of non-immigrant visas issued in 2019 declined for the fourth consecutive year, to 8.7 million from 10.9 million in 2015, according to the State Department. Last month, the department closed embassies and consulate operations with little guidance to those who risk falling into illegal status. In-person services at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, a unit of the Department of Homeland Security, have been suspended since March 18 and won’t resume until June 4 at the earliest, a 78-day gap in service. On April 20, President Trump tweeted that he planned a temporary ban on all immigration to protect American jobs; the following day he announced an executive order blocking most people coming from outside the U.S. from receiving green cards for 60 days. This raised the threat of further disruptions for companies who employ many foreign-born workers. On the day the president announced his executive order, Luis von Ahn, co-founder and chief executive of the language-learning startup Duolingo Inc., posted a message on Twitter saying a green card ban would force the company to move jobs abroad. Von Ahn is an immigrant from Guatemala, and one-fifth of Duolingo’s 250-person staff are on H-1Bs

For some workers, a stable future in the U.S. suddenly seems distant. Shawn Noronha, a 23-yearold Australian living in San Francisco, was let go from his job at a fintech startup, in January. He found a new position with an enterprise software startup willing to sponsor his visa. But before he could get to an Australian consulate to update hisupdate his paperwork coronavirus hit. Noronha changed his status from a working visa to a tourist visa, which gives him until the end of June to stay in the U.S. He is spending his free time baking, taking walks and learning Python, a programming language. But without a regular paycheck he’s eating into his savings. The recent tweets from President Trump about tightening restrictions on immigration have him questioning his choice to migrate to the U.S. “It’s made me think, have I made the right choice?” said Noronha. “Should I just go back home and maybe chase the American dream later on in life?” - Bloomberg

Page 4 • VOICE OF ASIA (Section A)

FRIDAY, May 8, 2020

Family Health

Section 1

Email: voiceasia@aol.com

How to keep your immunity strong through Ramadan A look at what you must eat after you break your fast to keep infections at bay by Suchitra Bajpai Chaudhary,


UBAI, April 24, 2020 -With this year’s Ramadan coming in the wake of the unprecedented COVID-19 outbreak, the question of nutrition and immunity are being widely discussed.

Can fasting impair one’s immune system’s response to fight infections and what kind of food groups does one need to include while ending the fast to ensure replenishment of lost nutrients? In times of the COVID 19 pandemic, it is vital to maintain an optimal immune strength, say dieticians. Zeina Younes, Clinical Dietitian at the Dubai Diabetes Centre, said, “Our immune system is the innate defence ability of our body to fight back infections that may come from viruses, bacteria, fungi and other environmental toxins. We have some innate strengths and some are supplemented by the right nutrition.” Younes said: “While several studies have indicated that fasting or cutting back on calories can actually enhance the activity of our T-cells and boost our immunity, it is important to get adequate nutrition when ending the fast.” She added: “If those who fast during Ramadan consume diets that are high in bad fats and in sugar at suhour and iftar, they are most likely to deprive their body of balanced nutrition.” - Macro and micro nutrients The body requires us to have adequate amounts of all the macro-nutrient groups like proteins, carbohydrates, fats and water, which are required for efficient metabolism. In addition the body needs adequate quantities of vitamins, enzymes, minerals and trace elements to build up an efficient warp and weft of a strong immune network. Archana Baju, clinical dietician at Burjeel Hospital Abu Dhabi, said, “In a recommended balanced diet, the proportions are well laid out. About 55 per cent of nutrition comes from carbohydrates, 25 per cent from proteins and 20 per cent from fats. When fasting, we need to keep the same proportion in mind and also focus on the quality and source of nutrition. “For instance a donut and a plate of mixed stir fry vegetables with quinoa or brown rice might give you the same calories. But a donut is fried and high in sugar and poor in nutrition, has a very high glycaemic index (GI is the rate at which the glucose is absorbed in the body) and is very small in portion size. It will make you feel hungry again. “Whereas a plate of complex, whole grain carbohydrate with vegetables which has a low glycaemic index and rich in vitamins, minerals and fibre will keep the blood sugar steady for longer, provide far greater nutrition and boost one’s immune system. Therefore it is important to select the right kinds of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in your diet.” - Striking a balance For proteins, Baju recommend both plant and animal protein. “Proteins are important for repair and regeneration of tissue and cells and while we focus on animal sources of protein, it is essential to include legumes, lentils and pulses in your diet and have one portion of plant-based protein in your diet at least once. Besides, in the case of plant-based proteins, one usually mixes them with a nutrient-dense carbohydrate like rice or whole grain bread and vegetables. So one gets a balance of nutrition in one dish. In case of animal protein, choose lean protein such as eggs, dairy, fish or chicken


Tel: 713-774-5140

Medicare beneficiaries who get coronavirus may face a cost sharing shock (Medigap). • Depending on your coverage, there could be deductibles and Basic Medicare, which has no cap copays that come with a hospital stay on out-of-pocket spending, consists and accompanying treatment. of Part A (hospital coverage) and Part B (outpatient care). • Some beneficiaries who have extra coverage beyond basic If you don’t have additional covMedicare may fare better cost-wise, erage beyond basic Medicare — 6.1 although a recent study found Ad- million beneficiaries did not, at last vantage Plan enrollees could pay count. — you’d pay a $1,408 Part A more for a lengthy hospital stay. deductible for a hospital stay. • Regulators have alerted those Advantage plans that they must charge in-network rates to enrollees at out-of-network facilities in states with emergency declarations in place.

It is necessary to strike the right balance when choosing foods. (Image Credit: Supplied)

and have it grilled, pan fried or baked. Too much oil can destroy the nutritional element,” she added. The human body derives its nutrition from fats in the oils and nuts we choose in our diet. Baju said since the proportion of fat was only 20 per cent it was important to choose small portion of oils in cooking food and rotating the oils. “ My clients insist on going on zero fat diets. That is not desirable as a certain proportion of fat in our body is a shock absorber and required to digest many things. We must include nuts and seeds in our diet for source of healthy fats. “In case of oils, we must choose from olive groundnut, sesame, mustard and other oils, but we must rotate these in our cooking for best results and also use small amounts only. Cold press oils are more nutritious as the refining process destroys the nutritive element in oil. However cold press oils cannot be used in deep frying and are used more for salad and sauce dressings. We use virgin cold pressed olive , avocado and coconut oil in dressings. These get oxidised quickly and turn rancid. So use oil sparingly and rotate them. “ Talking of micro nutrients that are required in trace amounts but derived from a combination of food sources to get the best result. Younes added: “According to the American Dietetic Association, the human body must get adequate amounts of the vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D and E as well as Folate, Zinc and selenium in their diet. In addition to it, there is a need to maintain a healthy gut and for this one must have ample natural probiotics in the diet that we can get through fermented foods and yoghurt.” - ‘My Plate’ recommendationsAccording to the “My Plate” recommendations made by

the US Dietary Association (USDA), the ideal food plate must have ¼ portion of whole grain dense carbohydrate , ¼ portion of protein from a lean source , 1/4th cooked vegetable, ¼ raw vegetable like a salad or a fruit and a small portion of dairy like light laban or yoghurt. Keeping this combination in mind, Biju drew up a sample suhour and iftar menu - Tips to boost immunity during Ramadan• Eat fresh foods everyday which includes fruits, vegetables, legumes, lentils, whole grains (wheat, brown rice, oats, corn, quinoa), milk products and lean protein choices (egg, chicken, fish, meat) • Avoid all processed foods, packed foods loaded with salt and sugar • Include lot of fruits and vegetables rich in Vitamin B, C, E, A and D • Replace fried foods and sugary desserts with healthy alternatives. Adapt healthy cooking methods like steam, poach, bake, sauté, stir-fry etc


Houston Methodist Sugar Land Hospital begins ramp-up of services

• Use minimal salt for cooking and instead add herbs, spices, lemon, garlic and other seasonings • Trim off the visible fat from the meat, skinless chicken is best. Include good protein choices for Iftar and Suhour • Don’t overcook the veggies as they tend to lose the nutrients, colour and flavour • Drink lots of water. Choose low fat dairy, coconut water, herbal teas and soups for hydration • Snack on fresh fruits, veggie salads, nuts • Stay active whenever possible at home by taking small walks, climbing stairs, doing stretches etc - Gulf News

May is National Osteoporosis Month


That would cover the first 60 days per benefit period. Beyond that, daily copays of $352 apply up to the 90th day. Anything above dips from “lifetime reserve” days at a rate of $704 daily. For patients moved to a skilled nursing facility, there is no Sudhir Mathuria For the 62 million people enrolled copay for the first 20 days; it’s $176 HEALTHLIFE 360 — most of whom are age 65 or old- after that. er, or younger with disabilities — the 713-771-2900 coronavirus generally poses a greatMedical services like doctor’s er health risk. And while Congress visits are delivered through Part B. and regulators have eliminated out- It has a $198 deductible and benefi- 90-day supplies for medications. of-pocket outlays for testing — and ciaries typically pay 20% of covered taken other steps to improve access services. Advantage Plans to care — treating the virus will likely emerge as the bigger cost concern. About 24 million Medicare beneIf you have a Medigap policy, many of these costs would be cov- ficiaries get Parts A and B delivered While some Medicare beneficia- ered, either partially or fully. How- through an Advantage Plan, which ries have additional insurance that ever, Medigap policies have their also usually includes prescription covers the program’s out-of-pocket own rules for enrolling, which can drug coverage. costs — i.e., copays and deductibles limit who has access to them. And, — others pay more than their peers they can cost several hundred dollars These plans may or may not have for hospital stays and various med- a month. a monthly premium on top of what ical services. beneficiaries pay for basic MediMeanwhile, Medicare Part D (pre- care. They also typically have difAlthough most people recover scription drug coverage) also has no ferent deductibles and copays, and from the coronavirus without requir- cap on out-of-pocket spending. The those costs can vary from plan to ing significant Medicare care, here cost of medicine depends on the plan. are costs that could come with Medi- specifics of coverage. If there’s a decare coverage if treatment is needed. ductible with your plan, it can be up Source: CNBC to $435. Basic Medicare costs To choose right Medicare AdvanIt’s worth noting that the $2 trillion tage Plan, Medicare Supplement About 37.5 million beneficiaries coronavirus relief package signed Plan or Medicare Prescription Drug stick with basic, or original, Medi- into law on Friday requires Part D plan contact Sudhir Mathuria 713care. Many of them have additional plans with quantity limits to allow 771-2900 coverage — e.g., Medicaid, an employer plan or a supplemental policy

ay is National Oste- health. These include: oporosis Month, and a good reminder of • Eating foods rich in calthe importance of bone health.

cium and vitamin D, such as dairy products, salmon, dark Osteoporosis is a disease leafy vegetables and oranges. that results from bones losing their density or mass, and • Drinking alcohol and cafcan lead to painful broken bones and reduced mobility. feinated beverages only in Unfortunately, this condition moderation. Heavy drinking is common. Studies suggest can lead to bone loss and cafthat approximately one in two feine may decrease the body’s women and up to one in four ability to abosorb calcium. men age 50 and older will break a bone due to osteoporo• Engaging in exercises sis, according to the National that promote good posture, Osteoporosis Foundation. strength, flexibility and balance Luckily, there are steps you can take to improve your bone (SPM Wire)


UGAR LAND – (May 1, 2020) — Houston Methodist Sugar Land Hospital has reopened its diagnostic imaging, physical therapy, procedural and surgical schedules that had previously been restricted due to coronavirus-related guidelines and Governor Abbott’s Executive Order. The ramp-up is in response to the state’s latest order allowing the resumption of non-COVID 19 medical procedures.

ingness to help wherever needed and their expertise and skill were evident to all. They are the true champions of our COVID-19 response. Because of their efforts – and the community’s commitment to social distancing – we are once again ready to begin seeing patients with other health care needs.”

The air in the hospital is constantly refreshed from the outside, and special filters in the air handlers help block contaminants. In addition, patients being treated for COVID-19 are kept in a dedicated unit –preventing the spread of the virus – and caregivers assigned to those units do not interact with other patients.

To protect both patients and “We already had a robust health employees, Houston Methodist and safety program in place prior Sugar Land has implemented to the introduction of the coroHouston Methodist Sugar several new protocols: navirus in our community, and Land has continued to perwe’ve strengthened many of our form emergent surgeries during • Modified in-car check- processes to further protect our this time and has now resumed in and waiting process for outpa- patients and staff,” said Janan performing elective surgeries tient services Sackllah, senior infection preas of May 1. “We were fortuventionist at Houston Methodist nate to have time to prepare for • Screening everyone Sugar Land. “We are taking evCOVID-19 in our community, upon arrival with temperature ery precaution and will continue and our team carried out that checks and exposure question- to do so.” preparation efficiently and ef- naire fectively,” said Chris Siebenaler, Siebenaler said the Houston • Wearing appropriate Methodist hospitals remain in regional senior vice president and CEO of Houston Methodist personal protective equipment constant contact and coordinaSugar Land Hospital. “Because while providing patient care tion with each other and with our COVID-19 population has COVID-19 responders across the • Implementing addition- country, sharing best practices and stabilized in Fort Bend, we can begin to expand the number of al sanitation processes to disin- staying on top of developments. necessary procedures performed fect all equipment and surfaces “That level of communication that we previously delayed out enables us to implement the most • Implementing virtu- up-to-date patient care processes of an abundance of caution.” al waiting rooms and staggered and adapt quickly as new informaSiebenaler said the hospital appointment times to minimize tion becomes available,” he said. staff’s response to COVID-19 contact with others “We’ve learned and are continuing has been guided by compassion to learn a great deal, and I’m ex• Requiring masks for and a calling to serve. tremely proud of the way our team both patients and employees has responded with such dedica“Throughout the past several • Restricting visitors to tion and compassion.” weeks, our physicians, nurses only essential people needed to and staff members demonstratTo learn more about Houston support or assist a patient ed again and again that they are Methodist Sugar Land Hospital, fully committed to their roles as The facility’s HVAC system visit houstonmethodist.org/sugarcaregivers,” he said. “Their willalso plays a role in protection. land for more information.

Page 5 • VOICE OF ASIA (Section A)


White House could soon scrap Trump’s coronavirus task force


ASHINGTON | AFP | 5/5/2020 - In the latest sign that the Trump administration no longer considers the coronavirus pandemic its top daily priority, the White House could soon disband the emergency task force handling the outbreak.

Vice President Mike Pence said Tuesday that the emergency task force he heads will not be needed much longer than the end of this month. “I think we’re starting to look at the Memorial Day (May 25) window, early June window” for shutting it down, he told reporters. The coronavirus task force has spearheaded the complex response to the fast-spreading virus, which has already killed about 70,000 Americans.

The group headed by Pence and reporting to President Donald Trump coordinates between medical institutes, political staff and state governors, some of whom have spent weeks frantically trying to help overwhelmed hospitals. The task force also drew on medical experts to formulate national recommendations on social distancing. Pence said that those efforts will soon be ready to be turned over to regular government agencies working “in a more traditional manner.” That view of the situation no longer being an outright emergency goes with Trump’s new focus on pushing the country to embrace reopening of the economy.

Trump says that while he wants a “safe” reopening, the hardship caused by the economic shutdown is the main threat. Critics say that the health situation remains far from secure and that Trump is rushing to try and boost the devastated economy in time for his difficult reelection battle in November. White House spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany insisted that Trump will continue to be briefed by the medical teams, even if there is no formal crisis group. “Reporting on the task force is being misconstrued to suggest the White House is no longer involving medical experts. This is totally false. President @realDonaldTrump will continue his data-driven approach towards safely re-opening,” she tweeted.

Scheduling surgery, COVID-19 risks and more: What heart valve patients need to know


ALLAS, May 5, 2020 — An estimated five million patients in the United States live with heart valve disease, and many have had upcoming valve repair surgery rescheduled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The American Heart Association, along with 14 North American cardiovascular societies, recently issued a framework for safely resuming cardiovascular treatment, such as heart valve surgery, during the COVID-19 pandemic. People with heart valve disease live with symptoms that include shortness of breath, chest tightness and fatigue daily and must be especially cautious to avoid contracting COVID-19, due to the increased risk for complications.

as active as possible,” said Suzanne Arnold, cardiologist, St. Luke’s Health System, Kansas City, Missouri in a video by the American Heart Association, the world’s leading voluntary health organization dedicated to a world of longer, healthier lives. “Generally, heart valve patients whose condition can’t wait a few months are continuing to have the procedures done; whereas it may be safer for patients with less urgent valve problems to wait until things settle out a bit at the hospitals.”

recovery, which means fewer complications, shorter length of stay at the hospital and faster recovery after returning home” she said.

diligent when it comes to social distancing and coronavirus prevention. “While COVID-19 could attack anyone, people with underlying medical conditions are at greater risk of developing serious illness with COVID-19. This is likely the bigger concern - not that COVID-19 makes the [heart valve disease] worse, but that the valve disease may make COVID-19 harder to beat,” she said.

Love during lockdown: Singles in US reinvent dating by Antoine Boyer


ASHINGTON | AFP How do you find love when you’re stuck at home? The coronavirus pandemic has made that challenging, to say the least. But millions of single Americans are finding ways.

A blue-gloved couple goes for a stroll in Miami, Florida -- taking at least some precautions in the age of coronavirus, which has made dating difficult, to say the least Chandan Khanna (AFP/File photo)

an, she registered with several online dating apps in mid-March. Since then, she has found herself bending some of the confinement rules to improvise outings with her new acquaintances. “I was a bit nervous,” she told AFP. “It’s hard walking with a mask on your face when you’re meeting someone for the first time. So you end up taking off the mask after five minutes.” After a few disappointing outings during which she observed physical separation rules, she met someone she liked -- “and we ended up not respecting social distancing,” she admitted. - ‘The cherry on top’ In the new normal created by the virus crisis, video dating is fast becoming the norm. While Tinder lacks this option, both Hinge and Bumble offer virtual dating. Zach Schleien launched his Filter Off app for video speed-dating just before the pandemic struck, and at first only a few thousand users signed up. But that changed quickly. “It’s like a 7,000 percent increase in less than a month,” said the 29-year-old New Yorker, who believes online dating is the best way to assess possible

US-based Lebanese doctor on why elderly are hard hit by COVID-19

Dr. Elie Antoun Saade, center, a geriatrician and infectious disease specialist at University Hospitals in Cleveland, Ohio, with his colleagues. (Supplied)

• Dr. Elie Antoun Saade: “Both my grandparents had a lot of medical problems before they passed away. When I was still a medical student, I used to care for them.” • “The elderly have what we call a low reserve. They’re able to function well on a daily basis, but if they’re faced with a new threat like the coronavirus, they’ll be harder hit.”


family has stayed with him, even as he emigrated to the US in 2009 and began caring for the elderly in Cleveland, where the government could not be any more anathema to its Lebanese counterpart in terms of providing “It’s much harder for nursing the elderly with care. homes to get personal protective Saade gets personal with his equipment, or to apply the prinpatients. “I want to know how ciples of infection control like hospitals do,” Dr. Elie Antoun things are functioning at home, Saade, a geriatrician and infec- who is taking care of them,” he tious disease specialist at Uni- said. “They become like family versity Hospitals in Cleveland, to me.” Ohio, told Arab News. According to the Center for Saade, who hails from the town Disease Control, up to 27 perof Wadi Shahrour in Lebanon, cent of 85-year-olds who have has devoted his life to the elderly. contracted COVID-19 have died from it. “Both my grandparents had a More than 70 percent have relot of medical problems before they passed away. When I was covered, “but depending on how still a medical student, I used to hard the virus hit them and how they were treated, they’ve now care for them,” he said. become dependent,” Saade said. In his neighborhood, Saade So what exactly makes the elquickly became reputed for being the elderly’s doctor. “When- derly more vulnerable to this disever Mr. George fell or Mrs. Lin- ease? “The first thing you learn da had a sore, they’d call on me,” during geriatric training is that the elderly aren’t a bloc. There’s he said. variation there,” he said. In a country such as Lebanon, “But in general, the elderly where you lose your insurance upon retirement — just when have what we call a low reserve. you need it the most — the el- They’re able to function well on derly are totally dependent on the a daily basis, but if they’re faced strong family structure. Relatives with a new threat like the coronaand neighbors are there to make virus, they’ll be harder hit. That’s up for the total lack of govern- what we call the frail elderly.” ment support. The aggressive virus could en“In Wadi Shahrour, your very ter through the nose or mouth, survival depends on your in- and once it is inside, it not only volvement with family and destroys the Pneumocytes — the cells responsible for breathing neighbors,” Saade said. — but it also attacks the vascuThe belief that neighbors are lar, endothelial cells that line the lung vassals.

ASHINGTON, DC: Since the earliest days of the coronavirus outbreak, the despair wrought on the Arnold also advises people elderly has been laid bare in nurswith heart valve disease to be ing homes across the world.

For those who have an upcoming procedure, Arnold advises patients to also maintain good nutrition and physical activity and follow public health protoLearn more about heart valve “The most important thing cols for COVID-19 prevention. disease and how to manage “The healthier you are going for people with heart valve dissymptoms at home at heart.org/ ease is to stay healthy and stay into the surgery, the quicker the heartvalves.

Some have attempted socially distanced outings, others have turned to steamy video chats, while still others have tried international online dating as people adapt the art of seduction to the virus era -- and dating apps are finding ways to adjust. In normal times, Kate Earle, a 30-year-old teacher in Washington, finds it fairly easy to connect in person with men she finds attractive at first glance on Tinder. “But because that’s not an option, the conversations are going on much longer,” she said. Earle said those conversations also seem to veer more often toward “online sexual interaction,” but she added that she has never considered breaking lockdown rules for an in-person date. “I think everybody is a little bit sexually frustrated, and I am as well,” she said. “And there’s definitely been temptation to meet up with somebody... but I think it’s not so much that I would actually do it.” - Masks off The Great Lockdown has driven single people around the world to online dating apps in record numbers. Tinder saw an all-time high in usage on March 29, with more than three billion “swipes,” and the number of messages exchanged on rival app Bumble increased 26 percent over a two-week period in March in the United States. The lockdown order came at the worst possible time for Beatrice, who was newly separated from her husband and living in the US capital. A 30-something Frenchwom-

FRIDAY, May 8, 2020

romantic interest before meeting in person. “It’s been nuts.” So, can a romantic candlelight dinner with a stranger -- on a laptop screen -- really work? Dating coach Bela Gandhi cited the example of one client, a woman in her 60s, “who has fallen in love with somebody in the last six weeks, and they’ve only met via Skype.” Gandhi, who founded the Smart Dating Academy website, says video can make it easy to develop “emotional intimacy.” “And then it’s just the cherry on top of the sundae once you meet in person.” But Alexandra Solomon, a clinical psychologist on the faculty of Northwestern University outside Chicago, doesn’t see it quite that way. “Thank goodness we have video dating for now,” she said, but added: “When we come out of this, I really want people to go back to meeting across the table over a glass of wine or a cup of tea and having that old-fashioned organic experience of each other.” Meanwhile, for those interested in exploring possible matches abroad, Tinder is keeping its Passport feature free until Mon-

Mayor to spend $15M on rent relief for Houstonians... Continued from front page

The landlords who agree to participate in the program will need to agree to certain terms: • • •

Waive all late fees, penalties and interest for the two months. Allow tenants to enter a payment plan for any rent due in excess of $1,056. Rescind any prior notice to vacate and halt any prior eviction proceedings for the two months.

2020 •

Affirm that their inability to pay is due to financial hardship resulting from the economic impact of COVID-19

Have income less than 80% of the Area Median Income (approximately $40,000 for one person or $60,000 for family of four) or qualify for one of the programs listed in the application (e.g. Medicaid, WIC, SNAP, Head Start, or VA Pension)

Not sure if you qualify? According to the proposed order, The program already has the renters must meet the following support of the Houston Apartment Association, which esticriteria: mates it could help a number • Live inside the city of of workers in the service indusHouston try, many of whom were laid • Be late on residential rent- off from their jobs because of al payments for either or restaurant and bar closures. If passed by city council on both the months of April Wednesday, the rental assistance and May program is expected to be quick• Be current on their rent for ly rolled out by BakerRipley, all months prior to April with applications available soon.

That causes inflammation. Water builds up there. And blood clots threaten to form in the lungs and elsewhere. “The elderly are more at risk, not only due to other underlying problems like lung and heart diseases, but also because when they have an infection in general, and the coronavirus in particular, they don’t know that they have it,” Saade said. “They don’t display the typical symptoms that other adults have, like a runny nose or a sore throat. Neither do they get a fever,” he added. “So the disease will progress without being really detected. By the time the symptoms appear, the virus will have advanced to cause inflammation in the heart, the lungs, or wherever the elderly person is most vulnerable.” The worst damage may be driven by a deranged immune response to the infection, rather than the virus itself. In the sickest patients with COVID-19, their blood is teeming with high levels of immune system proteins called cytokines. The body starts to attack its own cells and tissues rather than just fighting off the virus, in what scientists call “a cytokine storm.” Saade said: “The body goes completely haywire, into uncontrolled inflammation. Too much of the toxic material it produces and directs at the virus turns against the rest of the body and destroys the healthy cells as well.” He added: “This is where we give patients lupus or rheumatoid arthritis medication, like Aktembra, which, while not directed at the virus, helps with calming the body down.” As more clinical trials are being conducted on various COVID-19 treatments, Saade sees hope, particularly in Remdesivir, which has shown positive results in a newly published study. “It doesn’t eradicate the virus but it does provide hope, and having hope in these warlike times is akin to having ammunition,” he said. But COVID-19 treatment in the US has become as politicized as any other aspect of the crisis, especially with elected officials hyping some medications or treatments without any scientific proof. Doctors such as Saade often find themselves fighting misinformation instead of focusing on how to tackle the patient’s health, “like when we get a flood of calls insisting on getting a medication that politicians said worked like a miracle, but the negative effects of which, as doctors, we know all too well.” Saade believes the coronavirus is revealing more than ever the extent of our vulnerability, especially mirrored in our elderly population - Arabnews

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FRIDAY, May 8, 2020

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FRIDAY, May 8, 2020

BAPS Charities volunteers coordinate comprehensive and global response to the global COVID-19 pandemic


early one million people in the US have been diagnosed with the COVID-19 disease and over 50,000 have lost their lives – and the numbers continue to grow. Although it is a trying time for society, stories of communities and individuals coming together continue to inspire all. In the words of the late president of India A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, “When we tackle obstacles, we find hidden reserves of courage and resilience we did not know we had.” Many individuals are fighting the pandemic directly as healthcare workers and frontline responders, while others are serving society as ordinary volunteers doing extraordinary things.

A global pandemic requires a global effort, and BAPS Charities has mobilized is volunteers throughout the world including the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, South Africa, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, New Zealand, Australia, and India. Through grassroot efforts across each one of these countries, BAPS Charities and its affiliated organiza- BAPS Charities Donates $5,000 to Memorial Hermann Sugar Land Hospital in Houston. tions have endeavored to support local healthcare workers, hospitals, police and fire departments, seniors, children, as well as the most vulnerable individuals. Key pillars of BAPS Charities’ efforts include donations of personal protective equipment (PPE) for medical facilities, first responders and essential workers, ensuring food availability for those affected or at-risk, providing assistance for essential equipment needed at hospitals, as well as assistance to organizations dealing with mental health and well-being. PPE Donations: From the initial assessment of the pandemic, volunteers found that PPE, surgical masks in particular, have been in shortage. Immediately BAPS Charities mobilized volunteers to provide for 5,000 N95 respiratory masks to some of the hardest hit hospital systems in the New York / New Jersey area. Joseph Chirichella, President and CEO of Deborah Heart and Lung Center in Burlington County, New Jersey, called the donation a “wonderful gift at a critical time.” In another instance, BAPS Charities donated 5,000 surgical masks to Washington Hospital in Fremont, California. Kimberly Hartz, Chief Executive Officer of Wash-

out all the community support.” Across the nation, BAPS Charities volunteers additionally recognized the need for PPE and other supplies amongst first responders such as police officers. In Massachusetts, BAPS Charities donated surgical masks, N95

Indian American nurses at the forefront of Covid fight... Challenges at work and impact on family life

masks, and hand sanitizer across the police departments of three cities – Lowell, Tyngsborough, and Chelmsford, Massachusetts. “We are deeply touched by this initiative and grateful for BAPS Charities stepping up to help out during this critical time. Such strong support is not only imper-

on my door and asks, “Where are you?” My life has turned upside down. After working in ICU at the hospital, I am isolating myself in my room in the house.” Kavya from Long Island, New York who works in a Rehabilitation Unit at a local hospital says, “Now we are treating only post Covid patients on my Unit. Among all the patients and negative news about the losses, I was glad to discharge a 68yrs old patient home last week. He had come to the hospital for kidney transplant, and had subsequently developed Covid and was faced with several complications. There are several Nurses who have sacrificed their lives while caring for the patients with Covid 19. Aleyamma John, 65, a registered nurse at a New York City Queens Hospital Center, passed away on Tuesday, April 7. She began her career at Park-

er Jewish Institute for Health Care and Rehabilitation, before moving on to the NYC Health + Hospitals system in 2003. “We honor Aleyamma’s record of service to the patients of New York, and her career spanning record of National Association of Indian Nurses of America (NAINA) membership and participation,” Agnes Therady, RN, and currently serving as the President of NAINA, the foremost organization for all professional nurses of Asian Indian heritage in the US since 2006, said. These Nurses are among the thousands of Registered Nurses of Indian Origin in the New York Tri-state area and around the nation who have been in the forefront providing professional nursing care to thousands and thousands of COVID-19 patients. Nursing has an incredible journey, from where nurses used the second hand of a wristwatch to

National Association of Indian Nurses of America (NAINA) members in Florida.

Continued from front page

symptoms while serving patients who are not diagnosed with but carry the virus, has been devastating. Mary does not work on a Unit assigned to work with Covid positive patients, but has been unknowingly caring for many such patients, risking her own life and that of her family. Mini was called to work on the Corona Units, which have now come to be occupying entire five Floors in addition to the ICU/ EDs in her hospital because of an overwhelming flow of people diagnosed with the deadly virus. The lack of adequate Tests for

mate healthcare monitors – vigilant observers and problem solvers, poised to take action whatever the challenge. Our mindset is one of preserving the unique attributes of our roles while embracing the progress that helps us excel.” During this pandemic affecting the entire world, the role of Nurses has become even more challenging in every possible way. Ciji, an ER Nurse at a local hospital in the state of Connecticut says, “When I first heard about Covid-19, I never in my wildest dreams thought it would be this bad.” Challenges of working with the Covid patients is not limited

most of them are on the Ventilator for weeks now, it is very depressing to work with patients during this pandemic,” Shyla says, “We are working hard all day and night, don’t see the progress in several patients.” “It’s even more stressful when I return home after serving the patients in the hospital. My kids, particularly, my 2 year old Jace is always waiting at the door and wants to come to me, but I am running away from him to my room for fear of infecting my precisions children and husband with the virus. It’s heart breaking, when my little Jace knocks

ative to our response but a great morale boost for our staff,” said a representative of the Lowell Police Department. Total PPE donated (USA): 49,300 This includes N95 and other surgical level masks, nitrile gloves, bottles of hand sanitizers, protective eyewear / face shields, and other PPE. Hot Food for Healthcare workers and Care Packages for Seniors: As frontline medical workers toil and strain to care for those severely affected by COVID-19 in hospitals, it becomes imperative that their own health and well-being is kept well. BAPS Charities provided hot food packages to these heroes. In addition, volunteers also reached out to provide care packages and food donations to vulnerable and affected families across the country. These hot food deliveries, care packages, as well as canned food donations have been organized from coast to coast. In the greater Atlanta area, BAPS Charities, in collaboration with BAPS Shayona, delivered 1,000 care packages to many senior citizens and families. In addition, over 900 pounds of canned food were donated to the Gwinnett County School system to help provide necessary daily nutrition to many students who are dependent on school

Essential supply bags donated to Senator Ling Ling Chang’s office to support the seniors.

ington Hospital Healthcare System accepted the donation and remarked, “It is so important to ensure the safety of our patients and our staff, and this donation helps a lot... For BAPS Charities to think about us means a lot. We have wonderful people working here, but we couldn’t do it with-

Hot meals served to first responders in New York City.

NAINA members

meals. In Chicago, Illinois, over 400 food packages were donated across various hospitals including, Central DuPage Hospital, St. Alexius Medica Center, and Alexian Brother Medical Center. At St. Alexius Medical Center, Michelle Johnston RN described what the donation would mean to hospital staff, saying, “The donations we get as a staff team truly keeps us going. With every meal provided to us from the community, we are reminded that there are so many people who care about us.” In Los Angeles, California, 7,500 hot meals, packaged snacks and beverages we served to frontline workers. Hilda L. Solis, Los Angeles County Supervisor, notes: “The employees at Queen of the Valley Hospital in West Covina are the heroes of this moment. I thank BAPS Charities for providing meals to the hospital staff.” Total food and care packages delivered (USA): 26,000 This includes hot vegetarian food, packaged snacks and beverages, essential supplies. For further details about the above efforts and information regarding supporting the ongoing BAPS Charities COVID-19 visit the following link USA: https://www.bapscharities.org/covid-19

calculate IV drip rates, universal precautions didn’t exist and nurse lived by the kardex, a roadmap to all things for the patient care to present time where it is highly specialized in every aspect of health care delivery, education, research, and policy formation. Nursing is a much broader career now and plays a key role at all levels of health care. Today, we are more likely to find an RN teaching at a university, conducting research or occupying hospital administrative positions than we were a decade ago. At the same time, preserving and practicing the time-honored skills of listening, therapeutic conversation, and personal touch in caring for patients and families. Sumana Gaddam rightly points Read complete report online: www.voiceofasia.news

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Email: voiceasia@aol.com


FRIDAY, May 8, 2020

Tel: 713-774-5140

Indian American Alabama Indian mechanic invents student names NASA’s first ‘social distancing’ motorbike Mars helicopter


ORTHPORT, Ala. (AP) — An Alabama high school student named NASA’s first Mars helicopter that will be deployed to the red planet later this summer.

Ingenuity, the name submitted by Vaneeza Rupani, was selected for the 4 pound (1.8 kilograms) solar-powered helicopter, NASA said in a statement on Wednesday. The name coined by the junior at Tuscaloosa County High School in Northport was just one of 28,000 names submitted in NASA’s “Name the Rover” essay contest for K-12 students across the United States. “The ingenuity and brilliance NASA via AP screengrap of Vaneeza Rupani. The winning name that of people working hard to over- Rupani submitted from 28,000 names submitted in NASA’s “Name the come the challenges of inter- Rover” essay contest for K-12 students in the U.S. planetary travel are what allow showcase.” Alabama Sen. RichIn March, ard Shelby also congratulated the space Rupani for the honor. agency select“It was really cool I got to be a ed the name Perseverance part of something like this,” she for the Mars told the AP. Rover based Ingenuity has already completon a Virgin- ed testing in a NASA simulation ian student’s chamber in Southern California. essay, but Next, it will be attached to the decided to belly of the Perseverance, which come back to will take off for Mars in July or NASA on Wednesday chose Ingenuity as the name for the submitted a helicopter that will be deployed in Mars later this essays to also August. After it arrives on the red planet, the helicopter will resummer. (NASA via AP) pick a name main under a protected covering for the heli- to protect it from debris until the copter that timing is right for the aircraft to us all to experience the wonders of space exploration,” Rupani will accompany the Rover. be deployed. wrote in her essay. “Ingenuity NASA Administrator Jim It will then have a 31-day flight is what allows people to accom- Bridenstine said Ingenuity window to prove that powered plish amazing things, and it al- “encapsulates the values that lows us to expand our horizons our helicopter tech demo will flights can be accomplished on Mars, NASA said. to the edges of the universe.”


GARTALA, India | AFP | Thursday 4/29/2020 An Indian school dropout has built a motorbike with a one-metre gap between the rider and the passenger to drive home the importance of social distancing in the coronavirus pandemic.

Partha Saha, 39, bought an old bike from a scrap dealer, removed the engine and cut the machine in two before affixing a rod slightly longer than a metre (3.2 feet) to connect the wheels. “Now I can ride with my eightyear-old daughter while maintaining a safe distance,” he told AFP from Agartala in the northeastern state of Tripura. Like other countries, the Indian government has imposed a na-

Saha’s new bike runs on battery power and has a top speed of 40 kilometres per hour (25 mph) (AFP Photo/Abhisek Saha)

COVID-19, with 1,074 deaths. plans to use to ferry his daughter When the nation extended its to and from school once the relockdown this month until at strictions are lifted. “I didn’t want her to take the school bus as it would be crowded,” said Saha, who works in a TV repair shop. His new bike runs on battery power and has a top speed of 40 kilometres per hour (25 mph). It takes three hours to charge the battery, which allows the bike to travel 80 kilometres (50 miles), Saha said. “The cost of charging it once comes to about 10 rupees (13 cents),” he added. The mechanic has already tried out his invention on the streets, leaving onlookers stunned at the Self-made automobile engineer Partha Saha (L) built a motorbike de- design and drawing praise from Biplab Kumar Deb, Tripura’s signed for social distancing (AFP Photo/Abhisek Saha) chief minister. “Necessity is the mother of tionwide lockdown and urged cit- least May 3, Saha realised the izens to practise social distancing battle against the virus might not invention! I congratulate Partha Saha... for making a unique to curb the spread of the virus. be over any time soon. motorcycle to create awareness As of Thursday, India had He used up his meagre savings during COVID-19 pandemic,” reported 33,050 cases of to make the vehicle, which he Deb tweeted.

Oscar de la Renta Evening Ensemble


Fort Bend View

FRIDAY, May 8, 2020

Section 2

Sugar Land, Katy, Stafford, Missouri City, Richmond, Rosenberg and Meadows Place Email: voiceasia@aol.com


Fort Bend ISD Nation to help Alumni


UGAR LAND - The Fort Bend Education Foundation aims to increase its focus on engaging alumni by launching a new digital community.

Fort Bend ISD Nation provides alumni access to regular updates, mentor and volunteer opportunities, special events and an alumni directory. The Nation’s blog and a monthly email update will include news and updates on a variety of subjects of interest to alumni. “We are excited to launch this new community to help us better engage our alumni as we work to provide opportunities to enrich and enhance the quality of education for all Fort Bend ISD students,” said Brenna Cosby, executive director of the Fort Bend Education Foundation. “Through Fort Bend ISD Na-

tion, we look to highlight the accomplishments of our alumni and welcome them back to the district as employees, volunteer mentors and tutors, participants in community focus groups and supporters in a wide range of other areas.” Any alumni may sign up for Fort Bend ISD Nation. They may also submit their names to the online directory and get information on class reunions, make connections and share profiles with their fellow alumni, as well as receive news on district initiatives and events. Members

Tel: 713-774-5140

Man creates sign and sits outside hospital to support wife during her chemo treatment


UGAR LAND - In a time when we’re all getting used to a new norm, people are having to get creative to stand by their loved ones when they are needed the most.

Kelly Conner and her husband Albert from Houston, Texas experienced this first hand. Kelly has been going through chemo since January in her fight against breast cancer. Her husband, Albert, has been by her side every step of the way, but that changed at her last appointment when he couldn’t be of the Nation can also learn how with her during her treatment they can get involved and make because of the COVID-19 pana positive impact on the school demic. district’s current students. So, he got creative. Sitting To learn more about Fort Bend outside in a lawn chair, Albert ISD Nation and to get more in- supported his wife the only way volved in the school district he knew how in a time when he community, visit https://fort- couldn’t be in the room with bendisdalumni.nationbuilder. her. His sign read, “I can’t be with you but I’m here.” - KTRK-TV, Channel 13

Screengrab: KTRK-TV

The Meal Bus collaborates with Fort Bend Senior Meals on Wheels Child abuse cases up by 20 percent in Fort Bend Co. during pandemic


uring these uncertain times, Fort Bend County Commissioner Ken R. DeMerchant’s “The Meal Bus” is racing ahead to serve the needs of the county. In collaboration with Fort Bend County Public Transportation, The Meal Bus is now able to deliver meals safely to the senior residents of Fort Bend County on behalf of Fort Bend Senior Meals on Wheels (FBSMW).


OSENBERG - As the coronavirus pandemic persists throughout the world, one unfortunate side effect is child abuse cases are on the rise.

The Meal Bus came into being when Commissioner DeMerchant saw an opportunity to repurpose Fort Bend County’s buses from solely transporting people to include transporting meals during these highly re“The Meal Bus” delivering meals safely to the senior residents strictive times of public safety. “We are grateful to have this partnership available to us,” stated Rick Branek, Field Operations Manager of FBSMW. The meal delivery, which started on April 27, 2020, will continue its route to serve the seniors every Monday and Thursday until nor-

mal operations resume.

team during the COVID-19 pandemic. Yesterday was a reminder Kevin Thompson, Operations that we are all in this together.” Manager of Fort Bend Transit shared his sentiments, “It is an DeMerchant hopes to seek honor and a privilege to work out other avenues to drive “The alongside the Fort Bend Seniors Meal Bus” for the benefit of the community.

Child Advocates of Fort Bend has seen a 20 percent increase in forensic interviews in March 2020, when social distancing mandates began, as compared to March 2019, according to the nonprofit. In early March, the agency hosted a grand opening at its expanded building in Rosenberg, which doubled its capacity to provide services to children. This expansion project was in response to a 53% increase in the last four years in the number of children who have been abused or neglected and received services, according to the nonprofit. “Fortunately for the children of Fort Bend County, we are better equipped to handle both the challenges of providing ser-

vices digitally and the spike in the need for services than we were even a year ago,” CAFB CEO Ruthanne Mefford said in the release. “Our renovation included digital upgrades that have allowed our staff to more easily shift to working digitally, and we have both the space and the staff to meet the increased need.” As an essential services business, CAFB is remaining vigilant during the coronavirus outbreak. The agency has put measures into effect to continue providing services for children and families in the safest way possible, the release said. Forensic interviews are still being conducted on-site one at a time as a way to practice social distancing. Staff is also on call in the evenings and on weekends, and therapists have been conducting distance therapy sessions. Although CAFB increased its capacity to serve, due to social

distancing orders, the agency is currently unable to host several fundraising events, Mefford said. “Much like (with) Hurricane Harvey, we expect that we will see a dramatic spike in reports once children return to school,” Mefford said. “Because physical distancing mandates have forced us to cancel and reschedule several fundraising events, we are now facing both an increase in need and a shortage of funding.” To help bridge this gap, CAFB is seeking additional funding from the community to continue providing service to children in need, the release stated. CAFB posted a challenge on Facebook to help raise $10,000 to fund their programs. To participate, go to their Facebook page or donate online at https://www.cafb. org/donate/. - KTRK-TV, Channel 13

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Email: voiceasia@aol.com

Shah Rukh Khan, Mick Jagger, Will Smith in star-studded India virus benefit


EW DEHLI | AFP | Sunday 5/3/2020 - Bollywood” superstar Shah Rukh Khan told jokes and sang for his adoring fans on Sunday during an almost five-hour online benefit to raise funds for those affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

Tens of thousands of viewers watched more than 70 of the country’s biggest celebrities -including cricket captain Virat Kohli and actor Khan -- as well as international names such as actor Will Smith and rock legend Mick Jagger in the “I for India” show broadcast on Facebook. “I can, I will, and I must help,” Khan told fans after singing a cheerful, humourous ditty about how “everything will be alright” following the deadly crisis. Jagger and Smith spoke about the struggles of rural migrant workers, many of whom have lost their jobs and gone hungry during an ongoing nationwide lockdown imposed from late March. “They may have lost their jobs, they may have lost their homes. They and their families may be going hungry. So I would like to ask you to donate. Please give what you can,” Jagger said. Bollywood’s biggest names -including Indian actress Priyanka Chopra Jonas and hearthrob Hrithik Roshan -- along with local choirs and children sang or spoke passionately in English and Hindi about raising money for those in need. Other celebrities interviewed doctors and experts about the virus and how health workers were coping on the frontlines of the pandemic. Organised by Bollywood directors Karan Johar and Zoya Akhtar, the event has so far raised 37.5 million rupees

A woman watches Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan sing during the “I For India” concert live on Facebook and projected onto a television screen in New Delhi -- Khan was among more than 70 Indian and global celebrities taking part in the coronavirus fundraiser (AFP Photo/Jewel Samad)

(US$499,326) out of a target of 60 million rupees. The donations would be matched rupee-for-rupee by major philanthropic groups including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the organisers said Sunday. - ‘No work, no home’ The funds will be donated to more than 100 groups providing food and other essential services during the crisis. Concert organisers said the money was needed “for those who have no work and no home and do not know where their next meal is coming from”. India, the world’s second-most populous nation with 1.3 billion people, late Sunday reported just over 40,000 cases of the infectious disease and 1,306 deaths. The government has hailed the weeks-long lockdown aimed at limiting the virus’s spread, but the number of new daily cases has continued to gradually rise with experts calling for more vi-

‘Life of Pi’ actor Irrfan Khan dies at 53

by Udita Jhunjhunwala


UMBAI | AFP | Wednesday 4/29/2020 -Acclaimed Indian actor Irrfan Khan, whose international movie career included hits such as “Slumdog Millionaire”, “Life of Pi” and “The Amazing Spider-Man”, has died aged 53, his publicist said Wednesday.

He sobbed for hours when he found out about the cuts, he told India’s Open magazine. “It changed something within me. I was prepared for anything after that,” he said.

Television roles followed, along with a handful of bit parts in Bollywood, where producers The Bollywood star, who was routinely dismissed him as lookdiagnosed with a neuroendocrine ing too unconventional to play tumour in 2018, was admitted to the lead. a Mumbai hospital earlier this By the time British director week with a colon infection. Asif Kapadia cast him as a merIndia’s Prime Minister Nar- cenary in “The Warrior”, he was endra Modi paid tribute to the ready to quit acting, frustrated award-winning actor, tweeting over the direction of his career. “Irrfan Khan’s demise is a loss But, in a sign of the global sucto the world of cinema and thecess that lay in wait, the 2001 atre.” film racked up awards and won Funeral rites for the actor were Khan praise -- including in Inunder way at a graveyard in dia, where a new generation of Mumbai, with only immediate directors was eager to experifamily allowed to attend in keep- ment with fresh storylines. ing with India’s strict lockdown - ‘Unmatched talent’ to curb the spread of coronavirus. His drama school training came in handy when he was cast Born in the Indian desert state in “Maqbool” and “Haider” -of Rajasthan on January 7, 1967, contemporary Hindi adaptations Khan discovered an early pasof “Macbeth” and “Hamlet”. sion for acting and studied at the elite National School of Drama. But he also charmed audiences in lighter fare such as “Piku”, But his training in Shakespeare featuring Bollywood superstars and Chekhov did little to ease his Amitabh Bachchan and Deepika entry into the Hindi film indusPadukone, and “The Lunchbox”, try, which was then largely focused on churning out formulaic in which he played a lonely accountant in love with a housesong-and-dance blockbusters. wife. Even as he landed a role in Bachchan led tributes to Khan 1988’s “Salaam Bombay” -- dion Wednesday, describing him rected by first-timer Mira Nair -his part was slashed to a cameo. as “an incredible talent” whose

some restrictions are set to be eased from Monday in areas with fewer virus cases. Arvind Kejriwal, chief minister of New Delhi, which has the third-highest number of virus cases among India’s states and territories, said Sunday that the economic impact of the lockdown was severe in the national capital and the city needed to be reopened in non-virus “containment zones”. “People are facing a lot of hardships. Jobs are going. The economic infrastructure has been hit hard,” he said in an online briefing, adding that he would speak to the national government about the possibilities of opening up Delhi. “We have to start preparations so that we can learn to live with

Tens of thousands of viewers watched Indian cricket captain Virat Kohli and other stars during the online benefit (AFP Photo/Jewel Samad)

rus testing. corona. Corona has now come The lockdown was extended in our country It’s not going to for two weeks on Friday, but go anywhere.”

death had left “a huge vacuum” munity. in the industry. Khan took a sabbatical to seek His “Slumdog Millionaire” treatment in London -- accomco-star Anil Kapoor called Khan panied by his family -- before “an inspiration for everyone, a returning to play a middle-aged remarkable actor, unmatched father in “Angrezi Medium”, his talent & a great human being”. final film and a follow-up to the 2017 hit “Hindi Medium”. Actress Priyanka Chopra Jonas, one of a handful of BollyHe suffered a relapse in the wood stars to find success in months leading up to the film’s Hollywood, tweeted: “Your tal- release, however, forcing him ent forged the way for so many back to Britain. in so many avenues. You inIn an interview with the Mumspired so many of us.” bai Mirror newspaper in March Khan consciously sidestepped 2020, he described life after the traditional Bollywood tropes, diagnosis as “a roller-coaster focusing on the subtleties of his ride, a memorable one”. craft. “Happy moments were unThis allowed him to carve out derlined because of the inherent a stellar career in Hollywood as uncertainty. We cried a little and well, where he collaborated with laughed a lot,” he said. Oscar-winning directors such as Danny Boyle and Ang Lee and appeared in the HBO show “In Treatment”. Filmmaker Colin Trevorrow, who directed Khan in the 2015 blockbuster “Jurassic World”, described the actor as “a thoughtful man who found beauty in the world around him, even in pain”. “In our last correspondence, he asked me to remember ‘the wonderful aspects of our existence’ in the darkest of days,” Trevorrow tweeted. - ‘Roller-coaster ride’ In an interview with AFP in 2015, Khan said Western audiences “appreciate the elements and layers you bring to the character”. But he added: “The informality and personal connections in Bollywood are nice. Things are too compartmentalised in Hollywood, and the system can be rigid.” The father-of-two acted in almost 100 films, winning awards and the admiration of his peers. During the press promotions for their film “Inferno” in 2016, Oscar-winning actor Tom Hanks reportedly described Khan as “the coolest guy in the room”. But his life took a tragic turn in 2018 when he was diagnosed with cancer. The news devastated his fans and India’s film com-

Bollywood mourns another star as Rishi Kapoor dies at 67 by Udita Jhunjhunwala


UMBAI | AFP | Thursday 4/30/2020 - Bollywood mourned a second loss in as many days as celebrated actor Rishi Kapoor, whose career spanned half a century, died Thursday aged 67 after a prolonged struggle with cancer.

The news came as a severe blow to the Hindi movie industry and film lovers, who were already reeling from the death Wednesday of the internationally renowned actor Irrfan Khan, aged 53. “Our dear Rishi Kapoor passed away peacefully... today after a two-year battle with leukemia,” his family said in a statement. Fellow-actor Amitabh Bachchan was among the first to mourn his death, tweeting: “I am destroyed”. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi also paid tribute, calling him “a powerhouse of talent”, while Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan hailed him as “one of the greats”. Industry megastar Shah Rukh Khan recalled how Kapoor had welcomed him into the Bollywood movie business when he was a newcomer in the 1990s. “Few men have the capacity for grace as he did, fewer still have the large heartedness of feeling genuine happiness for the success of others,” Khan wrote in a statement posted to Twitter. Kapoor was cremated Thursday at a private ceremony in Mumbai under heavy security, with his family urging fans to follow India’s restrictions on public gatherings to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Born September 4, 1952 into the prolific Kapoor dynasty -which has produced four generations of actors including his son, Ranbir -- he made his debut in the 1970s epic “Mera Naam Joker” (“My Name is Joker”). He received India’s National Award for best child actor for his performance in the film, which his father Raj produced, directed and starred in. But it was his later persona as a romantic lead that won him legions of fans. They flocked to cinemas to see him sing, dance and charm his way into their hearts in films such as the 1973 superhit “Bobby” and the 1975 thriller “Khel Khel Mein” (“While Playing”). - Bollywood royalty -

His trademark look -- a sweater tied around his shoulders as he courted chiffon sari-clad leading ladies in the Swiss Alps -- became shorthand for stylish Bollywood romance. He was frequently cast opposite Neetu Singh -- who he later married and raised two children with -- jewellery designer Riddhima and Bollywood heartthrob Ranbir. Bona fide Bollywood royalty, Kapoor churned out hits as a solo hero, playing a lovelorn youth in the 1976 romance “Laila Majnu” and a rockstar in the 1980 musical thriller “Karz” (“Debt”). But he also felt secure enough to take second billing in blockbusters such as the 1977 comedy “Amar Akbar Anthony” -- starring Bachchan and Vinod Khanna -- although he’d frequently steal the show. He enjoyed an easy chemistry with male and female co-stars, playing Bachchan’s younger brother in the 1981 melodrama “Naseeb” (“Destiny”) and his son in the 2018 film “102 Not Out”. - Versatile star As Kapoor grew older the romantic roles dried up, allowing him the opportunity to display greater versatility. He terrified audiences as a human trafficker in 2012’s “Agneepath” (“Path of Fire”) and won applause for his portrayal of a cantankerous porn-watching grandfather in 2016’s “Kapoor & Sons”. His forays behind the camera were less successful. A 1999 directorial debut “Aa Ab Laut Chalen” (“Come, Let’s Go Back Now”) was panned by critics, becoming the last movie produced under the R.K. Films banner established by his father. In a 2016 interview with talk show host Simi Garewal, he praised members of Bollywood’s younger generation for taking more chances with their work. “We in our times never got a chance to (do) one film at one time... we survived,” he said. He was never afraid to speak candidly, whether about his movies -- most of which deserved to be forgotten, he joked to Garewal -- or about his struggles with alcoholism. In recent years he won a legion of new and younger fans with his frank, and often funny, tweets.

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by Sharlene Sharmila Richards, Immigration Lawyer Email at srichardslaw@aol.com


Mala Sharma

Texas legislature enacted the Wrongful Death Statute which provides the sole remedy and maximum compensation for the decedent’s spouse, children, and parents for all losses sustained as a result. Wrongful death is defined as death that occurs as the direct result of intentional, unintentional, negligent, reckless, or unskillful actions of a person or entity when the death was avoidable and there are monetary damages. This action creates a valid wrongful death claim and it is especially important when the deceased was the primary income owner or estate owner for the surviving family members.

What damages may be recovered?

When there is a valid wrongful death claim or death caused by the defendant’s intentional act or omission or gross negligence, plaintiffs are entitled to actual damages and exemplary damages for the harm caused by Defendant. The damages awarded are shared equally among all plaintiffs entitled to recover. The recovery for wrongful death claims includes lost income that the deceased would have earned if s/he were still alive and employed, lost care and assistance, property, legal fees, mental anguish, distress, emotional pain, physical pain that the wrongful death of a loved caused on surviving beneficiaries and depenWho can file a Wrongful dents. Death Claim in Texas? Texas Wrongful Death law There are many parties that exists to provide a right for the can file for wrongful death surviving family to pursue a lawclaims, including the spouse, suit against the negligent person children, and parents of the or company to seek full damagdeceased. Siblings of the de- es and punish the wrongdoer for ceased are not allowed to file their negligence. It is imperative a claim. Under Texas law, the that spouses, children, or parplaintiffs of such lawsuit are in ents suffering from the wrongful the shoes of the victim if s/he death of a loved one, to contact a had lived. Each party may file qualified attorney to begin worktogether as a team or separate- ing on their claim immediately. ly. Further, the named benefi- The attorney will work to prove ciaries must file the claim with- all evidence of the egregious in three-months after the death actions by the defendant for the or the executor or administrator highest compensation. of the estate shall bring suit on

Mala Sharma has been practicing family law and personal injury with her family at the Law Offices of Sharma & Associates, founded in 1997. Mala has been appointed leadership roles for the American Bar Association GP Solo and GP Solo YLD division, is Board member of the Houston Trial Lawyers Association, Past President of the Houston Northwest Bar Association, and prior board member of the South Asian Bar Association. She is also a member of the Houston Bar Association. Mala Sharma has been selected to the 2019 Texas Rising Stars by Super Lawyers. Mala has also been selected as 10 Best Attorneys by the American Institute of Personal Injury Attorney for 20182019, Top 40 under 40 by the National Trial Lawyers for 2018-2019, and Texas Top 10 Personal Injury Attorney by Attorney and Practice Magazine for 2019. Disclaimer: This material is available for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice. If you require advice on any particular legal question, you may contact Sharma & Associates at 281-893-8644 or by email at mala@sharmalaws.net to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case.

In historic first, US Supreme Court broadcasts live


ASHINGTON | AFP | Monday 5/4/2020 - The US Supreme Court resumed hearing cases Monday after a pause occasioned by the coronavirus, but in a small revolution for the tradition-bound institution the justices participated from home, with live audio broadcast on radio and television.

The move to greater transparency has been demanded for years in legal circles and was long ago adopted by many state and local courts. But for the nation’s highest court, it took a pandemic to make it happen. The nine justices made no acknowledgement of the change in the way they were approaching the day’s business, aside from liberal judge Stephen Breyer’s brief remark of “Good morning anyway.” The first live broadcast went off largely without a hitch, albeit with the odd moment of silence and some background crackling. In normal times, the court meets in its stately neo-classical building directly across First Street from the US Capitol. Two hundred seats in its marble hearing room are reserved for members of the public, who often line up for hours outside the white-columned facade for the privilege of hearing the justices ponder issues ranging from the arcane to the history-changing. In the courtroom, electronic equipment is strictly banned, and journalists are not allowed to report on the justices’ debates until their conclusion. Official recordings of the proceedings -audio only -- are posted online only days later. Despite calls for reform, the court has always refused to allow microphones or cameras, saying it does not want to lend undue weight to hearings,

which justices say are often less Conservative judge Samudecisive than the written arguel Alito observed that the case ments submitted by lawyers. focused on “how a ruling can But on Monday, for the first make sense in the internet age time in history, several media and be reconciled” with a precoutlets, including the Fox and edent from the 1880s and a law C-Span networks, broadcast live from the 1940s. the exchanges between the jusOver the coming two weeks, tices, each still confined at home, the court will hear arguments in and lawyers arguing cases. nine other cases. The pandemic has forced the The most highly anticipatjustices -- including progressive Ruth Bader Ginsburg, an octo- ed, set for May 12, will deal genarian who has been in fragile with whether President Donald health -- to telework for nearly Trump’s accountants and bankers can be compelled to turn over two months. his financial records to Congress For Monday’s hearing, they and New York prosecutors. took part by telephone. But with Trump has fought to protect no cameras involved, they did his tax records from public scrunot have to wear their traditional tiny. black robes. “Over my dead body,” former justice David Souter once famously said about cameras in the courtroom. To avoid confusion, the justices spoke in order of their seniority on the court, rather than in their usual impromptu fashion. Television viewers could only see photos of the justices on the screen, above their names. The bailiff opened the hearing with the traditional “Oyez, oyez, oyez” call for silence and attention. The first case dealt with whether the popular travel site Booking.com is allowed to register its name as a trademark -- or whether that would be barred by federal law banning the trademarking of generic terms. Erica Ross, for the government, argued that allowing the company to do so “would effectively give the respondent a monopoly on the words booking. com and would interfere with competitors’ ability to use similar domain names.”


Q: My sister came to visit me using her B-1/B-2 Visitor Visa. She was supposed to depart from the US on April 28th, 2020 but her flight got cancelled. Her 6- month authorized stay will be expiring on May 28th, 2020. She has been trying to get a return flight home but to date, nothing seems to available. My sister is worried that she will end up overstaying her authorized stay. She also does not know when she will be able to book a flight to return home. What should she do? A: It is advisable to file for extension of her B-2 Visitor status. If she were to file for the extension, please ensure that the extension application is filed prior to the expiration of her current status on May 28th, 2020. Extensions of B-2 Visitor status are permitted for up to a maximum of 6 months. The Form to use is Form I-539 Application for to Extend / Change Nonimmigrant Status. The filing fee is a total of $370.00 with an additional $85.00 for biometrics. She should include a copy of her passport, Visitor Visa, a letter explaining the reason for the extension, evidence that flights to her home country are unavailable and also evidence of ability to support herself during the period of the extension sought. Q: I am a Lawful Permanent Resident. I recently applied for a Re-Entry Permit because I need to travel to my home country as my father does not have a care giver and he is ill with throat cancer. My mother passed away leaving my father to fend for himself. I am his only daughter. The problem is my biometrics appointment scheduled in April 2020 was cancelled due to COVID-19. I am waiting for the biometrics office to reopen but was informed that it will remain close until further notice. What do I need to do to provide my biometrics for the Re-Entry Permit so that I can depart the US as soon as possible?

to the temporary office closure and if you do not receive a new appointment notice by mail within 90 days, call 800-375-5283. If you are unable to wait for this because of emergency, please contact USCIS at 800-375-5283 to request for emergency services assistance. In the USCIS website, it states that USCIS will provide services for ‘limited situations on a case by case basis’. To schedule an emergency appointment, it directs applicants to contact the USCIS Contact Center. The USCIS Contact Center information provides that applicants in the US may speak with a USCIS customer representative from Monday through Friday from 8.00 a.m to 8.00 p.m Eastern except on federal holidays. I suggest that you do that and have available the I-131 Application Receipt Number and documentary evidence of your father’s illness. Be prepared to explain why this is an emergency. Q: I filed for renewal of my Employment Authorization Document in April 2020 and I have received a receipt for the filing. However, I have not provided my biometrics and I am concerned that if the biometrics of application support center is closed, not providing my biometrics will delay the issuance of the Employment Authorization Document. Please let me know if I am able to also use the emergency services assistance offered by USCIS to provide my biometrics? A: For extensions or renewals of EAD Document, USCIS states that applicants who had an appointment scheduled with an ASC office after their closure on March 18 or who have filed a Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization for extension or renewal, will have their application processed using previously submitted biometrics. This will remain in effect until ASCs resume normal operations. In your case, USCIS will use your previously submitted biometrics to process the renewal of your Employment Authorization Document. You should receive a notice from USCIS indicating re-use of your biometrics. Q: My mother who is a Lawful Permanent Resident returned to her home country. How long can she remain there without encountering too many issues at time of entry to the US? There are not many flights due to COVID-19 and my mother’s health is frail.

A: As of March 18th, USCIS has temporarily suspended all biometrics appointments to avoid contact with the public. The information on the website further states that when USCIS resumes normal operation, USCIS will automatically A: An extended absence reschedule Application Supoutside the US may cause a Perport Center appointments due

manent Resident to lose their status. A permanent resident who remains outside the US for more than one year without a valid Re-Entry Permit is deemed to have abandoned his or her residence and the green card is invalidated automatically. If a Permanent Resident remains outside the US for more than 6 months but less than one year, it should be alright to return to US without any issues. The Customs and Border Protection Office at the port of entry could put him or her in secondary inspection to inquire the reasons of their ‘overstay’ over 6 months but still must admit him or her into the US. I advise, if at all possible, not to exceed the 6 months outside of the US. If that cannot be helped, then please have your mom return before her stay abroad exceeds one year. Q: My daughter who is a Lawful Permanent Resident will be absent from the US for more than one year by the end of July 2020. I heard that she can just apply for Re-Entry Permit? A: A permanent resident or green card holder must be physically present in the US to apply for re-entry permit and must have the biometrics (or fingerprinting) done here in the US. Applying for a Re-Entry Permit now is not a viable solution for your daughter. In this COVID-19 crisis, she should try to return to the US as soon as possible and not be absent from the US beyond 365 days. Disclaimer Any advice provided in this article is general in nature and not intended to constitute legal advice for any specific case. Please consult with an immigration lawyer about the specific circumstances of your case. My Bio Sharlene Sharmila Richards is a licensed Immigration Lawyer practicing in Houston, Texas. She is a member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association. She was admitted to the New York State Bar in 2000 and is a member of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals and a member of the US Supreme Court. If you require advice or assistance, you may contact her at telephone number 713-623-8088 or by email at srichardslaw@aol.com to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case.

Judge rules against US women’s soccer team in equal pay case


OS ANGELES | AFP | Saturday 5/1/2020 - A federal judge dismissed the United States women’s soccer team’s bid for equal pay on Friday, rejecting claims the players had been underpaid in a crushing defeat for the reigning world champions. In a 32-page ruling, Judge Gary Klausner of the US District Court for Central California in Los Angeles tossed the women’s claim of pay discrimination, ruling in favour of the United States Soccer Federation (USSF). Klausner did allow the women’s case for unfair treatment in areas such as travel, housing and medical support to proceed to trial, set for June 16 in Los Angeles.

But the judge said the equal pay claims -- the central plank of the case -- had been dismissed because there was evidence the women had Lisa Blatt, a lawyer for Book- previously turned down an offer in ing.com, said it would confer a the Collective Bargaining Agreement negotiations to be paid along

very “weak” advantage.


About the Author:


by Charlotte Plantive

Tel: 713-774-5140


Personal Injury:

behalf of the beneficiaries. There is also a two year statute of limitations from the date of death.

FRIDAY, May 8, 2020

the lines of the US men’s team.

the Equal Pay Act.

“The history of negotiations between the parties demonstrates that the WNT rejected an offer to be paid under the same pay-toplay structure as the MNT, and the WNT was willing to forgo higher bonuses for benefits, such as greater base compensation and the guarantee of a higher number of contracted players,” Klausner wrote.

Prominent US women’s team star Megan Rapinoe said after learning of the court’s decision that the battle is not over.

“Accordingly, plaintiffs cannot now retroactively deem their CBA (collective bargaining agreement) worse than the MNT CBA by reference to what they would have made had they been paid under the MNT’s pay-toplay terms structure when they themselves rejected such a structure,” he said.

“We are shocked and disappointed with today’s decision, but we will not give up our hard work for equal pay,” spokeswoman Molly Levinson said.

- ‘Shocked and disappointed’ -

“We will never stop fighting for EQUALITY,” she wrote on Twitter. A spokeswoman for the players reacted with dismay following Friday’s ruling.

“We are confident in our case and steadfast in our commitment to ensuring that girls and women who play this sport will not be valued as lesser just because of their gender.

The US women were left “We have learned that there are stunned by their defeat on the pay tremendous obstacles to change; issue. The women had been seek- we know that it takes bravery ing back pay of $66 million under and courage and perseverance to

stand up to them.” USSF said Friday night it would continue to work with the women’s program to grow the game in the United States. “We look forward to working with the Women’s National Team to chart a positive path forward and to grow the game both here at home and around the world,” it said. “We are committed to continuing that work to ensure our Women’s National Team remains the best in the world.” The increasingly acrimonious lawsuit had taken a dramatic turn in March, when a filing by lawyers for the federation argued that US men’s team players required a “higher level of skill based on speed and strength” than the women. The filing triggered outrage amongst the women’s players while influential sponsors such as Coca-Cola voiced disgust at the remarks.

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Young Life

Section 2

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Hollywood artist tutors Arabicspeaking kids during pandemic


Vietnam kids back at school after 3-month virus break

FRIDAY, May 8, 2020

Tel: 713-774-5140

WHO targets teens on social media to debunk virus myths


ANOI, Vietnam | AFP | 5/3/2020 - children in Vietnam returned to class on Monday after the country reported its 17th straight day of no domestically transmitted coronavirus infections.

The decision to reopen schools came after the Southeast Asian nation eased social distancing measures at the end of April -with experts pointing to a decisive response involving mass quarantines and expansive contact tracing for its apparent success in containing the disease. At a school in western Hanoi, secondary level students calmly The WHO has established a presence on Snapchat. (AFP/File photo) lined up to have their temperatures checked before filing into classrooms for the first time in by Robin Millard tion.” pandemic, experts say such tuto- more than three months. ENEVA, Switzerland | Kuzmanovic said the chalrials offer kids a reprieve whethAFP | Friday 5/1/2020 - lenge was how to put across seri“I am very happy and exciter in the comfort of their homes The World Health Orga- ous, educational information on ed because it’s boring being at or even in refugee camps. home,” said 11-year-old Pham nization said Friday it was working TikTok. with social media companies in a “Nowadays, children world- Anh Kiet. “With their help, we adjusted bid to quash misinformation about wide are confined in their homes some of our video products to “I feel safe when I wear a the coronavirus pandemic -- inand children in the Middle East be suitable to the platform,” she cluding on more light-hearted apps are no exception,” said An- mask and have my temperature popular with teenagers. said. checked, I am not afraid of being namaria Laurini, the former head - Google, YouTube filtering infected with the virus,” he addThe WHO said it had started of UNICEF in Lebanon. ed, before grabbing a classmate working with TikTok and SnapThe WHO has its own dedi“Suddenly their own world has for a quick catch up. chat since the pandemic broke cated COVID-19 “Myth bustdisappeared -- no more school, out in a bid to reach out to teen Tran Dang Ngoc Anh, 12, and younger social messaging ers” page, directly debunking no more play with their friends popular rumours about the viand no more human interactions said she’d missed her friends app users. rus, which has killed more than except with their family,” she and teachers and was happy to “We’re battling misinformation 230,000 people worldwide and be back -despite being a litadded. “It’s a lonely reality that every day,” said Andy Pattison, infected over 3.2 million. makes it difficult to dream, that tle apprehensive about wearing the UN health agency’s digital Pattison said the WHO was confines their imagination to the “stuffy masks in classrooms”. solutions manager. working on chatbot features with walls of their room -- if they are There are around 22 million On social media, “false stories WhatsApp, Viber, Facebook so lucky to have one.” school-age children and univer- outperform the truth on every Messenger and Apple Business Soha Bsat Boustani, a UNICEF sity students across Vietnam. single subject” in how far and Chat, but hoped to open chanconsultant based in Beirut, said After being sent home in late how quickly they spread, he told nels on up to 30 such apps to take into account the most popthe YouTube tutorials are much January, some kids returned last a virtual press briefing. ular ones in in various countries, needed in a region where such week but others -- including priThe WHO is therefore attempt- such as Line in Japan. mary school and kindergarten material in Arabic for children ing to combat falsehoods with is lagging in terms of creativity pupils -- will have to wait it out a science-based messages through “It’s really important that we further week. and innovation. the most commonly-used social reach millions of people directly in their own language,” he said. Universities have begun open- media apps, he said. “And so, initiatives like ‘Suing one by one. Pattison said that the WHO supreemo’ can only be seen in a Aleksandra Kuzmanovic, the was partnering with YouTube to positive light as it gives children WHO’s social media manager, Vietnam has recorded just 271 a healthy way out of confine- virus cases and zero deaths, ac- said the organisation had also try to remove harmful misinforment and a sense of normalcy.” cording to official tallies on Sun- established a presence on Tik- mation and eliminate scientifiTok and Snapchat during the cally baseless rumours, in a twoSo far Ali Adeeb, her sister and day. It has been more than two COVID-19 pandemic, because way relationship. nephew have produced seven weeks since the country reported most of its followers on previous YouTube gives the WHO invideos and they hope to continue a domestically transmitted infec- platforms were in the 25 to 35 sights into trending COVID-19 tion. with their project even after the age bracket. rumours and the UN agency tells pandemic. But far from letting their guard “On TikTok and Snapchat, we them which are harmless and down, authorities are enforcing are now reaching audiences that which might be dangerous. “I’m thinking now of teaching strict social distancing meaare much younger,” she said. Pattison said Google was kids how to draw popular carworking with the WHO so that toon characters ... and I’m hop- sures in schools -- with pupils “It was important for us to ing to open this space for other ordered to stay 1.5 metres apart communicate with teenagers searches for COVID-19 proartists,” she said. “I have a friend at all times. Everyone must wear how they can protect themselves. duced news from credible outlets and local in-country health who is a dancer and I would masks. “We are a science-based organ- information. love for her to teach kids how to Nguyen Xuan Khang, a head- isation that has serious informadance. “They’ve been very good at teacher in Hanoi, admitted it tion and TikTok is a platform that finding the right balance,” he “There’s a lot more we can would be difficult to keep the lit- is perceived as funny -- people said. tle ones in line. share funny videos and informado.”

Artist Reem Ali Adeeb gestures while pointing out the Netflix production of "Green Eggs and Ham" on which she worked, in her studio apartment in Los Angeles, California on April 29, 2020, where she is developing online tutorials in Arabic for children about art, including drawing and reading. (Frederic J. Brown/ AFP)

by Jocelyne Zablit


OS ANGELES | AFP | - It was during a phone conversation with her sister back in Qatar that the idea clicked for Hollywood animation artist Reem Ali Adeeb.

Like other regions across the world, young children in the Middle East were confined at home because of the COVID-19 pandemic, but there was not nearly enough original content online in Arabic to keep them entertained, such as fun tutorials and other activities.

reading them a story or doing crafts.” Ali Adeeb said her sister’s 7-year-old son Omar has even joined in the fun, offering origami tutorials to his peers. “He’s been the best. He’s done the most among us with three videos recorded already,” she said.

Ali Adeeb herself is using some of the characters from “Green Eggs and Ham,” notably Chickeraffe, a chicken/giraffe hybrid, to draw young viewers So Ali Adeeb, a Syrian-born into her world. animation artist who works at Sandi for her part keeps her Warner Bros. Entertainment young audience focused and alin Los Angeles, and her sister lows their imagination to travSandi, a university lecturer of el by reading them children’s pharmaceutics in Qatar, decid- books. ed to take matters into their own hands. “I thought I would read for kids during a time where buying The pair set up “Susupreemo,” or lending a book is very chala YouTube channel designed lenging, especially for some disto help Arabic-speaking kids advantaged kids in some Arab -- and their stressed-out parents countries,” she told AFP in an -- weather the coronavirus lock- email. downs through basic tutorials on drawing, making origami or sim“I started with a book suitable ply reading children’s books, all for children aged 3 to 6 years in Arabic. old and now I am selecting more books that can engage the kids “The idea is to create videos for longer periods,” she added. to engage the kids,” said Ali Adeeb, who at Warner Bros. has - A new reality worked on children’s shows including “Green Eggs and Ham,” The response, so far, has been a Netflix animated series based overwhelmingly positive with on the Dr. Seuss classic. children enthusiastically sharing their drawings via email and par“There’s tons of content on the ents thankful for the opportunity web in English for kids but there to be able to hold work meetings is not enough original content in online without being interrupted Arabic,” added the 34-year-old or just have some time for themwho is now working from home selves. on the second season of the Netflix show. “So the aim is to make In a region often wracked by their screen time interactive and war, and where children faced inspiring by drawing with them, a harsh reality even before the


Young Jordanians on lockdown showcase ‘talent from home’ for hit contest by Mussa Hattar


MMAN, Jordan | AFP | 5/3/2020 - An online talent contest created to keep young Jordanians busy as they sit out their country’s coronavirus lockdown has proved a hit, with thousands participating and millions watching.

Mahmoud Azzazi, 22, lives in a working-class neighbourhood of the capital Amman and is studying culinary arts, but has been turning his mind to music during the lockdown.

in Amman, in a prize-winning rendition of a song by Lebanese artist Hiba Tawaji. Contestants are divided into two groups -- those aged 10 to 14 and 15 to 25. Categories include music, poetry, drawing and storytelling. Participants must post a short video on social media with the Arabic hashtag “my talent from my home”, which is picked up by the culture ministry’s Facebook and YouTube accounts.

He was among the prize winFive artists judge the videos ners for his rendition of the -the number of views and Taleen Hindeleh, 20-year-old daughter of a Jordanian singer and prize-winsong “Sway”, made famous by ner of a culture ministry talent contest, plays the piano at home in the likes on social media are conthe likes of Dean Martin. capital capital Amman on April 30, 2020. (AFP Photo) sidered -- and Jordanian television broadcasts a selection Jordan’s culture ministry of award-winning entries each launched the “My talent from my home” contest in late outlet for many young people. curfew on March 21, with hun- week. dreds arrested in the following March, and says it has since atAzzazi said the win had en- days for breaches. Hindeleh said being in locktracted more than 67,000 par- couraged him to work on his down at home in Amman with ticipants and 18 million views voice. Daytime movement restric- her father, a professional singon social networks. tions have since been eased, er, had its advantages. “I hope to become a profesWith children under 16 pro- sional singer in the future,” he but the curfew remains in force at night. “He guides me and coaches hibited from leaving their said. me”, said the 20-year-old stuhomes except in case of emer“I want to fly, nobody can clip dent, who also plays piano. gency, and with schools and Jordanian authorities im- my wings,” Taleen Hindeleh universities still closed, the posed a strict round-the-clock belted out from her bedroom Jordan has officially declared contest has provided a creative

461 cases of novel coronavi- “Enta omri” (“You are my rus, including nine deaths. life”), by legendary Egyptian singer Umm Kalthoum, played - Welcome distraction on the qanun -- a stringed instrument similar to a zither. A hundred prizes are awarded weekly, with the winners He said he felt it was importannounced on television and ant to showcase a traditional on the culture ministry’s web- Middle Eastern instrument, site. while many other contestants were using Western ones. Prizes range from 100 to 1,000 dinars ($140-$1,400) -“Thanks to the curfew, I’m not bad in a country where the spending more time playing monthly wage is around $600. each day”, Rabadhi said. Ebaa Akroush, a 24-year-old music graduate, was one of the first-prize winners in the contest’s opening week for his performance on the flute.

The contest is scheduled to run until Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan and this year falls later in May.

“I didn’t expect to win beAnd while some seek the cause the video was poor qual- limelight, others, young and ity”, he said. older, are happy just to be part of the audience. Akroush said he had initially made a short video to share Roula al-Jmaili, a 45-yearwith his friends, but added the old housewife from Amman, hashtag after hearing about the said the contest provided a competition. welcome distraction from “the curfew and boredom”. “Now people are contacting me with questions about the Issa Qaysar, a 24-year-old flute”, he said from his balco- music arranger from Al-Funy in Al-Fuhais, near Amman. hais, said he hoped the competition would continue. Locked down in Ajloun, north of the capital, 25-year“There is great artistic talent old Nabil al-Rabadhi won a that deserves to win and be prize for his performance of supported”, he said.

Page 13 • VOICE OF ASIA (Section B)

FRIDAY, May 8, 2020


Why we miss travel so much, according to psychologists by Melanie Lieberman


imran Sethi has rarely stayed in the same place for longer than four months in eight years. She’s an author, an educator and a public speaker, yet she says “her identity has been defined by travel.”

“I wrote a book that took me to five continents,” she told me during a Sunday morning phone call to Mérida, Mexico, where she’s been since January. “When I started moving, I thought it was temporary … But I’d get to the next place and say, ‘Where do I see myself?’ And I just kept coming back to, ‘I see myself everywhere.’” But now that the novel coronavirus has caused the near shutdown of travel, she says, “I don’t know who I am anymore.” Sethi isn’t alone. Frequent flyers and travel professionals have described a range of emotions in response to the shutdown of travel operations all over the world. Some say they feel irritable and unmotivated — others are craving the anticipation and excitement that comes with just

knowing there’s a trip around the corner. For people whose livelihoods are rooted in travel, they feel understandably anxious, confused and unfulfilled. “Personally, I feel unmoored, a bit directionless …” said travel writer Erin Lindholm, “because everything about how travel is going to look in the future is such an unknown right now.” Lindholm says she’s already feeling nostalgic about how easy it was, just a few months ago, to cross oceans and borders. “I deeply miss that human connection that invariably comes with travel ….” It’s easy to imagine that most people, even those who don’t identify as frequent flyers or AvGeeks, are feeling ill at ease. But for people who consider themselves travelers, being on lockdown isn’t just frustrating: It can unravel everything you thought you knew about yourself. - Inside a traveler’s mind “To understand why people like to travel, you have to consider the psychological needs

that travel meets,” said Seth Meyers, Psy.D., a licensed clinical psychologist, television contributor and writer based in Los Angeles. “At [its] root, travel is a psychologically stimulating activity on a physical, visual and social level. Travel offers a break from the monotony of daily routines and often pulls people out of their comfort zone to the point that they often try new or unusual activities they wouldn’t be inclined to try from … their home base.” Michael Brein, Ph.D., a social psychologist and author with a specialty in travel, points to Maslow’s pyramid, which illustrates the hierarchy of human needs. Once your basic physiological and safety needs are satisfied, you can begin ascending the pyramid. You fulfill your psychological desire for belonging and love; then develop your self-esteem; and ultimately reach self-actualization, way at the top of the pyramid. If you’re a frequent flyer, you may be satisfying your psychological needs, growing your confidence and achieving self-actualization all through the act of

travel. “[Travel is] so stimulating and memorable,” Brein said. “We remember our connections with people more than anything else. [And] it happens so fast and furiously. We get rewarded [with] self-esteem and self-confidence. Travel puts you in a situation where new stimuli and novelty is coming at you so fast, and the more that it engulfs you and you incorporate it [in your life], the more you grow as a person.” Travel becomes not just the way we derive satisfaction, but the lens through which others see us and, ultimately, how we see ourselves. “For men and women who travel extensively for work,” Meyers said, “the travel — or the constant sense of being in motion — becomes a part of their identity.” It’s a concept Sethi describes with the language of a frequent flyer. “The question people ask [me] is, ‘Where are you in the world right now?’” she explained. “They know this is who I am. I am the Executive Platinum status, Diamond Medallion status … [Travel] is a central part of how I see myself and how other people see me … I’m trying to reconcile how I relate to myself when I’m not out in the world, being fed by the world … How

Photo by d3sign / Getty Images.

do I orient myself at all?” - Coping with the loss of travel While working as a policy executive with the Canadian government, Johanna Read kept experiencing burnout, something the World Health Organization has classified as an occupational syndrome. “Essentially, your life becomes a to-do list,” she said. After her second burnout, Read turned to a psychologist. “She helped me realize that I get bored very easily if I don’t feel like I’m learning and growing. So, I create work for myself to keep feeding that insatiable need to learn and be challenged, which eventually leads to being overwhelmed with work and commitments.” Then, she turned to travel. Before the pandemic, Read says she traveled once or twice a month. “Exploring a new country and culture … is the best way

to satisfy my need to learn and be challenged.” Many frequent travelers, Brein said, are high-energy and seek novelty. He describes serious travelers as people who are “quest-oriented seekers” and “action-oriented participators.” During this time of shelter-inplace orders and self-isolation, “we’re not getting that sort of satisfaction in our lives that travel offers us,” Brein explained. “It’s no wonder we’re going to feel more pent-up, anxious [and] frustrated.” So, how do you cope with having your wings clipped? “I have other techniques to keep burnout at bay that I need to rely more on right now,” Read said, citing mindfulness exercises, writing and other creative activities, taking walks and enjoying time outside. - Travel + Leisure


Week of May 8, 2020 HOROSCOPE.COM

21 March to 20 April Finances, business ideas, and career goals can flourish this week because positive energies can contribute to your security and success. With the sun aligning with articulate Mercury in your money zone and making some excellent aspects over the week, this can be a time of opportunity and exciting deals.

21 April to 20 May This is a week when you can thrive, because the focus on your sign, and particularly the sun’s link with Mercury in Taurus, can inspire you to plan ahead. Linking up with the right people can bring inspiration, while following your instincts can encourage you to take a leap of faith. Something big is brewing, and you fully intend to make the most of it.

21 May to 20 June There seems to be a lot going on beneath the surface with the sun in a private and spiritual zone along with talkative Mercury and electric Uranus. At the same time, jovial Jupiter and powerful Pluto are in your psychological sector and stirring up deep-seated energies that could influence finances, relationships, and many other areas of life.

21 June to 22 July This can be an exciting week, with many good things in store for you. You might enjoy moving in new circles, connecting online with others who share your interests, and generally linking to those who are on your wavelength. Some of the associations you make could be especially positive and life changing.

23 July to 22 August As the sun continues its journey through your career zone, the coming week encourages you to stand out from the crowd and showcase your best qualities. The sun’s merger with thoughtful Mercury on Monday could find you eagerly discussing a plan that turns out to be very lucrative.

23 August to 22 Sept Whether you’re eager to get away from it all or want to start a course of study, this week could find you eager to get moving. The sun’s alignment with Mercury suggests that you’ll be in the planning and organizing stage, which can set you up to make a positive start. You could also reach the conclusion of an arduous project.

23 September to 22 Oct If life seems more intense than usual, this could be due to the sun in your psychological zone. In this sector, it can stir up emotions or bring skeletons rattling out of the closet. And with Mercury aligning with the sun on Monday, the desire to talk to someone about this could grow stronger.

23 October to 21 Nov With a focus on your sector of relating, there’s an excellent opportunity to discuss matters with a view toward finding a way forward. The sun’s tie with logical Mercury encourages practical thinking and down-toearth proposals. And if you can meet another halfway, so much the better.

22 November to 21 Dec There is a lot of activity in practical and earthy sectors of your chart, which can be a call to come to grips with everyday issues. The more organized you are, the easier it will be to deal with them. And with chatty Mercury aligning with the sun on Monday, this is a good time to create a plan.

22 December to 20 Jan Do you need a chance to unwind? There’s an upbeat focus on your leisure sector, so this is your time to indulge in those activities you enjoy the most. And with electric Uranus also in this sector, the cosmos encourages you to experiment with options that pique your interest.

21 January to 19 Feb If you’re eager to get your place in order, a positive blend of energies involving the sun and quicksilver Mercury could see you busy decluttering and creating more space. This is an opportunity to throw out what you no longer need and organize your belongings so you feel in control of your space.

20 February to 20 Mar Talkative Mercury is forging some spectacular angles over the course of this week, so encounters could lead to exciting developments. You might be asked to take part in a team project that could be very good for you in more ways than one.Fresh opportunities on Thursday, with social life pleasantly busy.

ACROSS 1. A bit cracked 5. Traitor’s blow? 9. Cause of Princess’ downfall 12. Hawaiian tuber 13. Prospector’s mother? 14. Heavy footsteps 16. “Iliad” or “Odyssey” 17. Caribbean color 18. Frustration, in print 19. *Proponent of colonization of Mars 21. Small island 22. *Edmond Halley’s apparition, 2061-2062 23. Expression of disgust or recoil 24. *2007 “Invention of the Year” 27. Give satisfaction 31. Neither a win nor a loss 32. Having no courage 35. Medicinal houseplant 36. Dodge, as in a tax bill 38. Take the gold 39. Anti-seniors sentiment 40. Immigrate 41. Bold and without shame 43. Take illegal drugs 44. Adverb of steep 46. Tower of London guard 48. *Legalized in many states 49. Cambodian monetary unit, pl. 51. Gift toppers 53. *Major spring 2020 occurance 56. *23andMe unit 57. Baron Munchhausen, e.g. 58. Original thought 60. Not yes or no 61. Nobel Peace Prize home 62. Long forearm bone 63. Formal wear, colloquially speaking 64. *Review service 65. *Walter White’s concoction

DOWN 1. Polished off 2. Mock or make fun of playfully 3. Seed covering 4. Late Baroque 5. *Harvey Weinstein’s new home, slangily 6. Part of chef’s uniform 7. Sunbaked, archaically speaking 8. Bird’s groomer 9. Opposite of knit 10. Competitive advantage 11. Combustion product 14. Boreal forest, in Russia 15. *Number sign turned metadata tag 20. Time being 23. Coffin alternative 24. Agenda entries 25. Turning point 26. Launch or throw 27. *Millennials’ followers, for short 28. One hipbone 29. “Madagascar” predator 30. *Site of Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi/Houthi conflict 33. Best-laid plans often go ____ 34. Roman road 37. *Sites with no easy access 39. Anoint 41. Sandwich with acronym name 42. Ophthalmologist’s prescription quantity 45. Wild West group 47. Os 49. Pay hike 50. All told 51. One of the Bridges 52. December stone 53. Clever tactic 54. Opposite of busy 55. Copper coin 56. Greenwich-related acronym 59. Expression of pleasure


Page 14 • VOICE OF ASIA (Section B)

FRIDAY, May 8, 2020


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FRIDAY, May 8, 2020

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Google makes India’s gold appetite drops to a decade’s low its video of the metal in April down nearly 100% meeting service Imports and could worsen further free to all


AN FRANCISCO | AFP | 4/29/2020 - Apple on Wednesday made its business videoconferencing service free to all users, ramping up competition for Zoom as people flock online to stay connected during the pandemic.

Google Meet had previously been reserved for subscribers to the premium G Suite software tools for businesses. Meet will be available “to all users around the world, to enable people from all walks of life to Not many are checking out the latest jewellery designs. India’s gold communicate, collaborate and imports are facing heavy contraction. (Image Credit: Reuters) really stay in touch more effectively through the pandemic,” G UMBAI, May 04, which has been in place since Suite vice president Javier Solta2020 - India, the March 25, has rippled through ro told AFP. world’s biggest con- the country’s economy hitting Google touted security and sumer of gold after China, im- incomes, jobs and shuttering reliability features of Meet, and ported its lowest monthly vol- many industries including airits foundation in the Califor- umes in at least a decade after lines, and gems and jewelry. nia-based internet giant’s com- curbs to control the coronavirus Imports were negligible in pandemic grounded air transport April as most of the country’s puting cloud. and shuttered jewelry stores. imports are typically shipped by Use of video calls and conOverseas purchases slumped air, with a smaller volume comferencing has rocketed as peo- 99.5 per cent to 60 kilograms in ing via land from either Banglaple work, learn, and socialize April from 13 tonnes a month desh or Nepal, said N. Anantha remotely while staying home to ago. That would be the lowest Padmanaban, chairman of the avoid the coronavirus. monthly inflow in records go- All India Gem and Jewellery Domestic Council. He estimates Many people have turned to ing back to 2010, according to imports will halve this year to data available with Metals FoZoom, which has scrambled to about 350 tonnes. stem security problems such as cus Ltd. Most jewelry stores across the “I don’t expect a recovery in data hacking and harassment by individuals who crash sessions imports or demand for the next country continue to be closed in what is referred to as “Zoom- three to five months at least,” in what is turning out to be one Chirag Sheth, a consultant at of their longest shutdowns ever. bombing.” London-based Metals Focus, “The worst part is even if we Google said in a blog post that said. Manufacturing in the sec- open our stores, who will come it has “invested years in making tor will also take a hit due to a to buy?” Padmanaban said. Meet a secure and reliable vid- scarcity of workers, who have “They will question if it is very eo conferencing solution that’s returned to their hometowns af- much required to exchange or buy jewelry or it is safer to be at trusted by schools, govern- ter the virus outbreak, he said. home?” - Bloomberg ments and enterprises around the A nationwide lockdown, world.”


Mohammed Younus (right), president of Southwestern National Bank, presented and donated 95 masks to Dr. Imad Salsuddin (left), M.D. at the Baylor Hospital Downtown Dallas (Member FDIC)

Costco limits meat purchases after US plant shutdowns


ew York | AFP | 5/5/2020 - Big-box retailer Costco is limiting consumer purchases of meat in the wake of shutdowns of US processing plants due to the coronavirus.

Costco, which has about 440 stores in the United States, is limiting purchases to three items among beef, pork and poultry products, the company said on its website. “Costco has implemented limits on certain items to help ensure more members are able to purchase merchandise they want and need,” the company said. “Our buyers and suppliers are working hard to provide essential, high demand merchandise as well as everyday favorites.” US slaughterhouses have emerged as outbreak hotspots in several states, compelling plant closures, especially for pork and beef. The plants are characterized by crowded workspaces, making social distancing difficult. Slaughterhouse owners say they have introduced extra sanitation measures to protect workers, including screening tests, temperature checks, face gear and plexiglass shields. But unions say that management did not take the situation seriously enough and the precautions came too late At least 18 plants across the United States have been temporarily closed in the last two months. Noel White, chief executive of US food giant Tyson Foods, said Monday he was unable “to anticipate how long the challenges presented by COVID-19 persist.” During a conference call with

Uber ends Eats delivery in seven markets in strategic pullback


ashington | AFP | 5/4/2020 - Uber said Monday it would discontinue its Uber Eats restaurant delivery service in seven markets next month as part of a strategic shift for the ride-hailing service, which is struggling with a new economic landscape.

Food delivery will end in the Czech Republic, Egypt, Honduras, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Ukraine and Uruguay by June 4, according to a regulatory filing. The changes do not affect Uber Rides operations in those countries. Uber has been hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic, which has sharply reduced ride-hailing. The company has compenBig-box retailer Costco is limiting consumer purchases of meat in the sated in part with more deliverwake of shutdowns of US processing plants due to the coronavirus (AFP ies of food and other supplies. Photo/Joseph Prezioso) But Uber said the decisions to exit the seven markets were analysts, White said the compa- “period of time has varied any- made as part of an “ongoing ny has shutttered five plants due where from a few days to a cou- strategy to be in first or second position in all Eats markets by to coronavirus, adding that the ple of weeks.” leaning into investment in some countries while exiting others.”

Governments urged to deliver on global air mail


ENEVA, Switzerland | AFP | 5/4/2020 - The collapse in passenger flights combined with a surge in online purchasing during the coronavirus crisis is slowing the delivery of air mail, the global aviation and postal industries warned Monday.

Postal administrations are therefore facing a challenge in shipping international mail, the statement said.

“The cancellation of more than 4.5 million passenger flights -- the primary means of transporting post -- has meant that capacity is In a joint statement, the Interna- scarce, costs more and takes lontional Air Transport Association ger,” said UPU director general (IATA) and the Universal Postal Bishar A. Hussein. Union (UPU) called on govern“Action needs to be swiftly takments to take action to keep mail en to address the shortfall in air moving by air. cargo capacity and to keep the The Swiss-based organisations mail moving.” said there had been a 95 percent The statement urged governreduction in passenger flights, which are typically used to trans- ments to remove border blockages, avoid unnecessary regulations port mail. and speed up issuing permits for Meanwhile there had been a chartered operations. 25-30 percent increase in demand IATA said it was helping to get for online purchasing during lockdown restrictions aimed at curbing mail onto cargo flights by providing information on availability the spread of COVID-19. and new alternative routes.

Uber Eats is being discontinued in seven markets as part of a strategic shift by the ride-hailing company (AFP Photo/Philippe Lopez)

The seven countries accounted for just one percent of Uber Eats bookings, according to the company, but four percent of its losses. “Consistent with our stated strategy, we will look to reinvest these savings in priority markets

where we expect a better return on investment,” the filing said. Uber, due to release its earnings this week, has said it has enough cash to ride out the economic slump from the pandemic with some $10 billion in “unrestricted” funds available.

Page 16 • VOICE OF ASIA (Section B)

FRIDAY, May 8, 2020

Home&Real Estate Common Moving Myths - Busted!

A cleverly camouflaged family home floats above the west Texas mountainside by Sarah Akkoush


t the intersection of mountains and desert, the vast and rugged beauty of the natural landscape inspires a home for a family of four.

At the foothills of the Franklin Mountains, 800 feet above El Paso, Texas, a young couple owning an acre of unspoiled land eagerly began to envision their future residence. With one-of-akind views, and protected park land on two sides, the site was rife with opportunity to create a dynamic home worthy of its inspiring surroundings. The couple soon connected with architects Darci Hazelbaker and Dale Rush of Tucson-based Hazelbaker The wrong tape can cause frustration, expensive breakage, compromised storage and Rush, whose design vision resonated even physical harm. (Photo: StatePoint) with their hopes for the site. “They ap- Perched high on the mountainside, the home is sited to take advantage of unobstructed preciated our sensibilities towards the views to the south of downtown El Paso and Juarez, Mexico, beyond. (Photos: Dwell) land...and how a home can inspire new ou’ve finally found the perfect thinking you have a single day to move. ways of living,” recalls Darci. Collabohome. Now comes the hard part: While for some this is unavoidable, if rating through the home’s design, and moving. But don’t let miscon- possible, taking a few days to relocate can eventually, construction, the couple ceptions complicate the process. To keep greatly reduce stress. added two children to their family in frustrations to a minimum and make your the process.


move more manageable, here are five Identify essentials you’ll need immediatecommon moving myths, debunked. ly, like bedding and kitchen tools, and ensure these necessities are “last on, first off” Myth 1: All moves are disorganized. Truth: the moving truck. Plan to transition items Contrary to popular opinion, relocating can such as décor and out-of-season clothing be structured. Begin purging items that ar- later. You may also consider transporting en’t moving with you several weeks before important documents and jewelry separateyou start packing. Once you’re ready to ly from the truck to ensure safe passage. box up your belongings, pack by room and label, label, label. Numbering containers, Myth 3: Items will break. Truth: Absolutely color-coding boxes with masking tape and not! While it can be stressful to transport listing contents will help you keep track of irreplaceable items, it’s easy to keep them your possessions. safe with solutions like Bubble Wrap brand cushioning. This protective padding from If you’re unsure of what supplies you’ll Duck brand easily conforms to valuables need, check out the moving calculator at for a cushiony defense, and fills empty DuckBrand.com. Simply enter the number space to keep things from shifting. of bedrooms and baths into the calculator for an instant shopping list based on your To ensure a safe arrival, wrap items with needs. the bubbles facing inward, smooth side out. Then, seal boxes with durable packing tape Myth 2: You have to move everything to ensure a safe arrival. at once. Truth: Don’t fall into the trap of - StatePoint

The undulating terrain and soaring elevation of the lot gave the team a unique opportunity to take advantage of several distinct outlooks when siting the home. “It was very important to pay due respect to the fantastic view their high perch on the mountains affords,” explains Darci of their clients’ uniquely positioned parcel. With the distant glimmer of city lights on full display to the south, and equally alluring sunset views across the horizon to the west, the site offered no shortage of unique vantage points to showcase. El Paso, a historic masonry town, celebrates traditional stonework in its local building vernacular, past and present. It is within this geographic and cultural context that the team carefully selected When the multi-slide door is open, the kitchen’s barrier to the outdoors completely local basalt stone to ground the home’s disappears. lower volumes. - Dwell.com



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